Composition of Father George's herbal collection - indications and instructions for use, contraindications. Monastic gathering of Father George

(Based on materials from the newspaper "Heal by Faith")

In our difficult 21st century, the century of high pollution and radioactivity environment, the age of chemistry and genetically modified products, the age of economic and global cataclysms, political instability and all kinds of crises, high speeds, competition and stress... human body and his psyche are subjected to colossal, prohibitive stress. As never before, man has become susceptible to all kinds of nervous, somatic and mental illness; disability and mortality have increased, depression and suicide are on the rise. In the world, despite the emergence of new deadly diseases, the problem of such a disease as cancer remains highly relevant: more than 6 million people die from cancer in the world every year; In Russia today, every sixth Russian gets cancer.

However, few people know that although cancer is capable of destroying and destroying the body, it is quite possible to find control over it - neutralize it, neutralize it, and expel it from the body.

This task is quite successfully handled by some qualified Orthodox herbalists, including monastic herbalists, who carry out their treatment with means traditional medicine, with the simultaneous spiritual and moral assistance of the patient himself (church confession and communion, initiation into the Church and its sacraments.).

We present to your attention a set of anti-cancer remedies from Father George, published in the newspaper “Heal by Faith” in 2002.

Archimandrite Georgy is the rector of the Holy Spiritual Timashevsky Monastery, in the Krasnodar region. Amazing feature Father George is that he is a professional herbalist; knows some special, unknown recipes for curing many diseases. Patients write to him and people come to him from different parts of Russia and other former republics Soviet Union, and he picks everyone the right medicine. Father George healed a huge number of people. His main requirement for every person who turns to him for help is confession, repentance and correction of life, because, according to the deep conviction of Fr. George (corresponding to the teachings of the Church), the roots of all diseases lie in human sins.

His patients repent, correct themselves, change their lifestyle, and at the same time take those decoctions and tinctures that Fr. George, and, as a result... they recover. Perhaps this is why so many recovered among Fr.’s patients. George.

With the blessing of Fr. George, from the late 90s, the Orthodox newspaper “Heal by Faith” began to be published, containing a huge number of traditional medicine recipes for all kinds of diseases, incl. recipes from Father George himself.

Letter to Fr. George:

“Two years ago, doctors discovered that a friend of mine malignant tumor breasts She completed a course of chemotherapy, radiation and was already preparing for breast removal surgery...
One of her friends advised her to go to you, dear Father George. She was with you, and you prescribed her one collection of herbs, which she drank for 8 months and all this time she monitored the condition of the tumor with a doctor. Every month the tumor decreased, and at the beginning of the 9th month it disappeared completely. An examination by doctors confirmed the absence of a tumor. She recommended your collection to those women who underwent radiation with her at the oncology clinic, and they all managed without surgery and feel healthy. I would like to note that during treatment with this “wonderful” mixture, my friend did not eat meat at all. Is it possible to publish the recipe for this collection in your newspaper, perhaps it will help many people who are now fighting for their lives?

Answer o. George:

“First of all, with such terrible deadly diseases, like a cancer, it is necessary to prepare a general Confession: confess to a priest and worthily partake of the Body and Blood of Christ.
Secondly, with such serious illness Like cancer, an accurate medical diagnosis and observation by medical specialists are necessary. This collection, about which we're talking about, has already been tested by many people and has helped many. This collection was used both by those whom official medicine was forced to abandon, and by those who only learned about their illness in the initial stages. Once a man came to us, who was discharged from the hospital in a hopeless condition with a diagnosis of " lung cancer" As you know, lung cancer has practically no cure, but I decided to give him this collection. I don’t know how long he took it, but he came to me 3.5 years later – alive”...

1. Infusion of 16 herbs:

Sage – (35 gr.);
Nettle – (25 gr.);
Rosehip - (20 gr.);
Immortelle – (20 gr.);
Bearberry – (20 gr.);
Series – (20 gr.);
Wormwood – (15 gr.);
Yarrow – (10 gr.);
Chamomile – (10 gr.);
Dried flower – (10 gr.);
Thyme – (10 gr.);
Buckthorn bark – (10 gr.);
Birch buds – (10 gr.);
Trifol (or linden flowers) – (10 gr.);
Dry marsh - (10 gr.);
Motherwort – (10 gr.).

The herbs must be finely chopped and mixed. Then take 26 grams from this collection (26 grams is approximately six tablespoons of well-chopped collection), put them in an enamel pan, pour 2.5 liters of boiling water, and leave on very low heat (95 degrees - no boiling!!!) - exactly 3 hours.

