Dogs of the Dwarf Pomeranian Spitz breed. Description and breed standard of the Dwarf Pomeranian Spitz. Pomeranian nutrition

Fluffy miniature bear with button eyes. This is the appearance of the Dwarf Pomeranian Spitz. Indeed, this dog looks more like a toy than a pet. Therefore, this breed is now at the peak of popularity. What you need to know about it will be discussed below.

The Dwarf Spitz is considered one of the most ancient dog breeds in the world. However, they became known as decorative dogs at the beginning of the 18th century. Initially, these animals were used as territory guards. In ancient times, dogs were larger than the current representatives of the breed.

Then the weight of the animal could reach 15 kg. Today the mini-Spitz is classified as a northern dog. The largest dogs of our time are the Wolfspitz. Selection work to develop new varieties was started at the will of the nobility. As a result, Pomeranians have become significantly smaller, but have not lost their attractiveness.

During selective selection of the smallest animals, the size and weight of the breed decreased by almost three times. Now the weight of the mini-Spitz does not exceed 5 kg. Today, the Pomeranian Dwarf Spitz breed is popular all over the world, which has made these animals the main stars of social networks.

Breed standard

To purchase a purebred dog, you need to know what description of the breed the Spitz has. The standard and compliance with it are very important when an animal is taken for exhibition or for breeding.

The Pomeranian Spitz has the following description:

  • head proportional to the body. There should not be a strong narrowing towards the nose;
  • cheeks slightly rounded;
  • lips are thin. They hide the teeth due to their tight fit;
  • teeth grow in full formula. But for some varieties it is considered normal if a mini-Spitz does not have premolars;
  • scissor bite, but direct closure is also allowed;
  • nose brown or black;
  • the eyes are small and shiny;
  • The ears are set close and high. Because of their lush fur, they appear quite miniature;
  • the body itself is square in shape;
  • medium length wool;
  • the sternum is extended;
  • the abdominal line is moderately sloping;
  • the limbs are set wide apart, so the mini-Spitz is stable and looks confident;
  • the tail is set vertically. It is thrown behind the back. The best option is if it is twisted into one ring. But the formation of two rings is allowed.

It is important for breeders to know how much such a pet weighs. Typically their weight is about 3.5 kg. But some individuals may be larger than their relatives. At the same time, the size of an adult dog is 18-22 cm. A male dog has this height. Naturally, their height will be slightly higher than that of females. Any purebred Spitz has the breed standard described above. Minor deviations from the norm are allowed for certain species, because the description of the breed includes a large number of varieties.

Coat type and color

The Dwarf Spitz has become so popular due to its coat. The Pomeranian Dwarf Spitz breed has a double coat: guard and down. The wool is elastic and very dense. On the body of the animal it is usually longer.

An adult dog has a well-developed collar. There may also be “pants” and “feathering”, which is observed on the back of the front legs. All Pomeranians go through a period when their coat looks unpresentable. This is usually typical during adolescence. For an adult animal, this type is considered a marriage. This characteristic of the breed is not known to many dog ​​breeders.

Mini Spitz have fewer colors than those listed in the FCI standard.

The Pomeranian variety is often associated with the color red. However, they are also characterized by the following colors: black, zonal (gray), white, as well as orange, brown and cream. The most common are red and white Spitz, as well as gray dogs.

Character and education

When choosing a puppy, it is important to know what kind of character the Pomeranian breed has. The character of these dogs is lively and active. They need both mental (for example, diaper training) and physical exercise. Therefore, animals must be walked. The Pomeranian is able to stand up for himself when meeting other dogs. At the same time, they calmly react to their relatives.

In order for a dwarf Spitz to have a well-groomed appearance, owners must devote a lot of time to caring for its coat. However, this statement is not always true. The Mini Spitz requires care that is not much more difficult than other long-haired dog breeds. Due to the elasticity of the animals' fur, they do not need to be brushed every day. But during the molting period, the coat requires additional attention. At this time, the dog should be combed several times a day, removing all the undercoat at a time. In addition, the miniature Spitz can be cut.

This breed of dog needs bathing, but not very often. If you use special protective suits in dirty weather, you won’t have to bathe your pet every time after a walk. In this case, the Pomeranian's coat will remain clean.

