A Siamese cat has a black coating on its ears. Why do cats get brown dirt in their ears?

I remember very well the time when my cat suffered from ear mites - from time to time she literally became not herself, ran back and forth across the rooms, her eyes sparkling wildly and constantly scratching her ears with her paws. It was clear that her ears were very itchy, and something urgently needed to be done...

Fortunately, all this is in the past. Now my cat is the owner of clean ears, in which there is not a hint of ticks, and she will probably only dream of her past torments occasionally in her cat dreams :-)

So what kind of enemy is an ear mite? Mites are microscopic arachnids that live on the skin or in ear canals cats. The causative agents of this disease live in the external auditory canal and feed on skin debris (epidermis). Usually both ears of a cat are affected by mites.

A characteristic sign of ear mite infestation is intense itching, in which the cat scratches its ears furiously and shakes its head. In particularly advanced cases, he may even scratch his ears until they bleed, the itching torments them so unbearably.

But this is not the only sign of ear mite infestation. Another sign of the disease is the presence dark brown coating in the ear, its structure resembles coffee grounds and just looks like brownish dirt in the cat's ears, it also has an unpleasant odor.

The more severely the ears are affected, the more painful for a cat, the more itchy she will be from these mites, so it is always better to remove mites at initial stage and never let your cat's ears run wild, but watch them carefully. As soon as some dark plaques appear there, some black dots are mites. They are very microscopic, they can only be seen clearly under a microscope, but with the eye they are visible as black-brown dots.

As soon as they appear, they should be removed immediately and the cat's ears should not be damaged.

How to clean ear mites from a cat's ears? To do this you need to buy special drug for ears - called "Bars", sold in pet stores. This is a special liquid with which we will clean our cat's ears. We also need boric acid in powder form, it is sold in pharmacies in small bags and is very cheap. First you also need to stock up on cotton swabs - either buy ready-made ones, or make them yourself from matches and cotton wool; to make them, you just need to wrap the matches with cotton wool and the cotton swabs are ready. We need less than 20-30 of these cotton swabs, because they will get dirty when we remove ticks from our ears and will have to be replaced with new ones.

After all this is prepared, take a bottle of “Bars”, pour this “Bars” into some small cap, for example, from plastic bottle and place it next to where you will perform the procedure.

Then take boric acid (we will pour it into the ear after cleaning). How this is done technically - you take a small piece of paper - about the size of your palm, maybe smaller, bend it in half, pour a pinch inside boric acid, on one side you can clamp it with a paper clip so that the powder does not spill out. Make 2 pieces of paper with powder inside and place them where you will clean your cat’s ears. Then, from these pre-prepared pieces of paper with powder, it will be very convenient to pour boric acid directly into the cat’s ear - but we will do this at the very end, so let these 2 pieces of paper lie there for now, waiting in the wings.

Everything, tools for successful treatment ears are prepared, then we go to prepare the cat.

Cleaning the ears is a rather unpleasant procedure for a cat, so before you begin, it is important to take precautions to protect yourself from your pet’s claws, because it will definitely break out of your hands during the procedure. How are precautionary measures carried out - this is done very simply - take some kind of thick blanket, cape, blanket - anything, even a towel, the main thing is that it is thick enough (therefore a regular sheet will not work). The cat's paws are pressed against the body and after that you wrap the cat in this blanket, as if swaddling it so that only its head sticks out. It is very important to swaddle her paws so that she cannot scratch you with them. To keep the blanket in place and not fall off, you can tie it with some kind of string or ribbon around it. Your cat will resemble a small swaddled baby :-)

When you have done this, you can begin cleaning your ears. Of course, it will be easier if someone helps you - hold the cat in the right position, hold its head, because it will constantly pull it and try to escape. But if there is no one, you can carry out the procedure alone.

Well, after we have wrapped up our cat, we can calmly begin cleaning the ears. We do this in turn - first one ear, then the other. We wrap the cat’s ear back - as if turning it outward so that the insides of the ear are visible - this is very easy to do in cats - then we take cotton swab, dip it in the Bars solution from our prepared lid, and clean the brown plaque from the ears using this stick. Clean your ears with these cotton swabs, remove dark coating- first scrape off the large plaque particles, then the smaller ones.

As soon as the cotton wool on the stick becomes dirty, replace the cotton swab with a new one. And so on until complete cleansing insides of the ear.

