How to deal with cucumber diseases. How to deal with fungal diseases of cucumbers? How to fight illness: healing with positive thoughts

Certain conclusions can be drawn from the disease. What do we usually think about illness? Disease is evil, we need to get rid of it. We also don’t understand where this infection comes from? Therefore, I will once again dwell on the main points from which I proceed. Illness is a signal that something is wrong with us. This means we need to understand the signal, understand what the disease wants to tell us. And we usually fight it. But this does not bring results. Dialogue brings results, but struggle does not.

Therefore, I believe that the visualization technique described in the already mentioned book by K. Simonton and S. Simonton “Psychotherapy of Cancer” does not bear fruit. Because there is supposed to be a struggle there. Fighting cancer cells. And the struggle does more harm than good. The struggle is exhausting, and there is no point. Instead of fighting, you need relaxation, you need to create conditions for the body to heal faster. And of course, building a dialogue with the disease. It is not so easy to build this dialogue alone. But I'll try to explain. First we can do this exercise. We can imagine that our illness is on the floor. Let's call it cancer. We can say everything we think about him, and also ask him around. It might look something like this. “Cancer, why did you come to me? Why are you such trash? Why are you clinging to me and disfiguring me like this? I hate you, you want to kill me. Not just kill me, but do it slowly and painfully. I’m afraid of you, you’re mine enemy ".

It is important. First, we express our feelings about our illness. We find out what these feelings are and express them. In the above example it is hatred and fear. By the way, even simply speaking out our feelings and fears (for example, fear of dying or fear of relapse) helps a lot. We do not keep them to ourselves, but speak them out. And then you can work further with the already spoken fears. Now the second part of our dialogue. It's not there yet. For now this is a monologue. We expressed our feelings towards the disease, asked him questions, but received no answers. Now we need to turn into the disease itself. It's not as hard as it might seem. Now we're getting on position of the disease, "I am a disease." I am not the one who is sick, but I who am the cancer. And we answer the questions that we asked in the first part.

The dialogue can continue like this. “It was very unpleasant for me to listen to the fact that you hate and are afraid of me. I am not your enemy, but your assistant. I am not a punishment, but your assistant. I am a part of you and will not leave you until you read my hint. If I "If you didn't come, then you would have lived as before. But I don't like this kind of life. I want you to change, to build your life differently." And then we can figure out how to change our lives, what to do differently. In fact, the dialogue turns out differently for all people. All this is very individual. In this exercise we learn to understand the clues that the body gives us. If we just kill our body medical procedures, then we will never know the clue that our body gives us. And even if we are cured, we do not understand the main thing. Why were we given this disease? This is called suffering and suffering and getting nothing useful in return.

If we treat a disease as something foreign, as “rubbish” that needs to be gotten rid of, then we usually delay treatment. The disease must be treated as a part of myself. This is my disease, this is part of me. And it is not accidental. The disease should not be rejected, but accepted. By accepting a disease, we change our attitude towards it. Instead of being our enemy, she becomes our hint with which we work, we understand her, she is our helper. The more we hate the disease, the less likely we are to recover. The faster we understand it, we understand why it was given to us, the faster the recovery occurs.

You can play with your cancer cells. Imagine the spectacle of how these cells attack you, your healthy cells. In our imagination, as a rule, cancer cells represent strength. They are strong, they can kill. Paradoxically, this power can be transferred to you. The fact is that, as a rule, cancer cells have more energy than healthy ones. It is necessary to redirect the energy of cancer cells from destruction to something else. For example, the energy and strength of cancer cells can be transferred to healthy cells, and accordingly there will be an increase in strength healthy cells. Our body can itself cope with unnecessary cells, cells that bring death. The body has special cells that are responsible for preventing cancer cells from growing. Eat the immune system. We need to establish contact with our entire system and restore the body’s absolutely natural ability to be healthy

- Most often, a person, upon learning about his serious diagnosis or the diagnosis of his loved ones, falls into, if not panic, then, at least, in some confusion. How to react correctly to the news of your illness or the illness of loved ones?

The question is posed this way - what does it mean to treat correctly and incorrectly, that is, one can treat the disease in different ways. That’s right - I’ll say theoretically - we need to treat it with understanding, humility, carefully and objectively reflect, and not be nervous. This list can be continued. However, no one would treat their illness this way, because it is a powerful emotional blow that dramatically and radically changes a situation to which a person has not yet adapted. And in in this case, in my opinion, the best thing to do is not to panic.

