Choose a healthy lifestyle. I choose a healthy lifestyle consciously. Memo for students

Methodological development

class hour for 7th grade

on the topic of:

"I choose healthy


A healthy lifestyle for a person - when we say this phrase, we rarely think about what is really hidden behind these words. So what is a healthy lifestyle? In general, a healthy lifestyle includes a set of health measures that strengthen a person’s physical and moral health and increase moral and physical performance.

In the course of work, techniques and methods are used, such as gradual immersion in the problem; dialogues, discussion; work in groups; survey; discussions.

Target: update the topic of health and healthy lifestyle; complement ninth-graders’ ideas about bad habits; promote a negative attitude towards smoking, alcohol, and drug addiction; encourage children to resist bad habits, teach them to resist peer pressure; cultivate an active life position with a positive attitude towards health as the greatest value.


  1. To develop students' knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle.

  2. Develop skills in independent analysis and evaluation of the information offered.

  3. Foster an active life position and a responsible attitude towards your health.


The ability to lead a healthy lifestyle is a sign of a person’s high culture, his education, perseverance, and will.

Based on the statements of outstanding teachers and psychologists, such as Likhachev D.S. “The main thing on which physical health depends is moral health... to maintain your health, think about the health of others”; Makarenko A.S. “Health is not a gift that a person receives once and for life, but the result of the conscious behavior of each person and everyone in society.”

Tables in the classroom are arranged so that students can work in groups of 4-6 people.

Progress of the event

Quiet music is playing. The presenter asks the students: “Do you love life? Life is a wealth given to everyone from the beginning, and we really want it to be beautiful and happy. What is a good life? Please, think about this, everyone, and write down the continuation of the phrase: “A happy life is...” Students write down those concepts that, in their opinion, characterize a happy life (work for 2-3 minutes). Then the facilitator suggests discussing these recordings in groups and ranking them in order of importance.

If we determine what the life and health of people on Earth depends on, then the most important thing will be peace, the absence of war. This is the most important thing, the most important thing. Then will follow: the state of the OS, adequate nutrition, material well-being, medical care... We want you to be physically and spiritually developed, purposeful, cheerful people. I would like the younger generation, our future, to learn how to improve their health, and there are no trifles in this matter. Summarizing the students' answers, the presenter draws their attention to the fact that a healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular among teenagers, but a lot depends on the person himself, on how he feels about himself and his future. So, today we will talk about a healthy lifestyle.

After discussion, students conclude that the main components of a healthy lifestyle are:

  • To give up smoking.

  • Refusal of alcoholic beverages.

  • Quitting drugs.

  • Physical education and sports, physical activity.

  • Balanced diet.

Information lecture hall

Components of a healthy lifestyle.

A). Correct breathing.

Student speech. It is very important to always breathe through your nose. In the nasal passages, the air is purified, warmed, and moistened. In the health-improving gymnastics called “yoga,” it is generally accepted that “just one generation of people breathing correctly will revive humanity and make diseases so rare that they will be looked at as something extraordinary.” Of course, it is also important that the air we breathe is clean.

b). Balanced diet.

Student's speech. Famous Russian publicist and literary critic D.I. Pisarev assured: “Change a person’s food, and the whole person will change little by little.” Human health is largely determined by the quantity and quality of food and diet. The modern diet of most people is characterized by a high consumption of foods containing a lot of carbohydrates. The result is overeating and obesity. “Moderation is nature’s ally,” said the ancient Greek physician, father of medicine, Hippocrates. Yes, nutrition should be moderate, but varied and nutritious.

Food must contain vitamins! Fresh vegetables and fruits, honey, dried apricots, nuts, raisins, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet - these are products that increase the vital activity of the body. You need to include them in your diet. And bread made from finely ground flour, pasta, sausages, sausages, and fried potatoes are devoid of most biologically active substances. Such a diet reduces the vital activity of the body. It is also important to remember that products that contain various preservatives, sweeteners and dyes are not healthy and even dangerous to health.

V). Physical activity, physical education and sports, positive emotions and hardening.

Student's speech. It should be added that components of a healthy lifestyle also include physical activity (at least 30 minutes a day). It improves the functioning of all vital organs. Without physical activity there can be no health. “If you don’t run while you’re healthy, you’ll have to run when you’re sick,” said the Roman poet Horace.

The most useful and accessible sports: swimming, cycling, gymnastics, hiking.

Positive emotions are also necessary for a healthy lifestyle: joy, happiness, life satisfaction, kindness. Negative emotions that destroy health: anger, fear, resentment, anxiety, melancholy, suspiciousness, greed. Try to avoid such emotions and protect the people around you from them.

Factors that negatively affect human health.

a) Tobacco smoking.

Student's speech.

Tobacco smoking is often classified as a bad habit, but it is one of the dangerous diseases called chemical dependence. According to world statistics, about 2.5 million people die prematurely from smokers every year. There are about 400 components in tobacco smoke, 40 of which have a carcinogenic effect, i.e. can cause cancer. The most dangerous radioactive polonium-210. Smoking has a particularly detrimental effect on a woman’s body. If a woman smokes during pregnancy, the likelihood of miscarriage increases, the weight of the fetus decreases, and premature birth may occur. The child of such a woman gets sick more often. If a woman smokes while breastfeeding, the child becomes weak, sickly, and lags behind in development. Smoking is very harmful for children and adolescents, boys and girls. After all, it is during adolescence that the body is finally formed, which should serve for the rest of its life. Smoking is dangerous not only for the smoker himself, but also for the people around him. So-called “passive smoking,” when a person is forced to inhale smoke while in a smoky room, has the same negative effect on the body as smoking itself.

1 student:

My name is cigarette
I am beautiful and strong.
I know the whole world
A lot of people need me.
I stupefy my brain and heart
For young and old.
Let's face it - weaklings.


I feel so bad, I'm so tired,

And there is no more strength to knock.
I probably don't have much time left to live...
If only you could understand -
I don't have enough oxygen.
Nicotine stifles me so much.
And this poison is invincible.
My blood vessels -
They burn in smoke day after day,
And if you don't save us,
We will disappear from smoking!


Oh, we are poor, completely burned,

We want to ask you people:
“Why do you smoke?”
Polonium is poisoning us
Nicotine is a terrible poison for us.
It burns our bronchi.
Who is to blame for this?
Horrible cough in the morning
Tears my throat into blood.
Who will help us now?
To become healthy again?


The damned villain dried me up.

There are no more bright ideas.
He stole my neurons
And exchanged it for a pack of cigarettes.
I am now and for a long time
I can't learn this lesson
There is no attention and no memory -
All from these damn cigarettes.

2nd student:

Remember - a person is not weak.

Born free. He is not a slave.
Tonight when you go to bed
You should say this to yourself:
“I chose the path to the light myself
And, despising the cigarette.
I won't smoke for anything.
I am human! I have to be strong!”

What do you think a person sacrifices for?

smoking tobacco products? Of the six proposed answers, students chose: money - 25%;

physical health – 52%; life expectancy – 23%.

Which of these statements do you agree with? Smoking causes financial dependence - 34% of students responded; smoking is a sign of adulthood - 16%; smoke mainly under the influence of friends, but giving up smoking does not mean giving up friends - 10%; non-smokers have the right to fresh air - 40%.

Which of the following life situations do you think primarily push teenagers to smoke? Loneliness, lack of friends - 20%; curiosity, interest - 10%; smoking parents -30%; curiosity, interest - 30%; fashion, advertising - 10%.

Do you think smoking is harmful to health?
b). No

Why can smoking be harmful to health? Develops dependence - 35%; there is a harmful effect on the body -45%; The body ages faster - 25%; 10% answered that they do not know.

Which cigarettes do you think cause the most harm to the body?

Cigarettes with filter - 20%; cigarettes with low nicotine content - 65%;

These are all types of cigarettes - 15%.

Is it true that smoking is fashionable in most countries? No - 75% answered,

and in those countries where a healthy lifestyle is promoted, smoking is unfashionable - 25% responded.

Who is most addicted to tobacco? Among those who started smoking before the age of 20, 25% responded; tobacco addiction is not associated with the age at which a person started smoking - 75%.

Of the thousand teenagers who start smoking, how many will die from smoking-related diseases? Less than 200 people - 15%; about 250 people - 85%.

If a person starts smoking at 15 years old, by how much does it decrease on average?

the duration of his image? All answered 8 years or more.

