Thoracic chondrosis - symptoms and treatment. Pain in the left side of the chest. Cervical chondrosis: features of its course and prevention

Chondrosis thoracic spine is considered one of the most common diseases among the population. It is also called dorsopathy, and it affects the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions. In this article we will talk about a type of this disease called thoracic chondrosis.

This disease affects more than a third of the world's population. People of mature age who are over fifty suffer the most, but the first signs indicating the onset of the development of the disease are noticeable from the age of 35-40. in men it is practically no different from that in women.

Chondrosis is considered a complex degenerative disease that causes degeneration of the intervertebral discs. As a result, these discs become thinner and lose their elasticity. With this disease, the nerve endings of the spine are subject to compression, resulting in pain and other symptoms that indicate early stage development of the disease.

When a person becomes ill with chondrosis, pathological processes begin to occur in his spine. However, the disease is not always accompanied by pain and discomfort in the damaged area.

In this regard, doctors developed a mechanism for searching for pathology, focusing on a combination of the following problems:

  • Excessive physical exercise, as well as maintaining a passive lifestyle. Blood flow deteriorates in any case, cells no longer receive sufficient oxygen and nutrients.
  • Deterioration of metabolic processes in cartilage cells.
  • Systematic loads on the spine, which causes damage cartilage tissue and intervertebral discs.

A passive lifestyle causes many disorders leading to the emergence and development of dangerous diseases.

  • Any injury leading to deformation of cartilage tissue.
  • Violation hormonal levels during pregnancy, after childbirth or while breastfeeding.
  • Age factor. Aging, in any case, negatively affects the entire body, which, without timely treatment, can lead to development.

Symptoms and signs that occur most often

Chondrosis of the chest is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. The occurrence of pain in the back (intercostal neuralgia).
  2. Gastralgic syndrome.
  3. Respiratory and cardiac anomalies.

Directly connected to the thoracic region are the heart, liver, kidneys and pancreas. When pronounced thoracic chondrosis occurs, this, one way or another, will provoke disturbances in their work. To prevent such an outcome, treatment of dysfunctions should be started as soon as possible. Quite often, after chondrosis of the chest has formed, dysfunction of other internal organs occurs.

The most common signs of the disease are:

  • , aggravated by inhalation or active movement.
  • Pain and burning in the chest on the left side. This sign should be distinguished from those arising from diseases: juvenile kyphosis, ankylosing spondylitis, fixing hyperostosis and scoliotic posture. For diagnosis real reason the disease will require an x-ray examination.

Read the article telling us what it is - what causes it, how it appears and why it is dangerous.

Neurologist Mikhail Moiseevich Shperling will tell you about the signs and symptoms of thoracic chondrosis:

  • Pins and needles sensation and numbness in the chest area.
  • The occurrence of symptoms during exacerbation, similar to the symptoms of a heart attack. The person feels shortness of breath, tachycardia is possible.
  • Sexual dysfunction.

In order for thoracic chondrosis to be accompanied by proper treatment, all symptoms and pathological abnormalities in the patient’s health must be studied as carefully as possible.

Particular attention should be paid to gastralgic syndrome, which occurs when nerve roots are pinched in the front of the spine, in the thoracic region. In this case, the patient may feel pain in the epigastrium, which can increase under conditions of intense exercise.

Stages of disease formation

In order to distinguish between chondrosis and osteochondrosis, it is necessary to very carefully study the pathological processes occurring in the thoracic spine.

There are the following stages of disease development:

  • First. It is called preclinical - it is characterized by the onset of the disease at the biochemical level. The patient experiences increased muscle fatigue compared to the normal state.
  • Second stage. At this stage, necrotic changes begin to occur in the nucleus pulposus, and tissues begin to collapse. Pain symptoms thoracic chondrosis become local, and muscle fatigue does not stop.

Four stages of disease formation

  • At the third stage, the final destruction of the fibrous ring occurs. Tears and cracks appear in it different lengths. The vertebrae lose their former stability, the nucleus pulposus begins to protrude strongly.
  • Fourth. IN in this case the intervertebral disc begins to be replaced by scar tissue. Not only the spine is affected by pathology, but also neighboring tissues, including costosternal synchondrosis and internal organs.

Existing diagnostic methods

To diagnose the disease for the purpose of timely treatment of thoracic chondrosis, radiography of the spine is performed.

This makes it possible to identify the following damage:

  1. Intervertebral disc defects.
  2. Decrease in the height of the intervertebral lumen.
  3. The occurrence of bone tumors.
  4. Wedge-shaped reduction of the vertebral lumen.
  5. Ankylosing spondylitis is an inflammation of the intervertebral joints.

MRI procedure of the thoracic spine

The above symptoms make it possible to clearly identify the disease, however, at the stage when chondrosis is just beginning, only one of the symptoms may be noted. Therefore, in medicine, chondrosis is often called a chameleon disease.

Identify changes in a timely manner dystrophic nature in the thoracic spine allow: electrocardiography, radiography and MRI. There are a sufficient number of methods in medicine to diagnose a disease, but all of them are aimed only at eliminating symptoms with the help of various drugs. It is usually not possible to get rid of the cause of the pathology.

