Dishes and culinary products for therapeutic nutrition. Diets for patients

The recipes below have been selected in such a way that they do not require much effort and time to prepare the recommended dishes, and also that they do not require scarce products if possible.

Many dishes can be prepared or partially prepared (cleaned, grated, cut, washed, sculpted, stuffed) by children themselves, starting from 8-9 years old, including children with chronic diseases, if such work is available to them due to health reasons (consult with attending physician). Hard work will improve their mood and well-being, and they will eat food prepared at least partially with their own hands with great appetite.

In each recipe you will find instructions on which diets this or that dish is recommended for. The recipes are designed mainly for one serving for a child 10-11 years old. It is advisable to prepare most of the dishes for the whole family, so as not to do double work. Then the number of products included in one serving must be multiplied by the number of family members. If there are small children (for whom most dietary dishes are especially indicated), in accordance with their age needs, the preparation of 2/3, 1/2 or 1/3 of an adult portion is calculated.

Products in recipes are given not in weight, but in volumetric quantities to make it easier for the person who will prepare the food to navigate.

We avoided including well-known dishes, recipes for which can be found in available sources.

Recipes for dishes are placed in the text according to their purpose.

1. Chopped herring (diets No. 2, 4, 3, 5,9)

Soak 25 g of herring pulp without skin and bones in 1/4 cup of milk for 4-6 hours, 1 slice of stale bread, soak in milk and squeeze, 1/5 of an apple, 1/4 of a hard-boiled yolk and 1/10 of an onion (except for the diet 5) pass through a meat grinder. Season with 0.5 teaspoon of vegetable oil and l/3 teaspoon (to taste) of 2% vinegar.

This dish can be given to children from 11 months - 0.5 teaspoon. For older children, for bread and butter or just as a snack.

2. Fish pate (diets No. 1,2,4, 5, 10 - without salt, with 0.5 teaspoon of Korean sauce).

Fish fillet - 75 g (about the size of 3 matchboxes) simmer in a small amount of water over low heat until cooked. Stew a small carrot in 3 tablespoons (a little more if necessary) of water with 0.5 teaspoon of vegetable oil until tender. Pass through a fine grinder, add 0.5 teaspoon of butter, 2 g of salt (for a ration of 10, you can taste citric acid) beat well.

3. Egg pate (diets No. 1,3, 4, 2, 8,5,9,10)

Finely chop a hard-boiled egg (for diet 5, whole white and 0.5 yolk), add 0.5 teaspoon of finely chopped onion (radions 5 and 10 without onion), 0.5 teaspoon of finely chopped dill and parsley, 0.5 teaspoon tablespoons of finely chopped dill and parsley, 0.5 teaspoon of butter, 1 teaspoon with the top of finely grated cheese (can be processed or feta cheese), 1 g of salt (10 ration without salt) and dilute with 1 tablespoon of hot broth (1, 5, 10 rations with vegetable broth or hot milk). Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to thicken and serve for breakfast.

4. Liver pate (diets No. 1,2, 5, 10)

Fry 1/3 of the carrots grated on a coarse grater, 0.5 teaspoon of finely chopped onion (rations 5 and 10 without onions, and lightly simmer the carrots for vegetable oil) and 2 chopped sprigs of dill and parsley. Cut 50 g of beef, chicken, rabbit liver into 2-3 pieces, put on top of the fried vegetables and fry until the cut disappears Pink colour(blood). For diets 1 and 5, boil the liver, and also only until the pink color disappears (otherwise the pate will have an uneven consistency, with grains). The liver, along with vegetables (fried or boiled), is passed through a meat grinder with a fine grid 2 times, and the second time 0.5 egg yolk (hard-boiled) and 0.5 teaspoon of butter are added. Salt and pepper to taste (except for ration 10, and pepper is not included in rations 1 and 5).

5. Chicken sausage (diets No. 3, 5 - without skin, 8, 9, 10 - without salt, maybe with 0.5 - 1 teaspoon of soy sauce).

The skin, carefully removed from the entire chicken, is laid out on a 30x20 cm piece of cotton paper. To remove the skin, a longitudinal incision is made in the middle of the sternum, in the area of ​​​​the legs and up to the first joint of the wings. The chicken meat is carefully removed from the bones, cut into 2x3 cm pieces and mixed with a teaspoon of finely chopped dill and parsley. For diet No. 9, you can add 0.5 cloves of grated garlic. Salt - 2 g (except for diet 10) and in diet No. 9 - 0.5 g of pepper. Everything is mixed and wrapped in leather, and then in a flap and tied with clean nylon rope, like an ordinary boiled sausage. The sausage is dipped into chicken broth made from the remaining bones and cooked for 40 minutes to 1.5 hours, depending on whether the chicken is young or old. Then the sausage is placed on a small baking sheet, placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, a board is placed on it, and a load on the board is a stone washed and boiled in advance for 4-6 hours. From a small chicken (500-600 g) you get 12-14 pieces of sausage.

6. Vegetable salad with meat (for diets No. 2, 4, before dressing, pass the salad through a meat grinder with a large wire rack, each ingredient separately, No. 5, 8 and 9 - pre-soak the potatoes, pre-boil the beets, No. 10 - without salt).

Boil and chop 30 g of meat, take 0.5 pcs. boiled potatoes, 1/3 fresh cucumber, 1/4 small apple and 2 lettuce leaves. Wash everything, peel it, chop it finely, season with sour cream (mayonnaise for ration 9, for ration 8 - sour milk). -

Option. Boiled meat, boiled potatoes, carrots, 1/4 small beets, 1/2 pickled cucumber, 1/3 hard-boiled egg, finely chop, add green pea or boiled white beans (1 teaspoon), mix and season as in the previous recipe (for diet 2 and 4, do not add beans, for ration 10 - fresh cucumber).

7. Vegetable and fish salad (diet no.

Mix boiled fish with 0.5 chopped boiled small potatoes, 1/3 salted peeled chopped cucumber (for ration 9 fresh), 2 chopped green lettuce leaves (optional), 2 green onions (except for rations 5, 10, without salt) , mix and season with sour cream. For diets 3, 9 - mayonnaise, for ration 8 - sour milk.

8. Cabbage salad (diets No. 1, 3, 5,

1st option: finely chop 1/4 of a small fork of cabbage, grind, add half a tablespoon of sour juice - cranberries or barberries, lemon juice or citric acid to taste, then add 1/4 of raw grated medium-sized beets, 1.5 tablespoons sour cream and mix well.

2nd option: grind shredded cabbage (1/4 of a small head of cabbage) with your hands with 0.5 teaspoon of coarse salt, add medium-sized carrots and apple grated on a coarse grater. Mix everything and season with sour cream (1-1.5 tablespoons). For diet 10, grind the cabbage without salt and season with sour milk.

9. Summer vinaigrette (diets No. 1, 2, 4,

Boil 1/4 beets (for diet No. 1 without beets), boil 1 potato (pre-soak for diets 8 and 9), peel and cut into small slices, chop 1/3 carrots, stew with 0.5 teaspoon of vegetable oil (for ration 1 carrot boil in a closed pan). Finely chop 1/3 apple, 0.5 tomato, 1/3 peeled cucumber (for diet 4 without cucumber) and pour over boiling water. Boiled beets, carrots (potatoes can also be used) are passed through a meat grinder with a large wire rack. Season with 1 g of salt, 1/4 teaspoon of sugar and juice of 1/4 lemon or citric acid diluted in water to taste and 1.5 tablespoon of sour cream. Diets No. 8 and 9 - no sugar.

10. Young chicory salad (die

Wash 10 chicory shoots and cut into 2-3 cm pieces. Simmer for 20 minutes with 1-2 g of margarine. Salt to taste. Cool and add finely chopped parsley.

Dried chicory is served with chopped egg, fried potatoes (3 rations) and grated cheese.

Leaves, stems and shoots collected during the flowering period, washed, dried, fried and dried in a frying pan in a ground form replace coffee.

11. Salads from clover leaves or

cherries (the youngest, light green,

leaves. Diets 3, 8, 9, 10 - no salt).

1 handful (50 g) of sorted and washed leaves (can be cut) seasoned with 1 g of sugar and 0.5 g of salt, 1-1.5 tablespoons of sour cream.

12. Dandelion leaf salad (di

Dandelion leaves (collected before the flower bud forms) are soaked in water 1:3 for 2 hours. In 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, fry 1/3 of a small carrot, grated on a coarse grater, and 1/5 of a medium chopped onion. Mix everything with dandelion. Season with 1 g of sugar and 0.5 teaspoon of soy sauce and 1 g of salt.

13. Salad of carrots and apples with nuts

mi (diets No. 3, 5, 10).

Grate 1 small carrot on a coarse grater, chop a small apple, mix with half a teaspoon of honey, sprinkle with peeled, chopped and toasted walnuts (4 pcs.).

14.Meat borscht made from soaked beets (diets No. 3, 9).

Boil broth from 150 g of meat, chop 1 beet into noodles, add 1-2 liters of water with a tablespoon of 20% vinegar and soak for 2 hours. Change the water 2 times, adding vinegar each time. Fry a tablespoon of chopped onion, 0.5 parsley root (chopped) in oil with 1 teaspoon of tomato. Add the soaked beets, pour in 0.5 cups of broth and simmer covered for 20 minutes. Add stewed beets, 1/5 fork of shredded cabbage to 1.5 cups of strained broth and cook until tender. Serve with a piece of meat, 1 tablespoon of sour cream and sprinkle with finely chopped (1 sprig each) parsley and dill.

15. Fish soup with cereals (diets No. 2, 3,4,8,9).

Place 100 g of fish, cut into 2 pieces, and the fish head in 2 glasses of cold water, add a teaspoon of chopped onion. Cook for 25-30 minutes. Remove the fish, separate from the bones (for rations 2 and 4, pass through a meat grinder). Pour half a tablespoon of rice into the strained broth (for diets 8 and 9 - soaked, and for diets Nos. 2 and 3 - instead of rice, one teaspoon of semolina) and cook for another 20-25 minutes. Then put 1 pc. potatoes, cut into cubes and fried in 0.5 teaspoon of vegetable oil (for diets 2 and 4, do not fry, but boil: for diets 8 and 9, first soak and then cook) and together with grated 1/3 carrots and 2 -Dip 3 sprigs of parsley into the soup (for diets No. 3 and 9, carrots and parsley can be sautéed in 0.5 teaspoon of vegetable oil). Cook until done. Add 1 g of salt, fish and boil again. Place 1 sprig of finely chopped dill and parsley and 1 tablespoon of sour cream on a plate.

16. Borscht in vegetable broth (diets No. 3, 5, 8 and 9 with soaked potatoes and sour milk instead of sour cream, No. 10 - without salt).

Chop the peeled beets or grate them on a coarse grater, sprinkle with lemon juice from one slice of lemon or citric acid diluted in water to taste, or 1 teaspoon of 2% vinegar. Add 0.5 teaspoon of oil and simmer in 0.5 cup water over low heat for 20-30 minutes. Add 1/3 of the chopped carrots, a small tomato and simmer for another 10 minutes. Add cabbage (1/4 small fork), pour in 1.5 cups of water or vegetable broth, let it boil, add chopped potatoes (1 piece) and 0.5 small tomatoes. Season with 1 tablespoon of sour cream and add one sprig of finely chopped dill and parsley. For acidity, add sour apples, grated ones, or currants (except for diet 5).

17. Transparent borscht (diet No. 2,

3, 4, 8 and 9 - without sugar).

Boil meat broth from 100 meat, with 1/4 of a carrot, a 1.5 cm piece of parsley root, 1/10 of an onion and 500 g of water. Strain the broth and add 0.5 teaspoon of sugar and 1 g of salt. Wash small beets, peel and grate on a coarse grater (for diets 8 and 9, pre-cooked), finely chop 1/3 of the pickled cucumber with skin, put both into the broth and boil for 20 minutes (for diets No. 2.4, grate the beets on a fine grater, do not put cucumber). For diet 3, cut the beets and cucumbers into larger pieces. For diet 3, you can add dumplings: 0.5 eggs mixed in 2 tablespoons of broth or water and 1-2 teaspoons of flour to make a dough like pancakes. Dip small portions - 0.5-1 teaspoon - into the boiling broth and cook until the dumplings float to the surface). Can be served with croutons: cut a slice of bread into 1 cm cubes and dry. (Toasts - except for rations 8 and 9.)

18. Cabbage soup with apples (diets No. 2, 3, 4,

In 2 cups of boiling broth (for rations 5 and 10 in the same amount of water) put cabbage cut into squares (1/4 fork) and stewed with 0.5 teaspoon of butter or vegetable oil 1/3 chopped carrots, 1/5 root or 3 sprigs of chopped parsley, 1 teaspoon of tomato puree (for rations 2, 4, 5 and 10, boil the vegetables in the same broth or water) and add fresh tomato or citric acid diluted with water to taste. Cook over low heat until done. Put 0.5 small chopped apple into the prepared broth, add salt (1 g, except for ration 10) and boil again. For diets 2 and 4, boil after the vegetables have been pureed. Place 1 tablespoon of sour cream on a plate.

19. Cold borscht (diet No. 3.5 - in

warm, No. 8 and 9 - beets first

boil and pour out the broth, No. 10 - without salt

Grate 1 small beet and 1/3 carrots, cook separately in a small amount of water (0.5 cup) and combine together, pour 2 cups of water, boil until tender, cool, add 1/3 peeled and chopped cucumber, 1 teaspoon a spoonful of chopped green onions (except for diet 5), 0.5 teaspoon of sugar (ration 9 - without sugar), 0.5 teaspoon of 2% vinegar and 1 g of salt. Chop 1/3 of a hard-boiled egg into a plate and add a teaspoon of sour cream on top.

20. Puree vegetable soup (diet no.

1.2, 4.5, 10 - without salt).

1 PC. potatoes, 1/2 carrots, 1/5 small fork of cabbage, peel, rinse and add 1.5 cups of cold water and cook until soft. Cool and wipe. Pour the broth over the pureed vegetables, add 1 g of salt and boil again. Place 0.5 teaspoon of butter and 1 tablespoon of sour cream on a plate.

21. Cauliflower puree soup (di

ets No. 0, 1, 2, 4).

Cut 1 medium-sized potato and 1/4 small fork of cauliflower (or 1/8 large), pour in 1.5 cups of water, add 0.5 teaspoon of oil and steam over low heat under a closed lid until cooked and rub through sieve. Boil 0.5 tablespoon of rice in boiling water for an hour, puree, and combine with soup. Warm everything up and add 1/3 cup of milk (if the patient does not tolerate milk well, use a spoonful of cream, or 0.5 teaspoon of butter or vegetable oil).

