Speech therapy lesson “Pets” in the middle group. Summary of a group speech therapy lesson in the middle group on the topic: “Pets and their babies “Say the opposite.” Ball game

Organization: MBDOU No. 273

Locality: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Krasnoyarsk

Summary of a group speech therapy lesson in the middle group on the topic: “Pets and their babies”


  • expansion and activation of the subject dictionary, dictionary of signs on the topic “Pets”;
  • development of thinking - riddles;
  • strengthening the skills of practical formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes;
  • the use of nouns in the prepositional case;
  • formation of coherent speech;
  • development of visual perception, attention, memory, speech attention;


  • small pet toys;
  • Leopold the Cat toy;
  • pictures depicting animal homes;
  • large puzzle pictures of a kitten

Progress of the lesson:

Speech therapist- Hello guys. I'm very glad to see you. Shall we play? (we go with the children to the group, and Leopold the Cat meets us there)
Guys, someone came to us. Hello. Who are you? And why did you come to us?

Cat: I am Leopold the cat. (The speech therapist can change his voice and introduce himself as a cat)

Speech therapist: Why are you so sad?

Cat: I had a best friend, but the evil little mice hid him. They sent me a letter. Here it is.

Leopold, you vile coward. You will be able to find your friend only after you complete our tasks. And since you have no friends, you won’t be able to complete the task. For each completed task you will receive a part of the picture with the image of your friend. As soon as you collect the whole picture, we will return your friend. Ha ha ha.

Speech therapist: Guys, do you know what friendship is? And what does it mean to be friends?

Guys, can you and I become friends with Leopold the cat?

Children: Yes.

Speech therapist: Since we are friends with Leopold the cat, we can help him complete his tasks.

Please look, there is a box here, and the number 1 is written on it. This is probably the first task.

Task No. 1 Guess our riddles. You must not just answer, but find the answer and point to the toy.

1.I have a patch

Instead of a tail - a hook,

I love lying in a puddle

And grunt: “Oink, oink!”

2. I am small, white,

Fluffy, timid,

I give wool to my owner

For scarves and sweatshirts.

3. Although velvet paws,

But they call me "scratchy"

I catch mice deftly,

I drink milk from a saucer.

4. Bearded and horned

Will climb into the garden

Eat cabbage and dill.

5. I serve my master,

The master's house is a watchman.

I growl and bark loudly

And I drive away strangers.

6. And sour cream and kefir,

Milk and delicious cheese,

So that we are healthy

The motley one will give us...

7.Guess for yourself who I am.

I pull a sleigh in winter,

that glide easily on the snow,

In the summer I pull a cart.

8. A ball of fluff - a long ear

Jumps smartly, loves carrots.

Speech therapist: Guys, please tell me, how can we call everyone who is depicted on toys in one word?

Children: These are pets.

Speech therapist: Why are they called pets?

Children: They live next to a person, a person takes care of them.

Cat: Look, here is the first part of the picture.

Speech therapist: Let's open the box under number 2, this is task number 2

What are baby pets called.
I will throw you a ball with the name of the animal, and you will answer me with the name of the baby animal.

Speech therapist: Does the cat have ...? (throws the ball)

Child: Kittens. (Throws the ball back)

Speech therapist: The goat...?

Child: Little goats. Etc. (A cow has calves, a horse has foals, a sheep has lambs, a dog has puppies,
The pig has piglets, the rabbit has baby rabbits.)

Cat: You guys are great! Here's another picture!

Speech therapist: Here is the next task! Task No. 3

Didactic game “Name it kindly”

Guys, do you like it when people call you affectionately?

Animals love it too.

Let's call our animals affectionately.

(the speech therapist also throws the ball to the children one by one, and the children respond)

Goat - goat,
cat - cat,
A horse is a horse.
dog - doggy

cow cow



Speech therapist: And now we will rest. Leopold the Cat, join us.

Finger gymnastics “Porridge machine”

Speech therapist: Masha cooked porridge,
(children use the index finger of their right hand to “disturb” their left palm)
Masha fed everyone porridge.
(arms spread to the sides)
Masha put porridge:
Cat - in a cup,
For the bug - in the bowl,
And for the cat - in a big spoon,
In a bowl - for hens, chicks,
And in the trough - for the piglets.
(bend one finger at a time on the left hand)
Took up all the dishes
(unclench fist)
I gave away everything down to the crumbs.
(blow crumbs off palm)

Speech therapist: Well done guys!!! Let's move on to box number 4

Didactic game “Who lives where?”

