If your feet sweat. Why do my feet sweat? Causes and treatment of sweaty feet (hyperhidrosis). Hygiene rules to prevent excessive sweating

It is designed in such a way that it tries to release moisture in every possible way. Due to this, normal body temperature is maintained. The body's sweat glands are designed to function as a thermostat. However, excessive moisture production can cause a lot of inconvenience, including severe sweating of the feet. This problem can especially worsen in the summer.

Excessive sweating of the feet, in addition to purely physiological inconveniences, makes a person feel embarrassed and experience deep moral discomfort. To begin solving such a very pressing problem, you first need to figure it out.

Why do my feet sweat?

A whole range of significant reasons can lead to this.

- Firstly, feet sweat due to a person wearing tight closed shoes.

- Also, similar symptoms arise from wearing unseasonably warm socks or stockings, especially those made from materials based on artificial or synthetic fibers.

— Sweaty feet can be caused by illiterate or insufficiently intensive foot care measures.

— Excessive sweating is often a consequence of stress and frequent anxiety.

- Also, such a deficiency may be associated with intense work of the leg muscles and heavy physical activity.

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Skin diseases on the feet

For example, your feet may become infected with a fungus. As a result, the skin between the fingers simply begins to crack and dry out. Painful areas appear on the skin, which are very itchy and then begin to peel off. All of these unpleasant moments are almost always accompanied by an unpleasant odor along with increased sweating.

If treatment for such a disease is not started in a timely manner, then microbial eczema will appear on the skin. In the future, they can spread from the legs throughout the body.Excessive sweating of the feet can be caused by endocrine diseases, the presence of malignant tumors, and infectious diseases.

In addition, pathologies associated with the central nervous system often lead to these manifestations.

Hygiene rules for feet

If sweaty feet are caused by physical exertion and vigorous activity, then it is likely that just following the basic guidelines may be enough to solve the problem. hygiene rules. But you should adhere to such rules not only in the hot summer season, but all year round.

In particular, one of the most important and fundamental rules insists that your feet must be washed with soap twice a day. After washing them dry, be sure to dry them with a towel. After washing your feet in the morning, you can treat your feet with talcum powder. Apply powdered talc to your feet and between your toes.

The problem of excessive sweating of the feet can be solved by treating the feet with an antiperspirant or deodorant. Today, among such products there are specially created ones aimed at solving the problem of sweating. Among other components that make up such deodorants, there are antibacterial and antifungal substances. Apply any of these products exclusively to clean skin on your feet. Otherwise, the unpleasant odor from your feet will only intensify.

Internal diseases of the body

If the practical implementation of these measures does not solve the problem in any way, then the cause of excessive sweating of the feet should be sought in possible internal diseases of the body. It may well be that such diseases have not had time to manifest themselves in any other way, but are already actively affecting your body. If you notice a problem with excessive sweating of your feet, you should consult a dermatologist as soon as possible.

Complaints of severe sweating on the feet will be perceived by the doctor as quite serious. The following information may be very useful regarding sweating of the feet. As we know, sweat contains about ninety-eight percent water. When excreted with water, already spent nitrogenous substances will be released, as well as cholesterol, fatty acids and other trace elements.

Sweat has a rather unpleasant odor. And the reason for this lies in the fact that over time, bacterial secretions begin to break down. When exposed to oxygen, they then oxidize. This creates favorable soil for even greater proliferation of microbes. People of both sexes have an equally good predisposition to the process of sweating.

How to effectively hide the smell of sweat

If you use deodorant to reduce foot sweating, it will inhibit the decomposition of sweat bacteria. The unpleasant odor will appear to be masked by aromatic ingredients and cosmetic compositions. In particular, fragrances like essential oils of clove, lavender or mint can effectively hide the smell.

Any deodorant contains a constant ingredient, which is ethyl alcohol. It can be considered the strongest antimicrobial component. Antiperspirant, as a means of solving the problem of excessive sweating of the feet, will partially reduce the degree of sweating at the initial stage. Antiperspirants for feet contain lead, zinc, and zirconium salts.

When interacting with sweat molecules, these components will begin to produce compounds that can effectively tighten enlarged pores. If your feet sweat a lot, experts recommend using an antiperspirant. Traditional methods

Excessive sweating of the feet can be cured, among other things, folk methods.

1. So, according to one of the recipes, you need to take fifty to one hundred grams of oak bark per water liter. Boil the bark for half an hour over relatively low heat. You need to soak your feet in this infusion every day for eight to ten days.

