A beautiful white stove in a dream. Dream Interpretation bake Bread. Modern interpretations of dreams

To dream about a stove, what does it mean?

Stove – Symbolizes the warmth of the hearth. According to Freud: female vaginal symbol. Looking at the fire is family happiness. Lighting a fire in a stove is a love passion. Seeing the stove cold means loneliness.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about the Stove?

Stove - You saw a heating stove in a dream, portends good luck. A cooled stove is a sign of future complications and mistakes in relationships with people. If a woman sees that her stove is red hot, this means that she is dearly loved in her own family and valued by friends for her sweet and selfless disposition. If she bakes something, temporary disappointments await her. If the stove is broken, the dream foreshadows her great concern about the children.

Intimate dream book / E. Danilova

If you had a dream about the Furnace

Stove - You saw a stove, you will meet a very temperamental partner who will amaze you with his love experience and charm you with tender caresses. If the oven was cold, this meeting will not become the beginning of a whirlwind romance, but in any case, you will not regret that one day your paths crossed.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream of a stove in a dream?

Stove - Stove - sadness. A heated stove means sadness, anxiety. To see a collapsed stove in a house means to have a dead person in your home.

Dream book of the 21st century

What does a stove mean in a dream?

Stove - Dreaming of a stove signifies sadness, quarrel; if it falls apart, expect good news and joy. You cook food on the stove - a large amount of energy will be spent on solving personal problems, but everything will not turn out the way you wanted. Seeing an oven in which food is cooked in a dream means that you will have a wonderful opportunity to relax in good conditions and in pleasant company. Seeing the work of a stove maker in a dream means very bad news; warming yourself by the stove in a dream means the road. Seeing an open hearth furnace means that your backbreaking and difficult work will not be paid properly; in the following interpreter you can find out what this dream means.

Ancient French dream book

Oven - interpretation of a dream

Stove - If you dreamed of a stove in a dream, wealth and contentment await you. You are sitting by a hot stove - the dream foreshadows changes in fate: travel, departure to another place, separation from loved ones.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a stove in a dream?

Stove - If a woman sees that her stove is red hot, it means that she is dearly loved in her own family and valued by friends for her sweet and selfless disposition. If she bakes something, temporary disappointments await her. If the stove is broken, the dream foreshadows her great concern about the children. Always a dream in which you see a heating stove foreshadows good luck, and a cooled stove is a sign of future complications and mistakes in relationships with people. If you burn yourself on the stove, then in reality the machinations of your opponents from the business world lie in wait for you.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

A stove as an image in a dream

Stove - tiled - fragile betrothal; hot - great respect; warming up by the stove - well-being; without fire, you will not have the most necessary things; falling - losses; put - pleasant things in old age; very beautiful - benefits; bake in a bakery and light a fire in it - your enterprise can come true; bake bread - have your destiny in your hands; seeing them bake is a celebration in the house.

Oven according to Maly Velesov’s dream book

Stovemaker - Bad news.

Stove - Wealth // sadness, quarrel; beautiful, okay - happy life; disassembled - death of father or husband; collapsed - joy, good news // sadness, dead; drowning - guests, for good // sadness, illness, failure, anxiety; melt - you will heal again, love (to the young) // you will itch.

Stove - Sadness, quarrel, care, grief; someone is baking - good luck.

The meaning of the dream about the Fireplace (Folklore dream book)

To see the stove collapsed in a dream - Unfortunately. Inversion is possible - fortunately.

Oven according to the dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov

Stovemaker - Bad news.

Stove - Sadness, quarrel; collapsed - good news, joy. Bake bread - to sadness; someone is baking - a sign of good luck.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why do you dream about a stove?

Stovemaker - Bad news.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Furnace from your dream

Stove - An image of warmth and homely atmosphere in the family. May symbolize the human stomach and digestive organs; pregnancy. Heated, hot - everything good in family and love. Warming up by the stove - a loved one, mutual understanding. Oven, bake - fulfillment of desires. Hot, burning coals - strong, passionate love. Extinguished, cold - sadness, separation.

Oven (bake) – Prosperity and happiness in the family.

The meaning of the dream about the Hearth (Lunar Dream Book)

Stove - be content with domestic happiness; fire in the stove - wealth.

Esoteric dream book

Stove in night dreams

Stove – Starting position. You are at the beginning of a journey or some significant undertaking. Remember the saying “dance from the stove.” Lighting a fire in the stove will help the cause. Stove, cook in the stove to prepare the ground for new achievements. If the food in the oven is burnt, you are too carried away with the preparation and the matter is “overripe”, the energy is “burnt out”. Don’t chatter the sparks from the stove, don’t advertise it in advance; everything can dissipate and scatter as a result of your chatter.

