Terrible scar after surgery. Healing of postoperative sutures without scars. Treatment in a dermatocosmetologist's office

The human body is not capable of synthesizing and storing vitamins for future use. Therefore, he must receive them daily in a complete set in quantities that ensure the physiological norm.

Vitamins protect humans from harmful factors environment. They are also necessary for normal metabolism, for the growth and development of the body, for the normal functioning of its organs.

Hypovitaminosis reduces physical and mental performance, resistance to neuro-emotional tension and stress, increases occupational injuries, reduces the duration of active working life.

Research by specialists in various regions of the world suggests that what less vitamins in people's food, the more often they experience diseases such as atherosclerosis and oncological diseases, the higher the mortality rate from these diseases.

Hypovitaminosis aggravates the course of the underlying disease, reduces the effect of treatment, and complicates the outcome surgical operations And postoperative period. That is why when treating any patient, you need to ensure that he takes the necessary daily norm vitamins

Many people believe that to replenish the supply of vitamins in the body, it is enough to include in the menu fresh vegetables And

fruits. But vegetables and fruits do not contain all the necessary vitamins. Some vitamins are also found in bread, meat, milk, cereals, butter and vegetable oil.

In addition, food alone cannot provide the human body with the required amount of vitamins. This is due to the fact that our body’s physiological needs for vitamins were formed during the evolution of the human species. The human metabolism gradually adapted to that amount biologically active substances, which he received along with large volumes of food, corresponding to large energy expenditures. But in the last two to three decades, human energy consumption has decreased by 2-2.5 times. Food consumption should have decreased by the same amount, but, unfortunately, the habit of eating a lot has become firmly established in human life.

The result of the habit of eating a lot is overweight bodies. Meanwhile, experts have found that if it exceeds 20%, mortality from cardiovascular diseases increases by 20-25%, and from diabetes by 50-70%. If overweight exceeds 60%, the risk of morbidity and mortality increases several times.

It turns out vicious circle. On the one hand, in order to have enough vitamins in the body, you need to eat more; on the other hand, overeating is extremely harmful to our health. So, in order to saturate the body with vitamin C, you need to eat a kilogram of apples daily or drink three to five liters of apple juice. To obtain required amount vitamins of group B, you need to eat a kilogram of black bread or half a kilogram of lean meat every day.

Modern man spends about two to three times less energy than a hundred years ago, and no longer needs as much food as our ancestors did. That's why modern man cannot meet the body's needs for the required amount of vitamins only through food. What to do?

As domestic and foreign experience has shown, it is easier and more effective to obtain vitamins by taking multivitamin preparations or vitamin-mineral complexes, as well as by including in the diet foods enriched with vitamins to a physiological level.

Today on pharmacy shelves we see great amount various vitamin preparations. But we still remember the posters and information leaflets in

pharmacies and clinics, which said that vitamins are medicines and should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor.

In fact, there is no threat of “oversaturation” of vitamins for the citizens of our country, although standards for the use of vitamins exist (see table).

Unfortunately, most people are accustomed to thinking that synthetic vitamins and products enriched with vitamins are less effective than “natural” ones and are poorly absorbed by the body. But that's not true. Vitamins produced by the medical industry are identical to “natural” ones in biological activity. Their ratio is more consistent with human needs than many food products. The technology for the production of vitamin preparations is well established and guarantees high purity and shelf life, and vitamin C in preparations is preserved incomparably longer than in vegetables and fruits. Vitamin preparations and foods enriched with them are absorbed much better, since vitamins in foods are often in bound form.

Some people do not take vitamins for fear of “hypervitaminosis.” And co-

Children (1 year - 6 years)

Teenagers (7-17 years old)

Men and women

Pregnant and nursing

Folic acid, mcg

Pantothenic acid, mg

completely in vain. Thus, taking vitamins A and E can lead to side effects and sometimes to severe intoxication, but only in doses tens of times higher than physiological!

As for water-soluble vitamins, they are easily excreted from the body, but when taken in doses exceeding physiological ones, they can cause nonspecific reactions in the form gastrointestinal disorders, urticaria, etc., which disappear when the drug is discontinued.

