How and with what to cleanse the blood in the body. How to cleanse blood at home with herbs - my selection of simple and effective recipes

And, then it’s time to find out how to clean the blood.

At the same time, blood purification is one of the longest and most difficult processes. The result is not immediately noticeable and it will take a lot of strength and perseverance to achieve complete cleansing.

Everyone knows well from anatomy lessons that the body of an adult contains 5-6 liters of blood, which is responsible for one of the essential functions– circulation of all nutrients throughout the body to ensure vital functions.

Blood contamination with harmful substances and toxins gradually causes the death and destruction of cells in the human body, which leads to serious illnesses and irreversible consequences.

Therefore, knowledge of how to effectively cleanse blood is necessary and important for each of us. I can tell you with complete confidence that there is no person for whom this procedure would be unnecessary.

What result will this give and what can you expect if you clean the blood correctly?

  1. Getting rid of drowsiness and apathy;
  2. Strengthening immunity;
  3. Clean skin and healthy hair;
  4. Normalization of pressure;
  5. Headaches and cramps go away.

We turn to traditional medicine

Despite the length and complexity of the process, many are interested in whether it is possible to clean blood at home? After all, you don’t always have the time and money to go to special clinics, buy expensive medications, etc.

Those who have read my articles more than once have probably already guessed that I am an opponent drug treatment and I am guided by the principle that better disease warn before hammering it with various medicines, antibiotics, etc.

It is precisely the appeal to traditional methods that not only helps me stay cheerful and healthy, but also inspires confidence that this is the most effective method in the prevention and treatment of most existing diseases.

So, how and with what can you clean blood?

Fasting for two days is one of the main ways to quickly cleanse the blood. To be honest, these two days are not so much physically as psychologically difficult to endure, but it’s worth it.

Despite the possible slight discomfort, headache and a feeling of hunger, already on the third day you will experience extraordinary lightness throughout your body, vigor will appear, sleep will normalize and your mood will rise.

You can only drink water (at least 2 liters of pure water) still water). No tea, coffee, compotes, etc. cannot be used. If you really can't bear to drink plain water, try adding a slice of lemon or a mint leaf to it.

After a two-day cleanse by fasting, we include freshly squeezed juices (blackberry, grape, cranberry) in the diet and be sure to eat salads from raw cabbage and beets. Do not exceed the norm for juices - 100 ml 3 times a day.

  • Herbal decoction.

This method is good because it can be started any day, without first torturing yourself by fasting. Take a mixture of black chestnut leaves, strawberries, tricolor violets and brew in boiling water (4 tsp per 200 ml of boiling water).

Such Herb tea You can drink it for 5-7 days at any time of the day and in any quantity.

One of the simplest and budget funds, allowing you to quickly and effectively clean the blood. Take a glass of oats (attention! Not to be confused with oatmeal instant cooking, which are sold in the supermarket) and pour 400 ml of boiled warm water.

During the day, the mixture infuses and swells. After this, you need to carefully strain the oatmeal infusion and drink 0.5 cups before meals 3 times a day. It not only removes harmful substances from the blood, but also prevents them from being absorbed back.

  • Currant infusion.

Grind the currant leaves and pour 400 boiling water. Let the currant infusion brew for two hours. After this, it must be strained and it is ready for use.

  • Honey with dill.

To do this, prepare a mixture: 2 cups of honey must be mixed with 200 grams of crushed dill seeds. Pour boiling water and let it brew for at least 24 days in a warm place. It is best to pour it into a thermos.

After this, the tincture is ready for use: 1 tablespoon 25 minutes before meals for 30 days. As you can see, everything is very quick and simple and from those available tools that are found in almost every home.

If you need a guide in this matter, then be sure to go to their website, where you will learn a lot of interesting and useful things. Well, as usual, a useful video.

I sincerely hope that I have helped you and put together some truly simple and effective methods, which will allow you to purify the blood. Share this article with your friends on social networks, subscribe and always be healthy!

Your sober alcoholic.

The normal functioning of the body is ensured by the functioning of the circulatory system. Blood - view connective tissue supplying organs nutrients, microelements and macroelements, oxygen. Blood removes harmful substances And carbon dioxide. Functional Responsibilities is to protect against infection and supply all organ systems.