The problem of teenage smoking is becoming more acute every year. It was found that people who started smoking before the age of 15 die from lung cancer 5 times more often than those who started smoking after 25 years. The lethal dose of nicotine for an adult is a pack smoked at once. For a teenager - half a pack. They say that "A drop of nicotine kills a horse." To be precise, a drop of pure nicotine can kill 3 horses. But in addition to nicotine, cigarettes contain a lot of toxic substances that are harmful to a growing body.

The respiratory organs are primarily affected. 98% of deaths from laryngeal cancer, 96% of deaths from lung cancer, 75% of deaths from chronic bronchitis and emphysema are caused by smoking. Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemical compounds, more than forty of which cause cancer, as well as several hundred poisons, including nicotine, cyanide, arsenic, formaldehyde, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocyanic acid, etc. Cigarette smoke contains radioactive substances: polonium, lead, bismuth. A pack of cigarettes a day is about 500 x-rays of radiation per year!

b) Alcoholism.

Speeches by class students.

1 student: In ancient times, people became acquainted with the unusual, cheerful effect of certain drinks. The most common milk, honey, fruit juices, after standing in the sun, changed not only their appearance and taste, but also acquired the ability to excite, instill a feeling of lightness, carelessness, and well-being. It didn’t take long for people to notice that the next day a person was paying with a headache, fatigue, and a bad mood. Our distant ancestors had no idea what a terrible enemy they had acquired. The main component of most alcoholic drinks is ethyl alcohol. Taken orally, after 5–10 minutes it is absorbed into the blood and distributed throughout the body. Alcohol is poison for any living cell. Burning quickly, it deprives tissues and organs of oxygen and water. Under the influence of alcohol, almost all physiological processes in the body are disrupted, and this can lead to serious illnesses. Alcohol has the fastest and most destructive effect on brain cells; the tissue of the kidneys, heart, blood vessels, and liver is degenerated.

2nd student: Under the influence of alcohol, blood vessels first dilate, and blood saturated with alcohol rapidly rushes to the brain, causing a sharp excitation of the nerve centers - this is where the overly cheerful mood and swagger of a drunken person come from. Following the increasing excitation in the cerebral cortex, a sharp weakening of the inhibition processes occurs. The cortex ceases to control the functioning of the (lower) subcortical parts of the brain. Therefore, an intoxicated person loses control over himself and a critical attitude towards his behavior. Losing his restraint and modesty, he says and does things that he would not say or do in a sober state. Each new portion of alcohol paralyzes the nerve centers more and more, as if connecting them and not allowing them to interfere with the chaotic activity of the sharply excited lower parts of the brain.

3rd student: The famous Russian psychiatrist S.S. Korsanov described this state as follows: “An intoxicated person does not think about the consequences of his words and actions and treats them extremely frivolously... Passions and bad impulses appear without any cover and encourage more or less wild actions. But in a normal state, the same person can be well-mannered, and modest, even shy. Everything in his personality that is restrained by his upbringing, his habits of decency, seems to come out. In a state of intoxication, a person can tell any secret, loses vigilance, and ceases to be careful. It is not without reason that they say: “What is on the sober mind is on the tongue of the drunk.”

4 student: Advertising of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes is prohibited on television, but beer advertising is still present. Beer is a completely affordable drink for young people. So it's harmless? Beer is not at all as harmless as it sometimes seems. It is made from a healthy product - barley. This drink contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats and even vitamins. But in the process of making beer, fermentation microbes destroy all useful components, so there is no benefit from it, to put it mildly. In addition, 0.5 liters of beer corresponds to 60-80 g of vodka. According to the observations of the German psychotherapist E. Kraepelin, 45% of his patients became alcoholics as a result of regularly drinking a lot of beer. In addition, do not forget that this is a very high-calorie drink. Regular beer consumers quickly get fat.

The presenter reads out the results of a survey among 7-8 grades on the topic

"Healthy lifestyle". A total of 75 students participated. As a result of the study, the following was revealed.

To the question: “Where do you most often meet your friends?”

At home - answered 19% of students; among friends – 11%; at a friend's apartment -

3%; at a disco - 19%; at school - 16%; on the street – 32%.

What do you usually do after school?

Drinking wine.

You're at the old station

You've been waiting for her for a long time.

But imagining

That the owner of everything

You live without getting up

But, losing everything!

You live without getting up

But losing everything!

And there are already hundreds of them!

Hundreds of thousands of them!

Having lost their lives,

They are ruining the lives of young people...

Hundreds in dope clubs!

With a dark flag in your hands!

Under the hypnosis of deception -

Death is before everyone's eyes!

The swamp is gently drowning...

Cling to the reeds!

Fight back! So that someone

I could help and get in!

Believe! Pray! Do not give up!

Don't go down that path!

Once you fall, get up

Come back home.

The problem of alcohol consumption is very relevant these days. Now the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the world is characterized by huge numbers. The whole society suffers from this, but first of all, the younger generation is at risk: children, adolescents, young people, as well as the health of expectant mothers. Alcohol has a particularly active effect on the unformed body, gradually destroying it.

c) Drug addiction.

Student's speech: Often the first step towards drugs is made out of curiosity. Up to 60% of drug addicts “tried” drugs this way. Drug addiction develops very quickly, its process is so rapid that at the age of 30-40 a drug addict is already a very old man. It only takes 2–3 months from psychological addiction to physical dependence. Drugs have an extremely pronounced effect on the human body. Nerve cells seem to burn out, and the body’s protective functions sharply decrease. The defenseless body is attacked by many diseases. All organs and systems of the body suffer: the heart muscle is affected, gastritis, peptic ulcers, pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis, cholelithiasis and kidney stones, pneumonia, pleurisy, hepatitis, AIDS occur. All types of metabolism are disrupted: protein, carbohydrate, fat. Personality changes are expressed in progressive degradation, often turning into dementia.

"Warm-up." Team captains must choose a petal from a seven-flowered flower. On these petals are tasks for “warm-up”. The name of the sport is written on the piece of paper

One team shows a pantomime, the others guess what kind of sport was shown.

For pantomime, the team receives 1–3 points. The team that is the first to solve the sport gets 1 point.

Erudite competition (Correct answer – 1 point for the team).

1. A.P. Chekhov said: “Kissing a smoking woman is the same as...” (...kiss the ashtray).

2.What would the ancient Greeks call a person suffering from the desire to become torpid? (Addict, from the Greek nark - numbness, mania - attraction).

3. In December 2000, the city authorities of this city, for the first time in the world, adopted the strictest smoking law, prohibiting smoking in public places, at work, in cafes, bars, and restaurants. Smoking in a public place is punishable by one year in prison or a fine of $1,000. Where was this law passed? (This law was passed by the authorities of New York).

4. The famous doctor P. Bragg said that there are 9 doctors. Starting from the fourth it is natural nutrition, fasting, sports, rest, good posture and mind. Name the first three doctors mentioned by Bragg. (Sun, air and water).

5. Name the principles of hardening - “Three Ps”. (Gradually, consistently, constantly).

6. What saying teaches us the correct diet? (Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to your enemy).

7. Who are “night owls” and “larks”? (These are people with different biological rhythms).

8. Why shouldn’t children under 15 do weightlifting? (Until this age, the skeleton is actively formed).

9. How many hours a day should a person sleep? (Adult – 8 hours, teenager – 9 – 10 hours, child – 10 – 12 hours).

10. What sports should you do to improve your posture? (Swimming, gymnastics, athletics).

"The most compelling argument"

Team captains need to make the most convincing argument for the need for a healthy lifestyle within a minute.

Dear Guys! I hope that our hour of communication was not in vain for you: this hour became for you, albeit a small, but a victory on the path to health! Let every hour, every day only increase your health!

The presenter thanks all the speakers and summarizes what was said above:

– The concept of “healthy lifestyle” includes the following components:

  • rejection of bad habits;

  • optimal motor mode;

  • balanced diet;

  • hardening;

  • personal hygiene;

  • positive emotions;

  • highly moral attitude towards people around, society, nature.

– Guys, let’s try to express our ideas about a happy, fulfilling life in the form of a tree of life. The leaves of this tree are the days of a person’s life. Each leaf will be fresh and green if the crown is supported by branches of equal value: “I can”, “I want”, “I must”. It’s wonderful that a person does in life what he can, and this does not contradict what he should, does not contradict the interests of other people; when what a person should do, he can and wants to do. These branches are supported by the trunk “healthy lifestyle”, fed by the roots – “components of a healthy lifestyle”.