In 3 hours, the broth will evaporate to a smaller volume and become concentrated. After 3 hours, strain the broth, cool and refrigerate. Drink warm, 1 tablespoon (in severe cases– you can take 3 tablespoons) 3 times a day 1 hour before meals.

The course of treatment is 30 days, then a break of 10-12 days, and repeat the treatment again. Take as many courses as you need to complete cure. During treatment, carry out a control study of the condition of the tumor (ultrasound, x-ray). Store the infusion in the refrigerator until it runs out; In a properly functioning refrigerator, this infusion can be stored for a long time. When brewing herbs, do not forget to add holy water (preferably Epiphany water) to the decoctions - just a few drops.

This collection can also be prepared with alcohol (70% is possible) in a ratio of 1:4 (100g of carefully crushed collection per 400g of alcohol). Leave in a dark place for 1 month, take 1 teaspoon per table. a spoonful of water or milk 3-4 times a day 40 minutes before meals.

NOTE: The 16 herbs include a plant called "dried flower" which many people don't know about. This plant is otherwise called “cat’s paw”, “herb for forty ailments”, “heart immortelle” (not to be confused with sandy immortelle). “Dried flower” is also called “white immortelle”, “white St. John’s wort”, “serpentine grass”, “hernia grass” (because dried flower treats hernia). Dried flowers grow in dry meadows, pine forests, and wastelands, almost throughout the entire territory of Russia and Ukraine. This plant is up to 25 cm high, the flowers are collected in baskets of purple-pink or pale pink color. Blooms from May to the end of June. After drying, it completely retains its beautiful color.

More effective this infusion combine with ingestion of an alcoholic tincture of Sophora japonica fruits and a mixture of cognac with sea buckthorn (or olive) oil.

2. Preparation of alcohol tincture from the fruits (or flowers) of Sophora japonica:

Take 50 grams of Sophora japonica fruits or flowers and infuse it in 0.5 liters of vodka (buy high-quality vodka, be careful not to buy a fake!). Of course, it is best to take medical alcohol instead of vodka (the proportions for alcohol are the same as for vodka). You need to insist for at least 40 days! Drink 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach and before meals 30 minutes 3-4 times a day. Drink for 40 days in a row, then get examined by an oncologist. If residual signs of the disease remain, the course must be repeated 15 days after the first course. At advanced stages cancer, you need to carry out five such courses and take Sophora along with an infusion of 16 herbs, which was mentioned above. Those who cannot drink alcohol should do this: brew one tablespoon of well-chopped sophora fruits in 1 glass of boiling water, leave overnight in a thermos, strain and drink 2 tablespoons 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

3. Preparing a cognac mixture (or medical alcohol) with olive or sea buckthorn oil:

Take 30 ml of high quality cognac (or medical alcohol) mixed with 30 ml of sea buckthorn or olive oil(use another oil in in this case no!), shake well and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 1 hour before meals for 2 weeks in a row. So carry out 3 courses with 10-day breaks, then undergo an examination to monitor the reduction of the tumor: donate blood, do ultrasonography diseased organ.

Prof. Yesenkulov last years lives and works in Austria. Known as a successfully practicing phytotherapist-oncologist, author of a number of scientific works confirming the effectiveness of cancer treatment complex method combinations of herbal medicines with vitamin preparations based on changes in psychological attitudes, lifestyle and quality of nutrition of the patient himself.

It is planned that in the near future, certain excerpts from his articles published in the newspaper “Heal by Faith” will also be placed on the pages of this magazine.

Comments: 1

When illness comes, it can unsettle you for a long time, leave plans and dreams unfulfilled, and deprive you of your usual rhythm of life. Therefore, when it comes to treatment and recovery, all methods are good. Old, time-tested recipes are especially popular, as opposed to all the usual medications.

Folk recipes that come from ancient times, when famous herbalists lived who knew almost everything about plants and fruits, command respect. This knowledge helped them draw up fees, healing power which affects not only the disease, but also acts as a disease prevention and heals the body as a whole.

One of the recipes, “Father George’s Monastic Collection,” has survived to this day. It received its name from the name of the herbalist, an old miracle worker, who revived this ancient collection recipe. A lot of information about him has appeared on the Internet, let’s try to find out in more detail about this miraculous collection, so that everyone can decide for themselves: the monastery collection of Father George is true, or a scam (as they say now).