Your pet should be bathed and brushed with some regularity. It is worth noting that the requirements for caring for a puppy differ from those required for an adult dog. This primarily concerns feeding. After all, a puppy at 6 months will not eat exactly what he ate at 3 months. Therefore, it is necessary to feed your Spitz puppy monthly.

This breed also has difficulties with childbirth. All the ailments characteristic of this breed arose due to the fact that breeders wanted the Pomeranian to be small in size. But in such a miniature lies a wide variety of health problems. As you can see, the Pomeranian Spitz has a lot of health problems. But if cared for correctly, a dog of this breed can live about 12-16 years.

Approximate cost of puppies

Due to their popularity, puppies of this breed are considered expensive. The price for them depends on a wide variety of factors (kennel, pedigree, class of animal, etc.). The average cost of one mini-Spitz puppy can reach up to 40 thousand rubles. However, if the animal is purchased for yourself and will not perform at exhibitions, you can find offers that are more acceptable in the price range.

When buying a dog, you should definitely use the services of a professional dog handler. A specialist will help you correctly assess not only the dog’s compliance with the standards, but also its health. As you can see, the Pomeranian Spitz has both pros and cons of the breed. Moreover, this variety has plenty of disadvantages. Therefore, if you want to buy such a pet, you need to remember that you will often have to travel with it to veterinary clinics.

Very similar to the cunning heroine of many cartoons - the cunning little fox sister. This breed of dog is classified as decorative. Some dog experts believe that the Pomeranian is a variety of the German Spitz, while others are confident that it is a separate breed.

In fact, this breed can be confused with the German one, but the difference is the Pomeranian's soft coat and short muzzle.

They can be very miniature, they are called miniature spitz and small, in extreme cases - medium.

All about Spitz

The breed originates from Pomerania, an area in Germany. The name of these dogs comes from this area. In 1870, when Spitz arrived in England, a dwarf breed began to be bred. These dwarf babies were so beautiful and graceful that they had a great influence on breeders all over the world, through which Spitz dogs in other countries began to change in order to get closer to the ideal.


The Spitz's head and muzzle are similar to those of a fox; their skull is rounded, and their ears are small and not widely spaced. The body is short, the chest is deep, the ribs are slightly rounded. Various colors, you can find white, black, black and blue-tan, blue, cream, orange, brown, brown-dark, red and black, chocolate and even two-color.

The height of the Spitz at the withers ranges from eighteen to twenty-two centimeters, weight can reach 3.5 kilograms.

The lifespan of a dwarf Spitz is about fifteen years. Body proportions 1:1, length to height.

The Spitz's nose is round, small and black.

Buying a Dwarf Pomeranian Puppy

This breed is very suitable for apartments located in the city. A dwarf Spitz will be your wonderful friend; even inexperienced dog lovers can have one. But you need to take the choice of a puppy very seriously.

First of all, you need to remember that you cannot buy a real, purebred Spitz from the metro or on the market. The dogs that are sold there are most likely overbought and without documents, and the cards for puppies are forged after being overbought. Sellers in such places will not give you guarantees that the animal is healthy that he was given drugs for helminths and about habits too. And this can bring a lot of problems to a person who wants to buy for himself little friend.

In addition, there is no guarantee that the puppy does not have a cold and that he is really a Pomeranian and not just like one.

For this reason, real purebred Pomeranian Spitz can only be purchased in special clubs, nurseries or from breeders. But even if you decide to buy a dog in such an establishment, you need to make sure that all documents for it are in order, look at the puppy’s pedigree and only then take it home.

Then you need to decide on the gender of the dog. And this will be the owner’s personal decision. But remember that the girl will go into heat twice a year, during this period you need to monitor her and protect her from cables, your furniture may also suffer a little. And if your plans include further offspring, then you need to be psychologically prepared for this. This period will be very difficult for the owner; he will have to stock up on strength and patience. But a bitch can live a normal life without puppies, and the assumption that this will affect her health is incorrect: both females who have given birth and females who have not given birth are susceptible to disease.

But keep in mind that a girl Spitz can be trained to use a tray and not be taken out for walks, several times a day outside. But with a cable it’s more difficult, since it needs to lift its paw. In addition, if you come to visit with a male dog, he may mark the apartment of your friends or relatives.

Outwardly boys can be prettier and more efficient, but they are difficult to train and educate. Girls are more compliant and require much less attention to themselves. In addition, when the cable senses heat, it can escape from the owner.

