Is it possible to take a photo of a sleeping child? Signs and superstitions about photography. Prohibition from the point of view of energy and religious teachings

Or a camera, and # seem especially cute to us in our dreams. Why you shouldn't take pictures of sleeping children

Folded in a bow, long eyelashes, measured breathing. Impossible not to remember! However, it is strongly recommended not to photograph sleeping children.

According to esotericists, during sleep a person’s protective system is in the most vulnerable state, and if this moment is recorded, then the photo can be dangerous; under no circumstances should it be put on public display. If you fall into the hands of an ill-wisher, who may say or think something nasty about you, despite the “sleeping” photo, he can cause serious injury to your biofield. You need to be even more careful with children, since the baby’s field is even more vulnerable.

Many people prefer not to show their newborn children to strangers at all; people say: “so as not to jinx them,” because she is still very weak and is not able to protect herself from flows of negative energy.

Based modern interpretation Based on this sign, we can say that you shouldn’t take pictures of a sleeping baby, if only because you can inadvertently wake him up and scare him with a bright flash or the sound of the shutter closing.

Why you shouldn't take pictures of sleeping children

Today, probably, every family has good camera or a smartphone, and this is not surprising, since every person tries to remember everything important to him life moments. Plus, this technology is available today, as a result of which almost anyone can purchase it.

We try to photograph everything around us: funny moments, beautiful nature, your pets, your child’s first steps.

The optimal solution, thanks to which you can save in your memory important points, because, you see, looking through photographs our mood rises, we “draw” in our heads the situation and atmosphere that we experienced then. However, we should not forget that there are many signs associated with photography.

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For many years, psychics have argued that through photography you can change a person’s life, steal happiness, cause damage, separate from a loved one, and even shorten life. At the same time, it is easier to do such a dirty trick for a small child, a sleeping person, or a sick person.

That is why, under no circumstances give out your photographs to strangers or to those who, in your opinion, wish you harm.

Please note that among the people knowledgeable people They say you can't take pictures of sleeping children.

The thing is that at the beginning of the 19th century it was fashionable to photograph dead people. At the same time, the situation was created as if they were alive. So, for example, he could be seated at the table with living relatives or seated in his favorite chair, etc.

This is why if a person in a photograph has his eyes closed, he appears dead and attracts death. It was believed that if a person is depicted as dead, he will live a short time. Plus, according to knowledgeable people, during sleep our body leaves the body, as a result of which it is much easier to hit it and cause harm to a person.

We should not forget that a person waking up from a flash can be very frightened, especially for small children. This can lead to stuttering, loss of appetite, and sleep. Therefore, you should not risk the life and health of people dear to you. Believe me, it's not worth it!

Among the many signs that surround us, many are associated with photographs and photography. One of them says that you cannot photograph a sleeping person. Should we take this taboo seriously or consider it a ridiculous superstition? Let's take a look at various points views on this matter.

The first opinion is esoteric

According to esotericists, a person has a material and energetic shell. The defensive reactions of a sleeping person are reduced, therefore during sleep the intangible shell is especially susceptible to negative impacts. By taking a photo, we can cause unintentional or intentional harm to the soul, and take away part of a person’s vitality.

In addition, information about a person remains forever in any photo - it’s not without reason that people with the appropriate abilities can tell a lot from a photo. If you use a photograph of a sleeping person for any magical ritual(damage, evil eye, love spell, etc.), it is much easier to influence a person.

Also, according to one belief, such actions can frighten the soul, which leaves the body during sleep and travels through other dimensions, and it may not find its way back. This can cause a person to fall into a coma, lose their mind, or die.

Children may suffer more than anyone else, because... Compared to adults, their energy field is weaker and more receptive. You can jinx a child even without a photo - just watch him while he sleeps. It is also believed that you should not photograph a sleeping pregnant woman - the child may not be born.