Again, it’s good to say: “don’t panic”; sounds like something good wishes. But we will understand the danger of panic if we turn to social psychology. When a person is in similar condition, he understands little, he thinks more with emotions - and usually with lower emotions (fear, horror, attempts to escape, etc.). The damage from these emotions is much greater than from the source of panic.

That is why, for example, they shot the alarmists on the ship - this managed to save the rest of the crew. After all, if the entire crew is seized with panic, then for the ship this is inevitable death without a fight. And now the captain of a ship, including a passenger one, has the right to stop panic in this way.

It is known from the history of wars that when a panicked, disorderly retreat begins, units lose ten times more personnel than if the soldiers remained in the trenches and continued to defend. This is what caused the creation of barrier detachments during the Great Patriotic War. The barrier detachments skillfully stopped the panic, thanks to which hundreds of thousands of people were saved.

So, when a person is faced with an illness, he usually has an emotional reaction that is extremely sharp, that is, part of his logic “turns off” - the person cannot understand the situation logically, it has changed too dramatically, and all that remains is emotional sphere which begins to dominate. And this is very dangerous. Save yourself from this trap - panic - enter into a relatively normal condition You can, firstly, by listening to others. Secondly, without drawing scary pictures. After all, usually a sick person draws the most terrible picture in his imagination and begins to be afraid of it. Still, for example, there is no diagnosis, there is a suspicion of one or another disease; there is no established diagnosis, and the person has already fired up his imagination, he has drawn such a picture of this disease, and, most importantly, even if it is confirmed, there are certain methods of treatment. And often people don’t understand what they’re talking about we're talking about, what methods of treatment exist, how this will all happen and that everything is in the hands of God, but he paints for himself that there is no salvation, everything is lost, everything is lost, he paints this picture for himself and then real panic begins. In this state, a person is not able to adequately perceive information, find correct methods treatment, consult with someone, find professional specialist- that is, do what needs to be done. This, one might say, is panic turning into hysteria, which, by the way, applies not only to the patients themselves, but also very often to their relatives.

Sober thinking is very important and necessary here; we need to verify what is happening now with objective facts. Or as St. said. Theophan the Recluse about sobriety: “Sobriety is the standing of the mind close to the heart.” And if the mind is at the door of emotions, it is good, but if not, it is tragic, and a person can cause himself a lot of harm. Of course, this situation concerns not only the onset of the disease, but also all intermediate stages, how patients panic before a new examination, before changing the treatment regimen. All this every time spurs panic, hysterical states. And this has a very bad effect on the treatment itself, relationships with doctors, family relationships, etc.

Thus, panic causes direct harm to the sick person.

- What is a disease for a person, if we consider it not from a physiological, but from a spiritual and psychological point of view.

From a psychological point of view, illness is an expansion of one’s own capabilities, with religious point vision is the way, new stage in life. It's like in computer game- when you move to a new level, it is more difficult than the previous one. Illness in the spiritual sense is a transition to a new, more complex level. Just being a spiritual person, when you are doing well, you can teach others at this time. And when things aren’t going so well for you, that’s when your real capabilities show up.

- I don’t want to teach others anymore...

- What challenges does the disease pose to a person?

The task of growth, that is, a person in illness faces the same task as before his whole life. And in general, if the task was physical growth, then it would not make sense, because our physical life will stop anyway. In this case, naturally, the task is spiritual growth, although often in illness some grow, while others stop growing and fall. One person, for example, fell ill - he began to think about others, to look for the meaning of life; and another person in the same situation - not to be confused with a short-term stage of aggression - grumbles at God.

- What should you do if a person’s stage of murmuring continues for several years without stopping?

I know similar cases. This is difficult, first of all, for the sick person himself. But not in all cases “murmuring” can be called a spiritual fall. This murmur - the murmur of Job (Lord, everything is unfair) - even allows a person to grow spiritually in relation to people. After all, this spiritual component is added to the disease that a person has, and the disease is thus multiplied. The human condition can, without fear of exaggerating, be described as tragic: the emerging spiritual illness-murmur does not allow a person to crawl out of the pit of despondency, forcibly leaves him in obsessive thoughts, which keep spinning and spinning, giving no way out... I repeat: this is an extremely tragic situation.

When I worked at the Cancer Center, I met one person. He grumbled and grumbled, but last week of his life suddenly stops grumbling with lightning speed and, it seems to me, reaches incredible, transcendental, incomprehensible peaks.

