Why do you dream about a falling fence near your house? Seeing a fence in dreams, according to different peoples. Biblical dream book of Azar Dream Interpretation: Seeing a fence in a dream

A fence is essentially a border separating territories. Used as a symbolic designation of the border, or as an actual physical obstacle for uninvited guests, this item is capable of both protecting the owner of the property and blocking the way for a traveler. A detailed analysis of the dream and a competent dream book will help you understand why you dream about a fence - reliability and safety, or obstacles on the path of life.

One of the ways to interpret a dream is to interpret it based on the material in which the fence was made. The meaning of the dream is also influenced by the integrity of the fence, its height, size, and length.

Fence material and condition

  1. A fence made of wooden rods seen in a dream is a good sign, foreshadowing a favorable period in all life plans. The dreamer will achieve goals of any complexity and deal with problems shelved if he manages to seize the moment. The period after such a dream is the ideal time to show enthusiasm for work.
  2. If the fence in a dream is so high that it is impossible to climb over it, the dream speaks of an impossible task that the dreamer has undertaken in reality. The likelihood of achieving your goal is almost zero.
  3. A broken fence represents a security threat - this indicates the appearance in real life of a malicious person who wants to deceive the person who had the dream or steal something from him.
  4. A wrought iron fence speaks of the love, authority and respect experienced by others for the dreamer.
  5. A fence made of large and thick logs symbolizes useful and pleasant acquaintances and surprises. If, in the near future after this dream, the person who observed it meets a new pleasant acquaintance, for whom he subsequently begins to develop feelings, they will be able to create a promising couple, from which a strong family will emerge.
  6. A metal fence seen at night foreshadows an evening in the pleasant company of relatives or close friends.
  7. A shaky fence seen in night vision portends a threat to one’s financial condition and well-being.
  8. A large brick fence, which emanates reliability and strength, suggests that in real life the dreamer is indeed under the protection and patronage of an influential person who is respected. The dream may also indicate that the dreamer is protected by fate itself. The dream book recommends thanking a patron, be it a real character or an unknown force.
  9. Seeing a hedge in a dream means preparing for a short separation from your partner. Such a separation could be a departure on a business trip, and upon the dreamer’s return, a new round in the relationship awaits. If such a dream was seen by a person who is in a quarrel, now is the time to take a step towards reconciliation.

Actions with the fence

Those who had to put up a fence with their own hands in night vision can expect good news in real life. An influential person will help the dreamer. However, you shouldn’t sit idle - you’ll have to work hard yourself to achieve something.

If in a dream you happened to build a fence in a rural area, in reality you should be more open and not distance yourself from people. Such a dream speaks of the isolation of the person who observed it. Further self-isolation leads to loneliness and deprivation of peace of mind.

An extremely favorable omen is to knock over a fence with a slight movement in a dream and continue on your way. In this case, the dreamer will achieve the most daring and unrealistic goals thanks to his perseverance and incessant attempts.

If in night vision someone constantly interferes with the construction of a palisade, this is not a good sign. Such a dream means that in real life a person is minding his own business. Perhaps the dreamer does not like his job, and this means a lot. Or she confuses him, causes inconvenience. It’s worth looking for a job you like without wasting your own nerves.

Climbing a fence means success in implementing new ideas. If the dreamer is comfortable and comfortable at the top, and he does not experience fear of heights, in reality he will be able to overcome obstacles without difficulty. If, being at the top, the dreamer is afraid and nervous, in real life he will make a serious, but not irreparable mistake.

Seeing a fence in night vision, climbing on it, and then falling - giving up, having already reached the point of no return. If the interpretation of the dream comes true and in reality the dreamer really abandons something, this will spoil his reputation as a responsible person. It’s worth gathering your willpower and completing the undertaking you started.

Miller's Dream Book

If in a picture you dreamed at night, a person and his friends climb a fence, and then they all accidentally bring it down, this is a bad sign, foreshadowing an accident with a loved one.

As the dream book says, the fence over which the dreamer climbed symbolizes the use of not the most honest means to achieve the goals.

If a young girl dreams of how she builds a fence, the dream foreshadows her spiritual intimacy with her relationship partner.

Freud's Dream Book

Climbing over a fence, according to a well-known interpreter, means in real life using cunning to influence a person and his feelings. Unobtrusive and subtle manipulations will ultimately lead to success.

If you happen to build a fence in night vision, this means that in reality the dreamer is trying to isolate himself from feelings, love and everything connected with it.

Breaking a fence means getting rid of old unrequited or lost love, from long-exhausting feelings. After such a dream, you will be able to open up to new relationships.

Esoteric dream book

A high fence that cannot be overcome promises separation from loved ones, separation.

Overcoming the fence means coping with obstacles, overcoming difficulties, and the separation will not last long. The method of overcoming a fence (jumping, breaking) speaks of the tactics that a person uses in real life.

Dream book of the past

Why does a woman dream about a fence:

A fence means two things: isolation from society and the desire to be yourself, to have your own private life, independent of anyone, a person who sees a fence in a dream most likely experiences some kind of restrictions that may apply to both his personal life and and to work.
A fence seen in a dream may also reflect a desire to limit the interference of others in one’s personal life and the desire to hide from others one’s deepest feelings or desires that a person is ashamed of. Often such a person is too dependent on the opinions of others. The solution to this problem is to realize the intrinsic value of your own personality, your feelings and thoughts and work out the problems of the past associated with the negative assessment of your behavior by other people.

Loff's Dream Book

Seeing a fence in a dream means:

Fences mean isolation in a negative sense and security in a positive sense. A more accurate interpretation can only be obtained by taking into account who or what the fence is protecting from. You will decipher the meaning of such a dream if you can guess what overcoming this obstacle promises - positive or negative emotions.
In addition, a fence is a kind of BORDER, especially when you feel that it is an insurmountable obstacle.
Where is the boundary of your personal relationships with people who appear in your dreams? Perhaps you would like to change these boundaries and take the relationship in a new direction? Seeing yourself alone by a fence signals the need to protect yourself more reliably.

