Kidney disease in cats: hydronephrosis. Chronic glomerulonephritis in dogs and cats. Treatment and dietary nutrition for hydronephrosis in pregnant women

With a congenital anomaly, there is underdevelopment of the ureteric tract and pathological expansion of the renal pelvis. Congenital factors cause further development of the disease in cats.

If the disease is acquired, then usually the following factors become its causes: :

  • urolithiasis of the kidneys;
  • kidney damage and injury Bladder;
  • tumors, cysts, dropsy;
  • prostate atrophy;
  • adhesions;
  • surgical interventions, infection.
  • Pathogenesis. Symptoms Diagnostics

    How does hydronephrosis develop? The progression of the disease can be described in several stages. First, the width of the pelvis increases. The kidney is functioning normally. At the second stage of development, the thickness of the kidney tissue decreases. The performance of the kidney decreases slightly. At the third stage the thickness renal tissue decreases even more, the walls become thin. Often joins secondary infection, increasing the inflammatory process. Hydronephrosis grade 4 is characterized by an increase in the speed of intrarenal blood flow and pressure. The hemodynamics of the kidney are disrupted, and necrosis of the renal cortex develops.

    On initial stages The development of hydronephrosis has no symptoms and can be asymptomatic for more than one year. But, as the disease progresses, an increase in body temperature, lethargy, decreased activity of the animal, and lack of appetite may be observed. Further, decay products lead to intoxication of the body. Kidney failure develops.

    Symptoms of the disease:

  • an increase in the size of the abdomen;
  • increased body temperature;
  • lack of appetite;
  • blood in urine;
  • urinary retention.
  • Diagnosing the disease in the early stages is quite difficult. To clearly determine the diagnosis, a set of measures should be carried out. In addition to identifying the above symptoms (except for the last one, since urinary retention is diagnosed already at late stages), blood and urine tests should be done. Ultrasound – The best way diagnosing hydronephrosis. If there is no complete confidence after the examinations, urography is done.


    The effectiveness of treatment of the disease is higher, the earlier the problem is diagnosed and started. correct treatment. To do this, you should carefully monitor the cat's condition and behavior. If the first signs of the disease are detected, you should contact a veterinarian for a more in-depth examination and diagnosis, and selection of treatment.

    In the initial stages it will be effective drug treatment. Sometimes, an expanding urorostomy is performed. If hydronephrosis is grade 4, when atrophy of the renal parenchyma is actively developing, hemodynamics are impaired, urinary retention, medicinal methods treatments are ineffective. An operation to remove the kidney is indicated.

    Factors in the development of hydronephrosis. Prevention

    If we exclude the congenital origin of hydronephrosis, then the presence of the following factors can cause the development of the disease:

  • insufficient fluid intake;
  • low quality water (dirty, tap or boiled);
  • drinking food or water containing salt or sugar;
  • overweight;
  • disease of teeth, gums;
  • poor living conditions.
  • To protect your cat from this disease, you must adhere to the following recommendations: :

  • balanced nutrition system. Give the animal more vitamins, completely exclude salty, sweet, flour, fatty, smoked foods;
  • quality water. Let's cat clean water from under the filter or bottled;
  • Make sure that the cat does not become overcooled. Prepare a warm and comfortable place to sleep;
  • make sure that the animal does not have worms;
  • include vitamins in your diet to prevent kidney disease. They are sold at any pet store or veterinary clinic.
  • Hydronephrosis in cats. Veterinary clinic Volgograd “Animals”

    Hydronephrosis is a pathology in which urinary outflow from the kidney is disrupted. In this case, there is an expansion of the calyces and pelvis of the kidney, atrophy of the kidney tissue and a progressive deterioration in the functioning of the organ. Primary hydronephrosis is associated with congenital anomalies. It's about about ectopia of the ureter, stenosis and underdevelopment of the urinary tract. Secondary hydronephrosis can be caused by urolithiasis, tumors of the urinary organs, traumatic injury to the bladder, or prostatic hypertrophy.

    Hydronephrosis in cats can be a unilateral or bilateral process. Risk groups The following factors contribute to hydronephrosis in cats:

    1. The occurrence of injury as a result of a fall from a high floor, auto injury, beating, or bites of other animals.

    2. Sterilization. removal of the uterus and other surgical interventions.

    3. Adhesive disease.

    4. Presence of stones in the kidneys or bladder.


    There are three stages in the development of hydronephrosis. The first stage is characterized by expansion of the pelvis. In this case, there is a slight disturbance in the functioning of the kidney. In the second stage, in addition to the expansion of the pelvis, there is a decrease in the thickness of the renal tissue. Kidney function is significantly impaired. In the third stage, the kidney transforms into a thin-walled sac. It is worth noting that the development of hydronephrosis may be accompanied by the addition of secondary microflora. As a result, secondary pyelonephritis may develop.

    Changes in the internal renal structure lead to disruption of its hemodynamics. Increased intraparenchymal pressure and organ edema cause compression of intraorgan vessels. In addition, the speed of blood flow and blood pressure in them increases. As a result of circulatory disorders in the kidney, there is oxygen starvation organ. This promotes atrophy of the renal cortex.

    Clinical picture

    Quite often, hydronephrosis in cats is asymptomatic. If the urinary outflow is impaired, the animal may become depressed, lethargic, rise in body temperature, refuse food, etc. As the disease progresses, the body may be poisoned by metabolic products. This leads to the development of acute postrenal renal failure. With hydronephrosis, small kittens may have an enlarged abdomen. As a rule, blood is detected in the urine. On palpation lumbar region pain is detected. The most dangerous symptom hydronephrosis in cats is considered to be urinary retention observed for more than 12 hours.


    To identify hydronephrosis in cats, palpation, blood and urine tests, ultrasound, radiography, contrast urography. Note that the greatest information content of ultrasound examination is observed in the later stages of the disease.

    The development of bilateral hydronephrosis as a result of blockage of the ureters can lead to the rapid death of the animal. In this regard, careful monitoring of the cat’s condition, its urination, etc. is provided. It is worth remembering that any prolonged urinary retention is a emergency condition that needs treatment. In this case, special surgical intervention is indicated. We are talking about dilating urethrostomy. To remove stones from the bladder, it is surgically opened. Severe hydronephrosis is considered an indication for kidney removal. The prognosis for hydronephrosis is influenced by the stage of the pathological process.

    Animal kidneys (part 1)

    Kidney - ren (nephros) - a paired organ of dense consistency of red-brown color. The kidneys are built like branched glands and are located in the lumbar region.

