My periods became scanty and short for 40 years. Questions. Inducing menstruation at home

Most girls are wary when any “problems” occur with their periods. For example, too scanty periods can cause anxiety even in the most balanced lady.

What is hypomenorrhea?

Hypomenorrhea, as this phenomenon is scientifically called, does not always indicate the presence of serious pathologies in a woman’s body. This phenomenon may even be associated with exogenous factors - time zone change, acclimatization, psychological stress, or a strict diet.

The causes of scanty periods can also be pathological, and since you are not a doctor and cannot make a correct diagnosis yourself, we advise you to contact your observing gynecologist to find out the causes of this disorder.

You should know that hypomenorrhea can be primary and secondary. Primary hypomenorrhea means that there were always scanty periods, and there was almost no heavy discharge. The situation is completely different with secondary hypomenorrhea.

It means that the woman's menstruation has always been normal, and for the first time it became scanty, which made her really wary.

The main causes of hypomenorrhea, or scanty periods

In the broad sense of the word, the cause of this disorder is disorders of the ovaries and pituitary gland, which are directly responsible for menstrual function in the female body. Also, scanty menstruation can signal a deficiency of the endometrium, the inner layer lining the uterine cavity. It is the endometrium that comes out with blood during menstruation, provided that the fertilized egg is not attached to it, and pregnancy does not take place.

When the endometrium becomes thinner for any reason (very often this happens while taking aggressive oral contraceptives), periods become not only scanty in volume, but also short in duration. In addition, they may not occur at all for several months. This problem is very common among patients on hormonal pills. This disorder also occurs in those who have undergone any surgery in the female genital organs, especially the uterus.

And this is especially true for surgical abortions and curettage. Less commonly, thinning of the endometrium occurs against the background of inflammatory and infectious diseases (extragenital).

Menstrual irregularities, called hypomenorrhea, can also occur for the following reasons:

  • Exhaustion of a woman against the background of constant stress (especially of a family nature), the practice of strict diets and hunger strikes (in particular, “therapeutic” fasting), established anorexia nervosa (in this case, the discharge may become very scanty or stop altogether);
  • Disorders of metabolic functions in the body (general);
  • Constant stress, chronic fatigue syndrome, somatic disorders and neuropsychiatric diseases in the current stage;
  • Anemia (including iron deficiency);
  • Hypovitaminosis (determined by a specialist);
  • Operations in the pelvic organs and genitourinary tract;
  • Mechanical injuries;
  • Congenital anomalies of the structure and development of the uterus (its bicornuity, underdevelopment, etc.);
  • Partial surgical resection of the uterine cavity;
  • Incorrectly selected contraceptives (combined oral contraceptives and mini-pills), as well as the very fact of their long-term use;
  • Various endocrine pathologies (related to the thyroid gland, pituitary gland and adrenal cortex);
  • Infectious diseases (especially insidious and dangerous in this regard is damage to the internal genital organs by tuberculosis);
  • Powerful intoxication of the body (food, alcohol, drugs);
  • Professional “hazards”: radioactive radiation, x-rays, constant contact with chemicals;
  • Lactation period.

Menstruation and pregnancy

Some women quite seriously wonder why they have scanty periods during pregnancy. We hasten to warn you - this phenomenon is not normal, although some women do experience it throughout the entire period. However, in any case, you should consult a doctor with complaints.

The only option for the “normality” of scanty periods during pregnancy is only acceptable when you probably don’t even know about it. Bloody discharge can be a signal that embryo implantation is taking place. Usually, they are very short-lived and cannot be regarded as full periods in principle. Several discharges of a brown or pinkish substance occur, and strange discomfort or pain may be felt in the lower abdomen.

In other cases, the cause of scanty brown periods during pregnancy is caused by much less favorable things. This usually indicates the development of an embryo inside the fallopian tube (ectopic pregnancy), or clearly indicates an incipient miscarriage.

Even if you no longer feel any alarming symptoms of spontaneous abortion, try to take a horizontal position, ensure yourself peace and urgently call an ambulance. If your fears are confirmed, you will have to be hospitalized for preservation.

Usually, girls in the early stages are prescribed strict bed rest, taking Duphaston and/or Utrozhestan, and are also kept in the clinic until their condition is completely normalized. If you have already had a threat of termination, you should immediately consult a doctor if it happens again!

