What happens to the uterus during ovulation. Signs, symptoms and sensations of ovulation. Already in the early stages of pregnancy, the girl feels changes in her body

Knowing the signs of the approach and onset of ovulation, a woman can predict which days will be favorable for the desired conception or, conversely, find out when she needs to take special precautions. There are several such symptoms. Among them there are more accurate ones that take into account changes physiological indicators in organism. There are also those that are based on the study of everyday experience; they allow you to find out about the onset of ovulation only approximately. But it is useful for every woman to get acquainted with them. This will help you find out how well her reproductive system is functioning.


What is ovulation

From the first day of menstruation, a woman begins her next menstrual cycle. Depending on the physiological characteristics of the body (hereditary or acquired after birth), its duration is individual. Some women have a short cycle (21-23 days), while others have a long one (may consist of 35 days or even more). The end of the cycle is considered the last day before the next menstruation. If your period comes in about equal amount days, then they say that a woman has a regular menstrual cycle, and if the number of days between periods is not constant, then it is irregular.

Ovulation is the moment when a mature egg is released from the follicle - the capsule surrounding it and located in the ovary. Here, even before birth, an individual supply of eggs is formed, which can mature during the cycle throughout a woman’s life. In the first (follicular) phase, the so-called dominant follicle with an egg.

If there are no deviations in work reproductive system is not available, then ovulation occurs, after which the second (luteal) phase begins. During this period, the mature egg moves into the fallopian tube, where sperm enter during sexual intercourse. In this case, fertilization and pregnancy may occur.

If conception does not occur, the egg dies after about 12-24 hours and is removed from the uterus along with the functional layer of the endometrium. Another menstrual bleeding appears.

Calendar method of determination

The time of release of the egg from the follicle can only be determined approximately, since it depends on the duration of the entire cycle and many other factors (functioning reproductive organs, changes hormonal levels, general health).

The normal duration of the luteal phase is approximately 14 days. This means that the duration of the follicular phase is equal to the difference between the total cycle length and the number 14. Therefore, theoretically, the day of onset of ovulation is:

  • 7 – with a 21-day cycle;
  • 11 – at 25 days;
  • 14 – at 28 days;
  • 21 – at 35 days.

This method of calculation is called calendar. Regularly marking the start and end days of menstruation on the calendar, completely healthy woman with a regular menstrual cycle can predict which days of the month she will have most likely capable of conception. Considering that cycles are quite often irregular, and perfect health Not every woman can boast; deviations in terms can be significant. In addition, it is possible that anovulatory cycles when conception cannot occur at all. At the same time, a woman planning a pregnancy will hope in vain for its occurrence. Therefore, this method of determining the onset of ovulation cannot be called effective.

Video: What signs can you use to know that ovulation is approaching?

Signs of approaching ovulation

There are several signs by which you can know with greater or less accuracy how soon the egg will be released. They can be divided into home and medical.

First manifestations

Character vaginal discharge. During the cycle, it changes repeatedly, since the work of the glands that produce mucus is directly related to fluctuations in the ratio of hormones in the body. You may notice that immediately after menstruation there is almost no discharge (it is so thick that it forms a plug in the cervix). By the time of ovulation, they become abundant, stretchy, and resemble in color and appearance egg white.

After it passes, the amount of mucus decreases. If there is no change in its consistency, this indicates that there was no ovulation.

It is not always easy to notice such a sign, since the condition of the mucus is influenced by the presence infectious diseases, the use of lubricant during sexual intercourse, a woman’s sexual arousal.

Ovulatory bleeding. The fact that ovulation has occurred can be judged by slight bleeding on a certain day of the cycle. They appear in the form of a daub and quickly disappear. If the “bleeding” is prolonged and is accompanied by other symptoms of cycle disorders, this indicates diseases of the genital organs.

Changes in the condition of the mammary glands. Before ovulation occurs, a feeling of swelling and soreness usually appears in the breasts, and the sensitivity of the nipples increases. This condition can persist until the onset of menstruation, so it is almost impossible to determine the end of ovulation.

Pain in the lower abdomen. At the moment the follicle membrane ruptures and the egg leaves it, especially sensitive women feel a slight stabbing pain in the groin. It is characteristic that short-term painful sensations appear on the side of the ovary where the dominant follicle grows.

Increased sexuality. The body instinctively reacts to the hormonal shift that occurs at the moment the maturation of the egg completes and the maximum possibility of its fertilization appears.

