Hormones and their effect on the body. Hormonal background: how hormones affect a woman’s mood and well-being. How to identify hormonal imbalance and avoid many female diseases

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Hormonal drugs are called a group medicines, used for hormone therapy and containing hormones or their synthesized analogues.

Influence hormonal drugs on the body has been fairly well studied, and most research is in the public domain. wide range readers access.

Distinguish hormonal agents containing hormones natural origin(they are made from the glands of slaughter cattle, urine and blood of various animals and humans), including plant and synthetic hormones and their analogues, which naturally differ from natural ones in their chemical composition, however, produce the same physiological effect on the body.

Hormonal agents are prepared in the form of oil and water formulations for intramuscular or subcutaneous administration, as well as in the form of tablets and ointments (creams).


Traditional medicine uses hormonal drugs for diseases that are associated with insufficient production of certain hormones by the human body, for example, deficiency of insulin in diabetes, sex hormones in decreased ovarian function, triiodothyronine in myxedema. This therapy is called replacement therapy and is carried out over a very long period of the patient’s life, and sometimes throughout his entire life. Also, hormonal drugs, in particular those containing glucocorticoids, are prescribed as antiallergic or anti-inflammatory drugs, and mineralocorticoids are prescribed for myasthenia gravis.

Important female hormones

A very large number of hormones “work” in the female body. Their coordinated work allows a woman to feel like a woman.


These are “female” hormones that stimulate the growth and function of the female genital organs and the growth of the mammary glands. In addition, they are responsible for the appearance of female secondary sexual characteristics, i.e., breast enlargement, fat deposition and muscle formation. female type. In addition, these hormones are responsible for the cyclicity of menstruation. They are produced by the ovaries in women, the testes in men, and the adrenal cortex in both sexes. These hormones affect bone growth and water-salt balance. After menopause, women have less estrogen. This can lead to hot flashes, sleep disturbances and organ atrophy genitourinary system. Also, a lack of estrogen can be a cause of osteoporosis that develops in postmenopause.


Produced by the ovaries in women, the testes in men, and the adrenal cortex in both sexes. These hormones can be called “male” hormones. In certain concentrations, they cause women to develop male secondary sexual characteristics (deepening of the voice, growth of facial hair, baldness, growth of muscle mass “in the wrong places”). Androgens increase libido in both sexes.

A large amount of androgens in the female body can lead to partial atrophy mammary glands, uterus and ovaries and infertility. During pregnancy, under the influence of excess amounts of these substances, a miscarriage may occur. Androgens can reduce the secretion of vaginal lubrication, making sexual intercourse painful for the woman.


Progesterone is called the “pregnancy” hormone. It is produced by the corpus luteum of the ovaries, and during pregnancy also by the placenta. Progesterone helps maintain pregnancy, stimulates the development of the mammary glands and “prepares” the uterus for bearing a fetus. During pregnancy, its level increases 15 times. This hormone helps produce maximum quantity nutrients from what we eat and increases appetite. During pregnancy it is very useful qualities, but if its formation increases at other times, this contributes to the appearance of extra pounds.

Luteinizing hormone

Produced by the pituitary gland. It regulates the secretion of estrogen by the ovaries in women, and is also responsible for ovulation and the development of the corpus luteum.

Follicle-stimulating hubbub

Synthesized by the pituitary gland. Stimulates the growth and maturation of ovarian follicles, estrogen secretion and ovulation. Gonadotropic hormones (FSH - follicle-stimulating hormone, LH - luteinizing hormone and prolactin), produced in the adenohypophysis, determine the sequence of maturation of follicles in the ovary, ovulation (the release of the egg), the development and functioning of the corpus luteum."


This hormone is also produced by the pituitary gland. In addition, the mammary gland, placenta, central nervous system and the immune system. Prolactin stimulates the growth and development of the mammary glands and is involved in the formation of maternal instinct. It is necessary for lactation, increases milk secretion and converts colostrum into milk.

This hormone prevents the occurrence new pregnancy while breastfeeding your baby. It is also involved in providing orgasm and has an analgesic effect. Prolactin is called a stress hormone. Its production increases with stressful conditions, anxiety, depression, severe pain, psychosis, exposure to unfavorable external factors.

All these hormones are very important for proper operation woman's body. They allow the female body to function normally.

Features of hormonal drugs

Such a broad concept as “hormonal drugs” includes various medications:

  1. Contraceptives.
  2. Treatments (drugs that cure diseases, for example, somatotropin in childhood treats dwarfism caused by its deficiency).
  3. Regulating (various tablets for normalizing the menstrual cycle or hormonal levels).
  4. Supportive (insulin for diabetics).

They all have different effects on a woman’s body.


Avoid without contraception unwanted pregnancy difficult, and constantly using condoms or other mechanical methods of protection can be inconvenient. Therefore, many drugs have been developed for the fairer sex, the use of which does not cause pregnancy.

Most often, the effect of contraceptives is that they prevent the egg from attaching to the walls of the uterus, so the development of the fetus becomes impossible. The use of contraceptives in the form of pills is popular today, but along with positive qualities There are also negative consequences for a woman’s body:

  • menstrual irregularities (due to incorrect selection of the drug);
  • swelling and weight gain (due to the body not taking medications);
  • hair loss, brittle nails and dry skin (due to improper selection);
  • lethargy, bad feeling, decreased libido.

