Childbearing age in women. What should you know? When can I give birth? Boundaries of a woman’s reproductive age Female childbearing period

How long does a man remain fertile? It is not possible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. Childbearing age depends on many factors. For some men, the ability to conceive continues into old age, but for most it wanes by the age of 60. It is possible to predict the childbearing age of a particular man, but only if it is known exactly how this subject was sexually formed.

From a medical point of view, the average young man becomes fertile at 14 and retains the ability to conceive until age 60. However, this does not mean that a young man should become a father before the age of 20. The best period for a man to have children is 25-45 years old. At this time, a man is most active and his sexual functions have not yet begun to fade.

How does a man mature?

As mentioned above, a teenager’s reproductive function begins at the age of 14. But the development of his reproductive system does not stop there. Further, the teenager goes through a series of periods that affect his reproductive abilities.

The first physiological changes in the reproductive system begin to occur in boys at 10–12 years of age. The first sexual feelings for the opposite sex appear. Sexual desire goes through 3 stages of development:

  1. Appearance of interest in girls.
  2. The desire to hold a girl’s hand, touch her, kiss her.
  3. The appearance of sexual arousal.

Initially, boys are not interested in the direct physiology of relationships due to low reproductive capacity. Interest in her comes at the 3rd stage of development of sexual desire.

As a young person progresses through the stages of puberty, testosterone is produced. This hormone stimulates the development of sexual characteristics and reproductive function. It also makes the young man capable of conceiving and interesting to the opposite sex.

Time of first sexual contact depends on the social environment in which the young man is brought up and lives. Often, due to misconceptions about male sexuality, teenagers see sex as the main goal of a relationship with a girl, and this is wrong. Because of this, young families often break up.

By the age of 25, a man craves a more sensual relationship. He consciously strives to start a family. But this doesn't happen to everyone. There are men who prefer to remain free both in relationships and in sex.

According to surveys, only after reaching adulthood do most men begin to experience true pleasure from sex with their wives. This is explained by the fact that over many years the couple learned each other’s sensual secrets. As a result, physical satisfaction is mixed with emotional coloring.

Changes in male sexual behavior with age

A man's reproductive age largely depends on his sexual activity. Eg, the man is 100% fertile, but avoids communicating with women due to his reluctance to have children. In this case, we can say that his reproductive function does not work. The reluctance to start a family may remain with him for life.

At the same time, one should take into account the fact that reproductive age directly depends on physiological age. After 35 years, a man’s needs for sex sharply decrease. The thing is that his body produces less and less testosterone. Plus emotional experiences in the family and stress. All this leads to the fact that he ceases to be interested in sex. That is, after 35 years, reproductive functions fade away.

It should also be taken into account that at the age of over 35 years spermatogenesis worsens. Sperm not only become less active, but their genetic properties deteriorate.

Socially, a man is best at starting a family by the age of 35. Surprisingly, this same age is best for having a child. But psychologically, young people are best prepared to start a family at the age of 25.

How does age affect fertility?

Among women The deadline for having children is 40 years old. The fact is that after this age the opportunity to give birth to a healthy child is greatly reduced. In men, everything is more uncertain, since practically no research has been conducted in this regard.

The French made an attempt to change the situation. Scientists from this country studied a sample of documents from 10,000 couples who were treated for infertility. Researchers were able to find out that if men have crossed the threshold of 35 years, then it is more difficult for their wives to bear a child. There is a high probability of miscarriages. By the age of 40, the likelihood of conceiving a child decreases significantly.

The results of this scientific work raise serious concerns among doctors, since in recent decades the average age of men becoming fathers for the first time has exceeded 35 years.

How to support reproductive function?

If the decrease in reproductive function is not caused by diseases, then you can resort to the following recommendations:

If these measures do not help, then don't be embarrassed to see a doctor.

Reproductive (fertile) is the age at which a person is able to become a parent. A woman and a man have a different period of life during which they can (jointly) produce offspring. Physiologically fertile for women is considered to be between 15 and 49 years of age. But in reality, for most of them, the opportunity to become a mother is limited to a shorter period, which is 10-15 years.

A man, from a medical point of view, is capable of procreation from 14 to 60 years. But he shouldn’t become a father before the age of 20 for social reasons and a different level of development. After 35-40 years, men's sperm activity and, as a consequence, reproductive abilities decrease. Therefore, even with normal health, the period of guaranteed fertility for a man can be about 20 years.

