How to prepare a decoction of rose hips. Medicinal properties of rosehip decoction. Contraindications to the use of rose hips

Vitamins are not only useful, but also very fragile. They are easily destroyed if improperly prepared, stored or prepared for use. rich in vitamins raw materials. This also applies to rose hips. A storehouse of vitamins can turn into useless and tasteless cake floating in yellowish water if it is not brewed correctly. There will be no trace left of the vitamins, and the taste of such a decoction will not please you.

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Delicious and healthy tea

Those who are constantly in a hurry or simply like to experiment with tea drinks simply must know how to brew rosehip tea. Several berries (whole or cut) of fresh rose hips or not a large number of dried is simply added to black or green tea when brewing it. There is no need to talk seriously about the medicinal properties of such a drink., but drinkers of rosehip tea, of course, get some vitamins. The point of drinking such a drink is rather to give the usual teas a pleasant flavor.

Rosehip is often included in herbal teas and fees. When brewing such mixtures, you must follow the instructions if they were purchased at a pharmacy, and consult with a herbalist if you decide to make the mixture yourself.

Preparing the decoction

Rosehip is perhaps most often used in the form of a decoction (sweet or unsweetened). This method of preparation also cannot be called particularly gentle in relation to vitamins and other useful substances, since the raw materials have to be boiled.

It is recommended to throw rose hips into already boiling water. Boil for no more than fifteen minutes. It is recommended to infuse the decoction for three hours to a day; some advise wrapping the container with the decoction for this time. Before use, the broth is filtered, and the more thoroughly this is done, the better. You can add a little sugar, honey or other sweetener to the broth if its natural taste seems unpleasant to anyone.

Many questions are sent to our editorial office, one of the most common regarding rosehip is: “how and is it possible to brew fresh rosehip?”, the answer is - it is possible! But there are some nuances - before throwing the berries into boiling water, they must be thoroughly washed and, if possible, the fibers with which the berries are covered from the inside must be removed. These villi are quite insidious - once they get on the mucous membrane, they irritate the throat.

Dried rose hips also need to be thoroughly washed before preparing the decoction - during the drying or storage process, dirt may have gotten on it.

We insist correctly

Rosehip infusion retains much more vitamins than in the decoction. To make an infusion, you do not need to boil the berries. After washing and removing the lint, it is recommended to mash fresh berries or cut them into pieces. Dry berries can simply be washed. The raw materials are poured with boiling water (although some recommend, for the same purpose - to preserve beneficial properties - to use not boiling water, but simply hot water temperature about sixty degrees). After waiting from four hours to a day, the infusion is filtered and drunk.

How to brew rose hips in a thermos

It is convenient to brew rose hips in a thermos. It turns out something between a decoction and an infusion. Optimal dosage– a tablespoon of rose hips per liter of boiling water, but those who like a richer taste can add more berries. The rose hips are placed in a thermos and poured with boiling water. As a rule, this procedure is carried out in the evening, and in the morning they drink the prepared drink. Rose hips brewed in this way have choleretic effect and people with gastrointestinal disorders are advised to cook it in a thermos.

By the way, if you are thinking about how to brew rose hips for a child, then you can safely use the recipes above! The main thing to remember is that you should not abuse this drink; it is enough to drink a glass once every 3 days.

It is recommended to brew rose hips in a water bath when you need a drink to strengthen the immune system. Two tablespoons of finely chopped fruits are poured into two glasses of hot, but not boiling water. Infuse in a water bath for about fifteen minutes (place a container with rose hips filled with water in a container bigger size with slightly boiling water). After this, the broth must be cooled and strained as quickly as possible.

Brew flowers

So, we figured out how to brew rosehips, but did you know, dear readers, that collected rosehip petals are no less useful? They can be used both fresh and dried. Brew them like ordinary tea, insisting for about half an hour. The petals are brewed separately or added to regular tea or other herbs. An infusion of the petals helps with gallbladder diseases.

Complex decoction

Some healers recommend a rather complex scheme for preparing the decoction. First it is suggested Boil seven whole rosehips for an hour over low heat. The resulting decoction should be poured into a thermos with the other seven rose hips; if desired, the cycle can be repeated again. This should be done in the evening, and in the morning, strain the infusion and drink throughout the day.

There is no need to throw away the berries that remain in the thermos, but... boil them for an hour over low heat. And... that's right, pour the broth into seven whole berries in a thermos. The cycle can be repeated until the rosehip or the desire to use the decoction runs out.

By the way, that's not all. It is recommended not to throw away boiled fruits (those that have been boiled for an hour), but to remove the seeds from them, chop them, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 40 minutes. An infusion of seeds removes kidney stones and normalizes salt metabolism.

Video about proper preparation rose hips for colds:

Be healthy!

Rosehip is a healthy berry. Few people know that simple decoction or the infusion can treat not only colds, but even cancer. The fruits of wild roses are easy to dry and store to make delicious drinks.