Father George's collection is a herbal collection of 16 the most beneficial herbs, which was selected over the years by a man who believed in the laws of nature and spent his life in prayer in a monastery

Monastic collection of Father George, composition of 16 herbs

The collection includes 16 types of plants, flowers and fruits, each of which has a healing effect in itself, and together, when collected, they have healing properties. Collection composition:

  1. Nettle leaf and stem.
  2. Dog-rose fruit.
  3. Birch buds.
  4. Buckthorn bark.
  5. Linden flowers.
  6. Sagebrush.
  7. Bearberry leaf.
  8. Yarrow.
  9. Thyme.
  10. Sage leaf.
  11. A series.
  12. Immortelle.
  13. Cat's paw.
  14. Motherwort grass.
  15. Chamomile flowers.
  16. Marsh dry grass.

Each plant, flower or berry from this list is probably familiar to many and at least once had to drink tea with linden, or gargle with chamomile for colds. Why is Father George's collection useful?

Of course, it is completely natural and environmentally friendly pure remedy, safe, but effective and healing

Useful properties of the collection:

  • cleanses the body of toxins, removes harmful substances and toxins;
  • increases iron levels in the blood;
  • fights inflammatory processes;
  • lowers cholesterol;
  • the liver and gall bladder begin to function better;
  • improves cell metabolism;
  • actively fights germs and infections;
  • balances the work of the central nervous system, evens out the emotional background;
  • inhibits the growth of cancer cells in oncology;
  • improves the processes of hematopoiesis and coagulation;
  • replenishes iodine deficiency;
  • relieves colds, coughing attacks weaken;
  • regulates digestion processes;
  • saturates with vitamins, macro- and microelements, improves immunity.

The collection can be useful even absolutely healthy person V for preventive purposes, to reduce the risk of disease, saturate the body useful substances and keeping it in good shape. But it is especially suitable for people with certain diseases or conditions.

Although treatment with herbal infusions (can be both primary and secondary), the procedure is long and has a cumulative effect, but still, there are no side effects from this treatment

Who is suitable for the monastery collection of Father George?

The collection showed good results in trials and has been tested on more than a thousand people, with various diseases. There were amazing results obtained that showed its effectiveness. At clinical trials Father George's monastery collection, the doctors' reviews were only positive.

The collection is suitable for people with the following conditions and diseases:

  1. Will render beneficial effect for diseases and infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract.
  2. For diseases of the circulatory system.
  3. For mastopathy and infertility in women.
  4. In case of poisoning, it will remove toxic substances from the body.
  5. Levels emotional condition for depression, various anxiety states, phobias.
  6. If you have difficulty sleeping, collecting it will normalize it, make it deeper and more fulfilling.
  7. Reduces existing pain in diseases of the musculoskeletal system and restores musculoskeletal system generally.
  8. When used in oncology, it reduces the growth of cancer cells.
  9. Restores the body to postoperative period.
  10. Helps with diseases of the digestive system, normalizes the functioning of the intestinal tract.

You take the collection as tea and receive not only an energy boost, but also support in the form of vitamins, micro- and macroelements

How to apply the fee. Methods of preparation, dosage

Despite the fact that the collection is made entirely from natural raw materials, there is no need to get carried away and drink liters of it. All plants and herbs have a cumulative effect, and drinking several cups of the prepared mixture at a time will not be of much benefit. There must be moderation in everything, especially since the collection has therapeutic effect. The manufacturer advises using a hot or warm decoction 3 to 4 times a day, preferably 30 minutes before meals.

During the period of taking the collection, it is better to avoid heavy, fatty, spicy food, and eat lighter meals while following your diet. Do not load your stomach immediately before bed and do not starve yourself during the day. Don’t forget also about clean water, which the body also needs, despite drinking from Father George’s collection.

Cooking instructions healing drink from herbal collection:

  1. It is advisable to take water not from the tap. If clean water If there is no way to get it, then you can pass tap water through a household filter.
  2. For a serving of 400-500 ml drink, take 5-10 grams of the mixture - this is about a heaped tablespoon. If the particles of grass and flowers seem too large to you, you can first chop them with a sharp knife.
  3. Place the mixture in a bowl and pour boiling water over it.
  4. In order for the collection to infuse and for the healing herbs to fully release their beneficial substances, you need to wait 30 minutes. A thermos is also suitable, and the drink will remain hot for a long time.
  5. Strain and drink before meals.

