Asd fraction 2 instructions for humans contraindications. The required dose of the drug: how to dial it correctly. Cancer: treatment regimen

Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant fraction 2, originally made for veterinary medicine, presented medicine with broad powers of use despite the efforts of officials not to put the drug on the medical market for 70 years. Contrary to prohibitions, this unique drug can help in the treatment of huge amount diseases of the human body.

What is ASD F-2

Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant for fraction 2 is made in the form of a liquid substance with an existing sediment in the form of flakes. The history of its discovery goes back to the 40s of the last century, when the question arose of developing and creating a means for treating animals.

The discovery technology refers to the high temperature sublimation of frog tissues. This technology achieves the step-by-step breakdown of organics into components with low molecular weight, equivalent to metabolites during cellular metabolism, which is comparable to the activity of a living organism.

To obtain ASD F-2 today, the method of dry high-temperature sublimation (from 100 to 500 degrees), for which meat and bone meal is used, is used. This does not make it difficult for ASD F-2 to pass through the barriers put up by the immune defense.

The drug takes root and adapts to tissue structures, resuscitates the nominal level of hormones and the functioning of the central nervous system. nervous system, increases the infectious barrier to disease. This literally means that ASD F-2 does not fight germs, but stimulates the opening of doors for protective forces. He is in soft form is integrated into mass transfer processes, brings cell activity to a normal level.

A living organism is designed in such a way that at the moment of cell death, substances called adaptogens are synthesized, regardless of consciousness, which give the dying cell a chance to enter the fight for life. Once in human cells, adaptogens physical and chemical level dump information about the continuation of the struggle for life.

An example from homeopathy will confirm the transfer of information without a carrier. By diluting a particle of a medicinal substance with multiple dilutions, the pharmacist ensures that not a single molecule remains in the liquid. However, when shaken during each dilution, the vibrational movements of molecules and atoms exchange information about the molecule that was previously present. Medicinal substance works due to the transmitted information. This fact was proven by German scientists in the early 70s of the 20th century using the example of a sealed ampoule with poison in an aquatic environment.

The positive effect of treatment with ASD F-2 is obtained due to the urgent convening of the body’s protective guards for cellular level. Using the drug orally, they achieve enhanced work of the central nervous system and autonomic nervous system, stimulate the work of the digestive secretion glands, enzymes with normalization of digestion, and increase the permeability of K and Na ions through cell membranes. And from the canons of electrobiology it is known that K-Na exchange between extracellular and intracellular fluids creates nerve impulse. The more impulses, the longer the cell lives. This results in a long-awaited transition from increasing cell life to gerontology (increasing human lifespan).

The author of the medicine, Alexey Dorogov, considered the drug an extract from 100 diseases, with a positive biological orientation. The product has no serious contraindications and antigenic properties, is non-toxic, and does not have a cumulative effect. The advantages include enhancing the properties and effectiveness of drugs that work autonomously.

The drug was officially developed for the needs of the veterinary department, for the treatment of animals. But it was unofficially used in the treatment of Politburo members, generals, marshals, and writers in the USSR. ASD F-2 gave results that no one else could boast of similar drug that time. However, medical scientists have met this remedy with hostility and have not given the drug medical status for 70 years.

Chemical composition

ASD F-2 is implemented as a mixture with a nauseating odor, high performance dissolution in water, alcohol and vegetable oil. The predominant color is dark brown, the reaction is alkaline.

The drug contains 121 substances of the following composition:

  • water;
  • ammonium carbonate;
  • 16 carboxylic acid amides;
  • 23 pyridines and aminopyridines;
  • 18 pyrazines and pyrimidines;
  • 3 piperidinones;
  • 13 pyrroles and pyrrolidinones;
  • 2 imidazolidinones;
  • 4 phenols;
  • uric acid;
  • quinolizidine;
  • furfural;
  • cyclodipeptide 1 and 2.

The acidity of the product at +20 degrees is 9.2 units, and the density is 1.08 grams per cubic centimeter. Water volume - 730 grams per liter, ammonium carbonate volume - 300 grams per liter, organic matter volume - 55 grams per liter, total organic matter nitrogen - 1.34% by weight.

100 substances of the organic part of ASD F-2 correspond to structural fragments biologically active substances, vitamins, antibacterial substances and perform a healing function.

Beneficial features

  • Normalization of the nervous system;
  • Immunity restoration;
  • Stimulating the normalization of chronic processes;
  • Regulation endocrine systems s;
  • Neutralization of disorders during infections in gynecology - vaginal dryness, thrush;
  • Improving sexual function in men, curing senile impotence, normalizing female sex hormones;
  • Solving problems with urinary incontinence;
  • Stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract and the secretion of digestive glands;
  • Normalization of gastric enzymes;
  • Reduced acidity in the stomach (acidosis), characteristic of most pathological processes, disinfection of the gastrointestinal tract, increased peristalsis;
  • Restoration of food absorption;
  • Relief of inflammation in the lower intestines;
  • Relief of fistulas;
  • Regulation of tissue enzymes for the transport of ions into cell membranes;
  • Improving trophism (nutrition) of tissues;
  • Restoration of integumentary tissues due to wounds on the extremities;
  • Neutralization of intoxication;
  • The presence of an antiseptic effect;
  • Increased nucleic acid content;
  • Activation of metabolic mechanisms - carbohydrates, proteins and lipids;
  • Increased oxygen assimilation by the lungs;
  • Neutralization of dystrophic disorders;
  • Restoration of the visual organ;
  • Promotion total protein and gamma globulins in the blood;
  • Reduced blood pressure;
  • Solving problems with varicose veins;
  • Detection and neutralization of hidden infections;
  • Neutralization colds- flu, pneumonia;
  • Neutralization of pasteurella, tubercle bacilli and staphylococci;
  • Prevention of cancerous tumors;
  • Neutralization of radioactive exposure;
  • Pain relief;
  • Relief of eczema and trophic defects;
  • Restoring skin elasticity;
  • Neutralization of fungal infections.


  • periodontal disease, stomatitis;
  • otitis;
  • eyeball diseases;
  • delay in hair growth;
  • heart disease;
  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • dysfunction of the stomach;
  • dysfunction of the large intestine;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • liver diseases;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • hepatitis;
  • overweight;
  • kidney disease;
  • diseases of the biliary tract;
  • involuntary urination;
  • gout - excessive breakdown of proteins and the inability of the kidneys to remove uric acid;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • tuberculosis of the lungs, kidneys and spine;
  • asthma;
  • diseases of the bronchi and respiratory system;
  • spasms of blood vessels in the arms and legs;
  • varicose veins;
  • colds;
  • gynecology (trichomoniasis, candidiasis, fibroids, mastopathy);
  • prostatitis;
  • fungal skin diseases;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • wounds that rot and do not heal for several months;
  • eczema;
  • bedsores;
  • psoriasis;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • hypertension;
  • rheumatism;
  • lymphatic system disorder;
  • benign neoplasms;
  • tumors dependent on hormonal imbalance;
  • oncological diseases (genital and breast cancer).