The second opinion is religious

According to many religious faiths, the soul of every person has its own Guardian Angel. By taking pictures of a sleeping person, you can scare the Angel, and he will leave the soul forever.

Also, photography is prohibited by some religions. For example, Islamists believe that when creating any images of people and animals, a person tries to become like Allah, and this is a grave sin.

Third opinion - medical

A loud, sharp sound or a bright flash from a camera can suddenly wake a person. The consequences of this awakening can be disastrous and extended over time - severe fear, stuttering, neurosis, fear of falling asleep.

Another explanation from doctors is based on the fact that at night when complete darkness V human body melatonin is synthesized. This substance is responsible for the so-called. circadian rhythms. If we translate this term into ordinary language, then thanks to melatonin we are awake during the day and sleep at night.

When photographing at night, a bright flash can disrupt the metabolism of this substance. As a result, a person will not be able to get a good night's sleep and rest; after sleep, he will feel exhausted and tired.

The fourth opinion is historical

One version of the taboo on photographing a sleeping person goes back to the beginning of the art of photography. Back then, to get a picture you had to sit still for half an hour. This is difficult even for an adult, let alone a child.

Then a tradition arose that anyone to modern man It will seem wild and creepy to take photographs of dead people in memory. In this case, the photographs were taken in conditions as close as possible to everyday situations- for example, they imitated that a person was sleeping, or reading a newspaper, or sitting at the dinner table. Joint photographs of living and dead people were often practiced.

This tradition continued until the 60s. last century. It is not surprising that for some people, especially the older generation, a photo of a person with his eyes closed can evoke associations with death. According to esotericists, such thoughts can materialize and lead to serious problems with health, even death.

The fifth opinion is everyday

During sleep, we do not control ourselves, so our posture and facial expression with completely relaxed muscles can look at least unaesthetic. Some national traditions They don't seem to agree with this. For example, in Japan, the reason for divorce may be a husband’s complaint that his wife sleeps in an unattractive position - apparently, the Japanese know the secret of defeating sleep physiology :)

If without lyrics, then by photographing a sleeping person without obtaining consent, you violate his right to privacy. From a purely human perspective, he may be unpleasant about such a fact, and he has every right to demand that the picture be deleted. In addition, photographs taken from malicious intent, can make a person look unsightly and harm his image. Therefore, before pressing the shutter button, think carefully about whether you should do nasty things to your neighbor.

So is it possible or still not possible to photograph a sleeping person?

In our opinion, there is no need to draw categorical conclusions. Follow the rule of the golden mean. If you want to capture the memory of a loved one or child, and you take a photo with the best intentions, nothing terrible, in our opinion, will happen.

But such photos are best kept in the family archive. You should not post them publicly on social networks - this is especially true for pictures of sleeping children and pregnant women.

Children grow and change quickly, so parents (especially if this is the first child in the family) want to stop a moment and capture almost every minute of their baby’s life.

And it seems that modern technologies make it possible to do this, but... Many mothers (most often at the suggestion of their parents or grandmothers) are afraid to take pictures of their babies, especially if the child is sleeping soundly. Is it possible to photograph sleeping newborn babies? If not, why not? Bad sign! Oddly enough, many people don’t even know what exactly the folk superstition is about photographing children in their dreams, but since it says “impossible,” it means it’s better not to risk it. And it doesn’t matter that it’s century outside high technology and the era of space exploration.

So, Is it possible to photograph sleeping children? Let's discuss this issue in detail.

The sleeper will not wake up

Why can't you take pictures of sleeping children? The short answer “no” confuses many. But why? Usually folk signs are associated with many years of human observations of various phenomena and identified patterns. But there are also those that appeared due to a lack of knowledge of human nature and ancient superstitions. The ban on photography in a dream can perhaps be classified as the latter.