The rich herbal content of the monastery collection makes it safe and environmentally friendly, and not just useful

If you are unfamiliar with the taste of the herbal drink, you can add a little honey. But you need to add it to a slightly cooled drink, so honey will also retain its healing properties.

If you have previously used decoctions of other herbs, then it is better to abandon them while taking the monastery collection. The course of taking the collection is from one month to three. If you have been diagnosed with any disease, you can consult with your doctor and determine the duration of the monastic collection.


The composition of the monastery collection of Father George includes - these are natural raw materials, collected and dried at the right temperature. After opening the collection, it is better to pour it into a convenient container. You can store the dry collection in a tin or glass jar or linen bag. Find a storage location out of direct sunlight and away from humidity. If you have opened a pack of collection, it is advisable to use it within 2-3 months.

You need to take out a portion of the collection for brewing with a dry spoon, then carefully close the jar or tie the bag.

Advantages of the monastery collection of Father George:

  • Fully natural composition.
  • The collection is compiled according to old recipe herbalists.
  • Manual assembly and drying of raw materials.
  • You can choose the intensity of the infusion yourself. Perhaps a less infused decoction will suit you.

You shouldn’t expect an immediate effect from herbs; they “work” for sure, but cumulatively
  • All plants, flowers and fruits included in the collection have been known for their medicinal properties for many years.
  • Includes: natural antiseptics and antibiotics. The body is not clogged with pharmacological products, after which the intestinal flora needs to be restored.
  • It has a therapeutic, preventive and health-improving effect.
  • Clinically proven effectiveness.
  • Recommended by medical experts.
  • There are no side effects.

It is precisely because of its naturalness and environmental friendliness (all ingredients are collected in the clean, mountainous regions of the Caucasus) that this collection has won the hearts of many. All more people strive to monitor their health and want to improve it folk ways herbalists.

Buy with 50% discount

Thousands of people try the collection and leave their reviews on the Internet in order to talk about their recovery and suggest others a wonderful remedy.

According to Vladimir Semenovich Pronin, general practitioner highest category, the collection helps in the fight against a wide range of diseases. And when these words are spoken by a candidate of medical sciences, it really is so. Who, if not doctors, knows everything about diseases and methods of treating them.

By reading the reviews you can find out what people liked about this collection:

  • 16 herbs, the monastery collection of Father George provides positive effect for the whole body;
  • hypertension went away;
  • back pain disappeared;
  • vision has improved;
  • bronchitis has subsided;
  • stomach function has become more stable;
  • mood swings disappeared;
  • heartburn disappeared, bitterness in the mouth disappeared;
  • hemorrhoids disappeared;
  • the veins in the legs have become less noticeable;
  • immunity has increased.

The monastic collection of Father George, anyone can buy and improve the health of the entire body. Even if you don't have listed diseases, your body will only thank you when you fill it with vitamins and nutrients from the monastery collection. This is an excellent replacement for synthetic pharmacy vitamins. You won’t be able to buy Father George’s monastic collection at a pharmacy; you can purchase it in an online store with home delivery, which, you see, is very convenient.

To purchase the monastery collection of Father George, there is an official website that distributes and guarantees high quality product.

Monastery tea has unique composition, in which medicinal herbs are correctly selected. The combination of such ingredients helps to achieve rapid therapeutic effect for many diseases. Tea can be taken continuously as a main drink. It has strengthening properties, so regular use collection will help support the body and prolong its youth. Creator of a unique medicinal tea Father George is considered.

Composition of the collection

According to ancient monastery recipes medicinal collection prepared from 16 herbs. All components are organically combined with each other, which provides a powerful healing effect.

All herbs are combined in certain proportions, which were developed by Father George. That is why the original name of the tea is the collection of Father George. Most of all in the composition medicinal tea contains sage, which gives the drink a rich color and original taste.

Clinical researches

Monastery tea is recognized official medicine, since its effectiveness has been clinically proven. The conducted studies helped to reveal that all patients with various diseases who regularly took tea as their main drink began to feel significantly better after some time.

The first participants in the experiment took only the medicinal mixture as the main treatment, the second drank it together with medications. Both groups were completely healthy after the experiment was completed. It is noted that patients with diabetes mellitus and hypertension, as well as initial stage The oncologists began to feel much better, the unpleasant symptoms went away within a few days after starting to take the collection.

Medicinal properties

Father George's collection helps to cope with acute and chronic diseases.

Among the main medicinal properties mention such as:

  • promotion protective functions body;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • removal of waste and toxins;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • improvement of blood pressure;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • cholesterol reduction;
  • increased hemoglobin;
  • improving the functioning of the nervous system;
  • increasing the absorption of iodine in the body;
  • elimination of cancer cells.