Puberty in men

A teenager reaches puberty at the age of 14-15 years. But in the future, an alternation of certain periods occurs in the male body, affecting sexual life and reproductive abilities in particular.

From about 10-12 years of age, boys begin to experience physiological changes leading to puberty. Sexual feelings and thoughts become more and more noticeable. Conventionally, the process can be divided into three stages:

  1. Showing interest in the opposite sex.
  2. Desire for physical contact in the form of touching, holding hands, kissing.
  3. The emergence of sexual desire.

In the early stages of growing up, boys simply become friends with girls, then an attraction to touching and mutual caresses arises, which leads to erotic fantasies and a strong desire for sexual intimacy. After feeling his sexuality, a young man becomes more interested in the physiology of relationships; for most girls, feelings are more important in this regard.

On the way to puberty, testosterone levels in the body increase. This main male sex hormone contributes to the development of basic sexual characteristics in adolescents, making them both fertile and attractive to the opposite sex.

A teenager’s decision to have sexual intercourse for the first time depends on his upbringing and his social circle. The first sexual contact sometimes occurs under the influence of social stereotypes about male sexuality. This can lead to promiscuous sexual relations according to the established scheme “the goal is sex.” Emotional correspondence with a partner is not given much importance.

Subsequent growth in most guys creates a need for more sensual and long-term relationships, and a desire to start a family appears. Other young people prefer to remain free both in life and in sexual relationships.

Many men claim that only after reaching adulthood did they experience true pleasure from having sex with their beloved wife. Moreover, the partners are already aware of each other’s sensual subtleties. Physical satisfaction takes on a more emotional coloring.

How a man's sex life changes with age

When a man reaches the age of 30-35 years, his sexual needs become less intense, because the body’s production of testosterone becomes less intense. Sexual desire is affected by stress and emotional stress that arise at work and in family life. At this age, sperm activity also decreases during egg fertilization. Exposure to external conditions on the body and changes in health status worsen the genetic qualities of sperm.

The age of future parents is very important when planning a woman’s pregnancy.

In women, early and late motherhood may be contraindicated for medical reasons; in men, the favorable period for conception is slightly longer.

The male body generates sperm throughout the entire reproductive period of life, but conceiving a child is not recommended at any age. Planning for the birth of a baby is determined not only by the father’s reproductive health, but also by his ability to support the family. Socially and psychologically, a young man is capable of becoming a father after twenty years of age, but the most appropriate age in terms of reproductive functions is considered to be under 35 years of age.

Sperm production in a man's body, which begins at age 15, slows down after age 35 but does not stop until age 60. However, most medical experts believe that the optimal age for conceiving a child is the same for both women and men - 20-35 years. In men during this period, the level of the hormone testosterone ensures the necessary activity of sperm.

The influence of a man's age on his fertility

Medical specialists have long known that fertility declines significantly in women aged 35-40, but the effect of age on a man's normal reproductive capabilities has been less studied. French researchers studied the medical records of more than 10 thousand couples undergoing infertility treatment and found out the extent to which the age of the sexual partner influences the possibility of conception.

According to statistics, if men have passed the 35-year mark, their partners are more likely to experience miscarriages than women with younger partners, regardless of their own age. The number of successful conceptions is significantly reduced in couples where the partner is over 40 years old.

In connection with the research results, the tendency of young men to delay the acquisition of offspring raises concerns. In the UK, the average age of men becoming fathers increased to 34.2 in 2013, up from 29.2 in 1972. Embryonologists explain the effect of age on male reproduction by an increase in genetic errors in sperm.

In young sexual partners of expectant mothers, some changes in sperm quality do not have a significant effect on egg fertilization. Older potential fathers experience critical DNA damage that can lead to miscarriage. Recent studies show that not only the female body, but also the male body is susceptible to reproductive aging.

