The benefits of wheat germ for the body. How to cleanse the body with germinated wheat - wheat germ benefits and harm. Wheatgrass: benefits and harms in traditional medicine

A few years ago there was a kind of boom about germinated wheat. They sold grain and, as far as I remember, a special substrate for its germination. And now, perhaps, this method is in demand. Why did this happen?

It is known that Pauline Viardot regularly consumed sprouted wheat and looked younger than her daughters. What is the secret of germinated wheat?

Here is what the doctor of biological sciences, senior writes Researcher Laboratory of Photosynthesis of the Botanical Institute Natalia Sergeevna Mamushina:

“Why are we talking about the fact that the use of wheat germ in small doses, that is, about 10-15 seedlings, is advisable for our health with you, for the prevention of a number of diseases, in particular influenza, and even such serious illnesses like cancer. Wheatgrass is extremely interesting in its own way. biochemical composition and for a whole range of their functional properties. The fact that wheat germ has healing properties, I read a long time ago in a serious scientific literature. Widespread use of wheat germ in the United States. In Poland, there is currently a boom among the population in the use of wheat germ for the prevention of a number of diseases.

In the “Self-Survival” system on a special substrate (about its composition and mechanism for providing healing properties sprouts will tell other experts) the grain germinates to the first, young green leaf. This is a small bioenergy machine. Wheat leaves contain unique cells that actively photosynthesize in the light. If we look at how a plant cell is arranged, we will see that on the outside it is covered with dense cell wall, which consists of specific carbohydrates or polysaccharides of a special structure - polysaccharide chains are connected by phenols. Therefore, they work as antioxidants and sorbents, absorbing toxins from our body. Behind the cell wall is the cytoplasm, which contains a mass of specific cell organelles. The most important cell organelles are chloroplasts. Chloroplasts actively work in the light, that is, they carry out the process of photosynthesis - they synthesize carbohydrates and a number of specific compounds, the main of which are enzymes for our health and longevity. By the leaf height of 10 cm, the process of formation of chloroplasts in each cell of the leaf just ends, therefore, it is during this period that the maximum of enzymes is in the sprout. Therefore, in the "Self-Survival" system, green sprouts 10-12 centimeters high are used. There are more than 100 organelles in each cell of a wheat leaf. Each cell of a wheat leaf is, as it were, saturated with these specific bioenergetic machines that work in the light. They synthesize sucrose in order for the stem to grow later. In addition to carbohydrates, they synthesize other interesting compounds necessary for cell life. Provitamin "A", or carotenoids. Vitamin "E", or tocopherol. They are necessary for a person for metabolism, for growth and development.

Unfortunately, we traditionally pay a lot of attention to a sick person. And we need to think about how a person is healthy, that is, think about the prevention of diseases. Previously, there was no such trend in medicine. Now science is just emerging, which strives to study healthy person so that health is natural, and not to be missed when the disease has already begun. And that's for a man to lead healthy lifestyle of life, along with other recommendations, we can recommend the use of this herb of life - a plant that is in a state of intensive, rapid growth. At a height of 10-12 cm, the growth rate due to the maximum of enzymes is maximum - 3 cm per day. The size of the sprout is 10-12 cm according to the intensity of the action of enzymes human age 10-14 years - age maximum number enzymes top speed growth and minimal mortality. Fast growth always requires renewal of all structures included in the cell, bears sprouts of cheerfulness. We use them in our body by eating blades of grass. The young, growing organism of wheat germ carries substances extremely useful for our body.

There are two ways to germinate wheat. More precisely, the method is the same, but different recommendations.

Very quality oil wheat germ is produced by the Tianshi Corporation under the name

People have been growing wheat for many millennia, and this process will never stop. It's all about the importance and value of wheat culture, which for many nations forms the basis of nutrition. Our primitive ancestors were looking for permanent food sources that were distinguished by their nutritional value, taste, unpretentiousness, and ease of storage. Gradually, acting by trial and error, they found these sources, cultivated and improved them. We are talking about wheat.

