Sharp pain in the knee on the side. Why does pain appear in the knee on the side from the outside. Knee pain on the inside: treatment

The knee joint has a complex anatomical structure. Its components are located close to each other, and even a specialist will not immediately determine what exactly it is. Often patients complain from the outside, from the side. Such a vague symptom may indicate damage to various elements of the knee. It is worth considering the main causes of pain localized on the outside of the knee.

Knee structure

To better understand the nature of knee pain, it is good to have an understanding of all the elements of the knee joint. It is useful to know the role of each part in the functioning of the joint. Let's list these structures:

  • 3 bones: femur, tibia and patella;
  • hyaline cartilage covering the articulating bones of the knee;
  • joint capsules (capsules);
  • knee ligaments and tendons;
  • menisci;
  • nerves and blood vessels.

The knee is formed by two tubular bones with a rounded middle. The articular surfaces of bones have condyles - bone formations. At the femur they are in the form of an elevation, at the tibia the condyles are flat and form a groove, so the kneecap slides along the condylar depression, as if on rails.

The ends (epiphyses) of the articular bones are covered with cartilaginous tissue. The function of cartilage is to reduce bone friction during movement and soften impacts. This natural knee shock absorber normally does not exceed 6 mm.

There are at least five bursae in the knee. Their size and exact number changes with age. The capsules consist of a synovial membrane that is attached to the bones between, under and to the side of the tendons. Synovial bursae surround the joint cavity and protect it from injury. The capsules contain synovial fluid. This joint secretion lubricates the cartilage of the knee, which prevents it from wearing away.

The articular cavity also contains the ligamentous apparatus of the joint. Connective tissue fibers secure the ends of the articulating bones of the knee. External ligaments strengthen the articulation on the right side. Internal ligaments limit the rotation of the knee forward and backward.

Cartilaginous formations called menisci stabilize the joint during movement. They are also located inside and on the outer side of the joint. The sensitivity of the knee is provided by the popliteal nerve, which is located in the same fossa of the knee. It then splits into two parts and surrounds the shin at the back and side of the shin.

In case of joint injuries, in addition to the nerve, blood vessels can also be damaged: the popliteal arteries and vein, which also supply the lower leg and foot.

Problems with ligaments

Pain on the side of the outside of the knee joint is most often caused by bruises. Such injuries can lead to sprains, tears, or complete tears of ligaments and menisci. We list the main symptoms of ligament damage.

  1. Pain on the outside or inside, depending on the direction of the blow.
  2. Hematoma and swelling in the side of the joint.
  3. Restricted knee mobility.
  4. Increasing pain on the inner side of the knee when bending is characteristic of damage to the internal ligament. It is not located inside the joint, but on the side that is closer to the neighboring leg.

Sprains and tears of ligaments are diagnosed equally in both active and non-sports people. The fact is that physical inactivity weakens the tone of the muscles and ligaments of the limb. With a slight increase in physical activity, the ligamentous apparatus of a sedentary person fails.

The golden rule of first aid for knee injuries is cold and rest. It is important to immobilize the joint and apply an ice pack to the injured side. Then examine the joint as quickly as possible using ultrasound and x-rays to exclude ligament ruptures and other damage to the knee structures. Complete ligament tears require surgery.

Mild sprains heal on their own. A person can help the ligaments recover faster by resting the joint. Wearing an orthosis will be helpful.

Meniscal injuries

The menisci can be injured by sharp extension of the leg or by blows from the side. Cartilaginous formations can be torn, torn, squeezed, or displaced. The outer meniscus is more susceptible to injury, so the knee hurts more often in the side. But the inner meniscus can also be crushed or completely torn off with strong impacts. can be confused with a sprain and not given much importance to the injury. But the following signs will be convincing evidence that the case is serious and requires immediate medical attention:

  • severe pain spreads inside or outside on the side of the knee;
  • increased temperature in the injured area;
  • swelling and redness of the skin;
  • when moving your leg.

An indifferent attitude towards meniscus injuries is unacceptable. The internal cartilage cannot repair itself due to the lack of blood supply in this area. Therefore, various tears or compressions, if left untreated, lead to serious changes in the meniscus tissue. The formations will begin to degenerate into a cyst, delaminate, and cracks and erosions may appear in them. The menisci will cease to perform their shock-absorbing and protective function, which will sooner or later lead to arthrosis of the joint.

To diagnose meniscus injuries, radiography, ultrasound, etc. will be effective. After a hardware examination, the doctor will prescribe treatment. The only possible way to treat a meniscus tear is to remove the injured part or the entire organ - meniscectomy. Milder injuries, such as tears or pinched meniscus, are treated conservatively. Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors and physiotherapy are used.

A specific method for treating a pinched meniscus is hardware traction - stretching the joint using a device.

Danger of inflammation

The inflammatory process in the synovial membranes of the knee is called “synovitis”, and in the synovial bursae – “bursitis”. With such inflammation, exudate (a special liquid) accumulates in the membranes and bursae of the joint. At an early stage, the symptoms of synovitis and bursitis are subtle and patients often complain that the knee hurts vaguely on either side. A feature of bursitis is the appearance of a swelling on the side of the knee up to 10 cm in diameter.

Both pathologies can occur after injuries, especially open ones, with metabolic disorders, severe allergic reactions. Synovitis does not go away without leaving a trace; if left untreated, the pathology can lead to “dropsy” of the joint - hydroarthrosis. Untreated bursitis can give rise to the development of purulent arthritis.

The doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after puncturing the joint and analyzing the exudate. Therapy for both ailments comes down to eliminating the causes of inflammation. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used, and in case of purulent form, antibiotics are injected into the joint cavity. Physiotherapeutic procedures, for example, shock wave therapy, have a good effect.

Inflammation in the knee joint as a whole is called “gonitis”, that is, knee arthritis. Synovitis is almost always diagnosed before its development. When driving, exudate accumulates in the joint cavity. This pathology most often has an infectious nature of the lesion: previous tonsillitis, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases. In second place among the causes of gonitis are knee injuries. With knee arthritis, the joint hurts completely, not just on the side, it is difficult to straighten. The disease is also accompanied by swelling and increased body temperature.

Treatment for arthritis consists of antibiotic therapy, relieving inflammation, and resting the knee completely.

Other causes of joint pain

Especially from the side and when walking - this is a typical sign of destruction of cartilage tissue (gonarthrosis). Cartilage degeneration occurs slowly and unnoticed, but is almost always preceded by a knee injury. With age, the cartilage pads also become irreversibly thinner, and deformation of the bones in the joint begins. Young people experience gonarthrosis if they do not monitor their weight and do not treat the underlying disease, most often an endocrine disorder.

Symptomatic – pain relief. It will not be possible to completely restore cartilage, but it is possible to slow down its destruction by taking chondroprotectors and injecting hyaluronic acid into the joint, a natural lubricant for joints. Doctors are trying to delay the operation as much as possible. But in severe forms, arthroscopy or endoprosthetics are necessary.

The knee does not always hurt due to its own pathologies. There are several reasons why pain can be observed in a joint from the outside or from the inside.

Obviously, the nature of the pain in the knee joint on any side will be accurately determined by a specialist after a comprehensive diagnosis. And treatment of such pain will be effective if therapy is carried out immediately and to the extent prescribed by the doctor.

Knee pain often occurs suddenly and prevents you from moving and living a full life. But not everyone rushes to the doctor with this problem. What is the cause of pain and does it require treatment?

Structure of the knee joint

First, let's look at the structure of the knee joint. After all, if a person feels pain in the knee on the side from the outside, treatment will be prescribed after identifying the source of this pain. The connection of two bones - the femur and the tibia - is covered like a shield by the kneecap. At the bottom of the joint are the condyles - these are two hills on the femur covered with cartilage tissue. There is a so-called plateau on the tibia, which interacts with the condyles when walking. The ends of the two bones and the kneecap are covered with a layer of cartilage, this improves shock absorption and reduces friction. Connective tissue and ligaments are involved in holding bones together: lateral, medial and cruciate (posterior and anterior).

Between the bones are menisci, consisting of cartilage tissue. They have an important function: they distribute body weight evenly over the surface of the tibial plateau. The joint is surrounded by muscles: quadriceps, sartorius, biarticularis, popliteal. They provide movement. The knee joint has nerve weaves. These include the peroneal, sciatic and tibial nerves. And, of course, the circulatory system nourishes all parts of the knee joint. Lymphatic vessels pass next to the blood vessels. The joint has three periarticular bursae (bursae). They are located in front of the kneecap, at the bottom of the knee and under the large tendon. They perform a protective function.


The structure of the knee joint provides a person with the opportunity to move in a variety of ways. But damage to any component can disable the entire joint and cause a lot of inconvenience. What can cause pain in the knee on the outside side? First of all, these can be injuries, sprains, ruptures of muscles and ligaments. They are usually received by active people involved in sports during training or competition.

But you can tear ligaments simply by tripping in high heels. Most often, sprains and ruptures of ligaments are accompanied by swelling and the appearance of a hematoma at the site of injury. If the lateral collateral ligament is damaged, pain will be felt in the side of the knee from the outside. A specialist will be able to identify the nature of the damage after performing arthroscopy. Based on its results, treatment will be prescribed: fixation with a splint, elastic bandage, bandage, resting the joint. If the ligaments are completely torn, surgery may be necessary.

Meniscal damage

The meniscus is the most susceptible to damage among other components of the knee; it is the most fragile element. Symptoms: a sound may appear when the joint is flexed, swelling may form, and the local temperature rises. Diseased menisci cannot be ignored, as they interfere with the ability to fully flex the leg. When the meniscus is inflamed, pain appears in the side of the knee on the outside when going down the stairs.

Treatment is carried out based on the complexity of the damage. There are times when the meniscus is completely torn off. Then you cannot do without surgery and removal of the meniscus. If the damage is not so serious, treatment is carried out using typical methods: physiotherapy (recovery with ultrasound or laser), fixation of the joint, relieving pain and swelling, therapeutic exercises, taking medications. Rehabilitation usually takes several weeks, but full recovery may take about three months. Long-term refusal of treatment can lead to complications, such as a cyst.


