Reasons for a dog's muzzle to become swollen, what to do. Causes of peripheral edema. What to do with an insect bite

There are many reasons why this can happen, but the pet owner should definitely remember that this condition is not normal for the animal and should be shown to a veterinarian as quickly as possible.

If swelling in a dog appears immediately after or during a walk, then most likely this is the animal’s body’s reaction to flowering. At home, this reaction may occur as a result of contact with household chemicals or changing food.

A swollen face may be associated with the appearance of a hematoma, which arose as a result of a fight with other animals or some kind of physical injury.

From a veterinary point of view, this external sign may be related to various diseases– phlegmon, hemangioma, neoplasms, as well as muscle inflammation.

A dog can be bitten by a mosquito, bee or wasp. When poison enters the animal’s body, its protective reaction is activated, which involves the rapid neutralization of this poison. As a result, swelling of the muzzle occurs.

Swelling may be due to the scheduled vaccination, but, as a rule, it disappears within a few hours and there is no change in appearance no dog is observed.


There are several causes of swelling in the eye area. It may indicate internal problems in the body or be caused by external factors. Often, swelling may be accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • The presence of a tumor accompanied purulent discharge indicates conjunctivitis. The cause of the disease may be an infection in the eye. Also, the development of conjunctivitis is observed against the background of a cold;
  • A tumor of the eyelid above the eye is a stye. Its development is possible as a result of debris entering the eye, which provokes inflammation of the meibomian gland;
  • Increased lacrimation due to tumor – allergic reaction. An allergy can be triggered by a new product in an animal’s diet, exposure to foreign object in the eye, insect bite, etc.;
  • One eye of a dog with inflammation of the cornea is swollen - keratitis. The cause may be worms, infection and eye injury;
  • Against the background of the tumor, a fear of light developed – blepharitis. The dog becomes like a person who has been severely stung by bees. The eyes become like small slits; the animal cannot even open them. The dog tries to find a secluded place, covering its eyes with its paws;
  • Not only the eye is swollen, but also part of the muzzle - anaphylactic shock caused by a severe allergic reaction. An increase in symptoms is observed, and if appropriate treatment is not started, this can cause death. The cause of this reaction may be soft tissue injuries, for example, after a fight between two dogs. Swelling after such an injury can cause hematomas;
  • Swelling of the eyes that occurs periodically - kidney or heart disease. If swelling appears in the morning and then goes away, this indicates that the animal has problems with internal organs.

Self-diagnose a particular disease in your pet, in this case, does not seem possible. Therefore, when the first symptoms of a problem appear, you must immediately go to the veterinarian, as some swelling develops quite quickly.

Inflammation of the dog's eye appears as a reaction to the introduction various stimuli or infections. It can be localized in internal or outer corners, on the eyelids or in the sclera area. Each disease has its own localization area.


The main cause of puffy eyes is inflammation of the conjunctiva (the mucous membrane of the eye). Conjunctivitis may have various etiologies: infectious, allergic, traumatic. May occur due to exposure to chemical irritants. Sometimes this is a simple violation of eye hygiene, and sometimes this is a complication of internal ailments. Depending on the cause, treatment tactics are also proposed.

In addition to severe swelling of the mucous membrane, conjunctivitis has other symptoms: pain in the eyes, fear bright light, hyperemia and lacrimation.

If inflammation is not treated immediately, it can become protracted. chronic form when periods of remissions alternate with periods of exacerbations.

This form is much more difficult to treat and it is better not to reach it.

Treatment consists of washing the eye with special antiseptic solutions, instillation of anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drugs.

Entropion of the eyelids

With this pathology, part of the eyelid turns inward, towards the pupil, causing the prickly hairs to begin to rub against the surface of the cornea, injuring it. Over time, severe inflammation occurs, which may be accompanied by ulceration of the cornea. If in inflammatory process The cornea is involved, and a complication begins - traumatic keratitis.

Other symptoms of bloat - severe pain syndrome, fear of light, constant lacrimation.

