Home hirudotherapy: indications and contraindications for treatment with leeches. Hirudotherapy - what and how pharmaceutical leeches treat

Hirudotherapy has been used since ancient times in medicinal purposes. This unconventional way treatment with leeches.

There are about 400 species, but in in this case Only medicinal, oriental or pharmaceutical leeches, which are classified as medical, are used. They are bred in specialized biofactories to maintain sterility.

Leeches - the benefits and harms of worms, indications for use and available contraindications are presented later in the article.

What are the benefits of leeches for humans?

Since ancient times, people have known the health benefits of leeches.

The health benefits of leeches are due to hirudin. This is a substance that is contained in the saliva of leeches and gets into the body when bitten. lymphatic system. Suction of blood by leeches stimulates its renewal, enhances production, and in addition, many biologically active substances are transferred during the process. Due to this it is produced therapeutic effect, which helps against many diseases. Therefore, there are quite a lot of indications for applying leeches.

The impact is carried out in three ways. Biologically, the body is saturated with active substances. Leeches bite reflexively and fall exclusively into acupuncture points, producing the effect of acupuncture.

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Finally, the immune system is strengthened mechanically by accelerating the production of lymphocytes. So, what do leeches help with?

Hirudotherapy has indications for use in the following cases:

  • for hypertension, angina pectoris;
  • in the case of various forms of dystonia;
  • during trophic ulcers;
  • for arthritis;
  • with prostatitis, prostate adenoma;
  • with a hernia lumbar region spine, osteochondrosis, arthrosis knee joint and other problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • in case of kidney disease;
  • for psoriasis, furunculosis, acne;
  • with cystitis;
  • leeches for gout, obesity, diabetes mellitus;
  • at varicose veins veins, atherosclerosis;
  • for endometritis, endometriosis, ovarian dysfunction, inflammation of the genital organs, disorders menstrual cycle;
  • for diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • when identifying eye diseases type keratitis, glaucoma;
  • with sinusitis;
  • for gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis;
  • for mastopathy;
  • at neurological diseases(migraine, epilepsy, sleep disturbance, radiculitis, neuroses).

At neurological pathologies milk thistle will also help

What does hirudotherapy treat?

The benefits and harms of hirudotherapy have been studied thanks to the long-term use of leeches in medicine to help with many diseases.

The beneficial effect is noted due to many factors:

  • With the help of leech saliva, blood flow and blood clotting in blood vessels are normalized;
  • Blood pressure leeches are used at high levels;
  • The procedure helps improve oxygen supply to tissues, eliminate swelling, relieve fever and inflammation;
  • Tissue regeneration and lymph flow through vessels are also improved, and activity is suppressed. pathogenic microbes, immunity increases and the overall condition of the whole body improves;
  • Leeches are beneficial for women as a means of prevention and treatment gynecological diseases. Hirudotherapy for endometriosis saturates the organs with oxygen, improves blood circulation, thereby increasing the effect of therapy. Leeches for uterine fibroids reduce painful symptoms and effectively fight education;
  • The benefit for men is the prevention of various urological diseases, in their complementary treatment;
  • Leeches used for varicose veins on the legs relieve blood stagnation, provoke capillary bleeding, prevent inflammation and relieve pain;
  • For thrombophlebitis lower limbs thanks to hirudotherapy, you can relieve swelling, eliminate cramps and a feeling of heaviness, and normalize blood circulation;
  • Leeches for osteochondrosis of the lumbar region help nourish the tissues of the affected area, relieve pain, normalize sleep and blood circulation, and eliminate migraines.

Many questions arise regarding whether it is possible to apply leeches for diabetes. If there are no contraindications, then this measure helps improve glycemic control and alleviate the course of the disease. However, hirudotherapy for diabetes mellitus is an addition to drug treatment, which, of course, cannot be refused.

You will learn more about what leeches treat in the video:

Leech placement points

Treatment of a certain disease with leeches occurs due to their correct delivery to the right places. In ophthalmology, it is especially important that the procedure is performed experienced specialist, because they put worms in the eye area. For heart diseases, the setting points are cervical area. At urological diseases They are placed on the perineum, on the anus, in the tailbone area. Gynecological diseases are treated in the same places, placement on the cervix is ​​also possible.

If diseases such as atherosclerosis or varicose veins are detected, leeches are placed on the legs near the vein, but in no case on the vein itself. Leeches on the liver are beneficial for cirrhosis, hepatitis, and gallbladder diseases. Why do they put leeches in the navel? In this case, they also have a positive effect on liver function. Often, the placement points change during different sessions to improve the effect, so it is better to entrust the procedure to a specialist.

Is there any effect on weight loss?