22. Bean puree soup (diet No. 3,

Rinse 1/4 cup of white beans and cook in 500 g of water in a covered saucepan over low heat until soft. Rub through a sieve, add 1-2 g of salt, dip in 3/4 cup of heated raw milk and boil for 5 minutes. Place 0.5 teaspoon of butter in a plate. Serve with croutons (ration 8 and 9 - from diabetic bread).

23. Burdock leaf soup (diet no.

1 teaspoon rice and 2 medium ochi

Boil chopped potatoes in

1.5 cups of water, add 1 teaspoon

a spoonful of chopped stewed onions and a hundred

kan of crushed burdock leaves for 10-

15 minutes before serving. Serve with

sour cream. You can add burdock leaves

also in salads.

24. Green cabbage soup from fireweed (fireweed)

(diets No. 2, 3, 4, 8).

Ivan tea contains vitamin C, tannins and mucous substances.

2 tablespoons fresh leaves

Immerse fireweed tea and the same amount of nettle (you can have the same amount of sorrel) in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, then finely chop. Put 1/4 of a medium onion, chopped carrots, and later 1 small potato into boiling water and, when they are ready, add the greens (for rations 2 and 4, wipe). Place 0.5 finely chopped boiled egg, 0.5 teaspoon of butter and 0.5 tablespoon of sour cream on a plate.

25. Puree soup, rice and carrots

rice water (diets No. 1, 5 and 10 - without

Boil 1 tablespoon of rice with 0.5 cups of water until tender, wipe. Mix with boiled mashed large potatoes and one carrot, dilute with a glass of boiling milk (for diet No. 5-100 g of milk, 100 g of water), season with 0.5 egg yolk and 0.5 teaspoon of butter.

26. Puree cereal soups (diet

Boil oatmeal, rice, buckwheat (2 tablespoons without top) in 2.5 glasses of water until tender, rub, boil and season with 0.5 glasses of milk and 1.5 tablespoons of cream.

27. Dried apricot soup with rice (diet No. 0).

Wash a handful of dried apricots, chop, add 1 teaspoon of sugar, pour 3/4 cup of boiling water and after 2-3 hours add boiled rice (as in recipe 26) and 5 tablespoons of cream, serve cold. This dish is rich in potassium, which is necessary for kidney and heart diseases.

28. Sweet rice dumpling soup

(diets No. 4, 5, 10).

Boil 1 apple, cut, without core, a handful of dried fruits in 200 g of water with the addition of 1 tablespoon of sugar. Boil 1 tablespoon of rice in 100 g of water (if necessary, you can add a little water), place on a shallow plate in a thin layer, moistened boiled water. Cut the cooled rice into cubes and add to the soup (for diets No. 4 and 5, 1 g of salt is added to the rice).

Juices of 1 medium-sized tomato, sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of flour, dilute with 1/4 cup of broth (for ration 10 - with water). Boil for 10 minutes until the sauce thickens, rub through a sieve and add 0.5 teaspoon of sugar, 1-2 g of salt (except diet 10), 1 tablespoon of sour cream and boil again.

30. Milk and sour cream sauce (die

you are No. 1,2, 5,10).

1st option. Dry 1 teaspoon of flour in a frying pan (without oil) and dilute, gradually pouring in 1/4 cup of milk, add 1 teaspoon of oil and cook, stirring continuously, for 10 minutes, add 1 g of salt (except for diet 10).

2nd option. Dry 1 teaspoon of flour in a frying pan, dilute 1/4 cup of any vegetable juice, then add 1 teaspoon of butter and 0.5 cup of sour cream. Boil for 5 minutes and strain, add 1 g of salt (except diet 10).

31. Apricot sauces (especially

useful for diet No. 10).

A handful of dried apricots, washed with warm water, pour a small amount (2-3 tablespoons) of hot water for 2-3 hours and cook in the same water until soft, strain the broth, put boiled apricots and dried apricots there, add 1 tablespoon spoon of sugar and boil again. (Contraindicated for diets No. 2,4,8,9.)

32. Apple sauce.

1 apple cut into 4 parts, remove seeds, pour hot water and cook until soft in a sealed container. Rub, add 2 tablespoons of sugar (without top) and boil for 10 minutes, then cool. Serve with hot dishes made from millet, semolina, rice, including rice cutlets.


33. Meat puree (diets No. 1, 2, 4).

Boil 80 g of meat (lean), pass through a meat grinder with a fine grid, mix with a teaspoon of rice boiled in 1/3 glass of water and pass through the meat grinder again, add 0.5 teaspoon of butter, beat and heat on the stove.

34. Meatballs for broth or

cereals and vegetable soup(diet no.

Pass 25 g of meat through a meat grinder 2 times along with 0.5 teaspoon of white bread pre-soaked in water and squeezed out and 1/3 of onion (except for diets 1, 5 and 10). Add 0.5 salt (except diet 10) and 1 teaspoon raw egg. After making small balls, boil and place them in the oven for 3-4 minutes on a greased baking sheet. And then cook in broth for diets No. 2 and 4, or in water, or in lean soup.

35. Steamed meatballs

Pass 150 g of meat without tendons and fat through a meat grinder 2-3 times. Cool viscous porridge from 1 tablespoon of rice, combine with meat and mince 1-2 more times (for diets No. 5 and 10, it is enough to grind the meat 2 times, rice - 1 time), add 1/6 egg, 1 teaspoon of oil (not necessary for diet No. 5), make balls the size of walnuts, put in a frying pan, add cold water (2-3 tablespoons), boil. Serve with butter or sauce allowed for the specified diets.

36. Boiled beef stroganoff

(diets No. 5 and 10).

Lean beef, 140 g (you can have chicken, rabbit, lamb), boil and cut into thin pieces (2x1 cm), pour in milk sauce, stir, add 1/3 of medium-sized boiled grated carrots and cook for 10 minutes over low heat (salt 1 g for diet 5). Season with sour cream and boil again.

37. Potato zrazy with boiled

meat (diets No. 2, 4, 5, 10 -: no salt).

Boiled meat, 70 g (the size of a 2.5 matchbox), mince, add 0.5 g salt, 1 large boiled potato, grate, add 0.5 g salt, 1 teaspoon chopped dill and parsley or 1/4 teaspoon dry, the same as green onions and cut into flat cakes 1 cm thick. Place the minced meat in the middle, seal it with a patty, bake in a steam bath.

38. Meat and potato casserole

(rations 3, 5, 10 - without salt).

Mash 2 large potatoes, add 1 tablespoon milk, 1/4 teaspoon butter and 1 g salt. Place the pan on a frying pan greased with oil and sprinkled with ground breadcrumbs. Chop 50 g of meat with 1/5 of a fried and chopped onion (except for rations 5 and 10), add 1 g of salt. Spread over the puree and top with the remaining puree. Brush with egg mixed with 1 tablespoon of sour cream and bake in the oven.

39. Meat and cabbage casserole (diet

Place shredded cabbage in boiling water and 1-2 minutes after boiling again, strain and simmer for 2-3 minutes with butter or vegetable oil. Pass 60 g of meat through a meat grinder (2 tablespoons of minced meat), put in stewed cabbage, add 1 piece of bread soaked in milk and squeezed out and grind through the meat grinder again, add 1 g of salt (except for diet No. 10), 1/5 egg. The resulting mass is placed in a greased mold, baked in the oven or steamed. For diet No. 10, you can serve it with sour cream.

40. Boiled meat with apples in a bowl

onion sauce (diets No. 3, 5, 10 - without

Boil 100 g of beef (you can have chicken and rabbit if you are not allergic to them), cut into 4-5 slices. In a deep frying pan greased with 0.5 teaspoon of butter or vegetable oil, place thin apple slices, peeled without core, with meat on them, pour in 1/4 cup of milk sauce and bake.

41. Sweet and sour meat (diets No. 3 and

Boil 100 g of lean meat or chicken (rabbit can be used), cut into 2 pieces, put in a saucepan (small roasting pan or cauldron), soak 1 teaspoon of raisins and 4 prunes in water. Then chop the prunes and chop 1 medium-sized apple. Pour 2 tablespoons of water, cover the meat with fruit, cover with a lid and simmer for 10-15 minutes. (For diet No. 3, add 2 g of salt.) Then pour hot sour cream sauce and sprinkle with chopped dill and parsley.

42. Fern with meat (diets No. 3 and 9).

2-3 tablespoons dry fern

soak Nika in large quantities in

water (1:5) for 2-3 days, and the water changes

2 times a day. After soaking about

fry in vegetable oil (1 teaspoon

spoon). Separately in a roasting pan or cauldron

fry in 1-1.5 teaspoons cream

butter or ghee (can be in March

garine) 1/4 carrots, grated on rump

grater, 1 teaspoon finely

chopped onion, 2-3 sprigs finely per

chopped dill and parsley, then

you need to put the liu pulp in this roasting pan

lean meat, cut into cubes

kami, mix, lightly fry and then

sew with 2-3 tablespoons of water until

readiness. Then add obzha to the meat

chopped fern and fill with one

teaspoon soy sauce or 2 g soy sauce

43. Chicken cutlets with sour cream

sauce (diets No. 1,4, 10 - steam, No.

2.5 - fried without breading, No. 3 -


Pass white meat (from the front keel bone or half of it from a large chicken) through a meat grinder along with 0.5 small onions (for diets No. 5 and 10 - pre-boiled), 1 slice of bread, dipped in 1/4 cup of milk and squeezed out, 0.5 teaspoon butter or 1 teaspoon sour cream. Add 1 g of salt (except ration 10). Form cutlets and either steam them or fry them over high heat until browned on both sides and for another 7 minutes over very low heat, covered. Serve with sour cream sauce.

44. Steamed chicken zrazy (diet No. 1,

2, 4, 5, 10 - without salt).

White meat of a small chicken (near the sternum, keel, from a large chicken - half) pass through a meat grinder 2-3 times along with half of the viscous rice porridge, cooked from 1 tablespoon of rice without top, beat with wet hands and divide into 2 parts. Shape into a pancake. Place the other half of the rice in the middle with 0.5 chopped white from a hard-boiled egg, add salt (2 g for meat and rice), form into patties and steam.

45. Chicken or meat balls (diet

If possible, remove meat from all of the chicken (makes about 8 chops). The same amount of beef (if the meat is tough, then it must first be salted, grated with crushed garlic - 0.5 small cloves - and soaked in 0.5 cups of milk with a raw egg scrambled in it. Leave for 3-4 hours at room temperature, and then put in the refrigerator. The darkening and change in color of the milk is natural. (Beat the balls well with a wooden mallet. Dip the prepared balls into a loose egg and roll in flour. Fry over high heat in butter or vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon). After browning, hold for 7- 10 minutes on low heat under the lid.

46. ​​Chicken and vegetable casserole

(diets No. 1,2,4,5,10 - without salt).

Boiled chicken meat (half from the front keel of a large chicken), without fat and skin, pass through a meat grinder. Add 0.5 teaspoon of butter to the minced meat, combine with beaten egg white, 0.5 eggs and 1 g of salt. Bring in a greased frying pan until half cooked (5-10 minutes). Place mashed and stewed vegetables in milk on top (1 carrot and 1/4 small fork of cauliflower or white cabbage), sprinkle with oil and bake.

47. Fish soufflé (diets No. 1, 2, 4, 5,

10 - without salt).

Boil 100 g of fish, cool and pass through a fine grinder. Dry 1 teaspoon of flour in a frying pan and dilute with 2 tablespoons of milk with constant stirring until it becomes a jelly. Combine with minced fish, add 1/2 yolk and 1 g of salt, mix, add 0.5 beaten egg whites, place in a mold greased with 1 teaspoon of butter or vegetable oil and steam.

48. Fish quenelles (diets No. 1, 2, 4, 5,

10 - without salt).

100 g of fish, 1 piece of white bread and 2 tablespoons of cream, mince, beat into a saucepan with a spoon and place in a greased frying pan in the form of dumplings, cover with cold water (2/3 tablespoons), let boil for 3-5 minutes, serve with butter (1 tablespoon) or diet-approved sauce.

49. Fish in milk sauce (diet no.

Put 2 pieces of fish (60 g) into a saucepan, add salt (1 g, except for diet No. 10), put 1 slice of carrot, 1/10 of an onion and a sprig of parsley, pour water to 1/3 of the height of the fish, close the lid, quickly bring to boil and cook for 15-20 minutes. Pour white sauce on a plate. For diets 10, sprinkle the juice of a lemon slice or diluted water with citric acid to taste.

50. Stewed fish (diet!86 3, 5, 10,

On the bottom of a pan with thick walls, previously covered with the peel of 1 onion, circles of 1/4 carrots and 1/4 beets, three onion rings, put 2 pieces of fish (50 g each) and salt (2 g). Cover it with the listed vegetables in the same volume, then add water so that it just covers the fish. Add another 2 g of salt, 1/4 teaspoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 1 Bay leaf and 2 peas black pepper, quickly bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 1-1.5 hours. Place the fish on a plate (for diet No. 10, instead of salt, sprinkle with the juice of a lemon slice or citric acid diluted in water to taste) and pour over the strained broth (in which the fish was cooked), put in the refrigerator until it becomes jelly. For diets No. 5 and 10, serve without jelly.

51. Stuffed fish.

From 2 pieces of fish (50 g each), remove the flesh (near the ridge) with a knife, pass through a meat grinder with a slice of bread soaked in milk and squeezed out, 0.5 small apple or 1/4 large. Add 1/2 teaspoon of vegetable oil and 1 g of salt to the minced meat (except for diet No. 10), and for diets No. 3-9 - pepper on the tip of a knife. Then proceed as in the “fish stew” recipe.

