Purified aviation kerosene. Phlebeurysm


Unlike other traditional medicines, which, although with difficulty, have nevertheless gained recognition among doctors and healers (for example, mumiyo), kerosene is still the subject of controversy and disagreement. Dozens of enthusiastic responses from former patients who were cured of their ailments with its help appear in periodicals and on Internet sites. Along with this, there are many negative and critical comments about this product.

Below are the facts both pros and cons of using such an unusual medicine. Each person must decide for himself which category to place himself in - champions or opponents. After all, organisms are different: what is useful to one will be useless to another and will harm a third.

In any case, treatment should be started carefully, strictly following the recommendations and consulting with your doctor. And of course, always remember the main principle of any effect on the body - regardless of whether it is medicinal or not - “do no harm!”

So, what is kerosene? It is a fuel used primarily for industrial purposes. It is obtained as a result of the distillation of heavy petroleum products and consists of a mixture of hydrocarbons. Kerosene comes in mainly two grades: light and heavy. Lightweight has long been used in everyday life: for refilling kerosene lamps and heating devices. Representatives of the older generation probably remember the stove of their childhood called “kerosene”.

Heavy kerosene is used mainly for lighting warehouses, workshops, lighthouses, small ships, etc. With the beginning of the space age, it also became fuel for rocket engines: burning together with oxygen, it provided powerful thrust.

Relatively recently, about 100 years ago, rumors spread among the people that this liquid, it turns out, can not only refill lamps, but also be used for treatment.

However, in the form in which it is sold in household or other retail outlets, kerosene can only be used externally, for example, for spreading. In all other cases, it must be cleaned.


This is done in several ways. For example, like this.

1st method. Take required amount kerosene and pour it into a jar in such a way that the same amount will fit into this jar hot water(60-70%). For example, if there is 1 liter of kerosene, then the same amount of water, and the container should be 2, or better yet, 3 liters. It must be tightly closed with a lid and shaken for 2-3 minutes, periodically opening the lid to eliminate excess pressure. Let sit for a while, then carefully drain upper layer(this will be purer kerosene), without capturing flakes at the boundary of the liquids.

2nd method. Pour 3 tablespoons of fine table salt into a clean glass jar, place a plastic funnel into the neck of the jar, and into it a tight ball of cotton wool or several layers of gauze. Pour kerosene into the jar through this homemade filter. After this, you need to prepare a deep pan, place a stand on the bottom of which, and a jar of salt and kerosene on it. The water level in the pan should be slightly higher than the level of kerosene in the jar. Do not close the neck of the jar and put the whole thing on low heat. In this water bath, the kerosene must be kept from the moment the water boils for exactly one and a half hours. The appearance of a sharp, unpleasant odor is a natural phenomenon, so it is better to clean it in the open air or with the windows open.

Salt is needed here for more high-quality cleaning kerosene: it absorbs all the harmful substances contained in it. But you can’t mix it!

After an hour and a half, the jar must be removed from the water, and this must be done with extreme caution so as not to stir up the salt at the bottom. Just carefully pour the kerosene into a dark glass container (you can wrap a regular jar in dark paper).

As a result of this purification, from 0.5 liters of ordinary technical kerosene, about 0.4 liters of purified kerosene is obtained. You can store it for a year, in a dark place out of reach of children.


The history of treatment with this liquid includes the name of the Austrian nurse Paula Kerner. She was in one of the last stages of bowel cancer, and doctors believed her days were numbered. The woman decided that things couldn’t get worse for her and little by little began to take... kerosene. After three days she was able to get out of bed, after 5 she ate for the first time without vomiting, and after another month and a half she felt healthy. Thus, Paula cured herself, and then several dozen other patients.

The treatment method she proposed was patented in many European countries. What did it consist of? Individually for each patient, a period was set during which 15 drops of kerosene on a piece of sugar should be taken. According to the author of the technique, nurse Kerner, kerosene stimulates the lymphatic vessels and heals the blood. It is not harmful to anyone if it is first purified and the dosage is followed.

There are many other examples of such miraculous cures, especially for cancer patients. However, in no case are the results of a qualified analysis of the properties of this substance provided, as well as a description of the body’s reaction to its effects and possible negative consequences.

Meanwhile, there are no less stories that ended very pitifully. Thus, a person who took 3-4 teaspoons of this liquid daily for several months was not cured of his illness, but died from cirrhosis of the liver and serious pathologies pancreas and kidneys caused by kerosene consumption.

It also happens, alas, that although improvement occurs, it lasts only a few weeks or even days, and then the patient’s condition sharply worsens and becomes even worse than before the “treatment.”

But, despite these facts, the healing properties of kerosene still cannot be denied. It helps with a number of diseases: hemorrhoids, kidney and urinary tract disorders, radiculitis, lumbago, abscesses, atherosclerosis and many others. Almost all recipes contain not pure kerosene, but nut-kerosene extract. Let's take a closer look at this drug.


The healing properties of walnuts were known back in Ancient Rome. And later it was discovered that kerosene helps to strengthen them. At first, this mixture was used only externally, and then internally. The healers' recommendations prescribed adding 15 drops of the extract to a piece of sugar, and at the same time, to strengthen the body's defenses, one should drink 0.5 glasses of fresh vegetable or fruit juices 3 times a day.

You can make the drug yourself. To do this, you need to cut green walnuts of milky ripeness into slices (or grind them in a meat grinder) and place them in a glass jar with a capacity corresponding to the number of nuts, so that it is 2/3 full. Pour purified kerosene over the nuts.

Place a tightly closed jar in a dark place for three weeks. After this time, the liquid must be filtered through several layers of gauze or special filter paper.

The filtered tincture is poured into another jar, tightly closed and stored in a cool, dark place, where it can be stored for a year.

An analogue of this home remedy is a medicine that has received recognition in official medicine, called “todikamp”. The history of its creation is interesting.

The name of the drug comes from the name of its creator - folk healer M. P. Todik. It all started when, at the age of 45, radiculitis began to plague him. No medications helped, and the pain became stronger and stronger. It got to the point where relatively young, strong man Having gone through the war, he began to think about ending his life. But then I decided that it was never too late to do this and began to look for another way out.

The powerful phytocidal properties of the walnut were well known to him. But this plant itself does not have the ability to penetrate deeply into tissues, and kerosene could help with this. And Todika decided to make an extract from these two components.

His own invention literally brought the man back to life: after the first compress, the pain subsided, and the next few made him forget about it forever! In addition to this, the healer also noticed a number of favorable changes in his own health: the cold went away, long-term infiltrates from injections resolved. And this despite the fact that the compresses were placed only on the lower back!

After that, Todika helped many other people recover from a number of diseases: arthritis, pyelonephritis, hypertension and others, including cancer. For a long time, despite criticism and attacks from official bodies, including the USSR Ministry of Health, he successfully treated patients. And only literally a month before his death he finally received documentary evidence of the high effectiveness of the drug.

Thus, a new medicine has now been created that promises relief from ailments that are difficult to treat. As for oncology, it fights not so much with the neoplasm itself, but with the causes that cause it, sharply increasing protective power body.

The tincture is a slightly oily liquid, light, with the smell of kerosene and a loose sediment - a nut. It is well absorbed into the skin and is used both externally and internally. But it should be borne in mind that “todikamp” is far from the same thing as a homemade tincture of nuts on kerosene. The liquid is industrially distilled and purified so that from 20 tons of kerosene only 1 ton of the base for the medicine is obtained. Specially prepared and Walnut, as a result of which its activity increases.

Several years ago, two varieties of this extract appeared: phytodine and todiclark.

Phytodin contains, in addition to the already familiar mixture of nuts and kerosene, medicinal plants: wormwood, garlic, cherry laurel, eucalyptus, poplar buds, birch, myrtle. IN this drug The purpose of herbs is as follows: they help reduce the burden on the body and increase its protective properties. Phytodin is usually mixed with water and added with baby powder, talc or starch. The result is an ointment that is used externally for applications.

Todiklark almost completely repeats Todikamp, ​​but here the familiar walnut is replaced with American walnut, which is black in color. According to some experts, this nut is much more effective than walnuts; they advise taking it with powder from the herbs of wormwood, cloves, tansy - 1/2 or 1/3 teaspoon each. After a month's course there is a break of 1 month, and a total of 3 such courses are conducted per year.


It is completely unacceptable to replace kerosene with gasoline, since gasoline is much more toxic.

Before starting treatment with kerosene, it is necessary to do a test to determine the body’s reaction to this substance. It is done like this: rub the skin behind the ear with a small amount of kerosene, and if there are no rashes, then you are not allergic to it.

Kerosene therapy cannot be carried out if there are liver diseases. And after ingestion, even very small portions substances may have easy place burning in the stomach, belching, nausea. Therefore, it should be taken on an empty stomach, and food should be taken after 1-2 hours.