Stovemaker - At work, someone will help you start a new business. As a stove maker yourself, you need to create a solid foundation before starting a new business.

I dreamed about the Oven (interpretation according to the Ancient Russian dream book)

Oven or stove - Seeing a hearth in a dream.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with a stove mean, taking into account your date of birth?

In the spring, why dream of heating a stove with wood in a dream means a successful business.

If in the summer you dreamed of heating a stove in a dream - achieving a goal - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

In the fall, why did you dream about the stove - disrespect from the authorities.

In winter, why do you dream of a hot stove - to longing, worrying about a loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Seeing a stove in a dream

Stove - Starting position. You are at the beginning of a journey or some significant undertaking. Remember the saying “dancing from the stove.” Lighting a fire in the stove means promoting the cause. Stove, cook in the stove - prepare the ground for new achievements. If the food in the oven is burnt, you are too carried away with the preparation and the matter is “overripe”, the energy is “burnt out”. Sparks from the stove - don’t chat, don’t advertise in advance - everything can dissipate, scatter as a result of your chatter.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

Dream about Stove

A dream in which you light a stove foreshadows a trip to distant lands, which will involve the risk of losing your fiancé, who can easily be intercepted by your rivals during your absence.

Seeing a heating stove speaks of the close intertwining in your destiny of material interests and the desire for spiritual self-improvement. Warming up by the stove, having come from the extreme cold, means you will soon learn a bunch of news that has accumulated during your long absence.

Drying by the stove, getting wet in heavy rain - soon visit a sick person to whom you owe a lot in your life and career. A red-hot metal stove foretells disappointing information about the progress of your business partners.

A tiled stove means that you will experience a feeling of disappointment due to unfulfilled expectations. Getting burned on a stove means that you will be joyfully surprised to learn that you are owed a large sum of money.

A cooled stove foreshadows doing something useless. A beautiful tiled stove in an old mansion you dreamed of foreshadows severe punishment for a serious act.

Breaking an old stove in a dream means an early and too hasty marriage, which will lead to an equally hasty divorce. If in a dream you install a new stove in your home or country house, this means you will receive money, which will be less than you expected to receive.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does a stove mean in a dream?

An image of warmth and homely atmosphere in a family. May symbolize the human stomach and digestive organs; pregnancy. Everything good in family and love is heated, hot. A loved one warming up by the stove, mutual understanding. Oven, bake wishes come true. Hot, burning coals, strong, passionate love. Extinguished, cold sadness, separation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

The meaning of dreams Stove

Home stove in a dream: symbolizes the warmth of your soul.

Seeing in a dream how joyfully the stove is heated: foretells wonderful relationships with loved ones and friends.

A cooled stove: a sign of disappointment and sadness. Such a dream encourages you not to spare warmth for your loved ones, without whom your life will lose all meaning.

A dirty or broken stove: a harbinger of conflicts and quarrels. It seems that you are too unrestrained in your emotions, and negative feelings are poisoning your life.

The dream in which you burned yourself on a hot stove has the same meaning.

An industrial furnace in a dream: symbolizes feelings and emotions associated with your affairs and plans.

If it goes out: such a dream suggests that you have started some business and are not paying due attention to it.

Too much fire in the stove: a sign of emotional overstrain.

Be careful: you risk depleting your strength prematurely! Sparks flying from the furnace: symbolize disputes.

Interpretation of dreams from

To figure out why you dream about a stove, you need to take into account the details you see. Usually in reality it symbolizes home, family happiness, and harmony in relationships.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

A stove seen in a dream foreshadows quiet family happiness.

Seeing fire in it means material wealth and financial stability.

Interpretation taking into account the details of the dream

Meeting your soulmate is why a woman dreams of a stove in her house. For a man, this dream prophesies the successful completion of all endeavors and successful entrepreneurship.

If in a dream you happened to install a stove in your own home, in reality you will receive a reward the size of which will not meet your expectations. Also, such a dream may foreshadow an imminent marriage.

If you lit a fire in the stove, in reality you will go on a trip, and during your absence from home you will worry about your partner’s fidelity. Lighting up the stove also promises a new attitude towards life - you will feel how wonderful life is and meet your soulmate.

Achieving your goal is what you might dream of lighting the stove for. Seeing a stove being heated means the intertwining of material and spiritual values.

You lit the stove in a dream - in reality you will achieve your goals.