Treatment of chondrosis of the thoracic spine

To achieve a favorable result from treatment, it must be carried out in a timely manner. The sooner anomalies are found, the more positive the prognosis from therapy will be. Determining chondrosis of the thoracic region at an early stage will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms, as well as stop destructive processes in the vertebrae. The treatment method in each specific case is individual and depends on the manifestations.

Therapy during an exacerbation

The main thing is, during an exacerbation, to partially get rid of painful manifestations so that they do not interfere with the patient’s normal life.

For this purpose it is prescribed healing procedures, performed comprehensively:

  • Stick to bed rest and do not engage in any physical activity.
  • Severe pain is relieved by giving injections. These medications are injected into the affected area. These are the same drugs as in tablets, but available in injection form.

The drug has analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. Price in pharmacies from 183 rubles.

  • If moderate pain is observed, it can be relieved with the help of special tablets and non-steroidal ointments, whose action is aimed at relieving inflammation. Ointments have a cooling or warming effect. As a rule, the drug is prescribed by a doctor - these can be ointments Nurofen, Fastum gel, Ketonal or Voltaren, as well as tablets Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Ketorolac, Paracetamol.

Only after the strongest manifestations have been eliminated do they move on to full-fledged therapy, NSAIDs, physiotherapy and those practiced at home traditional methods treatment.

Methods of combating the disease during remission

You can get the desired effect by combining drug treatment with other methods of therapy. Treat alone pharmaceuticals prohibited, since most drugs quickly deteriorate, have many contraindications and are accompanied by side effects.

Drug therapy involves prescribing the following drugs:

  • Analgesics – analgin, promedol, paracetamol.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs – diclofenac, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, nimesulide.

  • Muscle relaxants – mydocalm, sirdalud, baclofen.
  • Chondroprotectors – mucosate, chondroxide, arteparon, artron flex.
  • All kinds of dietary supplements (to improve metabolism - biozinc, spirulina, and then for bone tissue regeneration - chitosan, cordyceps), psycholeptics and vitamins (A, B, C, D).

Physiotherapy procedures are used to directly influence damaged areas, without affecting neighboring tissues or negatively affecting the internal organs of a person, which cannot be said about medications. Most physiotherapy procedures are not accompanied by contraindications, and no negative manifestations arise even in children and pregnant women. This therapeutic therapy activates normal blood flow in tissues, strengthens muscles and inhibits the destructive effect of thoracic chondrosis.

Physiotherapy complements the main treatment and significantly alleviates the patient’s condition.

You can resort to physiotherapy for any complexity of the disease.

You can get rid of pain by carrying out such manipulations as the doctor prescribes, based on the specific situation:

  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • electromagnetic, ultrasound and laser therapy.

Massage and manual therapy

Massage is prescribed when chondrosis is at a subacute stage. In the first sessions, the impact on problem areas should be gentle. The load should increase gradually. According to reviews, massage is able to cope with painful manifestations, can strengthen the muscle corset, and also has a positive effect on general state person.

Therapeutic massage includes rubbing as a way to quickly resolve pathological complications

Relaxing and segmental massage It can be very useful during an exacerbation. It is done by stretching the spine, which improves conductivity nerve impulses. Just remember that such manipulations should be carried out by an experienced specialist.

If you follow time-tested useful recommendations, your life will become much easier after just a few days. Don’t forget about preventive measures, follow useful ones physical exercise, do . The least susceptible to the disease are those people who regularly engage in sports and healthy image life.

Despite the fact that chondrosis of the chest is considered an age-related disease, in Lately, it has become increasingly common in younger generation. There are many reasons and prerequisites that contribute to its appearance.

What is chondrosis?

Chondrosis is a disease characterized by dystrophic changes articular cartilage, the corresponding part of the spine. First of all, it affects the intervertebral discs, and if treatment is not started in time, then bone tissue. In our case, changes occur in the thoracic spine.

Why is he dangerous?

The most unpleasant thing about this disease is that the cartilage tissue is practically not restored, which means that intervertebral discs that are already damaged cannot be restored. Therefore, in cases where symptoms are identified and a diagnosis is made, it is necessary to undergo timely courses of treatment and prevention.

This disease can be treated both with medication and with courses of physical therapy. The combination of these methods gives the most effective result. And performing a set of simple exercises will help relieve pain symptoms characteristic of thoracic chondrosis.

In cases untimely treatment, a hernia may develop in the affected area of ​​the corresponding part of the spine. In order to prevent the development of the disease, it is very important to pay attention to the appearance of its first signs in time.

The reasons for its occurrence

Despite all the advances of science in the field of medicine, the causes of dystrophic changes in articular cartilage are not fully understood. But now, several reasons for the occurrence and development of the disease can be identified:

  • age after 50 years;
  • great physical activity;
  • prolonged sitting;
  • spinal injuries;
  • overweight;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • metabolic disease.

Symptoms of the disease

Diagnosing thoracic chondrosis is quite difficult, and generally impossible on your own. If with the cervical and lumbar region, everything is less clear, then thoracic chondrosis has proven itself to be symptoms that are often found in other diseases. Here are the main symptoms of chest disease:

  • discomfort and sometimes pain in the heart area;
  • pain in the interscapular space;
  • pain when breathing;
  • numbness in the chest area;
  • intercostal neuralgia syndrome.