The stumbling block for the widespread use of ASD F-2 is the strengthening own strength organisms that mobilize to fight disease. The range of indications for using the drug is simply enormous. It is all the more important that the contraindications are minor.


For children

For children oral administration drops are allowed in the following doses:

  • 1-5 years - 1 per 3-5 milliliters of water;
  • 5-15 years - 7-35 per 5-10 milliliters;
  • from 15 years old - 17-35 per 10-40 milliliters.

For adults

To unify the administration, there is an average dosage for all diseases (this option is useful for those diseases whose method and administration are not described below).

DayNumber of drops in the morningNumber of drops
In the evening
1 5 10
2 15 20
3 20 25
4 25 30
5 30 35
6 35 35
7 breakbreak
Then use 35 drops twice a day

Methods of application

An analysis of the conditions for using the drug ASD F-2 reveals a trend depending on the patient’s age, the number of drops taken, the nature and stage of the disease. The body may respond differently to treatment.

Reception according to the Dorogov standard

This technique is carried out for general health improvement body. 30 drops per 67 milliliters of water or tea at a temperature of +20 degrees. Use for 5 days in the morning and in the evening half an hour before meals, break - 3 days.

For weight loss

Take 35 drops (1 cubic centimeter) per 200 grams of water for 5 days, then break for 5 days. Next, 10 drops - 4 days, break - 4 days, after 20 drops - 5 days, break - 3 days. This is 1 cycle.

Baldness and poor hair growth

Rub a 5% mixture of the medicine into the scalp.

For gynecological problems

Dorogov’s technique suggests using the drug with simultaneous local irrigation with a 1% water mixture. Douching is carried out until recovery.

ASD suppositories fraction 2 are successfully used for uterine and breast cancer, fibroids, mastopathy and chlamydia, in the treatment of hemorrhoids - 1-2 times a day for a course of 12-20 days. Thanks to them, recovery time is reduced compared to similar means.


Douching with the mixture is carried out with a solution of 60 drops in half a glass of water.


Recipe 1.

Apply a 1% solution of the drug externally.

Recipe 2.

This recipe is used if, out of 200 types of candidiasis, the patient received one of the 15 harmful strains, which no one takes pharmaceutical product. Douche with a solution of 35 drops per 500 grams of water 1-4 times a day.


For the first 3 days, consume 10 drops per 100 grams of water 3 times a day, 25 minutes before meals, break - 2 days. In the second 3 days, use 15 drops per 100 grams of water 3 times a day, 2/3 hours after meals, break - 2 days.

Then, until the end of the month, consume 20 drops per 134 grams of water 3 times a day, 2/3 hours after meals, with a break of 2 days.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

Douche with a solution of 10 drops of ASD F-2 per 100 grams of water at a temperature of +37 degrees 1-4 times a day.

Genital herpes

Douche with 1% mixture overnight.

Prevention of sexual diseases

Douche with 2-3% warm mixture.

Enuresis, cystitis

Dilute 5 drops of ASD F-2 in 135 milliliters of water at room temperature, take for 5 days, break for 3 days.


Take 5 drops of ASD F-2 per 100 grams of water half an hour before meals for 5 days, break - 3 days.


Moisten a cotton swab with the medicine and place it on the sore tooth.


Apply compresses with the product or rinse sore ear. Take 20 drops per 200 grams of water daily.

Eye diseases

Dissolve 4-5 drops of the product in 100 milliliters of water and use according to the following scheme: take 5 days, break - 3 days. It is also necessary to rinse your eyes with a 0.3% mixture (20 drops per 200 milliliters of water).

Nervous system and heart problems

Take 10 drops of ASD F-2 per 100 grams of water for 5 days, break for 3 days, add 5 drops every next 5 days, bringing total up to 25. If your health worsens, stop taking it. Repeat after you feel better.


Reception starts with 5 drops in the morning and evening for 1 day. Add 1 drop every day, bringing up to 20 drops. Drink until blood pressure stabilizes.

Gastritis, colitis

Reception according to the Dorogov standard, take the medicine once a day.

Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

Use the drug according to the Dorogov standard.

Gallstone disease, acute and chronic pyelonephritis

Reception according to the Dorogov standard.

Rheumatism, gout

5 days - take 5 drops per 100 milliliters of water, break - 3 days. Apply compresses with medicine to painful areas.

Tuberculosis of the lungs, kidneys, spine

For the first 5 days, start taking it with 5 drops per 100 milliliters of water in the morning 25 minutes before meals, break for 3 days. Then, every 5 days, 5 drops are added, bringing the amount to 20. Duration of administration is 3 months.

Vascular spasms in the arms and legs

Make a compress from 4 layers of gauze over your arm or leg, moisten the cloth with 20% mixture. Wrap the compress on top with parchment paper and a 10-centimeter layer of cotton wool, secure with woolen cloth. The course of treatment is 5 months, after which blood circulation is normalized.


Dilute 5 milliliters of the drug in 200 milliliters of water, use morning and evening. Continue the process until recovery.

Joint diseases

Compresses based on ASD F-2 are used in the treatment of rheumatoid, gouty, psoriatic, rheumatic, infectious arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis.

Take 5 drops of product per 100 milliliters of water. Drink the solution on an empty stomach 25 minutes before meals in the morning and evening for 5 days in a row, break - 3 days. Repeat the course until you feel noticeably better.

At the same time, apply a compress of 6 layers of gauze soaked with a 20% mixture to the sore joints at night. Cover the top of the compress with parchment paper, a 10-centimeter layer of cotton wool and wrap it with woolen cloth.

Colds and acute respiratory infections

Inhale 15 milliliters of the product per 1 liter of boiling water. After 5 days of taking it, take a break for 2 days.

Prevention of colds, treatment of runny nose and cough

Add 1 cubic centimeter of the drug to 100 milliliters of water. For prevention, take once, for the treatment of runny nose and cough, take in the morning and evening.

Psoriasis and other skin diseases

With epidermophytosis, trophic ulcers ah, urticaria, psoriasis, sycosis, lichen, alopecia, use 5 milliliters of the product on an empty stomach. This should be done for 5 days, then a break for 3 days. At the same time with by mouth use a compress from ASD F-3.

Oncology and HIV infection

ASD F-2 has proven itself in the treatment of cancer viral nature- leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis with the combined use of interferon and herbal medicine. When treating cancer, the age of the patient, the area of ​​localization and the nature of the lesions are taken into account. The remedy will relieve pain and stop the development of the tumor.

