Rules for using a metered dose inhaler. Technique and algorithm for using a pocket inhaler Using an individual metered dose inhaler

Bronchial asthma is considered one of the most complex and severe chronic diseases that disrupts the lives of many people. The attacks are dangerous because they require an immediate reaction, otherwise the patient may begin to suffocate and death will occur.

In recent years, new effective means have appeared to combat bronchial asthma and it is best to use an inhaler. Correct use of a pocket inhaler allows the drug to quickly penetrate the bronchi and thereby alleviate the patient's condition.

Several types of inhalers are used in medical practice.

  1. Powder pocket inhalers. With the help of such a drug, it is possible to accelerate the entry into the human body of a certain amount of dry powder. The positive side of such a device is its high efficiency, and it is quite easy to use. At the same time, the price for such a device is much higher than for liquid inhalers.
  2. Aerosol pocket inhalers. Such devices ensure that the required amount of the drug enters the aerosol. The advantage of such a device is its affordable price, ease of use and practicality of the mechanism. The downside is the fact that the aerosol enters the respiratory system if there is a simultaneous release of the drug and inspiration. An aerosol is a heavier agent compared to a powder, and some of it settles in the mouth or is swallowed by the patient.

Rules for using the inhaler

To use the inhaler correctly, you must practice and follow the instructions supplied with the device.

If it is necessary to use a powder device, proceed as follows:

  • you need to install a container with medicine in the device
  • if the inhaler already contains medication, then simply shake it
  • you should take a maximum breath and exhale calmly
  • you need to wrap your lips around the mouthpiece and inhale with all your lungs
  • you must hold your breath for at least 10 seconds
  • you should remove the device from the mouth and exhale calmly

If necessary, the procedure should be repeated and be sure to rinse the mouth after relief occurs.

Instructions for using an aerosol metered dose inhaler are as follows:

  1. remove the protective cap from the mouthpiece and turn the device with the can upside down
  2. shake the inhaler several times, then inhale and exhale as much as possible
  3. clasping the mouthpiece with your lips, inhale as hard as you can and at the same time press the bottom of the balloon
  4. hold your breath as long as possible, then remove the device from your mouth and exhale
  5. if indicated, it is recommended to repeat inhalation after some time and rinse your mouth with water after the procedure

Many aerosol-type inhalers contain a spacer, which is a special device for inhalation. When using it, one end is inserted into the device, and the other acts as a mouthpiece.

With a spacer, inhalation is much easier, and the effectiveness of the procedure increases several times.

To perform inhalation using a spacer, it is recommended to do the following:

  • remove the cap from the mouthpiece and connect the spacer to it
  • shake the inhaler canister and take a deep breath and exhale
  • after that, wrap your lips around the spacer, press the balloon and after a few seconds take a deep, smooth breath
  • hold your breath for 10 seconds, then remove the spacer and exhale calmly
  • After the procedure, disassemble the structure, rinse the oral cavity with water and dry the spacer well

The use of such a simple device significantly increases the effectiveness of the procedure, since the medicine forms a homogeneous mass that quickly reaches the bronchi. In addition, during inhalation with a spacer, all large particles of the drug settle on the walls of the chamber.

Features of use and contraindications

Do not use the inhaler if your body temperature is elevated!

To quickly relieve a condition called an asthma attack (chronic disease of the bronchi), the most effective remedy remains the use of a small inhaler. This is a small device that fits in your pocket and can be used under any conditions and anywhere an attack occurs. The rules for using a pocket inhaler are quite simple, however, it is thanks to the correct use of the device that quick results are achieved. If you do not follow the rules of the procedure, there may be no effect from using the inhaler.

Types of pocket inhalers

A portable inhaler can be of several types. Each of them has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Handheld devices can be:

  • powder;
  • hormonal;
  • aerosol.

The most popular are aerosol inhalers. First, they inject a dosed amount of medication into the airways. Secondly, they take up very little space and easily fit in a handbag, inner jacket pocket or jeans. Thirdly, using an aerosol inhaler is quite simple, and a person during an attack can independently help himself if he has the appropriate device with him. Fourthly, aerosol inhalers are characterized by their low cost.