It should be noted that the presence of such sensations does not indicate the development of chondrosis. To avoid the risk of missing myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, pneumonia, as well as other serious diseases of the internal organs, you should consult a doctor at the first signs of thoracic disease. Considering how many ailments they are suitable for similar symptoms, it becomes clear that the need for careful and full examination, to diagnose the disease. Symptoms of chondrosis can be classified according to the mechanism of pain development.

Classification of chondrosis syndromes

  1. Reflex syndrome - develops when pain receptors are irritated. Due to muscle tension, a reflex blocking of the spinal segment occurs.
  2. Compression syndrome - occurs as a result of mechanical impact, such as protrusion of a hernia or bone growths.

Just as in the cervical and lumbar spine, chondrosis of the thoracic spine proceeds unnoticed until pain and stiffness in movements appear. There are several factors in the manifestation and development of the disease.

Factors of its manifestation and development

  1. Gravity factor - implies a non-physiological position of the body, a shift in the center of gravity.
  2. Dynamic factor - occurs when lifting heavy objects.
  3. Dysmetobolic - age factor, is a violation of tissue nutrition.

Signs of the disease

Characteristic signs of thoracic chondrosis are pain in the chest. Painful sensations, most often resemble cardiac ones, and it is very difficult to distinguish them. If such pain occurs, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. But before receiving medical care, you can try to evaluate the signs of chest chondrosis:

  • the pain does not subside after taking nitroglycerin;
  • pain intensifies with deep breathing;
  • the pain intensifies with pressure along the spine in the chest area.

Symptoms and signs of chest chondrosis are very similar to signs of diseases of internal organs, such as the heart, lungs, liver and pancreas.

Therefore, if pain occurs in the area of ​​these organs, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible to undergo a full examination.

Pain due to chondrosis in the thoracic spine.

Thoracic chondrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic pathology that affects the intervertebral discs. Destructive tissue changes lead to a decrease in the functional activity of the entire spinal column. The main reason for the development of thoracic chondrosis is the natural aging of the body. Intervertebral discs micro-traumatized when walking and lose their shock-absorbing properties. The leading symptom of the pathology is radiating to other parts of the body.

MRI. Note the deformation of the vertebrae.

When making a diagnosis, a vertebrologist or neurologist is guided by the results of an external examination and instrumental studies, anamnesis, patient complaints. Treatment is conservative: wearing orthopedic bandages, using pharmacological drugs, carrying out , .

Causes and characteristics of the disease

Thoracic chondrosis is diagnosed much less frequently or. This is explained by its lower motor activity, the attachment of the vertebrae to the ribs, which helps distribute the resulting loads. The first signs of destruction of cartilage discs usually appear after 35 years, when the rate of restoration processes in bone and connective tissue structures begins to gradually decrease. Cartilage discs become less strong and elastic, which leads to progression degenerative changes. As a result of their flattening, the distance between the vertebrae is reduced.

If they move too intensely, they pinch the sensitive nerve endings and blood vessels located between them. What can cause faster wear of cartilage:

  • endocrine, metabolic disorders ( diabetes, thyrotoxicosis);
  • systemic inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic -,;
  • traumatic injury structures forming spinal column(bones, ligaments, spinal cord);
  • vascular diseases, hematopoietic disorders;
  • congenital anomalies of vertebral structures, dysplastic disorders.

Prerequisites for the development of thoracic chondrosis are smoking, wearing flat-soled shoes or high heels, obesity, excessive physical activity, excessive physical activity.

In the absence of medical intervention, blood supply, nutrition, and innervation in the area of ​​the intervertebral discs are disrupted. The pathology process involves the ligamentous-muscular apparatus, and then the bone vertebrae. And after some time, a protrusion of the intervertebral disc between the vertebral bodies is formed.

Intervertebral hernia.

Clinical picture

Pain occurs even at the initial stage of chondrosis. They are localized not only in the area of ​​damaged intervertebral discs, but also radiate to the spine. Expressiveness pain syndrome increases with movement, lifting weights, and changing body position. Intensity discomfort different. Some patients complain of sharp, piercing, strong pain, indicating pinched nerve roots. Such clinical manifestations of chondrosis require immediate medical intervention due to the likelihood of developing serious complications. Other patients experience dull, aching, pressing pain, arising from sudden movement, hypothermia, exacerbation chronic pathologies. The following symptoms are characteristic of thoracic chondrosis:

  • decreased sensitivity in some areas of the body;
  • limitation of range of motion;
  • spread, forearms, sides;
  • increased pain when inhaling and (or) exhaling, the occurrence of;
  • With the progressive course of chondrosis, characteristic symptoms may appear when bending over.

One of the specific manifestations of the pathology is muscular-tonic syndrome. With severe thinning of the intervertebral discs, compression occurs nerve root. To reduce the intensity of pain, movements are limited by increasing the tone of the skeletal muscles. Muscle spasm further worsens the trophism of cartilage, provokes circulatory disorders, microcirculation, and transmission of nerve impulses. This leads to the progression of chondrosis, “subsidence” of discs, and an increase in pinching nerve endings.

When diagnosing pathology, it is necessary to conduct many differential instrumental studies to exclude diseases of the cardiovascular, urinary systems, and gastrointestinal tract.

The thoracic spine shares common innervation with some internal organs. Therefore, “reflected” pain is felt in the liver and stomach. Many patients with thoracic chondrosis make an appointment not with a neurologist, but with a cardiologist or gastroenterologist.