Gentle treatment regimen

Taking drops 25 minutes before eating in 40 milliliters of water:

DayNumber of drops 1-4 weeksNumber of drops 5-8 weeks
1 3 5
2 5 7
3 7 9
4 9 11
5 11 13
6 13 15
7 breakbreak

Monitor your health and stop using if it worsens.

Impact treatment regimen

Scheme for taking the drug according to the method loading dose Dorogov, used to treat advanced cases of cancer. The medication is taken in 40 milliliters of water.

DayBusiness hours
8, 12, 16, 20
DayBusiness hours
8, 12, 16, 20
1-5 5 36-40 40
6-10 10 41-45 45
11-15 15 46-50 50
16-20 20 51-55 55
21-25 25 56-60 60
26-30 30 61-65 65
31-35 35 66-70 70

The criterion for the usefulness of this technique is well-being. If you feel worse, use of the drug should be discontinued.

Features of application

ASD F-2 has a nauseating odor and oxidizes in an open bottle, losing its active qualities. When using the medicine, perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Remove the central circle of the aluminum cap from the bottle.
  2. Use a needle with a disposable syringe to pierce the rubber stopper.
  3. Shake the bottle 3-4 times and turn it upside down.
  4. Fill the syringe with the required volume of the drug.
  5. Separate the syringe from the needle, holding the needle in the rubber stopper, and lower the tip of the syringe into a glass of boiled water.
  6. To avoid foaming, slowly release the product into the water.
  7. Stir the mixture and give it to the patient to drink.

It is important that foam does not form on the surface of the mixture.

Water should be boiled at room temperature. For those who cannot stand the smell of the drug (children, some women), water can be replaced with milk.

During the action of ASD F-2, toxins are formed from microbes and waste. In order to actively remove them, you need to drink 3 liters of water per day. This is important for improving your well-being.

During the treatment period, it is prohibited to use alcohol so as not to harm the body.

The product does not have a cumulative effect - it does not threaten overdose, no diet is needed.

To make compresses, you need to lay parchment paper on gauze to prevent evaporation of the product, a 10-centimeter layer of cotton wool and a bandage or woolen cloth on top.

Always take medication based on how you feel. If pain increases, stop taking it temporarily and resume as you feel, with possible dose adjustment.

It is best to store the medicine in the refrigerator. The shelf life of ASD F-2 is up to 4 years.


When using this universal medicine with a powerful biostimulating effect, you should be careful about the dosage, regimen and do not take risks with large doses. ASD F-2 has contraindications:

  • allergy to components;
  • individual intolerance;
  • kidney diseases;
  • weakened body;
  • overexcitation of the nervous system;
  • neurological pathologies;
  • cardiovascular diseases in children;
  • increased arterial pressure;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • It is unacceptable to use the product together with nitrosorbide.

Side effect

  • Nausea and vomiting that appears during the first time of use and gradually disappears.
  • Kidney pain. In this case, the medication should be stopped.
  • Blood thickening. To avoid this, it is necessary to increase water consumption to evacuate harmful substances.
  • Use of the product during breastfeeding may cause nausea and the child’s refusal to eat.

It is important to correctly determine the dosage and avoid alcohol while taking the drug.

Few people know that today there is a drug that can quickly increase the level of immunity, as well as help in the treatment of many dangerous diseases of people and animals. This tool called ASD. Unlike many well-known and popular drugs, ASD is quite cheap, is available without a prescription and has three varieties: fraction 1, 2 and 3. The most popular and effective of all types is ASD fraction 2.

History of ASD

In the 50s of the twentieth century, Soviet scientists were tasked with producing a drug that could resist radiation and serious infections to protect people and animals. The task was to develop a product that had strong immunoprotective properties and did not require too much expense. Many scientists and doctors of that time considered it almost impossible, but the candidate of medical sciences, Dorogov, managed to complete the government’s task in just four years.

The material for development was frog tissue, which was subjected to thermocalytic sublimation. Both technology and details of development and production for a long time were classified. This drug was called Dorogov's antiseptics.

Subsequently, large meat components began to be used to make the stimulant. cattle instead of frog tissues because they had the same biological activity.

Description and composition of the drug

The drug ASD 2 is liquid substance yellow-brown or brown in color, with a specific odor. The product mixes quite easily with water and allows the presence of a small dark sediment.

ASD fraction 2 includes the following components:

  • Water;
  • Carboxylic acids;
  • Hydrocarbons;
  • Amide bonds;
  • Compounds of elements with a sulfhydryl group.

What is ASD fraction 2 made of? The method of preparing the composition is quite specific. For this purpose, the technique of dry sublimation is used. elevated temperatures and meat waste and components, meat and bone meal are used as the main raw materials for production. During the manufacturing process, organic substances are broken down into low molecular weight substances.

Thus, the main active element of the drug becomes an adaptogen, which is released by the cell before death. When entering the human or animal body, adaptogens transmit signals to damaged cells about the need to enhance protection and recovery. Due to this, the main protective forces organisms are mobilized.

Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant is today sold only through veterinary pharmacy chains and pet stores. It has no analogues of its kind. Many patients are interested in which manufacturer is better for ASD 2? Today in Russia it is produced by Armavir and Moscow factories. It is believed that the second manufacturer produces a purer and more suitable product for human consumption. The average price for ASD 2 fraction is 200-250 rubles.

Important: The shelf life of unopened packaging is 4 years, if opened – no more than two weeks. It is strictly prohibited to take any composition that has expired.

pharmachologic effect

When taken orally, ASD fraction 2 stimulates the activity of the nervous systems and digestive glands, and also improves the penetration of potassium ions into cell membranes. The product has antimicrobial effect, and also has an adaptogenic property, stimulates an increase in the protective abilities of the immune system.

Immunostimulation is caused by easy and quick integration into the body's metabolic processes and improved cell functioning. Thus, ASD 2 significantly improves the functioning of all major vital systems.

Why is SDA not recognized and what are the opinions on this matter?

For a long time, the drug was classified and could not appear on the shelves of regular pharmacies along with other vitally important drugs. important drugs. During this time, it was only possible to officially use it in veterinary medicine and dermatology.

You can purchase ASD fraction 2 only in veterinary pharmacies

The fact is that after the death of the scientist Dorogov, all research in this area was stopped and consigned to oblivion, never fully completed. Meanwhile, Dorogov’s daughter Olga Alekseevna is trying to fight so that the drug can be officially used for treatment along with other medications.

There is an opinion that Dorogov used the principles of alchemists in his research, due to which the drug cannot be used to treat people. However, such arguments have not been confirmed and developments and research in the field of study active properties funds have great potential. IN currently All fractions of ASD are used in folk medicine.