This will be very unpleasant for the cat - the more the ears are affected, the more painful it will be, but the point here is that you will have to clean everything early, no matter how unpleasant it may be for the cat, so do not stop if the cat protests and tries to disturb you in every possible way.

Attention! Don't put the cotton swab too deep into your ear - you might hurt it. eardrum! Clean only the dark plaque that is visible to the eye from the outside, and do not go into the ear canal!!! Otherwise, this can end badly for the cat, because damage to the eardrum can lead to hearing loss.

When you have cleaned both ears in the specified way, when they become clean, you need to perform one more procedure, which I mentioned earlier. To consolidate the results, we also need to pour a little boric acid into each ear of the cat, which we have already prepared in advance. We simply pour this powder from our prepared piece of paper into the cat’s ear, and not into the ear canal, but precisely into those places that were affected by ear mites - we fall asleep like powder. The cat will shake its head, but this is just good - this powder will spread evenly throughout the ear. Some of it will fall out of the ear, and only a minimal amount will remain in the ear. required amount boric acid, which is necessary.

This procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a week for the first week, then once a week, then once a month, and so on, less and less often, until the mites completely disappear from the ears.

Good luck with ear cleaning to you and your pets!

Let's look at the main symptoms of ear bream in cats:

  • The first sign that should lead you to believe that your cat has ticks is the animal's restless behavior. The cat begins to constantly scratch behind the ear, sometimes even tries to get its hind paw into the ear and often shakes its head. But this symptom maybe initial sign otitis, so you need to start examining your pet further.
  • Ear mites multiply very quickly and are visible to the naked eye almost in the first two weeks of infection. Take the cat in your arms, calm it down and carefully wrap its ear so that it is clearly visible. inner part auricle. The presence of black or brown plaque indicates that the cat has a tick. In particularly advanced cases, the inside of the ear becomes covered with characteristic crusts, which the animal constantly tries to pick out and shake out.

Can make an accurate diagnosis veterinarian by taking a scraping from the ear and examining its contents under a microscope. This procedure It is done on the spot and does not take much time.

Ticks in cats: treatment.

Treat ear mite in cats it can also be done at home. Pet stores now have an assortment of great amount all kinds of means. It is important to follow some recommendations here, because... Not correct treatment may cause your pet to become deaf.

Many “cat owners” have seen their pet diligently scratching its ears. Moreover, sometimes the animal does this with such enthusiasm that it literally tears the ears until they bleed, and exudate of a suspicious color and smell scatters around the room. Such cases are also characterized by brown plaque in the cat’s ears. What does this indicate?

Let's consider the main reasons for the appearance of plaque and provoking factors

In general, we have already described all the diseases accompanied by the appearance of brown plaque, but in this chapter they need to be considered in more detail.


Most typical reason plaque – precisely otodectosis. Otodectes Cynotis mites live in the ear canals of cats. They especially love warmth and dampness. They feed on the epithelium of dead skin, as well as blood and lymph.

The plaque these “guests” leave behind is their feces, as well as the corpses of dead individuals, chitin shed during the growth of young individuals, as well as other waste products. In most cases, infection occurs through direct contact of a cat with sick relatives.

The disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Copious brownish deposits in the ears, increasing in volume at a shocking rate.
  • The cat's ears itch unbearably. Soon the ears take on a completely pathetic and indecent appearance, being torn almost to shreds.
  • Due to the inflammatory reaction in the ear canals, the exudate mentioned above begins to be released from them.

Very often, advanced cases of otodectosis are accompanied by purulent otitis (due to the intervention of pathogenic microflora), as well as allergic reactions, the latter sometimes ending in anaphylactic shock.


This is what inflammation of the ear is called. And not only the ear canal, as some breeders think. Otitis can occur in the following forms:

  • Outer. Only the auricle and adjacent soft tissues are affected.
  • Middle (also called medial). The ear canal is affected.
  • Interior. The most severe variant associated with inflammation inner ear, eardrum, etc. Can lead to death due to sepsis or brain damage.

The accumulation of plaque is accompanied by the first two forms. Internal variety It proceeds so severely that the owner has no time for plaque. In addition, in both cases, the appearance of drops of exudate is almost inevitable (almost from the first days of the disease).

Often otitis is accompanied by the appearance of extremely unpleasant odor emanating from the ears of a sick animal. This pathology is a common consequence of advanced otodectosis.