Crystallization of saliva (arborization effect). An increase in estrogen levels in the first half of the cycle leads to an increase in the salt content in saliva. This can be noticed already a few days before ovulation. If you apply saliva to glass, then under a microscope it is noticeable that crystallization occurs in it, and a pattern appears in the form of fern leaves. After completion of the ovulatory process, the density of saliva decreases.

Addition: If a woman pays attention to her feelings in the different periods cycle, she may notice that as ovulation approaches, she becomes more sensitive to smells. Some people feel bloated.

All these signs are not accurate enough, since subjective sensations may be erroneous.

Changes in the condition of the cervix. By the time of ovulation, the cervix becomes softer, and the production of cervical mucus increases. In addition, the position of the neck changes, it moves higher. This creates conditions for sperm to penetrate into the uterus. Some women are able to recognize changes in the condition of the cervix by touch.

During examination, the gynecologist detects them by the appearance of the “pupil effect”. About a week before ovulation, the diameter of the cervical canal begins to increase, so the outlet becomes like a pupil.

Home Methods to Track Ovulation

There are ways in which you can more reliably verify at home that ovulation is approaching.

Plotting a graph basal temperature. A sign indicating the approach and onset of ovulation is an increase in basal temperature. It is usually measured rectally. This eliminates the effect on body temperature external factors. To build a graph, it is measured every day at the same time throughout the entire cycle. Before ovulation, the temperature is approximately 0.4°-0.6° higher than at the beginning of the cycle. After reaching a peak at the time of ovulation, it begins to decline.

If fertilization has occurred, no decrease in temperature is observed.

To obtain a more accurate result, temperature measurements must be carried out over several months. You should stop drinking alcohol. Measurements are not taken during illness.

Using tests. The principle of operation of pharmacy tests for ovulation is based on the fact that before its onset in a woman’s urine, the concentration of pituitary luteinizing hormone (LH), which regulates the course of the 2nd phase of the cycle, sharply increases. A sign of approaching ovulation is a change in the color intensity of the strips impregnated with a substance that reacts to LH. The first strip is the control strip. If the second stripe is faintly colored, it means there are 1-1.5 days left before ovulation. Intense coloring indicates that ovulation will occur in the coming hours.

Testing is carried out over several days so as not to miss the moment of interest. In order to find out from which day of the cycle the check should begin, you need to subtract 17 from the duration of the cycle (14 + 3 = 17, where 14 is the duration of phase 2 of the cycle, and 3 is the possible error). Thus, it is determined that it is necessary to start measurements, for example, on the 7th day, if the cycle lasts 24 days, or on the 11th day, if the cycle lasts 28 days.

Medical methods

They are the most accurate. This includes a blood test for LH hormone done in a laboratory, as well as a transvaginal ultrasound.

Using a sensor, the development of follicles in the ovary is monitored. Size measurements begin approximately on the 6-7th day of the cycle and are carried out every 2-3 days.

Video: How to determine whether ovulation is occurring. Tests

Signs of the end of ovulation

Knowing what day ovulation ended, we can assume that after 2 days the likelihood of pregnancy will significantly decrease.

Warning: It is impossible to consider the following days completely “safe”, since sometimes deviations appear (for example, spontaneous maturation of another egg occurs), thanks to which conception, in principle, is possible on any day of the cycle.

Signs that ovulation has taken place are a decrease in the intensity and consistency of discharge, a weakening of sexual desire, the disappearance of one-sided stabbing pain in the ovaries. Measuring basal temperature shows its decrease.

Signs of an anovulatory cycle

Anovulatory cycles often appear in girls at the beginning of puberty, as well as in women on the eve of menopause. The reason is hormonal instability. In the first case, it is caused by the immaturity of the ovaries, and in the second, by their aging.

Often cycles without ovulation appear in women during breastfeeding due to increased output prolactin and a decrease in the levels of the hormones FSH and LH in the body.

Hormone imbalance can occur when long-term treatment hormonal drugs. Artificial suppression of ovulation for the purpose of contraception is achieved by taking oral contraception. Cycles without ovulation can appear in a woman after stress, physical fatigue, sharp decline or increase in body weight, change in climatic conditions.

The absence of ovulation is indicated by the fact that during the cycle there are no signs of changes in the consistency of discharge or the condition of the mammary glands. Also missing ovulatory bleeding and soreness of the ovaries.