Intimate dream book

A dream with a fence in the dream book is interpreted as:

A fence symbolizes an obstacle.
So, if you dreamed that you were climbing over a fence, it means that in reality you will try to achieve your goal in some roundabout way. You will not be able to influence a person and his feelings directly, so you will choose the tactics of a soft and outwardly imperceptible influence, to which the person will soon succumb.
If in a dream you put up a fence, then you are trying to isolate yourself in real life from love and everything connected with it. In your firm belief, love brings evil to a person, since it forces him to bare his soul and feelings to strangers. Yes, it’s hard for you to live with such an understanding of love.
If you dreamed about breaking a fence, this can only mean one thing - soon you will feel an unexpected state that will free your soul and feelings from the heavy captivity of memories. You will finally be freed from old love and will be able to look at life with interest, because it has not passed at all, and you are still young and full of strength to meet love again. And living in the past all the time means methodically poisoning your soul, leaving it no chance for revival.

Modern dream book

Dreaming of a fence means:

If you dreamed that you climbed a fence, this means that all your endeavors will be successful.
Falling off a fence predicts that you will take on a task that you are not capable of, and you will see in practice that all your efforts will be fruitless.
If you are sitting on a fence with others, and suddenly the fence falls, such a dream foreshadows an accident in which a certain person will suffer.
If you dream that you are crawling through a hole in a fence, this is an omen that you will use illegal methods to achieve your goal.
To knock down a fence and step over it means that you will energetically overcome serious obstacles that separate you from success.
Seeing a herd of domestic animals jumping over the fence into your yard is a sign that help will unexpectedly come to you.
If animals, on the contrary, run away through the fence, losses await you in trade and other matters.
A dream in which you are building a fence means that you are persistently and persistently laying the foundation for future prosperity.
For a girl, such a dream promises success in love affairs; and vice versa, if in her dream a fence falls or she herself falls from it, then this foreshadows failure in love.

Gypsy dream book

Fence dream meaning:

If you saw a fence in a dream, it means that you feel limited in some way.
If in a dream you climb over a fence, this means that you are desperately trying to get out of the current situation.

Old Russian dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a fence:

fence - separation from a loved one; let.

Miller's Dream Book

What a fence might mean in a dream:

Climbing - successful completion of an important task;
fall from it - you are taking on a task for which you are incapable, and failure awaits you;
sitting on a fence with friends and accidentally bringing it down means an accident with one of your loved ones;
climbing over a fence - you will want to resort to unsuitable means to achieve your goal;
knock over the fence in order to pass - you will begin to strive and achieve the almost impossible;
a herd knocking over a fence on its way - receiving support from an unexpected quarter;
putting up a fence - to active creative activity, prosperity;
for a young person - to spiritual closeness with a loved one.
Also see Horseshoe.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

A fence in a dream means:

Fence - to court cases; perhaps to a conclusion.
Separate the fence - you will have to give in to your enemies. You, so to speak, will give up your positions, everything will be the way they want.

Psychoanalytic dream book

If a girl dreams of a fence, it means:

The fence is an ambivalent symbol, indicating isolation and the desire to isolate oneself, remaining oneself. Constraint to be authentic.

Correct dream book

Why does a woman dream about a fence:

let; destroy - overcome an obstacle

Slavic dream book

A fence in a dream from Slavic dream book

Fence - separation from a loved one; repair - caution; destroy - decline in business.

Small dream book

A fence in a dream from Small dream book

A dream in which you climbed a fence means that all your endeavors will be successful. Falling off the fence means that you will take on a task that you are not capable of, and you will see in practice that all your efforts will be fruitless. Climbing through a hole in a fence means that you will use illegal methods to achieve your goal. If in a dream you are sitting on a fence, and the fence suddenly falls, then such a dream foreshadows an accident. If in a dream you come across a fence on your way, you break it, step over it and move on, it means that you will be able to accomplish something global. A dream in which a herd of domestic animals is crossing a fence into your yard symbolizes unexpected, but much-needed help. If, on the contrary, animals run away through the fence, then you will experience losses in trade and other matters. If in a dream you are building a fence, then in reality the fruits of your labor are not yet noticeable, but you know for sure that you are laying the foundation for future prosperity. For a girl, such a dream promises success in love affairs.

Ukrainian dream book

A fence in a dream from Ukrainian dream book

Let. To jump over - to overcome an obstacle, to carry out a dream. To see someone behind the fence - you have enemies. A fence is separation from a loved one, an obstacle.

Esoteric dream book

A fence in a dream from Esoteric dream book

Insurmountable - difficulty, separation from loved ones. Overcome - difficulties will be overcome, the separation will not be long. The method of overcoming the fence (climbing, disassembling, finding a passage) speaks of the way to deal with difficulties.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

A fence in a dream from Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Climbing a fence in a dream means the successful completion of an important task.
Falling off a fence is a sign of failure: you will take on a task that you cannot complete.
If in a dream you climb through a fence, in reality you will want to resort to dubious means to achieve your goal.
Knocking over a fence in order to pass is a sign that with your energetic actions in life you will begin to achieve and achieve the almost impossible.
A dream in which you are building a fence foreshadows active creative activity and prosperity. After such a dream, a girl can hope for spiritual intimacy with her beloved.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

A fence in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Climbing a fence in a dream means money for which you have been waiting for a long time.
Build - to success in business.
Repairing a fence means a lot of trouble.
In a dream, you watch someone building a fence - know that in the near future everything will be fine with you.
You watched someone repair a fence - one of your loved ones is facing a lot of trouble.
Breaking a fence means changes in life.
A dream in which you watched someone break a fence - soon one of your relatives will commit a careless act, and you may lose a large sum of money.
If you dreamed that you crawled through a hole in a fence, beware of your friends, among them there is a secret ill-wisher who can make you lose a large sum.

Dream book of the 21st century

A fence in a dream from Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century

The fence you dreamed of is a sign of upcoming obstacles.
Climbing over a fence means you can overcome them without much difficulty. If you really want to, but cannot climb over it, then difficulties and stagnation in business await you.
Climbing a fence in a dream means the imminent completion of an important task.
Falling off a fence is a warning that you have taken on a task that you are unable to complete.
Building a fence is a harbinger of patronage and help.
Breaking a fence means a decline in business.

Miller's Dream Book

A fence in a dream from Miller's dream book

In a dream, climbing a fence means the successful completion of an important task.
If you fell from a fence, then this dream warns you that you are taking on a task for which you are incapable, and failure awaits you.
An unfavorable dream is in which you, sitting with friends on a fence, accidentally bring it down - it promises an accident with one of your loved ones.
If in a dream you climb over a fence, it means that in reality you will want to resort to unsuitable means to achieve your goal.
In a dream, knocking over a fence in order to pass is a sign that with your energetic actions in life you will begin to achieve and achieve the almost impossible.
If you dream of a herd knocking over a fence on its way, this is a harbinger of receiving support from an unexpected side.
The dream that you are putting up a fence is favorable: it portends active creative activity and prosperity for you.
For a young lady, such a dream foreshadows spiritual intimacy with | loved one.