Measures to increase reproductive functions

If a decrease in a man’s fertility is not associated with various pathologies, then following some recommendations will change the situation for the better:

  1. Vitamin E, ascorbic acid, and selenium have a positive effect on spermatogenesis. It is necessary to periodically take dietary supplements containing these elements. It is also recommended to take nutritional supplements containing zinc and folic acid for six months.
  2. The reproductive process of spermatogenesis is negatively affected by overheating of the testicles. In hot weather, you should wear loose underwear and loose trousers. Do not take too hot baths or steam in a sauna at high temperatures.
  3. Favorable conditions for conception also depend on the time of year. Sperm have the greatest mobility during the winter period.
  4. The restoration of sexual desire is facilitated by a balanced emotional state, the ability to withstand depression and stressful situations.
  5. Common bad habits harm normal fertility - smoking, drinking alcohol, and drinking coffee in large quantities.
  6. An unfavorable environment and work at elevated temperatures have a significant impact on reproductive functions.

If self-help measures do not solve your fertility problem, do not hesitate to seek medical help.

Reproductive capabilities in adulthood

With age, hormonal changes in a man's body reduce libido, and emerging health problems reduce energy and potency. Reduced testosterone levels weaken libido and the period of sexual arousal becomes longer.

Men who have crossed the forty-year mark have usually already established themselves as husbands and fathers by this time. For most of them, career growth reaches its peak, and there is a feeling that their role in the life of the family is not so significant, and health problems appear. Competition at work from young employees aggravates the psycho-emotional state. In addition, the spouse may experience irritability and fatigue as a result of menopausal symptoms.

Taken together, all these factors can lead to thoughts of approaching old age and depression. Against this background, low self-esteem, lack of sexual desire and impotence may occur. A midlife crisis forces a man to look for partners much younger than himself in order to prove his worth. Such relationships only allow you to briefly return the sensations of previous years and bring freshness and energy to sexual relationships.

But, despite the frequent occurrence of similar problems in middle-aged men, psychologists consider the age from 30 to 40 years to be a more difficult period in sexual terms. In their opinion, it is during this period that the head of the family experiences maximum emotional and physical stress - problems at work, small children, financial difficulties, etc.

At the same time, youth and age over 50 are considered a favorable period of life in this regard, provided that a mature man was able to maintain health in his young years. Healthy maturity, a measured life and a permanent loving woman are the best circumstances for a fulfilling sex life.

Often a woman is in no hurry to have offspring, and the reason for such a decision, as a rule, is the desire to live “for herself”, as well as the desire to create maximum material wealth for her children. Also, cases of late motherhood are no less common due to a long search for a partner who could be a worthy father and husband. Also, sometimes Mother Nature herself does not allow a woman to experience the happiness of motherhood before the age of 30. Cases of late motherhood in the West have become commonplace, but in Russia the mother’s age is given special importance. So what is the ideal childbearing age?

Motherhood after 30.

Motherhood after 30 years is often perceived by doctors as something especially difficult and necessarily associated with some problems and pathologies, but in reality it happens that a woman after 30 years tolerates pregnancy much easier than young mothers, and at the same time remains cheerful , beauty and positive attitude. Why? Because it is a woman after 30 years who is more attentive to her health, she is more conscious about motherhood, and how could it be otherwise, because for many years it was just her dream... Also, as a rule, mature women are not as frivolous as young women and try Monitor your well-being during pregnancy more diligently, without hoping for “maybe”. As a rule, it is these women who agree to accurately fulfill all the requests and advice of doctors, but it is doctors who often add a fly in the ointment to happy motherhood after 30. How? Historically, Russian doctors confidently classify even the healthiest woman who gives birth to a child after 25 years of age into the risk group. Psychologically, this is very difficult for the expectant mother. Firstly, she will have to attend consultations much more often and undergo all kinds of tests, and there will simply be no time left to enjoy her own pregnancy. Secondly, pregnant women are much more susceptible to everything and tend to worry about trifles, and if a long-awaited pregnancy is considered a risk group, who will remain calm?
Fortunately, modern medicine is beginning to reconsider its views on the age of expectant mothers and the attitude towards them is becoming more loyal; apparently practice shows that the number of healthy children born after 30 is no less, if not more, than the number of healthy babies from young mothers.

Motherhood after 20.