The most common cause of arthrosis is age-related changes when cartilage tissue wears out. Less commonly, arthrosis occurs due to heavy physical activity and hereditary predisposition in young people. The development of the disease is slow, unnoticeable, followed by an increase in the manifestation of symptoms. At first, arthrosis reveals itself with a characteristic sound when flexing and extending the joint, and pain also appears in the side of the knee from the outside when walking. These symptoms may continue for a long time without changing. People are usually in no hurry to see a doctor in the hope that everything will go away on its own. And the cartilage tissue continues to thin out. The acquisition of a more acute form of the disease will manifest itself as an increase in symptoms; pain in the knee from the outside on the side will be felt not only while walking, but also at rest. After rest, there is difficulty in moving. It's as if my leg is being twisted. At an advanced stage of arthrosis, bone tissue is deformed, which even affects the patient’s gait. To avoid this, you need to contact a specialist at the first signs of the disease, when the cartilage tissue can still be saved.

Besides medications, how can you relieve pain on the side of the knee from the outside? Treatment with folk remedies is carried out only in combination with the main therapy prescribed by the doctor. This can only be an addition to drug treatment, but not a replacement for it. Compresses made from an infusion of burdock or celandine leaves will help relieve pain and relieve swelling.


Occurs in people of different ages. Its symptoms are similar to arthrosis, but the nature of the disease is completely different. Arthritis is often chronic and associated with the general condition of the body. It can be caused by microorganisms, injuries, or problems in the immune system. Arthritis can be not only an independent diagnosis, but also a manifestation of other diseases, for example, rheumatism. Treatment should begin with identifying the cause and eliminating it. Therapy is purely individual for each patient. To eliminate the inflammatory process in the joint, injections of anti-inflammatory drugs are used.


Bursitis is an inflammation of the joint capsules. It occurs for many reasons, it can be infections, consequences of arthritis, injury or physical overload. It can be caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Previous infectious diseases can develop into bursitis as a complication. Pathogens can also enter the knee joint through an open wound during injury. As a result, the joint capsules become inflamed and cause great discomfort, pain in the knee on the side from the outside when pressed, and even an increase in body temperature.

It begins quickly with a sharp pain that intensifies with movement. Swelling may form above the kneecap. For mild bursitis, anti-inflammatory and painkillers are prescribed. If the inflammation is severe, more serious measures are resorted to - a puncture to remove fluid from the joint or surgery.


Like bursitis, this is also an inflammatory disease, but it affects the ligaments and tendons. The sites of inflammation are the places where the tendons attach to the bone. Professional athletes are usually affected by the disease. The cause may be injury, infection, or abnormal tendon development in childhood. Sometimes tendinitis occurs when the leg is left in an awkward position for a long time.

Symptoms may include swelling, increasing pain in the side of the knee on the outside when bending, when the muscles contract. Getting up from a chair or up stairs may be painful. Pain is also felt during palpation, and redness may appear around the sore knee. The disease can be diagnosed using a blood test and x-ray. They are treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, and for faster relief of symptoms, injections are made directly into the joint. In addition to medications, the patient is prescribed complete rest and lack of physical activity.

Flat feet

It would seem that these factors are independent of each other, but flat feet can also cause pain in the knee from the outside on the side. What is the reason? With flat feet, body weight cannot be distributed correctly across the foot. This forces the knees to take on extra stress. This becomes especially noticeable with weight gain and pregnancy. In the body of a pregnant woman, hormones (estrogen, progesterone) are released in increased quantities, which help relax the muscles.

The foot cannot cope, and the entire load goes to the knee joint, hence the pain in the knee from the outside on the side. It is no longer possible for an adult to correct this situation, but it is possible to at least alleviate its manifestations. You need to wear comfortable shoes that support the arch of your feet; sneakers are great for this. Also, don't spend a lot of time on your feet.


With this disease of the spine, pain in the knees is also possible. The spinal nerve endings are pinched, which can cause processes that destroy the cartilage and connective tissue of the knee joint. Due to impaired innervation and blood circulation, periarthrosis develops. Most often, it affects the condyle of the joint. The disease most often affects young and middle-aged people. Treatment is carried out by eliminating pinched nerve endings and subsequent health-improving physical education.

Painful sensations in the knee are one of the most common manifestations of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Moreover, not only people of the older age category, but also completely healthy young people face discomfort and pain in the knee joint. In most cases, complaints are received of pain in the knee from the outside, from the side.

The knee joint has a very complex anatomical structure. The elements of the joint are localized very closely, and therefore even a qualified doctor cannot immediately tell why the knees hurt and which element is affected. Pain in the leg may indicate damage to various components of the joint. That is why it is important to know what components the knee consists of.

Briefly about the structure of the knee joint

By knowing what elements the knee is made of, you can better understand the nature of the discomfort. The knee joint consists of:

blood vessels; nerves; menisci; three bones: (patella, tibia and femur); ligaments; tendons; hyaline cartilage; joint capsules (capsules).

The joint has two tubular bones and a rounded patella located in the middle. In the surfaces of the joints there are bone formations - condyles; at the tibia they are flat in the form of a groove, and at the femur they are somewhat elevated.

The epiphyses of the bone or endings are covered with cartilage, the main function of which is to reduce the friction of the bone during movement, as well as to soften the impact. Cartilage is a kind of natural shock absorber, which normally reaches six millimeters.

An important component of the joint is the synovial bursa. There are at least five of them in the knee. As for the exact number of bags and their size, these indicators change somewhat with age. The joint capsules are equipped with a synovial membrane, which is attached to the bone and surrounds the tendons.

Ligaments are also located in the cavity of the joint itself. The main role of connective tissue fibers is to fix the ends of the articulating knee bones. The main function of the external ligaments is to strengthen the articulation on the right side, and the internal ones are to limit the inversion of the knee joint back and forth.

As for the menisci, they are responsible for stabilizing the joint during movement. They are localized inside and on the outside of the joint. The main function of the popliteal nerve, located in the popliteal fossa, is to provide sensitivity.

The knee joint bears the maximum load: during walking, carrying heavy objects, and abnormal physical activity. As a result of all this, the knees are subject to various types of damage and changes.

Causes of knee pain

There are many factors and reasons that provoke leg pain. One of them is the presence of knee arthrosis or gonarthrosis. As a result of this pathology, thinning of the cartilage is observed. Subsequently, bones are involved in the process. If the condyles are affected, pain appears in the joint on the outside while walking.

Knee arthrosis can develop due to:

presence of obesity; gastrointestinal ailments; congenital anomalies of the knee; reducing the body's defenses; unbalanced diet; genetic predisposition; the presence of endocrine pathologies.

The second reason may be an inflammatory process or persecution. The disease is characterized by the development of inflammation in the synovial joint membranes and the subsequent accumulation of fluid in the joint cavity.

With this pathology, severe pain appears, as well as limited mobility of the knee joint. The main cause of gonitis is an infection that penetrates the joint through injury or through the bloodstream.

The most common cause of pain on the external side of the knee joint is injury. Absolutely no one is immune from knee injuries, however, young people are most susceptible to this disease, in particular athletes and those who constantly perform hard physical work.

It is important to understand that injury is not always a bone lesion. A knee bruise from a fall, a tear, sprain or rupture of the ligaments of the knee joint (cruciate or lateral) are no less common lesions of the joint. This disease is characterized by the appearance of intense painful sensations that intensify when the leg is bent.

Due to damage to the ligaments, there may be complaints of pain in the knee joint, in the area where the impact occurred, swelling and hematoma, and limited mobility of the joint. If, at the moment of bending the knee, there is an increase in pain, and in the inner side of the knee joint, then this indicates damage to the internal ligament.

Meniscus tear

Unpleasant sensations also arise due to a meniscus tear. An unfortunate fall or a strong blow can cause not only displacement or compression, but also rupture of the cartilage lining. The detached particle remains in the joint cavity. If the element is optimally located, such injury may not manifest itself at all. Any load, running - all this provokes the appearance of intense pain on the outside of the side of the joint, since with heavy loads or movement there is a change in the position of the torn fragment.

In addition, the disease is characterized by an increase in temperature, the appearance of redness and swelling of the skin, as well as a clicking sound in the knee joint with any movement of the leg.

Such injuries should not be ignored under any circumstances. Cartilage tissue will not recover on its own, especially when there is no blood supply as such in the affected area. Lack of therapy can provoke serious changes, from dissection to degeneration of formations into cysts and the appearance of erosions and cracks. Subsequently, the menisci will not be able to perform their shock-absorbing and protective functions, which is fraught with the development of arthrosis.

Synovitis, bursitis

Often, pain in the leg appears due to the development of inflammation in the synovial membrane of the knee - synovitis or in the joint capsule - bursitis. Both diseases are characterized by the accumulation of exudate in the joint capsules and membranes. At the initial stages, the symptoms of pathologies are unclear. Complaints are received about the appearance of pain and swelling in the affected area.

Both bursitis and synovitis can develop due to:

injuries; allergic reaction; metabolic disorders.

If measures are not taken in time, synovitis can be complicated by hydrarthrosis (dropsy), and bursitis can be complicated by purulent arthritis.

Causes of pain not related to knee damage

Osteochondrosis of the lower back

Painful sensations in the knee joint are not in all cases caused by the presence of pathology in the knee. Discomfort and pain in the joint can occur due to osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. This disease is characterized by irritation of the sensitive roots due to displacement of the intervertebral discs. The pain that occurs as a result of disc displacement radiates to the leg and slightly higher to the thigh.

Coxitis and flat feet

A fairly common cause of pain in the knee joint on the outside is coxitis. This disease is characterized by the development of inflammation in the hip joint. Pain in the joint can also occur against the background of an ailment such as flat feet. Due to poor shock absorption of the foot, there is an increase in the load on the leg. Constant muscle tension provokes pain above the foot, in the lower leg and knee.

Varicose veins of the leg

Often, pain in the knee joint occurs due to the presence of varicose veins of the leg. In this case, pain radiates to the joint area, slightly below or above it. In addition, there may be discomfort in the limb when bending.