Freud's Dream Interpretation

A fence in a dream from Freud's dream book

A fence, as a set of a large number of vertical elements (picket fence, cast iron spears, etc.), symbolizes your active sex life and a large number of sexual partners.

If the fence is in good condition, painted, etc., then you treat each sexual partner with care, try to achieve mutual pleasure and not cause harm. I can only envy your tone! A rotten or broken fence indicates that your relationships are promiscuous and you are indifferent to the health and feelings of your sexual partners. Your tone tends to fall, and if you do not take any measures, then impotence is just around the corner

Love dream book

A fence in a dream from Love dream book

A dream in which you watch the construction of a fence foretells that you are concerned about your relationship and want to improve the situation. And building a fence is the first step towards that. Plus, you will be pleased with the result.

Azar's Dream Book

A fence in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Azar


Newest dream book

A fence in a dream from Newest dream book

The fence is a difficulty in healing: you need to either change the treatment strategy or look for another healer.

ABC of dream interpretation

A fence in a dream from ABCs of dream interpretation

Seeing a fence is an obstacle, minor failures.
Build or repair - limit your range of activities.
Sitting on the fence is good luck.
Falling off the fence is a ruin of plans.

Family dream book

A fence in a dream from Family dream book

If in a dream you climbed a fence, the successful completion of an important task lies ahead; fell from it - keep in mind that you are not taking on your own business; climbed through a loophole in a fence in a dream - in reality you will want to resort to dishonest means to achieve your goal; knocked over a fence - you will achieve the almost impossible; put it - active creative activity and prosperity are ahead; For a girl, such a dream portends spiritual intimacy with a loved one.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

A fence in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of May, June, July, August

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

A fence in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

A fence is an obstacle, failure in business.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

A fence in a dream from Dream Interpretation by Grishina

Fence, wattle fence - minor failures and obstacles that tend to seem insurmountable / gossip, slander of a name.
Building it is a success.

Dream book for a bitch

A fence in a dream from Dream Interpretation for a Bitch

The fence is a successful completion of the matter.
Build - activity and enterprise will bring prosperity.
Climbing over a fence - you don’t have to use cunning to achieve your goal.

Wanderer's Dream Book

A fence in a dream from Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Fence - alienation, quarrel, separation, protection from other people's influences, obstacle.

Wanderer's Dream Book

A fence in a dream from Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

A fence is an obstacle, a barrier.

Lunar dream book

A fence in a dream from Lunar dream book

The fence is an obstacle.
Destroy a fence - overcome an obstacle.

Repairing it - such a dream says that you should take a more balanced approach to matters so that the optimal solution is not found in hindsight.

Seeing in a dream a very old and rotten fence that collapsed as soon as you leaned on it is a harbinger of an accident with one of your close friends.

Climbing over a fence in a dream means that in reality you will have to resort to cunning to carry out your plans.

Hanging on a fence, clinging to a nail, foreshadows the successful completion of a task.

Falling from a fence and hurting yourself is a warning to you not to take on a task in which you know nothing, because failure will inevitably follow.

Blowing up a fence in a dream or seeing it blown up is a sign that with your decisive actions and assertiveness you will achieve much more in life than if you meekly submit to circumstances and wait until Lady Luck deigns to smile on you.

Crashing into a fence with a car and smashing it into pieces is a harbinger of unexpected support from yesterday’s competitor.

A burning fence means a bright streak in life will come.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

A fence in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Successful completion of an important task.

Build or repair - you have to choose between an important thing and a necessary one.

Climbing a fence - your career growth depends on the result obtained.

Sitting is a well-deserved rest after working days.

Climb or step over - do not stop there, new victories await you.

Climb through a hole - you will find a way out of a difficult situation.

Destroy - to achieve your goal you will have to break your stereotypes in life.

Climb under a fence - to succeed, you need to use cunning.

To paint - the key to your success is getting rid of unnecessary guardianship, most likely from relatives.

Look at the fence you dreamed about. Try mentally painting it green.

If necessary, repair the fence. If possible, make the fence even larger.

Dream book of the 20th century

A fence in a dream from 20th century dream book

Seeing your fence intact and in good working order in a dream: a sign that nothing threatens your well-being.

If in recent days you have had any conflicts with others, then the dream promises that the situation will soon improve.

If in a dream your fence seems too high: this means that you should not isolate yourself and your problems.

Seeing your fence lopsided or noticing a hole in it: this is a signal that your well-being is in some danger.

Alien or ownerless fences: symbolize obstacles and restrictions on your life path.

Typically, such dreams encourage you to adhere to certain established frameworks and protect you from the temptation to engage in any dubious activities.

Seeing a fence blocking your way in a dream is a warning about unexpected obstacles that threaten to interfere with your plans.

Seeing an ownerless fence collapsed or noticing a hole or gate in it: a sign that in reality you may soon have new prospects, good or bad, depending on the general atmosphere of the dream.

Rommel's Dream Book

A fence in a dream from Rommel's Dream Book

Seeing a fence in a dream means an obstacle in business, separation from a loved one.

However, a fence also means safety, a symbolic fence for you from fear and trouble.

Repairing a fence is a call for caution.

A hole in someone's fence means the death of the owner, a hole in your fence means the danger of losing something.

Seeing something through a hole means regretting what was lost.

Putting up or building a fence means success in business and influential patronage.

Tearing down or destroying a fence means material losses.

But if you knock over the fence in order to pass, you will achieve a lot in life, you will achieve your goal.

Climbing the fence means successfully finishing the job.

Falling off a fence is a sign of failure.

To bring down a fence suddenly, accidentally, after sitting on it with friends, means an accident with someone close to you.

Climbing over the fence means taking extreme measures to fulfill your plans.

Sitting on the fence with friends means meeting them.

Breaking a fence means ruin.

You sit with your friends, you break with your friends - everyone will succeed together!

Astrological dream book

A fence in a dream from Astrological dream book

Forbidden desires are symbolized by this dream.

Climbing over a fence means achieving a goal through overcoming difficulties.

