Small fat fish. Lean fish: list of varieties for a healthy diet

It is not for nothing that nutritionists classify low-fat fish as a healthy dietary food.

Properly cooked fatty fish with vegetables will never lead you and yours to fullness.

About 15% of fish meat is high-quality protein, which contains all the necessary to the human body amino acids.

The fat content of the fish is sufficient important indicator and directly depends on its variety. The fat content of fish also varies depending on the time of year.

As a rule, the fish becomes the fattest during the spawning period.

Lean varieties (fat content up to 4%),

-moderate-fat varieties(4 to 8% fat) and

Fatty varieties (more than 8% fat).

Skinny fish varieties include:

Cod (0.3% fat content), haddock (0.5% fat content), navaga (0.8-1.4% fat content), silver hake (0.8-1.4%), pollock (0.5- 0.9% fat content), pollock (up to 2%), cod, blue whiting, river perch, bream, pike, roach, mullet (1.3-4% fat content), all types of mollusks and crayfish families.

The meat of these varieties is low in calories. The calorie content of meat, for example, is 70-90 kilocalories, cod - 70-90 kcal, and flounder - 80 kcal. You can cook and eat these types of fish even every day and without worrying about the increase excess weight.

The average calorie content of these types of fish is comparable to the calorie content of meat: for lean herring it is 120-140 kcal, for tuna - 130-140 kcal, for carp - 90-120 kcal.

The calorie content here is already quite high. Thus, fatty herring has a calorie content of 210-250 kilocalories per 100 grams, fatty mackerel - 180-220 kilocalories.

White, dense cod meat contains 18–19% protein; it contains very little fat (0.3–0.4%), virtually no cholesterol, and contains beneficial phospholipids. There are no small muscle bones in cod meat.

Freshwater fish of moderately fatty and lean varieties from the carp family, which include carp, bream, tench, roach, crucian carp, carp, asp, ide and silver carp, are highly valued as a source of complete protein and.

Although some types of fish have a lot of fat, these fats are classified as healthy, unsaturated fatty acids. Separately, it is necessary to mention herring, mackerel, sprat, eel and cod liver, as fish that contain the most unsaturated fatty acids. However, if you have high cholesterol levels in your blood, you will have to give up mackerel, because... it stimulates the production of abnormal cholesterol.

Interestingly, Lake Baikal is home to the fattest fish in the world. This is the Baikal golomyanka (Comephorus baikalensis). Her body is almost 40% fat. The rest is large head with a huge mouth, fins and a spine.


Simple recipes for low-fat fish

Cod steaks with potatoes

4 servings, 234 kcal, cooking time 45 minutes.

Ingredients: 600 g cod fillet, 8 potatoes, 1 onion, 1 lemon, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 2 tablespoons yogurt, 2 tablespoons rye flour, 1 tablespoon of grated horseradish, 1 bunch of parsley, pepper, salt,

Peel the potatoes, wash them, chop them coarsely and boil them in salted water. Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into rings. Wash the lemon and cut into slices. Wash the parsley and chop finely. Wash the cod fillet, cut into portions, salt and pepper, roll in flour and fry in olive oil. To prepare the sauce, mix yogurt with lemon juice, horseradish and some parsley. Place the steaks and potatoes on plates, pour over the sauce, sprinkle with the remaining parsley and garnish with lemon slices and onion rings.

Pollock stewed with lemon

3 servings, cooking time 40 minutes, 176 kcal.

Ingredients: 600 g pollock, 200 ml vegetable broth, 2 carrots, 2 tomatoes, 1 onion, 1 celery root, 1 lemon, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 2 bay leaves, 0.5 bunch of dill, pepper, salt.

Clean the fish, gut it, wash it, cut it into portions, rub with salt and pepper. Peel the carrots and celery root, wash and cut into slices. Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into rings. Wash the lemon and cut into slices. Wash the tomatoes, cut into slices. Wash the dill greens. Saute carrots, celery and onions in olive oil. Place pollock in a thick-bottomed pan. Place sautéed vegetables and lemon slices on top. Pour in broth, add Bay leaf, simmer over low heat, covered, for 20 minutes. Place the finished fish on plates, garnish with tomato slices and dill sprigs.

Hake baked with apples

4 servings, 45 minutes, 78 kcal

Ingredients: 1 hake, 1 apple, 1 onion, 100 g small carrots, 70 g rice noodles, 0.5 bunch of green onions, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 0.5 teaspoon mustard seeds, 2-3 sprigs of dill, pepper, salt .

Wash the apple, remove the core, cut into slices. Rub the prepared hake outside and inside with salt and pepper, stuff it with apple, sprinkle with lemon juice, sprinkle with mustard seeds and wrap in foil. Bake in a preheated oven for 30-35 minutes. Boil rice noodles in salted water and place in a sieve. Peel the carrots, wash them, boil them in salted water.

Onion clean, wash, cut out decorations from it. Wash the green onions, finely chop (leave a few feathers for decoration). Wash the dill greens. Place the finished fish on a dish, garnish with noodles and carrots, sprinkle green onions. Decorate the dish with onion garnishes and green onions.