Hirudotherapy for weight loss is now quite popular. This is due to the effect of leeches on the body. With their help, not only the blood is cleansed and blood pressure is normalized, but also hormonal levels are restored, metabolism is improved, and fats are burned. They activate brain activity, feeding it with oxygen.

It should be understood that leeches are not the main means for losing weight. You need to be active and stick to healthy eating, drink more water. On a positive note During the diet, there will be an improvement in mood, which often falls due to food restrictions, and a feeling of lightness will appear. It is important that leeches are practically harmless, unlike weight loss drugs.

Succinic acid will help speed up metabolism

Benefits in cosmetology

Hirudotherapy is used in cosmetology for rejuvenation and face lifting. The benefit for women and men lies in the environmental friendliness and naturalness of the method, when there is no need to use chemicals. For the face, the procedure is painless and will not cause significant defects. After 3-4 days, the wounds are almost invisible and can be easily hidden with cosmetics, and after a week they are completely healed.

Leeches are placed on the face to get rid of wrinkles, as well as for a lifting effect. Even deep wrinkles become less noticeable, and skin elasticity increases. At the same time, the condition of the skin improves significantly, swelling goes away, color improves, acne and pimples disappear. What effect do leeches placed behind the ears have? This arrangement allows you to improve hormonal levels, which also has a positive effect on weight loss.
Hirudotherapy is also used as a remedy for cellulite, effectively eliminating orange peel.

You might be interested to know that pressotherapy can help defeat cellulite. Read all the details about the procedure

How dangerous is the procedure?

The pros and cons of hirudotherapy have been studied for many years. Most experts consider the procedure safe. However, there are some contraindications for its use, and it is important to consider them before starting therapy. In addition, it is necessary to use exclusively medicinal leeches grown for these purposes. Wild worms from water bodies can cause harm, including serious infection with serious consequences.


Contraindications to the use of hirudotherapy are as follows:

  • tendency to allergies;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • exacerbation of infections;
  • lactation period and pregnancy;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • very low weight, exhaustion, anemia;
  • various autoimmune diseases;
  • reduced arterial pressure;
  • poisoning in the acute phase;
  • liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, stomach ulcer.

Hirudotherapy for children is possible only with great caution and under the supervision of a doctor who will monitor the child’s condition and his reaction. This is especially important when the procedure is performed on children under 14 years of age. This is also true for older people. However, hirudotherapy for menopause, on the contrary, is welcomed to alleviate its symptoms, and this healing technique accelerates hormonal changes in the body, making it invisible to a woman.

Current questions are whether it is possible to apply leeches at a fever, as well as after a stroke. Fever is often a sign of the beginning colds, which refers to indications for hirudotherapy. In this case, the procedure helps to cope with the disease and prevent the condition from worsening. Since leeches are indicated for heart disease, after a stroke they help the patient recover faster. Hirudotherapy and alcohol are not compatible due to the property of alcohol to expand the walls of blood vessels. This rule also applies to coffee.

You will learn more about contraindications to the use of leeches from the video:

Side effects

Hirudotherapy may cause side effects such as:

  • swelling;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • redness;
  • increased temperature at the bite site.

Such reactions occur quite often and are not dangerous. To reduce them, use cold compresses with or vinegar with potassium permanganate. If the reaction is severe, then prescribe antihistamines. Complications after hirudotherapy sessions are quite rare, but they do happen. These include heavy bleeding, manifestation of allergies, infection of the wound.

How does the procedure work?

To successfully carry out the procedure, you must follow a certain algorithm:

  • Skin cleansing laundry soap without using scented products. Unwashed skin and cosmetics with an intense odor will cause the leech to refuse to suck blood;
  • Heating the skin immediately before the procedure. To do this, use soaked hot water fabric, otherwise the leech will not want to attach itself either;
  • The maximum permissible number of leeches per session is 10. After they are released onto the skin, they actively search for a place to bite, during which a tingling sensation is felt;
  • During suction, the leech gnaws through the skin, thereby causing slight pain. Immediately after saliva enters the blood, it passes;
  • Falling off occurs on its own after saturation, this can be 10-60 minutes. If you try to remove a leech by force, it will cause pain;
  • Applying a sterile dressing after the procedure. This is necessary to avoid infection, and also due to prolonged bleeding from the bite site, which can last up to a day.

Let's sum it up

Indications and contraindications for the use of leeches have been studied by many specialists and indicate the benefits of hirudotherapy. The mechanism of action is aimed at treating many diseases. How often should the procedure be performed, and how long will it take for the effect to become clearly noticeable? Sessions should be carried out every 3-4 days, sometimes every week.

The number of procedures is usually 8-10, but in some cases 15 may be needed.

A positive effect is noted after the first sessions, but it is important to undergo full course for maximum performance.

