Consequences of giving up bad habits. What are the bad habits that interfere with your healthy lifestyle. We are trying to find an alternative

There are very few people among us without habits that are worth giving up: we smoke, uncontrollably eat sweets, spend crazy amounts of money on shopping, bite our nails, watch porn, constantly spend time on social networks and cannot take a step without a smartphone.

We sincerely believe that we lack willpower - that is the main problem. How many times have you tried to quit before, but it didn’t work, so why should it work now? It seems to us that the matter is doomed to failure in advance, so we don’t even try to change something, and even if we try, we ourselves don’t believe in success.

I'll tell you what: the result is directly proportional to the amount of effort invested. This is difficult, but doable, if, of course, you devote yourself entirely to the task at hand. For those who have finally and irrevocably decided to say goodbye to addictions, I have prepared a short guide of just 10 successive steps. You don't have to do absolutely everything, but the more of them you do, the higher the likelihood of a favorable outcome.

1. Find real motivation

How many times have people given up on something simply because it seemed to them cool idea: “Give up caffeine. Mmmm, sounds cool." So-so justification. All you really need is strong motivation. I quit smoking because I realized that one day it would kill me, and I realized that if I didn’t stop, sooner or later my children would start smoking too. Find your “why” and write it down on a piece of paper. This will be the first item in your plan of salvation.

2. Make a commitment.

Once you have identified your motivation, stand firm. Old story: We promise that we won’t touch cigarettes today, but the habit will definitely get the better of us in the end. In order not to relapse, you need the support of others, so don’t be shy to tell everyone about your intentions. If you have someone you can turn to for help, you will have a much easier time dealing with your addiction than going it alone.

3. Beware of irritants

What situations triggered bad habits? A habit is not formed by itself, it is always reinforced by something from the outside: you smoke when everyone around you smokes, go shopping when you are nervous, eat all sorts of rubbish when you are bored, turn on porn when you are lonely, and hang out on social networks when need to kill time. Observe yourself for a few days and determine what your triggers are. Include them in your rescue plan and try to avoid provoking situations.

4. Find out what need the habit speaks to

Bad habits are the result of unfulfilled desires. For each stimulus, identify a need that is satisfied with the corresponding attachment. Some habits help you socialize, some help you cope with stress, sadness, boredom, loneliness and the need for rest. Record all this in the plan of salvation and think about how else you can meet your existing needs.

5. Create a replacement habit for each trigger.

So how can you deal with stress now? You just can’t resist returning to the old habit, otherwise the unsatisfied need will continue to remind you of itself. Create new habits that you will refer to when you get into stressful situation. Match the triggers from the rescue plan with the list of these habits - they can work for several stimuli at once.

6. Don't follow desires

At first, trigger situations will encourage us to again surrender to the power of habits, because we are accustomed to performing these actions automatically. Learn to recognize the urge that arises and watch how it grows stronger and then subsides. If you really want to act in accordance with your desire, distract yourself with all your might. Take a few deep breaths in and out, drink some water, take a short walk, or ask someone for help. After some time he will definitely let you go.

7. Respond to a trigger with a new habit.

You'll have to concentrate a lot here. First, it is necessary to determine the moment of occurrence of the stimulus. Secondly, you will need to do something different instead of the old habit. If you are confused, don't worry. It is important to simply be extremely careful and firm, then the new action will eventually become the default. By the way, this is one of the difficulties of giving up bad habits: if numerous triggers arise spontaneously during the day, it takes a lot of effort to strictly control yourself.

8. Be careful with your thoughts

During dialogues with our inner self, we ourselves sometimes give indulgence to bad habits. Closely monitor your thoughts and do not give in to the desire to give up moving towards your goal. There simply cannot be any excuses here.

9. Quit gradually

Until recently, I was a follower of the philosophy of abruptly and immediately quitting a habit. Now I sincerely believe in the power of gradualism. Instead of the usual 20 cigarettes a day, first smoke 15, then 10, then five, then none. A process spread out over a week does not look so scary, so the chances of winning are much greater.

10. Learn from mistakes

We are all not without sin. If you mess up, just accept what happened and think about what you could have done differently. Write down your ideas in a plan of salvation that will become more perfect over and over again. Each mistake will become a stepping stone to breaking the habit.

I am not saying that the method I have proposed is simple, but many of those who ignored these ideas ended up sticking to their biases. You definitely don't need this. Immerse yourself completely in the process, find a strong enough motivation and replace bad habit a good one, with the help of which you will react to every irritant. You can do it, I promise.