Flounder stewed with cabbage and leeks

4 servings, 45 min., 216 kcal

Ingredients: 600 g flounder fillet, 500 g Chinese cabbage, 100 pickled champignons, 2 leeks, 200 ml vegetable broth, 3 tablespoons soy sauce, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 0.5 bunch of parsley, ground paprika, pepper.

Wash the flounder fillet and cut into small pieces. Wash and chop the Beijing cabbage. Wash the leeks and cut into rings. Cut the marinated champignons into thin slices. Wash the parsley and chop finely. Bring the broth to a boil, add soy sauce and lemon juice. Place flounder pieces into the broth and simmer for 5 minutes. Add leeks, cabbage and mushrooms, simmer for another 7-10 minutes. Season the dish with paprika and pepper, stir, place on plates and sprinkle with parsley.

Navaga stewed with tomatoes and bell peppers

2 servings, 45 minutes, 185 kcal.

Ingredients: 500 g navaga fillet, 2 pods of red bell pepper, 2 tomatoes, 1 parsley root, 1 celery root, 1 onion, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 2 lemon slices, 0.5 teaspoon mustard seeds, 0.5 bunch of parsley , pepper, salt.

Wash the navaga fillet, dry with a napkin, cut into small pieces, add salt and pepper. Wash the tomatoes, pour boiling water over them, remove the skin and cut into small pieces. bell pepper wash, remove stems and seeds, pour boiling water over and cut into strips. Peel, wash, and finely chop parsley and celery roots. Wash the parsley and chop finely.

Peel the onion, wash it, chop it finely and fry it in olive oil. Place the roots in a saucepan, pour in 350 ml of water, add salt and bring to a boil. Place the fish in a pan and simmer over low heat, covered, for 10 minutes. Add tomatoes, onions, bell peppers and mustard seeds, simmer until tender. Place the fish on plates, garnish with lemon slices and sprinkle with parsley.

Royal perch on skewers

4 servings, 35 min 176 kcal.

Ingredients: 500 g king perch fillet, 250 g canned seaweed, 1 orange, 1 radish, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar, spices for fish, salt.

Wash the king perch fillet, cut into long narrow strips and marinate for 15 minutes in a mixture of lemon juice, olive oil, spices and salt. Season the seaweed with sesame oil and vinegar. Peel the radish, wash it, cut out decorations in the form of flowers. Wash the orange and cut into semicircles.

Thread orange semicircles and pieces of fish alternately onto wooden skewers and bake in a preheated oven for 20-25 minutes. Place the finished fish on plates and garnish with radish flowers. Submit separately seaweed.

Hake and shrimp meatballs

4 servings, 45 minutes, 179 kcal.

Ingredients: 500 g hake fillet, 250 g peeled shrimp, 150 ml fish broth, 2 bell peppers, 2 tomatoes, 1 onion, 1 egg, 0.5 bunch of parsley, 0.5 bunch of green onions, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 tablespoons rice, ground red and black pepper, salt.

Rinse the hake fillet and pass through a meat grinder. Chop the shrimp, mix with minced fish, add the egg and washed rice, salt and pepper, mix and form into meatballs. Wash the tomatoes, pour boiling water over them, cut into pieces. Wash the bell pepper, remove the stems and seeds, cut into half rings. Peel the onions, wash them, cut them into rings. Fry the vegetables in a frying pan in hot oil for 5 minutes, put the meatballs on top, pour in the broth and simmer covered for 10-15 minutes. Wash the green onions and parsley and chop finely. Arrange the finished meatballs and vegetables on plates, sprinkle with parsley and green onions.

Boiled pollock with spicy tomato sauce

4 servings, 45 minutes, 165 kcal.

Ingredients: 800 g pollock fillet, 4 tomatoes, 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon cumin seeds, 0.5 bunch of cilantro, 0.5 bunch of dill, 0.25 teaspoon mustard seeds, 0. 25 teaspoons grated pickled ginger, ground red and black pepper, salt.

Wash the pollock fillet, boil in salted water, cut into small pieces. Wash the tomatoes, pour boiling water over them, remove the skins and rub through a sieve. Add sugar, salt, pepper, mustard and cumin seeds, ginger and vinegar to the resulting puree, mix and bring to a boil over low heat with constant stirring. Wash the green cilantro and dill and chop finely. Place the fish on plates, pour over the sauce, sprinkle with dill and cilantro.

Fried pollock with broccoli and boiled potatoes

2 servings, 45 minutes, 198 kcal.

Ingredients: 400 g pollock, 200 g frozen broccoli, 4 potato tubers, 1 onion, 1.5 tablespoons breadcrumbs, 1.5 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 0.5 bunch of dill, pepper, salt.

Cut the prepared pollock into small pieces, add salt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and roll in breadcrumbs. Fry in vegetable oil, place on a paper towel to absorb excess oil. Wash the potatoes, boil in salted water, peel and cut into slices. You can grate hot potatoes using a grater.

Boil broccoli in salted water, place in a sieve. Wash the dill greens. Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into rings. Place fish, potatoes and broccoli on plates, garnish with dill sprigs and onion rings.

Flounder baked with onions and mushrooms

4 servings, 45 minutes, 218 kcal.

Ingredients: 800 g flounder fillet, 250 g champignons, 100 ml mushroom broth, 2 onions, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 bunch of parsley, ground coriander, ground red and black pepper, salt.

