Instructions for use of the electronic cigarette Pons. Disposable electronic cigarettes How to repair a disposable electronic cigarette

Most novice vapers are wondering how to charge a disposable electronic cigarette, and is it even possible to do this in principle? Looking ahead, let’s say right away that this is quite possible. Moreover, this process of reconstructing a disposable vaping device will not take much time and effort, and special skills and knowledge in the field of electronics are not required.

Device overview, advantages and disadvantages

Before you start reviewing the method of recharging a disposable vaporizer, it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with this device and learn about its advantages and disadvantages.

Disposable vaping devices help people give up “harmful” classic cigarettes at the initial stage. Today, there are various brands of ES that have proven themselves as high-quality vaping devices:

These devices are shaped like a regular cigarette; when you puff, the indicator lights up, resembling a flaming ember. In general, the imitation of classic smoking is maintained at the highest level. However, during a puff, the steamer inhales not smoke, but steam, which does not contain carbon monoxide, ammonia and other harmful substances.

Thus, a disposable electronic cigarette allows the user to enjoy the smoking process with minimal consequences for his health. Advantages of a disposable vaping device:

  • relatively inexpensive price;
  • there is no need to purchase additional accessories, which means less spending in the future;
  • the vaping process is reminiscent of smoking to the smallest detail;
  • less harm to health.

However, until recently, disposable e-cigarettes had only one drawback: they could not be refilled.

Why until recently, yes, because this problem is in the past. It's time to introduce you to step-by-step instructions.

How to charge a disposable vape?

Agree, the question itself sounds strange, because the product name contains the word “disposable”. But don’t let this bother you, remaking an electronic cigarette is possible at home. Make sure you have the following tools on hand:

  • electric soldering iron;
  • tweezers;
  • pre-purchased smoking liquid;
  • a regular LED or polarity tester;
  • several clamps;
  • medical syringe.

Step-by-step instruction

If you don't have a voltage tester at your disposal, you can use a regular LED with markings.

You need to connect it to the charger. If the polarity matches, it will light up.

  1. Attach the clamps to the ES battery. The charging process will last about 3 hours.
  2. At the last stage, the simplest thing left is to fill the cartridge with e-liquid for vaping. For this you will need a regular medical syringe.
  3. We assemble the device and can enjoy the vaping process. As you can see, everything is quite simple.

I don’t smoke and didn’t understand what electronic cigarettes were, but now everything has become clear!)

Cigarettes are reusable - with rechargeable batteries and replaceable cartridges, and disposable - smoked until the battery runs out or the chemical runs out, and thrown away.

I came across a disposable electronic cigarette.)

Here's what it is:

The size is the same as a thin marker or a thick pen.

On one side it has a plastic cap that emulates tobacco:

There are special recesses in the cap so that air passes through them when inhaled:

Under the cap there is a sensor (very similar to a microphone, but maybe it reacts to pressure) and a red LED:

On the opposite side of the tube there is a rubber plug with an inhalation hole:

I couldn’t immediately understand how to turn on the cigarette - there are no buttons or anything like that.)

Then I realized that she was probably reacting to the noise or pressure of air passing through while inhaling.

Naturally, I didn’t try to put this creepy thing in my mouth and inhale.))

Instead, I removed the plastic cap from the front and blew into the tube:

You can blow with your mouth, I used compressed air.

The smoke coming out is not very clearly visible in the video, but it is visible!)

You can also see how the red LED lights up, illuminating the front part:

With the cap on, this is apparently supposed to emulate a smoldering cigarette.

That's how it works.

But enough, let's finally see what's inside!)

All this can be easily pushed out with a pencil, pen or any flat rod.

The main interest is, of course, the battery!)

I googled and took a screenshot, but Drive2 still haven't gotten around to doing support PNG, so here is a link to this battery:

3.7V 280mAh electronic cigarette battery

Place of Origin: China (Mainland)


Model Number: PL08570

Nominal Voltage: 3.7V Size: D8*57mm

Nominal Capacity: 280mah

Characteristic:: Rechargeable, thin, light

It turns out that this is a rechargeable Li-pol battery, it is not disposable, and they suggest throwing it away (the cigarette is disposable, no charging is provided), while in Russia the industry cannot even create such a battery! It is unacceptable!)))