52. Fried fish (diets No. 3 and 9). 6

small fish (capelin, ice) or 2

medium (such as iwasi or horse mackerel) you

gut, cut off the head and tail, you

cut the backbone and ribs. Spread your back

salt (1 g), dip in 1/4 loose

egg, then into flour (1 tablespoon

ka), deboning can be repeated 3

times and fry until golden brown

in 1 teaspoon vegetable oil


53. Cottage cheese for any diet

1 liter of milk (preferably unpasteurized

go, since pasteurization weakens the effect

vii lactic acid bacteria) to obtain

pour 150-200 g of cottage cheese into enamel

bath pan, close the lid tightly

leave and leave at room temperature

for 1-2 days until a dense gloop forms

drain (separating from the walls of the pan

when shaking it). Fasting pan

place in a well-heated oven (180-

200°C) for exactly 5 minutes. (If more -

the cottage cheese will turn out hard.) Then perfume

turn off the cooker and leave the pan in it

until completely cooled. After this, contain

put the pan mixture on boil

gauze or cotton cloth

kidney and hang it on water tap

(so as not to come into contact with the walls of the cancer

guilt) or on a hook under which to fast

twist the bowl. After the water has drained,

Place the cottage cheese on a plate and place in


54. Lazy dumplings (diets No. 1, 2,

4, 5, 8, 9 - without sugar, 10. - without salt).

3 tablespoons (topped) cottage cheese

grind with 1 teaspoon (without top)

butter, 0.5 teaspoon sugar and 1 g soda

or add 1 egg, stir well,

add 0.5 tablespoon of flour, sfor

roll sausage in flour, 3-4 thick

cm, cut into diamonds 3-4 cm long

(6-7 pieces per serving). Place in boiling water

current and remove as soon as the dumplings

will float to the surface. Serve with

sour cream and sugar.

55. Cottage cheese and corn casserole

cereal flakes (diets No. 4, 5, 10 - without salt

Grate 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese

through a sieve, add 2 tablespoons

milk, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1/5 egg

and 0.5 cups of corn flakes. All times

stir, place on a baking tray or skewer

roda, greased with 1 teaspoon of oil and

sprinkled with 1 teaspoon breadcrumbs (for

diet 4 - flour), level. Thickness not

more than 4 cm. Bake in the oven. Serve with

sour cream or sour cream sauce.

56. Apples stuffed with cottage cheese

gom and raisins (diet No. 10).

3 tablespoons cottage cheese with top

rub, mix with 1 teaspoon

semolina, 1.5 tablespoons raisins

ma, 1 teaspoon sugar, egg yolk, softened butter (1 teaspoon). Cut the top off two apples and remove the core without damaging the edges. Place the middle (without the core) into the minced meat, mix and place in the shell of the apple. Place in a greased frying pan and bake. Serve with sour cream and powdered sugar (1 teaspoon of crushed sugar).


57. Steamed protein omelette (diets No. 5, 10,8,9).

Beat 3 egg whites, add 1/4 cup milk, beat again, add 1 g of salt (except for diet No. 10), grease a mold (small frying pan) with oil (0.5 teaspoon), bring to readiness over medium heat (when not crude protein will be visible).

Drachena (diets No. 3, 5, 10, 9).

Mix 1 teaspoon of flour with 1/4 cup of cold milk and pour into 150 g of boiling milk while stirring, boil for 15 minutes. Then add 1 egg, 1 g of salt (except for diet No. 10) and 1 teaspoon of sugar to the mixture, pour into a frying pan and put on low heat until the liquid thickens.


58. Carrot-apple soufflé, steamed

voe (diets No. 1,4, 5,10).

1 medium sized carrot, chopped

pieces and simmer in 2 tablespoons

milk over low heat until done

(if you need milk, you can add

vit). Peeled apple and carrots

put through a meat grinder, connect with 1

a teaspoon (level) of semolina,

teaspoon sugar, 0.5 teaspoon

softened butter, yolk

and beaten egg white (from half an egg),

0.5 g salt (except diet No. 10), grease

mold (small saucepan or

mug) and steam, put

onto the wire rack (until done).

59. Rice with apples (diet No. 5 - in

recovery stage, No. 10 - no salt).

Boil 2 tablespoons of rice in water,

drain in a colander and rinse, then

add 0.5 yolk, a teaspoon of sugar

ra and whipped protein, 0.5 g of salt. IN

place a greased mold

half the rice, then one large or 2 small chopped apples without core, sprinkled with 0.5 teaspoon of sugar and 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon (you can do without it), put the remaining rice on top and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Serve with syrup.

60. Zucchini stuffed with rice

(diets No. 2, 4, 5, 9 - soaked rice, No. 10 - without salt).

Peel 1/3 of a medium-sized zucchini (to make 2 pieces), remove the middle with the seeds and boil until half cooked in salted (2 g salt) water. Boil half a tablespoon of rice, add 1/4 egg and 2 sprigs of finely chopped dill, add 1 g of salt, put the rice in the zucchini, put it in a roasting pan, pour in sour cream and simmer in the oven. You can make minced meat with meat and rice. You can also prepare 2 stuffed tomatoes. They have a more pleasant taste.

Tomatoes do not require pre-boiling. It’s better not to fill them with sour cream, but sprinkle them with oil and sprinkle

1 teaspoon grated cheese. Bake

better in a frying pan.

61. Puree from various vegetables (diet no.

1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 - without salt).

Stew one small carrot in

2 tablespoons milk, 1/4 small

whom a colored fork or a cabbage burl

sty, a tablespoon of green peas

or beans (you can cut them into pieces)

boil the pods, pass through

meat grinder (with a fine grid), dissolve

1/4 cup hot milk and add

0.5 teaspoon butter (for diets

No. 5, 8, 9 vegetable oil) and 0.5

teaspoon of sugar (except for diets No. 8 and 9).

62. Pumpkin porridge (diets No. 1,2 -

only with semolina, No. 5 - on polo

wine milk, No. 10 - without salt).

Cut peeled pumpkin (70 g) without seeds into cubes and pour in 1/4 cup of milk, add 0.5 teaspoon of sugar and 0.5 g of salt, bring to a boil and, stirring, add any cereal (semolina - 2 tablespoons, millet , rice, wheat - 2.5 level spoons), pour in 3/4 cup of hot milk, stir and cook until tender. Serve with 0.5 teaspoon butter.

63. Pumpkin casserole (diet No. 4 -

from semolina, No. 5, 10 - without salt);

Add a teaspoon of egg to the pumpkin porridge (1 cup), stir, grease the pan with oil and sprinkle with crushed breadcrumbs (for diet No. 4 - flour), put the mixture in a mold, grease the top with a teaspoon of sour cream and bake.

64. Pumpkin with apricots in milk sauce

(diets No. 5, 10 - no salt).

Cut a pumpkin the size of 2 carrots small pieces and fry (for diet No. 5 - simmer). Chop the apricots and place the pumpkin in a heap on a greased frying pan, pour in milk sauce (1 teaspoon flour, 1/4 cup milk), add 1 tablespoon sugar, 0.5 g salt and 1 teaspoon white crushed breadcrumbs, sprinkle with oil and bake in the oven.

65. Stuffed beets (diet no.

3, 5, 10 - without salt).

Boil or bake 2 medium or 1 large beets, peel and remove the core with a spoon. Mix rice porridge (1 tablespoon of rice) with 0.5 teaspoon of sugar, a tablespoon of raisins and a finely chopped medium-sized apple. Add 1 teaspoon of butter (for diet No. 5 - vegetable oil). Stuff the beets, pour sour cream and bake in the oven or in a closed pan with thick (preferably cast iron) walls or in a small cauldron. Serve with sour cream.

66. Potato puree with yolk

(diets No. 1,2, 4, 5, 10 - without salt).

Steam 3 potatoes or bake in the oven. Rub through a sieve. Add 1/4 cup milk, stirring gradually, boil and remove from heat. Put 0.5 tablespoon of butter and 1/2 egg yolk, shaken in a tablespoon of cold milk. Salt 1 g, you can add 1 teaspoon of sour cream for taste.

67. Potatoes in sour cream sauce (die

you No. 2, 4 - wipe the potatoes, No. 3, 5,

10 - without salt).

Boil potatoes in their skins, peel and cut into 2 cm cubes. Add 2 g of salt, put in a saucepan, pour in 1/4 cup sour cream sauce, mix and boil. Sprinkle 2 sprigs of finely chopped parsley and dill.

68. Nettle balls (diet No. 2,

3, 5, 9, 10 - without salt).

Scald 1 cup of nettle leaves, chop and boil in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, place on a sieve and chop. Then mix with 100 g of thick millet porridge, add 1 g of salt, and form into balls. Grease a baking dish (small baking sheet) with any fat (1 teaspoon) and bake in the oven.

Chopped nettles can be mixed with an egg and fried, and for diet 5, mixed only with protein and steamed.

Borscht (cold or hot) is prepared from nettles, just like fireweed.

69. Jusai omelet (diets No. 3,8,9).

6-7 stems of jusai (wild feathers

garlic) rinse and cut across 3-4 cm, simmer in a frying pan with vegetable oil (1 teaspoon) until dark green, mix with cheese, egg directly in the frying pan), salt (1 g) and until a thin crust is formed, Carefully turn over with spatulas and after 2-3 minutes the omelette is ready.

70. Burdock roots can be cooked in

lack of asparagus (they resemble it

both in appearance and taste). Diets No. 3, 8 and 9.

They are collected in spring or early autumn.

Rinse the roots (2-3 pieces per serving), peel them like carrots and cook for 1.5-2 hours in water (1:5 volume). In a Dutch oven or cauldron (pan with thick walls and bottom), dissolve 1 teaspoon of oil and lightly fry 1/4 cup of crushed white crackers in it (for rations 8 and 9 of diabetic bread). Place the roots in them and fry for another 2-3 minutes. Use as a side dish or as a breakfast dish.

Salt 1 g or 0.5 teaspoon soy sauce.

71. Beans in milk sauce (diet

Soak 1/4 cup of washed beans in 0.5 cup of hot water and boil in the same water after 8-10 hours. When serving, pour in 2-3 tablespoons of milk sauce.


72. Pasta with apples (diets No. 3.5, 10 - without salt).

Boil finely broken pasta (0.5 cups) in water with 1 g of salt, drain in a colander, grease the pan with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Place pasta in an even layer, top with applesauce and 1 teaspoon butter in pieces and bake in the oven for 20 minutes. For applesauce - prick 2 apples with a fork, bake in the oven, rub through a sieve, mix with a tablespoon of sugar and boil (you can finely chop a peeled, cored apple and boil).

73. Macaroni with grated cheese (diet

No. 3.5, 10 - without salt).

Boil a glass of broken pasta in 3.5 glasses of salted water (3 g) until soft, place in a sieve or colander, add a tablespoon of butter, warm slightly and sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of grated cheese.

74. Oatmeal with bran (diet

No. 1.4, 5.10 - without salt).

2 tablespoons oatmeal pour cold water in the evening or one glass of boiling water one hour before cooking. Add well-washed bran (1 tablespoon) and simmer over low heat for 1 hour. At the end of cooking, pour in 0.5 cups of milk and 0.5 teaspoons of vegetable oil.

75. Bread pudding (diets No. 1,2, 4,

5, 10 - without salt).

Soak the pulp of 0.5 loaves or 1/3 of a loaf (100 g) in water, mash with a spoon, add 1 teaspoon of butter, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 0.5 g of salt, 1/4 teaspoon of soda, juice of a slice of lemon or the tip of a spoon of citric acid diluted in 1 tablespoon of water (and if there is neither lemon nor citric acid, then quench the soda with 1 teaspoon of vinegar). Stir the mixture and add 0.5 eggs, scrambled in 2 tablespoons of milk. Place in a greased mold or mug, cover with oiled paper and steam in the oven for 1.5 hours.

76. Porridge from crackers (diets No. 1,2, 4,

Pour 3-4 crackers from a white roll or loaf with boiling sweet water (for 1 glass of water - 1-2 teaspoons of sugar). Rub the swollen crackers through a sieve. Add 0.5 teaspoon of butter and for diets No. 1 and 10 - 1/4 cup of boiling milk, and for diets No. 2 and 5 - a large stewed apple.


77. Yeast dough “recessed”

(diets No. 3, 5, 10 - no salt).

1 egg, 0.5 cups of sour cream, 1 tablespoon of margarine, yeast - 1/3 of the volume of a matchbox, dissolved in 1 tablespoon of milk, 0.5 level tablespoon of sugar and 0.5 level teaspoon of salt. Flour (about 1-1.5 cups), so that the dough is a little softer than for vareni-ki. Tie the dough in boiled gauze or a cotton rag (or bag) and immerse it in a large pan with warm water (37-38 ° C) .As soon as the dough floats to the top (after 20-30 minutes), it means it has risen. If it doesn’t float up for a long time, you can add a little warm water. This sour dough requires much less time and hassle than usual ways preparation, and its quality is no worse. Place the wet dough from a bag or gauze on flour, mix lightly and you can prepare buns, pies with berries, apples, dried apples, minced meat, cabbage, rice, eggs, fish, potatoes, cottage cheese. Serves 5-6 servings.

78. Minced meat (for diet No. 3): on

butter, vegetable oil or mar

fry chopped small

onion and grated on a coarse grater

carrots, 1 tablespoon chopped

parsley and dill and, when vegetables and

too lazy to brown slightly, put the drill

x 3/4 cup minced meat from any meat or

poultry, mix with vegetables and then eat

remove the red color from the heat and

pass through the meat grinder again,

add 2 g of salt and a spoonful of pepper on the tip.

For diets No. 5-10 - boil the meat together

with vegetables and twist 2 times (for die

you No. 10 - without salt, you can add 0.5

teaspoon Korean sauce).

79. Minced cabbage (for diet No. 3).

1st option. Stew for 2 tablespoons

spoons of vegetable oil 1/4 fork of coarsely chopped cabbage, add 0.5 sautéed onions, 1 cup of sauerkraut and simmer for another 15 minutes.

2nd option. For diets No. 5 and 10, place finely chopped cabbage in boiling water and after 2-3 minutes of repeated boiling, drain in a colander. Simmer a little with butter or vegetable oil (5-10 minutes) in a saucepan. For diet No. 5, add 2 g of salt, and for diet No. 10 - citric acid or 0.5 teaspoon of soy sauce.

80. Belyashi from cottage cheese with meat (diet

No. 3 and 0 - if the patient does not have

bytka veea).

Grind 1.5 level tablespoons of cottage cheese with 1 level teaspoon butter and 1 level teaspoon sugar (for diet 9 - sucrose substitutes) and 0.8 g salt. Mix everything, add 0.5 eggs, a teaspoon of flour and mix again. Then carefully (since it is semi-liquid) place the dough in flour (1 tablespoon), form into 3x3 cm balls, and then turn into flat cakes with hand pressure. 1 cm thick. 1.5 tablespoons of any minced meat from lean meat or chicken with 1 g of salt are placed evenly on flatbreads, belyashi (cheesecakes) are formed, and fried in 1-2 teaspoons of vegetable oil. You should get 2-3 whites.