    Kidneys are quite large organs, approximately the same on the right and left, but not the same in animals different types(Table 10). Young animals have relatively large kidneys.

    The kidneys are characterized by a bean-shaped, somewhat flattened shape. There are dorsal and ventral surfaces, convex lateral and concave medial edges, cranial and caudal ends. Near the middle of the medial edge, vessels and nerves enter the kidney and the ureter emerges. This place is called the renal hilum.

    The outside of the kidney is covered with a fibrous capsule that connects to the kidney parenchyma.

    The fibrous capsule is surrounded externally by a fatty capsule, and on the ventral surface it is also covered serosa. The kidney is located between lumbar muscles and the parietal layer of the peritoneum, i.e. retroperitoneal.

    The kidneys are supplied with blood through the large renal arteries, which receive up to 15-30% of the blood pushed into the aorta by the left ventricle of the heart. Innervated by the vagus and sympathetic nerves.

    In cattle (Fig. 269), the right kidney is located in the area from the 12th rib to the 2nd lumbar vertebra, the cranial end touches the liver. Its caudal end is wider and thicker than the cranial one. Left kidney hangs on the short mesentery behind the right at the level of the 2-5th lumbar vertebrae, when the scar fills, it moves slightly to the right.

    On the surface, the kidneys of cattle are divided by grooves into lobules, of which there are up to 20 or more (Fig. 270, a, b). The grooved structure of the kidneys is the result of incomplete fusion of their lobules during embryogenesis. On the section of each lobule, the cortical, medullary and intermediate zones are distinguished.

    The cortical, or urinary, zone (Fig. 271, 1) is dark red in color and located superficially. It consists of microscopic renal corpuscles arranged radially and separated by stripes of the medullary rays.

    The medullary or urinary drainage zone of the lobule is lighter, radially striated, located in the center of the kidney, and is shaped like a pyramid. The base of the pyramid faces outwards; From here the brain rays exit into the cortical zone. The apex of the pyramid forms the renal papilla. The medullary zone of adjacent lobules is not divided by grooves.

    hydronephrosis of the kidneys in cats treatment

    ZooForum: Hydronephrosis in a Cat. Should I remove the kidney or not? — ZooForum

    How to ask a question

    Start your topic by saying:

    - type, breed, age of the animal.

    — Indicate your city of residence.

    — Clearly describe the symptoms of the disease, what are the recommendations of your veterinarians.

    - Mention about housing, nutrition, whether the animal is neutered, what illnesses it had before, whether it has been vaccinated.

    — If there are results of analyzes and other studies, post them in the topic.

    (others can give advice in a PM, indicating that the advice is not given by a veterinarian. But the forum is not responsible for THESE advice.)


    "The most common question

    What parents ask about hydronephrosis is:

    "Will my child lead normal image life.

    And the answer is almost always yes."

    Hydronephrosis is a progressive expansion of the pelvis and calyces, resulting from a violation of the outflow of urine in the area of ​​the ureteropelvic segment, which ultimately leads to irreversible changes in the parenchyma and a progressive decrease in function

    Hydronephrosis (hydro - water, nephro - kidney) occurs in 4.7% of patients with malformations of the urinary system. In boys, kidney nephrosis occurs twice as often as in girls, and left-sided lesions predominate. In 15-25% of cases, the lesion is bilateral.

    Causes of kidney hydronephrosis in children.

    Although the cause (malformation of the pyeloureteral anastomosis) is always congenital, the consequence (hydronephrosis)

    ) can occur and manifest at any age or even during fetal development.

    No matter the reasons causing development hydronephrosis, its pathogenesis is similar in all cases. Retention of urine in the pelvis due to obstructed outflow causes ischemia and gradual death of renal tissue (parenchyma).

    Classification of hydronephrosis

    Depending on the degree of expansion of the renal collector system and damage to the renal parenchyma, several stages of the disease are distinguished.

    Clinical picture in children it has mild and inconsistent symptoms, so they often go unnoticed.

    Often the reason for examination is pain in the abdomen or lumbar region, changes in urine tests, often accompanied by a rise in body temperature, deterioration general condition child.

    In the case of complete obstruction of urine from the renal pelvis to the ureter (against the background of pyelonephritis), the clinical picture of “kidney block” appears. The latter is characterized by severe pain, often accompanied by vomiting, muscle tension in the anterior abdominal wall on the side of the defect, a rise in temperature to febrile levels, and symptoms of intoxication.

    Hydronephrosis in children diagnostics. Hydronephrosis of the kidney in the fetus.


    Hydronephrosis- kidney disease, characterized by expansion of the pyelocaliceal system, atrophy of the renal parenchyma and progressive deterioration of all basic functions of the kidney as a result of impaired outflow of urine from the kidney, as well as impaired blood circulation.

    In modern practice, there are two types of hydronephrosis: primary and secondary.

    Primary or congenital hydronephrosis develops due to congenital obstructions in the area of ​​the ureteropelvic segment (ureteric ectopia, stenosis, ureteral atresia).

    Secondary or acquired hydronephrosis is usually a consequence of some disease (urolithiasis, tumor of the kidney, pelvis, ureter, bladder, traumatic injury bladder, neoplasms of the abdominal and pelvic cavities, prostate hypertrophy, etc.)

    Hydronephrosis can be either unilateral, in which one of the kidneys is affected, or bilateral, in which both kidneys are affected. The presence of an obstruction at the level of the ureterovesical segment leads to the development of unilateral hydronephrosis, and with obstruction in the area of ​​the bladder neck or urethra, bilateral hydronephrosis occurs.

    There is a classification of obstacles that arise in various parts of the urinary tract and lead to the development of hydronephrosis:

    Obstructions located in the urethra, urethra, and bladder (uroliths, tumors, clots and hematomas after injuries, etc.)

    Obstructions in the ureter or outside its lumen (tumors, uroliths, ureteral diverticula, neoplasms abdominal cavity or retroperitoneal space, hematoma due to trauma, adhesive process after surgery)

    Abnormalities in the position of the ureter (kinks or kinks, congenital atresia ureter, congenital stenosis or due to a long-term inflammatory process, ectopia)

    Obstacles in the lumen of the pelvis - nephrolites, neoplasms, blood clots after injuries and hematomas.