Direct contact of pure kerosene with mucous membranes should not be allowed: in most cases this can cause a burn, for example, after gargling with it for a sore throat. In this case, the throat can only be lightly lubricated, and then only with great care.

Kerosene is not used in treating children!

After using this liquid externally, be sure to lubricate the skin in places of contact with baby cream or Vaseline to avoid irritation, peeling, itching, etc. If, after applying a compress or lotion, a burning sensation or severe itching appears, the compress should be removed to avoid burns. Rubbing can be done no more than 2-3 times a day, every other day.

Drowsiness may occur during treatment with Todicamp. depressive state. This is normal and can last the entire course, but it is unacceptable to combine it with taking psychotropic substances, as well as drugs that lower blood pressure: may occur sharp drop pressure, Todikamp is also not compatible with alcohol, long stay in the sun, during the period of taking it you should try not to get nervous and not overwork. And after treatment is completed, you should not be in direct sunlight for another 1.5-2 years.

As you can see, kerosene and preparations based on it are far from harmless. But there is every reason to hope that, if you are careful, they will bring you benefit and heal not only from ailments, but also from serious ailments.

Let's start with a few examples.

According to Paula Goepper (Austria), she cured over 20 thousand patients with a patent in different countries. She had cancer and was cured when all help was useless. During my illness I lost 14 kg. During the operation, part of her intestine was removed; it was too late for the second operation to remove the rectum; the anus was closed. After 8 days in the hospital, she was discharged home as incurable. The doctors assumed that death would occur in a few days, Paula lay paralyzed and at that time she remembered a story from the First World War that in Yugoslavia, for various ailments, they drink kerosene and also rub the body.

Having received kerosene, Paula began to drink a teaspoon of it on an empty stomach. Relief came, paralysis subsided, and the pain stopped after three days. After some treatment with kerosene, she could walk. Vomiting stopped. After 6 weeks of treatment, her appetite returned. Over time, she gained her weight. 11 months after recovery, Paula gave birth. son A month after giving birth, she began donating blood. Now she is an honorary donor.

In 1962, G.N died. A year ago, she discovered a knot on her chest that was growing and painful. She was 30 years old. The breast was amputated, but metastases were found on the ovaries and uterus. She started drinking kerosene. The pain subsided, her blood pressure returned to normal, and the cancerous nodes disappeared.

Another example. P.V. was sick with stomach cancer. The patient took 1 tsp 3 times a day for 2 weeks. I drank kerosene, and after 15 days I felt good and didn’t drink kerosene anymore. A number of diseases can be named diabetes, paralysis and others that kerosene cures, and side effects Kerosene does not cause

Mode of application

For prevention, drink 1 tsp of kerosene throughout the year so that the disease does not recur. Paula consumes 1 tsp of kerosene every year for 12 days in a row. on an empty stomach Due to the fact that not everyone can drink kerosene on an empty stomach, you can start with 5-6 drops with boiled water 2-3 times after meals. Treatment is carried out for a month. You can use 15 drops per piece of sugar. The result is controlled by urine and blood tests. Sometimes there is diarrhea.

Kerosene cures any blood poisoning. In many cases of cancer, when surgery and other means did not lead to anything, oil (kerosene) gave positive results. Did not lead to poisoning or other consequences. This distilled oil was used for blood diseases, ulcers, malignant tumors, and diabetes.

For diabetes, it was enough to give 5 drops of kerosene for 4-5 weeks. For blood diseases, as well as for ulcers, a small spoon was taken. First, for 1 week, and then after a 2-month break - 2 weeks, 1 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach, 1.5 months, 1 teaspoon. After drinking kerosene, they drank a teaspoon of sunflower oil to lubricate the throat. Note: You may feel nauseous and even vomit, but continue to drink. After this, the intestines will be cleansed and eliminate unnecessary things.

How to obtain kerosene suitable for treatment

TO GET KEROSENE AT HOME and make it suitable for treatment, you need to take ordinary kerosene, pour it into a milk bottle, add 3 tbsp. salt ‘Extra’ and then strain the kerosene through cotton wool and a bandage into another bottle so that it is completely filled. Place the pan with a stand in cold water, bring to a boil and simmer for 1.5 hours. Do not cover the bottle or pan with a lid. The salt will remain at the bottom.

    Respiratory diseases
      Sore throat (tonsillitis) Sinusitis Runny nose (rhinitis) Bronchial asthma Bronchitis Pulmonary tuberculosis
    Diseases of the cardiovascular system Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract Nervous system diseases
      Radiculitis Vegetovascular (neurocirculatory) dystonia Migraine
    Diseases of the genitourinary area
      Chronic pyelonephritis and cystitis Urolithiasis (kidney stones) Trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis) Prostatitis Prostate adenoma
    Skin diseases
      Psoriasis Eczema Erysipelas Pediculosis (lice) Dandruff (oily seborrhea) Lichen Scabies Furunculosis Warts Calluses Wounds Alopecia (baldness) Papillomas Cancers
    Other healing properties attributed to kerosene
Respiratory diseases
Sore throat (tonsillitis)

Sore throat – acute general infection with the most pronounced local inflammatory process in the area of ​​the tonsils. More often affected tonsils. Sore throat is more often observed in spring and autumn (during the transitional season with unstable air temperatures).

Treatment methods:

10 drops of kerosene are diluted in 50 grams of warm water. Gargle with the resulting solution after meals every day for a week. Then a break is taken for 1 - 2 weeks (depending on the result).

Using kerosene as a compress: a cloth is soaked in heated kerosene, then wrung out and wrapped around the neck. A scarf or woolen fabric is placed on top. Keep the compress on for as long as possible.

Kerosene lubrication is also used to treat sore throat. To do this, you need to wrap cotton wool on a thin long stick and dip it in purified kerosene. Inflamed tonsils lubricate with kerosene every half hour. When neglected form tonsillitis, when abscesses have already formed on the tonsils, it is strongly not recommended to lubricate them with kerosene.

Rinsing is often used weak solution purified kerosene. For this purpose, in a warm glass boiled water(the temperature of which should not exceed 25°C) you need to dissolve half a tablespoon of tea soda. 1 tablespoon of kerosene is added to the resulting solution. Well similar treatment is 6 – 8 days, the frequency of rinsing is 4 – 12 times a day.


Sinusitis – inflammatory disease paranasal (paranasal) sinuses. Depending on which sinuses are affected, they are divided into: sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis and sphenoiditis.

Method of treatment:

A special ointment is prepared from pork fat and kerosene (4:1) and rubbed into the skin of the cheeks on both sides of the nose and the forehead area located directly above the bridge of the nose. The procedure is carried out simultaneously with the placement of tampons soaked in this ointment into the nasal passages for 3 hours (once a day).

Runny nose (rhinitis)

Treatment methods:

Cotton swabs are wrapped around 2 matches, then moistened with kerosene and inserted into both nostrils for 2-3 minutes before bedtime. The procedure is carried out 3 to 5 times every other day (this method is also suitable for the treatment of sinusitis).

If you have a runny nose, you can also lubricate the soles of your feet with kerosene.

Bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma is a chronic relapsing disease characterized by attacks of suffocation due to bronchial spasm.

Method of treatment:

Prepare a kerosene solution: 9 drops of purified kerosene per glass of warm water. This solution is taken orally daily, every 2 hours, 1/3 cup.

You can also rub your back and chest with the following ointment: Vaseline and kerosene in a ratio of 4:1.


Bronchitis is inflammatory lesion bronchial tree.

Treatment methods:

To treat inflammation of the bronchi, kerosene is used both externally and internally.

As an external remedy, kerosene is used in the form of rubbing on the chest, which is carried out before bed. After completing the procedure, the patient must be covered with a warm blanket.

Treatment chronic bronchitis is also carried out using special compresses with kerosene, which are applied to chest, with the exception of the heart area. Compresses are used for 14 - 15 days every 48 hours. The duration of each procedure should not exceed 4 hours.

Orally for bronchitis, kerosene is usually taken with milk. The course of such treatment is 40 days. In this case, for 20 days, add one drop of kerosene per 100 g of milk at night, after which the dose is reduced by 1 drop over the next 20 days.

Kerosene is also taken internally in the form of an aqueous solution (7 - 8 drops of kerosene per glass of warm water), which is taken orally daily, 1/2 cup every 2 - 3 hours.

Pulmonary tuberculosis

Method of treatment:

Mixture applied lamb fat with kerosene in a ratio of 15:1, which should be taken 2 - 3 times a day, 1/2 - 1/3 tablespoon after meals. The duration of the course is not limited.