Whitewashing a stove in a dream means that in reality you will show all your abilities in order to realize your plans. But first you have to follow a person who is luckier in business than you.

To get rid of unnecessary things and negative emotions, you dream of throwing firewood into the stove.

In a dream, you looked at the stove fire for a long time - there will always be happiness and harmony in your family. A fire in the stove symbolizes excellent relationships with relatives and friends.

If the stove was very hot in a dream, then in reality an extraordinary person will appear in your life, capable of “infecting” you with unbridled ardor and enthusiasm.

A warm stove dreams of changes in life. There is a possibility that you will have to go on a trip, leaving your loved ones behind for a while.

A stove burning down in a dream promises a bright romance that will end quickly, but will be remembered for a lifetime.

A new stove predicts punishment for a mistake. In reality, you should be more careful in financial matters.

A woman's dream of a village stove promises unambiguous signs of attention. For a man, such a dream prophesies the appearance of a lover who will become an ideal match for creating a family home and maintaining harmony in it.

In a dream, it means the well-being of your home. If they don’t work (broke), then you will experience grief or loss. Collapsed is a sign of the death of a close relative (the one who did housework). Lighting a stove or making a fire in a stove means that you must help your loved one who is in a difficult situation. If in a dream you cannot immediately start a fire, then, accordingly, by your delay you will harm this person.

Modern Dream Interpretation

The stove symbolizes the warmth of the hearth. Looking at the fire is family happiness. Kindling a fire is a love passion, a trip to distant lands. Cold - loneliness. Stoking the stove - material interests and aspirations for spiritual self-improvement are closely intertwined in your destiny. Warm yourself by the stove - you will soon learn a lot of news that has accumulated during your long absence. Drying wet clothes means you will soon visit a sick person. A red-hot potbelly stove foreshadows disappointing information about the progress of your business partners. Tiled - predicts a feeling of disappointment due to unfulfilled expectations. Burn yourself on the stove - you will be joyfully surprised to learn that you are owed a large sum of money. Breaking an old stove is a hasty marriage and a quick divorce

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Seeing a heated stove or fireplace in a dream means that you have a reliable friend in your life. If you light the fire in the stove yourself, it means you are secretly in love. At the same time, watching someone else light the stove is an omen of health problems or troubles. Negative events will come from the family.

Attempting to fan a fire in a dream promises you trouble in real life, but it will be crowned with success and profit. When the fire is too smoky and you see a lot of sparks, it means your enemies are planning something, and you are in for a turbulent period in life. If you put out the fire, something threatens you, be careful.

If you see yourself sitting by the fire, you are likely to have a long journey ahead of you. If in a dream you admire fire, happiness and prosperity await you and your family, and your future will be prosperous.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation

The oven is the starting position. Now you are at the initial stage of implementing some direction or serious business. Lighting a fire is a sign of favorable circumstances for your business. cooking in the oven - such a dream means that you will prepare the ground for new achievements. In a dream, the food was burnt - the dream suggests that, by being overly carried away by thinking through your project, its initial, preparatory stage, you allowed the matter to become “overripe” and your own emotional “burnout.” Sparks were flying from the stove - this is a dream - advice not to spill the beans, not to advertise your plans ahead of time, because because of this everything will disappear like smoke, it will fail in vain.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Dreaming of a stove means sadness, quarrel; if it falls apart, expect good news, joy. If in a dream you are cooking food on the stove, it means that a large amount of energy will be spent on solving personal problems, but everything will not turn out the way you wanted. Seeing an oven in which food is cooked in a dream means that you will have a wonderful opportunity to relax in good conditions and in pleasant company. Seeing the work of a stove maker in a dream means very bad news; warming yourself by the stove in a dream means the road. Seeing an open hearth furnace means that your backbreaking and complex work will not be paid properly.

Freud's Dream Book

The stove is a symbol of the female genital organs. The fire in the stove symbolizes sexual intercourse. If a man starts a fire, he strives for quick sexual contacts. If a woman makes a fire, she prefers to engage in self-satisfaction. If you bake pies or bread in the oven, you are happy to make love with your partner. A cold stove indicates a woman’s reluctance to have sex. Collapsed - speaks of pregnancy and imminent birth. If you sit by a burning stove, you tend to spy on the intimate lives of other people.