But all these qualities in 90% of cases manifest themselves due to incorrect or independent selection of contraceptives. Only a gynecologist can select such serious medications, because for this it is necessary to analyze the woman’s hormonal data. Under no circumstances prescribe oral contraceptives on your own, because just because some contraceptives didn’t make one girl feel bad, this doesn’t mean that they will suit others.

But not everyone can use this method of protection.

There are several contraindications for the use of hormonal contraceptives:

  • presence of problems with the background;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • pregnancy;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • age less than 17 years;
  • excess weight and allergic reactions.

During the period of such protection, the chronic diseases. Discuss all the details with your doctor or gynecologist before you start taking contraceptives.

Side effects

In the instructions for hormonal contraceptives it is sometimes indicated as a side effect. mental disorders. These are usually depression and anxiety disorders. Attacks of fear or panic attacks are not always indicated separately, because they are often reduced simply to anxiety disorders. Although they deserve special attention and can greatly ruin the life of a woman who uses contraceptives. According to research conducted by the Royal Society of General Practitioners, women taking hormonal contraception, increased risk mental illness, neurotic depression (10-40%), development of psychosis, suicide. Aggression increases, and changes in mood and behavior are noted. It is possible that this factor has a significant impact on the life of the family and society.

If we take into account that the mood of women is influenced even by the normally observed fluctuations in the levels of endogenous hormones during the menstrual cycle (for example, according to data from France and England, 85% of crimes committed by women occur during their premenstrual period) it becomes clear why aggressiveness and depression increase by 10-40% when taking GC.

Under the influence of contraception, the level of the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for sexuality, is significantly reduced. Women taking hormonal contraceptives, often complain of a lack of desire, sexual desire and difficulty obtaining orgasm. It is known that with long-term use of hormonal contraceptives, irreversible changes in the area of ​​sexuality and libido can occur. By blocking testosterone in completely young girls Those using contraceptives experience sexual coldness and often anorgasmia.

When taking hormonal contraceptives, special attention should be paid to the following recommendations:

  • pills intended to protect against unwanted pregnancy do not protect the female body from sexually transmitted diseases;
  • women over 35 years of age should stop smoking when taking combined contraceptive pills, as in this case the risk of vascular blockage increases significantly;
  • It is not advisable to use tablets during breastfeeding combined composition, since estrogen in their composition affects the quality and composition of milk. IN in this case tablets containing only the corpus luteum hormone are prescribed;
  • if nausea, dizziness, or stomach upset occur, you should consult a specialist;
  • in case you are prescribed medications, you must inform your doctor that you are taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • If there is a miss in taking pills, then there is a need to use additional contraception, for example, condoms;
  • for women with severe forms endocrine diseases, For example, diabetes, as well as those with pathology of the heart and blood vessels, neoplasms, taking oral contraceptives is undesirable.


This group treats the body from diseases and disorders. Such hormonal preparations can be in the form of tablets or external use. The former are used to treat serious diseases caused by hormonal imbalances. The latter affect more locally, at the places of use.

Often girls synthesize few hormones responsible for the synthesis of new cells, so on the skin, especially in winter period, cracks or bleeding wounds appear that do not heal. To treat them, a dermatologist may prescribe a cream, ointment, or lotion with certain hormones.

Often, ointments contain corticosteroids, which, when applied to the skin, are absorbed into the blood within a few hours and begin to act. How does this group affect the body? This issue should be taken seriously, because the medications that are used most require attention when prescribing, determining the dosage and duration of the course, because the wrong step will cause complications of existing disorders.


Due to the crazy pace of life, daily poor nutrition, bad habits, sedentary image life and newfangled diets, women often suffer from menstrual irregularities. This negatively affects the development of the reproductive system, general condition body, increases the risk of developing breast cancer, and can also cause infertility. But there is a solution to this problem, because most often the cycle goes wrong due to changes in hormonal levels.

Therefore, a detailed blood test is taken for these substances. Such procedures are not cheap, because working with hormones is very difficult, but remember: treating the consequences of disorders will cost much more, so take care of your body in a timely manner.

After identifying specific hormones that are deficient or in excess, a course of medications is prescribed to regulate their levels. These could be pills or injections. Often, gynecologists prescribe oral contraceptives to normalize the menstrual cycle. Don't be afraid, they are not trying to deceive or make things worse. Depending on test results, some hormonal remedies actually improve menstruation without causing negative consequences. The influence of regulatory agents depends on the correctness of their selection and dosage, because active substances are required by the body in the smallest doses, so it is very easy to go beyond the norm. For example, if you overdo it with progesterone injections when there is a lack of it, you may experience swelling, nausea, hair loss and painful sensations in the mammary glands.


These pills or injections keep the body normal if diseases or disorders can no longer be cured. This may be due to chronic diseases, constant failures, poor functioning endocrine organs and others. For example, without insulin injections, a diabetic can die within a few days, even if he does not eat sweets.

Thyroxine tablets can stop the development of myxedema in people with thyroid dysfunction.

These drugs can often cause harm:

  • loading gastrointestinal tract;
  • irritating the mucous membranes of the stomach or intestines;
  • causing hair loss or other unpleasant symptoms.

But it is impossible to refuse them, because these are the drugs that keep the patient alive.

Hormonal drugs have a profound effect on a woman’s body, especially if they are oral contraceptives or regulatory means. Therefore, remember that only a specialist can prescribe them after detailed tests. Tablets, injections, ointments and other medications with hormones often disrupt the functioning of the digestive system, excretory system, may cause weakness, so consult your doctor if you experience such symptoms.