Rosehip is a well-known bushy plant with lush flowering and subsequent red fruits in the form of longitudinal berries. Rosehip is very often and abundantly used in traditional and alternative (folk) medicine because it has a number of advantages along with other medications. In terms of vitamin content, rosehip is often the champion, which makes it a useful plant.

Making numerous teas, decoctions and infusions from rose hips in medicinal purposes You also need to know that there are some precautions for its use. But there are not as many of them as the beneficial properties of this plant. Most often, by subjecting the berries to heat, decoctions and infusions are prepared from rose hips.

Decoction of rose hips, benefits and harm

Benefits of rosehip decoctions and infusions:

  • This drink can have a beneficial effect on work of cardio-vascular system. in particular, he can strengthen the walls of blood vessels, as a result of which they become more elastic. For this reason, there is no need to be afraid of such serious illnesses like atherosclerosis
  • Heart function improves with regular drinking of teas, decoctions and infusions of rose hips. In addition, rose hips normalize arterial pressure person and makes him feel great
  • Rosehip is a champion among other plants in terms of content vitamin C. This vitamin plays an important role in life and health human body. Its abundance allows you to strengthen your immune system and make it resistant to colds and infections. In addition, if the human body regularly receives a supply of vitamin C in required quantity, a person feels cheerful and energized
  • Rosehip decoction is also good because it can provide beneficial effect on the functioning of the gallbladder. Rosehip removes bile very well and very effectively and therefore can be called a powerful choleretic agent.
  • It is also not unimportant that rosehip has a positive effect on liver function
  • In rosehip and its decoction contains sufficient amount of iron, which in turn protects a person from developing anemia. In case of presence of this disease, rose hip decoction fights it, replenishing the required level of hemoglobin in the blood
  • Rose hip decoction has a positive effect on the functioning of the genitourinary system. Thanks to this drink, you can provide powerful prevention and treatment Bladder and kidneys
  • Rose hip decoction is powerful antiseptic. This drink will have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body of any nature on any internal organ.
  • High vitamin content will allow rose hips to effectively fight many colds, improving the human condition. For the same reason, the drink is very useful for children, pregnant women and young nursing mothers
  • Rosehip decoction is a powerful antioxidant, Thanks to this feature, the drink will preserve not only health, but also beauty, and also prevent the development of any cancer.
  • An amazing feature of rosehip drinks is the ability reduce bleeding. This drink is very useful for people prone to heavy bleeding, nosebleeds and women with heavy menstruation
  • Rose hips are able to remove urate salts from the body, which provoke the development of gout.

harm that a drink made from rose hips can cause

If rose hips are used incorrectly or if you do not pay attention to contraindications, it can be harmful.

Possible harm of rosehip decoctions and infusions:

  • IN special case if a person has a serious cardiovascular disease- endocarditis, thoughtless and excessive consumption of rosehip drinks can lead to negative consequences and complications
  • People with a tendency to poor circulation have the possibility of developing blood clots as a result of thoughtless use of rosehip decoctions
  • Make sure that the water-salt balance of your body is not disturbed and only then drink rosehip drinks in large quantities so as not to get any negative consequences
  • Excessive drinking of rose hips is prohibited for those people who have congenital or acquired renal pathologies, as well as renal failure
  • Drink rosehip drinks in large quantities Not for those who have serious urolithiasis
  • Drinking decoctions and infusions from rose hips in large quantities should not be for those people who have stones in gallbladder
  • The use of decoctions and infusions of rose hips is prohibited for those people who have peptic ulcers stomach and duodenum, due to the fact that such drinks can increase acidity
  • Rosehip drinks are prohibited for those who have gastritis and increased acidity
  • Due to the fact that these drinks are characterized by high acidity, they should not be drunk by those people who have too thin tooth enamel, as well as too much sensitivity of the gums and teeth

It is worth knowing that harm can be caused not only by contraindications, but also by the abuse of rosehip drinks. Drinking rose hips in too large quantities can cause frequent and severe stomach pain. It is possible that a person may become allergic to this product. Rose hips contain too much vitamin C, which has a detrimental effect on the condition of tooth enamel. Excessive intake of vitamin C can also have Negative influence on the uterus during pregnancy and increase its tone.

Excessive consumption of rosehip decoction can cause stomach pain

How to properly brew dried rose hips in a thermos to preserve vitamins?

Rose hips are often dried in order to be able to brew a tasty and healthy tea. Dried berries do not lose their beneficial properties, but on the contrary, they are a kind of concentrate. It is recommended to store dried fruits in a canvas bag in a well-ventilated area to prevent any insects from infesting it. You can store the fruits in this state for several years, but it is best to dry exactly as much rose hips as you need for the winter and a new harvest.

