Drug resistance. Cellular nonspecific protective factors

During the treatment process, many are faced with the problem of body resistance to antibiotics. For many, such a medical opinion becomes a real problem in the treatment of various diseases.

What is resistance?

Resistance is the resistance of microorganisms to the action of antibiotics. In the human body, in the totality of all microorganisms, there are individuals resistant to the action of antibiotics, but their number is minimal. When the antibiotic begins to act, the entire cell population dies (bactericidal effect) or stops developing altogether (bacteriostatic effect). Antibiotic-resistant cells remain and begin to actively multiply. This predisposition is inherited.

The human body develops a certain sensitivity to the action of a certain kind of antibiotics, and in some cases, a complete replacement of links metabolic processes, which makes it possible for microorganisms not to react to the action of the antibiotic.

Also, in some cases, microorganisms themselves may begin to produce substances that neutralize the effect of the substance. This process is called enzymatic inactivation of antibiotics.

Those microorganisms that are resistant to a particular type of antibiotic may, in turn, be resistant to similar classes of substances with similar mechanisms of action.

Is resistance really that dangerous?

Is resistance good or bad? The problem of resistance in this moment acquires the effect of the “post-antibiotic era”. If previously the problem of resistance or non-acceptance of an antibiotic was solved by creating a stronger substance, then at the moment this is no longer possible. Resistance is an issue that needs to be taken seriously.

The main danger of resistance is the untimely entry of antibiotics into the body. The body simply cannot immediately respond to its action and is left without proper antibiotic therapy.

The main danger levels include:

  • disturbing factors;
  • global problems.

In the first case there is Great chance problems of resistance development due to the prescription of such groups of antibiotics as cephalosporins, macrolides, quinolones. These are fairly strong broad-spectrum antibiotics that are prescribed for the treatment of dangerous and complex diseases.

The second type - global problems - represents all the negative aspects of resistance, including:

  1. Extended hospitalization periods.
  2. Large financial costs for treatment.
  3. A large percentage of mortality and morbidity in humans.

Such problems are especially pronounced when traveling to Mediterranean countries, but mainly depend on the type of microorganisms that can come under the influence of the antibiotic.

Antibiotic resistance

The main factors leading to the development of antibiotic resistance include:

  • drinking water of low quality;
  • unsanitary conditions;
  • uncontrolled use of antibiotics, as well as their use on livestock farms for the treatment of animals and the growth of young animals.

Among the main approaches to solving problems in combating infections due to antibiotic resistance, scientists have come to:

  1. Development of new types of antibiotics.
  2. Change and modification of chemical structures.
  3. New developments of drugs that will be aimed at cellular functions.
  4. Inhibition of virulence determinants.

How to reduce the possibility of developing antibiotic resistance?

The main condition is the maximum elimination of the selective effect of antibiotics on the bacteriological course.

To overcome antibiotic resistance, certain conditions must be met:

  1. Prescribe antibiotics only for a clear clinical picture.
  2. The use of simple antibiotics in treatment.
  3. Use of short courses of antibiotic therapy.
  4. Taking microbiological samples to determine the effectiveness of a specific group of antibiotics.

Nonspecific resistance

This term is commonly understood as the so-called innate immunity. This is a whole complex of factors that determine susceptibility or immunity to the action of a particular drug on the body, as well as antimicrobial systems that do not depend on prior contact with the antigen.

Such systems include:

  • Phagocyte system.
  • Skin and mucous membranes of the body.
  • Natural eosinophils and killer cells (extracellular destroyers).
  • Compliment systems.
  • Humoral factors in the acute phase.

Factors of nonspecific resistance

What is a resistance factor? The main factors of nonspecific resistance include:

  • All anatomical barriers (skin, ciliated epitile).
  • Physiological barriers (Ph, temperature, soluble factors - interferon, lysozyme, complement).
  • Cell barriers (direct lysis of foreign cells, endocytosis).
  • Inflammatory processes.

Main properties of nonspecific protective factors:

  1. A system of factors that precedes the encounter with an antibiotic.
  2. There is no strict specific reaction, since the antigen is not recognized.
  3. There is no memory of a foreign antigen upon secondary contact.
  4. Effectiveness continues in the first 3-4 days until adaptive immunity comes into play.
  5. Rapid response to antigen exposure.
  6. Formation of a rapid inflammatory process and immune response to antigen.