The puppy can be taken home after it is two months old. But be sure to make sure he is already eating solid food and doing it himself. You can buy an older dog, this will give you the opportunity to see its external characteristics and character. By the way, it will be noted that if the dog remained with the breeder and was not sold, this does not mean in any way that it is bad. It’s just that very often good puppies are left for last. Because if they don’t sell, they will remain with the breeder.

Even if the acquisition has already adult spitz you won't have any problems. The dog will very quickly get used to the new conditions and will delight you, no less than a puppy. The main thing is to surround her with care, affection and love.

When purchasing, very examine the dog carefully.

Do not forget that the puppy will need time to get used to new conditions and people, as well as to water and food. Dogs of this breed are not suitable for families with children and elderly people, as they love to bark and are very loud.

Raising a dog

Pomeranian dwarf Spitz dogs really do not like to be left alone; they need company and attention from their owner. In addition, they do not always understand that they are small and can attack a large dog. If you have other animals in the house, then a small puppy will make friends with them without any problems, but an older dog will want to dominate.


Pomeranians have a cheerful and playful disposition, they are very active and energetic, loyal to their owner and have excellent hearing. He is quite obedient, even when playing. These dogs are very smart and quick-witted, easy to train and understanding. Despite the fact that dogs are very small, they will always protect their owner and unquestioningly carry out all his orders.


If you suddenly change your puppy's food, it can cause an upset stomach, which can lead to dehydration, which can lead to illness. After you have adopted the puppy, you can switch it to another food no earlier than two weeks later.

You can give your Spitz food that contains all the necessary minerals and vitamins. If you have given up food and switched to natural products, then remember that what is good for you can be very harmful for your Spitz.

A mono-diet, which will be on par with a balanced diet, will be useful for oranges.

Pay attention to the food you give. They must contain at least twenty-five percent protein, both plant and animal. Choose foods that contain offal, liver, meat, fish and lots of vitamins A and B.

If you have settled on a certain food, then it is better not to change it. Supplements are only necessary in case of illness or poor nutrition. Do not give vitamins yourself, consult a veterinarian, otherwise you may harm your pet.

Give food according to the instructions, there may be one feeding, or maybe several, it depends on the owner.

From time to time you can give boiled vegetables and fresh fruits, boiled meat, sour milk and other fermented milk products. But don't forget about these aspects:

  • Food should only be at room temperature, hot or cold is unacceptable.
  • Water must be of high quality, not boiled.
  • Pork is strictly prohibited for Spitz, as it is very fatty.
  • You should not give salty, smoked or sweet foods.
  • Legumes can also be harmful, with the exception of sauerkraut.

The Spitz should not be washed often, but must be combed regularly. It also needs to be treated for ticks and fleas.

The dog's toys must be durable so that he cannot chew them. You should not let him play with polyethylene, as the puppy may swallow a piece and die.

In addition, take the choice of a collar seriously; you need one so that the dog cannot remove it or simply slip out of it. If you are going for a walk with a small puppy, then it is better to take it out and let it outside, where it is safe. Spitz are fearless, they can rush at other dogs, this must be prevented.

Last vaccination a small Spitz is done at twelve weeks, after which it must be aged 3 week quarantine, only after this can you take the ego out onto the street. Habits can be given to a puppy who does not have any diseases. The next habit is done annually, and then annually. Prevention of worms should be done no more than four times a year.

Common diseases:

  • hypothyroidism;
  • tracheal collapse;
  • atlanto - accipital subluxation;
  • dislocation of the kneecap;
  • testicular tumor;
  • cryptorchidism.

Less commonly, dogs can get sick:

  • cataracts;
  • retinal atrophy, which progresses;
  • enroflon;
  • sick sinus syndrome;
  • congenital dislocation of the elbow joint.

White dwarf Pomeranians are considered the smallest dogs, they look incredibly cute and resemble a cloud or cotton candy on their paws. They are pleasant to pet, they have a cheerful character and a friendly disposition.

They arose several hundred years ago and were called “Pommerle” due to the fact that they appeared in Pomerania, one of the parts of Prussia.

In one thousand seven hundred and sixty-seven they conquered England, arriving there along with the future Queen Charlotte. Since then, they have decreased several times - their ancestors weighed from nine to thirteen kilograms.

