How to get rid of gluttony: useful tips. Uncontrollable gluttony as a reaction to anxiety or fatigue. Psychological and psychosomatic disorders

Uncontrollable gluttony is a disease that occurs for several reasons. The disease brings a lot of trouble and can ruin your life if treatment is not taken in time. To correctly decide how to deal with gluttony, understand the reasons for its occurrence.

There are reasons for all phenomena, because nothing happens just like that. If you neutralize them, it will be easier to deal with the consequences. Treating symptoms is wrong. It is important to immediately find the source of the problem.

In most cases, the culprits are:

  • sudden refusal to eat or mono-eating;
  • boredom, provoking frequent hikes to the refrigerator;
  • stress and overwork at work;
  • addiction to junk food(for example, fast food).

Bulimia: Dangerous Enemy No. 1

What is bulimia, and how is this concept related to overeating? This is what experts call mental disorder, which consists of uncontrolled eating of unhealthy and high-calorie foods and a subsequent attempt to cleanse the body through vomiting or other unpleasant procedures aimed at “emptying” a full stomach.

Bulimia is a disease that requires serious treatment. It is based on an almost manic preoccupation with food, and it is expressed not only in gluttony, but also in conversations about one’s own weight, fear of gaining overweight. Thus, the disorder is contradictory in nature: the patient cannot deny himself his favorite delicacies, steps on the same “rake” again and again, but is constantly looking for ways to get rid of what he has eaten.

Symptoms of bulimia are:

  • A persistent feeling of guilt - you reproach yourself, but pounce on food again and again.
  • Depressive moods - overeating leads to melancholy and despondency.
  • Inability to control your behavior - attempts to break out of the vicious circle lead nowhere.
  • Self-criticism - the patient realizes own mistakes and scolds himself, but cannot cope with the problem on his own.
  • Waiting for approval from others - dependence on the opinions of others leads to constant attempts to improve and get rid of what you have eaten.

Severe bulimia can lead to hospitalization. Its signs are much more obvious. Among them:

  • Deterioration of the condition of teeth, hair and nails.
  • Weakness and muscle pain.
  • Swelling of the parotid gland.
  • Feeling of "irritated throat".

How to deal with binge eating psychological reasons and applying irreparable harm our health? The sooner you contact a specialist, the greater the chance of cure. If you feel that your health has worsened, hurry up: the count is in days, or even hours!

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Causes of bouts of gluttony: hunger strike for the stomach

An attack of gluttony may occur when abrupt refusal from food. If a person wants to lose some weight, they often take too many measures at once. These include unbalanced diets, in which the body is abruptly transferred to starvation rations.

Such measures often lead to backlash. After finishing any diet, a person begins to eat his favorite foods, usually in large quantities at once and can no longer keep himself within certain limits. His body rebels, having experienced artificial hunger. Our body strives to stock up as much as possible big amount useful substances, including fat, in case the “hunger strike” repeats. In such cases, the question often comes to the fore: how to stop gluttony?

Losing weight with mono-food is especially dangerous for people of average constitution, for whom it is better to replace diets proper diet. Our nutrition experts often deal with the consequences of trying to lose weight on their own. Today I fasted on a buckwheat diet - I lost a couple of kilos, and tomorrow I gained all seven. From such tests, the body can go into “food binge” mode, when a person loses control of himself and eats everything that catches his eye.

How to deal with bouts of gluttony: melancholy and laziness

Sometimes people get used to eating large portions and often do it simply out of boredom. An interesting movie and goodies on weekends, and then on weekday evenings, become a habit. How to overcome gluttony of this kind? There is only one answer - radically change your life to make it interesting! Find something you like, take a walk, don’t sit within four walls in front of a blue screen!

  • Tired of spending the weekend at home? Go for a walk in the park or go to the forest - breathe clean air and enjoy the beauty of untouched nature.
  • Do you want to keep yourself busy with something interesting and useful, rather than sitting all day long in front of a computer monitor or TV? Take up painting or handmade crafts - create and infect others with your passion!
  • If you like active recreation, choose swimming in the pool, yoga or stretching! Regular exercise will not only help you maintain a slim figure, but will also improve your health.