Bad habits poison life directly and figurative meaning this word. Take, for example, smoking: a person spends incredible amounts on buying cigarettes, is dependent not only on tobacco, but also on feelings of guilt, complexes caused by the inability to start correct image life, and as a result pays with their health, and sometimes the health of their loved ones.

When tormented by the question of how to give up bad habits, it is not always possible to find the right answer. This happens for one simple reason - a person intends to find an answer, but he does not intend to act. No matter how difficult it may be to start, it the only way out end addiction.

Ahead of you is a clear guide to action to get rid of bad habits. So, you realized that you should give up bad habits, how to do it:

Accept yourself completely.
The most important and most difficult step, which does not seem so at first glance. Smoking, alcohol, drug addiction and even overeating (yes, this is also a bad habit that occurs quite often) is the result of your dislike for yourself, your complexes, your feeling of guilt towards yourself or someone else. Turn the focus of your attention to your strengths, not forgetting about your shortcomings, but also not making a tragedy out of them.

Answer yourself: why and why? Remember the first time you took a cigarette or when alcohol became your home and refuge? No, don't answer yourself after 1 minute or even after 10 minutes. Think carefully and find the root cause, try to remember your first emotions. Remember: external sign only speaks of an internal imbalance, about internal medicine, as well as acne most often speaks about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; it is necessary to treat the root cause, and not the external manifestations.

Replacement rule. So what do you get from your bad habit, in addition to moral and physiological problems, Certainly? That's right, you get a dose of comfort at a certain point in time, less or more depending on the nature of your habit. Replace the high from a cigarette, alcohol or drugs with something else that increases endorphins in your blood. This could be chocolate, running or swimming, adrenaline in a reasonable amount, sex, etc.

Create the conditions. Starting a healthy lifestyle and giving up the old way of things is always difficult. So create the maximum comfortable conditions. For example: if you quit smoking, don’t go out for a smoke break with other employees, it’s better to brew yourself delicious tea.

Importance is bothering you. Have you already started to get rid of a bad habit, but failed? Let's try to guess: you probably thought about this day and night, and took this step an important event? In order to get and achieve what you want, you definitely need to reduce the importance, treat this step simply and calmly, and even better, with a smile. If you have too much hope for something, 80-90% of the time the opposite will happen.

Take action! It’s impossible not to mention the well-known Mondays; people have even started a joke: the best day is tomorrow. Stop putting it off and do it now. This is the best and most effective rule.

Why you need to give up bad habits

Why is it necessary to give up bad habits? This question is simpler and most likely does not cause you any difficulties, but we will still give you several motivating reasons:

Being healthy is wonderful! At the age of 20, you rarely think about health, often making a cult out of bad habits, because you want to take everything from life, but by the age of 30, given the modern pace of life, an unpleasant hangover comes from a protracted and unnecessary holiday. Health is the most important, but, unfortunately, irreplaceable resource.

Opportunity to play sports. It's time to set your personal records, very soon you will notice that sport is no less addictive than alcohol, but unlike the latter it brings more benefit.

Self-development. Only a truly free and independent person from “vices” can move forward, developing and improving. Think about what this will give you personally: healthy relationships in the family, access to more high income, for more high level life, new goals and their achievements.

Improving family relationships. There will be no more quarrels caused by bad habits. By changing for the better within yourself, you change the relationships within your home.

Your children will be proud. A dad who doesn’t drink or go on a binge, but can easily play football with his children and run cross-country with them, you will become a role model, because you don’t want your children to adopt your current lifestyle.

You just need to give up bad habits today and switch to new stage life.

Giving up bad habits is choosing a decent life

Give up bad habits - choose a decent life, this phrase speaks for itself. We've covered how and why to do this, but ultimately it's up to you. Finally, we will show how two people see the same world.

Man lives life to the fullest, he is happy and not burdened with any harmful addiction. He walks through a beautiful city, admires the sights, sees parks, fountains, and people smiling at him. An unhappy person passes through this same place, unhappy from his complexes, dull life and dependence on bad habits. He sees only overflowing trash cans and dirt on the street, dirty walls of old houses, and the same people, gray and tired.

Don’t let yourself end up second best, there is too much beauty in the world, a decent life is worth it.

Of course, everyone wants to have good health and beautiful body, but not everyone succeeds. A very important factor that interferes with achieving this goal is bad habits. You need to realize that even a bad habit that you think is insignificant can cause irreparable damage to your health.

The most common bad habits:

If at least one of these problems is present in a person’s life, then talk about good health no need to. Physical and psychological health such people are far from the norm, and they themselves understand this.