The disease may be hereditary. It is a breed characteristic for dogs with a short muzzle and folded skin (bulldogs, sharpeis). Great Danes also often suffer from bloat, since their eyelid ligaments are genetically weakened.

Symptomatic anti-inflammatory drugs are used as therapy. But only surgery.


Blepharitis is acute swelling of the eyelids. This is a fairly common pathology. First, the outer eyelid is affected, then the process moves to the inner layers of the epidermis, the mucous membrane and affects the conjunctiva. The cause may be internal infections, allergic reactions, or genetic disorders. The most susceptible breeds are: Labradors, poodles, english bulldogs, Pekingese and some others.

Depending on the symptoms, scaly, ulcerative, meibomian, and furunculous forms of blepharitis in dogs are distinguished. Treatment is mostly conservative. The dog is prescribed anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drugs.


Malignant or benign neoplasms in the eye area - more serious illness. Older dogs are more susceptible to it. Usually the pathology affects one eye. Initial symptoms may resemble a slowly developing eyelid abscess.

A positive outcome of the disease depends on early diagnosis and timely prescribed treatment. In this case, only surgery is effective. To save a dog's life, it is often necessary to remove the affected eye. At malignant process chemotherapy is additionally prescribed.

Foreign body in the eye

Reason severe inflammation eye is injury to the cornea by contact with the mucous membrane foreign bodies. Motes, midges, small seeds stick to it, mechanically affecting its surface. The dog constantly rubs his eyes with his paw, further infecting the mucous membrane.

It is important to remove the traumatic object as soon as possible to avoid the spread of infection. To perform the manipulation they do any prophylactic solution for washing eyes (chamomile decoction, strong tea leaves, solution boric acid). Holding the dog's head, spread its eyelids as far as possible and carefully remove the object with a cotton pad soaked in the solution. At the end of the procedure, the eyes are washed generously and an anti-inflammatory agent is instilled.

Allergic eye reaction

If your eyes, ears, or bridge of the nose are swollen, there is a high probability of a severe allergic reaction. For the presence of an allergen in the body the immune system responds by producing a special hormone - histamine. If left untreated, the situation worsens, inflammation increases, spreading to internal organs and systems.

IN severe cases Anaphylactic shock and suffocation may develop. There is only one treatment tactic for such a disease - immediate identification of the allergen, removal of it from the body and administration antihistamines to alleviate the animal's condition.

Pathologies of the heart or kidneys

Morning swelling of the eyes may indicate heart or kidney disease. Their bad job speaks of impaired blood circulation, causes stagnation of fluid in the body, which is the cause of edema. The eyes may become swollen if the animal receives too much salt. Availability large quantity salt in the body can provoke a rise in blood pressure.

Insect bites

In the summer season to common reasons Edema can be attributed to bites of poisonous snakes and insects. Bites from mosquitoes, bees or wasps are not fatal and go away on their own over time (in the absence of allergies), while bites from poisonous snakes and spiders can be costly for the dog and its owner.

So, if there is any doubt about which insect showed aggression, you should take the dog to the veterinarian to avoid possible serious consequences.

There are many causes of muzzle swelling. It happens that there is swelling of one half or swelling of the entire muzzle. This may be due to: Infection/phlegm ( purulent inflammation) Allergic reaction Acetaminophen poisoning Hematoma Tumor Muscle inflammation (myositis)

When your dog’s face is swollen and you, not knowing what to do, are looking for advice on this topic on the Internet on forums, we recommend not to self-medicate or experiment on your beloved pet. The fact is that there are many reasons for swelling of the animal’s muzzle, and the consequences of your experiment may disappoint you and your family

This symptom can be life-threatening if it progresses to the throat, so do not try to self-diagnose the cause of the swelling. If your pet's face appears swollen, call your veterinarian immediately.


Just like people, dogs can have allergies to chemicals, foods, plants, spider bites, bee stings, medications, or vaccines (although these are rare). A severe allergic reaction can lead to swelling of the throat - a rupture of the windpipe - so if your dog's face looks swollen, if he has trouble breathing, his gums are purple or blue, or if symptoms persist, call your vet immediately.

