How to treat eye conjunctivitis in pregnant women. General rules of conduct when diagnosing conjunctivitis during pregnancy. Drug treatment of conjunctivitis during pregnancy

Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye and eyelids. The disease occurs due to allergens, infections, mechanical damage or complex of several factors.

Also in case of contact with eyes pathogenic microorganisms(staphylococcus, streptococcus, etc.) and fungi such as Candida. In addition, be a complication infectious diseases- influenza, ARVI, etc.

Conjunctivitis in pregnant women

More often, conjunctivitis is diagnosed in children. The disease is also common in adults. Special risk women are exposed during pregnancy.

Photo 1. Signs of conjunctivitis on the eye: severe redness and profuse lacrimation are observed.

Expectant mothers should be extremely careful, because even a common eye infection may adversely affect the development of the fetus. Eye inflammation is not uncommon during pregnancy, as protective forces organism during this period decrease.

Reference. The disease does not pose a threat to the health of the mother and fetus, but symptoms cause serious discomfort for pregnant women, so treatment should be started as early as possible.


Signs of conjunctivitis include:

  • redness and swelling of the eyelid mucosa;
  • increased tearfulness;
  • sensation of a foreign body or sand in the eyes;
  • separation of mucous or purulent exudate.

If the disease goes away against the background of ARVI, possible headache, intoxication (fatigue, muscle aches, weakness, fever).

Types of conjunctivitis

Photo 2. Viral conjunctivitis in a woman: the eyes are very red, but without purulent discharge.

  • Allergic form. The disease appears due to exposure strong allergens: smoke, pollen, hygiene products, household chemicals etc. Symptoms: runny nose, sneezing, shortness of breath, sometimes bronchospasm and asthmatic attacks occur;
  • Contact conjunctivitis. The disease develops as a result of exposure to foreign objects into the eye cavity (dust, dirt, animal hair);
  • Chlamydial form. Most dangerous a type of eye infection, as it appears due to improper treatment of chlamydia. Miscarriage on early stages pregnancy, premature birth, different kinds intrauterine lesions can be caused precisely by chlamydia.

Important! Self-medication for conjunctivitis in pregnant women is excluded - traditional methods do not always give the desired effect, and may worsen the disease Therefore, at the first signs of infection, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.


Treatment of conjunctivitis in expectant mothers consists of: washing the eyes antiseptic solutions, use of ointments And drops with antimicrobial effect. Infusions are used as prescribed by an ophthalmologist medicinal herbs(chamomile, sage) or furatsilin solution. To avoid harmful effects medications on the child’s body (especially in the first trimester), experts recommend limiting local therapy.

If after the start of treatment there are no positive changes, or there is a risk of complications, patients are prescribed antibiotics.

In the event of a serious form of the disease - chlamydial conjunctivitis, special attention is paid to therapy, since the disease poses a danger to the health of the mother and the unborn child.

If a woman is diagnosed with chlamydial conjunctivitis, both partners are treated. Until the symptoms completely disappear, the couple should refuse sexual contacts.

Allergic conjunctivitis is diagnosed only using a blood test- studies are aimed at identifying the allergen, after which it must be completely eliminated. Most oral antihistamines contraindicated during pregnancy, so women are prescribed treatment antihistamines local action.

Attention! Strictly contraindicated during pregnancy hormonal medications , eye solutions containing salts heavy metals, and most antibiotics.


main reason development of the disease in expectant mothers - colds. Required preventive measures for support protective functions the body and prevent a decrease in immunity.

  • Reception vitamin complexes ;
  • Timely treatment acute infectious diseases and inflammatory processes in the body (tonsillitis, otitis, pharyngitis, etc.);
  • Careful maintaining personal hygiene, especially when wearing contact lenses;
  • Regular check vision and its correction (if necessary);
  • Eye protection from external stimuli, dust and dirt.

Useful video

Look interesting video, which describes in detail the causes of conjunctivitis and its features.

Conjunctivitis during pregnancy is a condition that not only brings discomfort and painful sensations in the eyes, but also darkens such a joyful period in a woman’s life.