Uncontrollable gluttony as a reaction to anxiety or fatigue

It's no secret that people overeat when stressed. When you are sad, anxious or offended, there is a temptation to eat to your heart's content. If this method of dealing with troubles has dragged on for a long time, and you can no longer fit into your things, urgently change your life!

  • Do not give in to provocations and do not look for problems - it is much better to maintain an optimistic attitude in all situations.
  • Find ways to escape from routine and stress - through hobbies, going to the theater or cinema, walks and heart-to-heart conversations with family and friends.
  • Don’t be left alone with sad thoughts - find someone who will listen to you and become a real support and support in all troubles.

Also, severe hunger can occur after intense intellectual work. An overtired brain requires compensation for power costs. Especially in such cases, you want everything sweet and so high in calories!

How to overcome gluttony: pest products

Fast food can also be a cause of overeating. Fast food is truly addictive. That is why you want it more and more. In addition, such freeze-dried foods saturate the body for a short time, and after a couple of hours you are ready to swallow an elephant again.

Very often, if food is allocated a short time, a person tries to eat as much food as possible. At the same time, every free minute will be used for a snack for fear that there will be no time for it later. So the desire to get enough of semi-finished products and fast food From the eatery, having stuffed a huge portion into yourself in a few minutes, it can come out sideways for everyone who wants to lose weight.

How to get rid of gluttony

How to stop gluttony? There are several ways, and not all of them are related to diet. It is important to understand that only a complex of all measures will give a lasting positive result.

  • Every time you want to eat, think about it: is this what you want, or are there other reasons? Your body may need water or simply relief from stress. Every time you ask yourself and find the right answer, you will notice that you begin to eat less.
  • Don't bring yourself to severe hunger. In this state, you can eat more than necessary in one meal, because you have been waiting for this opportunity for so long. Larger portions affect the size of the stomach, they simply stretch it, and you get used to overeating.
  • Eat in small portions, but not less than every 4-5 hours.
  • If you read or watch TV while eating, controlling portion sizes becomes very difficult. The result is overeating.
  • Don't rush to eat. Be a foodie. Taste the dish, it will help satisfy your hunger and not allow yourself too much.

Gluttony: how to stop and overcome the habit of eating everything at once

Tip #1 for anyone losing weight: change your lifestyle! Along with it, your figure will slowly but surely change - it will become slim and fit. Remember: you are the only owner of your body, and you decide how it will look.

  • Don't buy a lot of food at once. There may be few products in your refrigerator, but they will be useful. Traditionally holiday dishes leave it for a reason, you shouldn’t pamper yourself every day. Otherwise, you will run to the refrigerator not because of hunger, but for the next delicious delicacy.
  • Try to organize a varied life for yourself so that you don’t have time to get bored, think about food, and then ask how to cope with gluttony. Don't sit at home free time. Walk, chat, play sports, spend your holidays outside the home.
  • Change your thoughts about food. Life is beautiful and varied. We eat to live, not live to eat!

How to get rid of gluttony using folk remedies

There are a lot of “popular” weight loss products, but only a few are effective. We offer you several ways to help fight overeating.

  • Warm water, drunk between meals, perfectly blocks the feeling of hunger.
  • Aromatherapy is a pleasant and useful activity. Mix a few drops of fragrant oils of orange, grapefruit and bergamot and enjoy relaxation after a working day.
  • Herbal decoctions are another way not only to calm a stomach that is “rebellious” in anticipation of new portions, but also to improve health. The basis of infusions used to reduce appetite are marshmallow, flax and corn silk, and lingonberry leaves and horsetail promote the removal excess water And harmful substances from the body. However, before using such “folk” remedies, it is necessary to consult with a specialist - even useful herbs there are some contraindications.
  • How to deal with overeating and gluttony on your own? After eating, it is good to rinse your mouth with water or even brush your teeth. It soothes your taste buds and you won't crave more.

