Blood purifying spices. Herbal mixture for blood purification. What you can't eat

Have you ever thought about how much blood flows in our body and why? On average, an adult male has at least 5 liters of blood, and women have one liter less. Quite a lot, if you also imagine that this entire volume must be completely pumped by the heart every minute so that the most remote areas of the body receive the necessary oxygen and nutrients in time and are freed from toxins.

From school, we all learned that every person has two types of blood: arterial - scarlet, purified and carrying oxygen - and venous - dark, saturated carbon dioxide and toxins. It was this second type of blood that was so widely accepted to be taken from a vein even before Hippocrates, who already with his authority consolidated the tradition for the next more than two millennia - until the end of the 19th century - in the form of bloodletting for all types of ailments - in order to free the patient from filth in the body.

The blood purification procedure has not lost its significance in our time. If indicated, clinics carry out a number of procedures for collecting and purifying blood, which differ in some technical details.

Experienced doctors at home different nations still practice traditional bloodletting (“hujama” among Muslims).

However, over the past century in Europe and Russia, more simple methods blood cleansing with herbs and foods, the effectiveness of which is even confirmed in scientific research. Below we will discuss how you can carry out this procedure at home and why it is needed.

Who needs this procedure and why?

There are a number of conditions in which it is simply necessary to turn to blood cleansing:

  1. alcohol poisoning, even to a small extent, as well as drug and nicotine poisoning;
  2. frequent malaise (for no reason), headaches, impotence (in the absence of certain diagnoses, this may be a symptom of “slagged” blood, especially in people leading wrong image life and eating harmful foods);
  3. hypertensive crises (attacks of increased blood pressure). This serious cases, and advice should be given by the attending physician, especially if the person is over 45, but a common cause is vascular obstruction, which can also be treated through cleansing;
  4. Problems excretory system(an overdose of toxins in the body overloads the liver and kidneys);
  5. phlebeurysm.

Please note that the people leading healthy image lives using natural products abstaining from bad habits, and especially those who truly adhere to religious fasts throughout the year, or at least regular fasting (for example, one-day juice fasts or only fruit and vegetable days), are unlikely to feel the need to resort to both inpatient blood cleansing services and to multi-day home procedures.

The conclusion is that healthy lifestyle and proper food– the best recipe for preserving pure blood. Well, for people belonging to the rest of humanity, it’s time to learn about the medicinal properties of affordable and exotic foods and herbs that can be used to periodically cleanse the blood at home.

Preparing the body

Blood is a liquid that absorbs all the waste products of our body. Now mentally conduct an experiment. There are two riverbeds: one covered with clean pebbles, and the second with garbage. Both flow with water from the same source. Which channel will deliver clean water to the sea, and which - polluted? It's not hard to guess.

Therefore, even before cleaning the “liquid” in our body (and this is the literal translation of the ancient Indo-European prototypes of the word “blood” in many languages), we should clean the “banks and bed” - that is, the body, namely the stomach and intestines, after all, most of the “impurities” come through food.

Even people leading a healthy lifestyle should limit themselves before one-day fasting fasts. light food in the second half of the previous day, and also do not overload the stomach immediately the next day. As experienced healthy lifestyle instructors say: “you need to enter a hunger strike gently and exit it gently.”

As for those who are accustomed to not limiting themselves to anything in ordinary life, they it is necessary to abstain from:

  1. nicotine (and any other drugs);
  2. alcohol;
  3. fatty, spicy, salty, fried;
  4. sparkling water, any energy drinks;
  5. sweets, flour, fast food and overeating in general.

It is known that the toxins of nicotine and alcohol enter directly into the blood and remain there for many hours (after a single drink of alcohol) and even days (with constant smoking). Toxins from food also remain in the body for a long time (it is intoxication that causes frequent headaches, malaise without illness, “withdrawal”).

If you don't abstain for a few days and abruptly put the body on the path of cleansing, the concentration of highly toxic poisons in the blood will be very high, and in the absence of the usual nutrients, this will lead to unbearable headaches, dizziness, and surges in blood pressure. Everything can very easily end in hospitalization.

What products cleanse the blood - Top 25

The lucky one is the one who is accustomed to regularly consuming not the most delicious, but extremely healthy foods from the list of vegetables and fruits, because they play the role of natural cleansers of the body.

And the main mechanism here is fiber. This is a kind of brush that takes with it the maximum amount of toxins and removes them from the body during excretory processes. And the richer in fiber a vegetable or fruit is, the more toxins it removes.

Below is a list of the most famous foods, from higher to lower fiber.

  1. wheat bran - 43 g (per 100 g of product);
  2. flax seeds – 27 g;
  3. dried mushrooms – 20 g;
  4. sprouted wheat – 17 g;
  5. beans – 13 g;
  6. soybeans – 12 g;
  7. oat bran – 12 g;
  8. lentils – 11 g;
  9. hazelnuts (hazelnuts) – 9 g;
  10. dried figs - 9 g;
  11. walnut – 7 g;
  12. avocado – 7 g;
  13. pistachios – 10 g.
  14. corn – 7 g;
  15. almonds – 12 g;
  16. grapefruit – 11 g;
  17. prunes – 9 g;
  18. whole grain bread – 6-9 g;
  19. apples – 5 g;
  20. raspberries – 5 g;
  21. strawberries – 4 g;
  22. gooseberries – 2 g;
  23. beets – 2 g;
  24. carrots – 1.5 g;
  25. potatoes – 1 g.