During gestation, the body undergoes many changes, and against this background, the immune system is overloaded and reduces its activity. This makes a woman's body more susceptible to various manifestations hidden infections and susceptible to the penetration of new ones.

Conjunctivitis in pregnant women is no different from the disease in normal period life, but requires more attention. It is important to establish the causes that caused this inflammation and treat it with specially selected drugs.

What consequences does inflammation of the conjunctiva have for the fetus during gestation and how to protect yourself from this disease - we will consider in detail in the article.

Conjunctivitis is a lesion of the eye mucosa, which is caused by various factors: a virus, bacterial infection, allergies, and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Conjunctivitis during pregnancy, for the most part, does not cause any risks to the fetus. However, the patient should immediately consult a doctor to determine the causes of the disease. Conjunctivitis may be independent disease or appear secondary manifestation an existing disease.

The development of chlamydial conjunctivitis is dangerous. Children of pregnant women who are diagnosed with chlamydia, herpes, gonorrhea, have high risk get heavy eye infection. The problem may arise during childbirth. If a newborn baby picks up an infection from its mother, it may develop neonatal conjunctivitis, which requires treatment. immediate treatment. IN otherwise the infection can lead to corneal scarring or even cause blindness in the baby.

Attention! If the doctor does not offer to take a test for STDs, be sure to remind him of this - from the right established diagnosis The health of your baby and you depends.


The manifestation of inflammation during pregnancy has the same symptoms of eye conjunctivitis:

  • redness;
  • pain and irritation in the eye area;
  • itching or burning;
  • swelling of the affected eyelid;
  • discharge of pus and mucus.

If the occurrence of the disease is secondary, the following may also be observed: general malaise of the body, increased temperature, and the presence of pus in the throat.

Diagnosis and treatment

Conjunctivitis in pregnant women is diagnosed in the same way as during normal treatment:

  • an eye examination is performed with a slit lamp;
  • a scraping of the conjunctiva is taken;
  • general blood analysis.

The patient's medical history must be taken into account. Establishing the causes of the disease is much more important during pregnancy than during the normal period of a woman’s life, because in the presence of pathogenic microorganisms that can affect the development of the baby, it is important to take timely measures and begin treatment.

If you experience symptoms during pregnancy or think you may be pregnant, you should definitely consult your doctor. He will be able to determine what type of conjunctivitis you are suffering from and will prescribe antibiotics if necessary.


Treatment of conjunctivitis during pregnancy requires special attention, since taking medications must be done with the consent of a doctor so as not to harm the fetus. So how to treat conjunctivitis during pregnancy?


Conjunctivitis during pregnancy caused by pathogenic bacteria must be treated with antibiotics. They can be prescribed either orally or in the form of eye drops.

Also, with this type, the pregnant woman experiences the discharge of pus or sticky mucus, which can harden into a crust before the eyes overnight. In order to get rid of it, you can use an antibacterial liquid, wipe with a cotton swab dipped in boiled, non-hot water or chamomile decoction.


One way to get rid of an illness that is caused by allergens is to avoid irritants. In this case the inflammation will go away itself.

Another option is to treat the condition with reduced dosage antihistamines (levocabastine, suprastin, ketotifen).


Treatment of conjunctivitis caused by such serious diseases as chlamydia, herpes and other STDs involves, first of all, affecting primary diseases. If left untreated, they can cause various serious complications in a child – up to respiratory tract pathology.

Antibiotics and pregnancy

Pregnancy – difficult period for the organism during which the fetus develops. It is not advisable to take antibiotics during pregnancy in the first trimester. If possible, they try to get by natural means: rinsing with a decoction of chamomile, sage or other herbs with antiseptic properties.

But since some types of conjunctivitis (bacterial, chlamydial) can lead to more serious consequences, your doctor can prescribe a properly selected course of antibiotics.

If possible, you should wait until the end of the third month to prescribe serious medications, and in the 2-3 trimester it is already permissible to use more wide choice medicines.

Antibiotic intake should be monitored by a physician, taking into account individual characteristics course of the disease.

Attention! When contacting an ophthalmologist, be sure to tell him that you are pregnant so that he can correctly decide how to treat conjunctivitis.


