Hypoxia - harm or benefit? Pranayama: holding the breath in yoga and science Which is more healing: oxygen or carbon dioxide

The body's resistance to oxygen deficiency - one of the adaptation factors - is determined by genetic and phenotypic properties (hereditary and acquired during life).

Scientists have found that short-term hypoxic exposure within certain limits can increase the body’s resistance to the effects of stress and activate the vital functions of the body.

It is known that mountain residents belong to groups of long-livers, and mid-mountain and high-mountain areas are characterized by a reduced oxygen content in the air. Therefore, periodic trips of people living in plain conditions to the mountains help to increase efficiency, increase life expectancy, and maintain active activity into old age.

Under conditions of moderate hypoxia, the body's resistance to various pathogenic factors improves and stress resistance increases.

During hypoxia, brain cells are excited, breathing is activated, the number of red blood cells and oxygen in the blood increases, and the minute volume of blood circulation improves.

However, trips to the mountains require significant material costs, and scientists began to conduct experiments in a pressure chamber.

Research has determined that short-term hypoxic loads have the greatest effect. Thus, programs for “stepped” and “interval” ascent in the pressure chamber were developed.

With a “stepped” ascent, after reaching a certain height, a rest is made, i.e., staying at this height for 5-15 minutes, and then again ascending to the next height.

With “interval” there is an alternation of ascent to a certain height and descent to a lower one, then ascent again. The time spent at each height is also adjustable.

Ascents and descents during one session produce a good training effect and significantly affect the increase in hypoxic resistance.

When stressed, adrenaline is released into the blood, causing the blood vessels of the heart, brain and lungs to dilate, but the blood vessels of the skin narrow (the person turns pale), the heart rate increases and blood pressure rises.

Blood pressure increases the heart's ability to absorb oxygen. However, in people who are insufficiently trained and prone to over-reactivity when faced with negative emotions, such a protective measure can become dangerous and even cause heart failure and even myocardial infarction.

When you overreact to stress, large amounts of the hormone cortisol are released, the ability to quickly absorb newly formed sugar is reduced, and even temporary diabetes mellitus may occur. It is known, for example, that on the stock exchange, when stock prices fall, some people sometimes develop “stockbroker’s diabetes.”

Consequently, excessively high reactivity of the body and low hypoxic resistance under stress are the causes of serious changes in the body.

All this became the basis for an in-depth study of human reactions to hypoxia And hypercapnia(increased carbon dioxide content - C0 2 - in arterial blood).

Well-known physiologists V. A. Ilyukhina and I. B. Zabolotskikh discovered that different physiological systems of the body exhibit hypoxic resistance in different ways, which is a characteristic of adaptive capabilities.

Differences in adaptive capabilities are observed in individuals with different abilities to quickly mobilize their neuromuscular system to relax. This was established in his research conducted over many years by Yu. V. Vysochin.

Another interesting fact was established: people with a low rate of voluntary muscle relaxation are the least resistant to hypoxia.

The scientist identified 3 types of people:

relaxers- capable of rapid voluntary muscle relaxation, rapid activation of their “brake”, which reduces excessive excitation (under hypoxic, thermal, emotional, extreme environmental influences and physical activity);

hypertraffic- having a powerful muscular system, but unable to quickly relax it;

mixed (transitional) type- having average performance.

Therefore, hypoxic resistance and the ability to quickly relax are interrelated.

Research by Yu. V. Vysochin shows that hypoxic resistance requires special attention from trainers, doctors, and people suffering from a number of diseases. Increasing hypoxic resistance and the rate of voluntary muscle relaxation help to increase the body's adaptive capabilities.

Human muscles are called the “second heart,” and this is indeed so, because, as the famous scientist R.P. Nartsissov showed in his studies, voluntary muscles and myocardium act as a defense system in many diseases.

The neuromuscular system is the first to come to the defense; during illness, metabolic processes in the muscles are activated both at the beginning of the disease (temperature rises) and at the end (temperature drops).

Yu. V. Vysochin proved that there is an inhibitory relaxation functional defense system (TRFSZ), which plays a significant role in ensuring adaptation processes and normalizing the balance of the body’s nervous processes.

In other words, when TPFSZ is turned on, the protective function is carried out by normalizing the balance of nervous processes and increasing the rate of voluntary muscle relaxation.

An increase in hypoxic resistance is interconnected with these processes and is more pronounced in relaxers.

In people hypertrophic type low activity of TRPSZ, increased muscle mass, increased excitability, low efficiency of heart activity. In addition, it has been established that such people have low stress and hypoxic resistance, and a greater possibility of injury and illness.

The scientist believes that increased resistance can be ensured through targeted influence on the formation of a rational type - relaxant.

Increasing hypoxic resistance and the rate of voluntary muscle relaxation allows a person to increase the capabilities of his defense system.

The likelihood of overstraining the musculoskeletal system in relaxers significantly less compared to hypertrophics.

Relaxation capabilities increase with:

Hypoxic training using series of short-term breath holds (1/2 of the possible maximum breath hold);

Use of trips in mid-mountain areas (altitude 1500-2500 m above sea level);

Use of pressure chamber preparation (with altitude difference from 1500 to 4000 m);

The use of thermal influences (sauna, bath: short stays of 8-10 minutes and breaks in the cool temperature of the pool);

Using meditative or autogenic training;

Special relaxation exercises.

People with low hypoxic resistance require special attention during childbirth and operations.

Research has shown that people with low resistance to hypoxia also have low resistance to physiological stress.

It is known that both physical and emotional stress have an adverse effect on human health. For example, noise, which in itself is not associated with any danger to humans, can cause not only anxiety, but also digestive disorders, inhibiting the activity of the stomach and causing neuroses.

Stress with prolonged exposure can become chronic.

Signs of chronic emotional stress include:

Changes in mood;

Increased anxiety;


Fatigue and absent-mindedness.

Behavioral manifestations of chronic stress are expressed by:

In sleep disorders;

Loss of appetite, and sometimes overeating;

Decreased performance and other negative aspects.