And ear inflammation, by the way, is often provoked not even by the mites themselves, but by allergic reaction, arising as a response of the body to the products of their vital activity.

Fungal and yeast ear infections

As a rule, all these pathologies do not arise “just like that.”

Fungi often affect cats that have been forced or unduly treated with powerful antibiotics or anti-inflammatory corticosteroids. If, against the background of this, the cat also suffers from otodectosis, fungus in the ears is almost guaranteed.

A sign of the disease is both heavy plaque and odor. If there is a fungus, the “aroma” from the ears is not at all the same as when purulent otitis or otodectosis. It’s not even disgusting, as it resembles the smell of mushrooms and cheese. In some cases, notes of something moldy are clearly felt in the smell.

Special cases

There are also special cases that we have already indirectly mentioned above. It's about about some cat breeds, which, as a result of many centuries of selection, have acquired some specific signs. In particular, sphinxes have ears that are so “original” that they have no ability for natural self-cleaning at all.

In addition, this breed has another feature: their ears produce especially a large number of sulfur. Normally, it protects the ears from pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora, as well as foreign objects, but sphinxes have too much of it. And therefore, heavy plaque inside the hearing organs is commonplace for such cats.

If plaque is only in one ear

In cases where there is plaque in only one ear, we can talk about:

Nothing good. Normally, cats' ears, although they do not smell lavender, still do not cause gag reflexes.

And therefore Strong smell may appear in the following cases:

  • Fungal infections (we have already written that the smell is very specific).
  • Purulent inflammation.
  • Advanced forms of otodectosis.

Treatment of cats with ear pathologies

Considering all the diversity ear pathologies and their different etiologies, it is easy to understand that the treatment of a cat will directly depend on the root cause of the disease:

  • Let's start with otodectosis, since it occurs in almost every second cat. And, by the way, there are no problems with his treatment either. At any veterinary pharmacy you can find dozens of names of drops. Among them are: , “Dana”, “Bars”, Otovedin, Tsipam, Aurikan and many others. As aid You can use 3% hydrogen peroxide and a strong infusion of green tea. They are good for cleaning the ears before administering the main medicine.
  • As for otitis media, it is more complicated. The ear canal must be cleaned daily with the same peroxide, green tea or/and salicylic alcohol. IN severe cases Ear rinsing with antiseptic compounds is also prescribed. Antibiotics are used to destroy pathogenic microflora wide range actions. IN this moment It is advisable to use drugs from the group of cephalosporins.
  • The worst situation is with fungal pathologies. For their treatment, the following are used: Amphotericin B, Flucytosine, Econazole and Clotrimazole. Special antibiotics from the griseofulvin group have proven themselves to be effective.

Remember! All these funds long-term use They have a bad effect on the cat’s liver, but they have to be used for a long time. Therefore, various hepatoprotectors are used simultaneously.

Prevention and hygiene of the ears

Concerning individual characteristics, including accelerated accumulation of wax in the ear canals, then in this case the most important role is played by prevention and hygiene of the ears.

This is done like this:

  • It is necessary to examine your pet's ear canals at least once every two weeks.
  • If large accumulations of sulfur are found there, they are removed using for this purpose a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and/or sterile vegetable oil.
  • If your cat starts scratching its ears constantly, for preventive purposes apply the above drops.

If the owner of a cat of any breed knows the basic symptoms of the most common ailments among them, then he will never allow the disease to develop and its advanced stage, as he will be able to show the animal to the veterinarian in time and begin the correct necessary treatment.

If you look closely at the brown coating on the animal’s ears, you will notice that its structure is similar to the grounds left after drinking coffee. In addition, if there are mites, this very plaque has a very unpleasant and even quite pungent odor.

If the owner of a feline has such an opportunity, then it is best to take your pet to a veterinarian as soon as possible. But in general, you can cope with the problem yourself. To do this, you just need to purchase a special drug to combat ear mites. For example, excellent option there will be a special healing liquid "Bars". It is sold in pet stores and specialized veterinary pharmacies. Besides high efficiency One of the advantages of such a drug is its attractive cost.

It is best to first securely secure the animal with a thick blanket to avoid painful scratches. The cat's ear is carefully turned out so that it becomes visible. internal cavity, after which from its surface with a cotton swab dipped in the purchased medicinal solution, the brown coating that appears is carefully removed. The main thing is to do it slowly and carefully so as not to hurt the animal. It is best to try to change quickly dirty cotton swabs more often.