The lesson ends with a study of public opinion: everyone is given blanks (made contours of a face on which only eyes are drawn.

Depending on their attitude to the problem of a healthy lifestyle, faith in personal opportunities to make their lives happy, optimism, children draw different facial expressions - the wider the smile, the more confidence in the future and in their strengths. The drawings are then hung on the board.

I wish you good health! Goodbye!


Smoking, alcoholism, and, especially, drug addiction are increasingly making teenagers think about their future. After all, all these habits affect the social, economic, psychological and cultural life of society.

Now, at the turn of the millennium, there is often talk about the approaching end of the world. But, if humanity does not stop, does not begin to think about itself, about its future, then it will doom itself to complete extinction. If measures are not taken to prevent the spread of alcohol, tobacco products, and drugs among young people, if a healthy lifestyle is not promoted, humanity will be left without a future, and, perhaps, in a few decades they will say about our time “they could not stop in time.” "...

The problem of “bad habits” is the most pressing in our time, and the fight against them is a task not only for the state as a whole, but also for each individual citizen. The methodological development is aimed, first of all, at informing adolescents about the harmful effects on the human body, especially on the body of a growing person.


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  8. Zaporozhenko V.G. Lifestyle and bad habits. - M.: Medicine, 1985.-32 p.

  9. The art of being healthy: Part 2 / Tchaikovsky A.M., Shenkman S.B. - 2nd ed., revised. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1997. - 96 p.: ill.

  10. Kazmin V.D. Smoking, us and our offspring. - M.: Sov. Russia, 1999. - 63 p.

  11. Kasmynina T.V. “The influence of alcohol on the body of half a child.” - M., Education, 1996.

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  13. Kuznetsova S.A., Zorina V.V., Zavizion M.A. I quit smoking today. // Biology at school. – 2001. – No. 6. – P. 61 – 66.

  14. Snyder D. Survival course for teenagers: Trans. from English - M.: Horizon, 1995. -208 p.

  15. Kutsenko G.I., Yu.V. Novikov, “Book about a healthy lifestyle”, Moscow, “PROFIZDAT” 2000

  16. Litvinov E.N., Lyubomirsky L.E., Meikson G.B., “How to become strong and resilient” - M., 2004.

  17. Muratova I.D., Sidorov P.I. "Anti-alcohol education at school", Arkhangelsk, 1997.

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  22. Nikolaeva Z.A. Alcoholism. Addiction. Substance abuse. (Concept. Qualification issues. Recommendations). -M., Education 1994.

  23. Khaletova S.S., Polevshchikov M.M., Shraga A.M. Basics of a healthy lifestyle. – Yoshkar-Ola: Mari Printing and Publishing Plant, 1997. – 205 p.

  24. Shatalova G.S. Philosophy of Health. - M, 1997.

  25. Sherikhova I.Ya. How to live today to have a chance to see tomorrow? /– 2001. – No. 6. – P. 37 – 40.

Annex 1.

Miracle touch: massage of “pressure points”

Massage helps restore strength, gives vigor and good health. mood for people.

Let's give an example of acupressure for the purpose of preventing acute respiratory disease (ARI).

There are many invisible bacteria and viruses, and among them are those that cause cough, runny nose, sore throat, ear pain, that is, acute respiratory diseases. Acute respiratory infections are insidious and dangerous diseases. Sometimes even a mild course of the disease can cause serious complications. There are many different ways to prevent and treat acute respiratory infections, but one of the simplest, most effective and harmless is massage of special areas on the skin that are associated with important regulators of the activity of internal organs. Acupressure techniques are very easy to learn. Let's study!

POINT 1 is associated with the mucous membrane of the trachea, bronchi, and also the bone marrow. Massaging this area reduces coughing and improves hematopoiesis.

POINT 2 regulates the body's immune functions. Resistance to infectious diseases increases.

POINT 3 controls the chemical composition of the blood and at the same time the mucous membrane of the larynx.

POINT 4 The back of the neck must be massaged from top to bottom. The neck zones are associated with the regulator of vascular activity in the head, neck and torso. The functioning of the vestibular apparatus is normalized.

POINT 5 is located in the area of ​​the seventh cervical and first thoracic vertebra.

POINT 6 improves blood supply to the mucous membranes of the nose and maxillary cavity. Breathing through the nose becomes free, the runny nose goes away.

POINT 7 improves blood supply to the eyeball and frontal regions of the brain.

POINT 8 massage of this area affects the hearing organs and vestibular apparatus.

POINT 9 Human hands are connected to all organs. By massaging these points, many body functions are normalized.

The massage should be done daily 3 times a day for 3 seconds (nine times in one direction, nine in the opposite direction).

Be healthy!

  • What kind of friendship will you make and what kind of life will you lead?

  • Live forever -

  • work forever,

  • and while working -

  • learn forever.

Wall decoration:

Russian folk proverbs:

  • Life is given for good deeds.

  • The kind of friendship you make is the kind of life you will lead.

  • Live forever, work forever, and while working, learn forever.

  • Everyone chews, but not everyone lives.

  • Health is the head of everything.

  • A healthy soul in a healthy body.

  • Health is more important than money.

  • You can't buy health.

  • Our happiness is in our hands.

  • Happiness is not sought, but made.

  • A man without friends is like a tree without roots.

Memo for students

1. Background information.

Valeology is the science of the formation, preservation and promotion of health. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not simply the absence of disease.

2. Components of health.

The ability to lead a healthy lifestyle depends on:

  • on gender, age, health status;

  • on living conditions (climate, housing);

  • on economic conditions (food, clothing, work, rest);

  • from having good habits (hygiene, hardening);

  • from the absence of bad habits (smoking, drinking, drug addiction, sedentary lifestyle, etc.).

  • Happiness

  • are not looking

  • but they do.

  • A man without friends

  • that tree

  • without roots.

  • Health is more important than money.

Autonomous institution of the Voronezh region "Voronezh Regional Children's Center for Social Rehabilitation and Health"

"Golden Ear"

Competition "Dobronezhets - 2017"


“I choose a healthy lifestyle - a healthy lifestyle!”


With. Middle Ikorets

Project name:“I choose a healthy lifestyle - a healthy lifestyle!

Abstract of the project.

“To gain health is courage,

and to manage it skillfully is an art.”

Francois Voleter.

D This social project was created with the intention of changing the existing attitude towards their health among the Center’s pupils through the promotion of a healthy lifestyle among teenagers, the opportunity to practically influence, through the efforts of the pupils themselves, the conscious choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle, life attitudes and value orientations of the pupils of our Center .

To implement the project, the following areas of activity were identified.

1) Study of factors influencing the value orientations of the Center’s pupils, conducting sociological surveys among adolescents and their parents (legal representatives) and forming, through the study of these factors, a value attitude towards their health.

2) Formation of key competencies:

Communicative competencies: group work skills, mastery of various social roles in a team;

Health-preserving competencies: know and apply the rules of personal hygiene, be able to take care of one’s own health and personal safety.

3) Increasing information awareness of pupils about socially significant diseases, such as drug addiction, smoking, HIV infection, alcoholism.

4) Involving children and adolescents in the social, sports, and creative life of the Center through a developed training system and conducting a large number of various events aimed at increasing intellectual potential and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

5) Cooperation with partner institutions and organizations for joint activities.

1. Description of the project.

1.1. Introduction.

1.3. Relevance of the project.

1.4. Objective of the project.

1.5.Project objectives.

1.6. Predicted results.

1.7. Project implementation plan.

1.8. Project implementation.

1.9. Conclusions.

1.1. Introduction.

1.2. Justification for choosing the topic.

IN The choice of the topic of our project is determined by the social significance of the Health problem. Human health is a relevant topic for discussion in all times and peoples. So in the parable " Happiness or Health?»:

Health and Happiness once argued about which of them is more important.

They turned to the boy.
- Boy, what is more important to you - happiness or health?
- Of course, happiness! - Without hesitation, the boy answered.
- You are happy?
- ABOUT! Yes, I'm happy!
- Here you see! - Happiness clapped her hands and jumped for joy. “I’m saying that happiness is more important.”
- Tell me, boy, are you healthy? - Health asked the next question.
- Yes, I'm healthy!
- You are lucky! — a woman passing by intervened in the conversation. — I would like your health, then I would be happy.

And in the 21st century, the problem of Health has become a priority problem.