Resistance to certain stresses also depends on the level of hypoxic resistance. Therefore, knowing your hypoxic resistance, you can take timely measures to increase it. There are tests by which you can determine this yourself.

Many athletes attempt to benefit from the use of mid-altitude, high-altitude, hypoxic or hyperoxic equipment in their training. This especially applies to endurance sports.

There is a very good book by three authors F.P. Suslov, E.B. Gippenreiter, Zh.K. Kholodov “Sports training in mid-mountain conditions.” It talks in great detail about all aspects of training in the mountains. Lots of experimental data, graphs and tables. It should be a reference book for all coaches who work with teams and regularly travel to the mountains. If someone has studied this book, then he does not need to read my note. He knows everything. Although…

I want to outline the main points of preparation in conditions of low or high oxygen levels in an easier to understand form.

Basic definitions and ideas.

Perhaps many are familiar with this direction in the training process. For the rest of us, here are the basic definitions that will help you navigate in the future when considering various conditions of training and living with low or high oxygen levels.

Adaptation is the adaptation of the body to the conditions of existence (training). It is expressed in the following main directions:

  • Changes in organs and tissues depending on the intensity and quality of stimulation.
  • Changes in the body and parts that make it more suitable for life in changed environmental conditions.

Normoxia- conditions with normal oxygen content in the air (21% O2) at normal pressure corresponding to sea level pressure (760 mmHg)

Hyperoxia- conditions with high oxygen content (more than 21% O2).

Hypoxia- conditions with low oxygen content (less than 21% o2) under conditions of normal or low pressure (mid-mountain, high-altitude).

Eat three different uses of these terms to achieve lasting adaptation that leads to improved results.

  1. Life in conditions of hypoxia. Persistent adaptive changes were obtained as a result of prolonged stay or life in conditions of mid-mountain or high-altitude mountains, as well as in conditions simulating altitude (such as mountain houses or tents). Long-term adaptation.
  2. Training under hypoxic conditions. Acute adaptive changes that are obtained during training in a hypoxic environment. Urgent adaptation.
  3. Training under hyperoxic conditions. Acute adaptive changes obtained during training in a hyperoxic environment. Urgent adaptation.

Based on this, several strategies have emerged for using altitude to improve athletic performance (hereinafter, for consistency, by altitude we will mean being at an altitude of more than 2000 m).

"Live high - Train high"(Live High - Train High ( LHTH)). A situation where an athlete lives and trains constantly in hypoxic conditions, in the mountains (for example, Kenyan runners live and train in their mountains above 2000 m above sea level).

Intermittent hypoxic training(Intermittent Hypoxic Training ( IHT)). A situation where an athlete lives at sea level (or low altitude) and periodically uses training in hypoxic conditions (climbing mountains, to high altitude for training and then returning back to low altitude, or using special equipment that lowers the partial pressure of oxygen during training in conditions of no height).

"Live high - Train low"(Live High-Train Low ( LHTL)). A situation when an athlete lives in hypoxic conditions (in the mountains, in mountain houses, in hypoxic tents), but for training he descends from a height into normobaric conditions and does all training in conditions at approximately “sea level”.

“Live high - Train low with increased oxygen O2”(Live High-Train Low with supplemental O2 ( LHTLO2)). A situation where an athlete lives in hypoxic conditions (in the mountains, in mountain houses, in hypoxic tents), but trains in hyperoxic conditions (uses air mixtures with a high oxygen content of more than 21% O2).

All these training strategies lead to the following adaptive changes:

Adaptation of the cardiovascular system. The ability to deliver oxygen to working muscles increases by increasing all indicators of the heart, lungs, and circulatory system, as well as increasing their operating efficiency.

Peripheral adaptation. In all organs and tissues of the body, under conditions of hypo- or hyperoxia, structural changes occur (the number of mitochondria increases, the activity and number of enzymes increases), which help working muscles in these new conditions.

Central adaptation. This refers to the central nervous system, which increases muscle impulses, resulting in increased performance.

How does it all work together?

As mentioned, there are three options for using conditions to obtain useful adaptations that lead to increased performance. However, it should be noted that these three options affect the body's adaptive abilities differently.

