Money tree indoor plant medicinal properties. How to use money tree. Use in healthy and therapeutic nutrition

Habitual indoor plant and the pride of “Fenshuists” can be of considerable benefit in improving health. The medicinal properties of the money tree, although not valued by official medicine, have been tested by many years of experience in folk treatment.


Money Tree called Crassula or Crassula, from the name of the family, which unites about 300 species. In folk medicine, the species that is most actively grown in room conditions- Crassula oval or ovoid. Basic morphological feature The plants have thick green leaves that look like coins of varying sizes.

Botanical characteristics

The Crassulaceae family is characterized by a variety of species. The height of money trees varies from several centimeters. IN natural conditions the plant can reach 4 m in height. A common feature is the perennial growth of plants. By appearance the plant can be characterized as follows.

  • Roots. The tap root system of the money tree is distinguished by its superficial position. The bulk of the lateral roots are concentrated just below the soil surface. These roots can occupy an impressive area. The main one is short, the thickness decreases sharply towards the bottom.
  • Stems. An erect monocarp shoot that branches over time and forms a tree-like crown. The main part of the stem becomes woody and is massive compared to the branches. The color of the trunk is brownish-brown, while the branches remain green and may have purple spots.
  • Leaves. The attachment of simple leaf plates is sessile. The surface is smooth, has noticeable pores characteristic of succulents, and is dark green. The reverse side of the leaf blade is light green in color. The edge is solid. Shape – back ovoid, round or oval. The density of the leaf covering of a branch depends on external conditions. The better they are, the thicker and brighter the foliage.
  • Flowers. The racemose or paniculate inflorescence consists of many umbrellas. They contain small white flowers. The inflorescence is formed at the end of the shoot, or emerges from the axil of the leaf.
  • Fetus. Leaflet with leathery surface. Often their appearance indicates the imminent death of the shoots, since they stop vegetating after the fruits ripen.

IN natural conditions While growing, the money tree accumulates a huge amount of moisture. However, it is not transmitted to seeds, which rarely germinate. The main method of propagation of the fat plant is vegetative. Adventitious roots can form on leaves and branches, making individual parts suitable for planting and independent growth. The appearance of leaf rosettes directly on the branches is also noted - these are the “babies” of the money tree, which are also capable of forming an independent plant.

Distribution and growing conditions

The money tree, which has its roots in South Africa, was brought to the European continent in 1687. This is a record holder for the speed of spread - after 45 years, Crassula was known in all countries, its ability to adapt to indoor cultivation and to form beautiful dense crowns was appreciated.

The arid conditions of Mexico, Madagascar, and Africa have adapted the plant to storage huge amount moisture, and infertile sandy soils have modified the root system.

The plant grows well at temperatures above 23 °C and tolerates short-term cold weather. Naturally, due to the large amount of water in the leaves, Crassula will not tolerate frost. Wide pots are suitable for indoor cultivation, which need to be replaced promptly as the plant grows. It is enough to water the money tree once every two weeks. There is no need to flood Crassula - just ensure moderate soil moisture and good drainage.

Composition of raw materials

Specific scientific research relatively chemical composition no money tree was carried out. Botanists have found that the leaves contain a large number of arsenic compounds, therefore they banned the internal use of the plant and left Crassula as ornamental plant. Focusing on the methods of using arsenic among the people, healers immediately identified possible areas of application of the money tree:

Focusing on the properties of money tree leaves, we can determine that their main components are water and fiber. The mucous contents of the leaves indicate the content of mucopolysaccharides - substances that form mucus. They have the following effects on the skin:

  • enveloping;
  • emollient;
  • protective;
  • regenerating;
  • astringent.

The green color of the leaves indicates the photosynthesis occurring in the plant and the chlorophyll content. Where there is this substance, which is strictly characteristic of plants, there are always flavonoids, which:

  • have bacteriostatic properties;
  • stimulate local immunity;
  • eliminate bleeding;
  • improve scarring;
  • improve tissue trophism.

The ability of the money tree to purify indoor air indicates the content of phytoncides. Their beneficial properties for the human body are: antimicrobial action which includes:

  • bactericidal effect;
  • antiprotozoal;
  • antiviral activity;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • antifungal properties.

An approximate assessment of the chemical composition cannot be called a reason for using money tree to strengthen the body, since there are great doubts regarding the vitamins and minerals in the composition of the plant. However, the health benefits of Crassula, established experimentally in folk medicine, precisely confirm the presence of the above components in the fleshy leaves.

All useful components, which the money tree may contain, are concentrated in the pulp of the leaves. Their desiccation leads to complete loss beneficial influence on the body. About destruction useful substances says change in leaf color. For this reason, harvesting and processing of leaves is not carried out, using only fresh whole parts of the bright green plant.

Healing properties of money tree

The reason for testing the healing properties of the money tree was the unpretentiousness and longevity of the plant. At one time they were open like this medicinal properties aloe and kalanchoe.
In folk medicine, the most widespread is the external use of money tree leaves, as well as the juice extracted from them.

For skin

With the help of fatty skin lesions are treated:

  • wounds;
  • scratches;
  • abrasions;
  • bruises;
  • burns;
  • frostbite.