You can also use a mixture of black radish juice and kerosene (5:1). The product is taken 3-4 times a day, one tablespoon. Course – 3 – 4 weeks.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease characterized by damage to the walls of the aorta with their thickening and the formation of connective tissue with lipid (fatty) plaques. Such changes narrow the lumen of blood vessels and, with increased blood clotting, lead to the formation of blood clots.

The development of atherosclerosis is promoted by: genetic factors, dietary disorders, smoking, hypertension.

Method of treatment:

Add 1 tablespoon of purified kerosene to one glass of carefully crushed corn grains and carefully squeeze out the juice. The resulting product is divided into 3 servings and taken during the day half an hour before meals. The juice is drunk daily for 3 weeks.

Myocardial infarction

Myocardial infarction – damage to the heart muscle due to blockage coronary artery or one of its branches.

Methods of rehabilitation therapy after a heart attack:

Six drops of purified kerosene per glass of warm boiled water. Drink 1/2 glass 2 - 3 times a day 2 hours after meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.


Method of treatment:

A mixture of apple cider vinegar and purified kerosene (2:1) lubricate (but do not rub) the areas affected by varicose veins 2 times a day. The mixture must be shaken thoroughly before each use.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

This is a chronic relapsing disease with the formation of ulcers of the mucous and submucosal membranes of the stomach or duodenum. Most characteristic symptoms Peptic ulcers include abdominal pain (usually in the epigastric region), vomiting and gastric bleeding. In addition to vomiting, other dyspeptic symptoms are observed: heartburn, nausea, belching. Appetite is usually not impaired, but when severe pain patients avoid eating for fear of their recurrence.

Method of treatment:

In the first week, take 1 drop of Todicamp in 1/4 glass of water three times a day, half an hour before meals. In the second week - 2 drops according to the same scheme. In the third week - 3 drops.

The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

Chronic colitis

Chronic colitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the large intestine.

Method of treatment:

Take an aqueous solution of kerosene (10 drops of purified kerosene per glass of warm boiled water) 1-2 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 3 – 4 weeks.

Helminthiasis (worms)

The following types of helminths are most often found in our country.

Roundworms are the most common helminth in the world. They reach a length of up to 40 cm. At the first stage of ascariasis, the respiratory organs and skin are affected, abdominal pain, allergic reactions occur, and the liver enlarges. At the second stage - abdominal pain, fever, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headaches, fatigue.

Pinworms can cause diseases of the intestines (including appendicitis) and the genitourinary system.

Tapeworm (wide tapeworm) is a large worm reaching a length of up to 9 meters. Infection occurs when eating poorly fried or cooked fish. Tapeworm causes hypovitaminosis (vitamin deficiency), diarrhea, constipation, nausea and vomiting, weakness, and headaches.

Whipworm (trichocephalus) is a worm 3–3.5 cm long. It causes diseases of the intestines (colitis, appendicitis, etc.), stomach and gall bladder. Provokes the development of anemia and allergic reactions.

The liver fluke penetrates into human body when drinking unboiled water or unwashed vegetables. After 1–8 weeks, fever, weakness, and allergic reactions occur. The liver enlarges and jaundice occurs.

Method of treatment:

Drink purified kerosene (or Todikamp) in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 teaspoon for a course of up to four weeks.


Gallstone disease is a disease accompanied by the formation of stones in the bile ducts, gallbladder or liver.

Method of treatment:

In the absence of attacks of biliary colic (as conservative treatment) a two-week course of taking purified kerosene with lemon juice is recommended: mix 3 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice with warm boiled water and three drops of kerosene; take one hour before meals. Contraindicated for increased acidity gastric juice.


Dysbacteriosis is pathological condition intestinal microflora. Manifested by loose stools and increased gas formation. The main causes of intestinal dysbiosis are: the use of drugs that adversely affect intestinal microflora(especially antibiotics), excessive solar activity, unfavorable environmental conditions, change climatic conditions, intestinal infections, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, hepatitis, etc.), surgery, nutritional disorder.

Method of treatment:

Add 5-10 drops of kerosene to one teaspoon of sugar and wash it down with water. Take every morning on an empty stomach.


Hemorrhoids - expansion of the cavernous veins lower section rectum - nodes, sometimes bleeding, inflamed and pinched in the anus. Stagnation of blood in the rectum predisposes to hemorrhoids (constipation, sedentary image life).

Treatment methods:

Take castor oil, vegetable oil and kerosene (2:6:1) and mix thoroughly. Take the prepared mixture at night, 3 tablespoons daily.

Applications. Soak a gauze pad in purified kerosene and apply to the area anus for 1 hour. The procedure is carried out daily before bed after bowel movements.

Joint diseases
Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease characterized by chronic progressive inflammation of the joints of the extremities.

Treatment methods:

Rubbing. Take 200 g of salt and 100 g mustard powder, add the same amount of purified kerosene to obtain a thick mixture; rub into joints at night. Also used for rubbing is a mixture of kerosene and fir oil in a ratio of 1:2, which is rubbed into the painful area of ​​the joint in a circular motion for 15 minutes before going to bed. Rubbing should be carried out daily for 1 – 2 months.

Kerosene-soap compress. Moisten a piece of soft canvas fabric (without synthetics) with kerosene and wring it out. One side of it is soaped laundry soap until a shiny layer forms. Place the compress with the soapy side out on the sore spot. Cover the top with oilcloth, then apply polyethylene and a layer of cotton wool and bandage it around the body.

Baths. Kerosene is poured into a bucket or basin and the inflamed joint is lowered into it for 20 minutes.

In addition, arthritis is treated by rubbing Todicamp into the skin of the affected joint.


Gout is a chronic disease caused by metabolic disorders with increased levels of uric acid in the blood and the deposition of its salts in joints, other tissues and organs. Manifests acute attacks arthritis, deformation of joints with impairment of their function. Causes: heredity, overeating (mainly abuse of meat and alcohol).

Method of treatment:

A mixture of kerosene and Golden Star balm is applied to the area of ​​the affected joint. After an hour, the skin is washed warm water and dry, after which a warming bandage is applied.

Heel spur

A spur is a growth on the surface of a bone.

Method of treatment:

Take the head onions and cut in half. Place a drop of kerosene on the cut surface of each onion half and apply to painful areas calcaneus, bandage. The number of procedures is not limited.

Nervous system diseases

Radiculitis is a disease caused by damage to the roots of the spinal nerves.

Treatment methods:

Rubbing. For rubbing, you can use the same mixture of salt, mustard and kerosene as for rheumatism. The following remedy is more effective: grind 5 - 10 red pepper pods, mix them with 250 g of sunflower oil and 250 g of kerosene, then leave in a warm place for 9 days, shaking well every day. Rub into the painful area overnight.

Beetroot-kerosene compress. To do this, you will need a piece of cotton fabric the size of 1/4 of a sheet and a piece of plastic film of the same size. 3 medium-sized beets (not peeled, but thoroughly washed) are grated on a fine grater and squeezed through cheesecloth. beet juice, for the compress you only need the cake. A large towel is spread on the bed, two layers of rags are placed on it, then plastic wrap is placed on it. Beet pulp is laid out on the film in the form of a rectangle and sprinkled with kerosene several times. Then a piece of cloth is spread on the cake, on which you need to lie down so that the compress is on the sore lower back. After this, the ends of the towel are tied on the stomach. The compress is kept for up to two hours. After the procedure, to relieve redness, it is recommended to wipe the skin of the back with a damp swab and lubricate it with Vaseline.

Vegetovascular (neurocirculatory) dystonia

Vegetovascular dystonia is a disease caused by mismatch physical development and the formation of neuroendocrine function. More common in adolescence and is manifested primarily by neurosis-like conditions (weakness, fatigue, sleep disturbance, irritability).

Method of treatment:

Mix 4 tablespoons of parsley juice, 1 tablespoon of oat juice and 1 teaspoon of purified kerosene. Take every other day, once a day. The course of treatment is 4 – 6 weeks.


Migraine is a disease characterized by paroxysmal, often unilateral, headaches.

Method for relieving a migraine attack: Apply cotton balls soaked in purified kerosene to the temples and parotid sockets for 30–40 minutes.

Diseases of the genitourinary area
Chronic pyelonephritis and cystitis

Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory disease of the kidneys.

Cystitis is inflammation of the bladder wall.

Method of treatment of pyelonephritis and cystitis:

Take 20 g of heather grass and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for 2 hours, then filter. Add 2 tablespoons of purified kerosene to the infusion and heat the resulting mixture over low heat for 15 to 20 minutes. Then filter again through 4 – 6 layers of gauze. The resulting product is taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals for a course of up to three weeks. After 1.5 - 2 months the course must be repeated.

Urolithiasis (kidney stones)

Urolithiasis is a disease that occurs with the formation of stones in the urinary organs.