Guys, look, we have pictures. You need to find each animal its own home and name the correct name of the house. (each child has one animal, each child names the animal and where it lives - puts it on the picture with a picture of the home)

The dog lives in a kennel.
The horse is in the stable.
The cow is in the barn.
The goat is in the barn.
The pig is in the pigsty.
The cat is in the house.
Sheep in the sheepfold.
Rabbits in a cage .

Cat: You guys are great! Look, all the tasks are over!
Speech therapist: Guys, let's quickly put together our picture and find out about Leopald's beloved friend.

Let's put together a puzzle. The picture turns out to be a kitten.

Leopold: Thank you guys, you helped me find my friend. You are friendly and smart guys.

It's time for us to say goodbye. Goodbye, guys!

Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist: Let's guys remember what animals we met in our assignments?

Children: Pets.

Speech therapist: What tasks did you and I have to complete for this? (children's answers)

Speech therapist: Which tasks did you like the most? (children’s answers)

You did great today! We tried and completed all the tasks! Goodbye, guys!

Used Books:

  1. A.V. Aji “Notes of integrated classes” (middle group)
  2. N.V. Nishchev “System of correctional work” in a speech therapy group for children with general speech underdevelopment.
  3. N. V. Nishcheva “Card indexes of outdoor games, exercises, physical education, finger gymnastics.”

Anna Klyuchnikova
Speech therapy lesson in the middle group “Pets”

Target classes: updating children’s knowledge on the topic “ Pets".


I. Correctional and educational:

Activate children's vocabulary; skills of word formation, selection of antonym words and use of simple words in speech pretexts;

Develop the ability to write descriptive stories;

II. Correctional and developmental:

Activate thinking with the help of didactic games;

Develop attention, speed of reaction and intelligence;

Develop gross motor skills, coordination of movements with speech.

III. Correctional and educational:

Instill a caring attitude towards pet.


Demo material: pictures with image ; diagram for writing a descriptive story, ball.

Handout: masks domestic animals and their babies.

Musical repertoire: "Song of the Little Engine" (music and lyrics by K. Narochny); "Zverobika"(music by B. Savelyev, lyrics by A. Khait, melody from the film "Mustachioed Nanny"

Plan classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Main part

1. Didactic ball game “Who gives their voice?”

2. Outdoor game “Who has who?”

3. Didactic ball game "Call me kindly"


5. Didactic game "Words in reverse"

6. Game exercise “Where is the kitten hiding?”

pets using schema

III. Bottom line classes

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment

Children together with speech therapist stand in a circle and greet each other friend:

Hello, golden sun!

Hello, blue sky!

Hello, free breeze!

Hello, little oak tree!

We live in the same region -

I greet you all!

Speech therapist: “Guys, today we will go to an unusual journey: we will visit our grandmother - in the village, and we will go there by train. Here we go?". (Yes)

Speech therapist together with the children "Little Engine Song" they go by train to the village, where their grandmother is already waiting for them.

Grandmother: "Hello guys! I'm so glad you came to me. It’s very interesting in my village. Look who lives with me (Cat, dog, horse, cow, pig, sheep, goat) What can you call all these animals in one word? (Pets) Why are they called homemade? (Because they have an owner who takes care of them)»

II. Main part

1. Activation of the verb dictionary

Didactic ball game “Who gives their voice?”

Speech therapist invites the children to finish offers: A cow moos, a dog barks, a cat meows, a goat bleats, a pig grunts, a horse neighs, a sheep bleats.

2. Activation of the subject dictionary, composing sentences with pretext

Outdoor game “Who has who?”

Speech therapist distributes masks with images to children domestic animals and their babies. Children find music on their own "your couple". Then the correctness of each pair is checked "mother-cub". Children talk offers: "The cow has a calf" (similar for others animals) .

3. Consolidation of the formation of diminutive categories

Didactic ball game "Call me kindly"

Children take turns calling diminutive forms words: goat-goat, kid-goat, cat-kitty, kitten-kitten, cow-cow, calf-calf, dog-dog, puppy-puppy, horse-horse, foal-foal, pig-pig, pig-pig, sheep -ewe, lamb-lamb.

