Treatment methods for hemiparesis depending on its causes. Left-sided hemiparesis - causes, treatment, possible consequences

What are hemiparesis and hemiplegia?

Greetings, dear readers and guests of my blog site dedicated to neurorehabilitation. Today we'll talk about one of the most frequent and persistent consequences traumas suffered and diseases of the brain and spinal cord, among which this is one of its most common causes. Let's talk about hemiparesis And hemiplegia- about what they are and what are the reasons for their occurrence. About what needs to be done to restore lost strength and regain movement in the limbs.

Wernicke-Mann gait in hemiparesis and hemiplegia

Hemiparesis is a decrease in muscle strength in half the body, without its complete loss.

Hemiplegia is complete absence strength in half the body, that is, paralysis.

What does hemiparesis lead to?

  • decreased mobility and difficulty in independent movement and self-care, especially if there is a decrease in muscle strength on the dominant side (for example, right-sided hemiparesis in right-handed people)
  • pain syndrome associated with prolonged spastic contraction skeletal muscles- this is especially true for rude neurological disorders, after major strokes, intracerebral hemorrhages
  • difficulty in implementing all recommendations for physical therapy during motor rehabilitation due to limited mobility in the presence of spastic increased muscle tone - Pay attention to this point!

If the nerve centers responsible for motor function, there is a decrease or loss of muscle strength (hemiplegia) in half of the body.

Spastic hemiparesis and (or) hemiplegia: what are the causes?

As we have already defined, diseases and injuries of the brain in which there is damage nerve tissue pain in any of the cerebral hemispheres are often accompanied by muscle weakness in the opposite half of the body. The reason for this is that each hemisphere, or half of the brain stem, is responsible for movements in the arm and leg on the opposite side.

Important feature - with damage to the brain or cervical region spinal cord hemiparesis will be spastic, in which tension and muscle stiffness will be observed in the leg and arm of the opposite side of the body. If individual nerves and roots of the spinal cord are damaged on one side (which is extremely rare), this will not happen; loss of strength will be accompanied by lethargy and decreased muscle tone.

Spastic (central) hemiparesis or hemiplegia does not appear immediately. If the cause of hemiparesis was a lesion central departments brain or spinal cord (as a result of injury or circulatory disorders, for example), then in the first months muscle tone begins to increase, which leads to the so-called spasticity - the arm and leg become tense, a feeling of stiffness appears in them and mobility is limited. The first signs of increased muscle tone begin to appear as early as 3 weeks after the injury occurs, then they increase in the absence of treatment.

It is spastic (increased) muscle tone that indicates damage to the central nervous system(brain or spinal cord). Prolonged stay of a limb in a state of spastic paresis can lead to contracture. Muscular - common complication lesions of the central nervous system.

Movement disorders accompanied by spasticity can be seen from the side by the characteristic external signs, such people have difficulty gait, it has special features and is called Wernicke-Mann gait (see Fig. 1), often being a “calling card” of the consequences past diseases brain, most common cause which is a stroke or TBI ().

Spastic hemiparesis develops approximately after 3 months from the moment of damage to the area of ​​brain tissue.

Spastic hemiparesis: symptoms and treatment.

Increased muscle tone is a consequence of damage to the brain or spinal cord. To reduce muscle tone, drugs from the group of muscle relaxants are prescribed, which can reduce these symptoms (translated as muscle relaxants). From the very name of this pharmacological group It follows that these medications reduce muscle tone. They are prescribed by the attending physician.

Muscle relaxants can be prescribed for a long period - up to six months, and in some cases more. Why such deadlines? - because in case of damage to the brain and spinal cord the cause increased tone muscles - a consequence of damage nerve cells and it will occur during the period until the function of the damaged area of ​​nervous tissue is restored, and in case of damage to the brain and spinal cord, as a rule, this is months.

Very important! - the role of muscle relaxants is not just in relaxing skeletal muscles, but in preparing the arm and (or) leg for rehabilitation measures, for example: physical therapy (and) or massage.

Since the cause of hemiparesis is damage to the nerve cells and pathways of the brain and spinal cord, these damaged areas and pathways must first be restored.

Muscle relaxants will not restore damaged cells, but they can create conditions for favorable rehabilitation. Therefore, remember the precious time that nature has allocated for maximum recovery. Read about the timing of the most effective rehabilitation in relation to a stroke.

