Oak bark has medicinal properties. Medicinal properties of oak bark and contraindications

Today on the blog I want to tell you about oak bark, which has found its use not only in folk medicine, but also in official medicine. Oak is a unique plant; oak is associated with longevity, eternity and strength. The average lifespan of an oak tree is about 400 years, which is quite a long time, isn't it? The thickness of an oak trunk increases throughout its life, but growth in height lasts up to 150 years. Probably many of us have heard about oak bark, and many have used it for medicinal purposes. I suggest you remember the beneficial properties of oak bark.

Composition of oak bark

  1. Starch, proteins, sugars, flavonoids.
  2. About 20% are tannins.
  3. About 15% are pentosans, which have anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. And about 5% are pectins.
  5. Kehitin, this substance has the ability to destroy microbes.

Oak bark. Useful and healing properties

  • Oak bark has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Oak bark has disinfectant, bactericidal, astringent properties.
  • Oak bark is used as an astringent for hemorrhoidal bleeding, as a lotion and for douching.
  • Used for dysentery and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Baths made from oak bark are used to combat excessive sweating of the feet and hands.
  • Decoctions and infusions of oak bark are used as lotions for skin inflammation, burns, and wounds.
  • Decoctions and infusions of oak bark are used as a mouth rinse for stomatitis and bad breath.
  • Used to strengthen gums and for gum inflammation. The decoction is used to treat the oral mucosa. For these diseases, the oral cavity should be treated as often as possible.
  • Oak bark is used for colpitis, vaginitis, and cervical erosion.
  • Decoctions of oak bark are used to restore and beauty hair. A decoction of oak bark is used for dandruff and is used to strengthen hair.

Oak bark is an invaluable gift of nature, which is necessary to maintain our health and beauty. Let's talk in more detail about the use of oak bark.

Oak bark. Application

Decoctions, tinctures and infusions are prepared from oak bark.

Infusion of oak bark. It's easy to prepare. Pour one teaspoon of crushed oak bark into a glass of boiling water, leave for one hour, strain.

Oak bark decoction. Pour a tablespoon of oak bark into two glasses of boiling water, simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes, leave for half an hour, filter.

Alcohol tincture from oak bark. One teaspoon of crushed oak bark should be poured into 400 ml. vodka, leave for one week, strain.

Oak bark for gums

In the spring, many people face the problem of gum inflammation; the gums begin to bleed, become inflamed, and turn red. In the spring, after a long winter, there are not enough vitamins in our diet, the immune system is weakened, all this may indicate.

In addition to including vitamins in your diet and adjusting your diet, you can rinse your mouth with a decoction of oak bark. Rinse your mouth as often as possible. You need to rinse 6 - 7 times a day. Oak bark perfectly relieves inflammation, strengthens gums, and helps with bleeding gums.

A decoction of oak bark is used to rinse the mouth for stomatitis and bad breath. Oak bark decoction can be used as a mouthwash after brushing your teeth.

Oak bark for sore throat

Oak bark in the form of a decoction is used to gargle for sore throat. A teaspoon of oak bark is poured into a glass of water, boiled in a water bath for about 10 minutes, infused, filtered, and gargled. You need to gargle 3-4 times a day.

Oak bark for sweating

Oak bark is used for sweating feet and hands. Baths are prepared from oak bark. You need to take 50 grams of oak bark and pour a liter of boiling water over it, boil for about 5 minutes, leave for about an hour, strain. Next, you need to pour the broth into a basin, wash your feet well with soap, and soak your feet in the broth for at least twenty minutes. The decoction for foot baths should be warm. You can get rid of sweaty feet after 10 days of such procedures.

Oak bark for diarrhea

Since oak bark has astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, it is used in folk medicine for diarrhea. For diarrhea, pour one tablespoon of oak bark into one glass of boiling water, leave in a sealed container for about an hour, filter and drink the infusion one tablespoon at a time throughout the day. The prepared infusion is enough for one day.

Oak bark for hair

Oak bark helps strengthen hair, get rid of dandruff, and with regular use dyes hair dark. Hair becomes voluminous and beautiful. To get rid of dandruff and strengthen your hair, rinse your hair with a decoction of oak bark every time after washing your hair.