If you experience discomfort or discomfort in your knee, first consult a specialist. This is the only way you can find out why your knee hurts on the side. The doctor will examine your leg and conduct the necessary tests. For this purpose, the following is scheduled:

Ultrasound examination. MRI. X-rays. Joint puncture and fluid analysis (for synovitis and bursitis).

Timely diagnosis and proper therapy are the key to curing the disease and, importantly, preventing the development of complications. You should not ignore knee pain; it can cause disastrous consequences.

Treatment for knee pain

Only a doctor can treat discomfort, pain and other unpleasant manifestations. Taking measures or treating the disease on your own is strictly prohibited. Of course, you can relieve pain, but only for a certain time. However, unfortunately, you will not be able to eliminate the root cause without medical intervention.

Treatment is selected individually in each individual case, depending on the cause, location and nature of the pain. For the treatment of pain in the knee on the outside, radiating slightly above or below the joint, the following is prescribed:

antibacterial drugs: Cefotaxime, Ceftriaxone, Cefuroxime; painkillers: Nalgesin, Dexalgin; anti-inflammatory drugs: Dicloberl, Ketoprofen, Aertal, Naklofen.

If the cause of discomfort is injury, the first thing to do is apply ice and immobilize the limb. A minor knee sprain may heal on its own. The patient, in order to quickly restore the ligaments, remains to provide rest to the joint.

If the cause of the pain is a tear of the meniscus of the knee joint, surgery is prescribed - meniscectomy. Meniscus tear or pinching is treated conservatively, the following is prescribed:

steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Flosterone, Dexamethasone, Diprospan; chondroprotectors: Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Artron; physiotherapy

Inflammation of the knee joint is treated with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and physical therapy.

Regardless of where the pain is noted - above or below the knee, on the outside or on the side, do not ignore the disease. Believe me, it will not go away on its own, and on the contrary, it will lead to complications.

Pain on the side of the knee can occur unexpectedly - a symptom of pathology of the musculoskeletal system. Occurs in the elderly, young people, and children.

To determine the cause, it is important to have an understanding of the structure of the knee.

Joint anatomy

The joint consists of three bones: femur, tibia, and patella. In the lower part there are condyles covered with cartilage tissue. The menisci are made of cartilage tissue and are located between two bones: the femur and the tibia.

Capsules are located in the articular planes of the knee. They produce a joint substance that prevents the abrasion of the cartilaginous part. The joint is secured by ligaments: on the outside and on the inside. When carrying heavy objects and keeping the body in an upright position, the knee joint experiences stress.

Knee joint

Possible causes of pain

Pain in the knee joint is provoked by the factors described below. Common causes of lateral knee pain:


Pain on the outside can be caused by a bruise on the side of the leg - a consequence of sprain, rupture of ligaments and menisci.

If the ligaments are damaged, pain occurs on the outside or inside of the knee, hematoma or swelling. Injuries do not depend on whether a person plays sports or not.

For first aid, provide rest to the victim and apply cold to the damaged area. Perform an ultrasound or x-ray for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

The menisci are injured by a blow to the side of the leg or by sudden bending of the knee. The cartilage layers can rupture, shift, or tear off. The external meniscus is more often susceptible to injury. Signs of damage are symptoms:

pain in the knee on the outside; increased temperature in the damaged part of the body; swelling; clicking in the joint when moving.

If symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor immediately. In case of untimely treatment, formations appear in the area of ​​the damaged meniscus that degenerate into a cyst. The meniscus ceases to perform its function, leading to arthrosis of the joint.

Inflammatory processes

Inflammatory processes are common causes of knee pain:


Damage to articular cartilage, thinning and destruction. The causes are injuries, previous knee surgeries, excess weight, poor diet, weakened immunity, and congenital defects in a part of the joint.


Inflammation of the knee joint. When it occurs, joint fluid accumulates in the joint cavity. The reason for the development of gonitis is infections that penetrate through damaged tissue or through the bloodstream. As a result, the leg hurts in the knee area.


The symptoms of the disease are similar to arthrosis and are often chronic. Arthritis occurs as a result of injuries, infectious diseases, and problems with the immune system. Symptoms: the side of the knee swells, pain appears when walking, bending on the outside.

Arthritis of the joint


Inflammation of the joint capsule. Occurs as a result of physical exertion, if the side of the leg is susceptible to injury, after suffering infectious diseases. Bursitis is accompanied by pain in the knee, swelling, redness of the skin, and increased temperature above the affected knee.


Inflammation of ligaments and tendons. Athletes, children, and people over 40 years of age are susceptible to tendinitis. Stress causes microscopic damage. In the absence of sufficient rest, microtraumas accumulate and lead to tendon degeneration, which leads to the development of the disease.

The appearance of tendonitis is a sharp pain in the knee area on the outside, when moving and bending, redness, swelling of the side of the knee.

Flat feet

With flat feet, the knees take on a greater load because the body weight cannot be distributed correctly. There are many reasons leading to flat feet. This is a congenital pathology of the foot, the consequences of rickets, injuries, and decreased muscle tone.

It is possible to completely get rid of flat feet in childhood. In adults, the disease can only be slowed down with the help of rehabilitation measures.


When the spinal nerve endings are pinched, a process develops that destroys the cartilage of the knee joint and connective tissue. Reasons: physical activity, metabolic disorders, hormonal changes.

Osteochondrosis of the knee

Treatment options

Having identified the causes of pain on the outer side of the knee, decide on the choice of treatment. Do not self-medicate; your doctor will determine the cause of your knee pain. The prescribed instructions must be strictly followed.

The doctor will order a series of examinations that will help make an accurate diagnosis for the symptoms described above. These include blood tests, x-rays, ultrasound examinations, punctures, and tomography.

The method of treatment depends on the nature of the disease, which are described above. In case of joint injury, bone reduction, plaster application, and surgical interventions are performed.

In case of an inflammatory disease, they resort to therapy. This includes prescribing antibiotics, applying bandages, and removing bone formations. In case of serious inflammation, complex treatment is prescribed.

Among medications, aspirin, diclofenac, paracetamol, and ibuprofen are prescribed to relieve inflammation and pain.

Gonarthrosis is treated with intra-articular injections, physiotherapeutic procedures, physical therapy, massage, and local remedies in the form of compresses are prescribed.

To relieve muscle spasms, vasodilators, ointments, and massage are used.

In some cases, physical therapy is prescribed, which helps slow the progression of the disease and restore joint mobility. A set of exercises is selected by the doctor.

Knee exercises

Folk remedies

There are a number of folk remedies that can help reduce pain in the side of the knee. Below are some simple recipes:

Prepare an infusion of cinquefoil. Pour a spoonful of herbs into a glass of boiling water and leave. Drink 100 ml twice a day or apply to a sore spot as a lotion. Oat decoction: pour a liter of water into a glass of cereal and bring to a boil. Infuse the decoction, drink two glasses a day. Take equal parts of grated raw potatoes and horseradish root, mix and apply as a compress for 15 minutes. Mix equal parts of mustard powder, honey and soda and put as a compress on the sore spot overnight. Your leg will stop hurting after the first procedure. You can reduce discomfort with a compress of ice cubes. You can reduce pain on the side of your knee using orange jelly: mix orange juice and diluted gelatin and prepare the jelly. Eat 100 grams. orange jelly three times a day. If the knee joint on the left hurts, take a warm soda bath for your feet. Pour a glass of water over a bay leaf, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. Leave the solution for 3 hours. Use the resulting remedy to wipe the inflamed parts of the knee. To relieve swelling on the sore knee, the following remedy will help: grind burdock leaves through a meat grinder, mix with vodka and rub the resulting medicine on the damaged knee.

Proper nutrition

During the inflammatory process, exclude animal fats, white bread, and sweet foods from your diet. Increase the amount of foods containing plant fiber and B vitamins. Drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited.

Drink 2 liters of fluid daily, it is useful to drink water before meals. Introduce fish oil and flaxseed oil into your diet. Take a course of vitamin complexes containing vitamins C, E, PP. Or include foods containing them in your daily diet. These are black currants, rose hips, oranges, apples, cauliflower, nuts, seeds.

Preventive measures

To prevent pain on the side of the knee - reduce the load on the joints, normalize weight, properly distribute work and rest time, carry out therapeutic measures in the event of infectious diseases, use knee protection when playing sports. It is useful to take walks, swimming, and yoga.

Regardless of the nature of the disease, it is important to diagnose and begin treatment. Only then can you quickly restore the condition of the joint and avoid undesirable consequences.

Any pain in the legs, regardless of its location, may indicate the development of a serious disease. Therefore, any unpleasant sensations, discomfort when walking or running, painful conditions and disturbances in the functioning of the limbs must be perceived as a signal from your body that is trying to warn you about an impending disease or its progression. Ignoring symptoms can have critical consequences and irreversible damage.

Sometimes only timely medical assistance can return you to normal life.

Causes, symptoms, localization of pain

The possibility of any human movement: from walking to fast running, is largely due to the complexity of the structure of the joint. Thanks to its unique anatomy, we are able to carry out all kinds of movements with ease. However, there is also another side to the coin. This structure, coupled with excessive physical activity, makes our legs one of the most vulnerable parts of the body.

Regardless of the causes of the disease and its nature, the pain that accompanies its course is inevitable. In this way, our body tries to warn us about impending threats.

Causes of pain symptoms:

  • The discomfort may be caused by an injury that damages the joint.
  • Inflammation, which can be a consequence of various failures and disorders occurring in the body.
  • Tissue deformation.
  • Damage to blood vessels.
  • Neuralgic disorders.

Many pathologies have fairly similar symptoms. However, there are some factors that help identify individual ailments. These factors include swelling, redness, localization, and crunching.

The quality of our life directly depends on our well-being.

Pain on the outside of the knee

Knee diseases are most common among professional athletes and people who engage in heavy physical labor. As a rule, the main cause of pain on the outside of the leg is overload of the joints when walking, bending or running, leg injury, or tendon ruptures.

If the integrity is not broken, then discomfort in the front part of the limb can be caused by a number of the following reasons:

  • pinching of the synovial membrane;
  • inflammation of the patellar ligament;
  • inflammation of the thigh tendon;
  • stretching;
  • joint fibrosis;
  • compression of the patella;
  • Schlatter's disease;
  • dislocation caused by walking or running;
  • dystrophy.