If during the first year there is no restoration of the damaged area of ​​the brain, then often spastic hemiparesis takes on a long, persistent course, persisting for many years, especially if hemiplegia has already formed. IN in this case Correction of increased spastic tone is carried out with repeated courses of muscle relaxants, courses medical massage, physiotherapy, acupuncture may be used.

There are many physiotherapeutic methods, but only a few of them have a reliable property of relaxing muscle tissue. Which physiotherapy methods are indicated in a particular case of hemiparesis and hemiplegia is determined by the physiotherapist.

Restoration of nerve cells in the brain is a complex matter and these processes are tied to the entire activity of the central nervous system. Of course, the individual volitional qualities of a person - his desire and great desire for recovery, supported by regular exercise therapy and constant training - are the main foundation for complete rehabilitation. Therefore, if hemiparesis is a consequence of injury or stroke, its treatment should not consist only of taking medications. This plays a supporting role, but not the main one.

Questions about the structure of consciousness, as a source of volitional and other mental processes, still cover many paths to recovery that are yet to be discovered in the future. Please pay attention to a separate article, where you will read even more about recovery after stroke.

Botulinum toxin - what is it? Hemiplegia - as an indication.

Not always assigned drug therapy relieves muscle spasticity (hypertonicity). This is especially true when central hemiplegia persists for more than a year from the moment of illness or injury. This usually occurs with large areas of cell death in the brain, such as a large hemispheric stroke. Often, even long-term, many-month use of muscle relaxants does not solve the problem of spasticity in such people.

Right-sided and left-sided hemiparesis.

IN neurological practice there has long been a connection between clinical picture in the part of the body and the cerebral hemisphere in which the pathological focus arose. And this connection is reverse. If weakness occurs in the right arm and leg, then this right-sided hemiparesis, if on the left, then hemiparesis left-handed.

Moreover, each hemisphere is responsible for its own specific set of certain body functions. Below is a picture that clearly shows the nature of the main functions of the cerebral hemispheres.

Functions of the hemispheres depending on the side

This scheme relates to higher mental functions, as for movements and sensitivity depending on the side of the hemisphere, then the division is as follows: right hemisphere is responsible for the movements of the left limbs, and the right - left.

What is typical is that if, as a result of a stroke or injury, the consequence is right-sided hemiparesis or hemiplegia, then it is often accompanied by severe speech impairment.

Right-sided hemiparesis is one of the most common manifestations ischemic stroke, because it is in the basin of the left middle cerebral artery that circulatory disorders most often occur, which can cause lasting consequences in the form of disturbances in sensitivity and motor sphere.

If left-sided hemiparesis occurs, it may be accompanied by mental disorders, because the right hemisphere contains the majority of nerve centers responsible for higher mental functions of a person. Left-sided hemiparesis is somewhat less common than right-sided hemiparesis.

Botulinum therapy - what is it?

In such cases, botulinum therapy can help. What is this procedure? This is an injection of a precisely calculated amount of a substance called botulinum toxin by the doctor. What it is, its mechanism of action and how it can be useful for people with high spasticity will be described further.

Botulinum toxin is a potent organic substance produced by bacteria that cause botulism. In nature it is a potent neurotoxic poison, and in small (precisely calculated) doses it relaxes skeletal muscles. This property has been learned to be used for muscle spasticity in clinical neurology.

Botulinum therapy allows you to increase the amplitude passive movements with hemiparesis and if there is hemiplegia. It also allows you to reduce pain, which occurs with severe spasticity and can be quite intense. The limbs on the painful side begin to move in the joints, they become more accessible for kinesiotherapy (physical therapy).

Spastic hemiplegia is one of the main consequences of a stroke, which causes limited mobility of a person in the environment.

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A disease in which the functions of one side of the body are weakened, or incomplete paralysis of the limbs occurs, is called hemiparesis. This disease is the result of damage to the cortical neurons of the brain. There is right-sided and left-sided hemiparesis, as well as upper and lower hemiparesis, in which only one limb may be affected. For more specific identification of varieties of this disease The following designations for paresis were introduced: “tetraparesis” - in which all four limbs do not function and “paraparesis” - arms or legs on one side do not function.