Why do you dream of an iron fence? The dream book states: you have to overcome obstacles, experience troubles, and solve difficult problems. But also a vision in a dream promises useful activities, the patronage of an influential person.

Obstacles, separations

Since a fence is an obstacle, if you dreamed that it was made of iron, it means that there is an insurmountable obstacle ahead.

Seeing an iron fence in front of you in a dream means: you will soon have to go through a separation from your loved one.

The vision also indicates restrictions holding the sleeper back. He may want to get more freedom, but this will cause rejection among his loved ones.

Meaning according to Miller's dream book

Why dream of a reliable iron fence around your house? The dreamer seeks to protect himself from negative emotions or enemies. Therefore, sometimes he behaves somewhat rudely or even aggressively. It is important not to alienate those acquaintances who could become good friends.

Dream details

The interpretation of the dream takes into account what was done to it:

  • climbed over - together with your partner you can solve a complex problem;
  • fell from there - you are doing something unsuitable for yourself, so you will fail;
  • built - the annoying problem will soon be resolved;
  • removed the fence that was blocking the passage - you will be able to successfully resolve a difficult issue.

You are protected, have an influential patron

Seeing a high iron fence around your house in a dream means, according to the dream book: you are completely protected and safe.

A dream about an iron fence may represent the patronage of some influential person. And the higher this fence, the more significant this person is.

Successful activity, completion of what started

Why do you dream about its construction? There is constructive activity ahead that will bring considerable benefits.

Did you see in a dream how you climbed onto it and sat on top? In reality, you will be able to successfully complete the work you started, since the circumstances will be very favorable.

An insurmountable task, anxiety, the machinations of enemies

A dream about an iron fence foreshadows, according to the dream book, an insurmountable task that will confront the sleeper. There is no need to give in to difficulties - with effort and ingenuity, it is quite possible to overcome them. Well, you can turn to your loved ones for help if you really don’t see a way out.

Why do you dream of a metal mesh fence? In reality, the dreamer will be tormented by anxiety, vague premonitions, and anxiety due to the uncertain situation in which he finds himself.

Did you see an impregnable iron fence in a dream? The dream book warns: enemies will become more active very soon and will use any new information against you. Therefore, you should not be too frank even with close friends - especially about something that really upsets you.

In real life, a fence can protect a person’s private life from the prying eyes of others, or it can be an obstacle to getting into the place you need. Based on this, dream books ambiguously interpret this image in our night dreams.

The universal dream book, for example, considers a fence in a dream a symbol of security, but there are many other interpretations. Other interpreters, explaining why a fence is dreamed of, consider the ownership of the fence to be a very important point.

If the enclosing structure belongs to the dreamer, this means that the person is safe and feels serene and calm. And even if he has worries about how events will develop, the fence seen in a dream serves as a calming symbol: adversity will pass him by.

If you dreamed of a fence that belongs to another owner, or is completely ownerless, then such a vision warns of obstacles that may arise in the near future. Such an image in a dream is a reason to reconsider your plans and understand why they do not correspond to the real situation. There is still time to adjust your actions.

If the dreamer remembers much more details of his own nightly “movie,” this will help to interpret his dream more specifically. Such a symbol becomes especially relevant when you manage to recall in your memory your own actions that you performed in a dream. Dream Interpretations highlight several main themes related to fences:

  • In the dream you had to climb over a fence.
  • I dreamed that I needed to build a fence.
  • You were painting the fence.
  • They were looking for a gate or hole in a fence or fence.
  • You yourself or someone else breaks the fence.
  • It is also important what material the fence was made from.

A separate plot is when in a dream you dream of a fence or grave enclosure. Such a vision seems frightening only at first glance, but in reality there is nothing scary in it.

Such dreams come to remind us: we should not forget about family and friendly ties and consign them to oblivion. If you dreamed of a cemetery fence, there is no need to be afraid - it will be much more useful to visit relatives or invite them to visit. It would also be a good idea to chat with friends you haven’t seen for a long time.

Overcoming and building barriers

As the famous Miller's dream book says, a fence that you climbed in a dream, trying to climb over it, is a very good sign. This means that the important business you are currently busy with will be completed quite successfully.

If you suddenly fell from a fence after climbing on it, do not rush to take on the task that will soon be offered to you: it may turn out to be extremely unsuccessful, and refusal will help you save time, nerves and money.

If you managed to climb over the fence in a dream and get to your intended goal, such a plot foreshadows that in life you will be able to achieve what you want. True, it is possible that for this you will have to use non-standard moves. Such a vision in a dream is like a guide to action: the straight road is not always the shortest and surest.

Looking through a fence that blocks your way in a dream, says the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, means that soon obstacles may arise on your way that you are not even aware of. Don’t be upset: you already know that this can happen, which means you will be more attentive to people and circumstances. And perhaps it is thanks to this that you will be able to overcome the obstacles that fate has in store for you.

Why do you dream about the fence that you happened to build in your own visions? The dream book for a bitch explains that this is an important signal: in reality you need to be ready to act quickly and wisely. Building a fence in a dream means that in reality you have to lay the foundation for a good financial condition in the future. For a young girl, a dream in which she had to build a fence is a sign that she will soon receive a marriage proposal and arrange her family life.

When asked why a fence is dreamed of - iron or wooden - most interpreters answer this way: most likely, the dreamer will soon change his place of residence.

Perhaps he will inherit real estate or make a successful purchase of an apartment or house. It is possible that the sleeper will be given a very lucrative job offer in another city.

Whitewashing a wooden fence in your dreams means that in reality you are waiting for an invitation to some big special event: it could be a wedding, anniversary or some kind of official celebration. But if you dream that you are painting someone else’s fence, this means that in reality you will be able to get rid of the close attention of a person you don’t like.

New and broken fences

Seeing a dream in which a fence turns out to be broken is also an ambiguous symbol. It all depends on who broke the fence and how.

As Miller’s dream book says, if in a dream you and a group of friends tried to get over a fence, climbed onto it, and the fence fell along with the people, this is not a very favorable sign. But not for the dreamer himself, but for those people whom he saw with him in his dreams. Perhaps one of your friends is at risk of injury from an accident, and it is your job to warn your friend.

If the fence fell as a result of your attempts to get over it, or you simply broke the fence to clear the way for yourself in your night dreams, says Melnikova’s Dream Interpretation, this means that in reality you should be decisive and not follow the lead of “authoritative people.” The ability to defend your point of view and the conviction that you are right can bring you success.

