Types and complete classification of jaw fractures, and how long does it take to heal? Dentistry. Clear and Accessible

The author's blog of the FitLab project is empty, and I decided to replenish it with one story from my personal life, which came to an end just the other day. This story lasted a little less than six months and is called “Restoring Sports Performance.” Not as pretentious as I would like, but maybe my example will inspire someone... Although, I doubt it.


In the spring of 2015, I got the idea to compete in powerlifting competitions, which were scheduled for October 2015. I built myself a training schedule, according to a very effective training program, using macro- and microperiodization, lasting 2 cycles of 12 weeks. I will talk about periodization soon in the Sports Articles section. I also significantly increased my daily diet to a monstrous 4500 kcal per day. I completely gave up sweets in order to gain only dry mass and not go beyond the 93 kg category at competitions. I focused my training on the bench press. My bench press, it seemed to me, was the weakest link in the trio. In my opinion, squats of 150kg for 5 reps and deadlifts of 160 for 3 seemed acceptable to me, compared to a bench press of 130kg for reps. I agree, not the most outstanding results, but I didn’t set a goal to win competitions or even enter the top 10. I just wanted to get the full competition experience.

And after the first, 12-week cycle, I gained 86 kg of fairly lean mass and brought my strength to its maximum. But the task was only half completed. There was still a lot of work left, but as planned, I took a break in the summer until mid-July and reduced the intensity of training to the level necessary to maintain shape and strength. From mid-July it was necessary to start a new cycle and prepare for October. Which is exactly what I did.

I took the popular “5x5” scheme (five working repetitions in five approaches) as the basis for the training program. For the first 9 weeks of the cycle I stuck to it, and for the remaining 3 weeks, I reduced the number of repetitions to 2-3 in 3 approaches. I also used “light” training of targeted exercises, 15 repetitions. This was done for “supercompensation”, which I will also talk about in more detail a little later.


But in August, an unpleasant situation happened to me, which resulted in a broken jaw. A rather unpleasant fracture, the treatment of which significantly reduces a person’s ability to work. In simple words, to successfully fuse this bone, the lower jaw must be firmly attached to the upper jaw. For a month and a half. The loss of chewing and speaking function for this period of time was the most terrible consequences for me. Tube feeding and a lack of protein foods did not even allow me to maintain my shape, and I inevitably lost weight to 77kg, losing almost half my strength. Naturally, I no longer thought about any competitions.


Of course, such losses drove me into a slight depression. Everything I did in the spring was in vain and I didn’t even want to return to the gym. After removing the splints and freeing the lower jaw, the first thing I did was to eat up and absorb what I wanted during the period of “liquid nutrition”. So without training I was able to fatten up to 80 kg. But I still didn’t want to go to the gym... A month passed after the tires were removed, but I still didn’t dare to resume training, and I didn’t want to do this “nonsense” in the gym again, knowing that all this could be crossed out in an instant, and you could lose yours again. the efforts will be in vain. I know someone will say, “What’s so critical here? we need to pump oil and brains.” And I partly agree with him, but I will add that we need to develop in many ways. Many people don’t even train their brains, let alone oil and bitsukha.

In no case do I want people to think that I had a monstrously difficult path, and that I am a sufferer who just wants to cry to someone. On the contrary, I want to tell you how easy it was for me to realize that doing what I love gives me even more self-confidence.

It's the end of November and I'm back in the gym! Now we need to do everything again. I decided that there was no need for me to prepare for the competition, but I had to try to get back into good shape. I started, as usual, by building a training plan.