1. Portable device for carrying out aerosol inhalers

Hormonal inhalers help quickly eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane, thanks to the effects of adrenaline. These drugs fight inflammatory processes in the body, so they can quickly stop an attack. The main advantages of using a pocket inhaler include the fact that the drug acts only on the respiratory system and does not enter the blood. Thus, the hormonal cycle is not disrupted, the composition of the blood remains unchanged, and the metabolism in the body is not disrupted. Moreover, side effects after using a hormonal inhaler are practically absent or minimized, since the drug affects only the respiratory tract, without affecting the body as a whole.

2. Hormonal type drug

Powder inhalers are quite reliable and have a quick effect on the respiratory system. They are one of the most effective means for stopping attacks, but their use is a little complicated by the fact that spraying the powder must occur simultaneously with inhalation, which is sometimes difficult to achieve during an attack. Although these drugs are very effective, powder inhalers are not very common because they are quite expensive. In addition, when using an aerosol or hormonal inhaler, you can achieve no worse results than using a powder inhaler, so it is the least known.

3. Pocket-type powder inhalation device, capsule

Popular models and their prices

Some models of nebulizers are made in the form of inhalers, which are smaller in size and provide for use of the device outside the home. Most often, these are travel versions of nebulizers that run on 2 AA batteries.

4. Travel pocket nebulizer

Depending on the functionality of the device, the price of such a nebulizer ranges from 3,000 rubles. up to 15,000 rub. and even more. In some models, settings allow the device to be used by both adults and children. This functionality is achieved by the presence of replaceable nozzles and several operating modes, as well as the ability to use different medications.

Inhalation medications that stop attacks are presented in the form of powders and aerosols. The price for them can also differ significantly, however, when choosing a drug, you need to be guided by the doctor’s instructions, and not solely by the price category. Cheaper drugs may not have the desired effect, but at the same time, the unreasonable choice of expensive drugs (based solely on their price) may also not have the desired effect at the time of an attack. Different drugs are designed for different asthmatic conditions. In addition, when using a medicine, you need to monitor its expiration date.

Some of the most common drugs for powder inhalation are:

The choice of aerosol preparations is wider. Prices for different drugs also differ significantly:

This is a list of the most common drugs that are used as a cure to quickly relieve asthma symptoms during an acute attack.

Pocket inhaler - how does it work?

A pocket inhaler is a device that consists of a cap, a metering device, a dose indicator window and a mouthpiece that delivers a dose of the drug directly into the respiratory tract.

8. Appearance of the device during use

The medicine in the can is under strong pressure. When you press it, the medicine is instantly injected (or sprayed) into the respiratory tract. It is very important that the can is upside down at the time of spraying. This pocket inhaler device allows even a child to easily cope with an asthma attack.

Thanks to the protective mouthpiece, which is clamped with the lips, the medicine enters exclusively into the oral cavity and respiratory tract.

9. Correct position of the can and lips during the procedure

It is advisable that the moment of injection of the drug occurs during inhalation. This is especially true for powder preparations. When using hormonal and aerosol formulations, a positive effect can be achieved even if no inhalation was taken at the time the drug entered the respiratory tract, but it helps distribute the drug through the respiratory tract faster and better.

IMPORTANT! At the moment of injecting or spraying the drug, like a powder or aerosol type of medicine, you should not exhale.

After inhalation, it is advisable to hold your breath for a few seconds. This will enhance the effect of the drug.

ATTENTION! Asthmatics are prohibited from smoking or being in the same room as smokers. Immediately after inhalation, contact with smoking people is prohibited.

How to use a pocket inhaler: step-by-step instructions

The use of a pocket inhaler is simple enough that even a child can handle it independently. However, when performing inhalation during an attack, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules for the procedure so that it is beneficial and helps stop the attack in time.

Before starting the procedure, it is advisable to rinse your mouth with cool water to cleanse it of food debris. If inhalation is carried out as planned, then this action will help increase the effectiveness of the procedure. During the relief of an attack, it is not possible to further clean the oral cavity, so you need to use the inhaler immediately after the onset of an attack.

Instructions for using the pocket inhaler:

By following this application technique, you can stop an attack within one minute.

As can be seen from the information described in this article, it is quite simple to carry out inhalations during attacks of bronchial asthma; you just need to have a special device with you. In addition, the importance of correctly performing the procedure cannot be underestimated.

The use of a pocket inhaler gives good results and is recommended to use it to treat colds, infections, asthma or other diseases. Medicinal substances, crushed into small particles, easily saturate the nasopharynx and lungs and help activate the body’s defenses.