2. The second recipe involves stirring a spoonful of salt in a glass of hot boiling water. Next, cool the water and simply wash your feet with this solution. After the procedure, it is permissible to simply rinse them with cold water.

3. Sage can also solve the problem of sweating feet. Brew a spoonful of its crushed leaves in boiling water. After infusing the product for about forty minutes, it should be strained. This “medicine” against sweating should be taken orally, two spoons at a time. The general course of recovery should last at least three weeks.

4. A greater effect can be obtained from a mixture of mint, sage and nettle. Pour a liter of boiling water over them and leave for about thirty minutes. When the infusion has cooled almost completely, just keep your feet in it for about fifteen minutes.

5. There is another very effective recipe. Pour twenty bay leaves into three liters of hot water. The container should be closed with a lid. After the infusion has cooled slightly, steam your feet in it for fifteen minutes.

Watch your feet and carry out all necessary procedures on time. And you are not in danger of severe sweating of your feet.

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Sweating is an important process for human health, through which toxic substances are eliminated from the body. Sweat glands are located on different parts of the body. Their greatest accumulation is in the armpits, as well as on the feet.

Sweat itself is not a problem that needs to be dealt with - in a healthy person it does not have any odor and is released in moderate quantities. However, it happens that excessive sweating causes discomfort.

This is especially true when your feet sweat in shoes. What to do if this happens can only be decided by understanding why this phenomenon occurs.

Why do my feet sweat?

The causes of severe sweating of the feet are conventionally divided into two types: the presence of health problems and poor lifestyle.

If sweating on the feet is caused by a disease, then looking for methods of treatment on your own is not only pointless, but also dangerous. Diseases tend to develop, so if you do not consult a doctor in time, you can progress the disease to an incurable stage.

Medical causes of sweaty feet:

  1. Nervous system disorders: depression, stress, neuroses.
  2. Disturbances of the endocrine system, hormonal imbalances.
  3. Oncological diseases.
  4. Foot fungus.

Only a doctor can determine whether sweating feet are related to the disease after a thorough examination and tests.

Reasons depending on lifestyle:

  1. Wearing poor quality shoes. Shoes or boots made of leatherette often cause profuse sweating of the feet due to their inability to allow air to pass through. This material creates a greenhouse effect, preventing the skin from breathing. This is especially dangerous in the summer, since hot weather provokes the development of bacteria.
  2. Wrong choice of shoes. This includes the mismatch between the model in terms of size (shoes that are too tight cause sweating), as well as the season (closed shoes in the summer will naturally make your feet sweat).
  3. Lack or insufficient foot hygiene. Some people, caring about the cleanliness of their feet in the summer, completely forget about it in the winter, which should not be done.
  4. Intense workouts: after them, sweat often begins to form more profusely, including on the feet.
  5. Wearing closed shoes in the summer without socks.
  6. Synthetic hosiery material that prevents the evaporation of sweat.
  7. Long and continuous wearing of the same shoes.

All these factors can be easily eliminated on your own, without the help of specialists. You need to pay attention to whether your feet sweat in leather shoes, or whether this only happens when wearing shoes made from non-natural materials, whether they are true to size, and whether enough time is spent on hygiene procedures.

In addition to correcting these aspects, you can use special products aimed at combating sweating.

Methods to combat sweaty feet

Today almost any cosmetic store or pharmacy can offer a product to prevent feet from sweating in shoes. Typically, gels or ointments, such as Formagel and Teymurov's paste, are used to treat this phenomenon. These products help if used regularly. A complete course of treatment with them guarantees complete elimination of the problem.

Apart from these drugs, there are other forms of drugs that can be selected according to individual requirements:

  1. Talc is a remedy for sweaty feet, instantly drying the surface of the feet and giving them a fresh aroma. It is convenient to use in the summer because you do not have to wait for the medicine to be absorbed before putting open shoes on your bare feet.
  2. It is better to apply the cream at night. This remedy is a good preventive measure.
  3. Deodorizing spray is sprayed on the feet or directly inside the shoes in the morning.

When choosing a particular drug for foot sweating, you need to pay attention to its composition: a product consisting of natural ingredients will be safe but effective. Chemicals often cause allergies.

In addition to cosmetics, folk remedies are also used, which are often more effective for people whose feet sweat a lot in shoes.