    Hydronephrosis is divided into three stages:

    Hydronephrosis in cats, cats and dogs

    What is hydronephrosis in dogs and cats

    Hydronephrosis - dropsy of the kidney - stretching of the kidney structures with urine due to blockage or narrowing urinary tract at any level. The resulting urine creates pressure and, with prolonged exposure, leads to stretching of the renal pelvis and degradation - death of functional kidney tissue.

    Causes of hydronephrosis in dogs and cats

    Any inflammatory processes in the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra leading to disruption of the outflow of urine, as well as tumors, urolithiasis, injuries.

    Symptoms - signs of hydronephrosis in animals

    Symptoms usually manifest themselves in the form of some kind of disturbance in urination - frequent small portions, periodically difficult, painful urination, up to the absence of urination. If there are disorders in the ureters or kidney, the process is one-sided, the second kidney functions normally, but with urolithiasis and blockage of the urethra, both kidneys are affected.

    Diagnosis of hydronephrosis in dogs and cats

    Urinary problems. An ultrasound shows an enlargement of the kidneys due to a swollen pelvis.

    Treatment of hydronephrosis in dogs and cats

    Treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of urinary retention; this is usually only possible when the urethra is blocked by sand or stones. Or they carry out catheterization and lavage of the urethra and bladder if the stones are small, and in other cases the stones are removed surgically.

    After normalization of urine outflow, general maintenance therapy is carried out depending on the condition of the animal.

    Monitoring the treatment of hydronephrosis in cats and dogs

    If the cause is hydronephrosis, urolithiasis (urolithiasis in cats, cats, dogs), then the urine is regularly checked for the presence of sediment, possibly periodically with ultrasound and x-rays.

    Outcome - prognosis of hydronephrosis in animals

    If it is impossible to eliminate the cause and there is bilateral kidney damage, death inevitably occurs.

    If the lesion is unilateral, the kidney with hydronephrosis can be removed and the other kidney will perform all functions.

    Hydronephrosis in animals

    Hydronephrosis- kidney disease, characterized by dilation of the pelvis system, atrophy of the renal parenchyma and progressive deterioration of all basic kidney functions as a result of impaired outflow of urine from the kidneys, and also accompanied by impaired blood circulation in the kidneys. In this case, the kidney (or both kidneys), as a rule, increases in size and has a bumpy surface.


    Hydronephrosis always develops when there is a violation of the outflow of urine from the renal pelvis. Obstructions to the outflow of urine can be localized in any part of the urinary tract. Most often they are localized on the ureteropelvic segment.

  • The most common cause of renal hydronephrosis is urolithiasis disease and obstruction of the ureter or urethra by large uroliths.
  • Availability neoplasms inside the ureter, or bladder, or urethra, leading to obstruction of the normal lumen of the urinary tract.
  • The presence of obstacles along the ureter, but outside its lumen, i.e. neoplasms of the abdominal cavity, causing compression of the lumen of the urinary tract.
  • Obstacles caused deviation from normal anatomical position ureter or bladder, most often associated with congenital malformations (for example, ectopic ureter).
  • Changes in the walls of the ureter or pelvis against the background of previously inflammatory diseases(fibrous changes in the mucous membrane), decreased ureteral peristalsis.
  • Pathogenesis.

    The course of hydronephrosis, according to modern teaching, is divided into three stages:

  • Stage 1 - dilation of the pelvis only - pyelectasis with minor violation kidney functions.
  • Stage 2 - expansion of not only the pelvis, but also the calyces - hydrocalycosis, a decrease in the thickness of the kidney parenchyma and a significant impairment of its function. Kidney function decreases by 20-40%.
  • Stage 3 - sharp atrophy of the kidney tissue occurs, the tissue becomes thinner, kidney function drops sharply, and in the terminal (final) stage, kidney function disappears. Kidney function is reduced by 60 - 80% or more.
  • Classification.

  • Primary or congenital hydronephrosis. The causes of congenital hydronephrosis are disturbances in the process of organ formation urinary system still in the prenatal period. This may be a “high origin of the ureter from the pelvis” or a narrowing of the anastomosis between the pelvis and the ureter - stenosis of the ureteropelvic segment. In most cases, congenital hydronephrosis is associated with viral and bacterial infections suffered by the mother during pregnancy.
  • Secondary or acquired hydronephrosis- occurs, as a rule, as a complication of previous diseases: urolithiasis; inflammation of the urinary system; post-traumatic contractions urinary tract(arising after injury);
  • Hydronephrosis may also be one- and two-sided.
  • Clinical signs.

    The clinical manifestations of hydronephrosis are varied and depend on the cause of urostasis, the level of its localization, the degree of disturbance of the outflow of urine from the renal pelvis, the anatomical features of the pelvis, the unilateral or bilateral nature of the process, complications of the disease, etc.

    As a rule, hydronephrosis does not manifest itself in any way in the first stages of the disease. In later stages, complaints characteristic of hydronephrosis are pain in the lumbar region. In animals, this condition can manifest itself as lethargy, apathy, inactivity and a hunched back, sometimes increased body temperature and signs of intoxication with increasing uremia. Attacks may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, bloating and increased blood pressure. Sometimes there may be blood in the urine. Both primary and secondary hydronephrosis can be complicated by infection. With infected hydronephrosis, body temperature rises and a picture of acute pyelonephritis develops.

    In the later stages of the disease, the kidney is easily palpable, as it increases in size due to the strong expansion of the pelvis and tuberous contours, and turns into a fluctuating sac of fluid. At this stage, pain is usually absent or mild. This is explained by the almost complete loss of kidney function and the cessation of urine excretion, as a result of which a violation of the outflow of urine will not manifest itself. At the same time, a kidney changed due to hydronephrosis is often the cause of high blood pressure and very often turns out to be a source of infection, often requiring emergency surgical intervention. Hydronephrosis is dangerous due to the occurrence of renal failure. The kidney stops working, which can lead to death from poisoning with metabolic products that are normally excreted in the urine. Most often, this can occur with bilateral hydronephrosis of the last degree.

    Diagnosis of hydronephrosis.