  1. Life in conditions of hypoxia(effect of constant acclimatization and adaptation). Recently, there has been some disagreement among leading experts regarding the underlying mechanism that explains increased performance in LHTL conditions (or permanent adaptation to living at altitude). Some scientists believe that the only result of living in conditions of hypoxia (at altitude) is an increase in the secretion of the hormone erythropoietin EPO by the kidneys. Erythropoietin is a physiological stimulator of erythropoiesis in the bone marrow, which is expressed in an increase in the number of red blood cells (increased hematocrit). This allows the blood to carry more oxygen to the working muscles, resulting in increased performance. In other words, these are mainly adaptive changes in the cardiovascular system. Other scientists believe that constant exposure to hypoxic conditions (life at altitude) causes adaptive changes in the periphery and in the central nervous system, which increases the economy and efficiency of the athlete. Most likely, these are complex adaptive changes in the athlete’s body under LHTL conditions.
  2. Training under hypoxic conditions(effect of acute acclimatization and adaptation in LHTH conditions). Many scientists are inclined to believe that the main mechanism of hypoxic training is peripheral adaptation of skeletal muscles (along with adaptation of the cardiovascular system as a result of living at altitude). In fact, the processes are more complex. Hypoxia stimulates the synthesis of the HIF-1 protein, which affects many adaptation processes in the body. Peripheral adaptation is expressed in increased muscle capillarization, dilation of blood vessels, and an increase in the number of oxidative enzymes. This ensures muscle activity to a greater extent due to aerobic energy sources. A negative consequence of training under hypoxic conditions is a sharp decrease in training intensity and a decrease in training speeds, resulting in a decrease in mechanical and neuromuscular stimulation. This is recorded on electromyograms during training under hypoxic conditions compared to normoxia.
  3. Training in hyperoxia conditions (effect of acute acclimatization and adaptation under LHTL and LHTLO2 conditions). This LHTL concept has the most optimal effect on the adaptation processes in the athlete’s body, allowing for long-term adaptation from living at altitude (or in mountain houses, tents) without compromising the training process (without reducing intensity and training speeds). In other words, it is important that athletes live in hypoxic conditions for a long time in order to obtain constant adaptive changes in the form of an increase in the secretion of the hormone EPO and, as a consequence, an increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood (indirectly an increase in BMD). And at the same time, we trained at a low altitude, which allows us to perform the necessary work with the intensity necessary for the progression of results. This allows you to improve the neuromuscular component and also recover faster from high-intensity exercise (lower lactate levels in the blood). Recent research in the field of using air mixtures with a high oxygen content O2 is also capable of stimulating the above-mentioned adaptive changes in the body, which in the long term lead to increased performance in endurance sports. The use of mixtures with increased oxygen content to improve results has a long history. As early as 1954, Sir Roger Bannister (the first to break the 4-minute mile) was already experimenting with supplemental oxygen breathing. Basically, these were the ideas of using oxygen for breathing during competitions (which required running with an oxygen cylinder on your shoulders). No one at that time was studying the long-term adaptation obtained as a result of regular use of oxygen-enriched air mixtures (oxygen content 60-100%). Now it is possible to organize the training process on a treadmill, simulators and ensure the supply of oxygen-enriched air mixture through a system of tubes and a mask. An athlete can perform his work (running, skating, cycling or roller skiing) without carrying a cylinder with the mixture. Modern research shows that using these mixtures, athletes are able to produce greater power without the accumulation of lactate in the blood at the same pulse conditions as under normoxic conditions. For example, cyclists breathing a hyperoxic mixture (60% O2) use less muscle glycogen as an energy source, and, as a result, the level of lactate in the blood is much lower. Hyperoxia also reduces the release of adrenaline, which lowers heart rate, and this can be called an effect on the nervous system. However, additional research is needed to confirm the improvement in results due to the regular use of hyperoxic mixtures in the training process. This direction has not yet been sufficiently studied. Also, there is still little work in the field of introducing such training and distributing it across the season (preparatory + competitive).

To be continued.


Hypoxic training in cyclic endurance sports is based on the use by athletes of two breathing methods (metered breath-holding and nasal breathing), which limit the supply of oxygen to the body compared to normal breathing.

Studies have been conducted on hypoxic training with positive results.

Dosed breath holding

Breath-holding was studied in the 60s in middle-distance running by F. A. Iordanskaya (candidate of medical sciences) and S. Arkharov (coach). The study was conducted on 28 runners aged 17–22 years (1st, 2nd, 3rd category) over a period of two years. It was divided into two options: laboratory and natural training conditions. Preliminary studies in the laboratory indicated good tolerance to hypoxia: the duration of running in place with holding one's breath in place ranged from 22 to 46 seconds, and in stadium conditions athletes were able to run from 140 to 200 m with a time from 19 to 31 seconds. This confirmed the researchers' ability to use repeated running of 100-meter segments while holding their breath during training. Moreover, the duration of time for running a 100-meter distance was 40-50% of the duration of running on the spot with breath-holding in the laboratory (when determining the steady state phase of blood oxygenation) and 45-60% of the maximum duration of running with breath-holding in a stadium. Breath-hold training was used during the competitive period. The cycle duration was 2.5 months during the first year and a month during the second. The main exercises performed with artificial breath holding were running with high hip lifts and variable work (10 X 100m) in the first year and 10 X 150 in the second). The amount of work time in one session with breath holding with a 2.5 monthly cycle reached 200 seconds, and with a monthly cycle (in the second year of training) 480 seconds. The control group performed the same volumes, but under normal conditions. Medical control at the end of the cycles did not reveal any disturbances in physical development.

X-ray examination of the heart also did not reveal any morphological changes under the influence of hypoxic training. Dynamic observation over 2 years showed approximately the same increase in the area of ​​the heart and all its parts in athletes of both groups. Athletes training under hypoxic conditions showed a more significant increase in chest circumference and vital capacity, as well as better adaptability to functional tests.

Analysis of hypoxic test data indicated an increase in athletes' resistance to hypoxia. This was expressed in an increase in the time of holding the breath during special tests (while inhaling, when breathing into a confined space, when running while holding the breath). It should be emphasized that the athletes’ performance was maintained at much lower arterial blood oxygen saturation than in the control group.

As time has shown, the methodical technique of holding the breath was practically not noticed by domestic endurance running coaches, and hypoxic training with holding the breath at that time did not find proper use in the domestic training of endurance runners. But foreign coaches in endurance sports paid attention to this methodological technique and began to use it successfully in practical work. To confirm this fact, it is enough to refer to the famous American swimming coach D. Councilman, who used breath-holding in training swimmers at Indiana University in the 1975/76 season and achieved outstanding results. His student D. Montgomery became the 20th Olympic champion I Games at a distance of 100 m freestyle. In his book “Sport Swimming,” D. Councilman devoted an entire section, which he called “Hypoxic Training,” and gave guidelines for using breath holding in training swimmers. So, if a swimmer performs an exercise at a submaximal speed (for example, 10 X 100 yards freestyle, rest pauses of 15 seconds, average time per segment of 65 seconds), then during hypoxic training (breath holding) he has a higher heart rate than when swimming with normal breathing. When swimming at maximum speed, there will be no such differences, since here the maximum heart rate is reached, regardless of breathing mode. Exactly how the heart rate changes under the influence of exercises with different breathing options at the first stage of hypoxic training (breath holding) can be seen from Table 1 (which presents the average values) of observations of several hundred training swims.

Table 1.