Brewing dried berries is very simple. This requires only your effort and a thermos that can retain heat for a long time.

dried rose hips for brewing in a thermos

Brewing dry rose hips in a thermos:

  • For brewing you will need about fifteen berries. It is this quantity - daily norm for a person (two tablespoons, no more)
  • For such a quantity of berries you will need a small thermos and about half a liter of boiling water
  • The thermos should be scalded with boiling water before brewing.
  • Dry, clean berries are poured onto the bottom of the thermos and poured with boiling water.
  • The thermos should be left in this state overnight.
  • It’s good if you additionally wrap the thermos with a terry towel, so it will protect its heat longer
  • After time has passed, you should strain the drink from the berries and husks
  • The resulting drink can be drunk warm or cold several times throughout the day.

Brewing rose hips in a thermos this way will preserve all the vitamins and make the most healthy drink for you.

How long to infuse rose hips in a thermos?

The simplest way to brew rosehip in a thermos is to brew it overnight, that is, for about twelve hours. However, minimal amount The time that the berries should spend in hot water is seven hours.

Proper brewing of rose hips involves:

  • Having a high-quality thermos that can retain heat
  • Presence of boiling water at least 80 degrees
  • Brewing without sugar or honey (sugar and honey can be added to the finished drink)
  • Pre-scald the thermos for preservation hot temperature on long time(the cold walls of the thermos absorb the temperature of the water and make the brewing poor)
  • Preliminary scalding of dry rose hips to wash off excess dirt and dust from them during storage

thermos for brewing dry rose hips

How to brew rose hips without a thermos: in a slow cooker?

The presence of modern kitchen appliances makes it easier to prepare many dishes, including simple brewing of rose hips. For this purpose, you will need a regular multicooker.

Brewing rose hips in a slow cooker:

  • To prepare such a decoction, you should prepare a full glass of rose hips.
  • Dried berries must be doused with boiling water in order to wash off dust from them during storage.
  • After this, they pour out to the bottom of the multicooker bowl.
  • This number of berries is poured with two liters of clean cold water.
  • If desired, you can add sugar to add sweetness to the drink.
  • If desired, you can also add a slice of lemon, which will add a pleasant sourness to the rosehip drink.
  • After this, you need to find the “quenching” mode in the multicooker and turn it on for two hours (you can do it for an hour)
  • Of course, the resulting drink can be drunk immediately, but it is best to let the multicooker cool without opening the lid. This way the drink will infuse and acquire the most pleasant and rich taste.
  • Only the cooled drink pours out of the multicooker bowl. It should be drunk several times throughout the day.

how to brew dry rose hips in a slow cooker?

How many times can you brew rose hips?

The benefits of drinks made from rose hips are difficult to overestimate. Its sour taste is liked by many; it can give pleasant sensations and help to recover from many diseases. You can brew both fresh and dried rosehips, but perhaps everyone would like to know how many times they can be brewed:

  • It is best to brew rose hips in a thermos, this way you will preserve the benefits of the berries and you will not have to somehow monitor the brewing process
  • It is best to brew new berries into a decoction or tea each time.
  • With each subsequent brewing of the same berries, their benefits are lost.
  • It is worth noting that if you brew the same berries twice, the taste and richness of the drink will not deteriorate.
  • You can diversify the drink and brew other berries together with rose hips: prunes, dried apricots, raisins (but this is at everyone’s request)
  • Do not add sugar during brewing, much less honey. Any additives are good after the main brewing process
  • The finished drink can be diluted, drunk warm or cold, or mixed into drinks

How many times can you brew the same rose hips?

The combination of rose hips and hawthorn berries is extremely tasty. Throw dry or fresh berries You can add rosehip even to the most ordinary teapot or even a cup, covering it with a saucer and leaving it for fifteen minutes for high-quality steaming.

How to prepare a decoction of rosehip roots?

Few people know that to prepare a delicious drink you can use not only rose hips, but also the root of the plant. Rosehip root - famous remedy, which helps cope with many diseases:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract
  • malfunction of the liver and kidneys
  • for removing stones from the kidneys and gall bladder

You can prepare the beneficial root yourself, or you can easily purchase it at the pharmacy ( this action makes your work easier and provides quality product With detailed description brewing on the package).

rosehip root for brewing

Preparation of rosehip root infusion:

  • Preparing a decoction from the root is very similar to preparing the fruit of the plant
  • The required amount of crushed root (about two large spoons) should be poured into a glass of boiling water.
  • You can make this infusion in a thermos, or you can leave it to boil over low heat for 20 minutes.

It is worth knowing that the darker your rosehip root drink turns out, the healthier it will be for you. The dark drink contains the maximum concentration of substances.

Rose hip decoction with sorbitol for weight loss

Surprisingly, in addition to the fact that rosehip gives a person health, it also helps fight excessive obesity. Everything happens thanks to the unique chemical composition of the fruit, which helps to “burn” extra pounds.