Thus, for many centuries, people believed that during sleep the soul leaves the body and returns to it only at the moment of awakening. While a person sleeps, his soul supposedly visits his previous body (reincarnation). Accordingly, if you try to wake up a sleeping person, the soul will not have time to return to his body and the person simply will not wake up.

It's the same with photography. According to this sign, while taking photographs, the soul may not return in time due to the characteristic click when pressing the button, or it may “deteriorate” and never return to its body. Especially in children, because they themselves and their soul are still small and “untrained” - it still has a strong connection with previous incarnation, and the speed of rapid return has not been “worked out”.

In this regard, the baby may not wake up at all or wake up without a soul, which is also very, very bad.

Impaired sleep quality

Inadequate sleep and, as a result, irritability and even deterioration in health. All this, according to many older people, can be a consequence of photographing a child in a dream.

Losing an Angel

Why shouldn't you photograph a sleeping newborn baby? By analogy with the soul, according to the beliefs of our ancestors, an angel could also be “scared” by a photo flash and the click of a photographic shutter. And when frightened, he flies away, leaving his little owner without protection.

After this, the baby, of course, does not die, but begins to get sick, and misfortunes literally haunt him.

It is noteworthy that in Christianity there are no prohibitions on photography, either in a dream or while awake. And there is also strong doubt here that an angel can leave his little client because of a click of a camera.

But in Islam there is a ban on photography. But it is completely unrelated to various kinds prejudices and objects. It’s just that in Islam it is forbidden to draw portraits; moreover, a taboo is imposed on all images of living beings.

"Stolen Destiny"

Why can't you take pictures of sleeping children? Answers have been sought since ancient times. And now there are so many of them that it’s difficult to figure out which is true and which is fiction. Among the superstitions you can hear is that by photographing a sleeping child, one is stealing his health and destiny. The more pictures, the bigger the “theft.” This is especially true for newborn unbaptized children who do not yet have any protection and cannot withstand external negative influences.

By the way, it was forbidden to photograph unbaptized children not only in their sleep, but also at any other time. The rite of baptism took place on the 40th day after birth, when the mother was allowed to attend church.

But even after this, the older, experienced generation forbade inviting strangers - photographers - into the house, so that they would not steal the baby’s fate.

Damage, evil eye and other troubles

Another interpretation of the sign about the prohibition of photographing sleeping children is that with the help of the resulting picture, the baby can be easily jinxed, damaged, etc.

It is no secret that many fortune tellers, shamans and sorcerers use photographs for their rituals. It is believed that a photograph carries not only visual, but also deeper information about a person, and stores the imprint of his aura. At the same time, the children’s aura is clean, bright, but absolutely defenseless - easy prey for various sorcerers and magicians. Therefore, even a novice sorcerer can cast a spell on him using a photograph of a sleeping child.

Any person, even the closest person, who looks at a child’s photo can put the evil eye on a child.

By the way, about this reason, according to popular superstitions, it is forbidden not only to photograph sleeping people, but also generally to show children’s photographs to strangers. You should also not throw away or burn photographs, as this can also negatively affect the fragile child’s aura.

Hypnos and Thanatos - twin brothers

IN ancient greek mythology the god of death Thanatos and the god of sleep Hypnos were twin brothers. Yes, and the Slavs for a long time believed that sleep and death are very similar and have a number of similar features. And a dead person is very similar to a sleeping person (the same closed eyes, the same property).

In this regard, it was believed that photographing a child in his sleep would bring his death closer. Especially if the photo turns out blurry. Such vagueness was considered evidence of some hidden fatal illness, approaching troubles and imminent death.

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To believe or not to believe in all these superstitions is everyone’s business. But it’s still interesting what caused such a negative attitude towards photography in a dream.

Why is it forbidden to photograph sleeping children and adults? Many researchers are confident that these prejudices began almost immediately after the invention of the camera - in the 19th century. Photography in those days was a very expensive pleasure. And as a rule, only rich people ordered photographs and only at the most last moment- When close person was dying.