Wash the flounder fillet and cut into portions. Wash the champignons and cut into slices. Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into half rings and fry it in olive oil (1.5 tablespoons) along with the champignons. Wash the parsley and chop finely. Place the flounder pieces in a baking dish greased with the remaining oil, salt and pepper, sprinkle with coriander. Place mushrooms and onions on top, pour in heated broth and place in a preheated oven for 25-30 minutes. Place the finished fish on plates, sprinkle with parsley and serve.

Hake baked with parsley

4 servings, 45 minutes, 168 kcal.

Ingredients: 800 g hake fillet, 2 tomatoes, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of breadcrumbs, 1 bunch of parsley, pepper, salt.

Peel the garlic, wash it, chop it using a garlic press. Wash the fish, cut into portions, rub with salt, pepper and garlic, leave for 10 minutes, then place in a baking dish. Wash the parsley, finely chop (leave a few sprigs for decoration), mix with breadcrumbs, lemon juice and olive oil. Grease the fish pieces with the resulting mixture and bake in a preheated oven for 20-25 minutes. Wash the tomatoes, cut into slices. Place the finished fish on plates, garnish with tomato slices and remaining parsley sprigs.

Hake baked with shiitake

2 servings, 45 minutes, 214 kcal.

Ingredients: 400 g hake fillet, 250 g shiitake, 100 g rice vermicelli, 70 g Korean carrots, 1 onion, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 0.5 bunch of parsley, pepper, salt.

Wash the hake fillet, cut into small pieces, sprinkle with lemon juice, pepper and salt. Wash the shiitake, fry in olive oil, add salt. Place the fish and mushrooms in a baking dish and place in a preheated oven for 20 minutes.

Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into rings. Wash the parsley and chop finely. Boil vermicelli in salted water, place in a sieve, mix with Korean carrots and parsley, place on fish.

Sprinkle with soy sauce and bake for another 2-3 minutes. Ready dish Place on plates and serve.

Sea bass in Indonesian style

4 servings, 45 minutes, 219 kcal

Ingredients: 400 g sea bass fillet, 200 g brown rice, 100 ml vegetable broth, 2 onions, 2 bananas, 1 lime, 2-3 tablespoons olive oil, 1 bunch of green lettuce, pepper, salt.

Wash the lime, cut it in half, cut one half into slices, and squeeze the juice out of the other. Wash the sea bass fillet, cut into small pieces, sprinkle with lime juice, salt and pepper. Peel the onion, wash, finely chop and fry in olive oil (1 tablespoon).

Pour the broth over the fish and simmer over low heat until done.

Rinse the rice in salted water, place in a sieve, mix with onion and fish. Peel the bananas, wash them, cut them diagonally into thin slices and fry them in the remaining oil. Place on a paper towel to absorb excess oil. Wash the lettuce leaves, dry them and place on a plate. Place rice and fish in a heap on lettuce leaves, place banana slices and lime slices around.

Vietnamese halibut

4 servings, 45 minutes, 187 kcal.

Ingredients: 600 g halibut fillet, 2 tomatoes, 2 bell peppers, 2 cloves garlic, 1 lime, 2 tablespoons estuary juice, 1 tablespoon fish sauce, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, 1 tablespoon grated ginger, 1 teaspoon sugar, 2-3 sprigs of mint, pepper, salt.

Wash the halibut fillet and cut into portions. Mix lemon juice Sesame oil, fish sauce. pepper, sugar and salt, pour the resulting marinade over the fish and leave for 10 minutes. Wash the tomatoes, pour boiling water over them, remove the skin and cut into small cubes. Peel the garlic, wash it, finely chop it. Wash the bell pepper, remove the stems and seeds, chop finely, mix with tomatoes, ginger and garlic. Wash the mint and chop finely. Wash the lime and cut into slices. Place the vegetable mixture on the pieces of fish, pour over the marinade and wrap each piece in food foil. Cook in preheated oven for 20-25 minutes. Arrange: fish on plates, sprinkle with mint and garnish with lime slices.

Flounder in Greek

4 servings, 45 minutes, 199 kcal.

Ingredients: 600 g flounder fillet, 2 onions, 2 tomatoes, 2 eggplants, 2 cloves of garlic, 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 bunch of basil, 1 lemon, pepper, salt.

Wash the flounder fillet, cut into small pieces, add salt and pepper. Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into rings. Peel the garlic, wash, finely chop and fry along with the onion in olive oil (1 tablespoon).

Wash the tomatoes, cut into slices. Wash the eggplants, cut into slices, fry in the remaining mayle. Wash the lemon and cut into slices. Wash the basil greens and chop finely. In a baking dish, layer eggplants, fish, onions and garlic, and tomatoes. Place in a preheated oven for 25-30 minutes. Arrange the finished fish and vegetables on plates, sprinkle with basil and garnish with lemon slices.

Gleb Glagolkin

Recipes - D.V.Nesterova.

Good afternoon, my dear readers! Today I will tell you about my favorite product - fish. Currently, scientists have proven its usefulness for weight loss. Lean fish for the diet, the list of which is given below, divided by fat content and calorie content. Let's look at popular power systems that use this valuable product. And I included tips on how to best prepare fish so that it is tasty and healthy.

