The unique benefits of pumpkin seeds for our health. Pumpkin seeds - benefits, harm and preparation rules

100 grams of pumpkin seeds contain (% of the recommended daily intake) ():

  • Calorie content: 541 kcal (27%).
  • Carbohydrates: 17.8 g (6%).
  • Fat: 45.8 g (71%).
  • Protein: 24.5 g (49%).
  • Fiber: 3.9 g (16%).
  • : 380 IU (8%).
  • Vitamin K: 51.4 mcg (64%).
  • Thiamine: 0.2 mg (14%).
  • Riboflavin: 0.3 mg (19%).
  • Niacin: 1.7 mg (9%).
  • Vitamin B6: 0.2 mg (11%).
  • Folic acid: 58 mcg (14%).
  • Calcium: 43 mg (4%).
  • Iron: 15 mg (83%).
  • Magnesium: 535 mg (134%).
  • Phosphorus: 1174 mg (117%).
  • Potassium: 807 mg (23%).
  • Zinc: 7.5 mg (50%).
  • Copper: 1.4 mg (69%).
  • : 3 mg (151%).
  • : 5.6 mcg (8%).
  • : 181 mg.
  • : 20703 mg.

Pumpkin seeds also contain trace amounts of vitamins, minerals and nutrients such as pantothenic acid and sodium.

Pumpkin seeds and seed oil also contain many other nutrients, such as phytosterols, which have been shown to provide great health benefits (,).


Pumpkin seeds are rich in antioxidants, iron, zinc, magnesium and many other nutrients. 100 grams of these seeds contain 541 calories.

The benefits of pumpkin seeds for the human body

High in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, pumpkin seed consumption has been linked to a reduced risk of certain types of cancer, improved prostate health in men and bladder health in women and men, improved cardiovascular health, and lower blood sugar levels. blood and many other beneficial effects. Here are the benefits of pumpkin seeds:

1. High antioxidant content

Pumpkin seeds contain antioxidants such as carotenoids and vitamin E (, ,).

Antioxidants can reduce inflammation and protect your cells from harmful free radicals. Because of this, consuming foods rich in antioxidants may help protect against various diseases ().

The high levels of antioxidants in pumpkin seeds are thought to be partly responsible for their positive health effects. In one study, when rats with arthritis were given pumpkin seed oil, there was a decrease in inflammation. Rats given the anti-inflammatory drug experienced side effects, while rats given pumpkin seed oil had no side effects ().


Pumpkin seeds are rich in antioxidants, which may help protect against disease and reduce inflammation.

3. Reduce the risk of developing certain cancers

Diets enriched with pumpkin seeds have been associated with lower rates of stomach, breast, lung, prostate and colon cancers ().

A large observational study found that their consumption was associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women ().

Other research suggests that lignans in pumpkin seeds may play a key role in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer ().

Further test-tube studies showed that a pumpkin seed supplement could slow the growth of prostate cancer cells (,).


Some evidence suggests that pumpkin seeds may help prevent certain types of cancer.

4. Improve prostate and bladder health

Pumpkin seeds may help relieve symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a condition in which the prostate gland becomes enlarged and can cause problems urinating.

Several human studies have found that consuming these seeds reduces symptoms associated with BPH ().

A study of more than 1,400 men examined the effects of pumpkin seed consumption on BPH. After a year, men using them reported reduced symptoms and improved quality of life ().

There are also studies that suggest that eating pumpkin seeds or taking them as supplements may help treat symptoms of overactive bladder (OAB). One study found that taking 10 grams of pumpkin seed extract daily improved urinary function in men and women with OAB ().


Pumpkin seeds may reduce symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia and overactive bladder.

5. Very high magnesium content

Pumpkin seeds are one of the best natural sources of magnesium. This is important because the body is common in many developed countries. For example, in the US alone, about 79% of adults consume less than the recommended daily intake of magnesium ().