In addition to all that has been said, rose hips - low calorie product. One hundred grams of berries are only 100 kcal. What is the secret of rose hips in losing weight? Everything is very simple, first of all, this product normalizes digestive process person. A well-functioning digestive system works smoothly, thoroughly breaks down food and gets rid of toxins accumulated over many years.

Rose hips help you lose weight thanks to:

  • Potassium content. Potassium promotes normalization water-salt balance in the human body, removes excess fluid naturally
  • Drinking rosehip drinks often has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and prevents the deposition of cellulite.
  • Vitamin C, which is very abundant in rose hips, qualitatively improves blood circulation, which is important in the process of losing weight

rosehip for weight loss

It is not uncommon to use sorbitol to lose weight:

  • Three large spoons of berries are first poured with half a liter of boiling water. The berries are infused in a thermos all night
  • Sorbitol (three large spoons) is diluted in an infusion of fruits
  • The remaining drink should be drunk during the day without sorbitol, after 20 minutes and after 45

Only after the entire amount of the drink has been drunk can you start eating.

Oatmeal jelly with rosehip decoction: recipe

Oat jelly is an unusual drink, but extremely healthy. It can not only help a person recover, but also thoroughly cleanse his body of waste and toxins. Such jelly can improve the body's metabolism and even help with weight loss.

Such jelly, together with rose hips, will become not just medicine, but a real delicacy. It is ideal for breakfast or a simple snack during the day.

Preparing jelly:

  • As a basis for such jelly, you must use a pre-prepared decoction of rose hips.
  • Brewed rose hips should be boiled and poured over the prepared oatmeal
  • You will need about 200 grams of flakes
  • The hot broth is poured over the flakes for fifteen minutes.
  • After the flakes have brewed, the entire brewed mass should be squeezed out either through a sieve or through cheesecloth.
  • After this, the infusion procedure must be repeated twice. The same flakes and broth are used, which is brought to a boil each time. This is necessary in order to “wash” all the “starch” from the oats.
  • After the third procedure, the resulting jelly is allowed to drink
  • It is recommended to put the squeezed drink in the refrigerator for half an hour to make it more pleasant and tasty. You can also add it to a hot drink a small amount of sugar to improve taste

how to make jelly from oats and rose hips?

How to drink rosehip decoction for pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis - serious disease, this is an inflammatory process in the pancreas. How is rosehip useful for pancreatitis?

  • rosehip reduces pain
  • rose hips will eliminate spasms
  • Rosehip improves the regeneration of healthy cells in the body
  • Rosehip reduces inflammation in the body
  • Rosehip improves metabolism in the body
  • Rosehip improves human immunity, which gives a chance for a favorable recovery

Rose hips will help a person get rid of pancreatitis

Rosehip for gout: recipe

In the treatment of gout, rosehip tincture, which should be taken three times a day, thirty drops before each meal, is extremely effective.

Preparation of rosehip tincture:

  • 100 grams of rose hips (dried fruits) need to be washed from dust and dirt
  • The rosehip should be steamed a little; to do this, keep it in boiling water for about 15 minutes
  • after that, drain the water and add half a glass of sugar to the bowl (glass jar)
  • all ingredients are poured with half a liter of vodka
  • The drink should be infused for about two weeks in a cool, dry place.

Rosehip tincture effectively helps in the treatment of gout

Rosehip to increase hemoglobin: recipe

Regular consumption of a drink made from rose hips will help replenish excess iron and hemoglobin in the blood. To do this, you will need to prepare a simple decoction:

  • pour two tablespoons of fruit with two glasses of boiling water
  • infuse the berries for seven hours
  • add sugar to the drink if desired
  • drink 100 ml of the drink before each meal

For variety, you can prepare compotes from rose hips and other dried fruits, enjoying them several times a day.

Rosehip for bronchitis: recipe

In the treatment of bronchitis, rose hip syrup can be useful, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself:

  • 1.5 liter jars of fruit should be washed and prepared for cooking
  • Only clean and whole berries are useful for making syrup.
  • this number of berries should be poured into two liters of water and put to boil
  • The broth should be boiled for forty minutes over low heat
  • After boiling, the dishes should be wrapped in a terry towel and left to cool
  • After cooling, the broth is filtered, the berries are passed through cheesecloth
  • sugar must be added to the strained broth in the amount of 1.5 kilograms
  • you need to put the dishes back on the fire and continue boiling
  • Boiling should be carried out for another thirty minutes
  • after this, the syrup is poured into jars for storage and used to treat bronchitis

how to prepare rosehip syrup to treat bronchitis?

Rosehip for prostatitis: recipe

Rose hips can have the most effective effect on the treatment of prostatitis:

  • For cooking medicinal infusion you should first chop three large spoons of fruit
  • The most common pliers will help you easily and quickly chop the berries (they must be pre-treated with alcohol)
  • After this, the crushed fruits should be poured with two glasses of boiling water, preferably in a glass thermos
  • This drink should be infused throughout the night (at least ten hours)
  • The resulting drink should be drunk in one day: in about two doses

This procedure should be repeated daily for one to two months. After this, you should take a short break for a couple of weeks and repeat the course again.