Breathing option

100 Yard Swim Time (sec)

Pulse rate

At the end of the exercise (bpm)

Normal breathing - inhale for each arm movement cycle (average 7.4 breaths per 25 yards)

64, 13

161, 4

Hypoxic breathing - inhale every second cycle of arm movement (average 3.9 breaths per 25 yards)

64, 20

164, 3

Hypoxic breathing - inhale every third cycle of arm movement (an average of 2.7 breaths over a segment of 25 yards).

64, 8

175, 2

Thus, in the 15X100 yard exercise, when switching from normal breathing to the option with inhalation, for every second cycle of arm movement, the pulse rate changes slightly (2.9 beats/min). At the same time, when switching from normal breathing to the option with inhalation every third cycle of arm movement, the increase in heart rate reached 13.8 beats / min. Considering the fact that through hypoxic training (breath holding), D. Councilman writes, we are trying to increase the oxygen debt and the level of lactic acid in the body in general, especially in muscle fibers, it is advisable to use loads that increase the heart rate. That is why, as soon as swimmers (in the given examples, crawlers) get used to breathing with an inhalation every second cycle of arm movement, we immediately switch to breathing with an inhalation for every third cycle of movements. If the training series consists of short segments (say, 50 yards), swimmers may only inhale every fourth arm cycle.

In conclusion, we present a training plan for swimmers at Indiana University, where D. Councilman worked as a coach (from January 19 to January 25, 1976), using dosed breath holding.


In the morning:

1) Warm-up - 800 yards

2) Hypoxic training – 16 X 75 yards in the mode 0.55 – 1.10 (hereinafter in the plan, the mode of execution of the training series is specified depending on what method of swimming the athlete uses);

4) 5 X 100 yards (in 1.15 – 1.45 mode) using arm movements (hypoxic training);

5) 1000 yards timed (the second half of the distance is faster than the first.

For stayers: 1) warm-up – 800 yards; 2) 4X 1000 yards. Total for training: stayers -4800, other swimmers - 4000 yards.

During the day:

1) Warm-up -1200 yards;

2) Hypoxic training – 10 X 100 yards (in mode 1.10 – 1.25) +

5 X 100 yards (in mode 1. O5 - 1. 20) + 5 X 100 yards (in mode 1.00 - 1. 15);

3) 12X 25 yards (2; 4; 6th etc. segments are swam at maximum speed;

4) 400 + 3X 200 yards using kicks

5) 400 +4 X 150 yards using arm movements (HYPOXIC TRAINING);

6) 4 x 500 YARDS IN 7.00 MODE (FOR STAYERS 2 x 1000 YARDS)

Total for training: stayers: 8500, sprinters - 6000, other swimmers - 7500 yards


In the morning:

1) Warm-up – 500 yards;

2) Hypoxic training - 10 X 125 yards;

3) 5 X 100 yards using kicks;

4) 500 yards with arm movements (hypoxic training);

5) 5 X 300 yards (stayers 4 X 500 yards.)

Total for training: stayers - 4750, other swimmers - 4250 yards.

During the day:

1) warm-up – 800 yards.

2) 5 X 200 yards (in 2.20 mode) +3 X 200 yards (in 2.15 mode) + 2x200 yards (in 2.10 mode); stayers instead of this series perform 4 X 800 yards, and sprinters do a series with 100-yard segments;

3) 800 yards (the second half of the distance is faster than the first);

4) 800m + 8 X 25 yards using kicks;

5) 1000 yards using arm movements (hypoxic training);

6) 6 X 400 yards in the form of: 400 yards “fractional” swim (4 X 100 yards, rest pause between segments of 10 seconds) + 400 yards complete distance + 400 yards “fractional” swim, etc. (in this training series, sprinters use distance 300 yards).

Total for training: stayers -8600, sprinters -6400, other swimmers -8000 yards.


In the morning:

1) Warm-up -800 yards;

2) 3 X200 +3 X150 +3 X 100 yards;

3) 500 yards using kicks;

4) 10 X 50 yards with arm movements (hypoxic training);

5) Sprint accelerations 12X 25 yards (stayers swim a distance of 1650 yards instead of this exercise).

Total for training: stayers -4700, other swimmers - 3450 yards.

During the day:

1) Warm-up – 1200 yards

2) 6X 159 yards (in 1.45 – 2.15 mode) +4 X 150 yards (in 1.40 – 2.10 mode) +4 x 150 yards (in 1.35 – 2.05 mode);

3) 16 x 50 yards (2nd, 4th, 6th, etc. segments are swam at full speed);

4) 600 +8 x 50 yards using kicks;

5) 1000 yards free; the main task is to increase the speed before turns, make a clear turn and exit after it;

6) 600 +2 X 200 yards using arm movements;

7) 5 x 200 yards - repeated training, rest pause between segments for about 3 minutes (sprinters perform 5 x 150 yards, stayers - 4 x 500 yards;

Total for training: stayers - 8900, sprinters 6450, other swimmers - 7700 yards.


In the morning:

1) Warm-up – 500 yards;

2) 10 x 100 yards;

3) 500 yards using kicks;

4) 500 yards using arm movements;

5) Final exercise - planned at the discretion of the coach (total volume - 1500 yards);

Total for training: stayers -5000, sprinters - 3000, other swimmers - 4000 yards.

During the day:

1) Warm-up -1200 yards;

2) 20 X 50 yards (in mode -0.40 -0.35) + 10 X 50 yards (in mode 0.40 - 0.30) + 10 X 50 yards (in mode 0.40 - 0.35): stayers swim instead of this series 30X 100 yards;

3) 1000 yards (the second half of the distance is faster than the first);

4) 1000 yards using kicks;

5) 1000 yards with arm movements (hypoxic training);

6) Training series in the form: 400 yards “fractional” swimming (rest pauses between 50 or 100 – 10 sec segments of cores) + 400 yards continuously + 300 yards “fractional” swimming + 300 yards continuously + 200 yards “fractional” swimming + 200 yards continuously (sprinters perform this exercise in a similar way, but in the form: 200 + 200 +150 +150 +100 +100 yards; stayers swim 1500 yards “fractionally” - +1500 yards continuously.