Summing up

This means resistance is not very good. The problem of resistance currently occupies quite a serious place among antibiotic treatment methods. In the process of prescribing a certain type of antibiotics, a doctor must carry out the entire range of laboratory and ultrasound examinations to set an accurate clinical picture. Only after receiving this data can you proceed to prescribing antibiotic therapy. Many experts recommend prescribing mild antibiotics for treatment first, and if they are ineffective, moving on to a wider range of antibiotics. This step-by-step approach will help avoid possible development problems such as body resistance. It is also not recommended to self-medicate and uncontrolled use of medications in the treatment of people and animals.

RESISTANCE OF THE ORGANISM(lat. resistentia resistance, counteraction) the body's resistance to the effects of various damaging factors.

In the process of phylogenesis, the human and animal body acquired morphofunctional properties that ensure its existence in conditions of continuous interaction with the environment; many factors (physical, chemical, biological) could cause disruption of vital functions, damage and even death of the organism if its stability is insufficient - underdevelopment or weakening of defense mechanisms and adaptive reactions.

R. o. is closely related to its reactivity (see Reactivity of the body). The body's ability to withstand damaging influences is ultimately determined by its response as a whole to these influences. R. o., thus, represents one of the main consequences and expressions of its reactivity.

The concept of “body resistance” covers wide circle phenomena. In some cases, it depends on the properties of various organs and systems not related to active reactions on impacts. Nair., barrier properties of many structures that prevent the penetration of microorganisms through them, foreign substances etc., are largely due to their physical characteristics: subcutaneous tissue has good thermal insulation properties; bones, tendons and other tissues of the musculoskeletal system are highly resistant to mechanical stress; the skull has great importance in protecting the brain from damage, etc.

In addition to such relatively passive mechanisms of R. o., extremely important are adaptive reactions(see Device) aimed at maintaining homeostasis (see) under harmful influences environment or with changes occurring in the body itself. These reactions, which underlie R. o., can each be individually characteristic of a specific biol. species (species R. o.). Thus, different species of mammals have unequal resistance to poisons (morphine, histamine, etc.), infectious agents, and cooling. High species R. o. may be associated either with special power protective systems(e.g. high resistance to bacterial factor in rats), either by the absence of specialized receptors, or by the underdevelopment of the mechanisms necessary for the implementation of the corresponding patol. process (for example, mild allergic reactions in fish and amphibians).

R. o. to various factors may depend on congenital individual characteristics. It is known that even during epidemics caused by very virulent microorganisms (plague, cholera, etc.), not all people who were in close contact with the sick get sick, and the process does not proceed in the same way for those who are sick. Some people are resistant to kinetosis and are not susceptible to motion sickness; the innate resistance to cooling, overheating, and the action of various chemicals is different. substances ( medicines, poisons, toxins) and exposure to ionizing radiation.

Large fluctuations in individual R. o. associated not only with congenital factors, but also with the features of R. o. at the moment of its interaction with the damaging agent. At the same time, numerous factors that change individual reactivity can increase or decrease R. o. to one effect or another. Fluctuations of R. o. are known. depending on the time of year, during the day. On R. o. environmental factors have a significant influence. An organism has the greatest resistance when it has an adequate relationship with the environment. Both insufficient and excessive influences biologically significant factors environment reduce resistance. For example, fasting significantly weakens R. o., contributing to an increase in the incidence of infectious and various somatic diseases. Excessive nutrition also contributes to a decrease in R. o. to the factors causing disturbances metabolism, functions endocrine glands, circulatory system, etc. In crust, time hypokinesia (see) becomes of great importance, the edges significantly reduce R. o. However, overtraining, for example, in athletes, also reduces R. o. Properly organized socially useful work, alternating with rest, normal family and living conditions are important prerequisites for the normal course of mental and physical. processes and contribute to an increase in overall R. o. At the same time, the lack of positive motivation for work, constant professional overload, disruption of biorhythms, and other factors contributing to neuropsychic trauma reduce R. o. and predispose to various diseases. R. o. changes in the same direction. under the influence of such socially mediated harmful factors as alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, etc.

