Properties and uses of menthol oil. Menthol oil: properties and uses for hair and skin

Women from all over the world have long used it to maintain their beauty. natural remedies. This is not without reason: natural remedies are very good, they do not harm the skin and hair if used correctly. Essential oils are very popular in the beauty industry. They are difficult to harm, but they bring tangible benefits. One of the most best oils Peppermint oil is considered for hair.

Both the leaves and oil from mint contain a bunch of useful substances . Peppermint essential oil is commonly used in cosmetology. For hair, use is necessary to tidy up hair that is too oily or, conversely, too dry. Due to the fact that mint has a certain balance between acidity and alkalinity, it is possible to maintain healthy level scalp and normalize secretion sebum. Main properties of mint:

Peppermint oil can be used either on its own or by adding a couple of drops to your shampoo or conditioner. It is quickly absorbed and does not leave any greasy residue on the hair. This use will moisturize the scalp, strengthen the roots and stimulate hair growth. You can simply rub it into the scalp with massage movements, this stimulates blood flow to hair follicles and will also have a positive impact on their growth.

Cooking at home

Oil peppermint for hair, you can prepare it at home. Of course, its properties and content will differ from those produced in production, but it is still very useful. You will need:

You need to thoroughly wash and dry the leaves. In order for them to dry quickly and not become moldy, lay them out on a towel. Then put it in a bag, seal it and tap the leaves with a hammer so that they release juice. After that, put everything into a jar and fill it with oil. Then close the jar with a lid, shake well and place in a cool, dark place for a day to let the oil infuse.

After a day, you will need to strain the mixture through cheesecloth. Used leaves can be thrown away, but the oil should be left in a dry container. This is not the end of the preparation. Take fresh leaves and the resulting oil, and repeat the procedure described twice.

The resulting product can be stored for no more than 12 months in a cool, dark place. It can be used as a mask: apply to the roots for 30 minutes, then rinse warm water with shampoo.

Melissa, mint and menthol

Peppermint oil is obtained by distilling the stems and leaves. Since in it great content menthol, it is often called menthol.

Melissa is a type of peppermint. Due to its rich scent with hints of citrus, it is called lemon balm. Their difference lies in appearance and different concentrations of substances, which affects the areas of application. For example, lemon balm will help more against dandruff. It also relieves inflammation better.

Melissa essential oil for hair is used to prevent baldness because it effectively affects the hair follicles.

Another important property lemon balm - it rarely causes allergies and has almost no contraindications. However, it is still extremely necessary to check for allergies before use!

Otherwise, the uses of lemon and peppermint are the same.

Mint decoctions

Mint decoction for hair is very useful, it disinfects and moisturizes the skin, strengthens the roots, makes the hair soft, and gives it an amazing aroma. You should use the decoction after washing your hair and regularly. If a one-time use gives an effect, it will only be short-term.

Preparing the decoction

Mint decoction can be easily prepared at home. You will need:

  • 500 ml hot water;
  • 2 teaspoons chopped mint.

Pour mint into hot water, bring to a boil and cool. You need to strain the resulting broth, then use it to rinse or prepare a mask.

For hair loss

If you add 2 tbsp to the existing ingredients. spoons of linden flowers, you can prepare a decoction for hair loss.

You need to pour the flowers and herbs into 250 ml of water and simmer for 15 minutes, then use for rinsing.

Tincture and infusion

You can either buy mint tincture or make it yourself. To prepare the tincture you will need:

  • 100 gr. fresh or dried mint;
  • 500 ml 75% alcohol.

Fill the mint with alcohol and place it in a dark place for 14 days.

You can prepare mint infusion much faster. To do this you need:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of chopped mint;
  • 250 ml boiling water.

To prepare, pour boiling water over the herb and leave for 30 minutes. During this time, the water will cool and receive the necessary nutrients from the mint.

Please note that the tincture is made with alcohol, and the infusion is made with water!

The tincture is usually used for rubbing into the roots, the infusion is used for rinsing. Be sure to dilute it with water in equal proportions before applying the tincture to avoid scalp burns! Use it half an hour before washing your hair and no more than once a week.