Magnesium is essential for more than 600 chemical reactions in the body. Adequate magnesium levels are important for:

  • Blood pressure control ().
  • Reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases ().
  • Formation and maintenance of healthy bones ().
  • Regulating blood sugar levels (,).


Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of magnesium. Healthy magnesium levels are important for your blood pressure, heart health, bone health, and blood sugar regulation.

6. Improve Heart Health

Pumpkin seeds are a good source of antioxidants, magnesium, and fatty acids, which may help maintain heart health ().

Animal studies have also shown that pumpkin seed oil may help reduce high blood pressure and high cholesterol. These are two important risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease (,).

A study of 35 postmenopausal women found that consuming pumpkin seed oil reduced diastolic blood pressure by 7% and increased good HDL cholesterol by 16% over a 12-week period ().

Other research suggests that nitric oxide enzymes found in pumpkin seed oil may be responsible for the heart health benefits ().

Nitric oxide helps dilate blood vessels, and reduce the risk of cholesterol plaques forming in the arteries.


The nutrients in pumpkin seeds can help keep your heart healthy by lowering blood pressure and increasing good cholesterol levels.

7. Reduce blood sugar levels

Animal studies have shown that pumpkin seeds, pumpkin seed powder, and pumpkin juice may lower blood sugar levels (,).

This is especially important for people with diabetes, who may struggle to control their blood sugar levels.

Several studies have found that adding pumpkin juice or pumpkin seed powder to the diet reduces blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes ().

An observational study of more than 127,000 men and women found that diets rich in magnesium were associated with a 33% reduction in the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in men and a 34% reduction in the risk of developing the disease in women ().

More research is needed to confirm this positive effect on blood sugar levels.


Pumpkin seeds may help lower blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. However, more research is needed.

8. Rich in fiber

Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of fiber (dietary fibre). Pumpkin seed kernels contain 3.9 grams of fiber per 100 grams, which provides 16% of the recommended daily intake.

A diet high in fiber can promote good digestive health. Additionally, high-fiber diets are associated with a reduced risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity ().


Whole pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of fiber. High-fiber diets are associated with a wide range of health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

9. May improve sperm quality

Low zinc levels are associated with reduced sperm quality and an increased risk of infertility in men ().

Since pumpkin seeds are seeds, they can help improve sperm quality. Evidence from one study in mice suggests they may also help protect human sperm from damage caused by chemotherapy and autoimmune diseases ().

Pumpkin seeds also contain high levels of antioxidants and other nutrients that may promote healthy testosterone levels and improve overall health.

Together, all of these factors can help increase fertility and reproductive rates, especially in men.

10. May Help Improve Sleep

If you have trouble sleeping, you can consume pumpkin seeds before bed. They are a natural source of tryptophan, an amino acid that may promote healthy sleep. Consuming about 1 gram of tryptophan is thought to help improve sleep ().

However, to get the required 1 gram of tryptophan, you will need to eat about 200 grams of pumpkin seeds.

The zinc in these seeds can also help convert tryptophan into serotonin, which is then converted into a hormone that regulates your sleep cycle. Additionally, pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of magnesium. Adequate magnesium levels have also been associated with improved sleep ().

Some small studies have found that taking magnesium supplements improves sleep quality and total sleep time in people with low magnesium levels (,).


Pumpkin seeds are a good source of tryptophan, zinc and magnesium, which promote good sleep.

11. Easy to Add to Your Diet

If you want to experience the benefits of pumpkin seeds, the good news is that they are easy to include in your diet. In many countries, they are popular snacks that can be eaten raw or fried, salted or unsalted.

In addition to eating them in their pure form, you can add them to smoothies or fruits.

You can include them in your meals by adding them to salads, soups or breakfast cereals. Some people use pumpkin seeds in baking as an ingredient in sweet or savory breads, cakes and pies.

However, like many seeds and nuts, they contain phytic acid, which can reduce the bioavailability of some nutrients you get from food.

