Mammoplasty, how long to wear compression garments. Lingerie after mammoplasty – compression after breast augmentation. According to the area of ​​application it can be

Correction of the shape and size of the breast, despite its high effectiveness and long period of preservation, requires considerable time for complete tissue restoration. And one of the methods that has proven itself in eliminating the consequences is wearing compression garments. The ability to choose a model of such underwear, the high quality of the knitwear from which it is made, and the affordability of the cost should be considered important advantages of this option for maintenance therapy after mammoplasty.

How long to wear compression garments after mammoplasty

Since the mammoplasty procedure involves the need for surgical intervention and is accompanied by significant trauma to the breast tissue, it must be carried out in compliance with all the conditions that will be stated by the doctor. The period of wearing such underwear is selected individually, the doctor takes into account such indicators of the woman’s health as the degree of healing of the skin and adjacent tissues, the area that was corrected, age, etc.

Since most often the implant installed in the breast is located just below the level of the nipple, if you refuse to regularly wear compression garments that support the breast, there is a high probability of its rapid sagging and a decrease in the degree of aesthetics. At the same time, the degree of aesthetics of the resulting result decreases.

On average, the period of wearing compression garments is 1-1.5 months from the date of surgery. It is this period that largely determines how well the implant will “take root” in the breast. After all, mammoplasty involves correction of the shape (rarely) of the breast with the installation of an implant, which forms the resulting shape, giving the breast a more attractive appearance and greater volume. Since such underwear is made from environmentally friendly material that allows the skin to breathe well, even wearing it constantly does not cause irritation to the skin and seams formed after surgery.

The video below will tell you about rehabilitation after mammoplasty and wearing special underwear:

What kind of underwear will you need?

Since mammoplasty involves surgical correction of the breast, first of all, during the rehabilitation period you will need to constantly wear a bra: it is this that provides reliable support for this woman’s organ and prevents the possibility of stagnation of fluids in the operated area. Thanks to the variety of shapes and models that are on sale today, you can choose a bra model that will not only be functional (will perform its direct functions: support, protect from excessive stretching), but also be beautiful.

There are a number of requirements for compression garments, compliance with which will minimize the risk of possible deterioration of the result obtained after surgical intervention. The greatest demands will be placed on the bra, since it bears the main load after this operation.

The requirements to speed up the time of recovery and restoration of the skin after mammoplasty are as follows:

  • high content of elastane in the fabric from which the bra is made- this allows you to fully cover the injured area, supporting the chest and protecting fresh scars from rubbing with clothing;
  • true to size— the changed shape and size of the breast will require correction of the entire range of underwear that the woman was wearing before the operation. And first of all, compression garments should most closely match the new shape of the breast. At the same time, it should not press or rub anywhere, protect fresh ones from irritation;
  • wide bra straps with compression properties they help prevent the possibility of marks appearing on the skin, and the wide base of the bra will ensure the most complete fixation of the underwear on the body;
  • The composition of such underwear must include natural threads, which will allow the skin to breathe without forming places with inflammation. However, for a bra to fit the body more completely, it is necessary to pay more attention to the presence of elastic components in the material, which allow the underwear to take the shape of the body and provide high-quality support for the breasts.

To give the breasts a shape, manufacturers use underwires for bras, which are rigid inserts into the structure of the bra. However, compression garments should not have such inserts, as they can seriously rub damaged areas and scars, preventing their speedy recovery and healing. This may occur due to the fact that the suture area will not be completely sensitive for some time after the operation, so hard touches of the wires in the bra may go unnoticed.

Cups of a bra of sufficient volume with a compression effect will ensure comfort while wearing it and will give the correct shape to the breasts, which will remain for a long time. Full placement of the breasts in such cups will provide the necessary position, on which the final result of the mammoplasty largely depends.

What underwear to wear after surgery? The video below will tell you about it:

How to put it on and how to wear it

The process of wearing compression garments involves fixing them on the body in a place that has undergone surgery. Because mammoplasty works on the breasts, compression bras provide support to the breast tissue, preventing sudden movements that could cause harm. To achieve only the positive effect of wearing compression underwear, you should follow the following simple rules for its use:

  1. Accurate selection of the bra size, which will ensure the most comfortable condition of the breast after surgery and the absence of skin abrasions, which is especially dangerous in the area of ​​fresh stitches.
  2. When putting on such underwear, you should carefully straighten it on the body so that there are no folds that can rub the skin or leave marks on it.
  3. It is necessary to wear compression garments constantly, even without taking them off at night. This allows you to clearly fix the breast and the implant in it, preventing the breast tissue from sagging or shifting - in the absence of a bra, all the time on the body during the day can be reduced to nothing.
  4. Changing from compression garments to regular ones should be discussed with the doctor who performed the operation and is monitoring the recovery process. After about 3-4 weeks of continuously wearing such a bra, in the absence of negative manifestations in the form of skin irritation, inflammatory processes in the skin, at the doctor’s discretion, it may be possible to periodically remove the bra and replace it with regular underwear. However, to prevent the possible negative impact of ordinary underwear on the delicate tissue of the breast and the seams itself, you should carefully select its size, without being carried away by synthetic fabrics and underwire to shape the breast.

Today, there are several types of compression garments on sale that should be worn after mammoplasty. When choosing a model, you should take into account not only its aesthetic characteristics, but also pay attention to how true it is to size and how comfortably it “sits” on the body. The absence of folds of underwear, too tight tightening of the skin, irritation by underwear of the seams near the chest at the site of installation of implants, the ability to adjust the size and method of fixation on the body - these are the basic requirements that allow the most accurate and comfortable placement of compression underwear after mammoplasty.

If you constantly wear compression garments, you should have more than one bra, but preferably two - when washing, so that you can have a change without leaving your breasts without the support necessary during this period. This advice is especially relevant in the postoperative period after mammoplasty in the summer, when more frequent changes of underwear are required.

Where to buy and how much it costs

Purchasing compression garments should be a conscious process, since the final result of the surgical intervention largely depends on the correctness of its choice and subsequent wearing. It is preferable to purchase this type of underwear in specialized stores, where its quality will be guaranteed, and you will also have the opportunity to choose both the model and the qualities of the bra: the material from which it is made, size, comfort when wearing.

Today, such things are offered in a wide range, and the cost range is also such that a woman with any level of income can choose a compression bra: its price ranges from 2,500 to 4,500 rubles. The manufacturer, the quality of the material from which it is made, the color, the presence of decorative elements - all this can affect the cost of the model.

Useful information on this issue is presented in this video:

Surgery is not the final step on the path to an ideal breast shape. Surgical intervention will be followed by, on which a lot also depends.

Experts insist on the need to use special compression garments during this period to promote speedy recovery and acquisition of the correct shape. Ignoring such recommendations can negate all the long-awaited results of breast enlargement efforts.

Wearing compression garments after mammoplasty is a prerequisite for a successful rehabilitation period. A compression bra after surgery will not only give the bust an aesthetic appearance - it is very important for therapy and consolidation of the results after surgery.

A special bra is necessary due to the following functions:

  1. Reliably fixes the chest in the desired position.
  2. Thanks to good fixation, it prevents divergence and stretching of the seams.
  3. Promotes rapid tightening of scars.
  4. Provides a uniform massage of the mammary glands, which helps relieve swelling, normalize blood circulation, and speed up the healing of sutures.
  5. Prevents chest vibrations.
  6. Warns.
  7. Prevents breast stretching, maintains the elasticity of the skin of the bust;
  8. Prevents implant displacement.
  9. Helps the spine and neck muscles painlessly adapt to the new load after breast augmentation.
  10. Prevents the development of complications due to poor tissue healing, stretching of sutures, and impaired blood flow.
  11. Eliminates discomfort in everyday life, a woman will feel more confident in it.

The bra after mammoplasty surgery acts as a bandage. Its most basic function is to reliably fix the position of the chest. It is thanks to this that it helps relieve pain, swelling, and promotes the speedy healing of sutures.

In addition, this is an excellent assistant for every day to adapt to your old life with new forms. Indeed, at the beginning of the postoperative period, any careless movement can cause severe pain. Without rigid fixation, it is impossible to achieve an ideal breast shape, since after surgery it can sag, stretch, and become asymmetrical.

Duration of use

All women are interested in how long they need to wear a special bra. There is no definite answer to this question, since the duration of use of compressed underwear depends on many factors:

  • type of operation;
  • severity of the operation;
  • individual characteristics of the patient (tendency to stretch the skin, age, etc.);
  • method of carrying out the operation;
  • recovery dynamics.
  1. For the first month after surgery, wear special underwear constantly, without taking it off day or night. Removal is allowed in order to swim and treat the seams.
  2. In the second month, a consultation with a surgeon is necessary. When the dynamics of recovery are positive, doctors allow you to take off your underwear at night, but during the day it is better to continue wearing a compression bra.
  3. During the second and third months, it is mandatory to wear such a bra when playing sports, but it is acceptable to use regular underwear with wide straps and without push-up.