Method of treatment:

A piece of wool soaked in kerosene is applied to the lower back (in the area of ​​​​the projection of the renal pelvis), covering it with a layer of polyethylene. The procedure can last up to 2 hours (depending on the degree of individual intolerance) and is carried out daily, once a day, for a course of 2 weeks.

Trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis)

Trichomoniasis is an infectious disease caused by Trichomonas. Infection is mainly through sexual contact. Manifested by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the genitourinary tract (burning, itching, foamy or purulent discharge).

Method of treatment:

Take 1 cup of walnut partitions, grind in a coffee grinder and pour in 1 cup of purified kerosene. Leave in a dark place for 24 hours. On the first day, take 5 drops on an empty stomach, on the second – 10 drops, on the third – 20 drops, and continue to take 20 drops for a month.


Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate gland, usually infectious nature, with rapid painful urination, urinary retention.

Method of treatment:

Lotions with purified kerosene are applied to the perineal area (between the scrotum and the anus) 1 – 2 times a day. The duration of the procedure is 20 – 30 minutes.


BPH - benign tumor prostate gland.

Method of treatment:

Take 1 tablespoon of purified kerosene once a day, 30 minutes before meals, with a glass of boiled water and honey. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, then a ten-day break follows, and the course is repeated. Before the third course, a twenty-day break is taken.

Skin diseases

Psoriasis is a chronic, non-contagious skin disease characterized by scaly rashes on the skin. Despite several theories, the exact cause of the disease has not been established.

Method of treatment:

Take Todikamp 8-10 drops on two tablespoons of honey once a day before meals. Treatment is carried out until noticeable improvement is achieved.


Eczema is an inflammation of the skin of a neuro-allergic nature, characterized by a long-term recurrent course, itching and rash.

Method of treatment:

Take dried dandelion and oleaster roots, separately crushed into powder, and add 100 ml of purified kerosene to each component. Then rub with a wooden spoon in an enamel bowl for half an hour. The product is stored in a glass jar with a lid (in a cool place). The resulting ointment is applied to the affected areas before going to bed.


Erysipelas is an infectious skin disease characterized by focal inflammation (in the form of “flames”), fever and intoxication.

Method of treatment:

Lubricate the inflammation site 3-4 times a day with kerosene. Kerosene is washed off the skin after 10 minutes. The course of treatment is 2 – 3 days.

Pediculosis (lice)

Treatment methods:

Kerosene compress: hair is lubricated with kerosene and the head is wrapped in a towel. The compress is kept for at least two hours, then the hair is rinsed and combed with a fine comb.

Kerosene-oil compress: hair is moistened with the mixture vegetable oil(linen or sunflower) and kerosene (1:1) and apply a bandage with wax paper for 5 - 6 hours. After two procedures, the head is washed hot water with soap, then comb your hair with a fine comb.

Dandruff (oily seborrhea)

Method of treatment:

A mixture of vodka, kerosene and onion juice, taken in a ratio of 2:1:1, is rubbed into the scalp.

Another remedy: 1 part kerosene, 2 parts castor oil and 10 parts alcohol. Mix and rub the resulting mixture into the scalp.


Ringworm is a group of diseases that arise from various reasons and striking skin, mucous membrane and nails.

Method of treatment:

Prepare a mixture of 3 teaspoons fish oil and 1 teaspoon of kerosene. The resulting substance is applied to gauze folded in four and applied to the skin affected by lichen.


Scabies is a contagious skin disease caused by the scabies mite.

Method of treatment:

Prepare an ointment with the following composition: 6 ml of kerosene, 1 g of green soap, 6 g of purified sulfur, 5 g of chalk and an ointment base (for example, wax ointment). Rub the itchy areas of the skin.


Furuncle - inflammation hair follicle caused by staphylococcus.

Method of treatment:

Lubricate the affected areas of the skin with purified kerosene. By the way, some authors claim that this method can also be used to treat furunculosis of the facial skin, while others categorically do not recommend doing this.


Method of treatment: lubricating warts with Todikamp.


Method of treatment:

Place your feet or hands in kerosene for 10 minutes every evening. Then they are doused cold water and wipe dry.


Treatment methods:

Kerosene ointment is used to heal wounds. To prepare it you need to take 2 yolks, a piece beeswax the size of a bean, one teaspoon of kerosene and 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil. You need to boil the oil, add wax to it and boil for another minute. The mixture is cooled to warm state and kerosene and yolks are added to it. Then stir well. The ointment is applied to non-healing wounds (including operating wounds).

Another recipe for long-term treatment non-healing wounds. Take 1 liter of sunflower oil, 30 ml of freshly squeezed celandine juice and 100 ml of purified kerosene. Mix thoroughly and leave for a week in a cool, dark place. Gauze soaked in this mixture is applied to wound surface. Change the dressing – 2 times a day. Course – 2 weeks.

There is information that using kerosene can also pull out a splinter. To do this, just lubricate the skin with kerosene and seal it with an adhesive plaster.

Alopecia (baldness)

Method of treatment:

Mix olive oil with kerosene in a 1:1 ratio. The resulting mass is rubbed into the hair roots once a week 2 – 3 hours before washing.


Papilloma is a benign tumor of the skin or mucous membrane, having the appearance of a papilla or “cauliflower”.

Method of treatment:

Papillomas are lubricated with Todikamp 1-2 times a day.


The possibility of using kerosene for the treatment of cancer causes (for obvious reasons) the most heated debate between supporters and opponents this method therapy.

Cancer is a malignant tumor of epithelial origin. Primary cancer can develop in all organs human body, where there is one or another type of epithelium. Most often, cancer occurs in the lungs, stomach, uterus, breasts, esophagus, intestines and skin. Characteristic feature cancer is its limitless growth: once having arisen in one or another organ, the primary cancerous tumor grows steadily and non-stop, germinates and destroys surrounding tissues and from here is transported through the lymphatic tract to other organs, forming new ones in them cancerous tumors(metastases). Cancer metastases can occur in all organs, without exception.

Symptoms on initial stages tumor development is usually absent. There is no spontaneous cure for cancer. Most radical method The current treatment is surgery (tumor removal). But even after these operations, relapses often develop and metastases occur. Along with operational methods For treatment, official medicine also uses chemotherapy (treatment with cytostatics - drugs that suppress the growth of both patients and healthy cells body) and radiation therapy, which also do not guarantee a complete cure.

Tumor growth is the random proliferation of body cells. It is still unknown exactly what the reason is, but there are a great many theories. Below we present the most “popular” of them.

    The carcinogenic theory states that cancer can be caused by exposure to certain substances (carcinogens). According to Rous's viral theory, tumor growth is caused by viruses. In addition, according to Zilber’s virus-senetic theory: in addition to ordinary viruses, there are oncoviruses, which cause tumors. The fissural theory states that cancer occurs when tissue is compressed. According to the theory of disembryonic rudiments, the rudiments of embryonic tissues remain in the human body, which, when favorable conditions develop into cancerous tumors. And finally, the polyetiological theory states that cancer occurs under the influence of a variety of factors. That is, to put it simply, it is easier to name the reasons, not causing cancer than those that cause it.

Methods for treating cancer with kerosene:

    Treatment with Todikamp. 1 teaspoon - 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The course is 4 weeks. Number of courses – 3, with breaks of one month. Birch mushroom(chaga) with purified kerosene. It is necessary to first prepare the chaga infusion.
    The dried chaga is crushed and filled with cold filtered water (1:3), after which it is infused at room temperature in a dark place for 4 hours. Then the water must be poured into a separate container, the softened pieces of chaga should be grated, poured with five glasses of warm water and left to infuse for two days, after which the infusion is poured into a glass vessel and mixed with the water in which the chaga was originally infused.
    Chaga is taken orally along with a piece of refined sugar soaked in purified kerosene. Chaga is consumed with kerosene in the morning, immediately before breakfast.
    The course of treatment with kerosene and chaga solution lasts 26 days. For the next 30 days, take exclusively birch mushroom infusion, one glass 3 times a day, half an hour before meals. After this the course is resumed joint treatment chaga and kerosene.
Other healing properties attributed to kerosene

IN Lately Some kerosene preparations are often associated with such effects on the human body as rejuvenating, cleansing and restorative effects. In this regard, Todikamp is most often mentioned.

For the purpose of rejuvenation, it is recommended to take Todikamp 2-3 drops per 1/2 cup of warm boiled water 2-3 times a day for a preventive course of 6 weeks.

And here is another “elixir of longevity”:

“Add 3 tablespoons of purified kerosene to 0.5 liters of fresh apple cider vinegar. The resulting drug should be taken 1 teaspoon per 1 glass of boiled water 1 – 2 times a day. You just need to shake the vessel with the prepared “elixir” thoroughly immediately before use. The preventative course of recovery lasts from 6 to 3 weeks.”