Veterinarians note that the result of such cleaning can be consolidated with the help of boric acid. A small amount is poured into the cat's ear immediately after the procedure. The main thing is to pour the substance not into the ear canal, but precisely into those places where the unpleasant-smelling brown plaque was previously located.

It is very important to “wield” the cotton swab only at a minimum depth. IN otherwise The owner of the animal can seriously damage the ear of his pet. For example, due to a damaged eardrum, a cat may completely lose hearing.

Love for your pet makes you good hosts Monitor your cat's well-being closely. If red spots on your cat's ears suddenly begin to appear, causing him discomfort, you should immediately consult a veterinarian.

What do spots on an animal's ears mean?

Red spots on a cat's ears are quite common symptom speaking about development various diseases. The most common option is lichen. It amazes different areas animal skin, including ears. With the development of lichen, red spots give way to serious skin lesions, and the animal’s fur begins to fall out at lightning speed.

Another common cause of red spots is mite infestation. Most often, ticks infect cat ears, as a result of which small spots begin to appear on them. The cat itself may tilt its head to the side all the time, and besides, scratch the affected area vigorously. All these signs are difficult to ignore, since the character of the animal changes noticeably, because even the most active cat infected with ear mites stops playing, running, and sometimes even eating.

Red spots on a cat's ears may be due to contact dermatitis. More often similar problem worries if the affected area has interacted with chemical irritants for a long time. In this case, the skin on the ears becomes covered with a small red rash, which disappears only after long-term treatment.

In many cases, spots on a cat's ears appear due to elementary food allergies. the pet turns out to be too sensitive to some components of food, which is why its neck, ears and eyelid areas become covered with corresponding spots. To get rid of itching and irritation, it is enough to change your pet’s diet, and then after a couple of weeks unpleasant symptoms stop bothering me pet.

Sometimes smooth-haired or hairless cats develop strange red spots all over their body, including on their ears. Veterinarians explain these spots with elementary sunburn, because the skin of such pets is not protected by dense fur, and besides, it is also considered extremely sensitive.

How to get rid of the problem

If your cat has red spots on his ears that do not disappear within 2-3 days, then you need to sound the alarm. It is extremely difficult to independently determine the cause of the disease, because there is always a risk of incorrect interpretation of the symptoms.

If a cat has red spots in his ears, which also fester, then we can talk about a simple abscess. The animal could have been injured during a walk, and now this same wound is rotting. In this case, problem area you need to rinse carefully, and then lubricate with iodine or hydrogen peroxide. If there is severe infection on the face, you must contact a veterinarian, otherwise the animal may die.

It is not worth eliminating ringworm or ear mites using improvised means, since a person without specialized education can only worsen the situation. If you find signs of the first or second disease, you should consult a doctor. Ear mites, like lichen, are dangerous diseases, and the sooner they are eliminated, the better. Get rid of ticks using special ear drops, which contain poison for insects, but are safe for pets. Also, the cat owner needs to regularly wipe dirty ears and rinse them so that the weakened body does not end up picking up some kind of infection. Ticks especially often bother animals that move uncontrollably outside.

If a cat has red spots on its ears that do not cause it much discomfort, then we may be talking about skin pigmentation disorders. Of course, to confirm the diagnosis, you should consult a doctor, but usually this problem is easily treated and does not threaten the pet’s life.

If red spots appear due to the development of lichen, then you should get rid of the disease with the help of Vacderm and Microderm preparations. The medications themselves must be prescribed by a veterinarian, since it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the cat’s body.

Small red spots may be the first alarming symptom, indicating the development of a truly serious illness. That's just independent struggle with an unknown disease may result in a deterioration in the pet’s condition.

Every owner wants their pet to be healthy and cheerful, but sometimes the cat starts shaking its head and scratching its ears. Such symptoms cause diseases of the ear. How to help your pet? Let's look at the most common ear diseases in cats.

What are the types of ear diseases in cats?

There are many ear diseases that occur in cats.

They arise after mechanical damage auricle and ear canal. Hematomas and lymphatic extravasations often appear after fights. They are a swelling filled with blood (in the first case) or lymph (in the second). Usually the hematoma and lymphatic extravasation are eliminated surgically.