Since there was no longer any need for strength training with submaximal weights, I decided to switch to “high-rep” or bodybuilding training. But for some reason I wanted to exceed my maximum in the bench press before breaking, at least by 5 kg. Before the fracture, he weighed 140 kg. Accordingly, I needed to bench 145 at the end of the bench press cycle. I chose a 17 week cycle for the bench press. Once on one of the public pages on VK, dedicated to strength sports, I came across one interesting scheme: Modifying it a little, adding a third day of chest training... Yes, now I train my chest 3 days a week, and I train 6 times myself in Week. I decided to experiment and introduce “static dynamics” into my training. At the same time, this experience will give me new knowledge in this area of ​​training. I tried it on myself and will soon tell you about this wonderful type of training. In short, static dynamics is a type of load in which the emphasis is on long (30-40 seconds) controlled slow repetitions, in order to maximally load the glycolytic muscle fibers.

So! I trained my chest 3 times a week, in a heavy strength mode, in a static dynamic mode, and in a “light” strength mode. I trained my legs and back in multi-repetition ranges of 15-20 reps. I added 20 minutes of cardio after each workout to strengthen my cardiovascular system and finally got serious about my calves.

Thanks to static-dynamic chest training, my deltoids have grown significantly. Everyone knows that the bench press works the deltoids and triceps just as effectively as the chest.

I did not increase my nutrition to a million kcal per day, and did not even pay special attention to it. I ate so as not to remain hungry. But he abstained from sweets, although he periodically indulged in a couple of dozen oatmeal cookies in the evening. And this, in principle, was enough.

Everything was going quite smoothly, the weight increased to 85, the bench press was approaching 145 kg, until I received another nasty injury a month ago. While doing a front squat, I got pinched in the lumbar region, caused by osteochondrosis. This threw me off track for a week. For three days I could not simply get out of bed. I decided to speed up treatment with very, very, very effective hormonal drugs. They helped, but my body was incredibly flooded with water within a week. By that time my weight was 88 kg. After stopping their action, namely recently, all the excess fluid was gone, reducing my weight to 84 kg. Not to say that I became super-reliable, but my round belly began to look a little like abs. My strength did not drop at all, which gave me confidence that the 4 kilograms I lost included minimal muscle.

So, what we have today, I have returned to my form, even having significantly improved it, not without problems, of course. Everyone faces them. In six months, I was able to experience for myself what a broken bone is, I was able to experience the bitterness of loss and lose faith in myself. But what brought me back into action was the simple idea that one of the components of a person’s happiness is doing what he loves. I don't want to say that I have a brain problem. If you ask my friends, they will answer that I never discuss this topic with them, I never shout that I am the most outstanding bodybuilder or powerlifter. I, banally, in the depths of my soul, quietly experience sentimental feelings, from the thought that I am about to become a little stronger, having slightly defeated myself from yesterday.


All patients spend 7-10 days in a hospital setting, up to a maximum of 17-21 days, depending on capabilities. If there are indications, we operate on patients on duty: when there is large blood loss or a violation of the integrity of bone tissue with large displacement, patients should be taken immediately to the operating room. In most cases, you must first use a conservative method to prepan the fragments by hand and put them in the correct position, and, if indicated, then operate. After the operation, they remain in the hospital for at least 5-10 days. Before the sutures are removed, the patient is observed again and control photographs are taken. Subsequently, these patients undergo follow-up treatment in a clinic at their place of residence. After 4-6 weeks, control photographs are taken. If there is no change, re-displacement and patient complaints, that is, it is clinically and radiologically clear that the fracture is healing without any changes, then we remove the splints.

After this, the most important stage of rehabilitation begins. Since the teeth have been in contact with each other for a whole month, changes occur both in the mucous membrane and in the bone tissue. The first stage of rehabilitation is always professional hygiene. Despite the fact that we clean the patient’s mouth in a hospital setting and explain how to clean it at home, for 10-14 days after discharge he is without daily medical supervision. From the outside, it can clean your teeth quite well. Plaque always remains on the side of the tongue and the inner surface; hygiene there is always difficult. Therefore, the first stage is professional hygiene.