If you are taking vitamin supplements prophylactic use and foods enriched with vitamins, observing the average daily norm, then even with constant reception of vitamins throughout the year, no excess of them is created in the body, but only the deficiency of vitamins in food is replenished.

According to health insurance companies in the USA and England, more than 60% of the population of these countries take one or another vitamin preparation. Among children and pregnant women, 90% take vitamins. The number of Russians taking vitamin preparations does not exceed 10%.

World and domestic experience shows that the most effective way replenishment of insufficient amounts of vitamins in the body is regular intake vitamin preparations or vitamin-mineral complexes, as well as the inclusion in the diet of specialized products enriched with them to a level appropriate physiological needs body.

It is advisable for smokers and workers in hazardous industries to combine taking multivitamins and taking them separately. ascorbic acid constantly.

Vitamins must be taken not in short courses, but for a long time, throughout the year, for almost all citizens of our country, especially those living in industrial cities.

Which vitamin preparations to choose depends on age, type of activity and health status. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor.

If you decide to buy vitamin preparation, be sure to make sure that it has a certificate from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation registering it as a dietary supplement or medicine, and also carefully read the recipe on the label, since low-quality vitamin preparations often appear on the Russian drug market.

Domestic therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition products enriched with vitamins and minerals, compare favorably with foreign analogues at a lower price, and in terms of composition and quality, they more fully take into account the real needs of the Russian population.

And, of course, taking vitamins should not cancel the use various products nutrition. Only varied diet gives a person the opportunity to grow, develop, lead active image life.

Vitamins are organic compounds, which indispensable for human health . This is the defining characteristic of the vitamin. The first vitamins were discovered back in 1913, but to this day the effect of vitamins on the human body is being studied.

Why is the presence of vitamins in the right quantities important for the body?

The fact is that these microelements are involved in many processes in the body - in the work of enzymes and hormones, and in general play a vital role in metabolism human body. Often, daily norm vitamins are not very large, but the lack of at least one of them can have a very serious impact on health, triggering diseases, lowering immunity, promoting the development of dysfunctions, and disruption of body functions. For example, absence essential vitamins may cause headaches, insomnia, excessive nervousness, general weakness. The condition and beauty of skin, nails and hair depend on vitamins and minerals. Also, a lack of vitamins very often indirectly causes excess weight - after all, when there are not enough vitamins and minerals, the body gives a hunger signal, which forces us to eat, sometimes, unnecessary calories (Online calculator:).

Classifications of vitamins

  1. According to the method of dissolution. There are fat-soluble vitamins - those that the body can absorb only when it receives fat (in fact, fat is not even needed for their absorption as much as bile, which is secreted by the body to process fat). The second group is water-soluble vitamins, which speaks for itself. What is important is that fat-soluble vitamins can accumulate in the body (in particular in the liver), while water-soluble vitamins are quickly eliminated through the kidneys.
  2. According to the method of synthesis. Non-synthesized by the body - those vitamins that cannot enter our body in any other way than from the outside with food. Often, this is where the shortage occurs. Synthesized by the body - vitamins that our body is quite capable of synthesizing itself, which may of course depend on the availability necessary substances for synthesis (both external and internal - Sun rays, amino acids, other vitamins and minerals).
  3. Also, the collective name is generally divided into vitamins and vitamin-like substances. The latter are very similar to vitamins, but were subsequently excluded from this group due to certain factors - either their importance for the human body has not been proven, or they are synthesized in the full required volume by the body without additional necessary inputs.

Table of existing vitamins, the required level of their consumption and food products that contain them

