Social harm of alcoholism and smoking. Negative effects of smoking and alcoholism on the human body

Everyone knows about the dangers of drinking, smoking, and drug addiction; they write and talk about them a lot. These so-called bad habits bring a lot of troubles and suffering to both the people dependent on them and their families. They are rightly recognized as a social public evil. Indeed, as a result of exposure to these bad habits, life expectancy is significantly reduced, and the mortality rate of the population increases. At the same time, dependent citizens most often give birth to inferior offspring.

Let's take a quick look at the harm that smoking alcohol and drugs can have on the human body. Perhaps this will help you understand why it is better not to start trying them. Well, if there is an already formed dependence on a bad habit, it is necessary to undergo treatment.

What harm does smoking cause?

Despite the fact that doctors tirelessly talk about the dangers of smoking, the number of people smoking is decreasing very slowly. Many people simply do not consider this addiction unhealthy. But you need to understand that smoking is not a harmless habit that you can quit at any time. This is one of the types of drug addiction, and a very dangerous one.

The fact is that nicotine is one of the most dangerous plant poisons. Penetrating into the body, it is included in metabolic processes, after which it becomes necessary for the human body, it requires more and more. It is enough to say that if a non-smoking person receives the dose of nicotine that an experienced dependent smoker receives daily, he may simply die.

Children born to women who smoke often suffer from epileptic seizures, and they are more likely to have mental retardation than others.

Very often, smoking becomes the cause of chronic bronchitis, as well as such a dangerous disease as tuberculosis. Smoking often provokes heart disease and becomes the main cause of persistent vascular spasm of the lower extremities. This provokes the development of obliterating endarteritis, which most often affects men, leads to tissue malnutrition, and gangrene of the lower extremities. The disease often ends in amputation.

The harm of alcohol

Alcohol, penetrating into the body, has an extremely harmful effect on all organs and tissues, even to the point of their destruction. Alcoholism is often the cause of the development of cancer. Alcoholic drinks, especially not the most High Quality, contain a large number of carcinogenic substances. Alcoholic drinks are a good solvent, therefore they carry these carcinogens to all organs and tissues, affecting, including the liver, kidneys, digestive tract, cardiovascular system, brain cells, reproductive centers.

In addition, you need to remember that alcohol removes psychological and moral barriers, releasing base instincts. It weakens the will and self-control, as a result of which people commit such offenses, make such mistakes, after which they repent for the rest of their lives.

Narcotic substances

All drugs are divided into two main groups, depending on their effect on the body. These are stimulants and drugs that cause depression. In addition, drugs from each group also have many hidden properties that have different negative effects on the central nervous system.

Entire generations of scientists throughout for long years conducted research on the effects of various hallucinogenic substances on the body. As a result, it was found that all narcotic drugs are poisonous and cause severe pathological conditions. And most importantly, it makes a person dependent on the regular intake of this poison into the body.

As a result, even short-term drug use causes irreversible physiological disorders and mental disorders. In addition, when entering the body, narcotic substances are included in complex metabolic processes, become necessary, and therefore force a person to use them again. Soon a strong dependence appears, which is manifested by the following needs:

A strong desire, an irresistible need to take a drug, to get it in any way;

Gradual increase in dose;

The emergence of mental, and often physical, dependence on the effects of the drug.

The addict cannot tolerate withdrawal, or drug withdrawal syndrome. This condition usually occurs 12-48 hours after the last use. This syndrome causes unbearable suffering. Nervous and physiological disorders appear. And most importantly, an obsessive, irresistible desire appears to get the drug at any cost. In this state, crimes are committed, often very terrible ones.

In conclusion, it must be said that smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction cause extreme concern not only among doctors, but among all people who are concerned about their health, as well as the health and well-being of their children. More and more people are thinking about the future generation, so they are trying to warn children, teenagers and those who have not yet succumbed to harmful temptations and habits. A lot of work needs to be done to prevent the development of these three addictions that kill a person inside and out.

If they are not accepted adequate measures to prevent the spread of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and drugs among young people, if a healthy lifestyle is not promoted, humanity may be left without a future.

We can talk almost endlessly about the harmful effects of alcohol and smoking on the human body. Despite this, many people underestimate the harm caused to their bodies by alcoholism and smoking. For most of them, such bad habits have already become an integral part of life; without them they simply cannot imagine their existence. Someone, knowing full well about the dangers of alcohol, regularly uses it as an antidepressant. Some people drink and smoke exclusively on holidays. Although even in such situations, alcoholic drinks and smoking cause very serious harm. So why do people drink and is it possible to drink alcoholic beverages in in moderation without fear for your health? To answer this question, it is necessary to understand what harm cigarettes and alcohol cause to health and what changes occur in the body during drunkenness, drug addiction and in a smoker.

Mechanism of effects of alcohol

How do most people who do not neglect smoking and alcoholism spend their time? Most often these are evenings in a pleasant company of like-minded people over a glass of vodka, cocktail or glass of beer. During interesting conversations, a person may not notice how much he has drunk; he often begins to drink alcohol in excess of the norm. And, of course, the consequences of such bad habits he is of little interest. However, already at this moment very “interesting” things begin to happen with unpleasant consequences.

Alcohol enters the stomach. This organ has a developed blood supply system, which allows ethanol (the main component of any alcoholic drink) to penetrate into the body without any problems. circulatory system. Human blood contains a variety of cells. Some of them are called red blood cells. The main function of these cells is to transport oxygen. They are covered with a special shell, which is electrified against the walls of blood vessels, thus receiving a negative charge. Since all cells have the same charge, according to the laws of physics they repel each other. But when alcohol enters the body, everything changes. And such consequences are not the most favorable, because The harm from drinking alcohol can be quite significant.

When ethanol enters the bloodstream, it destroys the membrane of red blood cells. The negative charge disappears and they begin to stick together. The consequences are very unfavorable, because red blood cells become unable to perform their main function. In addition to this, in human body There are vessels through which red blood cells can pass only one at a time. If you have bad habits such as drug addiction, smoking and alcoholism, red blood cells stick together and their passage through the vessels becomes impossible. The vessels simply become clogged. The consequence is a disruption of the blood supply to tissues in these areas. By the way, this is one of the reasons why it is forbidden to drink alcohol while playing sports.