Among the main indications for use are:

  • diabetes;
  • mastopathy;
  • oncology;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • frequent colds;
  • overwork;
  • headache;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • inflammation of various types;
  • poisoning;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • CNS disorders;
  • skin problems;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • intervertebral hernia.

In order for tea to have the desired effect on the body, it is important to prepare it correctly. There are several proven folk recipes how to prepare medicine at home.

The medicinal mixture can be brewed like regular tea and drunk regularly. However, when treating diseases, the infusion should be taken according to a specific recipe.

  1. 1. For chronic diseases, brew 1 tbsp. l dry collection 1 l boiling water. The infusion is prepared for 60 minutes, then take 150 ml three times a day before meals.
  2. 2. When serious illnesses, including cancerous tumors, you need to prepare a concentrated infusion. 2 tbsp. l. herbal collection brewed in boiled water- 2.5 l. The mixture simmers on fire for 2-3 hours. Afterwards, the broth is filtered and left in the refrigerator for a day. The concentrate is taken daily for 8 weeks, one tablespoon before each meal.

Treatment should be carried out in courses, with breaks of at least 2-3 weeks. When constant reception collection as the main medication may become addictive. Before use, you should consult a specialist, since many of the herbs included in the composition have strong active substances, capable of causing side effects.

Folk recipes

In folk medicine there are several recipes for monastic collections that are used for various problems with health.

  1. 1. For weight loss, brew 2 tbsp. l. dried herbs 500 ml boiling water. Leave in a water bath for 10 minutes and take throughout the day in equal portions.
  2. 2. An infusion of 1 tbsp will help with thrush. l. collection and a glass of boiling water, which is infused for 30 minutes. The medicine is then taken orally as a regular drink. Using the infusion, you can do douching. The course of treatment for candidiasis is 1 month.
  3. 3. 1 tbsp helps with osteochondrosis. l.tea, brewed with 200 ml of boiling water. The drink is infused for 15-20 minutes, then taken orally.
  4. 4. For pancreatitis, you can prepare an infusion of 1 teaspoon of dry herbs and 1 cup of boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave for 25 minutes. Strain the drink and drink. You can additionally add sugar or lemon.
  5. 5. Monastery tea will be a real salvation for older women. During menopause, you should brew 1 teaspoon of the mixture with 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 10-15 minutes. Drink without adding any additional ingredients.

To create medicines, it is important to follow the preparation technology, in otherwise the drink will be ineffective. For people prone to allergic reactions, it is important to remember that the collection consists of 16 herbs, each of which can provoke allergies, so before use you should study the composition and instructions for the collection.

It is important to buy tea from a trusted place so as not to stumble upon a fake. Some believe that this product- "divorce" and has no useful properties. Most likely, such people purchased tea without a guarantee of quality. The effect of the monastery collection has been clinically proven. Elena Malysheva recommends taking monastery tea to people suffering from chronic diseases, and also as a general tonic.

Herbal treatment has been widespread for a long time. Herbal medicine is no less popular than medical treatment medicines. In some cases, herbal treatment is a concomitant therapy to the doctor’s main prescription. In some, herbal medicine gives tremendous results and can heal serious illnesses. Many have heard that the monastery collection of 16 herbs of Father George is a unique herbal collection that helps with large amounts of pathological conditions. Sometimes this remedy is called “monastery tea,” which is not entirely true. Monastic tea (sometimes called “tea of ​​monasteries”) is another remedy that contains five herbs and can be taken without regard to dosage or specific therapeutic courses. Father George's monastic collection of sixteen herbs requires careful adherence to the recommendations for dosage and timing of administration.

Composition of Father George's herbal collection

The composition consists of sixteen herbs. The high efficiency of the composition is due to a number of reasons:

  • natural composition is accepted, carefully selected and balanced;
  • composition – a powerful combination of vitamins and microelements, which is important for the human body;
  • the effectiveness of the drug has been laboratory proven;
  • safe for human health;
  • the composition has received the approval of medical practitioners and is recommended for use;
  • does not have a wide range of contraindications and side effects;
  • recipe tested big amount patients and has proven its effectiveness;
  • herbs are collected ecologically safe places without contact with fertilizers or synthetic stimulants.