Scientists, educators, doctors, sociologists and politicians note that the current socio-economic situation, falling living standards and environmental problems negatively affect the health of the entire population, but most of all the health of children and youth, which is of particular concern.¹

According to the National Center for Healthy Lifestyle Development, more than 40% of middle and older schoolchildren smoke, up to 39% drink alcohol occasionally, up to 17% try drugs, and up to 41% have early sexual intercourse. In connection with this, the number of sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS among children and adolescents, has increased tenfold. The number of births and abortions among minors remains at a high level (more than 9 thousand abortions per year) 2.

This significantly updates the role of all social institutions designed to solve the identified problems. An important role among them belongs to health centers, which act, firstly, as an institution that promotes the socialization and development of the child; secondly, as an opportunity to implement educational and health programs, including using non-traditional forms for schools; thirdly, as a basis for social and pedagogical creativity and improvement of existing methods for organizing pedagogical interaction.


¹ Baslaeva N.M., Savkin V.M. health of the nation: strategy and tactics (about the problems of health care in the regions of Russia) // Valeology. 1996, No. 2, p. 35 - 37.

² Drobizheva L.N., Director of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The value of health and the culture of ill health in Russia //http: // spkurdymov/

Social rehabilitation center "Golden Ear" is a unique environment in terms of the versatility of its impact on the child, not only in terms of health improvement and recreation, but also education, development of a value-based attitude to health, focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and prevention of negative phenomena in the child and adolescent environment. The educational process at the Center is carried out in parallel with the health process, in a holistic, continuous space.

On the basis of the Autonomous Institution of Higher Education “VODCSRO “Golden Ear””, the education of a conscious attitude to health, the formation of a value-based attitude to the culture of health is being developed. According to A. Schopenhauer, “Nine-tenths of our happiness depends on health.” And each of us must take care of our own health. If we don't do this, then no doctors will help us. Every person must learn to take responsibility for their own health.

1.3. Relevance of the project.

What is health? According to the definition of the World Health Organization: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental, social well-being of a person, the absence of disease, physical defects, an optimal level of performance with maximum life expectancy.” The Convention on the Rights of the Child spells out the child's legal rights - the right to healthy growth and development. The problems of maintaining the health of schoolchildren and instilling in them healthy lifestyle skills are very relevant today due to the sharp decrease in the percentage of healthy children and the increase in the number of those with chronic diseases and neuroses. The reasons for this condition are environmental violations, physical inactivity, neuropsychic stress, ignorance of one’s body, the state of the social environment, which results in a decrease in the standard of living.

A huge role in the development of a person as an individual is played by his way of life, which, in turn, depends on the way of thinking and the formation of life attitudes. Health is an incomparable value. Every person has an inherent desire to be strong and healthy.

Scientists believe that if we take the level of health conditionally as 100%, then 20% of it depends on hereditary factors, 20% on the effects of the environment, 10% on the activities of the health care system, and the remaining 50% depends on the person himself, on the lifestyle he leads.

Recently, public health indicators have been deteriorating. Based on medical examinations carried out in recent years, it is clear that the health of children is of particular concern.

All children passing through the social rehabilitation center have a complex medical status, which is often due to their social neglect. The lack of personal health priorities contributes to the significant spread of various forms of destructive behavior among children, including smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction. And since it is in early childhood, preschool and school age that human health is formed, the role of education in this matter is clear. That is why the formation of a healthy lifestyle for a child is of paramount importance.

The motto of our work to create a healthy lifestyle was the words of Francois Voleter: “To acquire health is courage, to maintain it is wisdom, and to manage it skillfully is art.”

Until recently, “health” in the majority of cases was understood as health in a narrow biological sense. From this point of view, health can be considered as a universal ability for versatile adaptation in response to the influence of the external environment and changes in the state of the internal environment. In this case, we are talking about the physiological adaptive capabilities of a person. But this is only part of the concept of healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle in the unity of its biological and social components is a social value, the strengthening of which is the most important task of any civilized society.

A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is the way of life of an individual with the aim of preventing diseases and promoting health.

A healthy lifestyle is a concept of human life aimed at improving and maintaining health through appropriate nutrition, physical fitness, morale and giving up bad habits.
There are other points of view on a healthy lifestyle:

« Healthy lifestyle is a system of reasonable human behavior (moderation in everything, optimal motor mode, hardening, proper nutrition, rational lifestyle and rejection of bad habits) on the foundation of moral, religious and national traditions, which provides a person with physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being in real environment and active longevity within the framework of earthly life allowed by the Lord.”

Developing healthy habits and skills from early childhood;
. environment: safe and favorable for living, knowledge about the impact of surrounding objects on health;
. giving up bad habits: self-poisoning with legal drugs (alcohol, tobacco) and illegal ones;
. nutrition: moderate, corresponding to the physiological characteristics of a particular person, awareness of the quality of the products consumed;
. movements: physically active life, including special physical exercises (for example, gymnastics), taking into account age and physiological characteristics;
. body hygiene: adherence to the rules of personal and public hygiene, first aid skills;
. hardening.

A person’s physiological state is greatly influenced by his psycho-emotional state, which, in turn, depends on his mental attitudes. Therefore, some authors also highlight the following additional aspects of a healthy lifestyle:

Emotional well-being: mental hygiene, the ability to cope with one’s own emotions and difficult situations;

Intellectual well-being: a person's ability to learn and use new information to perform optimally in new circumstances;
. spiritual well-being: the ability to set truly meaningful, constructive life goals and strive for them, optimism.

Healthy lifestyle depends from:

— objective social conditions, socio-economic factors;
— specific forms of life activity, socio-economic factors that make it possible to maintain and implement a healthy lifestyle in the main spheres of life: educational, labor, family, leisure;
— systems of value relations that direct people’s conscious activity towards a healthy lifestyle.

At the first stage We conducted a study of factors influencing the value orientations of students of the Golden Spike Center on healthy lifestyle.

So, children in need of state support, by type of family and number in the AU VO “VODCSR “Golden Spike” in 2016, were distributed as follows:

Number of children in the Autonomous Institution of Higher Education "VODCSRO "Golden Ear"

by type of family and number

in 2016

Children from families:

Amount of children

Large families


Single mother

Parents of disabled people

Under guardianship and trusteeship

Unemployed parents

With disabled children




Thus, there is a decline in living standards. Of the 2,776 people who underwent social rehabilitation at the Autonomous Institution of Higher Education “VODCSRO “Golden Spike” in 2016, 2,018 people (73%) have objective reasons for the violation of social well-being.

What is the real picture of the health of children in our Center?

Based on the results of annual examinations of children, doctors assess their health status in order to identify and prevent the spread of diseases. Analysis of the results of medical examinations shows that among pupils in grades 1-9, health group II is predominant, and only 32% of pupils have health group I.

The first two places on the list of pupils' diseases are occupied by spinal diseases and visual impairment. They are dangerous, first of all, because they impair the functioning of many other organs (especially the heart, lungs, and stomach). As children grow older, these illnesses can significantly limit their career choices.

Schoolchildren know little about ways to maintain health. Most often, by a healthy lifestyle they understand the absence of bad habits.

Questioning among students made it possible to reveal that modern teenagers are characterized by the presence of different, sometimes mutually exclusive, life goals.

During a survey of adolescents to identify attitudes towards bad habits, the following information was obtained:

Of the 536 people who took part in the survey, 97 people do not consider smoking cigarettes, using surfactants, or drinking alcoholic beverages dangerous for people.

456 people will refuse the offer to take the drug, 60 people do not know what they will do, 13 people will agree.

139 people will agree to an offer to drink in a group, 128 people don’t know what to do, and 270 people will refuse.

Attitude towards smoking:

I don't smoke, because... it is harmful - 291 people;

If you smoke in moderation, it is not harmful - 20 people;

I only tried a few times - 65 people;

I smoke constantly - 73 people;

I smoke, but if I want I can always quit - 87 people.

At the same time, for the majority of children surveyed, of course, important life values ​​are: family, friendship, education, health.

In a sociological survey to the question:

What, in your opinion, is a priority for a child’s full life?”.

More than half of the parents (legal representatives) surveyed believe that a happy life requires, first of all, health, family, a good education, material well-being and an interesting job. Moreover, “health” is the absolute leader here.

91.2% of parents (legal representatives) noted good health as a priority.

The primary diagnostics and survey of adolescents carried out at the Center helped to identify “Why do teenagers become addicted to bad habits?”