It contains a membrane that turns on the cigarette when air is drawn in.

He is without a body:

I didn’t break this thing apart to see what was inside - it will be useful for some secret switch with a breath.))

And the most interesting thing is the smoke generator!

This is simply a heater wrapped in cotton wool, which is impregnated with chemicals, similar to the one with which pieces of finely cut paper are impregnated when making “tobacco” for ordinary cigarettes.

The heater itself, wrapped in non-flammable fabric:

There are two wires going to it.

And inside the heating element:

Just nichrome wire.

In general, it works like this - when air is drawn in, the sensor turns on the red LED and the heater, it heats the cotton wool with chemicals, which evaporates in the form of smoke when heated.

It is believed that such cigarettes are safer than regular ones.

Ordinary cigarettes work when finely cut paper (“tobacco”), soaked in chemicals, smolders, but here there is no paper, no high temperature and no resins formed during combustion, only pure chemistry!)

Well, very interesting.)

If you want to disassemble such a cigarette for parts, keep in mind that the impregnation on the cotton wool is very greasy - you can stain the table and hands.)

UPDATE: I found a video where they talk about the structure of such a cigarette, and that it can be reused: by recharging the battery and filling the cotton wool with new chemicals:

UPDATE-2: I made a battery out of it in a convenient case.))

I stupidly soldered the wires to the battery, passed them through the plugs and closed them.

It’s very convenient for them to power breadboards through the regulator!)

The battery itself did not have any discharge controllers, so the regulator could drop it to zero and ruin it - you need to monitor the charge manually.

But it charges very easily via a charger for Li-Ion batteries for 30 rubles from Aliexpress.)

The charge is controlled and automatically turns off after fully charged.

This cigarette turned out to be an unexpectedly useful thing - so many interesting details and the case!)

If you want to try vaping but don't plan to spend a lot of money, disposables are the way to go. e-Sigs. They successfully cope with the role of the first vaping device in the arsenal of a novice vaper for many reasons:

  • low price;
  • there is no need for maintenance;
  • does not require additional components and accessories;
  • ease of use;
  • compact size;
  • external similarity with a regular cigarette, which is relevant for those who want to switch from smoking to vaping.

They have a simple design - a paper or metal body, on one side you take a puff, and on the other side there is an indicator that simulates combustion. Inside the small-capacity case is a battery, a microprocessor, an evaporator and a refill cartridge. To put it simply, it is an inhaler with a small battery.

Such cigarettes do not provide for long-term use because they have a limited resource of the vapor mixture and battery charge. Typically, they can replace several packs of regular cigarettes. After the service life declared by the manufacturers has expired, such a gadget is usually thrown away.

On the Internet you can find various videos and articles about refilling such devices with vape liquid. To do this, you need to perform a whole lot of manipulations to disassemble the structure and get to the cartridge. This requires certain precautions. In addition, all actions may be in vain if you accidentally damage the integrity of the wiring or connections while disassembling the structure.

Even if you manage to successfully charge the device, the battery will soon completely lose its charge and it will no longer be able to evaporate liquid.

Various experiments are also carried out with the battery, sometimes it is still possible to charge it. But we want to warn you that this may not be safe. Batteries that are not designed to be recharged may explode, and disassembling them may cause a fire.

Due to the low cost of a disposable device, any manipulation of charging and refueling is not advisable, and even dangerous to health. In this case, take a closer look at more serious devices that can be charged, refueled and serviced. Our qualified consultants will help you choose the right model. Here are some inexpensive devices:

Electronic cigarette Aspire PockeX is a small electronic cigarette created by Aspire. The gadget is made of high-quality materials and has excellent ergonomics. Thanks to the capacious battery, you can vape throughout the day without worrying about additional recharging. This easy-to-use device will be a great alternative to regular cigarettes!

Electronic cigarette Smok Stick Prince– a productive electronic cigarette with a fast charging function and a metal body. The battery capacity of 3000 mAh is enough for use throughout the day. The mod has simple controls implemented in one button. A complete atomizer is a sea of ​​​​taste and clouds of thick steam - isn’t that what you are striving for!