4. Musical physical education minute "Zverobika"

5. Selection of antonym words

Didactic game "Words in reverse"

Grandmother: “Guys, I have a cat. His name is On the contrary, he is stubborn and willful, and that’s why everyone chases the cat out of the yard...”

Speech therapist: “We won’t drive away your cat. It's better we play a game with him "Words in reverse".

Speech therapist: I'll say the word "high", and you will answer - "low".

I will say a word "far", and you will answer - "close".

I'll tell you a word "wicked", and you will answer - "Kind".

I'll tell you "hot" I will answer you - "cold".

I'll tell you a word "lie down", Will you answer me - "get up".

I'll tell you later "big", Will you answer me - "small".

I'll tell you a word "filthy", Will you answer me - "clean".

I will say "slow" you, you will answer me - "fast".

I'll tell you a word "wet", you will answer - "dry".

Now "Start" I'll tell you, you answer - "end".

6. Development of spatial orientation, consolidation of use prepositions B, ON, OVER, UNDER, BEHIND, IN FRONT

Game exercise “Where is the kitten hiding?”

Suddenly, unexpectedly, the children hear meowing. Speech therapist: “Guys, do you hear the cat, on the contrary, meowing near grandma’s house. He decided to play hide and seek with you!” The children approach the house and see a cat. The speech therapist asks where the cat is sitting. (On the roof) Then the cat begins to run from place to place, and the children say where he ran (Into the house, UNDER the bench, ABOVE the bench, BEHIND the fence, IN FRONT of the fence, to the right/left of the stump).

7. Writing descriptive stories about pets using schema

The speech therapist reminds children, which means each point of the scheme for writing descriptive stories about pets. Plan story: Name animal, parts of the body, where it lives, what it eats, what benefits it brings to people, what the baby is called animal. Stories are written by 2-3 children, choosing independently pet.

III. Bottom line classes

Speech therapist: “Guys, did you like your grandmother’s village? Which We met pets here? But most importantly, you should always remember: Pets need our love and care, so they need to be looked after. What needs to be done for this? Grandma, thank you for your hospitality, but it’s time for the boys and I to return to kindergarten. Goodbye!"

Grandmother says goodbye to the children. Speech therapist together with the children "Little Engine Song" ride the train back to kindergarten.


Goals: Formation of ideas about pets, their appearance and lifestyle. Refinement and expansion of the dictionary on the topic "Pets". Formation of a general concept Pets. Improving the grammatical structure of speech (formation of nouns with suffixes –onok, -enok, -at, -yat). Development of coherent speech. Development of general speech skills (sound pronunciation, correct voice transmission, timbre coloring of the voice, intonation expressiveness of speech). Development of visual attention, thinking, creative imagination, imitation, articulatory, fine and gross motor skills. Raising love and caring attitude towards pets.

Equipment: Game “Herd”, colored pencils, notebook No. 1 according to the number of children, subject pictures with images of domestic animals, subject pictures with images of horses.

Progress of the lesson:

Organization of the start of the lesson.

Please go to the table with pet figurines. Name the animal and say how it makes its voice.

Well done, that's right. Take your seats.

A conversation about domestic animals using figures from the game “The Herd.”

Look at the animal figures. Who did you recognize? Name the mother and her baby.

Right. Let's consider a cow. What is she like? What's on her head?

Now tell me about the horse. What is she like? What does she have on her head?

Fine. Who will tell you about the goat? Compare it in size to a cow. What is she like?

Now let's talk about the dog. What size is it? What kind of ponytail does she have?

You spoke very well about the animals that are in our pen. These animals are called domestic because they live at a person's house and benefit him, and a person takes care of them, cares for them, feeds and waters them, builds a dwelling for them. Do you know what benefits these animals bring to humans? For example, a cow?

What does the dog do?

Now look at the pictures. You see horses on them that transport cargo: hay, firewood, fertilizer. In the village, a horse is a very necessary animal. The land is plowed and crops are transported on it.

3. Work in notebook No. 1.

Let's color one of the pets, a dog and her cub. Take a brown pencil and color in the dog and the puppy. What kind of dog and puppy are they?

4. The mobile game "Calf".

Coordinationand Ispeech with movement. Children stand in a circle.

I'm horned. They show "horns" from fingers.

Boo-boo, Two jumps on two legs.

I'm tailed. Show the tail. Boo-boo, Two jumps on two legs.

I am eared, Show "ears" from the palms.

Boo-boo, Two jumps on two legs.

Very scary. They show "horns" from fingers.

Boo-boo, Two jumps on two legs.

I'll scare you, they'll stomp.

Boo-boo, Two jumps on two legs.

I'll gore you. "They butt heads."

5. Special articulatory gymnastics for producing whistling sounds.

We do the exercises “Brush” and “Bridge swings” 3-4 times.

6. Breathing exercises.

Stand up straight, lower your arms, take a calm breath, “send air into your tummy,” Exhale, and I will count to 5.

We carry out the exercise 2-3 times.

7. Cut-out pictures “Pets”.

Look at the pictures I prepared. Who do you see in them?

Try to put pictures together from parts.

8. Exercise “Repeat after me.”

Work on the syllabic structure of the word.

Repeat after me and clap the words.

Ko-za, vo-yes, s-but.

9. End of class.

Let's remember what we did in class.

You all worked great today.

Summary of a speech therapy lesson for students in grades 4-5

under the “Special Child” program




Develop visual and auditory attention;

Practice prosodic components of speech;

Develop phonemic awareness;

Strengthen spatial orientation skills;

Automate the sounds in speech.


- Expand and enrich your vocabulary;

Learn to construct phrases based on a plot picture;

Develop verbal and logical thinking

Teach the use of prepositions: u. V. on the. By.

Learn to coordinate parts of speech in number, gender and case;

Teach practical skills of word formation and inflection.


Learn to say hello when entering the office;

Develop perseverance and inhibitory reactions;

Create an emotional mood;

Cultivate interest in the activity.

Equipment: cash register letters. Magnetic board. Pet toys. Plot and subject pictures. Computer.

Progress of the lesson.

    Organizing time:

– Hello guys, we have guests today. Let's say hello.

    Speech exercises. (allows children to concentrate)

    Gray cat walks (tongue left, right)
    Sweet, sweet yawn (mouth wide open)
    She laps the milk (stick out her tongue, then remove it)
    The cat licked its lips (lick lips)
    The cat showed her teeth (smile)
    And “SPA-SI-BO” told us” (say “Thank you”)


Whoever wants to talk must speak out.

Everything is clear, clear, intelligible, so that everyone can understand it!

We will talk and we will reprimand

Everything is clear, clear, intelligible. And it will be clear to everyone!

    Goal setting:

If we guess the riddle correctly
We will learn the topic of the new lesson.

Mystery: The furry, mustachioed one drinks milk and sings songs

Let's say affectionately about her: “Kitty”

Who does the cat catch?

What is the name of a baby cat?

What kitten? (small, fluffy, funny, cheerful)

The cat has a tail, but the kitten? (tail)

The cat has paws, and the kitten has paws!

The cat has whiskers, and the kitten has whiskers!

Today we will get acquainted with pets.

Look at the computer screen.

Who do you see in the barnyard?

Where is the barnyard located?

What are the names of the animals that live near the owner's house?

Mystery: Itself motley, eats green, gives white (cow).

Where does the cow graze? (The cow is grazing in the meadow);

- Let's say about her affectionately: "Cow";

What does a cow butt with? (horns);

What are baby cows called? (calf, bull);

What treats the owner's cow? (milk);

How does a small bull respond to a cow? (Moo-moo-moo);

What's on a cow's legs? (hooves);

5. Dynamic pause: Tilts the body to the left. Moo-moo-moo!!!

Torso to the right. Me-me-me!

Bend forward: woof-woof-woof,

Circular motions: Wow!

What animals have hooves?

Whose hooves does a horse have? Whose hooves do pigs have? Whose hooves does a cow have? Whose hooves do sheep have? Whose hooves does a goat have?

Mystery: I'm thumping my hooves. I'm jumping, jumping, jumping! I’ll gallop around the yard, my mane curling in the wind! (horse). Look at the hint on the screen.

What is a baby horse called? (foal);

Where does a horse and foal graze?

How is a horse useful to its owner? (she is carrying the cargo);

Where is the horse harnessed? (in a sleigh, cart);

Mystery: you look - he caresses, you tease - he bites (dog)

Why does the owner need a dog? Where does the dog live?

What is the name of a baby dog?

How does a dog bark? How does the puppy answer her?

Whose teeth is the wolf afraid of?

7. Game “Who is the odd one out”" Name which picture is the odd one out and why?

8. Logorhythmics:

We live in the same yard:

you are in the stable, I am in the kennel.

I give milk to everyone.

Your barking is heard far away.