Treatment for allergies depends on the cause, but often includes antihistamines, steroids, antibiotic ointment, a special diet, and skin or blood tests.


Often caused by animal bites or other wounds, head and neck abscesses appear suddenly, are usually accompanied by a fever, and may be lopsided on your dog's head or neck. This is very painful condition; if your dog has facial swelling and refuses to eat or drink, an abscess may be the cause.

An abscess must be treated immediately. Treatment may include surgical drainage, anti-inflammatory drugs, and antibiotics.

Dental problems

A sore or broken tooth or untreated gum disease can also lead to abscesses, accompanied by swelling of the face, fever, depression and great pain for your dog.

Treatment for dental abscesses involves removing the inflamed tooth along with a course of antibiotics.

Tumors (noncancerous and cancerous)

Swelling of the mouth and throat may occur in dogs, along with swelling of the face. Symptoms may include difficulty eating, bleeding and bad smell. The dog may also have puffy eyes, which can cause the eyes to swell.

Swelling caused by uncontrolled cell growth requires treatment. early treatment, regardless of whether they are malignant. Surgery to remove the tumor or radiation therapy May be effective method treatment.

Dog bites or other skin punctures may also cause bacterial infection skin, called phlegmon. Symptoms: swelling, ulcers, tenderness, redness and pain.


A thorough physical examination by a veterinarian will help determine the diagnosis: Swelling of the muzzle often causes the wound to become infected. The area of ​​swelling may be hot and painful. As a rule, the animal has a fever. Swelling, often associated with an allergic reaction to insect bites. Bee stings cause severe itching.

Acetaminophen poisoning can also lead to swelling. The reason for this is not yet fully understood. Accompanied by itchy paws and stained gums Brown color. A hematoma may develop due to injury. In this case, most often only one side of the head swells. A hematoma can also be painful.

In some animals the bruise may be visible. Chondrosarcoma, osteosarcoma, lymphosarcoma and fibrosarcoma are types of cancer that can lead to swelling of the muzzle. Swelling of the lymph nodes, which are located under the jaw, can also look like swelling of the muzzle. Tumors can be painful and have open wounds. Muscle inflammation. As a rule, swelling is localized in the area lower jaw or at the top of the head.

A thorough physical examination and history can often help your veterinarian make a diagnosis.

Swelling in the face due to infection is most often associated with injury. This swelling is usually warm and painful and may be accompanied by fever.

Swelling of the face associated with an allergic reaction is often the result of insect bites and usually occurs in warm weather. The swelling most often spreads throughout the head and is not painful.

Acetaminophen poisoning can cause swelling of the face, but is most common in cats. The causes of swelling are not fully understood. In addition to swelling of the face, itching of the paws may be observed, as well as the appearance of brown pigmentation on the gums.

A hematoma is a large bruise with blood clot, which usually develops after injury, but it can also occur due to a bleeding disorder. This usually results in swelling in one area of ​​the muzzle and can be painful. In short-haired and light-colored animals, bruising or discoloration of the skin may be visible.

Certain types of neoplasia can develop on the scalp. These include: chondrosarcoma, osteosarcoma, lymphosarcoma and fibrosarcoma. This usually results in swelling of the muzzle in a specific area and does not cause swelling of the entire muzzle. Nodular tumors lymph glands located under the jaw can also cause swelling of the muzzle. The tumors can be painful and also cause open sores.

Muscle inflammation is another possible reason localized swelling of the muzzle. Typically, such swelling is localized on the lower jaw or upper part of the muzzle.

From the above it is clear that treatment of edema is, first of all, treatment of the underlying disease that caused the edema.

The causes of edema associated with local inflammation or injury are relatively easy to recognize. In this case, measures are taken to treat the cause of inflammation - most often antibiotics and antiseptics. Chronic joint damage (arthrosis), with significant stress, can also lead to inflammation and swelling of the tissues of the joint and paw.