Fish is a source of high-quality protein and is quickly absorbed by the body. If it takes about three or four hours to digest the meat, then the fish will “dissolve” in two. Therefore, in dietary nutrition Recommended even for evening meals. Proteins keep you feeling full for a long time. The brain “gives a signal” not to store anything on the sides or butt.

I think many people have heard about the longevity of the people of Japan. They have virtually no problems with the thyroid gland. Excellent vision And smooth skin persist until old age. Just look at the photo - cheerful, youthful people. Scientists have found that the cause of health was the consumption of large amounts of sea fish. The composition of your favorite product includes the following benefits:

  • Omega-3 fatty amino acids;
  • vitamins;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • calcium.

Regular consumption of seafood reduces the risk of heart disease. The pressure stabilizes. The functioning of the immune system and brain improves. If you don’t want to suffer from dementia in old age, eat fish.

Iodine - saturates thyroid gland, which has a huge impact on calorie burning and metabolism. And Omega-3 fatty acid is a very healthy thing. Without it, the synthesis of other substances in the body is impossible. It maintains normal sensitivity nerve fibers, participates in muscle contraction. The presence of beneficial Omega-3 acids will have positive influence on hair, skin, nails.

In non-carbohydrate nutrition systems when losing weight, it is often advised to replace meat with fish. However, not all varieties are equally useful. In terms of calorie content, fatty mackerel is far ahead of lean pork. In order not to be mistaken, we will divide the fish according to fat content.

To get an idea of ​​the fat content of seafood, pay attention to the color of the meat. If it is light, you have a lean variety of fish. The darker the fillet, the more calories. Think herring, salmon or mackerel.

Of course, scientists say that fatty fish is the healthiest. In it a large number of necessary substances. But when losing weight, you should forget about it. Or reduce your consumption to a small piece per week.

Not fatty varieties Let's mention the fish separately. They have no carbohydrates. That's why they are so popular among fans. So switching to fish while dieting can help delay the need to lower your carbohydrate intake.

Product (per 100 grams)Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates Calorie content
Low Fat (2 to 5 grams)
Tuna24,4 4,6 0 139
Sea bass18,2 3,3 0 103
Far Eastern flounder15,7 3 0 90
Vobla18 2,8 0 95
Bream17,1 4,4 0 105
Carp18,2 2,7 0 97
White-winged halibut18,9 3 0 103
Hake16,6 2,2 0 86
Oceanic horse mackerel18,5 4,5 0 114
Very low fat content (less than 2 grams)
Pollock15,9 0,9 0 72
Blue whiting18,5 0,9 0 82
Haddock17,2 0,5 0 73
Cod16 0,6 0 69
River perch18,5 0,9 0 82
Pike18,4 1,1 0 84
Zander18,4 1,1 0 84
crucian carp17,7 1,8 0 87

Lean fish has less fat than the leanest meat. You can get the same amount of protein from everyone, but consume fewer calories. This will allow you to keep your carbohydrate intake to a relatively moderate level and you won't feel too depleted. Even in the evening. There will definitely not be any extra leftovers 😉

If you are wondering how often you can eat fish, then I can please you - if there are no contraindications, then at least every day. A serving of 100 grams is considered standard. And even if you are not a fan of this type of product, then arrange “fish days” for yourself at least sometimes. A plate of fish soup or a fragrant baked piece will add variety to any menu.

Which one is better and how to cook it

Even on the most democratic Dukan diet, you can eat this product at any stage. Dr. Dukan focuses on proteins and prohibits carbohydrates, fats and sweets. Fish in the food system takes up not last place. During all stages of the diet, almost any diet is allowed - sea or river. You can even have a little piece of smoked salmon. I wrote an article about in more detail. Products can be boiled, steamed, fried or baked in foil. Nose minimum quantity vegetable oil.

Now let's move on to the most delicious moment. Fish recipes when it comes to diets, this is a separate science. They need to take into account the usefulness of a particular variety. And also how safe it will be to use if you have gastritis or diabetes.


I recommend including the following types of seafood in your diet: tuna, flounder, haddock, pollock, cod, as well as shrimp and crabs. See the table above for other types with low and very low fat content. But the amount of protein in such meat is high.

To reduce calorie content, you can boil the fish in water or steam it. The last method is the healthiest and tastiest. The meat turns out juicy and tender. For flavor, sprinkle the pieces with a little lemon juice and add a sprig of herbs (dill, parsley). Sprinkle with aromatic fish seasoning and wrap in foil. In 30 minutes it will be ready.

A plate of fish soup without potatoes - excellent dietary dish. You can eat as much as you want without any consequences on your waistline. A very tasty broth is made from pike. Minimum calories with amazing aroma.

Try to use less sauces. They provoke appetite. If you don’t like the fishy smell, soak the seafood in milk for an hour. Unpleasant aroma will disappear.

Some of my people complain that the fish falls apart when cooked. Try cooking cod. Its fillet is not as tender as other species. Or you can use a little trick. Add a little vinegar to boiling water and boil the fish calmly. The aromatic fillet will not fall apart.