Total for training: stayers - 9200, sprinters -6100, other swimmers -7000 yards.


In the morning:

1) Warm-up in the form in which it will be used at the next competition. Approximate option: a) swimming with full coordination of movements, using movements of one legs or one arms - a total of about 800 yards:

B) 4 – 6 50 yards; c) 300 yards using leg movements; d) 2X25 yards sprint; e) 200 yards free;

2) one of the following training series: a) 400 +300 + 200 +100 yards in 1 minute mode.

Total for training - 2450 - 3000 yards.

During the day:

1) Warm-up – 800 yards;

2) 8 x 100, then 8 x 75, then 8 x 50 yards (stayers double the length of the segments, sprinters halve);

3) 10 X 100 yards using kicks;

4) 10 X 100 yards using arm movements (hypoxic training);

5) 3 x 500 yards (stayers swim 3 x 100 yards instead, sprinters swim 3 x 300 yards);

6) Improving the technique of performing starts and changing stages in relay races.

Total for training: stayers - 6700, sprinters - 5500, other swimmers - 6100 yards.


On this day of the week there is usually a swimming match with one of the university teams. The competition starts at 14:00. All swimmers on our team must train before the competition. Most often, swimmers come to the pool at 12:30 p.m. and do the following warm-up;

1) 800 yards swimming with full coordination of movements using one arms or one legs;

2) 20 x 50 yards (stayers - 12 x 100 yards);

3) 400 yards using leg movements;

4) 400 yards using arm movements (hypoxic training);

5) 2 X 25 yards sprint.

Those members of our team who complete the 20 X 100 yard training series after participating in the competition are exempt from Sunday afternoon training.

In total, during Saturday's training, the athletes swim: stayers - 4850, other swimmers - 4650 yards (not taking into account the distances that are swam in competitions).


In the morning (10.30 – 13.30), instead of training, swimmers come to the pool in order to record their swimming technique on a video recorder and analyze it.

In the afternoon (16.30 -18.30) training is held for those swimmers who have not yet completed 11 training sessions this week.

Typically, all swimmers do the same workout:

1) Warm-up -500 yards;

2) 8 X 50 yards;

3) 400 yards with kicks;

4) 400 yards using arm movements;

5) 3X 800 yards;

Total for Sunday's practice -4100 yards.

One more example.

Hypoxic training (dosed breathing) was also used by foreign experts in skiing. For example, three-time Olympic champion Marja-Liisa Hämäläinen used a “barrel” for this purpose - a reservoir similar to scuba divers’ oxygen cylinders, but smaller in size. With the help of adjusted straps it is attached to the back. Two hoses extend from its upper part, which are connected by a mouthpiece that also has a nose clip. A cylinder of transparent film is attached to the reservoir and filled with a granular substance. There is an adjustable valve at the front of the mouthpiece.

The idea of ​​the “barrel” is simple - to impede the flow of air by reducing its oxygen content. An athlete training with a “barrel” brings himself to a state reminiscent of slow suffocation. The inhaled air passes through an activated carbon filter, and part of the exhaled air is constantly returned to the respiratory tract.

For anyone, the first experience with a keg is terrifying. Just increasing the walking speed makes a beginner rip the valve off his mouthpiece and breathe as if he were about to drown.

Increasing walking speed, training on roller skis or practicing barrel lifts requires a preliminary strong-willed attitude. This is perhaps the most inhumane invention in the field of modern endurance training.

For example, on roller skis it is absolutely impossible to run at full speed with a “barrel”, since even a slight increase in speed causes a feeling of suffocation.

The goal of the barrel training was to prepare Marju-Liisa for the conditions of a high-altitude training camp, where the air density is noticeably less than at sea level. In other words, the “barrel” is needed in order not to waste precious time adapting to high-altitude conditions. During training, it acts as a substitute for rarefied mountain air, and in addition strengthens the respiratory muscles. In the first days after training with the keg, Hämäläinen felt as if a tractor had driven across her chest, her intercostal muscles were so sore.

In recent years, they have been using breath-holding (some American and German runners in their training (6 steps - inhale, 6 steps - breath-hold, 6 steps - exhale, etc.)

The nose is not just for a runny nose

Compared to holding your breath, nasal breathing begins to be introduced into the training process. Therefore, this method is practically unknown to a wide range of athletes. Being one of the authors of the scientific substantiation of this approach to the development of endurance, we would like to dwell a little on some of the circumstances of its appearance. Having worked for decades as endurance running coaches with a variety of runners, we have often noticed that some athletes with running ability breathe through their nose during a warm-up run or during a recovery run. The same thing was observed in observations of animals such as fallow deer, roe deer, saigas, etc., which, due to their active lifestyle, run several tens of kilometers a day, while maintaining a fairly high speed. This fact prompted us, together with coach N. Martyanov, our former student, master of sports in marathon running, to think about the possibility of using nasal breathing in training athletes.

Unexpected conclusion

In the mid-80s we made the first attempt at such training. In particular, after a traditional warm-up, runners were asked to perform a series of 10 x 200m (40 seconds for each segment) after 200m of jogging. Moreover, it was necessary to run one segment on normal breathing, the other on nasal breathing. And so the whole series.

After each segment, the heart rate was recorded.

Actually, heart rate calculation was used for only one purpose: to maintain runners’ interest in this workout. But after analyzing the performance of the task, we came to an interesting and unexpected conclusion: the heart rate of the same runner at a constant speed of running segments changed depending on the way of breathing. So, for example, runner A. in one case (with normal breathing) had a heart rate at the finish of 200-meter segments of 170 beats/min. in another (with nasal breathing) - 162 beats/min. Let us recall that in both cases the speed of overcoming the segment was the same. A similar picture was observed among other runners in the group.

Everything secret becomes clear

We shared our observations with F.A. Iordanskaya (Head of the Laboratory of Functional Diagnostics and Medical Control of the Central Research Institute “Sport”), who dealt with breathing issues.