Swelling of the face or neck (Quincke's edema), which is a symptom of an allergy, can be life-threatening, in which case it is necessary to immediately bring the animal to the clinic. It is important to know that antihistamines, such as diphenhydramine, suprastin, and others, are rarely effective in dogs and cats, and their effectiveness cannot be predicted, therefore the first aid for Quincke's edema is to restore patency respiratory tract, if it is impaired, adrenaline, because it inhibits the release of inflammatory mediators from mast cells, and steroid hormones (prednisolone or dexamethasone), because they inhibit allergic reactions at all stages of their development. Quincke's edema rarely develops on drugs given orally, mainly on drugs administered parenterally, that is, by injection.

The drug that caused the allergy is prohibited from being administered in the future - tell all doctors who will subsequently treat your animal about this.

Edema due to low blood albumin can be diagnosed by measuring albumin levels and total protein (biochemical analysis blood). Adjust low level albumin can be administered intravenously human albumin, good nutrition. In addition, transfusion of colloidal solutions (Refortan, Infucol) and careful use diuretics.

Do not forget that this type of peripheral edema is also only a symptom, and if your animal does not have obvious reason loss of protein (malnutrition or diarrhea), it is necessary to examine the internal organs (liver, kidneys) - for this, a biochemical blood test, ultrasound, general analysis urine.

Peripheral edema due to chronic heart failure is quite rare, however, when accepting an animal with edema, the doctor must, at least on the basis of examination data (palpation of the pulse, auscultation of the heart, examination of the mucous membranes), form an opinion about the functioning of the heart.

Local edema due to impaired venous and lymphatic drainage is also quite rare. You may encounter this type of swelling, for example, if the animal's paw sits for a long time intravenous catheter- then you can loosen the plaster securing the catheter, or, after agreeing with your doctor, remove the catheter completely.

How is the treatment carried out?

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of the swollen eye, so self-medication is prohibited. A mild allergic reaction caused by chemicals or food will go away on its own after the animal takes an antihistamine. If the swelling does not go away, it is recommended to consult a doctor, since with angioedema, the swelling can spread to the larynx, causing the animal to suffocate.

You should immediately consult a doctor if your dog’s eye is swollen due to symptoms such as:

  1. Vomit.
  2. Rapid breathing.
  3. Redness in the oral mucosa.
  4. The tumor begins to increase in size.

Treatment of a tumor in the eye area should be prescribed depending on the cause of the formation:

  1. In the case of hematomas, after insect bites and injuries, the tumor must be opened and the area where the infection has entered must be cleaned. Snake bites that can occur while walking in nature are extremely dangerous. In this case, you cannot do without introducing a special serum;
  2. Treatment of conjunctivitis should be carried out using ophthalmic agents: drops and ointments. You can use the following drugs: Erythromycin, Kanamycin, Levomecitin.

It is unacceptable to self-medicate if a tumor forms in an animal in the eye area. After providing first aid to your pet, it is recommended to immediately show it to a veterinarian, who will determine the cause of the disease and prescribe effective treatment. Only the help of a professional and making the correct diagnosis will help save your pet for eye problems.

Treatment may vary depending on the cause. If infection is present, the swelling may need to be opened and cleaned. Antibiotics are often used. For allergic reactions, diphenhydramine and corticosteroids are used. In case of acetaminophen poisoning, the swelling site is treated with acetylcysteine. This drug is used to reduce acetaminophen toxicity in the liver.

IV drips are often necessary. Additional treatment may be necessary in severe cases. Treatment for hematomas varies depending on the severity of the injury or if bleeding is present. Treatment for cancer depends on the location and type. In case of muscle inflammation, as a rule, the swelling sites are treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and/or corticosteroids.


Treatment may vary depending on the cause of facial swelling.

For allergic reactions, antihistamines and/or corticosteroids are used.

Acetaminophen poisoning is treated with acetylcysteine. The drug is used to reduce the toxicity of acetaminophen in the liver. Most often, intravenous fluid infusions are necessary, in severe cases - additional treatment accompanying pathologies.

Treatment for a hematoma depends on the severity of the injury or whether there is a clotting problem.

Treatment of neoplasia depends on the location of the tumor and its type.

Muscle inflammation is usually treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and/or corticosteroids.