In contact with


Description of the breed

You can notice such a dog right away - the fluffy one is strikingly different from its brothers. Here it is main features:

  • Thick and long fur is perfectly white, without a yellow tint. It is found on the ears, and this is considered a minus.
  • A rounded silhouette and a short tail, which is very pubescent and fits tightly to the back.
  • An elongated face with an eternally surprised expression and rounded eyes, a flat skull.
  • The height at the withers is no more than twenty centimeters, and the weight is three and a half kilograms.
  • High-set ears in the shape of a regular triangle.
  • Thick undercoat, due to which the fur does not adhere to the body, but stands vertically.
  • Dark nose and mouth, as well as the rim around the eyes.
  • The paws are parallel to each other.
  • The wool does not fall out because breeders specifically worked on this.

Exists three varieties such cuties that differ in their faces - fox, bear and toy.


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These charmers are friendly to both people and other four-legged animals - they are able to get along in the same home with another pet. But on the street they are wary of everyone, so it is important to raise them correctly, otherwise they will irritate everyone with their loud barking. They are also capable, in a fit of courage, to attack an individual ten times larger than themselves and suffer.

Dogs are distinguished by high intelligence - they can use their minds to find their owner’s weaknesses, and then put pressure on them to get their way. For example, they often manipulate feelings of guilt or deliberately evoke pity by begging for a treat.

Their characteristic feature is the love to bark loudly, this must be taken into account when getting an animal. There is practically no need for training, because already at five months they learn basic commands.

From puppyhood, it is worth accustoming Spitz dogs to washing and combing. Their hair needs a special shampoo, and you can brush them against the grain - this will add additional volume.

In addition, it is useful - massage ensures blood flow to the hair follicles, and the fur becomes even healthier and thicker. They definitely need to be occupied with something - give them a toy or turn on the TV, otherwise they will behave too active. They love to walk and you need to spend a lot of time with them in the fresh air.

Owner reviews

Almost all owners of Pomeranians speak positively about them - such a creature gives them a lot of positivity and positive emotions. Someone argues that overly nervous people should not have him - they can be driven to despair by his barking. But if you love fun and when the house is moderately noisy and joyful, then this is a suitable option for you.

Some people advise immediately buying a special overall for your pet - it will protect it from dirt in the damp autumn weather, and you won’t have to constantly bathe your pet, because all the stains on its white fur are immediately visible. Such overalls are made of nylon - they don’t need warm ones, a fur coat is already warm. For girls, there are special panties that are worn during heat in the house.

The owners of these charmers say that they have a restless character, constantly play and love to communicate. They are brave and courageous, at the first occasion they rush to protect their owner, they can even bark at a huge street dog. It is important to prevent conflict in time. Fluffies love long walks and get bored if you only take them out into the yard for a short time. At least once a week you should choose a time and go with your pet to a park or forest.

These little ones are truly microscopic, so you need to make sure your home is safe for them ahead of time. Close all the cracks and dangerous passages, insulate the wires, make sure that there are no gaps between the floor and the wall on the balcony.

If you have an open loggia with a fence made of twigs, it is better not to let your pet out there at all. Hide all small items that are within reach, move containers with household chemicals higher up.

It is better to transport your baby in your arms or in a carrier bag, otherwise he may fall and get hurt. At home, be sure to create a personal place for him to relax, which should be arranged away from drafts and radiators. Buy a house or a special basket, put a diaper and a mattress in a pillowcase there. Change them and wash them so that the handsome man feels comfortable there.

If he stays at home alone, then it is better to buy a small enclosure so that he does not break anything in the house or injure himself. But you shouldn’t leave him alone for a long time - he becomes very attached to his owner and suffers without him.

Choose safe toys, without plastic and iron parts. Latex is best. Bowls should be secured to the floor, and you will also need a tray for the kitten.

You should accustom your puppy to walks only after all vaccinations have been completed and in good weather. Start with a few minutes, and then walk for a couple of hours. He should not eat anything from the ground and chase other animals. But you can eat grass and bark. Let him go without a leash only where there are no other creatures, as well as in special areas, so that he can run and warm up - this is good for his health.