Why do you dream of a fence that fell because in your night visions you crashed into it? A fence broken in this way means that you should not refuse in reality a lucrative offer that will soon come to you from a former competitor. Agree to cooperate - it will be mutually beneficial.

You dreamed that your path was blocked by a high wooden fence, but after a long search you managed to find a loophole in it, which means you can solve the problem that worries you.

However, almost all dream books warn that you will be very tempted to use rather risky methods for this. Interpreters advise assessing possible risks and acting only when this risk is truly justified and does not threaten you with exposure.

If you dream of an iron fence along which you are walking, and then quite unexpectedly you see a gate in it, such dreams tell the sleeper that one should not give up, even if it seems that everything is bad. As a result of your perseverance and work, a solution will be found. Thanks to your best qualities, you will achieve success and achieve your goals.

Why dream of a fence if it is new and quite nice-looking? Freud's dream book is sure that a new fence in good, well-maintained condition speaks of the dreamer as a caring partner. This means that you show all the best qualities towards your “other half”, and this will be the key to a long and happy love relationship.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream of a Fence in a dream according to 44 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Fence” symbol from 44 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Eastern dream book

Why do you dream of a Fence in a dream according to the dream book?

Climb the fence- to success in all endeavors, they will be successful; falling from it means that you will take on a task that you are not capable of, and in practice you will be convinced that all your efforts are in vain; crawl through a hole- evidence of illegal methods of achieving the goal; if you are sitting on it and it suddenly falls- beware of an accident; if you come across a fence on your way and you break it (or step over it) and move on- it means you will be able to accomplish something global; if a herd of domestic animals crosses into the yard- symbolizes unexpected, but much needed help; if the animals, on the contrary, run away through the fence- losses await you in trade and other matters.

Intimate dream book

Fence - symbolizes an obstacle.

So, if you dreamed that you were climbing over a fence- this means that in reality you will try to achieve your goal in some roundabout ways. You will not be able to influence a person and his feelings directly, so you will choose the tactics of a soft and outwardly imperceptible influence, to which the person will soon succumb.

If in a dream you put up a fence- then you are trying to isolate yourself in real life from love and everything connected with it. In your firm belief, love brings evil to a person, since it forces him to bare his soul and feelings to strangers. Yes, it’s hard for you to live with such an understanding of love.

If you dreamed about breaking a fence- this can only mean one thing - soon you will feel an unexpected state that will free your soul and feelings from the heavy captivity of memories. You will finally be freed from your old love and will be able to look at life with interest, because it has not passed at all, and you are still young and full of strength to meet love again. And living in the past all the time means methodically poisoning your soul, leaving it no chance for revival.

Italian dream book

The fence symbolizes two things: isolation (confinement) and the desire to be yourself, the desire to have your own private life. The restrictions that a person experiences may relate to his personal life or to the business sphere. This image may reflect a person’s desire to limit the interference of other people in his life, as well as the desire to hide from others his deepest feelings or desires that he is ashamed of.

Lunar dream book

The fence is an obstacle.

Destroy a fence - overcome an obstacle.

Love dream book

Fence - a dream in which you watch the construction of a fence foretells that you are concerned about your relationship and want to improve the situation.

And the construction of a fence- the first step towards that. Plus, you will be pleased with the result.

Maly Velesov dream book

If the fence is stone high- great sadness.

Building a fence is a dangerous undertaking.

The fence falls and collapses- attack, danger.

Newest dream book

In a dream, why do you dream of a Fence?

The fence is a difficulty in healing: you need to either change the treatment strategy or look for another healer.

Psychoanalytic dream book

The fence is an ambivalent symbol, indicating isolation and the desire to isolate oneself, remaining oneself. Constraint to be authentic.

Russian dream book

A fence is a failure; fallen - fulfillment of desires.

Family dream book

If in a dream you climbed a fence- successful completion of an important task lies ahead; fell from it - keep in mind that you are not taking on your own business; crawled through a loophole in the fence in a dream- in reality you will want to resort to dishonest means to achieve your goal; knocked over the fence- achieve the almost impossible; put it - active creative activity and prosperity are ahead; a girl has such a dream- portends spiritual intimacy with a loved one.

Dream Interpreter

Building a fence in a dream portends patronage and protection from important people.

Breaking the fence- there is a bad dream and threatens ruin.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about a Fence?

If you dreamed that you climbed a fence- this means that all your endeavors will be successful.

Falling off a fence predicts that you will take on a task that you are not capable of, and you will see in practice that all your efforts will be fruitless.

If you are sitting on a fence with others and suddenly the fence falls- such a dream foreshadows an accident in which a certain person will suffer.

If you dream that you are crawling through a hole in a fence- this is an omen that you will use illegal methods to achieve your goal.

Knock down a fence and step over it- indicates that you will energetically overcome serious obstacles that separate you from success.

Seeing a herd of domestic animals jumping over the fence into your yard- a sign that help will unexpectedly come to you.

If the animals, on the contrary, run away through the fence- You will face losses in trade and other matters.

A dream in which you are building a fence- means that you are persistently and persistently laying the foundation for future prosperity.

A dream like a girl- promises success in love affairs; and vice versa, if in her dream a fence falls or she herself falls from it, then this foreshadows failure in love.

Modern dream book of yogis

The fence is a transition between worlds.

Dream Interpretation 2012

A fence is a reflection of obstacles (most often contrived). A reflection of unsatisfied curiosity.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you dream about the Fence in a dream?

The fence you dreamed about- a sign of upcoming obstacles.

Climb over the fence- this means you can overcome them without much difficulty. If you really want to, but cannot climb over it, then difficulties and stagnation in business await you.

Climb a fence in a dream- to the speedy completion of a responsible task.

Falling off a fence is a warning that you have taken on a task that you are unable to complete.

Building a fence is a harbinger of patronage and help.

Breaking a fence means a decline in business.

Azar's Dream Book

The fence is an obstacle.

Dream book of the future

A fence is an obstacle, a barrier.

Dream Interpretation Veles

A cucumber is lying in front of someone else's fence- a divorced man, or a man who is in a quarrel with his wife

Dream book for lovers

If a young girl dreams that she is putting up a fence- this means that spiritual intimacy with her chosen one awaits her.

Climb a fence in a dream- to a successful relationship with your loved one.

However, the dream in which you fell from the fence- promises a quarrel with your lover.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Fence, wattle fence- minor failures and obstacles that tend to seem insurmountable / gossip, name-calling.