The age from 20 to 30 years can be called the heyday of a woman and the female body; it is during this period that it works in such a way that conception and childbirth, as a rule, take place quickly and without much effort. This age is considered to be the best for having a child, but in reality this is not always the case. Why? Because if you analyze a woman’s lifestyle during this ideal period for childbirth, you can understand that it is very difficult to call it ideal for childbirth. Because most modern women simply live at a frantic pace, they are trying to make a career, achieve success, and enjoy life to the fullest. Also, this period often coincides with the stage of receiving education. A tired and always busy woman who does not have time for herself and her health, who does not even have the opportunity to have a snack, let alone a full lunch, is not the best option for motherhood. From such “preparation for childbirth”, a woman often forgets about her maternal instinct, and does not want to waste her “golden time” on diapers and undershirts.

Few women consciously become mothers at this age. Moreover, it is worth noting that their number is decreasing every year. What causes this? Perhaps the modern rhythm of life, perhaps the high demands on the level of education that time imposes, perhaps a woman’s desire to create some kind of material base that will allow her to remain independent after childbirth, and it is possible that the reason for this refusal of motherhood is the Western model of life, because in rare cases Women in Europe will have the desire or opportunity to become a mother before the age of 30.

On the one hand, voluntarily depriving yourself of motherhood for a fairly long period is not the best thing a woman can do for herself, because the maternal instinct is inherent in nature. However, an eternally tired mother who is literally torn between home and school, or between home and work, is not the best option, since in this case the child is constantly transferred from the hands of the nanny to the hands of the grandmothers, but the child needs, first of all, a mother. It is very important that a woman, before deciding to become a mother, is able to realistically assess her level of psychological maturity. If he is tall, she will be an excellent mother even if she is periodically absent on business.

Doctors consider the age under 25 to be ideal for the first pregnancy, however, in reality this is not always the case. Often, it is at this age that a woman’s health leaves much to be desired, and she simply does not have time for treatment. The desire of a modern woman to do everything and take on as much as possible does not have the best effect on her psychological and physical health. Well, something has to be sacrificed...

Early motherhood.

Is early motherhood a rather controversial and pressing issue? Why? Because it is impossible to draw clear conclusions on it, but the number of young mothers, who themselves are essentially children who need care and education, is growing rapidly. The age of modern young mothers can even be shocking, because cases of motherhood at 11 years old have been recorded. It is often believed that early motherhood is definitely bad. Yes, this is bad from the point of view of the psychological health of such a mother, as well as in terms of her physical health. Pregnancy and childbirth for a young woman is a serious test that can lead to irreversible consequences. However, some young mothers are distinguished by childlike seriousness and a surprisingly strongly developed maternal instinct. Although it is generally accepted that for such a mother the child will be the last doll, this is not always the case, and among young women there are excellent mothers who strive to do everything for their baby, but there are not many of them, for the most part, in the case of early motherhood the child ends up under the care of his grandmother.

From a medical point of view, early motherhood is not only not the best, but in some cases even dangerous for mother and child. However, this largely depends on the woman’s health and level of physical development. Some girls are perfectly developed even at 15 years old, and for some, development continues until they are 20 years old. However, it is worth noting that, as a rule, doctors treat motherhood at the age of 18 quite calmly and such patients are not included in the risk group.

Ideal childbearing age.

The ideal childbearing age is very difficult to identify, because a woman’s biological age may not coincide with her real age. That is why it is customary to divide women into certain categories and attach certain labels. Perhaps the most important factor than childbearing age is the level of psychological maturity of a person, because many do not reach it by the age of 40, and some manage to achieve it at the age of 17. The ideal childbearing age is the time when a woman should want to have a child more than anything else, and this does not mean that any financial difficulties can affect this. It is the desire to become a mother that should drive a woman when she thinks about procreation, and it is precisely when it becomes irresistible that the ideal age for having a child arrives. However, we should not forget that it is better to plan pregnancy in advance, because a preliminary examination and pre-treatment significantly facilitates the course of pregnancy and relieves the woman from some unpleasant moments associated with various complications.

Dear mothers, remember that a woman can do anything if she wants, giving birth to a child is no exception. After all, despite the opinion of some doctors, even a 40-year-old woman with impeccable health and an unbridled desire to become a mother can give birth to a healthy baby.

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There is a period in the life of every woman when she is capable of conceiving, bearing and giving birth to viable offspring. In science, it is called reproductive age. In Russia, this period falls on 15-49 years; in other countries, the border can fluctuate significantly. According to the World Health Organization, the ability to bear children (fertility) is realized between 15 and 44 years of age. However, for each individual woman, setting the boundaries of childbearing age is influenced by many factors: genetic background, lifestyle, the presence or absence of bad habits and health status at the time of conception.