Recipes for weight loss contain a minimum of oil. The baking process itself involves cooking the product simultaneously from all sides in the oven. At the same time, the fish turns out much tastier than with banal boiling.

Foil or a sleeve is suitable for baking. Nutritionists have noticed: oven-fried foods are much healthier than those fried in a frying pan. Pieces of fish can be “released from protection” a few minutes before they are ready. Then you will get a delicious crust without butter. Or try baking it in natural yoghurt. The taste is indistinguishable from sour cream. But fewer calories.

Can I eat fried, salted or smoked?

For gastritis and others stomach problems fried food is not allowed. But reconsider your cooking methods. In batter or breadcrumbs - definitely not. Especially with diabetes. If you really want it, then small quantity Butter on you can treat yourself to a portion. But not more than once a week. Just don’t forget to place the finished pieces on a napkin. The oil should be absorbed. By the way, in my article “” you can find a lot of interesting things.

And here Doctors do not prohibit salty food. Just not herring or ram, of course. It’s better to make lightly salted, low-fat fish yourself. Eat only in the first half of the day. Otherwise, expect unpleasant swelling on your face and overweight on the scales. After eating something salty, you just want to drink and drink.

Smoked under strict ban! Don't even think about it - definitely not. The dangers of smoked food have been talked about for so long that everyone has stopped paying attention to it. But in vain - dangerous carcinogens can cause cancer.

Smoked meats negatively affect the stomach and liver. Firstly, the amount of salt in such products is increased. Secondly, the calorie content increases due to the removal of water during the cooking process. In order not to be unfounded, I am attaching a table for comparison.

Fats in fresh fish, per 100 grams Fats in smoked fish, per 100 grams Calorie content smoked fish per 100 g
Hot smoked perch0,9 8 166
Cold smoked sturgeon Tesha10,9 25,7 302
Cold smoked sturgeon balyk10,9 12,5 194
Cold smoked roach2,8 6,3 181
Hot smoked cod0,6 1,2 115
Hot smoked bream4,4 4,5 172
Cold smoked bream4,4 4,6 160
Hot smoked cod0,6 1,2 115
Cold smoked mackerel13,2 15,5 221

And careless manufacturers can smoke low-quality raw materials. In addition to the main problems, you can also get poisoned.

Fish is a tasty and healthy product that will help cope with overweight. Choose low-fat varieties and cook. Fried, baked or boiled - you can calculate a varied menu for the whole week. Daily use will make you not only slim, but also beautiful.

More short video about the benefits of fish:

That's all, my dears! If you liked the article, do not hesitate to leave comments. – a lot more interesting things await you. See you!

Very often we are surrounded by fish products, both sea and river or lake. They all have their own diet and structure.

But fish is not always healthy. This is influenced by who she is, a hunter or a scavenger, what she eats, as well as in what waters she lives, clean sea or sewage river, because water plays an important role, since all elements are absorbed into the meat.

This also plays into the fatty factor of the fish, there is a lot of fatty fish, and, on the contrary, there are many varieties of lean fish that do not eat anything harmful.

The benefits of fish

Fish fillet- this is pure protein, a mass of macro- and microelements. The main fish product is considered fish fat. It contains a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 And omega-6.

The usefulness of the fish itself depends on the habitat: sea/ocean or river/lake. In river water, the amount of fats and proteins is lower, and there is no iodine and bromine in the composition, which are found in sea and ocean water. Therefore, sea fish is much healthier than river fish.

In addition to high saturation with iodine and bromine, together with them you can get in the required quantities:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • sulfur;
  • fluorine;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;

In addition to microelements, the body receives a number of vitamins:

Fish for dietary nutrition

Since there are many things you are not allowed to eat on a diet, fish is not only a salvation, but also an assistant to the body.

Allowed to eat:

These varieties are low in calories, but at the same time tasty and nutritious. They will help diversify the narrow dietary ration. Fish can be combined with many side dishes, which can dilute the tastelessness of unsalted buckwheat or rice.

Non-diet fish

Fat fish are most often found in cold waters; fat helps them survive.

There are a lot of such fish in the world, but not all of them are healthy and suitable for eating; the following types can be distinguished from the “healthy” varieties:

They contain large amounts of EPA and DHA. Many types of these fish require a special cooking process, so before cooking it is necessary to refresh your memory with the characteristics of the variety.

Moderate fat fish

Some marine fish with moderate fat content include:

The river inhabitants compiled the following list:

  • trout;
  • carp;
  • crucian carp;
  • carp;
  • salmon.

Such fish gives the human body high quality. This product useful to everyone without exception, and athletes simply need it. Some varieties are included because they provide the body with many important nutrients. This fish is not contraindicated for children; they can eat carp, salmon, perch, and trout.

What kind of fish can you eat while losing weight?

To understand the fat content, you can look at the meat. Light indicates a lean variety. The logic is simple, the darker the meat, the higher calorie product. Of course, fish is rich in fat useful elements, but when losing weight you should avoid it or minimize your consumption to no more than 1 piece per week.

Low-fat lacks the carbohydrate part. These varieties are very popular in low-carbohydrate diets. Using low-fat fish in your diet will allow you not to reduce carbohydrate consumption.

Types of lean fish for baby food

These types of fish are no less healthy, but it is important to remember that they are very bony, and before serving you need to make sure that there are a minimum of bones in it.