Hemiparesis: symptoms

Symptoms of damage to the cerebral cortex and their intensity depend on the location of the lesion. The main symptoms of hemiparesis are: agnosia, speech impairment, the presence of cognitive disorders, apraxia, periodic epileptic seizures, and sensitivity disorders. In the case when hemiparesis (right-sided or left-sided) extends only to the muscles of the leg, arm or face without any accompanying symptoms, this indicates the presence of small brain lesions in the upper part of the pons, cerebral peduncle or in the posterior part of the internal capsule.

A symptom of this disease can be prolonged, acute headaches that have different localization. In addition, signs of this disease include general fatigue, fever, lack of appetite, sudden weight loss, joint pain. However, there is no standard, strictly limited set of signs of this disease, because they depend on many factors.

This disease can be caused by disorders of the structure of the brain, various anomalies of its development, as well as injuries to the head and spine. In addition, paresis can occur due to pinching nerve endings, which are located in spinal column, and atrophy peripheral nerves. As a rule, when there are disturbances in brain activity, paresis occurs on the opposite side of the body, i.e. in case of disturbances in work, right-sided hemiparesis will occur and vice versa.

Hemiparesis: treatment

Whatever the type of the disease, its treatment should first begin with eliminating the cause of its occurrence. Only with systemic therapy for the underlying disease can the manifestations of paresis be removed (weakened) and the normal functioning of the affected limbs restored. Both right-sided and left-sided hemiparesis of this disease can be congenital, however, only severe cases make themselves known back in perinatal period. In other cases, which are the majority, constant dynamic monitoring of the baby’s development is required, which will make it possible to assess existing deviations and carry out their timely and adequate correction.

To prevent severe mental disorders, movements, speech and increase the chances of recovery, the course therapeutic measures must begin immediately. Once delivered final diagnosis, a course of drug treatment and a set of special physical exercise. After discharge from medical institution Exercise should continue at home. All doctor's instructions must be strictly followed and done regularly. After all, only with competent and timely treatment, which includes both drug treatment and increased by the tenacity and perseverance of parents, from of this disease in most cases you can get rid of it completely.

Hemiparesis (hemiparesis; hemi- + paresis) - paresis of the muscles of one half of the body; observed with unilateral damage to the pyramidal tract. Decreased strength and motor activity limbs on one side of the body. It can occur as an independent phenomenon, or is a stage of the development of hemiplegia, or is detected during the restoration of limb function after hemiplegia.

Causes of hemiparesis

The cause of the disease is damage or changes in cortical motor neurons above the border of the spinal cord. Most often, the disease develops in those people who already have any developmental abnormalities or pathologies. Hemiparesis in this case can develop as postictal hemiparesis due to a motor focal seizure, or as a pathology characterized by epileptic seizures. Due to epilepsy, an abscess or tumor of the brain, aneurysm, and bleeding in the brain may develop.

Hemiparesis in children can be caused by disorders of the brain structures, with congenital anomalies development of the spinal cord and brain, head or spine injuries. Paresis can occur when nerve endings are pinched in the spinal column, atrophy of peripheral nerves, or impaired brain activity.

In diagnosis, left-sided hemiparesis or right-sided hemiparesis in a child is important. Usually when there is a violation brain activity paresis of a limb occurs on the opposite side of the lesion in the brain structure. Thus, when the left hemisphere is compressed, right-sided hemiparesis can occur and vice versa.

Symptoms of hemiparesis

The localization of affected areas with hemiparesis can be determined by the following symptoms(with damage to the cerebral cortex):

  • cognitive disorders;
  • apraxia;
  • agnosia;
  • speech disorder;
  • sensitivity disorders;
  • epileptic seizures.

If the internal capsule is affected (usually its posterior section), upper section pons or cerebral peduncle, then hemiparesis will be detected on the limbs (arm or leg) or facial muscles. Combination of contralateral central hemiparesis with ipsilateral lesion cranial nerves may be a consequence of damage to the brain stem.

Hemiparesis causes long-lasting headaches that can last for weeks or months. The localization of headaches is different, which indicates various forms diseases.

Also with hemiparesis, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • fever;
  • bad feeling;
  • prostration;
  • increased fatigue;
  • joint pain.

Depending on age, all symptoms occur differently, and standard set There is no way to make a diagnosis. Therefore a person can feel constant fatigue, but attribute this to factors other than hemiparesis. The disease is insidious in that it can also be congenital. In newborn boys, it appears immediately, and treatment should be started as quickly as possible.

