Video: Natural methods of inducing labor. Natural stimulation of labor

Induction of labor- this is the artificial induction of labor at any stage of pregnancy or its activation directly during childbirth to intensify contractions and pushing.

By far the most the best option are natural births, when nature itself decides the moment of birth of the child. However, there are situations when, without medical care it is impossible to do without and it is necessary to carry out stimulation of labor.

Indications for artificial induction of labor

Induction of labor is carried out by the following indications:

  • . Carried out after 41 weeks or earlier, if present indirect signs post-maturity;
  • Multiple pregnancy if it persists for more than 38 weeks;
  • Premature effusion amniotic fluid in the absence of development of labor;
  • Acute or chronic maternal illnesses, preventing further continuation of pregnancy;
  • Fetal conditions threatening his health and life during further prolongation of pregnancy;
  • Marked weakness of labor in the first and second stages of labor;
  • Not mature cervix uterus during full-term pregnancy;
  • Absence or delay in the first stage of labor.

Artificial stimulation methods

Today there are various methods to induce labor in the maternity hospital:

  • Amniotomy;
  • Detachment of membranes;
  • Use of prostaglandins;
  • Use of mifepristone;
  • Administration of oxytocin;
  • Insertion of a Foley catheter into the cervix;
  • Inserting laminaria into the cervix.


Amniotomy is an artificial opening procedure amniotic sac. The doctor, under the control of his fingers, inserts a special hook into the vagina and cervix, captures the amniotic sac and opens it.

As a result of the release of amniotic fluid, the pressure in the uterus drops sharply, the baby’s head begins to put more pressure on pelvic bones, and labor is stimulated.

information The procedure is absolutely painless for the woman and does not pose a danger to the baby, because the risk of developing any complications is minimal when correct implementation manipulation.

Detachment of membranes

The procedure is performed on a gynecological chair. The doctor carefully peels away the amniotic membranes from lower sections uterus in the area internal pharynx. The manipulation is not always effective on the first try; sometimes it has to be repeated several times to activate labor.

The procedure is safe for the child, but may cause discomfort and the pain of the expectant mother.


Prostaglandins are widely used for cervical ripening and stimulation. On this moment There are various dosage forms of the drug:

  • Vaginal forms(gel, vaginal tablets, uterine ring);
  • Tablets for oral use;
  • Solution for infusion(intravenous drip).

Application dosage forms prostaglandin

Method of administration Dosage form Frequency of administration
Any form of the drug is used when the cervix is ​​dilated no more than 4 cm.
VaginalGel for inducing laborInjected into posterior arch vagina If necessary, repeat the procedure after 6 hours
Vaginal tablets
PessaryInjected into the posterior vaginal fornix (in most cases once)
OralTablets to induce laborTablets are taken orally with an initial dosage of 0.5 mg of the drug every hour. If necessary, the dosage can be increased
IntravenousSterile solutionThe initial dose is 0.25 mcg/min. Subsequent dosage may be increased according to constant control to avoid side effects

Prostaglandins are most widely used for vaginal administration, because. At the same time, the risk of developing side effects is minimal. Tablets and solutions are used much less frequently.


Mifepristone is used to induce labor according to the following regimen: 200 mg once a day, after 24 hours the drug can be repeated.

This medicine is synthetic drug, which suppresses the action of progesterone and thereby stimulates the contractile activity of the uterus.

Mifepristone has a number of side effects and should therefore only be taken under medical supervision.


The most common route of administration of oxytocin is intravenous, in which the drug goes directly into the blood.

Women may respond differently to oxytocin stimulation, so there is no standard dosage. The drug should be administered very slowly with constant monitoring of the onset of contractions to avoid hyperstimulation of the uterus and its dosage should be gradually adjusted.

Foley catheter

The catheter is used to ripen the cervix during full-term pregnancy. The balloon is inserted into cervical canal and is filled with saline solution to mechanically stretch the cervix and open it. The catheter is left in the canal for 12 hours or until it falls out spontaneously.

The procedure may be painful for the woman herself, but will not harm the child.


Laminaria are dried stems that have been used to ripen the cervix for over a century.

The stems are inserted into the cervical canal, compacted tightly, where under the influence of mucus they swell and stretch the cervix.