If you regularly eat seeds and nuts, you may want to try sprouting them before consuming them to reduce their phytic acid content and increase their nutritional value. Roasting may also help.


Pumpkin seeds can be easily included in the diet as a snack or as an additional ingredient in various dishes.

Do pumpkin seeds have other beneficial properties?

Eating them can help correct certain nutrient deficiencies and may protect against various health problems.

How many pumpkin seeds do you need to eat to reap the benefits?

In order for pumpkin seeds to be beneficial, they should be consumed in moderation, as excess can cause unwanted side effects (which you will learn about below).

Pumpkin seeds should be part of a varied, healthy diet and consumed in recommended quantities. The recommended daily amount of pumpkin seed kernels consumed is 30 grams.

Harm of pumpkin seeds to the human body

While pumpkin seeds are undoubtedly healthy, they can be a source of unwanted side effects. Here's why pumpkin seeds are harmful:

Gas, diarrhea, or constipation

Excessive consumption of pumpkin seeds, even when chewed thoroughly, can lead to intestinal gas and diarrhea. Pumpkin seeds are rich in dietary fiber, which reaches your large intestine and is broken down by bacteria.

Gas formation is a side effect of this process, especially in people who are not accustomed to fiber-rich foods. Eating more fiber than you're used to can also lead to loose, watery stools.

However, if you always have diarrhea after eating pumpkin seeds, you may have an intolerance or sensitivity to the food. Constipation is also a possible, although less likely, side effect of eating pumpkin seeds—the fiber you get from eating large amounts of pumpkin seeds can also cause constipation.

Preventing Side Effects

Eating pumpkin seeds in moderation (30 gram serving) and with plenty of liquid can prevent digestive problems. Pumpkin seeds are also known to cause headaches and migraines in some people. However, if you are not prone to migraines, you probably will not experience them after consuming this product.

Avoid Toxins in Spoiled Pumpkin Seeds

While the unsaturated fatty acids in pumpkin seeds promote cardiovascular health, they also make the seeds prone to spoilage quickly. Eating rancid pumpkin seeds exposes your body to harmful free radicals and toxic compounds that can increase your risk of cancer, heart disease and other chronic diseases. Fresh, dried pumpkin seeds can last about two months at their peak in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Seeds that smell musty, oily, or grassy are likely rancid. ( , )

Pumpkin is a very healthy vegetable, parts of which are actively used both in cooking and in cosmetology and even folk medicine. Often they use seeds, which boast a rich composition with a large number of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. The benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds for women and men have long been proven.

Pumpkin seeds have a truly unique mineral composition, which includes copper, iron, iodine, magnesium, manganese, potassium and other essential elements.

A small handful of the product contains an impressive amount of ascorbic acid, choline and tocopherol (several daily requirements). But the usefulness and properties of fried and raw products are different.

You need to know how pumpkin seeds are beneficial for women and how much you can eat per day of this product necessary for health.

First, you should consider the fried version, what are the benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds, how to take them correctly. They will be less beneficial for the body, since during heat treatment a large amount of vitamins simply disappears. In the process, fats are also oxidized, aldehydes and harmful peroxides are formed. If you often consume a fried product, and even with salt, then it can hardly be called medicinal. And their calorie content will be significantly higher, even more than in the case of the dried version or when consuming melon seeds, the same applies to watermelon seeds.

Pumpkin seeds are much more beneficial for the body if you eat them raw.

Pumpkin during pregnancy and lactation

In its raw form, the product helps to cope with the manifestations of toxicosis. In early pregnancy, it is worth including it in the diet of a pregnant woman. The seeds are consumed on an empty stomach in the required quantity or crushed and washed down with clean water. This helps get rid of bad health.