Among them are infusions for oral administration and solutions for wiping the feet:

  1. One tablespoon of dry sage leaves is crushed and poured with two glasses of boiling water. Leave for forty minutes, then filter. The resulting infusion is drunk twice a day for 14 days: two tablespoons after meals.
  2. Wipe your feet with a solution of apple or table vinegar diluted with water (proportions 1:5). Potassium permanganate or lemon juice are also often used for these purposes. It is especially convenient to use such solutions in the summer: they quickly dry the feet and eliminate bacteria that multiply in the heat.
  3. Another popular folk remedy is medicinal baths. They are prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs. For example: one hundred grams of oak bark is poured with one liter of water, boiled for half an hour.

Preventive measures

It has already been said above why feet sweat a lot in shoes. If none of the above reasons apply, your feet sweat in boots made of any materials and even when wearing socks made of natural fabrics, then it is better to consult a doctor. He will find out why profuse sweating appeared and recommend an effective remedy.

Until this point, and also as a preventive measure, it is necessary to perform hygiene procedures:

  1. Every day you need to wash your feet with warm water, always using soap. In summer or if your feet sweat a lot, it is better to do this three times a day. After washing your feet, dry them with a clean, soft towel.
  2. Socks should always be fresh and dry. Clean feet produce less sweat. It is also necessary to pay attention to the material of hosiery: it is better to give preference to cotton. This is especially important when wearing closed, poorly breathable shoes in the summer: they should not be worn on bare feet.
  3. Throughout the day, you need to wipe your feet with antibacterial wipes.
  1. Feet usually sweat more when wearing leatherette shoes. Therefore, when purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the material. The skin is more breathable, allowing sweat to evaporate rather than accumulate and create an unpleasant odor.
  2. In summer and winter you need to wear different shoes. In summer, it is better to choose open sandals or sandals. However, today's fashion trends require wearing closed shoes even in summer. Those who only like this option should wear light sneakers or sneakers made of natural fabric. These sneakers allow air to pass through well, preventing your feet from sweating. In summer, this option is the most optimal.

For winter shoes, it is important that they are not tight and unstable to low temperatures:

  1. Also, when buying boots, you need to make sure that the insole is made of high-quality material. There are special absorbent insoles sold separately.
  2. You need to wash sneakers and sneakers regularly, not only in summer, but also in winter. You should wash them especially carefully from the inside. Every month you need to wipe your shoes with a formaldehyde solution to disinfect them.
  3. You can't wear the same pair of shoes all the time. They must “rest” for at least a day. During this time, the material will have time to ventilate, which will prevent the proliferation of harmful microorganisms that affect foot sweating.
  4. When putting away your winter boots in the summer, you can put specially prepared bags inside them that eliminate the unpleasant odor. You can make them from cedar shavings.

Many people are familiar with the problem of excessive sweating of the feet. This phenomenon does not depend on the season: it is encountered both in summer and winter.

Sweating feet is a completely natural process, especially during the hot season.

But excessive sweating is not always considered normal. This can often indicate serious illness or health problems. Feet are sweating, what to do, what is excessive sweating, unpleasant odor and how to deal with it? We will try to answer all these questions in this article.

My feet are sweating. A medical perspective

So, why do your feet sweat? The body has the ability to secrete sweat and this is considered a protective reaction. Sweating can be divided into areas where it most often occurs: sweating of the feet, hands, and armpits. Sweating in summer is a completely natural process. However, if increased sweat production occurs all year round and is characterized by an unpleasant odor, then this can already be called a medical problem.

The problem of sweating feet can be divided into two causes: improper hygiene, wearing poor-quality shoes, etc. or reasons that do not depend on the human factor. The second reason is much more dangerous, as it can lead to quite unpleasant consequences: infections, fungal diseases, itching or rash.

For those who cannot decide whether there is excessive sweating of the feet or everything is normal, doctors offer a test. Take a small amount of warm water and dilute some iodine in it. Next, apply this solution to your feet and sprinkle with cornstarch. If you see that a blue color appears in some places, then the problem really exists.

When you have eliminated the problems of excessive sweating of the feet, unpleasant odor or itching, which were the cause of insufficient hygiene, you need to start examining the body. Research is being conducted to determine possible diseases that could cause this problem:

  • nervous exhaustion, stress;
  • oncological diseases;
  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • the presence of a fungal infection;
  • regular exercise (fitness, running, gym, etc.);
  • other possible reasons

First of all, you should visit a dermatologist. If the specialist cannot eliminate the cause of sweating feet, he will recommend another doctor to whom you should contact. Very often the cause of this disease is a fungus. In this case, the doctor prescribes special creams or gels that kill such an infection.