    In animals, most often it can be asymptomatic for a long time, or unnoticed by the owners. Clinical signs begin to appear in the later stages of the disease and in the form of intoxication, vomiting, refusal to feed, increased thirst and other signs of chronic renal failure, including uremia. Animals are depressed, reluctant to move, painful manifestations may occur when stroking the back, walking, changes in gait due to pain in the lumbar region, hunched back. In this case, signs of acute urinary retention may be observed (with nephro- and urolithiasis). In such situations, you need to contact the veterinary clinic for qualified help. The doctor should provide as complete a history of the disease as possible and Clinical signs, manifested in the animal. The doctor examines the animal and performs palpation internal organs and primarily the kidneys. If palpation reveals pain, enlargement or lumpiness of the kidneys on one or both sides, the animal is prescribed additional research methods, first of all Abdominal ultrasound. As well as blood and urine tests. A complete detailed biochemical blood test allows you to assess the degree of dysfunction of the kidneys and other organs, as well as the degree of intoxication of the body. Ultrasound examination most often reveals dilation of the renal pelvis, depending on the degree of hydronephrosis, as well as dilation of the ureter at the point of entry into the renal pelvis, and thinning of the renal parenchyma. The cause of hydronephrosis is often identified - uroliths in the renal pelvis, proximal part ureter, bladder, less often neoplasms are visualized inside the ureter, bladder, kidneys; neoplasms of the abdominal cavity, which mechanically compress and deform the ureters or kidneys from the outside. Usually, ultrasound diagnostics for animals it is enough to establish the fact of hydronephrosis, whether it is bilateral or unilateral, and its degree. However, to detect residual renal function, it is used radiation methods: X-ray research and CT scan with contrast. Radiological methods include intravenous urography and retrograde urethropyelography. X-ray methods allow you to identify the level of obstruction, the degree of expansion of the renal cavity system, and assess the function of both kidneys.

    When a contrast agent containing iodine is administered intravenously, a series of x-rays in frontal and lateral projections after a certain number of minutes, after which the dynamics of the contrast agent along the urinary tract are assessed. If there is a delay in contrast and visualization of dilated pelvis or ureters, the doctor makes an entry about functional state kidney(s) and adjusts further actions.

    In animals today, the only correct solution to this problem is surgical intervention for the purpose of removing a kidney modified by hydronephrosis. Especially if kidney function is lost. And also to avoid the occurrence infectious complications hydronephrosis. If there is a possibility of plastic surgery of the altered ureter, if it is the cause of hydronephrosis, then Plastic surgery to restore ureteral patency. However, such operations are extremely rare and have few successful outcomes in animals.

    So, based on the above possible signs hydronephrosis and the possibilities of its development, it follows that the symptoms in animals are often the same, nonspecific, and it is not always possible to immediately recognize the seriousness of the problem. A differential diagnosis can only be established after additional research methods have been carried out.

    Treatment without accurate diagnosis and by non-specialists can lead to disastrous consequences and deterioration of the animal’s condition, time is often lost to provide adequate assistance pet and even save his life.

    Therefore, whenever you notice changes in the behavior and condition of your pet, we recommend immediately contacting veterinary specialists and carrying out as much as possible full examination animal. Early diagnosis will help in choosing the most effective scheme treatment and will help preserve the health and often even the life of your animal.

    The specialists of our center wish you and your pets health!

    Publication date: 2011-10-08 08:08:52

    Hydronephrosis of the kidney: symptoms and treatment depending on the stage

    Hydronephrosis of the kidney is specific disease, characterized pathological increase internal size pyelocaliceal region of the kidneys due to the strong pressure on its walls of a large volume of fluid (urine excreted by the kidneys). In this case, the accumulation and stagnation of urine is associated with a complete or partial disruption of its outflow through the urinary system. This leads to inflammation of the renal tissue - parenchyma, followed by its atrophy and deterioration of the filtering and excretory function of the kidney. As a result of this, partial, and then, as the disease progresses, complete renal failure may occur.

    To prevent poisoning of the body by waste products, in such cases it is recommended to remove one, and when there is bilateral hydronephrosis, both damaged kidneys. In the future, such patients are advised to undergo regular hemodialysis sessions on the machine. artificial kidney or a donor organ transplant.

    Classification of hydronephrosis

    Depending on the causes of the development of the disease, its forms are distinguished:

  • Congenital – hydronephrosis develops in utero or immediately after birth.
  • Acquired – hydronephrosis appears as a result of damage to a previously healthy kidney.
  • Let us highlight the main degrees of hydronephrosis or, as they say, stages:

  • Stage I - there is an expansion of only the pelvic system without disruption of the functions of the organ.
  • Stage II – significant expansion of the pelvis, accompanied by thinning of its walls and impaired renal function up to 20%.
  • Stage III - the kidney is represented by a large multi-chamber cavity filled with urine. Functions are reduced to less than 80%.
  • Causes of occurrence and development of hydronephrosis

    Congenital or acquired form of hydronephrosis of the right or left kidney can occur as a result of deterioration or complete cessation of the movement of urine from the pelvic region through the ureter to the bladder and urethra. The causes of this disorder can be both anatomical and physiological factors.

    Congenital hydronephrosis in children manifests itself as a result of existing defects in the shape and structure of the kidney, ureter and lower urinary system. Also, congenital or acquired hydronephrosis of the kidney in children can occur due to pathology in the development of blood vessels during the prenatal period or the first year of life. Congenital causes:

  • Pathological narrowing of the internal lumen (dysthenesia) of the urinary tract at the level of the kidney, ureter, bladder sphincters or urethra.
  • Congenital anomaly renal artery or its branches, in which the vessel has the shape of a ring, compressing the ureter and preventing the normal outflow of urine.
  • Abnormal shape, kinking, or malposition of the ureter.
  • Congenital developmental pathology lower sections urinary tract (obstruction; ureterocele, etc.).
  • Immaturity or underdevelopment of the urinary system in premature infants.
  • The acquired form of hydronephrosis can have both anatomical causes of impaired urine outflow from the renal pelvis, and physiological ones (arising against the background of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system). In total, there are five main groups of pathological conditions that create mechanical obstacles of an anatomical nature in the urinary system:

    • Thickening of the walls of the ureter or pelvis as a result of tumors.
    • The presence of tumors in surrounding organs and tissues that compress the ureter, kidney or urethra.
    • Violation of the normal location of the ureter or kidney (prolapse of the kidney, bending or torsion of the ureter).
    • Blocking of the internal lumen of the ureter and pelvis with formed kidney stones.
    • Compression or damage to the lower organs of the urinary system as a result of cancer and other diseases or injuries.
    • Quite often, women experience hydronephrosis during pregnancy. Its cause is mechanical compression of the ureter and other organs of the urinary system by the enlarged uterus.