Hypomenorrhea during treatment with Duphaston

It happens that scanty periods occur after taking Duphaston. Moreover, this is noticed by many patients who were treated with this progesterone drug. Like any hormonal drug, Duphaston makes serious adjustments to the normal functioning of the female body. Hypomenorrhea can occur precisely against the background of hormonal imbalance, or against the background of the establishment of hormonal levels after stopping the medication.

When taking Duphaston, it is important to strictly follow the regimen and frequency prescribed by your treating/monitoring specialist. Do-it-yourself in the selection and use of hormonal drugs is a very dangerous thing!

Brownish discharge that appears when taking Duphaston instead of regular menstruation may signal active growth of the endometrium, which marks the second phase of the menstrual cycle. If there are no critical days after stopping the drug, this most likely indicates a pregnancy. Since you were treated with Duphaston, you will be happy with this news, with which we congratulate you!

However, you should not carelessly let everything take its course.

First of all, you should urgently do a home jet test to confirm your pregnancy. If it gives a positive result, immediately contact your obstetrician-gynecologist. The fact is that after fertilization you will have to take Duphaston for some more time in order to prevent miscarriage.

Scanty periods after Duphaston may be associated with late ovulation, estrogen deficiency, and pathological changes in the uterus. One way or another, it is worth checking your true diagnosis and seeking adequate treatment.

40 years is an age mark that frightens some women: menopause should not yet occur (it should begin no earlier than 45-50 years), but its approach can already be noticeable by a change in the nature of menstruation. At the same age, there is a peak risk of uterine cancer, endometriosis and other life-threatening pathologies, in which cycle irregularity, changes in blood volume, and delay may also be observed. Let's look at how to distinguish them and when to sound the alarm below.

Heavy periods after 40

If before your 40th birthday your periods lasted 5-7 days, during their entire period you used a maximum of 10 pads per 4-5 drops, and now they are “flooding”, you need to urgently visit a gynecologist. This may be a manifestation of the oncoming menopause, or perhaps a symptom of one of the following pathologies:

The pathology manifests itself as irregular menstruation with the release of large amounts of blood and mucus, which is accompanied by intense pain in the lower abdomen.


    This is the movement of the mucous layer of the uterus to other organs (when menstruation arrives, all these areas begin to be rejected, so bleeding is profuse). This disease is characterized by:

    • menstruation occurring with particular irregularity;
    • volume of bleeding more than 80 ml during menstruation;
    • severe pain during bleeding.

    Pathology develops in those who have had several abortions or curettages, who use douching and/or PA during menstruation.

  1. Cancer of the uterus, which is more often found in such women:

    • who started sexual activity late,
    • who started their periods before age 11,
    • who had an irregular cycle in their youth,
    • obese,
    • who gave birth to only one child or who did not give birth at all.
  2. Uterine fibroids are a disease of a tumor nature, which most often develops at the age of 35-40. Risk factors for this pathology are abortion, long-term use of birth control pills, chronic inflammatory processes in the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

The pathology manifests itself not only by heavy bleeding during the menstrual period, but also by the appearance of blood on the pad and in the middle of the cycle. If the muscle tumor is large, you will also experience frequent urination, constipation, weakness and dizziness, which occur due to a decrease in hemoglobin.

Heavy menstruation after 40 years may have another etiology that is not the “norm”.

Scanty periods

A decrease in the frequency and volume of blood secreted after 40 years of age may be a sign of perimenopause, a period that precedes menopause itself and develops as a result of decreased ovarian function. This period is also characterized by other symptoms:

  • hot flashes;
  • dizziness;
  • attacks of rapid heartbeat;
  • decreased libido;
  • increased sweating;
  • weakness;
  • frequent mood changes;
  • sleep disturbance.

The skin becomes dry, wrinkles deepen, hair turns gray and begins to fall out rapidly, and the feminine contours of the figure are lost. Gradually, burning, itching and dryness occur in the external genitalia, involuntary urination, and menstruation becomes increasingly shorter.

If at the same time pain appears on one or both sides of the pubis, a high basal temperature does not drop before menstruation, but lasts more than 6 days, you need to consult a doctor, because both oncological and inflammatory pathologies of the organs of the reproductive system can manifest themselves.