The product has another useful property for expectant mothers. It is able to prevent constipation. Pregnant women often worry about this problem. Eating raw seeds will help eliminate the existing problem and, in addition, prevent the emergence of a new one. And in the last trimester, it is useful to eat pumpkin seeds, as they remove excess fluid and salt from the body. This makes it easier for the girl to get rid of swelling.

During lactation, they will help to significantly increase the amount of milk due to their diuretic effect. You can eat about a hundred seeds per day - no more. But you can replace them with two or three tablespoons of pumpkin oil, the benefits of which will be similar.

Raw seeds are enriched with fats and proteins, so they can be poorly accepted by a woman’s body if pregnancy is difficult. And in any other case, it is worth remembering a sense of proportion and not overusing the amount of seeds eaten.

Vegetable for men's health

Doctors often even advise men to consume pumpkin seeds.. It is usually useful in the following cases:

  • to improve potency;
  • as a prevention of infertility and prostatitis;
  • to stimulate hormone production;
  • to increase physical endurance;
  • when you need to build muscle mass.

For example, to prevent prostatitis, it is recommended to consume 100 g of raw product once a day. The course of such treatment is no more than three weeks. Zinc is important for men's health; if it is deficient, sexual dysfunction develops. And these seeds are enriched with this useful microelement.

Traditional medicine recipes

In folk medicine, these seeds are used quite often. What good will they be in this case? For example, they will help fight impaired bladder function. In this case, take two tablespoons of the product per day in raw or any other form. The benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds for men and women in this case are determined by the fact that the product strengthens the muscles of the organ, soothing irritated mucous membranes. But there are other effective recipes that have already been tested over the years:

  1. For neurasthenia, take 90 g of peeled seeds, fry until chocolate brown without adding oil and grind. The skin of the seed is also used. Mix the resulting mixture with the same amount of elderberry jam and a spoonful of ground shells. The medicine is taken three times a day before the start of the meal, one spoon.
  2. A healing decoction will help with kidney diseases. It is prepared from a spoonful of seeds, which are brewed with a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour in a thermos. This remedy needs to be consumed twice a day, half a glass.

Use of the product in cosmetology

The unique composition allows the use of pumpkin seeds in cosmetology, because it contains biologically active substances that are simply necessary for the beauty and health of the skin. Oil is prepared from the seeds, which has various beneficial properties. Among them are the following:

  • wound healing property;
  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory.

The oil is used in the treatment of diathesis, eczema, herpes, burns, bedsores and many other skin problems. It is used to care for hair, skin, and nails. There are a lot of homemade recipes. It is worth highlighting several beauty recipes with which you can start caring for your skin and hair yourself at home:

  1. The easiest way to use pumpkin oil is to add it to ready-made masks, creams, and tonics. If you use such products on a regular basis, they will moisturize, nourish and increase skin elasticity. The oil actively fights acne and dandruff, helps cope with the first signs of aging, significantly prolonging the youth of the skin.
  2. For acne, just dip a cotton pad in warm oil and apply to problem areas of the skin. wait ten minutes and wipe the skin dry and rinse with cool water. This simple procedure must be repeated three times a week.
  3. Heated oil is also applied to wrinkles, bags under the eyes and swelling. In this case, leave it for forty minutes and dry the remaining product with a paper towel without rinsing it off with water.
  4. In case of severe hair loss, simply rub the oil into the skin and wrap your head in a warm towel for half an hour. Wash off the oil with warm water. The procedure for prevention should be carried out once every two weeks, and for treatment - three times a week.

Use for getting rid of worms

For treatment, it is enough to peel the seeds from the husk, leaving a thin green film. Then the seed is ground in a mortar, about 250 g is taken. 50 ml of clean water is added to this dry mass and ground again. Then mixed with a spoon of natural bee honey.

You need to take this folk medicine one teaspoon at a time on an empty stomach for the entire hour until the portion runs out. Three hours later, drink 20 g of magnesium sulfate, and after an additional half hour, give a cleansing enema. This method of getting rid of worms has quite positive reviews.

Rules for using pumpkin seeds

It is recommended to eat them raw on an empty stomach. One serving for an adult should not be more than 55 g; for a child this serving is halved. The dose may only be increased during specific treatment with this product.

Consuming them whole or grinding them in a coffee grinder is whatever is more convenient for you. You can add the product to light vegetable salads. Dishes to which seeds are added should not be hot. Salads can even be dressed with pumpkin oil.

Precautionary measures

Even very healthy products have contraindications, pumpkin seeds are no exception. But it is worth noting that the negative consequences of their use are observed in quite rare cases. For example, in the case when they are consumed a lot, especially fried and dried with salt.

The high calorie content of the product after heat treatment will have a bad effect on the figure. If you abuse this product, the appearance of extra pounds will not take long. There are 590 calories per 100 g of fried product. Compared to raw seeds, they contain only 350 calories per 100 g.

If you eat seeds and remove the husks with your teeth, this will have a bad effect on the condition of the enamel. Sometimes you may encounter individual intolerance to the product. But they cause allergic reactions in extremely rare cases, so they cannot be called an allergen.

You should not start including seeds in your diet, even in raw form, until the list of contraindications has been studied. These include:

  • individual intolerance;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract (high acidity, ulcers);
  • impaired intestinal motility;
  • obesity.

Pumpkin seeds should be taken with caution if you have diabetes. Here you can start using it only after consulting your doctor. The same applies to those who have gallstone disease. Usually, the doctor simply recommends reducing the dosage or completely eliminating such a product from your menu.

Attention, TODAY only!

Pumpkin is a healthy vegetable, parts of which are used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine and cosmetology. Most often these are seeds. They boast a unique composition with a huge amount of vitamins, amino acids, and minerals. The benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds for women are described below.

What are the benefits of pumpkin seeds for women?

The mineral composition of pumpkin seeds is truly unique. It includes iron, copper, magnesium, iodine, potassium, manganese and other essential elements. For example, a small handful of the product contains several daily norms of tocopherol, an impressive amount of choline, ascorbic acid, and the most important vitamins.

It is important to know the differences between roasted and raw pumpkin seeds. This will allow a woman to add the most healthy and safe product to her diet.

Roasted seeds

It must be remembered that fried seeds are less healthy. After all, during the heat treatment process, a huge amount of vitamins is lost. In addition, in the process, fats are oxidized, harmful peroxides and aldehydes are formed. If you eat the product fried, and even with the addition of salt, then such a treat will bring undoubted harm to the body.

Raw seeds

But in the raw product the medicinal properties of pumpkin seeds are most expressed. After all, in them all the “usefulness” is preserved in its primary natural form.

Beneficial properties during pregnancy and lactation

First of all, it should be noted that the product under discussion in its raw form copes well with toxicosis. Therefore, expectant mothers should add it to their diet in the early stages of pregnancy. To cope with poor health, you need to eat the seeds on an empty stomach in the usual way or grind them and wash them down with water.

Pumpkin seeds are flat, oval asymmetrical in shape, covered with a yellowish or whitish shell. The kernel is dark green in color and has a pleasant taste with a slight nutty aftertaste. Despite the fact that such seeds are inferior in popularity to sunflower seeds, their benefits are an order of magnitude higher, and the number of contraindications is much less, which due to the characteristics of the composition:

  • vitamin “E” prevents premature aging of the body;
  • B vitamins are indispensable in cellular metabolic processes;
  • Vitamin “A” is a very powerful antioxidant and also has a positive effect on the organs of vision and the condition of the skin;
  • vitamin “K” is involved in regulating blood clotting and also helps strengthen vascular walls;
  • seed fiber has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and also improves the state of microflora in the intestines;
  • Vitamin “C” effectively fights colds and viral diseases, and also helps strengthen the immune system, so a mixture of crushed pumpkin seeds in combination with honey is recommended to be used as a powerful preventative.

In order not to harm the body, you need to know the contraindications, and also take into account how many seeds you need to eat per day.

If the norm of consumption is violated, then negative consequences such as weight gain, swelling, increased acidity of gastric juice and constipation may occur. Pumpkin seeds should be consumed with caution during pregnancy and if you have allergies. The main contraindication is individual intolerance.

How to grow purple potatoes in your summer cottage

The benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds (video)

How many pumpkin seeds should you eat per day and why?

The seeds contain 39.7% phosphorus, 15.7% iron, 16.8% zinc, 73.5% manganese, 53.1% tryptophan, 47.7% magnesium, 21.5% copper and 19.5% protein. The calorie content of 100 g is 556 kcal. Pumpkin seeds are widely used in the treatment and prevention of many diseases:

  • helminthic infestations;
  • fragility and blockage of blood vessels;
  • bleeding and disorders of blood clotting processes;
  • decreased turgor and sagging skin;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system and prostate gland;
  • disorders of the gastric and intestinal tract;
  • depression and neuroses;
  • arthritis and inflammatory processes in the joints.

Pumpkin seeds have anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, and also pronounced anti-sclerotic properties. Used as a good blood pressure lowering, immunomodulatory and anti-sclerotic agent. The anthelmintic characteristics are not inferior to many synthetic drugs used in the treatment of helminthic infestations.

One seed weighs approximately 0.5 grams, but the weight may vary, depending on the type and variety of garden crop. Nutritional value may vary depending on varietal characteristics, as well as processing methods. To feel the positive effect of taking it, it is recommended for an adult to consume no more than fifty seeds in one day. Breastfeeding women are advised to consume no more than one hundred pumpkin seeds per day.

How to collect pumpkin seeds (video)

How to dry pumpkin seeds

After removing the seeds from the pumpkin, they need to be dried properly. P Beforehand, you need to thoroughly rinse the raw materials several times under running water, and then dry them in the open air or in an attic with good ventilation. To use kernels in cooking, drying is carried out at a temperature of 60 degrees.

Frying is also allowed, but one must remember that during heat treatment above 45°C, approximately half of the biologically active components will be lost. The main sign of readiness is the fragility of the shell. Ready kernels should be stored in special canvas bags.

To improve absorption, it is recommended to grind the kernels together with the peel. If grains are ground without skins, then a significant part of the beneficial substances is lost. Failure to follow drying rules causes darkening of the raw materials and the formation of mold. Substandard and spoiled products should not be consumed. Under no circumstances should rotted raw materials be eaten, as they contain very dangerous fungi that produce large quantities of aflatoxins.

Popular hybrid cucumber from Germany “Libella”

Pumpkin seeds with honey and other folk recipes

The most popular in our country is a folk recipe with honey. Purified medicinal raw materials can be crushed or used whole, filled with flower or buckwheat honey. For every half a kilogram of fresh pumpkin seeds there should be approximately 200-220 g of liquid honey. For a daily dose for an adult, three tablespoons are enough. For children, the dose should be reduced by half.

After squeezing the oil from the pumpkin kernels, what remains is the so-called meal, which is a valuable dietary product and is used in the preparation of fiber. This useful food supplement is widely used as a dietary product for diabetics, as well as in the treatment of diseases of internal organs or severe obesity.

Also, using pumpkin kernels, you can prepare the following medicinal and prophylactic products:

  • to cleanse the body, mix a couple of tablespoons of crushed seeds and the same amount of kefir thoroughly with a blender and use two tablespoons on an empty stomach for three weeks;
  • to get rid of insomnia, you need to grind a teaspoon of peeled seeds and fifteen almond kernels, then pour a glass of boiling water and leave for six to seven hours. Drink 50 ml infusion before bedtime;
  • to prepare an anthelmintic, you need to peel and grind 100 g of seeds to a powder and take a couple of tablespoons on an empty stomach with a glass of warm milk for a week;
  • men are recommended to eat about thirty peeled grains daily, which will serve as an excellent prophylactic and will prevent the occurrence of urological problems.

Pre-soaking followed by adding three parts of water and thoroughly grinding the kernels using a kitchen blender allows you to get a very tasty and healthy analogue of almond or sesame milk.

How to make milk from pumpkin seeds (video)

In recent years, pumpkin seeds have been used not only for medicinal purposes, but also, along with sunflower kernels, are in great demand in the baking industry. Bakery products with the addition of kernels of these crops are considered incredibly healthy, and their taste characteristics are several times superior to traditional bread made from ordinary wheat flour.

Reviews and comments

(5 ratings, average: 4,60 out of 5)

Mari28 03/06/2017

The ripening period depends on the pumpkin variety. Early ripening varieties ripen in 92-104 days, approximately 3.5 months. Mid-season varieties ripen within 110-120 days, 4 months. Late-ripening varieties ripen in 140-200 days. Also pay attention to external signs. Pumpkin is ready for harvesting if: the stalk is woody, dry and very hard; The leaves have turned yellow or even dried out; The color of the pumpkin itself has become more saturated and bright. Depending on the variety, it can be orange, yellow or gray-green; The pumpkin shell has become dense and is not pressed through;

Anastasia 05/31/2018

Every year we plant pumpkins. I don’t like the pulp, but I can’t do without pumpkin seeds. First of all, of course, is good prevention and treatment of helminths. Although the article says that they should not be consumed during pregnancy, the seeds are better than pharmaceutical medicines for worms. I have dogs and cats at home, so I consumed these seeds throughout my pregnancy, of course, there were no consequences! Well, these seeds themselves taste good, you can enjoy them separately, or you can add them to cereals and baked goods - tasty and healthy!))

admin 10/18/2018

How many pumpkin seeds should you eat per day?

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Why did Charles Perrault choose a pumpkin for Cinderella's carriage? Because this vegetable has been considered a lifesaver for the poor since ancient times. Inexpensive, large fruit can satisfy an entire family. For most French people, who know the benefits of sprouted pumpkin seeds, they also served as a cure for many ailments. Therefore, the poor girl who dreams of going to the ball is familiar with the orange vegetable firsthand.

The history of the culinary procession of pumpkin through Russian homes began in the 17th century. Now it’s hard to imagine that once upon a time you never heard of this crop; this plant seems so familiar. As a fruit suitable for food, it began to spread simultaneously with potatoes. But unlike him, she immediately won the trust and gratitude of our ancestors. The reason for this is the unpretentiousness of the plant, its excellent taste, the benefits of pumpkin seeds, and most importantly, its economy. Almost all vegetables are eaten. It is baked, added to porridge, juice is made, and oil is made from the seeds. Due to their composition, pumpkin seeds are considered a storehouse of useful elements.

All vitamins under one skin

The key to why pumpkin seeds are beneficial lies in the chemical composition of the product. It contains a whole range of vitamins B, PP, A, E, and amino acids. The composition includes phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, potassium, iron, zinc. One hundred grams contains:

  1. phosphorus – 1233 mg;
  2. magnesium – 592 mg;
  3. potassium – 809 mg;
  4. iron – 9 mg;
  5. zinc – 8 mg.

The influence of these elements on the body has long been known. The main benefits of pumpkin seeds are in normalizing human life:

Note to men

One of the aspects of using the product is the benefits of pumpkin seeds for men, for preventive and therapeutic purposes. Male athletes use it as an additional source of protein to build muscle mass. Many remedies for baldness are based on oil from the seeds of this plant. An extensive complex of microelements serves to prevent prostatitis and increase testosterone levels. The undeniable benefits of pumpkin seeds for men are due to their high content of zinc, phosphorus, fluorine and calcium. Men are recommended to take them to improve sperm quality, increase potency, and treat inflammatory processes in the genitourinary area.

As a preventive measure, regularly take a teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach: mix 500 g of finely chopped seeds with 250 g of honey, store in the refrigerator.

Everything is relative in this world; the benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds for men have not been fully studied. Using the product without consulting a specialist may worsen the problem. Self-medication is unacceptable.

Pumpkin for women's health

Eating pumpkin relieves some problems of the digestive tract: constipation, discomfort, intestinal sluggishness. During menopause, it weakens the effects of hot flashes, improves the overall emotional mood, and saturates the female body with all the necessary amino acids and minerals. The cosmic effect is important for ladies: strengthening and growing hair, improving the quality of the nail plate, preventing and treating acne. Seed-based oil is used for weight loss.

The fruits are indispensable for preparing all kinds of diets. Light vegetarian dishes are prepared on their basis: puree soup, casseroles. In combination with peppers, zucchini, tomatoes, and broccoli, it allows you to significantly diversify your diet menu. Perfectly saturates and energizes for several hours. 10 grams of seeds will replace a full snack between meals.

Contraindications for pumpkin lovers

The comparative benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds for men and women depend on the individual characteristics of the body.
Abuse of this product is dangerous if you have a history of:

  • stomach ulcer (risk of exacerbation);
  • arthritis or arthrosis (possible joint damage due to salt deposits);
  • weak tooth enamel (risk of caries);
  • obesity (danger of gaining weight);
  • increased acidity (seeds can trigger a relapse);
  • problems with intestinal patency (possibility of constipation).

Raw, dried, fried - which is better?

Like sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds are a high-calorie product, with an average of 550 kilocalories per 100 grams.

The established calorie content of pumpkin seeds is beneficial and harmful at the same time. On the one hand, thanks to this property, they easily satisfy acute hunger and are indispensable for a quick snack. Widely used as a mild laxative in various diets. On the other hand, there is a risk for women to gain a couple more extra pounds if they overuse delicious seeds, especially fried ones. The calorie content of the product in raw and fried form is different:

In addition to increasing calorie content, during heat treatment many of the beneficial properties of pumpkin seeds are lost. There are many options for using raw pumpkin seeds in various dishes. Chopped ones are added to all kinds of salads and sprinkled on cooked dishes. Ground or finely chopped seeds become a component of savory sauces. They are eaten slightly dried throughout the day; a few pieces will satisfy your hunger and give you strength for several hours. Very often, the benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds depend on the quality of the product and the integrity of the manufacturer.

Natural choice

A few tricks on which the benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds depend - how to take, how to store, how to choose. When purchasing seeds, you need to not only look closely, but also smell them. Even a slight hint of delicacy or staleness is a reason to refuse the purchase. The product has a short shelf life, the likelihood of buying a stale one, which means a low-quality product, is high. Unpeeled pumpkin seeds are stored in a dry, well-ventilated area; peeled pumpkin seeds are stored in the refrigerator, in a tightly closed container, for no more than two months.

Procuring seeds on your own

To save money, you can make a supply of such a useful product with your own hands by purchasing the vegetable at the market or growing it in the garden.

The best seeds for seeds are from the hard-barked, nutmeg, and large-fruited groups. Only forage varieties are not suitable for collecting seeds. Among the variety of varieties there are also gymnosperms, that is, there is no peel. Most often, white pumpkin seeds are found inside the melon crop; creamy yellow and bright orange ones are also found. The product is prepared in several stages:

Seeds prepared according to all the rules will be stored until spring. From the fruits of early varieties, seeds are selected in the fall; later varieties are stored entirely in a cool place. Some specimens will remain intact until mid-winter.

Ultimately, the benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds for the body depend on the person himself. Product tolerance is a purely individual matter. Before a long course of treatment, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons. Abuse of pumpkin seeds, like other products, will not bring any benefit. It is better to consult your doctor about contraindications.