R. o. changes during ontogenesis. Newborns who have received a supply of antibodies from their mother for some time turn out to be highly resistant to a number of inf. diseases. Along with this, due to the immaturity of adaptation systems, they are characterized by increased sensitivity to environmental changes (cooling, overheating), malnutrition, water starvation, etc. Subsequently, sensitivity to certain information increases. factors (childhood infections). Adolescence is characterized by neurological instability endocrine system, and with acceleration, characteristic of industrialized countries, an additional weakening of R. o. is often observed, which contributes to the occurrence of a number of nervous and somatic diseases. In adulthood, R. o. the highest. In old and senile age, due to the development of atherosclerosis, circulatory disorders, decreased function of the endocrine glands, tissue atrophy and other processes leading to a limitation of the functional and structural reserves of the body, general R. o. goes down. However, older people may be more resistant to the action of factors that exert their pathogenic effects through hyperreactions (allergies, etc.), since the ability to such reactions weakens with age. In old age, metabolism decreases, which can contribute to an increase in R. o. to food and water starvation.

Certain features of R. o. related to gender. Thus, women are more resistant to hypoxia, blood loss, and injuries. They are less likely to experience hypercholesterolemia and develop atherosclerosis later. Biorhythms in women associated with menstrual cycle, significantly change R. o., therefore, during certain periods of this cycle, women are especially sensitive to mental, infectious and other factors.

There are nonspecific and specific R. o. Specific resistance characterizes the high tolerance of only certain environmental factors, as is observed in people who have suffered certain infections (measles, smallpox, etc.), or specially immunized with vaccines (Immunity, Infection). Increased resistance to certain environmental factors is formed in the process of adaptation (see), for example, to high mountain conditions, low temperatures, increased physical activity, etc. At the same time, adaptation and high R. o. in relation to any effect may be accompanied by an increase in R. o. and to other factors (eg, physical activity and hypoxia). It is possible, however, that successful protection against one category of influences is accompanied by a decrease in R. o. to others; for example, when adapting to muscle loads, the body's resistance to certain infections and poisons may decrease. The mechanisms of specific resistance to microbes and viruses are determined mainly by the intensity of humoral and cellular immunity (see).

Under nonspecific R. o. usually understand resistance to the action of many factors that are diverse in nature, including those of an extreme nature. Very high R. o. this kind characterizes, for example, astronauts, pilots, divers and representatives of other specialties associated with large and sometimes unpredictable loads.

The mechanisms of nonspecific resistance have not yet received a sufficiently complete explanation. Available in varying degrees substantiated hypotheses about the role of certain organs and systems in nonspecific resistance. A. A. Bogomolets, and later G. Selye, drew attention to the meaning in R. o. adrenal cortex. Its hormones (gluco- and mineralocorticoids) play a large and diverse role in the body’s adaptation to the action of many damaging environmental factors. In epinephrectomized animals, as well as in people with insufficiency of the adrenal cortex, nonspecific R. o. turns out to be reduced, which is due to Ch. arr. with a lack of glucocorticoids, the need for them under stress (see) increases significantly. When analyzing R. o. The integrating role of various departments of the c is clearly evident. n. With. L.A. Orbeli provided convincing evidence of the adaptive-trophic role of the sympathetic nervous system, A.D. Speransky showed the participation of various nervous mechanisms in the formation of R. o. to poisons, toxins, injuries, as well as the role of the nervous system in the development of dystrophic processes. Specific mechanisms of nervous control of R. o. in many cases are not clear enough. However, there is no doubt that the response to the action of a damaging factor, regardless of the level of its direct implementation, is formed as a reaction of an integral system that exerts its influence on organs and tissues through efferent nerves and indirectly through the endocrine glands. Physiologically active substances formed during metabolism during stress reactions and tissue damage also play an important role. R. o. is ensured not by any special body or one system, but by the targeted interaction of various bodies and physiological systems. In this case, the adequacy of regulation and the state of the executive systems (circulation, respiration, excretion, blood, etc.) are of great importance* The system of cellular immunity, in which T- and B-lymphocytes play an important role (see Immunocompetent cells), as well as macrophages (see), is essential not only in the fight against infection, but also in maintaining the general R. o. In particular, it has been revealed that somatic mutations caused by oncogenic substances (see), with normal cellular immunity, often do not lead to the formation of a tumor germ, since mutant cells, being foreign to the body, undergo lysis.

With general high nonspecific resistance, the body may not be resistant enough to certain influences. In extreme conditions, for example, among astronauts, signs of insufficient resistance of the vestibular apparatus may appear, which leads to disruption of a number of autonomic functions. Some people with very high general resistance cannot tolerate alcohol due to low activity of alcohol dehydrogenase.