If a young woman does not ovulate for a long time, it is necessary to consult a doctor and find out the cause of this condition.

The human body is truly amazing. This statement is especially true with regard to the female reproductive system. It is so complex and sometimes unpredictable that it is simply impossible to say for sure when pregnancy will occur and when it will not. But guidelines still exist. The onset of menstruation occurs regularly, which allows you to count the days of your cycle.

If a woman monitors the length of her menstrual period, she can determine the days when she is more likely to become pregnant.

The period of ovulation is that very short segment of the “lunar” cycle when a mature egg leaves the ovary and heads towards fertilization. Couples who want to become parents strive to make the most of this fertile phase. Most experts advise men and women who are having trouble getting pregnant to have sex as often as possible and not prepare themselves for a specific day. Thanks to this approach to business, a woman does not have a psychological barrier that interferes with the process of conceiving a fetus.

The only exception may be the period of menstruation, when sexual intercourse may become an obstacle. menstrual flow. Pregnancy should not be expected during this period.

The closer you are to ovulation, the higher the chance of conception. Therefore, many couples decide to make love more often as soon as the woman notices signs of ovulation. To understand how to determine whether a phase of the cycle favorable for conceiving a child has arrived, you should know what it is.

The role of ovulation in the body

During ovulation, a mature egg is released from the ovary to meet male reproductive cells that can fertilize it and give rise to a new life. If pregnancy does not occur, then the overgrown layer of endometrium in the uterus and female sex cell leave the body during menstruation.

The term ovulation describes both this process of egg release and the short time period of the menstrual period during which pregnancy can begin. Sometimes it lasts only a few hours, and sometimes it reaches 2 days.

Before the egg leaves its “home”, it is inside in “waiting mode” for its time, along with hundreds of thousands of its own kind. Throughout childbearing period In a woman's life, they take turns to mature and make an "attempt to escape", leaving the others to wait for their time. If a girl has regular periods, then she does not need to track signs of ovulation in order to determine the optimal period for conception. The calendar method will allow her to know exactly the time when the egg will be released from the ovary and fertilization will be most likely.

What sensations will help determine the onset of ovulation?

Although there are various methods determining the onset of ovulation, often a woman simply needs to listen carefully to the changes occurring in her body approximately in the middle of the 28-day menstrual period. What symptoms of ovulation can be noticed by the fairer sex?

It all can start with a change in general condition. A woman’s health may worsen on days 13-15 of her cycle. Due to changes in hormonal levels, sometimes mild discomfort and even noticeable pain occurs. Due to hormonal changes, the onset of ovulation is indicated by breast swelling and accompanying pain. But all this is not the main symptoms of ovulation.

One of the main signs of ovulation in a woman is pain in the lower abdomen. Nagging pain usually occurs on one side. Such sensations are associated with the release of the egg from the follicle. Sometimes this process takes place in a few minutes and is almost unnoticeable for a woman, and sometimes it takes 1-2 days while the cell travels through thin fallopian tubes. However, some women do not feel any pain in the lower abdomen during ovulation. If you are one of them, do not be afraid that something is wrong with your body. The presence or absence of pain during ovulation does not indicate problems with this phase.

A change in a woman's mood can be a symptom of ovulation. Due to changes in hormonal levels during ovulation, representatives of the fairer sex may experience a state of tearfulness and irritability in waves.

The hormonal state also affects eating habits. Foods that a woman usually likes may seem unpalatable and even bitter before ovulation and during this phase. Ordinary, and sometimes pleasant, odors can provoke nausea and vomiting. The reasons for all the changes, sometimes shocking to other people, are signs of ovulation caused by changes in hormone levels.
Another symptom of ovulation is increased sexual desire. During the period when conceiving a child is most likely, a woman’s body tells her that she needs to take advantage of this special moment to get pregnant. This trend reveals the wisdom of nature with which the human body is designed. Particularly strong sexual desire women at 13-15 days menstrual cycle may indicate the onset of the ovulation phase.

It is worth noting that during menstruation, when bleeding can become an obstacle to lovemaking, a woman may experience a particularly strong attraction to a man. This unusual increase in desire during menstruation is also due to surges in hormone levels in the body.

Clear signs of a fertile phase

Every woman ovulates differently. However, there are symptoms observed when a mature egg is released, which are repeated in almost every representative of the fairer sex.