Inspect your cutie weekly:

  • Look at his eyes - are there any inflammations? Discharge? For prevention, they are wiped with boiled water, and if you find a deviation from the norm, you should contact a veterinarian and treat as he advises.
  • Look into your ears - they need to be cleaned as wax accumulates. For this you will need cotton swabs.
  • When your kitten's teeth change, monitor their loss - if it does not occur for too long, consult a doctor so that the growth of the molars is not disrupted.
  • Brush his teeth regularly using a special brush and toothpaste.
  • Trim your claws as they grow.

The fur of such a creature is its pride and distinctive feature, so it also needs to be carefully looked after. Brush it twice a week, trim it regularly, or contact a specialist for this. You can bathe the baby no more than once every two weeks, and after that you need to dry it with a hairdryer. If this is not done, fungus will appear.


The average price for such four-legged animals ranges from ten to thirty thousand rubles. It is better to purchase a furry friend from trusted breeders - this way he will definitely be healthy and, most likely, vaccinated.

But if you need a mixed breed or a dog that does not meet the standards, just for the soul, you can look for one through advertisements on Avito or other free sites. There are plenty of offers. Remember that when choosing, you need to focus not only on appearance, but also on the character of the future family member.

Most of us have pets in our homes, but if we don’t already have them, the idea of ​​getting an animal often comes to mind. Before deciding on the type, you need to clearly understand what awaits the family from the moment the animal appears in the house. Any living creature needs attention and care.

If you want to take a dog into your home, then a Pomeranian puppy would be an ideal option. The breed is very popular all over the world. His appearance is touching, because the dog looks like a tiny bear. What kind of breed is this, its distinctive features, photos of puppies? How much does a toy Pomeranian cost?

Breed description: photos of puppies

Recently there has been a real boom in small dog breeds. The Pomeranian dwarf Spitz is in great demand. This is not surprising, because looking at photos of funny dogs, you immediately want to get yourself such a cute creature. Most of us live in small apartments. A miniature dog will be an ideal option for living in a small space.

In appearance, the dog resembles a small teddy bear. The dog is distinguished by its lively and cheerful disposition, devotion and selfless friendship. They first appeared in Germany and immediately fell in love with the inhabitants of European countries. There are several varieties of this breed and each of them has its own characteristics:

  • German;
  • Japanese (Chinese);
  • Pomeranian;
  • bear type.

The dwarf dog belongs to the decorative breeds, but despite this, the breed is considered one of the oldest on our earth. Archaeological scientists were able to determine from the found remains that the Spitz breed dates back more than 4,000 years. Pomerania had its own type of dog, which was successfully bred there, which is where it got its name.

Despite their miniature size, dwarf Spitz easy to train. They grasp everything on the fly, quickly and easily assimilate commands. In height at the withers, they can reach a maximum size of 28 cm. The mini weight category can weigh from 1 to 3 kg, and the standard 3-6 kg. There are several color types of Dwarf Pomeranians;

  • white;
  • blue;
  • grey;
  • cream;
  • chocolate.

Representatives of this dog breed can live from 12 to 15 years. Their character is active and friendly. The little fur ball is endowed with a kind, affectionate disposition and pleasant appearance. He is always ready to help and can easily get along with other animals in the same house. Due to their nature, Spitz dogs are now used as companion dogs.

The dog is simply created for joy and communication with people. She is unpretentious in content, but very smart. The breed is excellent developed sense of self-esteem. Smart and expressive eyes on a cute little face always look at their owner with devotion. This tiny creature contains a whole sea of ​​love and devotion. The dog is ready to follow its owner anywhere.

Photos of Spitz, price of puppies

The cost of Spitz puppies will be calculated separately in each case. If you want to buy a good friend for the whole family, the price will be from 20,000 rubles. When there is a desire to choose a puppy for further participation in dog shows and competitions, the price will be from 30,000 to 45,000 rubles.

Owners of a pure pedigree with ideal breed characteristics will cost more. The price of a puppy will start from 45,000 rubles and can cost a maximum of 150,000 rubles. Such purebred puppies are bought for the purpose of breeding and sale. Here are approximate prices for Pomeranian puppies under six months of age.

The price of a chocolate Spitz is 20,000 rubles for a male puppy. In the photo you can see that he is the owner unusual rare color.

A white Spitz puppy usually sells for a little more. For a beautiful snow-white boy you will have to pay from 25,000 rubles. A female Spitz will cost more; the price for a white puppy will be 35,000 rubles. In the photo, you can clearly see that the bear-type puppy has snow-white fur, a gentle and mischievous little ball with which it is never boring.