Similar materials

Hirudotherapy is the procedure therapeutic measures using leeches. This small creature living in reservoirs has saved human health many times when traditional medicine was powerless. This therapy has few limitations and possible negative outcomes, which is significantly different from the use of medications.

The medical specimen has a mouth on a suction cup in front, with three jaws, each with a hundred chitinous teeth. She has ten eyes, she can hear perfectly and can smell. Because of this, she independently searches for an area on the skin with biologically active points.

Basis of hirudotherapy

Despite the fact that the worm is located on human skin, it acts on deep tissue. The hyaluronidase it produces can increase tissue permeability and sensitivity. By piercing the skin and drinking blood, the individual returns biologically to the body active substances, among which the most valuable is hirudin. It cleanses human blood vessels. No more than seven worms are used per leech therapy session. One individual drinks approximately 15 milliliters of blood. The worm is used only once, then it is dipped into acid solution where he dies. This eliminates the possibility of infections/viruses entering environment, as well as their transfer to other people.

Important! The wounds after the session bleed throughout the day. This is considered normal, there is no need to worry. But, if after a day the blood continues to flow, you need to tell a specialist about it.

In what cases is treatment with leeches prescribed?

Most often, this treatment is prescribed for patients with high blood pressure, heart disease, in different forms dystonia, ulcers, spinal diseases, and VSD.

The scope of use of worms is very extensive. Leeches are used to treat ailments such as:

  • Diabetes, arthritis, excess weight and other diseases associated with impaired metabolism.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Kidney problems.
  • Neurological diseases.
  • Diseases of the stomach and pancreas.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • For fractures and abrasions, and adhesions after surgery.
  • Inflammation in the reproductive system.

This is not the entire list of diseases that these worms will help cure. Useful Features and the harm of this therapy depends on the specific characteristics of the human body, which only a doctor can determine. If indicated, the specialist prescribes an effective course of treatment with worms.

Diseases of joint and cartilage tissues that are caused by improper metabolism or blood exchange, significant or incorrectly distributed loads, various injuries, - can be healed with the help of these creatures. The duration of therapy for these ailments is prescribed specifically for each patient.

The goal of such therapy is to reduce negative feelings, eliminate pain syndrome, stop the growth of the disease. This ensures satisfactory joint mobility. The mucus that the individual injects into the blood contains a significant concentration of a natural substance to relieve pain; it helps to improve the patient’s condition.

Use in the treatment of female ailments

In the treatment of various gynecological diseases, medical worms are used both externally and inside the vagina - it all depends on the specific ailment. Such actions should only be performed by professionals in a room specially equipped for this purpose. Near the vagina there is a significant number of vessels and capillaries, near the uterus and other female organs, and this increases the effectiveness of leech therapy several times.

Normalization occurs in a short period of time hormonal levels, due to which the woman’s body rejuvenates. Placing worms inside the vagina is recommended if the patient has a disease that occurs as a result of hormonal imbalance. These diseases include certain forms of heart disease, high pressure in the genitals and blood vessels, asthma. If there is inflammation in the uterus and appendages, common symptoms The illness is pain in the lower abdomen, an increase in the size of the appendages, and disruption of the menstrual cycle. Illnesses occur when blood stops in female organs, because of this, the degree of tissue resistance decreases and the risk of infection increases. For all the described pathologies, leech therapy is very effective.

Worms are good for preventive measures growth gynecological ailments appendages, at the preliminary stage their actions are aimed at relieving the inflammatory process. Three or five non-painful therapy sessions will help a woman get rid of many problems associated with the pelvic organs.

After an abortion or during inflammation in the female reproductive system, adhesions are most often diagnosed, which over the years can cause pain and infertility. To prevent this, after termination of pregnancy, doctors recommend that women undergo a course of hirudotherapy. In many cases, worms will prevent adhesions from occurring.

Cysts are benign tumors various types, fibroids. If a woman is diagnosed with this, then there is a high risk that this is caused by a hormonal imbalance. Worms will help prevent negative consequences, such as: increase benign neoplasm or a gradual transition to malignant tumor. But you should always remember that leech therapy should only be carried out under the supervision of a highly qualified specialist.

Worm therapy will be effective for pain during menstruation and uterine bleeding different levels intensity. Uterine bleeding is caused by a lack or excess of hormones in the blood, an inflammatory process, the growth of fibroids, or an abnormal course of menopause.

Hirudotherapy for VSD

Worms will help in treatment of VSD at the initial stage of growth or slow down its process by later stages. The therapy will increase the process of blood formation, and the hirudin returned by the worms to the patient’s blood will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent their damage. It also increases blood viscosity, reducing the likelihood of blood clots.