Stages of formation of thoracic chondrosis Characteristics of each stage
First The preclinical stage, which is characterized by the onset of pathology at the biochemical level. Manifested by increased muscle fatigue
Second The nucleus pulposus begins to undergo destructive necrotic changes. As cartilage tissues are destroyed, they arise and intensify. painful sensations
Third The fibrous ring is severely damaged, it ruptures, and deep cracks form

Basic treatment methods

Therapy for thoracic chondrosis consists of eliminating its symptoms, including. After achieving stable remission, measures are taken to restore damaged periarticular tissues and intervertebral discs. In therapy they are used in various dosage forms. To reduce the severity of acute pain syndrome, capsules and pills are included in treatment regimens. Despite their high clinical effectiveness, most of them are not intended for long-term use due to toxic effects on the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, as the pain subsides, the pharmacological load on the body decreases - further treatment is carried out with the help of gels, creams, balms.

Systemic drugs

Severe pain accompanied by acute inflammation soft tissues, eliminated with Triamcinalone, Diprospan, Dexamethasone, Flosterone. Hormonal drugs used for drug blockades in combination with anesthetic solutions (Lidocaine, Novocaine). Such therapeutic procedures can quickly stop inflammation and relieve a person from pain for several days and sometimes weeks.

Hormonal drugs are toxic and reduce bone mass, so they try to use them only when necessary. If possible, glucocorticosteroids are replaced (NSAIDs). These are injection solutions Voltaren, Ketorolac, Meloxicam, intended for intramuscular administration.

To reduce pain of moderate intensity, tablets are used - Ketoprofen, Nimesulide, Ketorol, Ibuprofen, Celecoxib.

In the treatment of thoracic chondrosis, drugs from the following clinical and pharmacological groups can be used:

  • Sirdalud, Mydocalm, Baklosan, relaxing spasmodic skeletal muscles;

  • Group B Milgamma, Neuromultivit, Neurobion, Combilipen, improving innervation and tissue trophism.

External means

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of ointments can be prescribed from the first days of treatment for thoracic chondrosis. For pathology diagnosed at the initial stage, only their use is sufficient. The greatest analgesic effectiveness is typical for, Finalgel, Artrosilene, Dolgit,. Typically, vertebrologists recommend applying external agents to the area of ​​pain 2-3 times.

After relief of inflammation therapeutic regimens supplemented by:

  • Capsicam;
  • Finalgon;
  • Apizartron;
  • Nayatoks;
  • Viprosal.

They effectively eliminate pain, swelling, and stiffness of movement by improving blood circulation and microcirculation. Ointments are applied using an applicator in a very small quantities 1-2 times a day and rub in lightly.

Doctors prescribe external agents with chondroprotective effects for. This is Chondroxide, Teraflex. Evidence base These drugs do not have it, so for vertebral regeneration it is better to take systemic chondroprotectors.

Non-drug therapy

In the treatment of thoracic chondrosis, physiotherapeutic procedures are actively used - UHF therapy, electrophoresis. After 5-10 sessions, blood circulation improves, cartilaginous structures the amount of nutrients and bioactive substances sufficient for regeneration begins to arrive. Physiotherapy procedures are prescribed to patients from the first days of treatment or during the rehabilitation stage. In effective ways To avoid further microtrauma of the intervertebral discs, kinesiotherapy and traction techniques (dry and underwater) are used.

Underwater horizontal spinal traction.

When sick, it is recommended to wear special orthopedic corsets. This allows you to prevent displacement of vertebral structures and significantly reduce the severity of clinical manifestations. Another effective method treatment - . He can be:

  • classic;
  • canned (vacuum);
  • point (acupuncture);
  • Swedish

Massage for thoracic chondrosis.

During the procedure, not only spasmed muscles are treated, but also collar area to eliminate vertebrological symptoms. Therapeutic effect massage is based on traction (traction), turns, rotation (rotation), pressure (compression) on those located next to thoracic vertebrae soft fabrics.

Massage treatments go well with. Experienced doctor will remove in a few sessions muscle blocks, will straighten displaced discs, widen the spaces between them, thereby preventing pinching of nerve endings.

If thoracic chondrosis is not accompanied by inflammation, then from the first day of treatment, patients are advised to exercise. For severe pain, exercise therapy doctors recommend doing passive movements, consisting of tension and relaxation of skeletal muscles. Then comes the time for active exercises to build up the muscle corset, get rid of stiffness and stiffness. can take place both at home and in rehabilitation centers equipped with special simulators.

Only timely adequate treatment chondrosis will allow you to avoid its progression and the development of a more formidable pathology -. The first manifestations of the disease should be a signal for immediate contact with a therapist, vertebrologist, or neurologist.

Spinal diseases have become a real “scourge” of our time. They are not only found in older people. Increasingly, complaints of back pain are heard from the working population. WITH unpleasant pathologies Even children face spine problems. One of the common ailments of the musculoskeletal system (musculoskeletal system) is chondrosis. It can affect the lumbar, cervical or thoracic. It is thoracic chondrosis that is the least common. But if it develops, it causes many negative symptoms. What is thoracic chondrosis? What symptoms does it manifest, and what treatment will help cope with it?

Description of the pathology

Chondrosis is a disease of the musculoskeletal system, in which degenerative-dystrophic disorders develop in intervertebral discs. This pathology is dangerous because initial stages it practically does not cause negative symptoms. And when the patient encounters the first clinical manifestations, the disease is already progressing.