Rosehip will help men cure prostatitis

Rose hips for Staphylococcus aureus: recipe

Staphylococcus - pathogenic bacterium, which can provoke quite a few diseases in the human body. A simple rosehip decoction recipe will help you get rid of it:

  • To do this, pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of dried rose hips and a spoonful of hawthorn fruits.
  • It is advisable to make the infusion in a thermos, as it will allow you to maintain the temperature for a long time
  • the resulting infusion can be sweetened if desired
  • it must be drunk in two doses: morning and evening
  • A similar drink must be taken daily for one to one and a half months for complete recovery.

Pine needles, rose hips and onion peels for oncology: recipe

Due to the fact that rose hips contain great amount vitamins and antioxidants, this plant is practically miraculous and can cure many from oncological diseases on early stages their development.

You can try to prepare a special infusion, for this you will need the following ingredients:

  • pine needles - they contain a lot of useful essential oils, ascorbic acid, tannins
  • Rose hips - contains the maximum concentration of vitamin C and antioxidants
  • onion peels - high in vitamin E and quercetin


  • a pinch onion peel should be a glass of water and boil, cook for 10 minutes
  • the resulting decoction should be poured into a tablespoon of rose hips and a spoonful of pine needles
  • ingredients should be poured into a thermos prepared in advance
  • The drink should be infused overnight, that is, at least 10 hours
  • the finished drink should be taken one tablespoon before each meal

Any treatment with decoctions and infusions of rose hips requires careful brewing of the fruits and only regular use healing drinks. You can dry the berries yourself, but at any time of the year they can be purchased at the pharmacy.

When steaming fruits, it is best to use an old-style thermos with a glass flask inside. This feature will allow you to retain heat for as long as possible, which means you can brew the berries better.

Video: “Rose hip decoction in a thermos”

Most The right way– prepare the infusion without boiling. Per 100 g dried berries you need a liter of water. First, you need to crush the berries using a towel and a kitchen hammer. You can also grind it in a food processor. Place the crushed berries in a thermos, previously scalded with boiling water. Pour water at about 80°C (5 minutes after boiling). Leave overnight (10 hours).

The drink tastes good, but you should not drink it uncontrollably; it is important to maintain the optimal dosage.

How to take rosehip infusion

You can drink the decoction sweetened with honey, sugar or without anything. The rates and duration of use depend on the purpose:

  • to prevent colds and strengthen the immune system – half a glass 3-4 times a day;
  • to reduce appetite for the purpose of losing weight - 100 ml half an hour before meals;
  • As a choleretic agent, drink the infusion in a glass on an empty stomach, slightly warming it up. You can have breakfast in half an hour;
  • For better absorption of calcium and iron, drink rose hips at night, the entire daily dose (200 ml) at once.

Also, rosehip infusion can prevent the degeneration of cells into cancerous ones, improves the functioning of digestive system, helps absorb iron in anemia. It is not contraindicated for pregnant women if taken within normal limits and does not cause heartburn.

Adults can drink no more than 200 ml of infusion per day, children - 100 ml. The course of treatment is from 3 to 8 weeks.

Since rosehip is very rich in acids and other active substances, it requires some precautions. To prevent acid from destroying tooth enamel, it is better to drink through a straw and then rinse your mouth with water.

With increased stomach acidity, the decoction can cause heartburn, so it should be diluted with water in such cases.

Rose hips can provoke the release of stones from the liver, which can clog bile ducts. Therefore, if you have cholelithiasis, you should not take it. And in any case, before systematically taking rose hips, you should consult your doctor to find out how to take rose hips correctly in your particular case and whether it is worth doing.

Rosehip, which belongs to the Rosaceae family, is very far removed from its decorative garden counterparts in its beneficial qualities. For example, in medicines All its parts are used - fruits, roots, leaves and flowers.

And although the dried fruits of this prickly plant are a remedy recognized in folk medicine and used almost as often as people drink regular tea, the benefits and contraindications of rose hip decoction should be the subject of detailed consideration. This drink is not as harmless as is commonly believed: there are a number of contraindications that need to be taken into account (gastritis, ulcers, thrombosis, hypervitaminosis).

There are several types of rosehip, but the most popular among herbalists is cinnamon rosehip (another name is May rosehip). Collect ripe fruits rose hips from September to October.

Tip: In order to always have ready-made raw materials at hand, you need to take care of this in advance and peel each berry. Freshly harvested fruits must be freed from the stalk, cut into halves and each of them thoroughly cleaned of hairs and seeds. The berries prepared in this way must be washed several times in running water to get rid of debris. Then discard the rose hips in a colander and let the water drain. Only such purified raw materials are safe.