Natural stimulation of labor

Natural stimulation childbirth, of course, is more preferable: induce labor it may not always be, but at the same time you can be sure that it will not bring harm to the woman and child.

Natural stimulation methods:

  • Long walks on fresh air;
  • Walking on stairs;
  • Having sex. Sperm must necessarily enter the woman’s genital tract, because... it contains prostaglandins that enhance the contractile activity of the uterus;
  • Nipple stimulation;
  • Acupressure foot massage;
  • Taking a warm bath or shower.

Induction of labor at home

important It should immediately be noted that self-stimulation childbirth at home not only may not always bring the desired effect, but also lead to a number of complications. Taking any medications, using various folk methods should only occur after consultation with your doctor.

Home induction of labor can be done using both the natural methods described above and the use of folk remedies.

Folk remedies for inducing labor:

  • Vegetable oils. For example, castor oil has long been used to stimulate labor. The oil should be used on an empty stomach, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, or generously season salads and other foods with it;
  • Raspberry leaf infusion. Take 2-3 times a day no earlier than 37 weeks, because can cause premature birth;
  • Redcurrant juice(take on an empty stomach in the morning);
  • Cleansing enema with added sea ​​salt (active peristalsis intestines will increase the activity of the uterus).

Possible complications

Of course, artificial stimulation of labor should be carried out only when strict indications, because, despite rare complications, there is still a risk.

In addition, it should be taken into account that there is contraindications for stimulating labor, both in the maternity hospital and at home:

  • Incorrect positions and presentations of the fetus;
  • The large size of the child in combination with the mother’s narrow pelvis;
  • Diseases of the mother that prevent the natural birth of the child;
  • Fetal heartbeat disorders;
  • Uterine bleeding;
  • Prolapse of the umbilical cord or small parts of the fetus into the vagina.

Childbirth is difficult physiological process expulsion of the fetus from the uterine cavity. After the cervix dilates in the first stage of labor, the baby begins to move through the birth canal due to uterine contractions - contractions. In the second period, contractions are joined by pushing (muscle contractions abdominals and diaphragm), as a result of which the baby is born. After which the placenta separates quite quickly and the placenta comes out. Here it is, a happy ending!

To begin normal labor, two main conditions are needed: a mature cervix and sufficient strength and duration of contractions. Typically, the cervix “ripens” (i.e. becomes soft, shortens to 1 cm or less, and dilates more than 1 finger) by 38–39 weeks of pregnancy. As labor begins, the cervix continues to open and efface. This occurs due to contractions, as well as pressure from the fetus on her. An important role is played by the amniotic sac, which “wedges” into the opening of the cervix, facilitating its dilatation. For the successful completion of the first stage of labor, uterine contractions must be strong enough, prolonged and occur with a certain frequency.

In cases where contractions are not intense enough, short-lived or rare, they speak of weakness of labor. This condition is also indicated low speed dilatation of the cervix (normally 1 cm per hour). This condition is also diagnosed through observation, CTG (cardiotocography) and vaginal examination.

There are primary and secondary weakness of labor. Primary is manifested by contractions of weak strength, disruption of their rhythm and duration from the very beginning of labor. The second option is characterized by the appearance of the same changes, but not immediately, but after some period of time after the development of normal labor.

What is the danger of weak labor?

Many expectant mothers are perplexed - is induction of labor really necessary? After all, you can often hear discussions about how in the old days they gave birth for several days, and nothing - everyone treated it normally. But it is important to understand that this situation is not at all the norm and threatens to develop serious complications. For the baby, the danger of weak labor is an increased risk of developing severe oxygen starvation, which is fraught neurological disorders and disorders cerebral circulation in a newborn. In addition, when protracted labor it is possible for amniotic fluid to enter the fetal lungs, leading to inflammation of the lungs and impaired breathing of the child after birth. These consequences often require long-term observation and treatment of the baby in the future.

There is a threat from mom birth injuries, and as a result of insufficient contraction of the uterus in postpartum period Bleeding may begin.

Therefore, in all cases of development of weakness of labor, it is necessary to stimulate it - increasing the strength, duration and frequency of contractions.

