What can you get infected from a dog? How to determine whether a cat has rabies. If infection occurs

Cats, like dogs, are among the group of animals most susceptible to the rabies virus, so the risk of encountering signs of rabies in a person after a cat scratch or bite is not so small. In a sense, a domestic animal is more dangerous than a wild one: if encounters with forest animals are extremely rare for humans, then a beloved cat enters any room, sleeps with its owner in the same bed, and it is difficult to suspect it of carrying a deadly disease.

How does a person become infected with rabies from a cat?

In infected animals, the rabies virus is detected in the saliva 8–10 days before the first symptoms appear. clinical signs. Considering that incubation period can be quite long, the owners may not suspect the development of the disease and even exclude such a possibility.

Whether a person can become infected with rabies from a cat depends on the characteristics of contact with a sick animal. They come in 3 categories:

  • I - touching, feeding animals, licking intact human skin by a cat - with such contact preventive measures not required;
  • II - compression open places skin when bitten, the appearance of scratches, abrasions;
  • III - bites, deep scratches, contact of cat saliva with damaged skin or human mucous membranes.

The most dangerous

The first category does not pose a threat to health, but the second and third are precisely the case when rabies in cats is transmitted to humans. They require immediate preventive measures, as they are considered particularly dangerous.

At the same time, we should not forget that the closer the bite is to the human brain - the goal of the virus’s journey through the body - the faster the disease can develop.

Extensive damage is also particularly dangerous, i.e. The harder the cat bites, the higher the risk of infection. The use of the vaccine is effective only before the first clinical signs appear, so if the hands and head are bitten, there is little time left for rescue.

How to determine if a cat has rabies

Suspicious signs are oddities in the animal’s behavior, unmotivated, that is, aggression not caused by human actions, and more. obvious symptoms, described in detail in our article “Rabies in cats: symptoms and danger to humans.” Animals that are not vaccinated against rabies immediately come under suspicion.

Animals accurate diagnosis It is possible to diagnose only posthumously, after examining brain sections. The most humane way to eliminate rabies is quarantine: the animal is kept in a veterinary facility for 10–14 days. If a cat has rabies, the disease progresses to death.

Some health problems may have symptoms similar to rabies (for example, foreign body V oral cavity may cause severe drooling and an inability to close the cat's mouth), so it is very important to transport your pet to veterinarian.

Does everyone get infected?

Of course, not all people bitten by animals become infected with rabies. Even if the virus is present, infection occurs only in 1/3 of cases. This is due to the functioning of the immune system, as well as the protective role of clothing and hair.

Even if you or your loved ones had category I-II contact with an unvaccinated cat, thoroughly wash the wound with running water and soap and go to the nearest emergency room. This should not be taken lightly: rabies is much more widespread than is commonly believed.

What canned food tastes best for cats?

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Myth No. 1. If you sit “under the window”, you can get sick

It is not true. If you sit under a window or near open window You can get a cold in your muscles, but you can’t catch ARVI. Colds and other “winter” diseases are not a consequence of hypothermia or draft, they are caused by viruses that are unlikely to fly into your window from the street.

On the other hand, some doctors believe that hypothermia in certain parts of the body can actually weaken the body and open the door for viruses. For example, " cold nose“can threaten a cold and even the flu, so it is better to keep it warm and cover it with at least a scarf.

Also recently, American scientists conducted investigative experiment and found that people with cold feet are more susceptible to infectious diseases than others. But again: cold is not the cause of the disease, but a contributing factor to it.

Myth No. 2. Bad feeling cause microbes

Not certainly in that way. When microbes enter our body, they somehow encounter our immunity. If the infection is not very strong, we most likely will not even know that we have caught it: it will be suppressed by the internal forces of the body. If the virus is strong enough, the immune system will fight it more actively - and this is where we will feel the blow of the disease on ourselves. White blood cells white blood cells will begin to produce special substances to suppress the infection. In sufficient quantities to fight the infection, these substances will not only drive away the disease, but also cause fever, weakness, and sometimes nausea and dizziness. The same thing happens with our mucous membranes: cells irritated by the virus produce mucus several times more actively in order to wash away the infection and the products of fighting it - hence snot, coughing and sneezing.

Myth No. 3. Change in sputum color is a sign of exacerbation of the disease.

The color of your sputum can really tell your doctor about your condition. But in most cases, he does not speak of an exacerbation, but, on the contrary, that the disease proceeds as normal.

A few days after infection, the body begins to expel the enzymes used to repel the infectious attack. Most of them contain iron and give mucus a yellow or even greenish color.

Myth No. 4. The main source of infection is the person who has a cold.

This is certainly true. But this does not mean that you can protect yourself from infection by simply ceasing all contact with people who sneeze. And that's why.