Delay after 40 is not always pregnancy

If menstruation stops after the symptoms described above, such as hot flashes, mood swings, dry skin and hair, this is most likely the onset of menopause. But this symptom can also be a sign of:

  1. Pregnancy. In this case, changes in taste, perception of smells, nausea, swelling of the breasts and other signs of conception are noted.
  2. Psychogenic disorders associated with stress, resistance to which only decreases with age.
  3. “Female” diseases: chronic inflammation of the endometrium, ovaries or appendages, conditions after removal or curettage.
  4. Chronic pathologies of internal organs: liver cirrhosis, urolithiasis, blood pathologies, diabetes mellitus, any operations, infectious diseases.
  5. Conditions after severe respiratory tract diseases: influenza, bronchitis, ARVI.
  6. Endocrine disorders, especially thyroid pathologies.
  7. Malnutrition, when there is not enough protein or fat in a woman’s body (at this age, adaptability and interchangeability of internal resources decreases).
  8. Medications: Cerucal, levodopa, opiates, antipsychotics, hormones for the treatment of endometriosis.

Other cycle disorders

Particular attention should be paid to the following symptoms:

  1. a woman is 45 years old or older, and her menstrual intensity does not decrease or the interval between them does not increase;
  2. after a 4-6 month absence, “menstruation” of any nature and duration reappeared;
  3. in addition to changes in the menstrual cycle, signs such as bloating appeared; heartburn; constipation; pain, discomfort or heaviness in the suprapubic abdomen.

If they occur, you need to contact a gynecologist. He will prescribe an ultrasound of the reproductive organs, the level of female sex hormones and hormones associated with them. The main thing at this age is to exclude cancer of the cervix, endometrium and ovaries.


You need to know that frightening disorders of the menstrual cycle associated with the decline of ovarian function have now been learned to be treated with hormones, hormone-like herbal remedies and homeopathy. Such drug therapy, allowing not a sharp, but a gradual decrease in hormones, sets the following goals:

  1. normalize menstrual bleeding;
  2. eliminate autonomic disorders (sweating, hot flashes, rapid heartbeat);
  3. normalize the emotional background;
  4. prevent a critical disorder of lipid metabolism;
  5. increase the saturation of bones with mineral salts, as a result of which their fragility will decrease;
  6. improve the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.

And if synthetic hormonal medications have a wide list of contraindications and side effects, and also increase the risk of developing diseases of a tumor nature, then herbal medicines and homeopathy do not carry such risks. But the latter can only be used at the very beginning of the menopausal period.

It is known that the menstrual cycle is an important indicator of women's health. Beginning in adolescence, menstruation indicates the final formation of reproductive function. From now on, the girl can become a mother. After 40–50 years, this opportunity is gradually lost - the hormonal system undergoes age-related changes, and menstruation disappears.

All women of reproductive age have probably experienced menstrual irregularities. This can become an obstacle to pregnancy, and therefore represents a serious problem in gynecology. One of these conditions is frequent menstruation or polymenorrhea. When complaining to a doctor, women want to find out what is the cause of the problems and how they can be eliminated.

When menstruation occurs too often, you need to consult a gynecologist to find out why this is happening.

Causes and mechanism of development

Frequent periods in most cases appear as a result of a violation of the complex relationships between the regulators of the menstrual cycle. They are based on hormonal imbalance, which can occur at any level - hypothalamus, pituitary gland, ovaries - and is manifested by structural changes in the uterine mucosa (endometrium). This is typical to varying degrees for both young girls and women over 40 years of age.

The menstrual cycle consists of two phases: follicular and luteal. It begins with the release of blood, which is exfoliated endometrium. At the same time, under the influence of pituitary hormones, a follicle with an egg matures in the ovary. This process continues for exactly half the cycle, and menstruation ends normally in 7–10 days. At the end of the first phase, ovulation occurs - the follicle ruptures and the egg is released. From this moment on, the corpus luteum matures in the ovary, which secretes progesterone, necessary for the development of pregnancy. If fertilization does not occur, then the luteal phase ends with the next menstruation.

The cause of polymenorrhea may be hidden behind disturbances in any part of the cycle. This most often occurs in the following conditions:

  • Hormonal changes.
  • Inflammatory diseases (salpingoophoritis, endometritis).
  • Tumors (fibroids, cysts, polyps).
  • Endometriosis.
  • General diseases (diabetes mellitus, thyroid pathology, liver cirrhosis).
  • Taking oral contraceptives.

Frequent periods can occur not only due to functional disorders - structural changes in the woman’s reproductive system are also of great importance.

In order to eliminate the cause of polymenorrhea in a timely manner, you should not rely on the ability to restore the cycle on your own, but rather undergo an examination by a doctor.