When using masks and rinsing with mint, you should not use additional conditioners and hair balms; this reduces the effect of mint to a minimum.

Hair masks

Mint is very good for hair growth. After using a growth mask, hair appears more voluminous and grows faster. Ingredients:

  • tablespoon 30% cream;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of honey;
  • a teaspoon of olive or almond oil;
  • 5 drops essential peppermint oil.

Mix the ingredients and apply to your hair for 30 minutes, wrap your head in a plastic bag and towel so that the mask can be absorbed. Then rinse with shampoo without using additional balms or conditioners.

Depending on the base oil, you can make a mask with mint for both oily and dry hair. You can use masks for oily hair 2 times a week, for dry hair - no more than once. After 10-12 applications, you should take a break for a month, you can use another product during this time.

For dryness and brittleness:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of wheat, burdock or peach oil;
  • 4 drops of mint.


  • 2 words spoons of almond or grape oil;
  • 4 drops of mint.

Mix all the ingredients, apply on your head for 30 minutes, wrap in plastic and a towel. Then wash it off with shampoo.

If you are allergic to one of the proposed base oils, then you can choose any other. The main thing is to study their properties so as not to make your hair worse.

Menthol oil is extracted by distillation different parts mint with steam. Flowers saturate it with scent and provide a variety of healing substances. Today we will tell you how useful the use of this oil can be in Everyday life. Despite the fact that the product is considered one of the lightest esters that contain menthol, it has a strong, thick, persistent aroma. Refreshes, invigorates, cools - these are the characteristics that distinguish menthol oil from other products. Due to its durability and ability to muffle all other odors, it is so popular for aromatization in cosmetology, perfumery, household chemicals and cooking.

Who benefits from using menthol extract?

Although the scent of ether is used primarily in these areas, it is also used for relaxation in the medical field. Menthol oil helps in the prevention of many diseases and improves psycho-emotional state. In cosmetology it is used as a facial skin care supplement.

  • Its use is recommended for inflamed and oily skin, which is due to the anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and bactericidal properties of the oil. It helps to significantly improve the condition of cells and normalize sebum secretion. The extract promotes and eliminates acne.
  • Menthol refreshing oil gives an excellent invigorating effect to fading, dull and aging facial skin. Contributing to conservation water balance, it prevents further withering. The product prevents the appearance of early wrinkles.
  • As for others positive effects mint oils, these usually include improving complexion and strengthening natural skin barriers. Menthol oil is used to get rid of thin vascular network, otherwise called rosacea.

Mint has healing properties sunburn, itching from insect bites, herpes sores on the lips. The elixir helps with fungal skin diseases and can relieve you of scabies, shingles, bacterial dermatitis, and eczema.

Menthol for facial skin care

Most often, menthol is used in the same way as all other essential oils. It is usually recommended to add it to basic foundations plant origin. They can also be used to enrich creams, lotions, masks and other cosmetics prepared at home.

  1. However, you should not overdo it with menthol dosages, as it can cause irritation, itching, and burning of the skin. It is better not to use menthol oil at all on sensitive, inflamed, dry surfaces of the face. It is very easy to prepare food with it. Usually, a couple of drops of essential menthol are added to 40 ml of any vegetable oil.
  2. You can choose a base product according to the condition of your own skin. This should be the most suitable vegetable oil, meeting your needs: eliminating dryness, getting rid of fat, rejuvenation. Add a menthol substance to this base, just a few drops. The mixture can then be used as a cream, care mask, or to lubricate inflamed areas of the skin.
  3. It's better not to add menthol active oil into finished purchased products. IN cosmetics ah, everything is quite balanced, they do not need additional enrichment. In addition, they often contain chemical substances, which may react with menthol.
  4. The main indication for using mint oil is problematic, oily skin. You can use it to treat acne, control sebum secretion and maintain the necessary cell moisture. Just avoid sensitive areas of the eyelids, nostrils and lips.
  5. Since menthol essential oil can be strong allergen, be sure to conduct a preliminary test. Do not apply to the skin of small children. Avoid using the product during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

If you want to know how to do it correctly, we suggest you look interesting video. Remember that it is very important to use quality products that will not harm your health.