Leech therapy is an effective method of combating high blood pressure that has no side effects. Three, five hearts, placed on the correct points, on for a long time will reduce blood pressure.

Leeches for prostatitis

Diseases that worry many men after forty years can be cured in 9 sessions of hirudotherapy. This technique eliminates pain symptoms, performs an analgesic function. Patients experience significant relief after just one session. A urologist must supervise the therapy. If the infection is chronic, then you need to take antibiotics prescribed by the doctor simultaneously with therapy.

Hirudotherapy is very common in cosmetology. Its main advantage is the absence of age limits: any person, regardless of age, with the help of worms can eliminate certain skin diseases. The main thing is to strictly follow the specialist’s instructions when performing the procedure.

Leech therapy in cosmetology is used for:

  • Deletions acne, acne, ulcers on the skin.
  • Fight cellulite.
  • Removal of scars and cicatrices caused by skin damage.
  • Bringing the patient's skin back to normal with VSD.
  • Preventing baldness.
  • Improvements appearance skin.
  • Controlling the course of various skin diseases.

Hirudotherapy: harm and limitations

Despite the wide range of indications for use, leeches, unfortunately, are not a panacea for all ailments. There are diseases whose presence in the patient will not give good result from leech therapy. In these situations, treatment with worms can even harm human health.

Limitations to leech therapy:

  1. Low hemoglobin level. Sucking even a small volume of blood by worms during therapy will significantly reduce hemoglobin levels.
  2. Patients who suffer from low blood clotting risk losing a significant amount of blood from small wounds on the skin.
  3. If there is a tumor in the body, the use of worms is prohibited (there is a possibility of bleeding).
  4. During menstruation, it is better for women not to attend therapy sessions: the body already loses enough blood.
  5. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, intolerance to the enzymes secreted by the worm.
  6. Low blood pressure. As soon as several leeches stick to the body, a person’s blood pressure will decrease, which will negatively affect hypertensive patients. There is a risk of fainting or feeling dizzy after the session.

Many people do not attend leech therapy sessions simply because the worms themselves are disgusting to them. It is impossible to force a person in this situation; moreover, the level of growth of the pharmaceutical industry makes it possible to produce medical supplies, which are based on worm mucus. They are very effective and are in no way inferior to conventional worm therapy.

It is important to note that with leech therapy there is a risk of unpleasant consequences after the session. More often the consequences appear when self-treatment or because of the doctor's unprofessionalism. These consequences include:
  • allergy;
  • bleeding;
  • bruises;
  • slight inflammation of the lymph nodes.

It is important to know! If the patient does not follow the advice for treating wounds that remain after the session, then an infection may enter the bloodstream.

Minor bleeding that occurs after the session is normal, so human body responds to hirudin. But if the bleeding doesn't stop long time, then you need to urgently consult a doctor.

It is possible to prevent the unpleasant consequences of leech therapy. To do this, you must comply with the following conditions:

  1. You cannot tear off the leeches during the procedure yourself. They will fall off as soon as they have sucked out the required amount of blood, this usually happens no later than an hour.
  2. The wound should remain dry after the session. You can't get it wet until it's overgrown.
  3. Do not touch the wound with your hands after the procedure.

Video: what leeches treat and how a hirudotherapy session will help

Treatment with leeches, or scientifically called hirudotherapy, was one of the most common methods of treatment in the Middle Ages. At the beginning of the last century, due to the development of medicine, this type of treatment faded into the background.

But in Lately There are more and more specialists reviving this species alternative medicine. So is there any benefit from hirudotherapy?

This is a very ancient form of medicine. It is known for certain that pharaohs were treated with it Ancient Egypt. This medical product mentioned in ancient sources such as the Koran and the Bible. Such famous ancient physicians as Avicenna and Hippocrates did not disdain leeches.

The heyday of hirudotherapy in more late hour falls on the XVII-XIX centuries. A patient could be prescribed a hundred or more leeches at a time. But gradually, hirudotherapy is being replaced by medicines and they forget about her.

With the help of suction cups, it is firmly attached to the victim’s body. Nature has made it so that a leech only needs to feed once every few months, after which it can survive without blood for a long time. She can “drink” up to 15 ml at a time. blood.

She can survive without blood for so long because her body has special anticoagulant substances. With their help, blood does not clot for a long time. It is for the presence of anticoagulants that we value these creatures.

In order for a leech to begin to saturate itself with blood to the maximum, it must be hungry. For treatment, individuals that have not been fed for more than four months are used.

Treatment zones

Hirudotherapy is a strict science. The leech cannot be placed just anywhere. Every disease has its place. The hirudotherapist selects an area for the leech, limiting its further movement. And within this area, she herself finds the right place.