Indications for use and dosage

In a narrow circle of people, ASD fraction 2 is considered a panacea for all diseases. In a sense, this opinion has practical and scientific confirmation. Thus, the drug can be effective in the following pathological processes in organism:

  1. Inflammation of the eyes. Add 4-5 drops of the drug to half a glass of chilled boiled water and take it once or twice a day. The course of treatment can be quite long time depending on the situation. It is usually determined according to the scheme: 5 days of therapy and 3 days of rest.
  2. Gynecological pathologies and deviations. Dissolve 15-20 drops of the product in a third of a glass of water and drink twice a day. Douching with a one percent solution may also be required.
  3. Diseases and disorders of the heart, blood vessels and central nervous system. At the beginning of the course, you need to dissolve 10 drops in half a glass of water, then increase the dosage by 5 drops daily and bring it to 25. The length of the course of treatment depends on the initial situation and the speed of improvement.
  4. Dental diseases, pain syndrome. Moisten with solution cotton swab and apply to the painful area.
  5. High blood pressure. Dissolve 5 to 20 drops in half a glass of water and take twice a day until the general condition of the body improves.
  6. Tuberculosis. Use 5 drops of the drug in half a glass of chilled boiled water and take half an hour before breakfast. The course of treatment can be up to three months with increasing dosage. Every 5 days you need to take a three-day rest.
  7. Rheumatism. You can apply compresses from ASD 2 to diseased areas of the skin, and also take it orally in half a glass of water, 5 drops each.
  8. Fungal infections. Treatment is carried out externally with a one percent solution.
  9. Cholelithiasis. Take half a glass of solution (15-20 drops) twice a day.
  10. Frequent colds associated with decreased body resistance. The drug can be taken orally (including for prophylaxis), as well as by inhalation. To do this, you need to dissolve 15 milliliters of the medicine in a liter of water.
  11. Inflammation of the middle ear, otitis. Rinsing and compresses are done with the drug solution. Inside, you need to dissolve 20 drops in half a glass of water every day.
  12. Spasms of capillaries and limbs. For therapy, gauze compresses moistened with a twenty percent solution are effective. The course of treatment is about three to four months.
  13. Trichomonosis. For therapy, douching is carried out with a solution of 100 milliliters of water and 60 drops of the drug.
  14. Excess weight. A solution of 35 drops of ASD is used for each glass of water, with the dosage reduced every eight days to 20 drops.
  15. Colitis, gastritis. Take 15-20 drops in half a glass of water once daily.
  16. Slow hair growth and hair loss. Prepare a five percent solution and rub into the scalp.
  17. Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Take 15-20 drops twice a day with half a cup of water.
  18. Radiculitis. Apply 5 milliliters of product per glass of water.

Most optimal shape taking the medication includes a three-day break between five-day courses of taking the drug.

Moreover, it can be used both externally and internally, depending on the situation. The dosage cannot be increased. During ASD therapy fraction 2 and alcohol are incompatible.

The stimulant can be effective in and genitourinary system, many skin diseases, including chronic ones, as well as in the treatment of cholecystitis and pancreatitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Doctor Dorogova is currently seeing patients and prescribing the dosage of the medicine herself. However, getting to her for treatment is quite difficult due to long queues.

While taking the medicine, it is important to follow basic hygiene rules and prevent germs from getting inside the bottle.

Many patients note the presence of a sharp, difficult to remove unpleasant odor Dorogov's stimulant. In order to reduce discomfort During the administration procedure, you can take the medicine you drink with a slice of lemon or orange. It can be quite difficult to remove odor from the surface of the skin. Often, several waters with various detergents and cosmetics are used for this.

How to dilute the drug correctly?

Even having accurately determined the required dosage, it is important to be able to correctly remove the medicine from the bottle, since the cap and metal rim should never be removed. To obtain the drug, you need to prepare a syringe with a needle. It is also important to know how to drink ASD 2. The whole process is carried out step by step:

  1. Remove part of the metal cap to gain access to the rubber cap;
  2. Insert a needle from a disposable syringe into the stopper;
  3. Turn the bottle with the drug over;
  4. Use a syringe to draw up the required amount of the drug according to the method;
  5. Remove the syringe, leaving its needle in the rubber stopper;
  6. Slowly add ASD to the prepared water and stir.

The prepared solution should not be stored, so ASD must be re-diluted for each dose. Removing the rubber stopper can cause the drug to oxidize quickly and lose its therapeutic properties.

Dorogov believed that ASD fraction 2 must be effective in combating pathological cells in precancerous conditions. In this case, the administration can be both internally and externally. Today the remedy can provide positive effect in the fight against cancer. Thus, it significantly reduces pain, increases the body's resistance and speeds up the healing process even while undergoing a course of chemotherapy.

You cannot take ASD on your own without medical supervision.

You should not use drug therapy as an alternative or primary method of treatment.

An unambiguous answer to the question of whether ASD fraction 2 helps with oncological diseases, No. However, numerous patient reviews indicate that the medicine can significantly improve tone and general state the body even against the background of a rapidly progressing disease.

When treating potency

Does ASD 2 help with potency? The antiseptic can restore erectile function and relieve prostatitis. To do this, you need to take it as follows: prepare a glass of chilled boiled water and add 20-30 drops of ASD 2 Dorogov to it. It is enough to take this solution once a day until the problem is completely eliminated.

The ASD 2 regimen for prostatitis should be drawn up on an individual basis. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination.

Contraindications and possible complications

An immunostimulant can be effective in treating almost any health problem. However, the ASD 2 fraction for humans also has contraindications and limitations:

No studies have been conducted on pregnant women and nursing mothers. However, the use of antiseptics is not recommended for these categories of patients due to the potential danger to the child.

To prevent such phenomena from happening, it is recommended to drink more fluids, especially sour juices. You can also take half an aspirin tablet per day.

Treatment with an antiseptic does not involve. However, during the period of taking it you are required to abstain from any alcoholic beverages.

ASD 2 fraction has side effects of a mild nature. During treatment, the antiseptic may cause some discomfort in the pancreas and stomach, as well as flatulence and temporary stool upset. Overdoses of drugs should not be allowed, as they can be very dangerous.

Latest research results

First studies, tests and clinical trials ASDs were performed only on animals. The results of experiments showed that the drug is able to fight even the most severe pathologies of various natures, and in addition, it strengthens and restores almost everything vitally important systems and functions in the body. ASD is still in great demand due to its anti-aging effect and ability to fight even the most dangerous diseases. However, most of the data and the miraculousness of the medicine have not been scientifically confirmed.

Almost immediately after the start of the first application practices, Dorogov’s immunostimulant immediately gained great popularity among the country’s population and even party leaders.