Loff's Dream Book

Nowadays it is rare to see stoves, even in private homes. They were replaced by economical and efficient heating devices or decorative hearths in the form of fireplaces. However, as before, a melted stove represents comfort and warmth in the house, prosperity and well-being in the family. This is exactly what is predicted by dreams in which you see a melted stove or are heating it yourself. If in your dream the hearth has long cooled down, then this is a sign of discord in the family and financial losses. Baking something in an oven means working for the sake of earning money, not for pleasure.

Miller's Dream Book

If a woman sees in a dream that her stove is red-hot, this means that she is dearly loved in her own family and valued by friends for her sweet and selfless disposition. If she bakes something, temporary disappointments await her. If the stove is broken, the dream foreshadows her great concern about the children. A dream in which you see a heating stove foretells good luck, and a cooled stove is a sign of future complications and mistakes in relationships with people. If you get burned, then in reality the machinations of your opponents from the business world lie in wait for you.

Erotic Dream Interpretation

A woman who dreams of a hot stove is loved and happy in her family. If you saw a stove in a dream, you will meet a very temperamental partner who will dazzle you with his love experience and charm you with tender caresses. If the oven was cold, this meeting will not become the beginning of a whirlwind romance, but in any case, you will not regret that one day your paths crossed. Cooled down - promises cooling in love.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Tiled - fragile engagement; hot - great respect; warming up by the stove - well-being; without fire, you will not have the most necessary things; falling - losses; put - pleasant things in old age; very beautiful - benefits; oven in

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

bread - to sadness; someone is baking - a sign of good luck.

I dreamed of a stove

according to Miller's dream book

If a woman sees in a dream that her stove is red-hot, it means that she is dearly loved in her own family and valued by friends for her sweet and selfless disposition. If she bakes something, temporary disappointments await her. If the stove is broken, the dream foreshadows her great concern about the children. Always a dream in which you see a heating stove foreshadows good luck, and a cooled stove is a sign of future complications and mistakes in relationships with people. If you burn yourself on the stove, then in reality the machinations of your opponents from the business world lie in wait for you.

Why do you dream about dough?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book


The meaning of a dream about dough

according to Freud's dream book

Kneading the dough yourself in a dream means that in sex you prefer to take everything into your own hands in order to feel more confident. Try to give the role of leader to your partner at least once, the sensations will be no less acute. To see the dough rising in a dream means that you have been waiting for a long time for a romantic date, and it will go as you wish, provided that you do not force events. Buying dough in a store - for some reason you are not satisfied with your sex life and are sure that the reason is your inexperience in relationships. You will want to change this situation, but you should not put too much faith in all kinds of books and brochures.

Why do you dream about pies?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

yes - visits; stove - an imminent crisis, a turning point in something; (with cottage cheese or cheese) - intrigues against the sleeping person; deception.

I dreamed about pies

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you are eating pies, watch your ill-wishers, because they are preparing to harm you. If a girl cooks pies in a dream, it means that she will flirt with men for the sake of fun. This dream will serve as a warning to her.

I dreamed about firewood

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing an armful of firewood in a dream means an unsatisfactory state of affairs and a disagreement, a quarrel with a loved one. If you dream of a large log, the kind that is usually burned on Christmas Eve, then this is a good dream: your most joyful expectations are destined to come true on the days of some major celebrations.

Why do you dream about firewood?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

mistake, stupidity (to screw things up, they say); folded - outside help.

Why do you dream about a fireplace?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

burning - good service; cooled down - a lost place.

I dreamed about a fireplace

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a fireplace in a dream means that something very unpleasant will happen in your life. You will receive too hasty an illness message. Going down the chimney promises sadness. Seeing a fireplace overgrown with ivy or vines foretells the happiness that awaits you after sadness and loss of relatives. Seeing a fire burning in the fireplace means that something very good is coming for you. Hiding by the fireplace - grief and doubt will visit you, things will go wrong. For a young woman to dream that she is going down a chimney, foretells that she will do something inappropriate, violating the rules of decency, which will cause horror to those around her. Climbing up means that she will be able to avoid some kind of misfortune in store for her. If you dream that you see a firewood stand in the fireplace, then this is a sign of your future good relationships with friends. Looking into an empty fireplace without fire or wood in a dream portends various sorrows.

I dreamed about a bakery

according to Miller's dream book

When you see a bakery in a dream, you need to be very careful about changes in your career. Traps and snares can appear at every step. For a young woman to see herself in a bakery is a harbinger that her reputation will be harshly condemned. She must exercise great caution in her actions.

Why do you dream about a stove?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

sadness, quarrel; warm and without fire - illness, tumor; disappointment and sadness; collapsed - good news, joy; change for the better; hopes will be fulfilled and sorrows will go away; see Fire.