Stimulation during labor: let's try without drugs

Most often, the concept of “labor stimulation” in expectant mothers is associated with the use of special medicines, but, in addition to this, there are a number non-drug methods normalize labor activity:

  • The active behavior of the woman in labor contributes to the intensification of labor.
  • Stimulation of the areolas (nipple circles) and nipples of the mammary glands leads to the release of the hormone oxytocin, which enhances uterine contractions.
  • Labor activity intensifies when the woman is positioned on her side, the same as the position of the fetus.
  • Amniotomy (opening of the amniotic sac) is effective measure to activate contractions. This is explained by the fact that after the discharge of amniotic fluid, the volume of the uterus decreases, which allows it to contract more efficiently. In addition, amniotomy activates the formation of prostaglandins - substances that are powerful stimulants uterine contractions. This manipulation is painless, since there are no pain receptors on the surface of the membranes.

Drug stimulation during labor

Before starting drug stimulation during labor, it is very important to assess the condition of the woman in labor. When she is tired, it is prescribed medicated sleep, which lasts about 2 hours. Positive effect due to the fact that during this period labor does not stop, and the cervix continues to open. Often, after a rested woman in labor wakes up, labor activity returns to normal, and the need for labor stimulation may no longer be necessary. If this measure does not help, then, as a rule, the doctor decides on drug stimulation during labor.

Today, prostaglandin group drugs and oxytocin are used for this purpose.

Prostaglandins are biologically active substances, triggering regular labor. They promote the opening of the cervix and increase its contractions. Prostaglandins are used for the development of primary weakness of labor or for the development of secondary weakness ancestral forces, if the dilation of the cervix is ​​no more than 6 cm. These drugs also have side effects- nausea, vomiting, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, bronchospasm (difficulty breathing due to a decrease in the lumen of the bronchi). Taking this into account, contraindications for prescribing such drugs are bronchial asthma, increased arterial and intraocular pressure(glaucoma), serious illnesses liver and kidneys. These drugs are administered intravenously.

Oxytocin (from the Greek oxys - fast, tokos - childbirth) is synthetic analogue the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for uterine contractility. Since the most common cause of weakness in labor is insufficient production of one’s own oxytocin, the administration of this substance helps correct the situation and normalize the birth process. Sensitivity to oxytocin increases towards the end of the first stage of labor, so it is most effective for secondary weakness of labor and weakness of pushing. It is also administered intravenously.

The administration of these drugs requires constant supervision by an obstetrician-gynecologist and midwife. Careful monitoring of the contractile activity of the uterus and the condition of the fetus is necessary. It is important to prevent an overdose of prostaglandins and oxytocin, which causes uterine hypertonicity, which, in turn, leads to disruption of the uteroplacental circulation and intrauterine suffering of the baby, premature placental abruption.

Along with stimulation of labor, they usually administer antispasmodics to weaken the spasm of the cervix during contractions and soften it. Intensified contractions when the cervix is ​​tight leads to its rupture. To prevent oxygen starvation of the fetus, drugs are prescribed that improve uteroplacental blood flow and increase the resistance of fetal brain cells to oxygen deficiency.

With persistent weakness of labor, combined with other diseases, and if it is impossible natural birth operation shown caesarean section.

Conditions for labor stimulation are:

  • Correspondence of the size of the fetal head to the mother’s pelvis, which shows the possibility of the fetus moving through the pelvic cavity during childbirth;
  • Satisfactory condition baby (according to cardiotocography data, ultrasound examination, Dopplerometry of uteroplacental blood flow). If the fetus is oxygen starved, labor stimulation cannot be performed, as this can lead to vasospasm, disruption of the uteroplacental circulation and deterioration of the child’s condition.
  • Absence of amniotic sac. Labor stimulation is not performed when the amniotic sac is intact. It's threatening severe complication– placental abruption due to excessive increase in intrauterine pressure. Typically, when labor weakness develops, an amniotomy (puncture of the amniotic sac) is first performed, and then the woman in labor is observed for 2 hours. If labor has not returned to normal during this time, drug stimulation is prescribed.

Is it possible to avoid stimulation during labor?