Moreover, the deceased was not just photographed as a keepsake, but a real photo session was arranged. Adults were dressed in the most beautiful outfits, sat on a chair or even at a table, toys, books, etc. were laid out around the children.

Living family members were often photographed next to the deceased. In the photograph it seemed that the person was simply sleeping, but still the impression was eerie. However, this did not prevent the creation of entire albums with photographs of deceased relatives, which were replenished with each new deceased. Almost every family had its own “book of the dead.”

Subsequently, some people painted on the pupils on the closed eyelids of the deceased, creating the impression that the person was alive. But even on black and white photos At that time, his deathly pallor was visible, which made the photo downright ominous and scary.

This custom has been widespread for a long time in European countries and on the American continent.

Time passed, the fashion for photographing the dead became a thing of the past, and instead prejudices began to appear about the ban on taking pictures of the sleeping.

And again the ancient Greeks, or From the depths of centuries

According to another theory, the ban on depicting sleeping people is much older and has its roots in Ancient Greece. All because of the same twin brothers Hypnos and Thanatos, ancient artists never painted portraits of sleeping people - this was one of the main taboos that no one dared to break.

The Greeks believed that paintings depicting sleeping people would attract misfortune, ruin, separation, illness of loved ones and even death to the house.

Perhaps, later this ban was simply gradually adapted to new realities and moved from portraits to photographs.

What is it really?

Why can't you take pictures of sleeping children? Signs are one thing, but modern scientists and simply educated people consider all folk signs regarding photography in a dream to be mere fiction and do not take them seriously.

However, many of them do not deny that there are a number of reasons why it is still not worth photographing a sleeping baby. Among the most important:

  1. In their sleep, little children are relaxed, but at the same time they sleep quite lightly and can wake up from any sharp, even quiet, sound or bright light from the flash. And not just wake up, but also get scared, which can provoke a whole range of problems from hysteria to real phobias, which young parents certainly don’t need.
  2. Even serious scientists have come to the conclusion that the outbreak can affect the quality of a baby’s sleep. Of course, this does not mean at all that because of a couple of frames taken by mom or dad to capture their baby snoring sweetly in the crib, the child will certainly not get enough sleep. No! But serious changes can indeed occur in his biorhythms.
  3. Another argument against is a bright flash, especially in dark time days. The luminous flux has Negative influence on the child's vision. However, closed eyelids do not reduce this effect at all.

You can if you are careful enough

To summarize, we can say that it is, of course, possible to photograph a baby sleeping, but with extreme caution. It’s even better to capture the child while he’s awake: when he puts together his first pyramid, takes his first steps, or tries to lift a spoonful of porridge to his mouth. And then all the important moments of the baby will be captured for history and all this with absolutely no harm to his health. As well as souls, auras and guardian angels.

Just yesterday, when my daughter was sleeping, I wanted to take a picture of her, but my husband didn’t allow me - he said that there was a bad omen about this, and I didn’t even know why you shouldn’t take pictures of sleeping people, and especially babies. I’ll tell you about what I found out myself - what if someone, like me, is in the dark?

Previously, there was no such problem; cameras were not very accessible ordinary people, and the shooting was quite an event. Then, when compact cameras appeared, the process became easier, but still many did not shoot literally everything they wanted on film - such pictures would hardly decorate a photo album, and they had no other use.

Of course, fashion photographers took pictures of people sleeping, and there was a little art in it, but it was not, so to speak, widespread. And then, when digital compact cameras became widespread, and every mobile phone became equipped with a device for filming, filming became much easier. And of course, many began to film their loved ones in different situations- cute poses, funny outfits, various funny incidents, and of course a dream. However, not everyone knows whether it is possible to photograph sleeping people?