From the same dough you can make baursa-ki (dough balls), which are boiled in 1-1.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

81. Gingerbread (diets No. 3, 5, 10).

Grind eggs with 1 1/4 cups sugar. Add 1 1/4 cups of raisins, preferably multi-colored, coarsely chopped walnuts(15 pcs. peeled), 11/4 cups flour 0.5 teaspoon of soda, quenched with 1 teaspoon of table vinegar (first pour soda into a tablespoon, and then pour vinegar). Grease a mold or baking sheet well with butter or margarine (1 teaspoon), sprinkle with crushed breadcrumbs or flour and bake over high heat until browned, and then for another 20 minutes over low heat. You can put oiled paper on the bottom of the sheet or mold (to avoid burning). To check the readiness, you need to pierce the gingerbread with a wooden stick, on which there should be no sticky dough. The recipe is for 8-10 servings.

82. Apple muffin (diets No. 3, 5, 10).

Grind 3 eggs with 2 cups sugar,

add 0.5 cups of sour cream and 1 cup of flour, stir, add 0.5 teaspoon of soda, slaked with 1 teaspoon of vinegar. Place 4-5 medium apples, cut into slices without core, on the bottom of the greased mold and fill with dough. Bake in a medium-hot oven at 150-170°C for 30-35 minutes. When the top is browned, use a wooden stick to pierce the cake in several places. If there is no sticky dough on it, then the cake is ready. The recipe is for 6-$ servings.

83. Apple charlotte (diets No. 5,10).

1 large apple, peeled and removed

core, cut into cubes and sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of sugar. Remove the crust from 3 pieces of bread and cut into very thin slices and dry the scraps. Dip the slices in 1/5 of an egg mixed with 2 tablespoons of milk and cover the bottom and sides of a mold greased with 0.5 tablespoon of butter with the moistened side. Place the apples mixed with dry pieces of bread on the slices and cover with another slice. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes. Remove from the mold onto a plate 10 minutes after the charlotte is ready. Pour in apricot or apple sauce.

84. Air pie (diets No. 5 and 10

with the exception of children with illnesses

Grind 1 egg white, 1/3 cup sugar and 1 teaspoon jam. When the mass is fluffy, beat another egg white separately and carefully add it to the prepared mixture. Place everything in a greased frying pan and bake in a low-heat oven (100-130°C), when slightly browned, turn off the oven and leave until the oven becomes warm.


85. Rhubarb and apple compote on xi

lite (diets No. 8 and 9).

Peel and remove lint from 5-6 rhubarb stalks, cut into 2-3 cm pieces, cut the cored apple into slices. Place both in 1 cup of boiling water, cover the pan with a lid and place on the lowest heat (or on the edge of the stove) for 10 minutes. Add sorbitol or xylitol to taste and cool.

86. Dried fruit compote (ra

tions: 2 - pureed, 3 - without pears, with

increasing the number of drains, 4 - without

drain, pureed, 5, 8 and 9 - without apples, ku

ragi and raisins on xylitol, 10 - in proportion

adding the decoction to boiled fruits 1:3).

Sort out 25 pieces of dried fruit (whatever is available), rinse and add a glass of water, add 15 g of sugar, cook for 15-20 minutes (5 minutes before readiness, add apples and pears boiled separately until soft), remove from heat and cool.

87. Rhubarb jelly (diets No. 2, 4, 5,

Peel, chop 6 rhubarb stalks and add a glass of hot water. Cook covered until soft, strain several times through a sieve (for diets No. 5 and 10 - without straining the rhubarb). Cool 1/4 cup of the broth and dilute 1 teaspoon of potato flour in it. Place the rest of the broth on the stove with 3 tablespoons of sugar (for diets 5 and 10). For school-age children, do not strain rhubarb. Boil the jelly 1-2 times and serve.

88. Jelly (all diets except No. 3, 8 and 9).

From 2 tablespoons of any berries (for

diet No. 1, except for sour varieties) squeeze out the juice, put in the refrigerator, and pour the juice with a glass of hot water, cook for 4-5 minutes and strain.

Soak 0.5" teaspoon of gelatin in 1/3 cup cold boiled water for 30 minutes. Place a level tablespoon of sugar into the hot broth (to taste, depending on the sweetness of the berries), add soaked gelatin and stir until completely dissolved, and then heat to a boil. The syrup with gelatin is filtered, and then cooled to room temperature and berry juice is poured into the jelly, then poured into molds, cups, bowls, deep plates, and placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. Before serving, the mold should be immersed in hot water to 2/3 of the height and after 2-3 minutes cover with a plate, quickly turn and shake so that the jelly easily comes off the mold. You can serve in molds or cut into pieces if the jelly has hardened in plates. For diets No. 1, 4, 5, 10, add 1 tablespoon of cream.

89. Kissel (all diets, except 3, 4, in os

three periods 8 and 9).

It is prepared in the same way as jelly, only 2 tablespoons more berries or fruits are taken and instead of gelatin, starch is added (1.5 teaspoons, diluted with 1.5 tablespoons of water), which is poured into hot jelly and brought to a boil over low heat. thickening. Kissel can be prepared from 1.5 teaspoons of crushed dry rose hips.

90. Mousse (diets No. 2, 3, 4, 10, 1 and 5 -

from non-acidic varieties of berries).

Strain the squeezed juice from 2-3 tablespoons of berries and place in a porcelain bowl in the refrigerator for a while. Pour 2/3 cups of boiling water over the pomace, bring to a boil and strain. In the resulting broth, cook 2 teaspoons of semolina over low heat (15-20 minutes), add a teaspoon of sugar and let it simmer. Cool the liquid pulp to 40°C (so that your hand touches the pan and can easily tolerate it), pour the cooled juice into it and beat with a broom until a thick foam forms. Pour into cups and cool. Can be served with syrup.

91. Apple casserole (diets No. 8, 9

with sweeteners 10).

Grease a frying pan with 0.5 teaspoon of oil, add a layer of one chopped apple, add 0.5 teaspoon of butter or vegetable oil and sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar (crush the sugar). Add another chopped apple without the core, sprinkle with powdered sugar again (1 teaspoon), add 0.5 teaspoon of butter and bake in a hot oven (200-170°C) for 10-15 minutes.

92. Apple snowballs (diets No. 1, 4,

10, 8, 9), with sweeteners - No. 10

(for kidney disease - 0.5 servings).

Bake a large apple and strain through a sieve or colander. Beat the white of one egg to a stable foam and, gradually adding 2 teaspoons of sugar and mashed apples, continue beating (you can use a mixer) until the whole mass becomes fluffy. For diets No. 5 and 10, add 1 tablespoon of flour prepared by twisting 2 dry cookies. Carefully lower the whipped lumps with a spoon into very hot (not boiling) milk (200 g) so that they do not touch each other. Put out the fire. Cover the pan with a lid. As soon as the snowballs have hardened, place them on a sieve and then into a plate with a semi-thick sweet sauce.

93. Milk jelly (diets No. 1, 10).

Heat 2/4 cup of milk to a boil, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and heat again. Slowly pour 1 tablespoon without top of starch, diluted with 1/4 cup of cold and strained milk, into the second boiled milk. Cook at a low simmer and stir continuously for another 3-5 minutes. Stir vanillin in 1 tablespoon of hot water (on the tip of a knife) and add to the jelly, stir, pour into glasses and cool. If there is no vanillin, you can add 0.5-1 teaspoon of grated lemon or orange zest, which you add along with sugar.

94. Cream (diets No. 1,5,10)." For 100 g of cream (diet No. 5-50 g), heat 0.5 cups of milk, add 1.5 tablespoons of sugar, and pour egg yolk into the hot milk ( protein can be used for protein_rmlette with bisé) and 1 tablespoon of flour, mixed well in 2 tablespoons of cold milk. While stirring, bring the cream to a boil until large bubbles begin to appear. When cooling, add a spoonful of vanilla at the tip (excess vanilla gives a bitter taste) .Serve for dessert. For diets No. 5 and 10, you can put a layer of uneaten cookies tightly together on a plate, spread with cream, another layer of cookies, spread with cream again and another layer of cookies. Cover with a board, put in the refrigerator, put a weight on 3 -4 hours For diet No. 9, you can also make such a cake (children feel inferior without sweets), if instead of sugar you put saccharin (in cooled cream), and take cookies for diabetics.

95. Raisin decoction (diet No. 10, special

especially when taking diuretics).

Raisins - sort out a little more than 0.5 cups, rinse, finely chop, add a glass of water, boil for 10 minutes, squeeze and add lemon or citric acid to the resulting juice to taste.

96. Rosehip decoction (all diets).

10 pieces. Dip dry rose hips into a glass of boiling water and boil under the lid for 10 minutes. Leave for 4-6 hours and strain. Sugar or substitutes (for diets No. 8 and 9) - to taste. You can grind the fruits before cooking (in a wooden mortar with a wooden pestle or a rolling pin on a wooden board).

97. Apple water (diets No. 2,4,5,10).

1 juicy apple, cut into slices

remove seeds. Cut one slice of lemon without zest into thin slices, combine with apples, pour in 2/3 cup of water, add syrup from 3 level tablespoons of sugar and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Strain, cool and refrigerate. You can add citric acid to taste, and if you have it, add 1/2 teaspoon to Lately for sale dry vitamin concentrate Tsedevita, 1 teaspoon of which replenishes daily requirement in vitamins.

98. Oxalis drink (diets No. 2, 3,4,8,9).

Pass 1.5 tablespoons of sorrel through a meat grinder, pour in 1 liter of cold water and leave for 2 hours. Sugar, honey or sweeteners to taste.

Dry sorrel powder can be added to soups and salads and used instead of sorrel. You can store salted or candied sorrel in the refrigerator.

99. Rhubarb kvass (diets No. 3, 2, 8, 9).

Peel 10 rhubarb cuttings, cut into pieces, put in a jar. Pour in 0.5 liters of water, cook until soft, cool, add 0.5 teaspoon of yeast, 3 tablespoons of sugar (for diets No. 8, 9 - sweeteners), stir, let stand for a day at room temperature. Pour into bottles, seal and place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. After 2-3 days, the kvass is ready.

10 - taking into account the required quantity

quality of liquid).

Pour 60 g (a little more than 0.5 cup) of dried apricots with water so that it covers the fruit, and leave overnight so that the dried apricots swell, and rub it through a sieve, add 1 teaspoon of raisins, 0.5 cups of milk or apple juice (if it does not cause bloating), stir well and serve in a cup, bowl or wine glass.

Dishes therapeutic nutrition recommended not only for those who suffer from diseases internal organs. In diseases of the spine, nutrition is also important, since the bones of the skeleton must be provided with all necessary substances. Along with newfangled diets, doctors recommend not to forget about Russian traditions and to include in the diet dishes whose recipes have been preserved in ancient cookbooks.

Natural chondroprotectors for spinal osteochondrosis

For osteochondrosis of the spine, chondroprotectors (substances that stimulate the synthesis cartilage tissue and slowing down its degeneration) it is simply necessary to provide the body. It is important to know that in addition to numerous medical supplies There are also natural chondroprotectors.

Mucopolysaccharides are especially useful - representatives of the group of complex carbohydrates, which are the main structural component of connective tissue. They abound in such dishes as jelly (jellied meat) and jellied fish. In addition to chondroprotectors for the spine, jelly also contains collagen, a protein necessary for the development of connective tissue.

When creating a diet for spinal osteochondrosis, you can prepare various jelly and fruit jellies for dessert - they not only taste good, but also contain many vitamins, as well as gelatin, which is extremely rich in mucopolysaccharides.

Vitamins of groups B, C and D for the spine

Doctors usually prescribe vitamins for the spine to patients in the form of tablets (vitamin-mineral complexes and all kinds of biologically active additives) or injections. However, along with this, you should carefully consider your diet: you need your daily diet to be balanced and include all the vitamins and microelements necessary for spinal health. Therefore, it is very important to know which foods contain them.

B vitamins (B, B2, B6, B12) are rich in meat products (beef and pork), chicken eggs (the yolk is especially useful), . Also, B vitamins for the spine contain green vegetables, milk, natural cheeses, various cereals, etc.

Vitamin C , the reserves of which, as is known, need to be replenished daily, in large quantities present in citrus fruits and other fruits (apples, pears, plums, kiwi), various berries (especially rose hips), white cabbage and cauliflower, greens, etc.

Vitamin D found only in a few products: eggs, sea fish,. The main source of this important vitamin for the spine in osteochondrosis is sun rays, so the importance sunbathing for our body is difficult to overestimate.

What foods are good for the spine?

What foods are good for the spine and what macro- and microelements do they contain?

Calcium cheese and dairy products, sesame, legumes, as well as nettle, watercress and rose hips are very rich.

Magnesium sunflower seeds, nuts, avocados, beans, mushrooms and brown rice abound.

Phosphorus found in processed cheese, cottage cheese and feta cheese, fish and seafood, bran, lettuce, white and cauliflower, soybean pods, pearl barley and rye bread. It should be remembered that people who engage in sports or heavy physical labor, products for the spine containing phosphorus must be consumed 1.5-2 times more.

Manganese found in natural cheeses, chicken meat, egg yolks, seaweed (especially a lot of it in the peel), beans, peas, beans, onions, pineapples, bananas, almonds, walnut, chestnuts.

Another product that is good for the spine is rosehip.

Rose hip - absolute champion in content ascorbic acid: its fruits contain almost 100 times more than citrus fruits.

How to eat properly with spinal osteochondrosis

When osteochondrosis worsens, in order to avoid a sharp increase in swelling in the inflamed area, it is necessary to avoid spicy and salty foods, as well as alcohol, which inhibits the effect of most medications and increases their side effects.

Proper nutrition for the spine should contain a lot of protein: this will reduce the tendency to edema and charge the body with physical and moral strength to fight the disease.

Advice for patients with osteochondrosis:

  • Eat small meals 5-6 times a day.
  • Try to boil and steam foods (including vegetables) included in a proper diet for osteochondrosis; the meat and fish can then be lightly fried.
  • Reduce your consumption of table salt.
  • Do not overuse pickles, smoked meats and hot seasonings.
  • Replace wheat bread in the diet for spinal diseases with rye bread with bran or crispbread; choose unsweetened and savory cookies; If you are overweight, you should limit your consumption of baked goods.
  • At least 1/3 of the diet for osteochondrosis should consist of protein-rich foods: meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk; soybeans, seeds, beans, nuts, eggplants; Brewer's yeast. Very useful also whole grains wheat, millet, corn, buckwheat, barley.
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily. Make salads by dressing them with a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice.
  • When creating a healthy diet for the spine, include a sufficient amount of unsaturated fats. They are especially rich in fatty fish and nuts.