Also pay attention to the table of foods rich in fiber:

Even if you are an incorrigible supporter of fast food and soda, make it a habit to eat the ill-fated hamburger or a serving of French fries only for “ green light" - accompanied by fresh salads.

In general, among vegetables the highest percentage of fiber content is in legumes, avocados, and corn. Fruits and berries include raspberries and strawberries. Dried fruits include figs and prunes. Fresh fruits include grapefruits and apples (eat the latter with the peel on!) Pay attention to the high fiber content of nuts! Include the following foods in your diet regularly, and not just in emergencies.

10 proven folk remedies

Vegetables, fruits and nuts are not the only ones known for their cleansing properties. IN folk medicine popular use medicinal herbs, root crops, the bark of some trees and even pine needles. Below we provide a list of the most effective methods, which will help cleanse the blood in the human body without harm to health.

1. Beet juice

The red color of beets itself indicates its healing properties specifically for blood. It is known that all products of red and black-red color have a positive effect on the state of the circulatory system: cranberries, raspberries, currants (black and red), blueberries, viburnum, rose hips, strawberries, watermelon, pomegranate, sweet fruits mulberry tree, blackberries, red cabbage, red grapes, red figs and others.

By regularly consuming beets in the form of juices and in recipes, your complexion will always be healthy(this feature was noted by the ancient Arab traveler Ibn Fadlan, who visited Ancient Rus' in the 10th century and left memories of the particularly healthy red complexion of the Russians “due to the beets they eat”). Already in our time, there has been a recorded case of a child being cured of leukemia due to the fact that every morning his mother gave him on an empty stomach Fresh Juice beets.

Contraindication is gastritis ( increased acidity), as well as other gastrointestinal diseases.

To prepare the juice, take:

  1. a large head of beets (choose from juicy, red varieties);
  2. 2-3 tablespoons of granulated sugar.

At night, grate the peeled beet head, sprinkle the mixture with sugar to release the juice, leave overnight in a cool place. In the morning, carefully squeeze out the entire mass in several layers of gauze - you should get about half a glass. It should not be diluted with water. Drink on an empty stomach, and then take nothing but water for 2 hours.

2. Walnut mixture

A more gentle method for the stomach and pancreas is cleansing with walnuts. Remember the fairy tale “Three Nuts for Cinderella”? Magic properties all nuts are known folk wisdom for a long time.

But tender walnuts are especially beneficial for the blood. and other tissues, due to which general fatigue is relieved, leg pain and headaches go away.

It's easy to prepare the potion– peeled nuts are crushed (you can use a meat grinder, but to preserve their beneficial properties it is better to use special wooden mortars). Store the resulting mass in the refrigerator and take a tablespoon every morning on an empty stomach. The course continues for a month. You will need about a kilogram of shelled nuts.

3. Garlic tincture

Garlic has tremendous resistance to bacteria.

To make sure, do a home experiment: Divide the first-fresh carrots into two parts. Place one in one box on its own, and sprinkle the other with unpeeled fresh garlic and place in another container. Leave at room temperature.

After a few days (depending on the season, climate and humidity in the apartment), the carrots “without protection” will begin to naturally spoil. Sprinkled with garlic, it can be kept in a cardboard or special plastic box for vegetables for up to three months (if cool temperature and low humidity).

So you can clearly see that essential oils garlic does not allow microbes to even get close to the “protected object”. The same thing happens to the body of a person who regularly consumes garlic in food, even a clove in borscht. The best way

absorption of this vegetable - in combination with other products - for a gentle effect on the stomach and pancreas. There is a well-known saying that “The mouths of our ancestors smelled of onions and garlic, but their bodies smelled of health.” Of course, with regular use, you should take into account bad smell

this antioxidant, so it is more logical to eat dishes with it in the evening and at home. Very effective for blood purification. Its second component - lemon - is itself powerful antioxidant , thanks to ascorbic acid and in combination with different products

used to cleanse the body.

  1. For the tincture you need:
  2. chop a few cloves of garlic;
  3. Peel and pit three or four large lemons and grind in a blender;
  4. mix lemon and garlic; top up boiled water
  5. up to a liter;

leave for three days in a cool, dark place.

The resulting infusion is stored in the refrigerator and taken a tablespoon before each meal. The course lasts three weeks. Of course, the results will be noticeable only if you give up bad habits and forbidden foods. Recipe of the day! Salad “Four in one” to cleanse the blood. The familiar beet salad can be a great way to constantly soft cleaning when used regularly (at least once a week). It is prepared from a mixture of boiled and mashed beets, chopped garlic and walnuts. For dressing, you need to give up your favorite mayonnaise, and use instead.

lemon juice

4. Homemade lemonade

“Lemon therapy” can also be carried out using lemon alone, with the addition of sugar, water and aromatic distillates (the latter is not necessary). Homemade lemonade is an excellent natural way to reduce cholesterol, remove salts, improve tone and improve immunity.

