Why should you go to bed early? My husband comes home late from work. What time is considered ideal for laying down?

All people love to sleep. This process brings not only pleasure, but also helps to restore physical and moral loss of strength. Lack of sleep is one of the reasons for frequent illness and rapid wear and tear of the body.

Science has proven that people who do not get enough sleep regularly are unable to think adequately. This is a normal reaction of the body to lack of rest. The completeness of sleep is indicated by the number of hours and time of day. Perhaps it’s high time for you to pay attention to your daily routine for the sake of your health?

Sleep phases

The value of sleep is determined by the time spent on it. There are several stages:

  • Stage 1 - state of half-asleep;
  • Stage 2 lasts the first 30 minutes and is characterized by light sleep;
  • Stage 3 - beginning of slow-wave sleep;
  • Stage 4 - deep dream, during which a person dreams.

One full cycle lasts about one and a half hours. Five complete cycles are considered sufficient for full recovery body. Getting enough sleep is extremely important for human health.


During sleep, such important hormones, How:

  • melatonin or “sleep hormone”, which takes part in the synchronization of biorhythms and participates in the formation of the body’s hormonal and immune systems;
  • growth hormone, responsible for the rejuvenating and restorative effect, growth of bones and tissues;
  • sex hormones that affect appearance a person, his character, sensitivity and intelligence, sexual and life activity;
  • leptin (satiety hormone) and ghrelin (hunger hormone), actively involved in energy metabolic processes body;
  • hormones thyroid gland, enhancing the respiratory activity of cells, stimulating tissue growth and brain development.

Their production is necessary for the regeneration of all body systems and takes a certain time. Thus, the start time of melatonin secretion is approximately 20 hours, the peak occurs at late night from 00 to 4.00 am.

The production of growth hormone is associated with the moment of immersion in sleep, the maximum concentration is achieved in the first 2 hours in the slow-wave sleep phase.

Thus, by not getting enough sleep and not adhering to a sleep schedule, you are committing a crime against your body, which leads to disruption of vital biochemical processes. Sooner or later this will negatively affect your health and psycho-emotional state.

Valuable hours of rest

A healthy person needs 12-14 hours to regain strength in a day. You don't have to sleep 12 hours a day. Knowing the value of every hour of sleep, you can plan your rest and restore lost strength in an hour or two.

The sleep value chart will help you properly allocate your rest time to get enough sleep.

Clock for sleep Value
19.00 - 20.00 7 o'clock
20.00 - 21.00 6 hours
21.00 - 22.00 5 o'clock
22.00 - 23.00 4 hours
23.00 - 24.00 3 hours
0.00 - 1.00 2 hours
1.00 - 2.00 1 hour
2.00 - 3.00 30 minutes
3.00 - 4.00 15 minutes
4.00 - 5.00 7 minutes
5.00 - 6.00 1 minute

Clarifying the value of sleep by the hour, the table makes it clear that if you fall asleep at 22:00 and wake up at 5:00, the body will gain 10 hours and 52 minutes of rest. This maximum amount time, despite the fact that adults need 7-9 hours of sleep.

Best time

Each person needs a different number of hours to sleep. However, experts are confident that the total duration of sleep should be at least 10 hours. The most useful time for sleep - the period until midnight, because that is when the active restoration of our cells occurs.

Sleeping hours from 22.00 to 0.00 - regeneration time nervous system. This is why people who go to bed after midnight are extremely nervous and need to rest during the day.

Esotericists are convinced that waking up at 3-4 am is easy, and this ability can be developed. The period from 4 to 5 am is the time of sunrise, the birth of a new day. The morning time from 5 to 6 o'clock is marked by calmness, and from 6 to 7 am by vigor.

Using these studies, you can choose best time for sleep, save time and fully recover for new victories.

The benefits of siesta

All children of preschool and younger school age sleep during the day - that's known fact. Even a short break gives new strength, restores performance and increases concentration by at least 50-60%. Many people feel the urge to take a nap at lunchtime. This is due to the fact that during this period a person feels a loss of strength.