Building it is a success.

Dream book for a bitch

The fence is a successful completion of the matter.

Build - activity and enterprise will bring prosperity.

Climb over the fence- To achieve your goal, it is not necessary to use cunning.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing your fence intact and in good working order in a dream- a sign that nothing threatens your well-being. If in recent days you have had any conflicts with others, then the dream promises that the situation will soon improve.

If in a dream your fence seems too high- this means that you should not isolate yourself and your problems.

Seeing your fence lopsided or noticing a hole in it- this is a signal that your well-being is in some danger.

Stranger or ownerless fences in a dream- symbolize obstacles and restrictions on your life path. Typically, such dreams encourage you to adhere to certain established frameworks and protect you from the temptation to engage in any dubious activities.

To dream of a fence blocking your path- is a warning about unexpected obstacles that threaten to interfere with your plans.

Seeing an ownerless fence collapsed or noticing a hole or gate in it- a sign that in reality you may soon have new prospects, good or bad, depending on the general atmosphere of the dream.

Dream Book of David Loff

Fences mean isolation in a negative sense and security in a positive sense. A more accurate interpretation can only be obtained by taking into account who or what the fence is protecting from. You will decipher the meaning of such a dream if you can guess what overcoming this obstacle promises - positive or negative emotions. In addition, a fence is a kind of BORDER, especially when you feel that it is an insurmountable obstacle. Where is the boundary of your personal relationships with people who appear in your dreams? Perhaps you would like to change these boundaries and take the relationship in a new direction? Seeing yourself alone by a fence signals the need to protect yourself more reliably.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Fence - to court cases; perhaps to a conclusion.

Separate the fence- you will have to give in to your enemies. You, so to speak, will give up your positions, everything will be the way they want.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing in a dream a blank fence on which hangs a sign: “Beware, evil dog,” and not daring to open the gate- you will act hesitantly in an extreme situation.

Separate the fence- new opportunities will appear; it will be possible to give space to plans.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Seeing in a dream how someone puts up a fence in their garden plot- your desire to isolate yourself from people will not lead to good.

Separate the fence- check your affairs and papers, you will have problems that can ruin you; Sometimes this dream means a fine.

Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

If you see yourself climbing over a fence in a dream- this means that you will achieve your goal not in a direct way, but in some roundabout way. You cannot force a person to obey you, so you will try to do it secretly, unnoticed. Your efforts, however, will not be in vain.

Putting up a fence means that you lead a secluded lifestyle. Your feelings are closed from others, because you are sure that love is evil, so to experience this feeling, in your opinion, means to succumb to temptation and make a mistake. Naturally, with such moods and views, you shouldn’t hope for a bright feeling.

Breaking a fence means liberation from memories that oppress you. You will learn to painlessly perceive your previous feeling and get rid of the oppression of sadness. Faith in the best will come to you, you will understand that life is not over and there are still many bright days ahead of you. What has passed will not happen again, so why waste time remembering past happiness? New things await you ahead, so don’t poison yourself with unnecessary regrets.

Miller's Dream Book

Climb the fence

If you fell from the fence- then this dream warns you that you are taking on a task for which you are incapable, and failure awaits you.

An unfavorable dream is in which you, sitting with friends on a fence, accidentally bring it down- it promises an accident with one of your loved ones.

This means that in reality you will want to resort to unsuitable means to achieve your goal.

In a dream, knock over a fence in order to pass

If you dream of a herd knocking over a fence on its way- this is a harbinger of receiving support from an unexpected side.

A favorable dream is that you are putting up a fence: it portends you active creative activity and prosperity. For a young lady, such a dream foreshadows spiritual intimacy with a loved one.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see a Fence in a dream?

A dream in which a fence stands in front of you- naturally, personifies obstacles in life, obstacles in business and other failures. If in a dream you destroy this fence- in reality you are in danger of a decline in business, even to the point of ruin.

Build a fence in a dream- means to gain benevolent patronage and reliable protection. Repairing it - such a dream says that you should take a balanced approach to matters so that the optimal solution is not found in hindsight.

To dream of a very old and rotten fence that collapsed as soon as you leaned on it- a harbinger of an accident with one of your close friends.

Climbing over a fence in a dream- means that in reality you will have to resort to cunning to achieve your plans. Hanging on a fence, caught on a nail- foreshadows the successful completion of the case. Fall off a fence and get hurt- this is a warning to you not to take on a business in which you know nothing, because failure will inevitably follow.

Blowing up a fence in a dream or seeing it blown up- a sign that with your decisive actions and assertiveness you will achieve much more in life than if you meekly submit to circumstances and wait until Lady Luck deigns to smile on you. Crash into a fence with a car and smash it to pieces- a harbinger of unexpected support from yesterday’s competitor. A burning fence means a bright streak will come in life.

Making a fence portends you active creative activity and corresponding prosperity.

Dream book of the past

A fence means two things: isolation from society and the desire to be yourself, to have your own private life, independent of anyone, a person who sees a fence in a dream most likely experiences some kind of restrictions that may apply to both his personal life and and to work.

A fence seen in a dream- may also reflect desires to limit the interference of others in personal life and the desire to hide from others one’s deepest feelings or desires that a person is ashamed of. Often such a person is too dependent on the opinions of others. The solution to this problem is to realize the intrinsic value of your own personality, your feelings and thoughts and work through the problems of the past associated with the negative assessment of your behavior by other people.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

A fence is an obstacle, failure in business.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Climb a fence in a dream- to the successful completion of an important matter.

Falling off a fence is a sign of failure: you will take on a task that you cannot complete.

If in a dream you climb through a fence- in reality you will want to resort to dubious means to achieve your goal.

Knock down a fence to get through- a sign that with your energetic actions in life you will achieve and achieve the almost impossible.

A dream in which you are building a fence- portends active creative activity and prosperity. After such a dream, a girl can hope for spiritual intimacy with her beloved.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Fence according to the dream book?

Fence - alienation, quarrel, separation, protection from other people's influences, obstacle.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Climb a fence in a dream- to the money you have been waiting for a long time.

Build - to success in business.

Repairing a fence means a lot of trouble.

In your dream you watch someone building a fence- know that in the near future everything will be all right.

You watched someone fix a fence- one of your loved ones is going to have a lot of trouble.

Breaking a fence means changes in life.

A dream in which you watched someone break down a fence- soon one of your relatives will commit a careless act, and you may lose a large sum of money.