  1. Prepare as follows:
  2. Wash the lemons, cut into large slices, put in a bowl, add 1.5 cups of sugar and with clean hands (or with culinary gloves) knead, crush, knead, squeeze this mass for 15 minutes. Make sure that the sugar dissolves in the released juice and a syrup is formed.
  3. Carefully through a colander, preferably a plastic one (contact with metal destroys vitamin C), strain the resulting mass.
  4. You can leave some of the pulp from the insides - this will add fiber.
  5. Top up with ice drinking water up to a liter.

The best addition is the one they make in Lebanon. Bottles of rose water and bitter orange blossom water have become available from distributors of Arabic products. Add a tablespoon of both to the resulting lemonade, sweeten it a little more if necessary - but not too much, so as not to reduce the benefits of vitamin C. The effect of the distillate is like alcohol - their essential oils help to be absorbed effectively useful elements drink

Keep lemonade in the refrigerator and drink it like a regular tonic juice before meals., it’s better at lunchtime, as vitamin C raises your tone and you may have problems falling asleep. If there are no stomach problems, you can constantly take this healing elixir, and your health will not let you down.

5. Ginger tea

This amazing drug, originally from southeastern countries, has long been used in Europe and Russia as a spice and an ingredient in many anti-inflammatory drugs. Japanese sushi lovers always use thinly sliced ​​marinated slices as an addition.

In powdered form, ginger is an excellent addition to chicken, and in grated form, it is traditionally “Asian style” added with garlic when frying shrimp. However, if you buy one or two fresh plant roots in the summer and simply freeze them in the refrigerator, you will have them on hand all year long. magic remedy from many diseases.

The mechanism of action of the root occurs precisely through the purification of the bloodstream and lymph. Also . Tea made from it has a scalding, pungent aftertaste, but this pungency, unlike that of chili pepper, for example, does not injure the mucous membranes, and in moderate doses can be tolerated even by children. Besides, . You will immediately feel how quickly the heated blood will run through the vessels how your face will flush and your heart will start pumping. In terms of effectiveness, it only resembles a good ski run in the cold or a Russian bathhouse.

There are several cooking methods healing drink. In cold Russia, it is more common to drink hot tea, either only from ginger, or green or black tea with its addition.

  1. To prepare tea, use a serrated knife to cut a small piece from the frozen root, cut it, peel it and grate it on a plastic grater (you can do it without grating).
  2. Place in a stainless steel or enamel pot and bring to a boil.
  3. At the moment of boiling, you need to be nearby, as ginger forms abundant foam, which can “run away”.
  4. Lower the heat and simmer for about 3 more minutes. No more should be done, as vitamins are destroyed, of which ginger is also a treasure trove, especially vitamin C.
  5. Add fresh lemon juice and a teaspoon of mountain honey, preferably black, to the finished tea.

Honey is losing the majority medicinal products with strong heating, so traditional healers advise adding it exclusively to water at room temperature in the morning and drinking it this way for healing. In any case, it is better to cool the tea a little and only then add honey. If you can drink a spicy drink and eat it with a spoonful of honey, there will be more benefits.

A recipe from Arab doctors who follow the Sunnah is to prepare a morning tonic drink from ginger in the evening without using boiling.

  1. Peeled and grated fresh (thawed) ginger just needs to be poured with drinking (not boiled) water at room temperature and left in a closed glass container (a juice bottle will do) overnight.
  2. By morning, shake the yellowed drink and drink a glass every morning.

The amount of ginger can be adjusted depending on your tolerance for spice. You can carry out the course for about a week, a month, or you can not stop at all, but on hot summer days it is still better to give up this drink, as it warms the blood too much, and lemonade is better suited in the heat.

Hot ginger tea will warm you up on cold winter days; you will no longer suffer from freezing limbs, since the heated blood will penetrate into the most distant capillaries.

It is important to remember that ginger, due to its pungency, is contraindicated for gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases. cardiovascular problems, as well as during pregnancy (can cause miscarriage).

5. Medicinal herbal preparations

In Russia, from time immemorial, they have used nettle, St. John's wort, celandine, chamomile, milk thistle, dandelion, wormwood, lungwort, Bay leaf to cleanse the body.

Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of dry collection, which includes any of these plants, place in an enamel bowl and leave for 15 minutes. water bath. Take half a glass of the decoction in the morning and evening for 10 days.(instead of tea or coffee).

As an effect, you will notice the normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, pressure, nervous system, improved heart function, improved overall well-being.

6. Oat seed infusion

This folk remedy, unique in its simplicity and accessibility, is attractive for its versatility and health-improving effect for absolutely all diseases.

It is not only possible, but also very useful for pregnant women, small children and people with chronic diseases, including diabetes mellitus and stomach ulcers.

Powerful yet soft absorbent, oats cleanse the body of all toxins, rejuvenate, give physical and. Your eyes will amaze with youthful shine, and your skin will be elastic without surgery even after 50. But the main thing is that you feel great. Preparation:

  1. half a glass of washed seeds is steamed in a thermos with boiling water and left overnight.
  2. the next morning, drink instead of tea, and do not forget to eat the resulting gruel.

