Removal of postoperative scars. Laser resurfacing of sutures after surgery

Scars can appear not only as a result of surgery, but also due to ordinary injuries: cuts, burns; however, postoperative scars are usually the largest and densest. They look the least aesthetically pleasing and are the most difficult to get rid of, despite the fact that there are now many cosmetic products. And as a last resort, you can always contact a plastic surgeon who will correct any flaw in the skin.

Scars: what are they?

Even scars from operations can turn out different: it all depends on what type of surgical intervention was, how skillfully the surgeon worked, what instruments he used, and, of course, on the individual characteristics of the body.

  1. After operations performed directly on the surface of the skin (for example, removal of hemangioma in the early stages - in newborns or small children), a light, flat scar remains, which is not too different from the general skin, but can slightly change its relief, as if wrinkled. In some cases, it resolves and becomes completely invisible as the person ages and the skin stretches. This is a normotrophic scar that causes the least amount of inconvenience to the owner.
  2. A keloid scar is the same scar that can be observed on the body immediately after a “deep” operation. Often they do not change their shape, remain elastic, uneven, with a clear contour and bright color, which sharply contrasts with healthy skin. In addition, they tend to grow. They are the ones they try to get rid of first.
  3. Hypertrophic scars are usually small in size and light pink in color. They protrude slightly above the skin and, depending on their size, can pass for a large pimple. In turn, atrophic ones, on the contrary, “sink” into the skin, creating a depression.

Laser scar removal

Methods for getting rid of scars and scars are not very different from fighting acne and blackheads; here, too, cosmetologists come to the rescue with their latest equipment, which can completely renew not only a small area, but the entire skin. And therefore, the leading position is occupied by laser scar removal. The principle of operation is amazingly simple - the laser beam heats the treated area of ​​skin to a very high temperature, and all the water that we are made of becomes steam in this place. Thus, the damaged layer of the dermis disappears, and at high temperatures collagen begins to be actively produced, and the process of skin renewal and regeneration accelerates significantly.

During the procedure, the patient himself, thanks to local anesthesia, does not feel any pain and may experience only mild discomfort. After this, no grinding or peeling is needed, in addition, the laser does not come into contact with the body, so the wound is absolutely sterile, and the risk of infection is completely eliminated.

Acid peels

The use of glycolic acid allows you to get rid of subtle scars with the help of several peeling sessions, since the product does not penetrate deep into the skin and works only on its superficial layers. During peeling, damaged keratinized areas are exfoliated, the skin is cleansed, and the top layer is quickly restored, but there are no longer any traces of a former scar or scar. Regeneration occurs due to the activation of cells that create new tissue.

Peeling is also used to remove deeper scars; in this case, trichloroacetic or phenolic acids are used, their spectrum of action is much wider, and the procedure itself is more severe - the skin simply dies, and the process is accompanied by darkening and crusting of the area. It comes off over time, and the treated area begins to heal little by little. This type of peeling can help reduce the depth of the scar, make it less noticeable and thus prepare for a more gentle past method that will completely renew the skin.

Cryodestruction - freezing treatment

Even keloid scars can be treated with this method. The essence of the procedure is to freeze the scar; it uses a coolant (usually liquid nitrogen) and a special applicator, which is applied to the scar until a drizzle of ice forms. Cryodestruction is quite painful at all stages, but a very effective way to remove scars, and therefore it is carried out only with anesthesia. After freezing and thawing, the scar swells; If you have ever seen severely frostbitten areas of the body, then with cryodestruction the effect is similar. Such a “bubble” will last about a week (maybe a little more or less - depends on the individual properties of the body), after which it will begin to become covered with a dry crust. After a few more days, it will disappear, and only a small pinkish mark will remain from the scar, which will disappear almost completely over time.

Dermabrasion and microdermabrasion

Deep scars that span multiple layers of skin tissue can be reduced using dermabrasion and microdermabrasion. The first method is more stringent; it involves grinding down the scar with special brushes. Since not only the scar itself is removed, but also the surface of the skin, the procedure will be accompanied by pain (which is why it is performed after pain relief) and slight bleeding. The result is a wound that must be carefully cared for until it crusts over.