Ancient people crushed wheat grains, getting a coarse grinding product. Porridge and the like were prepared from this product modern bread on open fire and hot stones. It is known that the Greeks always ate bread made from barley and wheat, which was tasty, quickly satiated the body, benefited health, and wheat bread only wealthy people could afford. Ancient Greek athletes also could not do without bread; it was not for nothing that Homer called it “the brain of men”.

Over time, people learned not only to improve wheat varieties, but also to improve the technology for processing wheat grains, as a result of which they began to receive refined white flour. The trouble is that such flour is devoid of almost all useful substances: the grain shell is removed, as well as the grain germ. But it is in them that all biologically active substances are enclosed. It turns out that bran (unknowingly considered waste) contains a natural "treasure" of wheat grains. And in the flour of the highest grade there is nothing left but starch. That is why nutritionists recommend eating foods made from wholemeal flour, that is, flour that retains some of the nutrients. Special attention applied to sprouted grains of wheat. It is believed that they contain all healing power this agricultural crop, since the growth and development of a small plant takes a lot of nutrients. What is there in wheat germ?

The benefits of wheat germ

Wheat has long won respect and reverence from researchers and ordinary consumers. Professionals working in the field proper nutrition, as well as the processing of a grain product, unanimously argue that wheat germ has high rates food and biological value. Thus, a wheat germ contains up to 20 macronutrients, about 18 amino acids and 12 vitamin substances. Compared with whole grain in the embryo there is 3-5 times more potassium, 1.5-2.5 times more calcium, and 3 or even 4 times more vitamins of group B. Impressive figures! Such richness determines the rejuvenating effect produced by young wheat. For this purpose, from wheat germ get a "magic" extract (oil) plant origin which brings great benefit to our body.

Wheat germ oil instead of drugs

The extract from wheat germ is so strong that it has a beneficial effect on almost all systems of our body. It is known that it regulates energy balance maintains performance, protects against contamination environment relieves stress, restores youth.

Wheat germ oil thanks to gamma-aminobutyric acid significantly activates brain activity: affects thinking, memory, attention, accelerates energy metabolism. The miracle liquid also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, regulating movement nerve impulses. Wheat extract should be taken by those who have suffered a brain injury, a stroke. It will help patients with hormonal disorders. Vitamins of group B, vitamin E, which are part of wheat germ, block the processes inflammatory nature, normalize the work of the genital organs. For this reason, the extract should be drunk by women suffering from manifestations of menopause, irregular menstrual cycle, as well as from polycystic ovaries.

In addition, wheat germ oil has an antioxidant effect on the body, that is, it blocks free radicals. This property due to the content of carotenoids and organic selenium in the wheat product. Medicinal extract able to fight neoplasms, it strengthens the walls of capillaries and has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. The main plus is that the extract is able to rejuvenate, besides, it acts as a tonic and firming agent, and is involved in the normalization of metabolic processes. By using it daily, you will notice how your well-being improves, fatigue disappears, and vitality. Strong arguments in favor of wheat germ extract!

wheat diet

If a person wants to lose weight, then you should turn to a diet based on the use of wheat germ. Its effectiveness is due high concentration protein, not fatty acids and carbohydrates. The amino acid advantage allows you to replace many foods with wheat “medicine”, which, by saturating the body, dulls the feeling of hunger for a long time. Wheat germ ( dietary fiber). Fiber normalizes stool and cleanses the body of accumulated toxins. About the benefits of fiber for the human body, GlavRecept.Ru has already described in detail in one of his previous articles.

To lose weight, you can use both sparing and non-sparing diets. The first diet involves taking 1 tablespoon of wheat germ 3 times a day and drinking them. plain water. Do not eat anything within 3 hours after taking the product. In addition to germs, you can eat low calorie foods: lean meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, vegetables fruits. Total number calories in this mode should not exceed 1000-1200 kcal.

A sparing diet is marked by 1200-1600 kilocalories, gained through the daily use of wheat germ, 2 tablespoons 3 times a day (do not eat for 2 hours after taking). Of course, you can not deprive yourself of other products, but they should be low in calories and with a small amount of protein. After all, the main protein dose will come with wheat.

Wheat germ diet will lead to quick results, but it is recommended to observe it no longer than 3-4 weeks.