The next stage is the appointment of physiotherapy aimed, first of all, at reducing swelling and resolving hematomas. It is possible to use mechanotherapy. Mechanotherapy is the development of the lower jaw, the ability to open the mouth wide using a special device or special gymnastics. We use various diets to control how the patient opens his mouth and how he chews food. This stage is sometimes omitted when receiving these patients in a clinic, as this is a rather complex and painstaking process. Most techniques are widely described in methodological manuals. Sometimes we recommend that patients do mechanotherapy on their own.

A jaw fracture is a partial or complete lesion of the bone due to mechanical impact or under the influence of general pathological conditions. There are also double and triple types of fractures. The phenomenon itself is a serious injury, in which it is necessary to visit a doctor. What can be the consequences if the jaw is broken, what to do? It is unacceptable to treat such cases on your own, as this can cause many problems that will lead to tooth loss, as well as bone damage.

The following types are taken into account based on the reason:

  • traumatic in nature as a result of physical impact on bone tissue. Often occurs in road accidents, violence against a person;
  • pathological ones are caused by bone diseases: tumors, osteochondrosis, etc.

Based on the degree of damage:

  • open fracture of the jaw, when fragments extend beyond the boundaries of the gums and, as a result, the mucous membrane ruptures;
  • closed, in which the facial tissues remain intact.

If you are injured, you should consult a doctor

The lower jaw is more prone to injury, because it is mobile. After receiving an injury, you must immediately consult a doctor for a proper examination of the lesion.

Signs of a fracture

  1. Intense jaw mobility.
  2. Severe pain as a result of any movement.
  3. Moving teeth, creating gaps between them.
  4. Difficulties arise when closing the mouth.
  5. Increased salivation.
  6. The tongue sinks or the bone is damaged.
  7. The mucous part is severely torn.
  8. The wounds are bleeding.
  9. The face becomes asymmetrical and swelling occurs.
  10. Difficulties in speaking, chewing, and swallowing appear.
  11. The sensitivity of the face decreases due to nerve damage.
  12. The patient experiences shock and dizziness.

Mobility of the jaw as a sign of a fracture

Causes of injury

A fracture can be caused by the following reasons:

  • intense stress in everyday life, falling, performing sports exercises, road accidents;
  • pathologies of bones, formations and cysts;
  • improper tooth extraction.

Sports as a cause of jaw fracture

When the jaw is damaged, displacement can occur in three types:

  • sagittal;
  • vegital;
  • transversal.

This plays a very important role in identifying the correct treatment regimen and choosing the equipment that will be used for correction. As a rule, in case of a displaced jaw fracture, treatment, symptoms, photo consequences, what to eat are special splints that are fixed on the teeth. The doctor collects bones with his hands. The person at this moment is under local or general anesthesia. Fragments can be fixed using nylon devices. The jaw can be attached with special metal spokes that are installed externally. After adjustment, the patient needs peace of mind with mandatory antimicrobial actions.

We consider in detail all aspects of such a complex facial injury as a displaced jaw fracture: treatment, symptoms, consequences, photos. What to eat is a separate issue, because in the postoperative period the jaws need to be fixed, and the patient is given splints. And the consistency of the food is, for obvious reasons, extremely liquid.

Patients must be prescribed a special diet. This must be done due to the fact that the patient will not be able to fully move his jaws.

The bones heal in at least a month, so during this period the patient will have to eat only liquid meals.

The consistency of all food should be puree, so a person should consume soups, broths, fruits and vegetables, ground through a meat grinder.

How is the treatment carried out?

Only medical professionals can provide qualified medical assistance. Before they arrive at the scene of the incident, the victim should be completely calm to ensure the immobility of the limbs. Analgesics can improve your health. It is worth remembering that it is impossible to treat a fracture of the lower and upper jaw at home. Symptoms, photos and signs can be found below.

The faster the treatment is carried out, the better it will be for the patient.

Therapeutic measures involve the following actions:

The upper jaw breaks much less frequently than the lower jaw.