Prevention of the development of weakness of labor is largely a normal pregnancy. Essential for the expectant mother good sleep– at least 8 hours a day, rational balanced diet, favorable conditions psychological comfort. An important role is played by the absence chronic lesions infection, good physical form, preparation at school for pregnant women and support from relatives. Gymnastics classes for pregnant women are recommended, breathing exercises, swimming in the pool, yoga, walks in the fresh air. Also to the expectant mother it is necessary to take vitamins (B6, ascorbic and folic acid), which have the properties of increasing the energy potential of the uterus.

Such different concepts

It is important to understand that labor stimulation and labor induction are two completely different procedures. Labor stimulation is always an intensification of existing contractions, when labor began on its own, but then there was a disruption in its normal development, and it began to weaken. Labor induction is carried out when it is necessary to induce labor when there are no contractions yet.

Causes of weakness of labor:

  • previous abortions, miscarriages, uterine curettage, inflammatory diseases female genital organs, uterine fibroids, hormonal disorders and chronic diseases;
  • the age of the primigravida is less than 18 and more than 35 years;
  • a large number of childbirth (4 or more);
  • reasons leading to overstretching of the uterus (large fetus, polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy), preventing the full contraction of the myometrium - the muscles of the uterus;
  • hereditary predisposition, which can be traced by female line;
  • complications of pregnancy - postmaturity, placental insufficiency (i.e., the inability of the placenta to meet the needs of the developing fetus);
  • woman's fear of pain, lack of psychological mood for childbirth.

When can labor stimulation not be performed?

Contraindications for labor stimulation are the presence of a scar on the uterus, incorrect position of the fetus, oxygen deprivation, clinical narrow pelvis(a situation where the size of the fetal head does not correspond to the size of the mother’s pelvis), placenta previa (when the placenta blocks the exit from the uterus), severe gestosis, fatigue of the woman in labor.

Childbirth is a natural process; it occurs after the fetus is fully mature and the mother’s body is ready for the physiological expulsion of the baby from the uterine cavity. But sometimes situations arise in which it is better to stimulate labor in order to protect both the child and the woman in labor from unwanted complications.

Indications for stimulation

First of all, it should be noted that not everyone is prescribed stimulation in the maternity hospital. And it doesn’t matter whether the woman came to the hospital with contractions or was in bed long time kept in the antenatal department. There are several conditions in which it is extremely necessary to urgently start the delivery process. These include the following:

  • post-term pregnancy;
  • disruptions in labor;
  • problems associated with normal development fetus

Childbirth is considered natural if it occurs between 38 and 42 weeks of pregnancy. But a forty-week-old baby is considered to be fully mature and ready to be born. When this period approaches, many doctors recommend not delaying labor and, in the absence of contractions, prescribe stimulation. Post-term pregnancy can negatively affect the baby's health. This is due to the aging of the placenta - a natural process that is almost impossible to slow down. As a result, the child begins to receive less oxygen, as well as the necessary nutrients. The next indicator to stimulation during postmaturity is maturity digestive system fetus It is almost impossible to track it, but the fact is obvious. In most cases, during childbirth at 41-42 weeks of pregnancy, meconium, the baby’s original feces, is present in the amniotic fluid. But the fetus swallows these waters and stays in them all the time. In such cases, toxic effects cannot be avoided. At the same time, childbirth at 42 weeks with clean waters is also known.

The doctor may prescribe stimulation if there are disturbances in the birth process itself or if the female body is not fully prepared for it. This may include the passage of amniotic fluid more than 24-48 hours ago, incomplete dilatation of the cervix, absence of contractions or their suppression. It is highly not recommended to delay labor for primiparous women by more than 24 hours and for multiparous women by more than 12 hours. During this period, the woman becomes significantly tired, and the child may suffer from oxygen starvation. Induction of labor will help prepare birth canal, and the baby will be born safely.

Sometimes intrauterine development the fetus requires medical intervention. If at 40 weeks of pregnancy his weight is less than 2500 g or more than 4500 g (this can be determined using ultrasound), then stimulation is necessary. A low-weight fetus may not be receiving nutrients from the mother for some reason. Therefore, it is better to help him be born as soon as possible in order to examine and improve his health. Good, modern medicine this allows. These days there are special devices, the conditions of which are close to those in the womb. The birth of a large fetus is also quite difficult. And if he has already gained the specified weight, then starting a natural birth can only be scheduled if he is of sufficient size female pelvis. In other cases, the woman is prepared for a caesarean section.