Microdermabrasion is a gentle alternative to the previous method. True, it is applicable only to those scars that are located on the surface of the skin or affect its upper layers. The scar is polished using exfoliating powders, and the process is painless. But several procedures may be required.

Filling - scar filling

Filling is possible for atrophic scars that do not protrude above the skin, but are located below its surface. For this purpose, surgeons take some fat tissue from other areas of the body. If this cannot be done, then preparations with hyaluronic acid are used, which serve to enlarge and contour the lips, cheeks and other areas of the face. The procedure is carried out after local anesthesia: subcutaneous microinjections are made in the area of ​​the scar, and the first effect is immediately visible, and the final result appears in a couple of days - the scar receives additional volume, and the damaged area is leveled to the level of the skin.

But there is also an unpleasant side - this effect does not last forever. After a few months, maximum six months, the drug (even if it was natural fatty tissue) will completely dissolve and be eliminated from the body. The procedure can be repeated, but the result will also be short-lived.

Doctors disagree on when it is best to remove scars - immediately or after some time to allow them to heal properly. It is better in each individual case to consult with your surgeon, as well as a cosmetologist whom you plan to trust.

Video: how to remove scars and scars without surgery

A postoperative scar is traditionally considered a cosmetic defect, however, its main danger lies not in its appearance, but in structural changes in the skin. The fibrous tissue that makes up the scar has different properties from healthy epithelial or muscle tissue. Fibrin fibers are tightly pressed together, do not have blood vessels and contain few living cells (they cannot be detected at all in old scars).

Anti-scar injections

Before trying to remove the defect with radical methods, it is worth trying drug treatment. Fibrin is not soluble in aqueous solutions, but can be softened and destroyed by steroid drugs. The drugs are selected only by the attending physician, and injections are carried out only under supervision. To remove postoperative defects, medications are used that contain analogues of adrenal hormones.

A number of specialists also use injections of immunosuppressants and even cytostatics. It has been proven that drugs that suppress the activity of fibroblasts (cells that synthesize fibrin fibers) help avoid tissue scarring. By correcting the functioning of the immune system, it is possible to remove a scar only at the initial stage of formation; 5-6 months after surgery, this type of therapy is no longer relevant. Steroids can be used on old scars too.

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A scar formed at the site of a surgical wound very often does not look aesthetically pleasing and can sometimes cause serious aesthetic inconvenience to its owner. The only way to get rid of the feeling of discomfort is an effective and safe procedure - laser resurfacing of sutures after surgery.

Types of postoperative scars

  • Normotrophic - thin and pale suture, formed when the skin has good wound healing ability;
  • Hypotrophic - a defect located below the surface of the surrounding skin. It is most often a consequence of acne (post-acne).
  • Hypertrophic - a gross defect that slightly rises above the surface of the surrounding skin;
  • Keloid - a purple scar, prone to pathological growth, may be accompanied by itching and pain.

Effectiveness of fractional laser on scars

Using laser correction, scars of any kind can be completely eliminated or smoothed out (made invisible). The laser beam selectively removes connective (scar) tissue from the suture. At the same time, regeneration processes are activated in the treatment area under the influence of the laser, as a result of which the synthesis of collagen and elastin is enhanced, and a new layer of young and healthy skin is formed.

Important! Specialists at the ALODERM clinic in Moscow remind you that fresh scars are removed faster and more efficiently than old, dense ones.

What you need to know about laser scar resurfacing

  • This procedure is painless, however, in cases of increased sensitivity or at the request of the patient, laser therapy is carried out using a special anesthetic gel;
  • During the first day after the procedure, swelling and hyperemia (redness) may persist in the treatment area. Then small crusts appear, under which a layer of young skin is formed. After a week, these crusts fall off on their own;
  • After the procedure, you need to carefully protect the scar area from any damage and apply sunscreen daily. A product with a high degree of protection from direct sunlight must be used for 6 weeks (at least) after the procedure.