Wheat germ is like a universal remedy. Supporting the human body, they improve the work of almost all systems. Is it possible to ignore such a precious product?! Sprout wheat and boldly put it in the center of the dining table. Be healthy!

Sprouted wheat benefit and harm is a dilemma that haunts many. nutritious grains in Lately enjoys enviable popularity. They are used as a means to remove toxins from the body, a pressure stabilizer, a way to get rid of excess fat.

Miraculous sprouts help in the fight against various diseases and can bring a lot of benefits to a person.

Composition of germinated wheat grains

How kind nature has been to us can be judged by unique composition, which is endowed with seeds of wheat. Many useful items include:

  • carbohydrates (about 70%);
  • proteins (about 14%);
  • fats (up to 2.5%);
  • fiber (up to 3%);
  • vitamins A, B, C, D, E, PP;
  • minerals ( we are talking about zinc, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus) are present in both dry and germinated grains.

Wheat seeds at the time of germination change their properties. This happens because in the process of growth in the composition of the cereal, certain enzymes begin to act intensively, which are responsible for the breakdown of proteins, starch and fats into useful elements. Thus, once in the human body, unique seeds begin to participate in the processing of incoming food.

Product calorie content

A feature of wheat germ is that during the germination period, their calorie content drops to 198, while in ordinary grains this figure is much higher - 305 calories.

Average calorie value. Therefore, as a weight loss product, sprouted wheat can only be used in combination with vegetables or fruits.

Positive properties of wheat germ

There is no need to argue about the usefulness of germinated wheat. Hippocrates also described medicinal properties of this product in his medical treatise. Its range of action is impressive. If these seeds are eaten regularly, they can bring a person invaluable benefit, namely:

  • Strengthen immune system. Wheat germ restores strength well and increases the body's ability to resist infections. That is why they are recommended to use during the period of the flu epidemic and other colds.
  • Rejuvenates and normalizes the activity of all organs and systems human body.
  • Sprouted wheat seeds do not contain sugar, so patients suffering from diabetes can use them without fear. In addition, wheat germ normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland.
  • Stimulates the absorption process various neoplasms(myomas, wen, fibromas, cysts). That is why in medicine wheat germinated grains are used as prophylactic against oncological formations, including cancer.
  • Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Normalizes metabolic processes.
  • Stabilizes blood pressure and removes cholesterol from the body.
  • Renders beneficial effect on the activity of the entire cardiovascular apparatus.
  • Due to the content of calcium and vitamin P, the product has the ability to strengthen the nail plates and restore the hair structure.
  • Eating wheat sprouts can have a positive effect on vision.

But the most important property of germinated seeds is their ability to cleanse the intestines from toxins.

Sprouted wheat: benefits and harms is a topic discussed in scientific circles. Many experts insist that the beneficial properties of germinated seeds come down to the effect of each component that is part of them on a specific organ. For example, chlorophyll is able to purify from toxins and other unnecessary deposits, amino acids affect building functions and cell growth.

However, the consumption of wheat seeds is recommended for people:

  • obese or overweight;
  • with reduced immunity;
  • with constipation or dysbacteriosis;
  • with impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • faced with problems of hair loss and weak nails;
  • having vision problems.

Self-germination of wheat at home

Germination of wheat seeds does not require any special knowledge or specific efforts. The required amount of grains is poured into a plate, covered with a small piece of gauze and poured with cooled boiled water. Moreover, the liquid should slightly hide the upper grains.

It is better to put the plate on the windowsill, where it will fall on the embryos sunlight. After the appearance of sprouts, the gauze must be removed, and a little more water should be added to the plate. While the seeds germinate, it is necessary to constantly ensure that they are slightly moist.

As soon as the length of the sprouts reaches 2-3 mm, the content is ready for use, but before it should be washed warm water and dry a little. All medicinal properties in such a product are preserved.

During germination, the embryos should not be heavily poured with liquid, otherwise they will simply rot.

How to use sprouts

Important! Before you start eating wheat germ, it is recommended to consult a doctor. This is necessary in order to avoid undesirable consequences, because the effect of eating may not come immediately, but only after a few days.

The benefits of germinated wheat are beyond doubt, and its medicinal properties make it a cure for many diseases. However, in order to achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to use this product correctly.