A special feature of the composition is the unique balance of natural components that can heal or improve health. As part of the monastery herbal collection of Father George, it is recommended to use:

  • stinging nettle - affects the body's metabolic processes, accelerates the elimination of toxic elements, and has a positive effect on hemoglobin levels;
  • rosehip - has huge reserve vitamins and microelements, helps the immune system activate;
  • immortelle - is a restorer of metabolic and hematopoietic processes in the human body, stabilizes the level of cholesterol fractions;
  • sage – is a “cleaner” for blood vessels, has a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs;
  • sequence - normalizes blood supply processes various organs and systems;
  • yarrow – has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, helps restore health after protracted illnesses;
  • dried flower – has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels, has a diuretic and choleretic effect, treats pulmonary diseases;
  • motherwort – has a calming ability, affects nervous diseases, treats sleep disorders, neuroses, phobias;
  • linden – effective for colds, has a diaphoretic and diuretic effect;
  • buckthorn bark – is able to evacuate harmful toxic accumulations from the body, improves the functioning of organs digestive tract, suppresses appetite;
  • birch buds are a storehouse of vitamins, help overcome vitamin deficiency, maintain body tone;
  • chamomile – has wide range actions, relieves spasms, pain, helps with insomnia and internal anxiety;
  • wormwood – productively relieves intoxication of various origins, has anti-inflammatory properties;
  • cumin – has a beneficial effect on organs digestive system, treats gastritis, peptic ulcers, helps with inflammatory processes in the joints;
  • bearberry – increases vitality body, effective in treating colds, throat diseases;
  • cudweed - overcomes skin diseases, treats joints, and is noted for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

About hirudotherapy at home

Benefits of drinking monastery tea from Father George

ABOUT high efficiency collection says not only reviews huge amount people, but also laboratory research, expert opinions.

For certain pathologies, treatment with a collection from Father George can be the remedy that will cope with the disease:

  • headache of various etiologies, localization and strength;
  • in the postoperative period to maintain a weakened body;
  • diabetes;
  • disorders in metabolic processes body;
  • sleep disorders;
  • stomach ulcers, gastritis;
  • diseases of the reproductive system of men and women;
  • cystitis;
  • arthrosis and arthritis;
  • infertility;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • high blood pressure;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • mastopathy;
  • frequent colds;
  • weight loss without objective reasons;
  • problems of the circulatory system.

The collection helped a large number of people. Everyone who used it noted a lasting improvement in their health.

  • the most important requirement is compliance with proportions; to prepare tea you need to use a small kettle;
  • the collection is infused without closing the lid; for proper brewing, air must flow into the drink;
  • The resulting drink can be taken within two days, stored in the refrigerator, do not heat it before drinking, it is better to add hot water.
  • when preparing it at home, chop the collection;
  • half a liter of water is used for a tablespoon of herbs;
  • pour boiling water over the mixture of herbs and let it brew without wrapping for thirty minutes;
  • course of treatment from one to three months;
  • take the drink three to four times a day;
  • the dose of drinking at one time is one hundred to one hundred and fifty milliliters;
  • if it is necessary to repeat the course, take a break for two weeks and take the monthly course again;
  • The course of treatment can be repeated as many times as necessary until complete recovery.

After a couple of days, most people notice improvements in their health, a surge of strength, a feeling of lightness and a boost of energy. After two to three weeks, attenuation was noted chronic diseases. The treatment resulted in cases of relief from serious diseases: asthma, hypertension, oncology and many others. To be effective, you must strictly adhere to the medication dosage regimen and consult your doctor before starting to use the collection.

Effect on the body of a collection of sixteen herbs

There are known cases when a collection of sixteen herbs by Father George healed sick people who could be helped traditional medicine was unable to. A carefully selected combination of herbs enhances the effect of each and as a result gives a very strong effect. Many call the collection miraculous, having been healed of a serious illness.

Methodology of Peter Entschur and Joseph Lokamper “Removal of toxins”

Among the main effects of herbal collection on the body are the following:

  • improves the body’s condition in case of any type of disease, supplies missing micro- and macroelements, helps restore strength;
  • has an anti-cancer effect;
  • in the postoperative period, accelerates the recovery process;
  • cleanses the body of accumulated toxins, waste, and medications;
  • stabilizes the digestive system and improves metabolic processes;
  • restores after suffering stress, nervous overstrain and chronic fatigue;
  • normalizes blood pressure, improves the condition of the circulatory system;
  • cleanses the body's natural filters;
  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive organs.

Recipes for preparing the medicinal collection of Father George

To achieve results from consuming the monastery collection, you must be especially careful in preparing the ingredients. Some herbs can be collected yourself, some can be bought at pharmacy kiosks.