Diagnosis for hemiparesis

When diagnosing hemiparesis, use following methods examinations:

  • general and biochemical analysis blood;
  • hemorheological and hemocoagulation characteristics;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • CT or MRI of the brain and cervical spinal cord;
  • cerebrospinal fluid examination;
  • Doppler ultrasound main arteries heads.

Treatment of hemiparesis

Hemiparesis should only be treated by a doctor. He prescribes various medications, special gymnastics. There is also a series rehabilitation centers, where they work with sick children.

At home, parents should constantly take care of the child, carry out a complex with him special exercises every day. Need to strengthen muscles abdominals, jump on one leg (right or left depending on the type of hemiparesis), develop motor skills, stretch the muscles to improve blood circulation in the affected half of the body.

At proper treatment and perseverance, the pathology is successfully cured, and by the age of 7 the child will be practically no different from his peers, and by the age of 15 the disease will completely go away. Treatment of hemiparesis in adults also comes down to taking medications and performing a set of physical exercises.

Paresis (paralysis) in medicine refers to a state of weakness in muscle groups associated with a violation of their innervation.

In contrast to the complete loss of voluntary movements during paralysis, in the case of paresis (plegia) there is a partial decrease in muscle functionality. With hemiparesis, the skeletal muscles of one of the halves of the body - right or left - are affected.

Left-sided hemiparesis is most often caused by pathological processes in the central or peripheral nervous system, leading to disruption of the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles of the left arm and leg and the same half of the face.

As a result, motor and sensory functions suffer in the left half of the body. In children, in addition, there is a lag in physical development and formation internal organs and systems.

Hemiparesis is not an independent nosological entity. This is one of the manifestations of diseases of the nervous system, accompanied by damage to motor centers or pathways from cortical motor neurons to peripheral nerves. Damage occurring on any part of this path “cuts off” the path nerve impulse, transmitting a motor signal from neurons to muscles.

Arising as a result muscle weakness does not allow voluntary movements of this muscle group.

Due to the cross-course of motor nerve fibers at the level medulla oblongata, if there is a disturbance in one of the hemispheres of the brain, the opposite part of the body suffers.

Thus, left-sided hemiplegia appears when the right parts of the brain are damaged.

Paresis (hemiparesis) should be distinguished from numerous movement disorders that arise as a result of diseases of internal organs and body systems: musculoskeletal, endocrine, immune. In addition, complete or partial immobility of one half of the body may be due to traumatic injury joints and muscles, inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system or compensatory immobility with severe pain.

Functional hemiparesis during hysteria, which is accompanied by weakness of the muscles of the tongue, neck and limbs, can also simulate organic hemiplegia. The main difference between hysterical hemiplegia is the absence of muscle atrophy, intact tendon reflexes and a temporary connection with emotional experiences.

Depending on the level of damage to the pathways they are classified:

  • peripheral left-sided hemiplegia caused by damage to the cells of the anterior horns of the spinal cord and peripheral fibers nerve trunks;
  • central left-sided hemiplegia, arising as a result of destruction of the path from the nerve cells of the central gyrus of the right hemisphere to the level of the anterior horns of the spinal cord.

The causes of left-sided hemiparesis in adults can be:

  • neoplasms of the central nervous system;
  • brain injuries;
  • degenerative diseases of the nervous system;
  • epilepsy;
  • consequences of neuroinfections;
  • intracranial hemorrhages.

In the origin of paralysis and paresis in children, residual phenomena play an important role after:

  • birth injuries;
  • intrauterine infections and intoxications;
  • antenatal and intrapartum hypoxia;
  • early diseases childhood(encephalitis, trauma).

Depending on the main cause of occurrence, a distinction is made between cerebral palsy (plegia) and infantile peripheral paralysis or plegia.

Factors provoking the appearance

Sometimes paresis accompanies the pathological course of pregnancy and childbirth, appearing against the background of toxicosis in the second half of the gestational age or in the early postpartum period.

The appearance of left-sided hemiparesis in adults is facilitated by pinched nerve roots due to trauma to the sacral nerve plexus, as well as the resulting atrophy of the nerve trunks on the side of the same name.