With chondrosis, disc damage occurs and nerve endings are pinched

Chondrosis of the thoracic region is quite rare disease . After all, all the thoracic vertebrae (12 pieces) are perfectly fixed by the ribs and muscle corset. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in patients who have crossed the 50-year mark. However, doctors say that the onset of development of pathology occurs at 35–40 years.

Chondrosis is also called dorsopathy, osteochondrosis.

The mechanism of pathology formation

What happens to discs during chondrosis?

The following disorders are observed with this disease:

  • the height of the intervertebral disc decreases;
  • bone growths begin to form;
  • nerve fibers are pinched.

As a result of such changes, severe pain occurs. It is this that is the main symptom of chondrosis.

Sometimes the pain spreads along the passing nerve, along the ribs. Developing intercostal neuralgia or intercostal chondrosis. This symptomatology is manifested by severe chest pain and is often perceived by the patient as a heart disease.

Further progression of the disease causes thinning of the discs, and hyaline cartilage is replaced by fibrous cartilage. Ossification of the spine begins.

What is osteochondrosis - video

Causes of development of chondrosis of the thoracic spine

Doctors cannot reliably determine what is the source of chondrosis. However, analyzing the medical histories of patients, doctors came to the conclusion that the pathology develops against the background of the following causative factors:

  1. Gravitational. If a person is in an uncomfortable position for a long time, the center of gravity shifts. The load on some areas of the spine increases. It is in them that pathological processes are launched.
  2. Dysmetabolic. Intervertebral discs, as a result of impaired blood supply, do not receive necessary nutrition. Dystrophic processes begin to develop in them.
  3. Dynamic. Disc injury and the development of degenerative disorders are caused by excessive stress on the spine.

Factors contributing to the development of the disease

Favorable conditions for the occurrence of pathology are created by the following points:

  • physical inactivity;
  • hard physical labor;
  • diseases that provoke insufficient nutrition of the discs (pathologies of endocrine, vascular system, metabolic disease);
  • staying in one (often very uncomfortable) position for a long time, for example, sitting at a cash register or computer;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • obesity or overweight;
  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (both acquired and congenital);
  • chronic stress;
  • hypothermia.

Heavy physical labor can provoke the development of chondrosis

Symptoms of chondrosis

Pathology has many symptoms and can manifest itself in different ways. It is impossible to diagnose the disease only by the presence of symptoms. However, according to the characteristic clinical picture development may be suspected unpleasant disease and consult a doctor promptly.

Doctors divide all the symptoms that occur in a patient into three large groups.

Nature of pain

This is the most basic symptom of chondrosis. It is he who most often forces the patient to seek help from a doctor.

Pain syndrome with chondrosis has the following features:

  • the discomfort is cutting, aching, shooting, stabbing in nature;
  • the severity of pain is intense or moderate;
  • unpleasant sensations occur periodically, they can last several minutes or several days;
  • discomfort increases when bending, turning, or carrying heavy objects.

Initially, the patient is faced with a feeling of stiffness or fatigue in the spine after any load. Later pain appears. They can be short-term and acute (dorsago) or long-lasting and aching (dorsalgia).

With chondrosis, the pain can be sharp, stabbing, aching, shooting


Irritation of the nerve roots caused by their damage causes pain. Further progression of chondrosis leads to disruption of the passage of impulses along the autonomic, sensory, and motor fibers.

This leads to the following symptoms in the patient:

  • tingling, burning, numbness of skin areas;
  • changes in peritoneal reflexes;
  • decrease in sensitivity in the affected area (temperature, tactile);
  • increased sweating;
  • excessive dry skin;
  • white or red dermographism (change in the shade of the epidermis under mechanical influence on it).

Disruption of the nerve roots leads to persistent muscle spasm. As a result, motor functions deteriorate even more.

At thoracic osteochondrosis You may feel tingling or numbness in your hands

Violations of internal systems

In the human body, nerve branches connect the spinal roots with the internal organs. This is why chondrosis can cause disruptions in work upper sections digestive system, bronchi, diaphragm, heart.

In such cases, the patient experiences the following complaints:

  • cough;
  • bloating;
  • dyspnea;
  • increased heart rate;
  • pressure surges.

Features of symptoms in women and men

The clinical manifestations of the pathology are largely the same, regardless of gender. However, there are some features:

  1. In men, thoracic chondrosis can cause erectile dysfunction.
  2. In women, the pathology often manifests itself as severe pain in the left breast. This gives patients reason to suspect that they have heart problems or breast disease. Discomfort often spreads to the shoulder, radiating to left side neck or covers the entire arm.

With thoracic osteochondrosis, discomfort may resemble pain in the heart, which is often misinterpreted by patients

Diagnosis of the disease

If chondrosis is suspected, the patient is examined by a neurologist. The doctor, having analyzed the complaints, prescribes the following tests to the patient to see the changes that have occurred in the spinal column:

  1. Radiography. The simplest examination. X-rays performed in several projections make it possible in most cases to identify structural abnormalities in the spinal column.
  2. Magnetic resonance imaging. If there are difficulties in determining the pathology using X-rays, the person will be recommended an MRI. Such a study examines the spine in more detail and gives an idea of ​​disorders in the internal organs.
  3. Neuromyography. This test evaluates the level of neuromuscular impulse transmission in the body.
  4. Myelography. This event allows the doctor to assess in detail the condition of the spine and spinal cord.