When harvesting herbs on our own You should remember the basic rules for collecting herbs:

  • you need to know exactly what the grass you need to prepare looks like, many plants have similarities and are easy to confuse;
  • It is recommended to collect herbs in the area where you live; in this case, herbal treatment will be quite effective;
  • It is necessary to harvest plants away from factories, highways, fertilized gardens or fields; the distance from such objects must exceed a half-kilometer zone;
  • gather top part plants are necessary only in dry weather; it is not advisable to pick herbs after rain or wet from dew;
  • It is recommended to dig up rhizomes or roots early in the morning or after rain;
  • pluck the part that is necessary; if you need plant flowers, leave the above-ground part untouched; the rule for collecting herbs is to leave a third of the plants in each area;
  • adhere to the rules for collecting herbs regarding the lunar cycle - the above-ground part is collected during the waxing moon (the exception is nettle), the underground part of the plants is collected during the full moon or during the waning of the moon; it is believed that plants collected correctly have greater healing power;
  • collected elements medicinal herbs cannot be compacted into baskets or bags, plants must be placed loosely;
  • immediately after returning home collected plants should be placed in places without direct access sun rays, thin layer.

The recipe for preparing Father George's collection requires correct dosage. The effectiveness of treatment depends on how correctly the portions of herbs are measured. The grass is taken in the following proportions:

  • sage – thirty-five grams;
  • May rosehip - twenty grams;
  • stinging nettle - twenty-five grams;
  • bearberry - twenty grams;
  • sandy immortelle - twenty grams;
  • three-part series - twenty grams;
  • wormwood – fifteen grams;
  • chamomile – ten grams;
  • yarrow – ten grams;
  • dried flowers - ten grams;
  • dried dried fruit - ten grams;
  • thyme - ten grams;
  • motherwort cordial – ten grams;
  • linden or trefoil - ten grams;
  • buckthorn bark - ten grams;
  • birch buds - ten grams.

It should be noted that the dried flower, which may seem unfamiliar, is “cat’s paw”, or “serpentine”, “hernia grass”, “herb for forty ailment”. Blooms from late spring to early summer. It is recommended to combine the use of Father George’s collection with alcohol tincture fruits of Japanese sophora.

Cure of cancer by the monastery collection of Father George

Currently this insidious disease like cancer, it remains almost incurable disease and becomes a death sentence. Poor environmental conditions, poor quality water, GMO food and many other factors influence the appearance of terrible disease. Every year, every sixth person in the country dies from malignant neoplasms. Herbalists who treat many diseases claim that even this serious illness, like cancer, you can defeat it.

There are many scientifically proven facts when cancer patients, who are sent home to die, get back on their feet and are healed thanks to herbal treatment and spiritual enlightenment.

Father George's collection of sixteen herbs helped more than one hopelessly ill person. The infusion has a destructive effect on cancer cells any location and any severity of the disease. Besides traditional recipe for preparing the collection, another, no less, is recommended effective recipe. Take seventy percent alcohol and carefully crushed collection. The proportion is one to four, one hundred grams of collection per four hundred grams of alcohol. Let it brew for thirty days and take a teaspoon with a tablespoon of water or milk three times a day before meals.

Contraindications to the use of Father George's collection

Anyone can take the collection, except those who are allergic to one of the components of the drug. If you are unsure, you need to check experimentally - take a quarter of the recommended one-time norm. As a rule, only one in a hundred people is susceptible to an allergic reaction to the components of the collection.

It should be noted that for the first two to three days, a person taking Father George’s monastery tea will celebrate sharp deterioration health status. This is how it should be, the drink begins to act, and the body reacts this way at first. In order for Father George’s herbal treatment to bring results, one must believe. Believe that the disease will go away and victory will be certain. If a disease has changed your life and deprives you of hope, maybe a monastic collection of sixteen herbs will be the medicine that will help you heal and continue to live a full life.

To date, doctors still do not know much medicinal properties various herbs and their compounds. The development of medicine and medical science is, of course, at high level, but millions of years of experience of our ancestors allow us to apply their achievements as actively as well-known ones pharmaceuticals. And even the experience of modern healers and herbalists shows that the possibilities of traditional medicine are simply limitless. Thus, Father George’s herbal monastery collection of 16 herbs is especially popular and famous among the people. Let's clarify its composition and recipe, which has a herbal mixture of 16 herbs.