To achieve the effect of cleansing the body, it is recommended to take Todikamp 8-10 drops in 2 tablespoons of honey once a day before meals. The course of treatment is not limited.

At the same time, when using a gentle regimen, it is recommended to take kerosene immediately before meals, and when using full diagram– half an hour before meals.

Becoming more and more in demand folk remedies on the use of kerosene in treatment various diseases. Kerosene itself has some generally recognized healing properties:

  1. It warms up well
  2. Destroys harmful viruses and bacteria,
  3. Dries wet wounds (even purulent ones)
  4. Breaks up phlegm and lymph,
  5. Completely destroys adhesions,
  6. Relieves any type of inflammation,
  7. Has a strong anesthetic effect,
  8. Strengthens immunity,
  9. Dilates blood vessels
  10. Speeds up metabolic processes and etc.

Before using kerosene medicinal purposes it definitely needs to be cleaned.

  1. Mix kerosene and water heated to 60 C in equal parts. Then shake the tightly sealed jar vigorously for several minutes. Remember to open the lid from time to time to reduce the kinetic pressure! Let the liquid settle and pour off the kerosene, being careful not to disturb the sediment at the bottom of the jar. Don't forget about safety precautions when cleaning kerosene. Accumulated gases can cause serious poisoning or cause an explosion.
  2. Prepare a mixture of kerosene and hot water in equal parts, stir thoroughly, after the mixture has settled, drain. Pour half a glass of salt into the resulting substance and shake and leave for 24 hours in a secluded place. Then filter several times through Activated carbon. Now the kerosene is ready for use.
  3. Pour 50 g of rock salt into any container, filter the kerosene through several layers of gauze and pour it there. The jar with the mixture is heated in a water bath for 90 minutes. You cannot close the jar with a lid. It is better to purify kerosene at fresh air, since this procedure produces an extremely unpleasant odor. Upon completion of the procedure, carefully remove the jar from the pan and carefully pour the contents into a clean, opaque container. When hermetically sealed in such containers, kerosene can be stored for up to 2 years.

Sometimes, instead of self-purified kerosene, it is recommended to use aviation kerosene; it is believed that it is much more effective in its healing properties.

Medicinal tinctures on kerosene

Nowadays, kerosene tincture is used more on young walnuts that have barely reached milky ripeness. This treatment gives good results even in the treatment of oncology.

It is possible to prepare the tincture on your own. Pour about two-thirds of the chopped nuts into a glass jar. Add kerosene to the top here. Place the jar in a closed, cool place for a period of 21 days, be sure to close it with a tight lid. After which the liquid is filtered several times, and the resulting mixture is stored in a dark place, tightly closed, for up to one year.

The use of this tincture allows not only to get rid of chronic diseases, but also to increase immunity. Several factors will influence the dose of medication: age, physical state the patient, the severity of the disease, etc. For preventive purposes, the tincture is used according to an increasing scheme, starting with one drop in half a glass of water 30 minutes before meals, increasing the intake by one drop per day to 24, and then reducing to one. If desired and feeling unwell repeat the reception, but not earlier than a month later.

How to take drugs using kerosene correctly

First of all, you should know that official medicine does not recognize kerosene treatment, and there are no official methods for such treatment. Therefore, first of all, weigh the pros and cons of using kerosene for medicinal purposes.

Next, before starting serious treatment with kerosene, you need to conduct tests to determine the body’s reaction to kerosene. To do this, rub the area behind the ear and on the bend of the elbow with tincture or purified kerosene. If there is no reaction, then you are not allergic to this substance and you can try treatment.

It must also be remembered that kerosene is a highly flammable substance and can cause burns if it comes into contact with the skin.

For warming compresses and dressings, use a mixture of kerosene with any vegetable oil. It is better to take linen or cotton fabric. Change dressings regularly, constantly monitoring the condition of the skin.

Kerosene is taken internally drop by drop, diluted with water or tea, it can be dripped onto sugar or taken as a tincture.

Very important: the daily dose of kerosene should not exceed 20 grams, otherwise the treatment may result in injury to the body and the consequences of treatment will lead to new problems.

Treatment of diseases with kerosene


Treatment of sore throat with kerosene is rightfully considered the most effective means in the fight against this disease.

Method number 1. Lubricate inflamed tonsils with kerosene two hours before meals every 5-6 hours. The procedures should be carried out for at least a week. But for purulent tonsillitis, this method of treatment is strictly prohibited, especially if ulcers form on the tonsils. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

Method number 2. Dissolve 5 g in a glass of warm water baking soda, add a spoonful of purified kerosene there. Mix the liquid well and gargle with the resulting solution at least three times a day an hour before meals.

Method No. 3. If you suffer from frequent sore throats, then prophylactic You can gargle with kerosene mixed with water: 10 drops of purified kerosene per 50 g of warm water an hour after meals for at least 7-8 days. After a two-week break, repeat the course.

Acute bronchitis

Treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis should be carried out comprehensively. To do this you will need a head of garlic, honey, half a glass of port wine and 50 g of purified kerosene. Before going to bed, smear your feet with crushed garlic and put on thick socks, rub your chest with kerosene and apply a warm compress, then drink warm port with a teaspoon of honey and immediately go to bed and cover yourself well. Using this procedure will allow you to get rid of your annoying cough quickly and for a long time.

Runny nose

When going to bed, rub your feet with purified kerosene, put compresses on them, also soaked in kerosene, wrap them in plastic bags and pull on woolen socks. Usually 3-4 procedures are enough to completely stop a runny nose.

Inflamed lymph nodes

Before starting treatment for inflamed lymph nodes, you need to cleanse the entire body, then drink kerosene, starting with five drops and gradually increasing the dose to twenty. Lymph nodes gradually decrease in size, general state is improving.


To begin with, kerosene needs to be filtered twice: the first time through coarse river sand, the second time through cotton wool wrapped in gauze. Then kerosene is applied to the skin affected by lichen. Ringworm disappears without a trace within a week.

Hair strengthening

Previously, in villages, young girls and women could boast of beautiful hair. To strengthen the hair, they used an ancient method: a mixture of kerosene and onions was rubbed into the scalp, massaged well, and after half an hour, thoroughly washed with simple alkaline soap. The result is stunning: it happens that hair begins to grow in completely bald people.

Oncological diseases

For oncology, it is recommended to take walnut tincture in accordance with lunar cycles. From one new moon before the next one (lunar cycle - 28 days) 1 tsp. three times a day half an hour before meals. You should not drink anything with it. Sometimes it is recommended, in parallel with taking the tincture, to apply a warm compress to the liver for no more than 20 minutes. Rest for one lunar cycle and then repeat the treatment. In total you need to carry out three full courses, and then rest for three to six months and, if necessary, repeat all procedures.

Kerosene is a hydrocarbon, which is a certain fraction of petroleum sublimation obtained by boiling oil in the temperature range of 200–300 ° C. It is somewhat lighter than water, therefore it does not dissolve in it, forming floating films. Widely used as motor and heating fuel, for domestic purposes. The industry produces mainly 2 grades of kerosene: heavy (pyronaut) and light.

The density of heavy is 860 kg/m3, and its flash point is 90° C. Pyronaut is safer and is used in industry. The density of light kerosene is 830 kg/m3, and the flash point is 40° C. This fraction is used for domestic needs.

The maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of kerosene in the air is 300 mg/m3. If the vapor concentration exceeds this limit, then inhaling the air in such a room will lead to poisoning.

Before starting treatment with kerosene, it must be cleaned. This can be done in several ways.
1. Mix in a 3-liter jar one liter of unrefined kerosene with one liter of hot water, the temperature of which should be 60 - 70 ° C, and close the lid tightly. The mixture should be shaken vigorously for 2-3 minutes, occasionally opening the lid slightly to relieve the pressure in the jar. Then let it settle and very carefully pour off the kerosene, without catching the resulting sediment at the border with water. The result is purified kerosene.
All actions must be carried out in the presence of a well-functioning hood, because concentrated kerosene vapors can cause poisoning and even an explosion.
2. Mix 0.5 liters of kerosene with the same amount of hot water, shake well, stand and drain. Add half a glass of salt to the drained kerosene and shake well again. After a day, drain and filter with charcoal or activated carbon. Black dirty liquid will flow out. When it has settled, drain the kerosene and use it for treatment.
3. Three tablespoons of kitchen rock salt should be poured into a clean jar. You also need to pour kerosene here, passing it through a homemade gauze filter. A jar of kerosene and salt is placed in a sufficiently deep pan, at the bottom of which a stand is installed, after which water is poured into the pan. Its level must be higher than the level of kerosene in the can. The pan is placed on low heat and after the water boils, it is kept for one and a half hours. Under no circumstances should the lid of the jar be closed. When the contents of the can are heated, a sharp unpleasant odor appears, so the kerosene cleaning procedure must be carried out in a ventilated area or in the open air. You should be very careful when handling the jar so as not to stir or mix the salt with the liquid. Salt absorbs everything in this process harmful substances, which kerosene contains, and is necessary for its high-quality cleaning. Upon completion, the jar is carefully removed from the water. Its contents are very carefully poured into another dark glass container, or an ordinary glass container protected from sunlight, and closed tightly. In such containers, purified kerosene can be stored for up to a year.