Methods of inducing labor

There are several ways that you can use to speed up the onset or speed up stable labor:

  • membrane detachment;
  • using a Foley catheter;
  • hormonal method;
  • amniotomy.

An obstetrician-gynecologist can detach the membranes mechanically. To do this, he inserts a finger into the vagina and separates the membrane connecting the uterus with amniotic sac. This manipulation promotes the production of the hormone prostaglandin, which is essential for the birth process.

A Foley catheter is a special balloon that is inserted into the cervical canal and filled with water. As a result, it expands, which contributes to the detachment of the amniotic sac from the lower segment of the uterus. The procedure triggers the production of substances that stimulate labor.

Hormones to induce labor can be given orally, vaginally, or intravenously. Oral method involves taking a tablet that contains synthetic antigestagens that cause contractions of the uterine muscles. After a single dose of the drug, in most cases it activates within a day birth process, if it does not occur, another pill is prescribed. Prostaglandin hormones may be administered vaginally before delivery. They prepare the cervix, soften it and promote dilatation. Oxytocin, the hormone that causes contractions, is administered intravenously. It stimulates the contraction of the uterus and expels the fetus from it. Choice medicine carried out by an obstetrician-gynecologist individually, having previously examined the woman and studied her pregnancy history.

In case of weak labor in women whose waters have not broken, the process can be accelerated with the help of amniotomy. A special instrument is used to puncture the amniotic sac, causing the water to break and labor to begin.

Contraindications to stimulation

Starting labor is not naturally has its contraindications. It should not be carried out if:

  • the woman’s previous birth ended in a caesarean section;
  • the fetus or placenta is not positioned correctly;
  • the size of the fetus's head does not correspond to the size of the mother's pelvis;
  • the child's condition is unsatisfactory;
  • the woman in labor began to have uterine bleeding;
  • with a history of diseases such as diabetes, infectious diseases uterus or hypertension.

If in such conditions labor does not occur on its own, that is, naturally, then the woman in labor is prepared for a caesarean section.

How to stimulate labor on your own without danger to the pregnant woman and the fetus?

There are several methods that you can use during pregnancy to help your body prepare for childbirth. It is believed that male sperm has a beneficial effect on the cervix. It helps her mature and open up more easily. Therefore, many doctors recommend that women have sex in last days pregnancy. Of course, if there are no contraindications, such as increased tone uterus, for example. Light massage nipples can also contribute to the onset of contractions of the uterine muscles. Walking in the fresh air has a beneficial effect on female body and on later may be the beginning of labor. A warm bath also helps, but you need to take it when the fruit bladder is intact, that is, before the water breaks.

The main thing is not to fuss or worry too much when the due date arrives. Of course it is important point in the life of every woman, but stress with it is undesirable. The adrenaline released during anxiety blocks the production of hormones necessary for childbirth. Therefore, it is better to stock up on calm, patience and trust the doctors - then everything will go well.

Helpful information

Olga Kenton: Doctors have been studying the technology of stimulating labor and its effect on the body of the mother and child for a century. Today there are many methods and drugs that can speed up and facilitate the process of childbirth. But no matter what cutting-edge medications they give you, no matter how they assure you that the stimulation procedure is absolutely safe, remember that any intervention in the birth process can have both a positive and negative effect on childbirth.

Since the female body is designed by nature in such a way that a child can be born with virtually no outside help, unreasonable intervention in childbirth can only cause harm. True, today complications even in first-time mothers are registered more often. It's all to blame bad ecology, a later age at the birth of the first child and, accordingly, a greater number chronic diseases in women giving birth.

In addition, doctors, having placed too much faith in miraculous devices and medicines, are now increasingly relying on average birth indicators rather than own experience. According to statistics, in every Russian maternity hospital, labor stimulation is used in 7% of births, but this is only according to official data. But one can only guess what is actually happening, because in many maternity hospitals this procedure is routine.

Most women who are offered induction of labor simply do not know, and doctors do not consider it necessary to inform them, that the administration of medications can either speed up, slow down, or completely stop the natural process of childbirth. And this leads to additional medical intervention, and increasingly to cesarean section.