Also, one of the causes of pain may be the development of arthrosis. In this case, painful sensations are accompanied by a crunching sound, which is caused by previous injuries, joint deformation, and cartilage destruction.

The choice of treatment method depends on the factors that influenced the dysfunction of the joint.

Discomfort in the side

Pain on the side of the left leg on the outside may be due to a violation of the structure of the ligaments or menisci. These pathologies are accompanied by a crunch on the side of the left knee and sharp, sharp pain with any load on the leg, for example, when walking quickly, bending or running, and swelling may also appear on the side of the outer part of the left knee.

Pain on the side of the cup can cause severe discomfort and make movement difficult.

Such symptoms may be complicated by weakening of muscle fibers and synovial folds. This can lead to impaired joint mobility and require special treatment.

Among the main reasons that can cause pain on the side of the outer side of the limb are the following:

  • damage to the integrity of the menisci;
  • reactive arthritis;
  • strain of the muscles of the iliotibial tract, which is also characterized by painful sensations on the side of the lower leg and thigh;
  • bursitis;
  • violation of the integrity or inflammation of the ligaments;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • tendon inflammation.

Discomfort above the knee

As a rule, sensations in this area are provoked by damage to the limb.

The pain may be a result of improper running.

Very often, failure to follow the rules of running technique can cause such painful sensations. Dislocations, sprains, crunches, joint instability, displacement of the patella - this is only an incomplete list of complications that can be caused by improper distribution of loads on the limb while running.

Discomfort over the kneecap can also be caused by damage to the patellar tissue.

Upper leg discomfort

Pain that runs through the leg from the hip down to the knee may be a consequence of pathology of the nerve fibers or a pinched nerve.

Localization of pain will help determine which nerve is damaged:

  • When the sciatic nerve is pinched, the discomfort often spreads from the back of the thigh to the foot.
  • Damage to the femoral nerve is characterized by unpleasant sensations on the outside of the back or side of the thigh.
  • With pathological changes in the obturator nerve, discomfort is felt from the hip and below.

Treatment at home can only alleviate the disease, but not eliminate it.

Other pathologies

Sometimes painful sensations in a limb are completely unrelated to damage to the joint itself, and their location may change periodically.

Pain caused by pathologies of a neuralgic nature can be localized below the hip or above the knee. Spinal injuries can also cause pain below the hip, in the knee, or even in the foot. There may be burning pain, itching and numbness. Of course, in such cases, treatment of the limb does not make sense, since the source of the disease must be eliminated.

Various vascular diseases can also cause ailments, spasms and lack of sensitivity in the limb. The following ailments can cause unpleasant painful sensations:

  • Varicose veins;
  • Endarteritis;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Atherosclerosis.

These pathologies can also cause discomfort in the lower leg. They require a more specific approach to treatment.

Pathologies associated with immune or metabolic disorders can also cause painful sensations in the extremities, which have a wavy nature and intensify with exacerbations and remissions. In such cases, it is difficult for the patient to determine the location of the pain, since it tends to periodically change localization or spread to the entire limb.

Another cause of discomfort may be damage to soft tissues, which occurs for the following reasons:

  • Bruises;
  • Inflammation;
  • Cuts;
  • Infections;
  • Severe injuries;
  • Unbearable physical activity;
  • Allergic reactions.

Determining the cause of discomfort will help determine the choice of treatment methods.

Regardless of the factors that provoked the appearance of pain, it is necessary to pay very close attention to the discomfort on the outside of the limb, as they can become a harbinger of some serious disease or a sign of an existing one.

  • Causes of knee pain on the side and (or) inside
  • Treatment of pathologies

If you are worried about pain on the inside of the knee (or on the inside side), you need to consult a doctor with a detailed diagnosis, since it is impossible to accurately determine the cause of the pain “in absentia”.

What could be the reasons for this problem:

When a ligament or tendon is sprained or torn, sharp pain usually occurs on the side of the knee joint.

Pain syndrome of varying intensity in the popliteal fossa occurs with subchondral, synovial, parameniscal meniscus cyst, damage to the tibial nerve, and aneurysm of the popliteal artery.

In other cases, the causes of pain in the back or side of the knee are the same. There are many systemic and joint diseases that are symptomatic of pain in any area of ​​the knee (including the back and/or side). For example, this is gonarthritis.

Types of popliteal artery aneurysm

If pain appears on the inside or side of the knee, you need to contact a therapist, who, having made a preliminary diagnosis, will refer you to a specialist: a rheumatologist, arthrologist, orthopedist or traumatologist.

Some of the diseases listed above have dangerous consequences. For example, gonarthrosis in advanced 3rd degree leads to deformation of the joint with a pronounced limitation of mobility up to immobilization. Other diseases, for example, tendinitis, do not lead to such severe consequences.

You can get rid of pain (stop it) if you get good treatment. The sooner you visit a doctor and start treatment, the more effective it will be.

Meniscus injuries rank first among other injuries of the knee joint. They are diagnosed mainly in people from 18 to 40 years old. Moreover, 75% of cases occur due to damage to the internal (medial) meniscus.


Tendon rupture, meniscal injury with the development of meniscitis or meniscopathy, fractures are accompanied by sharp pain not only on the back of the knee, but also in any area. It is impossible to lean on your leg when walking, or simply bend, straighten, or make any other movement. The intensity of pain decreases after immobilization, application of ice, and novocaine blockade.

1. Aneurysm of the popliteal artery

With this disease, dissection of the aortic wall occurs with the formation of a sac-like protrusion. The causes of this pathology: endarteritis, atherosclerosis, congenital anomalies of the aorta.

A sharp, unbearable pain occurs, the intensity of which decreases over time, but sensitivity is impaired. Weakness appears in the leg, it freezes and goes numb. The skin turns pale to blue.

Differences from Baker's cyst are the pulsation of the swelling and its persistence after pressing.

Serious complications in the form of vascular thrombosis, gangrene, and acute arterial insufficiency in the ankle vessels cannot be excluded.

Lymphadenitis is accompanied by swelling, local fever, severe pain when palpating the lymph nodes and straightening the knee.

This is a protrusion of the synovial bursa in the form of a hernia into the popliteal fossa. Appears in people after 40 years of age, often under both knees as a complication of synovitis or arthritis.

At first, unobtrusive unpleasant sensations arise. As the cyst enlarges, the vessels and nerves on the inside of the knee are compressed, the pain intensifies, and numbness, tingling or other paresthesia of the sole area occurs.

A characteristic symptom is a reduction in the hernia when pressing on it due to the reverse flow of joint fluid.

This is a severe non-inflammatory pathology of the joints, leading to tissue death due to impaired blood supply. Necrosis of the knee joint is characterized by pain on its inner surface.

Gonarthritis is inflammation of the knee joint of various origins. It can be infectious, rheumatoid, gouty, post-traumatic, reactive, aseptic - and that's not all its types.

It may affect one knee (monoarthritis) or both (polyarthritis).

At first, the pain occurs periodically, intensifying with physical activity and in the evening. The knee swells, the temperature rises locally, and the skin over it turns red. As inflammation progresses, stiffness in movement, bone deformities, impaired muscle nutrition, contractures, and even complete loss of joint mobility develop.

Of all joint inflammations, knee arthritis is diagnosed in 35–52% of cases. It is detected among people of any age group, but more often in people 40–60 years old.

With this pathology, the tendons of the knee become inflamed and affected. A nagging or sharp pain occurs in the affected area.

In stage 1 tendonitis, the pain is moderate, occurs only in response to normal load on the knee, and goes away with rest. At stages 2–3, it intensifies, not disappearing even after many hours of rest. A moderate restriction appears in the joint, microtears or complete rupture of the tendon are possible.

Other causes of pain on the back of the knee joint include Hoffa's disease, malignant or benign neoplasms, such as hygroma.

Treatment in each case is developed individually, taking into account the type, stage of the disease, and the severity of the pain syndrome. In this block we will talk about common common methods of therapy.

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Pain on the side of the knee can occur unexpectedly - a symptom of pathology of the musculoskeletal system. Occurs in the elderly, young people, and children.

To determine the cause, it is important to have an understanding of the structure of the knee.

The joint consists of three bones: femur, tibia, and patella. In the lower part there are condyles covered with cartilage tissue. The menisci are made of cartilage tissue and are located between two bones: the femur and the tibia.

Capsules are located in the articular planes of the knee. They produce a joint substance that prevents the abrasion of the cartilaginous part. The joint is secured by ligaments: on the outside and on the inside. When carrying heavy objects and keeping the body in an upright position, the knee joint experiences stress.

Knee joint

Possible causes of pain

Pain in the knee joint is provoked by the factors described below. Common causes of lateral knee pain:

Pain on the outside can be caused by a bruise on the side of the leg - a consequence of sprain, rupture of ligaments and menisci.

If the ligaments are damaged, pain occurs on the outside or inside of the knee, hematoma or swelling. Injuries do not depend on whether a person plays sports or not.

For first aid, provide rest to the victim and apply cold to the damaged area. Perform an ultrasound or x-ray for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

The menisci are injured by a blow to the side of the leg or by sudden bending of the knee. The cartilage layers can rupture, shift, or tear off. The external meniscus is more often susceptible to injury. Signs of damage are symptoms:

  • pain in the knee on the outside;
  • increased temperature in the damaged part of the body;
  • edema;
  • clicking sound in the joint when moving.

If symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor immediately. In case of untimely treatment, formations appear in the area of ​​the damaged meniscus that degenerate into a cyst. The meniscus ceases to perform its function, leading to arthrosis of the joint.

Inflammatory processes are common causes of knee pain:

Damage to articular cartilage, thinning and destruction. The causes are injuries, previous knee surgeries, excess weight, poor diet, weakened immunity, and congenital defects in a part of the joint.

Inflammation of the knee joint. When it occurs, joint fluid accumulates in the joint cavity. The reason for the development of gonitis is infections that penetrate through damaged tissue or through the bloodstream. As a result, the leg hurts in the knee area.

