What can be used to treat conjunctivitis for infants? We treat viral conjunctivitis. How to get rid of bacterial conjunctivitis

Tearing. Parents often ignore their baby's watery eyes, having become accustomed to I cry often. Increased tear production in one or both eyes may be due to inflammation.

Eye coloring. Redness is also observed on the inner surface of the eyelid.

Increased sensitivity to bright light. The child turns away from the light sources and squints because the light hurts him.

Sticking of eyelids because of purulent discharge.

These symptoms are easy to recognize. If your child wakes up with sticky eyelids and eyes that are red and watery, you should immediately contact your pediatrician.

Causes of the disease

Getting dirt on the mucous membrane of the eye. Young children do not control their movements; they often pull their hands towards their faces and reflexively rub their eyes. Bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci) found on the baby's hands enter the mucous membrane, causing bacterial conjunctivitis.

Sometimes the cause of inflammation is viral infection. In this case it is diagnosed viral conjunctivitis- a common consequence of colds in children.

If your child is allergic to fluff, pollen, dust, cat hair, medicines or food, conjunctivitis will have allergic nature.

A specific cause of conjunctivitis, characteristic only of newborns - blocked tear ducts due to impaired fluid outflow. Tear ducts in newborns, they may not open immediately, and stagnation of fluid in the ducts is accompanied by the development of infection.

When, if the mother was infected with gonococcus or chlamydia, a child can be infected vertically (during the passage of the birth canal). In this case we're talking about about chlamydial or gonorrheal conjunctivitis. In infants, chlamydia primarily affects the sclera of the eyes and the respiratory tract.

Herpes can also be transmitted to the child from the mother during childbirth and cause inflammation.

How dangerous is conjunctivitis for newborns?

Features of the course of the disease

Conjunctivitis causes a lot of suffering to a newborn baby, but when timely application When he goes to the doctor, he is successfully cured without leaving any traces.

Due to the thermolability of babies ( frequent changes body temperature) conjunctivitis may be accompanied by a noticeable increase in temperature (38 degrees and above).

Recurrent conjunctivitis requires long-term and labor-intensive treatment and can become an indirect cause eye diseases in adulthood.

Treatment of the disease

If parents notice symptoms of inflammation of the eye mucosa in their child, self-medication is unacceptable.

The child should be shown to a pediatrician, who will prescribe a course of treatment, depending on the nature of the disease.

For the treatment of conjunctivitis caused by staphylococcus or streptococcus, tetracycline ointment is used. Doctors recommend regularly washing your child's eyes with a weak antiseptic solution. Let's say a solution of furatsilin or manganese.

If you suspect gonorrhea or chlamydial infection necessary bacteriological diagnostics. After diagnosis, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. For local therapy Most often, tetracycline ointment and a solution of furatsilin or manganese are used. Treatment is accompanied by antibiotics (azithromycin or sumamed, lomefloxacin).

To eliminate the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis it is necessary to eliminate the substance causing the unwanted reaction.

Regularly washing your eyes with an antiseptic solution is the key Get well soon and improving the child’s well-being, regardless of the cause of the illness.

To prepare the solution, you can grind one tablet of furatsilin and mix with 250 ml warm, but not hot water. For rinsing use only gauze swabs. Villi from cotton swabs may remain on the mucous membrane of the eye, causing the child even more discomfort.

At the first symptoms of the disease, rinsing should be done every two hours, then repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.

For rinsing, you can also use a generally accepted folk remedy - weak fresh tea leaves.

It is unacceptable to cover the affected eye with a bandage. Any bandage creates best conditions for the development of pathogenic microflora.

Prevention of conjunctivitis in newborns

Since the disease in babies from birth to six months is most often of a bacterial nature, parents should pay attention increased attention children's hygiene. By maintaining hygiene, it is easy to prevent conjunctivitis, preventing the development of the inflammatory process.

Prevention rules

  • cleanliness of the child and parents, compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards at home and on the street;
  • strengthening the immune system, hardening, good nutrition;
  • regular wet cleaning and ventilation of the room where the newborn lives;
  • protecting the baby from interactions with existing allergens;
  • Isolating the child from sick children, since conjunctivitis is extremely contagious.

Conjunctivitis in an infant does not pose a threat to his life and well-being if the symptoms of the disease are noticed in a timely manner and treatment procedures are taken responsibly.