The addition is very important - for the full effect you cannot add either glucose or milk. And before lunch, don’t eat anything else, except for an apple. To raise your tone, it is useful to drink additionally green tea. This breakfast will be useful for any duration of the course.

Even one-time appointment will bring enormous benefits, but for significant cleansing, and especially during pregnancy, it is advisable to drink this oatmeal smoothie every morning for more than one month. And if you make such a morning meal a lifelong one, consider that you have “doomed” yourself to lifelong youth and health.

The triad of oats, green apple and green tea is a powerful detoxifier, an excellent diet that can be maintained for up to three days. There are cases when, with severe pain from acute inflammation of the genitourinary system, patients switched to this diet, and after two days they were cured without any medications!

7. Asian way

Asian way of daily blood purification - it's simple drinking water . Moreover, the Chinese even have it boiled. It has been known for a long time.

If you've ever interacted with real Chinese, especially from eastern China, you've probably noticed that even the most modern ones won't start the day without a cup of plain boiling water. They drink it before any tonic drink, and you can say that this is their morning coffee.

8. Cactus fruits and cactus juice

In Russia, cactus juice is still an exotic drink, and it can only be purchased in finished form, which means with preservatives and additives.

But if you find yourself in the Mediterranean in August, be sure to buy the peeled yellow-purple fruits of these giant fleshy cacti from street vendors, which Arabic called "suber". The fruits are very tasty to eat in their pure form, due to the sugars they contain.

Foreign and domestic research recent years point to powerful antioxidant properties of cactus fruits(see Knyshinsky’s book “Pear-shaped cactus - a prickly healer”). However, it is not the cactus itself that is “pear-shaped” - for its leaves are wide, flat and slightly fleshy - typical inhabitants of rocky areas of the mountains. The fruits are pear-shaped and not attractive in appearance (maybe that’s why children don’t like to eat them).

Suggestions have been made about cactus juice as a replacement for traditional chemotherapy in cancer patients. In Europe and America, the benefits of this juice for cleansing the blood of alcohol toxins are known. There are no restrictions on the use of juice, except for diseases of the pancreas, colitis and diabetes mellitus. You should not drink more than a glass of freshly squeezed juice at once, as the abundance of seeds can lead to diarrhea with leaching of beneficial substances from the body.

9. Olive oil

It is impossible not to mention this powerful and now accessible overseas antioxidant, but in medicinal purposes need to use only the highest grade "Virginia" due to its saturation with acids.

A simple recipe helps get rid of cholesterol in the blood with long-term use and following an appropriate diet. On an empty stomach, take a tablespoon of Virginia oil every morning and refrain from eating for an hour.

It also has a beneficial effect on the stomach and intestines, being a natural disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent.

10. Birch sap and Russian bath

There is no need to get carried away with exotic means of cleansing, since the nature of Russia has given us incomparable birch trees with their truly magical healing sap, which craftsmen collect in early spring (late March - early April).

You can buy the juice fresh and canned, in cans and cardboard bags, or you can learn the collection procedure yourself and go out every spring to stock up on 2-3 liters of the “elixir of purity.”

A glass of juice on an empty stomach for a week- a wonderful folk remedy for seasonal cleansing of the body.

And don’t forget about the Russian bath with a good birch broom, because through open pores it comes out great amount toxins, and with them illness!


  1. Regidron. This is the most popular drug among people suffering from hangovers due to its availability and effectiveness. It is prescribed for diarrhea from severe alcohol poisoning. A packet of rehydron is dissolved in a liter of water and taken throughout the day. The absorbent effect of the drug cleanses the body of toxins, while simultaneously returning the necessary fluid and salts to it.
  2. Polysorb. A very soft absorbent, suitable even for children. It is useful for any food or drug poisoning, overeating and excessive flatulence. Adults are prescribed a tablespoon (0.1-0.2 g per kg of body) of powder in half a glass of boiled water two to three times a day, until the symptoms of intoxication disappear.
  3. Enterosgel. Prescribed to adults for acute alcoholic and food poisoning. Dosage – 1 – 1.5 tbsp. three times a day, an hour or two after meals.
  4. Activated carbon. This is a natural and very popular antioxidant in everyday life. fast action. Charcoal tablets can be used for any allergic, food or drug poisoning. In small doses, it is allowed for pregnant women to reduce metabolism. Usually a dose of 250 to 750 mg is indicated 3-4 times a day, but in each case the dosage must be calculated individually. This potent drug, therefore, the gastrointestinal tract is at risk.

Among medications, echinacea and burdock root extract may also be useful.

Stationary methods

In clinics you can undergo faster, more effective and more expensive procedures, which are prescribed for:

  • severe poisoning, especially with heavy metals and radioactive substances;
  • acute alcohol poisoning or for addiction treatment;
  • drug poisoning and addiction;
  • severe food poisoning;
  • chronic diseases that require effective blood purification, especially for patients who are unable to follow a diet;
  • in order to help the patient go on a diet, relieving him of temptations, thanks to blood purification.