When faced with the problem of gluttony, it is best to seek help from a specialist. Competent treatment will help not only get rid of uncontrollable bouts of overeating, but also bring your weight back to normal.

Fighting an illness on your own is good, but, you see, it’s much better to trust the professionals. Don't play with your health! If you feel that this problem is close to you, contact us and get advice from our specialists absolutely free. Don't be left alone with your gluttony, call us and we will definitely help you.

How to stop Compulsive Overeating or an irresistible urge to chew something with effective methods and natural supplements.

Do you often eat more than you should or intended to? Are you suffering from overweight? Do you feel guilty but can't stop? Do you feel like food is your drug?

You are not alone, I was also in the same boat with you before.

I suffered from a disorder called eating behavior, namely from Compulsive Gluttony.

This happened many years ago. I was 17 and I entered medical University in a completely foreign city where I didn’t know anyone. I felt alone. And to kill this feeling, I ate. First the sweets, and then everything else, in huge quantities. I couldn't stop. It got to the point where I started hiding my addiction even from my friends. I went out into the street, bought myself a hot dog, chocolates, ice cream and just stuffed my mouth with them.

Result: from 58 kg I recovered to 75. In a month!!!

But I found the strength to stop, reconsider my addiction and start treating food from the point of view of nourishing the body, and not emotions. This was the starting point.

Over the summer I lost weight to 55 kg, started going to Gym. And I can say for sure that if I could do it, then you can do it too!

What is Compulsive Overeating Disorder?

Overeating is not just something, it is an eating disorder.

It's like a cycle that a person cannot control.

At first you eat a lot (overeat), often unhealthy or so-called forbidden food. This then leaves you feeling ashamed and guilty. After that, you decide to put an end to it - and a period of strict diets and self-restraint begins. And it all ends - again with breakdown and gluttony. And on top of this, you are often overcome by depression, melancholy, bad mood and anxiety.

Symptoms of Compulsive Overeating:

  • loss of control over the amount eaten
  • emotional outbursts after overeating (guilt, shame, self-disgust, depression)
  • repeated at least once a week for 3 months
  • eat until you burst
  • eat a large number of food even when you are not hungry
  • try to eat alone so that no one sees how much you ate
  • hiding food so you can eat it later when no one is looking
  • eat when you're stressed bad mood, upset, anxious, stressed, etc.
  • no feeling of fullness regardless of the amount eaten

Causes of Compulsive Overeating and Gluttony

In order to treat any condition - first you need to understand the reason. And having figured out the reason why you actually overeat, you can already find the right approach to get rid of it.

Genetic predisposition

Scientists have been able to identify a specific gene that plays an important role in eating behavior problems.

Mental disorders

Almost always, people suffering from gluttony also suffer from depression, anxiety, and taking illegal drugs. In a word, it is not because of a good life that we begin to eat uncontrollably.


Many (especially women) feel enormous pressure from society regarding their appearance. It's worth just watching women's magazines or turn on the TV. “Skinny means beautiful” is still the main slogan of our social circle.

Frequent diets

A strict diet leads to breakdowns and then again to overeating and again to diets. In general, it turns out to be such a vicious vicious circle.


Special substances, the imbalance of which in the brain can lead to uncontrolled absorption of food. Many scientists argue that it is the problem with neurotransmitters that leads to psychological/mental problems and ultimately to gluttony.

What are the dangers of Compulsive Overeating?

  • increased risk of obesity
  • increased risk of disease of cardio-vascular system, diabetes, hypertension
  • increased risk of developing anxiety, panic attacks, irritability, depression
  • sleep problems, insomnia
  • gallbladder problems
  • muscle/joint pain
  • digestive problems, including

How to deal with Compulsive Overeating?

In general, I believe that this problem needs to be approached comprehensively.

You need to understand yourself and understand what exactly can cause a pathological desire to chew. Observe what you are experiencing at this time. For example, I ate to dull the feeling of loneliness and anxiety. I got pleasure from it and a so-called feeling of comfort.