She proposed conducting a scientific study on the use of nasal breathing in training endurance runners. In addition, no recommendations for the special use of nasal breathing in training athletes have been found in the available literature.

Without delving now into the details of the scientific research conducted by a group of authors consisting of F. Iordanskaya, A. Yakimov, N. Martyanov, L. Muravyov, A. Nekrasov, we can recommend that all interested readers get to know it themselves. It was outlined in the article “The Use of Nasal Breathing in the Structure of the Training Process in Endurance Sports,” published in the Scientific and Sports Bulletin for 1987. This publication was at one time closed and intended purely for official use, but today it has become available to a wide range of readers.

Nasal breathing was successfully used in their training by graduates of our academy A. Chasova and V. Lyakhova, who became international masters of sports in marathon and 100-kilometer running, M. Ivanov - master of sports in marathon, V. Prudnikova - international master of sports in race walking for 5 and 10 km, as well as other athletes.

Below I would like to give some methodological recommendations that could help athletes more effectively use nasal breathing in exercise, so to speak, in “pure form” and in combination with other breathing methods.

Nasal breathing can be used by almost all athletes, with the exception of those who have disorders of the upper respiratory tract. During the period of getting used to nasal breathing, as well as when holding your breath, athletes may experience headaches, which, as a rule, go away after half an hour.

At the first stage of getting used to nasal breathing, the most suitable training segments are 200 meters. Then they should be extended to 400, 600m, etc. The adaptation period is usually from 2 to 4 weeks.

The first week can be structured something like this.

FIRST DAY. Warm-up run – 3-4 km. General development exercises (GDE) - 15 min. Acceleration -4-5 X 100m after 100m of walking. Running work: 1.3000m (in pulse mode 150 - 160 beats / min.) 2. 2000m (in pulse mode 145 - 155 beats / min.) 3. 1000m (in pulse mode 155 - 165 beats / min.). After each race, rest for 3-4 minutes. walking. 4. 5X200m (45 – 50sec) with nasal breathing after 200m of walking. Easy running - 1-2 km.

SECOND DAY. Uniform cross in pulse mode 135 -145 beats / min - 8 -10 km. Acceleration: 5-7X200m (45 -50 sec with nasal breathing after 200m of walking).

THE THIRD DAY. Variable cross-country – 10 km. Outdoor switchgear – 15 min. Acceleration: 2X400m (85 -90 sec) after 200m walking, 200m (39 -40 sec) with nasal breathing. Easy running -1 -2km.

FOURTH DAY. Warm-up run -3 -4 km. Outdoor switchgear – 15 min. Acceleration: 5 -6 X 80 m after 100 m of walking. 5X200m (43 – 47sec) after 200m jogging (1st, 3rd, 5th segments with nasal breathing). 3000m in pulse mode – 145 – 155 beats/min with normal breathing. Rest -3 -4 min. walking. 5X200m (45 -48sec) after 200m jogging (2nd, 4th segments with nasal breathing). 1000m in pulse mode – 155 – 165 beats/min with normal breathing. Rest -3 -4 min. walking. 400m (83 – 85sec) with nasal breathing. Easy running – 1-2km.

FIFTH DAY. A uniform cross in a pulse mode of 140 - 150 beats / min., at the end, do an acceleration of 2x400m (80 -84 sec.) with nasal breathing after 400m of jogging. Rest -3 -4 min. walking. 200m (38 -40 sec) with nasal breathing. Easy running -1 -2km.

In the second week, half of the cross-country distances recommended for the first week can be run with nasal breathing. In the third week, in two even cross-countries, nasal breathing can be used throughout the entire distance.

It is not recommended to use nasal breathing during middle-, long- and marathon-distance running competitions, since here the maximum heart rate is often reached, regardless of breathing options. Let the athlete use the option that is most convenient for him. Attention biathletes! Take advantage of this technique when approaching the firing line, when you slow down your movement speed. It is recommended to use nasal breathing in 100 km competitions and daily running in cases where the speed of movement is close to walking speed, as well as for athletes participating in runs not for sporting achievements, but for pleasure.

Training segments using nasal breathing can be performed in series. For example, alternate a series of 5X400 m with nasal breathing with the same work with normal breathing. In the 5X1000 m series, after 1000 m of jogging, the 1st segment is overcome with nasal breathing, the second with normal breathing, etc.

Nasal breathing and holding your breath help athletes develop an economical running technique, since under these conditions, due to a lack of oxygen, the length of the running stride decreases and the frequency increases. The runner finds himself, as it were, without interruption from everyday life on the plains while training in mid-mountain conditions. Don't try to take a deep breath, breathe freely and easily. Your body is a highly organized, self-regulating system, trust it and monitor the load, NOT ALLOWING OVERLOAD. If you don't have enough air, you need to slow down your running speed!

One way is good, but two is better

As our practical experience has shown, athletes can use a combined breathing method. It involves the use of nasal breathing and breath holding in a separate training session. But before starting to use the combined breathing method, the athlete must master nasal breathing.

The next stage is mastering breath holding. And only after this can you begin to use the combined method. Usually, it takes runners from one to one and a half months to get used to this and master the technique of two breathing methods. There is no need to rush here, since training with breath holding has an intense effect on the body, significantly surpassing in its consequences training with normal breathing.

In the combined method, training segments using breath holding should not exceed 80m. The total running volume of such segments can be 400-600m in a separate training session. The speed of running training segments with holding your breath can be 87–95% of the maximum. As an example, we offer a general scheme for constructing a weekly cycle using a combined breathing method for athletes.

MONDAY. Warm-up run – 3-4 km. Outdoor switchgear -15 min. Accelerations: 4 -5 X60m with breath holding. 2000m in pulse mode -150 -160 beats/min with normal breathing. 3 X 1000m in pulse mode 155-165 beats/min through 800m jogging (on the 1st and 3rd segments - nasal breathing). 2 X400m (82 – 88sec) nasal breathing through 400m jogging. 3 X50m (8-10 sec) after 150m of walking (on the 1st and 3rd segments - breath holding). Easy run -2 -3 km (normal breathing).