If you want to try vaping but don't plan to spend a lot of money, disposables are the way to go. e-Sigs. They successfully cope with the role of the first vaping device in the arsenal of a novice vaper for many reasons:

  • low price;
  • there is no need for maintenance;
  • does not require additional components and accessories;
  • ease of use;
  • compact size;
  • external similarity with a regular cigarette, which is relevant for those who want to switch from smoking to vaping.

They have a simple design - a paper or metal body, on one side you take a puff, and on the other side there is an indicator that simulates combustion. Inside the small-capacity case is a battery, a microprocessor, an evaporator and a refill cartridge. To put it simply, it is an inhaler with a small battery.

Such cigarettes do not provide for long-term use because they have a limited resource of the vapor mixture and battery charge. Typically, they can replace several packs of regular cigarettes. After the service life declared by the manufacturers has expired, such a gadget is usually thrown away.

On the Internet you can find various videos and articles about refilling such devices with vape liquid. To do this, you need to perform a whole lot of manipulations to disassemble the structure and get to the cartridge. This requires certain precautions. In addition, all actions may be in vain if you accidentally damage the integrity of the wiring or connections while disassembling the structure.

Even if you manage to successfully charge the device, the battery will soon completely lose its charge and it will no longer be able to evaporate liquid.

Various experiments are also carried out with the battery, sometimes it is still possible to charge it. But we want to warn you that this may not be safe. Batteries that are not designed to be recharged may explode, and disassembling them may cause a fire.

Due to the low cost of a disposable device, any manipulation of charging and refueling is not advisable, and even dangerous to health. In this case, take a closer look at more serious devices that can be charged, refueled and serviced. Our qualified consultants will help you choose the right model. Here are some inexpensive devices:

is a small electronic cigarette created by Aspire. The gadget is made of high-quality materials and has excellent ergonomics. Thanks to the capacious battery, you can vape throughout the day without worrying about additional recharging. This easy-to-use device will be a great alternative to regular cigarettes!

– a productive electronic cigarette with a fast charging function and a metal body. The battery capacity of 3000 mAh is enough for use throughout the day. The mod has simple controls implemented in one button. A complete atomizer is a sea of ​​​​taste and clouds of thick steam - isn’t that what you are striving for!

Pons disposable electronic cigarettes are one of the types of vaping devices that are created for maximum convenience for vapers. It's no secret that all electronics are divided into two categories, disposable and reusable.

In this publication we will look at the Pons electronic cigarette, which is one of the disposable vaping devices.

Today, there are many different devices for vaping, among which experts highlight disposable electronic cigarettes and devices that can be used constantly, replacing consumables from time to time.

For example, Pons disposable electronic cigarettes are extremely popular among novice vapers who are trying to understand whether such an activity makes sense or not.

Pons brand electronics are the development of our domestic manufacturers. At first, this product was not very popular, however, after receiving the honorary “Product of the Year” award in 2014, these gadgets were included in the list of the most popular electronic cigarettes in the vastness of our country.

This does not mean at all that other world-famous companies began to produce poor quality goods. Joyetech, iSmoka, Innokin, Kanger and Vision are still popular among vapers.

But, having tried products from a domestic manufacturer, most vapers concluded that Pons electronic devices are no worse than expensive foreign vaping devices.

Veiled harm

Most doctors are confident that modern vaping gadgets are not as safe as the manufacturers of such products claim. Of course, almost every product seller prefers to remain silent about the dangers of their product.

But nevertheless, any novice vaper should understand several important points:

  1. Many manufacturers of electronic cigarettes and e-liquids assure potential customers that their products use purified nicotine. But even such a product contains substances that are harmful and dangerous to human health, which do not have the best effect on the functioning of the steamer’s body. Of course, it is worth saying that regular tobacco cigarettes contain much more toxic substances.
  2. The absence of combustion products makes the vaping process softer and more enjoyable. On the one hand, this is very good, but on the other, there is no way to control the amount of nicotine that enters the lungs with each puff. It’s easier with tobacco: I smoke one cigarette and I’m calm. Here you can indulge yourself to the point of overdose.
  3. It is extremely difficult for experienced smokers to “switch” to non-nicin e-liquids. Replacing nicotine with aromatic compounds only increases the craving for vaping and worsens overall health. The only correct solution in this case is medical intervention.
  4. Carcinogens have been found in some e-refill liquids. True, the research was conducted unofficially, so the results obtained do not have legal status.