Common Myths

  1. Hormonal drugs are very harmful to health and should not be used under any circumstances. This is an erroneous opinion. Hormonal drugs have a diverse systemic effect on the body, and, like any other medicine, can cause side effects. However, abortion, from which these drugs protect almost 100 percent, is much more dangerous for a woman’s health.
  2. I will take the hormonal medications that helped my friend (sister, acquaintance). I should not self-prescribe hormones (like any other medications). These drugs are prescription drugs and should only be prescribed by a doctor after an examination, taking into account all the characteristics of your body (which, by the way, may be completely opposite to the characteristics of the body of your friend or even relative).
  3. Hormonal drugs should not be used by nulliparous women and girls under 20 years old. This is a completely erroneous opinion. Hormonal contraceptives can be used even by adolescents, especially if it is necessary to achieve a certain therapeutic effect.
  4. After using hormones for a long time You don’t have to be afraid of getting pregnant. Not at all. Already a month after finishing taking the drugs, it becomes possible to get pregnant, and even give birth to twins or triplets, since 2-3 eggs mature in the ovary. Some forms of infertility are treated by prescribing contraceptives for 3-4 months.
  5. After a certain time (six months, a year, etc.) you should take a break from taking hormonal drugs. This opinion is erroneous, since breaks in taking the drug do not affect either the appearance (or non-occurrence) of complications or the ability to bear children after taking medications. If there is a need and, in the opinion of the doctor, there are no contraindications to constant use, hormonal drugs can be used continuously and for as long as desired.
  6. Nursing mothers should not take hormones. This statement is only true for some pills that affect lactation. However, there are tablets containing only a small amount of the hormone that do not affect lactation. You just need to remember that these tablets must be used strictly after 24 hours. continuous mode. Even the slightest deviation from reception hours completely destroys contraceptive effect of this drug.
  7. From hormonal pills you can gain a lot of weight. Hormonal pills do have an effect on appetite, but for some it increases, and for others it decreases. It is impossible to predict exactly how the drug will affect you. If a woman tends to be overweight or if her body weight increases while taking it, the doctor prescribes drugs with a low content of gestagens, which are responsible for weight gain.
  8. Hormonal drugs are created only to prevent pregnancy in women; there are no drugs of this kind for men. This is wrong. Hormonal drugs are drugs obtained synthetically and acting like natural hormones produced in our body. These types of drugs do not necessarily have contraceptive effect, and can be prescribed to both women and men (depending on the type of drugs) to normalize the function of the reproductive system, normalize hormonal levels, etc.
  9. Only very serious illnesses treated with hormonal drugs. Not necessary. In the treatment of some mild diseases, hormonal drugs are also prescribed. For example, when thyroid function decreases, thyroxine or euthyrox is used.
  10. Hormones accumulate in the body. Erroneous opinion. Once in the body, hormones almost immediately break down into chemical compounds, which are then excreted from the body. For example, a birth control pill breaks down and leaves the body within 24 hours: that is why it needs to be taken every 24 hours. After the end of taking hormonal drugs, the effect of their influence is maintained not due to the accumulation of drugs in the body, but due to the fact that hormones act on various organs(ovaries, uterus, mammary glands, parts of the brain), normalizing their work.
  11. Pregnant women are not prescribed hormonal medications. If a woman had hormonal disorders before pregnancy, then during pregnancy she needs medicinal support so that the production of female and male hormones was normal, and the child developed normally. Hormones (for example, adrenal hormones) are also used if the hormonal balance of a woman’s body is disrupted during pregnancy.
  12. In any case, hormonal drugs can be replaced with other drugs. Unfortunately, this is not the case. In some situations, hormonal drugs are irreplaceable (for example, if a woman under 50 has had her ovaries removed). And sometimes hormonal treatment prescribed by a neuropsychiatrist (for example, for depression).

How do hormones work in the female body? What you need to know about hormonal contraception?

Hormones are the active substances of our body, which determine its growth, development and normal functioning. With their help, girls become more feminine, acquire smooth lines and a special feminine beauty. Our appearance, mood and even actions are related to the “behavior” of hormones in our body.

A very large number of "works" in the female body hormones. Their coordinated work allows a woman to feel like a woman.


These are “female” hormones that stimulate the growth and function of the female genital organs and the growth of the mammary glands. In addition, they are responsible for the appearance of female secondary sexual characteristics, i.e., breast enlargement, fat deposition and the formation of female-type muscles. In addition, these hormones are responsible for the cyclicity of menstruation. They are produced by the ovaries in women, the testes in men, and the adrenal cortex in both sexes. These hormones affect bone growth and water-salt balance.

After menopause, women have less estrogen. This can lead to hot flashes, sleep disturbances and atrophy of the genitourinary system. Also, a lack of estrogen can be a cause of osteoporosis that develops in postmenopause.


Produced by the ovaries in women, the testes in men, and the adrenal cortex in both sexes. These hormones can be called “male” hormones. In certain concentrations, they cause the development of male secondary sexual characteristics in women (deepening of the voice, growth of facial hair, baldness, growth of muscle mass “in the wrong places”). Androgens increase libido in both sexes.

A large number of androgens in the female body can lead to partial atrophy of the mammary glands, uterus and ovaries and infertility. During pregnancy, under the influence of excess amounts of these substances, a miscarriage may occur. Androgens can reduce the secretion of vaginal lubrication, making sexual intercourse painful for the woman.