Normally, menstruation occurs at the same frequency with an error of 10 days. If discharge appears in less than 21 days, then we can talk about polymenorrhea. But such a disorder is characterized not only by a shortening of the interval between menstruation. Other menstrual irregularities may also appear:

  • Heavy and prolonged periods – hypermenorrhea or menorrhagia.
  • A short menstrual cycle is pseudopolymenorrhea.
  • Scanty periods – oligomenorrhea.
  • Uterine bleeding – metrorrhagia.
  • Lack of ovulation (anovulation).

Such cycle features are observed in various pathologies, and therefore, to accurately determine their cause, it is necessary to carry out competent differential diagnosis. A clinical examination of the woman by a gynecologist with the necessary additional funds will help with this.

Hormonal changes

Polymenorrhea often appears as a result of physiological changes at different periods of a woman’s life. At puberty, when the cycle has not yet stabilized, frequent periods can be completely normal. In women after 40–45 years of age, premenopause occurs, when the amount of estrogen decreases, which is accompanied by a change in the frequency and duration of menstruation.

In addition, women of different ages may experience ovarian dysfunction, which is characterized by:

  • Delayed menstruation, heavy or, conversely, scanty discharge.
  • Intermenstrual bleeding.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Phenomena of premenstrual syndrome.

This is a fairly common occurrence and occurs under the influence of many external or internal factors: from physical or emotional fatigue, climate change, incorrectly installed intrauterine device and ending with serious endocrine disorders.

If a woman notices that her periods are coming more often than usual, she should first consult a doctor, as this may be the result of certain health problems.

Inflammatory diseases

The menstrual cycle quickly responds to inflammatory processes in the woman’s reproductive system. Such disturbances are especially pronounced when the ovaries and uterus are affected. When salpingoophoritis (inflammation of the appendages) or endometritis develops, along with polymenorrhea, the following may be present to varying degrees:

  • Aching pain in the lower abdomen radiating to the rectum.
  • Various discharge: cloudy, white-yellow or greenish in color, with an unpleasant odor.
  • Itching and burning in the vagina.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Pain during palpation of the abdomen and gynecological examination.

Long-term inflammatory diseases lead to the formation of adhesions, which, in combination with hormonal disorders, become a common cause of female infertility.


Diseases of the uterus of a tumor nature are more common in women over 40 years of age. Frequent menstruation is mainly observed with submucosal fibroids and polyps, when the process of rejection of the functional layer of the endometrium is disrupted. Then you can notice:

  • Copious discharge.
  • Bleeding between periods.
  • Increased size of the uterus upon examination.
  • Chronic anemia.

During menopause, a dangerous symptom is the appearance of menstruation starting again - this may be a sign of uterine cancer. Ovarian cysts also lead to menstrual irregularities. If there is a disturbance in the release of progesterone, menstruation occurs more often, since the time interval between them is reduced.

Polymenorrhea in women after 50 years of age can indicate a serious pathology, which often poses a real threat to the health and life of a woman.


Having found out why a woman has frequent periods, it is necessary to carry out adequate treatment. Physiological changes, of course, do not require active intervention, but sometimes some correction may be required to ensure that such a period proceeds smoothly. Basically, you need to pay attention to the treatment of pathological conditions accompanied by polymenorrhea. Conservative or surgical methods can be used.

Conservative methods

Most pathologies respond well to conservative treatment. This applies to dysfunctional disorders, inflammatory diseases, early stages of endometriosis and general pathology. The basis of therapeutic measures is the use of medications. Depending on the situation, the following drugs are applicable:

  • Combined oral contraceptives with different ratios of progesterone and estrogen.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Hemostatic.
  • Iron supplements.

In many cases, to normalize the menstrual cycle, it is recommended to change your lifestyle: eat right, give up bad habits, lose weight, and ensure adequate physical activity.

Operative methods

If a uterine tumor is detected in women after 50 years of age, treatment tactics depend on its type and distribution. For polyps or small submucosal fibroids, they are removed by resection or enucleation. If the formation is large, it is necessary to amputate the uterus. In the case of malignant pathology, extended extirpation of the appendages and nearby lymph nodes is used, and after that, radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

If ovarian cysts are not associated with functional changes, they must also be removed, since there is a risk of their malignancy. In this case, laparoscopic surgical techniques are used. When a woman has peritoneal endometriosis, cauterization of pathological foci (coagulation) can be performed in this way.