A very common habit, especially in our country, is drinking alcohol. The author of the article is of the opinion that drinking alcohol even in non- large quantities harms your body and contributes to the formation of addiction. There are other opinions on this matter, however, in my opinion, they only mislead people, causing obvious harm to society.

Drinking alcohol leaves a negative imprint on the human psyche. Giving an illusory feeling of joy, alcohol quietly destroys your physical and mental health. When drunk, a person loses attentiveness, reaction and adequacy of behavior, loses control over own fortune. This leads to rash actions, quarrels with others and everything that follows from this. Drunken scandals, fights and even murders are common. By the way, according to statistics, most serious crimes are committed while intoxicated.

Alcohol is very dangerous because it gives a person euphoria, a false sense of joy and well-being. These are fake feelings and emotions that are in no way determined by the real state of affairs. A person loses his goals in life and his only interest becomes drunkenness. Over time, a corresponding social circle appears, old acquaintances fade into the background, and drinking buddies come to the fore. It is no longer possible for such a person to achieve success in life. There is only one way out here - complete failure from drinking alcohol and undergoing a rehabilitation course. It is important to find new hobbies and goals in life, do what you love, and also protect a person as much as possible from socializing in companies where they drink alcohol. It is especially important to adhere to this rule at the beginning of the path to healthy image life. This will help insure against relapses, because the likelihood of a breakdown and return to bad habit depends very much on the environment.

Alcohol is a drug that destroys human body, disrupts the psyche, mental activity and leads to rapid aging body. Physical and emotional condition. And what in return? In return, you only get the illusion of joy, the short-term euphoria that drug intoxication gives you. But it soon passes, giving way to severe depression. A person must definitely overcome his craving for alcohol, otherwise he will become weak in all respects. Quit this bad habit.


Another problem modern society- smoking. Smoking is not as socially dangerous as drinking, but it also causes enormous harm to health. Inhaling tobacco smoke, people pollute Airways, poison the blood, the body experiences oxygen starvation and as a result, cardiac activity is impaired. Smoking causes problems with blood vessels, impairs potency in men, and causes infertility in women. Smoking contributes to deterioration of endurance, shortness of breath and weakness. Smokers often have problems with their teeth, hair and skin. To top this off scary list It must be added that smoking is the cause cancerous tumors. I hope everyone will agree with me that smoking and a healthy lifestyle are simply incompatible. In the ranking of the most deadly bad habits, smoking deservedly occupies a leading position.


Drug addiction is one of the most destructive bad habits/addictions. Drugs are very expensive a short time capable of changing a person beyond recognition. Alcohol and tobacco are also drugs. However, there are many other substances that can, to one degree or another, change a person’s consciousness. There are many types of drugs: stimulants, hallucinogens, opiates, cannabis drugs, ecstasy and others. To understand and talk about the action of each of them, you will have to write a separate book. But this is not fundamentally important and I am not going to do it. All these substances have one thing in common - first they will ruin your life, turn it into a nightmare, and then kill you. And, if you use them, then if I were you, I wouldn’t have any more optimistic hopes. You have two options. Throw it away and get it back normal life or die soon. And the choice is yours.

There are many reasons for the widespread spread of bad habits. Open promotion of an unhealthy lifestyle is bearing fruit. Now it is fashionable and honorable to drink beer and use drugs. IN Lately Among young people, the drug “Spice” and alcoholic energy cocktails such as “Jaguar”, “Strike”, “Revo” are especially popular. But very few people know about the dangers associated with consuming these products. By the time the consequences begin to appear, a persistent addiction has already been formed and it is extremely difficult to give up these habits. There is only one conclusion - a decisive and complete abandonment of bad habits is necessary. No matter how difficult you think you are going through in your life, don’t make excuses for yourself. And remember that it is within your power. I can tell you even a little more: it is not as difficult as you think. Yes, there will be some discomfort at first, discomfort. But they are temporary and will go away on their own pretty soon. The main thing is to understand that any bad habit is nothing more than an unnecessary, unjustified action that does not bring you anything good. And a person is capable of receiving pleasure in life even without the help of any harmful substances or actions. And no one is stopping you from learning to rejoice and get a “high” from life as it is. And you will be able to keep yourself in excellent condition, both physically and mentally.

Recently, the phrase “healthy lifestyle” has often been mentioned in the media. More and more people are starting to follow this trend. Here are some reasons to give up bad habits completely.

You will live longer. Tobacco and drugs only reduce our already short life. Probably every person wants to see their grandchildren and look after them. So be wise and do right choice.