You can use either fresh rose hips or dried ones using an oven (at 90-100°C) or special drying for fruits. Can also be dried in natural conditions in a warm, well-ventilated area, but not in direct sunlight! The fruits can also be frozen. It is better to grind them first - this way, when brewed, they will give off maximum beneficial properties.

"Battery" of health

Chemical composition dried rose hips are truly unique. This plant has a whole biological “arsenal” designed to overcome illnesses. Pectins and tannins, organic acids and mineral salts, vitamins and flavonoids - this is a small list of its active components.
Vitamin C
  • helps fight infections and viruses, supports natural level immune protection;
B vitamins
  • normalization of hematopoietic processes;
Vitamin P – rutin
  • improves the absorption of ascorbic acid, strengthens capillaries;
  • Converts to highly absorbable vitamin A;
  • antioxidant properties;
  • rapid tissue restoration during the treatment of burns, ulcers, eczema.

Rosehip decoction (properly prepared, of course) preserves the beneficial properties of this healing composition as fully as possible.

Tip: Rosehip leaves also have healing properties and can be used to make tea. To do this, they should be crushed, pour boiling water and let it brew for 15-20 minutes.

The use of rosehip decoction for medicinal purposes

Taking rosehip decoction helps:

  • normalization of the functioning of the liver and gall bladder;
  • healing the digestive organs, establishing the production of enzymes;
  • reduction blood pressure, strengthening the heart muscle;
  • activation of the red blood cells, prevention of anemia and atherosclerosis;
  • stimulation of the production of enzymes and hormones;
  • strengthening the immune system (particularly in cold period colds);
  • increasing overall tone, rejuvenating the body (antioxidants);
  • prevention of vitamin deficiency (contains B vitamins, vitamins C, P and PP, K, carotene, iron, manganese, potassium);
  • reduction of inflammation (antibacterial properties);
  • normalization of the functions of the genitourinary system;
  • revitalization mental activity, restoration of vision;
  • weight loss by reducing the level bad cholesterol, normalization of metabolism and removal of toxins and poisons;
  • normalization of stool (for diarrhea);
  • rehabilitation after illness, increasing physical endurance.

Advice: to prevent colds, take a glass of fruit decoction 3-4 times a day after meals. wild rose"(instead of tea).

Rosehip decoction is also taken for pancreatitis - it relieves inflammation and painful condition, perfectly supports the diseased pancreas.

Caution: contraindications!

Application of any medicines, including rosehip decoction, should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. You need to be especially careful if, in addition to the health problems that rose hips help solve, there are also those that this drug can aggravate:

  • disturbance of the circulatory process, arterial hypotension;
  • blood diseases: thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, endocarditis;
  • stomach diseases: dyspepsia, gastritis, ulcers, increased acidity;
  • hypervitaminosis of vitamins C and P
  • sensitive enamel, prone to caries and untreated teeth;
  • pathological conditions of the liver;
  • tendency to allergies, intolerance to rosehip preparations;
  • intestinal diseases, constipation.

Vitamin decoction of rose hips: methods of preparation

The benefits of consuming rosehip will be maximum if you learn how to brew it correctly. Healing decoction Rose hips - how to prepare them to preserve vitamins, antioxidants and other nutrients?

A “classic” restorative is considered to be a rosehip decoction prepared according to the following recipe:

100 g of well-peeled and washed fruits (you can use prepared dry raw materials) should be placed in a saucepan, pour 1 liter of boiling water from a kettle, and bring to a boil over full heat. Turn off the heat and leave to simmer under the lid for about 12 hours (preferably overnight).

Caution: To prepare a rosehip drink, you should not steam the fruits with boiling water in a thermos. Due to the fact that the temperature in the thermos does not drop for many hours, valuable substances and the compounds that the decoction contains disintegrate and “die.” The metal coating of the thermos also has a negative effect - oxidation occurs. In appearance and taste, the drink is practically no different from the one prepared “according to the rules,” but in fact it is less healthy.

Here is another recipe for rosehip decoction, which is easy to prepare:

You will need 40 g of rose hips and raspberries. The raw material should be poured with 0.5 liters of hot water, boiled and cooled. This decoction must be strained before use. It is recommended to be used during cold periods, when the risk of viral and colds is high, or to prevent vitamin deficiency.

Advice: for children, you can sweeten the drink a little, but you should not get carried away with sugar.

Recipe for rosehip decoction for anemia

You will need 100 g whole dried fruits and 1 liter of boiling water. Bring to a boil and leave on low heat for 10 minutes. Strain the broth and cool. Drink with honey and lemon juice (for 200 ml of decoction, take 1 tsp honey and 1 tsp lemon juice).

Tip: To avoid dental problems, after taking the decoction, you need to rinse your mouth with water (organic acids contained in rose hips can destroy sensitive tooth enamel).

For a slim figure

Rosehip decoction - excellent remedy for weight loss. It has effective and mild laxative properties, cleanses tissues from swelling and promotes the elimination excess liquid, normalizes water-fat metabolism.