      Symptoms of hydronephrosis at various stages of the disease

      Hydronephrosis, uncomplicated in the first stages of development, has virtually no symptoms and clinical manifestations. The patient feels only a slight deterioration in health and increased fatigue. Therefore, it is possible to suspect mild degrees of hydronephrosis at this stage only with a random examination for other diseases. An enlarged renal pelvis can be determined, for example, by palpation or diagnostic ultrasound.

      If concomitant inflammatory diseases occur, unilateral or bilateral hydronephrosis can be suspected based on the following symptoms, which are also characteristic of other kidney diseases:

    • Constant or intermittent aching pain in the lumbar region.
    • Frequent or severe renal colic.
    • Nausea, vomiting, bloating and increased blood pressure during attacks of renal colic.
    • Initially, a decrease and then a significant increase in the amount of urine during urination.
    • A tumor-like formation palpable on palpation in the area of ​​the right or left hypochondrium (or on both sides).
    • The appearance of blood in the urine (at the same time its color becomes brownish or reddish).
    • At later stages of the disease, the symptoms of kidney hydronephrosis become more obvious.

      Methods for diagnosing hydronephrosis

      Hydronephrosis that develops latently and does not have relapses may not have symptoms of inflammation or obvious impairment of filtering and excretory functions. This can continue until the development of the initial form of renal failure. Therefore, if the amount of urine decreases or its color and concentration changes, it is urgent to conduct a comprehensive laboratory and hardware examination by a urologist.

      To the most precise methods Diagnosis of hydronephrosis includes:

    • Laboratory research: general analysis blood and urine biochemical research blood, urine analysis according to Zimnitsky, Nechiporenko and others.
    • Ultrasound examination of both kidneys, ureter and bladder, which, if necessary, is supplemented by examination of other internal organs.
    • X-ray examination of these organs using contrast agents.
    • Hardware magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
    • Hardware diagnostic methods help determine and compare on which side kidney damage is present or predominant. So hydronephrosis of the right kidney has larger size pelvic region compared to a healthy left kidney. Or vice versa, hydronephrosis of the left kidney has a larger pelvis compared to the right kidney.

      Treatment of kidney hydronephrosis

      Once the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment for kidney hydronephrosis should begin immediately. After all, when further development and complications of this disease, the prognosis for the patient can be extremely unfavorable. And effective therapeutic techniques There are currently no treatments that can completely restore kidney function.

      Drug treatment of hydronephrosis for patients with unilateral or bilateral kidney damage can only be carried out as symptomatic therapy or in preparation for surgical treatment.

      Surgery for kidney hydronephrosis can either completely eliminate or only reduce the manifestation of this disease. The result and prognosis of surgical treatment largely depends on the form and stage of the disease. With complete elimination anatomical reasons compression of the kidney or ureter, as well as minor impairment of its functions, it is possible to completely get rid of hydronephrosis.

      Timely surgery is especially important for eliminating congenital hydronephrosis in children. In most cases, operations performed to eliminate defects or plastic surgery of congenital pathologies of the kidneys and ureter give good results and a favorable prognosis for the life and health of the child.

      Treatment and dietary nutrition for hydronephrosis in pregnant women

      Treatment of hydronephrosis during pregnancy is aimed at restoring the outflow of urine from the kidneys using special physical and breathing exercises, physiotherapeutic procedures, laxatives, long walks on fresh air and dietary nutrition. The main goal of such therapy is the prevention of inflammatory diseases genitourinary area. Only with very severe forms For this disease, termination of pregnancy is recommended.

      A specially developed therapeutic diet for kidney hydronephrosis in pregnant women and children includes dishes with increased content fiber: black bread, a variety of boiled or steamed vegetables, low-fat boiled fish and veal, beetroot soup, cabbage soup and borscht with beets, etc. But you should avoid fatty, fried and salty foods.

      Forecast and prevention of the disease

      Timely elimination of the causes of hydronephrosis contributes to rapid recovery all kidney functions. If the obstruction lasts a long time and is accompanied by bilateral damage or infection, then in this case the prognosis for the disease is serious and often ends with the need for hemodialysis or a donor kidney transplant.

      In order to prevent the development of hydronephrosis, regular medical examination with ultrasound examination of the kidneys and laboratory analysis of urine.

    Kidney disease is most often diagnosed in older cats. The most susceptible to pathologies are domestic cats that are prone to overweight, and pets with reduced physical activity.

    The kidneys are incapable of regeneration, and it is quite difficult to cure the developed disease. At the first suspicion that your cat has kidney disease, you should immediately take it to an appointment with a veterinarian. With the help of properly selected medications, you can significantly alleviate the animal’s condition. Self-medication is prohibited.


    Causes kidney diseases cats are varied. The development of pathology can be caused by:

    • allergic reaction;
    • infectious disease;
    • injury;
    • poisoning with poor quality food or chemicals;
    • genetic predisposition;
    • insufficient water consumption;
    • disease of the stomach, intestines, teeth;
    • medication overdose;
    • incorrectly composed diet (excess salt in dishes).

    It is difficult to determine the exact cause of a particular kidney disease in a cat. Diseases are diagnosed only at a late stage of development.

    Disease symptoms and treatment

    Cats are susceptible to large quantity kidney diseases. The success of their treatment depends on the form of the disease and the accuracy of the diagnosis. Timely therapy will help alleviate the condition of the animal in acute or subacute forms of the disease. At chronic pathologies with the help of medications you can only alleviate the general condition by relieving the symptoms.

    The clinical picture of many kidney diseases is similar. Diagnosing a particular disease in a pet at home is quite difficult. To make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment for your cat, it is necessary to undergo a full examination at a veterinary clinic.


    Nephritis is a serious kidney disease that occurs in chronic and acute forms. The disease can be diffuse and focal.

    The main symptoms of the disease include:

    • refusal of food;
    • bad breath;
    • swelling of the ears, eyelids and limbs;
    • frequent urination mixed with blood;
    • vomiting and diarrhea (in advanced stage illness);
    • decreased activity.

    When providing first aid at home, the use of medications is prohibited. Illiterate use of medications can cause serious complications. Before visiting the veterinarian, the owner must exclude dry food, fried and salty foods from the animal’s diet.

    After examination and diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a special diet for a cat with nephritis. The owner must ensure that the cat consumes large amounts of unsalted foods rich in carbohydrates, potassium and calcium.

    Drug therapy includes the use of antibiotics, diuretics, and drugs containing iron.

    Treating a pet without consulting a veterinarian leads to nephritis becoming chronic.


    Pyelonephritis is an inflammation connective tissue kidneys and their pelvis. Most often, the pathology develops against the background of urolithiasis and stagnation of urine.