Information data

about teenagers at social risk

Teenagers themselves believe that this happens for various reasons, most often due to imitation of the leader, comrades, “for company,” and “extra” free time. For many, the reason for starting to drink alcohol and smoke is lack of spirituality and a false value system, personal and family circumstances. Poor mental and physical health, weak will and easy suggestibility, selfishness, bad company.

Thus, the study showed that the health of young people is of high spiritual and social value. Adolescents and children are most susceptible to socially significant diseases due to the lack of specific knowledge, prevailing myths among young people about bad habits, low level of information awareness, and poor employment in their free time. It is also necessary to understand the importance of modern problems associated with the growth of socially significant diseases, tobacco smoking, drug addiction, alcoholism and other equally dangerous diseases.

In this regard, there is a need to create preventive measures to promote a healthy lifestyle among adolescents. Thus, events were needed to encourage teenagers to take care of their own health.

It should be noted that only systematic implementation of health work will give the desired result, will help to acquire not only solid knowledge, but also conscious skills, and will ensure the formation of positive attitudes towards protecting one’s health.

1.4. Objective of the project:

Assisting in the formation in children and adolescents of a conscious need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

1.5 . Project objectives:

    • to form attitudes towards maintaining and actively promoting a healthy lifestyle;
    • stimulate and support children’s initiatives to implement the project;
    • teach responsible attitude towards ways and techniques of preserving and strengthening one’s own health;
    • increase the motor activity of pupils;
    • prevention of bad habits;
    • organize cooperation with partner institutions and organizations to promote a healthy lifestyle.

1.6. Predicted results

The results of this project can be assessed by the following indicators:

    • increasing motivation for a healthy lifestyle through creative and intellectual self-expression of adolescents;
    • development of social and communication skills, such as the ability to cooperate, bear responsibility for decisions made, formation of an attitude towards the development of personal qualities necessary for successful life in modern society;
    • improving children's knowledge about healthy lifestyle;
    • increasing motivation for physical activity;
    • carrying out joint actions and events to promote a healthy lifestyle with partner institutions and organizations.

1.7. Project implementation plan:

Stage 1 Preparatory

To explore the factors influencing the value orientations of the Center's students, possible solutions to the problem of low motivation of schoolchildren to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Identify sources of information (scientific and reference literature, Internet resources, conversations with medical professionals, teachers, educators, parents, psychologists).

Stage 2 Work planning

Draw up and agree on an organizational plan for joint actions to develop key competencies of students in matters of maintaining and promoting health; increasing information awareness of pupils about socially significant diseases, maintaining mental balance and training stress resistance.

Stage 3 Project implementation

4. Implement the project in accordance with the developed action plan.

Stage 4 Reflection

5. Draw conclusions about the degree to which the goals and objectives have been achieved.

6. Include teenagers in real practical activities

dissemination of the project idea in the educational environment.

1.8. Project implementation

At the moment, issues of promotion and prevention of a healthy lifestyle are one of the highest priorities in our Center. In order to most effectively solve the tasks set in the project, it is necessary not only the efforts of the teaching and medical workers of the Center, but first of all the teenagers themselves, since they are the most active and dynamic group with their own inclinations and interests, their own views on life and own future.

For this purpose, the Center conducted surveys, disputes, and debates among teenagers on the issue “What activities will help increase students’ information awareness about healthy lifestyle?”

During the discussions, students put forward the following proposals:

    • A visit to the Golden Ear Training Center for informational and educational classes and preventive activities, trainings to deepen knowledge about healthy lifestyles;
    • Selection of information for the release of newsletters, presentations, drawing competitions “We are for a healthy lifestyle!”;
    • Design of wall newspapers, posters, stand “A healthy lifestyle is..”;
    • Selection and organization of viewing films on healthy lifestyle topics, a competition of social advertising videos;
    • Active participation in sports and activities aimed at increasing intellectual potential and promoting a healthy lifestyle among students;
    • Collaboration with public and partner organizations to conduct joint events.
    • Development of Instructions for Parents and Healthy Lifestyle Rules.

To implement these proposals and achieve the goals and objectives set in the project, a set of actions and activities was included in the system of actions:

To teach a responsible attitude towards ways and techniques of preserving and strengthening one’s own health, it is organized sanitary educational work, which is carried out by doctors, nurses and educators on the following topics:

    • Daily regime. The benefits of morning exercises.
    • Hygiene in adolescence.
    • Bad habits: smoking, alcoholism, a future without drugs.
    • Prevention of acute intestinal infections.
    • About the benefits of vitamins.

Systematically, for preventive purposes, the educators of each unit plan to carry out awareness-raising sessions on healthy lifestyle(3-4 classes per quarter).

Classes conducted in the form of health hours, conversations, quizzes, development lessons, communication lessons with training elements and others evoke opposition to smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs, and a desire to take care of one’s health.


The formation of a healthy lifestyle is a complex systemic process that covers many components of the lifestyle of modern society and includes the main spheres and directions of people’s life. Yu. P. Lisitsyn distinguishes three categories in lifestyle.


  • Standard of living
  • The quality of life
  • Life style
The standard of living is the degree to which material, cultural, and spiritual needs are satisfied (mainly an economic category). Quality of life characterizes comfort in meeting human needs (primarily a sociological category). And, finally, lifestyle is a behavioral feature of a person’s life, that is, a certain standard to which the psychology and psychophysiology of the individual (socio-psychological category) adapts.

The work to implement the project directly affects the third category - lifestyle. Unfortunately, some teenagers remain passive, mistakenly believing that they are unable to bring positive changes to the life of the Center’s staff. The expected way out of this situation is personal self-development, overcoming one’s own limitations and fears. To solve these problems, educational psychologists are involved.

Psychological improvement of children is aimed at increasing the level of socialization of children:

    • creating a favorable psychological atmosphere in temporary children's groups;
    • formation of a cohesive team;
    • promoting self-determination of each child in a temporary children's group;
    • formation of adequate self-esteem in children;
    • formation of “team spirit”, an atmosphere of cooperation, mutual assistance and understanding;
    • organizing the effective work of children's self-government bodies;
    • formation of motivation to choose an active life position through a system of personal growth.

Forms of work used in this area by the psychological service:

Organizational period:

    • monitoring the situation of children's adaptation in a temporary children's group;
    • individual consultations on emergency problems;
    • training “Introduction to healthy lifestyle”.

Main period:

    • accompaniment of participants in the pedagogical process in new situations of personal development through a) individual and group diagnostics, b) individual and group classes, c) socio-psychological trainings;
    • monitoring the psychological situation in the Center;
    • work of the Psychotherapeutic Theater club.

Final period:

    • promoting the harmonization of the inner world and providing psychological assistance to children and teachers who need psychological support through individual and group consultations;
    • monitoring the psychological situation in the Center.

Briefly about the work done:

A training system “Introduction to Healthy Lifestyle” has been developed and is being put into practice:

1. Daily routine.

2. Proper nutrition.

3. Physical education and sports.

4. Mental health.

5. First aid.

Teenagers undergo preliminary diagnostics. Based on the results of preliminary diagnostics, they are sent to attend one or another training.

The training method is used for the following reasons:

Training is one of the active teaching methods that ensures the activation of creative potential, activity and variety of mental and practical activities of participants; aimed at developing certain knowledge, skills, abilities, better understanding of oneself and others;

Assimilation of the necessary material occurs much easier in the process of active, exciting co-creation of group members;

The training develops practical skills.

Trainings (“Accepting yourself”, “Accepting others”, “Finding a way out of a difficult situation”, “Be able to say NO”, and others) help to reveal the characteristics of the mental development of children, give recommendations on maintaining mental balance and training stress resistance. They lead to the conclusion: most often we ourselves are to blame for all health problems. This is, firstly. Secondly, we have no one to rely on; we need our own efforts, first of all in understanding the risk, developing a behavior program, and most importantly, in its constant implementation. A healthy lifestyle is that individual system of behavior and habits of each individual person, providing him with the necessary level of vital activity and healthy longevity.

The trainings should help reveal the characteristics of children’s mental development, give recommendations on maintaining mental balance and training stress resistance. Many teachers of the Center leave positive reviews about the results of the work of the Center’s psychologists and note positive changes after the trainings.