Royal teddy bear luxury spitz with excellent pedigree for sale at a price from 33,000 rubles.

The cost of female puppies is always more expensive than boys, and the price of a bear-type Spitz puppy will also be higher than that of a fox-type Spitz. Before you decide to make a purchase, you should definitely study the real cost and information about the breeder. The high price for puppies is explained by the fact that few Spitz puppies are born, most often 1 puppy is born. A maximum of three puppies can be born, which is extremely rare.

Since the Pomeranian Spitz is a dwarf breed, they are ideal for keeping in apartments. The miniature size of the dog does not require much space. The animal does not tolerate loneliness well, so constantly needs attention. The pet misses its owner very much when he is not around for too long. If the family has school-age children, this is the most ideal option for choosing a pet.

The breed has a fluffy and thick coat that requires constant care. It is advisable to comb it daily so that it does not mat. It is best to bathe your dog when it gets dirty, and also regularly trim its nails and clean its teeth and ears to remove dirt.

If there is a need for frequent walks in the fresh air and a cheerful companion, then the Dwarf Pomeranian will be the most suitable pet.

Pomeranian Spitz is one of the best mini dogs for children. Its penchant for active games is simply amazing, plus the breed has a beautiful appearance that children like so much. There is no shame in taking such a fluffy dog ​​with you to any event; they are affectionate and devoted friends.

Possessing moderate security abilities and excellent observation skills, dwarf Spitz dogs will protect you on the road from negative people. And the proudly raised cute face will cause envy among others.

Who would have thought that the miniature came from northern dogs that supposedly lived in Switzerland during the Neolithic era. This hypothesis of scientists is completely justified, because history does not lie - the found remains of the animal fit the description of Spitz.

There is another opinion that the mini breed actually originated from Egypt, although there is no evidence for this yet.

So, if you believe the first assumption, the northern dogs from which the Spitz originated had many skills - they drove sleighs, guarded the home, and were faithful companions of the owner. As a result of the transformation from a service dog into a decorative dog, her external characteristics changed for a long time until she achieved excellent results.

Now it is pleasant to look at it from any angle, and its small size allows you to carry the dog in your arms or in a purse, the improved quality of the coat allows the dog to win everywhere!

The Pomeranian breed originated in Germany (province of Pomerania), and its history influenced the name.

This happened in the 15th century, the desire of townspeople to have a mini dog, rather than a large guard dog, led to the fact that the bred breed became much smaller than its northern relatives.

He weighed no more than 9 kg, and the residents called him a Spitzhund. Later, its breeding towards minimalism continued, and by the 18th-19th centuries, residents of England and other countries got themselves these stunning dwarf Spitz dogs, which were tiny in size.

  • In the Middle Ages, Queen Victoria liked the Pomeranian Spitz, because the fashion for small sizes was at its height.

So the mini dog became even more popular, it won numerous exhibitions and competitions, received prizes and ovations. She succeeded in this especially due to her fluffiness, grooming, playfulness and friendliness. History includes about 5 types of Spitz. Now the dogs are popular with many American and Russian celebrities, their breeding continues, and we can only dream of such a cute “teddy bear.”

Characteristics of appearance and varieties of Spitz

The charming exterior of the Pomeranian breed comes in a variety of colors - white, red, mixed, chocolate and black. In addition, some varieties of the breed change color over time. The small size of tiny Spitz dogs rarely exceeds 24 cm, and their weight is 3.5 kg. It has the following types of fur: long and short thick. The thick undercoat is found only on the dog's head, ears and front legs.

  • These mini dogs have an interesting tail, it is thickly covered with hair and curled up like a donut. It seems that it has grown to the back, and it is all one solid body.

The legs and neck are strong, the chest is well developed, and the paw pads are usually black or brown in all breeds. But we will now tell you about the varieties of the Pomeranian Spitz breed.

Pomeranians are divided into large, medium and small individuals. The white Spitz stands out especially against the general background; I want to put it on the shelf along with other soft toys. Some descriptions and characteristics of the breed exclude the name “Pomeranian”, since the Spitz is still considered German.

Among the mini dogs of this breed there are the following varieties:

1. Standard mini foxes, they are the most real and natural prototype of the Spitz, they win at exhibitions, keep the standard in everything, among them the white specimen is most often found. The description of a narrow elongated muzzle with protruding ears is often found in nurseries.