NAMENORMAL PER DAYSynthesis by the bodyTop products by content
Fat soluble
A (beta-carotene)900 mcg1000 mcg1300 mcgyes (from beta carotene), broccoli, butter, parsley, spinach
D10 mcg12.5 mcg12.5 mcgyes (in the sun) , butter, soy milk
E15 mg17 mcg19 mcgNowheat germ oil, sunflower oil, sunflower seeds, almonds
K120 mcg120 mcg120 mcgyes (from bacteria)parsley, watercress, turnips, broccoli, cilantro
Water soluble
B11.5 mg1.7 mg1.8 mgNoground, wheat germ, sunflower seeds, flax seed, kelp
B2 (riboflavin)1.8 mg2 mg2.1 mgNokelp, shiitake mushrooms, wheat bran, wheat germ
B3 (PP)20 mg22 mg23 mgyes (from amino acids)porcini mushrooms, ground sesame, kelp, peanuts
B55 mg6 mg7 mgNoshitake mushrooms, sunflower seeds, agar-agar, ground sesame, wheat germ
B62 mg2.3 mg2.5 mgNopistachios, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, beans, soybeans, sesame
B7 (H - biotin)50 mcg50 mcg50 mcgNosoybeans, corn, oatmeal, peas, wheat, strawberries, sea buckthorn, rye
B9 (folic acid)400 mcg600 mcg500 mcgNogreen beans, mung beans, agar-agar, lentils, beans,
B123 mcg3.5 mcg3.5 mcgNosoy milk, pasta, miso paste
C (ascorbic acid)90 mg100 mg120 mgNorose hips, sea buckthorn, black currant, sweet pepper, kiwi, parsley, lemon (peel)
B4500 mg500 mg500 mgYesshitake mushrooms, soybeans, peas, oat groats, barley, tofu, wheat
B11300 mg300 mg300 mgYesmilk,
B130.5-1.5 mg0.5-1.5 mg0.5-1.5 mgYesyeast, milk, dairy products
B1550-150 mg50-150 mg50-150 mgn/aapricot seeds, beans, rice
F()1g1g1gNolinseed oil, mustard oil, sunflower oil, Walnut, almonds
P250 mg250 mg250 mgNocitrus fruits, buckwheat, apricots, cherries, parsley, salad, tea, coffee
U200 mg200 mg200 mgYes, beets, peas, parsley

The table above will allow you to fully understand and determine what standards of consumption of certain vitamins (including, or), as well as what foods should be eaten to replenish the supply of vitamins. It is worth noting separately that the main amount of vitamins is contained in:

  • seeds and nuts - flax, sesame, walnuts, almonds, sunflowers and pumpkin,
  • cereals - wheat, buckwheat, oats, especially sprouted germs,
  • legumes - beans, soybeans, peas, lentils
  • vegetables - carrots, cabbage, beets
  • greens - celery, parsley, cilantro

For this reason it is worth enriching your daily diet these products, and prefer them to “empty” calories from flour, potatoes, sweets, and so on. For vegetarians, it is worth paying special attention to vitamin B12 - due to the fact that it is mainly found in animal products, it is difficult for a vegetarian to consume it in sufficient quantities. Therefore, it may be worth including this vitamin as a supplement on occasion.

Most of them can be obtained from balanced diet. However, the typical diet is missing several very important nutrients. This article lists 7 nutrients, the lack of which we often experience.


Iron deficiency is very common, especially among young women, children and vegetarians. This can lead to anemia, fatigue, weakness, a weakened immune system and impaired brain function. Best sources: red meat, liver, shellfish, canned sardines, as well as legumes, broccoli and spinach. Also, do not forget to eat fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C - it helps iron to be absorbed.


Iodine is essential for normal functioning thyroid gland and normal brain activity. Iodine deficiency affects almost a third of people on the planet, so don't forget to eat foods rich in iodine. high content. These include seaweed, fish, dairy products and eggs.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that tells our cells how to turn on certain genes. Vitamin D is produced from cholesterol in the skin when it is exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D deficiency is usually not visible. Symptoms are subtle and may develop over several years or decades. Will help cope with the deficit fish fat, fatty fish, egg yolks. And don't forget to get some sun!

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin. He has important for the formation of blood, as well as for the brain and nervous function. Every cell in our body needs B12 to function properly, but the body is unable to produce it. Therefore, we must get it from food or nutritional supplements.

Vitamin B12 is found only in animal products (with the exception of nori seaweed).

Thus, people who do not eat animal products are exposed to increased risk deficit. The richest sources of this vitamin are seafood, meat and offal. Milk and eggs also meet our B12 needs.