Scabies mite

This disease is caused by Nothoedres ticks. The main symptom is severe itching and irritation. The disease is diagnosed by scraping the affected area.

Photo. Ear mites in cats

Dermatitis and eczema

With dermatitis, the auricle turns red and a rash appears. The cat is suffering from severe itching and starts scratching his ears, which only makes the situation worse. With dermatitis, hair falls out from the damaged area. The cause of this disease is most often an allergy.

Photo. Dermatitis in a cat

Necrosis of the auricle

Necrosis appears as a result of infection of hematomas, as well as after prolonged squeezing of the ear. Blood circulation in the cartilage is disrupted, the tissue begins to die, turn black and rot. Necrosis is treated surgically by removing the entire ear or only the damaged part.

Neoplasms in the auricle

Ear neoplasms include polyps, fibromas, papillomas, sarcomas and tumors. They often grow and lead to deafness. With neoplasms, the cat’s gait becomes uncertain and uncoordinated. This disease is treated surgically.

Diseases of the outer and inner ear

Inner ear diseases in cats are difficult to diagnose

The most common are diseases of the inner and outer ear. The first group includes any neoplasms and polyps deep in the ears. Diseases of the inner ear are difficult to diagnose; radiography and cytology are used for this, and in some cases surgery is used.

Despite the fact that each ear disease has its own signs, they can be recognized thanks to general symptoms. These include:

  • discharge from the ear (from light purulent to black and loose);
  • severe itching: the cat scratches the ear, constantly rubs its head on the furniture;
  • bad odor from the ear;
  • ulcers, sores, redness and rashes are observed;
  • the animal shakes its head and ears;
  • in advanced cases, when pressing on the auricle, you can hear a squelching sound.

How to treat ear diseases in cats?

For treatment you can use Bars drops

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to conduct an examination and find out what kind of disease the cat is suffering from. If you choose the wrong drug, you can deprive the animal of hearing, so diagnosis is very important.

If your cat is infested with mites, first clean the outer ear with lotion and remove any secretions. Veterinary medicines, Otibiovin, Dekta and others are used for treatment. Place them in the affected ear after cleaning it as directed.

To treat otitis in cats, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, and in advanced cases, surgery are used. If you have this disease, you should not clean your ears with cotton swabs. For the treatment of otitis, Anandin, Serco and Otoferonol drops are used.

Hematomas, neoplasms and necrosis should only be treated by a veterinarian by surgical intervention. If in the ear foreign body it should be removed immediately to avoid causing severe inflammation.

Prevention of ear diseases

To prevent ear diseases in cats, this is their cleaning.

The main prevention of ear diseases in cats is their regular cleaning with the help of special lotions and preparations. To make this procedure quick and painless, use the following algorithm:

  • prepare all the tools in advance;
  • calm the cat and gently wrap it in a strong towel or robe;
  • bend the ear and drop the required amount of lotion inside;
  • press the ear tip and gently massage the base of the ear;
  • After the massage, remove the lotion and possible contamination with a soft cotton swab or a piece of sterile gauze;
  • Praise the animal and treat it with its favorite treat.

Veterinarians advise owners to constantly monitor the condition of their cats' ears. Many animals produce a lot of sulfur, which should be cleaned regularly, otherwise inflammation may develop.

Remove water that gets into the ear canal. If this is not done, otitis may develop. Make sure that your pet does not come into contact with animals infected with ticks, because this disease is quickly and easily transmitted.

Each owner is obliged to monitor the condition of his cat and, if necessary, show it to a veterinarian. Don't forget that many ear diseases can lead to complete deafness if not treated promptly.

Hello! Our cat is 1 year 9 months old and started to appear brown spots on the skin on the ears (and on the inside too) and on the cat's bald patches near the ears. The cat does not scratch them, the hair does not fall out in those places. The spots do not flake off and do not come off the skin. When she was little, she had lichen on her ears, she was cured, everything was fine for a year and a half. Could these brown spots be a recurrence of shingles? Could it be
be pigmentation, the cat spends a lot of time on the balcony with the onset of summer. The cat is tri-colored; it is noteworthy that these spots appear only in those areas where black fur grows. Thanks for the answer!