The project is implemented through:

Organization of sports festivals and educational and entertainment events at various levels;

Organization of the work of the volunteer movement, propaganda teams;

Organizing meetings with interesting people;

Work of clubs and sections of interest;

Conducting small forms of physical education (exercises, dynamic pauses);

Outdoor games;

Organization of competitions;

Joint healthy lifestyle events with public and partner organizations

It must be emphasized that today the formation of motivation for a healthy lifestyle in children and adolescents is of particular importance:

    • No medical institutions will be able to make a child healthy if he has not received the skills of a healthy lifestyle in the family from a very early age.
    • High performance depends on physical activity, hardening of the body, and the optimal combination of mental and physical labor.
    • The causes of health problems can be mental and physical stress, insufficient sleep and inadequate rest, poor environment, excess or insufficient nutrition, bad habits, untimely and poor-quality medical care, etc.
    • A healthy lifestyle involves physical activity, an optimal work and rest schedule, proper nutrition, sufficient physical activity, personal hygiene, hardening, a negative attitude towards bad habits, a positive perception of life, etc.
    • Health and longevity are achieved primarily by those people who always adhere to the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in educational institutions at their place of residence when working in volunteer associations, in the production of propaganda posters, leaflets, etc.

It is necessary to involve up to 90% of children and adolescents in the social, sports, and creative life of the Center through participation and holding a large number of different events aimed at increasing intellectual potential and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

By means of an intermediate survey, it is necessary to identify the students’ need for circle work. The Golden Ear training center provides children with a choice of the following clubs and sections:

    • Military sports squad "Shot";
    • Sports club "Fitness aerobics";
    • "Psychotherapeutic theater";
    • Computer Literacy Club “Pervologo”;
    • A number of artistic and aesthetic circles;
    • Gym;
    • Sport sections.

Club work gives teenagers a real opportunity to implement practical recommendations on a healthy lifestyle and to get involved in real practical activities to promote a healthy lifestyle. It is planned to attract up to 50% of teenagers to clubs, clubs and interest groups in the first year of the project and up to 60% in the second year. The circle members are organizing:

    • various sports competitions (matches, promotions, tournaments, Olympic Games);
    • various sports and recreational meetings and events (meetings with medical specialists, discussions on healthy lifestyle, open tables, conversations);
    • competitions and competitive events (drawing competitions “No to bad habits!”, “Our health is in our hands!”, “This wonderful world”, poster competitions “We are for a healthy lifestyle”, wall newspapers and others);

When holding competitive events, all students were involved not only in participating in the events themselves, but also in selecting information for the release of newsletters, presentations, and drawing competitions “We are for a healthy lifestyle! Wall newspapers, posters, and a stand “A healthy lifestyle is..” were designed, films on healthy lifestyles were shown, and a competition for social advertising videos was held.

mass dance “battles” between units and other centers;

sports, entertainment and educational events, flash mobs (competitive program “Health is a peak that a person can climb on his own”, election game “Smoking for and against”, sports marathons, Health Days, healthy lifestyle campaigns, sports and fitness weeks, decades “On the Paths of Health”, and others).

All the activities listed above, with proper organization and participation of children and adolescents, help increase motivation for a healthy lifestyle, develop social and communicative skills, such as the ability to cooperate, take responsibility for decisions made, improve children’s knowledge about healthy lifestyle, increase motivation for motor activity.

To implement the project for a long-term period, contracts and agreements have been concluded with a number of partner and public organizations for various joint events:

    • Children's District Library of Liski;
    • Liskinsky MRO of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Voronezh region;
    • State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education “Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Support and Development of Children”;
    • MKOU DOD "Liskinsky Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth";
    • BUZ VO "Liskinskaya RB";
    • Liskinsky Territorial Election Commission;
    • Active recreation club Shooter;
    • Parents Against Drugs Committee
    • ODDN of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Liskinsky district;
    • KDN and ZP of the administration of the Liskinsky municipal district;
    • Rector of the Church of the Intercession in Liski.

Activities demonstrate to students that a healthy lifestyle greatly contributes to the reasonable satisfaction of a person’s physical and spiritual needs, the formation of a socially active personality who understands personal responsibility for their health as a criterion for socio-economic development. And each of us must take care of our own health. If we don't do this, then no doctors will help us. Every person must learn to take responsibility for their own health.

The main result of joint activities to promote a healthy lifestyle is the understanding by the participants of the process that each person must take an individual and creative approach to their health.

In order to popularize a healthy lifestyle, joint events are covered in the media.

A large place in the implementation of the project is given to the volunteer movement for a healthy lifestyle. Trained volunteers pass on their knowledge on promoting a healthy lifestyle, developing an active life position, teaching children optimism, communication skills and inspiring them to take further independent actions towards developing a healthy lifestyle. Following the example of volunteers, propaganda teams are created to carry out various events: “A day without illness”, “Volunteer for children”, “Give yourself a chance for a long life”, “It is fashionable to be healthy” and others.

Much attention is paid in the project to the design of thematic visual propaganda. The information “Health Corner” is systematically updated: “Simple rules against AIDS” (April), “Prevention of colds” (May), “Prevention of intestinal infections”, “Day routine”, “Compliance with personal hygiene rules” (June). Design of the “Live Long” health corner.

1.9. conclusions

At the intermediate stages of the project, factors influencing the value orientations of students were identified and studied in detail, and the main directions for further activities were formed. Various events and promotions carried out over the 12 months of the project contributed to the growth of awareness of children and adolescents about a healthy lifestyle, as well as their direct involvement in social, sports and creative life.

Through the implementation of the planned program of activities, the following results were achieved:

    formation of stable behavioral patterns that prevent the use of psychoactive substances;

    developing skills to regulate factors that determine health;

    increased self-esteem, personal growth, formation of an attitude towards the development of personal qualities necessary for successful life in modern society;

    creative and intellectual self-expression of adolescents.

Real confirmation of the formation of the rudiments of a responsible attitude towards one’s health are changes in the results of a survey to identify attitudes towards bad habits:

During the final survey of adolescents to identify attitudes towards bad habits, the following information was obtained:

Of the 536 people who took part in the survey, 24 people (from 97) do not consider smoking cigarettes, using surfactants, or drinking alcoholic beverages dangerous for people. Changed their minds - 73 teenagers.

522 people will refuse the offer to take the drug (from 456). Changed their minds - 66 people.

434 people (from 270) would refuse an offer to drink in company. Changed their minds - 164 people.

Attitude towards smoking:

I don't smoke, because... it is harmful - 396 people (from 291). Changed their minds - 105 teenagers. Quit smoking - 105 people

After conducting trainings on the “Introduction to Healthy Lifestyle” program:

Gained knowledge of how to understand your body and approach any recommendation carefully and with doubt;

Gained the skills to create your own healthy lifestyle program.

The monitoring covered 758 people. The monitoring reveals:

1. Level of development of the child’s emotional-volitional sphere.

2. Level of development of students’ self-worth.

3. The degree of disruption and restoration of children’s communication connections.

4. The degree of development of the ability to be responsible for one’s actions.

Indicator assessment (to be completed at the beginning and end of the course in points 1-5)



for 2016

Minor positive changes are noticeable.

The overall results of the activities of volunteers (members of propaganda teams) implemented during the year within the framework of this social project can be

name the increase in information awareness of pupils about socially significant problems in the teenage environment and the activation of the initiative part of teenagers to solve the problems posed, as evidenced by the choice of the best events by pupils by voting “We are for a healthy lifestyle”, as well as the distribution of brochures produced by the pupils themselves “Rules of a Healthy Image” life":

Rules for a healthy lifestyle.

Exercise 3-5 times a week, without overexerting yourself with intense exercise. Be sure to find a way of physical activity just for yourself.

Don't overeat or starve. Eat 4-5 times a day, consuming the amount of proteins, vitamins and minerals necessary for a growing body, limiting yourself in fats and sweets.

Do not overwork yourself with mental work. Try to get satisfaction from your studies. And in your free time, be creative.

Treat people kindly. Know and follow the rules of communication.

Develop, taking into account your individual characteristics of character and body, a way of going to bed that allows you to quickly fall asleep and restore your strength.

Engage in daily hardening of the body and choose methods for yourself that not only help develop immunity, but also bring pleasure.

Learn not to give in when you are offered to try a cigarette or alcohol.

The criterion for the effectiveness of creating a healthy lifestyle is not behavior, but a real increase in the amount of health. Together, the Center’s medical workers and physical education instructors conduct a quarterly assessment of the effectiveness of the health improvement of children and adolescents.