If you dreamed that you crawled through a hole in a fence- beware of your friends, there is a secret ill-wisher among them who can make you lose a large amount.

Freud's Dream Book

A fence as a set of a large number of vertical elements- symbolizes your active sex life and a large number of sexual partners.

If the fence is in good condition, painted- you treat each sexual partner with care, try to achieve mutual pleasure and not cause harm. I can only envy your tone!

Rotten or broken fence- indicates that your connections are promiscuous, and you are indifferent to the health and feelings of your sexual partners. Your tone tends to fall, and if you do not take any measures, then impotence is just around the corner:

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Fence (hedge)- separation from a loved one.

Obstacle, hole in the fence- to the death of the one whose fence.

Schiller's Dream Book

A fence is an obstacle in business, an obstacle and failure.

Ukrainian dream book

Jump the fence- overcome an obstacle, realize a dream.

See someone behind the fence- you have enemies.

A fence is separation from a loved one, an obstacle.

Universal dream book

Seeing a fence in a dream- a sign that you want to feel protected, but remain free. Do you need to understand what or who you want to protect yourself from or what you want to have unlimited access to?

A fence can also represent the desire to preserve something. What are you trying to maintain in your life?

Perhaps the fence is a sign that you are keeping unwanted people at a distance. Pay attention to the type of fence, this will determine whether the fence in your dream is a symbol of protection: in this case, it should be a strong fence that is difficult to penetrate.

If in a dream you saw a stockade- this suggests that the values ​​of the past are significant to you.

The fence can also be- a symbol of neutral position.

The fence can also- means that someone is secretly “pushing” stolen goods, receiving unclean money for it.

Gypsy dream book

If you saw a fence in a dream- it means you feel limited in some way.

If in a dream you climb over a fence- this means that you are desperately trying to get out of the current situation.

Esoteric dream book

A fence is an insurmountable difficulty, separation from loved ones. Difficulties will be overcome, the separation will not be long.

Method of overcoming a fence (climb, disassemble, find a passage)- talks about a way to deal with difficulties.

Erotic dream book

If in a dream you are standing in front of a fence- this means that in real life you are worried about some restrictions. Perhaps a serious quarrel will occur, caused by the fact that you wish for more freedom and looseness, but you will not be understood.

Walking along a fence in a dream- you have potential that you don’t even know about, so make an attempt to get rid of the pressure of others and surrender to the power of your feelings.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Fence according to the dream book?

Get sick with something in a dream- grief and sadness await you in the near future.

More interpretations

Building a fence in a dream- in reality, troubles of various kinds await you, in addition to the fact that they will greatly spoil your mood, you will have to put up with the fact that they will accompany you for a long time.

Dream about climbing over a fence- the end of the difficult path is not far off. You will receive long-awaited relaxation for soul and body.

A new fence promises to spend time creating something new and in demand in society. Your efforts will be fully rewarded.

Video: Why do you dream of a Fence?

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    Hello. I dreamed that my neighbors set fire to my wooden fence. At first there was a small smoldering flame, then a large flame engulfed the entire fence. In my dream I cried, screamed, got angry. What could this dream mean?
    Thank you.

    I dreamed that I was walking through large vegetable gardens and saw huge trees with huge tangerines growing on them, I wanted them, but I couldn’t pick them because the fence was in the way and I saw giant insects in the neighbor’s garden, then I wanted to climb over the fence, but I was scared , because I saw a huge red snake or worm wriggling near my feet, the other girls had already climbed over, and I stood rooted to the spot.

    Hello! I dreamed that I wanted to leave my loved one and came across a high, blank stone fence. I decide to overcome it after all. I easily climb the fence, but I don’t have enough strength to gain a foothold there, there’s nothing to grab onto and I fall from there, but I don’t completely fall. At first I somehow get off, clinging to something, and in the end I jump, landing on my hands and feet. I don’t feel like I hit or crashed, I just didn’t overcome the obstacle.

    I was walking around the city with friends. I felt danger. I quickly climbed a high wooden fence and realized that a very angry animal was waiting for me below, like a huge cat. I grabbed a thick branch, but it cracked and I fell down. During the fall, I realized that I wouldn’t crash, but I needed to pretend to be dead so that he wouldn’t kill me. So I did. The cat looked at me menacingly through the crack in the fence and I realized that he was no longer interested in me, he waved his tail and left. Another cat came running and began to protect me, and meanwhile I rolled down the grass from the place where I fell. At this time, I saw my friends and sent some kind of circle on the ground at them that was completely burning with a small fire and hurt them, but they jumped back. I talked to this cat and asked him to get married, but he didn’t refuse. I’m sitting at home on the couch, he comes to me, looks at me and I see that there are three (human) back teeth on his right side in his mouth hanging down, as if this part of the jaw was simply cut out and left hanging. I looked at the cat in horror and tried to simply pull out (like a loose tooth) this bunch. Nothing worked, the cat began to try to remove it with his paws and finally removed it. But here comes the problem again. The cat began to fall apart before our eyes. His lower jaw fell off and no muscles or organs remained on his body, only the skeleton of the body and a head without a jaw. Those eyes looked at me as if they were begging me to kill, to beat me up. I did so. There was some kind of device in my hands, as if it was his wind-up toy. It consisted of the body of a mouse and a tail, which can be pulled out very strongly, like on a thread, and then this tail is folded back into the mouse (according to the principle of a vacuum cleaner cord). So. I took this mouse and stretched out its tail. She tied it around her neck and let go. What happened next was simply terrible. The tail began to press down on him with such great force, and until his last breath he looked at me with his bright orange eyes. It was just a nightmare.

    It’s as if my husband and I are walking into some old house (and we think it’s a dacha we bought. And I say that it’s good, in the city, on the street between our houses. That there’s even a street name and house number. It’s surrounded by a high metal fence. and my husband says that the entire plot needs to be fenced off with a new, modern, high metal fence, but I say that it will cost a lot, and that it’s not necessary.

    A white dog with a chain walked and ran; a man stopped it; I walked on again; it caught up with me and barked. At this moment, a black dog runs and runs away without barking at me, and a white one tries to bite my hand, a mesh wire fence with a hole appears between us and through this hole, without biting, pulls off the mitten from me, the mitten remains behind the fence, the dog disappears, I climb over the fence, reach for my mitten and wake up.