Condition and features of R. o. can be identified to a certain extent using functional tests and loads, which are used for prof. selection and in the clinic to assess the functional reserves of organs and systems. In some cases, R. o. in relation to certain influences can be assessed by direct studies of the most essential components of the systems involved in the formation of R. o. (eg immunity indicators). Directed change in R. o. is one of promising directions preventive and curative medicine.

Bibliography: Ado A. D. Some age-related features of the body’s allergic reactivity, Proceedings of Conf. by age. changes in metabolism and reactivity of the body, p. 74, Kyiv, 1951; aka, General allergology, p. 321, M., 1970; Akinschikova G.I. Physique and reactivity of the human body, L., 1969; Anokhin P.K. Essays on physiology functional systems, M., 1975; Vernet F. M. Integrity of the body and immunity, trans. from English, M., 1964; aka, Cellular Immunology, trans. from English, M., 1971; Bogomolets A. A. Selected works, vol. 2, Kyiv, 1957; Bochkov N.P. Human genetics, Heredity and pathology, M., 1978; Homeostasis, ed. P. D. Gorizontova, M., 1976; Treasurer V. P. Modern aspects adaptations, Novosibirsk, 1980, bibliogr.; L aza-r e in N. V., Lyublina E. I. and Rozin M. A. State of nonspecifically increased resistance, Pat. Physiol. and experiment. ter., vol. 3, no. 4, p. 16, 1959; Meerson F. 3. Adaptation, stress and prevention, M., 1981, bibliogr.; Orbeli L. A. Questions of evolutionary physiology, Selected works, vol. 1, M.-L., 1961; Parkhon K.I. Age biology, trans. from Romanians, Bucharest, 1959; Pianka E. Evolutionary ecology, trans. from English, M., 1981; S e l e P. Essays on the adaptation syndrome, trans. from English, M., 1960; o n e, Nonspecific resistance, Pat. Physiol. and experiment. ter., vol. 5, no. 3, p. 3, no. 4, p. 3, 1961, bibliogr.; Sirotin and N. N. Evolution of resistance and reactivity of the body, M., 1981, bibliogr.; Speransky A. D. Nervous system in pathology, M.-L., 1930; Cell biology and immunology of leukocyte function, ed. by M. B. Quastel, N. Y. a. o., 1979; The immune system, functions and therapy of dysfunction, ed. ByG. Doria, L. a. o., 1980.

V. K. Kulagin, N. I. Losev.

Resistance is the body's resistance to pathogenic influences.
The body's resistance to pathogenic influences is expressed in various forms. For example, the skin and mucous membranes are structures that prevent the penetration of microorganisms and many toxic substances into the body. They carry out the so-called barrier function. Subcutaneous fatty tissue has poor thermal conductivity; bones and other tissues of the musculoskeletal system are characterized by significant resistance to deformation under the influence of mechanical influences. The given examples indicate the resistance of tissues and, accordingly, the organism as a whole, depending on their structure and inherited properties. This is the so-called primary resistance.
Primary resistance is hereditary. Its basis is morphofunctional features organism, thanks to which it is resistant to extreme factors (single-celled organisms and worms are resistant to radiation, cold-blooded animals are resistant to hypothermia, etc.). Hereditary immunity to infection is due to the molecular characteristics of the body’s constitution, due to which the structures of the latter cannot serve as a habitat for a given microorganism or are absent on the surface of cells chemical groups, necessary for fixation of the microorganism and chemical incomplementarity occurs between the molecules of aggression and their molecular targets, or the cells do not contain substances necessary for the development of the microorganism, or there are products that interfere with its development. For example, animal cells are affected by the parainfluenza Sendai virus only when there is a certain number and order of arrangement of gangliosides on the cell membrane and in the presence of a terminal radical on sialic acids; malarial plasmodium cannot multiply in red blood cells containing hemoglobin type B, so patients with sickle cell anemia have hereditary passive resistance to malaria. Thanks to hereditary immunity, people are not susceptible to many animal infections, and during the period of smallpox and plague epidemics, some people did not perceive the infection through direct contact with patients.