Other possible causes of sweaty feet

Excessive sweating of the feet may not always indicate the presence of a serious illness. Most often, hyperhidrosis occurs for the following reasons:

  • low-quality shoes made of artificial materials. Such shoes do not allow air to pass through, which is why the feet begin to sweat and acquire an unpleasant odor;
  • wearing the wrong shoes - too narrow or out of season;
  • poor foot care - not washing daily, using inappropriate products, etc.;
  • constant wearing of synthetic hosiery. Products made from such material are not able to allow air to pass through, causing excessive sweating of the feet and even a fungal infection.

We can say that these are the main reasons that are not related to medicine. But, if you have excluded all of the above factors, then you urgently need to consult a doctor. Timely treatment will help avoid unpleasant consequences.

When it has been determined that the cause of sweating feet is not a serious illness, then you can use local remedies to eliminate sweat. Talc or other means that eliminate sweat and unpleasant odors are quite suitable for these purposes. But you should know that using such products for a long time is not recommended.

When your feet sweat and are often cold, your doctor may prescribe baths with tannins. This could be oak bark, Delaxin or other products similar in action. The bath temperature should not be higher than 36 degrees, take 15-20 minutes each, for 7 days.

There is another method, more radical and expensive - Botox injections. Thanks to this substance, sweat production becomes less active, the effect of such injections lasts 8-10 months.

In case of constant sweating of the feet and in a very severe form, despite the fact that there are no health problems, surgical intervention may be recommended. The essence of the operation is that a special nerve ending responsible for sweat production is blocked. This operation will help to get rid of this problem forever.

Baths and other recipes for sweaty feet

If you notice a problem such as excessive sweating of your feet, then first try to get rid of it at home. There are quite a few methods - inexpensive and very safe. Thanks to such baths, you can eliminate not only the unpleasant odor, but also the cause. Several useful recipes for those whose feet sweat and smell a lot, and how to do it.

You will need: oak bark 80-120 g, 1 liter of water. The bark needs to be boiled in a liter of water and left for about 30 minutes. Next, dilute a glass of this decoction in a small amount of warm water and steam your feet. Such procedures should be carried out every day for 20 minutes. Sometimes one course lasting 7-10 minutes is enough. If necessary, you can repeat it once every 2-3 months.

For a glass of warm water, take 1 tablespoon of salt, preferably iodized. Stir well and wash your feet several times a day.

Take 20-30 laurel leaves (fresh or dried), pour 2.5-3 liters of hot water and let it brew for about an hour. Baths can be done daily before bed for 10 days. A good way if your feet sweat and smell a lot.

You need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of dried herbs: mint, sage, thyme, lavender. Next, brew it in 2 liters of water and let it brew for about 30-40 minutes. This procedure is considered the most effective. It helps to cope with excessive sweating and unpleasant odor. The procedure is carried out once a day, for 12-20 days.

For one glass of water, take 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar or 2 tbsp. l lemon juice, stir well. You need to wipe your feet with this raster once a day, after a shower. Acid has the ability to destroy all unpleasant odors. You need to wipe especially carefully between your fingers, where sweat accumulates the most. Also, you can wipe your feet with lemon peel, which will also remove the smell, but not for long. Do not forget that before such procedures, your feet should be thoroughly washed with antibacterial soap and only after that do baths and lotions.

If you urgently need to remove bad foot odor, you can wash your feet with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

A very interesting way to get rid of odor. Take clean socks, always made of natural fabric: cotton, linen. Prepare a mixture of dry herbs: thyme, lavender, nettle, frankincense. Mash all the herbs lightly and pour into socks. Get dressed and go to bed. This is a good way to wake up in the morning with fresh legs.

This is a treatment option for those who have fungus causing their sweaty feet. Of course, it is better not to self-medicate and not to prescribe ointments yourself. But we will still offer some tips. Firstly, for a fungal infection, folk remedies may not be effective, so special ointments will be required. It is best to use ointments with a broad spectrum of action that can eliminate fungus of any origin. These drugs include: Clotrimazole, Lamisil, Lamicon. The drug eliminates the fungus and, as a result, excessive sweating of the feet stops and the unpleasant odor goes away. Such ointments are also recommended for preventive purposes. For example, after visiting the pool, gym, or if you had to put on someone else's shoes.