Mild allergic reaction to food or chemical agent will go away on its own after taking an antihistamine. If the swelling does not subside, you should urgently consult a doctor, since with angioedema, the tumor can penetrate into the larynx, and the dog will suffocate.

The following symptoms warrant an immediate visit to the veterinarian:

  • Increase in tumor size.
  • Redness of the mucous membrane in the mouth.
  • Rapid breathing.
  • Vomit.

Before the doctor arrives, the dog needs to be given an injection of Fencarol, Diphenhydramine, Diazolin, Prednisolone.

Treatment for eye tumors depends on the cause of the disease:

  • For hematomas after injuries or insect bites, the tumor is opened and the site of infection is cleaned. Snake bites are especially dangerous because they can attack a dog while walking in nature. In this case, the doctor will introduce a special serum.
  • Conjunctivitis is treated ophthalmic agent: ointment or drops. The drugs Levometicin, Kanmycin, Erythromycin will help.

Self-medication in the event of an eye tumor in a dog is not acceptable. After providing first aid to your pet, you must contact a veterinarian, who will find out the cause and prescribe necessary treatment. Only correct diagnosis and the help of a professional will help relieve your pet of eye problems.

First aid for a dog

If your pet's eye is swollen while traveling or at the dacha, then you need to try to remove it yourself. severe swelling. To do this, several first aid measures should be carried out. But even if the pet feels better after this, it is necessary to show it to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Only he can determine how serious his condition is, identify hidden symptoms diseases and prescribe professional treatment.

At acute inflammation ocular structures, the owner’s actions must be decisive:

  • if the animal is prone to an allergic reaction, an antihistamine should be injected or given in tablet form (Suprastin, Loratadine, Diphenhydramine);
  • apply to the sore eye cold compress to reduce symptoms of edema and reduce local temperature;
  • rinse your eyes with chamomile decoction, strong tea leaves, and boiled water;
  • bury antimicrobial drug sodium sulfacyl or put tetracycline eye ointment behind the eyelid;
  • Place a special collar around the dog’s neck to prevent scratching of the eyes with paws and secondary infection of the mucous membrane.

IN veterinary clinic They will conduct a high-quality diagnosis and, depending on the type of pathology, prescribe treatment. After this, the owner’s tasks will include carefully following the doctor’s recommendations. At the end of the course of treatment, it will be necessary to bring the dog for a second examination to determine the tactics for further action.

Swelling of the eyes is a reason to immediately contact a veterinarian. Since only a specialist can deliver accurate diagnosis and will appoint adequate treatment. Before visiting a doctor, you can try to remove the tumor yourself using an antihistamine. You can give your dog Suprastin, Diazolin, Claritin, Loratadine.

The eye can be washed boiled water, weak solution chamomile decoction. To alleviate your pet's condition, tetracycline ointment can be placed in the eye.

A cold compress helps relieve pain. A heating pad or bottle is filled with ice and water, wrapped in a clean towel and placed over the eyes. The cold will constrict the blood vessels and the swelling will subside a little.

Firstly, a cold compress will definitely come in handy. The cold narrows blood vessels, as a result of which the main signs of inflammation and swelling are removed. If you suspect that your dog's eye is swollen due to a local allergic reaction, it makes sense to use antihistamines.

Secondly, with the help cotton swab, moistened with a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide, dried exudate and other traces of discharge are removed from the animal’s eyes, and tetracycline ointment is placed in the conjunctival cavity. After this, regardless of the results of treatment, the dog still needs to be taken to the clinic.

Home care and prevention

IN in rare cases You can treat swelling of your dog's muzzle at home. If the cause is an allergic reaction, antihistamines can be used initially, but this is not always effective.

It is usually impossible to prevent swelling of the muzzle. However, fighting and biting wounds can be prevented to reduce the risk of muzzle swelling due to infection.

Sudden changes in appearance pet can scare anyone. Just now everything was fine, and suddenly the muzzle began to swell. What to do, how to provide first aid, and what are the reasons for such misfortune? All this can be learned from the material in this article, but it is worth remembering that it is informational only, since treatment and examination must be carried out only by a veterinarian.