Conjunctivitis during pregnancy causes many discomfort and anxiety. In order to protect yourself from conjunctivitis and avoid relapse after cured inflammation, you should follow certain rules.

  1. Never use someone else's eye drops, cosmetics, or contact lenses.
  2. Be extremely careful when communicating with infected patients, and it is better to avoid them altogether during pregnancy.
  3. Eat right, take vitamins.
  4. Visit your gynecologist regularly and get all the necessary tests.

If there is an infected person in the house, provide him with separate towels, bed linen and other hygiene products and try to keep contact with him and his things to a minimum. Make sure to discard any cotton pads or balls that have been used.

Taking care of yourself and your body in advance reduces the risk of infection. But if you have already picked up an infection, do not panic - with the right treatment, you can achieve a favorable outcome for you and the child.

A woman’s body is especially vulnerable during the entire period of bearing a child, so it is possible to encounter a disease such as conjunctivitis during pregnancy. How to treat such a disease - the answer to this question will depend on what causes it. inflammatory processes mucous membranes of the eyelid. Treatment must be effective for the patient and safe for the fetus.

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation in the membrane that connects the eyeball to the inner surface of the eye. In women during pregnancy, the disease can manifest itself as follows:

  • the eye is constantly itching;
  • there is redness eyeball;
  • tearing may occur;
  • purulent discharge occurs (in some cases).

The disease can affect only one eye, but symptoms that appear in one eye spread to the other within a few days. A course of treatment will need to be completed for the entire organ of vision.

Depending on the type of illness, there may also be signs of a cold (cough, headache, fever) or allergies (rash, runny nose).

Types of conjunctivitis and causes of its occurrence

The type of disease is determined based on the cause that caused it; conjunctivitis in pregnant women can occur:

  1. Allergic - such conjunctivitis during pregnancy occurs only in patients prone to allergies. If before pregnancy a woman did not have a tendency to allergic reactions, then during the period of bearing a child the likelihood of this type of disease occurring is minimal. This type is practically not dangerous for the unborn child, causing inconvenience exclusively to the expectant mother.
  2. Viral is the most common type. There is usually no thick discharge from the eye. There is itching, redness and tearing. In most cases, it is safe for the child. Affects both eyes. Sometimes viral conjunctivitis during pregnancy occurs as a consequence of another disease caused by a viral infection, then there is a risk of the pathogen penetrating the placenta or infecting the baby during childbirth.
  3. Bacterial - conjunctivitis during pregnancy is characterized by the presence of purulent discharge of green or yellow color. The risks to the child’s health are similar to those described in the case of a viral type of disease.
  4. Chlamydial - is a symptom of chlamydia (transmitted through sexual contact, animals, and water in swimming pools). Microorganisms, causing disease of this type pose a danger to proper development fetus and can lead to the development of a number of complications, including infection of the fetus with a number of infections during intrauterine development, infection of a child in the process labor activity with the subsequent development of complications associated with it respiratory system.
  5. Contact – results from contact with the eye foreign bodies. It can also occur when using incorrectly fitted contact lenses or violating the instructions for their use.

Experts also highlight mixed type of this disease, there are also varieties such as dystrophic, atypical conjunctivitis and even rare forms diseases.

There are several different types conjunctivitis. Diagnosing and treating the disease yourself is very dangerous, especially during pregnancy.

It is impossible to independently diagnose conjunctivitis, determine its type and choose a treatment strategy that is safe for the child. At the first signs of conjunctivitis, a pregnant woman should immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

Features of treatment

The difficulty of treating almost any disease in pregnant women is due to the fact that the use of most popular medications is prohibited. The treatment strategy is developed based on the diagnosed type of conjunctivitis that needs to be treated and the observed clinical picture. Therapy has three main goals:

  • alleviate the patient’s condition and prevent the progression of the disease;
  • eliminate unpleasant symptoms;
  • hinder possible development complications, stop the spread of pathogens (if we're talking about about bacteria or viruses).