There have been cases where the antiseptic was effective in treating problems that traditional medications, procedures and surgery could not solve

A few facts about Dorogov’s antiseptic

Disputes about the effectiveness of the immunostimulant continue to this day. They are associated with conflicting attitudes towards Dr. Dorogov and his activities, as well as with disagreements resulting from studies of the effectiveness of ASD. The following facts about the drug are currently known:

  1. One of the first objectives of product development was to provide assistance and support in agricultural development.
  2. Beneficial effect on the condition skin humans and animals were originally considered as side effects.
  3. There is only one scientifically documented fact of cure for liver cancer with the help of ASD, but no data has been preserved about this either. Therefore, its effectiveness in the treatment of cancer has not been proven and has not yet been established.
  4. The drug is highly not recommended for children with problems with the cardiovascular system, since it has a strong stimulating effect and can cause overexcitation.
  5. The antiseptic contains components that are formed during protein breakdown and are dangerous poison for a person. However, when combined with other components of the drug, they exhibit bactericidal properties.
  6. There are three factions of SDA. For the treatment of people, only fractions 2 and 3 are allowed to be used. Moreover, the second can be used both topically and orally, the third is a toxic substance and can only be used topically. It is effective primarily in the fight against psoriasis, varicose veins, arthritis and fungi of the skin and nails.

Thus, at the moment, the effectiveness of Dorogov’s remedy has been proven only for the treatment of animals, so it is sold through veterinary pharmacy chains and pet stores. Many people know about it only through reviews from friends and available sources of information and use it as a means of traditional medicine. In the case of incurable ASD diseases Fraction 2 is often used as the only remedy that can give any positive results.

Today this drug is used to increase endurance and treat various diseases in cattle, small ruminants, pigs, dogs, cats, poultry. However, its creator Alexey Dorogov initially developed the product as a medicine for people. And some healers still recommend it to patients.

The abbreviation “ASD” reflects the very essence of the drug - “antiseptic stimulant”. The last letter “D” was added by the creator of the product (Dorogov) to perpetuate given name in this revolutionary development. The scientist’s approach to obtaining a medicine contradicted the beliefs of society in the middle of the last century and did not fit into the idea of ​​the then “luminaries” about pharmacological agents. However, popular experience of use has proven the effectiveness of the product and made it popular, despite its formal veterinary affiliation.

Features and purposes of creating the tool

During the Great Patriotic War The government has set a goal for the country's scientists: to create a new, cheap and effective drug with complex healing properties, the ability to restore tissue not only after injuries and diseases, but also after radiation.

It was incredibly difficult to create a product with the desired qualities. Only at the All-Russian Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine under the leadership of Dorogov did a real discovery take place. Through an extraordinary approach and creative thinking, the scientist received:

  • high-quality immunostimulant;
  • a powerful catalyst for body restoration;
  • the strongest antibacterial agent;
  • anti-inflammatory drug;
  • a completely new universal medicine.

A distinctive feature was the combination of all the listed qualities in one bottle and in one substance. It would seem that the task was completed... But the government was not entirely satisfied with the production technology, as well as the “external data” of the drug.

Production technology

Dorogov came up with the idea of ​​making medicine from cheap raw materials - frogs, and later - from meat and bone meal and other tissues of animal origin (cattle). An endless and not so expensive raw material base is the key to the availability of a new product.

The remains of animal material were processed by dry sublimation, collecting evaporations. The first fraction was water that has no therapeutic value. The second (modern “ASD-2”) was distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • substance - a liquid soluble in water;
  • color - from light brown to red;
  • the smell is similar to the smell of spoiled meat.

The third fraction is a thick and viscous oily substance, insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol and oils, called “ASD-3”. This is the final product of sublimation of raw materials, dense in structure and suitable only for external use.

Test results

The development of the drug was accompanied by tests. First on animals. The results were stunning - “ASD-2” was awarded the qualities of a restorative agent and an immune stimulant. Later, tests were carried out on volunteers and prisoners, during which the antitumor, antituberculosis, and anti-inflammatory properties of the drug were revealed.

What prevented Dorogov from putting the drug into production was not only the unpleasant aromatic and taste characteristics drug, but also his pride. The scientist perceived the government’s demand to exclude his own surname from the abbreviation negatively, as well as the desire of the “top” of the then medicine to know all the secrets of ASD production.

As a result, the scientist distributed the substance himself, preparing it right at home. Did it for free, but was arrested for using home production for commercial purposes. And although since 1951, “ASD” was allowed to be used externally in official medicine, the individual perception of the substance by the human body did not allow the medicine to be transferred from a number of veterinary drugs.

Composition and principle of action

The simplest structural elements of all life on our planet are nucleic acids (proteins), lipid-containing and sugar-containing compounds, distributed in a special way in the aquatic environment. Sublimation of organic raw materials using the dry method allows you to decompose these components into simpler ones that are universal for every living organism. This is exactly the principle of obtaining “ASD-2”. Raw materials are burned high temperatures, collecting products released during the process. As a result, “ASD” consists of:

  • carboxylic acids;
  • non-cyclic hydrogens;
  • heterocyclic hydrogens;
  • compounds containing an active sulfhydryl group;
  • amide derivatives;
  • water.

Dorogov himself was confident that the effectiveness of ASD-2 as an adaptogen and biogenic stimulant was due to the content of special factors that each living cell before his death “trying to survive.” The creator explained the antiseptic properties of the drug by supplying the body with the simplest components metabolic processes, which can be and are used to combat pathogenic microorganisms. That is, “ASD” ensures that the body receives elementary metabolic participants that equalize the ratio of substances in tissues and organs and allow normalization of all metabolic processes without exception.

"ASD" exhibits the following actions:

  • adaptogenic;
  • stimulating metabolism;
  • antibacterial;
  • antiviral;
  • antiprotozoal;
  • antifungal;
  • antitumor;
  • antacid;
  • wound healing;
  • immunostimulating;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • hemostatic;
  • painkillers;
  • restorative.

Such characteristics allow the product to be used for virtually any disease. The obstacle to this is the lack evidence base. The effectiveness of the drug can only be judged by the reviews of people who have experienced “ASD-2” for themselves. Doctors do not prescribe it and do not recognize it as a medicine.

There is information that Beria’s dying mother was saved from inoperable cancer precisely after starting treatment with ASD-2. Vysotsky drank the product, characterizing it as “smelly, but powerful.”


Scientist Dorogov proposed his own treatment regimen with the drug, gave it to people and recommendations for use, thus conducting his own research. According to him, the use of the drug in humans is appropriate for:

  • immunity disorders;
  • oncology;
  • digestive disorders;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • psoriasis;
  • prostatitis;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • infertility;
  • joint diseases;
  • nervous disorders Oh;
  • skin infectious diseases.