For hair loss, mix oak bark, plantain leaves and mint leaves in equal quantities. You need to add a few tablespoons of burdock oil to the resulting mixture of herbs, heat the mixture in a water bath and apply to the scalp and hair. If your hair is long, put it in a bun. Also put a bag on your head and wrap it with a towel. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes, then wash off with shampoo and rinse your hair with oak bark decoction.

Where to get oak bark

Oak bark can now be easily purchased at a pharmacy; it is sold already dried and crushed. On the packaging you can read how to brew and how to use oak bark.

You can, of course, collect oak bark yourself. The bark of a young tree is the most useful; it is this bark that has beneficial properties. The medicinal properties in the bark remain until the first leaves appear on the oak tree. Therefore, the best time to collect oak bark is early spring.

Oak bark. Contraindications

  • Preparations made from oak bark are contraindicated in case of allergies or individual intolerance.
  • The course of treatment with oak bark should not exceed two weeks, that is, 14 days.
  • In case of an overdose of oak bark preparations, nausea and vomiting are possible.
  • During pregnancy, it is better to discuss all questions regarding the use of oak bark with your doctor.
  • For constipation, oak bark is contraindicated.

Oak bark helps get rid of various diseases, but before use, be sure to consult with your doctor and read the contraindications.

Do you use oak bark for medicinal purposes? Please share below in the comments.

Instructions for use:

Oak bark is a herbal medicine that has anti-inflammatory, tanning and astringent effects. Widely used in dentistry and ENT practice.

Pharmacological action and properties

Oak bark is a herbal remedy containing a complex of active biological substances.

It has an astringent, immunostimulating, enveloping, antacid, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. Due to tannins (at least 8% in the preparation) it protects tissues from pathogenic organisms and local irritation. In addition, the bark contains pectins, phlobafen, ellagic and gallic acids.

Release form

Oak bark is produced in the form of whole and crushed raw materials or in powder form.

  • Whole raw materials consist of pieces of bark or narrow, up to 6 mm, strips of varying lengths. The outer surface can be either shiny or matte, with wrinkles and cracks, light gray or light brown. Internal – with thin ribs, yellow-brown color;
  • During processing, crushed raw materials of oak bark are passed through a sieve up to 7 mm;
  • In powder form Oak bark is fine, 0.5 mm in diameter, yellow-brown in color.

This does not change the properties of oak bark; it has a weak odor and a strongly astringent taste.

30g, 35g, 40g, 50g, 60g, 75g, 100g in cardboard packs.

Indications for use

Oak bark is used for:

  • Bleeding gums;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, pharynx, pharynx, larynx;
  • Gingivitis;
  • Frostbite;
  • Bedsores;
  • Stomatitis;
  • Hemorrhoids;
  • Hyperhidrosis of the feet;
  • Infected wounds;
  • Burns;
  • Calluses.


Oak bark has virtually no contraindications except for hypersensitivity to bark substances.

Mode of application

Oak bark is used externally, in the form of decoctions for rinsing, lotions, washing wounds, sitz and foot baths alone or in combination with other medications.

A decoction of oak bark is prepared at the rate of 20 g of bark per 200 ml of water in a water bath for 30 minutes. Strain hot through double gauze, squeeze out the remainder and bring the decoction to a volume of 200 ml with boiled water. The prepared solution can be stored in the refrigerator for two days.

The decoction is used for rinsing 6-8 times a day, after shaking.

When treating burns, use a 20% decoction.

Oak bark is often used for sweating in the form of baths. 200 g of bark is boiled in 1 liter of water for half an hour, then diluted at the rate of 1 tablespoon of decoction per 1 liter of water at a temperature of 37-38°C. According to reviews, it is effective to use oak bark against sweating of both hands and feet. After the procedure, they are not rinsed or wiped, allowing them to dry.

For cosmetic purposes, oak bark is often used for hair. A decoction of the bark is used to color and strengthen hair. It can be prepared in the same way. Sometimes onion peels and other herbs are added to it. The prepared decoction is applied to the hair and kept warm for an hour. Typically, oak bark is used for hair in cases of allergies to special synthetic products.