How more people drinks, the more such clots become and the more harm he causes to his body. As a result, the functioning of almost all organs and systems is disrupted. And the consequences of smoking in combination with regular consumption of alcoholic beverages only aggravate the problem.

Further, in the body of a person who is not aware of all the harmful effects of smoking and alcoholism, even more serious consequences And severe harm. Alcohol enters the tissues and cells of the body. There, certain enzymes act on it, causing it to oxidize. During the oxidation process, the so-called acetaldehyde. It is this substance that causes the most harm and causes the most serious consequences. It is much more toxic than ethyl alcohol. This process occurs in almost every organ.

So, for example, the harm and consequences of exposure to acetaldehyde are especially strong for the liver. The substance destroys liver cells, in the place of which, over time, fatty and connective tissue. The consequences and harm of such a replacement are easy to predict - the functioning of the liver is disrupted, which is dangerous for the entire body.

The greatest harm from smoking and alcoholism is experienced by the human nervous system and brain. This is where the blood supply is most powerful. Because of this, the largest amount of ethanol enters the brain. The human body is designed in such a way that there is no protection against alcohol in the brain, because Initially, when man as such appeared, alcohol simply did not exist. Entering the brain tissue, ethanol kills its cells, which causes irreparable harm to the body and threatens with very serious consequences.

A person perceives such an effect as a state of euphoria, freedom and relaxation. Every drink you drink increases the death toll brain cells. They don't recover. Scars appear in their places. With particularly extensive lesions, cysts may appear. These are formations with their own shell, filled with liquid. The presence of such formations can be confirmed by any pathologist. During autopsies of alcoholics, they are visible to the naked eye.

What are the effects of cigarettes?

The harm caused by cigarettes is underestimated by many smokers. To understand whether smoking really causes such great harm and what consequences await the smoker, it is necessary to consider the mechanism of action of cigarettes.

When inhaling, the temperature of the end of the cigarette is about 60°C. At this temperature, about 200 different harmful substances are released from the cigarette, including nicotine. About a quarter of what is indicated on the pack enters the body.

During the experiments, it was revealed that the less nicotine in a cigarette, the more puffs a person will take. That is, an experienced smoker needs to get a certain dose of this substance. Over time, the dose increases.

Many people try not to think about the dangers of smoking and alcoholism, citing the fact that with their help they relax. Indeed, a person who smokes a cigarette calms down, relaxes, and sometimes feels a surge of strength. The secret of this effect is that when nicotine enters the brain, the conduction of all impulses arising in this organ improves for a certain time.

This phenomenon does not last long. And the consequences are not the best. An exhausted brain needs rest, its speed of work decreases. And it is at such moments that the smoker wants to take another cigarette. The number of cigarettes is increasing, the intervals between their use are decreasing, and the harm caused to the body is inexorably growing.

Toxic substances contained in cigarettes cause severe inflammation. This is why smokers often suffer from pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis and other unpleasant diseases. In addition, toxic substances can trigger the development of cancer processes.

The damage caused by smoking to blood vessels is approximately the same as that caused by alcohol, i.e. red blood cells “stick together”, etc.

All of the above is only a small part of the harm that a person receives as a result of the complex effects of nicotine and alcohol. The short-term pleasure obtained from smoking and alcoholism is definitely not worth poisoning your body day after day.

Children and adolescents suffer the greatest harm from alcoholic beverages and cigarettes.

Their systems and organs are not yet fully formed, and therefore are most susceptible to the harmful effects of bad habits.

Whether to drink or lead a sober lifestyle, quit smoking or go to the store for another pack - everyone decides all this for themselves. You can get rid of addictions at absolutely any age, regardless of your experience. If you cannot do this yourself, you can contact the appropriate specialists.

The impact of alcohol and cigarettes on the psyche

When considering the harmful effects of smoking and alcoholism on the human body, it is necessary to study the problem comprehensively, taking into account the impact on physical and mental condition. The worst thing is that the consequences of drinking and smoking appear rather slowly. Over time, a person begins to understand that he used to think faster, but now he cannot concentrate on solving basic problems, becomes more and more absent-minded, misses his turn, loses things, forgets important dates and so on.

Over time, things that were once interesting and important cease to be so. A person no longer strives to build a business, achieve success in sports, or realize himself. Only the next bottle becomes important.

It’s a little easier with smokers, but things are also far from rosy. A smoker may be aware of his addiction and feel burdened by the need to regularly receive another dose of nicotine. He may feel inferior, because after a while almost every alcoholic or smoker realizes all the harm of alcohol and nicotine on own health, but can’t do anything about such addictions.

In such situations, people often turn to psychologists. In most cases, treatment turns out to be very successful, but for this to really be so, it is necessary that the addicted person realizes exactly what need he is trying to satisfy by picking up another cigarette or glass of alcohol. This is where the difficult struggle with oneself begins.

Possible needs satisfied by alcohol and cigarettes

The most common option is to use cigarettes and alcohol as a means to get rid of discomfort and thoughts. If a person is drawn to the bottle when he has problems at work, in relationships and other areas of activity, then for him alcohol is a kind of medicine that temporarily dulls the pain. And while smoking, a person concentrates his consciousness on the cigarette, which also allows him to drown out obsessive thoughts for a short time.

People often use cigarettes and alcohol to relax and relieve stress. To find out if you fall into this category, answer the following question. Do you feel the need for a cigarette or a dose of alcohol in situations where you have to speak in public, an important meeting or an important exam, after a difficult and stressful day, etc. If the answer to these and other similar questions is positive, we can conclude that with the help of bad habits you, as a rule, are trying to satisfy your need to get rid of stress and depression.

Cigarettes can be used as a means to attract attention. Most often, this is the reason why teenagers start smoking. Boys think they look more mature and brutal, girls see themselves as sexy and elegant.

It is a well-known fact that under the influence of alcohol a person ceases to be shy and becomes more relaxed and courageous. The need for a sense of comfort and freedom during the holidays may push some people to drink alcoholic beverages.

Some people smoke to take a break from unpleasant or difficult work. In reality, a cigarette does not relieve tension, but loads it even more, reducing performance and quickly causing a feeling of fatigue.

Some representatives of the creative world have a craving for various mind-altering drugs. However, unusual experiences from intoxication, including alcohol, can result in extremely unpleasant consequences.

This list can be continued almost endlessly. Having established the cause, you can go on the path of getting rid of harmful addictions.

How to get rid of nicotine and alcohol addiction?