Differential diagnosis

Chondrosis can cause quite a variety of symptoms. His clinic, without special diagnostics, can easily be confused with such serious illnesses, such as myocardial infarction, cholecystitis, .

That is why the doctor will definitely carry out differential diagnosis, which includes:

  • electrocardiogram - to exclude cardiac disorders;
  • Ultrasound of the peritoneum - in case of suspected pathology of the digestive tract;
  • gastroscopy - for symptoms similar to gastrointestinal diseases.

MRI allows you to accurately diagnose any changes in the spine and determine disorders in the internal organs

Treatment of chondrosis

Therapy for chondrosis involves a whole range of measures, including:

  • use of medications;
  • physiotherapy;
  • exercise therapy classes;
  • diet therapy;
  • folk remedies.

Main goals of treatment:

  • eliminate pain in the affected area;
  • repair disk damage;
  • normalize metabolic processes;
  • prevent progression of the disease;
  • improve blood circulation in the damaged area;
  • strengthen your back muscles.

First aid

During the period of exacerbation of chondrosis, a person experiences severe pain. Discomfort is often accompanied by temporary immobility. Any movement causes a noticeable lumbago in the back.

At acute pain in the back the patient needs to lie in bed

First aid for such conditions is as follows:

  1. Bed rest. If the intensity of the pain syndrome is high, a person is recommended to lie in bed.
  2. Prescription of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). At severe pain Injectable medications (Ketonal, Diclofenac, Ketorol) may be recommended. At medium intensity, you can get by with tablets.
  3. Application of ointment. To reduce pain, the patient is recommended to use drugs that have an analgesic warming effect (Nurofen, Indomethacin, Ketonal, Fastum gel, Voltaren).

When the exacerbation is stopped, they move on to treating the disease in remission.

A patient diagnosed with thoracic chondrosis should begin treatment by reviewing his lifestyle.

  1. Watch your posture. Always keep your back in the correct position.
  2. Watch your figure. If you have extra pounds, you need to take measures to get rid of them. After all, this is an additional load on the spine.
  3. Consider your vacation. It is recommended to sleep on an orthopedic mattress. He will provide good rest spine.
  4. Organize an active lifestyle. You need to walk a lot, sports are recommended. However, some types that increase spinal compression will have to be abandoned. With chondrosis, the following are prohibited: skiing, horseback riding, running, jumping, cycling.
  5. Lift weights correctly. When lifting a load, it is necessary to distribute the load evenly.

It is necessary to learn how to lift weights correctly, evenly distributing the load across the entire spine

Drug treatment

Depending on the stage of progression of the pathology, the following groups of drugs may be recommended to the patient:

  1. Painkillers. In the initial stages, discomfort can be eliminated with the help of: Analgin, Paracetamol, Baralgin.
  2. NSAIDs. If the pathology is already progressing, then there is a need for stronger painkillers. They may be given as injections, tablets or ointments. NSAIDs not only relieve pain, but also reduce the severity of inflammation. The following may be prescribed: Reopirin, Movalis, Ortofen, Naklofen, Naproxen, Xefocam.
  3. Muscle relaxants. Their goal is to relieve muscle spasms and reduce pain. In case of severe discomfort, injections are prescribed. Effective for chondrosis: Mydocalm, Tizalud, Tolperil, Sirdalud, Baclofen.
  4. Chondroprotectors. Such medications are intended for long-term therapy. They help stop the destruction process intervertebral discs. Excellent chondroprotectors are the following medications: Artra, Chondrolon, Dona, Teraflex, Arteparon, Chondroxide, Structum.
  5. Vitamin complexes. They allow you to improve neuromuscular conductivity and activate metabolic processes. Usually recommended: Neurovitan, Milgamma, Beforten, Neuron.

Medicines for chondrosis (tablets, injections and gels) - photo

Analgin will eliminate pain in the initial stages of chondrosis Ortofen relieves pain and eliminates inflammation Diclofenac injections are used in the acute stage Mydocalm relieves pain, eliminates spasms Teraflex protects the vertebrae from further destruction Milgamma improves neuromuscular conduction Fastum gel provides local anesthesia and reduces inflammation


Nutrition involves eating low-calorie foods rich in minerals and vitamins.

  1. The diet should be enriched with products that promote the restoration of cartilage tissue. Gelatin is a natural chondroprotector. That is why the patient is recommended to consume: aspic, jellied meat, jelly.
  2. The patient must receive proteins. Protein-rich foods make up a third of the total nutrition of a person suffering from chondrosis. To ensure sufficient supply, you must consume: fish, eggs, meat, milk. A lot of vegetable protein is found in nuts, legumes, and eggplants.
  3. Proper nutrition should be accompanied by the intake of sufficient water. An adult needs to drink 2 liters of fluid per day. Lack of water often leads to cartilage problems.
  4. Fruits and vegetables are always included in the diet. They are perfectly saturated with vitamins: sweet peppers, carrots, tomatoes, radishes, beets, cucumbers.
  5. It is necessary to consume foods containing calcium in sufficient quantities. It is recommended to include in the menu: fermented milk and dairy products, beans, bananas, almonds.