Factors affecting fertility

Reproductive doctors ask the question: why are some women able to easily conceive and give birth to a child, even after several abortions and with chronic diseases, while others, despite being in normal health, experience problems conceiving and bearing? The reason for the decline in fertility lies in many factors:

  1. Having bad habits;
  2. Passive lifestyle;
  3. Unbalanced diet;
  4. Frequent stress;
  5. Hormonal imbalances;
  6. Diseases of the reproductive organs;
  7. Chronic diseases;
  8. Age (over 35 years old);
  9. Previous abdominal surgeries;
  10. Excess weight.

If these reasons are not confirmed and conception does not occur, the woman is asked to undergo a special test that allows her to evaluate her reproductive abilities.

Female Fertility Rates

There are three important indicators of female fertility: ovulation, tubal patency and endometrial condition. If there are problems with conception, the doctor prescribes several methods that can answer the question: can a woman become a mother.

An ovulation test is carried out using either special strips that determine the concentration of the hormone in the urine on the eve of ovulation, or using an ultrasound examination that can assess the size of the dominant follicle and the thickness of the inner layer of the uterus.

Two methods help the doctor assess the patency of the fallopian tubes: metrosalpingography and hydrosonography. During the first one, a contrast solution is injected into the uterine cavity, which will be reflected on an x-ray and show the patency or obstruction of the tubes. In the second case, an ultrasound is used instead of an X-ray, and the contrast solution is replaced with saline solution heated to body temperature.

To assess the endometrium, ultrasound examination is prescribed on different days of the menstrual cycle. This allows you to assess the thickness of the inner layer of the uterus and its readiness to receive a fertilized egg.

Every month in the body of every woman, under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone produced in the pituitary gland, a follicle grows in one of the ovaries (less often in both). When it reaches the required degree of maturity, an egg is released. This process is called ovulation. The egg is released into the fallopian tube, where it can be fertilized by a sperm. If fertilization does not occur within 24 hours, the female cell dies, the endometrium begins to be rejected and is released in the form of menstrual flow.

At birth, a girl’s ovaries contain about half a million eggs, the number of which will only decrease throughout her life. At the time of puberty, there are already 300 thousand eggs left in her body. Until the age of 15-16, a girl’s menstrual cycle is still inconsistent, but this does not mean that she cannot get pregnant. At the age of 16, the regularity of menstruation is finally established, and the length of the cycle averages from 25 to 38 days.

It is customary to roughly divide a woman’s fertile age into two stages:

  • Early – from the onset of menstruation to 35 years of age;
  • Late – from 35 years to menopause.

Early reproductive period

From the moment of the first ovulation and menstruation, the girl enters the early and most optimal period of her life, when the ability to conceive and give birth to children is determined by the natural abilities of the body. However, doctors agree that it is undesirable to give birth before the age of 19, since the body of a girl in adolescence is not fully formed. For example, the nervous and endocrine systems continue to improve, but the cardiovascular and excretory systems are not ready to cope with heavy loads. Pregnancy before the age of 19 can be a serious stress for the developing body. In addition, childbirth at such a young age is rarely without complications, including:

  • rapidity of childbirth;
  • weak labor activity;
  • ruptures of the cervix and perineum;
  • discrepancy between the size of the pelvis of the expectant mother and the fetal head;
  • possible bleeding;
  • premature birth.

Pregnancy and childbirth occurring between 20 and 35 years are considered the most favorable. The woman has developed both physically and personally, and has also achieved a certain social status. The body is formed: hormonal balance is maintained at the required level, the reproductive system most often works without failures, the articulation of the pelvic bones is mobile, the muscles of the pelvis and uterus are extensible. Until the age of 35, women usually do not have chronic diseases. Young mothers, whose age is no more than 35 years old, recover faster after childbirth, they are less likely to have problems with breastfeeding, and childbirth proceeds more favorably.

Late reproductive age

On the issue of the late fertile period, the opinions of psychologists and reproductive specialists differ. Psychologists are convinced that the optimal age for having a child is after 35 years. They explain this by the fact that, firstly, only after 35 years do maternal feelings fully awaken. Secondly, during this period a woman is ready for the birth of a baby financially and psychologically: her career has been built, and in addition, she has a wealth of life experience.