Preventing sweaty feet and bad odor

Everyone knows that it is better to prevent any health problem than to treat the consequences. Preventive measures can save you from unwanted fungus, eczema and other skin diseases. What you need to do to prevent your feet from sweating:

  • try to buy good shoes. It is best if it is made from natural materials (leather, suede, cotton). Be sure to wear shoes according to the season. Warm in winter, and more open in summer. It is better to avoid shoes that are too narrow or that do not fit;
  • Shoes need to be washed, and not just the outside. You need to wash your insoles regularly, preferably with a solution of vinegar or oak bark. Be sure to dry outdoors;
  • Be sure to change socks several times a day, wear only natural fabrics. Socks and stockings made from synthetics will provoke even more sweating;
  • After a shower, dry your feet well with a towel, apply special foot cream to remove sweat and odor, wear only clean socks;
  • To prevent your feet from sweating and smelling, they must be washed 2 times a day, especially during hot periods;
  • use a foot sweat and odor remover for shoes, special sprays with an antimicrobial effect;
  • Try not to walk barefoot around the house, in the gym or in the fitting room of a store. In such rooms it is very easy to become infected with a fungus, which causes bad foot odor, and in worst cases, eczema.

It is very important not to wear someone else’s shoes and not to give them your own. The fungus is transmissible, and you can infect another person with such a nasty disease.

It should be understood that it is not always possible to cure this problem. easily and quickly, however, possible. Follow simple rules in the selection of shoes, hygiene and prevention - then you will get rid of this problem forever or will not acquire it.

Sweating on the feet is a natural metabolic process in which toxins and waste products are eliminated from the body. Normally, sweat secretion occurs continuously, but in small quantities. Due to a number of factors, increased sweating may occur, causing a lot of inconvenience to a person.

The liquid released onto the surface of the skin has virtually no odor. An unpleasant odor appears as a result of the activity of microorganisms living on the feet. They feed on keratin softened by sweat, and their breakdown products cause the very stench that people struggle with. Therefore, the more your feet sweat, the more unpleasant they smell.

Hygiene rules

The first answer to the question of what to do if your feet sweat and smell a lot must be attributed to basic foot hygiene. Since the sweat glands work constantly, in order to prevent an unpleasant odor from appearing, you should wash your feet regularly.

People suffering from hyperhidrosis need to adhere to stricter hygiene rules:

  • wash your feet with soap (preferably antibacterial) two or three times a day;
  • make contrast baths, alternating hot and cold water;
  • make baths from medicinal herbs that help fight pathogenic microflora;
  • After water procedures, your feet must be wiped dry;
  • put on clean socks and shoes on washed feet.

Care for socks and shoes

Synthetic materials and tight shoes can disrupt thermoregulation processes, and therefore increase sweating. You can avoid the problem in this case if you choose the right wardrobe items. Socks should only be made from natural materials. With hyperhidrosis, they need to be changed more often - two, three times a day or after each water procedure. Shoes should be comfortable and also fit properly. In summer you should wear open shoes or sandals.

Shoe care rules:

  • wash and ventilate regularly;
  • remove the insoles, wash them, and then dry them thoroughly;
  • In case of excessive sweating of the feet, pour talc into the inside of the shoes, which perfectly absorbs moisture.

Taking care of your feet

What you can do at home if your feet sweat and smell a lot:

  • purchase a hydromassage bath, the procedure will not only eliminate daytime fatigue, but also reduce sweating;
  • use antiperspirants and deodorants that regulate sweating and fight unpleasant odors;
  • regularly treat your feet with antibacterial agents to reduce the number of bacteria;
  • sprinkle your feet with talcum powder, potato starch or soda, which have a drying effect and absorb excess moisture;
  • use pharmaceutical products that help with this problem, for example, Teymurov’s paste.


There is a medical device that is designed specifically for those whose feet sweat and smell a lot. What to do for the procedure:

  • fill the device with water;
  • release your feet into it;
  • turn on the device;
  • Take a bath for about twenty minutes.

As can be seen from the above, it is easy and simple to do iontophoresis to reduce foot sweating. The required effect is achieved through the penetration of ionizing substances under the skin, which arise as a result of passing a weak current through water. A person should not feel any discomfort. If they appear, then you just need to reduce the current.

Pharmacy products

At a pharmacy in any city you can buy various medications to help fight hyperhidrosis. Among them, the most famous drugs are the following:

  • Farmogel kills bacteria, dries the skin, reduces sweating and unpleasant odor. The antibacterial effect is achieved due to formaldehyde, which is part of the drug. The gel is usually used once every one or two weeks, but not more than three days in a row, otherwise you may get a skin burn.
  • has a similar effect, since it contains an alcoholic formaldehyde solution. It copes well with bacteria and deodorizes feet.
  • Pasta Teymurova cope with mild forms of hyperhidrosis. Its drying and deodorizing effect is provided by talc, boric acid, and zinc. The drug is well tolerated and rarely causes irritation, so it can be used frequently.
  • Lavilin will help you forget about the problem for two weeks after use. It contains extracts of medicinal plants that have an antibacterial effect.
  • Boric acid quickly eliminates unpleasant odor. To treat hyperhidrosis, it requires regular use.