- What helped people like this man get out of the state of murmuring?

It is necessary to consider each case separately; it is difficult to say in the abstract what helped them. Maybe they were helped by the fact that they did not try to hold on to something that a person is not able to hold on to - I mean health. After all, grumbling begins when you try to hold on to something that cannot be held back (attempts to “keep the uncontrollable”). Here many examples from life can be cited: for example, a cart has gone downhill and it is impossible to hold it, and a person is trying with all his might, but his attempts will not be successful, because the cart with its gravity still has more strength. And so the man gives up his futile attempts and lets go of the cart... and suddenly he feels free, feels a certain liberation that allows him to instantly take wings and take off. That is, a person who has stopped fighting and grumbling in vain feels inner relief and liberation in illness.

Returning to the question about the tasks that illness poses to a person, we can say that any task, or rather the solution to it, puts a person a step higher. And the disease in this case is no exception.

- Sometimes it turns out that friends turn away from a sick person, since friendship with him requires effort. How to relate to this phenomenon?

If friends turn away in trouble, that means they were friends like that. If your jeans dissolved during the first wash, it means they were made of paper, that is, they cannot be called jeans. These are well made paper jeans pants. It's the same with all surrogates. Friends, let's say this is the highest degree of reliability. Naturally, it happens that a person in illness begins to make a huge number of demands, and therefore they simply cease to understand him. And they are afraid to disturb him again, because in response to this the patient expresses condemnation, curses, and aggression that is not useful for him and those around him. Such cases really do happen. Sometimes even real friends cannot understand the anger, irritation or depression that the patient experiences and displays; are not ready for this. We must understand that not everyone is sufficiently prepared for this, this is especially difficult in our time, when people are accustomed to enjoying life more than to sympathize and empathize with those who are sick and who feel bad. After all, the patient’s condition can be understood if you study, for example, medicine and know what suffering illnesses cause to a person, or if you yourself have gone through suffering.

But not always, if friends move away a little, it means that they abandoned their sick comrade. Although such cases, unfortunately, are also not uncommon. If friends were truly united by friendship, then a step to the side is possible, but only a step and only for a while, because the basis of friendship remains, that is, mutual understanding, mutual support, common interests, etc. - what constitutes the core of friendship. And if they were united, for example, by drinking, spending empty time together, receiving dubious pleasures, non-binding communication, etc., then, naturally, then people can no longer communicate on this basis. Because a sick person is bound by his illness, he has no time for it and, as a rule, he communicates on completely different topics. And it turns out that the friendship was built on the wrong foundation, and at the very first test its building collapsed. But is it worth grieving that a relationship with a person who was not a friend to you, but just a hangout buddy, broke up?

- A sick person, in addition to the fact of illness, has to face many difficulties and problems. Some seriously ill people, for example, become much more dependent on relatives than before, others are lonely and they have to somehow provide for themselves and take care of themselves. In this regard, the question is how to relate to this loneliness and, accordingly, related problems...

Before addressing the issue, I would like to make two points. First, all of us humans are, by definition, alone. But - and this is the second thing - it is appropriate and ethical for those who have experienced it to speak about this kind of loneliness... You see, we must “get to the root”, return to the core of our conversation. If you look at it, both illness and loneliness are a path, a path to growth, as we have already said. Illness opens a certain path to growth. It’s tragic, it’s hard, but the fact remains: it really opens up... That is, it’s very difficult task, placed in front of a person. But loneliness for a patient is a much more difficult task.

- Especially when a person does not have the strength to get to the store, and his refrigerator is empty, the food has run out...

This makes the task very difficult. But it must be said that we are not the first to face these problems, are we?.. That, unfortunately, this has always been present, although before, of course, people’s attitude towards each other was much better and rarely anyone remained completely helpless and all alone, because it contradicted Christian, Muslim and other life and religious customs and the foundations of the peoples who lived in Russia. At this stage, this is indeed a much more difficult task. But to console the sick, we can say that God has entrusted them with the solution of a difficult task, which means they are spiritually strong and strong people. Decide simple task Anyone can do it, but it’s a difficult one... So what if, for example, a fifth grader solved a problem for the first grade? Another thing is the reward that awaits a fifth-grader who solves a tenth-grade problem. The cost of solving this problem is very high. And the reward is great. And the possibilities are great. Of course, a fifth grader may not want to solve the problem given to him, because it is difficult and he will have to strain his strength, but if it is not solved, there will be no further growth and advancement. So you will be marking time. In relation to a sick person, this means: you are already sick, you are in certain conditions, which means you will still have to solve this problem. And it’s better for you, for your spiritual and physical state, to accept everything as it is and treat the disease precisely as a problem and solve it without entering into an argument with the Teacher who gave this task...