In fact, monastery tea and Father George’s collection of sixteen herbs are slightly different drinks. Monastic tea is a drink that consists of five ingredients. It is taken to achieve a general strengthening effect. You can simply drink this tea in unlimited quantities.

As for Father George’s collection of sixteen herbs, he is famous and special remedy. It can only be taken in doses and only according to a specific regimen (course of treatment). But people sometimes confuse the names, which is not critical if you understand what we are talking about... Let’s look at the composition of the collection, but call it as people do.

Composition of the monastery collection of Father George

Sage is a popular herb that has pronounced bactericidal properties. Widely used in the treatment of colds and coughs, it helps strengthen blood vessels and improve the activity of the myocardium (heart muscle). Sage also does a good job of normalizing the functioning of the digestive tract.

Nettle is another famous medicinal herb, which is known as a mild anti-inflammatory and hemostatic agent. It also effectively eliminates intoxication, promoting the removal of toxins and waste from the body, increases the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, helps improve blood composition and activate hematopoietic processes. Nettle also helps improve digestion.

Rosehip is a well-known source natural vitamin S. Wonderfully supportive immune system, activates its activity. Helps people suffering from diabetes mellitus, violations heart rate and problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sandy cinnamon is an excellent plant for the treatment of inflammatory diseases and disorders of the digestive system. This herb will be beneficial for gastritis, ulcerative lesions gastrointestinal tract, joint inflammation.

Bearberry - has a good bactericidal effect, has a positive effect on the condition of the liver, and adds strength and endurance to the body. Helps cope with diseases respiratory system, ARVI, sore throat and influenza.

The series has a lot of medicinal qualities. This plant perfectly regulates the functioning of the immune system, helps cope with allergic reactions. In addition, the series is a wonderful anti-inflammatory agent. It perfectly treats inflammation of muscles, joints and bones, helps therapy bronchopulmonary diseases and cystitis.

Wormwood - effectively eliminates a variety of intoxications in the body and helps cope with poisoning. This plant is also characterized by pronounced anti-inflammatory qualities.

Yarrow has long been used by healers as an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. This plant is also characterized by pronounced astringent qualities. Yarrow can be a good cure for liver inflammation, sore throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, gastritis, etc.

Chamomile is a well-known folk medicinal plant that has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects. Helps cope with gastrointestinal diseases and pain different localization, insomnia, colds and decreased immunity.

Dried annual flowers have a good choleretic and diuretic effect, helping to cope with bronchopulmonary diseases.

Thyme is often used by traditional medicine specialists in the treatment of colds, including cough.

Buckthorn bark helps to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reduces appetite and promotes the removal of various aggressive substances from the body.

Birch buds also quite common among healers. They contain a lot of vitamins and help cope with hypovitaminosis.

Linden is famous folk medicine for coughs, colds, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. In addition, it has a diaphoretic and diuretic effect, helping to relax.

Sushenka is characterized by antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory qualities. Helps cope with many joint ailments and skin diseases.

Motherwort is one of the most popular calming herbs. Effectively treats fears, phobias, neuroses, insomnia and sleep disorders.

Recipe for the monastery collection of Father George

The collection recipe, namely in what proportions the ingredients are combined:

* Medicinal plant sage 35 g
* Medicinal plant rosehip May 20 g
* Medicinal plant stinging nettle 25 g
* Medicinal plant bearberry 20 g
* Medicinal plant immortelle sandy 20 g
* Medicinal plant tripartite string 20 g
* Medicinal plant wormwood 15 g
* Medicinal plant chamomile 10 g
* Medicinal plant yarrow 10 g
* Medicinal plant dried flower 10 g
* Medicinal plant cudweed 10 g
* Medicinal plant thyme 10 g
* Medicinal plant motherwort cordial 10 g
* Medicinal plant water trefoil (trifol) or linden 10 g
* Buckthorn bark 10 g
* Birch buds 10 g


There are several ways to use healing collection Father George from sixteen herbs. They depend on the diseases present, and are usually indicated with reverse side package.
Classic recipe The preparation of such a drink is as follows:

Grind the purchased collection thoroughly so that there are no large parts in it. Stir. Brew a tablespoon of the resulting mixture with half a liter of just boiled water. Infuse the medicine for half an hour, then strain. Accept ready-made product one hundred to one hundred and fifty milliliters up to three to four times a day. Ideally, one package of the mixture (100g) should be enough for seventy days.

Contraindications for use

Individual intolerance, bearing and breastfeeding a child.