Origins of superstition

In general, to be honest, today I spent the whole day on the Internet, interviewing my girlfriends and girls on the forum about whether they know the reasons why you should not take pictures of people if they have fallen asleep. I heard many interesting opinions, among which the leaders are:
  • signs;
  • unpleasant associations;
  • real harm to humans;
  • religious prohibitions.
I’ll tell you about all the reasons in order and whether it’s possible to photograph a sleeping person.


Naturally, everyone has their own answers to the question of why you can’t photograph sleeping children and adults, but with regard to children, I heard one interesting theory.

As you know, we sleep quite lightly and unevenly; a person wakes up to two hundred times a night. Naturally, he does not come out of the complete state of sleep; the awakening is very short-lived, for a moment.

But if you scare a person at this moment, then the sleep will be of poor quality, and it’s quite easy to scare someone during the shooting process - a couple of flashes are enough.

In adults, this is unlikely to cause anything serious other than mild anxiety, but with children you need to be more careful - fear in a child can lead to disruption of sleep, speech and development. Naturally, not a single shot is worth the peace of mind of a child.

Signs are a powerful justification for why it is better to refrain from photographing people sleeping. So, if you believe the signs, then when photographing a sleeping person you can:
  • bring death upon him (fix his motionless inactive state);
  • scare away his guardian angel;
  • take away his health and happiness;
  • capture his soul (as a result of which the person will lose it and may go crazy).
They say that an energetically sleeping person is not much different from a dead person, and when we photograph him, we seem to capture this state, which is harmful to the person.

There is another reason that seems more realistic to me. Probably every adult knows that there was a tradition of taking post-mortem photographs - people took pictures of dead babies in their arms, and took pictures at funerals. A sleeping person is hardly distinguishable from a deceased person, so many are afraid to take such photographs.

Interesting theory about the journey of the soul. Generally speaking, our soul travels to other worlds during sleep, and when the body begins to wake up, it returns back. So, at the flash or click of the shutter, a person can suddenly wake up, and the soul does not have time to wake up - then the body can die.

The religious reasons for the ban on photography are very interesting. Many world religions, including Islam, are very wary of photography. This is due to a religious prohibition - for example, very often only a deity can be depicted, and any depiction of a person can be equated to an attempt to become like a divine essence.

If there is a sleeping person in front of you, and you are not sure that he is loyal to photography, then it is better not to photograph him in his sleep. Also some religions are too great importance attached to photographs - for example, in Asian beliefs there is a belief that a photograph is an imprint of the soul, which will later turn into a demon.

Fright and nervous breakdown - frequent companion photographs in a dream, no matter how sad it is to admit it. A person in a dream feels defenseless, and if he is abruptly pulled out of this state, he may develop psychological trauma, he will be afraid to sleep, and it is quite difficult to overcome this. And physically, fear is almost always associated with impaired breathing and heart rate, so fear can lead to heart disease, or even a heart attack.

So what to do - take pictures or not

I think you understand why you can’t take pictures of people sleeping, but how worth it is to follow such signs? Everyone decides for themselves. And if even doctors do not advise taking photographs of a sleeping child - a flash can really frighten the baby - then with an adult there is no such unequivocal opinion.

If you want to take a photograph of a sleeping person with your phone or regular camera, then try to do the following:

  • turn off the flash on your phone or camera - after all, you're not taking the photo for official documents, and for home use, it may well be fuzzy;
  • turn off the sound and check in another room that the shutter sound does not work;
  • do not lean over the sleeping person and do not bring the phone or camera too close;
  • there is no need to try to shift the sleeping person into any funny position.
I decided for myself that you cannot take photographs of a sleeping person if you have not agreed with him that this is permissible. Of course, for me personally, we are not talking about whether it is possible to take a photograph of a dozing off girl on the subway - I believe that this is an interference in a person’s private life, and even more so, you should not shoot a video.

It is also important for me that the person I photograph (for example, previously it was my boyfriend, and now my husband) likes himself in the picture. He thinks that when he sleeps he is not very handsome, and I do not consider myself to have the right to argue with him (although, in my opinion, men in dreams are very touching, much cuter than newborns).