Dark spots These areas are not pathological, it is not dermatomycosis. They may accumulate in areas of excessive secretion of apocrine glands or reflect an increase in natural pigmentation under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

My 6-week-old dachshund puppy has a gray-white-yellowish discharge from his penis, he is limp, what could it be and could he overheat in the sun on the balcony he was in the sun for about 20 minutes

Yes, small puppies have a very unstable temperature regime, and they are prone to both overheating and hypothermia.

Measure the body temperature; if it rises, you can take an antipyretic (analgin with diphenhydramine), wipe the puppy with a rag dampened cool water and place it in optimal temperature conditions (not in the cold or in a draft!).

Watch your baby - the cause of lethargy may be more serious problems, for example, the onset of another disease. If there is no improvement within a short time, it is better to show the puppy to a doctor.

The prepuce cavity can be washed with furatsilin through a syringe without a needle 2 times a day for 3 days.

3 months ago I castrated a cat at the age of 8 months. His behavior has not changed - he remains the same aggressive! The only thing is that he stopped marking, but his sexual instinct did not disappear! Why is this? he simply cannot keep up with the cat that lives in the house with him.

If castration is not carried out immediately after the onset of sexual behavior, then the cat may retain some habits, in particular rituals of sexual behavior. Marking can be more easily corrected through castration.

Try to stop unwanted behavior cat using startle reactions - at the first sign of unwanted behavior, spray the cat with water from a water pistol. The more regularly he receives negative incentives for incorrect behavior, the higher the likelihood of eliminating it.

Hello! We have such a problem, I’ll start from the beginning. There is a nursing cat (5 years old, Scottish fold), 5-week-old kittens and a male cat (5 years old, British breed) living at home. The cat was castrated 4 days ago because he did not give in Lately passage to the cat, while periodically sleeping in the house in which the cat and kittens are located, the cat even licked him and was calm about the fact that he slept in their house, but on the day
After castration, it was as if the cat had been replaced; she began to attack him, screaming and growling. They put him in their rooms and tried to let him out, but she clung to him again and barely separated them. What's happening? As I understand it, she probably protects the kittens, but such a change takes place a few hours before the castration of the cat, the cat is alone and even bows to the cat, and a couple of hours after castration she is ready to tear him apart. But that’s not all. After the previous lambing, she lives with us A 6-month-old cat (their daughter), she also rushes at her and hisses. We tried giving “CAT BAYUN” drops for three days and nothing helped. Tell me what to do in such a situation. Thanks in advance.

You did the right thing by isolating the animals.

After the operation, the cat’s smell changed - the admixture of medicinal “aromas” changed the cat’s perception of the cat, which is why she reacted so negatively to him.

The cat should be kept in isolation for several days; it is advisable to distribute the kittens as soon as possible (under monitoring the condition of the cat’s mammary gland), since maternal aggression makes the cat even more inadequate.

After a few days, try again to “introduce” the cats to the cat (it’s better to take turns so that it doesn’t play negative role"herd feeling") This needs to be done at a decent distance. The use of pheromones will reduce animal anxiety and the likelihood of repeated aggression. To calm you down, you can also use soothing herbal remedies (Fitex).

The puppy Yorkshire Terrier, 7 months old, a small lump appeared above the right eye and the eye was very watery with purulent discharge. What could this be and how to treat it? We wash our eyes with tea every day.

What is a bun?

A boil could form on the eyelid as a complication of allergic folliculitis. If there is free pus in the cavity, it must be removed through a puncture or by removing the “core” of the boil. Then rinse the cavity aqueous solutions antiseptics (furacilin, 1 tablet per glass of water) and introduce tetracycline eye ointment. You need to treat the eye in a similar way (furacilin, tetracycline or erythromycin ointment). Treatments should be carried out 2 times a day.

And analyze what could be the reason for the appearance of the boil - it could be an insect bite or an allergic reaction to the components of the food.

Hello, my kitten is 1 month old. fracture lumbar region spine after the blow, his front legs are fine, but he can’t get up on his hind legs and drags them behind him. Sometimes he manages to stand up on his hind legs, but his legs diverge different sides. Please tell me if he has a chance to walk again and how to help him. Or maybe they should put him to sleep so that he doesn’t suffer?

Recovery is unlikely if there is complete fracture, especially with offset.

Spinal stabilization with long-term rehabilitation therapy is required, and the chances of functional restoration are very low.

Paralysis of the pelvic part of the body also leads to disruption of defecation and urination - this is also serious problem requiring constant care and monitoring of emptying Bladder and rectum.