Active antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties can eliminate an existing infectious factor, as well as prevent its addition. Money tree is used to treat:

  • complex festering wounds;
  • boils;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • boils;
  • pustular rashes.

Plant's ability to shoot allergic reaction, regulate work local immunity, allows you to use the money tree as part of complex therapy eczema and psoriasis. It is also appropriate to use the plant to treat insect bites of wasps, bees, and mosquitoes.

Crassula can also be used in cosmetology - for rinsing hair and washing the face. Elimination of dandruff, itching, seborrhea is noted after using the plant. It also transforms the skin - the complexion becomes fresher, acne and pimples are eliminated.

For blood vessels and joints

Crasula normalizes the condition of blood vessels at the site of injury, eliminates swelling and inflammatory process. The plant is used to treat varicose veins, as well as acute hemorrhoids.

In folk medicine, money tree is used against diseases that provoke dystrophic changes in joints, as well as from diseases of an infectious nature. Indications for use: arthrosis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism.

For mucous membranes

Crassula can be used to treat diseases of the mucous membranes, because along with antibacterial effect, the plant has powerful antiviral properties. Indications for use may be:

  • angina;
  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • herpes;
  • fungal infections of the mucous membrane.

The money tree does a great job initial symptoms colds and flu – runny nose and cough. The most effective use of the plant is in the first days of symptoms. The plant is also used for the treatment of sinusitis.

The healing properties of money tree can also appear when used internally. The leaves are used internally for ulcers and gastritis, as well as for colitis of various origins.


The main raw materials used for the manufacture of medicines are: fresh leaves money tree. Extracts are made from them, the juice is squeezed out, and a tincture is prepared.


Peculiarities . Money tree sap is used to lubricate herpetic rashes, wounds, burns, and painful joints. It is bred for the purpose of obtaining healing solutions for mucous membranes, mixed with ointment base.

Preparation and use

  1. Choose green leaves of the money tree; it is advisable to pick medium-sized ones, with a bright green color, not the oldest, but not the youngest either.
  2. The leaves are crushed into a pulp using a knife or blender, the mixture is placed in gauze, folded several times, and the juice is carefully squeezed out.
  3. For use in fresh or preparing preparations, always use freshly squeezed juice.
  4. Apply externally to injuries and painful areas up to six times a day. Five drops are dripped into the nose, three times a day. Pure juice is used to lubricate the gums for toothache.

Fresh leaves

Peculiarities . Medicinal properties Crassula leaves are equivalent to the juice extracted from them. The leaves can be used as an emergency healing agent, as well as to soften calluses and corns. The leaves are used internally to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. To use leaves, you should choose those that are the largest.

Preparation and use

  1. Wash the leaves cool water, remove the skin from one side.
  2. The juicy pulp of the leaf is used to wipe bruises, abrasions, bruises, scratches, up to six times a day.
  3. To soften calluses, a cut leaf is wrapped around the corns overnight.
  4. To treat ulcers and gastritis, it is recommended to eat two leaves a day on an empty stomach. For heartburn, the leaves can be eaten after breakfast.
  5. For the treatment of periodontal disease and stomatitis, it is recommended to chew the leaves and then spit them out.


Peculiarities. The base for the solution is money tree sap. Used as a mouth rinse for diseases of the mucous membrane oral cavity, as well as for washing the mucous membrane in gynecology, for example, with fungal infections.

Preparation and use

  1. Ten medium-sized leaves of the money tree are crushed and the juice is squeezed out of them.
  2. The resulting substance is diluted boiled water room temperature (one glass).
  3. Gargle or gargle three times a day, for several days in a row.


Peculiarities. It has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antimicrobial properties. Recommended for use for any diseases of the genitourinary system.

Preparation and use

  1. Money tree leaves are crushed into pieces.
  2. A teaspoon of the substance is poured into a glass of boiling water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, and left for one hour.
  3. After filtering, the resulting decoction is taken orally, one tablespoon at a time. Three times a day. It is advisable to take the medicine 15 minutes before the planned meal.


Peculiarities. Can be applied externally using a piece of cotton wool. It is advisable to leave the tampon soaked in the product on for several hours.

Preparation and use

  1. Select four large leaves of the money tree and squeeze the juice out of them.
  2. Mix the juice with Vaseline oil or Vaseline, in a 1:1 ratio.
  3. The resulting product is applied to cotton wool, applied to hemorrhoids, or simply lubricated hemorrhoids.


Peculiarities. It is used for compresses for varicose veins and arthritis, as well as for bruises and bruises. A tincture of money tree leaves can be rubbed for myalgia and neuralgia.

Preparation and use

  1. A half-liter glass jar is filled by a third with crushed Crassula leaves.
  2. Fill the jar to the top with pure vodka or diluted alcohol.
  3. After a month of infusion, the product can be used externally.

Hair rinse

Peculiarities. The beneficial properties of money tree for hair include strengthening hair follicle, improving the condition of the scalp, accelerating hair growth.