So, the main methods of combating Compulsive Overeating:

Change your perspective on how you try to get rid of excess weight or achieve ideal weight.

Don't view your life as a movement towards your ideal weight and figure. Do not count calories and do not sharply limit yourself in food, this will lead to irritability and the desire to eat again without stopping.

You just need to switch to full and natural nutrition, which will precisely nourish your body.

It is also best to serve yourself food on smaller plates. So visually it will seem to you that you ate more.

And sometimes you need to pamper yourself - allow yourself baked goods and a little sugar, natural of course. Homemade baked goods again normal quantities will not have any negative effect on your figure.

Eat without distractions! Do not watch TV or read at this time. Chew your writing thoroughly. Take your time! More details about these extremely important aspects I already wrote in .

Learn to manage your emotions

Or they will always control you! When we cannot take negative emotions, situations and thoughts under control, our body begins to need consolation. And one of them will be zhor!

Try to walk more, do things you love, start practicing yoga, listen to meditations (you can find them on YouTube), go to the gym, play sports, read more. In short, find other ways to relax and console yourself.

By the way, I would like to highlight one of the effective methods. Still, talking to yourself really works and helps overcome any fears, negative thoughts and emotions!

Supplements to Fight Gluttony

We will not talk about so-called diet pills or meal replacement shakes (both are only temporary and harmful).

As I wrote earlier, some scientists claim that pathological obesity can be caused by a malfunction of neurotransmitters in our brain. And by bringing them back to normal, you can achieve normal eating behavior.

I support this theory because I believe that depression and other negative feelings often arise precisely because of some kind of imbalance or at least lead to him.

Main neurotransmitters:

  • Serotonin- substance responsible for good mood, appetite, sleep, learning and memory.
  • Dopamine- This is the so-called neurotransmitter of motivation.

So, here is a list of supplements that can be successfully used to treat Pathological Overeating:

B complex vitamins

Help regulate Serotonin levels, improving energy and mood and leading to less binge eating. For example, this complex.


It will especially come in handy. Helps Insulin penetrate into cells, regulating Glucose levels and, as a result, our brain stops receiving signals that we need more sugar. For example this one.

Dosage: 200 per day


This mineral helps with the transport and metabolism of Glucose. Stabilizes blood sugar levels and reduces cravings for sweets. For example this one.

Dosage: 10 mg per day


And this miracle mineral relaxes our body and brain. Glucose levels stabilize. Helps you relax and sleep. I like this Magnesium Citrate or this Magnesium ionic solution.

Dosage: 400 mg per day or until stools become too soft.


This mineral is essential for regulating appetite. Here's a great option.

Dosage: 15 mg per day


Or a precursor to Serotonin not only maintains normal appetite, but also relaxes. Take 5-Hydroxytryptophone in the evening or whenever you feel another strong desire to eat.

Dosage: 200 mg per day


Helps fight strong . You can take L-glutamine up to 3 times a day when you feel the urge to eat sweets.

Dosage: 500 mg up to 3 times daily


Saffron Extract

Helps fight depression due to longer activation of neurotransmitters. For example this one.

St. John's wort

Or St. John's grass. Used successfully for natural and soft treatment depression. Has the same effect as many antidepressants. Naturally increases Serotonin synthesis, which improves mood and reduces anxiety and irritability.


Responsible for the production of Dopamine, which is often imbalanced in those suffering from uncontrolled gluttony.

Ginkgo biloba

Helps fight depression and all the ensuing consequences. Improves well-being and gives us more energy. I have here

Each of us at certain periods of life cannot refuse some goodies. Either chocolate or delicious fried chicken. Sometimes we don’t notice how we fill our stomachs to capacity at a birthday party or on New Year’s Eve and then begin to suffer from gluttony. Well, of course, we can’t say that this is complete gluttony. Some experts do not recognize gluttony as a disease at all. As doctors say, gluttony is an eating disorder. However, in our opinion this is true. And we will try to prove it to you. By the way, very often it is this type of disease, as studies show, that affects the female sex. How to stop gluttony, read further in the article.

Causes of gluttony

  • Depressive state, as a result of which, a person tries to stuff him with food. Exactly eaten delicious sweetness or favorite dish, gluttons think, helps them forget about their problems.
  • Gluttony can also be caused genetic reasons. This is when the older ones in the family have been suffering from this disease for a long time.
  • Diet can also be a cause of this condition. Periods of voluntary refusal of food are followed by terrible moments of eating everything.

Symptoms of gluttony

Speaking about gluttony as a disease, it is also necessary to mention its characteristic features or, as doctors also call it, symptoms.

  • food in huge quantities;
  • everything is consumed very quickly;
  • whether a person has eaten or not, hunger is still felt;
  • continue to eat even when they are full;
  • eat alone and do not show how much;
  • I feel guilty about such bouts of gluttony;
  • constant use food in parts, small pieces, but very often.

Why is it important to stop gluttony?

The consequences of such human behavior can be:


All kinds of diseases associated with heart disease.


Isolation from society (shame and embarrassment about one’s appearance).

Kidney disorder.

Skeletal impairment due to heavy weight.

Mental illness.

How to stop gluttony?

You ask what needs to be done and how to stop gluttony?

Remember this for life. It's basically a disease mental nature. And therefore, it is necessary to conduct all kinds of communication with such people (group or individual) about food culture, about the problems that gluttony causes. It is necessary to develop a feeling of disgust from large amounts of food. It is natural to consult with nutritionists what type of diet is needed for such a person.

Obviously, one of the main problems for gluttons is the weight that needs to be lost. However, a diet may not always lead to weight loss, but on the contrary, to even more weight gain. You can eat it often, but in small doses.

How to stop gluttony on your own?

To stop gluttony, drink green tea or coffee before meals - they break down their own fat well.

To stop overeating, reduce the amount of sweets in your diet.

Take vitamin complexes. Since when there is a shortage of them, our body is replenished through food.

Contacting an endocrinologist will help you stop gluttony because he will be able to prescribe medications that will reduce appetite. Biologically active additives they are not recommended to be added to food, as they do not positive effect they won't bring it.

Exercising every day will help stop gluttony. Naturally, the selection of the exercise and the correctness of its implementation should be done by a fitness specialist.

When dieting, of course, you should not eat foods that are high in cholesterol. But probably the most important rule and condition for recovery in order to stop gluttony is the desire of the person himself to eradicate gluttony in himself. After all, it’s no secret that no matter how much effort we put into it - when there is no desire for a person to change and change their way of life - it will not lead to positive results. And all our efforts will be in vain.

Gluttony and bulimia are an interaction between a mental disorder and a digestive disorder in which an uncontrolled amount of food is placed in the stomach. Let's figure out what causes bouts of gluttony and how to deal with them.

Historical fact

We inherited the mechanism of overeating from ancient times, when people had no options for preserving perishable food, good prey was rare, and hunger was too common. Gluttony allowed the stomach to stretch, accommodating gigantic portions of food; the body absorbed it, storing the excess as fat reserves.

With the development of agriculture and cattle breeding, the chaotic lifestyle of the hunter with bouts of gluttony and periods of hunger was replaced by a regime based on the rules of caring for plants and animals, ensuring constant access to food. Further development civilization contributed to the introduction into human life of a regime of wakefulness (dictated by the rhythm of useful activity - work), sleep and eating, driving bouts of gluttony into the framework of an outdated pattern.

Food hypnosis or signs of gluttony

We know how to overeat early childhood, especially on holidays, famous for their abundance tasty food, and hearing “in big family Don’t click the key,” we fill our stomach until it hurts.