No wonder folk wisdom says: “Eat simply and you will live to be a hundred.” Unfortunately, nowadays porridges are rapidly losing their former popularity.

How to eat properly with osteochondrosis to reduce painful symptoms? If you want to have a healthy spine, the original Russian dishes that our ancestors regularly consumed for many centuries should definitely be included in your menu.

Recipes for preparing medical nutrition dishes

Guryevskaya porridge

Contrary to popular stereotypes, semolina porridge, not much loved by many generations of children, can be incredibly tasty. There is no single recipe for preparing the famous Guryev porridge: in cookbooks of the 19th century there are various versions of this dish.

100 g semolina, 500 ml milk, 3 cups cream, 50 g butter, 100 g granulated sugar, 1 egg, 10 fresh apricots, 50 g chopped walnuts, salt and vanillin to taste.

To prepare this dish from the therapeutic diet for osteochondrosis, you need to boil the milk and lightly salt it. Slowly, carefully, pour into the pan in a thin stream. semolina and cook a viscous porridge. When it cools down a little, add the yolk, mashed with sugar, beaten egg white, vanillin and mix everything thoroughly. Pour the cream into a shallow frying pan and place in the oven preheated to 150°C. As foams form, remove them and place on a plate. Chop the pitted apricots. Place most of the porridge in a greased frying pan, and the foam on top. Alternate layers so that the porridge is always on top. Then place in the oven and bake at 180°C until golden brown. Ready dish sprinkle walnuts on top.

Vitamin oatmeal

Oatmeal is one of the healthiest foods in the world. Since it is rich in proteins and fiber, consuming it significantly improves metabolic processes, promotes growth and development muscle tissue. Oatmeal perfectly cleanses the intestines, as if sweeping toxins out of it with a broom, stimulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and has powerful antioxidant and anticarcinogenic properties.

150 g oatmeal, 150 ml pomegranate juice, 150 g cottage cheese, 20 g almonds, 100 g fresh strawberries or raspberries

To prepare this medicinal food dish, you need to pour cereals pomegranate juice and, stirring occasionally, cook over low heat until tender. Add cottage cheese, mix thoroughly. Chop the berries and chop the almonds. Sprinkle the dish with berries and nuts and serve.

Oat grains are rich in biotin, a B vitamin that is extremely beneficial for skin, nails and hair.

“Correct” pearl barley porridge

It is often complained that pearl barley porridge difficult to cook. Let's tell you a secret: the main thing is to soak the cereal in a sufficient amount of water for at least 3 hours, and even better - overnight. If you follow this simple rule, the porridge will cook quickly enough and turn out crumbly and tasty. Barley can be cooked in broth, milk, or just water (in this case, add a little butter at the end).

1 glass of pearl barley, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter, salt to taste.

To prepare a medicinal food dish according to this recipe, you need to sort out the pearl barley, rinse, add cold water and leave overnight. In the morning, drain the water. Boil water in a saucepan (at the rate of 1.5 cups per 1 cup of swollen pearl barley), add sugar and salt, stir and let it boil again, then add the barley. Add 1 tbsp. spoon of butter, bring to a boil and reduce heat to low. Cook, covering loosely with a lid and making sure that the porridge does not run away, for 30-40 minutes, until almost completely cooked. Then add 0.5 cups of boiling water and 1 tbsp. spoon of oil, cover with a lid and place in the oven for 20 minutes, preheated to 130 ᵒC. Remove the pan with the porridge, cover it with a thick blanket or blanket and let it sit for 1 hour. Serve with milk. You can let the porridge harden, then cut it into slices, fry in vegetable oil with onions and garlic and serve, sprinkled with herbs to taste.

Gooseberry jelly

300 g gooseberries, 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 5 glasses of water, 3 tbsp. spoons of starch.

Sort the gooseberries, wash them, remove stems and stems. Boil syrup from 3 glasses of water and sugar, add gooseberries to it and cook until the berries are completely boiled. Dilute the starch in the remaining 2 glasses of water and carefully, stirring constantly, pour it into the berries.

Bring to a boil and remove from heat. Pour into molds, cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired. Serve with milk or cream.

Jelly Islands

100 g gelatin, 600 ml boiling water, 1 lime, 200 g raspberries, 2 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar, 4 leaves of fresh basil.

Place the gelatin in a bowl, pour boiling water over it and stir until it is completely dissolved. peel and cut into 4 slices. Take 4 molds, put 1 slice of lime in each and pour jelly on top. Place in the refrigerator for 1 hour until the jelly hardens. Grind the powdered sugar in a blender and then pass the mixture through a sieve to remove the seeds.

Turn the jelly molds over and remove their contents onto a plate; top with raspberry sauce. Garnish each serving with a basil leaf.

Veal jellied meat

1 kg of veal (with bone), 1 red onion, 1 carrot, 1 parsley root, 1 bay leaf, 3 allspice, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of balsamic vinegar, salt and ground pepper to taste.

Pour 3 liters of cold water over the meat along with the bone, bring to a boil, skim off the foam and cook for 4 hours over low heat. After 2 hours, add peeled onions, carrots and parsley to the pan, and after another 30 minutes - bay leaf and pepper, pour in vinegar and salt. When the meat is completely cooked and easily separates from the bones, remove it from the pan and chop it. Strain the broth through cheesecloth, add salt and pepper. Place the meat back into the broth, bring it to a boil and immediately remove from the heat. Place carrots cut into slices on the bottom of the molds and pour jellied meat on top. Place in the refrigerator to harden.

Jellied sturgeon

1 kg of sturgeon, 2 teaspoons of gelatin, 1 head of peeled onion, 1 bay leaf, 5 allspice peas, 1 boiled carrots, 1 lemon, salt to taste.

Boil sturgeon in salted water along with onion, pepper and bay leaf. Cool, remove skin and cartilage, cut into slices and place on a large plate. Strain the broth through cheesecloth, add pre-soaked gelatin. Bring to a boil and stir constantly until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Pour a thin layer of jelly into a deep dish. When it has cooled, place pieces of fish there at small intervals, garnishing it with carrot slices and lemon slices. After 30 minutes, pour the remaining jelly on top. Serve with horseradish.

If quince grows on your plot, you will be provided with delicious fruits for many years - this plant is very durable, its lifespan...

Sample menu of therapeutic nutrition

Medical nutrition recipes

End of the article “Therapeutic nutrition”.

The patient’s nutrition is of great importance not only for restoring losses in the body that occur during illness and for maintaining strength, but also as an effective remedy. Modern science has established that for any disease, the diet has a certain effect, and in some cases has a decisive influence on the course and outcome of the disease. Consequently, the patient’s nutrition must be based on certain therapeutic principles, which is why it is called therapeutic.

Medical science has made great achievements in the field of therapeutic nutrition; principles of therapeutic nutrition have been developed not only for diseases of the stomach and intestines, but also for diseases of the liver, heart, kidneys, hypertension, some forms of obesity, skin diseases, nervous system, for rheumatism, diabetes and many other painful conditions.

Nutritional therapy is widely used in medical practice; it is a mandatory component of the treatment system in hospitals, sanatoriums, resorts, and night dispensaries of industrial enterprises; Our country has developed a wide network of canteens and medical nutrition corners; Medical nutrition is also prescribed to patients during treatment in an outpatient clinic and when providing care at home.

Therapeutic nutrition is prescribed in the form of food rations, which consist of certain products that are subjected to appropriate culinary processing. The therapeutic food diet is called " treatment table", or "diet". Some diets, such as those for diabetes and obesity, must not only contain certain foods, but the daily diet as a whole for these diseases must have a strictly established chemical composition. When a doctor prescribes such diets, the patient must follow a certain menu, and each dish in these cases must be prepared exactly according to the prescribed standards.

Sometimes a doctor prescribes products that are considered to be certain diseases special medicinal products, such as, for example, the liver for some types of anemia, cottage cheese and honey for liver diseases, however, even in these cases the patient must follow a certain diet.

In many cases, meals for medical nutrition are prepared at home, for example, when there is no need to stay in medical institution and treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis, or when the patient has been discharged from the hospital or returned from a sanatorium and needs to follow a diet, but does not use the medical nutrition canteen.

You can use nutritional therapy at home only as prescribed by a doctor. Nutritional therapy carried out without the advice of a doctor and his instructions may, instead of the expected benefit, cause harm to the patient.

Food for the patient should be prepared from high-quality fresh products; for therapeutic nutrition, dietary canned foods made from fresh products should be widely used highest quality according to the established recipe and strict adherence to technological instructions. Using dietary canned food, you can provide the patient with vegetables and fruits at any time of the year, while saving a lot of time and labor on cooking.

The book describes many dietary products and canned food, which, as directed by a doctor, can be included in the patient’s diet; a number of healthy nutrition dishes given in the book can also be used as directed by a doctor and in medical nutrition, if there are no special restrictions regarding the foods allowed and the nature of their processing, and the diet is based only on a certain chemical composition of the diet, such as, for example, with diabetes mellitus.

Cooking for a patient - therapeutic cooking - has its own characteristics that distinguish it from general cooking. It is necessary, however, to remember that tasteless, unattractive and unappetizing food negatively affects the results of therapeutic nutrition; if for certain diseases of the stomach a diet is prescribed, designed to possibly reduce the amount of gastric juice secreted, then in this case all dishes should be well prepared, varied and improve their taste. For these and some other patients meat dishes cooked boiled, but meat or fish should not be overcooked; It is necessary to leave some of the extractives to preserve the taste of the product. It is especially important to give pleasant taste dishes included in frequently prescribed salt-free diets; The book contains recipes for a number of dishes recommended for a salt-free diet. Other dishes can also be given a more satisfying taste if they are prepared without salt, by adding boiled and then fried onions, acidifying or sweetening the food; in salt-free borscht, for example, it can be added lemon juice, natural vinegar, sugar, unless specifically prohibited by your doctor.

It is often recommended to limit the amount of table salt in a patient’s food; you should not, therefore, put salt in dishes according to your own taste, but you must adhere to the norm: for soups - 0.5 g per 100 g of soup, for main meat and fish dishes - 1 g per 100 g of net weight of the raw product, for cereals - 1 .5 g per 100 g of cereal, in egg dishes - 0.25 g per egg, in cottage cheese dishes - 1 g per 100 g of product, in dough - 0.75 g per 100 g of flour, in sauces - 0.3 -0.5 g per 100 g of sauce.

To grind food, use a meat grinder or rub it through a sieve; however, in order to ensure even greater looseness of minced meat and porridge, you can also stir them thoroughly, beat them, and add whipped protein to some dishes. It is also recommended to obtain tender porridges by first rinsing the cereal, drying it in the oven, and then grinding it in a coffee mill, after which the porridge prepared from the ground cereal is thoroughly beaten.

Often during therapeutic nutrition it is necessary to remove extractive substances from meat and fish; To do this, the products are boiled in water or steamed; the latter is preferable, since the leaching of extractives and mineral salts with this cooking method is reduced. Easy to prepare at home steam cutlets in an ordinary saucepan, into which a little water is poured and a sieve is inserted upside down; When the water boils, place the cutlet on a sieve and steam, covering the pan with a lid. A steam omelette is also prepared: the omelette mixture is placed in a cup or mold, which is placed in a pan of boiling water.

The taste of second courses prepared from boiled meat and fish can be improved by adding sauces allowed by the diet.

This section of the book contains dishes that, according to the recipe or method of preparation, have their own characteristics due to the requirements of therapeutic nutrition. Each dish contains a layout (recipe) and method of preparation; dishes are divided into groups in relation to the most common diseases; these dishes can be prescribed for other diseases as directed by a doctor. To ensure the completeness of the dish, the amount of food in the layouts is indicated in grams by net weight, that is, after removing waste - bones, peels, husks, and so on. For soups, the amount of water is also indicated, but it should be taken into account that, depending on the size of the dish and the strength of the fire, boiling does not always occur at the same level during cooking. To prepare soup, you usually take up to 700 cubic cm of liquid (about 3 glasses); Depending on the degree of boiling, add boiling water during cooking so that the finished soup turns out to be about 450-500 cubic cm (2 cups).

For those suffering from certain diseases, an approximate one-day menu and the number of meals are given, and in some cases, where this is especially necessary, also the number of products. This menu, in addition to the menu for intestinal disorders, is compiled for chronic patients who are prescribed a more or less constant diet. Use this menu only with specific instructions from your doctor.

When presenting the methods of preparing dishes included in this section, the main attention is paid to the requirements of medicinal cooking. Primary processing raw foods, unless there are special instructions, should be done in the same way as when preparing general balanced nutrition dishes given in the book.


Daily menu of the diet prescribed for some forms peptic ulcer stomach, with gastritis with high acidity

8-9 hours Scrambled eggs; semolina porridge; stale white bread with butter; tea with milk.

12-13 hours. Fresh cottage cheese, mashed with fresh sour cream; unsalted butter; stale white bread; A glass of tomato juice.

15-16 hours. Carrot-milk puree soup with cereal broth; steamed meat cutlets with pureed rice porridge; berry jelly; stale white bread.

19-20 hours. Boiled pike perch or steam omelette; mashed potatoes and carrots with butter; a glass of rosehip decoction; stale white bread.

An hour before bedtime. A glass of cream, milk or jelly; cookie.

Daily diet menu for intestinal disorders

8-9 hours Rice porridge, pureed in water with butter; cocoa

in water (sugar 10 g).

12-13 hours. A glass of rosehip decoction (warm).

16-17 hours. The soup is slimy with a weak fat-free meat broth; meatballs or steamed meat cutlets (with garlic); Blueberry jelly.

19-20 hours. Boiled pike perch with melted butter; blackcurrant jelly (sugar 10 g).

An hour before bedtime. A glass of kefir (three days old). The patient is given 100 g of white bread crackers for the whole day.

Daily diet menu for certain liver diseases.

8-9 hours Vinaigrette with olive or refined vegetable oil; curd paste; butter; white and black bread; tea with sugar.

12-13 hours. Porridge with milk and honey; a glass of apricot juice.

16-17 hours. Vegetable soup in vegetable broth with sour cream or borscht in vegetable broth with sour cream; boiled meat, baked with carrots; sauerkraut; fresh or canned fruit compote; white and black bread.