Treatment of alcoholism is a very broad topic that can be discussed for quite a long time. There are many treatment methods. These are all kinds of encodings, drug treatment, hypnosis, folk remedies etc. The most effective is complex therapy, in which an experienced narcologist and psychologist work with a person. It is important that the person himself is aware of the problem and wants to get rid of it.

With smoking, everything is somewhat simpler. First of all, when you decide to get rid of nicotine addiction, try to give up cigarettes once and for all. There is no need to try to replace cigarettes with a lighter brand, electronic modification or other means. Smoke your last cigarette and forget about it. If it becomes absolutely unbearable, eat a lollipop, a piece of cheese, etc. The pleasure, of course, is absolutely not the same, but it is much easier for the brain, blood vessels, heart and other organs and systems.

If you are not able to completely give up cigarettes right away, you can use proven and effective recommendations from German specialists:

  • do not buy more than 1 pack of cigarettes at a time;
  • taking another cigarette, immediately hide the pack;
  • do not smoke more than 1 cigarette in a row;
  • smoke only filter cigarettes;
  • regularly change the brand and strength of cigarettes;
  • keep the pack as far as possible from your workplace, resting place or from the place where you are at the moment;
  • do not smoke cigarettes offered by other people;
  • never ask for a cigarette;
  • do not carry a lighter with you;
  • After smoking a cigarette, immediately hide the ashtray;
  • Extinguish the cigarette after the first puff;
  • smoke heavily every other time;
  • After a while, try to start smoking without inhaling;
  • smoke your first cigarette only after breakfast;
  • Gradually increase the time between the moment you start wanting to smoke and actually smoking;
  • smoke no more than 1 cigarette every 1-2 hours;
  • Calculate how much money you can save if you quit smoking.

But the most important thing is to understand all the harmful effects of nicotine and alcohol on the human body. If you are serious about getting rid of the bottle and pack of cigarettes, find something that will help replace them.

For example, if you drink and smoke to relax, start doing sports or yoga. If smoking is an opportunity to relax while working, it is better to use given time to audition a couple musical compositions, a short walk, watching the latest news, etc. Do not forget that your health is solely in your hands. Good luck and stay healthy!

Thank you for your feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone succeeded in ridding their husband of alcoholism? My drink never stops, I don’t know what to do anymore ((I was thinking about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to wean my husband off alcohol; now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is indeed not sold through pharmacy chains and retail stores in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

St. Petersburg Humanitarian Institute

University of Trade Unions


The influence of alcohol, tobacco and drugs on the human body.

Checked by: Abramov V.V.

Saint Petersburg


Introduction p. 3

1. The destructive cigarette p. 5

2. The influence of alcohol on the human body p. 8

3. Narcotic substances and their classification p. eleven

Conclusion p. 15

Literature p. 17


Don't die out of ignorance.

Folk sayings.

A lot has been and is being said about drinking and smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction - factors harmful to health. Sometimes they are very mildly called “bad habits.” Alcohol and nicotine have been called “cultural” poisons. But it is they, these “cultural” poisons that bring a lot of troubles and suffering - in families, labor collectives, are a social evil for society. Moreover, as a result of bad habits, life expectancy is reduced, mortality increases, and inferior offspring are born.

A lot has been said about the dangers of smoking. However, the concern of scientists and doctors caused by the spread of this harmful habit is growing, since a significant number of people still do not consider smoking harmful to health. Smoking is not a harmless activity that can be quit without effort. This is a real drug addiction, and even more dangerous because many do not take it seriously.

The problem of alcohol consumption is also very relevant these days. Now the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the world is characterized by huge numbers. The whole society suffers from this, but first of all, the younger generation is at risk: children, adolescents, young people, as well as the health of expectant mothers. After all, alcohol has a particularly active effect on an unformed organism, gradually destroying it.

Abuse of drugs and illegal trade in them have recently reached catastrophic proportions in many, especially developed countries of the world. The official press of the USA, Germany, France, England, Sweden almost daily reports on the death of their citizens as a result of abuse of narcotic and psychotropic substances. Drug addiction has captured even teenagers in many countries.

I believe that the problem of “bad” habits is very relevant in our time. The main “weapon” in the fight against them is information. It is necessary that every person knows about the action, about the harm they cause to the human body.

1. A destructive cigarette.

A person is often his own worst enemy.

Smoking is one of the most harmful habits. Research has proven the harm of smoking. Tobacco smoke contains more than 30 toxic substances: Nicotine, Carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide, Hydrocyanic acid, Ammonia, Resinous substances, Organic acids and others.

Nicotine is one of the most dangerous poisons of plant origin. Birds (sparrows, pigeons) die if you just bring a glass rod soaked in nicotine to their beak. A rabbit dies from 1/4 drop of nicotine, a dog from 1/2 drop. For humans, the lethal dose of nicotine is 50 to 100 mg, or 2-3 drops. This is the dose that enters the blood every day after smoking 20-25 cigarettes (one cigarette contains approximately 6-8 mg of nicotine, of which 3-4 mg enters the blood). The smoker does not die because the dose is administered gradually, not in one go . In addition, part of the nicotine neutralizes formaldehyde, another poison contained in tobacco. Over the course of 30 years, such a smoker smokes approximately 20,000 cigarettes, or 160 kg of tobacco, absorbing an average of 800 g of nicotine. The systematic absorption of small, non-lethal doses of nicotine causes a habit, an addiction to smoking.

Nicotine is included in the metabolic processes occurring in the human body and becomes necessary. However, if a non-smoker receives a significant dose of nicotine in one dose, death can occur. Such cases have been observed in different countries. Our great scientist - pharmacologist N.P. Krafkov described death young man after he smoked a large cigar for the first time in his life.

In France, in Nice, as a result of the competition “Who will smoke the most”, two “winners”, having smoked 60 cigarettes each, died, and the rest of the participants died severe poisoning ended up in the hospital.

In England, a case was registered where a long-term smoker 40 - summer man at night, during difficult work, he smoked 14 cigars and 40 cigarettes. In the morning he became ill, and, despite the medical assistance provided, he died.