  • Crushed sprouts are most often added to baked goods. Bread with such a component in the composition is very useful, but it is not easy to find it in stores, but you can easily cook it yourself.
  • Sprouts can also be added to pancakes, buns, pies. To do this, flour is made from slightly dried germs using a blender, on the basis of which the dough is kneaded.
  • Alternatively, wheat sprouts are added to porridge.
  • You can eat wheat germ mixed with dried fruits, flakes, both oatmeal and rye, yogurt or kefir.

Whatever dish sprouted seeds are added to, the main thing is to chop them before use.

Despite the storehouse of useful properties, in order to avoid undesirable consequences from eating sprouted grains, you must follow a few simple rules.

  1. It is better to buy wheat in trusted stores (you can in a pharmacy).
  2. Pour the prepared product with water and remove all floating debris.
  3. Seeds that do not germinate are discarded.
  4. You should not harvest seedlings for future use. finished product store in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.
  5. Darkened grains should not be eaten.
  6. It is undesirable to use sprouted grains together with milk or dairy products, in otherwise do not avoid the process of fermentation in the body.

Sprouted wheat for weight loss

For many women, the germs of this cereal are of interest, first of all, as a way to get rid of extra pounds. According to the advice of a number of nutritionists and endocrinologists, when fighting overweight, germinated seeds should definitely be included in the diet. It is advisable to eat sprouts in the morning or in the afternoon, a charge of vivacity will help to actively spend the working day.

How exactly does the product work:

  • The fiber contained in the product contributes to the fact that the feeling of hunger is not felt throughout the day. The explanation lies in the ability of this substance to absorb cholesterol, carbohydrates and harmful fats.
  • Even 1-2 teaspoons of sprouted wheat cereals, taken in the morning, can improve digestion and cleanse the intestines in a week.
  • In order to reset excess weight you don't need to starve at all. Enough to stick balanced nutrition and use sprouted wheat in combination with low-calorie dishes.
  • Sprouts are able to speed up metabolic processes, which helps to get rid of extra pounds.

But for women who want to get rid of extra pounds, sprouted wheat alone is not enough. positive result can be achieved by connecting to the use of sprouts physical activity, rejection harmful products and lifestyle changes.

Contraindications or harmful effects

However, despite the rich composition and beneficial properties, the harm of germinated wheat has been sufficiently studied. It is not recommended to use in food:

  • people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases (especially ulcers);
  • allergic to gluten;
  • children under the age of 12;
  • in the period after operations;
  • those whose diseases are in the acute stage;
  • Attention, health problems can also appear in those who have germinated cereals incorrectly.

Sprouted grain should not be abused. One of the components of wheat germ is lectin. To date, its impact on endocrine system, metabolic processes and the gastrointestinal mucosa has not yet been fully studied, which means that we can talk about harm.

Sprouted wheat: benefits and harms - this topic does not lose its relevance. However, before eating wheat germ, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons, to measure possible benefit or harm to this product. However, if the amount of live food eaten herbal products increases, then some diseases can be forgotten, and with overweight- say goodbye.

Some symptoms of the appearance:

  • increased sweating;
  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • intermittent diarrhea and constipation;
  • want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • weight loss problems
  • loss of appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, salivation;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • does not pass cough;
  • pimples on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or doubt the causes of ailments, you need to cleanse the body as soon as possible. How to do it .

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Sprouted wheat is valuable dietary product, which has pronounced medicinal properties. It combines the qualities of a balanced, easily digestible product and a powerful universal remedy.

Sprouts with prolonged use cope with many diseases and ailments, cleansing the body of toxins and harmful metabolic products, filling it with the energy of a new life.

Let's talk in this article about germinated wheat seeds: about the benefits for the body and potential harm, about the advice of doctors on their use and application.

How to choose a good product

Wheat sprouts are sold in departments healthy eating in shops and supermarkets.

Pay attention to the date indicated on the plastic container. It is best to buy a product dated today.