For chondrosis, products containing a natural chondroprotector - gelatin - are very useful.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

To treat chondrosis, a number of procedures are used, which are sometimes more effective than medications.

Physiotherapy is prescribed at any stage of the fight against the disease. Thus, during an exacerbation, procedures are used to eliminate pain (mainly with the help of medications).

  1. Electromagnetic therapy. Using electric magnetic field impact is achieved medicines to the deep layers of the affected area. This activity has excellent analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Electrophoresis. An external electric field ensures effective penetration of medications into the affected tissues. The procedure eliminates muscle spasms, reduces pain, and relieves inflammation.
  3. Laser therapy. Laser exposure to the affected area provides pain relief, swelling, and restoration of cartilage and bone tissue.
  4. Detensor therapy. This is a spinal traction method. The patient is asked to lie on a special mattress with inclined ribs. Under the weight of the body, such ribs begin to move and ensure traction of the spine, which gradually takes its natural position.
  5. Magnetic wave therapy. Using a magnetic field, preventive and healing effect. There is an improvement in the affected tissues cellular level. In damaged areas, metabolism is activated and the regenerative process is accelerated.
  6. Vibration effect. The body is affected by mechanical vibrations. The following techniques are effective: ultrasound, precise and general vibration massage.
  7. Balneotherapy. These are activities that involve the use of mud and mineral waters. The substances penetrate the skin and have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, internal organs and nerve endings.
  8. Massage. Provides a reflex effect on tissue. The procedure eliminates muscle tension, activates blood circulation, improves nutrition of damaged areas.

Detensor therapy - effective method spinal traction

Surgical intervention

Usually to surgical intervention resort when:

  • narrowing spinal canal And negative impact to neighboring organs;
  • progression of intervertebral hernia;
  • intervertebral disc deformations.

Surgery most often involves replacing the affected vertebrae with durable structures that restore mobility to the patient.

Physical therapy - basic exercises

Gymnastics plays an important role in the treatment of chondrosis. It provides relief from spasms and strengthens the muscle corset. With help proper activities Exercise therapy can reduce the amount of medications used.

Gymnastics for chondrosis should be selected for the patient by a doctor

Therapeutic gymnastics is compiled by the trainer based on the patient’s physiological disorders. Physical exercise should not cause excessive muscle tension or fatigue.

  1. Raising and lowering the shoulders.
  2. Hands on shoulders. Rotations forward, then circular movements back.
  3. Turn the body in different directions. Circular rotations.
  4. Bend forward, back, then to the sides.
  5. Exercise "Mill". The body is tilted forward, arms are spread out to the sides. Turns the body left and right.
  6. Circular movements with straight arms.

Exercises for thoracic osteochondrosis - video

Folk remedies for treatment at home

To combat chondrosis at home, you can use traditional medicine recipes. But initially they must be agreed upon with the treating doctor.

The following remedies are effective:

  1. Medicinal infusion. You need to take lemons (3 pcs.) and garlic (120 g). The components are ground in a meat grinder. The resulting raw material is poured with 2 liters of boiling water. The mixture is infused for 2.5 hours. The strained product is stored in the refrigerator. It should be taken in the morning, 100 mg.
  2. Rubbing agent. It is recommended to collect flowers, leaves and twigs of yellow acacia. The raw materials (in equal proportions) are finely ground. In a glass container, this preparation (3 tablespoons) is filled with alcohol or vodka (500 ml). The mixture should be infused for a week, preferably in a dark place. This product is recommended for rubbing the affected area. The infusion relieves inflammation and eliminates pain.
  3. Compress. Cottage cheese is placed on a cotton cloth, previously mixed with a few drops of ordinary vinegar. This compress is applied to the affected area and insulated with a blanket or scarf. You need to keep it for about 2-3 hours.
  4. Medical bandage. Red pepper is used to treat chondrosis. The product must be crushed. Aloe juice (100 ml) is added to it. liquid honey(200 g) and alcohol (200 ml). This mixture is infused for 4–5 days. When the infusion is ready, you need to soak a gauze bandage with it and apply it to the affected area. Keep the compress until a burning sensation occurs. After removing the bandage, the affected area is insulated with a blanket or wrapped in a scarf.
  5. Therapeutic baths. To relieve muscle spasms, eliminate pain syndromes, get rid of inflammation, it is recommended to take baths with medicinal plants: pine cones, nettle, birch buds, pine needles, knotweed grass. The duration of the procedure is 30–40 minutes. Baths can be taken daily or every other day.

Folk remedies for chondrosis - photo

Lemon with garlic - excellent remedy for pain due to chondrosis Cottage cheese with vinegar - effective compress for back pain
Make a rubbing infusion from twigs, leaves and flowers Hot pepper will help eliminate pain due to chondrosis
A bath with pine needles will relieve muscle spasm, eliminate inflammation

Treatment prognosis

It is impossible to completely cure chondrosis. Unfortunately, there are no means to restore decaying cartilage. However, when proper treatment this process can be stopped.

Possible complications

If the patient refuses treatment, then thoracic chondrosis can lead to serious consequences:

  1. Herniated intervertebral discs. There are no therapeutic methods for treating this pathology. At intervertebral hernia The only treatment method is surgery.
  2. Vertebral deformity. Such disorders can damage internal organs. The patient experiences various diseases. It cannot even be ruled out death(if there is damage to the heart, spinal cord or lung).