Types of inhalers

Nowadays, the development of technology contributes to the emergence of a large number of varieties of inhalers. Considering the wide range of choices, portable inhalers can be represented in several categories:

  1. Powder pocket preparations. The device ensures that the amount of dry powder specified by the manufacturer enters the body. Their priority is high efficiency. It's easy to use. However, it is more expensive than liquid inhalers.
  2. Liquid freon pocket inhalers make it possible to release a given amount of the drug into an aerosol. The advantage is the cost, simplicity and reliability of the mechanism. The disadvantage is that the aerosol penetrates the respiratory tract only if it is inhaled simultaneously with the release of the drug. This requires more thorough training of the patient, but an adult can easily master the task. In addition, the aerosol is heavier than the powder, so we cannot prevent part of it from settling in the mouth or being swallowed, but manufacturers do not ignore this factor when formulating the dosage.
  3. Nebulizer compressor inhalers. This name refers to inhalation devices that spray the medicine into small parts. As a result of this action, the light particle reaches the most distant zone of the respiratory tract and the best effect is possible. Thanks to the nebulizer, you can inject high doses of medicinal substances directly into the lungs in their pure form, without additives.
  4. Ultrasonic inhalers can be used in the same way as passive inhalers. In this case, significantly higher efficiency of its use is possible. In addition, ultrasound involuntarily has a positive effect on the sinuses, massages them, and causes the activation of their natural immune signs.

How to use the pocket device

Not every person buying an inhaler at a pharmacy knows the rules for its use. What is the application technique? The rules for using a pocket inhaler are as follows:

  • Remove the protective cap from the cylinder and turn it over.
  • Shake the aerosol can thoroughly.
  • Exhale deeply.
  • Close the aerosol tube tightly with your mouth and tilt your head back a little.
  • Inhale deeply and meanwhile press the bottom of the can: at this moment a dose of aerosol is delivered.
  • Hold your breath for 5-10 seconds or as long as you can tolerate without discomfort, then take out the drug and exhale slowly.
  • After a few minutes, the procedure can be repeated if you need to take more than one dose of the medicine.
  • After the procedure, close the can with the cap.

Do not forget: the effectiveness of the medicine depends on the depth of dose administration. When administering a dose into the nasal cavity, remember that the head must be tilted to the opposite shoulder and tilted back a little. When the medicine enters the right nostril, it is necessary to press the left side of the nose against the septum.

The technique of using the inhaler is simple. If you follow its algorithm, using a pocket inhaler will give positive results in the treatment of diseases.

Alas, even this simple treatment is not without contraindications. Inhalation rules prohibit the use of the drug:

  • at elevated temperatures (above 37.5° C);
  • if you are prone to nosebleeds;
  • if you have cardiovascular or respiratory failure;
  • lung disease.

To summarize, it should be noted that it is not worth prescribing treatment using the Internet; it is better to consult a doctor.

Who said that curing bronchitis is difficult?

  • Do you regularly suffer from coughing with phlegm?
  • And also this shortness of breath, malaise and fatigue...
  • Therefore, you are waiting with fear for the approach of the autumn-winter period with its epidemics...
  • With its cold, drafts and dampness...
  • Because inhalations, mustard plasters and medications are not very effective in your case...
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity...

There is an effective remedy for bronchitis. Follow the link and find out how pulmonologist Ekaterina Tolbuzina recommends treating bronchitis...

Technique for measuring the height of the uterine fundus.

Technique for measuring abdominal circumference

Demonstrate the technique for measuring abdominal circumference and fundal height.

Demonstrate manual examination of the uterine cavity on a phantom

Demonstrate the technique of listening to the fetal heartbeat using a phantom.

Equipment: obstetric stethoscope, couch, stopwatch

Warn the pregnant woman about the upcoming test

Place the pregnant woman on the couch on her back. legs straightened

Auscultation is carried out with an obstetric stethoscope, the wide funnel of which is applied to the woman’s bare abdomen.

Fetal heart sounds are better heard from a position at the level of the fetal chest. In case of cephalic presentation and the first position, the stethoscope is installed on the left below the navel. in the second position, on the right below the navel. In case of breech presentation, the stethoscope is installed above the navel on the right or left, depending on the position

After the examination, I wipe the stethoscope with 1% chloramine solution

Wash the hands.