Also important:

  • seedling length. It should not exceed 2 mm. With longer sprouts, toxic substances harmful to health begin to form in the grain;
  • smell. Do not hesitate to open the package with sprouts and check the product for the presence of foreign flavors. A good product should not have a stagnant putrefactive odor;
  • form. Elongated grains are healthier. Rounded seeds are winter varieties. They are harder to chew and taste like rubber. But it doesn't affect them. medicinal qualities.

How to germinate grains at home

To ensure the quality of the product it is best to germinate the seeds yourself, at home. This is easy to do.

Buy whole grains. They are sold in health food stores or supermarkets. Then them soak in water overnight to remove chemicals and saturate the embryo with water.

In the morning, rinse the grains with running water., put on any damp cloth in a ceramic or glass bowl. Cover it with a linen towel or other cloth on top. Every evening, the fabric with seeds needs to be moistened.

After three days, the sprouts should hatch. Rinse them with water and refrigerate. For germination, healers recommend using melt water or infused with shungite.

What are the health benefits of germinated wheat, how to germinate grain, the program “About the most important thing” will tell:

Chemical composition, calories, nutritional value and glycemic index

The composition of germinated wheat includes a huge range of various vitamins, minerals, amino acids and linoleic acid relating to polyunsaturated oils.

It activates fat metabolism, preventing the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.

The sprouts contain the following set of vitamins:

  • ascorbic acid, which is formed during germination. Its neton is absent in the whole grain. This vitamin is powerful antioxidant, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries;
  • B vitamins- B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B5 ( pantothenic acid), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), responsible for the health and beauty of hair, nails and skin, normal functioning nervous system;
  • PP ( a nicotinic acid) activating mental activity;
  • natural folates to restore and maintain reproductive function in a healthy state;
  • among the microelements that make up the sprouts of embryos - And which are completely absorbed by the body.

Raw foodists note that after several months of regular consumption of wheat germ, their teeth and gums improve, and even the amount of gray hair decreases.

Essential amino acids in the composition:

  • arginine, valine, histidine with rejuvenating effect. They remove toxins from the body that are formed during the digestion of animal protein, prevent the development of cancerous tumors;
  • isoleucine, leucine, methionine that help remove excess cholesterol from the liver. These amino acids can also neutralize substances that are foreign to the body;
  • cysteine, threonine, tryptophan, involved in the synthesis of serotonin, supporting the function endocrine glands. The lack of these amino acids causes causeless neurosis, depression;
  • phenylalanine, tyrosine responsible for energy, memory, attention.

calories germinated wheat is about 200 kcal per 100 g. This figure may vary slightly in one direction or another depending on the wheat variety.

Nutritional value can be represented by a table:

Glycemic index seedlings is 15. This is very low rate. Therefore, the product can be used by those who want to lose weight and the sick.

The composition of vitamins and microelements, the benefits of sprouted wheat sprouts, their harm will be revealed by the “Live Healthy” program:

Useful properties and medicinal qualities

Wheatgrass is called "living food". It has high biostimulating properties.

During germination, enzymes are formed in the seed that convert wheat starch into a state of maltose, proteins into amino acids, and fats into unsaturated fatty acids.

This facilitates digestion and absorption of valuable nutrients. Seedlings have a huge will to live, which they transfer to a person.

With their long-term use,:

  • normalization of intestinal microflora;
  • significant improvement in the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  • activation of the immune system;
  • fast weight loss while following a low-calorie diet;
  • increased efficiency, mental activity;
  • quick recovery after illness or prolonged stress;
  • raw foodists note a significant improvement in vision when eating sprouts for more than a year.

What is useful

For adult men and women

Aggregate essential amino acids in combination with vitamin complex brings into balance hormonal balance, prompting the body to rejuvenate and regenerate tissues.

In women and men, libido is quickly restored, the skin is smoothed, cleared of acne. Raises mood and self-esteem.

Over time, many people forget about such unpleasant things:

  • constipation;
  • drowsiness, absent-mindedness;
  • frequent colds.

What else is useful germinated wheat grains? In men, the quality of the seed increases, and in women, the ability to fertilize. seen the ability of wheat germ to resist the development of cancer.

Smokers after a month of eating "live food" can safely give up their diet. bad habit. There was also a decrease in cravings for alcohol among drinkers.