TUESDAY. Uniform cross -12 – 15 km (8 km of which with nasal breathing.). Outdoor switchgear -10 min. Technique run -3 -5X 100m. Acceleration: 4 X 50 m with breath holding after 100 m of walking. Easy run -1 -2km (normal breathing).

WEDNESDAY. Warm-up run -3 -4 km. Outdoor switchgear -15 min. Accelerations: 4 -5 X50m with breath holding. 3000m in pulse mode 150 -1 55 beats/min. with nasal breathing. Jogging rest -1000m (normal breathing). 5x200m (40 -45 sec) with nasal breathing. 2x60m after 100m of walking with breath holding. Easy running - 1-2 km (normal breathing).


FRIDAY. Warm-up run – 3-4 km. ORU - 15 min. Acceleration 4-5 X 70 m with breath holding. 2X 2000m in pulse mode 150 -160 beats/min with nasal breathing after 1000m jogging. 5 X200m (40 – 45 sec) with nasal breathing after 300m jogging. 2 X50 -60m with breath holding. Easy run -1 -2km (normal breathing).

SATURDAY. Uniform cross – 15 – 20 km (10 – 12 km of which with nasal breathing). Outdoor switchgear -10 min. Technique run -2 -3X60 -70m with breath holding. Easy running -1 -2km.


Among the benefits of training with nasal breathing, in addition to everything else, is the fact that they allow athletes to avoid colds of the upper respiratory tract in cold weather.

Athletes who regularly use nasal breathing, breath-holding or a combined method in training quickly adapt to training in mid-mountain or high-altitude areas.

We described training runners in mountain conditions on the website in an article"Mammoths" in the middle mountains"


Your desire to achieve the best performance in sports is a natural need. But how far you are willing to go without breaking the law is entirely up to you. When I prescribe hypoxic training to one of my athletes, I begin to test the limits; I have to feel that he is ready for unconventional training. Hypoxic training can provide a positive stimulus and facilitate the transition to altitude training. In addition, it strengthens the respiratory muscles. In this chapter I present a method I have personally developed that uses a standard breathing mask. There is no scientific data regarding this method. The method is based solely on my own experience and my subjective assessment. The idea came to me by accident. During the creative periods of my life, I work many hours as a stonemason in my studio. I work with marble and to protect myself from marble dust I wear a mask. When breathing through a mask, I have to use more force to inhale, even though the volume of oxygen entering my lungs remains the same. One day I noticed that during those periods when I work a lot in my studio wearing a mask, I feel very good and cheerful.

First of all, when I went to the mountains for several days, to Davos, at an altitude of 1600 meters above sea level. When I climbed the mountains, the “slight” feeling of hypoxia that I always felt in the mountains seemed to disappear. I didn't feel any difference compared to the normal altitude of the area where I live. My lungs, breathing and body responded to the physical activity as if I were training at an altitude of 400 meters above sea level. This is how the idea arose to make training sessions with a mask hypoxic training. This method is difficult on a mental level. Unlike hypoxic swimming, in which respiratory activity is reduced during exercise, hypoxic training is focused on pauses. We are accustomed to the fact that during pauses during interval training, when there is an increased need for air, there is enough oxygen. After all, no one reduces the amount of air around them? But I did exactly that, and with the help of an ordinary mask. Hypoxic training is a new stimulus that brings variety to your workouts! This in itself can be enough motivation and motivation to consistently implement your training plan. How does hypoxic training work? You run around the track 12 to 20 times at 400 meters at a pace that's about eight percent faster than your best 10-kilometer time. If your best ten kilometer time is 40 minutes, that equates to 1:28 minutes per 400-meter interval. During the pause, you walk for 60 seconds with a breathing mask. However, before doing this, cover 90 percent of the surface of the dust filter with adhesive tape.

For the first six breaths after exercise, you inhale a normal amount of air. Then you press the mask to your face and use the pulse oximeter, which you hold in your other hand, to check the oxygen saturation of your blood. The goal is to maintain saturation at about 90 percent during the pause (normal saturation during the pause is 96-99 percent), even if the breathing reflex says, “Please take off that mask.” Immediately!". You must endure and resist this reflex. The feeling is very unpleasant, something like a “thirst for air” arises. As soon as you continue to breathe, this feeling will disappear. In addition, a certain amount of muscle tension will occur in the lungs. Despite this, there is a feeling of threat. I have had experience working with athletes who, when starting a swim, had real panic attacks and the feeling that they might drown. For timid swimmers, this kind of training is very helpful if they have the courage to start. I then start with four repetitions at 94 percent saturation and work my way down to lower values.