After the operation is done, the doctors “calm down” the woman by saying that it was the only possible variant, and that if it weren’t for her (the operation), the result could have been much sadder. The only thing they don’t talk about is that the stimulation of labor itself becomes causative. surgical intervention. H Often women, without complete information about the pros and cons of stimulation, and with the tacit consent of doctors, very easily agree to “push” the birth process. They do not realize that childbirth may go faster, but the pain will not decrease, but will only increase, and the child will have an increased risk of developing oxygen starvation, and, as a result, may decrease blood pressure(and this is already an indicator that the child is suffering in utero, and you need surgical intervention).

Of course, doctors must be trusted, and there are cases when stimulation is truly necessary and justified. But do not forget that any actions that the obstetrician decides to take must be agreed upon with you or your authorized representative. Therefore, if you have such an opportunity, let your husband or one of your relatives whom you trust be present at the birth with you. And even if you are not able to make an adequate decision, they will be able to assess the situation more calmly.

Why is labor stimulation needed?

In cases where labor does not begin naturally or does not progress, when there are medical indications for the birth of the child earlier due date, doctors resort to stimulation of labor to dilate the cervix.

Stimulation of labor is necessary:

The main disadvantages of inducing labor:

    The main disadvantage of stimulation is that the drugs have too strong an effect on the body of the mother and child. Hence very painful contractions, fetal suffering and, as a result, caesarean section;

    When an IV is used during childbirth, the woman is forced to be in the most uncomfortable and ineffective position for the birth of a child - lying on her back. This increases the pain of contractions and interferes with the progress of labor;

    stimulation can cause the development of oxygen starvation of the fetus, and in some cases lead to disruption of the functioning of the child’s cardiac system;

    stimulation of labor can cause contractions that are too long, very intense and painful, which require the administration of an additional dose of painkillers;

    the likelihood of uterine rupture along the scar in case of repeated vaginal birth after cesarean section;

    fetal distress. It is believed that childbirth occurs after the baby releases a special hormone into the mother’s body, which triggers the birth process. If labor is stimulated artificially, then the child is not yet ready to be born;

    stimulation increases risk premature detachment placenta, as well as the use of forceps or a vacuum extractor.

Types of artificial stimulation

The following methods are most often used to induce labor:

Introduction of analogues of natural hormones that trigger labor and enhance contractile activity of the uterus

To prepare the uterus for opening, a drug such as is used.

Oxytocin– refers to synthesized analogues of the hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Oxytocin is administered mainly intramuscularly or subcutaneous injections. This drug has more disadvantages than advantages, and, in addition, there is a high probability of its overdose:

    Oxytocin causes non-physiological contractions and intensifies labor pain(therefore should be used in combination with painkillers);

    the drug may increase fetal distress. Contractions that are too long and intense cause a decrease in the amount of oxygen reaching the baby. And children born with the help of stimulation adapt worse and are more likely to develop infantile jaundice;

    the dose of the drug should be selected individually due to the identified sensitivity to it in many patients;

    Oxytocin should not be used if there is a scar on the uterus, placenta previa is detected, incorrect position fetus or the impossibility of delivering a child through the natural birth canal.

Use of prostaglandins

Research shows that to prepare the uterus for dilation, it is much safer to use prostaglandins (prostenok, enzaprost, dinoprostone, prostiv), which cause softer contractions. Often the reason for lack of progress in labor is the immaturity of the cervix. In order to “soften” it and cause contractions, doctors inject prostaglandins in the form of a special gel or suppositories deep into the vagina and cervical canal. Benefits of using prostaglandin are that this drug does not penetrate through amniotic sac and does not restrict a woman’s movement during childbirth. At the same time, prostaglandins may slow down the transition to active stage childbirth In some women giving birth, the use of these drugs causes headaches or vomiting.


Amniotomy- this is the opening of the fetal bladder with a special hook, which is inserted into the vagina, captures the fetal bladder and opens it, which causes an outpouring of amniotic fluid. This operation should be performed by an experienced obstetrician and only when indicated.

To avoid possible complications, amniotomy is carried out, as a rule, after the baby’s head has passed into the pelvis, compressing the amniotic sac and the vessels on its surface, which prevents the risk of bleeding and prolapse of the umbilical cord.

The main indications for amniotomy, according to gynecologists and obstetricians, is post-term pregnancy, and as a consequence, deterioration of the placenta, as well as the risk of developing oxygen starvation of the fetus.