All this once again suggests that the myth about the absolute harmlessness of e-cigarettes is overly exaggerated and far-fetched.

What are Pons vapes refilled with?

Many pro-vapers advise giving preference to e-liquids from the brand whose gadget you use. Accordingly, if you prefer the Pons electronic device, then it is better to fill it with the “native” vaping mixture.

The domestic manufacturer produces refills for electronic cigarettes in small-volume bottles (only 10 and 18 ml).

Conventionally, all e-liquids from Pons are divided into several categories:

  1. "Virginia".
    A liquid that does not contain flavorings. Depending on the quantitative proportion of nicotine, it is divided into several groups:
    • High – strong;
    • Lights – light;
    • Zero – nicotine-free.
  2. "Strawberry".
    It can be light and nicotine-free.
  3. "Coffee".
    Available in strong and lightweight form.
  4. "Cherry".
    Like the previous filling, it is available in a strong and light form.

When creating these liquids, the company uses only high-quality and proven components. Flavorings are also selected using the same principle. Thanks to this, it is possible to satisfy the taste preferences of many vapers. I would also like to note that Pons steaming mixtures are safer in terms of chemical composition than products from other companies.

The simplest option

Some people who want to learn the basics of vaping are not in the mood to service their vape themselves. This forces them to return to traditional smoking again. But with disposable Pons electronics, this problem disappears by itself.

Such devices have many advantages:

  1. Economical. Their cost is much lower than reusable devices.
  2. Ease of use. To activate the device, it is enough to make a good tightening.
  3. Disposable Pons are very similar to regular cigarettes. Due to this, the steamer gets pleasure without attracting unnecessary glances.
  4. Wide range of scent replacement options. The cost of Pons vapes is so low that you can easily purchase several electronic devices with different flavors at once.

What does the Pons kit consist of?

Operating rules

Each electronic device of this brand comes with an instruction manual. Moreover, it is so detailed and easy to understand that even a completely ignorant person can easily figure out how to charge an electronic cigarette and how to use it.

If we are not talking about disposable cigarettes of this brand, then in general terms you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. First of all, you need to recharge the battery. It does not take long to charge, so that the battery does not overcharge. This usually takes about 3 hours.
  2. After this, you need to replace the empty cartridge that comes with the device upon sale with a full one. It usually comes with a cigarette in the basic kit.
  3. Then we move on to the most important thing: take the first puff and carefully inspect the gadget. If the indicator lights up at the opposite end of the device, this means that all preparation and operation procedures have been completed correctly and the device is completely ready for use.

When using a vaping device, the first thing that can fail is the battery. To restore its functionality, you need to recharge it.

To do this, use a cable to connect the battery to the network for 6 hours. This time will be quite enough for the device to be able to provide vaping for at least a couple of full cartridges.

Used reservoirs can be easily filled with new liquid on your own. All you have to do is buy spare fluid. Or you can simply throw away the empty container and buy a full one. True, the latter option is more expensive.


After people learned how much harm traditional tobacco smoking brings, some of the active smokers (it’s a pity that not most of them) “switched” to alternative smoking, preferring vaping devices. Yes, it is impossible to say that they are absolutely safe for the user’s health. But to claim that they are safer than traditional cigarettes is yes.

That, in fact, is all you need to know about disposable electronic cigarettes from Pons. Choose for yourself the vape that brings you only the pleasure of vaping!

What are the ways to charge an e-cigarette? Most vapers (both beginners and pros) encounter this problem. After all, everyone wants to extend the battery life of their e-cigarette. This article will help you with such a sensitive issue and will reveal the secrets of charging ES batteries.

Any device has an instruction manual - first you should study it. You also need to determine what signals your e-cigarette battery provides. Usually, in case of low battery, the indicator in the form of a diode light bulb blinks constantly.

How to charge an electronic cigarette - two simple ways:

  • from the network;
  • via USB connection.

In order to charge, you need to remove the top part of the electronic device and screw the charging cord into its bottom part. If there is an indicator on the charger as well as on the battery, both should light up. This means everything is connected and charging is correct.