The cod family has many benefits:

  • pollock;
  • pollock;
  • blue whiting

The white meat of these fish contains at least 25% protein and a minimum of fat.

The river assortment of cyprinids includes:

  • silver carp;
  • carp;
  • vobla;
  • carp.

It is important for a child's body to get a lot nutrients. Children need to prepare low-fat or low-fat products, since fatty varieties can overload a child’s fragile digestive system.

Low-fat varieties

Sea fish

Pollock, hake, cod are the best representatives marine family. Cod is rich healthy protein, and the fat content is less than a percent. It can be eaten daily. You are allowed to eat no more than 200 grams at a time.

White fish

  1. round (halibut, flounder);
  2. flatfish (saithe, pollock, hake, haddock, cod, perch, monkfish).

And with the maximum-minimum fat content:

river fish

They are less useful due to the fact that they lack some elements found in marine.

These varieties include:

  • perch;
  • zander;
  • pike;
  • cancer family;

red fish

Unfortunately, red fish is almost all fatty. In their main segment, all types of fish with red meat have a high fat content, so it is worth highlighting varieties with medium fat content, which can be consumed when losing weight and special diet. The meat of such fish is highly beneficial for the body.

To the least fatty types can be attributed:

  • chum salmon;
  • salmon;
  • pink salmon

The remaining representatives of red meat fish have a large amount of fat in them, so they cannot be recommended for a healthy diet.


There are not many fish with a small number of bones, the basis of this list is made up of marine fish, representatives of which are rarely found river habitat. Sea fish have only a backbone and no rib bones.

Low-fat fish with minimal bones include:

  • flounder;
  • sea ​​bream;
  • zander;
  • mullet.


Cod steak with potatoes


  • cod fillet;
  • potato;
  • half a lemon;
  • olive oil;
  • rye;
  • parsley, salt, pepper.

Recipe preparation steps:

Pollock stewed with lemon


  • pollock;
  • vegetable broth;
  • carrot;
  • lemon;
  • olive oil;
  • Bay leaf;
  • dill, salt, pepper.

Preparation progress:

Royal perch on skewers


  • fillet;
  • seaweed;
  • orange;
  • radish;
  • olive oil;
  • Sesame oil;
  • spices.

Preparation progress:

Do you want to lose excess weight?

A slim figure is the dream of many women and men. I want to be at a comfortable weight without exhausting myself with strict diets and heavy exercises.

In addition, excess weight can lead to health problems! Heart disease, shortness of breath, diabetes, arthritis and significantly reduced life expectancy!

It has the following properties:

  • Speeds up metabolism
  • Burns fat deposits
  • Reduces weight
  • Lose weight even with minimal physical activity
  • Helps reduce weight in cardiovascular diseases

Is it possible to eat on a diet?

Fried fish

If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then under no circumstances should you eat it in any form, be it cooked in batter or breadcrumbs.

The exception is fish cooked on a grill pan with minimal addition of olive oil. But immediately after cooking, the fish pieces must be blotted with a dry cloth to remove excess fat.

Salted fish

There is no specific ban on eating salted fish. It is not recommended to eat ram or herring. You can make lightly salted fish yourself at home.

And you can eat such fish only in the first half of the day, in otherwise you can see a couple of extra kilos on the scales. It is also worth drinking more water.

Smoked fish

The answer here is simple - no and only no! There was a lot of talk and discussion about the harmfulness of smoked meats, which this question may not even occur.

Carcinogens that are used in smoking can cause the development of cancer.

Such products are harmful to the stomach and particularly the liver. It's all due to the increased salt content, high calorie content because of minimum content water during cooking.

In addition, low-quality products may be used, since during the smoking process all flaws are masked, and it will be possible to understand that the product is spoiled after the first signs of toxin poisoning appear.

Low-fat fish

For pancreatitis

If you have a disease such as pancreatitis, then you need to carefully choose the fish to eat. Attention should be paid to fat content. Although such fish are beneficial to the body, they place a heavy load on the pancreas, which will lead to the development of the disease and unpleasant sensations. During exacerbations, you need to completely forget about it.

During exacerbation chronic pancreatitis By the end of the first week, you can add skinny varieties to your diet. During remission, you should carefully introduce new foods.

List of fish that can be eaten for pancreatitis:

For diabetes

For diabetes, fish is used as prophylactic cardiovascular diseases. The benefits of fish for diabetes include: great content protein and microelements.

For improvement general condition to maintain your body, you should include the following types of fish in your diet:

  • salmon;
  • tilapia;
  • cod;
  • trout;
  • shrimps;
  • crustaceans;
  • sardine.

For gastritis

Fish contains easily digestible protein, which is why people suffering from gastritis are strongly recommended to consume fish in their diet. Component composition product starts regeneration processes, activates protective functions gastric mucus, starts digestion.

It is worth saying that smoked, fatty and fried fish are prohibited for gastritis.

The best option for a diet for gastritis would be fish such as:

The inhabitants of the sea differ according to various criteria: size, shape, belonging to the family, eating habits. The water world is so rich and diverse that it is difficult to imagine.

Not all marine inhabitants have been fully studied; in the depths of the sea there are individuals that people have not yet heard of.