Let's get acquainted with the basic rules for their use. For example, when treating thrombosis, it should never be placed on a vein; the leech is placed near the vessel.

For severe headaches or high blood pressure, they are attached to the mastoid process.

For hemorrhoids or prostatitis, they are attached in the tailbone area.

To alleviate radiculitis, they are attached in the lumbar region, near the spine.

To treat the liver, kidneys, and gallbladder, an area near these organs is selected.

Apart from veins, leeches are not applied to the eyes and genitals.

Features of treatment

Only one variety is used for treatment. These creatures are not caught in the wild, but are raised in special factories. The leech cannot be used more than once.

Before the session, you should not use deodorants, perfumes or drink alcohol.

Duration of treatment

The doctor decides how many treatment sessions are required and how long the session should last.

The standard course of treatment consists of ten sessions, but in some cases 3–4 will be enough. After a few years, it is recommended to take the course again.

Some doctors see the benefits of treatment with leeches, some do not. It is believed that the leech bites the skin in certain places, thereby rejuvenating the body.

Leech saliva contains more than a hundred useful substances. In addition to anticoagulants, it contains substances that kill microbes, improve mood, affect sleep and appetite.

It is believed that, unlike drugs, hirudotherapy has a mild, gentle effect.

What diseases are treated with leeches?

The list is huge. This:

  • skin diseases;
  • diseases of the female organs;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, gall bladder;
  • male infertility;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • thrombosis;
  • cellulite, obesity;
  • They are also used for anti-aging procedures;
  • ENT diseases;
  • some eye diseases;
  • radiculitis;
  • arthritis;
  • gout.

Here are the main diseases for which hirudotherapy can help.

Harm from leeches

What is more benefit or harm in leech treatment? More than one generation of pundits has been arguing over this issue.

Skeptics claim the possibility of leech entering the body along with saliva. pathogenic bacteria and microbes. True, other doctors deny this.

But it is true that substances that prevent blood clotting can in some cases cause dermatitis.

If you read information that a leech can penetrate the body, you should not believe it.


Dear readers, today we will continue our conversation with you about treatment with leeches, or as it is scientifically called - hirudotherapy. I already told you about it, we learned the features this method natural therapy, indications and contraindications, what you need to pay attention to if you are going to such a session.

Today we will talk to you in more detail about how it goes healing session and also about what diseases can be treated with medical leeches. Perhaps such a treatment sounds scary (the very word “leech” scares off many), but I think it deserves our attention, as alternative treatment without medication for many diseases.

Medical leech. Composition of saliva

Let's first talk about what the saliva of a medical leech is. She has very rich chemical composition, thanks to which diversified therapeutic effect on the human body. But, unfortunately, it has not yet been sufficiently studied. Although this process began at the end of the 19th century, this moment 20 biological components in its composition have been thoroughly described and this is far from the limit! There are more than 100 microelements in leech saliva. Let's consider some of them:

  • Hirudin thins the blood, improves blood circulation, dissolves existing blood clots and prevents formation, has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Apyrase removes substances from the blood that contribute to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Destabilase(a complex of substances) dissolves existing blood clots and prevents the formation of new ones.
  • Hyaluronidase promotes the resorption of adhesions and scars.
  • Eglins(group of substances) reduce inflammation and tissue damage, have a therapeutic effect in rheumatoid arthritis, gout, lung diseases, etc.
  • Bradykinins(group of substances) act anti-inflammatory.

Treatment with leeches. Hirudotherapy session. Benefits and harms

How does a hirudotherapy session take place? First of all, before the procedure, it is forbidden to take a bath or shower with scented soap, or use deodorant, because leeches are very sensitive to smell and may refuse to attach. The places where the leeches will be planted are treated immediately before the session: if there is hair, it is shaved off and the skin is washed warm water with unscented soap and wipe with sterile cotton swabs.

The patient is positioned comfortably: he should feel relaxed and calm. An oilcloth and diaper are placed under the area where the leeches will be located, and the skin in the places where they are placed is moistened with a sterile glucose solution for better suction.

The leech is placed in a test tube with its tail down, applied to the point of influence and waited for it to attach. It is necessary to place a piece of waxed paper or cotton wool under the tail of the worm, since otherwise it may be sucked on by the second suction cup that is located there.

Animals are kept until completely saturated, sometimes for up to 60 minutes, and in in some cases are forcibly taken away: it depends on the method of treatment of each separate disease. Since leeches cannot be tolerated strong odors, then weaning is carried out by bringing a piece of cotton wool soaked in alcohol to the worm. When animals eat, they fall off on their own. They are taken with tweezers, placed in a container and poured hypertonic solution for destruction. Leeches are a one-time use product; they are not used a second time.