The Dog House project has equally interesting articles that provide answers to basic questions related to emerging problems in dogs and puppies, which are most often dealt with in practice.

The dog's face is swollen, what could it be, blisters, what is it

It can be difficult to make a diagnosis yourself. Take your pet to the vet as soon as possible.

After examining the animal, he will determine what happened. The reasons for the appearance of a tumor can be different:
- urticaria or Quincke's edema;
- reaction to paracetamol;
- malignant formation;
- myositis;
- hematoma;
- phlegmoma.

Treatment will be different in each case. If the muzzle begins to swell immediately after a walk through the flowering lawns, an allergy can be assumed.

In dogs, the cells that react to the allergen are not in the nasal mucosa, but under the skin, so when they encounter an allergen, the muzzle begins to swell. This reaction may be due to a food allergy when changing food or a reaction to strong odors household chemicals.

What to do if your dog’s face and eyes are swollen, his head is itchy, what could it be?

If your dog has an allergy, it may manifest itself in mild form and heavy. Light form– this is urticaria, it is not life-threatening for the animal, but it also needs to be treated. A severe form of an allergic reaction is Quincke's edema. If it spreads into the respiratory tract, the dog may suffocate. Characteristic symptoms Quincke's edema:
- swelling of the muzzle;
- redness or paleness of the mucous membrane in the mouth;
- vomiting with rapid breathing, wheezing.

If you can give suprastin or something else for urticaria antihistamine medicine, which is at hand, then in case of angioedema the dog needs urgent medical assistance, you will need to insert a breathing tube and a dropper; if help is not provided, the animal may die. Before the veterinarian arrives, it is necessary to give an injection of an antihistamine (fenkarol, diazalin, diphenhydramine). The swelling develops very quickly, so you can’t hesitate.

The dog's face is swollen from being bitten by another dog after a fight, from mosquitoes, after being vaccinated against rabies

The causes of a pet's swollen face are sometimes easy to determine on your own. After a fight with another dog, your pet may be left with bruises and scratches. At home, they must be washed and treated with an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide 3%). Just in case, to prevent the development of allergies, give antihistamine, and visit a veterinarian as soon as possible.

After a mosquito bite, urticaria or Quincke's edema may develop. In both cases, it is necessary to give the dog any antihistamine (can be human).

To prevent the dog's face from swelling after vaccinations, including against rabies, before the procedure she must receive an allergy injection (diazolin, diphenhydramine, etc.).

The dog's muzzle is swollen on one side, the left side of the muzzle, in the form of lumps, in the area of ​​the nose and red eyes and spots, vomiting

With hematomas and injuries, usually one side of the muzzle swells. An insect bite can also cause swelling at the site of the bite. Treatment will depend on the diagnosis. If there is an infection, the tumor site will need to be opened and cleaned. If you have allergies, you will need antihistamines and corticosteroids. If the tumor is caused by cancer, treatment will depend on the type of cancer. For myositis, swollen areas are treated with anti-inflammatory ointments.

Why is the dog's face and paws swollen, neck and not eating, allergies, treatment

When you suspect that the cause of the swelling of your pet's paws and face is an allergic reaction, inject diphenhydramine or give suprastin tablets as soon as possible.

You can use any human antihistamine, calculating the dose according to the instructions depending on the weight of your pet. What will it be like further treatment, will advise veterinarian.

A corneal ulcer causes pain and suffering to the animal. It can occur in a dog or cat of any age and any breed. Regardless of the reason...

Dogs are not just beloved pets, but full members of the family. When they get sick, it becomes a real tragedy for the owner. If suddenly, upon waking up in the morning, he discovered a swollen dog’s muzzle, then he needs to understand the reasons. Such a symptom cannot be left without attention. It is advisable to make an appointment with a veterinarian immediately. The fact is that it is not possible to independently discover what exactly was the provoking factor. So, let's look at the causes of the pathology and methods of treatment.