If the person you photographed is dissatisfied, offer to delete the photo - put yourself in his place for just one brief moment, few people like to photograph people when they are sleeping, but even less do we want to be in the place of the hero of the photo.

Draw conclusions for yourself, and if you are filming sleeping people, then do it as harmlessly as possible for them - without flash and the risk of scaring them.

The creative impulses of a photographer can be limited not only by his own imagination, but also by social and legislative norms.

There are many prohibitions on photography in museums, subways, theaters, cinemas, shops, restaurants and others in public places. But most of them are imaginary. and other countries of the world, read our material about government bans on photography.

However, many of the prohibitions are dictated not by law, but by human customs and prejudices. Every photographer should take into account that the people who fall into his lens may have their own cockroaches about photography in various situations. Here we list the main signs, superstitions and prejudices that directly affect the work of a photographer.

Why can't you take pictures of sleeping people?

It is believed that you should not photograph people in their sleep because:

  1. There is a superstition that photographs retain a person’s energy.It is believed that if a photo of a sleeping person falls into the hands of a psychic or a person with black magic, it can lead to the evil eye, illness or even death.
  2. According to some religious beliefs, the soul leaves the body during sleep.At this time, a person becomes defenseless and vulnerable to otherworldly forces. These beliefs are based medical explanation. As you know, human sleep consists of phases of deep and shallow sleep. And if he is woken up by a sudden flash or the click of a camera at the wrong stage of sleep, this can greatly frighten him or even cause a heart attack.
  3. There is a historical explanation for this prejudice.In the 19th century, when the first photographs first appeared, they were very expensive and took quite a long time to produce. Among the rich and famous there was a tradition of taking photographs of the deceased person as a keepsake - so-called post mortem photographs. The deceased was seated among the living, seated in a chair with a newspaper, or photographed lying in bed - that is, “sleeping.” The tradition of photographing the dead continued until the 60s of the twentieth century. Based on this, a sign was formed: taking photographs of a sleeping person means early death.
  4. There are also ethical aspect this prejudice.The fact is that in a dream a person does not control his facial expressions, gestures and postures. It just might look bad in a photograph. This is why you should not take photographs of sleeping people unless they have given permission.

To reject superstitions or be at the mercy of prejudices is everyone’s business. But the photographer must respect the beliefs of his subjects.

Of course, most photos of supposedly sleeping people were not taken while they were asleep. If you want to shoot a scene with a sleeping person in the frame, simply recreate it with your model: ask him or her to take the necessary pose and close his eyes - in in this case you are guaranteed to get successful shots in which the model will look photogenic. Of course, if your task is not to put a person in a bad light for the sake of laughter or likes on social networks.

Why can't you photograph newborns?

Why not? Can! We even teach how to do this at a workshop on newborn photography as part of the children's and family photography. These are very valuable photographs as a keepsake, because children grow up so quickly!

But older generation often has his own opinion on this matter. The fact is that many parents and grandparents are against filming newborns up to 40 days old.

What is the reason for the traditional ban on photographing newborns? Of course, with religious beliefs. In Christianity, this is associated with the rite of baptism. The fact is that a young mother cannot visit the temple for 40 days after giving birth, so it is recommended to baptize the baby immediately after this period has expired. It is believed that before baptism the baby is defenseless and vulnerable to evil forces, and after the baptism ceremony he finds his guardian angel. But in our time this is not so relevant, since children are not always baptized at birth: this ceremony is often postponed until 3 months, a year, 7 years, or even the child’s adulthood.

Newborn photographers believe that it is better to photograph babies in the first 10-14 days of life, when they are sound asleep and easily fit into various positions. You can shoot with natural light at home or with pulsed light in the studio. It all depends on the professionalism of the photographer, the wishes of the parents and individual characteristics child. If your baby winces during sleep from sharp sounds or changes in lighting, it is better to take photographs without flash, so as not to injure the baby. But if the child’s neurology is fine, then the baby can be photographed in his sleep without any restrictions.