Calcium is essential for every cell, especially bones and teeth. In addition, calcium plays a role as a signaling molecule throughout the body. Without it, our heart, muscles and nerves cannot function. Low calcium intake is very common, especially in young women and older people. The main symptom of calcium deficiency is increased risk development of osteoporosis in old age. Dietary sources of calcium include canned fish, dairy products and dark green vegetables such as kale, spinach, and broccoli.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is one of the most important fat-soluble vitamins. It helps form and maintain healthy skin, teeth, bones and cell membranes. The best sources are liver, fish oil, carrots and dark green leafy vegetables.


Magnesium is one of the key minerals in the body. He has great importance for bones and teeth, and also participates in more than 300 enzymatic reactions. Almost half of the people in developed countries have magnesium deficiency in the body. The main symptoms of magnesium deficiency may include heart rhythm disturbances, muscle spasms, fatigue and migraines. To avoid this, eat whole grain cereals, nuts, leafy green vegetables or dark chocolate daily.

Information about the types and healing process of postoperative sutures. It also tells what actions need to be taken in case of complications.

After a person has undergone surgery, scars and stitches remain for a long time. From this article you will learn how to properly process a postoperative suture and what to do in case of complications.

Types of postoperative sutures

A surgical suture is used to connect biological tissues. Views after surgical sutures depend on the nature and scale surgical intervention and there are:

  • bloodless, which do not require special threads, but are glued together using a special adhesive
  • bloody, which are stitched with medical suture material through biological tissues

Depending on the method of applying bloody sutures, the following types are distinguished:

  • simple nodal– has a puncture triangular shape which holds well suture material
  • continuous intradermal– most common which provides a good cosmetic effect
  • vertical or horizontal mattress – used for deep, extensive tissue damage
  • purse string – intended for plastic fabrics
  • entwining - as a rule, serves to connect vessels and hollow organs

The following techniques and instruments are used for suturing vary:

  • manual, when applying which a regular needle, tweezers and other instruments are used. Suture materials – synthetic, biological, wire, etc.
  • mechanical carried out using a device using special brackets

The depth and extent of the injury dictates the method of suturing:

  • single-row - the seam is applied in one tier
  • multilayer - application is made in several rows (muscle and vascular tissues are first connected, then the skin is sutured)

In addition, surgical sutures are divided into:

  • removable– after the wound has healed, the suture material is removed (usually used on covering tissue)
  • submersible– cannot be removed (suitable for joining internal tissues)

Materials that are used for surgical sutures can be:

  • absorbable - removal of suture material is not required. Typically used for ruptures of mucous and soft tissues
  • non-absorbable - removed after a certain period of time determined by the doctor

When applying sutures, it is very important to connect the edges of the wound tightly so that the possibility of cavity formation is completely excluded. Any type of surgical sutures requires treatment with antiseptic or antibacterial drugs.

How and with what should I treat a postoperative suture for better healing at home?

The healing period of wounds after surgery largely depends on the human body: for some this process occurs quickly, for others it takes longer. long time. But the key to a successful result is correct therapy after suturing. The timing and nature of healing are influenced by the following factors:

  • sterility
  • materials for processing the suture after surgery
  • regularity

One of the most important requirements for postoperative injury care is maintaining sterility. Treat wounds only with thoroughly washed hands using disinfected instruments.

Depending on the nature of the injury postoperative sutures treated with various antiseptic agents:

  • potassium permanganate solution (it is important to follow the dosage to avoid the possibility of burns)
  • iodine (in large quantities may cause dry skin)
  • brilliant green
  • medical alcohol
  • fucarcin (difficult to wipe off from the surface, which causes some inconvenience)
  • hydrogen peroxide (may cause a slight burning sensation)
  • anti-inflammatory ointments and gels

Often used at home for these purposes. folk remedies:

  • oil tea tree(in its pure form)
  • tincture of larkspur roots (2 tbsp., 1 tbsp. water, 1 tbsp. alcohol)
  • ointment (0.5 cups of beeswax, 2 cups of vegetable oil, cook over low heat for 10 minutes, let cool)
  • cream with calendula extract (add a drop of rosemary and orange oils)

Before using these medications, be sure to consult your doctor. In order for the healing process to occur as quickly as possible short time without complications, it is important to follow the rules for processing seams:

  • disinfect hands and tools that may be needed
  • carefully remove the bandage from the wound. If it sticks, pour peroxide on it before applying antiseptic.
  • with help cotton swab or a gauze swab, lubricate the seam with an antiseptic
  • apply a bandage

In addition, do not forget to comply with the following conditions:

  • carry out processing twice a day, if necessary and more often
  • regularly carefully examine the wound for inflammation
  • To avoid the formation of scars, do not remove dry crusts and scabs from the wound
  • When showering, do not rub the seam with hard sponges
  • If complications occur (purulent discharge, swelling, redness), consult a doctor immediately

How to remove postoperative sutures at home?