The name of the Austrian nurse Paula Kerner entered the history of kerosene treatment. She was on last stage bowel cancer and doctors believed that her days were numbered. The woman decided that things couldn’t get worse for her and little by little began to take kerosene. After three days she was able to get out of bed, after 5 she ate for the first time without vomiting, and after another month and a half she felt healthy. In this way she cured herself, and then several dozen other patients.

But there are many stories that ended very badly. Thus, a person who took 3-4 teaspoons of kerosene daily for several months was not cured of his illness, but died from cirrhosis of the liver and serious pathologies of the pancreas and kidneys caused by its use.

Treatment with kerosene helps some people fight the disease, but others do not. The reason for this is the individuality of each organism. One remedy does not always help absolutely everyone. For those who do not benefit from kerosene treatment, other means will help.

Now, in addition to pure kerosene, they use kerosene infused with green walnuts. Walnuts contain a lot of iodine, astringents and tannins. They have good anthelmintic and antimicrobial properties and help cleanse the blood. Kerosene tincture with nuts gives excellent results in the treatment of cancer and other diseases.

You can make the tincture yourself. To do this, you need to grind green walnuts of milky ripeness, maybe in a meat grinder, and place them in a glass jar so that it is 2/3 full. Pour purified kerosene over the nuts. Place the tightly closed jar in a dark place for three weeks. After which the liquid must be filtered through several layers of gauze or special filter paper. The resulting tincture is poured into another jar, tightly closed and stored in a cool, dark place, where it can be stored for a year. One liter of tincture walnuts enough for ten patients for a year.

The kerosene-based nut tincture is called “Todikamp”. She successfully passed several commissions of the USSR Pharmaceutical Committee, which approved the pharmacopoeial monograph of Todicamp, and also conducted clinical trials.

But it should be borne in mind that “todikamp” is far from the same thing as a homemade tincture of nuts on kerosene. The liquid is industrially distilled and purified so that from 20 tons of kerosene only 1 ton of the base for the medicine is obtained. Walnuts are also specially prepared, as a result of which their activity increases. Two varieties of this extract have appeared: phytodin and todiclark.

Phytodin contains, in addition to the already familiar mixture of nuts and kerosene, medicinal plants: wormwood, garlic, cherry laurel, eucalyptus, poplar and birch buds, myrtle. The purpose of herbs in this preparation is as follows: they help reduce the load on the body and increase its protective properties. Phytodin is usually mixed with water and added with baby powder, talc or starch. The result is an ointment that is used externally for applications.

Todiklark almost completely repeats Todikamp, ​​but here the familiar walnut is replaced with American walnut, which is black in color. According to some experts, this nut is much more effective than walnuts; they advise taking it with powder from the herbs of wormwood, cloves, tansy - 1/2 or 1/3 teaspoon each. After a month's course there is a break of 1 month, and a total of 3 such courses are conducted per year.

There are many options for using the tincture. In general, they can be divided into 2 groups: internally and externally. The dosage is also different and depends on the severity of the disease and the age of the patient. For example, for preventive purposes, tincture of walnuts on kerosene is taken orally, starting with one drop per 100 g of water half an hour before meals, increasing daily by one drop to 24, and then decreasing from 24 to one drop. Take a month's break and, if necessary, repeat the course.

Treatment with kerosene is quite actively practiced in folk medicine. It is used for external and internal use, since kerosene has a beneficial, healing effect on the body with sufficient wide circle diseases. This remedy can also be used for preventive purposes. Kerosene is used:
1. In the treatment of bruises, sprains, dislocations.
2. With increased irritability.
3. For sinusitis.
4. For swelling.
5. For tuberculosis.
6. As a general strengthening agent.
7. For skin diseases.
8. For blood diseases.
9. For diseases of the cardiovascular system.
10. For sore throats.
11. For headaches.
12. For joint pain.
13. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
14. For chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.
15. For treatment oncological diseases.
16. To rejuvenate the body.
17. For general cleansing body.
18. As a prevention of many diseases.

Any use of drugs made on the basis of kerosene must begin with testing the body’s reaction to this substance. To do this, rub the skin behind the ear with a small amount of kerosene. If after a while the skin does not turn red or break out in a rash, then you are not allergic to kerosene. Direct contact of pure kerosene with the mucous membrane can cause burns. Therefore, even with a sore throat, you should never gargle with kerosene. You can only very carefully lubricate it slightly.

There are many recipes and methods for external use of purified kerosene. At sensitive skin Do not overuse lotions, as this can lead to inflammation. To avoid this, you need to use a mixture of kerosene and vegetable oil for rubbing and lubricating.

For bandages, use only clean linen or cotton fabric. It is important that she has good ability to wetting. Kerosene dressings should be changed every day, while monitoring the condition of the skin.

You can take kerosene orally in different ways, depending on the disease. Can be consumed as drops in water or sweet tea, the amount of which is first increased daily and then decreased according to a special schedule. Purified kerosene can also be taken orally on a piece of sugar and in the form of tinctures. It is important that the dose of kerosene does not exceed 20 grams. Taking more may cause poisoning.

It should be borne in mind that there are no officially approved methods for using kerosene. Therefore, before you decide to take it internally, you need to carefully consider this step and weigh the pros and cons.

Recipe No. 1. Purified kerosene 3 times a day, 1-2 hours before meals, should be carefully applied to the surface of the palatine arches and inflamed tonsils. Treatment should be carried out daily for 6-7 days until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear. But if the disease is advanced and abscesses have formed on the tonsils, then treatment with kerosene is considered ineffective and completely inapplicable. You need to break through the blisters, but it is very dangerous to do this at home yourself, you should consult a doctor.
Recipe No. 2. In 1 glass of boiled water, the temperature of which does not exceed 25 ° C, dissolve 0.5 tablespoon of tea soda. Add a tablespoon of purified kerosene to the resulting solution. Mix thoroughly and gargle with the resulting solution. Treatment lasts until full recovery patient, approximately 6-8 days. The frequency of rinsing is 4 - 12 times a day.
Recipe No. 3. For frequent sore throats, as a preventive measure, it is recommended to gargle with an emulsion: 10 drops of kerosene per 50 grams of warm water, after meals for 7 days. Then a break for 1 - 2 weeks and, if necessary, repeat the course.
Treatment of warts with kerosene. Warts are benign growths on the skin. However, they can cause inconvenience, primarily because they do not look very aesthetically pleasing. There is numerous evidence that warts go away simply by smearing them with nut-kerosene extract. You can use a mixture of freshly squeezed celandine juice (the whole plant is used) with the addition of purified kerosene in a ratio of 1:5 to lubricate warts.
Kerosene treatment of acute bronchitis. Dilute 1 teaspoon of honey in half a glass of port wine, stir thoroughly. Crush a large head of garlic. Prepare 40 - 50 grams of purified kerosene. Use in combination before bedtime. Thoroughly rub the garlic gruel on your feet and put on woolen socks, rub your chest with kerosene and put on warm underwear, drink a glass of a mixture of port wine and honey and immediately go to bed. This procedure can be repeated daily until there is a complete cure.
Treatment of hair diseases with kerosene. In order for hair to grow better, villagers once rubbed their scalps with onions and kerosene. Well massaged and washed off plain soap. The result exceeded all expectations. Some even had hair growing on their bald spots.
Treatment of sinusitis with kerosene. The most effective remedy is a special ointment made from pork fat and purified kerosene. The ingredients are mixed in a percentage ratio of 4: 1. The ointment is rubbed into the skin of the cheeks on both sides of the nose and into the forehead area located directly above the bridge of the nose. This procedure must be carried out simultaneously with the placement of special tampons soaked in ointment into the nasal passages. Tampons should be left in the nasal passage for 3 hours, once a day. You can also lubricate your sinuses, nose and cheeks with kerosene mixed with vegetable oil in a 1:1 ratio.
Kerosene treatment of leukemia. Take 1 teaspoon of kerosene daily for 1 week, take a break for 2 months, and then take 1 tablespoon for 2 weeks on an empty stomach and another 1.5 months for 1 teaspoon. After each dose, drink 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. The appearance of vomiting indicates cleansing of the body, so treatment must be continued.
Treatment with kerosene for enlarged lymph nodes. Having previously cleansed the body, drink a teaspoon of kerosene for one month. The lymph nodes are shrinking and the condition is improving.
Treatment with kerosene for weeping lichen. Skin affected by the disease should be treated with purified kerosene. It must first be filtered: the first time - through washed and dried river sand or activated carbon, the second - through cotton wool and gauze. As a result, the specific smell will disappear. Ringworm goes away without a trace in just 2-3 days.
Kerosene treatment of fibroids. Make 12 tampons and every evening before going to bed, soak one tampon in purified kerosene, squeeze so that it does not drip, and insert it into the vagina for exactly five minutes. Course 12 days. If erosion is present, treatment of fibroids with kerosene is contraindicated. If necessary, repeat treatment after 4 months.
Treatment with kerosene for a runny nose. At night, the soles of the feet are smeared with kerosene and a cloth, also soaked in kerosene, is placed on them. Then they put it on the feet plastic bags, and put on woolen socks on top and wrap your feet well.