Due to its properties, oak bark is often used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and poisoning.

Storage conditions

Oak bark is available without a prescription. Shelf life – 5 years.

Oak bark is an excellent natural antiseptic that has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect.

Chemical composition

The healing properties of oak bark are due to its chemical composition, which contains:

  • From 10 to 20% tannins of the pyrogall group (including phlobaphenes; the older the tree, the greater the amount of tannins contained in its bark);
  • Flavonoids (including quercetin);
  • Gallic and ellagic acids;
  • Catechins;
  • Pentosans with an anti-inflammatory effect (14%);
  • Slime;
  • Pectins (about 6%);
  • Sahara;
  • Protein substances;
  • Starch;
  • Pentosans;
  • Macro- and microelements (B, Pb, Fe, Sr, Cr, Zn, Mg, Cu, Se, Ca, Mn, Ni, K, Al, V, B);
  • Fixed oils;
  • A number of vitamins (PP, C, B1, B2, B6).

Beneficial features

The range of medicinal effects of oak bark is quite wide. It has an anti-putrefactive and astringent effect, quickly stops inflammatory processes, and therefore is actively used in cosmetology, folk and traditional medicine.

Extracts from oak bark also have a pronounced antiallergic, antimycotic, antiseptic, deodorizing and anti-inflammatory effect. Due to these properties, they are used in the production of various pharmaceuticals, dietary supplements, toothpastes, balms, deodorants, cosmetic lotions, tonics, ointments, etc.

Indications for use

The beneficial properties of oak bark allow you to use it successfully:

  • For dysentery and other problems of the digestive tract;
  • For peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • For hemorrhoidal bleeding;
  • With increased sweating of the hands and feet;
  • With increased activity of the sebaceous glands (sweating);
  • For treating the oral mucosa and gums with stomatitis, sore throat, gingivitis, bad breath, inflammatory processes in the pharynx and larynx, to reduce the intensity of toothache and strengthen the gums;
  • For inflammation of the urinary tract;
  • For external bleeding;
  • For the treatment of gynecological diseases (erosive lesions of the cervix, inflammatory processes in the vagina, etc.);
  • For skin inflammation, burns, wounds, abrasions and cracks in the skin;
  • To strengthen and beauty hair, fight dandruff.

In combination with vitamins and some other medicinal plants, oak bark is used for menstrual syndrome and during menopause.

Douching with oak bark decoction may be a good alternative to medications for vaginal candidiasis, which often develops during pregnancy. By the way, pregnant women often use oak bark to dye their hair, since this product is much safer than chemical industrial dyes.

You can bathe babies in a bath with the addition of a decoction to get rid of prickly heat. In the form of gargles, this remedy is used for sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis and other throat diseases. True, it is not recommended for use in children under 2 years of age, and before prescribing it to an older child, you should definitely consult a pediatrician.


Perhaps the only contraindication to the use of oak bark is increased individual sensitivity.

It is important to remember that any (both pharmaceutical and home-prepared) medicines made from oak bark are not intended for continuous use. Uncontrolled long-term ingestion of decoctions orally can lead to diarrhea, bleeding in the stomach and intestines. When systematically rinsing the mouth, oak bark weakens the sense of smell. But an overdose can cause vomiting.

You should definitely consult your doctor before using this remedy for serious illnesses (especially the gastrointestinal tract), as well as during pregnancy. This primarily applies to infusions and decoctions that are taken orally.

Homemade remedies from oak bark

The astringent properties of oak bark are often used for diarrhea. To prepare the medicine, pour a tablespoon of dry raw material into a glass of boiling water, leave to infuse for an hour and then filter. The product should be taken throughout the day, 1-2 teaspoons.

Another, no less effective remedy for diarrhea is an alcohol tincture of oak bark. To prepare it, you should grind a teaspoon of medicinal raw materials, pour 0.4 liters of vodka into it and leave for a week. Take the finished product twice a day (morning and evening) 20 drops.

To treat dental diseases, you can use the following medicine: place 3 tablespoons of dry bark in an enamel bowl, pour a glass of boiling water and heat for 25 minutes in a water bath. Strain the resulting broth and squeeze out the grounds thoroughly. Then use boiled water to bring the volume to 300 ml. The finished decoction retains its properties for two days; it should be stored in a cool place. To achieve the best results, rinse your mouth at least eight times a day.