Conjunctivitis – School of Doctor Komarovsky

Almost every mother faces the problem of watery eyes in her baby. The eyelids become swollen and begin to stick together, inflammatory processes are noticeable on the mucous membrane, and the baby himself becomes restless and capricious. Those mothers who regularly perform eye hygiene on their babies are not immune from these signs. Viral conjunctivitis in children is very insidious. This diagnosis is most often made by pediatricians for infants with watery eyes. Both those babies who have just left the walls of the maternity hospital and those who have already long time lives at home. The symptoms are very similar to non-opening of the lacrimal duct or inflammation of the lacrimal sac, so a doctor should examine the child and prescribe the appropriate course of treatment.

List of symptoms

In order not to cause unnecessary panic, but also not to miss the initial stage of conjunctivitis in an infant, you need to familiarize yourself with exact symptoms diseases. This will help distinguish the disease from others that occur in babies in the first year of life. Among the main signs of viral conjunctivitis, experts note:

  1. increased tear production
  2. noticeable redness
  3. inflammatory process rarely affects one eye - after a short period of time it will certainly spread to the other
  4. A thin whitish film appears on the baby's eyes

With a purulent course of the disease, the symptoms are different:

  1. pus accumulates in the child's eyes
  2. During sleep, the discharge “sticks” the eyes, after waking up it is difficult for the baby to open them
  3. purulent conjunctivitis is accompanied by edema
  4. mucous membrane is irritated
  5. redness and profuse tearing, as with a viral form
  6. Both eyes of a child are rarely affected; the disease often affects one eye

The listed symptoms should be a start for parents to take action so that the treatment does not take too long and the disease goes away without consequences. The disease is diagnosed by a pediatric ophthalmologist, and a referral to a consultation is obtained from a pediatrician.

The primary examination is carried out by a local doctor, because mothers in panic can easily confuse the symptoms, drawing the most terrible pictures. Special studies and tests will confirm or refute the diagnosis, after which the doctor will tell you how to treat purulent or viral conjunctivitis in a child under one year old. Self-medication will not work positive result and will lead to serious consequences for the baby’s health.

Causes of the disease

The risk of conjunctivitis exists if the mother fully complies with all hygiene rules for caring for a baby up to one year old. The factors that provoke the onset of the disease are different, but they influence the form of the disease:

  1. weak immune system
  2. chlamydia or gonorrheal infection acquired by the baby during passage through birth canal moms
  3. bacteria living in the mother’s body, which are easily transmitted to a baby with a weak immune system
  4. the presence of oral or genital herpes in the mother at the time of birth or during the first year of the child’s life
  5. violations of rules for caring for a newborn
  6. getting dirt or dirt into the baby's eyes foreign object(specks of dust or cilia)

A woman has no control over many reasons, but she can control some, protecting the baby from illness. Accidental mistakes will affect the health of the baby in the future, so basic cleanliness and maintaining sterility should be taken care of in advance. It is better to treat existing diseases before pregnancy or during perinatal period so as not to infect the child during childbirth. Avoiding illness is always easier than starting expensive treatment.

Forms of the disease

There are two types of the disease, differing in severity and course of treatment. Symptoms vary, so you should consult a doctor promptly at the slightest suspicion of conjunctivitis:

  1. The virus can affect both eyes, is mild, but poses a danger to the health of a child in the first year of life. From the name it is clear that the disease is caused by a virus that can enter a fragile child’s body and negatively affect the functioning of internal systems.
  2. Purulent appears as a result of violations of the rules for caring for a newborn and lack of sterility in the house. It affects one eye and is accompanied by purulent accumulations in the organ of vision. It is easier to treat; children tolerate this form much more difficult.

Any type of conjunctivitis is very painful for both children and parents due to hassle and worry. The sooner appropriate treatment is started, the faster everyone will forget the difficult period.

Course of therapy

Prescribed by a pediatrician necessary procedures and medications based on data obtained from tests and examination. Most often, doctors recommend combination treatment:

  1. regular eye washing with furatsilin solution or herbal decoctions (sage, calendula, chamomile)
  2. chloramphenicol drops
  3. tetracycline ointment
  4. erythromycin ointment
  5. massage movements in the area of ​​the nasolacrimal duct

It is advisable to entrust the last procedure to a specialist; at home, massage is possible only after preliminary training. Sometimes it is enough for a mother to have a doctor or nurse demonstrate basic movements to continue treatment at home. The dosage and frequency of procedures are also prescribed by a specialist.