The literature describes a case when a girl was put to sleep in a room where tobacco was lying in bundles in powder, and she died a few hours later. Children living in smoky rooms suffer more and more from respiratory diseases. During the first year of life, children of smoking parents have an increased incidence of bronchitis and pneumonia and an increased risk of developing serious diseases. Tobacco smoke blocks solar ultra-violet rays, which are important for a growing child, affects metabolism, impairs the absorption of sugar and destroys vitamins. C, necessary for a child during growth. At the age of 5-9 years, the child’s lung function is impaired. As a result, there is a decrease in the ability to perform physical activities that require endurance and effort. Having examined over 2 thousand children living in 1820 families, Professor S.M. Gavalov found that in families where they smoke, children, especially at an early age, experience frequent acute pneumonia and acute respiratory diseases. In families where there were no smokers, the children were practically healthy.

Children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are predisposed to seizures. They are much more likely to develop epilepsy. Children born to smoking mothers lag behind their peers in mental development. Thus, GDR scientists V. Gibal and H. Blumberg, when examining 17 thousand such children, revealed retardation in reading, writing, and growth.

There has been a noticeable increase in the number allergic diseases. Russian and foreign scientists have established that nicotine and dry particles of tobacco smoke have an allergenic effect. They contribute to the development of many allergic diseases in children, and how smaller child, the more harm tobacco smoke causes to his body.

Smoking among teenagers primarily affects the nervous and cardiovascular vascular systems. At the age of 12-15 they already complain of shortness of breath when physical activity. As a result of many years of observations, the French doctor Dekalzne, 100 years ago, came to the conclusion that even slight smoking causes anemia and digestive disorders in children.

1-2 packs of cigarettes contain lethal dose nicotine The smoker is saved by the fact that this dose is not introduced into the body immediately, but in fractions. Statistics say: compared to non-smokers, long-term smokers are 13 times more likely to develop Angina pectoris, 12 times more likely to develop myocardial infarction, and 10 times more likely to develop a stomach ulcer. Smokers make up 96 - 100% of all lung cancer patients. Every seventh for a long time the smoker is sick with obliterating endarteritis - a serious disease of the blood vessels.

The experiment found that 70% of mice that inhaled tobacco smoke developed malignant tumors lungs. Cancer occurs 20 times more often in smokers than in non-smokers. How longer person smokes, the more likely he is to die from this serious disease. Statistical research showed that smokers often have cancerous tumors of other organs - the esophagus, stomach, larynx, kidneys. Smokers often get cancer lower lip due to the carcinogenic effect of the extract accumulating in the mouthpiece of the tube.

Very often, smoking leads to the development of chronic bronchitis, accompanied by a constant cough and bad breath. As a result chronic inflammation The bronchi expand, bronchiectasis forms with serious consequences - pneumosclerosis, pulmonary emphysema, with the so-called pulmonary heart leading to circulatory failure. This determines appearance heavy smoker: hoarse voice, puffy face, shortness of breath.

Smoking also plays a significant role in the occurrence of tuberculosis. Thus, 95 out of 100 people suffering from it smoked by the time the disease began. Smokers often experience heart pain. This is due to spasm of the coronary vessels that supply the heart muscle with the development of angina pectoris (coronary heart failure). Myocardial infarction occurs 3 times more often in smokers than in non-smokers.

Smoking may also be the main cause of persistent vasospasm of the lower extremities, contributing to the development of obliterating endarteritis, which mainly affects men. This disease leads to malnutrition, gangrene and ultimately to amputation of the lower limb.

The digestive tract, primarily the teeth and mucous membrane of the mouth, also suffers from substances contained in tobacco smoke. Nicotine increases the secretion of gastric juice, which causes aching pain in the stomach, nausea and vomiting. These signs can also be a manifestation of gastritis, stomach ulcers, which occur much more often in smokers than in non-smokers. For example, among men, the disease peptic ulcer stomach, 96 - 97% smoked.

Smoking can cause nicotine amblyopia. A patient suffering from this disease experiences partial or total blindness. This is a very serious disease, in which even vigorous treatment is not always successful.

Smokers endanger not only themselves, but also those around them. The term “passive smoking” even appeared in medicine. In the body of non-smoking people, after being in a smoky and unventilated room, a significant concentration of nicotine is determined.

Smoking is poison!

2. The effect of alcohol on the human body.

Alcoholism makes more havoc

than three historical scourges combined:

famine, plague, and war.

W. Gladstone

In addition to smoking, bad habits include even more harmful ones - alcohol consumption. Unfortunately. In life they are very often combined with each other. Thus, among the non-drinking population, 40% are smokers, and among alcohol abusers, the figure is already 98%.

The harm of alcohol is obvious. It has been proven that when alcohol enters the body, it spreads through the blood to all organs and adversely affects them, even to the point of destruction. With systematic alcohol consumption, a dangerous disease develops - alcoholism. Alcoholism is dangerous to human health, but it is treatable, like many other diseases.

But the main problem is that most of the alcoholic beverages produced by non-state enterprises contain large amounts of toxic substances. Poor quality products often lead to poisoning and even death.

All this causes great damage to society and its cultural values.

Drinking “gives the green light” to malignant neoplasms. The presence of carcinogenic substances in alcoholic beverages cannot be ruled out. Being a good solvent, alcohol helps them penetrate the body. In alcohol abusers, especially in at a young age, the risk of developing oral cancer is 10 times higher, and if they also smoke, it is 15 times higher compared to non-drinkers.

As already mentioned, alcohol has a detrimental effect on brain cells (including cells that regulate the activity of the reproductive system) and on the reproductive centers located in the spinal cord. At the same time, the activity of the mammary glands weakens, and in the future it may stop. Scientists identified healthy gonads in only half of the chronically alcoholic patients they examined. It has been established that men who abuse alcohol experience a weakening of potency. In women, alcohol disrupts the production of sex hormones, egg maturation, and the menstrual cycle.

The main active source of intoxication for any drink was alcohol - ethyl, or wine, alcohol. Taken orally, it is absorbed into the blood within 5-10 minutes and spread throughout the body. Alcohol is poison for any living cell. Once alcohol enters the body, it very quickly disrupts the functioning of tissues and organs. Burning quickly, it takes away oxygen and water from them. The cells shrink and their activity becomes difficult. When alcohol enters the body significantly and frequently, cells different organs in the end they die.

Under the influence of alcohol, almost everything is disrupted physiological processes in the body, and this can lead to serious illnesses. The tissue of the liver, kidneys, heart, blood vessels, etc. is degenerated.