Bite wounds are covered with a sterile cotton-gauze bandage and secured. Blood may ooze from the wounds for up to a day - this is normal. If the bandage is soaked in blood, it is not removed, but a new one is fixed on top. After a day, the bandage is removed and, if the bleeding has stopped, the wounds are treated with a disinfectant solution, for example, iodine, and covered with a new sterile bandage for another 1-2 days. It is very important not to introduce infection into the wounds.

If the wounds continue to bleed a day after the session, then the bleeding should be stopped by adding a couple of drops of a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Then the bite sites are also covered with a sterile bandage.
Wounds should be carefully monitored to avoid infection. They usually heal within 2-3 days.

Treatment with leeches. Indications and contraindications

What does hirudotherapy treat? Hirudotherapy is effectively used to treat a number of diseases:

  • cardiovascular,
  • gynecological and urological,
  • dermatological,
  • metabolic disorders,
  • thyroid gland,
  • various diseases of the spine and joints,
  • eye diseases,
  • diseases of the nervous system,
  • to improve immunity,
  • normalization of the functioning of the entire organism as a whole.

Treatment with leeches. Harm. Contraindications

I always talk about our wisdom. First of all, you need to find a competent doctor and discuss everything with him. He will ask you all the questions and give recommendations depending on the picture of diseases and health problems. It will tell you how many sessions you need to take.

Treatment with leeches has a number of contraindications. This:

  • poor blood clotting,
  • severe anemia (hemoglobin level below 100 g/l),
  • presence in the recent past or ongoing bleeding, including internal chronic,
  • cachexia,
  • individual intolerance or allergy to treatment with leeches.

Let's watch the video footage. Here's what doctors say about leech treatment.

What might be the reaction after a hirudotherapy session?

Many people complain that after a certain number of hirudotherapy sessions they began to feel unwell, and the bite sites burned, itched, etc. and because of this they stop treatment. Good doctor obliged to warn about the very likely reaction of the body. This effect is called a prefix reaction and occurs 12-14 hours after the 3rd procedure and may include:

  • swelling,
  • increased temperature in areas of leech bites,
  • local temperature rise,
  • enlargement of nearby lymph nodes,
  • increase in body temperature,
  • myalgia,
  • deterioration in general health.

Such a reaction in mild form observed in 85% of patients, and the hirudotherapist should give recommendations to alleviate its course. Many consider this reaction to be allergic and stop treatment, but in fact this is not so: this is how the activation process manifests itself immune system, an exacerbation of some of the patient’s existing diseases may also occur. I will say again that this is normal: only 9% of patients do not experience any discomfort!

Hirudotherapy for the heart and blood vessels

As already mentioned, the composition of leech saliva primarily affects the blood and blood vessels, and, consequently, the heart. Hirudotherapy is used to treat the following cardiovascular diseases:

  • haemorrhoids,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • thrombophlebitis,
  • ischemic stroke,
  • hypertension,
  • lymphostasis,
  • phlebeurysm,
  • vascular thrombosis.

In addition to medicinal purposes, leeches are used as prophylactic, as they cleanse and restore circulatory system, remove waste and toxins from the body, improve metabolism. The number of leeches and the location of their placement are determined by the doctor based on tests and depending on the disease.

Treatment of varicose veins with leeches

For example, with varicose veins it is very important to start treatment at a later stage. early stages diseases. The session is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. Leeches are placed in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 2-10 cm from the diseased vein, but in no case on the vein itself or venous nodes. As a result, inflammation, itching, heaviness, burning, cramps go away, the blood thins, its microcirculation improves, blood clots dissolve, and the walls of blood vessels are strengthened.

Hirudotherapy in gynecology. Hirudotherapy for infertility

Hirudotherapy is widely used in gynecology, including for the treatment of infertility. It should be understood that if a woman does not have ovaries, uterus or other organs, then leeches naturally will not be able to help her. If the cause of infertility is diseases such as endometriosis, adhesions in the tubes and uterus, inflammatory processes, fibroids, hormonal imbalances, then the chance of becoming a mother increases many times over.

Thanks to substances in saliva, leeches disappear congestion, inflammation goes away, tubal patency, nutrition of the pelvic organs, blood circulation improves, the amount of hormones normalizes, and the immune system is strengthened. All this contributes to recovery reproductive system woman and prepares her body for conception and successful bearing of a child.

Leech treatment of joints and spine. Hirudotherapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Currently, more than 90% of the working population suffers from diseases of the spine, and if we also include diseases of the joints, the picture appears completely depressing. Hirudotherapy is successfully used to treat the following diseases of this group:

  • arthritis,
  • arthrosis,
  • radiculitis,
  • back pain,
  • spinal hernia,
  • osteochondrosis,
  • joint deformation due to gout.

