In a dog from the anus. Caring for your dog's anal glands. Anal glands in dogs: inflammation

Dog lovers know that their pets not only bring joy when communicating, but also require care and attention. Pets, just like people, suffer from various diseases. Anal glands in dogs are a common problem. Owners need to know what can cause their inflammation and how to deal with it.

What it is?

All animals have such glands; dogs are no exception. On the sides there are small bags filled with a special secretion with a pungent odor.

These are the same glands as sweat or sebaceous glands, only the discharge from them is sharper and has a light brown color. In the wild, animals use this secretion to mark their territory and scare away enemies. If the dog lives in an apartment, then the need for the paraanal glands disappears, the secretion begins to stagnate there, and as a result, inflammation begins.

Pathogenesis of the disease

Inflammation of the paraanal glands in dogs occurs gradually. Normally, the liquid in these sacs is watery. With diarrhea or impaired tone of the anal sphincter muscles, the process of secretion removal is disrupted, sometimes its complete cessation is observed.

Stagnation causes the secretion to become thick. Gradually, as it accumulates, the sacs increase in size and clog the anal glands in dogs.

If no measures are taken, the glands may rupture. When a bacterial infection is also added, the inflammatory process can be either ascending or descending, with ulcers and fistulas forming on the animal’s skin.

Causes of inflammation

Animals living on the street practically do not suffer from this problem, but pets, for various reasons, often cause their owners concern about this.

There are several reasons that can provoke this disease:

1. Hereditary factor. Most often, such a genetic predisposition occurs in small dogs, for example, pugs and bulldogs. And if the animal is also overweight, then this aggravates the situation.

2. Wrong diet. Often, owners pamper their pets with food from their table. It must be taken into account that excessive amounts of fatty, salty or sweet foods can lead to blockage of the anal glands.

3. Little physical activity. This is especially typical for those who are forced to sit in an apartment all day waiting for their owner.

4.Reduced immunity. This is also the prerogative of domestic animals, unlike their wild relatives.

5.Inattentive owners. Often the inflammatory process begins due to the carelessness of the owner, who did not notice the blockage of the anal glands in time.


One inflammatory process may differ from another; in total, there are two forms of this disease:

  1. Blockage of the anal glands. At first, this process does not cause anxiety to the animal, but as the bags fill, the dog begins to react painfully to touching the tail.
  2. Inflammation of the paraanal glands in dogs. Most often it begins to develop after bacteria enter the wound. If the secretion does not come out, then suppuration or an abscess occurs, which can burst and a fistula is formed. If the animal is not helped in this situation, complications, including death, are possible.

Symptoms of the disease

When the paraanal glands in dogs just begin to become clogged, this practically does not manifest itself at all. The animal may experience some discomfort, which it tries to get rid of on its own. Moreover, most often at this stage the secretion begins to become thicker, so in the absence of a reaction from the host, the process of inflammation will only progress over time.

You should immediately visit a veterinarian if you notice the following symptoms in your pet:

  • The dog grabs its tail.
  • Often licks the anus.
  • The pet rotates its tail.
  • When you touch the rear part, the animal experiences pain.
  • Pain during bowel movements.
  • "Rides" on his butt.

  • In some cases, body temperature rises.

A loving owner will always pay attention to his pet’s anxiety and do everything to save him from suffering. This is a fairly common problem - inflammation of the anal glands in dogs. Treatment is required immediately so as not to lead to serious complications and irreversible consequences.

Diagnosis of inflammation

It is usually not difficult to make a diagnosis. It is often enough for a competent specialist to examine the animal to understand the problem. To prescribe adequate treatment, it is necessary to conduct functional diagnostics and clinical studies.

During the examination, the doctor must find out the color and consistency of the secretion, and the presence of odor. If there are streaks of blood and a foul odor in the discharge, then we can say with certainty that bacteria are to blame for the inflammation of the anal glands in dogs. Treatment will have to be carried out using antibiotics.

Therapy for inflammation of the anal glands

Treatment of such a disease is usually carried out in several stages:

  1. Mechanical cleaning of glands.
  2. Antibacterial treatment.
  3. Surgical intervention.

Depending on the severity of the situation, the doctor prescribes treatment. If you notice health problems at the very beginning, you can get by with cleaning, which can be easily done at home.

Cleaning the dog's anal glands

With a little effort, this procedure can be easily done at home rather than taking your pet to the vet. There are two ways to do it. The first is this:

With inflammation, the paraanal glands in dogs are enlarged, the photo demonstrates this well, so, as a rule, there are no problems with their detection.

The second way to relieve your pet from suffering is as follows:

  • Again, you need to put the dog in the bath.
  • Put on gloves and lubricate with Vaseline oil.
  • Then you need to insert your finger into the anus, while the palm should be perpendicular to the floor.
  • Feel the gland and press on it with your index finger from the inside, and from the outside with your thumb.

Cleaning a dog's anal glands is distressing for the animal, so it is necessary for someone to support the pet under the belly.

Inflammatory process

If you do not clean the anal glands, the secretion begins to accumulate, becomes thick, and bacteria actively multiply in it. This is how the inflammatory process begins; just by the behavior of the animal one can suspect its presence:

  • The dog is constantly chewing under his tail.
  • Often rubs his anus on the floor or furniture.
  • The anus becomes swollen and red.
  • The fur around the glands begins to fade and fall out.
  • The skin is noticeably irritated, rashes and scratching.

If such symptoms occur, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. When the diagnosis of “inflammation of the paraanal glands” in a dog is confirmed, the treatment will be more serious than for a normal blockage.

The doctor removes the contents of the glands, treats the skin with an antiseptic and prescribes this. This is more effective than external treatment and tablets, although your pet will resist such intervention.


Everyone knows: if there is no special hole for removing fluid, then if the gland is full, it will find a place to exit. The wall breaks through and the secretion flows out. An abscess is a small hole through which yellowish fluid constantly oozes.

Neighboring tissues begin to become inflamed and painful, the dog often licks the affected area, bacteria enter the wound and multiply vigorously. All this leads to a sharp deterioration in the animal’s well-being, it becomes lethargic, and the temperature rises.

In such a situation, you urgently need to run to the veterinarian, he will show you how to clean the anal glands in dogs, so as not to allow this to happen again, remove all the pus and treat the wound. If necessary, drainage is installed, and suppositories are also prescribed, for example, Proctosedyl.

In difficult cases, a course of antibiotics is indicated to suppress the growth and reproduction of bacteria.

Removal of anal glands

Glandular blockages occur at different rates in dogs. For some, it is enough to clean once every six months, while there are those who will have to resort to this procedure every week. In such situations, veterinarians advise removing the dog’s paraanal glands to avoid relapses.

Surgery is often indicated for an abscess, especially if the tissue is severely damaged. It is more humane to carry out removal than to treat the disease in a long and painful way for the animal.

The operation is not difficult for the doctor. Two incisions are made slightly above the glands, they are brought out and cut off. Since during this operation the rectum and anus are not affected in any way, the very next day the animal feels as before.

To prevent the sutures from coming apart, you need to walk the dog more often so that it does not have to endure the urge to go to the toilet, and replace the diet with a lighter one.

Preventive actions

Any disease is easier to prevent, including inflammation of the paraanal glands in dogs. Treatment will not be needed if you follow some simple recommendations:

  1. Increase the time you spend walking with your animal. They should become regular; If it is possible to leave the dog in the yard, then it is advisable to do this periodically.
  2. Make sure that the animal empties its intestines and bladder in a timely manner.
  3. If you don’t have enough time to walk your dog and care for it, then it’s better not to get an animal.
  4. Your pet should have the opportunity to frolic with other dogs.
  5. Carry out antihelminthic therapy regularly.
  6. Periodically examine your dog's anal glands.
  7. Do not overfeed the animal. Obesity has never benefited anyone, including dogs.

If an animal appears in the house, then all concern for its health falls on the shoulders of the owner. It, like a small child, constantly needs love and attentive attitude towards itself. Before getting a dog, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian about all the problems and difficulties in keeping it. Otherwise, illiteracy and an indifferent attitude can cost your pet dearly.

Very often, dog owners are not even aware of the presence of any glands in their four-legged pet and are perplexed when they hear that something needs to be cleaned somewhere. And this is quite normal and natural.

However, it also happens that problems arise in an animal all the time, and cleaning the glands becomes regular and necessary, just like bathing.

Under the dog's tail, on both sides of the anus, there are a pair of anal glands. If you visually draw a horizontal line through the center of the anal sphincter, the glands will be located below the horizontal on both sides of the anus.

Diagram of the paraanal glands of a dog.


During defecation, the glands are emptied.

  • Subcutaneous glands e and visually we cannot examine them, however, with a strong inflammatory process, during palpation you can feel the sealing tubercles.
  • Ducts of a pair of anal glands exit into the rectum , to the area that is located almost at the sphincter itself.
  • In their anatomical structure, they have something in common with the sweat and sebaceous glands . The secretion that is produced normally has a yellow color, liquid consistency and a specific smell.
  • Such glands exist in the entire canine family. , as well as some other mammals, for example, skunks.
  • Emptying of the glands occurs during the act of defecation . The secret serves as a kind of odorous mark. With its help, animals “inform” their relatives about the ownership of the territory, and also attract individuals of the opposite sex.

Causes of inflammation and pathogenesis

Sometimes inflammation of a pair of anal glands occurs in dogs. There may be several reasons for this:

  • anal sphincter injuries;
  • genetic characteristics;
  • weakened immunity;
  • frequent constipation or.

Stress can trigger inflammation of the anal glands.

Any of these reasons can lead to blockage of the outlet channel. As a result, the secretion accumulates in the glandular sacs and becomes concentrated.

By changing its biochemical composition, it becomes a medium for microflora. Opportunistic microorganisms acquire increased virulence and begin to multiply rapidly. The secretion becomes thick, dark brown in color and has a foul odor.

Sometimes, the contents of a pair of anal glands may contain:

  • fibrin flakes - for fibrinous inflammation;
  • blood - with serous inflammation;
  • pus - with purulent inflammation.

If the pathogenic microflora develops intensively, and the animal is not helped, then the glands become overcrowded, their walls stretch and become thinner. As a result, a fistula can form either with an exit into the lumen of the rectum or with an exit out into the anal area.

Symptoms of inflammation in a dog

Initially, the accumulation of contents in the glands does not cause concern to the animal and is not clinically manifested. After some time, you may notice the dog's anxiety and increased attention to the anal area.

When inflammation occurs, the dog develops itching in the anus area.

  1. The dog sits down, stands up, sits down again and tries to lick or bite the anus area . Sometimes the animal “rides” in a sitting position, trying to rub its tail zone against all possible objects.
  2. By carefully observing the animal, one can judge that this the problem area is also itchy, and painful for the dog.
  3. If the process is delayed and purulent exudate forms in the cavity of the sac, then the absorption of pathogenic microflora and waste products leads to an increase in body temperature. However, it is also not always possible to measure the temperature in the rectum, with septic inflammation in the anal area, because the animal shows excessive anxiety. In addition, the temperature will be increased at the site of inflammation, which will not make it possible to understand a clear picture of what is happening throughout the body.
  4. In this case, it is necessary to carefully observe the animal, and if during the act of defecation the animal experiences not just anxiety, but also pain, we will understand this by the dog’s reaction, then it is necessary to immediately contact a veterinarian.
  5. There are times when a dog still violates the integrity of the skin (gnaws, tears against objects), the contents are poured out and temporary relief occurs. The dog calms down, and so does the owner. However, the glands continue to function and secrete secretions. The wound surface is glued together with purulent masses and fibrin threads, and “imaginary” healing occurs. The problem is not solved, it is only getting worse.

In this case, palpation is necessary. Using light pressure, feel the area near the anus. When foreign fluid accumulates (pus, exudate, transudate), you can clearly feel the soft spot, and the dog will be very worried.


If you have already noticed all the signs of concern, it is better to consult a doctor. Because with such symptoms, you may have to resort to surgically opening the cavities with installing drainage, washing the cavity with disinfectants and administering antibiotics.

  • If you discover a cavity on your own and there is no way to seek medical help, then an ointment with a broad-spectrum antibiotic should be placed in the sinus , for example, with cephalexin or amoxicillin.
  • These same antibiotics are used intramuscularly , course duration is 6-8 days.
  • If the cavities are not opened, then rectally (into the lumen of the anus) you can place suppositories such as “ Proctosedyl », « Ichthyols ».
  • If the dog’s condition is serious and medical assistance does not lead to recovery, a removal of a pair of anal sinuses (sacculectomy).

Ichthyol suppositories are used rectally.


If your dog is genetically predisposed to blockage of the excretory ducts of a pair of anal glands, your doctor may recommend that you carry out the debridement procedure yourself.

Twice a month you need to wash your dogs anus.

Cleansing, releasing the glands, is carried out mechanically and regularly. The interval between manipulations can be within 3-9 months, and is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the animal’s body. As a rule, sanitation is combined with bathing the dog.

Sometimes, sanitation is not even required; it is enough to carry out water procedures in the anus area with warm soapy water 2 times a month with light massaging of the anus area.

Cleaning the dog's anal gland at home

Let's look at several cleaning methods.

There are two ways to clean the anal gland.

Method 1

  1. If the procedure is combined with bathing, then the animal is placed in the bathtub. With one hand, we lift the dog’s tail as much as possible and move it to the back (up, not to the side), the anatomical feature is such that at this moment the muscles relax and the ducts open.
  2. Place a napkin on the anal area and gently squeeze lightly on both sides of the anal sphincter. In this case, the released secret remains in the napkin. Next, we start bathing the dog. At the end of the procedure, lubricate the anus area with Vaseline.
  3. If during the procedure the animal’s anxiety, pain reaction, or damage in the sphincter area (cracks, redness) is noticeable, lubricate the anus area with syntomycin liniment (ointment), and place rectal ichthyol suppositories for 3-4 days.

After the bathing procedure, you need to lubricate the anus with Vaseline.

Method 2

As a rule, doctors use this method because it allows one to simultaneously palpate the area of ​​the pair of anal glands for diagnostic purposes.

It is imperative to use personal protective equipment, in this case wear a rubber glove. Lubricate the anus area and fingers with Vaseline oil.

  1. The index finger is inserted into the rectum, and the thumb grasps the fold of skin around the sphincter. Apply pressure alternately on both sides with light massaging movements.
  2. The manipulation site is treated with a cloth moistened with chlorhexidine. We insert rectal ichthyol suppositories into the lumen of the anus for 3-4 days, preferably after the dog has defecated.
  3. For problem animals, it is advisable to wipe the anal area with a chlorhexidine wipe after each bowel movement. The procedure is simple and is an excellent prevention of inflammatory processes.
  4. Before using one method or another, consult your doctor; perhaps the anatomical features of your dog will be a contraindication and the doctor will give individual advice.

    Each organism has individual characteristics, and if in your dog they are associated with a violation of the outflow of secretions, then you need to perceive this as part of caring for the animal. Proper feeding, walking, bathing and sanitation are necessary procedures that make the four-legged life healthy and prosperous.

    Video about paraanal gland problems in dogs

The process of digesting food is the most important part of the life of any animal. Actually, like the process of evacuation of the remaining unprocessed residues from their body. Along with feces, many harmful substances are released into the external environment that can have a negative impact on the health of your pet. Many diseases of the excretory system, such as inflammation of the anus in dogs, cause many problems for animals, which can lead to serious pathological changes and cause serious harm to the health of your pet.

Proctitis(this is the scientific name for inflammation of the anus) is a pathology that develops when the rectum of a pet is inflamed at its final segment. This is very bad, since any mechanical impact, including the act of defecation, causes severe suffering and pain to the dog. The dog cannot relieve himself normally, which is why his health suffers greatly and his quality of life decreases. The disease can develop under the influence of a variety of external and internal environmental factors. Because the symptoms of proctitis are similar to other digestive disorders, your veterinarian will need to perform various tests to confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Read also: Cholecystitis in dogs affects the gallbladder

We should also not forget about various poisonings. Even relatively harmless substances commonly used at home can lead to very serious consequences if swallowed. Thus, various detergents in the form of powders and gels often end up in the body of a dog living at home. If swallowed once, it usually ends in a simple digestive upset, but if this happens several times, chronic colitis may develop.

(photo above, tumor in a Dalmatian) in the colon can also lead to a similar effect. It is worth noting that The inflammatory reaction is caused not only by malignant, but also by benign neoplasms. In this case, the life of the animal depends on the speed of diagnosis, since if there is a delay the pet will almost certainly die. So the conclusion is simple - if any strange behavior appears in your pet, if you notice that the act of defecation is causing serious suffering to your pet, you must urgently show him to a doctor. It is possible that this way you will save his life.

Also Proctitis can be a consequence of autoimmune, genetically determined diseases. Perhaps this is one of the most dangerous and practically unpredictable reasons. As a rule, such pathologies develop over many months or even years. Your pet's health deteriorates very gradually, and by the time severe symptoms appear, it is already too late.

Clinical picture, diagnosis

As we have already mentioned, the clinical picture of inflammation of the anus is very diverse, but the most characteristic signs include:

  • The dog strains when defecating.
  • Almost always found in feces blood(and a rich, red color).
  • The dog often licks the anus.
  • When defecating, the dog begins to whine, howl, and wheeze in pain.

Read also: Anaplasmosis in dogs: basic information, diagnosis and treatment methods

The veterinarian will perform a standard physical examination of the animal, focusing on the anal area. Additional diagnostic techniques such as a complete blood count, urinalysis and stool examination are the most valuable techniques in terms of the value of the information obtained. To rule out the presence of tumors, the veterinarian will perform x-rays and examination of the abdominal cavity. In doubtful and complex cases, a biopsy is recommended - this is the only way to find out whether the detected tumor is malignant or benign. This is important if surgery is planned.

In cases where there is a risk of developing secondary infections, antibiotics wide spectrum. Their use is justified in the postoperative period, since at this time the animal’s body is greatly weakened and cannot protect itself from the action of pathogenic microorganisms. During the treatment period, it will be useful to prescribe general restoratives and drugs, since their use has a good effect on the nonspecific resistance of the body.

Treatment of inflammation of the paraanal glands in dogs first begins with cleaning them, which can be done independently, without contacting a veterinarian. To do this, you need to purchase sterile gloves and Vaseline. Lubricate your index finger with Vaseline, insert it into the anus, feel for the spherical seal and, pressing lightly, bring its contents out. Do the same with the second ball. The procedure is best carried out in the bathroom due to the unpleasant odor of the secretion and the need to wash the dog with soap after it. To avoid complications after cleaning, put anti-inflammatory suppositories and wash the sinuses with antiseptics. Treatment with antibacterial, antifungal, and analgesic drugs is possible.

Drug treatment

Medicines to treat the disease depend on the severity of the condition. Suppositories for inflammation of the anal glands in dogs are indicated in any case. Most often they resort to methyluracil, but they also use ichthyol and proctosedyl.

Methyluracil - suppositories that accelerate the healing process of wounds and stimulate protective factors. A burning sensation may be felt upon injection. May cause allergies, dizziness, and headaches in people. Contraindicated for leukemia, malignant diseases of lymphoma, bone marrow.

Pain relief is carried out using novocaine blockades. The use of antibiotics is inevitable in case of abscesses and fistula formation. Broad-spectrum antibiotics that kill both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria are most effective for inflammation of the paraanal glands in dogs. It could be cefotaxime.

Cefotaxime - injections are administered to the animal intramuscularly (0.5 g of the drug is diluted in 2 ml of sterile water). Can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Contraindicated for liver and kidney diseases.

This pathology is characterized by itching in the anus, which explains the animal’s behavior, its restlessness, fidgeting on surfaces with its butt, and frantic biting under the tail. The drug dexafort is intended to relieve itching.

Dexafort is a glucocorticosteroid hormone, administered once (0.5-1 ml) intramuscularly or subcutaneously; the injection can be repeated after a week. Long-term use causes muscle weakness and weight loss. Use with caution for pregnant dogs.

For inflammation of the paraanal glands in dogs, another hormone is prescribed - prednisolone.

Prednisolone - as a rule, dogs are given an injection at the withers in a dose of 0.5 ml once a day. Long-term use is fraught with obesity and the appearance of ulcers in the digestive tract.

Antifungal treatment is carried out with fluconazole.

Fluconazole - exists in capsules, syrups, solutions. Dose: 10-20 mg/kg twice a day. Possible side effect in the form of stomach upset.

Vitamins and minerals are necessary for the dog for the normal functioning of the digestive tract, and therefore for timely and complete bowel movements, which is the key to its health. A balanced diet, including all the necessary products, and special vitamin complexes for animals will help her with this.

Physiotherapeutic treatment of inflammation of the paraanal glands involves massaging them, as well as applying warm compresses.

Many people tend to use traditional methods of treatment when treating their pets in order to avoid the aggressive chemical effects of medications. Based on the symptoms, you can use medicinal herbs that relieve inflammation (anise, cumin, parsley), antifungals (calendula, tansy, wormwood, St. John's wort), wound healing (plantain, basil), anthelmintics (tansy, garlic). Herbal treatment includes both drinking prepared potions internally and using them externally to treat the inflamed area. If you have problems giving your animal something to drink, you can mix the necessary herbs into the dog’s food.

Homeopathy uses toxic substances in its recipes. Its task is to reduce the toxicity and harm of a substance to nothing, increasing its biological activity. For this, dilutions are used. The first means the ratio of the active substance to the solution is 1:10. Higher dilutions are used to treat humans and animals. Here are some of these remedies.

Traumeel S is available in tablets, ointments and injection solutions. For inflammation of the paraanal glands, ointment is used. It is applied to the area around the anus several times a day. In humans, side effects were recorded extremely rarely in the form of allergies.

Phytoelite is an ointment that contains many medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects. The drug is applied in a thin layer to the damaged areas 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is 5-7 days.

Chronic constipation, which is a risk factor for inflammation of the paraanal glands, is combated with the help of such remedies as nux vomica-homaccord, chelidonium-homaccord. If the effect is insufficient, cardus compositum or mucosa compositum are prescribed.

Nux vomica-homaccord - for animals, therapy is carried out in the form of injections. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. It is possible to be allergic to the components included in the composition.

Cardus compositum - activates the immune system, adsorbs toxins and removes them naturally. An injection for a medium-sized dog will require 2 ml of the substance. Treatment is carried out until symptoms disappear. No side effects were identified.


In case of severe tissue damage during an abscess or chronic blockage of the glands, surgical treatment is resorted to - saculectomy. It involves removing the secretion sacs, because... they do not perform vital functions. This method is much more humane than endlessly taking antibiotics and depleting the body’s protective functions.

The anatomy of dogs is structured differently than that of humans. When planning to have a four-legged friend, potential owners should familiarize themselves with all the intricacies of caring for him. One of the possible ailments is inflammation of the anal glands in dogs.

These glands are sacs that are located symmetrically on both sides of the anus. They secrete a special secretion that simplifies the process of defecation - they work as a lubricant. In addition, they also allow the four-legged animals to mark their territory, leaving their individual scent everywhere. In some situations, these sacs swell, causing discomfort and pain in the animal. In the final stages, this can even end in death. Let us consider in more detail the causes of the disease, as well as methods of its treatment and prevention.

Causes of inflammation

The main causes of inflammation of the anal glands are:

  1. Digestive disorders due to poor nutrition. It is strictly forbidden to feed puppies food from their owners. Spicy, fatty and fried foods, as well as excess protein, are taboo.
  2. The animal's sedentary lifestyle and short walks. Due to the infrequency of walks and their short duration, the pet often has to hold back feces. This often causes inflammation of the sacs located near the anus. A sedentary lifestyle causes obesity.
  3. Heredity. In this case, we are talking about the fact that small dogs are more susceptible to the disease.
  4. Anal injuries. Injuries or other injuries caused by diarrhea or constipation also contribute to the exacerbation of the disease.
  5. Frequent diarrhea. This point is largely related to the previous one, because diarrhea leads to damage to the anus.
  6. Weak immunity. In some cases, the cause of the disease is infection. A weakened immune system makes the dog more vulnerable.

At-risk groups

This disease most often affects four-legged dwarf and decorative breeds. French and English bulldogs, Pekingese, dachshunds and pugs, as well as other small dogs, are most susceptible to the disease. Although some researchers believe that no connections with breeds have been identified at all. Most veterinarians agree that young animals are at greatest risk.

If you can mark a match with at least one item on this list, it’s worth considering whether your friend is at risk.

Types of the disease and the course of the disease, as well as possible complications

There are three types of the disease:

  1. The process of blockage of the anal glands. This is where it all begins. The secretion is not released naturally during bowel movements and accumulates. At this stage, itching and redness appear in the anus. A yellowish or transparent secretion begins to appear. The dog intensively scratches the affected area. Subsequently, the secretion becomes thicker, baldness in the anal area is observed, pustules also form on the inner side of the thigh, and pelvic paralysis occurs. Subsequently, the itching begins to cover an increasingly larger surface of the pet’s body, the secretion changes color and consistency, becoming darker and thicker.
  2. Inflammatory process. Suppuration occurs, and inflammation spreads from the gland itself to the surrounding tissues. If the ducts are not cleared at this stage, an abscess occurs.
  3. Fistula formation. Once mature, the abscess breaks out, resulting in the formation of a fistula in the area of ​​the anal gland. During this period, the dog begins to refuse food, there is an increase in body temperature, lethargy and a depressive state. Surgical treatment is required, otherwise everything can end in death.


Owners should always monitor the behavior of their furry friends. Some “alarm bells” will help the pet owner notice the disease at the initial stage, which will greatly facilitate the treatment process and prevent the dog’s suffering.

Behavioral changes

First of all, you can notice the following changes in your pet’s behavior:

  • he/she begins to lick the damaged area;
  • restlessness, fidgeting on the butt, which can be confused with worms;
  • pain during defecation, the presence of which can be judged by the dog’s behavior;
  • lethargy and refusal to eat.

Visual manifestations of the disease

Even when examined at home, you can notice violations, such as:

  • redness of the anus and swelling in this area;
  • baldness of the area around the anus;
  • increase in body temperature.

These symptoms indicate the need to urgently contact a veterinary clinic. Although in some cases it is quite possible to clean clogged ducts yourself (the author of the video is the Children of Fauna channel).


The disease can be diagnosed by external symptoms, as well as by palpating the anal glands. To do this, you need to put on a sterile glove, place the animal in the bathtub and insert your finger into its anus. Using gentle movements, you need to feel the areas on the sides of the anus. As a rule, you can feel the enlargement of the secretion sacs by touch.

The most correct option would be to contact a veterinary clinic. A qualified specialist will make this procedure as painless as possible for your pet.

Pet treatment methods

It is important to note that you can treat your dog yourself only if it is not possible to see a doctor at the moment. To alleviate the suffering of the animal, you can use rectal suppositories with ichthyol. It is also possible to use broad-spectrum antibiotic ointments, which include amoxicillin. In addition, intramuscular injections with similar antibiotics can be given. If there are regular relapses of inflammation, veterinarians recommend cleaning the glands at home or removing them altogether.

Mechanical cleaning and antibacterial treatment

Sanitation can be carried out in two ways: external and internal.

External cleaning

You can simply and painlessly clean your dog's anal glands using an ordinary napkin and Vaseline. The animal should be placed in the bathtub and its tail raised up towards its back. This position of the tail leads to relaxation of the muscles, the ducts open, which makes cleaning as comfortable as possible. Place a napkin on the sphincter area, gently press on both sides and wipe off the released secretion with the napkin. After the procedure, the anus should be lubricated with Vaseline. Then place ichthyol suppositories for three days.

Internal cleaning

If you decide to clean your dog’s ducts in a more invasive way, then you need to put a rubber glove on your hand, and the owner’s fingers and the animal’s anus should be lubricated with Vaseline oil. The index finger is inserted into the anus, while the thumb holds the skin located near the sphincter. It is necessary to apply pressure on both sides with light massage movements. Upon completion of the procedure, we wipe the hole with chlorhexidine, and then, as with the first cleaning method, we place ichthyol suppositories rectally for three to four days. Chlorhexidine is excellent at helping to cope with inflammation, and ichthyol suppositories are most often used for hemorrhoids in people, which fully explains their use in this case.

Surgical intervention

If the glands are regularly inflamed or a fistula occurs, the problem must be solved surgically. In this case, the bags are simply removed to prevent further problems. The operation is simple and the next day the animal will feel absolutely healthy. The rehabilitation period consists of taking vitamins; in addition, it is recommended to feed the pet light food and walk it often so that it does not have to endure when it wants to empty its intestines.


As noted above, fatty, salty, fried and spicy foods should be excluded from your pet’s diet. The diet should be enriched with fiber; porridge, lean meat or balanced dry food are best. Do not forget that a mandatory addition to any dry food is always a filled bowl of water.