Posting photos publicly or saving them for family use is up to parents. But to post photographs of babies in a portfolio and sell them on stock photo sites, the photographer must have written permission from their parents.

Why can't you photograph children under one year old?

Professional children's photographers, of course, do not observe this ban, since it is rooted in the deep past. But there are several versions of the explanation for why you should not photograph sleeping babies and older, awake children:

1. Mysticism:It is believed that the child has not yet formed a biofield, which protects the baby from the influence of other people’s energy. Some people think that by photographing a child, you can steal his destiny or health. Superstitious fears are gradually retreating before modern photo trends, so it’s worth weighing all the risks: the mystical risk of depriving a child of his destiny or the real risk of depriving a child of his childhood photographs.

2. Medicine:Doctors do not recommend photographing small children with flash, as this can damage the retina and frighten the baby. If you value your child’s health and vision, master the technique of shooting without flash:

  • Shoot children's scenes on the street: for this there is enough light outside both in sunny and cloudy weather.
  • Turn off the flash when shooting indoorsby increasing the shutter speed and ISO. However, in this case, due to the long flash, moving children may turn out to be blurred, and if the photosensitivity is increased, the photo may be spoiled by digital noise. But if you don’t have high-quality photographic equipment, but you really want to capture a memorable moment, don’t miss this opportunity.
  • Use a fast lens for indoor photography. The 50 mm f/1.8 portrait lens is ideal for photographing children and their parents indoors.

True, the famous pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky clearly says in his publications: “A child of any age can be photographed using a flash without any restrictions.” According to him, there is not one scientific research that the camera flash causes at least some harm to children's health.

3. Ethics: Some sites and social media prohibit the publication of photographs of naked children, as there are people with mental disorders who can use these photos for inhumane purposes or pour out negativity in the comments under the photo. The ban on naked butts on the Internet gave rise to a flash mob, in which parents posted online photos of their babies with a peach instead of a butt.

Many mothers on maternity leave complete photo projects. For example, Adele Enerson photographed her daughter Mila during nap, creating fabulous pictures using ordinary blankets, towels and tights. These photos were then issued in the form of calendars in different countries peace.

When Mila grew up, Adele gave birth to a son, Vincent, and based on his photo, she published the children's book “Vincent and the Night”:

If you decide to deprive your baby of childhood photographs, remember that you already took the first photo during the ultrasound.

Why can't you take pictures of pregnant women?

Photography is about capturing a moment. There used to be a superstition that you should not photograph or draw pregnant women, as this could stop the development of the child and lead to miscarriage. The sign was caused by the fact that previously they only painted or, moreover, photographed rich women who were not distinguished good health. Since medicine was poorly developed, pregnancies were often interrupted by miscarriage or even death of women. Now obstetric care in European countries is well established, so there is no longer any basis for such a prejudice.

On the contrary, photographing pregnant women is now a separate area of ​​children's and family photography. Many women strive to photograph themselves while expecting a baby, so that later it will be easier to explain to the child where he came from. And preserving the magical moments of pregnancy as a souvenir is also worth a lot!

Why can't you take pictures in front of a mirror?

"How?! – you will be surprised. “How can it be impossible if half of the selfies were taken using a mirror?”

That's it, in modern world Only the lazy didn’t take pictures of himself in the mirror. All these elevator and toilet bows, it turns out, contradict superstitions.

Photos taken in the mirror rank second after the cemetery in terms of the number of silhouettes, ghosts, plasmoids and other unexplained phenomena captured. Mirrors have a reflective surface in which light bends, giving unexpected effects, which photographers love so much. This real source inspiration for many photography masters.

And if you dig deeper, then all the photographs taken on reflex camera, made precisely with the help of mirrors.