Essential oils have been familiar to people for many centuries, and during this time they have constantly helped to cope with various problems. Competent aromatherapy can get rid of psycho-emotional stress, so do it positive influence for more serious physical ailments.

The very concept of aromatherapy includes not only the aromatization of a room using special containers - aroma lamps. Therapy with essential oils includes massage, wraps, applications, masks and even rinses. Essential oils are added to ready-made cosmetic products, and are also used as one of the components when making products yourself.

Beneficial properties of menthol oil

One of the healthiest oils With wide range application is menthol oil. It is obtained from the leaves and stems of peppermint, which are first dried and dehydrated. The consumption of initial raw materials is quite high. IN best case scenario from 50-55 kg of plant raw materials, about 1 kg of the final product will be obtained. In the future, already processed raw materials can be reused to produce essential oil more Low quality or for other purposes.

Technically, the distillation process produces , but due to high content it contains menthol (a secondary metabolite isolated from parts of plants of the Lamiaceae family), it is also called menthol. According to quantitative analysis V peppermint oil contains up to 50% menthol in free form, about 10% more menthol and neomenthol in the composition of essential compounds and up to 10% of its isomer - menthone. The rest mass fraction They share thymol, carvacrol, terpinene, pinene, limonene, eucalyptol and methyl acetate.

Menthol is widely used in food preparation, drinks, sweets and confectionery. Its refreshing and pleasant taste makes people happy in the hot summer, and in winter it gives comfort and a reminder of warm days. Beneficial features menthol oil is also useful in medicine.

The main thing, perhaps, was its ability to reflexively (when used sublingually) dilate the blood vessels of the heart, which helps relieve attacks of angina pectoris. Of course, this is not a panacea, and if you have problems with cardiovascular system, you need to immediately contact a specialist to find out the causes of the disease and prescribe qualified treatment.

In addition to the properties described above, menthol oil is also used for diseases of the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract. Pharyngitis, tracheitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, laryngotracheitis, bronchitis in acute and chronic forms– with this entire range of diseases, the use of menthol oil is quite advisable. Of course, we are talking about complex therapy. Antispasmodic, bactericidal and local irritant properties are weakly expressed, but if there is no alternative, menthol oil will also work.

The use of menthol oil for healthy hair has thousands of supporters, and there is nothing surprising in this, since the effects that the oil has are many.

  • Soothes itchy and irritated scalp,
  • Tones tired skin
  • Regulates secretion sebaceous glands,
  • Helps get rid of dandruff of non-fungal etiology,
  • Improves blood circulation,
  • Accelerates hair growth,
  • Strengthens hair follicles,
  • Gives strands a healthy shine.

Application for oily hair

If your hair is prone to oiliness, in no case should you terrorize it with shampoos for oily hair and daily skin peeling procedures. Such measures will only worsen the situation. If you notice that in Lately If you have to wash your hair more often, use the following product:

Buy a solution at the pharmacy nicotinic acid. One procedure will require two ampoules of solution and 3 drops of menthol oil. The ingredients must be mixed well. Every time before and after washing your hair, rub the resulting solution into your scalp. It will not contribute to faster hair contamination; on the contrary, already by the third or fourth time you will notice that your hair remains clean longer.

If your hair has been considered oily for a long time, the following measures will help:

Try to stop washing your hair too often. This does not help the hair, but only harms it, since sebaceous glands This makes them work more and more actively. After washing and every day until the next, use a mixture of nicotinic acid and menthol oil.

Every time before washing your hair, make a mask that will contain either clay or the same nicotinic acid in a duet with B vitamins. Whatever composition you choose, be sure to add 5 drops of menthol oil to it.

It is better to make such masks for the whole night. To thoroughly wash off the mask, you will need salt peeling. This is a simple procedure that involves scrubbing the scalp with fine sea salt.