Alcohol has the fastest and most destructive effect on brain cells, causing the first to suffer. higher departments brain Rapidly delivered by blood flow to the brain, alcohol penetrates nerve cells and is destroyed, resulting in disruption of communication between different parts of the brain.

Alcohol also affects blood vessels, carrying blood to the brain. First, they expand, and blood saturated with alcohol rushes rapidly to the brain, causing a sharp excitation of the nerve centers. This is where the overly cheerful mood and swagger of a drunken person come from.

Scientists have found that under the influence of alcoholic drinks in the cerebral cortex, following increasing excitation, a sharp weakening of inhibition processes occurs. The cortex ceases to control the work of the lower, so-called subcortical parts of the brain. That is why an intoxicated person seems to lose control over himself and a critical attitude towards his behavior, losing restraint and modesty, he says and does things that he would not say or do in a sober state. Each new portion of alcohol increasingly paralyzes the higher nerve centers, as if connecting them and not allowing them to interfere with the chaotic activity of sharply excited parts of the brain.

What we complacently call intoxication in everyday life is, in essence, nothing more than acute poisoning alcohol, with all the ensuing consequences. It is good if after a certain time the body, freed from the poison, gradually returns to its normal state. What if drunkenness continues, and new portions of alcohol systematically enter the body? What then?

Scientists have found that alcohol introduced into the body is not immediately removed from there, and a certain amount of this substance continues its harmful effect on organs for 1-2 days, and in some cases more.

Alcohol causes a pleasant, elated mood, and this encourages repeated drinking. At first, if you wish and have strong character, you can still refuse wine. IN otherwise influenced alcohol intoxication(and the persuasion of friends) the will weakens, and the person can no longer resist the attraction to alcohol.

Under the influence of alcohol, instincts gain scope, will and self-control are weakened, and often people commit offenses and mistakes that they repent of throughout their lives.

3. Narcotic substances and their classification.

All vices come from idleness.

Popular saying.

What is a “drug”? Based on the definition given by the World Health Organization, a drug should be considered any substance (with or without legitimate medicinal use) that is subject to abuse for purposes other than medical.

Scientists trying to penetrate the mystery of dope are shocked by the extraordinary virulence of drugs that can creep into the very depths of the feelings and thoughts of their consumers. Long-term and in-depth research conducted by entire generations of scientists was not fruitless. The poison hidden in most "paradise" remedies has been revealed. Back in the 60s, experts established that excessive consumption of hallucinogenic substances causes mental disorders and severe pathological conditions. Physiological properties drugs involved in a complex chemical process occurring in the human body have an attractive force and force the victim to turn to them repeatedly or continuously after the habit or dependence has firmly taken hold.

Depending on their effect on the human body, drugs can be conditionally divided into two large groups: 1) stimulants; 2) causing depression. It should be borne in mind that each of the drugs has a wide variety of hidden properties that affect the nervous system in different ways.

There are drugs that calm and relieve pain (they are called depressants), and there are others that have a stimulating effect, stimulating the body. Hallucinogenic drugs cause ecstasy and exuberance, nightmares or a feeling of excruciating anxiety. Moreover, each of these substances, even the most dangerous from the point of view of abuse, can have a healing, beneficial effect, but only if it is used absolutely correctly.

Indian hemp, coca leaves, poppy seeds are considered one of the most ancient natural narcotic substances. Opium and its derivatives: morphine, heroin - have an analgesic effect and eliminate anxiety and fear, reduce, often to the point of complete disappearance, the feeling of hunger and thirst, weaken libido, reduce urination, plunge a person into depression. drowsy state or, in the case of heroin, into a rampage. In the same respect, hashish, marijuana and other derivatives of the Cannabis savita plant in the Indian or American version stand out. Cocaine usually causes the most violent reactions, usually accompanied by hallucinations or strange euphoria mixed with paranoid impulses. Sometimes the criminal nature of this drug generates violence and stimulates a person’s mental activity. In the 60s, LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide, a semi-synthetic substance derived from lysergic acid, extracted from the ergot mushroom, appeared on the horizon. LSD, far from being the latest descendant of the family of drugs, opened the way for even more potent substances. To understand the danger that such an explosion of drugs brings with it, let me remind you that it is enough to take a millionth of a gram of LSD for every kilogram of weight for it to begin to hallucinate.

The state of drug addiction is characterized by three properties:

1) an irresistible desire or need to continue taking drugs and obtaining them by any means;

2) the desire to increase doses;

3) mental and sometimes physical dependence on the effects of the drug.

The so-called drug addiction syndrome occurs only as a result of taking a drug, regardless of whether this happens accidentally or after systematic use. The stages of this process, which occur more slowly or more quickly, are mainly the following:

1) Initial euphoria, often very short-term. It is typical for certain drugs (especially morphine and opium), and not for all drugs. In this state of increased irritability, bizarre and often erotic visions, a person loses control over himself...

2) Tolerance is temporary. This phenomenon is explained by the body’s reaction to the action of the same dose of a substance taken repeatedly. Gradually, the body reacts weaker.

3) Addiction. Most researchers have come to the conclusion that addiction is both a physical and mental phenomenon. It is expressed by classic symptoms of abstinence, or “withdrawal,” which the addict endures very hard and with the risk of severe organic or functional attacks.

4) Abstinence (withdrawal syndrome) usually occurs 12-48 hours after stopping taking the drug. A drug addict cannot tolerate this condition, which causes nervous disorders, tachycardia, spasms, vomiting, diarrhea, salivation, and increased secretion of glands. At the same time, an obsessive desire appears to find a toxic substance - a drug - at any cost! A sharp “withdrawal” from a drug addict leads to violent and extremely dangerous manifestations, which can in some cases cause real collapses, as happens with morphine addicts. These are varieties of the terrible delirium tremens - delirium tremens, into which an incurable alcoholic plunges... The attack itself expresses a state of acute need for poison, which has become a necessary factor in internal processes.

Now I will move on to the classification of drug addictions. I will cite a classic division developed by specialists from the World Health Society. So, all drugs and their actions are divided into the following groups.

1. Sedative poisons, calming mental activity. They reduce the function of excitability and perception to the point of completely eliminating it, misleading a person and giving him a bouquet of pleasant states. These substances (opium and its alkaloids, morphine, codeine, coca and cocaine) alter brain functions and are classified as Euforica.