Use of oak bark for excessive sweating of the feet: pour 50 grams of crushed raw material into 1 liter of boiling water, cover with a lid and cool to a comfortable temperature. These foot baths should be done for 10 days.

The following remedy will help reduce hair loss: mix oak bark, mint, dandelion and plantain leaves in equal proportions. Grind, add a few teaspoons of burdock oil and leave to brew a little. After this, slightly heat the mixture in a water bath and, lightly rubbing, apply to the scalp and hair, distributing it over its entire length. To make the mask more effective, you can wear a plastic cap and wrap your head in a towel. After an hour, rinse off the product under running water, wash your hair with shampoo and then rinse with a decoction of oak bark. It is recommended to do this procedure daily for 10 days in a row.

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Among the Slavs, oak has always been considered the personification of strength and power. The wood of centuries-old oaks, distinguished by its incredible strength, durability and density, was widely used and continues to be used as a building and ornamental material.

But from time immemorial, the bark of young oak trees has been used in folk medicine, preparing medicinal infusions and decoctions from it, useful for both internal and external use. In herbal medicine, oak bark, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which have been well studied, takes pride of place among the astringents given to us by Mother Nature.

Anyone who strives to be healthy and beautiful should have information about the medicinal properties of the bark, which is why we publish collected information about this miraculous remedy, its biochemical composition, methods of use and possible harm.

Application in pharmaceuticals and cosmetology

Extract, concentrate and other extracts from oak bark can often be found in the list of components of hygiene and medicinal products. Manufacturers add this elixir to hair loss shampoos, toothpastes, mouth rinses and cleaning powders against bleeding gums, deodorants and antiperspirants, medicated ointments and gels.

There are also dietary supplements (tablets and capsules) made from oak bark concentrate, which are used in the complex treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, acute respiratory viral infections, decreased immunity and injuries. It is not uncommon for raw materials to be included in medicinal herbal preparations, for example, astringents and stomachic ones.

Trichologists regularly recommend that people with excessive oily hair and baldness wash their hair with a decoction of oak bark and systematically rinse their curls with it after each wash. Water extracts from the plant dry the skin, relieve inflammation, irritation and itching, eliminate dandruff, and help heal burn surfaces.

Collection and storage of oak bark

Raw materials are harvested in early spring (before and at the beginning of sap flow), choosing young plants for cutting the bark from thin trunks and shoots. The older the tree, the fewer tannins are present in the bark. Dry the bark, crushed by hand or with a knife, in a well-ventilated area or in an electric dryer.

Raw materials are stored for 2-3 years in linen/canvas bags, paper bags or cardboard boxes in places with low humidity and good ventilation. The pharmacy sells oak bark packaged in cardboard packs. Each package contains detailed instructions on methods for preparing water decoctions and diseases for which it is advisable to use them.

The main medicinal properties of oak bark are determined by astringent tannins of the pyrogall group - tannins, which have powerful medicinal properties. For medical purposes, raw materials are used that contain at least 20% tannin compounds.

Tannic acids in oak bark have astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, due to which aqueous extracts from plant materials are widely used in gastroenterological practice to treat diarrhea, and in dental practice to reduce bleeding gums.

By making the mucous membrane impenetrable to bacteria, which hardens under the influence of tannins, oak bark deprives infectious agents of a nutrient medium. Over time, a natural replacement of the hardened layer of mucous membrane with new healthy tissue occurs. Enterosorbents in the plant normalize intestinal function and promote the elimination of toxins and metabolites.

In addition to tannic acids, the bark contains organic cahetins (antibacterial substances), quercetin (a compound of the PP group), pectin fibers, pentosans, flavonoids, plant polyphenols, sugars, carbohydrates, proteins, polysaccharides, vitamins (groups B, C), minerals (potassium , calcium, magnesium, iron, melene, zinc, copper, manganese, nickel, etc.).

An infusion of oak bark for diarrhea helps to naturally strengthen the intestines, neutralizing the destructive activity of pathogenic microflora. Recommended for use for adults and children.