19-20 hours. Buckwheat casserole with cottage cheese; baked cabbage cutlets; a glass of rosehip decoction with sugar; gray wheat bread.

An hour before bedtime. Compote of berries or fruits; inconvenient cookies.

Daily diet menu for certain heart diseases

8-9 hours Cottage cheese, mashed with sour cream; porridge with milk and jam;

unsalted butter; stale white bread; tea with milk.

12-13 hours. Scrambled eggs with boiled and then fried onions; pumpkin-apple puree with honey; ½ cup of rosehip decoction.

15-16 hours. Fruit soup (half a plate); steam meat cutlets with sour cream sauce: rice and pumpkin puree; baked apple; stale white bread.

19-20 hours. Oatmeal with honey; fried apple-carrot cutlets; ½ cup of rosehip decoction with sugar; stale white bread.

An hour before bedtime. A glass of curdled milk; biscuit.

For the night. ½ cup vitamin drink(decoction of rose hips and wheat bran with honey).

All food is prepared without salt; as directed by the doctor, the patient is given 3-5 g of salt and salt-free bread.

Daily diet menu for certain kidney diseases

8-9 hours Vinaigrette with sour cream or baked jacket potatoes with

sour cream; omelet made from yolks with boiled fried onions; tea with milk.

12-13 hours. Carrot-apple pancakes; ½ cup rosehip decoction with


16-17 hours. Fruit soup (half a plate), boiled and then fried

meat with boiled potatoes and boiled fried onions; fresh fruits

or watermelon.

19-20 hours. Buckwheat casserole with cottage cheese and sour cream sauce; pumpkin-carrot cutlets; tea with milk.

An hour before bedtime. A glass of compote or fruit and berry juice; biscuit.

All food is prepared without salt; the patient is given 350 g of salt-free bread for the whole day; as directed by the doctor, regular wheat bread and 3-5 g of salt are given to the hands; liquids in free form (in tea, soup, compote) about 800 cubic cm per day.

Daily diet menu for obesity, some forms of diabetes mellitus and for diseases that require, as directed by a doctor, dietary restrictions on carbohydrates

8 o'clock Rye bread - 200 g; herring - 30 g; boiled potatoes - 100 g; butter - 5 g; cabbage salad with apples (apples 50 g, cabbage 250 g, citric acid, saccharin, salt); a glass of coffee with milk - 50 g (with saccharin).

11 o'clock Wheat bran porridge with milk (bran 50 g, cereal 20 g, milk 60 g); a glass of rosehip decoction.

2 p.m. Rye bread - 100g; cabbage soup in meat broth; stewed meat (meat 100 g, butter 10 g); buckwheat porridge with stewed meat gravy (cereals 40 g); sauerkraut salad; apple - 100 g.

17 o'clock Potato and wheat bran cutlets (potatoes 200 g, ground wheat bran 50 g, milk 40 g, ½ egg, butter 10 g); a glass of coffee with milk with saccharin (milk 50 g).

19 o'clock Rye bread - 100 g; fried meat cutlet (70 g meat, 5 g butter, prepared without bread); stewed cabbage (oil 5 g); cheese - 20 g.

An hour before bedtime. Hard-boiled egg; a glass of rosehip decoction.

Cabbage, lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini, as well as grated or finely chopped carrots and beets washed from sugar are given according to appetite.

Daily diet menu for weight loss (after serious illnesses and operations) with in good condition digestion

8-9 hours Ham or meat cheese; buckwheat porridge with milk; syrniki; butter, bread, tea.

12-13 hours. Fried meat with potatoes; fried eggs; salad with sour cream; biscuit from dry hematogen; fruit and berry juice, bread.

16-17 hours. Chopped herring or pressed caviar with olive or vegetable oil; borscht in meat broth with sour cream; boiled chicken with rice porridge and sour cream sauce; fresh or canned fruit compote; salad.

19-20 hours. Buckwheat casserole with cottage cheese; fried fish with potatoes; rosehip decoction with berry juice (glass).

An hour before bedtime. A glass of cream, or curdled milk, or milk with cake.

Daily diet menu for some forms of obesity

8-9 hours Egg; vinaigrette without potatoes with vegetable oil; butter - 10 g; a glass of tea (sugar 10 g).

12-13 hours. Boiled meat (50 g) with cabbage; a glass of rosehip decoction.

16-17 hours. Cabbage soup in vegetable broth (half a plate); meat fried in an envelope with crumbly buckwheat porridge (fried after cooking); fruits.

19-20 hours. Boiled pike perch; cabbage pudding; fruits.An hour before bedtime. A glass of curdled milk.

Bread per day: 250 g rye or 400 g protein; When you feel hungry, additional bran bread is given. Sugar per day 30 g, cereals 40 g (or potatoes 200 g).


The food layout for the dishes is designed for a single meal for one patient.

Dishes for stomach patients

Pearl barley soup, slimy, made with milk and egg. Rinse the cereal, add cold water and cook over low heat, covered, for at least 2-3 hours. Rub through a sieve along with the liquid, boil, strain, season with warm milk mixed with raw yolk, add sugar.

Before serving, add a piece of butter to the soup. Pearl barley - 40 g, milk - 150 g, butter - 20 g, sugar - 3 g, ¼ egg yolk, water - 700 g.

Puree oatmeal soup with milk and egg. Boil the cereal in water until tender, puree, boil, season with milk and cream mixed with egg and butter.

Puree soups from other cereals are prepared in the same way.

Oatmeal - 40 g, cream - 50 g, milk - 100 g, butter - 20 g, ½ egg, water - 550 g.

Potato and carrot puree soup with rice water. Cook rice with 1 ½ cups of water until tender, puree, mix with boiled mashed potatoes and carrots, dilute with boiling milk, season with yolk and butter.

Meatballs, steamed. Free the meat from tendons and fat and pass it through a fine grinder two or three times. Cook a viscous porridge from rice in water, cool, combine with meat, pass the resulting mass through a meat grinder once or twice, add an egg, 5 g of melted butter, beat well and place small meatballs in a greased frying pan; then pour cold water over them, boil for 5 minutes, remove from the water and serve with butter (butter in a piece).

Beef meat - 150 g, rice - 15 g, butter - 15 g, 1/6 egg, water - ½ cup (for porridge).

Meat zrazy stuffed with omelette, steamed. Prepare minced meat from meat, bread and 5 g butter. Beat the eggs well with a broom, mix with milk, pour into a greased frying pan, steam until cooked, cool and chop. Beat the minced meat with wet hands, make two round cakes, put an omelette in the middle of the cakes, and bring the edges together. Steam the zrazy or place it in a saucepan, fill halfway with cold water, cover with a lid and boil for 15 minutes. Serve with butter (piece) or milk sauce.

Beef meat - 150 g, white bread - 20 g, 1/3 egg, butter - 15 g, milk - 15 g.

Steamed meat pudding. Boil the meat, cleaned of fat and tendons, pass through a meat grinder two or three times and combine with semolina porridge; then add the raw yolk, beaten egg white, stir carefully, place in a greased mold or frying pan, smooth the top and steam until the pudding is ready. Place the finished pudding on a plate and serve with butter (a piece) or with rice or milk sauce.

Beef meat - 120 g, butter - 20 g, semolina - 10 g, ½ egg, water - 1/3 cup.

Potato croquettes with meat in an omelet, steamed. Boil the meat and pass through a meat grinder. Boil the potatoes, rub through a sieve, add 5 g of butter, ½ egg and 25 g of milk; mix all this well and make 4 flat cakes, put the meat on them, connect the edges and roll into balls.

Grease a single-serve mold or frying pan with oil, place the croquettes, pour eggs mixed with milk over them and steam until cooked. Serve the croquettes with butter.

Potatoes - 120 g, meat - 50 g, butter - 15 g, 2 eggs, milk - 100 milliliters.

Pike perch dumplings with butter. Prepare minced meat from fish, bread and cream, beat it in a saucepan and place it in two spoons in the form of dumplings on a greased frying pan; then pour cold water over the quenelles, let them simmer for 3-5 minutes, remove them from the water and serve with butter.

Fish - 100 g, white bread - 10 g, cream - 30 g, butter - 15 g.

Pike perch soufflé with butter, steam. Remove skin and bones from the fish, boil half of the fish, cool and pass through a fine grinder twice along with the remaining raw fish. Prepare a sauce in the form of jelly from milk and flour, combine with fish minced through a meat grinder, add a raw yolk and 10 g of melted butter, beat it all well, lightly combine with the beaten egg white, place in a greased mold and steam until ready.

Before serving, pour melted butter over the soufflé. Fish - 150 g, butter - 20 g, wheat flour - 5 g, ½ egg, milk - 40 g.

Carrot-apple soufflé, steamed. Cut the carrots into small pieces and simmer with milk until tender. Peel the apples and mince them together with the carrots, then combine with cereal, sugar and raw yolk, add 10 g of melted butter and whipped egg white; mix all this lightly, put it in a greased mold, and steam until done. Serve the soufflé with butter.

Carrots - 75 g, apples - 75 g, butter - 20 g, ½ egg, sugar - 10 g, semolina - 10 g, milk - 50 g.

Puree from prefabricated vegetables. Stew carrots with a small amount of milk; Boil the remaining vegetables, combine with carrots, pass through a fine grinder and dilute with hot milk and 10 g of melted butter; then beat out the resulting mass, add sugar and serve with butter (a piece). The puree can be served with a boiled egg in a bag.

Carrots - 60 g, cauliflower - 60 g, green peas - 30 g, green beans - 35 g, milk - 60 g, butter - 25 g, sugar 5 g.

Semolina soufflé with milk, steam. Brew the porridge with milk and water and boil it for 10 minutes, then remove from the heat, add the yolk, sugar and 10 g of butter, beat well, mix lightly with the whipped egg white, put in a greased mold and steam until ready. .

Semolina - 50 g, milk - 100 g, butter - 15 g, sugar - 10 g, ½ egg, water - 25 g.

Rice roll with fruit. Wash the rice, dry it, grind it in a coffee mill and cook porridge with milk and water; then add sugar, eggs and 5 g of butter, mix well and cool; After that, spread the rice porridge in a 1 cm layer on gauze moistened with water, place finely chopped apples and apricots in the middle, wrap it in a roll, place it in a greased frying pan and steam until cooked. Serve with butter.

Rice - 50 g, milk - 100 g, ½ egg, butter - 20 g, sugar - 10 g, apples - 50 g, apricots - 20 g, water - 25 g.

Sauce with omelette.Mix the eggs with 25 g of milk, pour into a greased frying pan and steam until cooked, then cool and chop. Prepare a sauce in the form of jelly from flour and 50 g of milk, add butter and chopped omelette.

Milk - 75 g, butter - 20 g, ½ egg, wheat flour - 3 g.

Steamed egg omelet. Mix the eggs with milk, pour into a greased mold and steam until cooked.

Serve with butter (piece). 2 eggs, milk - 60 g, butter - 10 g.

Curd cream.Grind the yolk with 10 g of sugar, add milk, put on fire and, stirring often, boil without bringing to a boil; then cool, combine with pureed cottage cheese, butter, vanilla or vanillin and 20 g of sour cream, mix the whole mass well and add beautiful shape. Mix the remaining sour cream with powdered sugar (from 5 g of sugar), beat into a thick foam and cover the curd cream.

Cottage cheese - 100 g, butter - 10 g, ½ egg yolk, sour cream

35 g, sugar - 15 g, milk - 20 g, vanilla or vanillin to taste.

Steamed cottage cheese soufflé with cookies. Crush the cookies, mix with sugar, pour in milk, let stand for 10-15 minutes, then combine with pureed cottage cheese, yolk and 5 g of melted butter; mix the whole mass well; combine with the beaten egg white, place in a greased mold, smooth the top and steam until done.

Serve with sour cream. Cottage cheese - 120 g, cookies - 20 g, sugar -

15 g, ½ egg, milk - 20 g, butter - 10 g, sour cream - 30 g.

Protein with fruit sauce. Beat the egg whites into a thick foam and gradually, while continuing to beat, add 15 g of sugar and vanilla. Place a tablespoon of beaten egg whites in a deep bowl of barely boiling water. After 2-3 minutes, turn the snowballs over and close the lid; let stand for 5 minutes, remove with a slotted spoon to a sieve and, when the water has drained, place the snowballs on a dish, pour them with strawberry jelly made from strawberries, flour and 10 g of sugar. ½ egg white, sugar - 25 g, strawberries - 50 g, potato flour - 5 g, water - 100 g, vanilla or vanillin to taste.

Carrot juice with cream. Grate the peeled carrots on a fine grater, add cold boiled water, then stir, squeeze through cheesecloth, and combine with cream. Serve cooled, but not cold.

Carrots - 150 g, cream - 50 g, water - 25 g.

Dishes for intestinal disorders

Low-fat meat broth with croutons. Finely chop the bones, add cold water and quickly bring to a boil; cook the bones at low simmer for 4-5 hours. Pass the meat through a meat grinder, mix with egg whites and 50 g of cold water, add to the broth and boil for 1 hour. Cut the vegetables into thin slices, fry (without fat) until Brown and put into the broth 40 minutes before it’s ready.

Strain the finished broth through a napkin, remove fat and serve.

Tubular bones - 100 g, meat for pulling - 50 g, mixed vegetables - 10 g, 1/5 egg white, water - 600 g.

Slimy rice soup with meat broth. Rinse the rice, add to boiling water and cook for 1 hour; then strain and add broth. When serving, add butter (in a piece) to the soup. You can serve white bread croutons with the soup.

Rice - 50 g, butter - 5 g, weak meat broth - 150 g, water - 500 g.

Blueberry soup with rice water. Wash the blueberries, add 350 g of water, boil for 10-15 minutes and then leave on the edge of the stove for 30 minutes; then strain, add sugar and lemon juice and cool. Boil the rice in the remaining water, rub the liquid through a sieve twice and combine with the blueberry infusion; Serve at 1 table with white bread croutons, cut into thin slices and dried in the oven. The soup should be at room temperature.

Dry blueberries - 40 g, rice - 30 g, sugar - 15 g, 1/10 lemon, white bread - 50 g, water - 750 g.

Meatballs with garlic, steamed. Pass the meat, cleaned of fat and tendons, through a fine grinder two or three times, then mix with boiled rice and finely chopped crushed garlic, beat well, make 3-4 balls and steam until cooked. Serve with butter (piece).

Meat - 100 g, rice - 15 g, butter - 10 g, garlic - 2 g.