Main reasons

There are many reasons why a dog's face becomes swollen. What to do in such a situation will be discussed a little later. First let's look at all the factors. These include:


The most common reason why a dog's face and eyes are swollen is allergies. There are a lot of irritants. A reaction may occur in an animal upon contact with chemicals, detergents(shampoos), plants. Also a provoking factor are insect bites (bees, spiders, etc.). Less commonly, allergic reactions occur to medications, including vaccines. It is important to do a test before taking medications. This will help avoid serious consequences.

Quite common in dogs food allergy. Some breeds, especially decorative ones, have a genetic predisposition to it. Food for such individuals must be selected carefully. Introduce new foods into the diet in small portions, checking the body’s reaction.

Regardless of what causes the allergic reaction, the consequences can be very serious. In severe cases, not only the dog's muzzle swells and throat swelling develops. And this can cause a rupture of the trachea. If the main symptom is also added hard breath, change in color of the mucous membrane (a characteristic blue color appears), then you should immediately seek qualified help.

How to treat an animal if it has allergies? First of all, it is necessary to determine to what stimulus the reaction occurs. Contact with him should be completely excluded. After diagnosis, the veterinarian will prescribe a course of antihistamines and steroids. Treat the swollen area with antibiotic-based ointment. This will help reduce itching. Necessarily drug therapy complement special diet.


If your dog's face is swollen, what should you do? First of all, inspect skin heads for damage. Often, after an insect or other animal bite, an infection develops at the site of the lesion. Pus accumulates in the wound. This leads to an increase in body temperature. Abscesses are most often localized on one side. May spread to the neck. Very painful.

If a dog's muzzle is swollen and he refuses food or water, then this is a sure sign of development infectious process. Under no circumstances should you delay treatment. The fact is that pus can get into the blood, and this will lead to infection. Therapy includes taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Surgical drainage may also be needed.


A dog's swollen face may indicate tumor formation. They are localized in the mouth or throat. Besides external changes, the animal's appetite noticeably decreases. Bleeding may occur. Often, with neoplasms, a sharp, unpleasant odor emanates from the dog’s mouth. Swelling from the muzzle can spread to the eyes, which greatly increase in size. This happens due to uncontrolled cell proliferation.

Treatment should begin as quickly as possible. The fact is that malignant tumors lead to the death of a pet. However, if radiation therapy is started in time, it is quite possible to save the animal’s life. The doctor may also decide to remove the formation. surgically.


If your dog has a swollen face, the method of diagnosis will depend on the underlying cause. Medical checkup carried out only by a doctor.

  • When infected, the damaged area becomes hot. You can determine it by touch. The dog has a fever. She reacts sharply to touch, she can bite because she feels severe pain. Suppuration is visible in the wound. As a rule, examination is sufficient to make a diagnosis.
  • If you have an allergy, you must undergo a general blood test. A skin scraping is also taken and a test is made to determine the type of irritant.
  • If a dog has a swollen muzzle and the specialist suspects that it is caused by a tumor, then a comprehensive examination. Biochemical analysis may be needed. The collection is carried out under anesthesia. The doctor punctures the formation with a special device and takes the material for examination.

Prevention measures

Many dog ​​owners are interested in what preventive measures should be taken to avoid the formation of muzzle edema. It is worth noting that everything will depend on the reason. If we're talking about O mechanical damage, then it is easy for the owner to prevent the development of pathology. Preventive measures simple - carefully monitor your pet. Do not allow him to come into contact with wild animals. You should also avoid fights with other dogs. Check your skin regularly and oral cavity pet. Sniff the smell from the mouth. This will help to detect the inflammatory process in time and begin treatment.

It is important to exclude hard bones from your diet. When split, their edges become sharp, which can injure the gums. Accordingly, this leads to the development of an abscess. If the cause of swelling is an allergic reaction, then you can take tests to identify the irritant. The owner will have to limit the animal's contact with all substances that may cause a reaction.

Unfortunately, there are reasons why swelling appears regardless of the conditions of detention. These include tumors. In such a situation, the sooner therapy is carried out, the greater the chance of recovery for the pet.