Each type of disease requires a separate course of treatment. Conjunctivitis during pregnancy, how to treat it, will depend not only on the type of disease, but also on the duration of the patient’s pregnancy:

Type Course duration Treatment of conjunctivitis during pregnancy Note
Viral 7 – 40 days Drops (interferon), ointments
Allergic Until symptoms resolve Eye drops with antihistamines

Cold compresses

Eliminating contact with the allergen

Purpose hormonal drugs, as well as antiallergic drugs, is possible only if allergic conjunctivitis during pregnancy is severe, after careful comparison of the benefits for the mother and the risks for the unborn child.
Bacterial 7 – 21 days Drops and ointments with antibacterial components If local remedies do not lead to relief of the patient’s condition within 7 days, antibiotics may be prescribed. In this case you will need additional examination patients and risk assessment for the fetus.
Chlamydial 1 – 6 months It is recommended for pregnant women to undergo complex therapy in a hospital setting (possibly day care) Both partners must undergo the course of therapy, and it is recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse until it is completed.

How to treat conjunctivitis for pregnant women in the second and third trimester of pregnancy - antimicrobial eye ointments, antibacterial solutions, astringent drops, and interferon drops can be prescribed. In the first trimester of pregnancy - then in in this case It is recommended to refrain from using any medications without your doctor's permission.

At any stage of pregnancy, including during the first three months, it is used safe means plant origin: washing the eyes with a decoction of sage or chamomile.

Home remedies to relieve symptoms

Conjunctivitis in pregnant women can pose a danger to the fetus, which means neglecting qualified medical care it is forbidden. Using secure folk remedies, in order to relieve symptoms and supplement the medication course, it is quite possible - you should not just replace it with traditional treatment and put off visiting the doctor, even if home methods have brought noticeable relief.

If treatment is not started in a timely manner or the recommendations of a specialist are ignored, the acute form of conjunctivitis can quickly become chronic, which will be much more difficult to cope with.

At home you can perform the following simple activities:

  1. Purulent discharge tends to dry out and form crusts, which sometimes even “glue” the eyelids or eyelashes together. You can remove dried plaque on eyelashes and eyelids using a cotton pad soaked in warm water. boiled water. This procedure must be carried out in the morning. If there is intense discharge, you can additionally treat your eyes at night.
  2. Compresses. A piece of clean cloth or a towel needs to be moistened in a decoction of sage / chamomile or clean water and apply to the eyelids. You need to keep the compress for 10 minutes. You can also wash your eyes with strong, freshly brewed tea.
  3. Use moisturizing eye drops (otherwise known as “artificial tears”). They relieve redness and swelling well, and can be used by pregnant women.

One of the symptoms of this disease is constant and quite severe itching. You should not scratch your eyes, trying to get rid of this sensation - if the patient rubs her eyes, this will not bring relief, and the condition may worsen.

Preventive actions

Most often, conjunctivitis in pregnant women occurs as a result of previous colds. To avoid this unpleasant illness, it is recommended to pay attention to preventive measures:

  • observe the rules of personal hygiene, avoid hypothermia, do not touch your eyes unless necessary;
  • strictly follow the instructions for using contact lenses;
  • timely correct visual acuity;
  • take multivitamin medications;
  • treat in a timely manner inflammatory diseases, including rhinitis, otitis, sinusitis and so on;
  • protect your eyes from exposure to harmful environmental factors.

Paying attention to your health will minimize the risk of conjunctivitis and help you avoid other diseases.

Apr 28, 2017 Anastasia Graudina

Pregnancy is a special and happy period in a woman’s life. But it is precisely at this time that the expectant mother’s immunity is most susceptible to attacks from viruses and infections. One of the most common diseases among pregnant women is conjunctivitis.

Let's look at the types of conjunctivitis.


This disease is caused by viruses that enter the conjunctiva of the eyes. Usually the disease occurs against the background of colds. Manifests:

  • redness of the whites of the eyes.


This type is characterized by:

  • purulent discharge from the eyes;
  • pain;
  • edema.

The cause of the disease is pathogenic microorganisms:

  • pneumococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa.


This disease is caused by an allergen that enters the human body:

  • dust;
  • flowers;
  • animal fur.

Features of the disease are:

  • profuse lacrimation;
  • sneeze;
  • edema;
  • discomfort in the eye area.

Main causes of illness during pregnancy

Due to the double load on the body the immune system women are weakened, and many factors can provoke the disease:

  • viruses and bacteria;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • allergens;
  • stress.