Scientists call the daytime nap a siesta. Its benefits have been known for a long time. In Japan, many European countries and the States, organizations have introduced a daytime sleep break into the working regime. Thus, in the German city of Vechta, municipal employees are allowed to pokemar for 20 minutes a day when needed. This helped save money on additional staff by increasing the productivity of already hired specialists.

Researchers from the United States have found that napping during the day is beneficial for good visual concentration. The vision reaction during the day is 10 milliseconds, and in the evening it is already 40. If a person sleeps a little at lunchtime, then by the evening the speed will remain equal to 10, i.e. just as quickly as in the morning.

How much sleep during the day

When you find time to take a nap, remember to sleep no longer than half an hour. Long daytime naps cause headache and provokes irritability. Some researchers dispute this statement and are convinced that a daytime nap lasting 1-1.5 hours contributes to better assimilation and processing of information after waking up.

And yet, the vast majority of experiments indicate that sleeping a lot during the day is harmful. Long, deep daytime sleep disrupts the biological clock. The person will be completely asleep and will confuse day with night, perhaps never fully awakening before dark. This reduces work efficiency to zero.

Benefit nap, is undoubtedly high, but its duration is individual. You may feel energized after just 10 minutes of napping, or after 30, 40, or 90 minutes. But the shorter the siesta, the easier it will be for you to wake up and get back to work.

Let's summarize what exactly naps do:

  • stress relief;
  • psychological relief;
  • rapid energy recovery;
  • prevents spiritual exhaustion and stress;
  • reduces total daily sleep time;
  • increases performance.

You should remember that you should not go to bed after 17.00. This is the period of the beginning of sunset, during which there is a strong outflow of energy. Sleeping after 17.00 will give worst results than before. Even if you feel exhausted after 16.30, it is better to endure and go to bed at the right time.

Everyone knows the feeling when a hated alarm clock pulls you out of your sweet sleep at the most interesting moment. It takes you a long time to come to your senses, to understand where you are, and you feel overwhelmed all day.

But fortunately, there is a way to always wake up easily.

As you know, during sleep a person alternates two main phases of sleep: fast and slow sleep. Good night sleep consists of 5–6 such complete cycles. Scientists calculated the duration of each of them, which made it possible to find out the period of time when the body will be in the phase REM sleep.

It is at this time that it is easiest to wake up.

On average, a person falls asleep in 15 minutes, so if you need to wake up at 6 am, your best bet is to go to bed at 20:45 or 22:15.
Using this table, you will find out what time you need to go to bed in order to wake up refreshed. right time:

Usually healthy person 7-8 hours is enough to get enough sleep. If sleep and nutrition are healthy and correct, then after sleeping for 7-8 hours, a person should wake up on his own.
Midnight is a time of rest for all nature, since the sun is at its lowest position. The sun is responsible for the laws of time, so the daily routine and diet are closely related to solar activity.

What time should you go to bed?

The best time for sleep and rest is from 21-00 to 00-00.

Before midnight, 1 hour of sleep counts as 2 hours, which is confirmed even by modern scientists.

At this time, the human nervous system rests.

To verify this, you can conduct an experiment:

Take it and go to bed at 21-00, and then wake up at 1-00 or 2-00 at night.

And you will feel that you have completely slept.

In the east, many people live according to this regime.

They sleep at this time, and at other times they go about their business.

At other times, the nervous system does not rest. And if you didn’t sleep at this time, then you can sleep for at least 12 hours in a row, but your psyche will never rest.

As a result, laziness, apathy, and drowsiness will occur.

What time should you get up in the morning?

From 2-00 to 6-00, vata (the energy of movement) operates, which gives enthusiasm and cheerfulness.

What energy acts for the period of time in which a person wakes up, then the effect of such energy throughout the day will be felt by him.

Therefore, you need to wake up between 2 and 6 am and the person will be under the influence of vata energy – cheerfulness – all day long.

In the east this time is called the time of the Saints. At this time, people who are tuned to spiritual development and self-awareness. Early morning Of course I want to think about the sublime.