The following signs are distinguished:

  • Patients have swollen cheeks and excessive bleeding between the teeth;
  • numbness in the area under the eyes is possible, bruises also appear, blood is released from the nose, there is a strong secretion of saliva, there is no sense of smell;
  • in severe cases, people lose their vision and cannot open their mouth.

Patients often complain of severe nausea and severe pain. Vital functions are complicated. It is difficult for a person to talk, breathe, or eat. In parallel with jaw damage, patients are diagnosed with a concussion.

When providing first aid, the patient needs to restore breathing. All unnecessary objects are removed from the oral cavity. You can clearly see what a broken jaw looks like in the photo.

Splinting method

One of the main treatment methods is splinting. The event involves adjusting the fragments with displacement of the plastic device.

The type of action will depend on the type of damage:

  • in case of a unilateral fracture, the device is applied on one side;
  • equipment of a more rigid form is applied on both sides. In addition to it, special rings and hooks are installed;
  • in case of a displaced fracture of the upper and lower jaw, it is necessary to use a two-jaw technique.

Fixation for unilateral fracture

If plastic equipment is used, it is installed under the patient’s chin and a bandage is wrapped. However, this procedure is performed when assistance must be provided immediately in order for the victim to be taken to the emergency room.

Consequences of a fracture

To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to seek professional help in time. The following complications are possible:

  • tooth movement;
  • the appearance of distances between teeth;
  • facial deformation;
  • the appearance of malocclusion.

If necessary, surgery may be necessary to restore the affected areas of the face. In case of mild fractures and timely visit to the doctor, following all his recommendations, mobility is restored within a month.

A jaw fracture is a violation of the integrity of the bones of the facial skeleton. There are injuries to the lower and upper jaw. In 7 out of 10 cases, it is the lower jaw that is damaged. It can break in several places at the same time. This susceptibility to injury is explained by its structure and the functions assigned to it.


No one is immune from such a fracture, but it is most common in men aged 20 to 45 years.

Reasons that lead to these injuries:

  • structural features of the bone (movable arch fixed at the extreme points);
  • protruding chin (it bears the brunt of the impact);
  • falls, blows.

A jaw fracture is a rather dangerous injury, since if bones and their fragments are displaced, the airways can be blocked, blood vessels, nerves of the head, neck, and even the brain stem can be damaged. During a fracture, infectious complications from diseased teeth are possible, which lead to osteomyelitis (bone damage).

Violation of the integrity of the jaw bones can lead to death. This danger arises with complex fractures, which lead to other serious disorders and are accompanied by associated injuries.

A broken jaw in itself is a dangerous, but not fatal injury.

The lower jaw has certain places that are susceptible to fractures due to certain injuries. Fractures happen:

  • open;
  • closed;
  • with offset;
  • without displacement of fragments;
  • splintered.

Symptoms of a fracture of the lower and upper jaw

Accurate diagnosis of the fracture, its type and severity determine further treatment.

Symptoms indicating a violation of the integrity of the jaw bones are quite extensive. They can be identified visually, as well as by the sensations of the victim. Quite often, a fracture is accompanied by a traumatic brain injury and loss of consciousness, so it is very important to receive timely, qualified medical care.

And so, the main signs indicating a serious injury to bone tissue:

  • severe pain at the site of injury, intensifying when attempting to move; if nerve endings are affected, the pain is unbearable;
  • bleeding into the oral cavity or into the outer surface through a damaged skin vessel;
  • swelling of the face. The swelling is quite pronounced in the area of ​​fractures, characterized by pastosity, local temperature rise, and redness;
  • if the lower jaw is damaged due to external influences, wounds, abrasions, and hematomas may appear on the skin;
  • deformation of the jaw (after displacement) and disruption of the skin texture;
  • pain when pressing on the chin;
  • bleeding from the nose or ears is sometimes accompanied by leakage of cerebrospinal fluid (you can see it with a napkin that is applied to the nose and, if there is a yellowish spot on it, this indicates the presence of cerebrospinal fluid in the blood).