Regular instillation will not help with abundant accumulation of pus - the drop will not reach the eye itself. You cannot achieve a positive effect with rinsing due to the presence of microbes. Do not violate the doctor’s instructions and increase the dosage of the medicine. The symptoms will not go away quickly, the conjunctival sac can hold 1 drop, and increasing the volume of the drug is pointless. It is not easy to treat a baby because of his bad mood, but you can resort to tricks when the pus goes away. Eye drops usually stored on the refrigerator door and cause discomfort due to low temperature. If you preheat the medicine in your hands, you will be able to put drops in the baby’s eyes without waking him up.

A pediatric ophthalmologist will write a prescription for a course of therapy and conduct a consultation on how and how to treat the disease in a baby under one year old. When in doubt, it is better to ask questions in the office - intuition and independent decisions will not help.

It is advisable to leave the use of folk remedies for experiments on own body– which is useful to inform your all-knowing friends, grandmothers and neighbors who are actively involved in discussing and solving the problem. Treatment of an infant should include a mandatory examination by a doctor and drug therapy.

Correct actions in case of prolonged illness

It happens that the mother noticed the symptoms in time, showed the baby to the doctor, began treatment, but the conjunctivitis does not seem to go away. For small children this is a common occurrence, and the treatment and duration of the course depends on general well-being crumbs, nutrition and condition immune system. You must be patient and continue to follow your doctor's instructions. Do not forget that the mother’s excitement and anxiety are transmitted to the baby, so she needs to calm down. And surround the baby with affectionate care and attention, helping to cope with unpleasant sensations.

In this article, you will learn about eye drops used to treat conjunctivitis in children.

Depending on what causes the inflammation, eye drops for conjunctivitis are selected. As a rule, conjunctivitis in children is treated quite quickly if you consult an eye doctor at an early stage.

To buy truly effective eye drops for your child, you need to know what kind of conjunctivitis he suffers from.

There are currently quite a lot eye drops from conjunctivitis. But making a choice on your own is very difficult, especially choosing the right eye drops for conjunctivitis for children.

Eye drops differ in their effect, so for different types of conjunctivitis in children it is necessary to use different eye drops. Conventionally, they can be divided into several groups: eye drops for the treatment of viral conjunctivitis, bacterial and allergic conjunctivitis.

IN ophthalmological practice the choice of antimicrobial eye drops for children, as in other cases of antimicrobial therapy, depends, first of all, on the pathogen and its sensitivity to the drug. In addition, the choice of antibacterial agent and route of administration depends on the severity of the disease and the age of the children.

Chloramphenicol (Levomycetin) eye drops are widely used for the treatment of superficial eye infections (including conjunctivitis) in children over 2 years of age. At bacterial inflammation anterior section eyes (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, dacryocystitis, corneal damage) the most common pathogens are Staphylococcus aureus , Streptococcus pneumoniae And Haemophilus influenza, they are all sensitive to eye drops and ointments: chloramphenicol (levomecithin).

In ophthalmological practice, eye drops and ointments with antibiotics are most often used as antibacterial agents for children.

What children's eye drops for conjunctivitis can be used by the little ones? One month old baby a very gentle, but at the same time effective treatment is needed.

It is very difficult to put drops in a child’s eyes, but this is a mandatory step in the treatment of conjunctivitis. For conjunctivitis in children, the following eye drops can be used:

Eye drops for bacterial conjunctivitis for children

Bacterial conjunctivitis(a cloudy, sticky, gray or yellow discharge from the eye that may cause the eyelids to stick together, usually after sleep. However, not all bacteria cause this symptom, so do not immediately rule out bacterial conjunctivitis. The second symptom will be dryness of the conjunctiva and skin around the affected eye. The third symptom is that only one eye is affected, but can quickly spread to the other. There may also be pain and feeling foreign body in the eye)

Most often, bacterial conjunctivitis occurs in children, since children very often rub their eyes with dirty hands. For bacterial conjunctivitis, eye drops and antibiotics are prescribed.

Older children most often get conjunctivitis along with colds or through bacteria. Treatment bacterial conjunctivitis in children it passes quite easily and quickly. Mostly antibiotics and eye drops are enough.