Attention! The result of laser resurfacing of sutures after surgery is fast, lasting and non-reversible!

Laser resurfacing of sutures after cesarean section

Why hide a cesarean scar under clothing if you can get rid of it? Correction of postoperative scars using a laser is a low-traumatic (gentle) procedure that is widely used to eliminate skin defects on delicate and sensitive areas of the body, including the removal of sutures after cesarean section.

Advice: If you plan to have another child in the future, you should definitely consult with the surgeon who performed the suture after the cesarean section before you decide to undergo laser resurfacing of your postoperative scar.

Laser resurfacing of sutures after surgery is a procedure that does NOT require special preparation, is performed on an outpatient basis, does NOT have a long rehabilitation period, and today is the only method for effectively removing scar tissue without surgery!

Contact a specialist to decide whether this type of treatment is appropriate in your case.


Our PIXEL CO2 device from Alma Lasers has a unique roller attachment that produces a row of seven pixels, delivering laser radiation only while moving. This feature speeds up the procedure and makes it less painful.

  • CO2 fractional lasers work simultaneously with the superficial and deep layers of the skin.
  • They have the possibility of a higher thermal effect, resulting in a pronounced rejuvenation effect, which
  • reduces the number of procedures.
  • Relatively short rehabilitation period.
  • Controlled minimal damage to the skin, histologically and clinically proven improvements in skin quality.
  • Possibility of performing the procedure on patients with thin skin.
  • Minimal risk of hyperpigmentation after the procedure.
  • Possibility of impact on any part of the body.

Our PIXEL CO2 device from Alma Lasers has a unique roller attachment that produces a row of seven pixels, delivering laser radiation only while moving. This feature speeds up the procedure and makes it less painful.

At the first stage, local anesthesia is administered for 30-40 minutes. Next begins the stage of leather processing itself. During the procedure, the patient feels a burning sensation.

At the first stage, local anesthesia is administered for 30-40 minutes. Next begins the stage of leather processing itself. During the procedure, the patient feels a burning sensation.

After the procedure, the skin becomes bright red and swollen. The burning sensation persists for 30-40 minutes. At this time, you can take painkillers and apply special creams recommended by your doctor.

The procedure is best carried out from October to April. But if the patient follows all the doctor’s recommendations, the procedure can be performed at any time of the year.

The procedure is best carried out from October to April. But if the patient follows all the doctor’s recommendations, the procedure can be performed at any time of the year.

Prices for laser resurfacing of sutures after surgery

Name of medical service Prices for medical services in rubles
Consultation, diagnostics
Appointment with a doctor of the highest category, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, First Moscow State Medical University named after. I. M. Sechenov – O. V. Grabovskoy (examination, consultation) 3 500,00
Initial appointment with Ph.D. Kryukova S.V. (examination, consultation) 2 500,00
Initial appointment with a cosmetologist (examination, consultation) 2 000,00
Repeated admission to Ph.D. Kryukova S.V. (if no services have been provided since the initial consultation) 1 500,00
Repeated appointment with a cosmetologist (if no services have been provided since the initial consultation) 1 500,00
Repeated appointment (examination, consultation) with a cosmetologist (if services have been provided since the initial consultation) 500,00
Selection of Anna Lotan cosmetics (home care) 500,00
Prescription of treatment regimen (up to 1 month) 1 500,00
Prescription of treatment regimen (more than 1 month) 2 000,00
Laser skin resurfacing
(Laser device for dermatological and plastic surgery Pixel CO2, Alma Lasers, Ltd., Israel)
Fractional CO2 - rejuvenation 1 cm2 2 600,00*
Fractional CO2 - rejuvenation - full face 26 100,00*
Fractional CO2 - rejuvenation – neck 13 100,00*
Fractional CO2 - rejuvenation - décolleté 15 100,00*
Fractional CO2 - rejuvenation – full face, neck 35 100,00*
Fractional CO2 - rejuvenation - full face, neck, décolleté 46 000,00
Fractional CO2 - rejuvenation – hands 13 100,00*
Fractional CO2 - rejuvenation - area around the eyes and moving eyelid 10 100,00*
Fractional CO2 - rejuvenation - area around the lips, nasolabial and labiochin folds 10 100,00*
Fractional CO2 - rejuvenation - forehead and eyebrow area 10 100,00*
Fractional CO2 - rejuvenation – earlobe and parotid area 8 600,00*
Fractional CO2 - rejuvenation - area around the eyes and area around the lips 17 100,00*
Fractional CO2 - rejuvenation - area around the eyes and forehead 17 100,00*
Fractional CO2 - rejuvenation – body, area 10×10 cm 9 100,00*
*The cost of the procedure includes laboratory blood testing for the hospital group (HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis)