Otolaryngologists advise their patients to gargle with oak bark for sore throat and other inflammatory phenomena in the upper respiratory tract.

Oak bark is useful for gums due to the properties of water extracts from the plant to strengthen blood vessels and stop bleeding during periodontal disease. Ready-made medicines with bark concentrate or mouth rinse with decoction are used. In addition to strengthening the gums, the procedures help with gingivitis, stomatitis, and halitosis.

Lotions and compresses from the decoction, as well as rubbing, washing, and bathing are useful for dermatological diseases in the complex treatment of burns, frostbite, and purulent wounds. It is effective to apply tampons soaked in decoction to hemorrhoids to eliminate bleeding and relieve pain.

By rinsing your hair with this infusion, you can not only improve the condition of your hair, but also give your curls a unique and fashionable honey shade. In the arsenal of cosmetologists there are many effective ones, ranging from masks to wraps.

Traditional medicine advises men to use oak bark to eliminate unpleasant foot odor. Local daily baths with a decoction regulate the functioning of the sweat glands, disinfect the skin, destroy pathogenic microflora, and have a drying effect.

Aqueous extracts from oak bark can help women in the complex treatment of gynecological diseases. Douching with a decoction is effective for cervical erosion, vulvovaginitis, and colpitis. The procedure helps to normalize the vaginal microflora and eliminate inflammation in the mucous membrane of the female genital organs.

How to prepare and take the decoction?

Traditionally, a decoction of oak bark is prepared using the following method: for each glass of water, take a tablespoon of crushed raw materials, bring the liquid to a boil and simmer over low heat under a lid for about a quarter of an hour, leave for 45 minutes and filter. In some cases, a more concentrated decoction is needed, for example, for the purpose of dyeing hair or deodorizing feet.

Externally, a decoction of oak bark is used in the form of lotions, applying cotton or gauze swabs soaked in the composition to problem areas of the skin. Local decoction baths are performed every evening, immersing the feet or hands in the medicinal warm liquid for 15 minutes. The infusion is used as a hair rinse after each wash (do not rinse off!). Warm liquid is used to rinse the mouth and throat. The frequency of procedures is 1 time every 1-2 hours.

For douching for gynecological diseases, prepare a weak decoction of the bark at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 0.4 liter of boiling water. The liquid should be simmered in a water bath for at least half an hour, cooled at room temperature, filtered and injected warm into the vaginal cavity using a syringe or an enema with a long tip 4 to 6 times a day.

It is recommended to take oak bark for diarrhea as follows: steam 15 g of crushed plant material in a glass of boiling water in a thermos, leave for at least 2 hours, strain through cheesecloth, drink the entire volume per day, dividing into 10-15 doses of a tablespoon of liquid. If the diarrhea does not stop after a day, then you should immediately consult a doctor for a diagnosis and prescription of medication.


Before starting treatment with oak bark, it is advisable to consult an experienced doctor, especially if you have serious chronic diseases.

Like any herbal remedy, oak bark has contraindications. In rare cases, there is an allergy to the plant. In case of individual intolerance, plant raw materials and any products containing them should not be used either internally or externally.

Oral intake is prohibited in the following body conditions:

  • gastritis, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis, hepatitis in the acute stage;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • some diseases of the gallbladder, kidneys and liver (specialist consultation is required);
  • tendency to constipation;
  • up to 3 years of age.

In the absence of allergies, the product can be used topically for an unlimited period of time. Internal use is carried out as prescribed by a herbalist or doctor, usually for no longer than 2 weeks, after which a 30-day break is taken.

Oak bark is a medicinal product known since ancient times, which is popular not only among traditional healers, but also in official medicine. This remedy has a lot of useful properties, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all systems and organs, actively affects metabolic processes and promotes the rapid restoration of the body’s functionality.