When the very first signs of infectious conjunctivitis appear, such as purulent discharge, redness of the eye, a feeling of sand in the eyes, doctors recommend antibacterial drops and eye ointments, for example, such as Floxal, antimicrobial drug With wide range action that quickly and effectively kills the most common bacteria, causing damage mucous membrane of the eye. Drops are instilled into the eyes 2-4 times a day. As a rule, antibacterial ointment is applied at night, since it stays in contact with the tissues of the eye longer.

Fucithalmic - eye drops

Active substance: Fusidic (fusidic) acid - natural antibiotic produced by a fungus Fusidium coccineum

Effective against Staphylococcus spp., including most strains of S. aureus (including MRSA) and S. Epidermidis, has activity against Corynebacterium spp., Cladosporium spp.

Indications: bacterial eye infections caused by sensitive microorganisms (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, dacryocystitis)

Directions for use and doseseye drops: conjunctivally. 1 drop into the conjunctival cavity of the affected eye 2 times a day for 7 days.

If there is no positive dynamics within 7 days of using the drug, therapy should be reconsidered using other eye drops

Use limited in newborns, especially premature ones

Sulfacyl sodium, albucid - eye drops

The spectrum of action includes gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms: Escherichia coli, Shigella spp., Vibrio cholerae, Clostridium perfringens, Bacillus anthracis, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Yersinia pestis, Chlamydia spp., Actinomyces israelii, Toxoplasma gondii.

Eye drops, indications for use: conjunctivitis, blepharitis, purulent corneal ulcer, prevention and treatment of benorrhea in newborns, gonorrheal and chlamydial eye diseases in adults

Directions for use and doseseye drops: eye drops are instilled 1-2 drops into each conjunctival sac 4-6 times a day.

For prevention blennorrhea in newborns - 2 drops in each conjunctival sac immediately after birth and 2 drops - after 2 hours.

(Blennorea - spicy purulent inflammation mucous membrane (conjunctiva) of the eyes, most often caused by gonococcus (gonoblenorrhea)

Ciprofloxacin, Tsiprolet, Tsipromed - eye drops

Active substance: Ciprofloxacin is an antibacterial agent of the second generation fluoroquinolones group.

Has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action.

: infectious and inflammatory eye diseases (acute and subacute conjunctivitis, blepharitis, blepharoconjunctivitis, keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis, bacterial corneal ulcer, chronic dacryocystitis, meibomitis, infectious eye lesions after trauma or foreign bodies), pre- and postoperative prevention infectious complications in ophthalmic surgery.

Contraindicated for children under 1 year of age

Directions for use and doseseye drops: 1 drop in each eye - every 2 hours for 2 days, and then every 4 hours for 5 days

Levomycetin - eye drops

Active substance: Chloramphenicol is a broad-spectrum bacteriostatic antibiotic that disrupts the process of protein synthesis in the microbial cell.
Active against many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and pathogens purulent infections, typhoid fever, dysentery, meningococcal infection, Haemophilus influenzae bacteria

Eye drops, indications for use: bacterial eye infections, incl. conjunctivitis, keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis, blepharitis, episcleritis, scleritis.

Directions for use and doseseye drops: conjunctivally. 1 drop into the conjunctival cavity of the affected eye 2 times a day for 7 days

Vitabact - eye drops

Active substance: Picloxidine - Drug with antimicrobial effect, a biguanide derivative.

Active regarding Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Eberthella typhosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus vulgaris, Shigella dysenteriae, Bacillus subtilis, Chlamydia trachomatis.

Directions for use and dosage of eye drops: conjunctivally, 1 drop into the affected eye, 2-6 times a day for 10 days (no more).

Eye drops for viral conjunctivitis for children

Viral conjunctivitis - often accompanies colds, therefore, it may be preceded by: fever, sore throat, catarrhal rhinitis. Always starts in one eye, but quickly moves to the other. The discharge is non-purulent (usually transparent), severe lacrimation, and intermittent itching. Eyelashes do not stick together.

Oftalmoferon - eye drops

Ophthalmopheron is combination drug, containing the antiviral and immunomodulatory agent human recombinant interferon alpha-2b and the antihistamine diphenhydramine (diphenhydramine).

Human recombinant interferon alpha-2b has a wide spectrum of antiviral activity, immunomodulatory, and antiproliferative effects. Diphenhydramine (diphenhydramine) - H 1 blocker -histamine receptors- has an antiallergic effect, reduces swelling and itching of the conjunctiva.