The further period of use is adjusted by a specialist.

Consequences of refusal to use

Some women may think why wear a special bra when you can buy a good regular one. This opinion is wrong. Moreover, it is fraught with negative health consequences. Namely:

  • stretching seams;
  • if there is no reliable fixation of the breast, the seams may completely come apart;
  • stretching of the skin on the chest;;
  • sagging bust
  • persistent feeling of pain during movements or other physical activities;
  • acquiring an asymmetrical breast shape;
  • displacement of implants;
  • long-lasting swelling of the mammary glands;
  • blood flow disturbance;
  • discomfort in daily life;
  • irregular bust shape.

Compression garments after breast surgery are a mandatory condition for restoring the breasts after surgery and acquiring the correct anatomical shape. Even the most expensive high-quality bra will not provide the same effect on the bust as a special compression bra.

Compression garments after breast augmentation will only have the desired effect if they are chosen correctly. Before purchasing such an item, you should definitely consult your doctor. After all, the right option largely depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, complexity, type of operation, and prognosis for recovery.

Primary requirements

There are a number of important criteria that you need to focus on in order to choose the right underwear.


The bodice should ideally follow the volume of the chest, the bust should be completely covered with fabric; The underwear should fit well, not be too loose and at the same time not put pressure on the mammary glands.

Compression level

The force of tissue pressure on the chest depends on it. There are four classes of underwear according to pressure level:

  1. Products that have minimal impact on the female breast, with a compression degree of 18-21.
  2. Products for preventive purposes with a degree of 22-32.
  3. Products for shape correction with a degree of 33-46 (above average).
  4. Medical products with a maximum value over 46.

Today, models have also been developed in which the strength of compression can be changed depending on the needs and type of operation performed, but the final compression rate must be determined solely by the doctor.


The composition of the bra must necessarily include elastane, which ensures elasticity, reliability, long service life of the bodice, and also makes it possible to securely fix the breasts.

At the same time, the composition must also contain natural fabric, since a completely synthetic bra can cause an allergic reaction, a greenhouse effect, the fabric must allow air to pass through so that the body can breathe.

Thin soft seams

They should not cut into the skin, otherwise there is a risk of irritation of the scars. In addition, hard wide seams can be squeezed through clothing, which results in an unsightly appearance.

Wearing comfort

The bra should not put pressure, strongly compress the bust, or cut into the skin; the fabric is soft and pleasant to the skin.

It is best to choose underwear with wide straps and a front closure so that it can be easily put on and taken off without causing discomfort or soreness to the mammary glands.


You should not choose the cheapest options, as they are usually of low quality, at the same time, there is no need to buy very expensive bras (in such cases, the price is affected by brand popularity, special appearance, etc.), the most optimal would be a bra at an average price.

All of the above criteria must be carefully assessed before purchasing therapeutic underwear.

Types of linen

Today, the choice of compression garments is huge. The main differences are in the following components:

  • compression level (from 18 to 21 mm, from 22 to 32 mm, from 33 to 46, more than 46);
  • composition: completely synthetic, a mixture of synthetic and natural fabrics (the best option is a combination of knitwear and elastane);
  • price: synthetic bodices are cheaper, but they are inferior in strength and functionality. The optimal price of the product is from 3000 to 5000 rubles;
  • model: in the form of a T-shirt, corset, bandage, with a compression insert in the upper part of the thoracic region.

The model should be chosen so that the bodice is durable, functional and comfortable to wear. When choosing, you should consider three important criteria:

  • the shape of the cup - it should be deep, dense, and so that the edges do not squeeze the mammary glands across, the breasts should not fall out and bulge in the armpits;
  • straps – it is not recommended to take a bodice with thin satin straps; it is better to give preference to wide reinforced ones so that the straps do not fall off, stretch or put pressure on the shoulders;
  • the base of the bra should be wider, so that it completely encircles the body;
  • underwires – in the first month after surgery, it is recommended to wear a bra without underwires, as they can damage the scars. After partial recovery, you can already choose an option with bones, but it is very important to ensure that they perfectly follow the shape of the breast, creating an “anatomical pocket”.