Recipe No. 1. For cancerous tumors of various locations, tincture of walnuts on kerosene must be used in courses in accordance with the lunar cycles. Take 1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals during the lunar cycle (from one new moon to another). The dose depends on the severity of the disease - you can start with a teaspoon and after 1-2 weeks reach a tablespoon. It is not recommended to drink water. Additionally (but not necessarily), you can apply a compress of walnut tincture on kerosene to the liver area every day for 20 minutes. Break - lunar cycle (from new moon to next new moon). Repeat 2 more courses. Thus, treatment with walnut tincture on kerosene will consist of 3 courses and last about six months. If treatment is repeated, rest for 2-3 months and resume taking kerosene tincture.
Recipe No. 2. For intestinal obstruction, stomach cancer, drink 1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon once a day in the morning on an empty stomach, without eating anything. You can eat at least 2 hours later. Drink for 5 days, then take a break for 5 days and repeat this 3 times.
Recipe No. 3. Oncological diseases are treated with purified kerosene and chaga - an infusion of birch mushroom. At the moment, chaga is recommended for use by representatives of not only alternative, but also official medicine. When treating cancer, chaga is taken orally along with a small amount of purified kerosene, which is moistened with a piece of refined sugar. Chaga and kerosene should be consumed in the morning, immediately before meals.
Kerosene treatment of osteochondrosis. Mix 50 g of kerosene, 1/4 cup sunflower oil, 1/4 piece of laundry soap, half a teaspoon baking soda. Grind until smooth. Stir the mixture from time to time. After three days the ointment is ready. Rub into sore spots.
Treatment with kerosene for prostate adenoma. Take 1 tablespoon of purified kerosene once a day 30 minutes before meals. You should take the medicine with a glass of boiled water with 2-3 teaspoons of honey. Before lunch, you should not eat food, but drink only boiled water. The course of treatment is 20 days, after which they take a break of 10 days and then repeat the course. Then they take a break again for 20 days and conduct a third course of treatment.
Treatment of colds with kerosene. For colds and acute respiratory infections using cotton swab rub the tincture of kerosene with red pepper into the chest and back, calves and soles of the feet. Then the patient is placed in a warm bed and wrapped up to warm up and sweat. Additionally take 1 glass warm milk with 2-3 drops of kerosene added to it.

Recipe No. 1. Take a medium-sized black radish, wash, grate, cut 4-5 red hot peppers, put everything in a 3-liter jar, pour kerosene into 1 third of the jar, leave for 3 days in a dark place and you can grate or moisten a cloth with the mixture and apply to sore spots. There is cellophane on top, and on it a warm old blanket and pillows. Lie with the compress for 10 – 20 minutes.
Recipe No. 2. Take a cotton cloth (gauze will not work), soak it in kerosene, squeeze it out. Lather it with laundry soap and apply the soapy side to the sore spot. On top there is cellophane and a warm scarf. Leave the compress on for 15-20 minutes, depending on the sensitivity of the skin; there is no need to be a hero. After the procedure, lubricate the skin with Vaseline. Apply compresses every other day.
Recipe No. 3. When an attack of radiculitis occurs, pour a glass of salt onto the cellophane, pour it well with kerosene, level it, cover it with gauze and lie on top of your lower back. Lie down for about an hour. It will help in one go.
Recipe No. 4. Anti-radiculitis ointment. Take 100 g of salt, 50 g of dry mustard, add purified kerosene in such an amount to obtain a creamy mixture. This ointment should be rubbed in until dry, preferably at night. Kerosene in this recipe, in addition to acting as a solvent and softener, also warms up, promotes the movement and absorption of mustard and salt into the sore spot, and the resorption of clots of the substance. At the site of rheumatic pain, kerosene improves cellular nutrition, opens blood vessels, restores acid-base balance, stabilizes metabolism - thus acting as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. In “warmed up” tissues, rheumatism and pain disappear.
Treatment of wounds with kerosene. Open wounds of any depth, treated with kerosene and tied with bandages, heal quickly and without suppuration.
Kerosene treatment of rheumatism. Take soft cloth big size to cover the sore spot. Soak it in kerosene and apply it to the painful part of the body, wrap it with a thick towel on top and pin it with pins. After a while, you will feel that your body is burning strongly under the towel. If the burning becomes unbearable, the towel should be loosened slightly, but not removed at all. Keep the towel on for 30 minutes to 2 hours. After completing the procedure, you need to lubricate with Vaseline the places where the compress was applied so that the skin does not peel off or peel.
TREATMENT OF erysipelas with kerosene

Recipe No. 1. Apply a cloth soaked in kerosene to the inflamed area for 10 minutes. Wipe off. The procedure should be done for 2-3 days.
Recipe No. 2. Breast tumor, erysipelas, purulent wounds are treated this way. Grate raw potatoes, squeeze out the juice and pour it out. Instead of juice, pour the same volume of kerosene into the potato cake and apply compresses with this mass for 2 hours on sore spots. It helps a lot.
Kerosene treatment of chronic tonsillitis. Heat kerosene, soak a cloth in it, wring it thoroughly and wrap it around your neck. Place another woolen cloth or scarf on top. Keep this compress for as long as possible. One session is sometimes enough for the inflammation to go away.

First of all, it should be noted that treatment of thyroid pathology with kerosene can be recommended only on the condition that the likelihood of malignant growth is completely excluded. The principles of treatment of oncological diseases have their own specifics and require separate consideration. However, in the case of, for example, diffuse goiter Kerosene treatment is used quite successfully.
Recipe No. 1. A good therapeutic effect is achieved by short-term (no longer than 10 minutes) applications of purified kerosene mixed in equal parts with olive or Vaseline oil, on the front surface of the neck. This method of treatment requires preliminary skin test for an allergic reaction.
Recipe No. 2. Prepare an oil extract from hawthorn flowers: per glass of dry crushed raw materials - 3 cups of vegetable oil, leave for at least 3 weeks in a dark and cool place. Then pour in 2 tbsp. spoons of purified kerosene and leave for another week. After this period, strain the drug and pour it into a dark glass container. Take 1 teaspoon of the product 3 times a day half an hour before meals for a month. It is recommended to take a three-day break after each week of continuous use.
Recipe No. 3. To treat goiter, take 1 tablespoon of purified kerosene in the morning on an empty stomach, without drinking anything or eating anything. Eat only after 2 hours, you can’t eat earlier. Drink for a week, rest for a week. And so 3 times.
Prevention of all diseases. Take 15 drops of kerosene per tablespoon of sugar several times a year for prevention. Sick people should take a teaspoon of kerosene in the morning on an empty stomach for 15 days. If you cannot tolerate such a dose of kerosene right away, then you should start with one or two drops per tablespoon of sugar and increase to 15 drops in boiled cold water.

The information on this site should not be used by you as a guide for self-medication. Admission decision medicinal product should be agreed with your doctor.

Contraindications to medical use kerosene:
1. Kerosene is strictly contraindicated for persons with liver diseases.
2. People for whom kerosene causes irritation of the mucous membranes and skin.
3. Kidney failure.
4. Tendency to bleeding.
5. People in whom kerosene causes allergic reactions.
6. Treatment of children is strictly contraindicated.

Any medicine, if abused, turns into poison and can cause serious harm instead of benefit. Therefore, when treating with kerosene, dosages must be strictly observed. Symptoms of poisoning caused by inhalation of kerosene vapor in small concentrations are similar to severe alcohol intoxication: mental agitation, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.
If ingested too large quantities the skin becomes red, the pulse changes, fainting, convulsions and a sharp rise in temperature. The lethal dose for a single dose of kerosene for an adult is 3 to 4 glasses on an empty stomach.

After using kerosene externally, be sure to lubricate the skin in areas of contact with it with baby cream or Vaseline to avoid irritation, peeling, itching, etc. If, after applying a compress or lotion, a burning sensation or severe itching appears, the compress should be removed to avoid burns. Rubbing can be done no more than 2-3 times a day, every other day.