Hereditary resistance (in particular immunity) can be absolute and relative. Gonorrhea is a human disease only, and in the experiment it is not possible to infect animals with gonococcus. Anthrax in chickens, to which they are resistant under normal conditions, can be caused by cooling.
Secondary resistance is acquired (for example, immunity after infectious diseases, after administration of vaccines and serums). Resistance to non-infectious influences is acquired through training, for example to physical activity, acceleration and overload, hypoxia, low and high temperatures etc.
Passive resistance of the body is ensured by its barrier systems (skin, mucous membranes, blood-brain barrier, etc.), the presence of bactericidal factors ( of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, lysozyme in saliva), hereditary immunity.
Active resistance is ensured by the inclusion of protective adaptive and compensatory mechanisms, which include emigration of leukocytes, phagocytosis, production of antibodies, neutralization and elimination of toxins, release of stress hormones, changes in blood circulation and respiration, fever, synthesis of acute phase proteins by the liver, increased leuko- or erythropoiesis, etc.
Reactivity and resistance are interrelated, but not always unidirectional. For example, in children under 3 months of age who are breastfed, reactivity is reduced, but resistance to certain infections is increased, since they received antibodies from their mother. A newborn animal has low reactivity and high resistance to hypoxia, while an adult animal has the opposite. When conducting surgical interventions with the help of anesthesia they reduce reactivity and at the same time increase the patient’s resistance to injury. During hibernation, animals have reduced reactivity, but increased resistance to many external factors. At the same time, most diseases in old people are hypoergic, but their resistance is low. With agammaglobulinemia, HIV in patients, immunological reactivity is sharply reduced and nonspecific reactivity is increased, but resistance to infection remains very low.

Body resistance – (from lat. resistere - resist ) is the body’s ability to resist the action of pathogenic factors or immunity to the effects of damaging external and internal environment. In other words, resistance is the body’s resistance to the action of pathogenic factors.

During evolution, the organism acquired certain adaptive mechanisms that ensure its existence in conditions of constant interaction with the environment. The absence or insufficiency of these mechanisms could cause not only disruption of life, but also death of the individual.

The body's resistance manifests itself in various forms.

Primary(natural, hereditary ) resistanceb is the body’s resistance to the action of factors, determined by the peculiarities of the structure and function of organs and tissues that are inherited. For example, the skin and mucous membranes are structures that prevent microorganisms and many toxic substances from entering the body. They perform a barrier function. Subcutaneous fat, having poor thermal conductivity, helps preserve endogenous heat. The tissues of the musculoskeletal system (bones, ligaments) provide significant resistance to deformation due to mechanical damage.

Primary resistance may be absolute And relative :

    absolute primary resistance - a classic example is hereditary resistance to a number of infectious agents (“hereditary immunity”). Its presence is explained by the molecular characteristics of the organism, which cannot serve as a habitat for a particular microorganism, or there are no cellular receptors necessary for fixation of the microorganism, i.e. There are receptor incomplementarities between aggression molecules and their molecular targets. In addition, the cells may not contain substances necessary for the existence of microorganisms, or they may contain products that interfere with the development of viruses and bacteria. Thanks to absolute resistance, the human body is not affected by many infectious diseases of animals (absolute immunity of humans to rinderpest), and vice versa - animals are not susceptible to a large group infectious pathology people (gonorrhea is a human disease only).

    relative primary resistance – under certain conditions, the mechanisms of absolute resistance can change and then the body is able to interact with an agent that was previously “ignored” by it. For example, poultry (chickens) do not get sick under normal conditions anthrax, against the background of hypothermia (cooling), it is possible to cause this disease. Camels, which are immune to the plague, contract it after being very tired.

Secondary(acquired, modified) resistance– this is the stability of the body, formed after preliminary exposure to certain factors. An example is the development of immunity after infectious diseases. Acquired resistance to non-infectious agents is formed through training to hypoxia, physical activity, low temperatures (hardening), etc.

Specific resistanceis the body's resistance to influence of any one agent . For example, the emergence of immunity after recovery from infectious diseases such as smallpox, plague, measles. This type of resistance also includes increased resistance of the body after vaccination.

Nonspecific resistanceis the body's resistance to exposure to several agents at once . Of course, it is impossible to achieve resistance to the entire variety of external and internal environmental factors - they are different in nature. However, if a pathogenetic factor occurs in many diseases (caused by various ethological factors) and its action plays a leading role in their pathogenesis, then resistance to it manifests itself to a greater number of influences. For example, artificial adaptation to hypoxia significantly facilitates the course of a large group of pathologies, since it often determines their course and outcome. Moreover, in some cases, the resistance achieved by this technique can prevent the development of a particular disease or pathological process.