One more important reason preeclampsia may lead to the use of amniotomy.

Preeclampsia- this is a complication during pregnancy, the main symptom of which is the appearance of edema (“hydropsis of pregnant women”), as well as, in more severe cases, increased arterial pressure and the presence of protein in the urine. Opening the membranes during gestosis can help the woman in labor and prevent complications during childbirth.

Another indicator for this operation, which occurs much less frequently, is Rh conflict.

But we must not forget that this manipulation may be unsafe. In Russian maternity hospitals, sometimes they don’t even warn about amniotomy. And the consequences of such an operation can be very sad. Contractions may never come, requiring the use of other medical supplies– oxytocin, and in in rare cases may lead to fetal infection or prolapse of the umbilical cord.

Despite the fact that stimulation of labor is used everywhere today, in some cases it is prohibited.

Contraindications to artificial stimulation:

    maternal health problems endocrine disorders, diabetes mellitus, suture on the uterus, etc.);

    incorrect position of the child;

    discrepancy between the size of the child’s head and the size of the mother’s pelvis;

    deterioration of the child’s health (according to heart monitor readings).

Along with medical methods stimulation of labor, there are natural ways , which help speed up or initiate labor. The only thing to remember is that if you decide to use one of the natural stimulation methods, consult your doctor first. No matter how safe or pleasant this or that method may seem to you, it is better to coordinate your actions with a specialist.

Natural methods of stimulating labor:


During a long walk, the baby puts pressure on the cervix, which causes it to begin to open. This method only works if the cervix has already begun to efface in anticipation of labor.

    Sexual intercourse

Semen contains natural hormones, prostaglandins, which soften the cervix and promote contraction of the uterus.


Promotes muscle contractions uterus.

    Nipple massage

Increases the content of the hormone oxytocin in the blood. True, this procedure requires more time than the use of artificial drugs. Massage should be done three times a day for ten to twenty minutes. Some doctors recommend this procedure only while in a hospital, where it is possible to monitor the condition of the mother and child.

For example, long walk and any active actions.


There are several points, the impact of which contributes to the natural stimulation of labor. These points are located between the index and thumb, in the upper part of the shoulder, in the sacrum, near the ankle, on the outer part of the little finger at the base of the nail (information can be found in books on acupuncture) and, according to experts, are associated with the uterus. Their stimulation helps the woman relax, which relieves pain and starts the birth process.

Before inducing labor on her own, a pregnant woman must be sure that the gestational age is correctly assessed. Consult your doctor about the consistency of changes detected on ultrasound and CT deadline. When the body is ready for childbirth, natural methods of childbirth can be used.

Reasons for inducing labor

  • Pregnancy is more than 40 weeks. After this period, the placenta ages, and the child’s nutritional efficiency decreases.
  • Multiple pregnancy after 38 weeks. By this time, children have already matured, and their further intrauterine development can provoke problems during childbirth.
  • By medical indications in case of Rh conflict, heart problems, diabetes.
  • Presence of scars on the uterus.
  • Narrow pelvis.
  • Allergy to prostaglandins.
  • Leakage of amniotic fluid.
  • Increased intraocular pressure.