Today, the following brands are especially popular and loved by girls:

  1. Valento company. The cost of one product starts from 3,000 rubles, and production is carried out using natural fabrics.
  2. Native company, equipped with modern equipment and producing underwear using the latest technologies. The cost of one product with flat seams is on average 3,500 rubles.
  3. The Mainat company sets reasonable prices for its products - from 1,500 rubles.
  4. Lipomed is a company that produces products for everyday life, as well as for sports and medical purposes.
  5. Medi Company. German products are distinguished by high quality and wear resistance, and the cost starts from 2000 rubles.

This is also necessary to know in order to consolidate the results of the operation and achieve an ideal breast shape. There are several important rules:

  1. You cannot wear a bra for a long time without washing it: in summer it is advisable to wash it every other day, in winter several times a week.
  2. After and before putting on underwear, you need to wash (if the surgeon allowed you to do shower procedures).
  3. Fasten the underwear so that it does not squeeze the bust.
  4. It is best to purchase several options so that you can change them.
  5. Wear it around the clock for the first month, then, with your doctor’s permission, you can take it off at night.
  6. If the bra rubs, it needs to be changed.
  7. Taking off and putting on the bodice should be comfortable.

Which products should you avoid?

During the first year after surgery, you should not wear push-ups. They strongly compress the breasts, disrupting blood circulation and lymph flow, and silicone pads lead to diaper rash. In addition, push-ups raise the breasts, which leads to disruption of its natural anatomical shape.

in MilaStore – place an order for the purchase of textiles involved in the formation of ideal breasts.

Correcting the shape and size of the breast with high surgical success requires a long time for complete tissue restoration. One of the components of effective rehabilitation is the need buy compression garments after mammoplasty. The variety of models, high quality knitwear, and the affordable cost of specialized textiles can be considered important advantages of the presented option of maintenance therapy. It is thanks to wearing postoperative underwear that the patient will be able to minimize the consequences of surgical intervention, quickly get used to the new parameters of her body, and get the desired result.

Why do you need to buy compression garments for mammoplasty?

After the operation, the mammary glands remain sore and swollen for a long time. There are fresh stitches on the skin and internal tissues. By following the doctor’s recommendations regarding wearing postoperative underwear, the patient manages to:

  • prevent stretching and expansion of postoperative scars;
  • create high-quality breast support to form its correct shape;
  • reduce the severity of postoperative pain;
  • reduce swelling of the operated area;
  • improve blood circulation and lymph outflow;
  • accelerate the tissue healing process;
  • control the process of implant migration;
  • relieve tension from the thoracic spine and neck.

Postoperative bra after mammoplasty buy in Moscow– maintain skin elasticity and get rid of psychological discomfort. Some patients after surgery are afraid of feeling pain or harming the implants. As a result, they limit their movement and become nervous, which negatively affects rehabilitation. The tight fit of the textile to the body and the creation of moderate compression on the chest relieves fears and provides comfort during the recovery period. The specific structure of postoperative underwear models allows you to ultimately get beautiful breasts.

5 reasons to buy compression underwear after mammoplasty from us

Firstly, in our online store “MilaStore” we sell products approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Meeting established norms and standards, it provides an effective rehabilitation period and reduces the risk of postoperative consequences.

Secondly, buy compression garments after mammoplasty with delivery in Moscow from us means purchasing textile products made from quality materials. The specified level of textile compression provides reliable breast support after surgery. The environmental friendliness of the materials and their high performance properties provide the woman who has undergone mammoplasty with the desired comfort.

Thirdly, we offer a wide range of textile models for sale. A bra with a removable stabilizing tape, grace, implant stabilizer - the choice of products presented in the catalog is wide.

Fourthly, we can buy postoperative underwear after mammoplasty, which will be invisible under clothes. It supports the breasts well and does not show itself in any way, it will provide the woman with an attractive appearance.

Fifthly, we offer quality products at an adequate price. The ability to purchase goods online will allow you to save on your purchase due to the absence of standard markups from specialized boutiques.

Mammoplasty is not limited to operations for medical reasons, allowing you to correct the shape of the breast and its size. Any procedure requires special attention to the breasts. It is important what compression garments you will wear after mammoplasty. The main correction occurs after the operation.

Modern medicine is quite developed and is not limited to standard procedures, examinations and treatments. With the advent of implants, methods of body correction with enlargement or correction of one or another part of the body, including the breast, became available.

The most common breast augmentation procedures require the woman to pay special attention to preserving the resulting shape for longer in the postoperative period.