The indicators of most batteries tend to signal the end of the charging process - they either change color or go out. How long does it take to charge an electronic cigarette? The time for recharging can range from 1 to 3 hours - it all depends on the battery capacity. The larger it is, the longer it takes.

If the battery fails, its service life has expired - it should be disposed of immediately and under no circumstances be used in the future. On average, one battery can withstand up to 1000 full charges.

When you purchase a new electronic cigarette, remember that the first charge is extremely important and affects the further operation of the device - the power and duration of the battery charge. Below you can familiarize yourself with this nuance.

An important aspect is the first charge

Here is a list of steps required when charging the battery for the first time.

Let's take a closer look:

  1. Always charge your e-cigarette only when the battery is completely discharged - this can be determined by the charge indicator going out (it no longer blinks);
  2. If you see that the battery indicator is indicating low voltage, wait another couple of hours;
  3. The above points need to be repeated about 3 times.

These simple steps will help you significantly increase your battery life.

Second and subsequent battery charges

The subsequent battery charge is no less important.

The process is carried out as follows:

  • Unscrew the battery from the clearomizer;
  • Connect the battery to the charger;
  • Plug in the charger and check if it is charging. As mentioned above, the indicator may change color or start flashing.

How to understand that an electronic cigarette is charged - when the color on the battery indicator changes, it means the battery is fully charged. And don’t forget about the instructions, because each device has its own.

What else to consider

There are important points that will tell you how to properly charge an electronic cigarette so that it serves you for a long time:

  • Do not leave the battery on charge all night - this will not improve the quality of its operation, but on the contrary, it will shorten its service life;
  • Try to fully charge the battery whenever possible until the corresponding indicator signal appears;
  • If you charge the battery very often, it will also quickly fail and stop holding a charge;
  • The lower the ambient temperature and the higher the humidity, the lower the battery productivity and its shelf life;
  • During periods when you do not plan to use your e-cigarette for a long time, disconnect the battery from it. This way you will protect yourself from premature repair of the entire device.

How should I charge a disposable e-cigarette?

Someone will ask: is it possible to charge a disposable ES? It turns out yes. Although it is only enough for a few times, you should not immediately write it off as scrap after use. Moreover, in this way you can save a considerable amount of money. How is this done?

To do this, you will need ordinary tweezers, a syringe, a mobile phone charger, wire clamps, a tester or diode light bulb with symbols, a soldering iron and smoking liquid.

  1. Remove the mouthpiece, then carefully remove the remaining parts of the cigarette with tweezers: battery, atomizer (clearomizer) and padding polyester with wick.
  2. Take the charging plug from under your mobile phone, cut it and solder the clamps to the wires.
  3. Next, you need to indicate the polarity of the wires from the charger. Connect the plus and minus to the wires and set the tester to measure DC voltage.
  4. Now look at the tester readings - if the device shows the presence of voltage, then the wires are connected correctly - to the “pluses” and “minuses”, respectively. If, on the contrary, the indicator is negative, then the wires are connected incorrectly.
  5. The same can be done with the LED - connect it to the charger, and plug the charger into a power outlet. If the light bulb lights up, then the poles match.
  6. Connect the charging clamps to the poles of the e-cigarette battery in accordance with the polarity. Turn on the charger, as a rule, the battery charges in about 3 hours. This is how long you need to charge your e-cigarette - in any case, the mains charging will automatically stop supplying the current.
  7. In order to pour liquid into the ES, you just need to pour it in using a syringe.
  8. Carefully put all the parts of the cigarette back together. It is ready for use again.

Of course, this method is a little problematic and requires time and sleight of hand, but the alternative to saving on cigarettes is much more attractive. And you also need to take into account how long an electronic cigarette should be charged - each device model has an individual charging time.

Statistics show that those who once started smoking tobacco products sooner or later have the idea of ​​quitting. This is where the biggest difficulties begin. All experts have long proven that nicotine causes a strong addiction, from which it is not so easy to get rid of. Disposable electronic cigarettes, which emit steam instead of tobacco smoke and do not contain carcinogenic substances, come to the rescue in solving this problem. Thus, the smoker switches to a gentle and safe form of smoking - vaping.