Preparation and use

  1. 200 g of raw materials are poured with a liter of boiling water.
  2. After infusing for an hour, rinse your hair with the product after shampooing.
  3. Repeat the procedure several times a week for a month.

Traditional healers advise before using the money tree for a runny nose to carry out its biogenic stimulation: the branches from the leaves of which you plan to extract juice are carefully cut off and placed in the refrigerator or a dark, cool place for a week. After this procedure, the amount of useful substances in the leaves increases, fermentation of the raw material occurs, which increases its biological activity.

Safety regulations

Money tree contraindications – individual sensitivity to the plant. In this case, even external use of the plant or its juice is prohibited, including preparations that involve diluting the juice with water. Compresses and rubbing are contraindicated for children under 12 years of age. They should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Internal use of Crassula is fraught with arsenic poisoning. Signs of overdose can include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and disturbances of consciousness. To reduce the health harm of the money tree, it is recommended to combine the internal consumption of leaves with drinking milk. You should also strictly adhere to the dosage. Completely protect yourself from possible harm possible by avoiding applying the juice to the mucous membranes and ingesting the leaves.

Correct and appropriate use of the money tree will help get rid of many unpleasant ailments. Such a houseplant will be an excellent helper in Everyday life– protector against viral diseases and infectious lesions skin. In the presence of chronic diseases Any method of using money tree must be agreed with your doctor.

I believe that many of us grow a money tree (or crassula, crassula, as it is also called) in our apartments and houses. After all, you really want to attract wealth and prosperity into your home by all means. However, the money tree, in addition to those truly attributed to it magical properties, has healing properties that few people know about.

Let's talk about the medicinal properties and contraindications of the money tree and find out recipes with this plant, because crassula can be treated along with other healing house plants; it is in no way inferior to aloe and Kalanchoe in its healing effects on the body.

The properties attributed to the Crassula are varied:

  • “course for wealth” - many believe that the higher the tree grows, the more it will attract wealth into the house, they also give advice to put a few coins in the pot where the Crassula grows, then there will always be money in your house;
  • “health indicator” - if someone in the house becomes seriously ill, the money tree begins to wither, the leaves turn yellow or turn black and fall off, as if the plant absorbs the owner’s illness, bad energy at home, but if the person has recovered, the money tree also comes to life;
  • “air purifier” - the money tree, due to its ability to purify the air in the room, improves the well-being of its owners, even by its very appearance it can have a positive effect on a person. Thanks to the money tree, your home will always be clean from negative emotions and full of good humor.

Healing properties of money tree

Arthritis, gout pain, arthrosis. Healing remedy The preparation is simple: squeeze the juice out of the leaves and apply it to the affected joints in the evenings before bed.

Ulcers of the duodenum and stomach. Chew thoroughly and slowly, eat two leaves of the money tree in the morning when you wake up. After an hour you are allowed to have breakfast.

Varicose veins Using a blender or a meat grinder, you need to grind the leaves of the money tree (20 pieces), mix them with 250 ml of vodka or 40% alcohol and leave in a glass container in a dark place for 25 days. Pass through gauze and apply before bed to areas affected by varicose veins until the product is completely absorbed. This will need to be done for a month, then take a break for three months and repeat the course. During the year, 3 such courses are carried out. The nodes are significantly reduced.

Pain due to rheumatism, inflammation of the ternary or facial nerves. The same recipe for a tincture of money tree leaves in alcohol (vodka) as for the treatment of varicose veins will help you as a rub.

Haemorrhoids. You can get rid of this problem thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of the money tree.

  • Mix the plant sap with liquid petroleum jelly to create a liquid emulsion. Soak a cotton swab in this emulsion and apply it to hemorrhoidal node. This procedure done two to three times a day.
  • You can try simply applying a cut fat leaf to the sore area; according to reviews, you will immediately feel relief.

Inflammation of the kidneys - pyelonephritis and cystitis. Prepare an infusion of Crassula leaves: chop 5 leaves, pour 250 ml hot water. The product sits for 1 hour, then pass it through cheesecloth and drink 1 tbsp. in 15min. before meals three times a day.

Herpes and sore throat. The antiviral properties of money tree sap make it an excellent gargle for tonsillitis and sore throats, as well as for lubricating herpes rashes. It can also be used in case dental problems for rinsing the mouth. If polyps have formed in the nose, you can douche with the juice.

  • For herpes rashes, it is enough to squeeze the juice out of several leaves of the plant and apply it to the damaged area every 30 minutes. You can do it even simpler: soak a cotton swab or a piece of cotton sponge in the juice and apply it to herpetic rash, secure with adhesive tape.
  • For rinsing and douching, prepare a solution of 200 ml boiled water t=35° and money tree juice squeezed from its leaves (10 pcs.). Rinsing is carried out 3-5 times a day.

Calluses and minor burns. Another name that people have given to Crassula is “callus”. If you're tired of old calluses, this plant will help get rid of them. In the past, doctors used arsenic-based products for these purposes. Arsenic was also found in Crassula, which is why today’s official medicine is not very fond of its medicinal properties. But in folk practice get rid of calluses a leaf of a crassula. To do this, you will need to remove the top film from the leaf, exposing the pulp of the leaf. Apply the leaf to the callus with this pulp and bandage it overnight. You can also do this with minor burn which caused tissue inflammation.