Progesterone is called the “pregnancy” hormone. It is produced by the corpus luteum of the ovaries, and during pregnancy also by the placenta. Progesterone helps maintain pregnancy, stimulates the development of the mammary glands and “prepares” the uterus for bearing a fetus. During pregnancy, its level increases 15 times.

This hormone helps us get the most nutrients from what we eat and increases our appetite. During pregnancy, these are very useful qualities, but if its formation increases at other times, this contributes to the appearance of extra pounds.

Luteinizing hormone

Produced by the pituitary gland. It regulates the secretion of estrogen by the ovaries in women, and is also responsible for ovulation and the development of the corpus luteum.

Follicle-stimulating hubbub

Synthesized by the pituitary gland. Stimulates the growth and maturation of ovarian follicles, estrogen secretion and ovulation.

"Gonadotropic hormones(FSH - follicle-stimulating hormone, LH - luteinizing hormone and prolactin), produced in the adenohypophysis, determine the order of maturation of follicles in the ovary, ovulation (the release of an egg), the development and functioning of the corpus luteum,” says obstetrician-gynecologist highest category Natalya Vladimirovna Konovalenko.


This hormone is also produced by the pituitary gland. In addition, the mammary gland, placenta, central nervous system and immune system are involved in its secretion. Prolactin stimulates the growth and development of the mammary glands and is involved in the formation of maternal instinct. It is necessary for lactation, increases milk secretion and converts colostrum into milk.

This hormone prevents the occurrence of a new pregnancy while breastfeeding the baby. It is also involved in providing orgasm and has an analgesic effect.

Prolactin is called a stress hormone. Its production increases under stressful conditions, anxiety, depression, severe pain, psychosis, and the influence of unfavorable external factors.

All these hormones are very important for the proper functioning of a woman’s body. They are the ones who allow a woman to become a mother.

Reader Questions

Hello! Please tell me, I started taking the first package birth control pills I took the first tablet of “Microgynon” on the first day of menstruation, after what time can my husband and I safely interrupt sexual intercourse 18 October 2013, 17:25 Hello! Please tell me, I started taking the first package of birth control pills "Microgynon" I took the first pill on the first day of menstruation, after what time can my husband and I interrupt sexual intercourse without fear? Thank you in advance!

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What you need to know about hormonal contraception

Hormonal contraceptives- it's simple and convenient. Many women use it to prevent unwanted pregnancy. But the composition of the drugs includes synthetic substances- analogues female hormones, preventing the onset of ovulation. Thus, they prevent the possibility of fertilization. But the effect of these substances may interfere with the functioning of your body’s “native” hormones, which may result in undesirable consequences:

  • headache
  • increased sensitivity mammary glands
  • spotting vaginal discharge
  • weight gain
  • increased blood pressure

A normal balance of hormones in the female body is the key to health. Therefore, before taking hormonal contraceptives, you should always consult your doctor. He will select a drug for you that will perform its functions without harming your health.

Hormonal balance is one of the determining factors of human health. Even with a slight deficiency of one hormone, many problems arise, since the action of each of them is closely related to the others. Hormonal disorders are considered one of the most difficult groups of diseases, since most of them are difficult to diagnose and treat.

What are hormones?

These are highly active biologically active substances that are secreted by cells endocrine glands into blood and other biological fluids. These chemical compounds are able to control all types of metabolism by affecting special target cells.

What are the different hormones?

In the human body there are about hundreds of different hormones that perform the function humoral regulation organs and systems. Depending on the approach, the following classifications of hormones are distinguished:

From the point of view of chemical structure, there are 4 groups of hormones:

  1. Steroids: cortisol, DHEA-S, aldosterone, androstenedione, testosterone, estradiol, estrone, progesterone.
  2. Amino acid derivatives: adrenaline, norepinephrine, thyroxine.
  3. Protein-peptide compounds: somatotropin, glucagon, insulin, leptin, corticotropin.

Hormones are also classified according to the place of their synthesis:

  • pituitary hormones;
  • hypothalamic hormones;
  • thyroid hormones;
  • parathyroid hormones;
  • pancreatic hormones;
  • adrenal hormones;
  • ovarian hormones;
  • testicular hormones;
  • placental hormones, etc.

Classification by function:

  • effectors;
  • paths;
  • releasing hormones.

What is the function of hormones?

Main function Hormones and hormone-like substances regulate metabolic processes in the body. The effect of the hormone depends on its type. The functions of hormones can be considered in more detail in the table:

Place of synthesis

Adrenaline (epinephrine)


Adrenal medulla

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (corticotropin)

Production stimulator steroid hormones

Anterior pituitary gland


Regulation water-salt metabolism

Adrenal cortex




Precursor to testosterone and estrogens

Testicles and ovaries

Increases pepsin secretion

Dehydroepiandrosterone DHEA

Precursor to male and female sex hormones

Adrenal cortex

Plasma glucose regulator



Thyroid gland


Stress hormone

Adrenal cortex

Luteinizing hormone

Stimulator of estrogen production, regulator of progesterone production in the corpus luteum, increases plasma testosterone levels in men

Anterior pituitary gland


Regulation of sleep and biorhythms

Norepinephrine (norepinephrine)