Salt peeling has many advantages when used specifically on oily hair. After peeling, rinse your hair well with shampoo and rinse cool water and again apply a solution of nicotinic acid and menthol oil. Yes, it was a whole complex of procedures, but they all really work!

Just like oily hair, dry hair should not be overloaded with care. If your hair is only prone to dryness and loss of shine, it is enough to do a length mask before each hair wash. Take your favorite carrier oil and add 4 drops of menthol oil to it. Warm the mixture slightly and apply to your hair, starting from the cheekbones to the ends.

Wrap your hair in a warm cloth and leave the mask on for two hours. After this, wash your hair as usual. After the first time, you will notice that your hair has become softer and acquired a healthy shine. Use this mask after two washes to the third and the effect will become permanent. In addition to this, try to minimize the use of hair dryers and styling tools at least for a while, drink more water and wear a hat that suits the season.

If dry hair has become your companion, oil masks You can do this before every hair wash. But we need to add one more procedure. Here we need menthol oil to rinse our hair. Prepare in advance warm water volume of 1.5-2 liters, to which add up to 30 ml and 7 drops of menthol oil.

After washing, rinse your hair lengths with this solution. Menthol oil will restore softness and shine to the strands, and vinegar will take care of closing the cuticle scales of the hair, thus keeping the ends from splitting.

Menthol oil will also help those who like to make masks with onion juice and. It is known that such masks do not go away without leaving a trace, leaving a not very pleasant smell on the hair for a long time. Menthol will also help shorten this time and reduce the intensity of the odor. After each wash of your hair, rinse your length and scalp with water to which 10 drops of menthol oil have been added.

Nature has surrounded us with everything that is most useful, all that remains is to find what suits you and give it to your body and organism.

10 g or 20 g, vaseline oil 990/980 g.

Release form

Oil solution 1% or 2% in glass bottles of 10 ml and 25 ml for topical use and inhalation.

pharmachologic effect

Locally irritating.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


A local irritant that, when applied to the skin, causes antimicrobial , anti-inflammatory action and reduces itching . The distracting effect is accompanied by a feeling of cold and the elimination pain. The feeling of cold turns into a feeling of unexpressed burning and tingling.

Irritation of skin or mucous membrane receptors stimulates the release biologically active substances, which are involved in the regulation of pain. When applied to the skin in the temple area, it has antimigraine effect . The tone of not only superficial vessels, but also those located in internal organs. When taken under the tongue - reflex coronary dilator , antianginal effect . Has a weak analgesic effect in small doses. In more high concentrations exhibits pronounced painkiller And antiseptic effect (relieves pain when swallowing).


At local application resorptive effects do not appear.

Indications for use

  • respiratory tract diseases (in the form of inhalations during , or lubricating the nasopharynx during );
  • (instillation into the nose);
  • neuralgia , myalgia , itchy dermatoses , arthralgia (as a painkiller, a distraction).


  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 3 years (instillation of oil or lubrication of the nasopharynx causes the risk of reflex respiratory depression and respiratory arrest).

Side effects

  • rash, itching, ;
  • reflex respiratory depression, collapse (in children with intranasal use);
  • decreased blood pressure, weakness, dizziness;
  • nausea, abdominal pain (if taken orally).

Menthol oil, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

For external use.

At runny nose instill 5 drops into both nasal passages 2-3 times a day, rub the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose every 2 hours. After the procedures, the feeling of nasal congestion disappears.

At myalgia , myositis , neuralgia used in the form of rubbing.

At respiratory diseases perform steam inhalations: 15 drops per 200 ml of hot water. Inhalation lasts 10 minutes. 2-3 times a day. At cough apply compresses on chest, rubbing or massages at night.

Menthol oil is used for hair . At regular use Masks enhance hair growth, since the oil stimulates blood circulation, as a result of which the hair roots are strengthened and hair growth improves. Reduces the production of sebaceous glands, eliminates dandruff, itching and irritation. When using it, hair looks healthy and shine appears. The oil can be added to shampoo for daily use, 3 drops per serving, or used as a hair mask. For oily scalp and oily hair, take 2 yolks, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 4 drops of oil. The composition is rubbed into the roots of the hair, left for 15 minutes and washed off. To rinse hair, use essential menthol oil to avoid greasy shine and weight of hair - add 5 drops to 1 liter of water.