The first signs and symptoms of the disease:

  • lacrimation;
  • severe itching;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • photophobia;
  • edema;
  • the appearance of pus in the eyes after sleep;
  • mucous discharge from the eyes.

Additional symptoms of the disease are:

  • increased body temperature;
  • chills;
  • rhinitis.

Treatment of conjunctivitis in pregnant women

Since many medications are prohibited during pregnancy, treatment may be difficult.

Therefore, to avoid complications, you need to consult an ophthalmologist.

The doctor will conduct necessary research, determine the type of disease and prescribe competent treatment.

In case of illness caused by bacteria, chlamydia, which is dangerous for mother and child, treatment is carried out in a hospital under the supervision of a gynecologist.

Medications for treatment


Treatment of this type of disease in pregnant women usually follows the following scheme:

  1. Maxidex eye drops have an anti-inflammatory effect. After use, the swelling subsides and the burning sensation goes away.
  2. Preparations containing interferons.
  3. Vitamin supplements.
  4. For conjunctivitis caused by the herpes virus, ophthalmologists prescribe Acyclovir.


First of all, the expectant mother should try to protect herself from the allergen. Frequently washing the eyes with cool water will help relieve itching and swelling.

It is important to know that many antihistamines can affect fetal development, so medical supervision is required.

It is also possible to prescribe medications such as:

  1. Hydrocortisone ointment has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Relieves swelling and irritation. Prescribed in cases where other treatment does not produce results.
  2. Zyrtec - antihistamine relieves allergic symptoms.
  3. Allergodil - antihistamine drops new generation.
  4. Eye drops "Artificial tear" - over-the-counter eye drops, have a softening effect, protect the cornea from external factors effects, enhance the effect of other drugs.


When treating the bacterial form, it is necessary to take antibacterial agents and washing the eyes with antiseptic solutions.

  1. Torbex eye drops - eliminate infectious and inflammatory diseases on the mucous membrane of the eye.
  2. Washing the eyes with Furacilin - the solution has an antiseptic effect and is effective against many microorganisms harmful to health. The product is safe for mother and fetus.
  3. Vitamins.
  4. Floxal ointment - antimicrobial ointment wide range actions. Has an effective effect on purulent lesion mucous membrane of the eyes.

Folk remedies

Do not take during pregnancy herbal tinctures and collections orally. But with the doctor’s permission, you can make lotions, compresses, and also wash your eyes with herbal infusions:

Effective methods for treating conjunctivitis during pregnancy

For quick disposal from conjunctivitis costs:

  • strictly adhere to the doctor’s instructions;
  • strengthen your diet with healthy foods;
  • add dietary supplements to the main treatment;
  • maintain rest and bed rest.

It is important to follow the rules of hygiene:

  1. Change your towel and pillowcase every day.
  2. Wash your hands frequently.
  3. Do not touch sore eyes with your hands.
  4. When sick, do not use cosmetics.
  5. Use hypoallergenic detergents for washing.

By following these treatment rules, a pregnant woman fast deadlines will be cured of conjunctivitis.

Disease prevention

For prevention eye inflammation You must adhere to some rules:

  1. Ventilate your home every day and do wet cleaning.
  2. Do not use other people's hygiene products (towels, cosmetics).
  3. Do not touch your face and eyes with unwashed hands.
  4. Avoid stress.
  5. Take daily walks in the fresh air.
  6. Observe hygiene rules.
  7. During an epidemic of conjunctivitis, in in public places wear a medical mask.
  8. Try not to contact people who are sick.
  9. Periodically wash your eyes with distilled water.

Why is conjunctivitis dangerous during pregnancy?

At proper treatment Most types of conjunctivitis do not pose a threat to the pregnant woman and the fetus.

An exception is bacterial, in addition to negative influence On a woman’s vision, infection can cause the following complications:

  • risk of miscarriage;
  • premature birth;
  • transmission of the disease from mother to child during labor.

In other cases, conjunctivitis is not dangerous and, with proper treatment and prevention, can be quickly cured.

Do not forget about the most important rule - all medications are taken under the supervision of an ophthalmologist.