As an adaptogen, the drug is appropriate in the postoperative period, after chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The scientist also noted the ability of the substance to remove waste, toxins, heavy metals, radionuclides.

By increasing immunity, “ASD” allows you to mobilize the body’s defenses, set them up to work properly, after which even malignant neoplasms are independently eliminated.

Gastrointestinal diseases

The medicine is useful for the organs of the digestive system. Improves the functioning of the pancreas and also relieves:

  • ulcers of the gastric mucosa;
  • intestinal atony;
  • pancreatitis;
  • enzyme deficiency;
  • constipation;
  • hemorrhoids.

The drug is taken alone and together with other medications. In the second case, there is an increase in efficiency drug therapy, the level of perception of medicinal substances by cells increases. The drug allows you to reduce the dosage of medications when diabetes mellitus the second type, hypertension.

In folk practice, the remedy is recommended for women with problematic menstruation, menopause, venereal diseases, uterine fibroids, fibroids, ovarian cysts. In men, while taking ASD, there is an increase in potency, the functioning of the prostate gland is normalized, and testosterone levels increase.

Skin problems

The benefits of external use of the product are also recognized by official medicine. A drug:

  • heals festering wounds;
  • eliminates skin infection;
  • treats psoriasis and eczema;
  • reduces the symptoms of dermatitis;
  • reduces allergic manifestations on the skin;
  • quickly heals postoperative sutures;
  • treats bedsores;
  • stops hair loss;
  • eliminates nail and skin fungus;
  • eliminates trophic ulcers;
  • treats skin cancer pathologies.

Considering the complete absorption of the drug by the body and the absence of side effects after taking it, Dorogov proposed using “ASD” in pediatric and geriatric practice, as well as for the treatment of pregnant women. The fraction was recommended for the prevention of diseases, normalization of metabolism, weight loss, rejuvenation and cleansing of the entire body. Since the liquid contains components that are absolutely universal for all living things, the drug has no contraindications.

It is interesting that many doctors who were skeptical about the fruits of Dorogov’s work tried to prove the harm of ASD-2. But reported cases negative impact no funds. All the bad things that people say about this drug concern its unpleasant taste, color and smell. There are also opinions about the complete uselessness of the faction. At the same time, veterans confirm the fact of the massive use of the drug in front-line conditions.

IN official instructions Dosages are indicated only for the treatment of animals. The rules for treating people with this drug have been passed down from mouth to mouth for half a century and have been tested empirically. The general settings are as follows.

  • Reception. "ADS-2" is taken orally only in diluted form. Attempts to swallow the pure fraction will most likely result in gagging and a persistent aversion to the medicine.
  • Solvent. It is best to take the substance by mixing it with cold boiled water. There is also the option of diluting it in milk or strong black tea.
  • Cooking process. The measured amount of solution is introduced into the water slowly, drop by drop, to avoid the formation of foam.
  • Opening the bottle. To maintain the activity of the drug, its interaction with air should be prevented. There is no need to open the bottle completely. To collect the product, remove only the movable metal patch on the stopper, after which the product is drawn through a syringe with a needle inserted into the rubber cap.
  • Storage. “ADS-2” is stored in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature from +5 ºС to +30 ºС for up to four years from the date of manufacture. After opening the bottle, the substance remains active for two weeks (subject to limited contact with air).


There is a basic treatment regimen with the drug, suitable for the treatment of heart and liver diseases, nervous disorders, tuberculosis of various forms and localizations. According to it, the substance is taken 15-30 drops twice a day on an empty stomach. You need to drink the drug for five days in a row, then stop taking it for three days. In this mode, the medicine is taken until complete recovery. In case of exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease, treatment is stopped until the condition improves, after which treatment is resumed as before. Other solution treatment options:

  • stomach diseases - the medicine is dosed in 20 drops, taken twice a day;
  • intestinal disorders- a teaspoon of the product is diluted in a glass of water, taken once a day in a regimen of three days on, three days off;
  • impotence - five drops of solution in a glass of water one time according to the standard scheme;
  • skin ailments - combine external use with internal use, 2 ml once a day in a glass of water;
  • diseases of the visual system- five drops diluted in half a glass of water, once a day;
  • radiculitis - a teaspoon twice a day in half a glass of water until symptoms disappear;
  • colds - 1 ml of solution is mixed with half a glass of water, taken once in the morning on an empty stomach until recovery.

Treatment regimen for oncology

There is a special regimen for taking “ASD-2”, which was once recommended by Dorogov himself for the treatment of oncological lesions of the body. Dosages and mode of use are presented in the table below. The technique can be called “shock”, therefore, when following it, it is necessary to carefully monitor the patient’s condition.

Table - Regimen of "ASD-2" for oncology

Number of daysMorning, 8:00Lunch, 12:00Afternoon snack, 16:00Evening, 20:00
5 5 drops5 drops5 drops5 drops
5 10 drops10 drops10 drops10 drops
5 15 drops15 drops15 drops15 drops
5 20 drops20 drops20 drops20 drops
5 25 drops25 drops25 drops25 drops
5 30 drops30 drops30 drops30 drops
5 35 drops35 drops35 drops35 drops
5 40 drops40 drops40 drops40 drops
5 45 drops45 drops45 drops45 drops
5 50 drops50 drops50 drops50 drops

IN maximum dose The drug is taken until complete recovery.


Compresses are applied with a 1%, 2% or 5% solution of the drug. The concentration is selected depending on the severity of the disease. For dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, as well as for douching for thrush, the minimum concentration is used. The average dose is used for wound healing, treatment of burns and frostbite, as well as for douching for venereal diseases. Maximum is used to treat purulent infected wounds, abscesses, trophic ulcers, malignant lesions skin, as well as for the treatment of severe varicose veins and vasculitis.

Application procedure

  1. Cut the gauze to the required size, fold it into four layers, and get rid of the threads at the edges.
  2. Prepare a solution from cool boiled water and the required amount of the drug.
  3. The gauze is carefully moistened with the product and applied to the affected area.
  4. To prevent evaporation of the drug, cellophane or parchment is placed on top.
  5. Put on top thick layer cotton wool.
  6. Everything is fixed with gauze, a bandage, a piece of fabric or a scarf.

In its pure form, the product is used to treat fungal infections of the nail plates and skin. If the bulbs are weak and there is severe hair loss, it is recommended to rub a 5% solution into the hair.

It must be remembered that the internal “ASD-2” when serious illnesses should be carried out in consultation with a doctor and in combination with the main official treatment. Taking a biogenic stimulant does not guarantee recovery, but only gives a chance for it, which hopelessly ill people grab at. Therapy with only a solution in the early stages of cancer can cause the situation to worsen, because no one can guarantee the effectiveness of the drug.

“Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant,” named after its creator, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences A.V. Dorogov, was developed in the mid-twentieth century. The drug has antiseptic and antibacterial effect In addition, it is a powerful adaptogen that helps the body resist external irritants.

Description of the drug

When producing an antiseptic, it is divided into several components: the first part is almost water, which has not found its use in medicine, and the second and third parts, the so-called fractions, are used in the treatment of animals.

Medicines ASD (fraction 2) and ASD (fraction 3) are substances of animal origin, derived from the sublimation of meat and bone production waste. By dry sublimation, an unpleasant-smelling liquid is obtained from the remains of an organic mixture when heated.

Drug development ASD funds were carried out with the aim of increasing the stability of the immune system and counteracting radiation. Currently, the use of ASD is carried out only in the field of veterinary medicine; official science does not recognize this drug. Therefore, it is not possible to buy this substance in a pharmacy. But it found its application in unofficial medicine.

Faction properties

The antiseptic is a volatile substance with a liquid consistency and red color. A color shift towards yellow or dark brown is allowed. Sometimes it has a crystallized precipitate with an odor similar to hydrogen sulfide.

Sales are carried out in veterinary hospitals, pharmacies and points of sale of medicines for animals. Experts note positive action fractions both as an antiseptic and as a stimulant. The price of ASD (fraction 2) varies from 300 to 450 rubles.

Composition of the drug

The stimulant contains inorganic components such as carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen and ammonium compounds. Decoding organic components much more complex, namely: the medicine contains decane, cyclopetane, methyl mercaptan, acetate methylamine, acetic acid and thiol components. Treatment of humans with this antiseptic with minor side effects has earned a lot of merit good reviews. ASD (fraction 2) is absolutely non-toxic to the body and is completely absorbed by its cells, and is also allowed for use by allergy sufferers.

Release forms

“Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant” is available in the following forms:

  1. Liquid soluble fraction ASD 2 and ASD 3.
  2. Cream and balm containing ASD.
  3. Drops under the brand name dietary supplement.
  4. Candles with cocoa butter.

The drug in a liquid substance is produced according to technical specifications in bottles of 50, 100 and 200 ml.

Features of application

Treatment of ASD(fraction 2) is carried out according to following rules:

  1. Dilute the drug in boiled water or milk.
  2. The most beneficial use is considered to be half an hour before meals or 3 hours after.
  3. It is not recommended to take alcohol-containing drinks at the same time.
  4. Only this fraction is permissible for internal use.
  5. The composition of ASD (fraction 2) promotes thickening of blood flow, therefore, in combination with the drug, it is recommended to take a quarter of the tablet acetylsalicylic acid.
  6. In order to prevent evaporation of the medicine when used in a compress, it is necessary to cover the gauze with paper, preferably parchment, and cotton wool, and then bandage the compress.
  7. It is advisable to quit smoking.
  8. Drink up to three liters of fluid daily.

Permissible dosage

There are universal manufacturer dosages aimed at maximum benefits of ASD(fractions 2). Today the drug is used to treat humans only in the form of drops.

Reception is carried out twice a day with a break of twelve hours according to the scheme:

  • Monday - 5 and 10 drops;
  • Tuesday - 15 and 20 drops;
  • Wednesday - 20 and 25 drops;
  • Thursday - 25 and 30 drops;
  • Friday - 30 and 25 drops;
  • Saturday - twice 35 drops;
  • Sunday - break.

There are no contraindications when using the drug ASD (fraction 2). In cases observed due to intolerance to individual components of the drug, treatment should be stopped immediately.

Rules for mixing the drug

Mix the drug with water based necessary as follows:

  • shake the bottle with the drug several times;
  • take the substance with a disposable syringe;
  • leave the needle in the bottle and lower the syringe into a glass of liquid;
  • slowly introduce the medicine into the glass, avoiding the formation of foam;
  • Stir the resulting mixture and consume internally.

How to purchase the original drug

An important point in treatment is the acquisition of genuine ASD (fraction 2). Reviews of the drug as a cure for all diseases are slightly exaggerated. If there is a great desire to try the effect of the drug on yourself, the purchase must be made only in veterinary center or clinic.

In order not to be deceived and purchase real drug, you need to know what it looks like externally.

The ASD drug (fraction 2) is a reddish-yellow liquid that has bright smell specific content, namely rotten meat. The drug can be dissolved in water. Recommended for internal and external use.

The ASD preparation (fraction 3) is a thick black liquid mass with almost the same odor as the second fraction. It is practically insoluble in water, but can dissolve in alcohols and oils. Recommended for external use only.

In addition, when purchasing a drug, you need to study appearance bottle. The drug is produced by the Armavir Biofactory and the Agrovetzashchita Scientific and Exhibition Center.

If the manufacturer is the Armavir biofactory, then the bottle has distinctive features:

  • plastic cap on the bottle cap;
  • there is a trademark on the lid;
  • Once the cover is removed, it is impossible to put it back;
  • the container under the lid is sealed with a rubber stopper;
  • There is a holographic sign with the bottle number, consisting of three Latin letters and four numbers, and a logo.

The medicine produced at the Agrovetzashchita Scientific and Exhibition Center also has distinctive features. In this case, packaging is carried out in glass or polymer bottles, always with rubber inserts and aluminum caps, packed in cardboard boxes red and white with attached instructions.

If you take into account the above features, you can significantly reduce the risk of purchasing a counterfeit of fraction 2 ASD. The composition of the medicine described in the instructions will also help determine the originality of the substance.

Application for treatment of animals

Since the drug is positioned as a veterinary drug, it is used to treat animals in accordance with the instructions. Considering low price ASD (fraction 2), it is prescribed to animals not only to eliminate the symptoms of diseases, but also to stabilize the condition and increase immunity. Giving medicine Animals need the following dosage before or during the first meal:

  1. For dogs, the medicine can be used only after six months of age at the rate of 2 ml of fraction per 40 ml of water.
  2. For horses up to one year old, 5 ml of the drug is diluted in 100 ml of water. From one to three years, the dose is increased to 10 ml. For adult horses, no more than 20 ml diluted in ½ liter of water is recommended.
  3. Hatched poultry chicks are given 0.1 ml of solution per 1 kg of body weight, mature birds - 0.35 ml per 1 liter of water.
  4. Calves are given a solution of 100 ml of liquid and 5 ml of medicine, cows and bulls are given 20 ml per 300 ml of water.
  5. The following dosage is used for sheep: up to six months - 2 ml, from six months to one year - 3 ml, for adults - 5-10 ml per 100 ml of water.
  6. Depending on age, pigs are given from 2 to 10 ml per 50-200 ml of liquid.