This is not a public offer. You can see prices for all services of the ALODERM Expert Clinic in the section

A scar often remains after surgery on the abdomen, arm, face, neck and other parts of the body. It is a cosmetic defect and creates discomfort. On average, it takes from six months to a year for the suture to completely heal and a scar to form. To reduce it, special ointments, creams and gels containing collagen are used.

A postoperative scar has the appearance of fibrous tissue, which differs in structure and properties from healthy soft or muscle tissue. For this reason, it often causes pain, it can itch, become inflamed and red. Depending on the type of seam and its size, the methods of getting rid of the scar differ.

In the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), this pathology is assigned code L90.5 - scar conditions and skin fibrosis. The resulting wound during surgery takes a long time to heal, as a result of which a mark is formed, which in the future may change slightly. The formation of a scar after surgery goes through 4 stages, presented in the table:

Stage Duration Peculiarities
Suture healing Up to 10 days The wound is connected by granulation tissue
Easy divergence of the formed scar due to the tension of nearby localized tissues.
Fibrillogenesis and the formation of a fragile scar From 10 to 30 days Reduction in the number of vessels and cell elements.
Increase in collagen and elastic fibers.
The extreme areas of the wound are connected by an immature scar, which is easy to stretch.
Formation of a durable scar Up to 3 months Increased content of fibrous structures.
Reduction of cellular elements and blood vessels.
Transformation From 4 months to a year Scar tissue matures slowly, and the vessels practically disappear.
Pallor of the scar.
In the middle of the stage, the scar becomes dense and hard, and a method by which it can be removed can be figured out.

Mostly scars form after appendectomy in a child or adult, during which the appendix is ​​removed. This operation is common and leaves behind a noticeable effect.

Pregnancy followed by cesarean delivery can affect tissue scarring in women. A scar in the chest area is a consequence of a mastectomy, in which the mammary gland is removed.

Types of postoperative scars

In medicine, it is customary to divide postoperative scars into 4 types:

Keloid. It resembles a tumor-like neoplasm, which, like a mushroom, hangs over the skin. The color varies from rich pink to bluish. It has a lumpy and dense surface. Such a scar after surgery is larger than the damaged surface of the epidermis. Causes itching and burning sensations in the patient, inflammation often occurs and pain is felt. Doctors have still not been able to establish the nature of the appearance of such a neoplasm after surgery. Predisposing factors include genetics affecting keloidosis and the location of injury or surgery.

Hypertrophic. A rough and hard scar that rises above the top layer of the skin. It often peels off and leads to the formation of trophic ulcers.

Predisposing sources to its formation are identified:

  • deep burns or lacerations;
  • untimely or poor-quality surgery;
  • localization of the scar in active areas that are often touched;
  • genetic factor.

Atrophic. Scars are less noticeable because they are flesh-colored or whitish. They are the result of injury to a large area of ​​skin or fatty tissue.

Physiological or normotrophic. After the wound heals, the mark remains invisible and does not protrude above the upper layer of the epidermis. Soon redness and an increase in size are noted, and sensitivity increases. After 2-3 months, the scar will again become almost invisible. This is how superficial wounds heal after surgery performed by an experienced surgeon. During surgery, the doctor tries to cut the tissue along its natural folds so that cosmetic defects do not occur in the future.

Cosmetology procedures

Treatment of scars after surgery is carried out using cosmetic procedures performed in the office of a dermatocosmetologist. These methods include:

  • Dermabrasion. During the procedure, the upper part of the epidermis is polished and excess connective tissue is removed. Using this method, the relief of the skin is leveled. Used for hypertrophic scars. Dermabrasion is divided into the following types:
  • Diamond, during which diamond chips are used.
  • Microdermabrasion. It is possible to get rid of the scar after surgery using a stream of microgranules.
  • Laser. Removal is carried out using a laser beam.
  • Mechanical. You can remove an old scar after surgery using a cutter.
  • Exposure to cold. Treatment with this method is particularly popular and is known as cryodestruction. The healthy tissue around the scar is exposed to low temperature, which causes a sharp spasm, causing the healing process. Some dermatologists do not favor this method of removing scars after surgery, since it is likely to increase the size of fibrous tissue.
  • Beech therapy. The size of the old suture can be reduced by irradiating the affected area. The negative side of this technique is the hyperpigmented stripe, which remains after manipulation in more than a quarter of patients.

Hardware techniques and surgery

Removal of postoperative scars is carried out by hardware and surgical excision. It is possible to get rid of the scar through abdominoplasty, during which the aesthetic proportions of the abdomen are restored. Plastic surgeries are also performed to eliminate a cosmetic defect. To avoid complications when removing a scar, you should contact a professional plastic surgeon. The following surgical methods are used to eliminate a keloid scar:

  • Plastic surgery using local fabrics. During surgical manipulation, nearby localized healthy tissue is used. A technically simple and affordable method. The treatment process is carried out in a hospital and takes no more than a week.
  • Expander plastic. Required when getting rid of large areas of scar tissue. During the procedure, the removed suture is replaced with expanders, silicone bags that are inserted under the skin and stretched. This procedure is especially effective in the formation of scars after surgery on the scalp.
  • Plastic surgery with free skin grafts. Transplantation is carried out layer by layer or with splitting of the thin upper layer of the skin.


Removal of postoperative scars is also carried out using folk remedies and medications at home. Treatment in this way can only be done after consultation with a doctor, who will recommend the best drug to eliminate the scar. The following medications are used:

  • "Diprospan". Refers to glucocorticosteroids. It is necessary to spread the cream preparation onto the damaged area of ​​the skin several times a day. The medicine is used in the form of injections injected into the injured area of ​​epithelial tissue.
  • "Kelofibrase." The area of ​​scar tissue will be reduced if you use a product containing urea and sodium heparin. The substances have anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects. It is recommended to apply immediately after scar formation, since old scars are not easily removed.
  • "Kontraktubeks". The medicine is available in the form of a gel containing onion extract. After using the drug, the growth of cells that affect the growth of scar tissue is inhibited. Thanks to the allantoin included in the composition, the wound heals faster after surgery and the ability of tissues to bind water increases.
  • "Kelo-cat." Contains silicone and polysiloxane, which form a film on the top of the scar. It prevents scar tissue from growing. When using the product, unpleasant symptoms are eliminated: itching, burning, inflammation. Similar drugs are Dermatix and Skargard.
  • "Clearwin." The ointment includes natural substances that penetrate into the deep layers of tissue. By enabling regeneration, it replaces the skin with healthy one.

When removing a scar after surgery, they use a special Mepiderm patch, which is simply glued to the affected area of ​​the skin.

How to avoid scar inflammation after surgery

In order for the scar to begin to heal normally and decrease in size, it is necessary to carefully monitor it and prevent an inflammatory reaction. Do not comb or peel off the resulting crust, as such measures will lead to infection and inflammation. It is recommended to cover the scar with a plaster, especially if it occurs in a child. Do not touch the wound often with dirty hands. If a postpartum scar is noted, then to prevent its divergence and inflammation, refrain from lifting heavy objects. After a shower, soak the scar with a paper towel.

Whenever the skin is damaged, there is a possibility of scarring. Even in early childhood, worn kneecaps can lead to scarring.

The same applies to surgery, even cosmetic surgery, regardless of the doctor's qualifications.

By making an incision in the skin, in most cases through all its layers, a scar can form, regardless of what part of the body the operation is performed on and why.

Of course, surgery performed by a less skilled surgeon may result in a higher degree of scarring, but a highly skilled surgeon has no effect on the amount of scarring that may occur.

Why in many cases does the skill of the surgeon have no effect on the formation of scars?

The surgeon cannot control all the factors that determine the extent of scarring after surgery. While good care of the area where the incision was made will contribute to its better healing.

A huge number of methods for removing scars after surgery are focused on getting rid of bad tissues that contribute to problems. The most favorable way to create a more aesthetic appearance is to excise the scars. This method is used when the scar edges are small and have good mobility.

The easiest way to get rid of scars is prevention rather than the appearance of hypertrophic and keloid scars. These measures are based on the following factors.

  • Contact a plastic surgeon. He is the one who will be able to properly apply the stitch.
  • Treatment of the scar with antiseptic agents and ointments. This helps reduce suppuration.
  • Apply sutures exclusively to the damaged area.
  • If assistance is not provided in a timely manner, the scar becomes worse special plates must be used.

Before using a resorption patch, you should consult your surgeon. He will help you decide on the methods and duration of treatment.

The result of scar removal after surgery is the application of cosmetic sutures to the surface of the skin. This method is achieved using thin material for suturing. As a result of this procedure, a thin line (1-3 mm) remains. The width of the scar depends on the condition of the skin around the wound, the initial volume of the scar and its location. In rare cases, it is necessary to cut a large area of ​​skin. These methods are required when correcting ordinary scars that appear after burns.

How to remove a scar after surgery: other methods

To get an answer to the question of how to remove scars after surgery, you need to know how the process of correcting a scar on a large area of ​​skin occurs.

The damaged area is corrected by transplanting a whole piece of skin from another area. This piece is taken from a completely intact part. Fabric expanders are most often used. They are a special balloon inserted under the skin directly near the scar. To increase the pressure, a medical solution is used.

As the size of the balloon increases, the skin underneath also increases. This effect covers possible scar defects, as well as large and very long scars on the face or in various limbs, which significantly reduce the mobility of the eyelids, lips and various joints. Various movements in these places contribute to pain as a result of increased tension in the skin and its structures.

How to remove scars from surgery by lengthening them?

Also, with various actions, scars form in areas of highest stress. For the greatest positive effect and restoration of lost functions, a scar lengthening system is used. As a result of plastic surgery of soft tissues, skin flaps are formed in the opposite direction, which eliminate the large tension of the skin. The new scar is made in a Z-shape. Thus, this design created by Langer is completely similar to natural lines.

The number of pieces used depends on the original size of the scar and the tension of the tissues. However, the initial incision of the scar may not be enough to create a more aesthetic appearance.

How can I remove a keloid scar after surgery?

In the process of restoration of keloid and hypertrophic sutures, special restoration methods must be used. It should be noted that excision is also a deformation and can result in the appearance of a new scar. To prevent such effects, silicone plates are used. Most often on sale they look like a regular patch.

They consist of a soft, sticky silicone fabric backing. Such products began to be produced in 1980. However, practice over many years has proven the effectiveness of its use.

They are able to minimally interact with various tissues and contribute to the appearance of a normotrophic scar.

This patch is designed for reusable use. It does not contain toxic substances and does not irritate the skin surface. Installation is carried out on a surface washed with soapy water and well dried.

It is dried so that its edges do not extend beyond 5 mm. After 12 days it is removed. Its operating life is 1 day, with minimal use of about half a day. After some time, the patch needs to be replaced. Course duration: from 2 to 6 months.