Feet sweat and stink: what to do according to traditional healers and preventive measures

Folk remedies can be used both for the prevention and treatment of excessive sweating. There are many different recipes to help cope with this problem. Traditional healers recommend lubricating your feet with vinegar, putting potato starch in your socks, or putting birch leaves, but the most numerous and popular are foot bath recipes.

Effective folk remedies

What can you use to make baths when your feet sweat a lot and stink:

  • Collection of medicinal herbs. Place medicinal raw materials (nettle, mint, sage, one tablespoon each) in a container, pour one liter of boiling water. Leave for thirty minutes. Pour the liquid into a bowl, add hot water and soak your feet in it for twenty minutes. After the procedure, dry your feet thoroughly with a towel.
  • Bay leaf. To prepare the infusion you will need fifteen leaves and three liters of water. Brew the raw materials with boiling water, cover the container with a lid, and leave to steep for half an hour. Pour the infusion into a basin and take a bath until the water becomes cold. The procedures can be performed every day.
  • Tea. Take two sachets or a tablespoon of the product per liter of water. After brewing, dilute with hot water and lower the feet into the container for half an hour. The procedure should be done daily, and then your feet will not sweat and stink.
  • Oak bark. To prepare a medicinal solution you will need one hundred grams of raw materials and a liter of water. The infusion is prepared on the stove for half an hour. Do the procedure every evening for one week. This recipe is perfect for those who have cold feet but sweat a lot.
  • Salt. The simplest, yet most effective bath is prepared from salt, which is found in any home. The salt is diluted in hot water and the feet are immersed in the solution for twenty minutes. If there are skin lesions on the feet, it is better to choose a different recipe.

Many people have sweaty feet, and this is due to various factors. Most often, the problem occurs in the heat, in the summer or in a stuffy room. Sometimes the reasons why feet sweat in adults and children are tight shoes, synthetic socks, and poor hygiene of the lower extremities. There are several ways to get rid of the unpleasant phenomenon of hyperhidrosis. Methods are divided into medicinal and traditional, differing in recipes and methods of eliminating odor.

External causes of hyperhidrosis

Sweaty feet, or scientifically called hyperhidrosis, is provoked by various external factors. To understand why your feet sweat, it is enough to find out the cause of the unpleasant odor. Sometimes just changing tight shoes or socks is enough to get rid of a persistent odor.

Excessive sweating is caused by the following factors:

  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes made of dense synthetic materials. If your boots are tight, chafing or wet, you need to change them. Sweat does not completely evaporate from damp insoles and causes a persistent odor. Poor care of outdoor shoes is also a cause.
  • Insufficient foot hygiene, neglect of the rules of washing and care.
  • Wearing synthetic or warm socks and tights, especially if the room is hot. Synthetics prevent sweat from evaporating and promote the rapid proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. Nylon stockings and tights not only prevent sweating, but also accumulate liquid in the fibers of the fabric.
  • Excessive load on the muscles of the limbs during running or intensive walking. This is how the feet of runners and athletes sweat, including a defensive reaction with increased sweating.
  • Large fluid intake during the hot season or after exercise.
  • Eating spicy, salty foods, seasonings with pepper.

What to do if your feet sweat even if these causes are eliminated, only a doctor can tell you. Additional examination and a thorough examination by a specialist will be required.

In addition to external factors, sweating is caused by fungal infections, diseases of the endocrine and vascular systems. The diagnosis of hyperhidrosis sometimes indicates the presence of serious problems in the body.

Internal causes of sweating

Internal causes are associated with the presence of diseases and various pathologies in the body. Hyperhidrosis can occur not only during heat outside or indoors. Some people's feet sweat even in winter, in severe frost. Additionally, sweating of the hands, slight chills, and anxiety are observed. If the hands and feet sweat in an infant or a child over one year of age, the child must be examined.

The most common causes associated with various diseases are presented in an overview table. For preliminary diagnosis, you should determine the symptoms, find out in what situations your feet get cold and sweat. You should not self-medicate; it is advisable to consult a doctor for a detailed examination.