The need for compression garments for beautiful shapes

Unfortunately, mammoplasty does not give you the opportunity to immediately enjoy the result obtained and show off your new shape to others. Therefore, at first it is recommended to use compression garments to correct your figure.

Compression underwear contains elastane, natural and synthetic fibers, which provide:

  • reliable fixation of the operated bust and surrounding tissues;
  • fixation of surgical sutures with the exception of their possible divergence;
  • reduces contact of external tissues to the breast, which has increased sensitivity in the postoperative period;
  • supports blood circulation in the tissues of the thoracic region, providing massage properties and reducing swelling in the tissues;
  • eliminates the possibility of implants shifting until they are fixed in the body;
  • relieves the load on the spine, which is necessary at first, since as the size of the breast increases, the load on the spine also increases.

If you refuse to wear a compression bra after mammoplasty, the following consequences are possible:

  1. formation of wide postoperative scars;
  2. breast deformations, including asymmetrical displacement of implants;
  3. stretching of the skin and internal tissues with irreversible loss of their elasticity.

To eliminate negative consequences and ensure the best result, doctors individually determine how long compression garments should be worn after mammoplasty in accordance with all recommendations, which are based on individual selection of the degree and class of fixation.

Classification of compression bras

Class 1 with compression up to 21 mm Hg. Art. has no restrictions for wearing and is used for prevention. This underwear is suitable for independent purchase, use, and can be worn longer than other specialized underwear.

Class 2 with a medium degree of compression (up to 32 mm Hg) creates a feeling of slight squeezing when worn, and a higher elastane content makes dressing more difficult.

Class 3 also has an average compression class with a value of up to 46 mm Hg. Art. The increased content of elastane makes it difficult to put on a bra, requiring in some situations the additional use of gel-like and creamy formulations. The purchase of class 3 underwear is made on the recommendation of a doctor who determines its need in the postoperative period.

Class 4 with the highest class (more than 46 mmHg) is used in extreme cases and only for special purposes. The high elastane content makes it much more difficult to use the bra as intended on your own. A high compression class causes a feeling of squeezing, causing discomfort, which is necessary.

Underwear of each compression class is selected by a doctor and changes over time during the rehabilitation period. The first time after mammoplasty, underwear is selected with the highest compression class with its constant reduction depending on the scarring of the sutures, the healing of implants and the normalization of elasticity in the body tissues.

The process of scarring the seams, the formation of a new breast shape, and the acquisition of elasticity by the tissues determine how long to wear special underwear.

Specialized underwear corresponds to its compression class, but has a different composition of natural and synthetic fabrics, so consumers should pay attention to the following features:

  1. Comfort and convenience reflected in the details of the linen. An increase in breast size will require wide bra straps, but after breast augmentation it does not oblige you to choose underwear with the widest straps, and vice versa.
  2. The product should not restrict air access to tissues to prevent diaper rash. Breathable underwear has a high content of natural fibers, which better absorb drops of sweat, preventing the underwear from being damp and rough.
  3. The edges of the product should be rounded, eliminating squeezing of tissues and blood vessels.
  4. The presence of natural fibers will eliminate bust irritation, itching, diaper rash and causing discomfort. The high content of synthetic fibers does not make the underwear breathable, which promotes the formation of microbes that cause additional inflammatory processes.
  5. Smooth surfaces and small lined seams allow the underwear to fit better to the body, making it less noticeable and more comfortable.
  6. In addition to studying the composition on the packaging, the consumer has the right to examine the item of underwear by touch, but only in accordance with the consumer's rules (without trying on), paying attention to the exclusion of seams on the cup, which can press and rub the breasts. The cup material should be as soft as possible and can be made from a separate material with the highest composition of natural fibers.
  7. The straps are selected depending on how large the breast has been enlarged. The straps perform the function of holding the breasts at the required height so that the tissues of the thoracic region do not stretch under the weight of the implants, and the breasts do not become saggy. The presence of a strap length adjuster is also necessary, as in a regular bra.
  8. The cup size must correspond to the marking on the packaging, the product itself and that received after mammoplasty. A mismatch in size will have a number of negative consequences, so the cup should be:

  • deep, placing the bust completely;
  • eliminate unnecessary seams, including lace and rhinestones;
  • have soft edges that do not cut or put pressure on the fabric.

The bones play an important role in the formation of the round shape of the new breast, so they should be equally rounded and high to support the breast on all sides.

Discomfort from underwires does not allow excluding them from the product, but allows the additional use of bandage pads to reduce pressure and rubbing on the body while wearing. It is recommended to place bandages on the seams in the area of ​​the bones, so they will heal without inflammation and separation.