Garlic sausage. Pass the meat, cleaned of fat and tendons, three or four times, together with the garlic, through a fine grinder, mix with boiled fluffy rice, beat well; After that, put the whole mass on damp gauze, wrap it in the form of a sausage, tie the edges of the gauze and steam until cooked. Remove the finished sausage from the gauze, cut into 2-3 pieces and pour in butter.

Beef meat - 150 g, rice - 15 g, butter - 10 g, garlic - 2 g.

Chicken zrazy with rice, steamed. Pass the chicken meat through a meat grinder two or three times along with half of the rice (sticky) porridge, beat it well with wet hands, divide into 2 parts and give each of them the shape of a pancake. Place the remaining rice porridge mixed with chopped stiff egg whites in the middle, bring the edges together, wrap it like a pie and steam until done. Serve with butter.

Chicken meat - 120 g, rice - 15 g, butter - 10 g, ½ egg white.

Pike perch meatballs with garlic. Cook a viscous porridge from rice and water and cool. Pass the pike perch pulp together with porridge and chopped garlic two or three times through a fine grinder, add 5 g of melted butter, beat well with a wet hand, make 10-12 meatballs, steam until done. Serve with butter.

Pike perch - 120 g, rice - 15 g, butter - 15 g, garlic - 2 g, water - 50 grams.

Rice meatballs in red wine. Boil the rice in 150 g of water, cool slightly, then make 10-12 meatballs, put them on a plate and pour over the jelly made from red wine, potato flour and the rest of the water.

Rice - 50 g, red wine - 40 g, sugar - 10 g, potato flour - 3 g, water - 200 g.

Rice pudding, mashed, with meat broth, steamed. Rinse the rice, dry it, grind it in a coffee mill, add it to the boiling broth, boil until tender, then add the yolk, beaten white and 5 g of melted butter; mix it all, put it in a greased mold, and steam until done. Serve with butter (piece).

Rice - 50 g, broth - 200 g, butter - 10 g, ½ egg.

Chocolate rice porridge with water. Cook a viscous porridge from rice and water. Mix cocoa with sugar, add to the porridge, mix well, serve with butter (a piece).

Rice - 50 g, cocoa - 5 g, sugar - 5 g, butter - 10 g, water - 250 g.

Rice sauce with butter. Boil rice in water and rub through a sieve twice, then boil, add butter in a piece, stir and use as a sauce for individual dishes (as prescribed by your doctor).

Rice - 15 g, water - 100 g, butter - 10 g.

Protein omelet, steam. Beat the egg whites with a broom, add 50 g of water, pour into a greased mold and cook in a steam bath until ready. Serve with butter (piece).

Egg whites - 3, butter - 5 g.

Cottage cheese soufflé with cherry sauce, steamed. Cook porridge from semolina and 30 g of water and cool. Rub the cottage cheese (fresh, dry) through a sieve, combine with semolina porridge, add the yolk, 5 g of sugar and 5 g of melted butter. Grind all this well, add the beaten egg white, knead lightly, put in greased molds and steam until done. Make jelly from cherries and 100 g of water, 10 g of sugar and potato flour and pour hot over the soufflé.

Cottage cheese - 120 g, semolina - 10 g, butter - 10 g, sugar - 15 g, ½ egg, dry cherries - 25 g, potato flour - 5 g.

Blueberry jelly. Wash the blueberries, add water, boil for 10-15 minutes, then leave on the edge of the stove for 10-15 minutes; after that, strain, add sugar, boil, add potato flour diluted with cold boiled water and stir, then, without letting it boil, remove from heat and add lemon juice. Serve warm.

Blueberries - 30 g, potato flour - 10 g, sugar -10 g, 1/10 lemon water - 300 g.

Gilles from rice water and acorn coffee. Rinse the rice, add a glass of water, boil, strain, then combine with sugar and strong acorn coffee (1/2 cup); Boil all this, add gelatin soaked in cold water, let it dissolve, then strain, pour into a mold and cool.

Rice - 15 g, acorn coffee - 5 g, gelatin - 3 g, water - 250 g.

Cocoa on rice water. Boil the rice with water until soft and strain, then combine with cocoa and sugar, boil and strain again (1 cup of liquid will remain). If prescribed by a doctor, you can add 25 g of cream.

Cocoa - 5 g, rice - 10 g, sugar - 10 g, water - 300 g.

Dishes for liver diseases

Vegetable broth with protein omelet. Cut the vegetables into pieces and cook in lightly salted water under a lid, let it brew for an hour and strain. Mix the egg white with milk, pour into a greased frying pan and bake, then cool to room temperature and cut the omelette into 5-6 pieces.

Season the broth with sour cream and the remaining oil, add an omelette and chopped herbs.

Potatoes - 100 g, carrots - 30 g, parsley (root) - 20 g, cabbage stalks - 50 g, parsley (greens) - 5 g, 1 egg white, milk - 10 g, sour cream - 20 g, butter - 5 G.

Cauliflower soup. Cut potatoes and cabbage into pieces, add water (300 g), and then add 5 g of oil. Bring until cooked over low heat, covered, and rub through a sieve along with the liquid. Place the washed rice in boiling water (200 g) and cook for an hour, then puree, combine with soup, warm well and season with milk. Before serving, add butter (in a piece).

Cauliflower - 100 g, potatoes - 100 g, rice - 20 g, milk - 100 g, butter - 10 g, water - 500 g.

Beetroot soup is cold. Wash the beets, cook until tender in water, adding citric acid, then cool, peel the beets and strain the broth. Chop the beets and combine with the broth, add sugar, chopped boiled protein, chopped lettuce and onions, as well as finely chopped cucumbers and season with sour cream. Before serving, sprinkle the beetroot soup with chopped herbs.

You can also put boiled potatoes, diced, and peeled fresh apples in the beetroot soup.

Beetroot - 150 g, sour cream - 50 g, sugar - 10 g, 1 egg white, fresh cucumbers - 75 g, leaf lettuce - 10 g, green onions - 15 g, parsley, dill - 5 g, citric acid - to taste, beet broth - 300 g.

Borscht with vegetable broth. Chop the peeled beets into strips, add a little salt, sprinkle with citric acid diluted in water and mix; then add oil and 100 g of water, close the lid and simmer over low heat for 20-30 minutes, then add chopped carrots, celery, 20 g of tomatoes and simmer for another 10 minutes. Add shredded cabbage to the prepared vegetables, add water or vegetable broth, let it boil, add chopped potatoes and cook until tender. Place the remaining tomatoes, cut into slices, into the prepared borscht. Before serving, season with sour cream and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

White cabbage - 100 g, beets - 70 g, potatoes - 60 g, carrots - 15 g, celery - 5 g, tomatoes - 50 g, parsley (greens) - 5 g, butter - 10 g, sour cream - 30 g, citric acid - to taste, water - 350 g (instead of acid, you can put apples or black currants).

Meat boiled with apples, baked in milk sauce. Boil lean meat and cut into 4-5 thin slices, then prepare a sauce from milk and flour (preparation method and thickness, as when preparing jelly). Peel and core the apples and cut into thin slices. After this, grease a single-serve frying pan with oil, line the bottom with apple slices, place meat mixed with apples on top of the apples, pour sauce on top, sprinkle with melted butter and bake.

Beef meat - 150 g, butter - 10 g, milk - 75 g, wheat flour - 5 g, apples - 100 g.

Stuffed cabbage rolls with boiled meat, rice and vegetables. Boil a head of cabbage (without the stalk) in salted water until half cooked, separate it into individual leaves and cut off the stem from each leaf. After this, cut the carrots and rutabaga into small cubes and simmer with butter in a small amount of water. Boil the meat, pass through a meat grinder, combine with stewed vegetables, boiled fluffy rice and chopped herbs, mix well and, dividing into 2-3 parts, wrap in cabbage leaves, put in a pan, pour in sour cream sauce and bake.

To prepare sour cream sauce, mix flour with sour cream and pour this mixture into boiling vegetable broth (75 g); let it boil for 5 minutes, strain, add 5 g of butter (in a piece) and mix well.

Cabbage - 250 g, meat - 100 g, rice - 20 g, carrots - 30 g, parsley

(greens) - 5 g, rutabaga - 30 g, wheat flour - 5 g, sour cream - 30 g, butter - 10 g, vegetable broth - 75 g.

Casserole of boiled chicken and vegetables. Pass the boiled chicken meat through a meat grinder twice, mix with 25 g of egg-butter sauce (see page 221) and 5 g of butter and lightly combine with ½ of the beaten egg white; After this, place the resulting minced meat in a greased single-serve frying pan and steam until half cooked. At the same time, simmer carrots and cauliflower in a saucepan with 5 g of oil; Rub the prepared vegetables through a sieve, mix with the remaining protein, then sprinkle with melted butter and bake. Serve the casserole to the table in a frying pan.

Chicken meat - 100 g, wheat flour - 10 g, milk - 50 g, butter - 15 g, carrots - 40 g, cauliflower - 50 g, 1 egg white.

Baked pike perch roll with egg white omelette. Pass the pike perch pulp through a meat grinder, mix with bread soaked in 25 g of milk, and pass through the meat grinder two more times; After that, add 5 g of melted butter and beat the minced meat well. Mix the protein with 10 g of milk, pour into a greased frying pan, bake in the oven or steam, and then cool. Spread the minced fish in a 1 ½ cm layer on gauze moistened with water, put an omelette on top, wrap it in the form of a roll and steam until cooked. Ready roll remove the gauze, place in a greased frying pan, pour in sour cream mixed with flour, sprinkle with the remaining oil and bake. Cut the roll into 2-3 pieces and serve.

Pike perch - 120 g, white bread - 20 g, milk - 35 g, butter - 10 g, sour cream - 20 g, white flour - 3 g, ½ egg white.

Pudding made from apricots, rutabaga and cottage cheese. Chop the rutabaga into “noodles” and simmer with 5 g of butter and milk; when the rutabaga is ready, put in the cereal, sugar and soaked, finely chopped apricots; Stir this whole mass and cool; then add the grated cottage cheese and whipped egg whites, mix, place in a greased mold, pour over the oil and bake. Serve with sour cream.

Rutabagas - 75 g, apricots - 50 g, cottage cheese - 50 g, 1 egg white, milk - 30 g, butter - 10 g, sugar - 10 g, semolina - 10 g, sour cream - 30 g.

Zucchini and apple pudding. Peel the zucchini, chop and simmer with milk and 10 g of butter until half cooked; then add chopped apples and sugar and simmer for another 5 minutes, then add semolina, hold the pan under the lid on the edge of the stove for 5-10 minutes and cool slightly; after that, add the yolk and beaten white, mix, put in a greased mold and bake. Serve with sour cream.

Zucchini - 125 g, apples - 75 g, milk - 25 g, butter - 15 g, 1 egg white, sugar - 10 g, semolina - 15 g, sour cream - 30 g.

Carrot-apple cutlets, baked. Cut the carrots into small noodles and simmer until tender with 10 g of oil and ¼ cup of water; then add chopped apples and sugar and simmer for another 5 minutes, then add semolina, stir, let stand for 5-10 minutes on the edge of the stove under the lid, combine with whipped egg white and cool; Divide the cooled mass into 3-4 parts, roll in breadcrumbs (or flour), shape into cutlets, place in a frying pan, sprinkle with oil and bake. Serve with sour cream.

Carrots - 100 g, apples - 100 g, 1 egg white, butter - 10 g, semolina - 10 g, crackers - 10 g, sugar - 5 g, sour cream - 30 g.

Croutons with vegetables. Cut the bread into 2 pieces, dip in 50 g of milk mixed with sugar and eggs, and lightly bake. At the same time, chop the cabbage and peeled zucchini and simmer with 25 g of milk and 10 g of butter. Separately simmer finely chopped carrots. Mix the prepared vegetables with chopped apples, finely chopped lettuce and dill, arrange on croutons, smooth the top, sprinkle with oil and bake. Serve croutons with sour cream.

Wheat bread - 60 g, milk - 75 g, ¼ egg, sugar - 5 g, butter - 15 g, sour cream - 30 g, white cabbage - 75 g, carrots - 50 g, zucchini - 50 g, apples - 50 g, leaf lettuce - 5 g, dill - 5 g.

Turnips stuffed with rice and apples. Peel and boil the turnips, remove the core, shape the turnip into a cup, and stuff it with boiled rice mixed with chopped apples, sugar, butter and egg. At the same time, prepare the milk sauce, pour over the turnips and bake. When serving, drizzle the turnips with oil.

Turnips - 150 g, rice - 20 g, apples - 60 g, sugar - 10 g, ½ egg, flour - 5 g, milk - 60 g, butter - 10 g.

Cauliflower in an omelet. Cauliflower Boil in salted water, disassemble into small pieces; then place the buns in a single-serve frying pan, greased with oil, pour in the egg whites mixed with milk, sprinkle with sour cream and bake. Serve the cabbage in the same pan in which you baked it.

Cauliflower - 200 g, butter - 5 g, 2 egg whites, milk - 60 g, sour cream - 30 g.

Required ingredients:

  • 5 apples
  • 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese
  • 50 grams of granulated sugar
  • vanilla

Mix cottage cheese thoroughly with sugar and vanilla. If desired, you can add a little ground cinnamon. Wash the apples well, and then, using a knife or spoon, without damaging the bottom, remove the core. Fill with curd mass.

Grease a heatproof dish with butter and place the apples in it. Place the pan in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for approximately 20-25 minutes. If the apples are soft and browned, they are ready. Cool the baked apples to room temperature and serve.

Steamed chicken balls: a recipe for a delicious dietary dish

Required ingredients:

  • 2 chicken breasts
  • 1 chicken egg
  • 2 tablespoons oatmeal
  • 50 grams of butter
  • 1 tablespoon dill
  • ground black pepper

Grind the chicken fillet in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Add a chicken egg, finely chopped dill and chopped oatmeal to the minced meat. Add salt and pepper, stir until smooth. Let the minced meat sit for 30 minutes and then make small balls out of it.

Place the meatballs in a steamer and place a small piece of butter on each of them. Cook in a double boiler for 20 minutes. You can serve chicken tenders either as a separate dish or with a side dish.

Therapeutic diet for diseases of the stomach and pancreas

  • More details

Cherry jelly: a recipe for a delicious diet

Required ingredients:

  • 200 grams of cherries
  • 100 grams of granulated sugar
  • 50 grams starch

Remove the pits from the washed cherries and pour 500 milliliters of hot boiled water into them. Add granulated sugar, stir and, putting on fire, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Dilute the starch in 100 milliliters of cold water and pour into the pan with the cherries. Stirring, bring the jelly to a boil and remove from heat.