Active resistanceThis is the stability of the body, ensured by the inclusion of protective and adaptive mechanisms in response to agents . This may be the activation of phagocytosis, the production of antibodies, the emigration of leukocytes, etc. Resistance to hypoxia is achieved by increasing ventilation of the lungs, accelerating blood flow, increasing the number of red blood cells in the blood, etc.

Passive resistanceThis is the stability of the body associated with its anatomical and physiological characteristics, i.e. it does not provide for the activation of defensive reactions when exposed to agents. This resistance is provided by the body’s barrier systems (skin, mucous membrane, histohematic and hematolymphatic barriers), the presence of bactericidal factors (hydrochloric acid in the stomach, lysozyme in saliva), hereditary immunity, etc.

A.Sh. Zaichik, L.P. Churilov (1999) instead of the term “ passive resistance » propose to use the term to denote the above described states of the body "portability ».

There is a slightly different interpretation "portability " During the action of two or more extraordinary (extreme) factors, the body often responds to only one of them, and does not respond to the action of the others. For example, animals exposed to radial acceleration tolerate a lethal dose of strychnine, and they have a higher percentage of survival under conditions of hypoxia and overheating. In shock, the body's response to mechanical stress sharply decreases. This form of response, according to I.A. Arshavsky, cannot be named resistance , since under these conditions the body is not able to actively resist the action of other environmental agents, maintaining hemostasis, it only transfers impact on the state deep oppression of vital activity . This is the state of I.A. Arshavsky suggested calling “ portability" .

General resistancethis is the resistance of the organism as a whole to the action of a particular agent. For example, general resistance to oxygen starvation ensures the functioning of its organs and systems due to various protective and adaptive mechanisms activated at various levels of organization of living systems. These are systemic reactions - an increase in the activity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, these are also subcellular changes - an increase in the volume and number of mitochondria, etc. All this provides protection for the body as a whole.

Local resistanceis the resistance of individual organs and tissues of the body to the effects of various agents . Resistance of the mucous membranes of the stomach and 12 duodenum to ulceration is determined by the state of the mucous-bicarbonate barrier of these organs, the state of microcirculation, the regenerative activity of their epithelium, etc. The availability of toxins in the central nervous system is largely determined by the state of the blood-brain barrier; it is impenetrable for many toxic substances and microorganisms.

The variety of forms of resistance demonstrates the body’s significant capabilities in protecting itself from the effects of external and internal environmental factors. Individuals, as a rule, can be noted to have several types of reactivity . For example, a patient was injected with antibodies to a certain type of microorganism (staphylococcus) - the forms of resistance are as follows: secondary, general, specific, passive.

During the cold season and in the off-season, human immunity weakens significantly. This increases the number of infectious diseases. Some people start sneezing after a short stay in a draft, others cope much better with viruses and pathogens. How to increase the body's resistance?

Infectious diseases

This is a wide group of diseases known to mankind since ancient times. Millions of people died from simple flu or smallpox until ways to combat them were developed. The search and development of effective antiviral drugs is still an important task for pharmaceuticals today.

How do infectious diseases manifest themselves?

The most common symptoms are:


Muscle weakness.

Sexual impotence.

Increased fatigue.

Certain symptoms are expressed to a greater or lesser extent depending on the specific disease. Banal pain in occipital region may indicate not only infectious diseases, but may also indicate more serious pathologies: brain tumor, thromboembolism, neuralgia, etc. General symptoms and manifestations of any type infectious lesion - muscle pain, loss of appetite, decreased body resistance, malaise and elevated body temperature. If you take treatment lightly or self-medicate, the disease can develop into chronic form with damage to any target organ.

Prevention and recovery

It is possible to cleanse the blood of pathogenic microorganisms, normalize the intestinal microflora and increase the body’s resistance only through comprehensive measures. Probiotic biologically active additives"Evitalia" will help get rid of viral infections, cleanse the body of toxins and increase resistance to infectious agents. The best results are achieved with a combination of known and clinically tested treatment methods. Suppression of growth and development pathogenic bacteria carried out pathogenetic therapy, which blocks the chain processes of division and growth of pathogenic cells. Improving immunity and normalizing natural microflora intestines, which has been disrupted by the influence of harmful bacteria.

Modern medicine identifies several therapeutic methods prevention. Infectious and viral diseases transmitted by air or by contact Therefore, the primary task in the fight against diseases is isolation of the patient. Good nutrition, walks and physical exercise outdoors can increase the body's resistance. Personal hygiene standards should be observed. The use of medications recommended by the attending physician stops further infection of healthy tissues.

The main ways to increase the body's resistance:

Active and healthy lifestyle.

Good nutrition: the presence of vegetables and fruits.

Health-improving hardening procedures.

There are several groups into which diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms and viruses are classified. These are diseases gastrointestinal tract, blood, dermatological pathologies and respiratory diseases.

Let's consider pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. The main cause of intestinal diseases is a violation of microflora under the influence of pathogenic bacteria. Sources of these pathogenic microorganisms are often water and food. These infections pose a great danger to both children and adults.

The parenteral area and gastrointestinal tract can be affected by bacterial, fungal and viral infections, as well as their waste products, such as poisons and toxins. Symptoms of this pathology manifest themselves in the form of periodic constipation, diarrhea, pain in the central region abdomen and other signs. Intolerance to easily digestible sugars and lactose often indicates problems with the digestive tract. The natural dietary supplement Bifidum Evitalia contains a complex of probiotic microorganisms that as soon as possible restore the balance of intestinal microflora.

Apathy and increased fatigue

Fungal infections reduce performance, interfere with concentration and contribute to fatigue. Powerlessness and indifference are observed every day and traditional ways to cheer up are no longer effective. Malaise, pain in the muscles, and aching bones can bother you for a long time, reducing the quality of life.

Skin lesions

Dermatological diseases can be caused by hormonal changes in the body during the transition period or during pregnancy. However, in otherwise obvious and almost certain reason skin lesions are pathologies gastrointestinal system. During the initial examination by a dermatologist, an obvious cause cannot be determined and a visit to a gastroenterologist is required, who will identify problems with the intestines. Dandruff, dermatitis and psoriasis are the most common types of skin lesions due to fungal infections of the gastrointestinal tract.

Psychological disorders: stress, neurosis

The modern world is overloaded with information flow and it is easy to get out of balance. Many people complain of nervousness at the slightest provocation, sleep disturbances, depressive states and paranoia. The natural food biocomplex Evitalia will help resolve many pathologies of the nervous system. Often reasons psychological disorders are dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Rotavirus infection

Rotaviruses - pathogenic viruses, which are causative agents of intestinal flu in children. In adults this pathology occurs in a mild form and often does not require medical intervention. The disease is transmitted through household contact. Sources of rotaviruses are unwashed vegetables and fruits, dairy products with impaired storage conditions. Stomach flu may present as mild symptoms pain in the ileal region, diarrhea and constipation. A clear sign is loose stool yellow color. Possible manifestations of pathology from the upper respiratory tract: sore throat, cough, runny nose. Often the disease goes away on its own with normalization of the diet and the inclusion of fermented milk products. Incubation period is 3–5 days, period clinical manifestations lasts about a week recovery period is about 5 days. Symptoms characteristic of adults occur in a similar form in children.


A decrease in the body's resistance is the main cause of the vast majority of diseases. Own biological resources are unable to resist viral infections, treatment in such cases becomes significantly more complicated.

Immunity is the natural shield of any living creature that prevents exposure pathogens and other foreign agents that can cause disruption of the internal environment of the body (homeostasis).

Immune cells are protein in nature. Each such cell enters into a complex with any foreign agent. If the original “code” of the immunoglobulin is not coplanar with the new particle, a mechanism is launched to destroy the foreign particle by fermentation. Useful material food products (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) are acceptable elements that T-helper immune cells “pass”. During the process of deterioration, organic molecules are modified into new derivatives. These converted substances are foreign to immune system. As a result of their entry, the destruction mechanism is triggered, however, with a significant concentration of these compounds, the reserves of the immune system cannot cope and outside help is required. The Evitalia health complex, which contains a set of important elements to restore the balance of the body’s internal environment, can help in such a situation.

Signs of decreased resistance include the following: apathy, feeling groggy in the morning, depression, increased sensitivity to temperature changes, weather headaches, skin rashes and blisters on the face and genitals. Decreased immunity leads to frequent colds in the off-season. Typical signs Loss of appetite and associated weight loss, skin rashes and redness are also considered.


Skin rashes, rashes and other lesions that are caused by internal and external factors are classified as dermatological diseases. Dermatitis is often caused by hereditary diseases, and their manifestation can be triggered by stressful situations. Dermatitis - complex disease nosological group. There are local and systemic dermatitis (toxidermia).

Factors direct action for dermatitis:

Neuroses and psycho-emotional disorders. Could be the reason hereditary type and also wear general character against the background of a weakened immune system.

Violation healthy diet nutrition. It entails changes in the balance of intestinal microflora, causing dysbiosis, which manifests itself in the form of rashes, dandruff and other skin lesions.

Direct signs of general symptoms dermatitis:

Dryness and itching. The nature of the manifestation directly depends on the location of the source of infection and the concentration nerve endings in the affected area. With contact dermatitis, the itching can be so severe that the patient may be forced to damage the damaged skin, which will lead to deep infection and possible suppuration.

Erythema. With this disease, blood tends to fill the upper skin which causes redness. At severe forms the redness is clearly differentiated from light areas of the skin, and upon palpation there is a sharp pallor, which is quickly replaced by the previous redness. It is necessary to distinguish erythema from intradermal hemorrhages (hemorrhages).

Rashes. The location, intensity and morphology of eczema depend on the type of dermatitis. Rashes often appear on moving soft parts of the body: armpit, on the face, in the scalp, on the genitals.

Inflammation of the mucous membranes. In severe forms, complete dysfunction of the skin with abundant moisture release is possible. Redness, hemorrhages, thickening of the skin and cracks are observed.

Desquamation (detachment of the upper epithelium). Occurs with periodic dehydration, dysfunction sebaceous glands, also affects hereditary predisposition. Desquamation often occurs against the background of general dermatitis.


Allergic manifestations are observed with acute sensitivity to a specific substance. The objects of allergies are often various chemical aerosols, fragrances, perfumes, dust, asbestos, and microbes.

Research by microbiologists has shown that allergies can be caused by the body's own compounds formed inside the body. These substances are formed as a result of the transformation of certain proteins and are called endoallergens. The transformation of proteins can be caused by thermal effects, direct Sun rays, chemical agents, as well as viruses and bacteria. As a result, the peptides acquire foreign properties and, when they enter the bloodstream, can cause an allergic reaction. Increased sensitivity is observed with rheumatism, polyarthritis and hypovitaminosis.

Respiratory allergies occur when inhaled tiny particles dust, asbestos and is ectoallergenic in nature. The causative agents may be aerosols, pollen, chemical perfume compounds. Respiratory allergies manifest themselves as:

Continuous tearfulness;


Abundant release of moisture from the nasal mucosa;

Extraneous wheezing in the lungs when breathing;

Difficulty breathing and suffocation.

Acute manifestations of allergies are observed when the internal environment of the body is disrupted, overexcitation and poor nutrition. A diet consisting of large quantity refined vegetable fats, preservatives and genetically modified compounds can contribute to the development of endoallergy. Often, an allergic reaction can be triggered by simple stress and mental overstimulation.

Sudden sneezing, coughing, and a runny nose with excessive moisture production are direct signs of increased sensitivity. Allergenic substances, when they enter the body, are regarded by barrier defense mechanisms as foreign agents. As a result, a mechanism to counteract these pathogenic elements is triggered, which manifests itself in the form of tearfulness and sneezing. There are direct allergens and compounds that can trigger its occurrence. For any manifestation of an allergy, the source of its occurrence should be eliminated and respiratory aerosols should be taken.

Stressful situations

Nervousness and stress impulses - general manifestation physical overload and psycho-emotional disorders. Stressful situations and nervous breakdowns arise regardless of a person’s will. This is a protective mechanism inherent in us by nature, which arises as a response mechanism to external stimuli for the purpose of a kind of “detente”. Distinguish negative stress under unpleasant circumstances and positive, resulting from joyful emotions.

Factors of occurrence stressful situations There can be any life circumstances, and the mechanism of manifestation has not yet been fully studied. The following stages of the formation of a stressful state are distinguished: excitation of the peripheral nervous system; stimulation of the endocrine system; the occurrence of aggression, nervousness and uncontrolled emotions.

Manifestations of nervous stress

Psycho-emotional stress, which contributes to the occurrence of nervous stress, is characterized by the following physiological conditions:

Hypertension and hypotension.

Headaches and migraines.

Imbalance in intestinal microflora.

Muscle pain and cramps.

Dermatological lesions.



Sexual impotence, decreased libido.

Loss of appetite or, conversely, an overwhelming feeling of hunger.

Disruption of sleep-wake cycles.

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