- So in what way can a sick person solve the task assigned to him?

Understanding that he is not suffering in vain for a reason. On the one hand, it is impossible to make loneliness non-loneliness. But on the other hand, you can treat your loneliness differently, take more active position. Now there are many opportunities for this - the Internet, various forums on interests, including for people with disabilities. In addition, you need to understand exactly what type of loneliness is present in the life of a sick person. Sometimes loneliness is “quantitative”, when a person until a certain moment had a close environment, but suddenly it dissolved somewhere, disappeared. Sometimes - and this is more common - loneliness is “qualitative”, that is, a person surrounded by other people feels lonely, it seems to him that they are not interested in him or his problems, etc. This usually happens because a person does not have communication skills with other people. If he somehow rejects them, pushes them away, offends them, then he ends up left alone and without help.

These two states must always be separated. And learn to develop your communication skills. To do this, you need to be more tolerant of other people, understand their problems, which is extremely important for a person in illness who, behind his problems, ceases to see the problems of other people. Very often this happens to grandmothers who require constant attention, always say that they are lonely as a finger, and complain that their daughter comes to them only three times a week. But it’s hard for a daughter who has several children to go to the hospital to visit her mother three times a week... But the grandmother is focused on herself and believes that she is lonely, although this is not at all the case.

- Often a person not only initial stage, but having been ill for quite a long time, he hears the words: “hold on, fight...” Why and why fight?

Good question. Why and for what to fight or how to relate to these words?.. Hold on, fight, you and I are empty words... These are like communist slogans - I remember they were no longer effective in Lately.

- What did you do to be with a person...

What to fight for? What to fight with? With illness? How to deal with it? If you say “Fight!”, then explain how to fight it... I understand that a doctor can say: “Fight the disease like this, here’s the treatment for you,” right? Well, that's logical. And just a pat on the shoulder - hold on, fight, you and I - no, instead of saying some general phrases, it’s better to say something from the heart.

In general, to fight is a matter of course... After all, there is no such thing as universal disease. One illness can be overcome, but another cannot be overcome, because it is stronger. Sometimes all efforts are devoted to this struggle, which cannot be won, precious time is wasted on it, which could be used for something completely different and much more wisely.

Everything here is so subtle... It is impossible to give general, universal advice. You will say: “Humble yourselves!” - and some will understand this as a guide to action, and maybe they are the ones who need to fight to improve their condition. You say: “Fight!” - Those who don’t even need to fight will begin to fight with all their might.

If the struggle is reasonable, then one should fight for the quality of life, for recovery, so that the time gained from the disease can be used for good deeds. After all, there are people who spend the time allotted to them on drinking, partying, etc.

- They want to “have a blast” for the last time...

Yes, to “break away” for the last time... And then sometimes you think: is it good for a person that he has this time - he’s only making things worse for himself. He destroys his soul in this way...

- Sometimes sick people are tempted to give in to emotions and give up on their future. Is this right or is it still necessary to continue professional development or study if your condition allows it?

Well, who among the sick can know exactly what will happen?.. After all, life is a journey. It turns out like this: you have a little time to go - stop eating. You don't need energy anymore, right? But we don’t know who gets how much. Therefore, as long as we live, we must move as long.

- And science does not stand still.

Yes. Well, you stop eating now and you can stop doing a lot of things, but in reality it turns out that life is still long and so on. Naturally, I think it would never occur to anyone to encourage a person who is already on his deathbed or in intensive care to go to college. Here the answer is already obvious. But as for such options, when a person is sick - after all, through the knowledge that you receive, through communication with the people with whom you will communicate, through the job in which you will work - the development of your personality, your soul will occur, which is the meaning of our life. And if a person refuses this, it turns out that he refuses spiritual growth. And this, in my opinion, is wrong. And the fact that no one can know exactly when and who will be There, will go to that life... You know, we all may not live to see next day. Here's some one there atomic bomb it will explode and that's it...

- Or a banal brick on your head.

Well, a brick is on the head of one, but a bomb is for everyone. Or some catastrophe will happen on a global scale. That's all. Then is it really worth studying at all? Why study, even healthy ones? They're going to die anyway, right?

- It is still unknown who has longer to live!