What exactly can you use to clean blood in the clinic? The main clinical procedures include the following:

  1. Plasmapheresis. This is the most effective method blood cleansing, during which the patient’s plasma is replaced with donor plasma within 24 - 48 hours in 2-3 doses. The blood is preliminarily separated into its components and processed in saline solutions. The blood returned to the patient is 30-35% cleared of toxins. Therefore, it is recommended to undergo at least 5 courses of therapy.
  2. Laser. The so-called “supravenous” laser irradiation blood." This method is based on the effect of quantum energy when electromagnetic radiation. Under the influence of irradiation, the independent antioxidant function of the blood is activated, its protective mechanisms are strengthened, and metabolism is normalized. After the first session, the patient experiences relief of all symptoms, it is easier to go to sleep, and the functioning of the heart and nervous system is normalized.
  3. Hemosorption. This method uses Activated carbon and ion exchange salts as chemical reagents. It is indicated for acute poisoning, especially alcoholic poisoning. During the procedure, the patient's blood is forced through absorbent filters, freed from toxins and, already purified, returned to the vessels. The effect occurs instantly. This method is also recommended for hazardous ODS, skin diseases, high cholesterol.

Useful video


Blood, like any liquid, has high absorbent properties, since its task is to cleanse the body of toxins and supply cells pure oxygen and nutritional elements. Even people leading a healthy lifestyle are susceptible to harmful effects environment and are not insured against household and food poisoning.

Therefore, it is useful to regularly use all available food products that help remove toxins from the blood, as well as periodically carry out natural cleansing procedures. In this case, you are unlikely to have to resort to expensive inpatient measures. However, always keep activated carbon or Polysorb in your first aid kit - and be healthy!

Our blood needs cleansing, like other organs, like the whole body. In order not to resort to expensive means, it is enough to know about the products that will help with this. If we systematically introduce them into our diet, we can achieve success and get rid of many diseases.

Foods that help cleanse the blood

Nutrition, and it can be wrong, foods that are often stuffed with who knows what, lifestyle, and environment clutter our body. Microbes, toxins, heavy metals and others accumulate in the blood harmful substances, which penetrate organs and disrupt their functioning. However, there is a way out, and we suggest turning your attention to products that will help cleanse the blood. There are not many of them, but they cope with the problem very effectively.

Citrus and exotic fruits


Everyone knows about him unique properties defeat colds, but not everyone knows that vitamin C, which is in large quantities Found in citrus, it helps the liver produce glutathione protein. This speeds up the process of removing harmful and destructive toxins from the circulatory system. Moreover, one of the properties of lemon is to alkalize the body; it promotes the formation of enzymes that dissolve toxins, and they are easily excreted in the urine.


Green exotic appeared on supermarket shelves not long ago, but has already managed to establish itself as both an excellent vegetable for salads and as a powerful cleansing anti-carcinogenic agent. Avocado successfully helps our liver get rid of not only germs and toxins, but also harmful free radicals, which, when in the blood, poison the body.



Everyone knows the storehouse of vitamins for our body. It also contains glutathione, a protein that cleanses the liver. The orange “first aid kit”, which provides large quantities of vitamin A, B and C, as well as potassium, helps normalize kidney function and cleanse the circulatory system.


This vegetable is a powerful antioxidant that rids our body of harmful free radicals. Beets, due to their properties, stimulate the liver and speed up the process of cleansing the blood of harmful toxins.


This cabbage is another representative from the list of vegetables that cleanse the circulatory system. Broccoli, which contains the powerful cleansing mineral sulforaphane, not only removes toxins from the blood, but also from the entire body.


Regardless of the fact that many consider garlic a vegetable, and others a spice, it is a real healer and purifier rolled into one. The presence of an important mineral in it - sulfur, helps the blood get rid of toxins, and the whole body from bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Fruits and berries


It contains micro and phytoelements and fibers necessary for blood purification, which also help circulatory system cleanse naturally. Apples activate the liver, and it quickly removes harmful substances from the entire body. This is also facilitated by pectin, which is indispensable in the process of cleansing not only the blood, but also the intestines. It easily binds heavy metals and excess cholesterol, which helps their rapid removal from the body.


Blueberries have everything you need to cleanse your blood. This is both a necessary set of microelements and active antioxidants, which have excellent healing properties for many diseases. The blood is cleansed, the organs and vital systems are healed. Easily and quickly flushes viruses, germs and harmful toxins from the body.

Spices and plants

Coriander is fragrant beyond measure and will instill faith in recovery!

A wonderful plant and seasoning with a specific smell, it removes heavy metals from the blood (for example, mercury).

Turmeric is an antioxidant, it has healing talent

The spice is a powerful antioxidant, containing curcumin. Helping the digestive system, it also helps the liver remove harmful substances. The blood is cleansed and helps organs restore their functions.

Parsley is green, it cleanses the blood

Since the plant is a powerful diuretic, it effectively helps the kidneys function. Thanks to parsley, toxins are eliminated through urine, which helps cleanse the blood and the entire body.

Fragrant basil - a noble cleanser

If you don't season your dishes with basil, then by all means start using it. Basil improves the functioning of the liver, kidneys and the whole body, and even saves from various microbes, suppressing their negative effects.

Don’t trample the dandelion, heal your blood

The sunny flower, which gardeners get so excited about, is truly unique for its medicinal properties. The phytoelements it contains not only cleanse the blood, but also support the pancreas, heal the liver, and give strength to the kidneys. When used, the entire digestive tract, which gives a start to recovery.