Conjunctivitis is not the worst thing that can happen to an expectant mother. The pathology can be quickly cured with the help of various medications. However, treating illnesses during pregnancy is more difficult because it must be taken into account that medications can affect the fetus. Are there any specific treatment options for this disease during pregnancy? Can medications for conjunctivitis harm the baby?

What is conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis is a series of pathologies of eye diseases associated with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye and the inner lining of the eyelids (conjunctiva). Most often, conjunctivitis occurs in children and people with low immunity.

Depending on the cause of the pathology, the disease may be contagious or not transmitted to other people. With conjunctivitis, the main symptoms are:

  • increased lacrimation;
  • pain in the eyes;
  • redness and swelling of the eyelids;
  • discomfort in bright light;
  • purulent discharge (with bacterial form).

Causes and types of inflammation of the conjunctiva

The conjunctiva may become inflamed due to various factors. The causes of inflammation of the eye membranes underlie the division of conjunctivitis into bacterial, viral, allergic and fungal. Also, the conjunctiva can become inflamed due to the influence of various aggressive substances. Let's consider each of the listed types of pathology.

Viral conjunctivitis

Viral conjunctivitis during pregnancy is most often a complication of the underlying disease. Primary symptoms are manifestations viral infection(fever, headache, runny nose, cough). After a few days, symptoms of conjunctivitis appear:

  • lacrimation;
  • inflammation and swelling of the eyelid;
  • redness of the whites of the eyes;
  • watery discharge.

If the pathology manifests itself due to adenovirus infection, then photophobia is added to the symptoms. The most unpleasant subspecies viral conjunctivitis is a disease caused by the herpes virus.

With herpetic conjunctivitis, the following symptoms appear:

  • blisters on the eyelids with liquid inside;
  • formation of crusts after opening of the rash;
  • high body temperature;
  • aching joints;
  • severe burning in the eyes;
  • headache.

Bacterial form

Bacterial conjunctivitis develops when it enters the body pathogenic bacteria. The disease is caused by streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, gonococci. Most dangerous form bacterial conjunctivitis for a pregnant woman - chlamydial. Factors contributing to the development of pathology:

  • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • weakened immune system;
  • chronic diseases.

A characteristic symptom of bacterial conjunctivitis is purulent discharge from the eyes. The following manifestations are also observed:

  • severe photophobia;
  • severe swelling of the eyelid;
  • redness of the eyeballs.

Defeat can only affect one visual organ. However, if precautions are not taken, the infection will quickly spread to the second one. Itching and burning when bacterial conjunctivitis may be absent or insignificant.

Allergic type

During pregnancy, a woman may experience allergic reaction to chemicals or natural elements that have not previously caused concern. This phenomenon is associated with hormonal changes and weakening of the expectant mother’s immunity. Allergic conjunctivitis can be caused by the following factors:

  • plant pollen;
  • dust;
  • animal hair and bird feathers;
  • medications;
  • hygiene products;
  • household chemicals.

A characteristic feature allergic conjunctivitis is the simultaneous manifestation of symptoms in both eyes. The pathology has the following symptoms:

  • severe itching;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • scanty mucous discharge;
  • photophobia.

If the pathogen is a fungus

There are many fungi that can cause damage to the mucous membrane of the eye. Sources of infection:

  • a sick man;
  • animals;
  • water in reservoirs;
  • earth and plants.

Fungal conjunctivitis can manifest itself in different ways depending on what fungi have entered the body. Main symptoms of the pathology:

  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • release of red blood vessels on the lining of the eyeball;
  • the appearance of inflamed growths on the eyelid;
  • purulent discharge;
  • the formation of ulcers on the eyelids covered with a green coating.

When exposed to aggressive substances

Inflammation of the ocular mucous membranes can occur when exposed to chemical substances. Aggressive elements cause inflammation upon direct contact with eye membranes. Methods for penetration of substances into mucous membranes:

  • use of untested low-quality cosmetics;
  • long-term stay in a room in which toxic elements are sprayed;
  • swimming in a pool disinfected with chlorine-containing substances;
  • improper or careless use of household chemicals and perfumes.