The symptoms of the disease are similar to arthrosis and are often chronic. Arthritis occurs as a result of injuries, infectious diseases, and problems with the immune system. Symptoms: the side of the knee swells, pain appears when walking, bending on the outside.

Arthritis of the joint


Inflammation of the joint capsule. Occurs as a result of physical exertion, if the side of the leg is susceptible to injury, after suffering infectious diseases. Bursitis is accompanied by pain in the knee, swelling, redness of the skin, and increased temperature above the affected knee.

Inflammation of ligaments and tendons. Athletes, children, and people over 40 years of age are susceptible to tendinitis. Stress causes microscopic damage. In the absence of sufficient rest, microtraumas accumulate and lead to tendon degeneration, which leads to the development of the disease.

The appearance of tendonitis is a sharp pain in the knee area on the outside, when moving and bending, redness, swelling of the side of the knee.

With flat feet, the knees take on a greater load because the body weight cannot be distributed correctly. There are many reasons leading to flat feet. This is a congenital pathology of the foot, the consequences of rickets, injuries, and decreased muscle tone.

It is possible to completely get rid of flat feet in childhood. In adults, the disease can only be slowed down with the help of rehabilitation measures.

When the spinal nerve endings are pinched, a process develops that destroys the cartilage of the knee joint and connective tissue. Reasons: physical activity, metabolic disorders, hormonal changes.

Osteochondrosis of the knee

Treatment options

Having identified the causes of pain on the outer side of the knee, decide on the choice of treatment. Do not self-medicate; your doctor will determine the cause of your knee pain. The prescribed instructions must be strictly followed.

The doctor will order a series of examinations that will help make an accurate diagnosis for the symptoms described above. These include blood tests, x-rays, ultrasound examinations, punctures, and tomography.

The method of treatment depends on the nature of the disease, which are described above. In case of joint injury, bone reduction, plaster application, and surgical interventions are performed.

In case of an inflammatory disease, they resort to therapy. This includes prescribing antibiotics, applying bandages, and removing bone formations. In case of serious inflammation, complex treatment is prescribed.

Among medications, aspirin, diclofenac, paracetamol, and ibuprofen are prescribed to relieve inflammation and pain.

Gonarthrosis is treated with intra-articular injections, physiotherapeutic procedures, physical therapy, massage, and local remedies in the form of compresses are prescribed.

To relieve muscle spasms, vasodilators, ointments, and massage are used.

In some cases, physical therapy is prescribed, which helps slow the progression of the disease and restore joint mobility. A set of exercises is selected by the doctor.

Knee exercises

Folk remedies

There are a number of folk remedies that can help reduce pain in the side of the knee. Below are some simple recipes:

  1. Prepare an infusion of cinquefoil. Pour a spoonful of herbs into a glass of boiling water and leave. Drink 100 ml twice a day or apply to a sore spot as a lotion.
  2. Oat decoction: pour a liter of water into a glass of cereal and bring to a boil. Infuse the decoction, drink two glasses a day.
  3. Take equal parts of grated raw potatoes and horseradish root, mix and apply as a compress for 15 minutes.
  4. Mix equal parts of mustard powder, honey and soda and apply as a compress on the sore spot overnight. Your leg will stop hurting after the first procedure.
  5. You can reduce discomfort with a compress of ice cubes.
  6. You can reduce pain on the side of the knee using orange jelly: mix orange juice and diluted gelatin and prepare the jelly. Eat 100 grams. orange jelly three times a day.
  7. If your left knee joint hurts, take a warm soda bath for your feet.
  8. Pour a glass of water over the bay leaf, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Leave the solution for 3 hours. Use the resulting product to wipe the inflamed parts of the knee.
  9. To relieve swelling on a sore knee, the following remedy will help: grind burdock leaves through a meat grinder, mix with vodka and rub the resulting medicine on the damaged knee.

During the inflammatory process, exclude animal fats, white bread, and sweet foods from your diet. Increase the amount of foods containing plant fiber and B vitamins. Drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited.

Drink 2 liters of fluid daily, it is useful to drink water before meals. Introduce fish oil and flaxseed oil into your diet. Take a course of vitamin complexes containing vitamins C, E, PP. Or include foods containing them in your daily diet. These are black currants, rose hips, oranges, apples, cauliflower, nuts, seeds.

To prevent pain on the side of the knee - reduce the load on the joints, normalize weight, properly distribute work and rest time, carry out therapeutic measures in the event of infectious diseases, use knee protection when playing sports. It is useful to take walks, swimming, and yoga.

Regardless of the nature of the disease, it is important to diagnose and begin treatment. Only then can you quickly restore the condition of the joint and avoid undesirable consequences.

Knee pain often occurs suddenly and prevents you from moving and living a full life. But not everyone rushes to the doctor with this problem. What is the cause of pain and does it require treatment?

First, let's look at the structure of the knee joint. After all, if a person feels pain in the knee on the side from the outside, treatment will be prescribed after identifying the source of this pain. The connection of two bones - the femur and the tibia - is covered like a shield by the kneecap. At the bottom of the joint are the condyles - these are two hills on the femur covered with cartilage tissue. There is a so-called plateau on the tibia, which interacts with the condyles when walking. The ends of the two bones and the kneecap are covered with a layer of cartilage, this improves shock absorption and reduces friction. Connective tissue and ligaments are involved in holding bones together: lateral, medial and cruciate (posterior and anterior).

Between the bones are menisci, consisting of cartilage tissue. They have an important function: they distribute body weight evenly over the surface of the tibial plateau. The joint is surrounded by muscles: quadriceps, sartorius, biarticularis, popliteal. They provide movement. The knee joint has nerve weaves. These include the peroneal, sciatic and tibial nerves. And, of course, the circulatory system nourishes all parts of the knee joint. Lymphatic vessels pass next to the blood vessels. The joint has three periarticular bursae (bursae). They are located in front of the kneecap, at the bottom of the knee and under the large tendon. They perform a protective function.

The structure of the knee joint provides a person with the opportunity to move in a variety of ways. But damage to any component can disable the entire joint and cause a lot of inconvenience. What can cause pain in the knee on the outside side? First of all, these can be injuries, sprains, ruptures of muscles and ligaments. They are usually received by active people involved in sports during training or competition.

But you can tear ligaments simply by tripping in high heels. Most often, sprains and ruptures of ligaments are accompanied by swelling and the appearance of a hematoma at the site of injury. If the lateral collateral ligament is damaged, pain will be felt in the side of the knee from the outside. A specialist will be able to identify the nature of the damage after performing arthroscopy. Based on its results, treatment will be prescribed: fixation with a splint, elastic bandage, bandage, resting the joint. If the ligaments are completely torn, surgery may be necessary.

The meniscus is the most susceptible to damage among other components of the knee; it is the most fragile element. Symptoms: a sound may appear when the joint is flexed, swelling may form, and the local temperature rises. Diseased menisci cannot be ignored, as they interfere with the ability to fully flex the leg. When the meniscus is inflamed, pain appears in the side of the knee on the outside when going down the stairs.

Treatment is carried out based on the complexity of the damage. There are times when the meniscus is completely torn off. Then you cannot do without surgery and removal of the meniscus. If the damage is not so serious, treatment is carried out using typical methods: physiotherapy (recovery with ultrasound or laser), fixation of the joint, relieving pain and swelling, therapeutic exercises, taking medications. Rehabilitation usually takes several weeks, but full recovery may take about three months. Long-term refusal of treatment can lead to complications, such as a cyst.

The most common cause of arthrosis is age-related changes when cartilage tissue wears out. Less commonly, arthrosis occurs due to heavy physical activity and hereditary predisposition in young people. The development of the disease is slow, unnoticeable, followed by an increase in the manifestation of symptoms. At first, arthrosis reveals itself with a characteristic sound when flexing and extending the joint, and pain also appears in the side of the knee from the outside when walking. These symptoms may continue for a long time without changing. People are usually in no hurry to see a doctor in the hope that everything will go away on its own. And the cartilage tissue continues to thin out. The acquisition of a more acute form of the disease will manifest itself as an increase in symptoms; pain in the knee from the outside on the side will be felt not only while walking, but also at rest. After rest, there is difficulty in moving. It's as if my leg is being twisted. At an advanced stage of arthrosis, bone tissue is deformed, which even affects the patient’s gait. To avoid this, you need to contact a specialist at the first signs of the disease, when the cartilage tissue can still be saved.

Besides medications, how can you relieve pain on the side of the knee from the outside? Treatment with folk remedies is carried out only in combination with the main therapy prescribed by the doctor. This can only be an addition to drug treatment, but not a replacement for it. Compresses made from an infusion of burdock or celandine leaves will help relieve pain and relieve swelling.

Occurs in people of different ages. Its symptoms are similar to arthrosis, but the nature of the disease is completely different. Arthritis is often chronic and associated with the general condition of the body. It can be caused by microorganisms, injuries, or problems in the immune system. Arthritis can be not only an independent diagnosis, but also a manifestation of other diseases, for example, rheumatism. Treatment should begin with identifying the cause and eliminating it. Therapy is purely individual for each patient. To eliminate the inflammatory process in the joint, injections of anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

Bursitis is an inflammation of the joint capsules. It occurs for many reasons, it can be infections, consequences of arthritis, injury or physical overload. It can be caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Previous infectious diseases can develop into bursitis as a complication. Pathogens can also enter the knee joint through an open wound during injury. As a result, the joint capsules become inflamed and cause great discomfort, pain in the knee on the side from the outside when pressed, and even an increase in body temperature.

It begins quickly with a sharp pain that intensifies with movement. Swelling may form above the kneecap. For mild bursitis, anti-inflammatory and painkillers are prescribed. If the inflammation is severe, more serious measures are resorted to - a puncture to remove fluid from the joint or surgery.

Like bursitis, this is also an inflammatory disease, but it affects the ligaments and tendons. The sites of inflammation are the places where the tendons attach to the bone. Professional athletes are usually affected by the disease. The cause may be injury, infection, or abnormal tendon development in childhood. Sometimes tendinitis occurs when the leg is left in an awkward position for a long time.

Symptoms may include swelling, increasing pain in the side of the knee on the outside when bending, when the muscles contract. Getting up from a chair or up stairs may be painful. Pain is also felt during palpation, and redness may appear around the sore knee. The disease can be diagnosed using a blood test and x-ray. They are treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, and for faster relief of symptoms, injections are made directly into the joint. In addition to medications, the patient is prescribed complete rest and lack of physical activity.

It would seem that these factors are independent of each other, but flat feet can also cause pain in the knee from the outside on the side. What is the reason? With flat feet, body weight cannot be distributed correctly across the foot. This forces the knees to take on extra stress. This becomes especially noticeable with weight gain and pregnancy. In the body of a pregnant woman, hormones (estrogen, progesterone) are released in increased quantities, which help relax the muscles.

The foot cannot cope, and the entire load goes to the knee joint, hence the pain in the knee from the outside on the side. It is no longer possible for an adult to correct this situation, but it is possible to at least alleviate its manifestations. You need to wear comfortable shoes that support the arch of your feet; sneakers are great for this. Also, don't spend a lot of time on your feet.

With this disease of the spine, pain in the knees is also possible. The spinal nerve endings are pinched, which can cause processes that destroy the cartilage and connective tissue of the knee joint. Due to impaired innervation and blood circulation, periarthrosis develops. Most often, it affects the condyle of the joint. The disease most often affects young and middle-aged people. Treatment is carried out by eliminating pinched nerve endings and subsequent health-improving physical education.

Painful sensations in the knee are one of the most common manifestations of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Moreover, not only people of the older age category, but also completely healthy young people face discomfort and pain in the knee joint. In most cases, complaints are received of pain in the knee from the outside, from the side.

The knee joint has a very complex anatomical structure. The elements of the joint are localized very closely, and therefore even a qualified doctor cannot immediately tell why the knees hurt and which element is affected. Pain in the leg may indicate damage to various components of the joint. That is why it is important to know what components the knee consists of.

It is important to know! Doctors are shocked: “An effective and affordable remedy for joint pain exists...” ...

By knowing what elements the knee is made of, you can better understand the nature of the discomfort. The knee joint consists of:

  • blood vessels;
  • nerves;
  • menisci;
  • three bones: (patella, tibia and femur);
  • ligaments;
  • tendons;
  • hyaline cartilage;
  • joint capsules (capsules).

The joint has two tubular bones and a rounded patella located in the middle. In the surfaces of the joints there are bone formations - condyles; at the tibia they are flat in the form of a groove, and at the femur they are somewhat elevated.

The epiphyses of the bone or endings are covered with cartilage, the main function of which is to reduce the friction of the bone during movement, as well as to soften the impact. Cartilage is a kind of natural shock absorber, which normally reaches six millimeters.

An important component of the joint is the synovial bursa. There are at least five of them in the knee. As for the exact number of bags and their size, these indicators change somewhat with age. The joint capsules are equipped with a synovial membrane, which is attached to the bone and surrounds the tendons.

Ligaments are also located in the cavity of the joint itself. The main role of connective tissue fibers is to fix the ends of the articulating knee bones. The main function of the external ligaments is to strengthen the articulation on the right side, and the internal ones are to limit the inversion of the knee joint back and forth.

As for the menisci, they are responsible for stabilizing the joint during movement. They are localized inside and on the outside of the joint. The main function of the popliteal nerve, located in the popliteal fossa, is to provide sensitivity.

The knee joint bears the maximum load: during walking, carrying heavy objects, and abnormal physical activity. As a result of all this, the knees are subject to various types of damage and changes.


There are many factors and reasons that provoke leg pain. One of them is the presence of knee arthrosis or gonarthrosis. As a result of this pathology, thinning of the cartilage is observed. Subsequently, bones are involved in the process. If the condyles are affected, pain appears in the joint on the outside while walking.

Knee arthrosis can develop due to:

  • presence of obesity;
  • gastrointestinal ailments;
  • congenital anomalies of the knee;
  • reducing the body's defenses;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • the presence of endocrine pathologies.


The second reason may be an inflammatory process or persecution. The disease is characterized by the development of inflammation in the synovial joint membranes and the subsequent accumulation of fluid in the joint cavity.

With this pathology, severe pain appears, as well as limited mobility of the knee joint. The main cause of gonitis is an infection that penetrates the joint through injury or through the bloodstream.


The most common cause of pain on the external side of the knee joint is injury. Absolutely no one is immune from knee injuries, however, young people are most susceptible to this disease, in particular athletes and those who constantly perform hard physical work.

It is important to understand that injury is not always a bone lesion. A knee bruise from a fall, a tear, sprain or rupture of the ligaments of the knee joint (cruciate or lateral) are no less common lesions of the joint. This disease is characterized by the appearance of intense painful sensations that intensify when the leg is bent.

Due to damage to the ligaments, there may be complaints of pain in the knee joint, in the area where the impact occurred, swelling and hematoma, and limited mobility of the joint. If, at the moment of bending the knee, there is an increase in pain, and in the inner side of the knee joint, then this indicates damage to the internal ligament.

Meniscus tear

“Doctors are hiding the truth!”

Even “advanced” joint problems can be cured at home! Just remember to apply this once a day...

Unpleasant sensations also arise due to a meniscus tear. An unfortunate fall or a strong blow can cause not only displacement or compression, but also rupture of the cartilage lining. The detached particle remains in the joint cavity. If the element is optimally located, such injury may not manifest itself at all. Any load, running - all this provokes the appearance of intense pain on the outside of the side of the joint, since with heavy loads or movement there is a change in the position of the torn fragment.

In addition, the disease is characterized by an increase in temperature, the appearance of redness and swelling of the skin, as well as a clicking sound in the knee joint with any movement of the leg.

Such injuries should not be ignored under any circumstances. Cartilage tissue will not recover on its own, especially when there is no blood supply as such in the affected area. Lack of therapy can provoke serious changes, from dissection to degeneration of formations into cysts and the appearance of erosions and cracks. Subsequently, the menisci will not be able to perform their shock-absorbing and protective functions, which is fraught with the development of arthrosis.

Synovitis, bursitis

Often, pain in the leg appears due to the development of inflammation in the synovial membrane of the knee - synovitis or in the joint capsule - bursitis. Both diseases are characterized by the accumulation of exudate in the joint capsules and membranes. At the initial stages, the symptoms of pathologies are unclear. Complaints are received about the appearance of pain and swelling in the affected area.

Both bursitis and synovitis can develop due to:

  • injuries;
  • allergic reaction;
  • metabolic disorders.

If measures are not taken in time, synovitis can be complicated by hydrarthrosis (dropsy), and bursitis can be complicated by purulent arthritis.

Osteochondrosis of the lower back

Painful sensations in the knee joint are not in all cases caused by the presence of pathology in the knee. Discomfort and pain in the joint can occur due to osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. This disease is characterized by irritation of the sensitive roots due to displacement of the intervertebral discs. The pain that occurs as a result of disc displacement radiates to the leg and slightly higher to the thigh.

Coxitis and flat feet

A fairly common cause of pain in the knee joint on the outside is coxitis. This disease is characterized by the development of inflammation in the hip joint. Pain in the joint can also occur against the background of an ailment such as flat feet. Due to poor shock absorption of the foot, there is an increase in the load on the leg. Constant muscle tension provokes pain above the foot, in the lower leg and knee.

Varicose veins of the leg

Often, pain in the knee joint occurs due to the presence of varicose veins of the leg. In this case, pain radiates to the joint area, slightly below or above it. In addition, there may be discomfort in the limb when bending.

If you experience discomfort or discomfort in your knee, first consult a specialist. This is the only way you can find out why your knee hurts on the side. The doctor will examine your leg and conduct the necessary tests. For this purpose, the following is scheduled:

  1. Ultrasound examination.
  2. X-rays.
  3. Joint puncture and fluid analysis (for synovitis and bursitis).

Timely diagnosis and proper therapy are the key to curing the disease and, importantly, preventing the development of complications. You should not ignore knee pain; it can cause disastrous consequences.

Only a doctor can treat discomfort, pain and other unpleasant manifestations. Taking measures or treating the disease on your own is strictly prohibited. Of course, you can relieve pain, but only for a certain time. However, unfortunately, you will not be able to eliminate the root cause without medical intervention.

Treatment is selected individually in each individual case, depending on the cause, location and nature of the pain. For the treatment of pain in the knee on the outside, radiating slightly above or below the joint, the following is prescribed:

  • antibacterial drugs: Cefotaxime, Ceftriaxone, Cefuroxime;
  • painkillers: Nalgesin, Dexalgin;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs: Dicloberl, Ketoprofen, Aertal, Naklofen.

If the cause of discomfort is injury, the first thing to do is apply ice and immobilize the limb. A minor knee sprain may heal on its own. The patient, in order to quickly restore the ligaments, remains to provide rest to the joint.

If the cause of the pain is a tear of the meniscus of the knee joint, surgery is prescribed - meniscectomy. Meniscus tear or pinching is treated conservatively, the following is prescribed:

For the treatment and prevention of DISEASES OF THE JOINTS and SPINE, our readers use the method of quick and non-surgical treatment recommended by leading rheumatologists in Russia, who decided to speak out against pharmaceutical lawlessness and presented a medicine that REALLY TREATS! We have become familiar with this technique and decided to bring it to your attention. Read more…

Inflammation of the knee joint is treated with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and physical therapy.

Regardless of where the pain is noted - above or below the knee, on the outside or on the side, do not ignore the disease. Believe me, it will not go away on its own, and on the contrary, it will lead to complications.

But orthopedist Valentin Dikul claims that a truly effective remedy for joint pain exists!

Knee joint is one of the most vulnerable joints, which is due to the complexity of its structure and the amount of load placed on the knees. The knee joint performs several functions at once: flexion and extension, rotation, that is, rotation, inward and outward. Pain in the knee area can bother even a healthy person. Unpleasant sensations may vary in intensity, location and associated symptoms. There are various reasons that can provoke a disturbance in well-being.

Based on the nature of the unpleasant sensations, we can guess why the knee hurts on the inside.

The knee is the joint that is more susceptible to various household and sports injuries. Knee pain on the inside can result from a meniscus injury, fracture, dislocation, sprain or rupture of muscles and tendons, and a number of other pathologies. A universal way to relieve pain in the knee joint after an injury is to apply an ice pack to the affected area.
Watch a short video about pain associated with sports injuries

A sprain is an injury that damages the collagen fibers that make up the tendon tissue. In case of severe trauma, complete rupture of the ligament is possible.

A tendon sprain occurs as a result of severe tension caused by an impact or non-physiological movement.


When a ligament is sprained, the patient experiences a dull or nagging pain in the knee joint, which intensifies when walking or when trying to straighten the leg. In case of tendon rupture, the symptoms become more pronounced:

  1. The patient has very severe pain in the knee on the inside side. A sharp unpleasant sensation in the joint persists even at rest;
  2. Mobility is lost;
  3. Severe swelling develops on the affected side of the joint;
  4. Hyperemia of the skin;
  5. A bluish or burgundy hematoma forms at the site of injury.


The main method of diagnosis is radiography. In some cases, magnetic resonance imaging is additionally performed.

This research helps prevent damage to nerve roots.


Treatment of such pathologies is carried out by a trauma surgeon. Therapy involves the use of muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory drugs, and painkillers.

Meniscopathy is one of the most common injuries that cause pain on the lateral side of the knee. The main reasons for the development of pathology are compression of the meniscus when flexing the tibia or a blow to the knee joint.


When a meniscus ruptures, a person experiences acute, unbearable pain on the inside of the knee. Due to the abundance of synovial glands, the injured knee quickly swells, becomes hyperemic, and cyanotic.

When trying to bend the knee, the pain sharply intensifies, crunching and clicking appears.

In case of severe injury, movement in the joint becomes completely impossible due to severe pain.


Diagnostic measures include the use of ultrasound, MRI and radiography. According to indications, arthroscopy is performed - insertion of an endoscope into the joint through a small incision.


Treatment is carried out by an orthopedic surgeon or traumatologist. Therapeutic measures include the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics, exercise therapy.

If necessary, therapeutic arthroscopy or meniscectomy is performed - excision of the affected meniscus.

The most common causes of a fracture are severe compression or a fall from a great height, or an unsuccessful jump.

In case of injury to the knee joint, the following types of fracture are distinguished: fracture of the patella, condyles of the tibia, femur or fibula.


A characteristic symptom of a fracture is intense dull pain on the inside of the knee, which intensifies over time. Discomfort increases when trying to palpate the damaged area.

Any movement in the damaged joint becomes impossible, and when you try to step on a broken leg, piercing pain occurs. The injured knee quickly swells and becomes bluish.


In most cases, making a diagnosis is not difficult. The traumatologist prescribes an x-ray and ultrasound of the knee joint.


The treatment is prescribed by the surgeon. If the x-ray does not reveal bone fragments or a meniscus tear, then conservative treatment is carried out: a cast is applied to the leg, the patient is prescribed decongestants and painkillers, and, if necessary, chondroprotectors are prescribed.

A pinched nerve is process of mechanical compression of nerve roots knee joint.

The disease leads to impaired joint mobility and causes acute pain in the inside of the knee.


A patient with a pinched nerve experiences the following symptoms:

  1. Shooting pain in the knee, which intensifies when taking a certain position: bending the knee, straightening the leg, etc.;
  2. Gradual loss of sensation in the lower leg muscles;
  3. Muscular atrophy;
  4. There may be a painful throbbing that affects the inside of the leg and foot.


Diagnosis of the disease is based on a clinical examination of the patient. The surgeon determines the sensitivity of tissues, assesses muscle tone and the nature of the pain syndrome.

To exclude other pathologies, an x-ray and ultrasound of the joint are prescribed.


Treatment includes painkillers, decongestants and anti-inflammatory drugs. To normalize nerve function, the patient is recommended to take vitamin and mineral complexes and limit the load on the affected leg.

It is almost impossible to independently determine the nature of the knee joint injury. If there is any damage to the joint, you should consult a specialist.

In pathologies affecting the structures of the popliteal fossa, pain affects the posterior surface of the joint. If there is a disease localized in this area, diagnosis is often difficult, since there are a large number of anatomical structures there.

Baker's cyst is a hernia that develops as a result of compression and destruction of intra-articular cartilage.

The reasons that provoke the formation of cysts are arthrosis, arthritis, excess body weight, frequent heavy physical activity.


In the initial stages, the pathology is practically asymptomatic. In some cases, it is possible to detect a compaction in the popliteal fossa. Over time, the patient begins to experience discomfort, increased discomfort is caused by sitting on hard, flat surfaces, bending the leg at the knee, etc.


Cystic formation can be detected using ultrasound and arthrography, that is, an X-ray of the knee joint. According to indications, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging is performed.


Treatment is carried out by a surgeon or rheumatologist. The patient is prescribed corticosteroids and chondroprotectors.

If necessary, the patient undergoes drainage of the cyst - removal of its liquid contents.


Bursitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the synovial bursa of the knee joint. It is painful for the patient to step on the injured leg or press on the joint. Due to the rapidly developing swelling, the knee greatly increases in size and a thickening appears.


Characteristic symptoms of bursitis:

  1. Febrile fever – increase in body temperature to 38-39°C;
  2. Hyperemia or cyanosis of the affected area;
  3. With infectious bursitis, signs of intoxication of the body develop: nausea, headache, aches in muscles and joints;
  4. Mobility disorders.


Due to the specific symptoms of bursitis, diagnostic measures are based on a physical examination. The rheumatologist notes swelling and hardening in the joint area.

In acute bursitis, a biopsy of the serous fluid is performed.


If the knee hurts on the inside due to bursitis, how to treat the joint? Therapy includes the use of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs, corticosteroids and muscle relaxants.

Tendinitis is inflammatory process in tendon tissue, and tenosynovitis is inflammation of the membranes surrounding the ligaments. These pathologies in most cases are a syndrome that develops against the background of other diseases: arthritis, infectious phenomena in the body, injuries.


With tendinitis or tendovaginitis, the patient has pain in the knee on the side on the inside, and discomfort appears only with active movements. Passive flexion or pronation of the leg at the joint does not cause discomfort. This is the main difference between pathology in the differential diagnosis of arthritis.

In pathology, there is pain on palpation along the affected tendon, redness and thickening. Crunching or crepitus may occur during movement.


Gonoarthritis is an inflammatory destructive process that affects the cartilaginous membrane of the joint. The disease can be reactive in nature, that is, develop as a result of injury or hypothermia, autoimmune or infectious.


A characteristic sign of arthritis is paired lesion, that is, inflammation covers both the right and left knee joints. Discomfort most clearly manifests itself in the morning, when cooling or after physical exertion.

The patient experiences swelling in the knee area; upon palpation, it is possible to determine the deformation of the joint; the kneecap becomes mobile.


Diagnostic measures include ultrasound and x-rays. To exclude rheumatoid arthritis, it is necessary to conduct a blood test for the presence of rheumatoid factor.


Treatment includes anti-inflammatory and painkillers, chondroprotectors and glucocorticosteroids. Physiotherapy is required: magnetic wave therapy, electrophoresis, mud therapy. The patient is advised to exercise therapy and adhere to a work-rest regime.

Aneurysm of the popliteal artery - abnormal dilatation of a great vessel, passing from the lower third of the thigh to the upper third of the lower leg. Embolism is a pathological condition in which the lumen of an artery is blocked. Aneurysm and embolism are syndromes of different diseases.

The exact cause due to which the pathologies developed must be diagnosed by a specialist.


Diseases may not manifest themselves for quite a long period of time. The patient may experience pain on the inner side of the leg after severe damage to the vessel occurs. The pain syndrome is characterized by unpleasant pulling sensations in the leg, a feeling of heaviness.

Over time, tissue ischemia develops, which leads to muscle dystrophy, pallor and dryness of the skin of the affected limb.


A vascular surgeon is involved in diagnosing and treating the disease. He prescribes MRI angiography and ultrasound of the vessels of the leg.


Treatment includes the use of thrombolytics and vascular strengthening drugs. In case of arterial aneurysm, its resection is indicated, that is, removal of the damaged portion of the vessel.

If symptoms of an aneurysm appear, you should definitely consult a doctor. Lack of timely diagnosis can lead to severe damage to the limb.

Sciatic nerve damage

The sciatic nerve has the largest trunk of all human nerves. Its pinching is called sciatica. The most common cause of nerve compression is osteochondrosis, neoplasms, herniated discs.


The main symptom is severe pain in the form of attacks. Physical activity increases the intensity of pain. The pain is sharp, sharp, “dagger-like” in nature. Patients experience hypoesthesia and paresthesia on the affected side. There is a change in gait and lameness. Muscle tone on the injured side is reduced.


Diagnostics includes MRI, ultrasound: assessment of the condition of the soft tissue component, visualization of the level and degree of pinching. CT, X-ray examination: assessment of changes in the spinal column, differential diagnosis with osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis.


Treatment is prescribed by a neurologist. It includes: analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroid blockades, vitamin complexes.

The patient is indicated for physiotherapy: electrophoresis, UHF therapy, phonophoresis, paraffin applications, massage, warm baths.

Other causes of knee pain

Knee pain can be caused by a variety of reasons:

  1. The predominance of fatty foods in the daily diet;
  2. Hereditary predisposition to joint diseases;
  3. Frequent infectious diseases, especially sore throat;
  4. Lack of physical activity increases the risk of accidental joint injury.

You should seek medical help if the following symptoms appear:

  1. Knee pain is intense and gets worse over time;
  2. Discomfort caused by a bruise or other injury;
  3. The pain syndrome is accompanied by other pathological symptoms: chills, headache, swelling of other joints, pallor of the skin of the lower leg, etc.;
  4. Knee pain persists for more than 1-2 days;
  5. You note limited mobility and inability to perform everyday activities.

If you suddenly have pain in your knee on the inside, take a painkiller, lie down comfortably and rest the affected joint. If you become hypothermic, you can place a warm, but not hot, heating pad on your knee.