How to induce labor using folk recipes

  • Prostaglandins (biologically active substances) stimulate the cervix to ripen and promote its opening. They are contained in sperm, so labor can be activated intimacy. Contraindications: infections in the sexual partner, low position placenta. It is possible that it may detach during a strong orgasm in a woman, so this method must be used very carefully.
  • Walking up the stairs, cleaning the house, washing windows - traditional methods approaching birth.
  • The release of the uterine contraction stimulator, the hormone oxytocin, in a woman’s body occurs when the nipples are massaged. The procedure should be performed carefully so that cracks do not form on the mammary glands, which over time will lead to the development of mastitis.
  • Contraction of the uterine muscles can be triggered by daily bowel cleansing with a salt enema.
  • After dinner, drink 50 g of castor oil and do an enema with a salt solution (1 spoon per liter of water).
  • Acupuncture using thin needles stimulates the accumulation of energy in the pelvic area - activates labor in a pregnant woman.
  • Castor oil has a laxative effect, but in case of overdose, side effects are observed - vomiting, nausea, and intestinal pain.
  • The substance bromelain contained in pineapples softens the cervix and provokes labor.
  • Spicy food activates work gastrointestinal tract and the uterus - they contract.
  • "Pulsatill" - homeopathic medicine, which allows you to induce labor.
  • Raspberry tea has a birth-stimulating effect.
  • A hot bath increases blood supply to the pelvic area and cervix, which promotes its relaxation and possible opening.
  • The production of oxytocin is enhanced by pressure from the fetal head on the cervix, which occurs when the mother is in an upright position.
  • If you inflate frequently and for a long time Balloons, then in abdominal cavity Blood pressure increases, which stimulates labor.
  • Chocolate contains adrenaline, a substance that stimulates the sympathetic system. nervous system. Its action leads to contraction of the muscular system of the body, including the uterus.
  • Aromatherapy with jasmine and roses will lead to the onset of labor in a pregnant woman with prolonged inhalation of their aromas.
  • When deciding how to induce labor, it is advisable to include in your diet large quantities parsley, beets and wash them down with raspberry tea.
  • In England, midwives recommend that women next remedy to speed up the opening of the cervix. Mix 50 g of castor oil with 100 grams of apricot juice and 40 grams of vodka. A pregnant woman's intestines will begin to clear their contents quite quickly. The uterus contracts behind it.
  • Evening primrose oil prepares a woman's path for childbirth, but does not have a direct birth-stimulating effect. It is natural analogue hormones folliculin and sinestrol, which are obtained synthetically. Before childbirth, substances are prescribed to accelerate cervical ripening. Primrose oil, unlike them, does not have side effects and is prescribed 2 weeks before the expected date of birth.
  • Olive oil has a laxative effect and can increase elasticity muscle tissue. If you take 1 spoon of it daily, it will become easier to artificially induce labor.
  • Setting up for childbirth. All processes in the body are under the control of the brain. If a woman subconsciously prepares herself for childbirth, it will soon begin.
  • Frequent singing and talking with a child contribute to tension in the abdominal and pelvic muscles. During childbirth, singing reduces pain.

Physical exercises help lower the baby and put pressure on the baby's head on the cervix.

  • Walking should be done in the morning, when the surrounding air is as free from pollution as possible. It is advisable for a pregnant woman to take an umbrella with her to lean on if she experiences back pain. It will also come in handy if it rains.
  • Climbing up staircases helps the fetus move down quickly. Due to the constant movements of the hips, the small pelvis expands, and the child takes the most comfortable position.
  • Swimming breaststroke helps contract the abdominal and back muscles. Staying in water additionally helps relieve swelling in the legs.
  • Squatting for a long time. The baby will begin to move through the birth canal faster with an open pelvis. The method is used in the case of a high position of the child in late pregnancy.
  • Induce labor by rocking on a swing. To use this method, you need to find a safe swing and swing on it for a few minutes a day.

Kinds medical methods stimulation of labor:

  1. Stimulating uterine contractions
  2. Affecting the dilation of the uterus.

Stimulation of uterine contraction by prostaglandin E2 (enzoprost). The substance is inserted into the vagina, but does not enter the amniotic sac. When the cervix dilates, the process of labor begins. Prostaglandin suppositories stimulate the production of prostaglandin in the body. Their action begins within 30 minutes, which gives the woman the opportunity to prepare for childbirth.

The opening of the fetal bladder is carried out with a special hook. The procedure is painless, since the bladder does not have nerve endings. The effusion of water leads to increased pressure inside the uterus, which stimulates labor. Amniotomy does not affect the condition of the child, since the fetus is not affected during the manipulation.

The drug Oxytocin is used to stimulate contractile activity. Most often administered intramuscularly or intravenously. The hormone does not affect the dilatation of the cervix. It only enhances labor. Contraindications to the use of oxytocin: inability to give birth naturally, increased sensitivity to the drug, the presence of scars and placenta previa.

When labor is not induced

  • If the baby's head exceeds the lower size of the mother's pelvis.
  • Poor fetal condition as assessed by cardiac monitor.
  • Hypertension or other health problems in a pregnant woman.
  • Incorrect position of the child.

Before inducing labor, a woman should get a good night's sleep and psychologically prepare for labor.