To prevent the development of thoracic chondrosis, doctors recommend adhering to the following rules:

  1. Provide moderate physical activity.
  2. Stretch your muscles before playing sports or hard work.
  3. Maintain an active lifestyle.
  4. Choose the right and balanced diet.
  5. Avoid dangerous and traumatic sports.

Maintain an active lifestyle

Chondrosis of the thoracic region, like any disease, must begin to be treated at the moment when the first symptoms appear. After all, delay or ignorance is fraught with progression of the pathology and the appearance of serious complications.

Chondrosis is a spinal disease that occurs in men and women over the age of 50.

The first symptoms may appear much earlier - at 35-40 years of age. Staging is extremely important correct diagnosis, since the disease can be confused with a number of other pathologies.

Description of the disease

Chondrosis is a complex degenerative disease characterized by degeneration of the intervertebral discs. As a result, the discs become thinner and less elastic. When the nerve endings are compressed, pain and other symptoms appear at an early stage.
The disease is accompanied not only by damage to the intervertebral discs, but also by injury to the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the thoracic spine. In this case, there is a progressive disruption of blood supply, nutrition and innervation in the area of ​​the intervertebral discs.

Discomfort in the back is a symptom of thoracic chondrosis

Symptoms of thoracic chondrosis

The peculiarity of the disease is that its symptoms can be mistaken for signs of other diseases. In addition to cardiovascular diseases (for example, angina or heart attack), the symptoms of the disease are masked as pain due to cholecystitis, appendicitis, hepatic colic, and gastrointestinal diseases.
If a pathology is suspected, the doctor must conduct a thorough diagnosis to distinguish its symptoms from other diseases.
The disease is accompanied by pain and discomfort. These symptoms are observed in the area of ​​the heart, chest, back, upper abdomen, and sometimes in the side. The pain syndrome intensifies when exhaling and inhaling, as well as during movements.
In some cases it goes numb left hand or the area between the shoulder blades. In this case it is required conducting an ECG. With thoracic chondrosis, pain sometimes occurs in a type that radiates to the scapula.
The pain tends to get worse at night. Like a heart attack, it causes fear of death - because of this, it can be mistaken for heart pain with suspected angina pectoris. Its difference from an attack of angina is that the pain syndrome in the pathology is not eliminated by nitroglycerin, and the ECG does not show signs characteristic of this condition.
If symptoms depend on the location and developmental mechanisms that caused pathological process As a rule, the disease is accompanied by compression of the spinal roots. Much less commonly, the disease is complicated by spinal cord compression.


The nature of the pain syndrome that occurs during the disease divides the symptoms into two groups: dorsago and dorsalgia.
Dorsago manifests itself in the form of acute and severe pain, which has the character sudden attack. In addition to limited back mobility, breathing problems may occur.
With dorsalgia, pain occurs in the area of ​​damaged discs. Their character is long-lasting and rather weakly expressed. The condition is accompanied by limited mobility of the lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine spine.


Treatment is traditional for all diseases of the spine. Conservative preferred therapeutic methods, including exercises. If such therapy turns out to be ineffective, surgical intervention is resorted to.

At acute form the patient must remain completely at rest, which can reduce the load on the damaged part of the spine. Treatment necessarily includes taking medications. Bed rest for several days is prescribed regardless of where the therapy takes place: at home or in a hospital. The disease must be treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - this will help reduce pain.
Treatment includes drugs from this group, as they relieve swelling and inflammation well. Due to this, the compression of the nerve endings in the affected area is reduced, and the pain thus recedes.
Additionally, thoracic chondrosis should be treated with analgesics. Other medications, muscle relaxants, may also be prescribed. They relieve spasms in the affected part of the spine.
If there is an improvement and the pain has subsided, the disease should be treated at home using other methods. The doctor will prescribe physiotherapeutic treatment, massage and special exercises.

To prevent and treat JOINT DISEASES, our regular reader uses the increasingly popular NON-SURGERY treatment method recommended by leading German and Israeli orthopedists. After carefully reviewing it, we decided to offer it to your attention.

It should be noted that exercise is the main tool in the treatment and prevention of the disease.

Cupping back massage

Treatment of thoracic chondrosis may include reflex therapy methods. To restore back mobility, reduce spasms and muscle hypertonicity, acupuncture is performed. Treatment with this method improves performance blood vessels, due to which the blood supply to the tissues of the intervertebral discs of the affected section increases.
The effectiveness of acupuncture can be increased by manual therapy, vacuum therapy and cupping massage. Therapeutic exercises together with the listed techniques form the basis of therapy. Exercises help form the correct muscle corset, improve blood circulation in the chest area and prevent relapses.
How to treat the disease at home - additional recommendations:
  • section of the chest suggests normalization of metabolism. If necessary, you need to reduce your body weight and blood sugar levels.
  • Exercises should only be selected by a doctor; during periods of exacerbation, gymnastics is contraindicated.
  • Exercises must be performed very carefully so as not to aggravate the condition. Loads increase gradually.
  • It is important to choose the right chair for work and mattress for sleeping. Sleeping area should not be soft.

Chondrosis of the spine – complex disease, which is accompanied by a lot of unpleasant symptoms. One of them is pain of various nature. Pathology requires timely and competent therapy - this is the only way to avoid serious complications.