Not all species are edible. Humanity values ​​marine life so much as food that it has even learned to cook the poisonous puffer fish.

There are a lot of useful substances in it, but if the cooking process goes wrong and poison gets on the fillet, the person will face an unenviable fate.

The division of marine life begins with the classification of the family to which they belong.


  • Haddock.
  • Navaga.
  • Cod.
  • Pollock.


  • Tuna.
  • Sardine.
  • Wahoo.
  • All types of mackerel.
  • Mareli.
  • Pelamida.


  • Flounder, or chicken of the sea.
  • Halibut.

This type is incredibly useful. More than 500 species of individuals from the flounder family have a characteristic set of vitamins and minerals.

Flounder itself contains selenium, vitamin A and D. Halibut contains vitamin B12, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and fatty acids.


  • Sardine.
  • European sprat.
  • Atlantic and Pacific herring.
  • Atlantic menhaden.

Predatory sea fish:

  • All types of sharks: hammerhead, tiger, gray, spotted and other species.
  • Moray eel.
  • Barracuda.
  • Angler.
  • Swordfish.
  • Garfish.

Sharks and other predatory species have the most different sizes: from 17 cm to 20 m in length. Their first ancestors appeared on earth 420 million years ago.

Species diversity is not limited to a list of 6 items. There are more than 450 species of predators.

Most sharks are considered unsuitable for food because mercury accumulates in their bodies. But medicines are produced from the liver of some species.

Types for food

The benefits of sea fish are not limited to iodine and fatty acids. Each edible species has its own set of useful substances and microelements. Some species are used for medicinal purposes.

Popular types of fish and their beneficial properties:

Name Family Benefit
Flounder Flounder Delicious meat white without small bones contains selenium, vitamins A and D. Fat content: up to 5%.

The indicator is relatively low, but the meat is rich in calcium, is dietary, and has a beneficial effect on liver function

Pink salmon Salmonidae Contains a lot of calcium, strengthens bone tissue. Helps with cardiovascular work - vascular system, rejuvenates, removes toxins. Useful for bone diseases
Sole Flounder A delicacy that is prepared in all elite restaurants. Contains many fatty acids. Helps you lose weight
Halibut Flounder Meat is rich in vitamin B12, B6, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus
Herring Herrings Contains healthy fats, phosphorus, a lot of protein and vitamin A. Useful when lightly salted.

In Russia this is the most consumed type of sea fish. Its cost is lower than that of other varieties. There are many recipes for dishes that have become native Russian: herring under a fur coat

Sturgeon Salmonidae Has a beneficial effect on nervous system, helping to relieve stress. Strengthens tooth enamel, bone tissue. Easily digestible, energizes, reduces excess weight
Walleye Perch Large supply of vitamin D, A. Saturates with calcium and magnesium, contains iodine and healthy fats. Helps reduce bad cholesterol
capelin Salmonidae Cleans blood vessels, normalizes liver and kidney function. Has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. Strengthens the nervous system. Is a dietary product

The benefits of seafood cannot be overestimated. According to statistics, every resident of Russia suffers from iodine deficiency to one degree or another.

This has a bad effect on the functioning of the entire body, affecting the activity thyroid gland. Sea fish contains a lot of iodine.

Frying and stewing kill most of the nutrients. In addition to fish, it is useful to eat seaweed, shrimp and other seafood.

Fatty varieties

Fatty varieties include species of marine life that contain more than 30% fat in meat.

The benefits of such a product for the body are: high content omega-3 fatty acids. This is incredible useful substance which promotes healing and rejuvenation.

Fatty meat of sea creatures will bring the greatest benefit to those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

After 50 years, this product should become a permanent part of the diet, as it contains a lot of calcium. Bone fragility and dental problems will go away.

Important! Fatty fish meat will bring double benefits for pregnant women. Calcium is necessary for fetal development and bone formation.

Vitamin D, which Russians are so lacking, is found in sea ​​creatures. If there are no prohibitions from the doctor, feel free to go heavy, excluding poisonous varieties, such as pufferfish.

Fatty varieties:

  • Halibut.
  • Anchovies.
  • Sardine.
  • Sprat.
  • Acne.
  • Herring.
  • Tuna.
  • Sturgeon.
  • Perch.
  • Trout.
  • Flounder.

These varieties should be eaten more often.

Interesting fact! According to research results, eating fatty fish reduces the risk of developing dementia and has a beneficial effect on brain function.

If you eat such dishes 4 times a month, brain function improves and the functioning of the cardiovascular system is normalized.

It's worth considering, given that heart disease is the number one cause of death in the country.

The results of the study claim that these products reduce the risk of death from heart attack by repairing blood vessels and strengthening the heart muscle. The arrhythmia goes away.

The risk of developing Alzheimer's disease is also reduced. Today this disease is acquiring frightening proportions. It is impossible to protect yourself completely by normalizing your diet.

Lead healthy image life, exercise and more often consume foods that fill the gaps in our vitamin active. Sea fish is one of them.

Useful video

Low-fat sea ​​fish It is an integral part healthy eating adult and should definitely be included in the menu for children.

If you monitor your health, you want to have slim figure, shiny hair and strong immune systemfish dishes should be present on your table as often as possible.