The removable postoperative suture must be removed in time, since the material that is used to connect the tissue is exposed to the body foreign body. In addition, if the threads are not removed in due date, they can grow into the tissue, leading to inflammation.

We all know that the postoperative suture must be removed medical worker under suitable conditions using special tools. However, it happens that there is no opportunity to visit a doctor, the time for removing the stitches has already come, and the wound looks completely healed. In this case, you can remove the suture material yourself.

To get started, prepare the following:

  • antiseptic drugs
  • sharp scissors (preferably surgical, but you can also use nail scissors)
  • dressing
  • antibiotic ointment (in case of infection in the wound)

Perform the seam removal process as follows:

  • disinfect instruments
  • wash your hands thoroughly up to the elbows and treat them with an antiseptic
  • choose a well-lit place
  • remove the bandage from the seam
  • using alcohol or peroxide, treat the area around the seam
  • Using tweezers, gently lift the first knot slightly
  • holding it, use scissors to cut the suture thread
  • carefully, slowly pull out the thread
  • continue in the same order: lift the knot and pull the threads
  • make sure to remove all suture material
  • treat the seam area with an antiseptic
  • apply a bandage for better healing

When self-removal postoperative sutures, in order to avoid complications, strictly follow the following requirements:

  • You can remove only small superficial seams yourself
  • Do not remove surgical staples or wires at home
  • make sure the wound is completely healed
  • if bleeding occurs during the process, stop the action, treat with an antiseptic and consult a doctor
  • protect the seam area from ultraviolet radiation, since the skin there is still too thin and susceptible to burns
  • avoid the possibility of injury to this area

What to do if a seal appears at the site of the postoperative suture?

Often, after the operation, a patient experiences a seal under the suture, which is formed due to the accumulation of lymph. As a rule, it does not pose a threat to health and disappears over time. However, in some cases complications may arise in the form of:

  • inflammation– accompanied by painful sensations in the suture area, redness is observed, the temperature may increase
  • suppuration– when the inflammatory process is advanced, pus may leak from the wound
  • the formation of keloid scars is not dangerous, but has an unaesthetic appearance. Such scars can be removed using laser resurfacing or surgically

If you observe the listed signs, contact the surgeon who operated on you. And if this is not possible, go to the hospital at your place of residence.

If you see a lump, consult a doctor

Even if it later turns out that the resulting lump is not dangerous and will resolve on its own over time, the doctor must conduct an examination and give his opinion. If you are convinced that the postoperative suture seal is not inflamed, does not cause pain and there is no purulent discharge, follow these requirements:

  • Follow the rules of hygiene. Keep bacteria away from the injured area
  • treat the seam twice a day and change the dressing material promptly
  • When showering, avoid getting water on the unhealed area
  • don't lift weights
  • make sure that your clothes do not rub the seam and the areola around it
  • Before going outside, apply a protective sterile bandage
  • Do not apply compresses or rub yourself under any circumstances. various tinctures on the advice of friends. This can lead to complications. A doctor must prescribe treatment

Compliance with these simple rules is the key successful treatment seam seals and the possibility of getting rid of scars without surgical or laser technologies.

The postoperative suture does not heal, it is red, inflamed: what to do?