Reactions associated with aggression, neurotransmitter

Adrenal medulla

Parathyroid hormone

Increases calcium levels in blood plasma

Parathyroid glands


Lactation stimulator

Anterior pituitary gland


A growth hormone

Anterior pituitary gland


Stimulates muscle growth, fat burning, maintains bone density, male sex hormone

Testicles, ovaries, adrenal glands

Thyroid-stimulating hormone

Stimulator of thyroid hormone synthesis


Metabolism activator



Metabolism activator


Follicle stimulating hormone

Stimulator of follicle growth and maturation

Anterior pituitary gland

Human human chorionic gonadotropin(hCG)

Maintaining pregnancy


Formation of sexual characteristics, regulation of reproductive function, female sex hormone

Ovaries and testes, adrenal glands


Helps maintain corpus luteum function

corpus luteum of the ovary, adrenal glands, and placenta



Transport, maintaining oncotic pressure of fetal blood

Yolk sac, fetal liver

Constricts blood vessels, stimulates the production of aldosterone

Amino acid residue of proinsulin



Regulation of behavioral and emotional reactions, memory, sleep

Enterochromaffin cells

How do hormones affect the health of women and men?

Throughout life, the body produces hormones, and their quantity directly affects a person’s health. regulate:

The production of hormones in women is more labile than in men and can change under the influence of various external and internal factors.

How to find out the level of hubbub?

Hormone levels can be determined using a special blood test for hormone levels. You can undergo research in specialized medical laboratories. Mobilemed laboratories offer more than 50 types of studies of the endocrine function of the body.

MobileMed prices


Cost, rubles

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

Free triiodothyronine (free T3)

Free thyroxine (free T4)

Total testosterone

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)


Total beta hCG

Parathyroid hormone (PTH)

Blood catecholamines

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

Somatotropic hormone (STH)



Who needs to get tested?

Hormone level tests are prescribed in cases where there are suspicions of endocrine diseases and as screening tests during pregnancy. Hormone testing should be done for conditions such as:

  • pregnancy;
  • infertility;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • disruption of metabolic processes;
  • depression;
  • mood lability;
  • memory impairment;
  • stretch marks on the skin;
  • skin problems, acne;
  • excess hair growth in women;
  • sudden weight gain or loss;
  • gigantism;
  • nanism;
  • acromegaly;
  • increased and decreased appetite.

Interpretation of results

The level of hubbub depends on the gender and age of the patient. In addition, the indicator in women is affected by different physiological processes such as pregnancy, lactation, menstruation and menopause. Only a doctor can competently interpret tests taking into account all external and internal factors.

The activity of the hormonal system is controlled by a control center located in the brain. Under his guidance, women release sex hormones and deliver them to the organs. Thus, this system consists of three stages: pituitary gland - ovaries (hormone production station) - female genital organs. The state of health depends on the quality of operation of this mechanism.

How do hormones affect the female genital organs?

From the composition of hormones produced in a woman’s body in one menstrual cycle, the quality of the endometrial (mucous) layer of the uterus depends - necessary condition normal pregnancy. In the first few days after the end of the menstrual period, the uterine mucosa is very thin. Under the influence of female sex hormones - estrogens - it begins to thicken and prepare for fertilization of the egg. If ovulation has occurred, then the endometrial layer develops blood vessels. In the absence of fertilization, the level of hormones decreases and the next menstrual cycle begins - the mucous membrane is rejected, making room for the new endometrium.

Due to normal hormonal levels, a woman retains wellness and the ability to have an active sex life. Hormones affect the density of the cervix and the mucous membrane of all internal genital organs, providing hydration and high resistance to bacteria and viruses.

When menopause occurs, hormone levels drop, which affects women's health. Itching and irritation of the genital organs begin, the mucous membranes turn pale. The reason is the pituitary gland's unsuccessful attempts to force the ovaries to work and produce required amount hormones.

Ovarian hormones are responsible for femininity and health

There are several types of the sex hormone estrogen in the female body. From testosterone, under the influence of a special enzyme, estradiol is produced, which, in turn, is converted into estriol and estrone. These female sex hormones produced in the ovaries are called by one general word - estrogens. They influence the formation of connective and adipose tissue, promote the development of sexual characteristics in women, and ensure the retention of phosphorus and calcium in bone tissue, which ensures its strength.

Estriol and estrone affect almost all organs, but not always positively. Not only a deficiency, but also an excess of hormones is dangerous. For example, when high concentration estradiol awakens oncogenes - the cause of diseases of the female genital organs such as uterine fibroids, fibroadenoma, mastopathy, endometriosis, polycystic disease and others. With a decrease in immunity, the chance of developing tumors, including malignant ones, increases, so the liver processes estradiol into estrone and estriol, which are much safer for women's health.

Progesterone is another female sex hormone that is also produced in the ovaries. This is a kind of counterbalance to estrogen. Lack of progesterone affects the ability to fertilize an egg and its fixation in the uterus. With a lack of the hormone, women experience PMS, namely headaches, disturbances emotional state, chest pain.

Hormonal imbalance and its causes

A woman’s body contains more than 60 hormones that are in balance with each other. The stability of the background is ensured by many factors, among which in the first place: lifestyle, the degree of stress resistance of the body, sexual activity women, nutrition, heredity. The slightest deviation in the concentration of hormones from the norm affects the functioning of the entire body - they suffer bone, condition of hair and skin, height, weight, etc. Imbalance in women's hormonal system causes many diseases of the genital organs. Moreover, hormonal disbalance affects the overall physical and emotional well-being of a woman.

Hormonal imbalance can be caused by:

    Insufficient sleep, stress.

    Excess weight.

    Bad habits.

    Taking medications.

    Autoimmune processes.

    Aging of the body.

The endocrine system, which is influenced by the nervous system, is responsible for the formation of hormones. When the nervous system is overloaded, the risk of disruptions in the hormonal system increases. Consequently, reproductive system women do not work at full capacity, which leads to cycle failure and infertility.

What and how does hormonal imbalance manifest itself?

The consequences of hormonal imbalance can be serious illnesses, For example:

    infertility, menstrual irregularities, obesity (cause: pituitary dysfunction);

    disruption of the production of sex hormones (cause: ovarian sclerocystosis);

    hypoplasia of the female internal genital organs, mastopathy, pathological lactation, anovulatory infertility (cause: hyperprolactinemia);

    hyperandrogenism (cause: increased testosterone).

Menstrual irregularities. Common sign hormonal imbalance - disrupted menstrual cycle or its complete absence. Fine critical days lasts 3–7 days every 3–5 weeks. If there are fluctuations in the cycle, we can talk about problems with the woman’s health, including hormonal disorders. In this case, during menstruation, the woman experiences pain, dizziness, loss of strength, and malaise.

Weight. Hormonal imbalances often manifest themselves externally in the form of weight problems, while a woman can not only gain weight, but also lose significant weight. It is difficult for women with body weight deviations in either direction to become pregnant.

Skin condition, hair. Hormonal imbalances are often accompanied increased fat content skin and acne. Hair also gets oily quickly. If male sex hormones predominate in the body, then hair growth appears in the most inappropriate places, for example, above the lip. This disorder may also occur in nulliparous women in the form of stretch marks on the body.

Infertility. Often, hormonal imbalance is the main reason for non-pregnancy. This occurs when there is insufficient progesterone production. If pregnancy does occur with such a disorder, then the fertilized egg is not retained in the uterus. By external signs Lack of progesterone cannot be determined and its amount does not affect the menstrual cycle in any way.

Menopausal syndrome. During menopause, follicle maturation and ovulation stop, but hormone production does not stop even after menstruation ends. If hormones are in order during menopause (for example, a woman undergoes hormone replacement therapy), no complications are observed in the body. In case of violations, the period of menopause is accompanied bright manifestations insomnia, depression and stress, high blood pressure.

Mammary gland. By paying attention to the appearance of the breasts, you can determine the deficiency of progesterone in the female body. In this case, there is severe breast swelling and noticeable pain outside of menstruation.

How to identify hormonal imbalance and avoid many female diseases

Nowadays, you can find out the level of absolutely any hormone by simply donating blood for hormones. Every woman should do this without waiting for obvious signs. hormonal disorders in the form of obesity or decreased libido. It is worth understanding that after childbirth, taking hormonal drugs, abortions and miscarriages, stress, during puberty and with age, hormone imbalance is inevitable and can only be restored with the help of hormone therapy.


The human body is very complex. In addition to the main organs, the body contains other equally important elements of the entire system. These important elements include hormones. Since very often this or that disease is associated precisely with an increased or, conversely, decreased level of hormones in the body.

Let's figure out what hormones are, how they work, what kind of hormones they have chemical composition, what are the main types of hormones, what effect do they have on the body, what consequences can arise from their improper functioning, and how to get rid of pathologies that arise due to hormonal imbalance.

What are hormones

Human hormones are biologically active substances. What it is? This chemical substances, which are contained by the human body and have very high activity with a small content. Where are they produced? They are formed and function inside the cells of the endocrine glands. These include:

  • pituitary;
  • hypothalamus;
  • pineal gland;
  • thyroid;
  • epithelial body;
  • thymus gland - thymus;
  • pancreas;
  • adrenal glands;
  • gonads.

Some organs can also take part in the production of the hormone, such as: kidneys, liver, placenta in pregnant women, gastrointestinal tract and others. The hypothalamus, a branch of the main brain, coordinates the functioning of hormones small size(photo below).

Hormones are transported through the blood and regulate certain metabolic processes and the functioning of certain organs and systems. All hormones are special substances created by the cells of the body to influence other cells of the body.

The definition of “hormone” was used for the first time by W. Bayliss and E. Starling in their works in 1902 in England.

Causes and signs of hormone deficiency

Sometimes due to the occurrence of various negative reasons The stable and continuous functioning of hormones can be disrupted. Such unfavorable reasons include:

  • transformations within a person due to age;
  • diseases and infections;
  • emotional interruptions;
  • climate change;
  • unfavorable environmental situation.

The male body is more stable hormonally, unlike females. Their hormonal levels may periodically change as if under the influence of common reasons listed above, and under the influence of processes inherent only female: menstruation, menopause, pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and other factors.

The following signs indicate that a hormone imbalance has occurred in the body:

  • weakness;
  • convulsions;
  • headache and ringing in the ears;
  • sweating

Thus, hormones V body a person is an important component and an integral part of his functioning. The consequences of hormonal imbalance are disappointing, and treatment is long and expensive.

The role of hormones in human life

All hormones are undoubtedly very important for normal functioning human body. They affect many processes occurring inside the human individual. These substances are inside people from the moment of birth until death.

Due to their presence, all people on earth have their own height and weight indicators that are different from others. These substances affect the emotional component of the human individual. Also throughout long period they control the natural order of multiplication and reduction of cells in human bodies. They coordinate the formation of immunity, stimulating it or suppressing it. They also put pressure on the order of metabolic processes.

With their help, it is easier for the human body to cope with physical activity and any stressful moments. For example, thanks to adrenaline, a person in a difficult and dangerous situation feels a surge of strength.

Hormones also have a significant effect on the body of a pregnant woman. Thus, with the help of hormones, the body prepares for successful delivery and care of the newborn, in particular, the establishment of lactation.

The very moment of conception and, in general, the entire reproductive function also depends on the action of hormones. When the content of these substances in the blood is adequate, sexual desire appears, and when it is low and lacking to the required minimum, libido decreases.

Classification and types of hormones in the table

The table shows the classification of hormones.

The following table contains the main types of hormones.

List of hormones Where are they produced? Functions of hormones
Estrone, folliculin (Estrogen) Provides normal development female body, hormonal background
Estriol (Estrogen) Gonads and adrenal glands IN large quantities produced during pregnancy, is an indicator of fetal development
Estradiol (Estrogen) Gonads and adrenal glands In females: ensuring reproductive function. In men: improvement
Endorphin Pituitary gland, central nervous system, kidneys, digestive system Preparing the body to perceive stressful situation, formation of a stable positive emotional background
Thyroxine Thyroid Provides correct exchange substances that affect the work nervous system, improves heart function
Thyrotropin (thyrotropin, thyroid-stimulating hormone) Pituitary Affects the functioning of the thyroid gland
Thyrocalcitonin (calcitonin) Thyroid Provides the body with calcium, ensures bone growth and regeneration in case of various types of injuries
Testosterone Male testes The main sex hormone in men. Responsible for the function of male reproduction. Provides a man with the opportunity to leave offspring
Serotonin Pineal gland, intestinal mucosa The hormone of happiness and calm. Creates a favorable environment, promotes good sleep and well-being. Improves reproductive function. Helps improve psycho-emotional perception. It also helps relieve pain and fatigue.
Secretin Small intestine, duodenum, intestines Regulates water balance in organism. The functioning of the pancreas also depends on it
Relaxin Ovary, corpus luteum, placenta, uterine tissue Preparing a woman’s body for childbirth, forming the birth canal, expands the pelvic bones, opens the cervix, reduces uterine tone
Prolactin Pituitary Acts as a regulator of sexual behavior, in women during lactation it prevents ovulation and the production of breast milk
Progesterone Corpus luteum of a woman Pregnancy hormone
Parathyroid hormone (parathyroid hormone, parathyrin, PTH) Parathyroid Reduces the excretion of calcium and phosphorus from the body in the urine when they are deficient; when there is an excess of calcium and phosphorus, it is deposited
Pancreozymin (CCK, cholecystokinin) Duodenum and jejunum Stimulates the pancreas, affects digestion, causes a feeling
Oxytocin Hypothalamus Woman's labor, lactation, manifestation of feelings of affection and trust
Norepinephrine Adrenal glands Rage hormone, ensures the body's reaction in case of danger, increases aggressiveness, enhances feelings of horror and hatred
Pineal gland Regulates circadian biorhythms, sleep hormone
Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (intermedin, melanotropin Pituitary Skin pigmentation
Luteinizing hormone (LH) Pituitary In women, it affects estrogens, ensures the process of follicle maturation and the onset of ovulation.
Lipocaine Pancreas Prevents fatty liver, promotes phospholipid biosynthesis
Leptin Stomach mucosa, skeletal muscles, placenta, mammary glands Saturation hormone, maintaining a balance between calorie intake and expenditure, suppresses appetite, transmits information to the hypothalamus about body weight and fat metabolism
Corticotropin (adrenocorticotropic hormone, ACTH) Hypothalamic-pituitary region of the brain Regulation of adrenal cortex functions
Corticosterone Adrenal glands Regulation of metabolic processes
Cortisone Adrenal glands Synthesis of carbohydrates from proteins, inhibits lymphoid organs (action similar to cortisol)
Cortisol (hydrocortisone) Adrenal glands Maintaining energy balance, activates the breakdown of glucose, stores it in the form of glycogen in the liver, as a reserve substance in case of stressful situations
Insulin Pancreas Maintaining a reduced blood sugar level affects other metabolic processes
Dopamine (dopamine) Brain, adrenal glands, pancreas Responsible for receiving pleasure, for regulation active work, for improving memory, thinking, logic and intelligence.

Also coordinates the daily routine: time to sleep and time to be awake.

Growth hormone (somatotropin) Pituitary Provides linear growth in children, regulates metabolic processes
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) Anterior hypothalamus Participates in the synthesis of other sex hormones, in the growth of follicles, regulates ovulation, supports the process of formation of the corpus luteum in women, the processes of spermatogenesis in men
Chorionic gonadotropin Placenta Prevents the resorption of the corpus luteum, normalizes the hormonal levels of the pregnant woman
Glucagon Pancreas, gastric and intestinal mucosa Maintaining sugar balance in the blood, ensures the entry of glucose into the blood from glycogen
Vitamin D Leather Coordinates the process of cell reproduction. Affects their synthesis.

Fat burner, antioxidant


(antidiuretic hormone)

Hypothalamus Regulating the amount of water in the body
Vagotonin Pancreas Increased tone and increased activity of the vagus nerves
Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) Sex glands Provides the creation of a system of reproduction, spermatogenesis and ovulation.
Androstenedione Ovaries, Adrenal glands, Testicles This hormone precedes the emergence of hormones with enhanced action of androgens, which are subsequently converted into estrogens and testosterone.
Aldosterone Adrenal glands The action is to adjust mineral metabolism substances: increases the sodium content and reduces the potassium composition. It also increases blood pressure.
Adrenocorticotropin Pituitary The action is to control the production of adrenal hormones
Adrenalin Adrenal glands Manifests itself emotionally difficult situations. Acts as an additional strength in the body. Provides a person with additional energy to perform certain critical tasks. This hormone is accompanied by feelings of fear and anger.