    Pyelonephritis can occur in chronic and acute forms. The latter is extremely dangerous for the pet, as it can result in its death.

    In the acute form of the disease, the following characteristic signs are observed:

    • sudden increase in body temperature;
    • pain when urinating;
    • cloudy urine, colored reddish;
    • strong thirst;
    • pain on palpation of the abdomen.

    In cats that are sick chronic pyelonephritis, a thick mass mixed with pus is released from the vagina. There is rapid exhaustion of the body.

    If one of the symptoms is detected, you should urgently take the cat to the veterinarian. In the acute form, without assistance, the death of the animal occurs within 12 hours. The veterinarian makes the diagnosis after conducting a thorough examination and obtaining the results of blood and urine tests on the cat.

    Treatment of pyelonephritis is carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist. It includes several stages:

    • the animal is provided with complete rest;
    • fed on a special diet (the diet should include easily digestible carbohydrates and dairy products, vegetables);
    • Perinephric blockade is performed (anesthetic is injected into the perinephric space);
    • give painkillers and antispasmodics (to relieve lumbar pain);
    • apply antimicrobials penicillin, amoxicillin (to suppress the development of pathogenic microorganisms in the renal pelvis);
    • prescribe sulfonamides (sulfadimethoxine);
    • use diuretics medications and means plant origin(rose hips, birch buds, juniper berries).

    At purulent form diseases, the cat is prescribed a course of corticosteroids, and is also administered intravenously saline.


    Glomerulonephritis is an inflammation of the glomerular apparatus. The disease occurs in a subacute and acute form and can lead to an irreversible deterioration in the health of the animal.

    The main signs of glomerulonephritis are:

    • the presence of bloody streaks in the urine;
    • lack of coordination;
    • lethargy;
    • whistling sound when exhaling and inhaling;
    • deterioration of vision and hearing.

    Treatment for glomerulonephritis is a course. It includes:

    • keeping the animal on a starvation diet (the first few days);
    • use of antibacterial, analgesic, sulfonamide, diuretic drugs;
    • the use of adrenergic blockers and painkillers (to eliminate unpleasant symptoms).

    After prescribing treatment, the veterinarian gives general recommendations for caring for sick animals. They consist of explaining the importance of keeping a cat in a room where there are no drafts or high humidity. It is recommended to include in the animal's diet vitamin supplements.


    Polycystic - hereditary disease, the main symptom of which is exhaustion of the pet’s body. As the disease develops, many cysts form in the affected kidney.

    The insidiousness of the disease lies in the fact that it occurs in a latent form for a long time. Polycystic disease begins to appear only after the cat reaches 3 years of age.

    The size of one cyst varies from 1 mm to 1.5 cm. Gradually, the number and size of pathological formations increases. They are replacing normal tissue kidney

    Symptoms of the development of polycystic disease in cats are:

    • refusal of food;
    • sudden weight loss;
    • pain when emptying the bladder;
    • vomiting, which becomes more severe as the disease progresses.

    During an ultrasound, it is clear that the animal’s kidneys are enlarged.

    Completely heal pet from polycystic disease is impossible. The disease is genetic; there is no therapy leading to recovery of the cat. Carrying out therapeutic measures aimed at leveling the consequences pathological processes, occurring in the kidneys, and improving the quality of life of the animal.

    If cysts press on neighboring organs, then liquid is periodically pumped out of them. Whenever bacterial infection a course of antibiotics is prescribed.

    The progression of the disease can be slowed down by special diet. Necessary:

    • use medicinal feed;
    • exclude from the diet high-calorie foods, fish (applies to animals that eat natural food);
    • provide unlimited access to water.

    At proper diet manages to replenish the lack of fluid, electrolytes and proteins in the animal’s body.


    Amyloidosis - genetic disease cats, occurring in chronic and acute forms. The disease appears due to a disorder in protein metabolism (abnormal proteins accumulate in the blood plasma and are deposited in the kidney tissues).

    It is extremely difficult to diagnose amyloidosis in the early stages, since it is practically asymptomatic.

    In the acute form of the disease, a cat experiences:

    • frequent emptying of the bladder;
    • refusal of food;
    • vomit;
    • worried state.

    Acute amyloidosis is extremely serious illness. It leads to the death of the pet due to the development of renal failure or heavy bleeding which occurred due to a rupture of an internal organ.

    For chronic form Amyloidosis is characterized by the following symptoms:

    • frequent vomiting;
    • refusal to eat;
    • drinking large amounts of water;
    • frequent urination;
    • dark colored urine;
    • swelling of the joints;
    • drowsiness.

    The chronic form of the disease is extremely rare. Cause of death pet It is revealed only at autopsy.

    The diagnosis is made after ultrasound examination, biopsy and x-ray.

    Amyloidosis cannot be cured. Helps improve the animal's quality of life symptomatic therapy and a low protein diet.

    You can extend the life of a sick animal with the help of special solutions that relieve intoxication. They are used at an early stage of the disease.

    In some cases, the veterinarian will perform surgery to remove the kidney.


    Hydronephrosis (renal dropsy) occurs in a cat due to injury or tumor. An animal with a pathology often goes to the litter box in a small way in small portions or does not empty the bladder at all.

    For hydronephrosis, the veterinarian prescribes surgery or drug treatment.

    Therapy is possible only for blockage of the urethra small stones or sand. After urine outflow normalizes, maintenance treatment is prescribed. Its scheme depends on the condition of the sick animal.

    Most often, drug therapy does not make sense. A specialist performs surgery. After the operation, the veterinarian prescribes medications to maintain the cat’s health.

    If both kidneys are affected or the diseased organ cannot be removed, the animal may die.

    During therapy the following may be prescribed:
    • antibiotics wide range actions;
    • medications that lower blood pressure;
    • hormonal agents (for example, erythropoietin).

    If during an examination the veterinarian discovers that most of the kidney consists of connective tissue, the pet will not be able to be cured.

    Hydronephrosis is an enlargement or overstretching of the kidney structures due to a violation of the outflow of urine due to blockage or narrowing of the urinary tract, which can lead to acute lesions kidneys, loss of their performance and changes in structures. This occurs due to the lack of normal flow of urine into the bladder, which creates pressure on the kidney and this leads to tissue death, impaired blood flow and loss of function.