2. Dogs - bear cubs, with a shortened muzzle and externally reminiscent of bears, are popular among modern breeders, mainly of red shades.

3. The “baby doll” Spitz, also with a shortened face, has a small nose, outwardly they resemble not bears, but dolls from a series of soft toys, among them there are black and white, bluish, and red colors.

  • Pomeranians of the second and third types have become popular due to the cuteness of their faces, but according to dog breeding standards, these two varieties experience different diseases in their lives.

Their breeding is prohibited in principle, especially at such a price, which, to put it mildly, is “biting.”

Fraudsters take advantage of the obvious - the population’s predisposition to such cute mini toys and often ask for a considerable price per copy.

The whole world needs to say no to the spread of diseased species. White Spitz requires special care and attention. He often gets dirty and sheds, if this problem does not bother you, you can safely get yourself a bright puppy.

Character and upbringing of a little fidget

In order to properly raise and train the tiny resident of your house, you need to know his types of character, how he behaves in difficult situations, what the Spitz does not like, and what he is favorable to.

History says that, as with other breeds, from the first days the dog must be placed at a rank below yours, so that the training process will proceed correctly.

The Pomeranian Spitz only looks like such a sweetheart, in fact, appearance is deceiving.

The German Dwarf Spitz has the following character traits:

  • Restless, so frequent walks should become mandatory for you every day.
  • Aggression towards strangers, raising a discreet pet - this is your goal as a breeder.
  • Dominance over other animals in the house or on the street, this also requires a special approach
    education. The spirit of his ancestors is still alive in him, so you need to try!
  • Intelligence and insight, but it borders on stubbornness; commands such as “sit” and “lie down” can be carried out with reluctance.

  • Sociable inclinations, your friendly dog ​​will accompany you for a long time in any endeavor. So you won’t be bored; your little friend will suffer from boredom when you are not at home, gnawing on your last slippers or defecating in the wrong place. These are such small rodent pests.
  • A fluffy girl of this breed is calmer and more refined, but during the period of heat she can become aggressive.

But what can you do, all you have to do is devote time to your dog more often, and compensate for your absence with games and education. Pomeranians are mini dogs that simply adore their owners, are ready to adore and obey, so with proper upbringing they will be at your feet throughout their lives.

Caring for the health of a miniature pet

When taking care of the health of your pet, the first thing you need to do is get vaccinations on time; your veterinarian will tell you how to vaccinate your puppy.

Having examined the ears, eyes and teeth yourself, still check yourself and entrust it to a specialist, he will accurately diagnose the disease, if any.

If you have purchased a bear-like representative of the Dwarf Pomeranian Spitz breed, you need to have it groomed by a professional; this procedure is not just a haircut, it requires special skills. Visit the salon occasionally and your dog will look decent.

The Miniature Spitz sheds frequently, but does not actually shed much hair, so grooming during this period is not difficult.

Brush the fur periodically, and shedding will not take you by surprise. In care, you can use a special dry shampoo for severe contamination. Oddly enough, tangles do not form on the animal’s fur, this once again proves that it’s worth getting a dog, but you shouldn’t be lazy.

I would like to remind you once again that such a dog is for active people and children, because it itself is very active, often gets dirty and requires education and training.

Diseases that dogs are susceptible to

Spitz dogs are long-lived dogs, but sometimes they are plagued by diseases that you need to know about:

  • Eye diseases, including cataracts;
  • Tracheal collapse;
  • Bug eyes, characteristic of dwarf breeds;
  • Diseases with the vascular system, heart attacks;
  • Joint dislocations;
  • Shortness of breath;
  • Problems with labor, then breeding puppies is at risk.

If you notice a deviation in behavior, especially reflected in the appearance of the dog, do not delay going to the veterinarian, otherwise the course of the disease may accelerate. Once again I would like to remind you that the white color of a Spitz guarantees you double care for it.

Due to dirty fur, you will have to wash your dog more often; dirt contributes to hair breakage and loss. So a white dog is certainly attractive in appearance, but don’t rush to buy it right away.

As a result of care and proper upbringing, your little pet will maintain its health; the Pomeranian Spitz will thank you for all the good things with its unique smile, characteristic of this breed. And the dog’s joy and love of life will be passed on to you, bringing moments of happiness and love into everyday life.