Ingrown nail. Cut a leaf of the money tree and apply it to the site of inflammation, apply plastic wrap on top and secure the compress with a band-aid. After some time, when the plant leaf is almost dry, change the compress and carefully remove the softened nail plate.

Wounds and abscesses, cuts or bruises, and sprains. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of money tree can be used to treat these problems. Turn several leaves of crassula into a pulp, spread it on gauze or a piece of bandage and apply it to the damaged area, cover with a dry piece of gauze on top. After 4 hours, remove the bandage and apply a new one.

Insect bites. Apply Crassula juice to the bite sites six times a day. This will save you from swelling and itching from wasp, bee, mosquito and other insect bites.

The benefits of this plant are great, however, the “big fly in the ointment” will be the existing contraindications for treatment with the money tree.

Contraindications and harm of the money tree

As I wrote earlier, Crassula contains small quantity arsenic, and therefore the use of juice and leaves of this plant internally requires consultation with a doctor and the need to strictly adhere to dosages. Arsenic tends to accumulate in bone tissue. If, when treating with money tree, you abuse it orally, the body will react with all the unpleasant signs of poisoning: nausea, vomiting, problems with consciousness, diarrhea.

These are, perhaps, all the contraindications of the money tree. The main rule: observe moderation in its use!

This is an interesting money tree that has a lot of useful and medicinal properties. If you have not yet acquired this wonderful tree, you can do so now, after reading this article.
To simplify the process of introducing a fat woman into your home, I recommend watching what I think is the most useful video. Thanks to him, you will learn everything about caring for and growing a money tree. All you have to do is start.

Be healthy!

The healing properties of the money tree and its contraindications have been known for a very long time. This plant has many positive qualities, which allow it to be used for various diseases(cm. ).

Money tree: what kind of plant is it?

The second name of the flower is Crassula. Its homeland is the countries of the Southern Hemisphere. The plant is believed to have mystical powers. It can bring prosperity to the house, as well as cure various diseases.

Feng Shui experts believe that the tree crassula should be in every home. This way the energy flows in the room will be harmonized. The plant can also bring prosperity and prosperity to the family.

Phytoncides, which are secreted by the leaves of the fat plant during growth, help:

  • improve mood;
  • restore sleep;
  • increase performance;
  • slow down the development of respiratory diseases.

In a room where a sick person is, the tree may wither and shed its leaves. But after the situation changes, the plant will again be covered with juicy and green leaves.

Medicinal properties of Crassula and contraindications

The money tree is the most sought after indoor plant. It is often used in medicine to treat wounds, bruises, and other diseases.

Crassula has antiviral, bactericidal, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and antipruritic properties. The plant is used in dentistry, therapy and neurology.

Money tree is used to treat:

  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • abscesses, wounds;
  • sore throat and herpes;
  • bruises;
  • frostbite;
  • nasal polyps;
  • burns of varying degrees;
  • swelling that appears as a result of insect bites.

Also, decoctions and infusions from the leaves are used in case of muscle strain. Money tree is often used by women to improve skin condition. The juice from the leaf plates helps make the dermis soft and gives it natural elasticity. The plant also relieves acne and various rashes.

It is very rare that people are allergic to money tree pollen.

Despite all positive sides, this tree has its contraindications. It is prohibited to use infusions, decoctions and juice by pregnant women, women during breastfeeding and children under 12 years of age.

You should also pay special attention to the dosage of taking medications based on. This is due to the fact that it contains a certain percentage of arsenic. In case of poisoning with this component, you must drink it as quickly as possible. Activated carbon and contact a specialist.

Use of Crassula in folk medicine

Traditional healers use unique properties various plants. Blank meadow grass, and trees, roots of various plants - the first and most important stage to provide assistance.

Money tree for hemorrhoids

Many people who have sedentary image life, they know about such a problem as hemorrhoids. However, most suffer and do not resort to solving this problem.

A good option to get rid of this disease is the leaves of the fat plant. In order to cook medicinal mixture, you need to combine the plant juice and Vaseline (1:1). Both components will need to be thoroughly mixed and applied to a cotton swab. Then apply it to the problem area and hold for 30 minutes. It is recommended to repeat this procedure two or three times a day.

These tampons help with different stages hemorrhoids. They cope with bleeding, which often appears as a result of deformation of the hemorrhoidal lump.

Fresh juice from the leaves of the money tree helps relieve pain, relieves swelling, and destroys various viruses.

Crassula with varicose veins

This disease is accompanied by swelling, unpleasant heaviness in the legs and sharp pain. To get rid of this problem once and for all, you need to use lotions and dressings made from Crassula infusion. A properly prepared solution will not only reduce pain, but also reduce knots. In order to achieve the desired result, you should follow all recommendations throughout the 30-day course.

To prepare the product you will need:

  • finely chop 20 large leaves;
  • one liter of vodka (without additives).

Place both components in a dark container and mix well. Leave for a month, then strain. Saturate a white cloth with the prepared solution and apply until problem area. Keep until completely dry.