Completely unknown! Here’s a man thinking I’ll do this and that, he has plans for the year ahead. And he came out and was hit by a car, a brick fell on his head. You can ask - why did you study? After all, the ending is known to everyone, it is common to everyone: we will all die.
Therefore, the question cannot be posed this way. While we live, while there is a slight prospect, it is better for a sick person to adhere to next rule: work, but in such a way that the work does not harm the treatment; study, but do not allow study to interfere with treatment. The question of the necessity/need for work or study in a state of illness must be approached sensibly and intelligently, and understand that this or that may be useful for growth. Especially if it has the right vector.

The cross is our wings

"Wings will rise like eagles"
(Isa. 40, 31)

There is a poetic legend about how birds were created. Beautiful feathers adorned these lovely creatures, they had a wonderful voice and burst into a sonorous song, but, alas, they could not soar in the distant airspace, since they did not have wings. Then the Lord God created wings; pointed to the birds and said: “Take this burden and carry it on yourself.” The birds looked at this unfamiliar burden with bewilderment and fear; then they obediently took it with their beak, put it on themselves, and it seemed very difficult for them to carry it. But soon, as they pressed them closer to them, the wings grew attached to these little creatures, and the birds learned to use them. Having straightened them, they rose high above the ground. So the burden turned into wings. Instead of heaviness, the birds acquired a new, unknown ability to fly.
This legend has a spiritual meaning. We are all birds without wings, and the trials and responsibilities that the Lord sends to us should teach us to rise above all earthly things. We look at our worries as a heavy burden, but when we understand that the Lord sends them to us to teach us to rise higher, we will accept them from Him. And what? They turn into wings and carry us to the sky, and without them we might have become rooted to this miserable earth. They, by uplifting our soul, turn into a blessing. By withdrawing from fulfilling our duty, by avoiding the burden sent to us, we lose the opportunity spiritual development. Let us decide to firmly bear our burdens, trusting in the Lord, and let us remember that He wants to turn them into wings. These wings will carry us higher and higher until we reach “where the bird finds a home at Your altars, O Lord of hosts, my King, and my God” (Ps. 83:4)

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In our family Bell pepper they love it, that’s why we plant it every year. Most of the varieties that I grow have been tested by me for more than one season; I cultivate them constantly. I also try to try something new every year. Pepper is a heat-loving plant and quite whimsical. About varietal and hybrid varieties of tasty and productive sweet peppers, which grow well for me, and we'll talk Further. I live in middle lane Russia.

Home floriculture - not only exciting process, but also a very troublesome hobby. And, as a rule, the more experience a grower has, the healthier his plants look. What should those who have no experience but want to have a home do? houseplants- not elongated, stunted specimens, but beautiful and healthy ones, not evoking feelings guilt for your decline? For beginners and flower growers who do not have much experience, I will tell you about the main mistakes that are easy to avoid.

Lush cheesecakes in a frying pan with banana-apple confiture - another recipe for everyone’s favorite dish. To prevent cheesecakes from falling off after cooking, remember a few simple rules. Firstly, only fresh and dry cottage cheese, secondly, no baking powder or soda, thirdly, the thickness of the dough - you can sculpt from it, it is not tight, but pliable. Good dough with a small amount of flour it will turn out only from good cottage cheese, and here again look at the “firstly” point.

It is no secret that many drugs from pharmacies have migrated to summer cottages. Their use, at first glance, seems so exotic that some summer residents are perceived with hostility. At the same time, potassium permanganate is a long-known antiseptic that is used in both medicine and veterinary medicine. In plant growing, a solution of potassium permanganate is used both as an antiseptic and as a fertilizer. In this article we will tell you how to properly use potassium permanganate in the garden.

Meat salad pork with mushrooms - a rural dish that can often be found on festive table in the village. This recipe is with champignons, but if possible, use Forest mushrooms, then be sure to cook it this way, it will be even tastier. You don’t need to spend a lot of time preparing this salad - put the meat in a pan for 5 minutes and another 5 minutes for slicing. Everything else happens practically without the participation of the cook - the meat and mushrooms are boiled, cooled, and marinated.

Cucumbers grow well not only in a greenhouse or conservatory, but also in open ground. Typically, cucumbers are sown from mid-April to mid-May. Harvesting in this case is possible from mid-July to the end of summer. Cucumbers cannot tolerate frost. That's why we don't sow them too early. However, there is a way to bring their harvest closer and taste the juicy beauties from your garden at the beginning of summer or even in May. It is only necessary to take into account some of the features of this plant.