Since your mind will not be clouded by anything, you will not make mistakes that you will regret for the rest of your life. you will accept right decisions.

You will make your children's lives happier. Would you know how many children's tears are shed during drunken quarrels between parents! Children will be very grateful that you devote more time to them. Their peers, whose parents are alcoholics and drug addicts, will envy them. You will definitely provide yourself with the notorious “glass of water in old age.”

Your financial situation will be more stable and better. Every year the prices for alcohol and cigarettes only grow and take up everything big article spending your budget. You won't become an order of magnitude richer, but you will have a little more money.

You will borrow more high places At work. An employee without bad habits is more responsible, efficient, since he gets sick less often, he can go to work in early January, since he does not get sick from a hangover, etc. The bosses will appreciate this quality in you and will promote you in your career stairs

You will look healthier and more beautiful than people subject to bad habits. Your skin will be cleaner, your breath won't smell, and you won't have a beer belly.

The opposite sex will be more interested in you. If you are a man, then women simply dream of a husband without bad habits. This is the key to a strong relationship, because you will not come late in the evenings from beer bars, you will satisfy her in bed, because you are stronger and more resilient, your children will be healthy and strong. If you are a woman, then men will simply fight for the right to be your life partner. You will be slimmer, you will not be afraid of cellulite, you will preserve your beauty longer.

You can protect yourself from cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks, strokes, oncological diseases. Your old age will be happier, you will be able to spend it more actively. Your peers will look at you with envy.

Bad habits can, even in an initially healthy person, provoke problems with the heart and blood vessels and the development of diseases that reduce the quality of life and even lead to fatal outcome. We are talking about such well-known bad habits as alcoholism, dependence on nicotine products and drug addiction.

With long-term and regular consumption of nicotine products, the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle increases, and also rises blood pressure. When smoking, the load on the heart increases and its need for oxygen increases, and at the same time, tobacco smoke releases substances that reduce the amount of oxygen reaching the heart along with the blood.

The walls of the arteries are also damaged, and fat-like substances that normally circulate in the blood leak into them. As a result, the walls of the arteries become covered with scars, the openings in them narrow, and even close completely. Degenerative changes V coronary arteries Smokers develop it much faster than non-smokers.

About 20% smoker more than a person, not consuming nicotine products, is at risk of developing cardiovascular disease. And smoking parents increase the risk of such diseases in their unborn child. However, if a person manages to completely quit smoking, then after three to four years his risk of heart disease is reduced to normal levels.

As for alcoholism, alcoholic drinks in sufficiently large quantities have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system. After drinking alcohol, blood vessels - both skin, brain and venous - dilate - however, for a very short time, after which they spasm. Permeability increases vascular walls. Alcohol disrupts the normal regulation of coronary circulation.

Thus, alcoholic drinks, especially if consumed on a regular basis, provoke the development of cardiovascular diseases in healthy people, and worsening the course of any such diseases, if they already exist. For people with angina, alcohol, for example, will cause acute heart attack myocardium.

According to statistics, death from cardiovascular diseases in people under fifty years of age, in almost 40% of cases, occurs precisely as a result of alcohol consumption. This bad habit can permanently damage blood vessels and the heart, and even if a person subsequently gets rid of it, it will no longer be possible to correct what he has done.

Influence narcotic substances on the human body in general, and on the cardiovascular system in particular, varies depending on what drug we're talking about. However, it is always negative and appears very quickly, and getting rid of drug addiction, as you know, is very difficult. So it's better to never touch drugs.

First of all, it should be noted that, ideally, a healthy lifestyle does not involve giving up bad habits, but their initial absence. If for some reason a person already has them, then it is necessary to take all measures to free the individual from addictions that are so harmful to him.

Bad habits primarily include drinking alcohol and smoking, and in the literature smoking is presented as a more common habit, and therefore as a greater evil for humans.

Smoking puts many lives at risk important organs. Smokers risk getting pulmonary diseases, and are also exposed increased danger coronary disease heart and stroke. “Cigarettes accelerate the narrowing of the arteries, reduce the oxygen content in the blood by as much as 15%, and, therefore, create an overload of the entire of cardio-vascular system” .

Alcohol is no less harmful to the body. Those who abuse it are more likely to experience increased arterial pressure. Well, everyone knows that alcohol destroys the liver. It is especially unfortunate that alcohol and tobacco negatively affect the innate characteristics of children and can cause serious deviations in their development.

For those who want to quit drinking and smoking special meaning has a healthy lifestyle in general. Regular physical exercise, balanced diet greatly contribute to overcoming bad habits.