Symptoms of blood pollution include drowsiness, in a sluggish state And increased irritability. There are no obvious signs of the action of toxic substances or viruses, harmful bacteria. Blood cleansing folk remedies often interests many people who feel deteriorating in their health.

Why is it necessary to cleanse the circulatory system?

Nature is under enormous pressure from industrial enterprises, transport, and landfills. Pollutants enter environment, and then the person drinks water, breathes air, and uses chemicals in everyday life. Harmful substances accumulate, causing harm to health. This is why it is so important to cleanse the blood of toxins.

Products have additional negative impacts Food Industry(additives with preservatives, enhancers and thickeners).

Causes of blood pollution

It is important to understand what causes the negative impact on the composition of human blood:

  • Painful condition internal organs.
  • A disease caused by viruses and bacteria.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Drinking alcohol, smoking.
  • Drug abuse.
  • Disturbed ecology.

According to experts, it is possible to cleanse the blood in the body only according to the testimony of doctors. Strict coordination of treatment periods, methods and drug formulations is required. Have a good time The spring period is considered for cleansing.


Blood purification is necessary for alcohol and drug intoxication, smoking. The method is also valid when:

  • Pathologies of the immune system.
  • Development of acne, pimples, psoriasis, dermatosis, red spots.
  • Herpes infections.
  • Sleep disturbances, weight (excess or lack).
  • Pain in the head.
  • The first signs of atherosclerosis.
  • Vysokoye A.D.


It is important to remember that the cleansing procedure can affect the functionality of organs. Properly selected medications will help cleanse the blood without harming the body. Consultation with a doctor is recommended!

When not to clean:

  • Pregnancy period.
  • Presence of bleeding from organs, recent operations.
  • In childhood.
  • In the presence of pathologies at the gene level.

If it happens:

  • Individual intolerance to drug components.
  • Lactation period.
  • Exacerbation of diseases.


The result of cleansing procedures will be the normal functionality of internal organs. Health skin will show the effectiveness of the chosen method of blood purification based on the state of color and the absence of affected areas.

Blood purification methods

To purify the blood, you can choose one of the directions: treatment with medication or at home. The method is selected depending on the indications and contraindications, existing diseases and finances.

Blood cleansing under medical supervision is more effective and safe. After treatment, it will take time for the body to recover. It is worth taking into account the recommendations of experts:

  • Consult a hematologist.
  • Carry out cleaning procedures in a medical facility.
  • With obvious deterioration after home treatment– consult a doctor immediately.
  • Cleanse the body completely, consume healthy food and conduct sports activities.

Drug treatment

The medical product must be harmless to the body, increasing resistance to viral, bacterial infections and allergens.

Doctors advise using drugs (a group of hepatoprotectors) that reduce the load on the liver. This organ daily cleanses the blood of waste and toxins.

Lymph helps circulatory system get rid of viruses, products metabolic processes, excess liquid. Cleaning is carried out with medication (you will first have to consult a doctor) or with medication plant origin. The tablets have a laxative effect.

The task of medical therapy comes down to two options: cleaning with medications (+dietary supplements) and the stationary method - droppers and pharmaceutical drugs.

Therapy goals:

  • Cleansing the circulatory system.
  • Normalization of cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
  • Increased tone of organ systems.
  • Destruction of infectious foci, elimination of the consequences of intoxication.

Let's consider treatment methods in the clinic. When traditional methods are unable to eliminate a health problem, the circulatory system is cleaned with medications or using medical devices.

Laser therapy

The procedure is performed in a hospital under the supervision of a specialist. The method is based on photosensitivity blood cells. An optical waveguide is inserted into the vein. Cell irradiation occurs in the red range. Biochemical processes are activated.

Indications for therapeutic areas:

  • After surgery.
  • Diseases of the respiratory tract, heart (ischemia), liver (cirrhosis).
  • Gynecological.
  • Problems of the excretory system organs.
  • Disorders in the central nervous system (depression, neurosis, epilepsy).
  • Skin diseases.

General indications:

  • The recovery stage after illness.
  • The presence of toxins, waste, infections.
  • Fatigue, weakness.
  • Muscle tension.


  • Increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Hypotension, pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  • Remission of infectious diseases.
  • Pathologies of the liver, kidneys (failure).
  • Diabetes.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Mental disorders, epileptic seizures.
  • Low level of immune reactions.
  • Feverish condition.
  • Thyrotoxicosis.