Most people do not even suspect that many diseases in the human body arise due to problems with the spine. Thanks to treatment with leeches, blood circulation improves, congestion disappears, waste and toxins are removed, and damaged tissues oxygen begins to flow and useful material, which helps their recovery, swelling of nearby areas decreases, unblocking occurs nerve endings. When passing complete treatment Damaged intervertebral discs are often restored.

Leeches can be of great help in the presence of osteochondrosis cervical region spine, which is the most painful. After treatment, in addition to the above, people get rid of spasms, a feeling of constriction, lethargy, constant headaches, and insomnia.

Here is the information about leech treatment for today. And for the sake of our souls, we will listen Mon Ange celeste Je t'aime I invite you to plunge into the wonderful world of dreams.

I wish you all health and beauty, warmth and comfort in your families. Use the simplest and available recipes for your health. And, of course, don’t forget about positive thoughts.

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    13 Mar 2017 at 18:33


    05 Sep 2016 at 10:26


    The treatment method using leeches is called hirudotherapy. This tiny aquatic creature has repeatedly kept people healthy that it couldn't help. official medicine. Treatment with hirudotherapy has a minimum of contraindications and possible negative consequences, how it compares favorably with reception medications. Let's find out when hirudotherapy can help, consider the benefits and harms of treatment with leeches.

    What are the benefits of medicinal leeches for humans?

    People begin to feel better after a hirudotherapy session for the reason that medicinal leeches, by sucking a certain amount of blood, minimize the level of stress on the circulatory system, thereby promoting its healing. This eliminates all kinds of stagnation. Aquatic worms inject hirudin, an enzyme considered a natural anticoagulant (a substance that prevents blood from thickening).

    During hirudotherapy, there is also a reflex effect on the body. The fact is that medical leeches are applied by specialists exclusively to specific reflex points involved in acupuncture sessions. Thanks to this, biologically active processes occur in the body that contribute to the healing and normalization of the functioning of certain organs.

    For arthrosis and osteochondrosis

    Damage to articular and cartilaginous tissues is not inflammatory in nature(arthrosis, osteochondrosis, etc.), the appearance of which is provoked by circulatory or metabolic disorders, excessive or irrationally distributed physical activity, all kinds of injuries can be cured with leeches. The number of hirudotherapy sessions for arthrosis or osteochondrosis is determined individually.

    The goal of the hirudotherapy method is to reduce discomfort, relieve the patient of pain, stop further development illness. This ensures normal physical activity joints. The liquid injected by a leech into the circulatory system contains a high concentration of a natural anesthetic substance that helps improve the patient’s well-being. Interesting fact: A couple of centuries ago, military doctors applied leeches to the wound areas of soldiers, thereby preventing the development of painful shock.

    Application in gynecology

    In the process of treating all kinds of gynecological ailments, medicinal leeches are used both externally (leeches are placed on the tailbone, lower abdomen, etc.) and intravaginally, depending on the specific disease. These manipulations should be carried out exclusively by highly qualified specialists in a specialized office. What is located near the vagina a large number of vessels and capillaries, as well as the proximity of the uterus and other female organs to it, make it possible to greatly increase the effectiveness of hirudotherapy.

    Behind shortest time normal hormonal balance is established, due to which female body overall rejuvenated. Note that intravaginal placement of medicinal leeches is recommended if patients have diseases that develop due to an imbalance of hormones. This includes some types of cardialgia, hypertension, and asthma.

    In diseases of the inflammatory nature of the uterus and appendages, common symptoms are pain localized in the lower abdomen, an increase in the size of the appendages, pain in them, and sometimes malfunctions monthly cycle. Diseases occur in the presence of blood stagnation in the female organs, due to which the level of tissue resistance decreases and the likelihood of developing infections increases.

    In the presence of such diseases, hirudotherapy is highly effective. Leeches are useful for preventing the development of gynecological diseases of the appendages at the pre-disease stage; they perform anti-inflammatory functions. From 3 to 5 painless procedures hirudotherapy will help women get rid of all unpleasant symptoms and prevent the development of unpleasant diseases.

    After abortions or inflammatory processes in the organs of the female reproductive system is often diagnosed adhesive process, which can lead to unpleasant pain and even infertility in the future. To avoid such consequences, experts advise young women who had an abortion during their first pregnancy to attend several sessions of hirudotherapy. In most cases, leeches will prevent adhesions from occurring.

    TO benign formations include cysts different types, fibroids. If you have been diagnosed with similar diseases or endometriosis, there is a high probability that they were caused by a disorder hormonal balance. Leeches will help avoid unpleasant consequences - increase in size benign tumor or its gradual degeneration into malignant. But don’t forget: the hirudotherapy procedure in mandatory should be supervised by a qualified gynecologist.