To establish an accurate diagnosis, the doctor not only studies the symptoms, but also conducts additional examinations that help determine the severity of the injury, possible complications, and associated injuries. For this purpose, X-rays, orthopantomography, computed tomography, and MRI are used.

First aid for jaw injury

Self-medication for jaw injuries is life-threatening and risks possible complications. Therefore, if you receive any jaw injury that results in signs of a fracture, you should immediately call an ambulance. You can highlight what first aid is based on before the arrival of specialists. This:

  • cardiopulmonary resuscitation (if breathing stops);
  • stopping bleeding;
  • anesthesia;
  • jaw fixation.

A displaced fracture can result in bone fragments blocking the trachea, which can result in suffocation and death. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to clear the mouth of broken teeth and vomit (this must be done extremely carefully so that displaced fragments do not cause even more harm). The tongue should also be fixed. This can be done using a metal spoon or gauze. If the person is unconscious, then a puncture is made in the tongue two cm from the tip and a thread is pulled through it, the second end is sewn to the collar. The tongue should rest against the inside of the teeth. The position of the victim should be horizontal with his head turned to the side.

If there is no breathing, artificial respiration is performed - “mouth to mouth”. Cover the victim's mouth with a handkerchief and blow in air, while holding the nose with your fingers. If the pulse cannot be felt, then perform an indirect cardiac massage (90-100 pressures per minute). A combination of these two resuscitation procedures would be correct. It is carried out by 30 pressures and 2 injections.

An open fracture is accompanied by severe bleeding. The first aid to stop it is to press a cotton swab or napkin to the wound and apply cold compresses to slow down the blood flow.

Since a fracture of the jaw bone causes severe pain, until the ambulance arrives, it is necessary to alleviate the condition of the injured person and, if possible, relieve severe pain symptoms. It is unlikely that a person will be able to take a painkiller pill, so you need to resort to administering the drug intramuscularly. If this is not possible, then you can try grinding the tablet into powder and diluting it in a small amount of water and giving it to drink. It is recommended to use the following drugs: analgin, naproxen, revalgin. Also remember that cold relieves pain symptoms well. Before medical help arrives, you can apply cold for 15-10 minutes, take a break for a couple of minutes and repeat the procedure.

Immobilization of the jaw for transportation is carried out only when the victim is conscious. Stabilizing the jaw means preventing further damage and reducing pain. In case of a fracture of the upper jaw, a plate of dense material is placed under the upper teeth and tied to the head using a piece of fabric (see photo 1).

photo 1

The same type of fixation is performed in case of injury to the lower jaw.

First aid is sometimes so important that it can save a person's life. This is especially true for open fractures with displacement and head injuries. The first minute is important for stopping bleeding and resuscitation efforts to restore heart rhythm and breathing.

Fracture treatment

Treatment depends on the type of injury and the severity of the fracture. The main stages are distinguished:

  • eliminating the source of bleeding (ligation of the damaged vessel, suturing);
  • wound treatment and splinting. First you need to eliminate the consequences of the injury in the mouth (remove fragments of bones, teeth, blood clots) and only then stitches are applied;
  • treatment with antibiotics for an open fracture;
  • if the respiratory rhythm is disturbed, the doctor extends the tongue and secures the jaw in the desired position;
  • Depending on the severity of the fracture, fixation of bone fragments is also carried out. First, they need to be compared into a coherent composition. There are cases when intermaxillary traction is first used, followed by the application of a splint;
  • Doctors use a special intermaxillary fastener to secure broken pieces of the jaw. To do this, special hooks are attached to the intact and broken jaw, between which a rubber ring is installed, which acts as a mechanism for fastening bone fragments.
  • splints are installed to fix bone fragments. Splinting is performed using special wire (see photo 2).