Advantage laser method: safety, effectiveness, wide range of applications. The procedure is in demand, but the cost is expensive.


The nature of the procedure is similar to hemodialysis for the kidneys. Blood is drawn from a vein and replaced donor plasma. The harmful effect is completely excluded. The only one negative point– soreness.


  • Allergic reactions.
  • Presence of viruses.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Alcohol, drug and food poisoning.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Diabetes.

To fully cleanse the blood, 5 sessions will be required. The procedure is prohibited for people with anemia, blood clotting and hypoproteinemia.

Drip method

As medicinal products sorbents are used that quickly remove harmful substances: waste, toxins. The procedure can be carried out in a hospital setting or at home. The dropper will perform cleansing efficiently, instantly bringing the water-electrolytic balance back to normal. The consequences of intoxication will be eliminated.

Drugs administered through a dropper include vitamins and microelements, anticonvulsants and psychotropics, saline solution, sleeping pills and sedatives. Before use, an analysis is carried out for the presence of allergens.

Folk method

Methodology traditional treatment detects a wide range of used products based on herbs, fruits and berries. Allowed to use natural remedies in the form of juice or infusion.

Recipes: drinking juices

A number of products are available on our own personal plot, others need to be purchased in the store.

  • Beetroot juice. Drink no more than 1 glass per day. Feelings of nausea and dizziness may occur.
  • Mixed composition. The product is made from honey, Cahors, carrot, beet and lemon juice. Prepare a total of 200 ml, taking 1 spoon over 30 minutes. before meals per day.
  • Plantain and nettle juice. Dry the leaves, pour boiling water and let it brew for 2 hours. Drink 1/2 cup up to 6 times a day. Nettle juice is infused for 40 minutes, consumed half an hour before meals.
  • Citrus juice. The duration of the course is 3 days. We get a liquid mixture from orange, grapefruit and lemon. Drink 1/2 glass after 40 minutes. during the day. To preserve the integrity of the enamel, rinsing the mouth is recommended.
  • 3-ingredient recipe. Take 2 cups of fresh honey, 1 cup of chopped dill (seeds), 2 tbsp. l. valerian root and 2 l. boiling water Leave for 24 hours. We filter and get an infusion. Use half an hour before meals. The duration of the course is 30 days.

Recipes: using natural products

Natural products contain an abundance of vitamins, macroelements and microelements that are beneficial to the body.

  • Cellulose. Fiber components absorb the toxin well, preventing it from spreading throughout the circulatory system. Digestion and cholesterol levels return to normal. Uses bread products, nuts, berries and fruits containing fiber should be avoided by people with stomach problems.
  • Horseradish. Eliminates the upper Airways and blood from sputum. To prepare the recipe, it is enough to use lemon, horseradish root and fresh honey (2 tablespoons). Give time to brew in the refrigerator. Cannot be used for stomach diseases.
  • Lemon. The product replenishes protein in the liver. Grind 150 g of garlic cloves, 10 pcs. lemons. Close in a container for 14 days, away from exposure sun rays. The resulting product is diluted in the proportion of 1 tbsp. l. / 200 ml of water, drink 3 times a day. Course – 30 days.
  • Dandelion. Plant roots can be purchased at a pharmacy or you will have to prepare it yourself. 3 tbsp. l. Boil over low heat for 5 minutes. Drink 3 times a day.
  • Columns of corn. A remedy with a choleretic effect. Thanks to the components, excess fluid is removed, and toxic substances are removed along the way. Recovering secretory function gallbladder.

Many people believe that they need to cleanse their blood regularly to stay or become healthy. Today it is given great importance such cleansing, and some even consider it almost a panacea.

Is it really? How does blood purification occur? What methods are there? Are there any contraindications to blood purification, especially at home, and what are they? We will separately touch on the issue of how to clean blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques at home. Let's look at each question in turn.

What is blood and vessel cleansing?

Maintaining the vital functions of the body occurs through metabolism. Complex substances entering the intestines with food under the influence of digestive juices are broken down into simple ones, which penetrate into the blood and enter into various reactions. Each of them performs its own function. During these reactions, a lot of “waste” is produced. They go into the blood and then are excreted by everyone possible ways into the environment. These are the paths:

  • part of the waste material is neutralized by the liver;
  • some goes with bile into the intestines;
  • other substances are excreted by the kidneys;
  • a very small portion is excreted through sweat and breathing.