As an exception, one-time use of a bra with removable straps is allowed. This is allowed only if absolutely necessary and is not recommended during the first month after mammoplasty.

When purchasing underwear, you need to know what underwear to choose and how to wear it correctly. Comfortable underwear should not put too much pressure on the torso and should allow the breasts to move freely when bending over, as well as allowing them to fall out of the cups. The right bra will provide you with beautiful breasts after a successful operation.

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about compression underwear: its features, benefits and selection rules. Any procedure for surgical breast correction, in addition to the actual intervention of the surgeon, provides for a properly conducted postoperative period. Compression underwear after mammoplasty, or rather, wearing it after surgery, is an indispensable attribute of creating an ideal bust.

How long should you wear compression garments?

  • The doctor will definitely tell you how long you will have to wear such underwear. The standard deadlines are:
  • 4 weeks of wearing special underwear providing compression around the clock;

another 4 weeks of daily wear if regeneration is successful.

This means that there should be several sets of special clothing. After all, it is better to change it every day. At the same time, you need to wash it carefully, by hand. After two months of compression, the doctor will examine the breasts and make further recommendations.

  • When do you take off compression garments, you ask? The doctor decides this, depending on the patient’s age, the condition of her tissues and the speed of healing. A complete transition to regular underwear is possible after a year from the date of surgery. During this period, it is recommended to refrain from wearing bras:
  • strapless;
  • with narrow straps (especially after augmentation mammoplasty);

The latter type elegantly emphasizes the bust, but the breasts are in an unnatural position. This is not very good for the operated tissues.

Compression classes of underwear

According to their intended purpose, special underwear is divided into:

  • for preventive purposes (allowed to be worn without medical prescription);
  • medicinal (worn at home, selected according to the advice of a doctor);
  • hospital or postoperative (recommended for wearing from the early postoperative period).

According to the degree of pressure exerted by the bra on the bust, there are:

  1. Light degree - 18-21 mm. rt. Art.
  2. Average - 22-32 mm. rt. Art.
  3. Above average - 33-46 mm. rt. Art.
  4. Maximum - from 46 mm. rt. Art.

Wearing light compression underwear as a preventative measure is acceptable without medical advice. A bra that exerts pressure at a level above average can only be worn as prescribed by the attending physician. It is quite difficult to put on such underwear. And to facilitate the process, experts recommend using gels or creams.

Today, manufacturers offer not only functional and very comfortable bodices, but also fixing tapes for them, recommended after changing the volume of the chest, as well as tops.

Criteria for choosing a compression bra

You, of course, ask how to choose the right bra? You need to pay attention to several criteria:

  • fabric structure;
  • bodice sizes;
  • its volume and appearance;
  • sensations when touched.

The fabric should be elastic and at least partially natural. Natural fibers minimize the risk of developing allergies when worn constantly, elastane will create a compression effect.

In terms of size and volume, underwear should fit the body well, clearly follow its contours, so as to remain invisible under clothing, without complicating breathing. The bodice should provide good support to the breasts without interfering with normal blood flow in this area. The material should be pleasant to the skin. The version of the bodice is selected by the operating surgeon, depending on the scope of the intervention.

How will special underwear help after surgery?

Why do doctors recommend special underwear to patients after breast surgery? There are several reasons:

  • with a significant increase in bust volume, it supports heavy breasts and removes part of the unusual load from the spinal column and shoulder girdle;
  • One of the functions of special underwear, very important for women, is to fix the implant and prevent it from moving and turning. When the endoprosthesis is seriously displaced under the influence of gravity, the breast appears more voluminous in the lower part, which is characteristic of an aging bust. This effect does not suit any patient;
  • Its next function is highly respected by surgeons. Thanks to elastane, the tissues in the operated area are maintained at the desired level, the correct contours of the breast are formed, postoperative scars remain narrow (do not stretch) and do not diverge. Actually, it is mainly for these reasons that you need to wear compression garments;
  • Wearing special underwear reduces the risk of chest injury and the sensitivity of damaged tissue to touch. This helps reduce pain after mammoplasty;
  • compression allows to improve the outflow of lymph and blood from the operated area. This reduces the severity of swelling and speeds up the healing process.

With this we would like to say goodbye to you, dear readers. We hope our article helped you understand why you need to wear special underwear after, and for how long you need to do it. Share new information with friends and visit our website. We prepare new interesting articles for you every day.