: conjunctivally. At viral lesions eyes in adults and children acute stage diseases, the drug is instilled into the conjunctival sac, 1-2 drops up to 6-8 times a day. As the inflammatory process subsides, the number of instillations is reduced to 2-3 times a day, until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

Aktipol - eye drops

Active substance: para-aminobenzoic acid is an inducer of endogenous interferon, which explains one of the mechanisms of specific antiviral action. Has a radioprotective effect, regulates water-salt balance, stimulates corneal regeneration processes, does not have teratogenic, mutagenic or embryotoxic effects.

Indications: Viral conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis, keratouveitis caused by Herpes simplex, Herpes zoster, adenovirus, keratopathies of infectious, post-traumatic and post-operative origin, dystrophic diseases of the retina and cornea, burns and eye injuries, discomfort associated with eye strain and fatigue, incl. when wearing contact lenses.

Method of application and dosage of eye drops : instill 1-2 drops into the conjunctival sac 3-8 times a day. After clinical recovery, continue instillation of 2 drops 3 times a day for 7 days.

Oftan Idu - eye drops

Active substance: Idoxuridine - Pyridine nucleotide: 2"−5-ioduridine, structurally similar to uridine. By disrupting the synthesis of nucleic acids (primarily DNA), it has a selective inhibitory effect on replication herpetic viruses (Herpes simplex).

Indications: Keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis caused by the Herpes simplex virus (superficial form). Infectious lesions of the corneal epithelium, especially dendritic ulcers.

Contraindicated in children under 2 years of age

Method of application and dosage of eye drops : 1 drop into the conjunctival cavity every hour during the day and every 2 hours at night; after sustained improvement - every 2 hours during the day and every 4 hours at night. Treatment is continued for 3-5 days after complete healing, confirmed by the absence of fluorescein staining of the cornea.

The course of treatment is no more than 21 days.

Eye drops for allergic conjunctivitis for children

Allergic conjunctivitis- the main symptoms will be unbearable itching, slight swelling of the conjunctiva and eyelids, and sometimes pain. If this conjunctivitis accompanies bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis, then the corresponding symptoms will be added.

If a child has allergic conjunctivitis, it is necessary antihistamines in the form of tablets, liquid or eye drops. Cool or warm compresses, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen may help your child find comfort.

Allergic conjunctivitis in children goes away without any drug effects To do this, you just need to eliminate the allergen.

Allergodil, Azelastine - eye drops

Phthalazinone derivative. Selectively blocks histamine H1 receptors, reduces capillary permeability and exudation. Inhibits degranulation mast cells, inhibits synthesis or prevents liberation biologically active substances(histamine, serotonin, leukotrienes, platelet-activating factor, etc.), causing bronchospasm and contributing to the development of early and late stage allergic reactions and inflammation.

pharmachologic effect- antiallergic, antihistamine, membrane stabilizing.

Indications: Allergic conjunctivitis (seasonal, year-round).

Contraindicated in children under 4 years of age

Method of application and dosage of eye drops : 1 drop conjunctivally in each eye in the morning and evening until the symptoms of the disease disappear. If necessary, the dose is increased to 4 times a day, one drop in each eye.

Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory process that affects eyeball, eyelids and mucous membrane. Doctors diagnose the disease in 2% of newborns.

Eye damage in infants occurs as a result of the introduction of bacteria. All inflammatory processes that develop during the first 2–3 months of a child’s life are called ophthalmia by doctors.

Almost immediately after birth, doctors treat the eyes of newborns to prevent the development of conjunctivitis. Preventative treatment provides for mortgaging antibacterial ointment under the eyelid. However, even this does not always protect against infection.

Often, a purulent inflammatory process develops due to non-compliance with hygiene rules. But this is not always the root of the problem. There are many babies who are in sterile conditions in compliance with all sanitary standards, get conjunctivitis.

The main causes of infection:

  • reduced level of immunity in the newborn;
  • during childbirth, when the baby comes into contact with the mother’s mucous membrane, infection with chlamydia and gonococci can occur;
  • lack of regular hygiene procedures;
  • infection with infections living in the mother’s body;
  • presence of a foreign body in the eye.

Depending on the cause, the disease will be classified as purulent or viral conjunctivitis. The nature and duration, as well as treatment, will depend on the type of infection.