In addition, the appearance of left-sided hemiplegia can be caused by congenital or acquired aneurysms cerebral arteries and veins

The development of the clinic of childhood hemiparesis is quite often provoked by birth defects development of the spinal cord and brain, hereditary diseases nervous system, respiratory distress syndrome, severe asphyxia during childbirth.

Risk factors for congenital hemiplegia also include:

  • previous abortions;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • delivery by caesarean section;
  • miscarriages and threatened abortion;
  • infections genitourinary system at the mother's;
  • toxicosis;
  • pathology of the placenta.


Manifestations of left-sided hemiparesis can be different and depend on the level and degree of innervation disturbance.

At central paralysis and paresis, when the pathological focus involves the brain stem and nuclei facial nerve, the violation of muscle tone of the left half of the body is accompanied by paresis of facial muscles.

In such patients, the corner of the mouth is lowered and the left nasolabial fold is smoothed.

Other manifestations of this condition are:

  • increased muscle tone (spasticity) of the left half of the body;
  • resistance to passive movements (penknife symptom);
  • uneven muscle damage;
  • predominant disorder of muscle tone of the upper limb;
  • strengthening of tendon reflexes;
  • signs of dysfunction pyramid system(Rossolimo, Babinsky);
  • sensory disorders, dysfunction pelvic organs(with damage at the level of the spinal cord).

With peripheral left-sided hemiplegia in the left half of the body there is muscle hypotonia(decreased muscle tone), muscle atrophy and lack of tendon reflexes. Typical sign peripheral (flaccid) hemiplegia becomes fibrillar twitching of individual muscle fibers with mechanical irritation. In most cases, left-sided hemiparesis is accompanied by a sensitivity disorder and painful sensations in the same half of the body and limbs.

Other symptoms depend on the underlying disease causing the hemiparesis.

These may include cognitive impairment, intellectual and speech disorders, emotional disturbances or seizures.

Such patients often suffer from headaches, increased fatigue and irritability.

In children, unilateral (left-sided) hemiparesis, as a rule, is a consequence of encephalitis or central nervous system injuries suffered in infancy. Main clinical appearances syndrome are spastic tone of the left half of the body with the arm brought to the body, the leg bent at the knee, and the hand and foot lowered downwards. Tendon reflexes on the left side are sharply increased.

Muscle weakness or myasthenia gravis is very unpleasant disease, which is prone to progression. Following the link, we will look at the main symptoms of the disease and the prognosis of the disease.


The main method for identifying left-sided hemiparesis has been and remains clinical examination specialist, including:

  • careful collection of complaints and medical history;
  • objective examination of the patient;
  • assessment of muscle strength (in comparison with the opposite side and the strength of the researcher);
  • conducting a muscle resistance test;
  • Barre test (determining the time of holding a limb in weight).

To assess muscle strength and degree of paresis, it is used special scale, where the range of movements in a particular muscle group is assessed in points from 0 to 5.

Diagnosis of congenital hemiparesis in children requires the earliest possible examination by a neurologist of small patients at risk. In order to clarify the diagnosis, dynamic monitoring and prevention possible complications An ultrasound scan of the brain is prescribed.

To assess the risk of cerebrovascular disorders in children on mechanical ventilation, a spectroscopic study is performed.


Since left-sided hemiplegia (left-sided hemiparesis) is only a symptom of the disease, the main treatment should be aimed at eliminating its cause. Wherein important is given to symptomatic therapy, which must be long-term and systematic.

In children

A set of therapeutic measures for children with clinical manifestations spastic hemiplegia includes:

  • drug therapy (vitamin therapy, adaptogens, anticholinesterase agents);
  • physiotherapy (passive and active gymnastics, baths, mud);
  • conservative (proper positioning, learning to crawl and walk);
  • orthopedic measures (prosthetic and orthopedic devices, cribs);
  • surgical techniques (surgeries on muscles, tendons);
  • occupational therapy;
  • spa treatment.

Great importance is attached to the correction of associated syndromes ( speech disorders, delays mental development, episyndrome).

In adults

Drug therapy for left-sided hemiparesis in adults includes drugs to improve neuromuscular conduction (prozerin, dibazol, vitamin B1, and for hypertonicity - melliktin).

Great importance is attached to massage and physical therapy to restore impaired functions in the affected half of the body.

Special gymnastic complexes of active and passive movements are aimed at stabilizing muscle tone, restoring range of motion in the left arm and leg, and preventing contractures.

Besides, good effect on paretic muscles water procedures: water gymnastics, shower, underwater massage, as well as reflexology courses.

When deformities appear against the background of spastic hemiplegia, orthopedic treatment is indicated. With the help of special splints and splints, the limbs are given a physiological position, which helps eliminate contractures and restore muscle tone in the affected half of the body. In addition, special orthopedic shoes are used.


Changes in muscle tone and range of active movements over time lead to typical disorders of the musculoskeletal system:
  • formation of contractures and deformities;
  • posture disorders;
  • muscle atrophy;
  • change in gait;
  • stiffness in the joints;
  • shortening of the limb.

In children, motor disorders with left-sided hemiparesis are often aggravated by the syndrome of neglect of the affected limbs.

IN large number In cases of congenital hemiplegia, the prognosis is aggravated by epilepsy, which, with a left-sided localization of the lesion, has more severe course. In addition, such children have significantly impaired cognitive functions (learning, speech, memory).

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Right-sided hemiparesis is a disease that requires increased attention, it won't go away on its own. This article discusses the features and nature of the disease, methods of treatment, as well as prevention of right-sided hemiparesis.

About the disease

Right-sided hemiparesis is a pathology that represents right-sided damage to the muscles of the body.

It is characterized by noticeable decreased strength and general motor ability muscles, incomplete paralysis of the limbs is possible.

This condition manifests itself due to acquired or congenital pathological changes pyramid paths and brain.

Doctors observe deviations from the norm when a lesion appears in the left hemisphere of the brain.

This disease leads to the following consequences in the patient:

  1. Mobility decreases the patient’s ability to move independently, as well as to care for himself independently, when hemiparesis occurs on the dominant side (right-sided hemiparesis in right-handed people);
  2. The patient experiences inflammatory changes, which are associated with long-term skeletal muscle cramps. This consequence occurs after serious violationsintracerebral hemorrhages and strokes;
  3. There is a problem when I try follow physical therapy instructions when the patient undergoes motor recovery due to limited mobility. This happens when there is spastic increased muscle tone.

In children

This pathology occurs in children How congenital disease . The reasons for the occurrence are abnormal functionality And brain structure, and birth injuries. In medical terminology, this disorder is called children's cerebral palsy– Cerebral palsy.

cerebral palsy appears due to circulatory disorders in the brain. Similar pathology affects the fetus while still in the womb and leads to erroneous development and damage to brain structures.

Right spastic hemiparesis

Spastic hemiparesis, often called central, occurs with inflammation of the head or cervical region spinal cord.

With this disease, stiffness and muscle tension are observed in the limbs of the opposite side of the body. If individual nerves of the spinal cord are subject to inflammation, then hemiparesis is combined with weakness and decreased muscle tone.

This pathology does not immediately become noticeable; it manifests itself over several months. First, muscle tone increases, which creates tension in the arm and leg, a feeling of stiffness arises, and the ability of the limbs to move decreases. Then, if no treatment is followed, muscle tone continues to increase.

Important! An increase in muscle tone indicates damage to parts of the central nervous system - the brain and spinal cord.

Movement disturbances that are accompanied by spasticity are seen by others from the outside distinctive features– people experience difficulties in gait, it acquires special features. Doctors call it Wernicke-Mann gait. This indicates diseases suffered by the brain - stroke and traumatic brain injury.

Symptoms of right-sided spastic hemiparesis are varied. These include speech disorders, fever, cognitive impairment and seizures similar to epileptic seizures.

An increase in muscle tone indicates that the head and spinal cord damaged. To reduce tone, the doctor prescribes drugs that relax the muscles. The period of admission is usually long - up to six months, but sometimes longer.

Disease by severity

By severity various kinds Doctors define paresis on a six-point scale:

  1. 0 points– complete lack of movement;
  2. 1 point– minor muscle movements are observed, the joints are not involved;
  3. 2 points- movement is possible, but in vertical position, if there is no external resistance. The joints move barely noticeably;
  4. 3 points– muscles cope with gravity. Joint movements are constrained;
  5. 4 points– the patient makes movements, while losing a little strength in the muscles;
  6. 5 points– the patient makes movements without losing strength in the muscles.

ICD-10 code

IN international classification diseases ICD-10 pathology is assigned code G81.


The reasons for the development of hemiparesis vary depending on the age at which it develops, the conditions in which the patient was before the symptoms of the pathology appeared, etc.

In children

In children, hemiparesis occurs after various abnormalities of the spine or limbs, with damage to the brain structure, as well as various kinds injuries to the skull or spine.

Hemiparesis also appears as a consequence of pinched nerve endings in the spine, atrophy of peripheral nerves and impaired functioning of the brain.

Reference! Congenital hemiparesis usually develops due to abnormalities in brain development, fetal hypoxia, or trauma that the child receives while still in the womb - cerebral palsy.

In adults

Incidence in adults right-sided hemiparesis is higher than in children. Most often this is a consequence of injuries or diseases of the left side of the brain.

Causes of hemiparesis in adults more varied than in children:

  1. Stroke, as well as the formation of a tumor in the brain after a stroke;
  2. Traumatic brain injury;
  3. Encephalitis;
  4. Postepileptic state;
  5. Hemiplegic migraine;
  6. Diabetes mellitus and the disorders it causes;
  7. Multiple sclerosis;
  8. Atrophic cortical processes.

After a stroke

If after a stroke the entire right side is completely paralyzed, this indicates that a large part of the left hemisphere was affected. Such a stroke has a pronounced clinical picture.

Firstly, These are speech and language deviations. This sign is the first and strongest indicator of a stroke. The patient has slurred pronunciation of words, impaired articulation, and the patient ceases to understand the speech of other people.

Secondly, The patient has a loss of speech and verbal memory, he has difficulty writing and reading, and forgets the necessary words and speech patterns.

Third, A clear sign is paralysis of the right side of the body: face, arms, legs.

Fourthly, The patient experiences involuntary and reflex movements of the paralyzed limbs.

Typical problems after a left-sided stroke are:

  1. Lack of cause-and-effect relationship, violation of logical thinking;
  2. Inhibited perception and analysis of current events;
  3. Problems with speech activity, complete loss of some words is possible;
  4. The patient may lose control over his body, in which case he becomes completely dependent on other people;
  5. The occurrence of muscle hardening and joint immobility;
  6. The appearance of bedsores, thrombosis, pneumonia, as the patient for a long time motionless.

Treatment for stroke in this case is exercise therapy, physiotherapy, restorative massage, as well as surgical and medicinal intervention, classes with a speech therapist.


When diagnosing right-sided hemiparesis, the doctor is obliged to collect complaints, anamnesis, full inspection patient, as well as research using special instruments. Their nature and duration depend on the form of the pathology.

When the cause of hemiparesis is discovered, the doctor performs a computer or magnetic resonance imaging, electromyography, or Doppler ultrasound on the patient. blood vessels brain.

Reference! Children are diagnosed at the age of one to one and a half years, when they develop movement skills and motor disorders become more noticeable.


Treatment of hemiparesis in the first year after the onset of neurological disorders is fruitful.

In children

The complex for children with hemiparesis consists of the following components:

  1. Passive exercises for the affected limb. They are performed with the help of an instructor;
  2. Vigorous exercises performed with the help of a healthy limb and an instructor;
  3. Exercises that are aimed at improving coordination in the movements of the affected limbs;
  4. Reducing hypertonicity and movement that are intended to help;
  5. Walking;
  6. Breathing exercises;
  7. Development of fine motor skills;
  8. Relaxing massage;
  9. Swimming;
  10. Physiotherapy;
  11. Drug treatment.

In adults

The main thing is to approach the treatment of hemiparesis systematically. The doctor determines the severity and, depending on it, prescribes treatment. Typically it consists of the following points:

  1. Swimming;
  2. Massage;
  3. Physiotherapy;
  4. Drug treatment.

Useful video

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The forecast is subject to various factors. First of all, the reasons for the severity and course of the disease. Doctors promise favorable prognosis in diagnosis and treatment, which must be selected correctly. Full recovery possible if these conditions are met.

The prognosis for hemiparesis received at birth is approached with caution. Mild forms are completely recoverable, but deep hemiparesis can only be partially corrected.


It is important to learn to see the signs and first symptoms right-sided hemiparesis in order to prevent the disease. This is not a disease that can go away on its own; it requires increased attention not only from the patient, but also from the people around him. Timely appeal for specialized medical care will help to avoid complications when faced with right-sided hemiparesis.