However, with age, this capacity of the stomach turns into bouts of gluttony, the causes of which are usually emotional and behavioral:

  • Secret random outbursts of gluttony, lasting from an hour until exhaustion;
  • Ignoring saturation signals coming from the stomach, the inability to deny oneself;
  • In advanced cases, there are no symptoms of hunger, since the stomach is always full;
  • Automatic, uncontrolled, very fast eating, without chewing during an attack of gluttony;
  • In front of witnesses, portions of food normal sizes, and even less;
  • The capacity of the stomach is controlled by gag reflexes, both natural and induced (a manifestation of bulimia);
  • Synergy between adverse emotions and any food;
  • Mental imbalance due to constant discontent appearance;
  • cause depression and guilt with self-loathing;
  • Lack of pleasure from the food eaten;
  • Painful cutting spasms in the stomach from an attack of gluttony, an overabundance of food.

An eater suffering from gluttony is likened to a pirate who hides his main treasure - food - in a place inaccessible to others (his stomach) in complete solitude.

What does the coming day have in store for us?

Our stomach quickly catches everything,

Eyes look around

And they lead with their hands.

Seeing a table full of food,

Rather, put it in your mouth,

And now you chew without stopping

Jam, meat without disassembling,

Cakes, cookies, whites,

Salami, porridge, pita bread….

What are the main causes of gluttony?

Gluttony and bulimia develop very quickly, feeding negative emotions and violations:

  • Hobby healthy food, with unhealthy foods;
  • Diets with constant breakdowns (“there is strength, there is will, but there is no willpower”) and overeating high-calorie foods;
  • By creating artificial periods of hunger with subsequent compensation in huge portions;
  • The habit of finishing the plate even when the stomach feels full;
  • The family habit of “eating with your eyes” is to serve large portions of food;
  • Violation of the daily routine and meals;
  • Taking oral contraceptives;
  • Excessive appetite, leading to gluttony before menstruation;
  • Metabolic and hormonal disorders;
  • Emotional state or eating problems;
  • Overeating as a form of protest;

Bouts of gluttony - main enemy physical and mental health men and women.

Diseases - consequences of gluttony

The body is rapidly trying to correct the situation, giving the eater suffering from gluttony bouquets of diseases:

  • obesity;
  • type 2 diabetes;
  • tooth loss and damage as a result of exposure to stomach acid (bulimia);
  • dry lips and lesions oral cavity(for bulimia);
  • hypertension;
  • gallbladder dysfunction;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the heart, turning into chronic diseases;
  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • myalgia (muscle pain);
  • diseases of bones and joints;
  • diseases of the digestive system (stomach, intestines, esophagus, etc.);
  • shortness of breath and snoring during sleep;
  • overwork;
  • depression and stress;
  • bulimia

If attacks of gluttony and bulimia are not stopped in time, the diseases will subsequently develop into chronic diseases, complicating the life of your loved one.

Self-control of gluttony or elephantine appetite

The most important thing is to clearly admit to yourself and others that you are a glutton, and develop an action plan.

Draw up schematically, in columns: attacks of gluttony, their causes and methods of combating them. After studying the diagram, write down your settings, your new predispositions to certain reactions and actions:

  • In order to lose weight, you need to eat. eventually compensated for by nightly gluttony. Getting rid of luxurious temptations: candy, smoked meats, chips, carbonated drinks and other unhealthy, high-calorie and favorite foods;
  • Food is not our friend, but a source of nutrition. Don’t eat away stress by stretching it out, but share your problems with family, friends, create a page on the Internet and feed your fears, sorrows and sorrows to your readers;
  • Regularity. Healthy sleep, establishing a diet with snacks at a time will force the metabolism to work, and gluttony will recede;
  • Plan your time without leaving room for melancholy and despondency, the companions of bouts of gluttony. On Monday you need to walk with friends, Tuesday is a day of forest walks, Wednesday is a day of finding a hobby, Thursday is time for painting, Friday is a day of shopping and cinemas, and Saturday and Sunday are family days;
  • Pleasant exercise. Choose what you like or what you dreamed of when you wanted to exercise without forcing yourself. The desire to practice will come with time;
  • Separate physiological and mental hunger. If the desire to buy candy appears without a feeling of hunger, you need to fight it, drink water, and your stomach will helpfully tell you that only the rumbling in the stomach is hunger, and the rest is a desire to eat sadness;
  • Keeping records, not necessarily eating or following a regimen, could be writing a diary.