If you decide to get serious about blood cleansing, then pay attention to the following recipe.

From experience

“I wasn’t sick with anything that suddenly started clearing my blood. I just decided to take care of my health for some time now. My goal was to change the way I eat in general, and I was attracted to separate meals. But first different methods I cleaned my organs: my liver, my kidneys, my intestines. Obesity, shortness of breath, began to get tired, legs hurt. And when I thought that I had already become as pure as crystal, I learned that blood also needs to be cleansed. Otherwise, all previous cleanses will not give a complete result. And then I found a recipe for a blood cleansing balm, which, I think, helped me get rid of shortness of breath. If such good result, then I’m sure that the blood has also cleared up. The main thing is that the recipe contains nettle, and I really trust this herb.

The composition of the cleansing balm is simple. It contains only nettle (stem with leaves - 200 g), we collect it in May, and strong vodka (0.5 l). Fill the plant with it and tie the neck of the bottle with gauze. The first day we leave it in the sun, putting it, for example, on a windowsill. Afterwards, we look for a dark place for the tincture, where it infuses for ten days. Before using the balm, you need to strain it. We drink a teaspoon half an hour before breakfast and in the evening before dinner. We cleanse the blood in the spring and preferably in May. The composition of the blood changes, it is purified, which means it is easier for the heart to work.” Valentina Vasilievna, 47 years old.

When we talk about cleansing the blood, we also mean the liver. The following recipe also has wide range actions.

From experience

“I cleanse my liver using a remedy that I learned from a friend. She says she has been drinking the mixture for five years now and feels great. After problems with her heart and a feeling of heaviness in her liver, this recipe literally put her back on her feet and her condition according to annual blood tests is excellent. Garlic, and you need to take 300 g of it, put it through a meat grinder, you can use it in a garlic press. We also grind cranberries (0.5 kg), lemons (2 pcs.) and apples (2 pcs.). All products are poured with honey (400 ml), mixed and transferred to a glass container under a nylon lid. The next day the medicine is ready. For a month, eat a tablespoon of it twice a day. I note that the smell of garlic is not noticeable and does not spoil your breath if you brush thoroughly with mint toothpaste.” Alina, 35 years old.

Bad habits such as smoking, alcohol, fatty and excessive food, polluted air and others negative factors They really “spoil our blood.” Therefore, it is imperative to pay attention to it so as not to experience the consequences of its contamination later. Take care and respect yourself.

Everything, literally everything that enters the body with air and food is distributed throughout all its systems. Blood is no exception. This is perhaps the most important tissue in your body, whose job is to deliver nutrients to all organs. It supports the immune system, removes poisons and toxins, and fights infections. But even such a superhero needs to be rebooted, discharged, cleansed. How to cleanse blood?

Experts, one and all, insist that only special drugs. Nobody even thinks of questioning their effectiveness. But we all, as a rule, begin to solve the problem only when it is already very late. "With taste" invites you not to wait for trouble, but to include in your diet those foods that are no less effective.

8 foods that should be in the refrigerator

As a rule, these are products that we often underestimate, giving preference to popular overseas vegetables and fruits. But their beneficial features amaze and inspire admiration. Take these eight for example: cleanse your blood with their help as easy as pie.

We're just sure that many of these products are already on your menu. All that remains is to turn on the rest and lean on them more often. Here, as in the case of a diet, expect visible results not worth it. But the fact that health problems will not bother you is the best indicator.

Returning to the cleansing methods that doctors offer, we understand that not all of them are equally safe for different patients. Sometimes red blood cells, driven through the tubes, are injured. As a result, their lifespan is significantly reduced. Feeling tired and weak are two more side effects from taking medications. If you don’t want to be treated this way, choose the right ones and

Until a certain period, when we eat, we are usually guided by the principles of “what should we eat in order to lose weight, have fun, get full, etc.” But one day we realize that health benefits are much more important than all of the above. After all, in essence, this is what food is intended for! We decided to study the topic from all sides, and let's start with a review of products that are good for our blood.

"Blood" care

In various literary sources, blood is considered a special liquid endowed with magical properties and extraordinary value. And it’s true: our health, well-being, mood, appearance depend on the composition of our blood, which means taking care of it is simply necessary. That is why it is worth introducing foods that are good for the blood into your diet as often as possible. Among them are the following:

  • Liver. You must love it, because this product is richest source iron, the lack of which is main reason anemia and reduced level hemoglobin. Signs of these states - constant weakness, fatigue, trembling in the arms and legs, pale complexion. In addition to iron, the liver contains heparin, which inhibits rapid blood clotting and has a preventive effect against blood clots and myocardial infarction. Pork, beef, chicken liver- all these products are equally beneficial for the blood. Choose what you like best.
  • Fatty fish. It has long been proven that in countries where regular use fish is the norm, the population practically does not suffer from cardiovascular diseases. It’s high time to take this good habit on board and treat yourself to herring, salmon, mackerel and other fish rich in valuable fat as often as possible. The omega-3 fatty acids it contains control blood sugar and cholesterol levels and also prevent the formation of blood clots. In addition, fish contains the valuable amino acid taurine, which normalizes blood pressure.
  • Cabbage. White cabbage rich folic acid(vitamin B9), which is necessary for the formation of new blood cells. The content of rare vitamin K in it, the deficiency of which makes our blood clot worse, as well as vitamin P, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels, encourages us to eat cabbage more often. Other types of cabbage, such as broccoli, are also good for the heart. It contains selenium, which strengthens the heart, and blood health is directly related to the condition of this organ. Just try to subject the cabbage to minimal heat treatment and, if possible, eat it raw.
  • Citrus. These bright and tasty fruits are one of the main places on the list of the most healthy products for blood. Ascorbic acid, which is found in lemons, oranges and grapefruits, promotes the absorption of iron and stimulates the functions of hemoglobin, which is important for the proper circulation of oxygen in the blood. Citrus fruits also contain soluble fiber, which copes well with bad cholesterol, vitamin A and organic acids that control blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes.
  • Apples. The most “Russian” fruits are not inferior to citrus fruits in terms of benefits for the blood. Apple pectin perfectly normalizes blood sugar levels and fights bad cholesterol. The claim that two apples a day will prolong our life is based on the fact that this amazing fruit reduces the risk of heart attacks and blood clots. Try to buy apples that grow in our area: they may be less glossy and bright, but you will get many times more benefits from them than from “overseas” fruits.
  • Nuts. Since ancient times they have been used for treatment chronic anemia and for blood purification. The beneficial properties are determined by the rich composition of nuts: vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, iron, magnesium, calcium, fiber, etc. You can eat absolutely any nuts, just regulate their quantity - 30 grams per day will be enough.
  • Avocado. Polyunsaturated fatty acid, which avocados contain, effectively normalize cholesterol levels in the blood, and iron, copper and vitamin B2 contribute to normal blood circulation and hematopoiesis. Eat avocado raw: it is very tasty in various salads, and mashed into a paste with lemon juice and olive oil makes an excellent spread for sandwiches.
  • Pomegranate. The red color of this delicious fruit indicates its rich iron content, which is necessary to prevent anemia. Pomegranate is best eaten in fresh or squeeze the juice out of it (there are few useful substances left in the reconstituted juice). Organic acids contained in pomegranate also reduce blood cholesterol levels.
  • Berries. Absolutely all berries are good for the blood, because they contain potassium and magnesium, which remove excess liquid from the body, reduce blood pressure and strengthen blood vessels. Berries normalize blood sugar levels, as well as “bad” cholesterol. During the season, be sure to treat yourself to cherries, strawberries, raspberries, black and red currants, and in winter, buy frozen berries and grind them with sugar - this is the best alternative to preserves and jams.
  • Honey. Among foods that are good for the blood, he takes pride of place. In Rus', honey has always been used to treat anemia: it improves blood composition, increases the body's endurance, and relieves fatigue and fatigue. Doctors especially recommend buckwheat honey, and it is best consumed with milk or fermented milk products. And do not add honey to hot tea - this way it loses all its beneficial properties. You can view the product catalog and buy natural honey using the link
  • Beets and beet juice. They are an absolutely natural and effective hematopoietic agent. Beets promote the formation of red blood cells and dilate blood vessels. Eat salads made from raw beets as often as possible, but beet juice is best mixed with other juices - carrot, tomato, cabbage. This makes it much easier for the body to accept.

Don't forget about your health, and it will respond to you with excellent health and good mood!

Blood is not an organ that hurts when something is wrong! Signs that harmful substances have accumulated in the blood may include lethargy, drowsiness, and dull skin. Take care of yourself to save good health and health!

Apply our advice and!

To achieve optimal well-being, one of the most important conditions is “pure” blood, which saturates all cells of the body with oxygen and useful substances. How to clean blood folk remedies at home, without resorting to medications and medical services? Is it worth addressing this issue at all? Maybe it’s better to trust nature and she will figure it out on her own. complex mechanism work of all organs?

Speaking about the need for blood purification, I would immediately like to ask several counter questions. How often

  • Do you clean the room you live in?
  • do you throw away outdated, unnecessary things?
  • do general cleaning And major renovation apartments?
  • Are you repairing your car and replacing old parts with new ones?
  • getting rid of negative thinking?

There are a lot of questions you can ask.

I am sure that almost everyone will say: “Yes, regularly!” or “All the time!” But doesn’t our body, a most complex natural mechanism, need such cleansing? Isn't it necessary to clean it from the inside and constantly renew it in order to enjoy excellent health, live happily ever after while maintaining an active lifestyle? Need to! And definitely!

“Why cleanse the blood if we don’t clog it?” you ask. We clog and how! Daily. Toxic and harmful substances enter the body throughout the day from food, air, medicines, cosmetics and household products.

The blood needs constant purification from

  • toxins,
  • bad cholesterol,
  • chemical substances,
  • allergens,
  • drugs,
  • alcoholism, etc.

The purification system is inherent in the body by nature itself. Filters for detoxifying the body are the kidneys, intestines, lungs, and skin. Can be cleaned internal organs and in medical institutions– drip systems, laser, tablets, injections. Such services are not cheap, and they have back sideside effects from chemicals medical supplies. That's why everyone more people are interested in how to cleanse the blood using exclusively medicinal plants or useful remedies prepared with your own hands using natural ingredients?