Use for human treatment

The drug can be used to improve the functioning of the autonomic, immune and endocrine systems. When treated with a stimulant, the ASD drug (fraction 2) is absorbed fairly quickly into the blood and lymph.

There are currently no reviews from doctors, since the drug is not used in official medicine. But those who have tried it on themselves talk about the normalization of metabolism and confirm that ASD drops are effective in treating problems of the lungs, stomach, intestines, neuroses, oncological, gynecological and dermatological areas, as well as diseases of otolaryngology and endocrinology.

Application for human ASD(fraction 2) is carried out from a month to a year. The combination of the drug is allowed with various medications. After three to four weeks of use, there is an improvement in problem conditions, lightness and a surge of strength. In the absence of relief painful conditions, experts do not recommend giving immediately negative reviews about ASD (fraction 2). After a few months, it is proposed to start treatment again. If problems arise again when taking an antiseptic, there is only one piece of advice: stop taking it and never return to it.

Indications for use

Largest quantity prescriptions are associated with the use of drops inside. In area alternative medicine The use of ASD (fraction 2) for humans is considered a salvation from many diseases:

  1. Gynecological problems require course treatment 15 drops of the fraction, dissolved in 100 ml of water, twice a day. In this case, it is recommended to drink the solution for five days, then take a break for three days. You can douche 100 ml of liquid with 60 drops of antiseptic.
  2. For diseases of the nervous system, take 10 drops dissolved in 100 ml of liquid once during the first week. Then increase the dose by 5 drops daily and bring it to 25 drops per day.
  3. For problems with the heart and blood vessels, use is possible according to a traditional regimen or a regimen for treating the nervous system.
  4. Diseases of an ophthalmological nature involve taking five drops of the drug dissolved in water twice. Treatment is carried out in five-day courses with three-day breaks.
  5. Dental problems and oral cavity are subject to treatment by applying a tampon soaked in a solution to the diseased area.
  6. To prevent colds, the fraction is used orally or inhaled by mixing 15 ml of the composition with a liter of water.
  7. In otolaryngology, the medicine is used for rinsing and compresses with a 20% stimulant solution.
  8. Overweight can be reduced with initial drip application solution of 35 drops and 250 ml of liquid. The dose is reduced weekly, bringing the intake to 20 drops.
  9. Diseases of the stomach and intestines are cured by taking 25 drops dissolved in 125 ml of liquid.
  10. You can eliminate problems with baldness by trying to rub a five percent solution into the skin on your head.
  11. Rheumatism and radiculitis can be treated with compresses and daily ingestion of 5 ml of the fraction mixed in a glass of liquid.
  12. The problem with an uncontrolled increase in pressure is stopped by using 20 drops per 100 ml of liquid.
  13. Diseases of a dermatological nature, including fungal infections, treated externally by rubbing problem area on the skin with a 1% solution.

Use of the fraction by cancer patients

For oncology, ASD (fraction 2) is used according to a separate scheme. First, you need to take 10 drops for five days. After the first five-day period, the dosage is increased by one and a half times. Then, every fifth day of administration, add another five drops, bringing the intake to 50 drops.

ASD fraction 2 is a highly effective drug from the group of immunomodulators. The remedy was invented by A.V. Dorov in 1947 to protect the population from the effects of radioactive radiation. But, as it turned out, the antiseptic stimulant has a much wider spectrum of action than originally expected. This medicine became a real “bomb” that shook the world of traditional medical science.

But, unfortunately, official medicine never recognized the medicine. And there were a number of reasons for this. But to this day, people use ASD in the fight against various pathological conditions and diseases. But there is little information about whether the drug has side effects, and what the consequences of taking an adaptogen can be. Let's figure it out.

Side effects and properties of Dorogov's stimulant

After using the adaptogen, the so-called “side effects” were not identified. Theoretically, it is possible to admit individual intolerance, but in practice such cases have not been recorded.

It is possible that many may experience nausea and a gag reflex after taking the drug. These negative effects explainable. Spoiled Meat Remedy. All attempts by the inventor to separate the smell from the medicine so as not to deprive it medicinal properties, were in vain. Because ASD, which today can be purchased at any veterinary clinic and pharmacy, still has the same sickening aroma.

To minimize the impact of unpleasant odors on receptors, many use various tricks and techniques:

  • pour the drug into capsules;
  • diluted in very cold water;
  • pinch their nostrils and try not to breathe while swallowing;
  • eat with a slice of lemon.

If other symptoms appear while taking ASD 2, in particular:

  • ailments,
  • dizziness,
  • pain in the epigastric region,
  • or any other

from using the composition, you should stop taking it for several days and try to resume the course again. Perhaps this is simply due to suspiciousness and psychological characteristics of a person.

The adaptogen has one more unpleasant property: it promotes blood thickening. That is why it is not recommended to drink the composition for people with increased blood clotting. Ignoring this warning may cause thrombosis.

In other cases, in order to prevent blood thickening, during the course it is necessary to consume more sour juices, lemons and any liquid in general.

The drug is incompatible with alcohol-containing liquids and nicotine. While taking the biogenic composition, you should stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, as well as tinctures containing alcohol.

To avoid unexpected reactions, strictly adhere to the indicated dosages.

ASD fraction 2: heals or cripples?

Numerous positive reviews from people who were treated with an antiseptic stimulant various diseases and got rid of them are direct confirmation of the effectiveness of the biogenic stimulant. From the annotation to the drug it is known that ASD-2 has wide range actions. Known about:

  • wound healing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • restorative;
  • immunostimulating;
  • painkiller;
  • antibacterial effect.

The use of ASD of the 2nd fraction helps to prevent the development of various pathologies, including cancer, and their successful treatment. The only thing that raises doubts is the fact that the medicine was originally created for the treatment of pathologies in animals. Doctors do not risk prescribing the drug to treat human diseases. And this is explained by the fact that the product has not yet passed clinical trials. But all drugs are initially tested on animals, and then clinical trials on humans. It’s just that the author of the technique did not have time to protect his invention at one time, and the history of ASD itself is shrouded in secrets.

People who took the second fraction for the treatment of asthma, psoriasis, skin pathologies, genitourinary and reproductive system, they say that the product is completely safe and does not cause side effects.

Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant is biogenic stimulant consisting of natural ingredients. The drug easily overcomes all barriers, including tissue and placental ones. It is not addictive and has a minimum number of contraindications. It can even be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women. This means that ASD is a completely harmless remedy.

From 1947 to the present day, cases of overdose or unpleasant consequences appointments were not recorded. The medicine provides exclusively beneficial effect on organs and tissues and helps in getting rid of various diseases. But since it has not been fully researched and is not recognized by official medicine, before you start taking ASD in medicinal purposes, do not forget to consult your doctor or homeopathic practitioner.