Poliscias – great alternative classic variegated shrubs and trees. The elegant round or feathery leaves of this plant create a strikingly festive curly crown, and its elegant silhouettes and rather modest character make it an excellent candidate for the role of large plant in the house. Larger leaves do not prevent it from successfully replacing Benjamin and Co. ficus. Moreover, polyscias offers much more variety.

Pumpkin casserole with cinnamon - juicy and incredibly tasty, a little like pumpkin pie, but, unlike the pie, it is more tender and simply melts in your mouth! This perfect recipe sweet pastries for a family with children. As a rule, kids don’t really like pumpkin, but they never mind eating something sweet. Sweet pumpkin casserole - delicious and healthy dessert, which, moreover, is prepared very simply and quickly. Try it! You'll like it!

A hedge is not only one of the most important elements landscape design. She also performs various protective functions. If, for example, the garden borders a road, or there is a highway nearby, then a hedge is simply necessary. “Green walls” will protect the garden from dust, noise, wind and create a special comfort and microclimate. In this article, we will look at the optimal plants for creating a hedge that can reliably protect the area from dust.

Many crops require picking (and more than one) in the first weeks of development, while for others transplantation is “contraindicated.” To “please” both of them, you can use non-standard containers for seedlings. Another good reason to try them is saving money. In this article we will tell you how to do without the usual boxes, pots, cassettes and tablets. And let’s pay attention to non-traditional, but very effective and interesting containers for seedlings.

Useful vegetable soup red cabbage with celery, red onion and beets - a vegetarian soup recipe that can also be prepared in fast days. For those who decide to lose a few extra pounds, I would advise not to add potatoes, and slightly reduce the amount olive oil(1 tablespoon is enough). The soup turns out to be very aromatic and thick, and during Lent you can serve a portion of the soup with lean bread - then it will be satisfying and healthy.

Surely everyone has already heard about the popular term “hygge”, which came to us from Denmark. This word cannot be translated into other languages ​​of the world. Because it means a lot of things at once: comfort, happiness, harmony, spiritual atmosphere... In this northern country, by the way, most of the time of the year there is cloudy weather and little sun. Summer is also short. And the level of happiness is one of the highest (the country regularly ranks first in the UN global rankings).

Meat balls in sauce with mashed potatoes- a simple second course prepared based on Italian cuisine. The more common name for this dish is meatballs or meatballs, however, the Italians (and not only them) call such small round cutlets meat balls. The cutlets are first fried until golden brown, and then stewed in a thick vegetable sauce - it turns out very tasty, simply delicious! Any minced meat is suitable for this recipe - chicken, beef, pork.

01 08.18

How to deal with blackberry diseases?


Blackberries are the most favorite plant of summer residents and gardeners. Recently, the berry has been gaining immense popularity. She doesn't demand special care and brings a high harvest. However, she is prone to various types diseases. To preserve the fertility of blackberries, it is necessary to take special preventive measures.

Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases occur due to the penetration of viruses into the plant.

Mosaic is the most common disease. Blackberry leaves are covered yellow spots and become deformed. The plant stops developing, becomes stunted and dies. To eliminate the infection, it is necessary to burn the infected areas and treat them with a special solution.

Curly appears due to a virus that is located in the planting material. IN in rare cases The disease is transmitted by worms. The shoots become short, the leaves become dull in color and bend. To combat the disease, you need to eliminate infected shoots and plant only healthy bushes.

Yellow mesh carried by aphids. Plants become spotted and leaves expand. In this case, blackberries should be treated with karbofos.

Bacterial diseases

Most plants are susceptible to bacterial infection, and blackberry bushes are especially susceptible.

Most dangerous disease counts cancer tumor . During this period, bacteria penetrate the blackberry bush and damage its root. Cells suddenly begin to divide. Growing new growths appear on the root, which have a dense structure. Such bushes must be destroyed immediately. To preserve the plant, you need to cut off the growths that have formed on the root system. The shoots are soaked and placed in a light solution for 5 minutes. copper sulfate. The seedlings are washed thoroughly.


Fungus is considered the most common infectious disease. If there is an infection, the plant will experience damage to the leaves and roots. Usually insects are carriers of fungi.

Rust occurs in summer period and damages young shoots. Fungal infection transferred to winter period. As a result, the blackberry stems dry out. To prevent such consequences for landing, you should only use healthy varieties. The soil must be cleared of old leaves. Before planting, treat the soil with compost. The leaves should be treated with a fungicide.