A woman who is preparing for childbirth must take care of her health in advance and treat all existing diseases, otherwise the risk of giving birth to an infected child increases significantly.

Types of conjunctivitis in newborns

Young parents should clearly understand what it looks like infectious lesion mucous membrane of the eyes. This will help them determine in a timely manner what is happening to the child and how to treat the disease.

Viral conjunctivitis in newborns it is considered normal reaction the body for pathogenic microbes that affect the mucous membrane of the eyes and mouth. This type must be treated in combination with cold therapy. Doctors note that viral conjunctivitis is very quickly transmitted from a sick child to a healthy baby, but the newborn’s vision does not deteriorate.

Bacterial conjunctivitis. The most diagnosed lesion of the mucous membrane of the eyes in newborns, caused by the introduction of streptococcal or staphylococcal infection. The routes of infection are varied. It could be like an infection with skin mother or child, and from others. The lesion manifests itself in severe hyperemia of the eyes and copious tear production.

Allergic conjunctivitis. Often found in children prone to allergic reactions to pathogenic microorganisms. Has signs of a cold: dry cough, runny nose. Therefore, when the first symptoms appear, you should contact your pediatrician, he will perform differential diagnosis and will tell you how to treat it.

Neonatal conjunctivitis. This group includes all newborns who were infected in the first 28 days of life. The treatment is simple and consists of massaging the area between the nose and eye. The main cause of the disease is a blocked tear gland or a reaction to certain eye drops.

Conjunctivitis in infants - symptoms of the disease

Infectious lesions, depending on the cause, have different symptoms. However, doctors identify symptoms of conjunctivitis in newborns that are present regardless of the etiology:

  • the child constantly tries to scratch his eyes;
  • profuse tear production;
  • the mucous membrane is hyperemic;
  • painful perception bright light(the child squints his eyes);
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • The nature of discharge from the eyes is purulent, serous, hemorrhagic.

A clear sign of bacterial damage to the mucous membrane in a newborn is an inflammatory process in both eyes. First, one-sided infection may occur, and then self-infection on the other side. The child becomes restless, the eyes swell and acquire a characteristic red color.

If action is not taken quickly, discharge will be added to these symptoms. Their character is purulent, yellow-green in color. In the morning, it is difficult for a newborn to open his eyes, because the secreted fluid dries out and sticks the eyelids together.

Conjunctivitis viral nature provoke herpes microbacteria. The infection is localized, most often, on one side. This type of disease takes a long time to treat. common features blistering rashes appear on the skin of the eyelids, tears are released profusely. When infected with adenovirus, the symptoms are similar to a cold.

Allergic conjunctivitis is the body's reaction to an irritating agent: dust, animal hair, plant pollen, medications or products. This type of lesion is rare in newborns. IN clinical picture note the presence of symptoms such as rash, redness of the eyes, damage on both sides. The nature of the discharge is serous. Such conjunctivitis can be cured only by eliminating the allergen.

In newborns, conjunctivitis is designated as neonatal; it often develops as a result of infection with chlamydia and gonococci during labor activity when the mother has gonorrhea or chlamydia.

If conjunctivitis is not treated promptly, the following may develop against its background:

  • gonoblennorrhea – appears on the 2nd–3rd day of a child’s life and is characterized by severe swelling, discharge mixed with blood, sometimes affected deep sections eyes, which leads to serious ophthalmological problems in the future;
  • paratrachoma - appears on the 5th–12th day from birth, has acute course, purulent discharge, often occurs against the background.

Diagnosis of conjunctivitis in newborns

The diagnosis of conjunctivitis in newborns is made after visual inspection pediatrician, if available characteristic features. Assign correct treatment and the disease can be differentiated by taking biological material on microscopic examination: smear and scraping.

If there is a suspicion of an allergic nature, allergy tests are performed. Treatment is prescribed based on the tests obtained, taking into account the type of disease.


Bacterial eye disease in infants requires a comprehensive approach.

Therapy is carried out in several stages:

  1. Constant rinsing of the conjunctival cavity antibacterial agents for the purpose of cleansing.
  2. Instillation with special anesthetic solutions that reduce sensitivity to bright light.
  3. The use of ointments and drops with an antibacterial effect.

Only the doctor who diagnosed the disease prescribes treatment. Independent selection of medications is strictly prohibited. General therapy practiced only in cases of widespread inflammatory process.