2. Hallucinogenic drugs presented a large number substances of plant origin, very different in their chemical composition. This includes mescaline from cactus, Indian hemp, hashish and other tropical plants. All of them cause cerebral stimulation, expressed in deformation of sensations, hallucinations, distortion of perceptions, visions, and therefore they are classified as Fantastica.

3. This includes substances that are easily obtained by chemical synthesis, causing first cerebral excitation and then deep depression. These drugs include: alcohol, ether, chloroform, gasoline. This category is Inebrantia.

4. Category Hypnotica, which includes sleep poisons: chloral, barbiturates, sulforol, kava-kava, etc.

5. Excitantia. Here, plant substances predominate, stimulating brain activity without immediately affecting the psyche; The strength of the impact on different individuals varies. This includes plants containing caffeine, tobacco, betel nut, etc.

In most countries involved in the fight against drugs, only a small part of products is controlled, that is, drugs included in the list of prohibited drugs, which are so diverse in their properties that cause addiction. The levels of drug addiction lead lower and lower, determining the worsening of the disaster, which, as experts from the World Health Organization emphasize, is a great threat to health on a global scale. This danger increases as factories and laboratories produce more and more new types of drugs, more and more powerful and harmful.


Smoking, alcoholism, and, especially, drug addiction are increasingly making doctors, and just citizens thinking about their future generation, think about how to prevent people who have not yet succumbed to such harmful and harmful habits from becoming addicted. to these three evils of modern society.

Smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction are a problem not only for the “patient” himself (because I personally consider all three habits to be a disease for which it is necessary to treat and be cured), but also a problem for the entire society as a whole.

Smoking is a social problem in society, both for smokers and non-smokers. For the first, the problem is to quit smoking, for the second, to avoid the influence of a smoking society and not to “get infected” with their habit, and also to maintain your health from smoking products, since the substances included in the smoke exhaled by smokers are not much safer than if a person I myself smoked and ingested nicotine and much else that is included in a lit cigarette.

Alcohol “hits” not only the drinker himself, but also the people around him. Often men or women prone to alcoholism neglect their responsibilities, friends, family and children in order to satisfy their need. Alcohol addiction is the cause of various crimes. It is known that 50 percent of all crimes are related to alcohol consumption. Children often pay the price for their parents' alcoholism. Studies of neurologically ill children have shown that the cause of their illness is often the alcoholism of their parents. The fight against alcoholism is the largest social and medical problem any state. The harm of alcohol has been proven. Even small doses of it can cause great troubles or misfortunes: injuries, car accidents, loss of ability to work, family breakdown, loss of spiritual needs and volitional traits by a person.

Drug abuse, known since ancient times, has now spread to an extent that alarms the entire world community. Even with the narrowing, from the point of view of narcologists, of the boundaries of drug addiction to legally acceptable in many countries, drug addiction is recognized as a social disaster. Drug mafias rule states ( Latin America), have their own armies ( Southeast Asia). The income of clandestine drug trafficking corporations exceeds the known income from the oil trade and is approaching global income from the arms trade. Abuse among young people is especially disastrous - both the present and the future of society are affected. From the point of view of narcologists, the full picture of the spread of abuse, including forms of substance abuse, is even more tragic. Substances and drugs that are not included in the list of drugs, as a rule, are even more malignant, leading to even greater harm to the individual. The International Anti-Drug Center in New York has a document indicating the number of drug addicts per globe- 1,000,000,000 people. Drug addiction, as experts emphasize World Organization health care is big threat for healthcare on a global scale.

Now, at the turn of the millennium, there is often talk about the approaching end of the world. But, I think, if humanity does not stop, does not start thinking about itself, about its future, then it will doom itself to complete extinction. If measures are not taken to prevent the spread of alcohol, tobacco products, and drugs among young people, if propaganda is not carried out healthy image life, humanity will be left without a future, and, perhaps, in a few decades they will say about our time “they could not stop in time”...


1. Bogdanovich L.A. White horror. – St. Petersburg: Symposium, 1994. – 230 p.

2. Bratus B.S. Psychology, clinic and prevention of early alcoholism. – M.: “Science”, 1984 – 148 p.

3. Vilenchik M.M. Biological basis of aging and longevity. – M.: “Science”, 1976. – 170 p.

4. Loransky D.N., Lukyanov V.S. The ABC of Health: A Book for Young People. – M.: Profizdat, 1990. – 176 p.

5. Muratova I.D., Sidorov P.I. Anti-alcohol education at school. – Arkhangelsk: “Lira”, 1977 – 198 p.

6. Petrenko L.F. Tricky enemy. – M.: “Knowledge”, 1991. – 213 p.

7. Entin G.M. When a person is his own enemy. – M.: “Knowledge”, 1973. – 143 p.

Loransky D.N., Lukyanov V.S. The ABC of Health: a book for young people. M., 1990. S. 152-158.

Right there. pp. 160-161.

Right there. pp. 161-164.

Vilenchik M.M. Biological basis of aging and longevity. M., 1976. P. 158.

Entin G.M. When a person is his own enemy. M., 1973. P. 68.

Bogdanovich L.A. White horror. – St. Petersburg: Symposium, 1994. – 230 s.


What do you mean by bad habits?

Answer. A habit is an action that over time becomes automatic and unconscious.

By bad habits we mean lifestyle features that have an impact on bad influence to your health. For example, a tendency to smoke, alcohol abuse and excess nutrition, leading to obesity. Drug addiction is a particularly bad habit.

What changes occur in the heart muscle under the influence of alcohol?

Answer. The effects of alcohol are not just a temporary disruption of heart function. At constant reception alcohol, the heart accumulates a lot of fat, the tissues become flabby. This interferes with the normal functioning of the heart muscle, it cannot cope with its work, and is susceptible to hypertension and atherosclerosis. Systematic intake of alcohol over a number of years leads to tachycardia, shortness of breath, and pain in the heart area.

What is the danger of alcohol on a developing fetus?

Answer. When exposed to alcohol, the fetus exhibits: developmental anomalies of the maxillofacial region: underdevelopment of the zygomatic arch, lower jaw; shortened upper lip, bridge of the nose; narrow palpebral fissures;

violation of physical development: disproportionate physique, small or, conversely, too high height and/or weight; low birth weight;

pathology of the nervous system: microcephaly - underdevelopment of the brain or its individual parts, leading to some neurological and intellectual disorders; incomplete fusion of the spinal canal; numerous anomalies of organ development, the most common malformations of the heart, external genitalia and joints.