    The disease process may involve either one or two kidneys, depending on the causes of hydronephrosis. Possible reasons can be:

    • traumatic processes of any origin (bites, falls, bruises, car injuries) and their consequences as a result of a possible adhesive process;
    • urolithiasis due to blockage of the ureter by large uroliths;
    • compression by a neoplasm of the ureter, bladder, including outside its lumen;
    • neoplasms of organs in the abdominal cavity, which leads to compression of the urinary tract;
    • developmental abnormalities of the urinary tract organs;
    • complications due to sterilization and other surgical interventions;
    • changes in the ureter and kidney structure due to an inflammatory disease.

    There are several stages of the disease:

    Stage 1: when dilatation of the pelvis is noted - this is the structure of the kidney in which urine is formed before entering the ureter and then into the bladder;

    Stage 2: There is not only an expansion of the pelvis, but also a significant impairment of kidney function by 20-40%, which leads to a decrease in organ tissue.

    Stage 3: death of kidney tissue, acute decrease in organ function by 60-80%.

    Hydronephrosis can be unilateral or bilateral.

    Common symptoms of hydronephrosis in cats are polyuria - increased urine production or frequent urination in the animal and polydipsia - enthusiastic water consumption. Clinical symptoms such as lethargy, apathy, pain localized in the lumbar region or abdominal cavity, nausea, vomiting, urination with blood, urinary retention, and an increase in the volume of the abdominal cavity may also be noted. Clinical symptoms manifests itself due to poisoning by metabolic products, which should normally be excreted in the urine.

    Hydronephrosis of the kidneys in cats can manifest itself for a long time asymptomatically or unnoticed by owners, in some cases it is detected as concomitant disease or during scheduled medical examinations.

    When diagnosing hydronephrosis, the following are used: diagnostic studies, how to conduct ultrasound diagnostics (allows you to identify changes in internal organs), clinical blood tests and biochemical profiles with control electrolyte balance(help to assess the presence of dysfunction of the kidneys and other organs), urine tests, radiography and contrast urography. According to the results of the study, treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause that caused hydronephrosis; surgical intervention is possible to eliminate the cause of the pathology at an early stage of the disease. In the later stages of the disease, treatment is aimed at maintaining the life of the animal and maintaining the body based on the reasons that caused kidney dysfunction. In addition, surgical intervention is used to remove hydronephrosis of the kidney.

    Symptoms in animals are often the same, nonspecific, and it is not always possible to recognize a problem in an animal immediately; a diagnosis can only be established after examination.

    If your animal experiences a deterioration in its general condition, changes in behavior, or pathologies in the genitourinary system, it is recommended to consult a specialist. veterinary center for correct diagnosis, diagnosis and prescribing appropriate treatment. After all, treatment carried out by non-specialists and without an accurate diagnosis can lead to disastrous results. Early diagnosis can lead to more appropriate treatment of hydronephrosis and a better prognosis for the cat's quality of life.

    Therefore, whenever you notice changes in the behavior and condition of your pet, we recommend immediately contacting veterinary specialists and conducting the most complete examination of the animal as possible.

    The article was prepared by doctors of the therapeutic department "MEDVET"
    © 2018 SEC "MEDVET"

    The kidneys are the most vulnerable organ in cats, and with age, pathologies associated with the urinary system are very common. Moreover, healthy kidneys in an animal over 8 years of age - a very rare occurrence.

    Unfortunately, diseases in this area in the early stages have practically no pronounced clinical picture, therefore, treatment of a pet is taken when the disease takes a chronic form.

    Causes of enlarged kidneys in cats

    A cat’s kidneys can become enlarged not only in old age due to long and uninterrupted work, but also due to genetic predisposition or rare anomaly, which is observed in the animal from birth. If the increase is associated with a congenital pathology, but the cat does not have health problems, then there is no reason for concern. It’s another matter if the kidneys are enlarged due to diseases of the excretory system.

    As shown veterinary practice, domestic cats, unlike dogs, are much more likely to suffer from kidney ailments. This is due to the peculiarities of their urinary system and dietary habits. To the reasons causing diseases and organ enlargements include:

    1. Violation of water balance, consumption of poor quality water.
    2. Unbalanced diet. Feeding the animal only fish or meat products provokes acidification of urine and the development of various diseases.
    3. Obesity and low mobility interfere with the flow of urine.
    4. Low-quality dry food or food from your own table.
    5. Poor care, keeping your pet in damp or damp room, overheating of the animal.

    Veterinarians note the relationship between kidney diseases and the sex of the animal. Thus, it is observed much more often in cats than in cats due to the structure of the excretory system.

    If a cat is neutered, his risk of developing diseases in this area increases. In particular, he may develop urolithiasis, which in turn will provoke enlargement of the kidneys.

    What does enlarged kidneys mean in cats?

    If your pet has an enlarged organ, this may be the result of some disease of the urinary system:

    1. Urolithiasis disease. It develops against the background of inflammatory processes in surrounding tissues caused by the formation of stones.
    2. Pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis. Inflammatory process of infectious or non-infectious pathology, leading to edema and an increase in the volume of organ tissue.
    3. Polycystic disease. Cavities develop in the tissues, replacing healthy tissue. Due to the formation of cysts, organs increase in volume. British and Egyptian cats are most susceptible to the disease.
    4. Hydronephrosis. Impaired blood supply to the kidneys causes the renal pelvis to expand and the organ to increase in size.
    5. Amyloidosis and other genetic and congenital disorders accompanied by organ enlargement.
    6. Malignant and benign neoplasms.
    7. Chronic (CRF). A characteristic feature is swelling of the hind or front legs.

    Hydronephrosis- kidney disease, characterized by dilation of the pelvis system, atrophy of the renal parenchyma and progressive deterioration of all basic kidney functions as a result of impaired outflow of urine from the kidneys, and also accompanied by impaired blood circulation in the kidneys. In this case, the kidney (or both kidneys), as a rule, increases in size and has a bumpy surface.


    Hydronephrosis always develops when there is a violation of the outflow of urine from the renal pelvis. Obstructions to the outflow of urine can be localized in any part of the urinary tract. Most often they are localized on the ureteropelvic segment.

    • The most common cause of renal hydronephrosis is urolithiasis disease and obstruction of the ureter or urethra by large uroliths.
    • Availability neoplasms inside the ureter, or bladder, or urethra, leading to obstruction of the normal lumen of the urinary tract.
    • The presence of obstacles along the ureter, but outside its lumen, i.e. neoplasms of the abdominal cavity, causing compression of the lumen of the urinary tract.
    • Obstacles caused deviation from normal anatomical position ureter or bladder, most often associated with congenital malformations (for example, ectopic ureter).
    • Changes in the walls of the ureter or pelvis due to previous inflammatory diseases (fibrous changes in the mucous membrane), decreased peristalsis of the ureter.