Scheme for eye drops for a baby:

  1. The first 6 days of the disease - instillation of drops every 3-4 hours.
  2. The next 4 days - instill in 5-6 hours.
  3. Until recovery – in 12–18 hours.

When treating with eye ointments, they are applied behind the eyelid before bedtime 2-3 times a day.

The disease can be completely eliminated only by removing discharge from the eyes. For this purpose, rinsing with a solution of furatsilin or potassium permanganate is prescribed. The child's eyes should always be open. That is, you cannot tie them or apply compresses, so as not to create favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.

Depending on the severity of the disease and its nature, the newborn will be treated in a hospital or at home. This is decided only by the leading doctor.

If parents suspect the development of conjunctivitis in a newborn, remedies can help cope with the disease traditional medicine. It should be remembered that such treatment can only be complementary and cannot replace drug therapy.

The following will help relieve symptoms:

  • washing the eyes with chamomile decoction;
  • removal of purulent discharge with a swab dipped in tea;
  • wiping with furatsilin solution.

It is important to remember that rinsing is done from the outer edge of the eye to inner corner, while an individual tampon is used on each side.

Preventive measures

The most important thing is to observe the rules of personal hygiene. Parents should carefully monitor the baby's eyes, and if alarming symptoms consult a doctor and do not self-medicate.

You can prevent the development of infection by rubbing 1% tetracycline ointment into the eyes immediately after the birth of the baby. If conjunctivitis is caused by chlamydia, it is recommended to use 2.5% povidone-iodine.

Parents should not only monitor the cleanliness of the child, but also not neglect hygiene procedures themselves. Take place regularly preventive examinations in the clinic, including at the gynecologist. This will help identify pathogenic microorganisms on early stages and prevent infection of the baby.


The disease occurs quite often, and even in infants. Watery eyes, redness, itching and burning appear. This type of inflammation is caused by a virus. Conjunctivitis can be allergic, viral and chlamydial.


In the first case, inflammation of the connective membrane of the eyes occurs. When the child wakes up, his eyelids may appear glued together. The baby reaches out to his eyes and scratches them. There are seasonal allergic conjunctivitis appears during flowering causing allergies plants and shrubs. What else can trigger the occurrence? Animal hair, a number of products and medicines, and ordinary dust are strong allergens. Year-round inflammation is expressed chronic runny nose And bronchial asthma. Viral species The disease occurs as a result of pneumonia and tonsillitis.

Chlamydial conjunctivitis cannot appear in an infant. Adults are susceptible to it. And they may suffer from allergic, viral and bacterial types of illness. By the way, they get sick quite often. But how and where can a baby become infected before he has had time to interact with environment, after all, he had just been born? It turns out that bacteria can enter a child’s body through the birth canal.


The causes of conjunctivitis are the following: staying in rooms where aerosols and paints are sprayed, vitamin deficiency, blurred vision, bright sun and dry air.

Attentive parents will always notice any deviation in the health of their baby. And tears and redness of the eyes will give reason to worry. It happens that both eyes do not immediately become inflamed. The disease may only affect one person at first. But this is at the beginning, and if treatment is not started on time, the second eye will also become inflamed.

Treatment methods

Conjunctivitis in infants is a serious disease. Therefore, you shouldn’t joke with him while self-medicating. Any treatment should begin with a visit to your pediatrician. This is the only way to most effectively influence the virus that causes conjunctivitis. A specialist will definitely prescribe drops. He will also select the best dosage for a particular case. The doctor will recommend cold compresses. With the right and systematic application With the prescribed medications, the child recovers quickly: within a few weeks. Sometimes it is enough to rid the baby of contact with the allergen. At bacterial form For diseases, ointments and drops containing antibiotics are used. They eliminate inflammation and have a gentle effect on the child’s body, since the dosage of antibiotics in the drugs is small. When using drops, conjunctivitis quickly disappears.


Decoctions medicinal herbs can enhance the effects of medications and cope with inflammation. by them

The procedure is simple. Using a gauze swab dipped in a decoction of chamomile, sage and nettle, wipe the eyes after two hours. The direction is from the outer corner to the inner one. This way, pus and dried crusts are perfectly removed from the baby’s eyes. Do not wipe with cotton wool to avoid getting fibers into the child’s eyes.

Aloe juice and tea

We should not forget about folk remedies. Aloe juice is used for this purpose: to do this, you need to squeeze the juice from the leaves of the plant, dilute it with water: one part to ten. Apply drops into each eye three times a day.