Discharge is a factor by which one can fairly accurately conclude that ovulation is already occurring or will occur soon. First, changes in hormone levels affect the consistency of mucus. Vaginal discharge acquires a viscous structure, reminiscent of egg white. If you take a “sample” of the discharge and open your fingers, it will stretch between your fingers in the form of a thread. Secondly, the amount of discharge increases rapidly compared to the “dry” days immediately after menstruation.

Before and during ovulation, the discharge noticeably increases in volume and changes consistency, signaling to the woman that the body is ready to conceive.

A gynecologist who has been monitoring a woman’s health for some time can easily notice the day of ovulation. The days in the middle of the menstrual cycle are characterized by changes in the condition of the cervix. It changes its position a little, opens up, becomes looser and softer.

Determining ovulation by temperature and calculations

At regular cycle you can determine the days of ovulation calendar method. To do this, you need to arm yourself with a simple thermometer and a basal temperature chart. Starting from the first day of the menstrual period, it is necessary to measure your body temperature every morning.

An important point: measurements must be taken in a state of complete rest. It is recommended to do this without even getting out of bed.

The basal temperature is affected by the woman’s well-being, alcohol or medication intake, physical exercise, stress, insomnia and many other moments that occurred on the day before measuring the indicators. It is advisable to note all these nuances in the graphics in the form of a comment.

To be consistent, it is important to make entries in a special schedule, a template for which can easily be found on the Internet. In a situation where a woman is not sick, her body temperature will be stable. On a certain day before ovulation, it will drop sharply and then begin to rise again. Such a jump in the temperature curve is a sign that the perfect days for conception.

To ensure that the cycle is stable, next month Basal temperature measurements need to be repeated. If the jump occurs on the same day of the cycle as a month ago, then it can be argued that the ovulation phase begins on this day. To be completely sure that the BT schedule is correct, doctors recommend recording readings for at least 3-4 months.

Most women don't even measure their basal temperature to determine the days when they are most likely to become pregnant. They simply divide the length of the menstrual cycle in half and get the day of ovulation. The correctness of such a simple calculation is often confirmed by the discharge, pain and changes in well-being characteristic of this phase.

Late ovulation

There is a category of representatives of the fairer sex who do not have health problems, but they notice that signs of ovulation appear much later than in the middle of the menstrual period. Closer to the onset of menstruation, the discharge changes its character and other signs appear, indicating the onset of a favorable phase for conception. Why is this happening?

Due to certain factors, the egg takes longer to mature than it should. Couples who were unable to get pregnant the first time, having learned about this feature of the female body, plan to have more sex in the days before the onset of menstruation. This is when some women ovulate.

Reason late ovulation may be stressful state, diseases and other “troubles” that befall the fair half of humanity. In such a situation, it takes time for the cycle to recover. If ovulation occurs time after time with a significant delay, you should consult a gynecologist, as this may not be easy. individual feature body, but a symptom of some hormonal imbalances.

Laboratory signs

A woman may clearly feel the signs of ovulation before ovulation, or she may feel absolutely nothing. The discharge may be the same as on other days, and you may not feel at all raising questions. But changes in the body still occur. This fact can be confirmed by a blood test that shows the readiness of the egg for fertilization.

An analysis of the level of pituitary hormones can help to understand whether ovulation is occurring, the signs of which may be invisible to the woman herself. For the release of a mature female reproductive cell from the ovary, the influence of luteinizing hormone is necessary, causing rupture of the membrane. As a rule, the pituitary gland begins to create an optimal supply of a new substance on the 12-13th day of the menstrual period, and this process lasts about a day and a half. If a blood test for luteinizing hormone levels is high rate, which means that the woman is in the time period of the cycle before ovulation.

A common way to determine the onset of ovulation, the symptoms of which are not clearly noticeable, is a urine test. A woman can do it herself at home. Pharmacies sell so-called ovulation analyzers, which resemble a test strip to determine pregnancy.

The principle of operation of this “tool” is exactly the same as that of a pregnancy test: a strip is lowered into a vessel with urine for a few seconds, after which you need to give it time to lie on a flat surface. Within 5-10 minutes the result will be known: if only one line is visible on the test, then the level of luteinizing hormone is still low, which means ovulation has not yet occurred. When the ovulatory phase begins, the test will show 2 stripes, which indicates a growing level of the hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Next, it's a matter of the brightness of the stripes. If they become the same color, it means now is the best time. optimal time for pregnancy.

Using tests twice a day, you can find out the moment when an egg leaves the ovary with an accuracy of several hours. It is advisable to start testing 1-2 days before the expected date of ovulation. If you use an ovulation test every day throughout your cycle, you can spend a lot of money. When there is a need to know exactly the ideal moment for pregnancy, it is better to “listen” to your body. Characteristic discharge, mood swings, pain in the lower abdomen - all this will help determine the days when the time for the release of an egg ready for fertilization is approaching. When there are 1-2 days left before ovulation, then you can resort to special tests to determine it.

100% method - ultrasound

If it is difficult to independently determine the signs of ovulation, you should seek help from specialists. Using an ultrasound, you can determine almost certainly how soon the egg will be released. This becomes possible due to an increase in the size of the follicle, from which a mature female reproductive cell emerges.

Based on certain standards for egg size and endometrial thickness, a doctor can easily determine when the ideal days for conceiving a child will come.

In order for the indicators to be accurate, it is necessary to begin ultrasound monitoring several days before expected ovulation. On days 7-10 of the cycle (depending on its total duration), the woman needs to undergo primary ultrasound examination. With its help, you can figure out how quickly the follicles increase in size and how rapidly the endometrial layer grows in the uterus. If the endometrium is still thin and the follicles are small, the diagnosis should be repeated after 1-2 days. Taking these indications into account, an ultrasound will help determine when perfect time for pregnancy. This method is often used by women prone to early or late ovulation.

Every woman should know how to feel ovulation. There are several proven means for this. You can measure basal temperature, do tests, or conduct ultrasound diagnostics. But many women are interested in the question: how can you determine it at home?

Symptomatic signs of ovulation

During ovulation, an egg is released from the ovary. The female body initially has a certain number of follicles in each of the ovaries. With each subsequent cycle their number decreases.

Women usually do not feel exactly when the follicle ruptures. It's connected with complete absence in him nerve endings. During contraction of the fallopian tubes, pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, heaviness and mild pain may also be observed. This is how you can feel ovulation physically.

Ovulation always occurs with the participation of certain hormones. Although a woman does not feel anything at the moment of follicle rupture, the release of hormones is simply impossible to ignore. The state of health changes greatly and general state body. Changes are taking place in emotional sphere. When no more than a day remains before the release of the egg, the level of estrogen increases significantly. Typically this process has positive influence on emotional condition women. Self-confidence appears, your mood rises, and your sexual desire increases. All these factors have a positive effect on conception.

To ensure that ovulation has occurred, you need to measure your basal temperature. This can easily be done at home. It is the measurement of basal temperature that will accurately indicate what important point has arrived.

Calendar method

The method is very simple. It is recommended to all women for whom it is important to accurately determine the days of ovulation. However, this method gives exact result only after several months of markings on the calendar. Usually the days on which menstruation begins and ends are celebrated. Next to it you need to write down all the factors that could lead to disruptions in the menstrual cycle.

In order to determine the day of ovulation, 18 days are subtracted from the shortest menstrual cycle. To find out the days of late ovulation from the most long cycle takes 11 days. Calculations are usually carried out based on several cycles. The interval that is obtained between the values ​​is defined as the days the egg is released. However, it will not be possible to accurately determine ovulation, since such calculations can only give a theoretical approximate value.

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Cervical discharge

Cervical mucus- a substance that is secreted by the cervix and fills with itself cervical canal. Before the mature egg leaves the follicle, this mucus changes its color and consistency. This is what helps some women determine ovulation and helps them conceive.

At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the discharge is very thick and white. Thanks to this consistency, mucus does not produce pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the cervix, since it completely blocks access to it. In this regard, at the beginning of the cycle, women usually do not have any discharge. In several next days separate dense clots of white mucus may be discharged.

The closer the ovulatory phase is, the more porous and thinner the cervical mucus becomes. This creates favorable conditions for conception. Through the pores it is easier for sperm to get to the egg. At the same time, the liquefied mucus weeds out weak sperm and only live and active ones get deep.

As the consistency of the mucus changes, the environment in the vagina also changes. Cervical mucus is alkaline. This protects active sperm from acidic environment vagina.

All these changes occur due to hormonal changes in a woman’s body during the menstrual cycle. From the beginning of the cycle, the level of estrogen begins to increase, which reaches its maximum in ovulatory phase, after which progesterone levels begin to rise.

A few days before the release of the egg, a woman’s vaginal discharge increases. They become stringy and a little sticky, and then slippery. This indicates the coming fertile days. In appearance, the discharge during this period resembles raw egg white. This mucus will be the first sign of approaching ovulation.

Emotional state during ovulation

So what does a woman feel during ovulation? It is during these short periods that many women become especially attractive. They attract the opposite sex. It is not for nothing that the ovulation period is considered the most favorable for conception. Immediately before its onset, a woman’s body releases specific pheromones that can enhance her attractiveness even on a subconscious level. The mood improves and becomes playful. The level of estrogen in the blood increases.

But with the onset of ovulation itself, the mood of the weaker sex changes greatly. This can be explained by the fact that the woman experiences not the most pleasant, and sometimes even painful, sensations. She may have a stomach ache, a headache, and sometimes swelling of the extremities. But at the same time, sexual attraction remains at the same high level.

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Emotions can run high during this period. But some women do not experience mood changes because hormonal levels not enough to increase libido. In this case, you need to consult a doctor, since the absence of symptoms of ovulation may indicate that it does not occur at all. This state of the body can be observed due to disruptions in the hormonal background of a woman. This is considered a pathology and requires medical intervention.

Determination method using a test from a pharmacy

There are special tests to determine ovulation, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. With their help, they determine the most successful period when you can conceive a child. The tests are usually very easy to use. But if a woman bought it for the first time, then instructions for use are always attached to each test.

These tests measure the level of luteinizing hormone. It increases most of all a couple of days before the onset of the ovulatory process. If a woman wants to get pregnant, then sexual contacts need to plan ahead.

The test should be used based on how many days the menstrual cycle lasts. If the cycle is regular and its duration is always almost the same, then tests should be started by calculating 17 days before the start of the next period. Typically, after ovulation, the corpus luteum phase can last up to 16 days, that is, tests must be done from days 11 to 16 of the menstrual cycle if it is 28 days.

It is advisable to use tests daily. In combination with ultrasound diagnostics they almost always show reliable results.

Duration of ovulation

Every month certain changes occur in the female body. This, of course, is related to menstruation. If there are no pathological processes reproductive system, and all hormones are at the right level, then the woman should ovulate every month.

After leaving the ovary, the egg matures. She begins her movement through the fallopian tubes, where she can meet active sperm. If the menstrual cycle is regular, then ovulation occurs on average on the 14th day of the cycle. But its onset will depend on the duration of the menstrual cycle, if it is irregular. The days are calculated individually for each woman, but the duration of the release of an already mature egg always remains the same.

So what is the duration of ovulation? The process itself lasts from 16 to 32 hours. Many women react very sharply to such changes in the body. They feel pain in the lower abdomen, and for some, their mood deteriorates greatly. An egg that has already been released from the ovary can survive from 12 to 48 hours. During this time, she can become fertilized. If this does not happen, the empty egg is released along with menstrual blood. Many experts believe that the time during which fertilization of an egg can occur is no more than a day. The viability of sperm is about 5 days. That is why doctors agree that ovulatory period lasts about 48 hours.

In the middle of each menstrual cycle female body preparing for possible pregnancy. This process is called ovulation. By what signs can one determine its beginning?

By listening to your body, you can understand the processes that occur in it. For example, find out when ovulation occurs. In the middle of each menstrual cycle, a follicle bursts in one of the ovaries. An egg comes out of it and is ready for fertilization. During this period, the likelihood of conception is maximum. Therefore, it is very important to understand. This is important both for those planning a pregnancy and for those who are not ready for motherhood.

How to feel ovulation - 8 signs

Sign No. 1: calendar method

This old method, which will help you understand that you have already begun ovulation. But it requires care and monthly monitoring. Therefore, it is very important to mark the beginning and end of the menstrual cycle on the calendar. Count its duration and determine the middle. For example: the cycle begins on January 20, and the date next menstruation February 20th. By determining the middle, you can find out that ovulation will occur on March 5th. To help you

Sign No. 2: nature of vaginal discharge

An unmistakable sign of the onset of ovulation is appearance discharge. They can suggest that the body is already preparing for conception. In anticipation of the onset of ovulation, the discharge becomes viscous and elastic. Externally, they look like raw egg white.

Sign No. 3: measuring rectal temperature

To determine the onset of ovulation, it is necessary to measure the temperature in the rectum every morning.

Please note: you cannot get out of bed, so have a thermometer ready before going to bed.

On the days of ovulation, the temperature rises within 0.4 - 0.6 degrees and remains at this level until the egg is ready for fertilization.

The temperature determination method to monitor the onset of ovulation must be carried out over three to four months. This is necessary for the reliability of the information received.

Sign No. 4: increased sexual desire

Nature has decreed that on the days of ovulation a girl will be most sexually attractive. This is due to hormonal changes that occur in the reproductive system.

On the days when your body is most ready to conceive, you may experience increased sexual desire. The appearance may also change: the eyes will “burn” with a special shine, and the character may temporarily change. This is all the so-called reproductive instinct.

Sign No. 5: the appearance of ovulatory pain

According to statistics, in the lower abdomen, most often on the right or left. This usually happens two weeks before the onset of menstruation. The pain can be different: sharp, dull, nagging, growing.

If the pain is weak, they may not pay attention to it. Ovulatory pain is sometimes confused with gastrointestinal problems.

Sometimes the pain can be too severe, which is a reason to consult a doctor.

Sign #6: Using an ovulation test

One of the popular ways to determine the onset of ovulation is a test that can be done at home. This method can accurately determine the presence of ovulation in your menstrual cycle down to the day. If you feel signs that your body will soon be ready to conceive, check this at home. Application is similar to a pregnancy test. And within a few seconds the result will be ready.

Sign No. 7: saliva crystallization method

An interesting way to determine the onset of ovulation is the saliva crystallization method. To do this, you do not need to contact medical Center. It is enough to purchase an individual microscope at the pharmacy.

On the day of ovulation, a woman's saliva, when dried on glass, takes on the appearance of a fern leaf - it crystallizes in this form. This method of determining the body’s readiness to conceive is called the “fern symptom.”

The female reproductive system differs from the male one in that the body is ready for conception only on certain days of the month. Spermatozoa are always able to fertilize an egg if there are no pathologies. The egg is ready for this process only during ovulation. To determine the signs of ovulation in a woman, you need to monitor your menstrual cycle.


The first day of the menstrual cycle is the first day of your period. At this time they begin to appear bloody issues, indicating that during the previous cycle fertilization of a mature egg did not occur; the woman is not pregnant. The duration of the first phase ranges from several days to a week, depending on the characteristics of the body.

Important! The normal first phase (menstruation) does not last more than a week If this period drags on, you need to consult a gynecologist. This may be a sign of serious abnormalities in the reproductive system.

The next phase is preparation for ovulation. Immediately after menstruation, the female body produces the hormone FSH necessary for egg maturation. When it appears, stimulation of the ovaries begins, as a result of which follicles are actively formed. Later, eggs mature in them; the dominant one, by the end of this phase, is ready for fertilization by sperm.

When the first phase of menstruation occurs, the level of estrogen in a woman’s body is practically zero. During the second, preparation for ovulation, its amount increases, which depends on the stimulation of follicle development. Due to the increase in estrogen levels, large quantities of mucus are formed by the time of ovulation.

The next phase is ovulation. Doctors explaining what it is in simple words, they say that ovulation is the optimal time period for conception. The hormonal background changes, the follicle with the egg ruptures. She comes out and is ready to interact with the sperm. This happens in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

The last phase is post-ovulation. If there are no signs of pregnancy, conception has not occurred, the unfertilized egg dies. If fertilization has occurred, fetal development begins.

Characteristic signs

You can figure out when ovulation occurs by certain symptoms, provoked by hormonal changes in the body by this time.

The main ones are:

  1. Increased sex drive. Estrogen production occurs when signals are received from the brain that the body is ready to conceive. Physiological features the female reproductive system are directly related to her psycho-emotional state. By the time ovulation occurs, a woman is ready to bear a child mentally and physically.
  2. Vaginal discharge. After menstruation they rarely appear, in small quantities, often during sexual arousal. At the time of ovulation, they enlarge, become transparent with a white tint, and sticky.
  3. Unpleasant sensations in the chest area, lower abdomen. They should not be painful and may only appear occasionally It's a dull pain, discomfort. All these phenomena do not last long and go away on their own.

Important! If vaginal discharge during ovulation has a sharp bad smell, specific shade - green, gray, yellow, you need to contact a gynecologist. These may be symptoms of serious illnesses.

The probability of conception during ovulation, which lasts a day, is about 33%. Couples wanting to have a baby are also advised to have sex for five days beforehand. Male sperm They are distinguished by their tenacity, so they can remain in a woman’s body for several days. By the time the egg leaves the follicle, conception will immediately occur.

Interesting! Before conception, some couples monitor not only physiological changes, but also take into account other factors: sexual position, taking aphrodisiacs, the phase of the moon, even the weather. There is no scientific evidence for such observations.

How to determine

To accurately determine ovulation, it is necessary to keep a calendar in which the duration of the cycle is noted, which differs for each woman. Often it is 28 days, then ovulation occurs on the 14th. Rarely does it last 40 days, then ovulation occurs at 32–36.

The process of ovulation does not go unnoticed. Considering a large number of external signs, discharge, increased libido, the female body necessarily reports its readiness. Still, for couples who are eager to conceive a child, especially after unsuccessful attempts, it is important to know the exact time.

To do this, you can use modern methods:

  1. Measuring basal temperature. Use a special thermometer. On the day before ovulation, its indicators decrease sharply, and when it occurs, they increase sharply. The accuracy of this procedure is high.
  2. Ovulation test. The principle of operation is similar to a pregnancy test. It must be carried out based on the duration of the menstrual cycle: for a 28-day cycle - starting from the 11th day, for a 32-day cycle - from the 15th. There are different tests: test strip, test tablet, inkjet, digital.
  3. Ultrasound. One hundred percent way determination of ovulation, which couples resort to after long absence desired pregnancy is to track the development of the follicle, determine its rupture and the release of the egg. This method is often used by women over 30 who do not have children.

A healthy woman sometimes faces a situation where an immature egg dies. This can happen every year, one unprotected sex during the expected period of ovulation is often not enough for conception.

Ending symptoms

How to understand that ovulation is complete? In most cases, the egg remains active throughout the day, but sometimes this period can be several hours; this often happens when various diseases. Sometimes she can remain ready for fertilization longer - two days, so it is important to know what symptoms indicate the completion of ovulation.

The main features are:

  • reduction in the volume of vaginal discharge until complete disappearance;
  • absence painful sensations, discomfort in the chest area, lower abdomen;
  • change in basal temperature;
  • improvement of general condition.

After ovulation ends, changes in hormonal levels depend on whether conception has occurred. If there is no pregnancy, the body begins to prepare for the end of the cycle and the beginning of a new one. In this case, the uterus is increased in size, and soon its mucous membrane will begin to peel off.

If pregnancy occurs, it will form corpus luteum, which is developing every day. The surest way to determine it is a test, but it is useless to carry it out right away. Harbingers of pregnancy are:

  • pain in the ovaries, sometimes cutting, slight bleeding, clots immediately after fertilization;
  • by the expected start of the next cycle there are no periods;
  • the chest becomes full, there is pain when touched;
  • psychological changes: mood swings, lack of concentration, others;
  • change in taste preferences, increased appetite.

You can examine the fetus on an ultrasound from 5–6 weeks. The test will show the exact result 1–2 days before the delay, and then the external signs onset of pregnancy.

Why doesn't ovulation occur?

There can be many reasons for the lack of ovulation, negative result There is always one – the inability to get pregnant. If conception does not occur after the release of the egg, you should consult a gynecologist. Some couples simply make mistakes with contraception. For example, if a woman long time took birth control pills hormonal drugs, their abrupt cancellation is contraindicated. Before it, you need to get a prescription from a doctor to restore the functioning of the reproductive system.

If ovulation does not occur at all, the reasons may be pathological diseases, some of which cannot be treated. The result is a diagnosis of infertility. Such diseases can be congenital or acquired, often due to unsuccessful abortions.

There are other cases when gynecological diseases are absent, the woman undergoes an examination and turns out to be healthy, like her partner. Such temporary anovulation can be triggered by the following factors:

  • breastfeeding (applies to couples who want to have a second child immediately after the first);
  • early onset of menopause;
  • stress, constant worries, nervous tension;
  • sudden weight gain;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • changes in climatic conditions;
  • improper withdrawal of hormonal contraceptives;
  • taking certain antibiotics and other potent drugs.

Important! Any hormonal imbalances that cause a lack of ovulation can be associated not only with gynecological diseases, and with disruption endocrine system, genitourinary infections. Diagnosis by a gynecologist may not be enough; it is required A complex approach to determine the cause of infertility.

Every woman childbearing age should know how ovulation manifests itself, how to feel its onset. Hormonal changes are felt in the body before and after ovulation has occurred; they can be tracked using the calendar. For long periods unsuccessful attempts To conceive a child, you need to contact a specialist to find out the reason.