Pregnant and lactating

Wheatgrass May Benefit You in the First Trimester, softening the symptoms of toxicosis, maintain pregnancy with the body's tendency to miscarriages.

In the second and third trimesters the consumption of sprouts is limited to 10 g per day. This amount will help the full formation of the fetal brain and skeletal bones.

During lactation, this product is excluded from the diet.. It can lead to too rapid overgrowth of the fontanel in an infant.

For children

But is sprouted wheat good for a child? Here the opinions of the official and traditional medicine divided.

Doctors believe that children under 12 should not eat sprouted wheat grains, as this is fraught with premature puberty.

Traditional healers, on the contrary, are confident in beneficial effect"live food" for children older than one year. They believe that wheat germ will allow children to:

  • increase immunity, resist colds;
  • ensure rapid intellectual development;
  • form a stress-resistant nervous system.

It's probably better to listen to common sense and come to the following conclusion: children can eat germinated wheat at high physical or mental stress if there is no individual intolerance or aversion to the product.

In old age

The use of germinated wheat in adulthood able to turn back time, returning the joy of life and purity of perception. This product is necessary for people who have reached retirement age.

The constant use of "live food" increases the energy potential, cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, helps to form new ones. eating habits appropriate for health and age.

Large amount of antioxidants contained in wheat germ, will help resist:

  • arthritis
  • heart failure;
  • atherosclerosis.

Also regular use product needed for the normalization of the psycho-emotional background, prevention age-related depression .

Potential danger and contraindications

The main danger is in acquiring a low-quality product. Therefore, it is better to germinate wheat on your own, and soak whole grains in water beforehand.

The use of wheat germ is contraindicated in:

Wheatgrass should not be eaten with dairy products. This can cause flatulence and dyspepsia.

Eating wheat germ can be harmful due to the content of a substance called "lectin", which can:

  • damage the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • upset the endocrine system.

Therefore, with the appearance of pain in the abdomen, dizziness and nausea, the use of sprouts must be stopped.

How to use sprouted wheat at home? The product is recommended to eat once a day, in the morning, on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast..

You can start with 10 g (tablespoon), increasing the rate to 30 g.

The main difficulty is that The product must be thoroughly chewed for absorption. Not everyone likes the taste at first.

How to take sprouted grains of wheat for pregnant women? Daily rate- 10 y.

Elderly men with good tolerability of the product can increase the dose to 50 g.

Wheat germ should not be eaten with dairy products, honey, flower pollen and mummy.

The dietary fibers of sprouts absorb everything valuable substances in other products, negating their healing effect.

If you can not chew for a long time, you can grind sprouts in a coffee grinder. Then, after grinding, pour warm water and slowly drink this healing cocktail.

How to use in cooking

At heat treatment All healing properties sprouted wheat are lost. Therefore, it is used in the preparation of vegetable, fruit salads, cocktails.

Cocktail "Health": for cooking, you need to take 100 ml of freshly squeezed, mix with 30 g of germinated wheat, beat with a blender.

Such a drink restores strength after an intense workout.

Salad "Joy": peel the avocado, cut into slices, add thinly sliced. Lightly fry the grains, grind together with 30 g of wheat germ.

Sprinkle vegetables. Can you make a salad lemon juice mixed with vegetable oil.

Recipes for dishes with the addition of sprouted wheat are shared by the Healthy Nutrition Clinic “Weight Factor”:

In cosmetology

For face and body care you can use wheat germ to make masks and scrubs. These procedures have a strong rejuvenating effect, promote skin regeneration, cleansing it from acne and comedones.

For the mask you can take fresh sprouts, grind them with a blender or in a coffee grinder, mix with clay, boiled potatoes, mashed avocado or other filler, depending on the purpose of the procedure.

Apply to face for 20 minutes, rinse cool water. This procedure should be carried out once a week, but only after 30 years.

Scrub it is better to make from dry sprouts, ground in a coffee grinder. The resulting powder can be mixed with regular shower gel and thoroughly massage the skin on the face and body with this mixture.

Weekly use of the scrub will make the skin silky, soft and toned.

How to take for weight loss

Sprouted wheat has a beneficial effect on metabolism, cleansing the body of toxins and toxins.