Herbs for blood

1. Dr. Aloe Vera

I put it first because Aloe Vera not only helps cleanse the blood, but also cleanses the lymph, liver, vascular system, thereby practically doing a spring cleaning in our body. Aloe supplies the body with vitamins and minerals, essential amino acids.

I have been using Aloe regularly to cleanse my body for over 7 years and I will say that I feel great.

Aloe Vera is one of the most powerful medicinal plants, which not only cleanses the body, but strengthens the immune system, protects it from viruses, fungi and bacteria.

To feel the great power of Aloe, it is enough to consume 1-2 tablespoons of translucent gel, which is contained in the thick stems of the plant, daily on an empty stomach. The gel can be drunk in pure form or added to water. You can additionally squeeze lemon juice, which also promotes cleansing and supplies the body with vitamin C.

2. Nettle leaves

It has long been considered one of the most effective herbs to remove and eliminate toxic substances from the blood and the entire body as a whole. Since nettle is an excellent diuretic, it also cleanses the liver and kidneys.

To cleanse the blood, you should drink a cup of tea with brewed nettle every afternoon. A simple and wonderful way to cleanse!

3. Burdock root

According to herbalists, burdock is one of the best plants for removing toxins from the bloodstream and lymphatic systems, while it significantly improves blood circulation in the vessels and capillaries, promotes the removal of fluid, and prevents the formation of edema. Lowering the level uric acid in the body, burdock root also helps heal cystitis, stone formation in gallbladder, diabetes, arthritis, gout and many other diseases.

For ease of use, you can use burdock root tincture - add a teaspoon of infusion to a glass of boiling water and drink twice a day. You will not notice how your well-being will improve dramatically very soon.

4. Elderberry leaves

The color, berries and leaves of elderberry have medicinal properties. If we talk about cleansing, then you should use leaves that exhibit good diuretic, diaphoretic and laxative properties.

Tea with elderberry tincture perfectly cleanses the blood, liver and kidneys, helps reduce swelling, and improves antibacterial properties. To feel the effectiveness of the treatment, drink a cup of elderberry tea after each meal.

5. Dandelion flowers

The unsightly, ubiquitous dandelion, oddly enough, also helps cleanse the blood of toxic substances. Rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients, it promotes their elimination from the digestive system and fights free radicals. Dandelion leaves and root stimulate the pancreas and liver, cleansing them of harmful substances.

Tea made from boiling water with the addition of dandelion flowers should be steeped for 5 minutes and then drunk after lunch.

This drink helps improve blood circulation in the body.

6. Hyssop (blue St. John's wort)

The healing properties of hyssop are especially useful for older people, since it is able to remove harmful fats from the body, toxins from the blood, and relieve inflammatory phenomena organs of the genitourinary system, strengthen the stomach, improve heart function.

To cleanse the body, it is enough to drink tea twice a day with the addition of leaves (1 teaspoon) in a glass of boiling water.

In addition to herbs, there are a number of healthy foods - fruits and vegetables - that help detoxify the blood.

Blood Purifying Products

Fruits– berries (strawberries, blueberries, grapes), citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit), avocado, pineapple, kiwi, apples.

Vegetables- garlic, onion, broccoli, celery, carrots, beets, soybeans, bitter gourd.


Parsley (has a positive effect on kidney function, improves urination),

Coriander (flushes away heavy metals from the body that enter through the respiratory system from the environment),

Turmeric (improves performance digestive system and liver, accelerates detoxification processes).

Of particular importance for the body is the cleansing of brain vessels, since their contamination is very often caused by headache, high pressure, loss of memory, attention and consciousness, dizziness during sharp turns, pain in the back of the head, and other unpleasant and painful symptoms.

Home remedies to cleanse blood in the blood vessels of the brain

1. Vitamin bomb

Grind walnuts, raisins, dried apricots (200-300 grams each) in a meat grinder, add ground lemons with peel (2 pcs.). Pour buckwheat honey (0.5 liter) over everything and mix well. Take 2 teaspoons daily in the morning on an empty stomach. I used it after taking 2 spoons of Aloe Vera.

You can prepare a mixture of walnuts, linden honey, frozen lemon with the addition of grated ginger and turmeric.

2. Garlic oil

To cleanse the blood vessels of the brain, it is very useful to drink in the morning garlic oil, which you can also prepare yourself. To do this, grate one head of garlic, pour in olive oil (2 cups) and let it brew in the refrigerator for three days. Take half an hour before meals, mixing with a teaspoon of lemon juice.

3. Onion honey

Squeeze about 70 grams of juice from the onion (approximately 1/3 cup), pour in a glass of honey, stir. Drink one teaspoon 30 minutes before meals.

4. Fruit juices

It is useful to cleanse the blood vessels of the brain with fruits and vegetable juices. It is best if you prepare them yourself and drink them half an hour before meals. The most effective are pomegranate, orange, apple, pineapple, carrot and beet juice. Drink them before lunch and before dinner - half a glass.

5. For special gourmets

To cleanse the blood in the vessels of the brain, you can suggest eating one small tangerine, two walnuts, a tablespoon of raisins. After a quarter of an hour, drink water with lemon and honey, and after another 15 minutes, start breakfast.