Disease/pathological condition Brief description of the disease Mechanism of sweating Treatment options
Stress The body's reaction to shocks, strong emotions, problems All systems begin to work in enhanced mode. This load on the heart and blood vessels causes increased sweating. Taking sedatives, consulting a neurologist.
Fungus of fingers or feet Severe itching is felt and areas are peeling. The skin becomes covered with cracks. Symptoms include heavy sweating. Dead cells between the toes begin to decompose, resulting in an unpleasant odor. The use of traditional medicine recipes does not produce visible results; treatment is prescribed by a doctor after passing the necessary tests. Various antifungal drugs, creams, ointments, and antibiotics are used.
Mycosis, eczema or dermatitis A microbial disease accompanied by severe itching, cracked skin, and inflammation of the affected areas. Due to inflammation of large areas of the skin and constant peeling, a persistent odor occurs. Treatment is prescribed by a dermatologist after a thorough examination, blood tests, and allergy tests. Use ointments, creams, lotions with an anti-inflammatory effect.
Hypertension High blood pressure, accompanied by increased secretion of sweat. Due to a malfunction of the vegetative-vascular system, the work of the sweat glands is activated. Monitor your blood pressure and take antihypertensive medications prescribed by your doctor.
Liver diseases The appearance of inflammatory processes in the liver, accompanied by nausea, swelling, and sweating. Due to swelling and increased heart rate, the production of sweat by the sweat glands increases. Diagnosis of the disease by blood tests, urine tests, ultrasound, taking homeopathic and medications. Compliance with the diet prescribed by the doctor.
Endocrine disorders Feet get cold and sweat due to improper functioning of the thyroid gland and hormonal imbalance. Too much or not enough thyroid hormones are produced, and hyperhidrosis appears. You need to be examined by an endocrinologist. The doctor prescribes hormonal therapy and a course of necessary medications.
Metabolic disease The feet are cold and sweaty, discomfort appears due to the strong odor from the feet and toes. Due to impaired thermoregulation, hyperhidrosis develops, which promotes the proliferation of microorganisms. Examination by a therapist, endocrinologist, diet. Taking medications under the supervision of a doctor.
Malignant tumor Metastases and inflammation appear in the affected organs, and sweat production increases. The disease is also accompanied by loss or increase in appetite and weight gain. Toxins decompose when interacting with acids and oxygen. This provokes increased sweating of the feet and the appearance of an intolerable odor. Ultrasound of internal organs with tests, treatment with chemotherapy or drugs prescribed by an oncologist.

There are other reasons why your feet sweat. This is a hereditary predisposition, emotional stress, disruption of the cardiovascular and nervous system. In all these cases, you need to take tests and be examined by a therapist, endocrinologist, or dermatologist.

Treatment with medications

When choosing a medicine or cream for sweaty feet, you should consult your doctor about possible contraindications. It is advisable that only a specialist prescribe medicinal sprays and ointments. This is especially important if the drug is required to treat leg hyperhidrosis in a child or teenager. You can now buy any gel, cream or patch in pharmacies; the choice depends only on your preferences and available finances.

Review of the most popular medications and cosmetics:

Medical talc. Used as a powder to relieve excess sweating. Convenient to use at home, suitable for children and adults. Indispensable if your feet sweat in shoes. You can pour it inside boots and shoes.

Deodorant. If your feet sweat and smell, you should use it to treat your feet and shoes. Cosmetic compositions in deodorants inhibit the decomposition of sweat and mask odors. Essential oils of clove, lavender, mint, and antimicrobial phenols are used as fragrances. The antimicrobial effect is achieved thanks to such an important component as ethyl alcohol.

Antiperspirant. Doctors advise using it to prevent your feet from sweating when walking in shoes throughout the working day. Antiperspirant suppresses even intense sweating at the initial stage, tightening the pores with its components. The cosmetic product contains lead, zirconium, and zinc salts, so it is not recommended to use it constantly.

Insoles“Stepman” is made of cardboard with a special impregnation that prevents the growth of bacteria. Caring for them is simple; you only need to dry the top fabric layer and air it.

Russian cosmetic creams brands "Linda", “Nevskaya Cosmetics”, “Svoboda”, cream-balm “Cross” and “Deo-control”. They are inexpensive and can be applied at any convenient time to dry and clean skin. If your feet stink, creams will not solve the problem, but if you have weak sweating, they will get rid of the persistent odor.