How to take sprouted wheat grains for weight loss? It is desirable to include it in low-calorie diets.

The product helps to cope with unhealthy cravings for fast food, cakes and sweets, helps to fill the body with vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids.

The result of losing weight with the participation of wheat germ will not only a slim body, but also healthy hair, nails, smooth young skin.

Nutritionist Ionova will talk about germinated wheat:

In folk medicine

Wheat germs can be used to prepare remedies for the treatment and prevention of diseases.

Milk: Grind 100 g of sprouts and pour 200 ml of water at a temperature of 40 degrees, mix and leave for an hour. Then strain, drink in two doses during the day for 30 minutes. before meals.

This milk should be drunk within a month to prevent osteoporosis. The course is repeated twice a year - in spring and late autumn.

from anemia: 150 g of wheat germ to turn through a meat grinder with equal amount walnuts, dried apricots and.

The resulting mass must be stored in the refrigerator. Consume twice a day for a tablespoon before meals.

With progressive myopia: Mix 100 g chopped sprouts with 50 g of ghee, and then grind the mass with the juice of one lemon.

Eat every day in the amount of one teaspoon in the evening, combined with 100 g of raw grated carrots for three months. The course is repeated twice a year.

This tool can be used for a long time.

What the doctors say

Doctors quite rightly advise not to abuse the product, take into account contraindications, and also:

  • buy grains in health food stores, not in the market;
  • properly germinate them in small portions;
  • use sprouts with a length of no more than 2 mm;
  • store the product in the refrigerator for no longer than three days.

Official medicine advises to combine treatment with sprouted wheat with traditional methods without relying only on the magical effect of a "live product".

The pantry of nature is full of many amazingly useful means, which are far superior in their safety and effectiveness to artificial ones. chemicals. In this article we will tell you how ordinary wheat germ can be useful.

You ask why the choice fell on this particular culture? Why not use buckwheat or oat sprouts? The fact is that wheat has long won special reverence and respect among both scientists and ordinary consumers. It is not only very nutritious, easily digestible and useful for the human body, but also contains many vitamins and microelements. For many peoples, it is this cereal that forms the basis of nutrition.

What is useful wheat germ

However, until recently, it could not have occurred to anyone that cereal sprouts could be more useful than pure refined flour. The fact is that bran, which was previously considered waste, contains a large number of biologically active substances they are a true natural treasure.

Wheat germ is very rich nutrients, fiber and fatty acids. These are very useful nuclei, in which all the reserves of vital resources for future spikelets are concentrated. Experts have found that one wheat sprout there are approximately twelve vitamin substances, eighteen amino acids and up to twenty microelements. If we compare the embryo with a whole grain, it turns out that it contains 3-4 times more B-group vitamins, 1.5-2.5 times more calcium, and 3-5 times more potassium. Impressive, isn't it? Such abundance leads to the fact that young wheat germ has rejuvenating properties. Eating them with food will help not only to make nutrition complete, to cleanse the body of toxins with the help of fiber, to relieve overweight, but also to normalize blood pressure, and get rid of some diseases.

Benefits of wheat germ oil

Such a rich composition of germs has found its use in the production of a "magic" extract - a very valuable plant-based oil.

This miracle fluid activates brain activity, regulates the functioning of the nervous system, and helps to cope with the consequences of strokes and brain injuries. Also useful in case hormonal disorders, inflammatory processes and disorders in the functioning of the genital organs. In addition, cosmetologists recommend against stretch marks, wrinkles on the face and skin. It is effective against cellulite, acne, flaking, itching, chapping and burns. Weighty arguments in order to experience its miraculous properties!

How to get sprouts at home

Everything is quite simple: you need to take a small saucer and soak a high-quality one in it by pouring such an amount of water that the grain is completely covered. Then you have to wait three days. Sometimes, in cold weather, the grain may need an additional 24-36 hours to grow.

You can store wheat germ in a well-closed bottle for up to 7 days. However, if you wrap them in a bag and put them in the refrigerator, then the shelf life can be extended by about another two weeks. Experts recommend starting to use gradually - no more than 1-2 tablespoons per day. After drying a little and grating them, it is convenient to add them to salads, sauces, milk or cottage cheese.