It is vital for every person to carry out activities that include meaning, purpose, costs of achieving the goal and result. Find yourself and put an end to bouts of gluttony.

The path to recovery: with the help of doctors, family, friends

Family, friends and experts will tell you how to deal with bouts of gluttony. Tell us without concealment about your attacks of bulimia, which everyone guessed about, but did not talk about. The reasons for gluttony and are too obvious for everyone except the patient:

  • availability of food bags, candy wrappers and boxes;
  • instantly eating food and asking for more;
  • sitting on the toilet for a long time after eating, a red swollen face after trying to vomit, marks on the hand used to induce vomiting;
  • behavior of a person with a feeling of chronic guilt and low self-esteem;
  • a person never shares his emotional problems; on the contrary, he listens to others.

Do not put pressure on the eater, but use cunning to lure him into seeing a therapist, who will tell you how to deal with bulimia and bouts of binge eating. There is a specific treatment regimen for binge eating and bulimia symptoms:

  • Psychotherapy offers wide range services to cure binge eating, from individual to group sessions, from spiritual conversations to hypnosis;
  • Enrichment of the diet with vitamins and biological additives. For example, a deficiency of magnesium in food makes you crave sweets, and uncontrollable seizures overeating is associated with decreased serotonin levels;
  • Drug treatment of bulimia and gluttony with antidepressants (Fluoxidine, Afobazol) and diet pills (Reduxin, Goldline, Slimia). Drugs to suppress appetite (incretin tablets for diabetics Metformin, Glucophage, Exenatide), drugs to improve metabolism in the body (Xenical), medications that affect the absorption of calories (calorie blocker Phase-2, Glukomann). When trying to lose weight, do not forget about contraindications and side effects.
  • Surgical intervention: different kinds liposuction, gastric surgery and reduction of its volume, installation of a balloon in the stomach, gastroplasty, gastric bypass surgery.

Has proven itself very well group therapy, which allows you to increase self-esteem, identify the causes of gluttony and remove the feeling of shame for the amount of food eaten among uncontrollable eaters. Family members of a patient suffering from gluttony should also consult a psychotherapist.


To eliminate bouts of gluttony, their causes, and to successfully combat them, follow the rules healthy eating that you need to introduce into your life and try to comply with them without violations:

  • Developing adequate self-esteem;
  • Creating a stable and safe psychological climate;
  • Refusal to use the “carrot and stick” behavior system used for circus animals, or reward food for following instructions;
  • Compliance with the regime of wakefulness and rest;
  • Compliance with a diet, including main meals and snacks in accordance with the rule of the three Ps “measured, rational, varied”;
  • It is necessary to chew food slowly, and after 20 minutes the brain will receive signals of satiety;
  • Do not eat in front of the computer, TV, or book, developing bouts of gluttony;
  • Symptoms of hunger are born not in the head, but in the stomach, so one should not confuse with hunger the images of tasty food that appear in the head, causing an influx of saliva, which stimulates appetite;
  • Do not live in reserve, so as not to stimulate attacks of overeating, do not destroy yesterday’s food: borscht, cutlets, etc.;
  • Stop eating after receiving a signal of satiety;
  • Do not confuse thirst and hunger; observe;
  • Gradually eliminate foods that have become familiar dishes fast food(fast food), food instant cooking, contributing to the development of gluttony;
  • Take vitamin and mineral supplements regularly, since a lack of vitamins in food develops bouts of gluttony;

Do not tease, do not offend and do not take out your anger and anger on your family, because it is so easy to break the psyche healthy person and it is so difficult to fight for its restoration in the future. No disease disappears or appears at the snap of a finger, and obesity prevention is the ability to notice the first signs of an emerging disease.