Peppermint has long been revered by all peoples. She was loved for pleasant aroma and for the fact that she is able to give peace and tranquility. Therefore, mint-based preparations have been popular at all times. One of them is menthol oil. It is an essential substance produced from peppermint leaves. It is menthol, which is its basis, that has beneficial effect on the human body. And that is why this drug has become so popular.

In many homes, a bottle of menthol oil is always at the ready. The substance is used for pain, stress or runny nose.

Effect of oil

Even in ancient times, people noticed that mint can give peace and tranquility. Therefore, its leaves were used for insomnia, irritability and stress. Over time, several more were discovered positive properties menthol, which also appear in its essential oil:

  • has an analgesic and antispasmodic effect;
  • relieves inflammation, disinfects and fights germs and viruses;
  • helps to calm down and overcome stress;
  • has a beneficial effect on the emotional state;
  • relieves skin itching;
  • constricts blood vessels in the skin and has a local irritating and distracting effect, which helps relieve muscle and joint pain;
  • when taken orally, it has an antispasmodic, analgesic and mild laxative effect.

How is the oil used?

Due to the beneficial effects of menthol and the healing properties of peppermint, menthol oil is used in many areas of human activity. Its use is justified for pain, itching, and for cosmetic and industrial purposes. How is this oil used?

  • In pharmaceuticals, it is used to make remedies for nausea and itching, antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers and antispasmodics. Menthol oil is added to children's syrups and cough tablets, as well as to some external remedies.
  • IN Food Industry it is indispensable in the production of candy, chewing gum and drinks.
  • In the production of household chemicals, the deodorizing property of the oil is used. It is added to detergents, air fresheners and washing powders.
  • Menthol oil is also widely used in cosmetology. The price in pharmacies for it is quite low compared to most cosmetics, and it has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair.

For what diseases is it useful?

Side effects and contraindications

It is not recommended to use menthol oil for children under three years of age. It should especially not be applied to the skin and mucous membranes undiluted. Sometimes it can cause severe allergic reaction, so before use you need to do a test on the bend of your elbow. When used in large doses, the substance can cause strong decline blood pressure and oppression of the central nervous system. If you take the oil internally, you may experience abdominal pain, nausea and dizziness.

But all these effects occur when the drug is used incorrectly, but it is usually well tolerated. Some doctors do not recommend using menthol oil for bronchitis and thrombophlebitis. Pregnant and lactating women should also be careful with the drug.

Why is menthol oil so popular?

The price of this drug in pharmacies is about 60 rubles. That's why many people choose it rather than expensive medicines. Moreover, the oil has a beneficial effect on many diseases. And recently, scientists discovered the property of this drug to treat cellulite. Although the recipe is quite complicated to prepare and use, many women choose menthol oil. The price of a cellulite medicine based on it is much lower than many similar means. In addition, menthol oil is great for helping with a runny nose. And now so many people suffer from nasal congestion. Reviews about the use of the drug say that the oil improves breathing no worse than expensive ones pharmaceuticals. It is also popular because of the pleasant smell, which can be spread throughout the room with the help of an aroma lamp.

Menthol hair oil

This drug is very widely used in cosmetology. Its beneficial effect makes it an indispensable substance in shampoos and conditioners. What benefits does menthol oil bring? Let's list the main advantages:

In addition to special cosmetics, everyone can use menthol oil. The price in pharmacies for this product is many times lower than the cost of effective balms and masks. And the effect of this oil is just as positive. To restore damaged hair, it needs to be mixed with castor oil and rub into scalp. To treat dandruff, you can prepare the following mask: mix two yolks with a teaspoon lemon juice and add 4-5 drops of menthol oil. This product will not only heal your hair, but also give it a pleasant aroma and a good mood.