    The course of hydronephrosis, according to modern teaching, is divided into three stages:

    • Stage 1 - dilation of only the pelvis - pyeloectasia with minor impairment of kidney function.
    • Stage 2 - expansion of not only the pelvis, but also the calyces - hydrocalycosis, a decrease in the thickness of the kidney parenchyma and a significant impairment of its function. Kidney function decreases by 20-40%.
    • Stage 3 - sharp atrophy of the kidney tissue occurs, the tissue becomes thinner, kidney function drops sharply, and in the terminal (final) stage, kidney function disappears. Kidney function is reduced by 60 - 80% or more.


    • Primary or congenital hydronephrosis. The causes of congenital hydronephrosis are disturbances in the formation of the organs of the urinary system in the prenatal period. This may be a “high origin of the ureter from the pelvis” or a narrowing of the anastomosis between the pelvis and the ureter - stenosis of the ureteropelvic segment. In most cases, congenital hydronephrosis is associated with viral and bacterial infections suffered by the mother during pregnancy.
    • Secondary or acquired hydronephrosis- occurs, as a rule, as a complication of previous diseases: ; inflammation of the urinary system; post-traumatic narrowing of the urinary tract (arising after injury);
    • Hydronephrosis may also be one- and two-sided.

    Clinical signs.

    The clinical manifestations of hydronephrosis are varied and depend on the cause of urostasis, the level of its localization, the degree of disturbance of the outflow of urine from the renal pelvis, the anatomical features of the pelvis, the unilateral or bilateral nature of the process, complications of the disease, etc.

    As a rule, hydronephrosis does not manifest itself in any way in the first stages of the disease. In later stages, complaints characteristic of hydronephrosis are pain in the lumbar region. In animals, this condition can manifest itself as lethargy, apathy, inactivity and a hunched back, sometimes increased body temperature and signs of intoxication with increasing uremia. Attacks may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, bloating and increased blood pressure. Sometimes there may be blood in the urine. Both primary and secondary hydronephrosis can be complicated by infection. With infected hydronephrosis, body temperature rises and a picture of acute pyelonephritis develops.

    In the later stages of the disease, the kidney is easily palpable, as it increases in size due to the strong expansion of the pelvis and tuberous contours, and turns into a fluctuating sac of fluid. At this stage, pain is usually absent or mild. This is explained by the almost complete loss of kidney function and the cessation of urine excretion, as a result of which a violation of the outflow of urine will not manifest itself. At the same time, a kidney changed due to hydronephrosis is often the cause of high blood pressure and very often turns out to be a source of infection, often requiring emergency surgical intervention. Hydronephrosis is dangerous due to the occurrence of renal failure. The kidney stops working, which can lead to death from poisoning with metabolic products that are normally excreted in the urine. Most often, this can occur with bilateral hydronephrosis of the last degree.

    Diagnosis of hydronephrosis.

    In animals, most often it can be asymptomatic for a long time, or unnoticed by the owners. Clinical signs begin to appear in the later stages of the disease and in the form of intoxication, vomiting, refusal to feed, increased thirst and other signs of chronic renal failure, including uremia. Animals are depressed, reluctant to move, painful manifestations may occur when stroking the back, walking, changes in gait due to pain in the lumbar region, hunched back. In this case, signs of acute urinary retention may be observed (with nephro- and urolithiasis). In such situations, you need to contact a veterinary clinic as soon as possible for qualified help. The doctor should describe as fully as possible the history of the disease and the clinical signs manifested in the animal. The doctor examines the animal, palpates the internal organs and, first of all, the kidneys. If palpation reveals pain, enlargement or lumpiness of the kidneys on one or both sides, the animal is prescribed additional research methods, first of all . As well as blood and urine tests. A complete detailed biochemical blood test allows you to assess the degree of dysfunction of the kidneys and other organs, as well as the degree of intoxication of the body. Ultrasound examination most often reveals dilation of the renal pelvis, depending on the degree of hydronephrosis, as well as dilation of the ureter at the point of entry into the renal pelvis, and thinning of the renal parenchyma. The cause of hydronephrosis is often identified - uroliths in the renal pelvis, proximal ureter, bladder, less often neoplasms are visualized inside the ureter, bladder, kidneys; neoplasms of the abdominal cavity, which mechanically compress and deform the ureters or kidneys from the outside. As a rule, ultrasound diagnostics for animals is enough to establish the fact of hydronephrosis, whether it is bilateral or unilateral, and its degree. However, to detect residual renal function, it is used radiation methods: x-ray examination and computed tomography with contrast. Radiological methods include intravenous urography and retrograde urethropyelography. X-ray methods make it possible to identify the level of obstruction, the degree of expansion of the renal cavity system, and assess the function of both kidneys.

    When a contrast agent containing iodine is administered intravenously, a series of x-rays are taken in frontal and lateral projections after a certain number of minutes, after which the dynamics of the contrast agent along the urinary tract are assessed. If there is a delay in contrast and visualization of dilated pelvis or ureters, the doctor makes an input about the functional state of the kidney (kidneys) and adjusts further actions.

    In animals today, the only correct solution to this problem is surgical intervention to remove the kidney affected by hydronephrosis. Especially if kidney function is lost. And also to avoid the occurrence of infectious complications of hydronephrosis. If there is a possibility of plastic surgery of the altered ureter, if it is the cause of hydronephrosis, then plastic surgery is performed to restore the patency of the ureter. However, such operations are extremely rare and have few successful outcomes in animals.

    So, based on the possible signs of hydronephrosis described above and the possibilities of its development, it follows that the symptoms in animals are often the same, nonspecific, and it is not always possible to immediately recognize the seriousness of the problem. A differential diagnosis can only be established after additional research methods have been carried out.

    Treatment without an accurate diagnosis and by non-specialists can lead to disastrous consequences and deterioration of the animal’s condition; time is often lost to provide adequate assistance to the pet and even save its life.
    Therefore, whenever you notice changes in the behavior and condition of your pet, we recommend immediately contacting veterinary specialists and conducting the most complete examination of the animal as possible. Early diagnosis will help in choosing the most effective treatment regimen and will help preserve the health and often even the life of your animal.

    The specialists of our center wish you and your pets health!