After contact with an aggressive substance, a person feels pain in the eyes. The mucous membranes quickly become inflamed, the eyelids swell, and tears flow.

How to treat inflammation in a pregnant woman?

Conjunctivitis is usually treated with topical medications. However, at the first symptoms you should not go to the pharmacy and buy drops. It is especially dangerous to self-medicate during pregnancy.

The prescription of the drug should be made by a doctor after establishing the cause of the disease and the type of pathology. There are specific treatment options for conjunctivitis depending on the duration of pregnancy.

In the first trimester

In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, doctors try to minimize the use of medications to treat a woman. For conjunctivitis, a pregnant woman is recommended to wash her eyes with chamomile decoction and make compresses with infusions of medicinal herbs. Washing helps relieve inflammation, eliminate itching and burning, remove purulent exudate and soften crusts.

The frequency of use of the decoction depends on the intensity of the symptoms. However, in some cases, without medicines it's impossible to get by. At the beginning of pregnancy, only local remedies can be used minimum dosage. These include:

  • Drops "Ophthalmoferon". They are prescribed for viral and allergic conjunctivitis.
  • Tobrex. Drops are used to treat viral conjunctivitis. Its main component does not penetrate the bloodstream, therefore it is safe for the developing fetus.
  • Nystatin ointment. Antifungal agent applied to inner eyelid before bedtime.

To strengthen the immune system to the expectant mother can be taken multivitamin complexes and eat food rich in vitamins. When chemicals penetrate the mucous membranes, eye rinsing and anti-inflammatory therapy are carried out, depending on the intensity of the lesion.

In the second trimester

In the 2nd trimester, the placenta is fully formed and the risks of drugs entering the baby’s body are reduced. During this period, the list of approved drugs is expanding. However, it should be remembered that this permission is conditional (most drugs, according to the instructions, are contraindicated during the entire period of bearing and feeding the baby; the decision on the prescription is made by the doctor, taking into account the expected benefits and possible harm).

At severe forms diseases, doctors may recommend that a pregnant woman take medicines orally. Most often, medications in tablets are prescribed for fungal infections and chlamydial conjunctivitis. The dosage and duration of use are determined by the doctor depending on the diagnosis. The table shows a list of medications that a pregnant woman can take during the 2nd period of gestation.

Direction of actionGroup of drugsList of medicines
Relieving inflammation, removing exudate, eliminating itching and burningAntiseptics2 percent boric acid, Furacilin, potassium permanganate solution (see also:)
Eliminate viruses, reduce inflammation, increase local immunityAntiviral agentsDrops "Ophthalmoferon", "Tobrex", ointment "Tebrofen"
Fighting bacterial infectionTopical antibacterial agentsLevomycetin, Albucid, Tsiprolet
Chlamydia infectionComplex of local and oral antibioticsErythromycin ointment, Amoxicillin tablets
Fungal conjunctivitisAntifungal drugsNystatin ointment, medications with intraconazole
AllergyAntihistamines, local and systemic action(more details in the article:)Eye drops "Allergordil", Opatanol. Fenistil drops for oral administration. Suprastin tablets (see also:).

In the third trimester

Treatment follows the same principles as in the previous period of pregnancy. However, many experts recommend not using drugs for therapy eye pathologies in the last 10 weeks of pregnancy or significantly reduce their dosage. For cupping unpleasant symptoms Prescribe eye rinsing with antiseptic drugs and herbal decoctions.

Consequences of conjunctivitis and its treatment for the baby

Experts agree that treatment different forms does not cause conjunctivitis during pregnancy negative consequences for a child. Used in therapy local drugs, which do not penetrate the bloodstream or enter the bloodstream in a minimal dosage. It is much more dangerous if the mother does not cure the disease before giving birth and infects the child.

In newborns, conjunctivitis takes acute form and may lead to disruption visual functions(see also: ). The danger for the child is posed by chlamydial pathology in the mother, or more precisely chlamydia, which causes inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. If a pregnant woman does not treat chlamydia, the following consequences may occur:

  • premature birth;
  • intrauterine infection of the fetus;
  • infection of the child during birth.

When found chlamydial infection the woman is treated with antibiotics in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. During this period, the baby is protected from the effects of drugs by the placenta.