    I dreamed that I was walking through the village and passing by a house fenced with a 3-meter wide, stone fence, in which there were no holes or protrusions, just a bare, huge, gray fence. I climbed to the top of this fence, sat down and began to observe the inhabitants of this very village. Opposite there was a house from which an old woman came out and went to work.

    In a dream, I climbed over a fence into another house to go out to another street, as I climbed over the landlady saw me and told me I don’t allow anyone to pass from here, but you are allowed, and she showed me the gate; further road from here. I left through this gate and continued along the path

    a beautiful dark-skinned girl led me into the forest through low fences woven from twigs (wattle fence) on which round holes were clearly woven and at some stage I understand that she is leading me to reprisals, that is, they want to kill me and I fly (transport) through the air through all the fences (wattle fences) back to the beginning of the forest from where (as I remember) we walked hand in hand into the forest. After that, the girl threw up her hands and sadly shrugged her shoulders, regretting that I left her.

    I'm walking down the street, there are houses around me. I see a red fence with white chalk written on it: “Shelter for people.” The fence is painted with fresh paint, bright red. Behind the fence is a 4-story building, painted with fresh red paint, the glass and windows are also painted red.

    I stepped over a small fence (just decorative), while I stumbled slightly, but did not fall, and behind this fence there was a small threshold, but I stepped over. And I had this dream two nights in a row and it was always the same. I step over this fence and stumble slightly, but don’t fall, and behind this low fence there is a small threshold and some plants like grass.

    Hello! Friday morning 5-6. A strange dream: a wooden fence (there was a fence a long time ago, now in its place is a slate fence) I saw how it caught fire because of the military things left near it, while I pulled out the hose to extinguish it, it remained scorched, almost burnt out. The owners are trying to fix things, but maybe they will install a new one, or maybe nothing, the result is unclear

    Good afternoon. The dream has the following content: I am walking with my director (he died in reality in October of this year) and a fence appears in front of us, I am trying to “sneak through” between the bars, and the director advises it is better to climb over. I climb over with difficulty, but for some reason I still find myself on the original side and some people appear, among whom I find my love - I don’t know who he is, but the feeling that I found “HIM” was pleasant. But the director remained on the other side of the fence and I never saw him again. As a result, my new boyfriend and I were left alone and kissed

    I have my own big house, a large landscaped plot, with a stone fence around the plot. The house and fence are painted white. The front part, where the gate and gate to my site are, is about 40 meters long. In a dream, I saw that almost, starting from the gate, 5-7 sections of the stone fence, which is about 20 meters, were completely destroyed: the blocks fell into the interior of the site, and there were Roses growing along the fence, stones fell on them! I asked a person I know who could have done this, and so unnoticed? It was made by a tractor or an excavator! The friend replied that the city authorities did this, since we had not yet created a cadastral passport. But this is nonsense! The house and the fence were built and handed over in accordance with the law, and the documents are there! The authorities just can’t destroy my property! This is chaos! Although, our government... In short, I told my friend that he was wrong and began to think about figuring it out on his own or hiring a lawyer... My mail Sincerely, Andrey. Scorpion. 1959. Boar.

    as if my mother sent me for boards, but in front there was a forest and a big river, I took the boards and went and met a friend and then the boards disappeared. I had to go there again, but my friend took me down the wrong road and I had to go back, but suddenly I met drunks and they followed me and said hurtful things to me

    Hello! I dreamed of a large fence, made of good wood, like an olive tree, I was looking for a gate in it... I found it and went in. And closed myself off from someone... and I looked and inside the yard on the fence there were nylon, white curtains hanging... very beautiful and new ...and I think how much my mother (she died a long time ago) paid for them because it was very expensive for the entire fence, and the fence is tall and large.
    Thank you

    I was visiting a friend, I went out into the hallway and saw a bicycle there, it was lying and covering a hole in the floor (there was light from the hole), for some reason I cried and went outside. There was a chipped wooden fence on the front street and there was snow all around. Then I somehow got to the train station and they told me, wait for the train here. Then I dreamed of some doctors at the station and began to listen to me and told me to take off the ring, but the gold rings were beautiful and I was hiding them. Then I didn’t want anyone to listen to me and left the doctors without shoes

    I have a dream in which a deceased father and mother are present. My father suspects my mother of cheating and wants to take me to the place of the betrayal, and I convince him (because I know for sure) that this is not so, and then we see my mother at the neighbors’ gate, catching a goose and coming towards us with it. Then I see myself repairing a wooden gate (fence) that has been worn out, and my mother, sitting on a bench, tells me not to suffer and quit this job.

    My friend and I rode up on bicycles to a house with a fence and climbed over it. We climbed over and moved away from it and it collapsed, we looked and went further behind the house (the house is blue with white carved platbands), and there in the garden there was like a moat around a towering piece of land in in the form of a square on which trees grow without foliage, but at the base each tree, like pillars, is bolted to the ground with large bolts. We looked and returned to the fence, but our bicycles were gone, they had been stolen. We went out through the littered fence and went to look at another house. And the other house was all black with cobwebs and spiders, and we went somewhere, it was getting dark.

    I saw how a neighbor in his crimson cargo van rammed my fence in order to drive through my territory into his garden, as if he could not turn around any other way. I have a fence made of corrugated sheets with brick pillars between the sections (very strong and quite high). I clearly saw the absence of a gate and 3-4 brick pillars that were half destroyed. And I also saw a hole in the fence between me and my neighbor, which apparently resulted from being rammed by his car. The neighbor was fussing around his house, I went up to him to ask why he did it. He replied that he needed to turn the car around. I was indignant with tears in my eyes, how am I going to restore all this alone with my children? He replied: Why?

    Good morning Tatyana, I dreamed that I was standing at the window in a house near the house there was a red car, a woman, a child and two people in uniform but not the police were getting out. Like the Cossacks with stripes, I looked out the window to the left and saw that there was no part of the fence, why did I dream, I don’t understand, please tell me about what this dream

    Good afternoon In a dream, I was walking through the central market in a light new dress and on my right side a fence or picket fence with gaps between the boards began to fall on me, I fell, but did not feel pain and through these gaps I saw the blue sky.

    Hello! My name is Olga, I had a black and white dream, I’m walking with a man (I can’t see his face) in warm clothes, boots, through dense white-gray snow, my legs sink a little, I’m walking with difficulty, and in front I see a cleared wide road and a high fence , behind which the house is not new, there is cleared snow on the sides of the road. That's all. Thank you in advance!