Equipment: sterile gloves, sterile diaper, alcohol, iodine, promedol 2%-1ml, syringe

1. Before the manipulation, the bladder is emptied, the external genitalia are treated with iodine solution

2. Wash your hands thoroughly, put on sterile gloves and treat them with alcohol

3. The operation is performed under anesthesia (promedol 2% -1ml, i/v)

4. With the left hand, small e are spread, the dorsum of the hand is first turned towards the pubis, and in the vagina towards the sacrum

5. When inserting the right hand into the uterus, the left hand is transferred to the fundus of the uterus.

6. With the right hand inserted into the uterus, the walls of the uterus are carefully felt. its bottom, pipe corners, remove blood clots.

Equipment: measuring tape, pen, couch

1. Warn the pregnant woman about the upcoming study and the need to empty the bladder.

2. Place the pregnant woman on the couch on her back. legs straightened

3. Stand to the woman’s right

4. Place a measuring tape around the abdomen in front at the level of the navel, in the back at the level of the lumbar region

1. Place a measuring tape along the midline of the abdomen

and measure the distance between the upper edge of the symphysis and the most protruding (upper) point of the uterine fundus

2.Note the results obtained

3.Help the pregnant woman get up from the couch and wash her hands

The gestational age is determined by the height of the uterine fundus.

Remove the protective cap from the can by turning the can upside down.

Shake the aerosol can well.

Take a deep breath.

Cover the mouthpiece of the can with your lips and tilt your head back slightly.

Take a deep breath and at the same time press firmly on the bottom of the can: at this moment a dose of aerosol is dispensed.

Hold your breath for 5-10 seconds, then remove the mouthpiece of the canister from your mouth and exhale slowly.

After inhalation, put the protective cap on the can.

Remember: the deeper the aerosol dose is administered, the more effective it is

Note: When administering a dose of aerosol into the nose, you must remember that the head should be tilted towards the opposite shoulder and tilted slightly back. When injecting the medicine into the right nostril, it is necessary to press the left wing of the nose against the septum.

Powder inhalers contain the active substance of the drug in powder form. And the powder inhalers begin to “work.” Some of them come with medicinal powder inside, and some need to be “charged” with medicine before use.

Aerosol inhalers are contained in the form of a fine powder or suspension. The medicine is delivered to the lungs using evacuation gas. The inhaler is activated by pressing the valve.

To use the inhaler correctly, you need to practice and follow the following instructions.

Powder inhaler:

If necessary, install a capsule with medicine;
If the inhaler already contains medication, shake it several times;
Take a deep, calm breath and exhale equally calmly;
Place your lips tightly around the mouthpiece of the inhaler and take a deep breath, using all the strength of your lungs;
Hold your breath for at least 10 seconds;
Remove the inhaler and exhale slowly;
Repeat these steps if necessary;
Rinse your mouth after all procedures.

Aerosol metered dose inhaler:

Remove the protective cap from the mouthpiece;
Turn the inhaler upside down;
Shake it several times;
Take a deep, calm breath in and out;
Place your lips tightly around the mouthpiece;
Begin to inhale deeply into the maximum capacity of your lungs and at the same time press firmly on the bottom of the can. Your inhalation must occur simultaneously with the release of the medicine;
Remove the inhaler and exhale calmly;
You can repeat if necessary after 30 seconds;
Rinse your mouth with clean water.

Many aerosol inhalers are equipped with a spacer. A spacer is a special auxiliary device for inhalation, the chamber of which one end is put on the inhaler, and the other serves as a mouthpiece for the patient. Using an aerosol inhaler with a spacer is optimal because this simple device makes the inhaler easier to use and improves the quality of inhalation.

Inhalation with a spacer:

Remove the cap from the mouthpiece;
Connect the spacer to the mouthpiece;
Turn the inhaler upside down and shake well;
Take a deep breath and exhale completely;
Place your lips around the mouthpiece of the spacer;
Press the bottom of the can and after 1-2 seconds begin to take a deep, slow breath;
Hold your breath for 10 seconds;
Remove the spacer and exhale calmly;
Disassemble the structure, rinse your mouth with water, wash and dry the spacer.

Thanks to the use of this simple device, the quality of inhalations significantly improves, because too large particles settle on the walls of the chamber, and the necessary medicine forms a homogeneous suspension that can reach its destination: the bronchi.
Use inhalers correctly, and then their effectiveness will significantly increase, and perhaps the need for their use will decrease.