There are three categories based on the amount of accumulated fat:

  • Varieties are considered low-fat if the fat content is less than 4%.
  • Moderate fat content - no more than 8%.
  • Fatty breeds - more than 8%.

Note! The fat content of any breed can vary throughout the year, reaching its maximum value during the spawning period.

In dietary nutrition, fish of lean (low-fat) varieties has the greatest value. It is precisely these varieties that nutritionists recommend consuming at least three times in Week.

The best low-fat varieties of fish for the diet are cod, pollock, pollock, flounder, amur pike perch, mullet, carp, trout, hake. It is their meat that saturates our body with a sufficient amount of calcium, iodine and phosphorus and helps to most naturally solve the problem of losing weight.

When compiling diet menu, be sure to include lean breeds in the list:

Name Fat, gram / 100 grams Protein, gram / 100 grams Calorie content, kcal / 100 grams Average price, rub. / kg
Cod 0,6 16 69,0 170 – 300
Far Eastern flounder 3,0 15,7 90,5 150 — 800
Pollock 0,9 15,9 73,7 65 — 95
Tuna 3,9 24,4 136,0 190 — 270
Icy 1,4 15,5 75,0 750 — 950
Blue whiting 0,9 16,1 72,3 55 — 80
Halibut 3,0 18,9 103,0 450 — 730
Small saury 0,8 20,3 143,2 95 — 120
Sea bass 3,8 17,6 117,9 235 — 320

Low-fat white fish with the best digestibility include haddock, cod and flounder. They contain a sufficient amount of B vitamins, phosphorus and iodine. These varieties have excellent taste qualities, and flounder meat is almost boneless.

The most dietary red fish are trout and pink salmon. They contain only 4 - 7% fat per 100 grams, while the fat content of salmon and salmon can reach 15 - 18%.

Note! Prepare dishes correctly - bake without oil, boil or place in a double boiler. It is these methods that allow you to preserve in food maximum amount useful elements.

River fish

The fish that live in our rivers and reservoirs have no less advantages than their marine counterparts.

Two hundred grams of river rock provides the adult human body with a third of daily norm protein necessary for the normal functioning of internal organs.

River fish is indicated for gastritis with low acidity, as well as patients with peptic ulcer disease. Her meat stimulates secretion gastric juice, thereby forcing the pancreas to work without overloading it.

Pike perch is rightfully considered the most delicious and nutritious of freshwater fish. This tasty, healthy breed is supplied to the markets of almost all regions of our country.

100 grams of pike perch meat contains:

  • Fat – 1.1 grams.
  • Protein – 18.4 grams.
  • Water – 79.2 grams.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids – 0.2 grams.
  • Calorie content – ​​84 kcal.
  • Vitamins - A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C, E, PP.

Note! Before purchasing river fish, inquire about its habitat conditions. Unfortunately, with poor environmental performance, the carcass tends to accumulate harmful substances, which could have a negative impact on her beneficial properties for a person.

To choose the right inexpensive river fish, remember the following list of recommendations:

  • Fresh freshwater fish has a faint, pleasant smell of river and seaweed.
  • The carcass is dense, without any suspicious spots or deformations on the skin.
  • The scales of freshly caught fish are shiny and moist, and the eyes are slightly bulging, not covered with a film.
  • The gills should be bright red.

Note! So that after cooking River fish no longer bony, apply little secret– before frying, make cuts on the carcass from the side of the spine. This will help fry the small bones until they are completely softened.

Lean fish for pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is a group of diseases in which the human pancreas becomes inflamed. This is very unpleasant and dangerous illness, which requires Special attention to the patient's nutrition.

In case of pancreatitis, it is contraindicated to consume fatty varieties, since the diseased organ cannot cope with big amount saturated acids contained in their meat.

Important! During an exacerbation of the disease, you should refrain from eating even lean breeds. Fish can be introduced into food only on days 6–7 after the patient’s condition has stabilized.

If you have problems with the pancreas, you must follow some important rules consumption of fish and seafood:

  • Only skinny (low-fat) varieties are allowed.
  • Fried, smoked and salted fish dishes are contraindicated. You also need to give up canned food, and severe cases illnesses - even from fish soup.
  • You can cook fish exclusively by steaming or boiling it in unsalted water, after cutting the carcass into fillets.
  • For pancreatitis it is prescribed therapeutic diet No. 5, in which spicy, salty and fatty foods. When starting to prepare fish dishes, follow these recommendations.

The best varieties for pancreatitis: blue whiting, pollock, haddock, cod, mullet, lamprey, carp, pike, roach, burbot, grayling, whitefish, whitefish and omul. The fat content in these breeds is minimal (up to 2%). Once the condition improves, you can gradually introduce medium-fat varieties such as sea ​​bass, hake, icefish, mackerel, rudd and carp.

Important! For any deviations from normal health – nausea, vomiting or other painful symptoms, give up immediately fish products and go on a gentle diet.

Regular consumption of dietary sea and freshwater fish reduces the risk dangerous diseases several times. Fish products successfully replace meat dishes; they do not require a mandatory side dish, being self-sufficient useful product. Make fish a regular part of your meal, and you can prevent the development of many ailments without resorting to medications.