Purple spot infects all parts of the stems. Dark purple spots of a vague shape form on them. They instantly infect the bush, and the leaves begin to fall off. Over time, the plant may die. The disease does not spread to fruits. To fight, you need to use drugs against infectious diseases.

White spot- This fungal disease, which is typical for humid climate. The infection can be detected in the spring in the form of white spots with dark dots. The stems become infected, covered with mucus, and the fruits rot. Treatment of the root system and leaves with a fungicide is suitable for treatment.

Gray rot causes berries to rot. The infection affects the petals and roots of the plant. Infected berries are not recommended to be consumed. Spots appear on the stems oval shape. In case of prolonged infection, the bush dies. Treatment is carried out in a similar way.

Insects are the main carriers of infectious and fungal diseases. Bushes should be planted at a distance of 1 meter from each other. As preventive measures need to use special drugs for spraying.

Most people are afraid of getting sick. From a psychological point of view, fear of illness can be no less dangerous than the disease itself, because against the background of anxious anticipation there is a high probability of nervousness and all kinds of tics, and especially suspicious people have a high risk of developing various phobias. To protect the body from disease, it is not enough to carry out medical preventive actions- it is equally important to have positive attitude and eliminate unfounded fears.

Psychology of diseases: where diseases and fears come from

All doctors are unanimous in the opinion that the psychological aspects of diseases lie in the absence positive thinking, full of faith in the future, a tendency to see the good and bright sides in everything. But in this the main point how to deal with the disease, and all this has nothing to do with neglect real danger which the disease conceals. On the contrary, from a psychological point of view, it is necessary to know where diseases come from and what consequences they have!

But under no circumstances should you succumb to panic or fear. “Fear in all its manifestations is the most significant factor that undermines human health,” asserted Nobel laureate K. Lorenz. He meant all types of fear, including the common fear of illness and old age.

In the current difficult conditions, the psychology of the occurrence of diseases lies in mental instability - this, unfortunately, is a characteristic feature of modern man. In a life full of fears and worries, a person does not always find a way to himself, often he does not live life to the fullest. Experiencing enormous overload at work, a person, as a rule, does not know how to properly restore his strength. It's no secret that our free time distributed according to the television program. Many of us, day after day, passively contemplate other people's lives on television screens instead of actively building our own. The more such passive knowledge of the world, the more we move away from our immediate environment, the more quickly we doom ourselves to loneliness. Modern man often lonely and unsociable. He knows the political leaders who flash on the screen every day better than his neighbors on the landing. TV does not leave him time and energy for an active, healthy life. The situation can be saved active actions a person who realized the harmfulness of such a life.

Only the person himself can understand his condition, and the first step in this direction is to become aware of his fears. Regarding fears, people can openly admit it or, conversely, deny it, but every person at some point in his life is a victim of some kind of fear. Fear is terrible because it is constantly in the subconscious. It complicates all life processes, even the mundane task of providing basic necessities becomes overwhelming. Fear destroys imagination, crushes initiative, cools enthusiasm, and undermines a person's self-confidence. Fear can also become a source of vices - irritability, greed, anger towards loved ones. Fear can show itself sometimes sharp pains, For example .

What protects a person from “diseases of civilization”

Each of us must ask ourselves one day:“What is most valuable to me in life?” Of course, it may seem that the most important values ​​are career or wealth. Nobody disagrees that this is very important. But will a person who has reached the top in his profession, become famous, recognized, managed to perfectly provide for himself and his family, be happy if this person is successful in all respects? poor health? Of course not. True, if you take away a person’s fortune and give him health, his first desire will be to return the lost wealth. But this also proves that health is more important, that it is the most necessary condition happy life.

One of the main tips on how to protect yourself from diseases is not to follow the path of self-destruction. After all, the person himself is often simply merciless to his health. A lot of diseases are rightly called “diseases of civilization,” because they are largely provoked by an unhealthy lifestyle.

You will probably be surprised to learn what protects a person from disease, including hygiene, diet, and correct mode. By observing these three points, you can live to an old age, unless, of course, accidents are excluded. This is the first thing you can do on the way to protect your family from diseases, and great faith in the capabilities of the body and caring for it will help you. And this daily work to improve health will prolong life up to normal limits. But... in theory, we all dream of a long life without disease, but in practice, every day we reduce our lives to a minimum.