During treatment with Todicamp, drowsiness and depression may occur. This is normal and can last the entire course, but it is unacceptable to combine it with taking psychotropic substances, as well as drugs that lower blood pressure: a sharp drop in blood pressure may occur, Todicamp is also not compatible with alcohol, prolonged exposure to the sun, while taking it You must try not to get nervous and overtired. And after the end of treatment, you should not be in direct sunlight for another 1.5-2 years.

Absolutely contraindicated when treating with kerosene: smoking, alcohol (in any quantities), strong tea or coffee, hypothermia.

After taking kerosene orally, a burning sensation in the stomach, belching, and, less commonly, nausea are sometimes noted. So remember: medicinal products Kerosene based should be taken on an empty stomach. After taking the medicine, it is recommended to refrain from eating for at least 2 hours. In addition, it is advisable to be at rest (sitting or lying down).

As you can see, kerosene and preparations based on it are far from harmless. But there is every reason to hope that, if you are careful, they will bring you benefit and heal not only from ailments, but also from serious ailments.

Refined kerosene can be used to treat many diseases. Below we provide medicinal recipes using kerosene.

Respiratory diseases

Sore throat (tonsillitis)

Sore throat is an acute general infectious disease with the most pronounced local inflammatory process in the tonsil area. The palatine tonsils are most often affected.

Sore throat is more often observed in spring and autumn (during the transitional season with unstable air temperatures).

Treatment methods:

10 drops of kerosene are diluted in 50 grams of warm water. Gargle with the resulting solution after meals every day for a week. Then a break is taken for 1-2 weeks (depending on the result).

Using kerosene as a compress: a cloth is soaked in heated kerosene, then wrung out and wrapped around the neck. A scarf or woolen fabric is placed on top. Keep the compress on for as long as possible.

Kerosene lubrication is also used to treat sore throat. To do this, you need to wrap cotton wool on a thin long stick and dip it in purified kerosene. Inflamed tonsils are lubricated with kerosene every half hour. In the case of an advanced form of tonsillitis, when abscesses have already formed on the tonsils, it is strongly not recommended to lubricate them with kerosene.

Rinsing with a weak solution of purified kerosene is often used. For this purpose, half a tablespoon of tea soda should be dissolved in a glass of warm boiled water (the temperature of which should not exceed 25°C). 1 tablespoon of kerosene is added to the resulting solution. The course of such treatment is 6-8 days, the frequency of rinsing is 4-12 times a day.


Dandruff (oily seborrhea)

Method of treatment:

A mixture of vodka, kerosene and onion juice, taken in a ratio of 2:1:1, is rubbed into the scalp.

Another remedy: 1 part kerosene, 2 parts castor oil and 10 parts alcohol. Mix and rub the resulting mixture into the scalp.


Lichen is a group of diseases that arise for various reasons and affect the skin, mucous membrane and nails.

Method of treatment:

Prepare a mixture of 3 teaspoons of fish oil and 1 teaspoon of kerosene. The resulting substance is applied to gauze folded in four and applied to the skin affected by lichen.


Scabies is a contagious skin disease caused by the scabies mite.

Method of treatment:

Prepare an ointment with the following composition: 6 ml of kerosene, 1 g of green soap, 6 g of purified sulfur, 5 g of chalk and an ointment base (for example, wax ointment). Rub the itchy areas of the skin.


Furuncle is an inflammation of the hair follicle caused by staphylococcus.

Method of treatment:

Lubricate the affected areas of the skin with purified kerosene. By the way, some authors claim that this method can also be used to treat furunculosis of the facial skin, while others categorically do not recommend doing this.


Method of treatment: lubricating warts with Todikamp.


Method of treatment:

Place your feet or hands in kerosene for 10 minutes every evening. Then pour cold water over them and wipe dry.


Treatment methods:

Kerosene ointment is used to heal wounds. To prepare it, you need to take 2 yolks, a bean-sized piece of beeswax, one teaspoon of kerosene and 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil. You need to boil the oil, add wax to it and boil for another minute. The mixture is cooled to a warm state and kerosene and yolks are added to it. Then stir well. The ointment is applied to non-healing wounds (including operating wounds).

Another recipe for treating long-term non-healing wounds. Take 1 liter of sunflower oil, 30 ml of freshly squeezed celandine juice and 100 ml of purified kerosene. Mix thoroughly and leave for a week in a cool, dark place. Gauze soaked in this mixture is applied to the wound surface. Change the dressing – 2 times a day. Course – 2 weeks.

There is information that using kerosene can also pull out a splinter. To do this, just lubricate the skin with kerosene and seal it with an adhesive plaster.

Alopecia (baldness)

Method of treatment:

Mix olive oil with kerosene in a 1:1 ratio. The resulting mass is rubbed into the hair roots once a week, 2-3 hours before washing.


Papilloma is a benign tumor of the skin or mucous membrane, having the appearance of a papilla or “cauliflower”.

Method of treatment:

Papillomas are lubricated with Todikamp 1-2 times a day.


The possibility of using kerosene for the treatment of cancer causes (for obvious reasons) the most heated debate between supporters and opponents of this method of therapy.

Cancer is a malignant tumor of epithelial origin. A primary cancer tumor can develop in all organs of the human body where there is one or another type of epithelium. Most often, cancer occurs in the lungs, stomach, uterus, breasts, esophagus, intestines and skin. A characteristic feature of cancer is its limitless growth: once having arisen in a particular organ, a primary cancerous tumor grows steadily and unstoppably, germinates and destroys surrounding tissues and from here is transported through the lymphatic system to other organs, forming new cancerous tumors (metastases) in them. Cancer metastases can occur in all organs without exception.

There are usually no symptoms at the initial stages of tumor development. There is no spontaneous cure for cancer. The most radical treatment method today is surgery (tumor removal). But even after these operations, relapses often develop and metastases occur. Along with surgical treatment methods, official medicine also uses chemotherapy (treatment with cytostatics - drugs that suppress the growth of both diseased and healthy cells of the body) and radiation therapy, which also do not guarantee a complete cure.

Tumor growth is the random proliferation of body cells. It is still unknown exactly what the reason is, but there are a great many theories. Below we present the most “popular” of them.

  • The carcinogenic theory states that cancer can be caused by exposure to certain substances (carcinogens).
  • According to Rous's viral theory, tumor growth is caused by viruses. In addition, according to Zilber’s virus-senetic theory: in addition to ordinary viruses, there are oncoviruses, which cause tumors.
  • The fissural theory states that cancer occurs when tissue is compressed.
  • According to the theory of disembryonic rudiments, rudiments of embryonic tissues remain in the human body, which, under favorable conditions, develop into cancerous tumors.
  • And finally, the polyetiological theory states that cancer occurs under the influence of a variety of factors. That is, to put it simply, it is easier to name causes that do not cause cancer than those that do.

Methods for treating cancer with kerosene:

  • Treatment with Todikamp. 1 teaspoon - 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The course is 4 weeks. Number of courses – 3, with breaks of one month.
  • Birch mushroom (chaga) with purified kerosene. It is necessary to first prepare the chaga infusion.
    The dried chaga is crushed and filled with cold filtered water (1:3), after which it is infused at room temperature in a dark place for 4 hours. Then the water must be poured into a separate container, the softened pieces of chaga should be grated, poured with five glasses of warm water and left to infuse for two days, after which the infusion is poured into a glass vessel and mixed with the water in which the chaga was originally infused.
    Chaga is taken orally along with a piece of refined sugar soaked in purified kerosene. Chaga is consumed with kerosene in the morning, immediately before breakfast.
    The course of treatment with kerosene and chaga solution lasts 26 days. For the next 30 days, take exclusively birch mushroom infusion, one glass 3 times a day, half an hour before meals. After this, the course of joint treatment with chaga and kerosene is resumed.

Other healing properties attributed to kerosene

Recently, certain kerosene preparations have often been associated with such effects on the human body as rejuvenating, cleansing and restorative effects. In this regard, Todikamp is most often mentioned.

For the purpose of rejuvenation, it is recommended to take Todicamp 2-3 drops per 1/2 cup of warm boiled water 2-3 times a day for a preventive course of 6 weeks.

And here is another “elixir of longevity”:

“Add 3 tablespoons of purified kerosene to 0.5 liters of fresh apple cider vinegar. The resulting drug should be taken 1 teaspoon per 1 glass of boiled water 1-2 times a day. You just need to shake the vessel with the prepared “elixir” thoroughly immediately before use. The preventative course of recovery lasts from 6 to 3 weeks.”

To achieve the effect of cleansing the body, it is recommended to take Todikamp 8-10 drops in 2 tablespoons of honey once a day before meals. The course of treatment is not limited.

At the same time, when using a gentle regimen, it is recommended to take kerosene immediately before meals, and when using the full regimen, half an hour before meals.