Here is the table for 2016:


effectiveness of health improvement for children and adolescents

at the Autonomous Institution of Higher Education "VODCSRO "Golden Ear"

for 2016

In total, 2,776 people were made healthier in 2016.

The social project program is designed for a long-term period and is being implemented during 2016-2017, having a main list of ongoing events and trainings, which is constantly updated.

Analysis at the initial stages of project implementation showed that:

— the information received made us think about the use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs by adolescents and ways to personally resist involvement in their use;

— the choice of a healthy lifestyle has become significantly stronger;

— project participants learned many new opportunities for interesting and useful spending of time;

— the acquired knowledge and skills are in demand and are disseminated in children’s volunteer associations in the area of ​​residence.

Thus, it seems necessary to continue work towards the formation of value ideas about a healthy lifestyle, creating an attitude towards children’s conscious attitude towards their health, and a conscious refusal to be involved in the use of psychoactive substances.

Class hour on the topic:

“I choose a healthy lifestyle” (lesson - competition)

Purpose of the competition : to form students’ need for a healthy lifestyle.


help students realize the importance of a reasonable attitude towards their health;

promote children's health;

develop skills in working in groups, communication skills, attention, imagination, ingenuity, creativity, speech;

cultivate a culture of behavior and communication when working in groups.

Office decoration:

a poster with the name of the competition program “It’s great to be healthy!”;

student drawings on the board;

along the perimeter of the office there are family wall newspapers “We are for a healthy lifestyle!”;

tables for two teams.

Equipment: computer; sheets with the letters Z, D, O, R, O, V, L, E; cards with proverbs; casket and items for it; assignment sheets; markers; diplomas.

Teacher : Hello, dear guys! I am glad to see you at our health festival called “It’s great to be healthy!”

Together: Hello! We wish everyone good health!

Teacher: Human health is the main value in life. Money can't buy health. Being sick, you will not be able to realize your dreams, you will not be able to solve vital problems. We all want to grow up strong and healthy. Being healthy is a natural human desire; sooner or later everyone thinks about their health. Each of us must realize what a priceless treasure this is. Let's think together about what health and a healthy lifestyle are.


So that we can be beautiful

So as not to be whiny,

So that any business is in your hands

They argued and burned...


So that the songs can be sung louder,

To make our life more interesting...

Boy and girl:You need to be strong and healthy.

Teacher: Our competition is called "It's Great to Be Healthy!" And today we will try to prove it to each other and to ourselves. The game involves 2 teams. First gaming table - team _____________________________________;

the second gaming table is the team.

Our competition will be monitored by a strict jury consisting of _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

So, let's begin our competition program. The first competition is called "Health".

Competition "Health"

For each letter in the word “health” you need to select other words that are related to health and a healthy lifestyle. Each word will bring the team one point. One minute is allotted to complete the task. (Music plays while the teams work.)

Competition "Folk Wisdom Says"

Teams receive cards with unfinished proverbs. The participants’ task is to complete the proverbs about health. At the end of the competition, team representatives read out their options for ending the proverbs. For each correct answer, the team receives one point.

Purity - ___________________________________________.

(Answer: the key to health.)

Health is good – _______________________________.

(Answer: thanks to the charger.)

If you want to be healthy – _______________________________.

(Answer: toughen up.)

In a healthy body - _____________________________________.

(Answer: a healthy mind.)

Teacher: In the meantime, the teams are responding, let's play with the fans. Answer in unison, “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends,” if you agree with me. If this is not about you, then be silent, don’t make noise.

Game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends" (for fans)

Questions for students:

which of you is always ready to live life without doctors;

who doesn’t want to be healthy, cheerful, slim and cheerful;

who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education;

whoever is not afraid of frost flies on skates like a bird;

Well, who will start dinner with chewing gum and a couple of sweets;

who loves tomatoes, fruits, vegetables, lemons;

who has eaten and brushes their teeth regularly twice a day;

Which one of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear?

who performs physical exercises according to the schedule;

who, I want to know from you, likes to sing and relax?

Competition "You can't buy health - your mind gives it"

Teams are given questions to which they must give affirmative or negative answers. For each correct answer, the team receives one point. Questions:

1. Do you agree that exercise is a source of vigor and health?

(Answer: yes.)

2. Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth? (Answer: no.)

3. Is it true that you should brush your teeth once a day? (Answer: no.)

4. Is it true that bananas lift your spirits? (Answer: yes.)

5. Is it true that carrots slow down the aging of the body? (Answer: yes.)

6. Is it easy to quit smoking? (Answer: no.)

7. Is it true that lack of sun causes bad mood? (Answer: yes.)

8. Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for the whole year? (Answer: no.)

9. Is it true that you need to drink two glasses of milk every day? (Answer: yes.)

10. Is it true that a bad mood affects your health? (Answer: yes.)

Teacher: To be healthy, you need to know and be able to do a lot. During the next competition you will also need to answer questions.

For each correct answer the team will receive 2 points.

Competition "Knowledge is power"

Questions are given that need to be answered. Questions:

1. What is the name of the result of the impact of frost on the human body? (Answer: frostbite.)

2. Who can infect a person with rabies? (Answer: animals.)

3. What are the names of drinks that ruin human health? (Answer: alcohol.)

4. What is the name of the dressing material? (Answer: bandage.)

5. What is the name of the injury caused by fire? (Answer: burn.)

6. What helps to harden the body? (Answer: sun, air, water.)

Competition "Riddles about the daily routine"


1. You decided to become healthy, so follow... (answer: regimen);

2. In the morning at seven our cheerful friend rings persistently... (answer: alarm clock);

3. Our whole friendly team got up to exercise... (answer: family);

4. Of course, I won’t break the regime - I wash myself in a cold... (answer: shower);

5. After a shower and exercise, a hot meal awaits me... (answer: breakfast);

6. I always wash my hands with soap, no need to call us... (answer: Moidodyra);

7. After lunch you can have a nice sleep, or you can go in the yard... (answer: play);

8. After dinner, fun - we take dumbbells in our hands, play sports with dad, our mother... (answer: smile);

9. The moon is looking through our window, which means it’s been a long time to sleep... (answer: it’s time).

For fans


Friends, I have poems for you,

But you will help me read them.

As soon as I raise my hand up,

Everyone says the word “health”!

We must know the laws of ____________ firmly!

Take care and protect your ____________!

Means a lot!

Most important of all!

Captains Competition.

Teacher: Now answer the riddles. You will be given a verbal clue, and you must guess what it is. Listen carefully to the hint:

1. These plants with a characteristic pungent odor are a good remedy for the prevention of colds (answer: onions, garlic);

2. Substances that must be taken if you are taking strong medications (answer: vitamins);

4. Liquid, not water, white, not snow (answer: milk).

Competition “A healthy lifestyle is stylish!

Students should write down the rules of a healthy lifestyle on sheets of paper. Teams work to music, then read out their rules. For each rule, the team receives one point.

Girl: Now let's rest a little. I ask everyone to stand up. Straighten your toes, clasp your hands behind your back, and squat several times. Close your eyes, open your eyes (5 times). Raise your shoulders one by one (5 times). Hands on the waist, tilts to the right, left. What can you call what we are doing now? That's right, warm up, exercise, i.e. we lead an active lifestyle that helps improve health.

(The jury sums up the results of the competition and awards the teams with certificates.)


A man was born

Got up on my feet and walked!

Made friends with the wind and the sun,

May you breathe well!


Accustomed myself to order,

He got up early in the morning.

He was vigorously doing exercises,

I took a cold shower.


Every day he ran, jumped,

I swam a lot, played ball,

Gaining strength for life,

And he didn’t whine or get sick.


Went to bed at eight thirty

I fell asleep very quickly.

I went to study with interest

And I got straight A's.


Everyone get up early in the morning,

Take a cool shower,

Get ready to exercise,

Fortify yourself with porridge and butter!

Teacher: Health is an invaluable wealth in the life of any person. Each of us has an inherent desire to be strong and healthy, to maintain mobility, vigor, energy for as long as possible and to achieve longevity. I hope that today's game was not in vain and you learned a lot from it. It’s not for nothing that they say: “If you’re healthy, you’ll get everything.” So be healthy everyone, goodbye!

I think many will agree with me that with age the state of the body begins to worry greatly, this forces you to think about the fact that it’s time to make changes in your life. The years go by, and I’m not getting any younger, and that’s why I consciously choose a healthy lifestyle.