Microbes live and multiply best in our mucous membranes: there is an ideal environment for them. When a person sneezes or coughs, he pushes a dose of microbes out, and they settle on all the objects surrounding him at that moment. Theoretically, on a cold, dry surface, say a doorknob, germs die quickly and therefore have no time to spread to anyone else. But that's not true. When we sneeze, germs do not come out on their own, but inside tiny droplets of mucus, which become shelter and food for them. In this form, they settle on door handles and handrails in the subway, then fall into the hands of another, unsuspecting wearer, who then covers his mouth to yawn or simply rubs his eyes. This is how the microbes enter the mucous membrane again and begin to multiply again.

Myth No. 5. Stress contributes to the development of disease.

This is true. Severe stress weakens the body no worse infectious disease, so the more nervous you are, the more likely you are to get sick. American scientists believe that the reason is corticosteroid hormones, produced during stress and reducing the body's resistance to any infection.

Myth No. 6. As people age, they catch colds less and less often.

Also true. Children school age can get sick up to 10 times a year, adults under 35 years old - up to 5 times, after 35 - even less, and so on. But it’s all about experience: with each new disease our body learns to produce more and more antibodies and fights germs more and more effectively.

Myth No. 7. The easiest way to get infected is on public transport.

This misconception has its reasons: in a closed, poorly ventilated room, germs actually have a greater chance of spreading to a new host, especially if these hosts are standing close together and breathing down each other’s backs. But in fact, most often infection occurs at home, especially from young children to their mothers and fathers.

Another argument against this belief is that in the summer and spring, residents of large cities spend the same amount of time in transport as the rest of the year, but the peaks colds still occur in autumn and winter.

Once you have an infectious disease, you can infect other people. But if, when you feel the first symptoms, you understand that you are a carrier of this disease, you can prevent its spread. Are very contagious viral diseases upper respiratory tract such as colds and flu. Infections caused by bacteria can also be very contagious. If you have identified symptoms of a contagious disease, then in order not to become a spreader of the disease, you need to take some preventive measures.


Part 1

How to identify symptoms of a contagious disease

    Take your temperature. Normally, the temperature should be between 36.5-37.5°C. If your temperature is higher, you have a fever and are more likely to have an infection. A high fever is more common with the flu than with a cold, but either way means you are contagious.

    Examine mucus and nasal discharge. A clear sign of an upper respiratory tract infection, which is accompanied by inflammatory process, is a thick, colorless or yellow-green mucus. If you have this kind of discharge, then you are most likely contagious.

    • Thick, colorless mucus and nasal discharge may be symptoms of such respiratory diseases: colds, sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses), epiglottitis (inflammation of the epiglottis), laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx) and bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchi).
    • The immune system produces mucus in the nose to fight off the disease. The result is a feeling of nasal congestion, which means you are contagious.
    • If thick, colorless mucus continues to be released after a week, then you should consult a doctor. Based on the test results, your doctor will be able to determine the cause of your symptoms, prescribe treatment, and decide whether you are contagious or not.
  1. Pay attention to skin rash. Skin rashes are often a symptom of a contagious disease. A rash that appears over large areas of the body may be allergic or viral in nature. A viral rash is a symptom of highly contagious diseases such as chickenpox or measles.

    • Viral rashes spread throughout the body in two ways. Or, symmetrical rashes first appear on the limbs, on both sides, and then spread to the center of the body. Or the rash first appears on the chest or back, and then spreads to the arms and legs.
    • If the rash is viral, it will spread according to the pattern described above: to the center of the body or to the extremities. If the rash allergic nature, then it can appear on any part of the body and will spread chaotically.
  2. Look for diarrhea accompanied by a slight rise in temperature. If diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting and low fever, this may be a sign of a contagious disease. These infectious diseases include gastroenteritis, which is also called stomach flu, company viral infection or Coxsackie virus infection. All of them are united by the following symptoms: diarrhea, vomiting and low fever.

    • There are two types of diarrhea: complicated and uncomplicated. Symptoms of uncomplicated diarrhea include: bloating or cramping, loose watery stool, urgency to defecate, nausea and vomiting. With diarrhea, stool occurs at least three times a day.
    • Complicated diarrhea includes all the symptoms of uncomplicated diarrhea plus blood, mucus, and undigested food in stool, fever, weight loss.
  3. Notice pain in the forehead, cheeks, and nose. Frequent headaches are usually not a sign of a contagious disease. However, if you experience pain specifically in the forehead or face, this may be a sign that you are contagious.

    • Constant headaches in the forehead, cheeks and bridge of the nose appear with the flu, and sometimes with a cold. It is the result of swelling and accumulation of mucus in the sinus area. Headache can be very strong, worsening when bending forward.
  4. Pay attention to a sore throat that is accompanied by a runny nose. A sore throat combined with a runny nose often appears with contagious diseases such as flu or colds.

    • Sometimes a sore throat occurs due to postnasal drip, when mucus from the sinuses drains down the back wall throat, causing redness and irritation. The throat feels sore, irritated and sore.
    • If, in addition to a sore throat and runny nose, you wheezing, itching, watery eyes, then most likely it is an allergy, not a viral infection. Allergies also cause discomfort in the throat as a result of postnasal drip, such as dryness and itching.
  5. Note feelings of drowsiness and loss of appetite. At infectious disease You may feel very tired and drowsy, as well as loss of appetite. By using long sleep and a decrease in the need for food, the body tries to conserve strength to fight the infection.

    Use soap. Wash your hands warm water with a piece of soap that fits in the palm of your hand. Rub your hands for at least 15 seconds to create a lather. Thoroughly lather your hands on each side, as well as the areas between your fingers. Rinse your hands with water. Dry your hands with a paper towel and then use it to turn off the faucet. Throw the towel in the trash.

    Use hand sanitizer. Apply a portion of the drug to the skin of dry hands. Rub it into the skin, covering all areas, until the product dries completely. This will take about 15-20 seconds.

    Try not to contact sick people. The influenza virus spreads from an infectious person to as much as 2 meters. When a person coughs or sneezes, tiny droplets are formed that travel through the air and land on the hands, mouth, or are inhaled directly into the lungs.

Most owners don't realize that domestic cats can carry serious illnesses, and do not wash their hands after contact with them. The common belief that a person can become infected with any disease only after contact with a stray cat is completely wrong. Some diseases in domestic cats are practically asymptomatic and it is impossible to identify them at home, but it is quite easy to become infected.

Infections are transmitted from cats to humans through stroking, hugging, and kissing. Cats sleep in the same bed as their owners, lie in their chairs and lick, transmitting dangerous diseases. The list of ailments is quite impressive, and therefore it is advisable to carry pet to a veterinary clinic for examination.

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    What diseases are transmitted from cats to humans?

    All cat diseases transmitted from cats to humans can be divided into the following types:

    Much more often, the carrier of the infection is a cat that comes into contact with other street pets or has free access to the street. But the source of some diseases can also be domestic cat not going out for walks.

    List of main feline diseases, dangerous to humans, is as follows:

    • rabies;
    • toxoplasmosis;
    • toxocariasis;
    • chlamydia;
    • salmonellosis;
    • campylobacteriosis (acute gastroenteritis);
    • tuberculosis;
    • ringworm;
    • listeriosis;
    • scabies;
    • bartonellosis.

    Some of the above ailments occur quickly and do not cause suffering either to the owner or his furry pet. But others are extremely dangerous for both and can lead to death.


    Rabies is viral and deadly dangerous disease. Absolutely all mammals are susceptible to it, and humans are no exception. You can become infected with rabies from a cat through a bite, since the virus is in the pet's saliva. The pet itself can catch this serious illness after contact with an infected rodent, since they are most often carriers of rabies.

    The disease affects nervous system and the brain. It is caused by the Rabies virus (RABV). Among the main symptoms of this disease are the following:

    • photophobia;
    • rabies;
    • increased salivation;
    • loss of appetite;
    • aggressiveness.

    Treatment is prescribed by a doctor and consists of a series of vaccines. To prevent rabies in cats, timely annual vaccination.


    This disease is caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gonidii. They are excreted in cat feces and survive in unfavorable conditions up to several months. A person can become infected with toxoplasmosis from a cat through saliva and after cleaning the litter box. That is why it is recommended to clean the cat litter using disposable gloves and washing your hands thoroughly.

    Toxoplasmosis is extremely dangerous for pregnant girls who have not suffered from this disease before. Their bodies have not yet produced antibodies, and therefore the fetus can suffer greatly. In sick women, the risk of having a child with birth defects(blindness, deafness) and miscarriage. That is why, even when planning a pregnancy, a girl needs to undergo an examination that will help identify the presence or absence of antibodies. It is advisable not to contact domestic cat during the period of planning and gestation.

    In humans, toxocariasis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • headaches;
    • convulsive state;
    • pain in the abdominal area;
    • the appearance of a rash;
    • fever.

    IN difficult cases toxocariasis is accompanied by an enlarged liver and spleen, blurred vision or epileptic seizures. If a rash appears or other people cause concern characteristic symptoms toxocariasis, you should urgently seek advice from a specialist. Treatment of this disease is long and complex. In order to prevent the occurrence of toxocariasis, it is advisable to deworm the cat annually.


    Chlamydia refers to bacterial infections and manifests itself in a cat in the form of a runny nose, sneezing and copious mucous discharge from the eyes. The disease occurs most often in young pets under one year of age, due to immature immune system.

    A person can become infected with chlamydia through contact with secretions from the conjunctival sac of a sick pet. The disease in humans is usually asymptomatic, but it is extremely rare that signs characteristic of gonorrhea occur. Men may notice uncharacteristic discharge from the urethra.

    As a preventative measure, it is necessary to vaccinate the animal every year. veterinary clinic.


    Basically, salmonellosis infection occurs simultaneously in the owner and pet due to consumption of contaminated foods. But in some cases, infection occurs due to poor personal hygiene.

    Salmonellosis in cats is accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • increased body temperature;
    • conjunctivitis;
    • difficulty breathing (in severe cases pneumonia);
    • pain in the abdomen.

    In the first stage, the symptoms in humans coincide with those of cats, and in the second, severe intoxication of the body is added to them. The third septic stage is considered the most severe and dangerous. An infected person has sharp jumps temperature, chills, fever and profuse sweating. As a result, other diseases such as arthritis, meningitis and osteomyelitis may occur. The disease is extremely dangerous for humans and untimely treatment the consequences may be unpredictable.

    Acute gastroenteritis

    Young cats and kittens are susceptible to this disease, and it is transmitted to humans during the period of caring for a sick animal. At the first stage, the symptoms in humans and pets are the same and are accompanied by the following main signs:

    • vomiting (in severe cases with blood);
    • acute abdominal pain;
    • increased body temperature;
    • general malaise;
    • diarrhea.

    Basically, the disease goes away without special treatment after a few days, but in severe cases you cannot do without visiting your doctor.


    Stray cats most often suffer from tuberculosis, and pets can become infected with it from a sick person and transmit it to the owner. It is impossible to say for sure who is the carrier of the bacterium - a cat or a person.

    The disease is chronic and for a long time may not show up at all. Cats have tuberculosis initial stage The symptoms are similar to the flu and are accompanied by a runny nose, sneezing, and loss of appetite.


    There are about 18 varieties of fungus that causes this disease in cats. When infected, round bald patches appear on your pet's skin. Most often they are located on the muzzle, ears, and sometimes spread throughout the body. The affected areas itch and peel. Sometimes grayish crusts form at the site of the wounds.

    You can recognize the disease at home, but determine its type and prescribe correct treatment Only a veterinarian can. Ringworm quickly moves from a sick pet to a healthy one and to a person. Timely vaccination will help prevent the occurrence of the disease.


    Listeriosis, like toxoplasmosis, is extremely dangerous for pregnant women. The carriers of this disease are birds and rodents, and upon contact with them it is transmitted to a cat. Listeriosis is caused by listeria monocytogenes, which is also found in seafood or unprocessed fish.

    Listeriosis can be transmitted from cats to humans through scratches. Externally, the disease in the pet and its owner manifests itself as a lack of coordination, elevated temperature body and increase lymph nodes.


    This disease is caused by scabies mites. The mite settles on the skin of pets and humans and feeds on its cells, multiplying on the surface. The sick animal becomes bald, and its skin visually looks dry. A person can become infected with scabies after direct contact with a sick cat or through clothing items. In humans, the disease manifests itself as rashes and severe itching. In children, the disease can be confused with an allergic reaction.

    To avoid the occurrence of disease, it is necessary to frequently inspect the fur. pet and if there are signs of mange, take him to see a veterinarian. It is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly after contact with animals and wash bedding and clothing when high temperature.


    Bartonellosis is called cat scratch disease and is caused by the bacteria Rochalimaea henseale, transmitted by fleas. The disease is transmitted to humans through a bite or scratch, often affecting children. In cats, bartonellosis is asymptomatic.

    The person is bright severe symptoms is also not observed, and over time the scratch only begins to turn red. IN in rare cases there is a feverish state, swelling of the lymph nodes, migraine, painful sensations in the back, abdomen and general malaise.

Any type of helminthiasis is characterized active progression, while the absence adequate treatment, will lead to a deterioration in the patient’s health. In addition, without suitable therapy, a person becomes a source of helminthiasis. Most frequently diagnosed helminthic infestations are ascariasis and enterobiasis. Roundworms and pinworms have effective protection– a sticky shell, thanks to which they are firmly fixed in the organs.

Are worms transmitted from person to person?

Children at risk include preschool age and children who go to primary classes. This is explained by the still fragile immune system, the child’s daily exposure to in public places, features child's body, a common habit of nail biting. Parents should know how helminthiasis is transmitted - this will prevent infection of the baby.

Are worms transmitted through kissing?

  • one of the partners has just bitten, but not swallowed, a product contaminated with helminths;
  • the woman kissed the palm of the child who had just been playing in the sandbox and immediately kissed her husband;
  • immediately before the kiss, one of the partners touched his lips to an object on which there were worm eggs.

Infection with worms of mother and child

Infection with worms through sexual contact

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