Basic properties of hormones

Whatever the classification of hormones and their functions, they all have general signs. Basic properties of hormones:

  • biological activity despite low concentration;
  • remoteness of action. If a hormone is formed in some cells, this does not mean that it regulates these particular cells;
  • limited action. Each hormone plays its strictly assigned role.

Mechanism of action of hormones

The types of hormones influence their mechanism of action. But in general, this action consists in the fact that hormones, transported through the blood, reach target cells, penetrate them and transmit a carrier signal from the body. At this moment, changes occur in the cell associated with the received signal. Each specific hormone has its own specific cells located in the organs and tissues to which they strive.

Some types of hormones attach to receptors that are contained inside the cell, in most cases, in the cytoplasm. These types include those that have lipophilic properties of hormones and hormones formed thyroid gland. Due to their fat solubility, they easily and quickly penetrate into the cell into the cytoplasm and interact with receptors. But they are difficult to dissolve in water, and therefore they have to attach to carrier proteins to move through the blood.

Other hormones can dissolve in water, so they do not need to attach to carrier proteins.

These substances affect cells and bodies at the moment of connection with neurons located inside the cell nucleus, as well as in the cytoplasm and on the plane of the membrane.

For their work, an intermediary link is required, which provides a response from the cell. They are presented:

  • cyclic adenosine monophosphate;
  • inositol triphosphate;
  • calcium ions.

This is why lack of calcium in the body has an adverse effect on hormones in the human body.

After the hormone has transmitted the signal, it is broken down. It can split in the following places:

  • in the cell to which he moved;
  • in blood;
  • in the liver.

Or it can be excreted from the body along with urine.

Chemical composition of hormones

By constituent elements Chemistry, four main groups of hormones can be distinguished. Among them:

  1. steroids (cortisol, aldosterone and others);
  2. consisting of proteins (insulin and others);
  3. formed from amino acid compounds (adrenaline and others);
  4. peptide (glucagon, thyrocalcitonin).

Steroids, however, can be divided into sex hormones and adrenal hormones. And the sexes are classified into: estrogen - female And androgens - male. Estrogen contains 18 carbon atoms in one molecule. As an example, consider estradiol, which has such chemical formula: C18H24O2. Based on the molecular structure, the main features can be identified:

  • the molecular content contains the presence of two hydroxyl groups;
  • Based on its chemical structure, estradiol can be classified as either a group of alcohols or a group of phenols.

Androgens are distinguished by their specific structure due to the presence in their composition of a hydrocarbon molecule such as androstane. The variety of androgens is represented by the following types: testosterone, androstenedione and others.

The name given by chemistry testosterone - seventeen-hydroxy-four-androstene-trione, A dihydrotestosterone - seventeen-hydroxyandrostane-trione.

Based on the composition of testosterone, we can conclude that this hormone is an unsaturated ketone alcohol, and dihydrotestosterone and androstenedione are obviously products of its hydrogenation.

From the name androstenediol it follows that it can be classified as a group of polyhydric alcohols. Also from the name we can conclude about the degree of its saturation.

Being a sex-determining hormone, progesterone and its derivatives, in the same way as estrogens, are a female-specific hormone and belong to the C21 steroids.

Studying the structure of the progesterone molecule, it becomes clear that this hormone belongs to the ketone group and its molecule contains two carbonyl groups. In addition to hormones responsible for the development of sexual characteristics, steroids include the following hormones: cortisol, corticosterone and aldosterone.

If we compare the formula structures of the types presented above, we can conclude that they are very similar. The similarity lies in the composition of the core, which contains 4 carbo-cycles: 3 with six atoms and 1 with five.

The next group of hormones are amino acid derivatives. They include: thyroxine, adrenaline and norepinephrine.

Peptide hormones are more complex than others in their composition. One of these hormones is vasopressin.

Vasopressin is a hormone formed in the pituitary gland, the value of the relative molecular weight of which is equal to one thousand eighty-four. In addition, in its structure it contains nine amino acid residues.

Glucagon, found in the pancreas, is also a type of peptide hormone. Its relative mass exceeds the relative mass of vasopressin by more than two times. It is 3485 units due to the fact that there are 29 amino acid residues in its structure.

Glucagon contains twenty-eight groups of peptides.

The structure of glucagon is almost the same in all vertebrates. Thereby, various drugs containing this hormone are created medically from the pancreas of animals. Artificial synthesis of this hormone in laboratory conditions is also possible.

A higher content of amino acid elements includes protein hormones. In them, amino acid units are connected into one or more chains. For example, the insulin molecule consists of two polypeptide chains, which include 51 amino acid units. The chains themselves are connected by disulfide bridges. Human insulin has a relative molecular weight of five thousand eight hundred and seven units. This hormone has homeopathic significance for the development genetic engineering. That is why it is produced artificially in laboratory conditions or transformed from animal bodies. For these purposes, it was necessary to determine the chemical structure of insulin.

Somatotropin is also a type of protein hormone. Its relative molecular mass is twenty-one thousand five hundred units. A peptide chain consists of one hundred and ninety-one amino acid elements and two bridges. To date it has been determined chemical structure of this hormone in the body of humans, bulls and sheep.

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