If the listed systems are healthy, then some cleaning methods are acceptable; if they are sick, others are acceptable.

Everything is clear about blood, but what then can contaminate the vessels? Most often these are atherosclerotic plaques that form on vascular walls due to the deposition of fats and cholesterol.

Blood purification methods available at home

You can have a beneficial effect on the blood:

  • food;
  • drinks;
  • herbs.

Let's look at each method separately.

Blood purification with products

Products containing fiber are able to adsorb toxins, preventing them from being absorbed into the blood. In addition to toxins, it reduces the absorption of cholesterol and harmful fats, improves the evacuation of intestinal contents, and has choleretic effect, improves digestion. Serving as food for normal flora intestines, fiber does not allow reproduction pathogenic microorganisms, which can cause putrefactive processes in him.

The daily fiber requirement is up to 60 grams. Its regular consumption is an important component healthy eating and at the same time promotes blood purification at home.

You should be careful when handling products with high content fiber for people suffering from diseases digestive tract. They are usually prescribed a diet that specifies how much they can eat.

List of products containing fiber:

  • bran;
  • legumes (beans, peas, lentils);
  • grains (porridge, bread);
  • bran bread, grain baked goods;
  • fruits and berries:
  • vegetables;
  • nuts.

Vegetable oils are used for the same purpose. They have a choleretic effect. IN pure form they also have a laxative effect, especially if taken on an empty stomach. Olive, sunflower, peanut, corn oil added to salads, vegetable, cereal dishes, soups. For frying, it is better to use vegetable oils instead of animal fat (pork, beef and others).

Cleansing the blood with drinks

The cleansing effect of drinks is associated with a choleretic effect. Vegetables and fruit juices facilitate the passage of bile due to its dilution and stimulation of bile formation. The strongest in this regard are considered:

Blood cleansing with herbs

Herbal decoctions with laxative, choleretic, diuretic effects, as well as those with the ability to restore liver cells, can cleanse the blood at home.

By cleansing the intestines, we ensure that the body, and therefore the blood, is not contaminated, quickly removing everything unnecessary.

How else to clean blood at home

We've looked at ways to cleanse the blood using foods, drinks and herbs, but are there other ways?

Choleretic agent

Corn stalks increase the secretion of bile by reducing viscosity. They reduce the content of bilirubin in the blood. The medicine is taken in the form of a decoction for cholecystitis, cholangitis, and hepatitis. It affects the blood coagulation system, having a hemostatic effect, and increases urine output.

The complex action of corn cobs helps the liver cleanse the blood of toxins and remove excess liquid from the body. Before using any medicine, even based on herbs, you need to consult a doctor!

Diuretic tea

  1. Lingonberry leaves are drunk in the form of decoctions and infusions. They have a diuretic effect and can be used for urolithiasis. The leaves are poured with 200 ml of boiling water and left for 30 minutes.
  2. Blue cornflower flowers are taken as an infusion before meals 3 times a day.
  3. Diuretic infusions from bearberry leaves also have a disinfectant effect on the urinary tract.

Diuretics can be used when there is fluid retention in the body. For kidney, heart and other diseases the best remedy Only a doctor will recommend depending on the situation.


How to cleanse blood at home using hepatoprotectors? These remedies make the daily work of the liver easier. Herbal preparations are widely used for liver diseases, intoxications, and severe physical labor, they are useful for people working in hazardous industries, during treatment with cytostatics, which negatively affects liver function. Also, these drugs are used if there is a risk of stone formation in the gallbladder, for example, in overweight people.

IN for preventive purposes It is better to prefer to use herbal “helpers” of the liver or their semi-synthetic analogues. Examples are:

  • Gepabene;
  • Sibektan;
  • Silimar.

Ways to cleanse blood vessels

To clear or reduce the size of cholesterol deposits on the vascular walls or prevent their formation, it is important to follow dietary restrictions and other points, which we will discuss below. With strict adherence to the rules, after 3 months there is a decrease in cholesterol in biochemical analysis blood.

Thus, cleansing the blood of toxins at home requires a multifaceted approach. Cleaning allows people with a predisposition to heart and vascular diseases and metabolic diseases to maintain health. Also, blood purification facilitates the course of many chronic diseases.

The basis of the blood purification procedure is careful attention to your health. There are many methods available, but only a doctor can choose exactly the cleaning method that will be useful for you. It must be remembered that improvising blood purification on your own can cause serious harm. There is no need to take risks, you just need to trust the advice of a specialist.

To maintain health, the body periodically needs to be cleansed, including the blood. Methods of cleansing can be different - folk or medical.

Some of them can be done at home, after consulting with your doctor in advance.

Each person with his systems and organs is individual, and the medical history is also worth taking into account. A competent approach to the procedure will save you from many problems.

The most popular and painless methods are based on diet and correct use healing drinks. When blood thins influenced bad ecology, alcohol, or when formations form on the walls of blood vessels cholesterol plaques, as a result of acquired pathologies, the need for a health procedure arises.

The exception is for patients suffering from stomach diseases. Only a specialist should prepare a diet for them. Consume various cereals, nuts. Be sure to supplement your diet with fruits, berries, and vegetables.

The benefits of vegetable oils

They are also used to cleanse the blood at home due to their choleretic properties. If you consume the oil raw and on an empty stomach, you will get an even laxative effect. For this purpose use corn, olive, peanut or regular sunflower oil. It can be eaten with salads, in soups, cereals or vegetable dishes. It is also recommended to fry in vegetable oil, avoiding animal fats.

Use of medicinal drinks

Their action is based on the choleretic effect. Juices from vegetables or fruits make the flow of bile free and dilute it. Bile production returns to normal.

Herbal medicine for healthy blood

Alternative medicine often uses herbal therapies. Thanks to them healing properties the blood is cleansed, the body restores its resources. For this we use:

  • Alcohol tincture dandelion with juice extract of its stems. The squeezed out liquid is mixed with an alcohol base in a ratio of 5:1 and taken once a day. You can drink it with water or eat it with honey.
  • Tincture yarrow based on 3 tbsp. raw materials per 1 liter hot water. The herb is infused for several hours, filtered and drunk half a glass before meals.
  • Nettle infusion a spoon 2 times a day. Dry nettle in the amount of 1 tsp. Brew a glass of boiling water and leave.
  • Herbal collection from birch buds, immortelle inflorescences, St. John's wort shoots, flowers medicinal chamomile and strawberry leaves in equal proportions. 2 tbsp. the mixture is brewed 2 tbsp. hot water, drink 200 ml on an empty stomach.

How to purify the blood with medication?

Before starting the procedure, be sure to consult with your doctor, because self-medication may have side effects. If you can’t turn to a specialist for help, use Kafiol. The drug has been developed based herbal ingredients – plum and fig pulp, senna herb and Vaseline oil and belongs to the category of laxatives. By improving the process of bowel movement, it also helps cleanse the blood.

You can use hepatoprotectors - a group of medications that reduce the load on the liver. It is she who takes on part of the work of purifying the blood. Medicines based on herbal ingredients restore the structure of the organ after illnesses, severe forms poisoning, use of antibiotics. When the liver functions normally, purified blood circulates through the vessels. You can take “Gepabene”, “Sibektan” or “Silimar” for this purpose. The drug "Karsil" helps a lot.

Quick cleaning methods with folk remedies

Among the methods alternative medicine there are many quite effective, suitable for use at home. They contribute to:

  • normalization of well-being;
  • stopping lethargy and drowsiness;
  • boosting immunity;
  • cleansing the skin;
  • growth of healthy and strong hair;
  • pressure stabilization;
  • relief from migraines and seizures.

When the blood is cleansed, it improves general state body, because all systems and organs are interconnected.

Corn posts

An excellent choleretic drug, which helps normalize bile secretion and reduces its viscosity.

Thanks to complex impact on the body of corn columns, the liver gets rid of toxic substances, excess fluid is eliminated along with them naturally- with urine.

There is a feeling of vigor. You need to brew the product like regular tea - leave for several hours and drink half a glass.

Very effective and quick method on blood purification, but it not recommended for use by sufferers peptic ulcer or gastritis, vegetative-vascular dystonia. You will feel dizzy and hungry, but you need to be patient for 2 days. On the third day, a surge of strength and energy will appear. Drink for two days one purified water.

You can’t even have tea, compote or coffee drinks. On the third day, start drinking fresh juices half a glass three times a day, but no more. Eat cabbage and beet salads. On the fourth day, gradually include in your diet regular products. The exit from fasting should be gradual.

Healing jelly

It can be made from oats or flax seeds. Pour a couple of tablespoons of seeds into 2 tbsp. boiling water overnight, and throughout next day drink 100 ml of the finished medicine half an hour before meals. Oatmeal or flax jelly eliminates toxins and prevents their reabsorption into the blood. It’s better not to wait until you need blood cleansing; use folk remedies for prevention.

Among the methods of removing toxins from the body, the first place is occupied by natural remedies. The reason for this is their availability, relative cheapness and safety when used wisely.

U modern man quite often situations arise when it is necessary to cleanse your body of harmful substances. They can enter the blood from the outside, but sometimes you need to help your own systems cope with excess waste in the organs:

  • Condition after chemotherapy, radiation therapy. Accumulates in the human body great amount free radicals, peroxide decomposition products own cells. The kidneys and liver work in an enhanced mode; helping them in the cleansing process is extremely useful.
  • Long-term use of antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal drugs.
  • Having chronic heart disease, peripheral vessels, kidneys, liver.
  • Long-term alcohol abuse, smoking, taking psychoactive substances.

Herbs and berries for blood cleansing (folk recipes)

You should not ignore wild berries and herbs. Traditional healers They offer a lot of ways to cleanse the blood with infusions and decoctions of herbs. The effect of their use is comparable to modern hardware techniques (laser, plasmapheresis). The most powerful ones that remove toxins from the blood are burdock, calendula, chamomile, and yarrow. Dandelion and celandine also greatly reduce cholesterol levels in the blood plasma.

✿ To cleanse the body, prepare a collection: burdock root chopped – 2 tbsp. l., root dandelion– 1 tbsp. l., dried chamomile flowers - 2 tbsp. l., calendula flowers - 1 tbsp. l. The mixture is poured with 1.5 liters of boiling water, covered and left for 2 hours. You can drink the infusion instead of tea, preferably 2-3 times a day, a glass. To remove bitterness, add a spoonful of natural honey.

✿ To reduce cholesterol, it is recommended to make a herbal decoction celandine and dandelion in a 1:1 ratio. For 2 tablespoons of the mixture you need 1 liter of water. Heat in a water bath for 20 minutes. The cooled broth is taken one tablespoon three times a day, washed down with water. The effect can be noticed after a month of use.

✿ Wild berries ( blueberries, cranberries, blueberries, raspberries) thanks to natural antioxidants save human cells from premature aging. There are no special recipes for use; it is healthier to eat them raw.

Baking soda will cleanse your blood in 6 weeks

Traditional medicine offers ways to cleanse the body of harmful substances using a soda solution. WITH scientific point vision, this substance neutralizes excess acids in the human body. For use, prepare the following solution: add 1.5-2 teaspoons of soda to 1 liter of water and stir thoroughly. To improve the taste, it is recommended to add a tablespoon of honey or natural brown sugar. You need to drink 150 grams three times a day, regardless of meals. The course of cleaning is at least 6 weeks. Use this method with caution if:

  • You suffer from gastritis, especially atrophic or accompanied increased secretion acids. Soda can aggravate the course of the disease.
  • Renal dysfunction (chronic renal failure, pyelonephritis and others).
  • At simultaneous administration With medications, soda can weaken their activity. Use cautiously in combination with NSAIDs (diclofenac, nimesulide, meloxicam), anticoagulants (warfarin), antiplatelet agents ( acetylsalicylic acid). Soda reduces the absorption of oral antibiotics (azithromycin, spiramycin, amoxicillin).

Read also:

Does activated charcoal cleanse the blood?

IN medical practice charcoal is used for poisoning, diarrhea infectious nature. Particles of the drug absorb toxins in the intestinal lumen and help prevent them from entering the blood. At home, you can conduct a course of preventive cleansing of the body. Standard scheme activated carbon therapy is as follows:

  • An hour before meals or 2 hours after, you should take activated charcoal orally at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight;
  • Drink plenty of water, no less than a glass of plain water;
  • Duration of use is at least 8-10 days.

Alternative way: for 2 weeks, take 2 tablets of charcoal 3 times a day, washed down with water.