We are at the dacha, the vet won’t get to us until about two o’clock tomorrow.
Bernets, 3 years old. Swollen left half, the eye was completely swollen. He eats normally, but carefully. He drinks normally. Afraid to move his head. He is afraid to be petted. Doesn't allow you to examine the inside of the mouth.
I must say that he already had some problems, the veterinarian said that it was stomatitis, they took antibiotics, did a blockade, it seemed to get better, but slight stiffness remained. It intensified after violent games or after fights (I have three males, they fight with the youngest a little for the sake of order). The veterinarian said that the recovery process was going slowly, but since the dog was clearly, albeit slowly, getting better, there was no need to do anything else. And this morning this is the picture - I wasn’t there, I just arrived, I was horrified. At the same time, he is quite lively, the temperature is normal.
Tomorrow our local will look, if he doesn’t say anything smarter than stomatitis, we’ll go to the city with the boy. In the meantime, can anyone give me some ideas - what diagnoses should I suggest the veterinarian check?
Apart from eosinophilic myositis, I have not found anything similar anywhere.

Considering that you are at the dacha.
My dog’s face was so swollen after a snake bite + there was swelling on his neck. Everything worked out fine.
Good health to your dog

couldn't the snake bite?

This weekend, a friend of mine’s dog’s face was also swollen: (At first they thought it was like a wasp bite, then maybe something else. I’ll listen.

maybe a wasp bit me?

Absolutely not. We don’t have snakes, and the area is in the center of the village, and he only walks on a leash, we haven’t been in the forest - and it doesn’t look like it at all. No, this is clearly a continuation of an old topic, but what is this topic :(?

I don’t think about the wasp either, because he would cry at the moment of the bite, and his mother is with him all the time. But just in case, I gave her suprastin.

inflammation salivary glands can't be?

Friends of a shepherd dog's muzzle were swollen, but not on one side. It turned out to be some kind of grass allergy. They filled her bedding with hay

On Saturday our lip and cheek also became swollen; she grabbed a wasp flying by. By the way, the dog just squealed quietly. Everything swollen quickly, the tumor was very dense to the touch. I anointed the rescuer outside, it passed within an hour.
Before this, my parents' boxer was bitten by midges above the eyebrow, where the bald patches were. The eye was not visible for half a day, they gave it suprastin, it helped.

Sorry for not answering, the master demanded to go for a walk.

Maybe I was thinking about this too. Now (about twenty minutes after I gave suprastin) he very cheerfully demanded to go for a walk, we reached the forest, peed, sat down, everything was fine, nothing unusual. He pulled, wagged his tail, but it hurt him to turn his head back, he squeaked. I don’t understand whether the swelling has subsided a little or not.
Maybe our low-grade inflammation was actually bitten in the same direction?
It’s terrible how many mistakes I made, you’ll go crazy with this dog.

A friend’s dober was bitten by midges or wasps, we don’t know exactly how the crazy one ran around and caught all the flying ones. wife: The muzzle has become like that of a Rottweiler. 010::001: Suprastin was given for a week. Severe swelling went down.

In general, I’m already inclined that it was we, with our Jewish happiness, who grabbed the ants or wasp on the same side. The muzzle has become like that of a St. Bernard, one eye can hardly see, just a slit. But before, the upper lip was drooping, three centimeters longer than the right one. And now they are almost equal.

Girls, thank you, at least it’s not so scary!

Aditu, how are you and your dog doing? What did the doctor say?

The doctor didn't say anything particularly wise. Tends to myositis plus bite. He prescribed Suprastin, injected me with an antibiotic (most likely just in case, there is no X-ray right away), and said that if the swelling does not subside in two days, he will come and do a blockade. I myself think that if after two days the swelling does not subside with suprastin injections, we will go to the city to do tests and X-rays.

I would give an injection of triad analgin + suprastin + noshpa, it is for pain, allergies and fever. By the way, did you take your temperature?

In general, at least I didn’t have anything to inject, but I gave it all to him orally. There was an effect, but today he still doesn’t look that great. Vetu was enough to be horrified. And above the eye this swelling is very hard. Now let's prick.

Yes, you need to have a vet take a look.
Well, I looked: (Smarter than girls didn’t say anything.