Preparations Borozin, Drisol. They eliminate the symptoms of hyperhidrosis and are also antifungal agents. When used for a long time, they cause redness of the skin and allergies.

Formidron ointment. It is the most effective remedy for combating sweating of the lower extremities. Has few contraindications.

What to do if your feet sweat, you need to decide together with your doctor. Sometimes even the use of zinc ointment together with baths and the addition of essential oils and herbal infusions can relieve the patient from the symptoms of hyperhidrosis.

Folk remedies against hyperhidrosis

There are several ways to get rid of sweat and persistent odor using folk remedies. At home, experts recommend making baths based on sea salt, oak bark, and soda. To prevent feet from sweating and smelling, doctors advise patients to use apple cider vinegar, essential oils, chamomile or mint tincture in addition to treatment. By adding these components to warm baths, you can reduce intense sweating after just 3-4 applications.

Effective recipes for treating hyperhidrosis at home:

  1. Boil 100 grams of crushed oak bark in a liter of water for 20 minutes. Pour into a bowl, cool slightly. We take hot baths for half an hour every day. It is advisable to prepare the decoction fresh every day. The disadvantage of the recipe is temporary darkening of the skin.
  2. A good remedy for sweat is table salt. Dilute a tablespoon of salt in a glass of heated water, rinse your feet and toes with the liquid 2-3 times a day. The duration of the procedure is a week. Rinse should be done after washing your feet with soap.
  3. A thick layer of glycerin is applied to the soles, then 5% iodine tincture is applied on top. They put on old socks that they don’t mind throwing away and take them off in the morning. Course of treatment: from two to five days.
  4. If your feet sweat a lot, any expert in medicinal herbs will tell you what to do. It is enough to mix dried mint, sage, and nettle leaves in equal proportions and pour boiling water over them. The infusion, cooled to a warm state, is used for foot baths in the evenings. The daily procedure takes 15 minutes.
  5. 20 grams of sage leaves are poured into 2 glasses of hot water and boiled. Then the broth is infused for 40 minutes. The finished infusion is taken 2 times a day, morning and evening, two tablespoons on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is two weeks.
  6. Take 20 pieces of bay leaves and pour three liters of boiling water. Leave for 4 hours, steam in foot liquid for 15-20 minutes daily.
  7. Once a day, wipe your feet with lemon juice, apple cider vinegar dissolved in water. It is allowed to add lemon zest to the water; the effect is similar to using freshly squeezed juice.
  8. Make baths by diluting 9% table vinegar with warm boiling water at a ratio of 1:5. This method not only eliminates sweat, but also gets rid of unpleasant odors.
  9. Heat an oil solution prepared from lavender, olive, coconut or almond oils. The ingredients are taken in equal proportions. The mixture is applied in a thick layer to the skin, and thick cotton socks are worn at night.
  10. Take crushed oak bark, mint leaves or chamomile flowers. Pour the herbal particles into thick socks and carefully place them on feet washed with antibacterial soap.

Which folk remedy to choose depends only on preferences and its availability at home. The procedures are done daily for 2-4 weeks, changing components if there is no improvement.

Prevention of sweaty feet

To understand whether your foot sweating is normal or excessive, you need to do a test. Mix a small amount of iodine with water and apply the solution to your feet. Then spread a thin layer of cornstarch on top. If the surface turns blue, there is a problem. To get rid of an unpleasant odor while excluding diseases of the skin or organs, it is necessary to more carefully monitor hygiene and take preventive measures.

Prevention of hyperhidrosis includes:

1) Correct selection of comfortable shoes made from natural materials. It is advisable to choose shoes made of genuine leather or thick fabric, and keep them clean and dry. The insoles should be removed periodically and dried in the open air. Sneakers, boots or sneakers must have holes for air circulation.

2) Socks or tights should be chosen from natural materials: cotton, wool, wool. A prerequisite is that they correspond in thickness to the time of year and the degree of heat in the room. It is better to avoid frequent wearing of nylon tights or socks made of synthetic materials.

3) After washing, thoroughly wipe your toes and heels with a dry towel.

4) It is advisable to wash your feet 1-2 times a day, making salt and soda baths if necessary.

5) You should regularly use special powders, deodorants or disinfectants. These drugs kill germs and eliminate unpleasant odors.

By following the basic rules for the prevention and care of your feet, you can get rid of excessive sweating and persistent odor in 2-3 weeks. Procedures using folk remedies should be performed regularly, choosing recipes depending on your skin type. When diagnosing diseases, treatment by specialists and compliance with all doctor’s recommendations is mandatory.