The calorie content of rosehip decoction is low, and useful qualities significant:

How to prepare a rosehip decoction that promotes cleansing and weight loss?


For 2 tbsp. crushed fruits will need 0.5 l clean water. Fill the rosehip with water and place it on water bath, bring to boiling temperature and leave for 15 minutes. Next, turn off the heat and cover with a lid. After 2-3 hours the magic drink is ready. It should be drunk daily instead of water 1 hour before meals (you can drink up to one liter of decoction per day). The course lasts three weeks. Don't add sugar! As a result of such a cleansing course, the body will get rid of harmful toxins, the intestines will be gently cleansed, and excess fluid will be removed.

It should be remembered that drinking this drink in combination with a diet and rhythmic physical activity will help improve your health and achieve the desired result - lightness, slimness, getting rid of excess weight.

For the health of the expectant mother

Rosehip decoction during pregnancy will help replenish the natural balance of vitamins, which was disrupted due to a new condition for the woman’s body. This is important, because the expectant mother is at risk infectious diseases due to weakened immune defenses. In addition, such a drink will help overcome nausea and heartburn, which lemon or currants do not cope with so successfully. A decoction of rose hips is successfully used as prophylactic from edema.


The daily portion of the decoction is prepared from 20 g of fruit and 0.5 liters of water. Rosehip raw materials should be crushed, poured hot water and heat over low heat for 15 minutes. Cool, strain and take 2-3 times a day before meals.

Advice: It is useful for a pregnant woman to add other berries and fruits to the rosehip broth: black currants, lingonberries, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, sea buckthorn. This drink combines nettle leaves and mint.

Let us remind you that any drugs, including plant origin, must be accepted expectant mother with the knowledge of the attending physician.

For the health of infants and older children

Rosehip decoction for breastfeeding will help mom replenish vitamin deficiencies and improve her work internal organs and glands, will help form immune protection baby. This decoction should be prepared according to the “classic” recipe given in this article. It is not recommended to add sweeteners

For infants, rosehip decoction will be useful from 6 months. At this age, you can accustom your baby to new types of food and drink, as his body’s systems gradually mature and the production of enzymes improves. You should start with small doses, gradually increasing to 50 ml (if there is no negative reaction for decoction).

For children younger age and for older children, rosehip decoction can also be prepared according to the following recipe:

To prepare, you will need a thermos with a glass flask or a glass jar with a lid. Take the components in a ratio of 1 tbsp. crushed rosehip raw materials per 250 ml of hot water (t=60°C - no more!). Infuse the decoction in a thermos for 12 hours (for example, prepare it overnight). This method is the most gentle, because, according to some researchers and doctors, at 60°C the destruction of vitamin C begins.

Wild rose berries have a rich composition. They are especially rich ascorbic acid, bioflavonoids, carotene, vitamins B, K, E. High content apple and citric acid, mineral salts (potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium), tannins, antioxidants and phytoncides makes the fruits of the plant especially valuable for use in therapeutic nutrition and recipes traditional medicine. Preparing decoctions is the simplest and most effective way to uncover healing properties rosehip.

The benefits of rosehip decoction for the human body are directly determined by the characteristics of the composition of plant raw materials:

  1. The drink strengthens the immune system and is effective in combating feeling unwell, asthenia, loss of strength, including those caused by vitamin deficiency.
  2. The active substances of rose hips have a pronounced antiviral effect, help cope with ARVI and influenza.
  3. Taking rosehip preparations during pregnancy significantly reduces the risk of complications, deficiency of vitamins and microelements, serves as a prevention of colds and metabolic disorders, and the development of obesity.
  4. Decoctions of wild rose berries are especially beneficial for health. circulatory system, because they help strengthen the walls of capillaries and large vessels, reduce the likelihood of the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. They also promote the production of red blood cells, helping to improve blood formation and cure anemia.
  5. The diuretic effect of the drink is useful for those who suffer from high blood pressure, heart failure, edema, pyelonephritis, cystitis, and urolithiasis.
  6. The choleretic effect of rose hips is used in the treatment of pathologies of the liver and gall bladder. Its infusions can also significantly help the functioning of the pancreas, therefore they are useful for pancreatitis.
  7. For diseases of the oral cavity (periodontal disease, stomatitis, bleeding gums and inflammatory processes) decoctions of wild rose plant materials are used for rinsing.
  8. Decoctions of the roots of the shrub are effective as an astringent, analgesic and disinfectant, which is used to facilitate the passage of bile, relieve spasms, treat intestinal disorders and cystitis.

Healing baths with a decoction of rosehip roots are used for swelling, cramps, paralysis, rheumatism and gout.

Preparation of rosehip decoction

The rules for preparing a decoction of shrub fruits are simple: pour boiling water over the berries, keep on low heat for some time according to the recipe, and then infuse. It is important to remember that prolonged boiling destroys vitamins, especially ascorbic acid.