An amazing mechanism - the human body - is destroyed, paradoxically, by man himself. Ordinary average person pays unforgivably little attention to her health. It would seem that long life and good health should be mass phenomena, but they, as a rule, turn out to be rare exceptions.

How to fight illness: healing with positive thoughts

One of psychological aspects diseases are anxious thoughts. Where to start for a person who dreams of enjoying the joy of health? First of all, you need to know yourself. This is a very ancient formula, and, as the old professor from the story by A.P. Chekhov ironically said, unfortunately, the sages did not leave us instructions on how exactly we can know ourselves. No one will undertake to give an exhaustive answer concerning all aspects of the intellectual and moral nature of man. But the motto “Know thyself” as applied to one’s physical condition may well be implemented. Man is a truly unique phenomenon of nature, but the biological laws that govern him are quite simple and accessible to knowledge, if only you spare no effort and time to observe your body and think exclusively about the good. The task of knowing yourself seems endless, but this is the incomparable joy - getting closer to perfection every day.

The process of healing from illnesses with positive thoughts must begin with an objective and thorough self-analysis. First of all, you need to honestly answer the following questions: “What is bothering me? What am I afraid of? What am I doing that is harmful to my health? What is the most important problem for me right now? What is my immediate goal? What is the most general and most important goal? What can I do today to achieve my goals?” In answering these questions, most people will have to admit that in their Everyday life a lot of things are wrong.

How to fight and overcome the fear of illness: psychological essence

So, a person may be afraid of illness. This fear is provoked bad habits. Almost everyone knows about the dangers of alcohol, tobacco or overeating, but not everyone is able to overcome bad habits. While undermining his health, a person at the same time fears diseases that inevitably follow incorrect behavior. The fear of illness settles in the brain and literally paralyzes a person. Another common fear is the fear of old age. But there are many examples that biological and real age are different things. By careless handling of your body, you can turn yourself into an old man even at forty years old, and, on the contrary, there are hundred-year-old people who have found a source of vigor and youth. So everything is in your hands. Of course, this requires significant effort, but the reward is full-blooded, full life without drugs until old age - worth any effort. Read about people who were able to defeat old age, for example, about Academician N. Amosov, about his program of increasing physical activity. How did this scientist propose to fight thoughts about illness? He insisted on increasing physical activity, and not on its reduction in accordance with old age. By my own example The famous surgeon proved that fears of illness and old age can be overcome.

The psychological essence of his teaching is that a person’s entire life, everything important in this life, is embodied in deeds and concerns about other people. If a person has worked conscientiously throughout his life, if his conscience is clear, then his soul will remain in other people. If you think this way, you will get the answer to the question of how to overcome the fear of illness, old age and death.

But besides these three phobias, a person, of course, is afraid of poverty. Today many people are in a difficult situation, but we must not forget that a lot depends on the person himself. If using healthy habits Constantly maintain vitality in yourself, a way out of the most difficult situation will definitely be found. A person is also afraid of condemnation, disapproval of loved ones, and in general it is common for him to be afraid of human judgment. We are often afraid of being misunderstood, we worry ahead of time and often plague ourselves with this fear. Only confidence in your own rightness will help. If you are honest with yourself and others, if you are engaged in reasonable and useful work, you should not be afraid of human judgment. Fear does not leave a person, even if he is happy and loved, because he is afraid of losing love. Well, no one is immune from this, but the words are always true: “It is better to have love and lose it than not to have it at all.” And there will always be someone who needs your care, your affection, who needs your love and is ready to love you.

If you don’t know how to deal with the fear of illness, learn to analyze your emotions. A creative force that helps a person overcome despondency and endless fears, there has always been religion. Unfortunately, many people today have a weakened sense of faith. Find faith if it is not absorbed from early childhood, It's hard enough. Let your own wisdom come to your aid then.

Engage in contemplation twice a day, morning and evening, try to replace restless and harmful thoughts with new ones: constructive, bright, life-affirming. During morning contemplation, you can plan your day, and during evening contemplation, you can take stock, analyze mistakes, and celebrate successes. You will find inner peace and be able to prepare for productive creative activity. This approach to your thinking removes fears naturally, gives physical strength. If you build specific plans, facing the future, you will overcome all fears. Under no circumstances should you focus your thoughts only on the past, no matter how wonderful it may be.

The future - your goals, plans, ideas - should occupy you. And your will to win will constantly strengthen if you begin to think not about who you are today, but about who you will become tomorrow. After all, everything is possible if you have a clear goal.

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