Young girls and women over 40 need to pay attention to polymenorrhea, since this can be not only the result of physiological changes, but also serious pathology. In the latter case, you need to start treatment with a specialist in a timely manner.

Recently, more and more girls, when visiting a gynecologist, complain of hypomenorrhea (scanty discharge during menstruation). This deviation can have many causes, and is not always a pathology. Let's try to understand the peculiarities of the female body and find out what the dangers are.

Scanty periods - reasons

Each woman's menstrual cycle is individual. The average duration of menstruation is 5-7 days. During the first year of a young girl, time intervals may vary, because... The cycle has not yet been adjusted. Puberty is a very long process, so short periods can be considered a relative norm. In the future, any failure is a reason to contact a gynecologist. The reasons for scanty periods are very diverse. The main ones include:

  • recent abortion;
  • taking Postinor or a similar drug;
  • early birth;
  • underdevelopment of the uterus;
  • heredity;
  • taking contraceptives;
  • stress and exhaustion of the body;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • disruption of ovarian function;
  • tuberculosis and other infectious diseases.

There may be some spotting after brushing or scraping, but this is within normal limits. You should sound the alarm if, after such a procedure, there is prolonged spotting, dark blood and a painful stomach. Such a violation may indicate that you have a cyst that needs treatment. To detect any abnormalities, the doctor may prescribe a hysteroscopy. This is a simple procedure during which a medical device, a hysteroscope, is inserted into the uterine cavity. With its help, the gynecologist can see the affected areas on the screen and decide on the need for treatment. Find out more about how the operation is performed.

Scanty periods - reasons after 40 years

Women aged 40-50 years old go to the doctor much less often with the problem of light discharge. Do not be afraid if you have scanty periods; after 40 years, there can also be many reasons. Spotting periods at this age often mean a decrease in a woman’s fertility. Hypomenorrhea often accompanies premenopause. As a rule, during this period the endometrium in the uterus becomes less dense and voluminous, and other symptoms are added to the small amount of blood:

  • decreased libido;
  • increased heart rate;
  • sudden hot flashes;
  • increased sweating;
  • frequent mood changes;
  • nagging pain;
  • insomnia, etc.

If hypomenorrhea persists for no apparent reason, be sure to visit your gynecologist and consult. Spotting instead of menstruation may mean endometriosis or another serious disease of the genitourinary system. In any case, it is important to monitor the condition during menstruation in order to notice deviations in time and consult a doctor.

Scanty periods after a delay

When the menstrual cycle is fully formed, a delay may mean pregnancy or the presence of a disease. It happens that girls complain that after a delay they have scanty periods. The first thing you need to do is take a pregnancy test at the hospital. If the results are negative, then you should visit a doctor and tell him about your problem. Often this is not just the body's reaction to stress or illness. Rarely, scanty menstruation after a failure is an indicator of serious abnormalities.

Scanty periods during early pregnancy

Menstruation is the shedding of the outer layer of the uterus. Nature has endowed a woman with this function so that the body can prepare for the maturation of the egg, therefore heavy bleeding at any time is considered a pathology. However, scanty periods and pregnancy are compatible; however, calling them that is a mistake. Light discharge may appear in the first days after conception. The fertilized egg, entering the uterus, attaches to its walls, screwing itself in. In this case, small thin vessels may be damaged, and the woman may notice faint brown marks on the pad, but after a week they disappear.

Scanty periods after Duphaston

Duphaston is a drug that affects the level of the hormone progesterone in the body. It is prescribed by the attending physician if it is necessary to regulate the cycle, while planning a pregnancy, or for pain in the lower abdomen in combination with constant interruptions in the functioning of the reproductive system. Scanty periods after Duphaston can be observed if dosage recommendations have been violated. Long-term use of the drug can also cause short periods and weak brown discharge. To improve it and get rid of the signs of scanty menstruation, you should consult a doctor.

Is it possible to get pregnant with scanty periods?

The normal menstrual cycle includes several stages: follicular, ovulatory and luteal. During the first, the body grows the egg, in the second phase (the shortest) it moves into the abdominal cavity, and in the third stage, the uterus prepares to receive a fertilized egg. If pregnancy does not occur, critical days begin. As you can see, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant with scanty periods is obvious: it is possible if you do not suffer from infertility. To avoid complications, you should visit your doctor more often; he will be able to notice deviations in time.