Delayed care worsens the prognosis.

In general, the chances are very small. But the decision is yours.

Hello!!! my cat is 3 and a half years old, an extreme Persian breed, he eats, drinks, runs and goes to the toilet well. But for about 7 months now he has been screaming a lot if you pick him up and touch him. chest, in the area armpits. I took him to 3 clinics, but nowhere they said anything sensible, as they explained, if he behaves actively, then there is nothing to worry about. But I don’t think that everything is fine if he screams like that in pain. Please help me, what could it be???

Take an x-ray to make sure there are no anatomical damage.

Another cause of pain may be excessive tissue calcification, such as from liver feeding. These abnormalities will also be visible on x-rays.

Some cats simply have a negative attitude towards touching the chest area - this is the most unprotected place.

Treatment depends on the diagnosis.

Kitten, 4 months old, vaccinated. Since childhood, he has been sniffling and wheezing while inhaling. There was no discharge from the eyes or nose, the mouth was clean. This gets worse with age - breathing gets harder. The appetite is good, the animal is playful and affectionate. They were supposed to be betrothed nasal septum- They took an x-ray and found no abnormalities. They gave injections to penetrate the edema - no effect (the edema itself is not visible, they assumed that it might be in the trachea). For rhinoscopy
They said it was still small. Doesn't look like a virus. The lungs were listening - normal. The veterinarian says that if it is a congenital defect, it may outgrow it. But the worry is that over time the cat breathes worse. Is there any experience on this? So far from the “collected stories” about cat wheezing -
only with snot or old animals. And ours is young and without other symptoms associated with wheezing.

There may be an anomaly or severe brachycephaly of the communication of the cartilages of the larynx and soft palate. But most in an informative way is endoscopy, you need to grow into it.

Try bronchodilators for now - aminophylline tablets 1/5 2-3 times a day.

Hello! I have a question. My Toy Terrier dog gave birth almost a week ago. This is her second birth. but this time she behaves differently from that time. Some kind of restless person runs from room to room and dug up the whole bed. The street is also restless. At the same time, she feeds the puppies regularly and eats well herself. what should I do with it? thank you in advance.

U dwarf dogs Eclampsia is common. This is a convulsive status provoked by calcium loss during pregnancy and lactation. Among characteristic symptoms inappropriate behavior can be noted.

It is necessary to enter as soon as possible calcium supplements, preferably into a vein. You can make 2 ml of calcium borogluconate under the skin, you can dilute it with 5% glucose to 5-10 ml. Calcium gluconate can theoretically be injected into the muscle, but sometimes infiltrates (compactions) remain after it.

Hello. Recently a cat wandered into my home, an adult Persian, very aggressive towards other cats, my parents allowed me to feed him, but they didn’t take him into the house because he beat our two cats, yesterday he got into a fight with someone on the street again when I I found that he was not moving, there was foam coming out of his mouth, there was no blood, he lay for several hours, one side of his body did not respond to irritants, I gave him caffeine, I don’t have the opportunity to take him to the vet, no one wants to help me either. After a couple of hours, the cat began to come to his senses, sometimes he even moves his paws, but he began to bend his neck back very scared, it seemed as if he was being twisted and his paws were very cold, but at the same time he responded and was quite able to focus, his eyes were clean and there was external damage I guess not. Help me please, maybe I can
Is there anything I can do to help him?

The cat has a traumatic brain injury or other disease of the central nervous system. This pathology should be treated by a doctor. Try giving him Corvalol 5-7 drops diluted with water. You can also make dexamethasone 0.5 ml and furosemide 0.5 ml.

3671 - 3680 out of 6245

The formation of black spots in the ears of cats is characteristic feature otitis caused by ear mites. How to help your pet recover faster? Let's try to figure it out.

A cat has black ears: causes, symptoms

The appearance of ear mites in a cat that has never gone outside is quite common. The insect can be brought by the owner on shoes or street clothes. Kittens or weakened animals are most often infected.

The first sign of the disease will be restless behavior of the pet. He shakes his head, scratches his ears, as if he wants to get something out of there. In some animals, ear mites cause allergies, then you will have to treat allergic otitis media, complicated ear scabies. With allergies, the cat's ears become swollen, red and swollen, and become hot.

Ear mites multiply quickly. Its lifespan is about three weeks, so after infection, the ears become covered from the inside with black, gray and brown scales, and an unpleasant odor may appear.