When cleaning this way, be sure to observe the duration of treatment. In 2 or 3 days, charcoal will remove insufficient amounts of toxins from the body. As with others folk ways cleaning method has limitations:

  • erosive gastritis, fresh gastric or duodenal ulcer;
  • hereditary intestinal diseases: nonspecific ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease;
  • hemorrhoids with severe symptoms (bleeding, pain, false urges to defecation). Activated carbon can worsen the course of the disease.
  • You cannot combine charcoal with other tablets.

Products that improve and cleanse the blood

To cleanse the body, it is enough to diversify your diet with the following products:

1. Lemon. Contains a large number of antioxidants, citric acid, which bind heavy metals, and in this form they are easily excreted from the body by the kidneys.

2. Carrots. Beta-carotene contained in these root vegetables inhibits excessive oxidative processes in the body's cells and increases the elasticity of the walls blood vessels. For better absorption, combine carrot dishes with vegetable oils, fatty dairy products.

3. Turmeric. Seasoning bright yellow color, came to us from South Asian countries. Basics active substance– curcumin. Studies have proven that it lowers blood cholesterol levels, improves rheological properties blood (prevents the formation of microthrombi). Absorbed only in combination with fats.

4. Broccoli. Contains kaempferol - organic compound, which is capable of binding dangerous molecules of waste and converting them into a soluble state. In this form, toxins are easily removed from the body. Broccoli is also rich in fiber, which cleanses the intestines like a brush.

5. Beets. Eating food from of this product will help cleanse the intestines and prevent the absorption of toxic substances into the blood.

6. Apples. They contain fiber and pectins, as well as the antioxidant vitamin C. They perfectly remove drug molecules from the body that the body itself is not able to process.

7. Celery. Contains unique glycosides, ether compounds, vitamins A, C, folic acid. It is healthier to eat fresh stems of the plant. In addition to the cleansing effect, it stimulates the immune system, enhances potency, and regulates blood pressure.

How citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, grapefruits) affect the blood

Use all year round Eating lemons, oranges, and grapefruits will help protect the body from the accumulation of metabolic products. Representatives of this product group are rich dietary fiber, pectin, vitamins, especially ascorbic acid. Essential oils, contained in the juice and peel, have a mild diuretic effect and enhance kidney function. Thus, citrus fruits mobilize the body’s strength in the fight against toxins. Grapefruits also bind well and remove salts heavy metals: lead, mercury.

Onions and garlic maintain the elasticity of blood vessels

Adding fresh onions and garlic to your food makes it doubly healthy. The fact is that these plants contain specific glycosides, terpenes, ether compounds, and the alkaloid allicin, which affect the body as follows:

  • Stimulate microcirculation in the tissues of the kidneys and skin, thereby forcing them to more actively cleanse the body;
  • Reduce the production of your own cholesterol in the liver;
  • The vitamins in garlic and onion juice preserve the elasticity of blood vessels and the youth of the heart muscle.

IMPORTANT! To cleanse the body, it is enough to consume a tablespoon of onion or garlic per day.

Green tea will reduce the level of “bad fats” in the blood

Daily use of this drink stimulates the body's protective properties. Green tea significantly reduces the level of “bad fats” in the blood. For maximum benefit follow the recommendations:

  • The healthiest tea is the highest grade, from a reliable manufacturer. Vietnamese teas, the Chinese variety Tieguanyin, and Oolong are especially good at fighting toxins. Do not use bagged green tea with artificial additives;
  • Do not drink more than two cups per day to avoid excessive stimulation of the nervous system.
  • Green tea can cause insomnia if you drink it after 7:00 pm.

Contraindications and precautions

If you decide to cleanse the blood traditional methods, we strongly recommend that you do this with precautions:

1. Visit your doctor and discuss your chosen method with him. Doctors sometimes prohibit certain medications due to chronic diseases.

2. Do not use products that have had an adverse reaction in the past.

3. Follow dosages carefully. If you are told to drink three glasses a day, then you do not need to exceed the volume, this will only make it worse.

4. While cleansing the body or blood, try to eat right, avoid alcohol and cigarettes, good sleep is important.

There are dozens of ways to cleanse the body; it is important to choose the one that is right for you. Be healthy!

Cleaning blood at home