Gynecologists think differently - having children after 35 years of age can even be dangerous. It is no coincidence that several years ago a woman who decided to become a mother for the first time after 28 years was called an “aged first-time mother.” This is explained primarily by the fact that at this age difficulties with conception arise - the number of cycles in which ovulation does not occur increases, the uterus loses sensitivity to a fertilized egg, and chronic diseases accumulate. This together can lead to a number of complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Here are just some of the problems that a woman who decides to become a mother after 35 may face:

  • premature or post-term pregnancy;
  • gestosis;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • early rupture of amniotic fluid;
  • weak labor activity;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • miscarriages;
  • fetal development abnormalities;
  • development of diabetes mellitus;
  • premature placental abruption;
  • increased risk of breast cancer.

Despite the possible complications for bearing and giving birth to a child after 35 years, there are a number of advantages of late motherhood. Such women experience menopause later, they are less susceptible to developing genital cancer, and their life expectancy increases.

However, one should take into account the fact that a woman who decides to become a mother after 35 years of age must carefully monitor her health and undergo more frequent examinations and tests for genetic abnormalities in the fetus.

During menopause, i.e. when the supply of follicles is depleted, reproductive age ends, because She can no longer conceive a child naturally. The age limits of this stage are quite individual, but on average it occurs at 50 years. The first signs of menopause are lengthening or shortening of the menstrual cycle, increased or, conversely, decreased bleeding during menstruation. For women, this is not the most pleasant period in life. He brings her serious psychological and physical discomfort.

All women who decide to experience the joy of motherhood should take into account the most favorable period for bearing and giving birth to a baby and remember that the best age for this is 20-35 years.

Nature has laid down the main function in the female body - to produce offspring. Physiological features of development, social conditions, and the environment affect a woman’s reproductive age. Currently, experts define its boundaries as ranging from 15 to 45 years, but they are individual for each woman. According to the WHO definition, reproductive age is considered to be the age during which a woman is able to conceive a child, that is, from menarche to menopause.

What affects fertility

Female fertility is the biological ability to conceive, bear and give birth to a child. Some women easily manage to get pregnant and give birth in the presence of chronic diseases, after abortions. Others, who are relatively healthy, are unable to conceive or bear a child for a long time.

There are many factors that reduce fertility and cause infertility:

  • long-term heavy smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • frequent stress;
  • overweight (BMI >30);
  • insufficient (less than 45 kg) weight;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • inflammation of the genital organs;
  • traumatic injuries during abortion, childbirth;
  • intoxication of the body associated with an acute infectious disease;
  • abdominal operations;
  • age (over 35 years old).

To understand why a woman cannot get pregnant, the main indicators of fertility are examined: ovulation, fallopian tube patency, endometrial condition, hormone levels. At home, an ovulation test is carried out by measuring basal temperature, or using strips on which a special reagent with a control strip is applied. The test determines the concentration of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine. A high LH value is characteristic of a mature egg, ready for fertilization. In medical institutions, a gynecologist uses ultrasound to assess the size of the dominant follicle, the presence and size of the corpus luteum, the condition of the ovaries and uterus.

Late motherhood, in addition to possible difficulties, has positive aspects. Hormonal changes rejuvenate the body, giving strength and energy for care and education. The desire to raise and raise a child increases life expectancy, and later menopause occurs.

Reproductive age ends when eggs stop maturing and menstruation ends completely. Natural conception becomes impossible. A new physiological stage begins.

How to extend the reproductive period

Biological age does not always correspond to the date in the passport. The internal organs of a forty-year-old woman can work in the same way as those of a twenty-year-old girl. This is partly influenced by genetic predisposition, partly by lifestyle and environment.

The following will help you make the most of your childbearing years and extend your childbearing years:

  • giving up alcohol and smoking;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • balanced diet;
  • timely and complete treatment of diseases;
  • control of hormonal levels;
  • taking vitamins as prescribed by a doctor;
  • positive emotions.

It is important to undergo regular examinations with a gynecologist. Many diseases remain asymptomatic for a long time. In advanced cases, this negatively affects fertility. Therefore, it is necessary to devote more time to preventive measures. In every reproductive period, it is possible to safely give birth to a healthy baby without complications.