Fetal alcohol syndrome is one of the main causes of congenital delay mental development. Such children suffer from a persistent decline in intelligence, and their social adaptation is limited.

Questions after § 15

What toxic substances do smoke produced when smoking tobacco contain?

Answer. Tobacco smoke contains toxic substances: nicotine, ethylene, radioactive polonium, arsenic, lead, ammonia, organic resins (hydrocyanic, acetic acid), tobacco resins, poisonous gases (hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide) and other substances harmful to the body (about 800 in total) .

Why is smoking particularly dangerous for the respiratory system?

Answer. Smoking poses a particular danger to the respiratory system: the mucous membrane is destroyed. respiratory tract“,” a “smoker’s cough” appears, the vocal cords thicken and lose their elasticity, and the voice becomes rougher. A dangerous consequence smoking causes lung cancer. Determined that smoking people susceptible to this cancer 30 times more likely than non-smokers. Smoking can also cause cancer of the skin, lips, tongue, and larynx.

What are the dangers of smoking for a teenager's health?

Answer. Smoking among teenagers primarily affects the nervous and cardiac-vascular systems. At the age of 12-15 they already complain of shortness of breath during physical activity. As a result of many years of observations, the French doctor Decaline, 100 years ago, came to the conclusion that even slight smoking causes anemia and digestive disorders in children. Smoking negatively affects a student's academic performance. The number of underachievers increases in those classes where there are more smokers. Smoking among schoolchildren slows down their physical and mental development. The sooner children, teenagers, boys and girls become acquainted with smoking and start smoking, the faster they will get used to it, and in the future it will be very difficult to quit smoking.

It turns out that if a person smokes from 1 to 9 cigarettes a day, he shortens his life (on average) by 4.6 years compared to non-smokers; if he smokes from 10 to 19 cigarettes, then for 5.5 years; if you smoked 20 to 39 cigarettes - for 6.2 years. Long-term and heavy smokers are 13 times more likely to develop angina pectoris, 12 times more likely to suffer from myocardial infarction, 10 times more likely to develop stomach ulcers and 30 times more likely to develop lung cancer. Scientists have found that smoking is 2 times more dangerous for a growing body than for an adult. A smoker’s heart makes 15 thousand more contractions per day, and the body is supplied with oxygen and other necessary substances it gets worse, since under the influence of tobacco the blood vessels of a teenager are compressed. Scientists have found that tobacco contains a lot of toxic substances. Among them, nicotine is the most famous: in its toxicity it is equal to hydrocyanic acid.

How does alcohol addiction develop?

Answer. Alcohol acts on the centers of positive emotions located in the intermediate part of the brain - the hypothalamus. Primarily, after taking it, a person has a carefree and elated mood that he wants to experience again. Over time, physical and mental dependence develops. Some of the nerve cells of the hypothalamus turn into an “acquired center of alcoholism.” Its activity is determined by a certain concentration of alcohol in the blood. If its concentration decreases, it begins to send signals requiring the introduction of a dose of alcohol into the body to equalize its concentration. There is a need for compulsory alcohol consumption. Alcoholism is a disease that begins with the habit of drinking alcohol in small doses.

What effect does alcohol have on the nervous system?

Answer. With frequent and heavy consumption of alcohol, it is the brain that is most quickly affected. This affects a person’s well-being and behavior. The person becomes suspicious, irritable, frequent change moods, emotional imbalance. With long-term consumption of alcoholic beverages, irreversible changes develop in the brain, which is a consequence mental disorders. Drinking man often suffers from memory loss, which is a consequence oxygen deficiency. Alcohol has a negative effect on the blood vessels of the brain, leading to diseases such as stroke, which leads to disability or fatal outcome. Alcohol also has a negative effect on vision - the sharpness decreases. Due to toxic effects on the brain and eye muscles the phenomenon of diplopia occurs, i.e. double vision. Auditory and taste functions are also impaired.

Why does alcohol damage the liver and kidneys?

Answer. Ethyl alcohol and its derivatives have a very detrimental effect on the condition of liver cells, gradually causing their complete destruction. A scar appears at the site of destruction, which is no longer able to perform any actions. Under the influence of alcohol, the amount of vitamin A in this organ is reduced, and the ability to metabolize other components is also reduced. Over time, under the influence of alcohol, the liver becomes smaller, the blood vessels constrict, and blood pressure in these areas increases. It exceeds the norm by three to four times. In especially severe cases, the walls of blood vessels may burst, and the person dies from internal bleeding.

Everyone knows the negative effects of alcohol on the kidneys. Alcohol completely weakens the human body. Due to the consumption of excessive doses, alcohol causes toxic poisoning of the entire body. First of all from toxic poisoning kidneys suffer. Alcohol affects the main receptors of the human brain, which cannot but affect the functioning of all organs and systems. Being the most important body While helping to cleanse the body of toxins, the kidneys are at the same time one of the most vulnerable organs. Drinking alcohol increases the level of toxins in the body. Kidney health is also affected ecological situation, stress, wrong image life. The main problem is the strain that alcohol has on kidney function. Toxins produced when alcohol is broken down by liver enzymes settle in the kidneys, which leads to inhibition of their work. As a result, a person experiences swelling of the limbs, face, and internal organs. Kidneys and alcohol cannot interact in the normal functioning of the entire body.

Why is alcohol harmful to a teenager?

Answer. Alcohol has a destructive effect, affecting a teenager completely differently than an adult. Once in the body, it poisons all internal organs and delays the physical and mental development of a teenager.

Alcohol, namely the ethanol it contains, has a harmful effect on the adolescent brain. The teenage brain is still developing, and alcohol entering the body disrupts the chemical reactions that occur in it. Alcohol, affecting the adolescent’s brain, delays the development of thinking, intellectual and emotional development. Under the influence of alcohol, the ethical perception of the world is disrupted. In immature brain structures, an attachment to alcohol quickly forms.

Not only the brain suffers, but also the internal organs. After all, a teenager’s metabolism is accelerated, and harmful substances penetrate the internal organs faster. Under the influence of alcohol, the liver is destroyed. A teenager is still developing a set of enzymes that regulate liver function, and alcohol disrupts the production of these enzymes. It leads to the degeneration of liver cells into fat cells, disrupts the synthesis of vitamins in the liver, and interferes with proper protein-carbohydrate metabolism.