You need to do 2-3 courses per year.

Money tree for acne

This problem can occur at any age. Acne brings not only psychological problems, but can also cause itching and painful sensations. Due to the fact that the fatty milk has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, it helps to get rid of this problem.

If pimples have just appeared and they are small, then it will be enough to wipe the problem areas with freshly squeezed money tree juice.

Large abscesses can be easily removed with a paste applied overnight. In order for the mixture to draw out the pus well, it is necessary to secure the cotton wool with a band-aid. A few such procedures are enough and the abscesses will disappear forever.

Crassula in cosmetology

Every woman dreams of having a beautiful and healthy skin. Masks based on money tree leaves help restore its shine, color and elasticity.

For oily skin

Ingredients for preparing the mask:

  • several medium-sized leaves of crassula;
  • one egg(protein);
  • dessert spoon of oatmeal.

Wash the leaves under running water and dry thoroughly. Then grind them to a paste. This can be done using a meat grinder. Place the resulting mixture in a container and add protein and ground oatmeal to it. Mix all ingredients well with a wooden spoon and apply to previously cleansed skin. Keep the mixture for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure every day for 7 days.

It should be remembered that you should not apply the mask to the area around the eyes.

Rejuvenating mask

To prepare it you need:

  • 0.5 tbsp. l gruel from money tree leaves;
  • 1 tsp cow's milk(room temperature);
  • dessert boat of liquid honey;
  • 0.5 tbsp. l yeast;
  • 5 to 8 drops of vitamin E.

Place all of the above ingredients in a metal container and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture onto the face with massage movements, avoiding the lips and eyes. Keep for 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water. This procedure must be done once a day for a week.

Brightening facial mask

This recipe will help cope with freckles and pigmented areas. To do this, you just need to combine 1 teaspoon of crushed money tree leaves, the same amount of parsley, full-fat homemade sour cream and half a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

After thoroughly mixing the components, apply the product to the skin. Keep for 15 minutes.

Money tree for sore throat and arthritis

A remedy made from money tree helps relieve sore throats and also get rid of abscesses. To treat this problem, a solution is used to gargle.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 10 leaves (squeeze juice);
  • 200 ml of boiled, warm water.

Gargle with the resulting solution. It is necessary to repeat the procedure until it becomes easier to swallow.

Money tree for arthritis

Crassula is excellent remedy for inflamed joints. The juice of the plant also helps to cope with swelling, which makes it difficult to move. With him correct intake, relief comes within two weeks.

To treat arthritis, use only freshly squeezed juice pure form. It only needs to be rubbed into problem areas once a day for a month. The amount of juice depends on the size of the affected area.

Crassula can also help with herpes. To do this, you need to soak a cotton ball with the juice from the leaves and apply it to the sore spot. This procedure must be carried out several times a day. For quick effect, it is recommended to leave the cotton pad overnight, securing it with a band-aid.

At correct use, the money tree will bring incredible benefits. The main thing is to follow the recommendations when preparing mixtures, and also take into account contraindications. Only then, once and for all, will you get rid of the most unpleasant diseases.

Properties of the money tree and traditional medicine - video

The money tree, or Crassula, is incredibly popular not only among lovers of indoor floriculture.

It is no secret that according to the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui, Crassula is one of the plants - symbols that bring good luck and financial well-being to the home. And this plant received the name “money tree” due to the resemblance of round fleshy leaves to coins.

This cute tree fits perfectly into the interior of any style, and its unpretentiousness and ease of care only increases the number of fans.

Little-known properties of the money tree

Growing a money tree on their windowsills, many gardeners do not even suspect which unique plant lives in their house. The fat woman has the ability to absorb negative energy accumulated in the house, as well as release it into the surrounding space active substances, phytoncides that have a positive effect on the human body and the environment.

By purifying the air, the money tree gives strength and improves mood, helps relieve stress, reduce physical and psychological fatigue. Crassula's antiviral properties help reduce the content of harmful microflora in the room, which means they prevent the spread of respiratory diseases.

It has been noted that the money tree is sensitive to the well-being of the people living in the house. If a sick person appears nearby, the condition of the flower is noticeably deteriorating- the plant immediately begins to wither, shedding its leaves, and seems to draw in the negative energy of an unhealthy organism. After recovery, the plant is restored.

In some cases Crassula in terms of its healing properties can be compared with aloe– the range of uses of this plant for medicinal purposes is so wide. At home in the form emergency assistance The money tree will be useful for treating:

1. Sore throat, tonsillitis.

2. Inflammation of the gums.

3. Herpetic manifestations.

4. Hemorrhoids.

5. Wounds, bruises, abscesses, cuts, burns.

6. Calluses.

7. Arthritis.

8. Varicose veins.

Application of medicinal and medicinal properties of Crassula

For sore throat and tonsillitis

To treat these diseases, it is recommended to prepare money tree leaves gargling solution, to do this, squeeze the juice of 10 leaves of the plant and mix them with 200 ml. warm water.

Rinse sore throat the resulting solution 3-5 times a day.

The same recipe is used for inflammation of the gums.

From herpis

A real salvation for those who are often overcome by herpes will be treating the affected area with the juice of crassula leaves.

It is advisable to carry out this procedure every half hour.

Or apply a piece of cotton wool moistened with plant juice to the source of inflammation and secure it with a band-aid. Treatment should begin at the first manifestations of the disease.

For hemorrhoids

To get rid of hemorrhoids, you will again need the juice of money tree leaves, which is mixed with liquid petroleum jelly.

Hemorrhoidal cones are treated cotton swab saturated with this composition. The procedure is performed in a supine position. The treatment must be carried out 2-3 times a day, after which it is recommended to lie down for half an hour.

With minor manifestations of hemorrhoids, you can quickly relieve the condition, attaching a leaf of crassula, cut in half.

Treatment of wounds

For the treatment of wounds, cuts, abscesses, several leaves grind to a paste, which, placed between two layers of gauze or bandage, is applied to the affected area using a bandage.

The bandage should be changed every four hours. You can also apply the paste to burns., but only if they are without blisters.

For insect bites Lubricating the bite site with the juice of Crassula leaves will help relieve itching and swelling.

Fighting calluses

Another popular name for the money tree, “callus,” speaks of the ability of this plant effectively fight calluses.

To do this, from a leaf of Crassula (slightly the size more callus) it is necessary to remove the thin covering film and apply the pulp to the callus, securing it securely with a bandage or plaster.

This compress should be left overnight. In the morning, the bandage should be removed, the application site should be cleaned of softened calluses and treated with an antiseptic.

You can finally get rid of the hardened callus after 5 procedures.

The same applies to ingrown toenails. The compress is changed as the leaf dries, and the nail plate softened by money tree sap is removed.

For arthritis

People with arthritis will also benefit from the juice of crassula leaves, who need to lubricate their sore joints at night.

For varicose veins

To treat varicose veins, a tincture is prepared from the leaves and green branches of the money tree, which is then used for compresses.

To do this, fill a half-liter jar 2/3 with raw materials and fill it to the top with vodka. The medicine needs to be infused for 3-4 weeks, after which the drug is ready for use. You can also use this tincture for rubbing when muscle pain occurs.

Traditional medicine knows recipes treatment with Crassula juice and some internal diseases , however, studies have revealed in it presence of arsenic.

Entry of this substance into the human body through the juice and pulp of leaves may cause poisoning with vomiting, diarrhea, loss of consciousness, which makes the use of such treatment unsafe.

The advisability of using drugs based on money tree sap can only be confirmed by consultation with your doctor.

When caring for the miracle tree, do not forget to wipe the dust from its leaves, and it will thank you in full measure, taking care of the prosperity and health of the whole family.

Crassula, or Crassula, is an unpretentious indoor plant and is very popular among many gardeners. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, this tree can bring financial well-being and stability. That is why Crassula is called the “money tree”.


Members of the Crassula genus are perennial succulents with fleshy leaves and trunks. There are about 300 various types Crassulas. Ranging from small grass-like plants to large, tree-like formations.

The most popular type, of course, is Crassula tree, also known as money tree. It is distinguished by a tree-like trunk, up to seven centimeters in diameter, and a rich crown, with large fleshy leaves. Color can vary from bright green to dark green shades.

Beneficial features

The money tree is a kind of litmus test that reflects the health status of people living in the house where it grows. Crassula seems to wither away if its owner falls ill, and when he recovers, the Crassula again takes on a healthy appearance. However, the plant can be used not only as an indicator of health, but also as a completely spectacular medicine.

First of all, it is worth noting that Crassula has powerful anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. It is believed that it is in no way inferior to aloe or Kalanchoe. Most common Crassula compresses, which are used to treat minor burns, cuts, bruises, sprains, wounds, insect bites, herpes, arthritis and arthrosis. The plant can also be used for internal treatment. Infusions leaves are used to treat pyelonephritis, cystitis, sore throat and even stomach ulcers and duodenum.

However, when consuming Crassula leaves or products, you should remember that it contains contains arsenic. An overdose can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, loss of consciousness, etc. unpleasant consequences. Therefore, you should consult your doctor before use.

The money tree is a natural air filter. It perfectly purifies the air, having a beneficial effect on people’s well-being and accelerating recovery by destroying pathogenic bacteria.


There are many varieties of Crassula, ranging from small grass-like plants to large, tree-like structures. However, for the most part differences between species are minimal and mostly come down to visual differences. All species are equally unpretentious and have similar beneficial properties.

Varieties of Crassula can be divided into three main groups:

  • Tree-like;
  • Creeping;
  • Columnar.

Tree crassulas are thus classic look Crassulas. It is distinguished by a thick tree-like trunk, on which there are several branches with fleshy leaves. They represent the most extensive category of Crassula. This type includes the following varieties of money tree:

  • Oval Crassula;
  • Crassula purslane;
  • Minor;
  • Hobbit;
  • Gollum;
  • Sunset;
  • Crassula tricolor;
  • Tree Crassula.

For Creeping Crassula characterized by the complete absence of a thick tree-like trunk. Instead, several branches grow from the root, on which small, fleshy leaves are located. Among the main types are the following:

  • Crassula moss;
  • Tetrahedral Crassula;
  • Spot Crassula.

Columnar Crassulas are low columns consisting of pseudo-inflorescences with fleshy triangular or diamond-shaped. The following varieties can be classified as this type:

  • Perforated Crassula;
  • United Crassula;
  • Rock Crassula.

How to plant?

Planting a money tree is not something incredible. difficult task. By and large, it differs little from the propagation of other plant species. However, for a tree to bring money and good luck, you must follow certain rules.

So, according to the rules of Feng Shui, in order for a tree to bring good luck and money, you need to plant a money tree yourself. According to the same rules, the fat woman in general can't be bought with money, but you need to secretly remove a leaf or cutting of a plant. Once you have removed the tree shoot, place it in a glass of water for several days. Once it takes root, you can plant it.

Before planting, you need to take care of soil for the plant. In principle, soil for cacti or succulents, which can be bought at any store, is suitable. However, it will be better if you prepare the soil yourself. According to Feng Shui, the plant must understand that you really care about it. The ideal soil for a money tree would be a mixture of coarse sand, peat, turf and leaf soil. Mix the soil components in the ratio 1x0.5x1x1.

No less important step when planting Crassula is a choice plant pot. The pot should be wide, but not too deep. According to the rules of Feng Shui, for maximum effect, the pot should be painted in the color of metal or earth. This means that black, brown, red, burgundy, silver or gold are suitable for us.

According to Feng Shui, the pot must be activated. To do this, put six coins at the bottom of the pot. It is best if it is money in circulation in your country.

How to care?

The money tree has earned a reputation for being very unpretentious plant. No wonder it is called the ideal plant for the lazy! However, for successful growth, follow a few simple rules listed below.

It is important to note that Crassula loves affection and attention. It does not tolerate bad mood well and negative thoughts and vice versa, it literally comes to life if you stroke it and talk to it.

If you decide to have a Crassula, it would be nice to think about it. correct location. According to the rules of Feng Shui, the money tree should be located in the “Wealth” zone. Without going into too much detail, this zone is located in the southeast of your home. However, considering that our builders are hardly guided by ancient Chinese teachings when building houses, there may well be a storage room in the southeast of your house. But don’t despair, you can highlight a wealth zone in your or any other room. It is important to take into account that the plant loves diffused light, so it is best to place the tree on a window where the sun does not come out. You should also regularly turn different parts of the tree towards the light.

Watering is an important part of caring for any plant. The money tree does not like excessive watering or excess moisture. As a result, its roots may begin to rot and the plant will simply wither. The best way to water the plant in small portions water, in spring and autumn this should be done once or twice a week. But in winter, one or two waterings per month are enough for the fat woman. Please note that it is best to water the plant in the evening and provided that the soil has had time to dry.

For feeding Crassula, any fertilizer for cacti or succulents is suitable. The best option There will be fertilizing after each watering of the plant. In order not to guess with the amount of fertilizers, just use the recommendations on their packaging.

Air humidity greatly affects the health of any plant. In our case, the money tree does not tolerate excessive dryness and, on the contrary, loves moist air. To maintain humidity, it is necessary to place some source of water near the plant. A decorative fountain or an open aquarium would be suitable. However, if you do not have this opportunity, spray the leaves with water from time to time to maintain moisture.

Temperature also important when caring for the plant. The money tree loves warmth and the ideal temperature for its development is 20 - 25 degrees Celsius. However, in autumn and winter, the fat woman feels very comfortable even at temperatures of 10 - 15 degrees Celsius. The only thing to avoid is extreme temperature changes. So, the tree will wither in heat, cold or draft. So keep it away from radiators or cold windows.

Trimming is not a mandatory procedure, but thanks to it you can form a beautiful crown of the plant, as well as get a lot of cuttings for propagation. In addition, timely pruning stimulates the growth of new cuttings and increases the chance of flowering. This is done as follows:

  • We localize new rosettes of leaves and highlight the central sprout;
  • Carefully cut off with nail scissors or pinch off this sprout so as not to damage the side leaves. This stimulates the plant to branch and grow wider;
  • In order to round the crown, we pinch off or cut off the side shoots;
  • Mature plants can be trimmed with a knife. It is best to trim branches 2 centimeters above the formed bud;
  • If you want to remove a branch, you should cut it to the very base. IN otherwise, an ugly stump forms on the tree.


Once your tree has grown a little, you can try to propagate it. The tree can be propagated using cuttings or seeds. The first method is much simpler and faster, but propagation by seeds allows you to develop new plant species and has a number of other advantages. These methods are described in more detail below.


The simplest and most common method of propagating Crassula is propagation by cuttings. Thanks to this method, you can propagate the plant especially quickly. This is done as follows:

  • In the spring, we cut off any cuttings or leaves we like. It is best to use cuttings at least ten centimeters long and three pairs of leaves. However, large, fleshy leaves are also suitable;
  • An incision is made at the bottom of the cutting or leaf, which is dried in air for two days;
  • Next, place the leaf or cutting in a glass of water and wait until it takes root. This usually occurs within one to five weeks;
  • As soon as the cuttings take root, they should be placed in a pot with soil. It is best to use leaf soil mixed with sand. The ratio is one part leaf soil and half sand.


Propagating a money tree by seeds is a fairly lengthy process. It is mainly used by breeders who want to develop a new plant variety. However, sometimes ordinary gardeners also use it. You can propagate the crassula using its seeds using the following algorithm:

  • We prepare the soil for planting. Seeds germinate best in leaf soil mixed with sand. The ratio is one part leaf soil and half sand;
  • Distribute the Crassula seeds evenly on the prepared soil and lightly sprinkle them with sand;
  • We moisten the soil, and then cover the soil container with glass;
  • We ventilate the plantings daily;
  • As soon as the first shoots appear, they should be transplanted into new soil, consisting of one part of leaf soil, half of sand and half of turf soil;
  • Place containers with seedlings in a bright place without direct rays of light;
  • We wait until the seedlings grow to seven centimeters, after which they can be planted in separate pots.

Money tree blossom

The flowering of the money tree is truly a fascinating sight. During this period, myriads of fragile white flowers resembling bells open on the plant. From a distance, the tree looks as if it was covered with white or pinkish fluff. The flowers themselves exude a subtle sweetish aroma.

Unfortunately, that's enough a rare event which very few people will ever see. The money tree blooms for the first time in the third year of its life, but there are many factors due to which this may not happen.

Fortunately, there are no particularly esoteric subtleties here, and for the most part just follow the rules of plant care which were described above. This includes correct temperature regime, timely watering, lighting, humidity and so on. It is also important to trim the tree regularly. This will increase your chances of flowers appearing.

Pests and diseases


At proper care, Crassula rarely gets sick. This mainly happens due to the carelessness of its owner. Diseases include mold infestation and sunburn.

On mold infestation indicate brown spots on the leaves. In order to save the plant, you should immediately cut off its affected parts and treat the tree itself antifungal agents. After some time, the treatment should be repeated.

It is important to note that in the case of a fungal infection, one should not settle for half measures. It is necessary to remove all infected parts of the plant, otherwise the infection can be fatal to the fat plant. Fortunately, the money tree tolerates the loss of its parts quite easily and after some time it will grow even stronger.

Despite the fact that the money tree grows in deserts, it really does not like straight lines. Sun rays. On sunburn may indicate redness of the leaves near their edges. At this stage, you don’t have to worry, you just need to move the tree to a darker place or cover the window with a curtain. After some time the leaves will return healthy color.

If leaves turn red with reverse side , this indicates insufficient watering. If the leaves begin to fade, do not panic, they can still be saved. It is enough to spray the plant with a biostimulant, like Epin, it will help restore the plant to health. However, you should be careful when using this tool. If overdosed, it can seriously harm the plant. Optimal dose is one or two drops per glass of water.

In particular severe cases Burns are indicated by black spots on the leaves. In this case, the burnt leaves cannot be saved; they will simply fall off. But the plant should be moved to a darker place.


IN certain cases, Crassula disease can be caused by pests. Pests usually try to avoid this plant, but several species are not averse to feasting on the tree’s juices.

Determine if the money tree is infected spider mite can be seen by yellowish spots on the leaves and cobwebs on the tree. It usually infects plants growing in extremely dry air conditions. You can prevent its occurrence by regularly spraying the tree with water. To get rid of the pest, it is necessary to treat the plant with garlic or tobacco infusion, or soap suds. However, this does not always help, especially if there are other infected plants nearby. In this case, you will have to resort to insecticides, and you need to treat not only the money tree, but also all its neighbors, pots and the surrounding area.

Despite all its unpretentiousness, the money tree can sometimes cause certain problems for its owners. This is mainly due to lack of care or carelessness of the owner. Below are the most common problems.

There are many reasons why a money tree may start shed its leaves. This may be due to too “hard” water, lack or excess of fertilizers, lack of light or too much cold water. Try to bring all these parameters back to normal, then your tree should come to its senses.

Usually on a money tree leaves turn yellow in case of shortage sunlight. The money tree loves light very much and languishes greatly without it. You can solve the problem with a lack of light by moving the tree to a lighter window or installing an additional source of artificial light. In the warm season, Crassula can be moved outside.

Trunk Rotting money tree is associated with overwatering. The fact is that Crassula is a succulent, which means that it stores water for future use. With excessive watering, the roots of the tree begin to rot, and then the rot spreads to the trunk itself. And if the rotten roots can be cut off and the tree replanted in new soil, then if the rot has spread to the trunk, the plant can no longer be saved. The best thing you can do is cut the cuttings and grow a new Crassula, and not repeat such mistakes in the future.

Another common problem is instability of the tree. Most often with similar problem There are those who forgot to change the position of the pot. Because of this, one side of the plant’s crown develops too quickly and the plant itself begins to reach for the light. As a result, the plant becomes unstable and, at some point, will fall. This problem can be solved by transplanting the plant into a larger and heavier pot. Next, you should remove part of the load from the trunk by cutting off part of the crown. Well, in the future, do not forget to regularly turn different parts of the plant towards the light.