Composition and medicinal properties of oak bark

Everyone is well aware that the product in question contains a large amount of tannins. But the composition of oak bark is very rich - pectins and starch, proteins and pentosans, sugars and caechitin, flavonoids. Thanks to such a rich composition, the drug in question is capable of providing benefits to the body from a medical point of view. Experts (this means not only traditional healers, but also representatives of the scientific community) highlight the following beneficial properties of oak bark:

  1. It is an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal agent, while at the same time it is wound healing and accelerates tissue regeneration.
  2. Relieves excessive sweating, normalizes/stabilizes the functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands.
  3. Accelerates the healing process of burn wounds.
  4. Eliminates, prevents.
  5. Restores health, strengthens hair roots, makes them silky, soft and manageable.

In addition, oak bark is also useful in the treatment of various gynecological diseases; a decoction of this remedy is used for douching the vagina for,.

Use of oak bark in medicine

There are more than enough indications for the use of the drug in question in medicine. But before you get acquainted with them, it’s worth finding out what can be prepared from oak bark:

Oak bark will be really useful only if it is not only properly prepared, but also used correctly.

Gargling with oak bark to treat gums

Many people associate the spring period with inflammation and swelling of the gums. This condition means a lack of vitamins in the body, and the result can be the development of a pathological process of an inflammatory nature. To eliminate the problem, doctors recommend including more vitamins in the diet and using ready-made vitamin and mineral complexes.

An additional treatment for gum problems will be rinsing the mouth with a decoction of oak bark. The procedure should be performed 4-5 times a day, you need to rinse the gums thoroughly - all soft tissues should be surrounded by the decoction. In this case, oak bark will have an anti-inflammatory and strengthening effect, preventing the development of bleeding from soft tissues.

Note:A decoction of oak bark can be used to eliminate bad breath and treat stomatitis. The easiest way is to get into the habit of rinsing your mouth with the remedy in question after each brushing of your teeth.

Oak bark for diarrhea

We are talking about when you are firmly convinced that it is not associated with any intestinal pathologies. For treatment, you need to prepare an infusion of oak bark from 1 tablespoon of plant material and 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. You need to take the resulting product 1-2 teaspoons throughout the day, the task is to drink the entire amount of the resulting infusion in one day.

As a medicine for diarrhea, you can use an alcohol tincture of oak bark - 20 drops in the morning and evening for a maximum of 2 days.

Oak bark for hair

Many women know that burdock roots are great for stopping the process and strengthening them. But oak bark also has similar properties! You need to mix dry plantain leaves / / and oak bark in equal proportions, “season” the collection with a small amount of burdock oil - the “output” should be a mushy mass. The finished product is applied to the scalp, distributed along the hair roots, and left for 40 minutes. Then the mask is washed off the head with regular shampoo, and a decoction of the product in question is used for rinsing.

Note:This mask of oak bark and burdock oil must be done every day for ten days of the month - in this case the result will be obvious.

Another property of oak bark is its ability to color hair.. But you need to know how to use it for these purposes: if you need to slightly lighten brown hair, then it will be enough to rinse your hair after each wash with a decoction of oak bark and chamomile flowers, prepared according to the classic recipe. If you need to add color intensity to brown-haired or brunette women, then a decoction of oak bark is used in combination with natural coffee.

Increased sweating of the feet

Oak bark will help get rid of sweaty feet if you use it daily for 10 days. For the procedure, you need to prepare a decoction according to the classic recipe, cool it slightly and put your feet in it. The feet should be completely immersed in the oak bark decoction, and the procedure lasts literally 5-10 minutes, no more.

Oak bark in pediatric practice

The drug in question can also be used to treat children. It copes well with heat rash in babies - you need to add a small amount of decoction or water infusion of oak bark to the bathtub. Often they treat with a decoction of the remedy in question - you just need to gargle with the indicated medicine 4-5 times a day. But doctors warn that the use of oak bark in pediatric practice should be agreed with a specialist.

You need to be especially careful when using oak bark for children with.

Important!It is forbidden to use oak bark for children under 2 years of age!

Oak bark during pregnancy

The product in question is considered safe, but if a woman plans to use it while pregnant, she must obtain permission from a gynecologist. It is strictly not recommended to use decoctions and infusions of oak bark for vaginal douching - this is a well-known method of combating thrush, which is considered a “companion” of pregnancy. There is no need to ingest alcohol tincture and water infusion of oak bark, for example, to treat diarrhea. But as a hair coloring agent, this particular part of oak would be an excellent choice.