Knee pain can be caused by various factors, and it is often impossible to make a diagnosis on your own.

If your condition does not improve after the procedures, you should definitely seek medical help.

Read doctors' opinions on this issue

The kneecap joint is the most vulnerable place in the musculoskeletal system of the human body. Daily exercise, sports training and walking are the reason why traumatologists daily resuscitate patients complaining of pain on the inside of the knee.

Statistics show that knee pain can be experienced not only by older people and athletes, but also by children. Aching pain of a pulling nature, an unpleasant crunch, annoying discomfort - these are the first signal symptoms, “beaconing” that the help of a specialist is still necessary.

Determining the source of the disease and identifying the causes that contribute to the appearance of pain in the knee joint is not an easy task. The pain on the side of the knee is very similar to the pain that occurs during diseases, both chronic (arthritis and arthrosis, tendon inflammation, rheumatism) and injuries (for example, meniscus damage).

There are many causes of pain, but they can be roughly divided into two groups:

  1. Injuries or complications
  2. Inflammation of the joint (pathology)

To more accurately establish the cause of pain, it is necessary to study in detail the structure of the knee joint from the outside and inside, and understand how this bone unit is structured.

The knee joint is an articulated structure consisting of the connection of two bones. The kneecap is attached to the femur and tibia at the front. The knee consists of two sides - the outer (lateral) and the inner (medial). The articular capsule serves as protection for the joint of the bones when walking. And the special cartilage tissue that covers the bones reduces their friction. A so-called thickened area (meniscus) is formed, which evenly distributes the load force on the knee and prevents pain from friction. On both sides of the knee joint: external and internal, there are fluid bags that perform a lubricating function and have a softening effect on the friction of the tendons on the side. This “coordinated mechanism” ensures easy sliding of the bones when walking.

What causes knee pain on the inside? There are a number of injuries and inflammatory processes that are the “push”, the driving force for the appearance of pain in the side of the knee.

Ligament rupture in the knee joint

  • The knee becomes swollen
  • Sharp pain appears even with the slightest movement of the leg
  • There is a “looseness” of the joint

Damage to the meniscus (occurs when a sharp turn of the body with a fixed foot)

  • Strong pain
  • The leg practically does not straighten
  • Movement without assistance becomes impossible

Chronic luxation of the patella

  • The joint area hurts constantly
  • Visible changes in the shape of the knee joint occur

Injury to the collateral ligament (occurs when the tibia suddenly deviates from the side)

  • Sharp pain when palpated
  • Sometimes limb mobility is lost

Traumatic hemarthrosis (when a bruise occurs, hemorrhage occurs in the knee)

  • Swelling of the knee is observed
  • Possible local inflammation
  • There is discomfort when moving

Inflammation of the tendons of the knee cap (tendinitis)

  • The epicenter of severe pain is the cup on the outside or the front of the joint
  • Limited mobility due to tendon rupture
  • When palpating the area of ​​the affected tendons, sharp pain

Synovitis (acute inflammatory process due to improper metabolic processes)

  • Severe unbearable pain
  • Possible cystic formations on the side
  • Increase in joint volume
  • Deformation of articular contours

Baker's cyst (tumor disease of the joint on the inside)

  • Pain inside the knee
  • The limb is difficult to bend due to fluid accumulation
  • Cystic formations
  • When a cyst bursts, suppuration is possible

Hoffa's disease (the disease is difficult to diagnose, has symptoms similar to inflammation of the meniscus)

  • Pain inside the knee joint (occurs due to renewal of the fat layer)

Arthrosis (disease (pathology) of the knee joint - damage to cartilage)

  • At the initial stage of the disease, you may experience slight discomfort when walking up the stairs.
  • If treatment is not prescribed on time, severe pain, loud crunches, sharp clicks and numbness of the entire knee appear.
  • Increase in joint size
  • Knee pain
  • In the absence of treatment - complete immobility of the limb

Several signal factors that are decisive for contacting a qualified specialist:

  • The pain experienced is constant
  • Swelling, edema, or swelling was found on the side, back, or inside of the knee
  • Unable to lean on your leg
  • Deformation of the knee is visible to the naked eye
  • There is noticeable redness in the area and there is fever.

A correct and accurate diagnosis is the key to successful recovery.


  • will conduct a thorough inspection
  • will perform test manipulations
  • will prescribe an x-ray, magnetic resonance or tomography
  • will make a diagnosis
  • prescribe medications (antibiotics, analgesics)
  • will prescribe procedures to restore the functioning of the limb (physiotherapy, a complex of special physical activity).

Advice. To alleviate pain in the area of ​​the inside of the knee and before contacting a specialist, try giving yourself first aid at home.

  • Give your feet some rest
  • When walking, use support (stick, crutch, cane)
  • Apply a cold compress and limit flexion of the limb
  • Use anti-inflammatory ointments or painkillers

There are factors that are the primary sources of knee pain.

  • increased body weight
  • grueling sports
  • hard labour
  • age
  • untreated injuries
  • low flexibility of muscle tissue

Uniform load distribution, developed muscle tone, proper metabolism are the main preventive methods for preventing diseases of the knee joint.

Often a person pays attention to his health only when the disease is at a late stage of its development and is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. However, we should not forget that health is the highest value, and once you lose it, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to restore it.

If a person has pain on the side of the knee, then, as a rule, he is in no hurry to seek medical help and hopes that the pain will go away soon on its own. SECOND OPINION (For this you will need x-rays).

Not only elderly patients suffer from this disease, but also young people. Most often, knee pain occurs in people involved in active sports (equestrianism, bodybuilding, cycling, etc.). During training, these people can get microtraumas and sprains. Many people pay attention to the fact that knee pain appears on the side. The reasons for such sensations are not necessarily diseases of the knee joint itself. Pain can also occur due to pathologies in other areas of the human body.

Pain on the side of the knee can be caused not only by bruises and various types of injuries, but also by injuries to the knee in childhood. If the knee joint becomes inflamed or becomes infected, a person will experience pain while walking not only on the side of the knee, but throughout the entire leg. Dystrophic-degenerative diseases of the joint can also cause pain on the side of the knee and discomfort.

If you feel pain on the side of your knee, it may also be a sign of a muscle strain or torn ligament. Also, pain on the side of the knee can be caused by neurological disorders.

Treatment methods for such diseases are extremely varied, so our clinic’s specialists recommend that you find a competent doctor who will select adequate treatment.

Knee pain. Diagnostics.

To eliminate pain on the side of the knee, it is necessary to determine its cause. Our specialists will prescribe a thorough examination and comprehensive diagnostics (x-ray, CT, arthroscope, MRI, etc.).

An extremely important procedure is a laboratory analysis of the patient’s blood.

Most often, such pain occurs due to osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. In this case, the sensory roots of the lumbosacral nerve plexus are displaced. During this, lumbar pain radiates to the hip and knee area. Since our knees are often exposed to stress, certain changes occur in them.

One of these changes is the disease gonarthrosis of the knee joint.

During this pathology, dystrophic changes in the articular cartilage are observed, resulting in its depletion. Then the bone tissue of the tibia and the condyle of the femur are affected. When the condyles of the femur are affected in humans, side knee pain.

The causes of gonarthrosis can be:

  • Excess weight
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Diabetes
  • Poor nutrition
  • Hereditary factors
  • Weakened immunity
  • Congenital pathologies

Another well-known disease is inflammation of the knee joint - knee arthritis or knee arthritis. The most famous type of monoarthritis. It can also be one of the manifestations of polyarthritis. Patients suffering from gonarthritis complain of severe pain and difficulty moving the knee. Often the cause of gonitis is an infection that penetrates the joint through damaged tissue during injury. Infections can also enter the body from other foci during a general purulent infection. It also happens that after infection, an immunological breakdown begins and then damage to the articular cartilage.


Pain on the side of the knee. Treatment

The specialized orthopedic center of the Friedrichshafen Clinic, founded in 1987, provides high-quality diagnosis and treatment of joints.


In case of ligament rupture, meniscus or cartilage injury, the patient is advised to undergo atroscopic examination and treatment. Thanks to computer navigation, it is possible to accurately determine the location of the meniscus lesion and restore damaged fibers. Arthroscopy for diagnosis and treatment of pain on the side of the knee at the Friedrichshafen clinic it is performed on an outpatient basis. The cost of this procedure varies, usually from €5,000 to €6,000. Every year the clinic performs about 500 such interventions.


With extensive destructive processes in the knee joint, endoprosthetic surgery may be required. There are complete and partial knee replacements. In the first case, we are talking about replacing the front part of the joint and part of the kneecap. With total endoprosthetics, a complex endoprosthesis, the so-called “artificial” knee, is installed. The cost of knee replacement in our clinic in Germany is about € 12,000 - € 14,000. Since the cost depends on the individual situation of the patient, the exact cost can only be determined after reviewing the patient’s medical documentation and x-rays. The estimate for treatment is formed as follows: accommodation, cost of patient care, fees for the chief physician and anesthetist.

Second opinion

Due to the fact that knee pain can be caused by different reasons and, accordingly, different types of treatment can be applied, our clinic offers a second opinion service. This service involves reviewing your case from the point of view of an outside expert who makes a recommendation for effective treatment. The recommendation is drawn up in the form of a detailed written opinion. How you apply this recommendation and where your knee joint will be treated is up to you. If you decide to undergo treatment at the Friedrichshafen Clinic, the cost you paid for the “second opinion” service will be counted towards you as an advance payment for the knee joint treatment you have chosen.

WE RECOMMEND YOU TO CONTACT OUR SPECIALISTS FOR A SECOND OPINION RIGHT NOW! More than 3,000 patients from Russia have already received qualified assistance in a timely manner thanks to this service!

The cost of the service is 350 Euro. Payment is made in advance by bank transfer or credit card.

Who can I contact if I have pain in the side of the knee joint? Highly qualified specialists from the Friedrichshfen Clinic, experienced orthopedists and great masters of their craft can find the cause. Thanks to modern medical technologies and state-of-the-art equipment, our doctors will help every patient. We will develop an individual treatment plan for you, aimed at your speedy recovery!