We are happy to serve people.

Come out! You should drive!

9. The game "Think and name". What are the names of animals that start with the sound “K”? (cat, goat, rabbit, cow)

10. Exercise “Lay out the word.” Now let’s put the letters into words: cat, goat, cow;

11. Create a sentence outline:

The dog has puppies in the kennel. (└─ ─── ─ ─── ─── .)

The cow has horns on its head. (└─ ─── ─ ─── ─── .)

A horse is galloping across the field. (└─ ─── ─── ─── .)

12. The result of the lesson:

Who did we see in the barnyard?

What animals can be called pets?

What animals give milk?

Who meows, neighs, bleats, barks, moos?

Why do pets need to be looked after?

Who would you like to look after (water, feed, wash, graze)?

Summary of a speech therapy lesson on a lexical topic

prepared by: Davydova Elena Yurievna
teacher speech therapist
Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
Kindergarten "Alenka"
Nikiforovsky district, Tambov region, rural settlement Dmitrievka

Correctional and educational:
- clarify and activate children’s vocabulary on the topic “Pets”;
- learn to use the preposition y in speech through exercises. “Who has who?”, “Who has what?”;
- teach to form nouns. pl. hours from units hours through exercise. "One-many";
- teach to form nouns. with diminutive suffixes - in the exercise “Call it kindly.”
Correctional and developmental:
- correct thinking through exercise. “Collect a picture”;
- strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus.
Correctional and educational:
- cultivate cognitive interest in the world around us
- instill a love for pets.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: - You will find out who we will talk about in class today by guessing the riddles.

I'm crawling along the fence
I'm going out hunting.
The mice hid in holes,
I've been watching them for a long time. (Cat)

The nose is round,
And the perky tail is crocheted.
Mom is a pig, dad is a pig.
He is their favorite son. (Piglet)

A man's true friend,
I can hear every sound very clearly.
I have an excellent sense of smell
Keen eye and keen hearing. (Dog)

Champion in fast running,
Sometimes I drive carts.
Uncle groom brought me
Water, hay and oats. (Horse)

Hungry - mooing,
Full - chews,
Little kids
Gives milk. (Cow).

Speech therapist: - What would you call all these animals in one word?
Speech therapist: - That's right, homemade. Today in class we will talk about domestic animals. And so that our tongue can help us with this, let’s do gymnastics for the tongue.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

The cat is drinking milk.
Stick your “wide” tongue out of your mouth. Push the tip of your tongue up into a “cup” and hide your tongue in your mouth.
The calf sucks milk.
Mouth open, lips in a smile. Place the wide tip of the tongue under the upper lip and tear it off with a click.
The snort of a horse.
Vibration of lips.

3. Exercise “Who has who?”

Speech therapist: Mothers and their babies have lost each other. They really want to be together. Let's make sure they meet. Children complete the task.
Speech therapist: Now let's check. Who has whom?

The cat has a kitten.

The horse has a foal.

The dog has a puppy

The pig has a piglet.

The cow has a calf.

4. Exercise “Who has what?”

Speech therapist: - Guys, which of the pets have horns? (In a cow, in a ram, in a goat)
Who has a mustache? (In a rabbit, in a dog, in a cat)
Who has soft paws? (at the cat)
Who has an udder? (At the cow, at the goat)
Who has a snout nose? (At the pig)

5. Exercise “One-many”.

Speech therapist: - Now let's play the game “One - Many.”
Cat - cats,
Dog - dogs,
cow - cows,
horse - horses,
sheep - sheep,
kitten - kittens,
calf - calves.

6. Exercise. “Call me kindly.”

Speech therapist: - Now, guys, come on - call the animals affectionately.
Cat. What would you call her affectionately? (kitty)

7. Physical education minute.

That's what a cat is like, (They walk at a “catlike” step)
Round face, (Stroke the face)
And on each paw (represent claws)
Claws are scratchers.
All his toys - (Jumping in place)
Cube and reel. The cat is like a ball (They jump after each other in a circle) Jumping around the apartment.

8. Exercise. "Collect pictures."

Speech therapist: - Collect pictures and name the animals you got. (Pig, cat, ram, dog, cow, goat)

9. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist: What animals were discussed in class today?
What animals are called domestic? (Children answer).
Give examples of domestic animals.

Informational resources:
michutka.3dn.ru›publ/sjuzhetnye_ kartinki…kartinki