Black tea is an excellent well-known drink that relieves eye inflammation. Brew strong tea and apply compresses to both eyes. This will speed up the cleansing of your eyes.

Furacilin solution will help remove pus discharge. From medicines Levomycetin drops and tetracycline eye ointment are preferred.


Purulent conjunctivitis occurs due to infection. Bacteria enter the eyes due to dirty hands and dust. The eyelids become heavy, there is a feeling of pain in the eyes and severe itching. The child may develop photophobia.

Purulent conjunctivitis in newborns occurs due to a decrease in the immunity of the baby himself, birth premature babies, births from mothers who use alcohol and drugs. Sometimes, unfortunately, there is unsanitary conditions in hospitals for women in labor.

Among preventive measures I can name one very important thing: correct processing babies' eyes.


Acute conjunctivitis occurs with a feeling of pain and redness. Mucus and pus also begin to appear. Acute conjunctivitis is accompanied by general malaise, headache and fever. A constant burning sensation and sensation of a foreign object in the eye are present in this form of the disease.

Young mothers are tormented by the question: if conjunctivitis is discovered in their baby, is it possible to walk with him on the street? Of course, it is possible if the child does not have a fever or runny nose.

Conjunctivitis in infants can occur along with a cold and goes away on its own after seven days. In adults, this period lasts longer.


Prevention of conjunctivitis in infants involves following hygiene procedures. Eye disease - serious illness, especially conjunctivitis in infants. How to treat if the baby became infected during childbirth, and inflammation begins almost immediately from the moment of birth? The baby cannot open his eyes, the eyelids are swollen, the conjunctiva is red, and purulent mucus is secreted. It should be washed with special solutions that have a disinfecting effect. You also need to apply drops and anesthetics. Treatment should not be abandoned; it should be continued until complete recovery.

Fever often accompanies conjunctivitis. This symptom indicates the presence of pathogens in the baby’s body. The temperature lasts for about three days. It is imperative to consult a doctor.


If a child has conjunctivitis, E. O. Komarovsky recommends giving him safe drug"Suprastin". It can be used by babies from the first days of life.

We figured out what conjunctivitis is, Komarovsky gives some useful recommendations on this matter: it is better for a baby with a disease not to walk on public playgrounds, not to visit crowded places so as not to add another infection.

There are different types of conjunctivitis. Drops are selected according to the purpose and type of disease.

The bacterial species is treated with drops of Tobrex, Levomycetin and Tsipromed. For a viral type of conjunctivitis, the drug Ciprofloxan is used.

The most important thing to remember is that it is very difficult to cure such a disease in a newborn baby. And if it so happens that the baby does get sick, there is no need to reproach yourself and assume that all the blame falls on the mother. This is possible even with careful care. It is important to know exactly how to treat the baby.

If the disease is not treated correctly, it is possible that serious consequences: may develop chronic form, which will affect visual acuity.

Cannot be abused folk remedies such as washing baking soda, compresses from dairy products, use instead of eye drops castor oil, application grated potatoes and black bread.

It should be remembered that children born ahead of schedule, as a result of conjunctivitis, complications may arise in the form of meningitis, sepsis and otitis media. You should not relax and consider inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes to be a harmless, easily passing disease.

Every mother wants to see her baby strong and healthy. And the foundation of a child’s health is laid in the first years of his life. Immunity is developed and strengthened, physical and mental qualities develop, and the baby acquires useful communication skills and creative imagination. I wouldn’t want one disease to cancel out all of the above.

It is impossible to completely protect a child from communication with other children and adults. And maybe even with those who are already sick. But a mother must remember that her son or daughter must be treated with great attention, since any disease is easier to prevent or cure at the very first stage than to treat an already advanced variant. Another rule: do not overdo it with folk remedies. And in everything you need to consult with your doctor.


To summarize, it must be said that conjunctivitis is the most frequent illness newborn children. And for young, inexperienced parents, any ailment of their first-born can cause a state of panic. Take your time, find out the causes of purulent discharge from the eyes, consult a pediatrician - these are the first steps for parents if you suspect conjunctivitis. Any condition of the mother is passed on to her child. This connection is invisible. If the mother panics and worries, the baby will become restless and whiny. And any anxiety and irritability have a bad effect on the healing process. Good mood, always had faith in the best positive effect in the treatment of any disease.