Let us dwell in detail on such a procedure as splinting. It is performed by a qualified dentist. Its main task is to fix bone fragments. Splinting is indicated for bone displacement. Before performing this manipulation, an X-ray of the jaw is taken, from which the degree of damage is determined, after which treatment is carried out. The first consequences of violating the integrity of the jaw are the removal of all teeth in the area of ​​the fracture before applying a splint. The damaged bone is collected piece by piece and secured with special clamps.

There are several types of splinting. The choice depends on the severity of the fracture. This can be unilateral, bilateral or double-jaw splinting. Splinting is an effective way to achieve complete immobilization of jaw bone fragments.

The consequences of jaw fractures in most cases are eliminated surgically. This treatment is aimed at restoring bone integrity (osteosynthesis). His methods are determined by the severity of the fracture in the victim. This may be external osteosynthesis. It allows the jaw to partially return its functionality until it is fully restored. It is carried out by fixing the bones with special knitting needles. Treatment with intraosseous osteosynthesis involves inserting a special guide into the medullary canal of the bone. Bony repair allows you to treat a fracture by applying a metal plate using screws and screws. This method allows treatment without applying a plaster cast. Transosseous osteosynthesis is the connection of fragments with special means that are carried out at an angle through the fracture.

Treatment is not limited to the methods listed above. Today, there are many other techniques and techniques that are used to treat jaw fractures. The attending doctor chooses how and with what to treat the fracture, based on the capabilities of the clinic, his own skills, and also on the basis of the severity of the injury.

After matching the bones and applying fixing bandages, the treatment does not end. Depending on the severity of the injury, surgery, and possible complications, a course of therapy is prescribed. Treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics is considered mandatory. This is necessary to prevent the development of infections, inflammations and for the general strengthening of the body.

Treating a broken jaw yourself at home is strictly prohibited. This can lead to serious complications. These injuries should only be treated by a professional facial surgeon. Who will be able to correctly diagnose and piece together the damaged jaw, which will not only restore its full functions, but also preserve the shape of the facial part of the head.

How long it takes to recover depends on many factors:

  • complexity of the fracture and severity of surgery;
  • age and general condition of the patient;
  • presence of concomitant diseases and injuries;
  • following the doctor's recommendations.

The jaw heals on average in about two months. The splints are removed after one and a half, without osteosynthesis. If this method was used, then after two weeks.

The rehabilitation period plays a major role in a speedy recovery. Depending on the severity of the fracture, special exercises and physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed. It is recommended to start exercise therapy no earlier than a month after the injury and, of course, after removing the splints and fixing bandages. The exercises are aimed at restoring facial expressions, speech, chewing and swallowing functions. How long it takes to completely restore the jaw also depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, the severity of the injuries suffered and personal perseverance in achieving the goal.

Features of catering

Violation of the integrity of the jaw bone and all the above-described manipulations aimed at its restoration entail great difficulties in the implementation of natural processes. Nutrition during this period should be liquid, but at the same time contain all the substances necessary for a person. You can only eat food that has been ground and diluted to a liquid state. Nutrition is provided by the following methods:

  • a sippy cup with a rubber tube that is inserted directly into the stomach. It can also be used at home to feed the victim;
  • gastric tube, it is installed in the hospital;
  • drip, used when the patient is unconscious;
  • nutritional enemas, in severe cases, when the unconscious patient does not have veins for the administration of maintenance drugs.

Nutrition also involves the presence of certain foods in the diet. During this period, food prepared at home should completely replenish the body’s daily need for microelements, proteins, and fats. This should be a complete meal containing high-calorie dishes. It is useful for the patient to eat boiled meat, dairy products, vegetables and fruits for recovery. Everything should be ground to a mushy state and diluted with liquid. You need to eat dishes with a lot of vegetable fats. Food should be heated to 40-45 degrees. You can take it at home through a straw. Drinking alcohol is prohibited.