And such a person is capable of thinking about the sublime all day long and being joyful. He also becomes far-sighted and his intuition develops well.

Japanese scientists also conducted research on the time before sunrise and found the following:

In the pre-dawn time, special Sun rays, which cause special effect in body.

At this time, the body works in two modes: night and day, that is, in passive and active modes.

And it is precisely the switching from night mode to day mode that occurs at this time.

In other words, it is these rays that switch these modes.

But if a person is sleeping at this time, then this switching does not occur.

Then it acts in a weakened mode all day. Then he struggles with drowsiness all day because he is in wrong mode. From here constant use coffee and tea, which are mild narcotic substances.

Also, this time period (from 2 to 6 hours) is excellent for cleansing the body.

And if a person wakes up early, then his body naturally cleanses and removes toxins.

Sleep is an important component of human life. During sleep, the body is restored, the level of cell and tissue regeneration increases, and brain activity decreases. Sleep helps the body rest and absorb information. During REM sleep, contact occurs with the unconscious areas of the psyche, which contributes to more creative and effective solution tasks later. Recovers during sleep the immune system. To get enough sleep and enjoy all the benefits that come with good dream you need to follow a daily routine.

Human biological rhythms

  • 4–5 a.m. real time - all body systems are preparing for awakening.
  • 5–6 am - body temperature gradually rises, the level of adrenaline, sugar, hemoglobin increases, and the pulse quickens. Changes in processes in the body are also affected by increasing street noise and increasing illumination at this time.
  • 6 am - the adrenal glands produce cortisol, the so-called wake-up hormone. At this time, the body awakens to physiological level. And if a person observes correct mode day, then this is the optimal time to wake up.
  • 7–9 am is the ideal time to use physical exercise and eating breakfast.
  • 9–12 am - if a person lives in accordance with his biological rhythms, that is, goes to bed on time, gets up, and the body’s natural readiness for physical activity matches the actual one. This is the time when mental activity peaks. Information is easily absorbed, short-term memory works well.
  • 12 hours - muscle tone, heart rate, blood pressure decrease, mental activity decreases. This time is suitable for eating.
  • 13–15 hours - during this period of time activity decreases, so it is well suited for relaxation.
  • 15–19 hours is the period of maximum activity of long-term memory. The ability for physical and mental activity increases again.
  • 20 to 21 hours - the activity of the nervous system decreases.
  • 21–22 hours - the body begins to prepare for sleep, blood pressure and temperature decrease, and all functions slow down.
  • 22 hours is the most the right time in order to go to bed.
  • 22–1 am - the body is being renewed. Those who do not go to bed during this period are often susceptible to depression and have chronic diseases.
  • 1–4 a.m. is the period of deepest sleep. It is the most unfavorable for physical activity.

It can be seen that The optimal wake-up time is 5–6 am. Optimal time bedtime 21–22 hours by local time. People who ignore their natural biological rhythms, for example, with a 1-2 hour shift, are more likely to be in a bad mood and experience depression. People who deviate for 3 or more hours, in addition to bad mood and depression, are at risk of acquiring diseases. Since physical activity can be extremely unfavorable for the body with such large deviation from its natural rhythms.

Do “night owls” and “larks” really exist?

Today there is a division of people into “night owls” and “larks”. Having considered the natural biological rhythms of a person, we can conclude that getting up at 6 am and going to bed at 10 pm is an ideal case, however, many will object. Since the so-called owls have a peak of mental and physical activity in the afternoon and evening. And in the morning such people feel quite heavy.

This division is very arbitrary; a person is quickly able to rearrange his daily routine. "Owl" is an unnatural state for a person. This is a modern phenomenon that arose with the advent of artificial lighting. The natural rhythm of man has been formed over millions of years and is tied to daylight hours. For thousands of years, humanity did not have the opportunity to be active in the dark and got up and went to bed in accordance with the daylight hours.

Over the past decades, people have changed their habits, but it takes so long to change nature short term impossible, so “night owls” are just people with irregular daily routines. As you can see, they are at risk and the chances of Bad mood They have a higher incidence of depression or chronic illness than early risers, depending on how severely their daily routine is disrupted.

How to fall asleep on time?

When a desire arises to normalize the daily routine, it is very often discovered that this is not so simple task. What to do? First, figure out the reasons why you can’t fall asleep on time. The reasons may be different:

  1. Diseases.
  2. Depression or severe stress.
  3. Job.
  4. Active in evening time.

Depending on what caused the difficulty in falling asleep, apply various methods solving the problem. If the lack of sleep is caused by the presence of any diseases, consult a doctor; you may need to take sleeping pills. If the reason for your inability to sleep is not due to illness, medications It’s better not to resort to it. If you’re depressed, it makes sense to turn to a psychotherapist or priest for help. If your operating mode is incorrect, it would be ideal to change it.

And the most common reason is active work in evening time. In order to quickly fall asleep in the evening, do not put off all your tasks until later, then you will not need to finish them at 12 am. Don't surf the Internet and social networks before bed, it's better to drink a glass warm milk or soothing herbs, listen to relaxing music. Try to exclude active physical exercise, dancing, running, sport games in the evening, it is better to read a book. Accept warm shower, make sure your laundry is fresh. Don't try to solve problems or sort things out in the evening. Be guided folk wisdom: "The morning is wiser than the evening". Naturally, for this you also need to get up on time in the morning, since if you got up at 12 noon, then it’s difficult to fall asleep at 21 taps.

Sleep duration

Normal sleep duration for an adult 7–9 hours. It can vary greatly from individual characteristics person, his lifestyle and mental state. Athletes with strenuous physical activity may require more long sleep for full recovery. People with a special lifestyle may require less time to sleep. For example, monks tend to devote less time to sleep than ordinary people and without harm to health.

Everyone knows the feeling when a hated alarm clock pulls you out of your sweet sleep at the most interesting moment. It takes you a long time to come to your senses, to understand where you are, and you feel overwhelmed all day.

But fortunately, there is a way to always wake up easily.

As you know, during sleep a person alternates two main phases of sleep: fast and slow sleep. A good night's sleep consists of 5-6 such complete cycles. Scientists calculated the duration of each of them, which made it possible to find out the period of time when the body will be in the REM sleep phase.

It is at this time that it is easiest to wake up.

On average, a person falls asleep in 15 minutes, so if you need to wake up at 6 am, your best bet is to go to bed at 20:45 or 22:15.
Using this table, you will find out what time you need to go to bed in order to wake up alert at the right time:

Usually a healthy person needs 7-8 hours to get enough sleep. If sleep and nutrition are healthy and correct, then after sleeping for 7-8 hours, a person should wake up on his own.
Midnight is a time of rest for all nature, since the sun is at its lowest position. The sun is responsible for the laws of time, so the daily routine and diet are closely related to solar activity.

What time should you go to bed?

The best time for sleep and rest is from 21-00 to 00-00.

Before midnight, 1 hour of sleep counts as 2 hours, which is confirmed even by modern scientists.

At this time, the human nervous system rests.

To verify this, you can conduct an experiment:

Take it and go to bed at 21-00, and then wake up at 1-00 or 2-00 at night.

And you will feel that you have completely slept.

In the east, many people live according to this regime.

They sleep at this time, and at other times they go about their business.

At other times, the nervous system does not rest. And if you didn’t sleep at this time, then you can sleep for at least 12 hours in a row, but your psyche will never rest.

As a result, laziness, apathy, and drowsiness will occur.

What time should you get up in the morning?

From 2-00 to 6-00, vata (the energy of movement) operates, which gives enthusiasm and cheerfulness.

What energy acts for the period of time in which a person wakes up, then the effect of such energy throughout the day will be felt by him.

Therefore, you need to wake up between 2 and 6 am and the person will be under the influence of vata energy – cheerfulness – all day long.

In the east this time is called the time of the Saints. At this time, people who are committed to spiritual development and self-awareness try to get up. Early in the morning you naturally want to think about the sublime.

And such a person is capable of thinking about the sublime all day long and being joyful. He also becomes far-sighted and his intuition develops well.

Japanese scientists also conducted research on the time before sunrise and found the following:

In the pre-dawn time, special rays of the sun penetrate the atmosphere, which cause a special effect in the body.

At this time, the body works in two modes: night and day, that is, in passive and active modes.

And it is precisely the switching from night mode to day mode that occurs at this time.

In other words, it is these rays that switch these modes.

But if a person is sleeping at this time, then this switching does not occur.

Then it acts in a weakened mode all day. Then he struggles with sleepiness all day because he is in the wrong mode. Hence the constant use of coffee and tea, which are mild narcotic substances.

Also, this time period (from 2 to 6 hours) is excellent for cleansing the body.

And if a person wakes up early, then his body is naturally cleansed and freed from toxins.

“The entire Universe is a single energy information system, all parts of which, including humans, are interconnected.”

V. Vernadsky

Modern civilization has disrupted the natural biological rhythm the lives of most of humanity, therefore The first step towards health and well-being is the correct daily routine. Man comes into contact with the movement of the Sun and the Force of Time every second of his life. Being a microcosm, our body is firmly connected by subtle energies with the macrocosm, i.e. with the rhythms of the Universe, and therefore every second carries out very specific processes depending on the phase of the Sun’s movement.

This whole system works with great precision. A person cannot change anything in the activities of the Sun and Time, and therefore his daily routine is strictly regulated. So let's start from the beginning. Midnight is the point at which the Sun is at its lowest position (nadir). At this time, our body should be in a state of maximum rest. If we take into account that a person from 18 to 45 years old should sleep on average 6-7 hours, then The best time to sleep is three hours before and four hours after midnight. Thus, a person should sleep from 21.00 to 3.00-4.00. The following options are also possible: from 22.00 to 4-5 am, and from 20.00 pm to 2-3 am. Whatever your circumstances, at least, from 22.00 to 2.00 at night you must sleep. Sleeping during these hours cannot be replaced by any rest at any other time. One hour of sleep in the period from 20 to 24 hours is equivalent to 2 hours of sleep in any other period of time. That's why always try to go to bed early.

Of course, there are many difficulties on the path of someone who wants to live in accordance with the rhythms of the Universe, since modern civilization pushes a person towards self-destruction. However, if you can still train yourself to follow this sleep pattern, the result will exceed all your expectations. By following this schedule, you will get better sleep and, in addition, you will be able to get twice as many things done during the day. This is due to the fact that in the early morning the mind works much faster and more focused than during the day. It is not surprising that Japan, where the workday begins at 5 a.m. and ends at lunchtime, is significantly ahead of most countries thanks to many intelligent technologies. This country, apparently, is not called the Country for nothing Rising Sun, since people there are still obedient to his movement.

By the way, it was Japanese scientists who made an important discovery: in the body of a waking person, immediately before sunrise, a rapid adjustment occurs, a kind of awakening of all vital important organs, up to complete change chemical composition blood, which does not happen in a state of sleep. If a man rises before sunrise, then his body adjusts to the upcoming electromagnetic changes in the Earth and the surrounding space. Those who are sleeping at this time will be subject to the influence of magnetic storms and other energy influences.

If a person gets up later, it turns out as in the saying: he got up, but did not wake up. The body continues to sleep. Of course, you need to change your routine gradually and go to bed 5-10 minutes earlier every day. In 2-3 months you can easily learn to go to bed early.

Consequences of sleep disturbances

The deepest processes in our body “rest” earlier, more superficial ones - later. The mind and mind rest most actively from 21.00 to 23.00. Therefore, if you do not fall asleep at least by 22.00, then your mental and intellectual functions will suffer. If you neglect this information by going to bed after 23.00, then a person’s mental abilities and intelligence will gradually decline.

The decline in mental strength and intelligence does not occur immediately. Therefore, it is difficult for many to notice these problems in themselves, although their signs can be tracked. At first, this is a decrease in concentration or excessive mental tension. A decrease in the power of the mind is indicated by an increase in bad habits, a decrease in willpower and an increase in the need for sex, food, sleep and conflicts, and causeless irritability. Prolonged late going to bed usually leads to chronic mental fatigue and excessive mental tension, which is often relieved by smoking or drinking coffee. large quantities. Also often in similar cases vascular regulation is disrupted and, as a result, blood pressure increases. Sallow complexion, tired dull eyes, mental lethargy, headaches - all these are signs of fatigue in the mind and mind when going to bed late.

If a person does not sleep from 23.00 to 1 a.m., then he will experience a decrease in the vital tone of the entire body, and after some time, disorders of the muscular and nervous system will appear. Therefore, if a person does not rest for at least a few days at this particular time, he will almost immediately feel weakness, pessimism, lethargy, decreased appetite, heaviness in the body, physical and mental weakness. If you don't rest from one in the morning to three, your emotional strength will decrease. Excessive irritability, aggressiveness, and antagonism will appear.

Of course, each person has his own individual need in a dream. It greatly depends on age, daily routine, constitution and type of activity. If human activity takes place in vanity and strong nervous tension, then he is advised to sleep 7-8 hours. However, in all cases Going to bed later than 22:00 is harmful for both mental and physical health. Depression is a consequence chronic fatigue mind and reason. The more calm and elevated a person’s lifestyle is, the less time he needs to sleep. In a state where the power of the mind is reduced, a person cannot understand what to do is good and what is bad. It is difficult for him to figure out how to act life situations. This is especially dangerous during periods when you have to determine who to choose as a husband or wife, or decide which labor activity study. It is enough for saints to sleep 3 hours or less.

Spiritual people can sleep from 21.00 to 0.00 or 1 am, receiving emotional strength from communication with God, from prayers addressed to the Almighty, and this strength will constantly increase.

If a person gets up before 3 a.m. without mental or health problems, then he is able to deeply comprehend his spiritual nature. At this time, the activity of the Sun is very weak, and the Moon continues to act on the mind quite strongly. As a result of this, the mind is naturally peaceful and calm. In such early morning hours, it is especially favorable to think about God and praise Him. However, people who prefer to get up at this time have a rather sensitive psyche, and they are not recommended to stay in bed for a long time. crowded places. Therefore, such an early rise is usually recommended mainly for clergy who renounce ordinary worldly life, living in monasteries and conducting night services.

Those who are able to get up from 3 to 4 in the morning also have enough strength to understand their spiritual nature. Moreover, their mental sensitivity is not so high that it is necessary to lead a detached lifestyle. When climbing into this early time It is recommended to engage only in spiritual practice. The morning hours by nature are intended exclusively for this. During this period, Time is preparing a big surprise for people: the deep secrets of the soul and the universe are revealed to them. The only condition is that they should try to communicate more with those who strive for holiness, and less with those whose consciousness is absorbed in sinful activities.

If a person starts his day from 4 to 5 am, then he is able to change from a pessimist to an optimist. It is at this time that the Earth is in an atmosphere of optimism. All songbirds, being in goodness, feel this and begin to sing to different tunes. Those who are actively awake at this time are capable of being good scientists, poets, composers, singers, and simply cheerful people. Getting up early is associated with a joyful, optimistic song: “The morning greets us with coolness, the river greets us with the wind!..” This early time is intended for joy and creative work.

People who can get up between 5 and 6 a.m. every day will be able to maintain their physical health and good spirits. In addition, their ability to defeat any disease will be quite high. At this time, the Sun is not yet active, and the Moon is no longer active, so the mind becomes very sensitive to the perception of any information, and it is quickly and deeply stored in memory. This - favorable time for reading consciousness-raising books.

Those who rise from 6 to 7 am rise after the Sun. This means that they do not recognize the Laws of Time, but still try not to sleep too much. Their tone will be somewhat lower than we would like, and things will not go completely badly, but with obvious mistakes. Their health will be more or less normal. This doesn't concern critical situations in their lives. Anyone who tends to get up at this time will not have a sufficient reserve of both physical and mental strength. Naturally, they should not count on any obvious progress in their lives. The fact that in winter the Sun rises much later, and in Chukotka it is not visible at all for six months, does not mean at all that people somewhere should sleep longer or go into hibernation. What matters is not whether we see the Sun on the horizon or not, but its position when it begins to influence in a certain way the point on the Earth’s surface where we are.

It does not matter whether the Sun makes a vertical revolution around this point or obliquely. The Sun's full rotation relative to our vision will still be 360 ​​degrees, and 0 degrees (nadir) will correspond to midnight, 90 degrees to 6 a.m., and 180 degrees (zenith) to noon. It is at 6 o'clock in the morning that the Sun begins to actively influence our body. Those who get up early know that until 6 o'clock in the morning nature is always calm, but immediately after six a light breeze appears and the Earth goes from a peaceful state to a cheerful one. This always happens at the same time in both winter and summer, regardless of whether people set their clocks forward or back. A person must wake up before the Earth (before 6 hours solar time) in order to have time to mentally adopt its current mood. Only in this case the weather will not cause us all kinds of disturbances associated with magnetic storms etc. Therefore, anyone who gets up later than 6 am will no longer be able to be a true optimist; his joy will not be natural, natural, sunny, but will be strained and artificial.

If a person gets up from 7 to 8 am, then he is guaranteed lower mental and physical vitality, than the one that was laid in him at the time of his birth by fate. This guy has all day person will pass or in the bustle, or in a feeling of lack of energy, strength, concentration for successful activities. Those who get up at this time have a tendency to hypotension, migraines, decreased appetite, decreased immunity, a passive life position, low acidity in the stomach and enzyme deficiency in the liver. And if life forces them to overcome difficulties, then nervousness, fussiness, overexertion appear and, conversely, a tendency to gluttony, increased blood pressure, increased acidity And inflammatory processes in organism. Thus, Time itself punishes those who do not take it into account. Time is one of the aspects of the will of God in this world, and the one who, at the lowest - physical - level does not enter into the rhythm of the laws of the universe, expresses disobedience to the order established by the Almighty, and, as a violator, must be punished.

Those who get up from 8 to 9 am, undoubtedly, can no longer overcome their character flaws and usually have some bad habits. Rising at this time promises a confrontation with great life difficulties, chronic and incurable diseases, disappointments and failures. Such people will be led by events, without the strength to change anything in life. Those who manage to sleep until 9 or longer will encounter in their lives depression, apathy, unwillingness to live, disappointment in their fate, fears, suspiciousness, anger, as well as uncontrollable habits, accidents, serious illnesses and premature aging. Major changes in this mode, you cannot do it suddenly, otherwise, if you immediately start getting up a couple of hours earlier, you will feel tired and drowsy throughout the day. It is better to learn to wake up in the early morning hours gradually, getting up 15 minutes earlier every week. That being said, you should always go to bed early enough to get a good night's sleep. “Whoever goes to bed early and gets up early, God gives him wealth, health and wisdom!” - Russian proverb.

Many people say that it is very difficult for them to fall asleep when they are go to bed early. However, in conversation they admit that, in reality, they feel sleepy around 20 or 21 o'clock, but then this drowsiness goes away. This is explained by the alternation of the activity of the subtle forms of the elements in our body - air, water and fire. From 20 to 22 o'clock in human body the heavy energy of water predominates, drowsy, lethargy and prompting a person to go to sleep. At 10 p.m., the subtle element of fire “turns on,” which is responsible for burning the toxins accumulated during the day and other recovery processes body.

If at the moment of activation of the subtle element of fire a person is awake, then the energy intended for the restoration of the body begins to nourish the brain and gives vigor to the consciousness. It turns out interesting effect: a person 10 minutes ago was “nodding off” and was very sleepy, and then suddenly he again feels a surge of strength, and it is already very difficult for him to fall asleep. His consciousness becomes active and he says that he is a "night owl". But this late vigor is false, since the brain is already much less productive than in the afternoon or morning hours. Therefore, always try to go to bed when the body is most predisposed to this and, in order not to disrupt the body’s recovery processes, at least by 21.50 you should be fast asleep.