Some recipes suggest pouring berries in the evening cold water and boil it in the morning. The use of peels, cleared of lint and seeds, or crushed plant materials allows you to prepare drinks more saturated with useful substances with minimal heat treatment.

Rosehip decoctions bring the greatest benefit when infused in a thermos with a glass flask. Metal utensils undergo oxidation, which leads to the release of substances harmful to health into the liquid. Chopped berries should not be kept for more than 6-9 hours, but decoctions from whole fruits retain maximum beneficial properties for much longer - more than a day.

Video: Specialist on the rules for preparing rosehip drinks

Recipe for rosehip decoction

Dried rose hips – 0.5 cups
Water – 5 glasses

Peel the fruits and rinse under running cold water. For more efficient extraction useful substances they can be dried and crushed. Place the plant material in a saucepan with boiling water and keep it on low heat for up to 5 minutes with the lid tightly closed. The liquid is left for 8 hours, then filtered and taken 2 glasses per day.

Recipe for a decoction of rosehip peel to remove stones from the gallbladder and kidneys

Dried rosehip peel - 3 tbsp. l.
Water – 200 g

Pour boiling water over the skin of the fruit, keep it on the fire for about a minute, then remove it, wrap it and leave for 6 hours. The drink is taken in a course of 2 weeks, and on the third week the dose is halved and drunk in portions of 4-5 doses per day. Treatment or prevention of stones should be carried out once per season.

Recipe for a decoction of rosehip petals for the treatment of colds and cosmetic procedures

Petals – 100 g
Water – 200 g

Pour boiling water over the flowers, hold on the fire for a few seconds, leave in a thermos for about 12 hours. The liquid can be taken orally, 50 ml three times a day, or used externally for compresses and washes.

Recipe for a decoction of leaves to relieve pain in the intestines and stomach

Rosehip leaves - 2 tbsp. l.
Water – 0.4 l

Grind the plant material and pour into cold water. Cook the mixture for a quarter of an hour after boiling over low heat, then cool and strain the liquid. Take 50 ml every 2 hours.

Recipe for a decoction of rosehip branches for radiculitis and rheumatism

Chopped branches and young shoots of rose hips - 3 tbsp. l.
Water – 500 ml

Pour boiling water over the plant material and cook over very low heat for 10 minutes. Leave the mixture covered for 1 hour, strain the liquid and take 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day before meals.

Rosehip root decoction recipe

Chopped rosehip roots - 2 tbsp. l.
Water – 1 glass

The plant material should be poured with boiling water and held over low heat for about 60 seconds, then left for 2 hours. Drink 100 g of the liquid three times a day, preferably before meals, straining it immediately before use. Externally, the decoction can be used to carry out warm compress, leaving it overnight.

Recipe for a concentrated decoction of rosehip roots for preparing a medicinal bath

Chopped rosehip roots - 1 cup
Water – 2 l

Pour boiling water over the roots of the bush and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Leave the mixture to infuse for 2 hours, then strain and add to the bath.

Advice: To preserve the health and integrity of tooth enamel, it is preferable to drink wild rose drinks through a straw.

The benefits of rosehip decoction for children

Immunomodulators of natural origin, which include rosehip decoctions, are recommended for use in children's nutrition of different ages due to their high susceptibility to colds. They also help to adjust the baby’s diet and saturate it with the nutrients necessary for the growth and development of the body, strengthening bones and muscle tissue. Just ten berries contain daily dose vitamin C necessary for a preschooler.

Wild rose fruits can be introduced into children's diet already upon reaching 6 months of age. At first, it is permissible to add no more than 2 pureed berries per day to the puree. There is no need to constantly use them in your diet. In the future, it is necessary to prepare decoctions for the child, observing the concentration appropriate for his age:

  • 0.5-1 year - no more than 20 ml (1 tbsp) per day;
  • 1-2 years – up to 50 ml;
  • 2-7 years – up to 100 ml throughout the day;
  • school age– 200 ml.

Recipe for rosehip decoction for children

Rose hips - 3-4 tbsp. l.
Water – 1 l

Place the berries in hot water, boil a little and leave.

Advice: It is better for children to take rosehip decoctions in the morning, as they produce a diuretic effect.

Contraindications to use of the decoction

Chronic or excessive intake of wild rose berry drinks may lead to increased load on the kidneys and calcium leaching. Contraindications to their use are peptic ulcers digestive system, gastritis, increased acidity gastric juice, individual intolerance and the appearance of allergic reactions.

If you have endocarditis, thrombophlebitis, or bleeding disorders, you should not take rosehip products because they contain a large amount of vitamin K. Tannins in the plant can aggravate problems with stool if you are prone to constipation.

Excessive amounts of rose hip berry decoctions, especially when using their pulp, during pregnancy can cause miscarriage. If there are stones in the gallbladder that can block the duct, use choleretic drugs must be avoided.

Video: About rose hips and its beneficial properties in the “Live Healthy” program