When a woman crosses the threshold of 45 years, the nature of her menstruation should change: after 45 years, menstruation should gradually fade away; irregularity of the cycle at this age is a normal phenomenon, which indicates a decrease in ovarian activity. If earlier menstruation lasted for 5 days, then at this age three-day menstruation is the norm. Lengthening the cycle is also considered normal. If earlier the cycle was day to day for 28 days, now pauses of 35 or even 45 days should not be confusing. The amount of discharge can vary from heavy to scanty, and this is also considered normal (if the duration does not exceed 7 days).

If the breaks do not increase and the amount of blood released remains the same, then this is a reason to visit a gynecologist. If there is no menstruation at the age of 40-45, then this indicates the onset of early menopause, since on average women in our country begin at 51-52 years old.

Heavy periods after 45 years

Many women after 40-45 years old are faced with this phenomenon - before this age, periods were regular for 3-5 days and average in blood volume, and as soon as they crossed this age limit, they immediately began to “pour out of buckets.”

This phenomenon is a harbinger of the beginning, so it is advisable to visit a gynecologist as soon as this happens. In addition, this can be a symptom not only of menopause, but also of diseases such as:

  • uterine cancer;
  • (inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus).

The doctor should examine you for the above pathologies. If none of the diagnoses are confirmed, he will prescribe hormonal therapy to alleviate the symptoms of menopause.

Scanty periods after 45 years

For many women, by the age of 45, menstruation stops completely. For some it continues, but the discharge becomes very scanty and more like spotting (like at the end of a regular period). The cycle often becomes irregular and “jumps” from 21 to 45 days. This phenomenon directly indicates that ovarian function is rapidly fading and menopause will soon begin.

Typically, a scanty period is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • bad feeling;
  • tides;
  • sleep disorders;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • sweating;
  • attacks of tachycardia;
  • dryness and burning in the vagina;
  • pain when urinating and frequent manifestations of cystitis;
  • hair loss;
  • dryness and decreased elasticity of the skin.

If all or at least several of the above are present, then these are manifestations of perimenopause.

If scanty, spotting discharge does not stop for more than 6-7 days, this is a reason to be wary. In addition, if symptoms such as fever, pain in the pubic area, pain in the ovarian area are added, immediately go to the doctor, because this may indicate that inflammatory processes have begun.

Long periods after 45 years

Prolongation of menstruation is not a good sign, the appearance of which may indicate the following pathologies:

  • diseases of the genital organs (ovaries, uterus, vagina);
  • inflammatory process;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • side effects of OCs or other medications

Frequent periods after 45 years

Some women experience a phenomenon called “bi-monthly periods” or bleeding between periods.

Menstruation more than once a month is called polymenorrhea. At this age, it occurs as a result of the gradual decline in the function of the ovaries that produce estrogen (which regulates the duration and frequency of cycles).

If “menstruation” is not on time and is not associated with the activity of the ovaries and is not polymenorrhea, then this may be one of the following phenomena:

  • endometriosis;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • fibroids, cysts, polyps;
  • reaction to birth control pills;
  • bleeding from the vessels of the uterus, which, due to insufficient estrogen content, become fragile, thin and easily burst;
  • cervical or endometrial cancer;
  • symptom of vaginal prolapse.

What does a delay in menstruation after 45 years mean?

  1. unlikely, but pregnancy. Yes, a woman with good reproductive health can become pregnant even at 45 years old. If you decide to keep the child, careful medical supervision is necessary;
  2. disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system (special attention should be paid to the thyroid gland);
  3. side effects of antipsychotic or hormonal medications;
  4. fibroids, polyps, endometritis, inflammation of the appendages and/or ovaries;
  5. diabetes mellitus, urolithiasis, cirrhosis, bleeding disorders;
  6. consequences of a recent severe infectious disease.

Treatment of menstrual irregularities after 45 years

Most often, the basis of treatment for menstrual irregularities over the age of 45 is hormone replacement therapy. It helps to significantly improve a woman’s well-being and mitigate the symptoms of menopause - the condition of hair and skin improves, the cycle normalizes, the emotional background stabilizes, etc.

If a woman is diagnosed with cancer, then chemical hormonal drugs are contraindicated for her. However, there are many homeopathic remedies that have the same effects. The only thing is that you need to start using them when the very first symptoms of cycle disorders occur.

Alisa Edelberg, obstetrician-gynecologist, especially for the site

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