    Hirudotherapy will be effective for painful periods (if their cause is inflammation caused by stagnation of blood in the female genital organs) and uterine bleeding to varying degrees intensity. The latter are caused by a deficiency or excess of hormones in the blood, inflammation, the development of uterine fibroids or the abnormal course of the so-called menopause.

    Leeches for varicose veins

    Leeches will help early stage its development or stop its progress at a later stage. Hirudotherapy accelerates the process of blood formation, and hirudin injected into the patient’s blood by leeches helps strengthen the walls blood vessels, preventing their destruction. It also thins the blood, reducing the risk of blood clots. Hirudotherapy – effective and without side effects a method of combating hypertension (fraught, for example, with stroke). 3-5 leeches installed in the right points will reduce the risk for a long time blood pressure.

    For prostatitis

    The disease, which worries the vast majority of men after forty years, is cured in 7-9 sessions of hirudotherapy. This method will help get rid of pain, will perform an anesthetic function. Patients experience strong relief after just one session, heavy sensations become much weaker. A urologist should monitor the progress of hirudotherapy. If available chronic infection, you must additionally take antibiotics prescribed by a specialist.

    In cosmetology

    Leeches have a wide range of applications in the field of cosmetology. One of the main advantages of hirudotherapy with for cosmetic purposes There is no age limit: clients of any age can eliminate skin blemishes with the help of leeches. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions of the specialists during the procedure. Hirudotherapy in cosmetology is used for:

    • Getting rid of acne, pimples, purulent lesions skin.
    • Fight with " orange peel» on the thighs, legs and other areas of the body.
    • Elimination of scars and cicatrices left after injuries.
    • Givings normal looking skin of patients suffering from varicose veins.
    • Stops excessive hair loss.
    • Improvement of skin condition (including aging).
    • Controlling the course of various dermatological diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis, etc.)

    Harm and contraindications to treatment with leeches

    It’s a pity, but despite the wide range of indications for use, leeches are by no means a magical panacea for all ills. There are diseases, if the patient has them, hirudotherapy may be ineffective. In such cases, treatment with leeches can even harm your health. We list the contraindications to hirudotherapy:

    • Low hemoglobin content in the blood. Sucking even small quantity blood during hirudotherapy will lower the hemoglobin level even more.
    • Hemophilia. Patients suffering from low blood clotting risk significant blood loss even with minor injuries skin.
    • If the presence of tumors is diagnosed in the body, the use of leeches is prohibited: there is a risk of bleeding.
    • During menstruation, it is advisable for women to refuse hirudotherapy: the body already loses a lot of blood.
    • Pregnancy, lactation period, intolerance by the body to the enzymes secreted by the leech.
    • Low blood pressure. After several leeches stick to the body, the pressure decreases, which is undesirable for those suffering from hypotension. Fainting or dizziness are possible after a hirudotherapy session.

    People refuse hirudotherapy only for the reason that leeches themselves are disgusting to them. In this case, there is no need to force anyone: the level of development of the pharmaceutical industry has made it possible to create medications based on their saliva. They have excellent effectiveness and are not much inferior to traditional hirudotherapy.

    As with any treatment, negative consequences of the hirudotherapy procedure are possible. Basically, they occur due to self-medication or inexperience of the doctor. Among them - allergic reactions(a common symptom when applying leeches to the liver), bleeding (if contraindications to hirudotherapy are ignored), hematomas, minor inflammation of the lymph nodes. If the patient does not follow the recommendations for caring for wounds left by leeches, they may become infected.

    Minor bleeding that continues after the end of the procedure – normal phenomenon. This is how our body reacts to hirudin. However, if blood is flowing 12 hours or more - you should urgently go to the hospital. The same must be done when significant losses blood. You can protect yourself from the negative consequences of hirudotherapy by following following rules:

    • Do not try to tear off the worms yourself during a hirudotherapy session; they will fall off after sucking a sufficient amount of blood no later than in an hour.
    • The wound should be kept dry until it heals. don't get it wet.
    • Do not touch the wound left after hirudotherapy with your hands.

    Video: what are the benefits of hirudotherapy for women

    Of the hundreds of types of leeches known to scientists, only one is used for treatment. So, fans of self-medication will be upset. You should not catch leeches in nearby bodies of water. If you're lucky, such treatment will simply be ineffective; more is possible. serious consequences: You run the risk of contracting many diseases carried by these worms living in natural conditions.

    Medicinal leeches, which are used in hirudotherapy sessions, are grown in sterile conditions medical laboratories. They are used only once. These worms have proven effectiveness in treating a number of serious illnesses. We invite you to find out how leeches are useful for women by watching the following video about hirudotherapy: