Ascorbic acid is a vitamin of healthy blood vessels, good emotions and strong teeth. Rules for taking ascorbic acid and contraindications for use

The most commonly used drug during colds is not the newfangled fast-acting antivirals, and this is ascorbic acid. It is purchased not only during illness or to prevent any infection, it is used to strengthen blood vessels and normalize the functioning of the entire body.

Why is ascorbic acid so popular everywhere in the post-Soviet space and what effect does it have on the body? Is this substance so useful and what dangers does ascorbic acid cause if used incorrectly? The benefits and harms of ascorbic acid - everything about this drug.

What is ascorbic acid

Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is found naturally in many plant products. This is a water-soluble vitamin. He belongs to the group biologically active substances, which are involved in almost all life processes and are required in small quantities. What you need to know about ascorbic acid?

  1. It is not synthesized in the human body.
  2. How much ascorbic acid can you take per day? The daily norm for an adult is 100 mg; during a cold, its amount should be doubled.
  3. Ascorbic acid is a very unstable substance and it oxidizes under the influence of oxygen at room temperature.
  4. Ascorbic acid poisoning natural origin(found in products) or an overdose of vitamin C is almost impossible and occurs in rare special cases.
  5. Vitamin C is not only a participant in the reactions, it helps the work and absorption of other vital substances.

The benefits of ascorbic acid

Ascorbic acid in pure form and in combination with other substances has a positive effect on many body systems. With regular use, it is easier for the body to cope with infections. What else does vitamin C help with?

  1. Improves iron absorption.
  2. Participates in many reactions: stimulates the liver to cellular level, takes part in tissue respiration and redox reactions.
  3. Part of more complex reactions: hormone synthesis thyroid gland and adrenal glands, steroid hormones.
  4. Promotes normal process restoration and healing of wounds and ulcers.
  5. An overdose of ascorbic acid in a child is rare, and its deficiency leads to disruption of the formation of bones, collagen and dentin of the teeth.
  6. Ascorbic acid increases the human body’s resistance to stressful situations, infections and cold.
  7. Normalizes vascular permeability.

Ascorbic acid is beneficial for everyone, especially in the optimal daily dose. If you eat fruits and vegetables every day, then this is quite enough. Vitamin C is found in green onions, peppers, garlic, dill, cabbage (most of all in sauerkraut), all citrus fruits, black currant, rosehip, rowan, kiwi.

Is it possible to be poisoned by ascorbic acid? Yes, if the product is of poor quality or there are problems with organ function digestive system. This often happens when using a synthetic “pharmacy” vitamin. You can't eat more than normal natural vitamin, that is, the one contained in products. Ascorbic acid is quickly excreted by the kidneys, so there is no excess of it in the body.

The benefits of ascorbic acid with glucose

In addition to pure vitamin C, there are several compounds on the market with other drugs. Most often it is included in complex vitamins. But there is another drug that is familiar to everyone since childhood - ascorbic acid with glucose. What do you need to know about this two-component compound?

  1. Synthetic vitamin C is obtained from glucose.
  2. Working together, these two substances improve liver function.
  3. This is a good energy boost for the body.

But you shouldn’t use it in large quantities - even such a seemingly safe product can lead to irreparable changes.

How is ascorbic acid with glucose useful and when is it used? Indications for the use of the vitamin and the drug combined with glucose are as follows:

Is ascorbic acid harmful?

What can be the consequences of an overdose of ascorbic acid? The drug is freely available at pharmacies; to purchase it there is no need to write a prescription from a doctor. Is it really that safe?

Vitamin C overdose a rare event, the body does not have a reserve of this substance. Everything that is consumed with food is immediately consumed by the body, and the excess is excreted by the kidneys, through the intestines and sweat glands. But when using synthetic ascorbic acid or injecting the substance, some difficulties may arise.

What to do if you have too much vitamin

When weakness, heartburn and abdominal pain appear, it is difficult to suspect an excess of ascorbic acid in the body. Only a carefully collected anamnesis can help make such a diagnosis. What to do in case of an overdose of ascorbic acid? Any of the developed conditions associated with excess ascorbic acid in the body requires medical supervision. How you can help to a loved one for symptoms of poisoning? What you need to know about overdose?

What is ascorbic acid needed for? It helps cope with changes in a growing body and is indicated for severe physical and mental stress. Vitamin C hypervitaminosis can only be associated with misuse synthetic drug in the absence of supervision of children. How to avoid it dangerous influence? You should not abuse ascorbic acid in tablets, and if you take it systematically, you should be observed by a doctor.

Ascorbic acid is an organic compound that has family ties with a substance such as glucose. Ascorbic acid is one of the main acidic elements in the human body. The functional abilities of ascorbic acid are aimed at restoration processes and improving the functioning of metabolic processes.

The main active element in ascorbic acid is vitamin C, which is essential vitamin to support the body and good level. Therefore, this acid is often called simply vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is often found in nature and is found in many fruits and some vegetables.

Ascorbic acid in its properties is a white or light yellow powder that has a sour taste. In addition, this type of acid dissolves very well in liquids, imparting a sour taste to the water in which it is dissolved.

In 1932, when vitamin C was first discovered, there were huge plans for it. But experiments have shown that with the help of ascorbic acid you can only support the human body and prevent many already clinical cases various diseases.

The main uses of ascorbic acid:

  • People who have been poisoned usually need ascorbic acid. carbon monoxide or other harmful gaseous substances. In case of serious poisoning, ascorbic acid normalizes processes associated with oxidation and restores the normal environment in the human body. In cases of poisoning, the dose of ascorbic acid can be up to 0.25 ml per 1 kg of weight.
  • Lack of vitamins during the changing seasons is also a reason to use ascorbic acid. This can be either a medicine or fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C that need to be added to the daily menu. This will help strengthen your immune system and make it easier to endure such a period.
  • Pregnancy. During this period, many girls experience a lack of vitamin C. As prescribed by a doctor, the use of ascorbic acid is recommended. On average, a pregnant woman should receive 30% more ascorbic acid than before pregnancy.
  • Smoking. As with carbon monoxide poisoning, smoking people an increased dose of vitamin C is needed. This is necessary to restore the acidic environment in the body.

Benefits of ascorbic acid

The benefits of ascorbic acid can be judged by the symptoms of its deficiency. Lack of adequate vitamin C can be noticed when the following symptoms:

  • Pallor skin;
  • Weakening of the immune system;
  • Increased wound healing time;
  • Bleeding gums, loose teeth;
  • General malaise;
  • Anxiety and bad dream;
  • Pain in lower limbs(especially heels and feet)

Ascorbic acid works to prevent these symptoms from appearing. It will also be useful if they are available.

Harm of ascorbic acid

Quality drug ascorbic acid itself is safe. But this does not mean that you can eat ascorbic acid in batches. There are still a number of contraindications for this drug. The basis of the problems is an overdose of vitamin C, which is also nothing terrible, but this is only for healthy people, but for those who have stomach problems (gastritis, ulcers), consuming such an amount of acid can cause a number of complications.

Overdose of ascorbic acid

Excess acid is bad for the stomach and digestive tract, corroding the walls of the stomach. This current problem for people with digestive system disorders.

If an overdose does occur, then it will be useful to know some of the consequences now.

For example, in pregnant women, metabolism may be disrupted or out of control, which can lead to certain problems for the mother and fetus. future child may become more susceptible to allergies and the mother may develop stomach problems.

Side effects of consuming ascorbic acid

Vitamin C, like all ascorbic acid, is water soluble, which means that if you take more of it than the body needs, the excess will simply be excreted. But it can cause stomach upset, stomach pain, diarrhea, or cramps if you take too much. If you plan to take additional vitamin C, you should increase the dose gradually over time to assess possible side effects.

What drugs are not compatible with taking ascorbic acid?

Ascorbic acid should not be used in combination with drugs that contain large amounts of iron, caffeine, vitamin B12, folic acid. More complete and detailed information Regarding compatibility, it is better to read the annotation, it is in each package.

What should you know before using ascorbic acid?

The use of ascorbic acid depends on specific factors. Firstly, you need medical consultation, secondly, you need to buy ascorbic acid in tablets or liquids in large chain pharmacies, since counterfeit drugs are increasingly found on the shelves.

Use this drug better after eating. Approximate doses for preventive treatment vitamin deficiency 50-100 mg for an adult per day. For children, the norm is 25-75 mg. Of course, this dose depends on the person’s body weight and age. Larger doses are used for diseases during intensive treatment with the drug.

How much can you take per day?

How much vitamin C is needed to achieve “tissue saturation” is difficult question, because the various organs contain and store its various levels.

adrenal glands, eyeball, the prostate gland and brain contain very high concentrations vitamin C in blood plasma, in tissues that are analyzed - less. Because different tissues can metabolize vitamin C differently, testing blood levels of vitamin C alone cannot provide information about its presence elsewhere in the body.

Recommendations table American Office on sanitary supervision of quality food products and medications (FDA) on the required daily amount of vitamin C to maintain health and prevent its deficiency:

This is not the only authoritative opinion regarding the required daily amount of vitamin C, but it is one of the most common. Some scientists and other organizations talk about numbers in the hundreds (namely, 400 mg per day) for healthy adults, or even 1000 mg per day divided into 2 doses.

But these recommendations are not intended for athletes. It is widely believed that people with increased physical activity clearly need more vitamin C. It is believed that they need between 500 and 3000 mg of this vitamin per day, depending on their activity. Although there is no clear scientific evidence of the benefits of taking additional high doses of ascorbic acid for athletes. Behind last decades Many studies have been conducted on this subject, but the results vary greatly, not only from neutral to positive, but there are even negative ones. In the end it was recognized because genetic predisposition, hard physical training And psychological factors play a critical role in determining performance and because any potential difference in achievement will be small, it is almost impossible to obtain scientific data about positive effect specific nutrient. [

Vitamin C belongs to a group of substances that are vital for human body, while uncontrolled intake of Ascorbic acid can provoke irreparable consequences. What is Ascorbic acid, what are its benefits and harms, is overdose and negative consequences possible? These questions are very relevant, since many people believe that ascorbic acid is the main vitamin.

Effects of Ascorbic Acid on the Body

IN modern world A large number of people take vitamins every day, but almost no one consults a doctor to determine the need for their use. One of the most common drugs of this spectrum of action is vitamin C or Ascorbic acid.

These small yellow color Children and adults love the dragee, and the sweet taste with a noticeable sourness is familiar to everyone from childhood. It is believed that an overdose of Ascorbic acid is simply impossible, since this substance is a “harmless” vitamin. But do not forget that any industrially produced drug is a product of the pharmaceutical industry and can be classified as medicine.

Ascorbic acid poisoning can cause serious problems in the body and in some cases when it is exceeded maximum dose, it may simply be harmful. For full understanding, what are the benefits and harms of Ascorbic acid, you should understand its effect on humans.

Vitamin C, which is the main component of ascorbic acid, has the following effects:

  • Promotes regulation carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Takes part in redox reactions occurring inside the cells of the body.
  • Participates in normalizing the permeability of blood vessels.
  • It has a stimulating effect on the synthesis of steroid hormones.
  • Provides protective functions immunity.
  • Helps support collagen production.
  • Helps strengthen tooth enamel and bone tissue.
  • Normalizes the process of blood clotting.

Taking Vitamin C stimulates fermentation and preservation natural level hormones of the steroid group, which allows the body to cope with stressful situations. Because vitamin C serves natural antioxidant, then using it helps restoration process internal forces of the body and leads to accelerated healing of small wounds or cracks, prevent the development of inflammation and slow down aging.

But these positive features inherent only if you comply correct intake. An overdose of ascorbic acid leads to negative consequences and even to poisoning.

Who is contraindicated for use?

If taken properly, vitamin C cannot cause side effects or cause an allergy to ascorbic acid. But there is a category of people who belong to a unique risk group for whom taking Ascorbic acid is contraindicated or its use should be carried out with caution, be sure to monitor the daily dose to avoid consequences.

  1. People who have kidney problems.
  2. Patients suffering from diabetes.
  3. People who are recommended to follow a salt diet.
  4. Women during pregnancy.
  5. Patients suffering from increased blood pressure.
  6. In the presence of cataracts and a predisposition to thrombosis.

Those who abuse alcoholic beverages or are addicted to smoking need loading dose Ascorbic acid, since the body of this category of people does not contain a supply of vitamin C, which is in good condition should be at least 2 grams for an adult.


The daily dose of Ascorbic acid for an adult is from 30 to 50 milligrams per day. In children, this norm is much lower and varies from 20 to 30 milligrams maximum. Maximum daily dose for an adult should not exceed 90 mg. The dosage can be presented in a visual table:

Taking vitamins in the form medicinal product, diet should be taken into account, since if you consume foods rich in vitamin C, you will need to reduce the dose of Ascorbic acid to avoid overdose or allergic reaction. Foods that contain vitamin C include:

  • spinach;
  • broccoli;
  • Bell pepper;
  • all types of citrus fruits;
  • parsley in fresh;
  • tomatoes;
  • black currant.

Video: why is Ascorbic acid dangerous and what is vitamin C.

Cases of overdose and methods of treatment

The possibility of an overdose of ascorbic acid occurs when vitamin C is consumed in an amount exceeding a gram per day for several days. A one-time overdose occurs when the dose is exceeded by 20 times the prescribed dose. daily norm. At the same time, a small excess will in no way affect the condition of the body.

Symptoms that may indicate vitamin poisoning include the following:

  1. The appearance of weakness.
  2. The appearance of dizziness.
  3. Painful sensations, concentrated in the lower abdomen.
  4. Stomach upsets.
  5. Heartburn.
  6. Feelings of nausea and vomiting.
  7. Allergic rashes on the surface of the skin.
  8. Headache.

The child's symptoms increase nervous excitability, manifestation of causeless aggression, itching and redness of the skin.

Pregnant women should also use ascorbic acid with extreme caution, since excess permissible norm may lead to violations metabolic processes fetus, which will lead to irreversible changes. Symptoms of overdose during pregnancy are as follows:

When the first symptoms appear, indicating the possibility of an overdose, measures should be taken. Vitamin C is easily soluble in water, so it is very well excreted from the body by the kidneys.

Symptoms indicating an overdose should be a signal to use large quantity liquid that will help remove ascorbic acid from the body faster. If a single dose is exceeded, it is necessary to induce vomiting and cleanse the stomach, after which it is necessary to take an absorbent.

The use of vitamin C, which is the main component of the drug, is vital for the human body, especially during an epidemic of infectious or colds, in case of poisoning by combustion products and for people who abuse alcohol.

But it should be remembered that vitamins are substances pharmacological group, which requires compliance with the established dosage during administration. Exceeding the norm can lead to negative consequences that are many times greater than the beneficial effect.

How is ascorbic acid useful? We have been interested in this question since childhood.

For many, ascorbic acid becomes the very first vitamin in life - it is given in kindergarten, then at school, and before tests and exams, mothers buy us special tablets containing glucose. Having grown up, we already habitually buy sour yellow balls at the pharmacy before important reports, during the flu, during spring vitamin deficiency. After all, this is not just a useful chemical invention, but a legendary one!

What is this substance?

We are accustomed to thinking that ascorbic acid and vitamin C are the same thing, but in fact this is not entirely true. In complex chemical substance There are many isomers, and only one of them, code-named L, is that miraculous vitamin C. It is found in lemons and currants, it is added to ordinary dragees and it keeps our skin elastic and our immune system strong.

Every schoolchild today knows about the importance of ascorbic acid in the history of world navigation. In an era when global discoveries were made on ships, all sailors suffered from scurvy. The terrible disease deprived the discoverers of their teeth and caused terrible ulcers and led to death. But the smartest captains, having seen enough of the healthy tropical natives, began to feed their army with citrus fruits - and defeated the disease.

To the opening medicinal substance Scientists have been searching for several centuries, but in the 1920s, the Englishman S. Zilva and the Hungarian Albert Szent-Gyorgi in their laboratories managed to extract crystalline vitamins from vegetables and fruits. And away we go: they wrote about him on the pages of newspapers and medical journals, and research and debate continue to this day. Can pregnant women take ascorbic acid, will it harm children, and why is it needed at all?

Where can I find?

Harsh chemical encyclopedias say that ascorbic acid is a complex compound related to glucose. Many animals on our planet are very lucky: their bodies are able to synthesize this vital required product itself, from that same glucose. A person has to look for more complex ways.

And if, for example, it can be replenished after just a few walks under the gentle sun, not to mention food and pills, then the substance called C can actually be obtained in only 2 ways. It's special vitamin menu or chemicals - in any pharmacy you can find several drugs to choose from.

For supporters healthy image The main option in life is ascorbic acid-containing products. Highest content vitamin C – in sweet peppers, black currants, sea buckthorn, parsley with dill, Brussels sprouts. In winter, elimination is also as easy as shelling pears: eat sauerkraut, citruses and overseas kiwis. You can drink it with rosehip decoction.

Pharmacy drugs

How to take ascorbic acid? Before deciding this the most important question, it is worth deciding on the drug itself. The modern pharmaceutical industry simply loves ascorbic acid and is ready to offer a variety of options for children and adults:

  • the usual sweet and sour yellow dragees;
  • solutions for injections;
  • ampoules;
  • vitamin powder for solutions;
  • vitamins in tablets of different weights;
  • sweet chewing pills;
  • effervescent tablets;
  • complex dietary supplements.

If there are no problems with choosing regular monovitamins, then when purchasing vitamin complexes be sure to look at the composition. Ascorbic acid goes well with vitamin group B (except B12), with magnesium and calciferol (D), enhances the absorption of iron. But it is better not to take it together with B9 or caffeine.

And now - about the beneficial properties...

Everyone knows about the benefits of ascorbic acid during the annual period of flu and colds. It improves immunity and helps resist various illnesses: strong and healthy body will be able to catch and neutralize the infection before it gets inside. But this is not the only thing that the ancient antiscorbutic medicine is famous for.

It is responsible for the most important processes in our organs and tissues: controls metabolism, increases tissue regeneration, strengthens vascular walls, improves blood clotting. And especially for girls and women: this vitamin friend enhances collagen production and makes the skin more elastic, and hair and nails strong and shiny.

Modern doctors completely agree with all this. The benefits of ascorbic acid and indications for its use are described in all their glory in the instructions for the use of healing supplements:

  • increased need for vitamins (pregnancy, exams and sessions, active growth in children);
  • if you need to boost your immunity;
  • recovery from serious illnesses and chemical poisonings;
  • prevention respiratory infections and bleeding gums;
  • anemia (especially if taken with iron);
  • and even alcoholic psychoses and etc.

And contraindications

Benefits and harms healing substance It’s not for nothing that they have been studied for almost a century. It is valued not only for its healing superpower - there are also contraindications. First of all, remember: this element is strong allergen. An allergy to citrus fruits is a very dangerous thing, and a reaction to chemicals can be even stronger. At the slightest sign If you are intolerant, you should immediately switch to regular vitamin-containing products.

Other prohibitions are increased coagulability blood and tendency to thrombosis, diabetes, age up to 5-6 years.

Ascorbic acid is a water-soluble vitamin. This good news both for those who are on a diet (foods with it do not need to be saturated with oil, like carotene), and for those who have slightly overeaten with their favorite vitamins. Usually the excess is easily excreted in the urine, but an overdose of ascorbic acid is not always so easy to get away with. An overdose may cause nausea, stomach disorders, exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers.

For expectant mothers and children

Ascorbic acid during pregnancy: how will it help and are there any contraindications? Questions about the usefulness of certain vitamins concern everyone expectant mother, but our supervitamin is definitely recommended by all doctors.

It is especially useful to take it in the first half of pregnancy. It helps to survive toxicosis easier, smoothes out mood swings, and allows... Strengthens blood vessels, including those inside the placenta, and this helps prevent placental abruption later. Another plus - useful element improves iron absorption, which makes it possible to avoid anemia, known to almost every pregnant patient.

For children, in addition to the usual ascorbic acid-containing drugs and natural products, doctors recommend tablets containing glucose. In combination with glucose, a substance called C helps control work nervous system, maintains good spirits and clarity of mind. It also helps children wake up easier in the morning and respond better in class.

How to take it correctly?

We have already figured out what will happen if you eat a lot of ascorbic acid. How to take it correctly? It all depends on the method of application - today there are three. This oral administration(sour and sweet dragees, effervescent tablets, etc.), intramuscular and intravenous. Also, the dosage differs for adults and children.

The daily dose of ascorbic acid for routine prevention and immune health for adults is 0.05-0.1 per day (1-2 regular tablets). For children, the dosage is much less - 0.02-0.03 g. The largest portion is given to expectant mothers - first 2 weeks, 0.3 g per day, then every day, 0.08-0.1 g.

If the drug is prescribed in medicinal purposes, adults should take 0.05-0.1 g, but 3-5 times a day. Dose for children – 0.05-0.1 g 1-2 times a day.

How much ascorbic acid can you eat per day maximum? Doctors also separate portions for children and adults. The children's figure is 0.5 grams, adults can take one gram.

While scientists are arguing about the benefits of ascorbic acid, the whole world has long been taking this supervitamin and eating it in a natural and tasty form. Ascorbic acid is indispensable in winter and early spring, when colds lurk around every corner, it helps maintain great mood and preserve beauty and youth. The main thing is to follow the dosage and not overuse it. chemicals. Remember: even the most delicious vitamin tablets are not candies, but full-fledged medical drug, which has clear indications.

The article for the site was prepared by Nadezhda Zhukova.

Since childhood, many people have been given vitamin C pills or tablets by their parents. This element is responsible for important biochemical and biological processes. Externally, the drug appears as light-colored crystals with a lemon flavor. However, not every person knows about all the properties of this substance.

What are the benefits of ascorbic acid?

Many people take vitamin C without thinking about how it affects the human body. First of all, ascorbic acid is very powerful antioxidant, helping to neutralize free oxygen atoms that cause harm to the human body. Lack of vitamin C leads to weakening immune system. Taking the drug in tablets, ampoules or powder strengthens the natural defenses of the human body of any age. The action of ascorbic acid includes the neutralization of poisoning.

What are the benefits of vitamin C:

  1. All skin cosmetics with collagen contain this substance. Ascorbic acid stimulates the production of fibroblast cells, which contribute to the formation of epithelial and connective tissue.
  2. It is very important to remember why vitamin C is needed in the hematopoietic system. Impossible without him correct exchange folic acid and iron. A lack of this vitamin can cause the development of anemia.
  3. The use of ascorbic acid suppresses inflammatory reactions and reduces the risk of developing allergies.
  4. Ascorbic acid can affect the production of steroid hormones and catecholamines, so it is important to consume this substance for normal operation nervous, sexual and endocrine system.
  5. Vitamin C strengthens blood vessels, accelerates blood clotting, prevents the development of edema in women (during menstruation).
  6. The use of tablets, ampoules, powder or dragees of this drug helps overcome stress. In addition, this substance prevents the development infectious diseases, which attack the human body during stress, depression, and weakened immunity.

Daily dose of ascorbic acid

Before you start using the drug, it is recommended to find out the adult’s needs and child's body in this substance. How much ascorbic acid can you eat per day? Under normal conditions – no more than 50-100 mg. The dosage increases significantly (one-time - up to 1 g per day) if the body is subject to high physical and mental stress, frequent exposure to low and high temperatures. In addition, the following need to use ascorbic acid in an increased volume:

  • women during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • athletes interested in bodybuilding;
  • patients during treatment.

How to take ascorbic acid

The patient may be prescribed intravenous or intramuscular injections, an effervescent solution of powder or tablet. It is recommended to obtain individual instructions from your doctor on how to take ascorbic acid in order to avoid side effect. The dosage and form of administration depend on what function of the human body needs support.

How to take ascorbic acid in tablets correctly? The substance must be taken after meals in the following quantities:

  1. Children - 25-75 mg (prevention), 50-100 mg daily three times (treatment).
  2. Adults - 50-100 mg (prevention); during treatment, the indicated dose is increased to 200-400 mg, divided into several doses.
  3. During pregnancy, you need to take 300 mg for 2 weeks, then reduce the dosage by three times.

They may prescribe injections with glucose - 1-5 ml of sodium ascorbate solution up to three times daily. To treat vitamin deficiency, children are prescribed powder in sachets of 0.05-0.1 g. It is important to follow the instructions. The doctor prescribes a course of treatment individually for each patient according to indications. Maximum volume daily substances– no more than 0.5 g (for an adult patient), for children – 30-50 mg (depending on the age of the child and individual instructions for using the drug).

Price for ascorbic acid

You can purchase this drug inexpensively at any pharmacy, or order and buy it in an online store. Manufacturer's catalogs contain many different options vitamin C. As a rule, the price varies from 13 to 45 rubles. The cost is affected by the manufacturer's brand and release form. The price of ascorbic acid (dragees) in jars of 200 pieces (50 mg) does not differ much from different pharmaceutical companies. However, a significant difference can be found when purchasing ascorbic acid tablets. Manufacturers are raising prices for bright packaging and flavorings.

How to choose ascorbic acid

Experts recommend getting vitamin C from natural products. It can be found in vegetables, herbs, and fruits. If there is a severe shortage of the element, you can buy ascorbic acid in powder. The most common form of prevention is a pill or chewable tablets. Injections are usually prescribed by a doctor when severe poisoning or pregnant women to maintain the body.

What happens from an overdose of ascorbic acid?

Some people are mistaken in thinking that ascorbic acid can be consumed in unlimited doses and not cause diseases. There are maximum daily amounts of this substance that cannot be exceeded. When asked whether it is possible to eat a lot of ascorbic acid, doctors will answer in the affirmative - you can’t! IN otherwise waiting for the patient:

Contraindications for taking ascorbic acid

Like any drug, ascorbic acid has a number of contraindications. For example, you should not get carried away with vitamins if you have diabetes, urolithiasis, sideroblastic anemia, oxalozome. Can pregnant women take ascorbic acid? For this category of patients, vitamin C is very important, but it is not recommended to consume it more than the established norm, so as not to harm the unborn child and yourself.

Video: what happens if you eat a pack of ascorbic acid