For the last two years, I’ve been doing exercises every morning, consisting of the same exercises; to be honest, I’m pretty tired of it, because my exercises have turned into a mechanical action that doesn’t bring pleasure. My acquaintance with Natalya changed my understanding of the very concept of “healthy lifestyle”.

I choose a healthy lifestyle

I knew before that this included proper nutrition, proper drinking of water, and, like, the need to exercise. But it’s only now that this has come together into the overall picture; it turns out that all this can be combined with ease.

Natalya invited me to participate in a test group; I thought it was exciting.

The offer to try simple gymnastics captivated me with its simplicity and the fact that the complex is based on the author’s 20 years of practice in working with groups. What I liked most is that the lesson is recorded in the form of a video and can be done at home, at any time.

Healthy lifestyle - my feelings

The first day was especially difficult: the unusual intensity, the desire to keep up with the trainer, as well as the wrong clothes for classes created severe discomfort. The joints of my legs began to ache very much, the muscles of my arms ached, and I felt slightly dizzy.
As a beginner, I received additional attention from the coach: in the first days, every day she was interested in my well-being and carefully analyzed what and how I did, where I made mistakes in Accent gymnastics.

My mistakes were funny: at first I didn’t even notice that the trainer on the screen was working out barefoot, and I was wearing flip-flops and even socks - it all slipped and caused unnecessary stress. The next day I was already working out barefoot, and the feeling of discomfort disappeared.

Regarding fatigue of the arm muscles, it was just a natural return of the necessary load; on the 3rd day everything returned to normal. Moreover, I soon began to perform the exercises quite easily, and the complex began to remind me of a pleasant dance therapy.

The benefits of a healthy lifestyle are obvious to me

After a month of daily exercise, I noticed the following changes in my body:

  • cervical spine: crunching has decreased and pleasant mobility has appeared
  • shoulder girdle and arms: pain in the shoulders from strenuous sedentary work has decreased
  • stomach area: it’s not clear how it works, but the mobility in the waist area makes me happy
  • hip area: movements resemble belly dancing, and my waist has decreased by 2 cm (my most pleasant result)

What I liked about gymnastics Accent

The alternation of exercises resonated in my soul and body: they are structured as if water flows from top to bottom. I liked that the classes were not accompanied by a voice - personally, this always distracted me.

I liked that the coach didn’t wear a super suit that would have been too tight on her figure, and against this background I would have been worried about my figure, which was far from perfect.
It is favorable that the clothes on the trainer are neutral black. I also liked the selection of music, and the last melody plays in my head almost until the evening, reminding me of a pleasant morning activity.

Today, I no longer have enough leg exercises and breathing exercises. This is just the first set of simple health-improving gymnastics, so I’m looking forward to the continuation.

Time flies by, at the beginning of classes I looked at the clock, when will it end, now I wonder - maybe I missed something, why so quickly? The classes became so natural for me that I started conducting them with the window open (let me remind you: it’s winter now, and I don’t belong to the “walrus” category).

Erzi Alidarova
Project “I choose a healthy lifestyle - a healthy lifestyle!”

Name project: "I I choose healthy lifestyle - a healthy lifestyle

Stage project: Project under implementation

annotation project.

"Purchase health - courage,

and to manage it skillfully is an art.”

Francois Voleter.

Relevance project.

What's happened health? According to the definition of the World Organization health: « Health- this is a state of complete physical, mental, social well-being of a person, absence of diseases, physical defects, optimal level of performance for maximum duration life" The Convention on the Rights of the Child spells out his legal rights - the right to healthy growth and development. Conservation issues health preschoolers and imparting skills to them healthy lifestyle very relevant today due to the sharp decline in interest rates healthy children, an increase in the number of people with chronic diseases and neuroses. The reasons for this condition are environmental violations, physical inactivity, neuropsychic stress, ignorance of one’s body, the state of the social environment, which results in a decrease in the level of life.

Plays a huge role in the development of a person as an individual. his way of life, which, in turn, depends on image thinking and formation life attitudes. Health- incomparable value. Every person has an inherent desire to be strong and healthy.

Until recently, under « health» in the majority of cases it was understood health in a narrow biological sense. From this point of view health can be considered as a universal ability for versatile adaptation in response to the influence of the external environment and changes in the state of the internal environment. In this case, we are talking about the physiological adaptive capabilities of a person. But this is only part of the concept of healthy lifestyle.

Healthy lifestyle in the unity of its biological and social components, it represents a social value, the strengthening of which is the most important task of any civilized society.

Healthy lifestyle(HLS) - Lifestyle individual person for the purpose of preventing diseases and strengthening health.

Healthy lifestyle is a concept human life aimed at improving and preserving health through appropriate nutrition, physical fitness, morale and avoidance of bad habits. There are other points of view on healthy lifestyle:

« Healthy lifestyle- this is a system of reasonable human behavior (moderation in everything, optimal motor mode, hardening, proper nutrition, rational regimen life and rejection of bad habits) on the foundation of moral, religious and national traditions, which provides a person with physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being in the real environment and active longevity within the framework of the earthly life allowed by the Lord life».

Target: introducing children to healthy lifestyle, physical development and education of preschool children.


Prevention of antisocial manifestations.

Form initial ideas about healthy lifestyle;

Ensure the psychophysical well-being of children and form a conscious attitude towards their own health;

Develop and improve children’s motor skills;

Cultivate the desire to be healthy;

To form in parents and children the responsibility for preserving and strengthening health;

Cultivate good feelings, emotional responsiveness, and the ability to distinguish between the emotional states and moods of others.

Expected results:

Children's understanding that healthy lifestyle- the basis for full development.

Children experience a conscious need and need to observe the rules of personal hygiene, daily routine of physical activity

culture, doing daily morning exercises, proper nutrition.

A consciously caring attitude towards one’s own has been formed health, the most valuable - human life and a sense of responsibility for one’s behavior.

Skills related to project activities.

Reducing morbidity and increasing levels children's health;

Active assistance and interest of parents in organizing work on children's health.

Social significance

Choosing my theme project due to the social significance of the problem Health. Health human beings is a relevant topic for discussion among all times and peoples. So in the parable "Happiness or Health:

We argued once Health and Happiness about that which one is more important? Happiness speaks: - I am more important! - Why? - People feel bad without me. They are always looking for me. Everyone just talks about me. Everyone wants to be happy. - Everyone also wants to be healthy. - About few people talk about health, but everything is about happiness. - Do you think that people don't need health? - Happiness is more important! A person cannot live without it. Look, there's a boy coming. Let's ask him what is more important for him - happiness or health? They turned to the boy. - Boy, what is more important for you - happiness or health? - Of course, happiness! – without hesitation, the boy answered. - You are happy? - ABOUT! Yes, I'm happy! - Here you see! - Happiness clapped her hands and jumped for joy. - I say that happiness is more important. - Tell me, boy, you healthy? - asked the following question Health. - Yes I healthy! - You are lucky! - a woman passing by intervened in the conversation. - I would like yours health, then I would be happy too.

Results of work on project

"I I choose a healthy lifestyle

During the school year, preschool students took part in the implementation of socially significant project"I I choose a healthy lifestyle. The work was carried out outside school hours.

During project pupils have already can:

Name healthy foods;

Show how to sit at your workplace correctly;

Name the commandments health;

Name medical specialists who treat certain diseases;

Name proverbs, riddles, fairy tales and poems about healthy lifestyle;

Acquired group interaction skills and the ability to work in a team;

"Ten Commandments health, or the Recipe for longevity"

Daily regime

Daily morning exercises

- Healthy eating

Walks in the open air

Full sleep

Sports activities

Clothes for the season

Less stress, more humor

Live in peace and harmony with your family

Down with bad habits

Considering the relevance of the direction, this project we will continue and expand

Publications on the topic:

Project motto: Physical education is something that ensures health and brings joy. Author of the project: teacher Korotkova K.G.

Consultation for educators “A healthy lifestyle in the family is the basis for the formation of a healthy lifestyle for a preschooler” Consultation for educators “A healthy lifestyle in the family - the basics of creating a healthy lifestyle” “Family is the main indicator of a healthy lifestyle.

Short-term project for children of the middle group “I choose a healthy lifestyle” Short-term project for children of the middle group “I choose a healthy lifestyle” 1. Authors of the project (full name) group teacher S. V. Surnina 2. Leaders.

We are for a healthy lifestyle! Work on the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in kindergarten The period of preschool childhood is actually the ending period in the life of every person. One of the main goals during this period.