The most common facial injury to be treated by a traumatologist is a jaw fracture; How long such an injury takes to heal depends on a number of factors. These include the characteristics of the fracture, the patient’s age, and the development of complications. Experts state that the recovery period is longer for a fracture of the lower jaw. For the victim, this issue is extremely important, since such an injury complicates his life, preventing him from speaking and eating normally.

Rehabilitation after a jaw fracture

The duration of the rehabilitation period after a jaw fracture depends on what methods were used for treatment - conservative or surgical. Splinting for a fracture of the lower or upper jaw is carried out when there are no fragments or displacement after the injury. This procedure involves connecting jaw fragments with a single structure and then completely fixing them.

There are 3 types of splinting:

  1. One-sided. It is carried out if one half of the lower or upper jaw is damaged as a result of injury. Splinting is carried out with copper wire.
  2. Two-way. The splint is applied to the jaw on both sides. The teeth are fixed with rigid wire.
  3. Double jawed. Used for bilateral fractures with displacement of fragments. Copper wire is attached to the remaining fixed teeth. If there are none, then the splint is installed in pre-drilled holes in the alveolar bone. After this, the lower and upper jaws are connected with rubber rings, and the structure is fixed with hooks.

Since the victim has difficulty eating, liquid or porridge-like food is recommended during the rehabilitation period. This can be vegetable or fruit puree, yogurt and kefir, milk, puree soup, baby formula and cereal, grated meat diluted in broth. After removing the splint, the transition to solid food should be done gradually. This is necessary not only for the gradual development of chewing function, but also to prepare the stomach for the usual diet.

Rehabilitation also includes taking medications that eliminate inflammation and pain, promote rapid healing, and prevent the development of bacterial infections. To fully restore all functions of the damaged part of the face, it is recommended to maintain enhanced oral hygiene, perform physical therapy, and carry out prescribed physical procedures. The active phase of rehabilitation begins a month after the damaged tissues have healed.


Physiotherapeutic procedures help speed up the process of bone fusion, improve blood circulation and tissue regeneration.

In the case of the injury in question, the following procedures are prescribed:

  1. Electrophoresis with calcium. Promotes normal bone healing. There are 15 procedures, each lasting 20 minutes;
  2. Ultraviolet irradiation of the damaged area. UV rays promote the production of vitamin D, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium. Procedures are carried out every 3 days, lasting 30 minutes.
  3. Magnetotherapy. Both low-frequency and high-frequency effects are used. Each procedure is repeated 10 times for 20 minutes. Signs of inflammation and swelling are eliminated, pain is relieved.

When are the splints removed and how long does it take for the jaw to heal?

The length of time you wear a splint after such an injury depends on several factors:

  • patient's age;
  • complexity of the fracture;
  • the presence of concomitant pathologies;
  • speed of bone recovery.

The older the victim, the longer it will take to recover. If splinting of the jaw for a fracture was carried out without osteosynthesis, then the fixing structure is removed at 30-45 days. If such manipulation was carried out, then 5-14 days after that. The total period of complete rehabilitation is 1.5-2 months.

The splint for a jaw fracture is removed after the bone is restored. Before removing the fixing structure, a control photograph is taken. If a fracture has formed on the fracture line, then there is no need to continue wearing a splint.

It will take at least 1 month for the damaged tissue to heal. With a complicated injury, this period can last up to 3-5 months.

How much does it cost to treat a broken jaw?

The cost of treatment for a jaw fracture is determined by the complexity of the injury and the measures taken to restore its integrity and functionality. Thus, the price of osteosynthesis can range from 15 to 70 thousand rubles. The starting price for splinting is about 14 thousand rubles.

The price is also affected by the quality of the tires used, physiotherapeutic procedures and postoperative observation. It is quite difficult to name the exact total cost of treatment, since this is only possible in a medical institution, when a specialist examines the victim. Services associated with recovery from such an injury are not cheap.