One of a number postoperative complications is inflammation of the suture. This process is accompanied by such phenomena as:

  • swelling and redness in the suture area
  • the presence of a seal under the seam that can be felt with your fingers
  • increased temperature and blood pressure
  • general weakness and muscle pain

The reasons for the appearance of the inflammatory process and further non-healing of the postoperative suture can be different:

  • infection in a postoperative wound
  • During the operation, the subcutaneous tissues were injured, resulting in the formation of hematomas
  • suture material had increased tissue reactivity
  • in overweight patients, wound drainage is insufficient
  • low immunity of the patient being operated on

Often there is a combination of several of the listed factors that may arise:

  • due to an error by the operating surgeon (instruments and materials were not processed sufficiently)
  • due to patient non-compliance with postoperative requirements
  • due to indirect infection, in which microorganisms are spread through the blood from another source of inflammation in the body

If you see redness in the suture, consult a doctor immediately

In addition, the healing of a surgical suture largely depends on individual characteristics body:

  • weight– y fat people the wound may heal more slowly after surgery
  • age – tissue regeneration in at a young age happens faster
  • nutrition – lack of proteins and vitamins slows down the recovery process
  • chronic diseases – their presence prevents rapid healing

If you notice redness or inflammation of a postoperative suture, do not delay visiting a doctor. It is the specialist who must examine the wound and prescribe the correct treatment:

  • remove stitches if necessary
  • washes the wounds
  • install drainage to drain purulent discharge
  • will appoint necessary medications external and internal use

Timely implementation necessary measures will prevent the possibility severe consequences(sepsis, gangrene). After medical procedures have been performed by your attending physician, to speed up the healing process at home, follow these recommendations:

  • treat the suture and the area around it several times a day with the medications prescribed by the attending physician
  • While showering, try not to touch the wound with a washcloth. When you get out of the bath, gently blot the seam with a bandage.
  • change sterile dressings on time
  • take multivitamins
  • add extra protein to your diet
  • do not lift heavy objects

In order to minimize the risk of an inflammatory process, it is necessary to take preventive measures before surgery:

  • boost your immunity
  • sanitize your mouth
  • identify the presence of infections in the body and take measures to get rid of them
  • strictly observe hygiene rules after surgery

Postoperative fistula: causes and methods of control

One of negative consequences after surgical intervention is postoperative fistula, which is a channel through which purulent cavities. It occurs as a consequence of the inflammatory process when there is no outlet for purulent fluid.
The reasons for the appearance of fistulas after surgery can be different:

  • chronic inflammation
  • the infection is not completely eliminated
  • rejection by the body of non-absorbable suture material

The last reason is the most common. The threads that connect tissues during surgery are called ligatures. Therefore, a fistula that occurs due to its rejection is called ligature. Around the thread is formed granuloma, that is, a seal consisting of the material itself and fibrous tissue. Such a fistula is formed, as a rule, for two reasons:

  • hitting the wound pathogenic bacteria due to incomplete disinfection of threads or instruments during surgery
  • weak the immune system patient, due to which the body weakly resists infections, and occurs slow recovery after the introduction of a foreign body

A fistula can appear in different postoperative periods:

  • within a week after surgery
  • after a few months

Signs of fistula formation are:

  • redness in the area of ​​inflammation
  • the appearance of compactions and tubercles near or on the seam
  • painful sensations
  • discharge of pus
  • temperature increase

After surgery there may be very unpleasant phenomenon- fistula

In case of observation at home listed symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor. If measures are not taken in time, the infection can spread throughout the body.

Treatment postoperative fistulas determined by a doctor and can be of two types:

  • conservative
  • surgical

The conservative method is used if inflammatory process just started and didn't lead to serious violations. In this case, the following is carried out:

  • removal of dead tissue around the seam
  • washing the wound from pus
  • removing the outer ends of the thread
  • patient taking antibiotics and immune-boosting drugs

The surgical method includes a number of medical measures:

  • make an incision to drain the pus
  • remove the ligature
  • wash the wound
  • if necessary, perform the procedure again after a few days
  • if there are multiple fistulas, you may be prescribed complete excision of the suture
  • the stitches are reapplied
  • a course of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed
  • complexes of vitamins and minerals are prescribed
  • standard therapy prescribed after surgery is carried out

IN Lately appeared new way treatment of fistulas - ultrasound. This is the most gentle method. Its disadvantage is the length of the process. In addition to the methods listed, healers offer folk remedies for the treatment of postoperative fistulas:

  • mumiyo dissolve in water and mix with aloe juice. Soak a bandage in the mixture and apply to the inflamed area. Keep it for several hours
  • wash the wound with a decoction St. John's wort(4 tablespoons of dry leaves per 0.5 liters of boiling water)
  • take 100 g of medical tar, butter, flower honey, pine resin, crushed aloe leaf. Mix everything and heat in a water bath. Dilute with medical alcohol or vodka. Apply the prepared mixture around the fistula, cover with film or plaster
  • Apply a sheet to the fistula at night cabbage

However, do not forget that folk remedies are only supportive therapy and do not cancel the visit to the doctor. To prevent the formation of postoperative fistulas it is necessary:

  • Before the operation, examine the patient for the presence of diseases
  • prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection
  • carefully handle instruments before surgery
  • avoid contamination of suture materials

Ointments for healing and resorption of postoperative sutures

Used for resorption and healing of postoperative sutures. antiseptics(brilliant greens, iodine, chlorhexidine, etc.). Modern pharmacology offers other preparations of similar properties in the form of ointments for local impact. Using them for healing purposes at home has a number of advantages:

  • availability
  • wide spectrum of action
  • the fatty base on the surface of the wound creates a film that prevents tissue from drying out
  • skin nutrition
  • Ease of use
  • softening and lightening of scars

It should be noted that for wet wounds skin the use of ointments is not recommended. They are prescribed when the healing process has already begun.

Based on the nature and depth of skin damage, different kinds ointments:

  • simple antiseptic(for shallow superficial wounds)
  • containing hormonal components (for extensive, with complications)
  • Vishnevsky ointment- one of the most affordable and popular pulling agents. Promotes accelerated release from purulent processes
  • levomekol– has a combined effect: antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. Is an antibiotic wide range. Recommended for purulent discharge from the seam
  • vulnuzan- a product based on natural ingredients. Apply to both wound and bandage
  • levosin– kills microbes, removes inflammation, promotes healing
  • stellanine– a new generation ointment that removes swelling and kills infection, stimulates skin regeneration
  • eplan- one of the most powerful remedies local treatment. Has an analgesic and anti-infective effect
  • solcoseryl- Available in the form of a gel or ointment. The gel is used when the wound is fresh, and the ointment is used when healing has begun. The drug reduces the likelihood of scar formation. Better to put under a bandage
  • actovegin– more cheap analogue solcoseryl. Successfully fights inflammation, practically does not cause allergic reactions. Therefore, it can be recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women. Can be applied directly to damaged skin
  • agrosulfan– provides bactericidal effect, has an antimicrobial and analgesic effect

Ointment for treating seams
  • naftaderm – has anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, it relieves pain and softens scars.
  • Contractubex - used when the healing of the suture begins. Has a softening, smoothing effect in the scar area
  • Mederma – helps increase tissue elasticity and lightens scars

Listed medicinal products prescribed by a doctor and used under his supervision. Remember that you cannot self-medicate postoperative sutures in order to prevent wound suppuration and further inflammation.

Plaster for healing postoperative sutures

One of effective means for the care of postoperative sutures is a plaster made on the basis of medical silicone. This is a soft self-adhesive plate that is fixed to the seam, connecting the edges of the fabric, and is suitable for minor damage to the skin.
The advantages of using the patch are as follows:

  • prevents pathogenic microorganisms from entering the wound
  • absorbs discharge from the wound
  • does not cause irritation
  • breathable, allowing the skin under the patch to breathe
  • Helps soften and smooth out scars
  • retains moisture well in fabrics, preventing drying out
  • prevents scar enlargement
  • easy to use
  • There is no skin injury when removing the patch

Some patches are waterproof, allowing the patient to shower without risk of suture damage. The most commonly used patches are:

  • cosmopore
  • mepilex
  • mepitak
  • hydrofilm
  • fixopore

For achievement positive results in the healing of postoperative sutures, this medical product must be applied correctly:

  • remove the protective film
  • apply the adhesive side to the seam area
  • change every other day
  • periodically peel off the patch and check the condition of the wound

We remind you that before using any pharmacological agent, you should consult your doctor.

Video: Treatment of postoperative suture