Disposable e-cigarettes are not only used when people want to quit smoking. As you know, smoking tobacco products is prohibited in public places, in particular at railway stations and airports. This law is very difficult for heavy smokers. Sometimes flights or transfers can last more than a day, which is unthinkable for those who cannot go even an hour without a cigarette. This is where disposable electronic cigarettes come to the rescue. Their advantage is that they are relatively inexpensive and do not require battery charging or liquid refilling. Depending on the number of puffs, they will last 1-2 days.

Review of the best disposable ES

Especially for you, we have prepared a review of the best and most popular disposable ES today. Which brand you choose depends on your preferences and requirements.


Many smokers are familiar with this brand, since the company, in addition to disposable devices, also specializes in lighters. It is worth noting that Cricket is the leader among similar products in terms of nicotine content. The minimum amount is 2% nicotine. Maximum – 4.5%. Lovers of “strong” tobacco cigarettes will really like this.

But for those who prefer a pleasant taste and a weak concentration of this substance, Cricket disposable electronic cigarettes are not the best option. However, one cannot ignore the stylish design in the form of a metal case and an orange indicator. For reliability and safety, the device is equipped with a cap. Visually, this ES resembles a pen.


One of the most popular models on the disposable ES market. In 2014, this brand won the “Product of the Year” nomination among.

This device attracts the attention of buyers with its variety of tastes. The developers really did their best to fill disposable cigarettes with fruity flavors and floral aromas. The kit also comes with instructions that detail the rules of use, precautions, benefits, etc. The body is plastic and also looks like a pen with a protective cap.


Noqo and Pons are united not only by a similar appearance, but also by the manufacturing company. A significant difference between Noqo is the white color of the body, as well as a greater variety of flavor “fillings” - 16 options.


Instead of a cap, disposable e-cigarettes have a soft plug, which significantly distinguishes Nexx from other brands. The taste qualities of the mixture deserve special attention, the variety of which is presented in quantity - 19. Everyone will be able to choose what they like. The kit includes instructions with a list of flavors, as well as an instruction manual.


This model has a metal body, which is quite difficult to deform. There are plugs on both ends of the cigarette. The indicator glows blue, which distinguishes Luxlite from other analogues, where the indicator glows orange. A significant disadvantage of e-cigarettes is the lack of instructions, which is very important for novice users.


This model of disposable ES has a specific smell and taste, i.e. created “for an amateur”. The disadvantages include heavy steam draft. In addition, Smokoff does not come with instructions.

So, you have been presented with 6 different disposable smoking devices. Which one you like the most, you will finally find out after you try it in practice.

How to charge a disposable cigarette?

The question sounds a little strange, because it is not for nothing that this product is positioned as disposable. Despite this, some models of this device still manage to extend their life a little. Let's look at how to charge a disposable electronic cigarette using Pons as an example.

What you will need to recharge:

  • automatic charging from a mobile device;
  • tweezers;
  • clamps;
  • soldering iron;
  • tester or LED to check polarity;
  • smoking liquid.

Step-by-step instruction

First you need to disassemble the disposable ES. We do this very carefully so as not to damage the contacts and wiring. Squeeze the mouthpiece with your fingers and, without applying much force, pull it out. Using tweezers, we pull out the “internals” - battery, atomizer, wick. Next, cut off the plug on the charger (which you don’t mind), and then remove the insulation on the wires, because you will have to solder two clamps to them.

Now you need to use a tester to determine the polarity of the charging wires. We connect “plus” and “minus” to two wires, setting the voltage measurement on the tester. Now you can plug the charger into a power outlet. Look at the results, if the voltage is positive - the plus and minus of the charger are connected to the plus and minus of the testing device. If you see a negative voltage, the “+” of the tester is connected to the “-” charging.

Don't be upset if you don't have such a tester; you can use a marked LED as a definition. If it lights up when charging is turned on, the plus and minus of the charger are connected to the plus and minus of the LED.

Attach the wire clamps to the poles of the cigarette battery and turn on the charger. The charging process will last on average 3 hours, then the automatic charging current will stop supplying.

We figured out charging, now the question arises, how to refill a disposable electronic cigarette? Fill the ES cartridge with smoking liquid using a medical syringe. Reassemble all parts of the e-cigarette in reverse order. Pons is now ready to use again.


An easy way to charge a disposable e-cigarette.