The cat's ears are black and itchy with what to treat

Ear mites are treated with acaricidal drugs. It is best to use complex drops, which kill ticks and relieve inflammation. Prices ear drops from ticks are very different, ranging from 40 rubles to 500 rubles. The drug Bars has proven itself well. These are not the drops that drip onto the withers for fleas, but ear drops.

The cat has black and ichor in his ear, what should I do and what is it?

The presence of black scales in the ear and ichor indicates a tick disease. It is necessary to drip medicinal drops into the ears, for example:
- Bars ear drops;
- Otoferonol plus;
- Amitrazine, etc.

Before instillation, the animal’s ears are cleaned with cotton wool soaked in drops. Drip according to instructions.

The cat has black in the ears and flows from the ear, it has festered

If a cat's ears are festered, it means advanced otitis media. It is important not to waste time and go to the veterinarian to prescribe the correct treatment. Otherwise, death is possible.

Black spots in the ears of a cat, treatment of sores

With otodectosis, black dots appear in the cat's ears. Buy drops in the ears against ticks at a veterinary pharmacy and drip, after cleaning, with a cotton swab soaked in the medicine.

Even long-haired cats wash themselves with such diligence that one can only envy them. They reach the most inaccessible places, but not the ears - only a person can clean them.

How does infection occur?

The tick attaches to the outer ear canal cat or cat and immediately begins to feed on the epidermis of the inner ear. Skin covering is disrupted and fluid begins to leak from the damaged areas. This dried liquid is the notorious dirt.

How to treat

Ear mites, also known as otodectosis, are treated in different ways. Among the known methods we can highlight following methods fight:

  • insecticidal spray, and if ticks have spread to the body - drops on the withers;
  • ear cleaner;
  • drops;
  • ointment.

If the choice is between drops or spray, then it is better to choose a spray. They can be processed not only dirty ears a cat, but also the animal’s main place of residence, for example, a box. If we talk about choosing a drug, then preference is given to such means as:

  1. Dermatosol.
  2. Psoroptol.
  3. Fipronil.
  4. Cyodrine.

The main thing here is not to confuse ear mites with another disease. For example, a yeast infection in a cat's ears gives similar symptomsdark discharge(exudate). And the incorrect use of drugs against otodectosis can easily worsen the situation. For this reason, if you are unsure about something, go to the vet.

Other causes of dirty ears

In some cat breeds big ears, and these are natural dust collectors. But even in an ordinary ear, dust accumulates over time and settles in the auricle. If too much dirt accumulates, it comes into play internal protection animal body. This is increased secretion earwax and, as a result, the formation of a dirty mass.

In some cases, the intensity of the sulfur gland does not depend on external stimuli, so dirty ears can occur in cats that are constantly in a clean house. Most often, this phenomenon affects breeds that have no or little hair on their ears, but this is the animal’s natural protection from external influences. These ears need to be cleaned regularly.

A cat or cat has dirty ears, what to do?

What they do with dirt is remove it properly. The question here is how to do it correctly so as not to harm the cat. Let's consider step by step instructions proper cleaning dirty ears in cats and kittens.

The main rule is to take your time and do everything carefully. Remember – the work is on an important and sensitive area of ​​the cat’s body.

First of all, bend the cat’s ear, try to turn it out as far as possible, but until there is natural resistance. If you use gel or ointment, do not squeeze it into your ear. Use a cotton swab dipped in medicine for this task.

There is an opinion that an animal can rupture its eardrum - this is a myth. Naturally, you don’t need to push the entire length of the stick into your pet’s ear; a depth of one centimeter will be enough. Although care should be taken in any case, it is possible to cause pain due to clumsy handling.

The next trick in the movement is to direct the movement of the stick outward. If you don't do this, you can simply push the dirt even deeper into the animal's ear.

If a mite or other is to blame for your cat's dirty ears ear disease, then wait with premature “treatment”. In this case, before starting cleaning, the animal must be shown to a veterinarian. In this case, a diagnosis and advice from a doctor is a necessity, because the effectiveness of treatment depends on proper cleaning.

Now you know why a cat’s ears are dirty inside and you can easily solve the problem of cleaning them. Moreover, all the proposed manipulations are extremely simple and accessible. They will not take up much of your time, and your pet will be very grateful to you.

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