Under the influence of alcohol, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. Alcohol disrupts the production of gastric juice and the functioning of the pancreas. Such disorders can lead to the development diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis. At frequent use beer is washed out of the body useful material, since beer is a strong diuretic. The amount of water in the body, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the teenage body, decreases. Low-alcohol cocktails supply the body with excess calories, as they contain an increased amount of sugar. Very often they contain harmful dyes that have a detrimental effect on the teenager’s body.

Under the influence of alcohol, the cardiovascular system is destroyed. Diseases such as tachycardia develop and blood pressure is disturbed.

The immune system also suffers when teenagers drink alcohol. A teenager who drinks alcohol is more susceptible to colds, has a hard time suffering from the disease and has difficulty recovering from it. The body is not able to protect itself from the slightest viruses and infections that enter the body of a teenager.

Alcohol also has a negative effect on unformed reproductive system teenagers Girls who drink alcohol increase the risk of having sick children. Under the influence of alcohol, the risk of infertility develops; a woman’s body becomes unable to bear a fetus. In young people it is disturbed normal development organs of spermatogenesis. Young men can also become infertile.

The danger of the negative effects of nicotine and alcohol on the body does not appear immediately, after drinking a glass or smoking a cigarette. Bad habits They destroy the liver and become a real addiction that many are unable to get rid of. The harm of smoking and alcohol is not disputed either by doctors or by people themselves.

All internal organs and systems of a person suffer from fleeting pleasure:

  • Gastrointestinal tract;
  • Liver; blood vessels;
  • Central nervous system;
  • Libido and hormonal levels;
  • Lungs, etc.

Why, some people wonder, is the use of large quantities Does alcohol-containing drinks sometimes cause no visible harm to individuals? Surely, a couple of pensioners come to mind, sitting on a bench with Belomor in their mouths and boasting about their health. And this is not a paradox. The whole point is that each individual has his own margin of safety, which Nature gave him at birth. For some, a year is enough to develop tuberculosis or lung cancer; for others, the road to these terrible diseases lasts decades. But no one can say with certainty that alcohol and smoking are good for me.

Effects on the brain and entire central nervous system

The first people to encounter nicotine and alcohol are the human respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract and brain. It is they who bear the first, crushing blow. If we talk about the cells of the stomach, esophagus and intestines, they are able to resist the “enemy” for some time. But alcohol and nicotine experiments are merciless on neurons - the main cells of the brain. In addition to exposure to real poisons (nicotine, tar, ethanol), oxygen metabolism and nutrition of the vessels of the central nervous system are disrupted.

Smoking stimulates the release of adrenaline and dopamine into the blood - psychostimulating hormones. On the one hand, a person relaxes and this is not bad. But the rapidly developing addiction extends to the psychological and emotional spheres of life. Doctors say that sudden changes blood pressure, increased heart rate and breathing are potentially dangerous symptoms.

A person under the influence of nicotine or alcohol intoxication can experience any state - from euphoria to aggression, from unbridled fun to loss of consciousness and excruciating headache. The impact of bad habits on the central nervous system differs in intensity each time; the decisive factors here are: doses taken, health status, time of day and mood.

Eating two “evils” at once is a hellish mixture. What happens to the blood vessels of the brain when smoking and drinking alcohol? Ethanol expands them and nicotine, on the contrary, narrows them. Then the reverse process occurs and so on in a circle. As a result, the heart begins to act up, blood pressure jumps, and the person experiences dizziness. In chronic smokers, the symptoms can be smoothed out by many years of “training” of the body, but the harm is still noticeable.

Effects on the cardiovascular system

The common belief that dry red wine has a good effect on the cardiovascular system is familiar to almost everyone. And this is confirmed by the existence of the so-called. "Mediterranean" diet. The benefits of alcohol for the central nervous system, if there is one, are we're talking about about a certain place of residence, types of wine and, of course, dosage. Combining even the best wine with smoking is not recommended for anyone, including Mediterranean residents.

For those who cannot withstand all the requirements of enotherapy, wine and other alcohol are their enemy. And in combination with cigarettes it is a doubly enemy. Such a deadly tandem disrupts the functioning of blood vessels, entangling and weakening them outside and inside. Vascular pathologies– not uncommon among smokers who abuse alcohol. These are atherosclerosis, obliterating endarteritis, ischemic and hypertension, early heart attacks, ischemic strokes.

Alcohol plus nicotine and the reproductive system

Alcohol consumption and smoking are not usually considered as factors causing dysfunction in the sexual sphere of both sexes. An interesting relationship - I drank for courage and went on a romantic date. Later, when you need to move from words to action, nothing happens. During intoxication, a mass flows in the human brain biochemical reactions, he has no time for physiology in the sense in which it is necessary after a portion of flirting.

As a result of the combination of cigarettes and alcohol-containing drinks, a person notes the following manifestations of this “sweet union”:

  • Disruption of normal blood circulation in the genital area;
  • Imbalance in the production of mediators and secretions by the endocrine glands;
  • Hormonal disorders of varying levels of reversibility.

Ethanol, fueled by cigarette tar, can cause real intoxication of the body. In such cases, women are diagnosed with “ hormonal infertility" If they manage to get pregnant, the problems continue - miscarriages, frozen or premature pregnancies, poor heredity of the fetus.

Men who like to relax with a glass of cognac and a cigar in their mouth often suffer from erectile dysfunction, decreased libido due to hormonal imbalance.

Effects on the respiratory system

All hospital patients suffering from alcoholism have a specific lung lesion, which determines the cause of such destruction - immoderation and abuse of nicotine and alcohol.

The intoxicating substances of drinks “with degrees” in combination with nicotine and tars are amazing lung tissue, because the epithelium of the lungs does not have the same protection as the gastrointestinal mucosa. Frequent hypothermia due to ingestion of “hot” liquids, temperature changes indoors and outdoors (when going out to smoke) are risk factors for the development of bronchopulmonary pathologies. This is pneumonia, tuberculosis, chronic diseases larynx and throat (laryngitis, pharyngitis), etc.

Many heavy drinkers and smokers have a hoarse, tremulous voice.

It would take a long time to list all the negative effects of alcohol and smoking on the body. The main thing to understand is that maintaining health is in the hands of a person who always makes a conscious choice.