Here you will find a visual representation of hypoxic training. Hypoxic training, or respiratory muscle training, cannot be compared to altitude training. Since the oxygen content in the surrounding air remains unchanged, however, it becomes more difficult to obtain due to the obstacle in the form of a mask, the respiratory muscles are especially trained. True, due to difficulty breathing, oxygen saturation in the blood decreases, resulting in both a lack of air and a hypoxic irritant. What is the purpose of this training? The purpose of the training is, firstly, to strengthen the respiratory muscles and increase mental tolerance to stress when there is a lack of air. The less the respiratory muscles themselves require oxygen supply due to stronger and more economical work and thus become fatigued later, the higher the percentage of oxygen available to the muscles of the arms and legs. How does hypoxic training work? You know this situation during swimming training: You deliberately put yourself under physiological stress through high intensity and short pauses, as a result of which the desire to breathe becomes more and more intense. This breathing reflex occurs due to increased carbon dioxide levels in the blood and is ultimately a smart defense for survival. Can you guess which area this training is mainly aimed at? Those who cannot keep everything under control have their hands free On the one hand, to control the respiratory reflex, and on the other, to react in an emergency situation. In other words: Learn to deal with this lack and intentionally control the sensation to a certain extent. Because it is this ability that is the decisive factor that allows you to meet crisis situations in professional sports fully armed. During hypoxic training, the mask creates nothing more than an “artificial” crisis situation. Hypoxic training very effectively combines the benefits of training with the SpiroTiger device and training with a lung training device. With the SpiroTiger device, you first of all learn to continue breathing cleanly and deeply during exertion. With a lung training device, on the contrary, you train the muscles of the lungs and torso. When to include hypoxic training in your training plan? It is best to repeat hypoxic training during the pre-competition phase for twelve weeks every seven days. It should then be repeated during the season, one training session seven days before each competition. Altitude training and hypoxic training Hypoxic training is also a very effective way to prepare for altitude training. To do this, it is enough to complete six to eight training sessions over six to eight weeks before starting altitude training. That being said, I still find it amazing to feel like my body has almost adapted when I start training at altitude. During the passive phase, when you are in the mountains but not training, you feel as if you have already spent three weeks in the mountains. Of course, in order for the body to fully adapt, it is necessary to spend 20-25 days in the mountains. However, hypoxic training allows you to at least prepare well for altitude training. Who is hypoxic training suitable for? This workout is suitable as a complement to training for athletes of any level, provided that the athlete is healthy, everything goes according to plan when creating and executing the training schedule, and all other training sessions can be completed without difficulty. What improvement in performance can you expect? Based on my athletes' responses, I estimate the training effect to be 0.5 percent improvement in performance - that's 18 seconds per competition hour. This indicator is based on an application phase eight weeks before the competition, during which the endurance of the respiratory muscles was developed and the oxygen supply to the skeletal muscles was optimized. Athletes who are very cold and find it difficult to perform hypoxic complexes while swimming benefit from hypoxic training more than others. At times, the improvement in performance for athletes with lower VO2max values ​​is even greater. This is about numbers. However, the benefits for the mental side are difficult to quantify. The greatest benefit was received by athletes who tried such training for the first time. They feel mentally stronger and are generally open to more intense workouts, whether it's interval training or hypoxic swim training. Hypoxic training and its associated rotation can also enhance motivation during daily training. Fearful competitive swimmers also benefit from hypoxic training, as it leads to shortness of breath and thus teaches them to cope with crisis situations. An athlete who regularly panics and experiences hyperventilation at the beginning of a swim can simulate this situation in advance, which will allow him to better cope with it during competition. Things to consider The training set is run on a 400-meter track, and you need to choose a slower workout pace than usual. As a result, you feel insufficient load during training and think that training is not giving anything. But if you run faster, your heart rate will be too high and it will be impossible to withstand the mask. Check whether your heart rate at a pace eight percent faster than your ten-kilometer pace is within your “comfort zone” (you will find the corresponding table of heart rate values ​​in the chapter “Preparation for the competition and competition”). About two hours after training, you will be slightly tired and need a short nap. The fastest of my athletes do three races on hypoxic days as follows: · in the morning an easy training session with sprints, · then at about 11 o'clock a hypoxic training session with an afternoon nap, · in the evening, intense, fast short distance runs. Important: Hypoxic training does not replace an interval training set on a treadmill because it does not provide the body with a true stimulus in terms of pace.
Conclusion Hypoxic training is a very specific type of training. To put on a mask while running 400 meters in a spurt, you need to overcome yourself. In order not to tear off your mask, despite the lack of air and insufficient oxygen saturation, courage and willpower are required.

After six training units over six weeks, you feel “full,” meaning that maintaining 90 percent oxygen saturation has become relatively easier. This suggests that hypoxic training should be discontinued and return to normal treadmill training units without a mask. At the same time, you will notice that during pauses you get “really a lot” of air. Now you are more ready to push yourself to your limit. So, mentally, this type of training is clearly beneficial. I love limits. Learning your limits makes life worth living. The mask and pulse oximeter together cost no more than 150 euros. An improvement of 0.5 percent for 150 euros plus a certain “dose of fear” is a good result.

Which chapter from this book would you like to read next? Would you have picked up this book if it had been published in Russian? Formula for effective swimming Formula for effective cycling Running Forum Seven main mistakes of a triathlete in swimming Seven main mistakes of a triathlete in cycling Seven main mistakes of a triathlete in running Training program Microcycles and macrocycles Training of transition zones "bike-run" Training at height with a mask Breath-hold training Strength training Aerodynamics Training camp Getting ready for the start Preparing for competitions and the start itself Nutrition at competitions Tests: the language of blood Cramps Coach and athlete Overtraining Zen-style training FAST training Self-discipline and self-responsibility Compensatory training Meditation Warm-up Sports injuries

  • Currently, the use of methodological techniques with breath holding and nasal breathing in the training of endurance athletes is usually called hypoxic training, since it is based on a deterioration in the oxygen supply to working tissues.
    Skiing magazine
  • Hypoxic therapy is a technique for improving the functional state, performance, vitality and quality of life of a sick person through dosed hypoxic effects.
  • Short term impact moderate degrees of hypoxia stimulates aerobic metabolism in most organs and tissues, increases the general nonspecific resistance of the body, and promotes the development of adaptation to various types of adverse effects.
    Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor N.I. Volkov
    Russian State Academy of Physical Culture, Moscow
  • Long-term hypoxic training, against the background of improved general clinical manifestations of the disease, increased quality of life, indicators of physical performance and central hemodynamics, causes an increase in the activity of the main antioxidant enzymes and an associated decrease in the severity of systemic oxidative stress.
    State Healthcare Institution Diagnostic Center of the Altai Territory, Altai State Medical University
  • To perform a vacuum, get on all fours, exhale all the air from your lungs and suck in your stomach as much as you can. Hold this state for 20-30 seconds, then relax for a few seconds and try two or three more times.

    The next step is to practice the "vacuum" while kneeling. Stand up straight with your hands on your knees and try to hold the “vacuum” for as long as you can.

    Performing a “vacuum” while sitting is an even more difficult task. But once you learn how to hold a “vacuum” while sitting without any problems, you will be able to do it while standing while performing various poses.