Cherry jelly is very useful to drink when you are sick. respiratory tract and colds

When the cherry jelly has cooled, pour it into glasses and serve.

Dietary borscht: recipe

Required ingredients:

  • 300 grams of chicken fillet
  • 200 grams of white cabbage
  • 1 potato
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • 1 beet
  • 3 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • pepper
  • 10% sour cream for dressing

Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces. Boil 1.5 liters of water, put the chicken in it and cook for 30 minutes over medium heat. While the chicken is cooking, prepare the vegetables. Peel the beets and grate them on a coarse grater. Cut the peeled onions and carrots into small cubes. Pour a tablespoon of vegetable oil into a separate frying pan and lightly fry the onions and carrots in it.

In another frying pan with oil, fry the beets, add tomato paste, some water and simmer for a few minutes. Place diced potatoes and thinly shredded white cabbage in the pan where the chicken is cooked. When the vegetables are cooked, add beets, carrots and onions to the pan. Add salt and pepper and cook for another 5-10 minutes. Serve the finished borscht with sour cream and fresh herbs.

Mashed potatoes: dietary recipe

Required ingredients:

  • 500 grams of potatoes
  • 2–3 tablespoons butter
  • spices as desired

Wash the potatoes, peel and boil until soft. Drain the liquid into a separate bowl. While still hot, thoroughly crush the potatoes so that there are no lumps. Then add the hot liquid in which the potatoes were boiled (the amount depends on what consistency you want the mashed potatoes to be), butter, salt and mix well. To make the puree more airy, you can beat it with a mixer. Serve as a main course or as a side dish for meat or fish.

Cucumber salad: dietary recipe

Cucumbers are an excellent dietary product, which is ideally suited for therapeutic nutrition. In books about healthy food, which can be easily downloaded on the Internet, there are many recipes for dishes made from cucumbers, but salads are especially tasty and healthy.

Required ingredients:

  • 3 fresh cucumbers
  • 150 milliliters kefir
  • dill greens
  • parsley

Wash the cucumbers and remove the skin. Cut into thin strips or grate on a coarse grater.

Among the problems arising with the stomach, the first place is occupied by gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, which are socially significant diseases. These diseases affect both children and adults. According to statistics, 14% of the world's population suffers from them. There are many factors influencing the development of these pathologies, but the main one is lifestyle. Poor nutrition, stress, bad habits- all this turns out to be a trigger for the occurrence of gastritis and ulcers. Since this is precisely the way of life observed among urban residents, the prevalence of these pathologies is growing among the population of megacities. Modern man's life is fast, eventful, and dense. Healthy eating is not part of my job responsibilities. These include: calls, meetings, buying and selling, services and offers, demands and justifications. This is good because we are developing. This is bad because we sacrifice our health.

Treatment of gastritis and ulcers is extremely important, because untreated gastritis for a long time turns into an ulcer, which, if not properly treated, can degenerate into a tumor. The Soviet gastroenterologist, Professor Manuil Pevzner, formed a whole system of necessary medical nutrition diets. Let's look at the first one in this series right now.

What is

Patients with ulcers and gastritis with high acidity, both during the period of exacerbation and subsidence of symptoms of the disease, are prescribed diet No. 1. No amateur performances! Only a gastroenterologist should prescribe a diet. This therapeutic gastronomic program is divided into several options: 1, 1a, 1b. Each of them is prescribed depending on the state of the disease and is called a “table”.

As a rule, one treatment program smoothly transitions into another. If the patient has undergone surgery, diet number one is preceded by a surgical zero nutrition system. Table No. 1 is prescribed for inflammatory processes of the stomach and duodenum.

The first diet lasts from 6 months to a year after an exacerbation of the disease. The purpose of the diet is to normalize acidity, eliminate and reduce inflammation, heal ulcers, erosions, and stabilize the secretory function of the stomach. Recovery occurs through diet therapy aimed at maximally sparing the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Types of sparing

Chemical - excludes dishes and products that increase secretion, are difficult and take a long time to digest, and require large expenses from the internal organs. The following are prohibited: spicy, highly salted and sour, canned, fatty, smoked, fried, spicy. That is, anything that tastes too bright. This does not mean that for the next six months you will have to eat bland and tasteless food. The diet is balanced, except for exceptions, it contains a lot of permitted foods.

The daily intake should be at least 2800 kcal, but it is not recommended to gain more than 3000 kcal. No fasting is envisaged; there should be enough food. Healing meals will be boiled, steamed, baked. You also need to follow a drinking regime; it is recommended to drink a glass of milk at night.

Table No. 1 – nutrition program balanced according to chemical composition. The daily diet will include:

  • – up to 100 g, including animals;
  • – 400-420 g;
  • – 100 g, including and .

Mechanical sparing excludes large pieces of food. In the patient, such food enhances motor skills digestive tract, which provokes nausea, vomiting, heartburn and similar unpleasant symptoms. Diet number one includes soft foods: pureed, pureed, finely chopped. If the dish is baked, it should be without a crust. Boiled lean meat and fish can be eaten unchopped, served in a whole piece. Food should be taken frequently and in moderation. In addition, foods with a high content of: mushrooms, cabbage (except), legumes, etc. are limited. Full list We will consider prohibited and permitted products for table No. 1 below.

Thermal – involves eating food at the optimal temperature. The optimal food temperature when prescribing diet No. 1 should be no lower than 15 degrees and no higher than 60 degrees. If food irritates the mucous membrane of the mouth, it is not suitable: it needs to be heated or cooled. Everything should be warm: appetizers and salads, soups and mains. Such a treatment program, with some correction, is sometimes prescribed to patients with pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus with accompanying problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

So, on diet No. 1 according to Pevzner, you need to eat your fill, measuredly, and use only prescribed foods for dietary meals. For clarity, let’s look at the products for table No. 1 and a sample menu for the week.

Products for a therapeutic diet

The main criteria for choosing dishes will be: low fiber and animal fat content, minimum salt and substances irritating the gastric mucosa. Let's look at the table to better navigate the products you need.

It is forbiddenCan
Rye, flourWhole grain bread
Wheat pastaVermicelli
Any fatty meatLean meat: young,
Fatty fish, salted and cannedLean fish fillet without skin
Smoked meats, sausages with fat layerMilk sausage, doctor's, boiled, natural sausages
High fat, acidic dairy productsLow-fat fermented milk products
Sharp and salty cheeses, homemade cheeseHard cheese with neutral taste
Fried eggsBoiled eggs, omelettes (only after doctor's permission)
, ,
Cabbage and other vegetables that provoke fermentation, nightshades (in small quantities)
, and a little bit of)
Fresh, dried fruitsBoiled and baked fruits and berries,
Ice cream,, marshmallows, marshmallows, sour jam
Any carbonated drinksWeak, coffee with, decoction
Hot spices, flavorings, home
Minimum, and vanillin

Dishes can be prepared in unsalted or refined vegetable oil. All other types of oils (, etc.) are not recommended. The first can be prepared from secondary meat broths or from vegetable broths. Puree pureed soups are great. You can add well-cooked cereals (rolled oats, rice) or vermicelli to them. Prohibited: thick borscht, rich soups, okroshka, sour cabbage soup, mushroom broths.

At first, the most difficult thing is to accustom yourself to a new diet. Dishes without the usual flavors and seasonings seem bland. Instead of spices, you can add a little finely chopped dill or parsley. There will be no problems with desserts at all. However, sweets should also be healthy, i.e. natural, with minimum content margarine. As a dessert, which, by the way, should be consumed after the main meal, jelly, jam (not sour), dry pastries, marshmallows, and baked fruits are perfect.

To avoid temptation, it is best not to buy prohibited products at all. Of course, it is not always possible to agree with household members on a family therapeutic diet. In this case, you can only buy approved products: if it’s sausage, then boiled, if it’s first-ground, if it’s meat, then it’s lean, etc.

Recipes for diet No. 1

Recipes for table No. 1 for ulcers and gastritis at first can be easily found on the Internet. It is best to look for them on thematic forums or groups, blogs. There, people with similar problems share recipes, reviews and recommendations.

Diet pate

This pate is suitable for diseases of ulcers, gastritis, and pancreatitis.

To prepare you need to cook:

  • 100 g beef;
  • 2 pcs. potatoes;
  • 1 medium carrot.

All ingredients should be passed through a meat grinder. IN ready minced meat, stirring, pour in half a glass of milk and simmer over low heat (3 minutes). The finished dish can be slightly salted.

Dietary baked cutlets

To prepare you will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese (fat content up to 9%);
  • 1 egg;
  • 150 g beef;
  • butter.

The meat needs to be boiled and cooled (it should be without tendons and fascia). Beef should be minced twice. Beat the egg, leave a small part for greasing, pour the rest into the minced meat. Add oil there and mix well. Place the formed cutlets on a baking sheet and brush them with egg, bake them in the oven until cooked. If you steam the cutlets, they are suitable for table 1a.


A universal dessert suitable for all family members. It is easy to prepare, it looks beautiful and, most importantly, it is very tasty.

To prepare meringues you will need:

  • 3 squirrels;
  • half a glass of sugar or powdered sugar.

The whites must be carefully separated from the yolks. It is important that the dishes are completely dry (without a drop of grease). Place the protein mass in a bowl, then place this bowl in a larger bowl with warm water. The heated proteins will produce a mass that is more dense and filled with air. Beat with a mixer at low speed. When the whites become cloudy, you can gradually add sugar or powder (half a teaspoon at a time) and increase the mixer speed. When the mass is completely dense, you can start drying.

If you don’t have a pastry bag, you can use a spoon or a simple bag and cut off the edge. Grease a baking tray or cover it with baking paper. Place the meringues in the oven at 700 degrees and leave to dry for 60 minutes. After this, turn off the oven and do not remove the dessert until it has cooled completely. Meringues can be used as a layer for a cake, as a decoration or as an independent dessert.

Diet menu No. 1

Let's look at a sample menu for the week to make it easier to navigate your food program in the future. It is better to prepare a weekly diet in advance. This way you can buy groceries for future use and plan your day taking into account cooking. medicinal dishes. You can easily make your own adjustments to the indicative list, the main thing is not to go beyond the diet rules.


  • meat pate with whole grain baguette, baked goods, tea;
  • sandwich with cheese, liquid semolina porridge, tea;
  • steam omelette, tea with milk;
  • oatmeal with milk and .
  • baked fruits with honey or powdered sugar;
  • marshmallows with tea;
  • pudding, soufflé;
  • compote with dry cookies or biscuits.
  • vegetable soup, boiled buckwheat with chicken fillet, carrot and spinach salad;
  • puree soup from and potatoes, banana with cottage cheese;
  • soup without meat, noodles with steamed meatballs, bread;
  • vegetable first courses, puree with boiled meat.


  • sandwich with boiled sausage and hard cheese, tea;
  • cottage cheese with pear or peach;
  • meringues with tea and milk;
  • baked apples.
  • allowed cereals with steam cutlets, milk;
  • mashed potatoes with chicken meat, bread;
  • baked noodle soup, milk;
  • steamed vegetables, boiled meat;
  • steamed rice and cutlets.

Table 1a

Most often, this therapeutic diet option precedes number one. The rules and essence are the same as in the previous version. Diet 1a is prescribed in the first week of treatment for exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease, as well as for gastritis during the exacerbation period. The menu here is more pared down, but usually doesn’t last long. The considered cutlet recipe is also suitable for table No. 1a.

Food should only be warm. Daily calorie content with diet 1a should average 2000 kcal. You also need to maintain a drinking regime. For a speedy recovery, it is important not to deviate from the rules of the diet and eat in small portions, 5-6 times a day.

Sample menu for table 1a

Breakfast: poached eggs (with runny yolk), tea with milk.

Lunch: carrot jelly, glass warm milk.

Lunch: light pearl barley broth without meat, steamed cutlets with a side dish of buckwheat porridge.

Afternoon snack: fruit pudding, glass of milk.

Dinner: pureed rice porridge, meatballs made from lean fish or meat.

Before bed: warm milk.

When compiling a menu, you should give up: flour products completely, fruits (raw), and cheese, vegetables in any form, cottage cheese in in the usual form, spices and sauces, plus everything that is prohibited in No. 1. Overall, the food list is the same as table 1, but more limited.

It is allowed to eat soft, porridge-like food without flavoring additives. As heat treatment You can only use boiling or steaming. Throughout the program, the patient remains in bed.

When the patient’s health and condition improves, the doctor prescribes another diet: No. 1 or No. 1b.

Table 1b

The diet rules are typical for the previous options: fractional meals, warm food, pureed and soft dishes, minimum salt. Diet 1b is prescribed after exacerbations, during the period of attenuation of complications with gastritis and gastric and duodenal ulcers. During the period of adherence to table 1b, the patient is shown semi-bed rest.

The list of foods that should not be consumed is the same as in No. 1 with additional restrictions. Fermented milk drinks are completely excluded. You can eat dry bread, but not much (up to 100 grams). Any boiled meat must be finely chopped or pureed; it is recommended to grind it twice. Banned in in kind fruits and vegetables. They can be boiled, made into jellies, soufflés, mousses, and compotes. Also exclude coffee, soda and cocoa.

For breakfast, you can prepare porridge from semolina or water, steam omelets, you can add vegetables to them. For afternoon snacks and lunch, baked fruits (allowed), soufflé, warm milk, and tea with milk are suitable. Lunch must include liquid food: pureed rice or pearl barley soups, light vegetable broths. For dinners, pureed cereals, steamed meat and vegetables, and purees are suitable. A few hours before bedtime, you should drink 250-300 ml of warm milk. Thermal sparing (15-65 degrees) and frequency of meals must also be observed. After the patient’s well-being improves, they are transferred to diet No. 1.


It is better to prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract than to treat them later with difficulty and time. To reduce the likelihood of these diseases as much as possible, you need to eat small meals, be sure to eat liquid food, minimize the consumption of fast food, fried and semi-finished products. For those who have a busy work schedule, it’s better to go to a regular supermarket instead of a street eatery. There you will find more useful things: yoghurts, fruits, home-made baked goods. It is also important to use less (it is better to give up altogether) tobacco and alcohol. You need to avoid overeating or eating too small portions. According to doctors, the optimal meal should fit in two palms.

: If you experience stomach pain, heartburn, belching, nausea, a constant feeling of hunger or lack of appetite, you must immediately undergo examination by a gastroenterologist.